I have the same problem, a bunch of text comes in through a xmlhttp request. This text is html formatted. I need to highlight every occurrence.
str='<img src="brown fox.jpg" title="The brown fox" />'
+'<p>some text containing fox.</p>'
The problem is that I don't need to highlight text in tags. For example I need to highlight fox:
Now I can replace it with:
var word="fox";
word.replace(/([{}()[\]\\.?*+^$|=!:~-])/g, "\\$1")
+ "\\b)";
var r = new RegExp(word,"igm");
str.replace(r,"<span class='hl'>$1</span>")
To answer your question: you can leave out the g in regexp options and only first occurrence will be replaced but this is still the one in the img src property and destroys the image tag:
<img src="brown <span class='hl'>fox</span>.jpg" title="The brown <span
class='hl'>fox</span> />
This is the way I solved it but was wondering if there is a better way, something I've missed in regular expressions:
str='<img src="brown fox.jpg" title="The brown fox" />'
+'<p>some text containing fox.</p>'
var word="fox";
word.replace(/([{}()[\]\\.?*+^$|=!:~-])/g, "\\$1")
+ "\\b)";
var r = new RegExp(word,"igm");
return a.replace(r,"<span class='hl'>$1</span>");