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Return from a promise then()

When you return something from a then() callback, it's a bit magic. If you return a value, the next then() is called with that value. However, if you return something promise-like, the next then() waits on it, and is only called when that promise settles (succeeds/fails).


How to show/hide if variable is null

To clarify, the above example does work, my code in the example did not work for unrelated reasons.

If myvar is false, null or has never been used before (i.e. $scope.myvar or $rootScope.myvar never called), the div will not show. Once any value has been assigned to it, the div will show, except if the value is specifically false.

The following will cause the div to show:

$scope.myvar = "Hello World";


$scope.myvar = true;

The following will hide the div:

$scope.myvar = null;


$scope.myvar = false;

Get values from a listbox on a sheet

The accepted answer doesn't cut it because if a user de-selects a row the list is not updated accordingly.

Here is what I suggest instead:

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
    Dim lItem As Long

    For lItem = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
        If ListBox1.Selected(lItem) = True Then
        End If
End Sub

Courtesy of

Parse error: Syntax error, unexpected end of file in my PHP code

In my case the culprit was the lone opening <?php tag in the last line of the file. Apparently it works on some configurations with no problems but causes problems on others.

CASE IN statement with multiple values

The question is specific to SQL Server, but I would like to extend Martin Smith's answer.

SQL:2003 standard allows to define multiple values for simple case expression:

          WHEN '1121231','31242323' THEN 1
          WHEN '234523','2342423' THEN 2
       END AS Test
FROM tblClient c;

It is optional feature: Comma-separated predicates in simple CASE expression“ (F263).


CASE <common operand>
     WHEN <expression>[, <expression> ...] THEN <result>
    [WHEN <expression>[, <expression> ...] THEN <result>
    [ELSE <result>]

As for know I am not aware of any RDBMS that actually supports that syntax.

unable to remove file that really exists - fatal: pathspec ... did not match any files

Your file .idea/workspace.xml is not under git version control. You have either not added it yet (check git status/Untracked files) or ignored it (using .gitignore or .git/info/exclude files)

You can verify it using following git command, that lists all ignored files:

git ls-files --others -i --exclude-standard

Oracle SQL Developer spool output?

Another way simpler than me has worked with SQL Developer 4 in Windows 7

spool "path_to_file\\filename.txt"
query to execute
spool of

You have to execute it as a script, because if not only the query will be saved in the output file In the path name I use the double character "\" as a separator when working with Windows and SQL, The output file will display the query and the result.

Reading a text file using OpenFileDialog in windows forms

for this approach, you will need to add system.IO to your references by adding the next line of code below the other references near the top of the c# file(where the other using ****.** stand).

using System.IO;

this next code contains 2 methods of reading the text, the first will read single lines and stores them in a string variable, the second one reads the whole text and saves it in a string variable(including "\n" (enters))

both should be quite easy to understand and use.

    string pathToFile = "";//to save the location of the selected object
    private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        OpenFileDialog theDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        theDialog.Title = "Open Text File";
        theDialog.Filter = "TXT files|*.txt";
        theDialog.InitialDirectory = @"C:\";
        if (theDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            pathToFile = theDialog.FileName;//doesn't need .tostring because .filename returns a string// saves the location of the selected object


        if (File.Exists(pathToFile))// only executes if the file at pathtofile exists//you need to add the using System.IO reference at the top of te code to use this
            string firstLine = File.ReadAllLines(pathToFile).Skip(0).Take(1).First();//selects first line of the file
            string secondLine = File.ReadAllLines(pathToFile).Skip(1).Take(1).First();

            string text = "";
            using(StreamReader sr =new StreamReader(pathToFile))
                text = sr.ReadToEnd();//all text wil be saved in text enters are also saved

To split the text you can use .Split(" ") and use a loop to put the name back into one string. if you don't want to use .Split() then you could also use foreach and ad an if statement to split it where needed.

to add the data to your class you can use the constructor to add the data like:

  public Employee(int EMPLOYEENUM, string NAME, string ADRESS, double WAGE, double HOURS)
            EmployeeNum = EMPLOYEENUM;
            Name = NAME;
            Address = ADRESS;
            Wage = WAGE;
            Hours = HOURS;

or you can add it using the set by typing .variablename after the name of the instance(if they are public and have a set this will work). to read the data you can use the get by typing .variablename after the name of the instance(if they are public and have a get this will work).

How do I run a node.js app as a background service?

use nssm the best solution for windows, just download nssm, open cmd to nssm directory and type

nssm install <service name> <node path> <app.js path> 

eg: nssm install myservice "C:\Program Files\nodejs" "C:\myapp\app.js" 

this will install a new windows service which will be listed at services.msc from there you can start or stop the service, this service will auto start and you can configure to restart if it fails.

Why can't I use the 'await' operator within the body of a lock statement?

Stephen Taub has implemented a solution to this question, see Building Async Coordination Primitives, Part 7: AsyncReaderWriterLock.

Stephen Taub is highly regarded in the industry, so anything he writes is likely to be solid.

I won't reproduce the code that he posted on his blog, but I will show you how to use it:

/// <summary>
///     Demo class for reader/writer lock that supports async/await.
///     For source, see Stephen Taub's brilliant article, "Building Async Coordination
///     Primitives, Part 7: AsyncReaderWriterLock".
/// </summary>
public class AsyncReaderWriterLockDemo
    private readonly IAsyncReaderWriterLock _lock = new AsyncReaderWriterLock(); 

    public async void DemoCode()
        using(var releaser = await _lock.ReaderLockAsync()) 
            // Insert reads here.
            // Multiple readers can access the lock simultaneously.

        using (var releaser = await _lock.WriterLockAsync())
            // Insert writes here.
            // If a writer is in progress, then readers are blocked.

If you want a method that's baked into the .NET framework, use SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync instead. You won't get a reader/writer lock, but you will get tried and tested implementation.

How to prevent ENTER keypress to submit a web form?

Here's how I'd do it:

window.addEventListener('keydown', function(event)
    if (event.key === "Enter")
        if( !== 'submit')
            return false;

How to initialize a struct in accordance with C programming language standards

You can do it with a compound literal. According to that page, it works in C99 (which also counts as ANSI C).


a = (MY_TYPE) { .flag = true, .value = 123, .stuff = 0.456 };
a = (MY_TYPE) { .value = 234, .stuff = 1.234, .flag = false };

The designations in the initializers are optional; you could also write:

a = (MY_TYPE) { true,  123, 0.456 };
a = (MY_TYPE) { false, 234, 1.234 };

Xcode Project vs. Xcode Workspace - Differences

Xcode Workspace vs Project

  1. What is the difference between the two of them?

Workspace is a set of projects

  1. What are they responsible for?

Workspace is responsible for dependencies between projects. Project is responsible for the source code.

  1. Which one of them should I work with when I'm developing my Apps in team/alone?

You choice should depends on a type of your project. For example if your project relies on CocoaPods dependency manager it creates a workspace.

  1. Is there anything else I should be aware of in matter of these two files?

A competitor of workspace is cross-project references[About]

[Xcode components]

How to redirect single url in nginx?

Put this in your server directive:

location /issue {
   rewrite ^/issue(.*) http://$server_name/shop/issues/custom_issue_name$1 permanent;

Or duplicate it:

location /issue1 {
   rewrite ^/.* http://$server_name/shop/issues/custom_issue_name1 permanent;
location /issue2 {
   rewrite ^.* http://$server_name/shop/issues/custom_issue_name2 permanent;

Get Windows version in a batch file

It's much easier (and faster) to get this information by only parsing the output of ver:

@echo off
for /f "tokens=4-5 delims=. " %%i in ('ver') do set VERSION=%%i.%%j
if "%version%" == "10.0" echo Windows 10
if "%version%" == "6.3" echo Windows 8.1
if "%version%" == "6.2" echo Windows 8.
if "%version%" == "6.1" echo Windows 7.
if "%version%" == "6.0" echo Windows Vista.
rem etc etc

This table on MSDN documents which version number corresponds to which Windows product version (this is where you get the 6.1 means Windows 7 information from).

The only drawback of this technique is that it cannot distinguish between the equivalent server and consumer versions of Windows.

Connecting to local SQL Server database using C#

You try with this string connection

Server=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database1.mdf;Database=dbname; Trusted_Connection=Yes;

Android Fragment onAttach() deprecated

public void onAttach(Context context) {

    Activity activity = context instanceof Activity ? (Activity) context : null;

Git push existing repo to a new and different remote repo server?

Try this How to move a full Git repository

  1. Create a local repository in the temp-dir directory using:

    git clone temp-dir

  2. Go into the temp-dir directory.

  3. To see a list of the different branches in ORI do:

    git branch -a
  4. Checkout all the branches that you want to copy from ORI to NEW using:

    git checkout branch-name
  5. Now fetch all the tags from ORI using:

    git fetch --tags
  6. Before doing the next step make sure to check your local tags and branches using the following commands:

    git tag
    git branch -a
  7. Now clear the link to the ORI repository with the following command:

    git remote rm origin
  8. Now link your local repository to your newly created NEW repository using the following command:

    git remote add origin <url to NEW repo>
  9. Now push all your branches and tags with these commands:

    git push origin --all
    git push --tags
  10. You now have a full copy from your ORI repo.

How to activate an Anaconda environment

All the former answers seem to be outdated.

conda activate was introduced in conda 4.4 and 4.6.

conda activate: The logic and mechanisms underlying environment activation have been reworked. With conda 4.4, conda activate and conda deactivate are now the preferred commands for activating and deactivating environments. You’ll find they are much more snappy than the source activate and source deactivate commands from previous conda versions. The conda activate command also has advantages of (1) being universal across all OSes, shells, and platforms, and (2) not having path collisions with scripts from other packages like python virtualenv’s activate script.


conda create -n venv-name python=3.6
conda activate -n venv-name
conda deactivate

These new sub-commands are available in "Aanconda Prompt" and "Anaconda Powershell Prompt" automatically. To use conda activate in every shell (normal cmd.exe and powershell), check expose conda command in every shell on Windows.


Sorting table rows according to table header column using javascript or jquery

I've been working on a function to work within a library for a client, and have been having a lot of trouble keeping the UI responsive during the sorts (even with only a few hundred results).

The function has to resort the entire table each AJAX pagination, as new data may require injection further up. This is what I had so far:

  • jQuery library required.
  • table is the ID of the table being sorted.
  • The table attributes sort-attribute, sort-direction and the column attribute column are all pre-set.

Using some of the details above I managed to improve performance a bit.

function sorttable(table) {
    var context = $('#' + table), tbody = $('#' + table + ' tbody'), sortfield = $(context).data('sort-attribute'), c, dir = $(context).data('sort-direction'), index = $(context).find('thead th[data-column="' + sortfield + '"]').index();
    if (!sortfield) {
        sortfield = $(context).data('id-attribute');
    switch (dir) {
        case "asc":
            tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
                var sortvala = parseFloat($(a).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                var sortvalb = parseFloat($(b).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                // if a < b return 1
                return sortvala < sortvalb ? 1
                       // else if a > b return -1
                       : sortvala > sortvalb ? -1
                       // else they are equal - return 0    
                       : 0;
        case "desc":
            tbody.find('tr').sort(function (a, b) {
                var sortvala = parseFloat($(a).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                var sortvalb = parseFloat($(b).find('td:eq(' + index + ')').text());
                // if a < b return 1
                return sortvala > sortvalb ? 1
                       // else if a > b return -1
                       : sortvala < sortvalb ? -1
                       // else they are equal - return 0    
                       : 0;

In principle the code works perfectly, but it's painfully slow... are there any ways to improve performance?

Video auto play is not working in Safari and Chrome desktop browser

Chrome does not allow to auto play video with sound on, so make sure to add muted attribute to the video tag like this

<video width="320" height="240"  autoplay muted>
  <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

div with dynamic min-height based on browser window height

As mentioned elsewhere, the CSS function calc() can work nicely here. It is now mostly supported. You could use like:

    min-height: 70%;
    min-height: -webkit-calc(100% - 300px);
    min-height: -moz-calc(100% - 300px);
    min-height: calc(100% - 300px);

check if a string matches an IP address pattern in python?

We do not need any import to do this. This also works much faster

def is_valid_ip(str_ip_addr):
   :return: returns true if IP is valid, else returns False
   ip_blocks = str(str_ip_addr).split(".")
   if len(ip_blocks) == 4:
       for block in ip_blocks:
           # Check if number is digit, if not checked before calling this function
           if not block.isdigit():
               return False
           tmp = int(block)
           if 0 > tmp > 255:
               return False
       return True
    return False

How to get memory usage at runtime using C++?

On Linux, I've never found an ioctl() solution. For our applications, we coded a general utility routine based on reading files in /proc/pid. There are a number of these files which give differing results. Here's the one we settled on (the question was tagged C++, and we handled I/O using C++ constructs, but it should be easily adaptable to C i/o routines if you need to):

#include <unistd.h>
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>

// process_mem_usage(double &, double &) - takes two doubles by reference,
// attempts to read the system-dependent data for a process' virtual memory
// size and resident set size, and return the results in KB.
// On failure, returns 0.0, 0.0

void process_mem_usage(double& vm_usage, double& resident_set)
   using std::ios_base;
   using std::ifstream;
   using std::string;

   vm_usage     = 0.0;
   resident_set = 0.0;

   // 'file' stat seems to give the most reliable results
   ifstream stat_stream("/proc/self/stat",ios_base::in);

   // dummy vars for leading entries in stat that we don't care about
   string pid, comm, state, ppid, pgrp, session, tty_nr;
   string tpgid, flags, minflt, cminflt, majflt, cmajflt;
   string utime, stime, cutime, cstime, priority, nice;
   string O, itrealvalue, starttime;

   // the two fields we want
   unsigned long vsize;
   long rss;

   stat_stream >> pid >> comm >> state >> ppid >> pgrp >> session >> tty_nr
               >> tpgid >> flags >> minflt >> cminflt >> majflt >> cmajflt
               >> utime >> stime >> cutime >> cstime >> priority >> nice
               >> O >> itrealvalue >> starttime >> vsize >> rss; // don't care about the rest


   long page_size_kb = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) / 1024; // in case x86-64 is configured to use 2MB pages
   vm_usage     = vsize / 1024.0;
   resident_set = rss * page_size_kb;

int main()
   using std::cout;
   using std::endl;

   double vm, rss;
   process_mem_usage(vm, rss);
   cout << "VM: " << vm << "; RSS: " << rss << endl;

Find unused code

The truth is that the tool can never give you a 100% certain answer, but coverage tool can give you a pretty good run for the money.

If you count with comprehensive unit test suite, than you can use test coverage tool to see exactly what lines of code were not executed during the test run. You will still need to analyze the code manually: either eliminate what you consider dead code or write test to improve test coverage.

One such tool is NCover, with open source precursor on Sourceforge. Another alternative is PartCover.

Check out this answer on stackoverflow.

How to "flatten" a multi-dimensional array to simple one in PHP?

/*consider $mArray as multidimensional array and $sArray as single dimensional array
this code will ignore the parent array

function flatten_array2($mArray) {
    $sArray = array();

    foreach ($mArray as $row) {
        if ( !(is_array($row)) ) {
            if($sArray[] = $row){
        } else {
            $sArray = array_merge($sArray,flatten_array2($row));
    return $sArray;

How do I execute a stored procedure in a SQL Agent job?

You just need to add this line to the window there:

exec (your stored proc name) (and possibly add parameters)

What is your stored proc called, and what parameters does it expect?

How to delete from select in MySQL?

SELECT (sub)queries return result sets. So you need to use IN, not = in your WHERE clause.

Additionally, as shown in this answer you cannot modify the same table from a subquery within the same query. However, you can either SELECT then DELETE in separate queries, or nest another subquery and alias the inner subquery result (looks rather hacky, though):

        SELECT id FROM posts GROUP BY id HAVING ( COUNT(id) > 1 )
    ) AS p

Or use joins as suggested by Mchl.

print arraylist element?

First make sure that Dog class implements the method public String toString() then use


where index is the position inside the list. Of course since you provide your implementation you can decide how dog prints itself.


Actually you don't need to use STR Or Convert. Just select 'xxx'+LTRIM(ColumnName) does the job. Possibly, LTRIM uses Convert or STR under the hood.

LTRIM also removes need for providing length and usually default 10 is good enough for integer to string conversion.

SELECT LTRIM(ColumnName) FROM TableName

How to write DataFrame to postgres table?

This is how I did it.

It may be faster because it is using execute_batch:

# df is the dataframe
if len(df) > 0:
    df_columns = list(df)
    # create (col1,col2,...)
    columns = ",".join(df_columns)

    # create VALUES('%s', '%s",...) one '%s' per column
    values = "VALUES({})".format(",".join(["%s" for _ in df_columns])) 

    #create INSERT INTO table (columns) VALUES('%s',...)
    insert_stmt = "INSERT INTO {} ({}) {}".format(table,columns,values)

    cur = conn.cursor()
    psycopg2.extras.execute_batch(cur, insert_stmt, df.values)

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND in nodejs for get call

I also had same problem and I fixed it by using right proxy. Please double check your proxy settings if you are using proxy network.

Hope this will help you -

How do I use popover from Twitter Bootstrap to display an image?

Sort of similar to what mattbtay said, but a few changes. needed html:true.
Put this script on bottom of the page towards close body tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
 $(document).ready(function() {
      placement : 'bottom', //placement of the popover. also can use top, bottom, left or right
      title : '<div style="text-align:center; color:red; text-decoration:underline; font-size:14px;"> Muah ha ha</div>', //this is the top title bar of the popover. add some basic css
      html: 'true', //needed to show html of course
      content : '<div id="popOverBox"><img src="" width="251" height="201" /></div>' //this is the content of the html box. add the image here or anything you want really.

Then HTML is:

<a href="#" rel="drevil">mischief</a>

How to read multiple Integer values from a single line of input in Java?

You're probably looking for String.split(String regex). Use " " for your regex. This will give you an array of strings that you can parse individually into ints.

How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?

In your package explorer, pull down the menu and select "Filters ...". You can adjust what types of files are shown/hidden there.

Looking at my Red Hat Developer Studio (approximately Eclipse 3.2), I see that the top item in the list is ".* resources" and it is excluded by default.

CONVERT Image url to Base64

Here's the Typescript version of Abubakar Ahmad's answer

function imageTo64(
  url: string, 
  callback: (path64: string | ArrayBuffer) => void
): void {
  const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url);
  xhr.responseType = 'blob';

  xhr.onload = (): void => {
    const reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onloadend = (): void => callback(reader.result);

Copy values from one column to another in the same table

Short answer for the code in question is:

UPDATE `table` SET test=number

Here table is the table name and it's surrounded by grave accent (aka back-ticks `) as this is MySQL convention to escape keywords (and TABLE is a keyword in that case).

BEWARE, that this is pretty dangerous query which will wipe everything in column test in every row of your table replacing it by the number (regardless of it's value)

It is more common to use WHERE clause to limit your query to only specific set of rows:

UPDATE `products` SET `in_stock` = true WHERE `supplier_id` = 10

MySQL Workbench not displaying query results

The problem is with the TAB. From the tab's title I assume you first made a right click > "Select Rows - Limit 1000". But when you enter a different query in the opening tab, it won't show anything any more... Don't know why. Open a new tab for manual queries, then it will work.

How to get class object's name as a string in Javascript?

Immediately after the object is instantiatd, you can attach a property, say name, to the object and assign the string value you expect to it:

var myObj = new someClass();"myObj";


Alternatively, the assignment can be made inside the codes of the class, i.e.

var someClass = function(P)
  // rest of the class definition...

var myObj = new someClass("myObj");

What's the C# equivalent to the With statement in VB?

Not really, you have to assign a variable. So

    var bar = Stuff.Elements.Foo;
    bar.Name = "Bob Dylan";
    bar.Age = 68;
    bar.Location = "On Tour";
    bar.IsCool = True;

Or in C# 3.0:

    var bar = Stuff.Elements.Foo
        Name = "Bob Dylan",
        Age = 68,
        Location = "On Tour",
        IsCool = True

How to fix Subversion lock error

I had similar problem. Team->Refresh/Cleanup Solved my problem

In Jinja2, how do you test if a variable is undefined?

You could also define a variable in a jinja2 template like this:

{% if step is not defined %}
{% set step = 1 %}
{% endif %}

And then You can use it like this:

{% if step == 1 %}
<div class="col-xs-3 bs-wizard-step active">
{% elif step > 1 %}
<div class="col-xs-3 bs-wizard-step complete">
{% else %}
<div class="col-xs-3 bs-wizard-step disabled">
{% endif %}

Otherwise (if You wouldn't use {% set step = 1 %}) the upper code would throw:

UndefinedError: 'step' is undefined

How do I tell a Python script to use a particular version

put at the start of my programs its use full for work with python

import sys

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    raise Exception("Python 3 or a more recent version is required.")

This code will help full for the progress

Sending email from Command-line via outlook without having to click send

Option 1
You didn't say much about your environment, but assuming you have it available you could use a PowerShell script; one example is here. The essence of this is:

$smtp = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient("")
$smtp.Send("[email protected]","[email protected]","Test Email","This is a test")

You could then launch the script from the command line as per this example:

powershell.exe -noexit c:\scripts\test.ps1

Note that PowerShell 2.0, which is installed by default on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008R2, includes a simpler Send-MailMessage command, making things easier.

Option 2
If you're prepared to use third-party software, is something line this SendEmail command-line tool. It depends on your target environment, though; if you're deploying your batch file to multiple machines, that will obviously require inclusion (but not formal installation) each time.

Option 3
You could drive Outlook directly from a VBA script, which in turn you would trigger from a batch file; this would let you send an email using Outlook itself, which looks to be closest to what you're wanting. There are two parts to this; first, figure out the VBA scripting required to send an email. There are lots of examples for this online, including from Microsoft here. Essence of this is:

Sub SendMessage(DisplayMsg As Boolean, Optional AttachmentPath)
    Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
    Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim objOutlookRecip As Outlook.Recipient
    Dim objOutlookAttach As Outlook.Attachment

    Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    Set objOutlookMsg  = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

    With objOutlookMsg
        Set objOutlookRecip = .Recipients.Add("Nancy Davolio")
        objOutlookRecip.Type = olTo
        ' Set the Subject, Body, and Importance of the message.
        .Subject = "This is an Automation test with Microsoft Outlook"
        .Body = "This is the body of the message." &vbCrLf & vbCrLf
        .Importance = olImportanceHigh  'High importance

        If Not IsMissing(AttachmentPath) Then
            Set objOutlookAttach = .Attachments.Add(AttachmentPath)
        End If

        For Each ObjOutlookRecip In .Recipients

    End With
    Set objOutlook = Nothing
End Sub

Then, launch Outlook from the command line with the /autorun parameter, as per this answer (alter path/macroname as necessary):

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Outlook.exe" /autorun macroname

Option 4
You could use the same approach as option 3, but move the Outlook VBA into a PowerShell script (which you would run from a command line). Example here. This is probably the tidiest solution, IMO.

How do I vertically align text in a div?

You can use css flexbox.

.testimonialText {_x000D_
  height: 500px;_x000D_
  padding: 1em;_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  align-items: center;_x000D_
  justify-content: center;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #b4d2d2;_x000D_
<div class="testimonialText">_x000D_
  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor_x000D_
  in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum._x000D_

Sort Pandas Dataframe by Date

The data containing the date column can be read by using the below code:

data = pd.csv(file_path,parse_dates=[date_column])

Once the data is read by using the above line of code, the column containing the information about the date can be accessed using pd.date_time() like:

pd.date_time(data[date_column], format = '%d/%m/%y')

to change the format of date as per the requirement.

Pass an array of integers to ASP.NET Web API?

Instead of using a custom ModelBinder, you can also use a custom type with a TypeConverter.

public class StrList : List<string>
    public StrList(IEnumerable<string> collection) : base(collection) {}

public class StrListConverter : TypeConverter
    public override bool CanConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, Type sourceType)
        return sourceType == typeof(string) || base.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType);

    public override object ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value)
        if (value == null)
            return null;

        if (value is string s)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s))
                return null;
            return new StrList(s.Split(','));
        return base.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value);

The advantage is that it makes the Web API method's parameters very simple. You dont't even need to specify [FromUri].

public IEnumerable<Category> GetCategories(StrList categoryIds) {
  // code to retrieve categories from database

This example is for a List of strings, but you could do categoryIds.Select(int.Parse) or simply write an IntList instead.

Java code To convert byte to Hexadecimal

Others have covered the general case. But if you have a byte array of a known form, for example a MAC address, then you can:

byte[] mac = { (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00 };

String str = String.format("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X",
                           mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]); 

php mail setup in xampp

Unless you have a mail server set up on your local computer, setting SMTP = localhost won't have any effect.

In days gone by (long ago), it was sufficient to set the value of SMTP to the address of your ISP's SMTP server. This now rarely works because most ISPs insist on authentication with a username and password. However, the PHP mail() function doesn't support SMTP authentication. It's designed to work directly with the mail transport agent of the local server.

You either need to set up a local mail server or to use a PHP classs that supports SMTP authentication, such as Zend_Mail or PHPMailer. The simplest solution, however, is to upload your mail processing script to your remote server.

Have Excel formulas that return 0, make the result blank

If you’re willing to cause all zeroes in the worksheet to disappear, go into “Excel Options”, “Advanced” page, “Display options for this worksheet” section, and clear the “Show a zero in cells that have a zero value” checkbox.  (This is the navigation for Excel 2007; YMMV.)

Regarding your answer (2), you can save a couple of keystrokes by typing 0;-0; –– as far as I can tell, that’s equivalent to 0;-0;;@.  Conversely, if you want to be a little more general, you can use the format General;-General;.  No, that doesn’t automagically handle dates, but, as Barry points out, if you’re expecting a date value, you can use a format like d-mmm-yyyy;;.

Force hide address bar in Chrome on Android

Check this has everything you need

The Chrome team has recently implemented a feature that tells the browser to launch the page fullscreen when the user has added it to the home screen. It is similar to the iOS Safari model.

<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

How to remove underline from a link in HTML?

Inline version:

<a href="" style="text-decoration:none">yoursite</a>

However remember that you should generally separate the content of your website (which is HTML), from the presentation (which is CSS). Therefore you should generally avoid inline styles.

See John's answer to see equivalent answer using CSS.

CSS3's border-radius property and border-collapse:collapse don't mix. How can I use border-radius to create a collapsed table with rounded corners?

Border-radius is now officially supported. So, in all of the above examples you may drop the "-moz-" prefix.

Another trick is to use the same color for the top and bottom rows as is your border. With all 3 colors the same, it blends in and looks like a perfectly rounded table even though it isn't physically.

Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript?

If you are already using jQuery UI in your project, you can use the built-in datepicker method for formatting your date object:

$.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(2007, 1 - 1, 26));

However, the datepicker only formats dates, and cannot format times.

Have a look at jQuery UI datepicker formatDate, the examples.

how to get the cookies from a php curl into a variable

$ch = curl_init('');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// get headers too with this line
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
// get cookie
// multi-cookie variant contributed by @Combuster in comments
preg_match_all('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $result, $matches);
$cookies = array();
foreach($matches[1] as $item) {
    parse_str($item, $cookie);
    $cookies = array_merge($cookies, $cookie);

Transfer data between databases with PostgreSQL

This worked for me to copy a table remotely from my localhost to Heroku's postgresql:

pg_dump -C -t source_table -h localhost source_db | psql -h destination_host -U destination_user -p destination_port destination_db

This creates the table for you.

For the other direction (from Heroku to local) pg_dump -C -t source_table -h source_host -U source_user -p source_port source_db | psql -h localhost destination_db

XML Parsing - Read a Simple XML File and Retrieve Values

Are you familiar with the DataSet class?

The DataSet can also load XML documents and you may find it easier to iterate.

DataSet dt = new DataSet();
dt.ReadXml(@"c:\test.xml"); Unable to resolve host "<url>": No address associated with hostname and End of input at character 0 of

I was testing my application with the Android emulator and I solved this by turning off and turning on the Wi-Fi on the Android emulator device! It worked perfectly.

Why does my JavaScript code receive a "No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource" error, while Postman does not?

Applying a CORS restriction is a security feature defined by a server and implemented by a browser.

The browser looks at the CORS policy of the server and respects it.

However, the Postman tool does not bother about the CORS policy of the server.

That is why the CORS error appears in the browser, but not in Postman.

Sort a list of Class Instances Python

import operator
sorted_x = sorted(x, key=operator.attrgetter('score'))

if you want to sort x in-place, you can also:


Remove the title bar in Windows Forms

if by Blue Border thats on top of the Window Form you mean titlebar, set Forms ControlBox property to false and Text property to empty string ("").

here's a snippet:

this.ControlBox = false;
this.Text = String.Empty;

What is time_t ultimately a typedef to?

Typically you will find these underlying implementation-specific typedefs for gcc in the bits or asm header directory. For me, it's /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/types.h.

You can just grep, or use a preprocessor invocation like that suggested by Quassnoi to see which specific header.

NSString property: copy or retain?

Copy should be used for NSString. If it's Mutable, then it gets copied. If it's not, then it just gets retained. Exactly the semantics that you want in an app (let the type do what's best).

How to define Singleton in TypeScript

Since TS 2.0, we have the ability to define visibility modifiers on constructors, so now we can do singletons in TypeScript just like we are used to from other languages.

Example given:

class MyClass
    private static _instance: MyClass;

    private constructor()

    public static get Instance()
        // Do you need arguments? Make it a regular static method instead.
        return this._instance || (this._instance = new this());

const myClassInstance = MyClass.Instance;

Thank you @Drenai for pointing out that if you write code using the raw compiled javascript you will not have protection against multiple instantiation, as the constraints of TS disappears and the constructor won't be hidden.

What's wrong with using == to compare floats in Java?

As mentioned in other answers, doubles can have small deviations. And you could write your own method to compare them using an "acceptable" deviation. However ...

There is an apache class for comparing doubles: org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision

It contains some interesting constants: SAFE_MIN and EPSILON, which are the maximum possible deviations of simple arithmetic operations.

It also provides the necessary methods to compare, equal or round doubles. (using ulps or absolute deviation)

Select top 1 result using JPA

Try like this

String sql = "SELECT t FROM table t";
Query query = em.createQuery(sql);
List result = query.getResultList();

It should work


You can also try like this


How to update values in a specific row in a Python Pandas DataFrame?

I needed to update and add suffix to few rows of the dataframe on conditional basis based on the another column's value of the same dataframe -

df with column Feature and Entity and need to update Entity based on specific feature type

df2= df1 df.loc[df.Feature == 'dnb', 'Entity'] = 'duns_' + df.loc[df.Feature == 'dnb','Entity']

Can not deserialize instance of java.util.ArrayList out of START_OBJECT token

The problem is the JSON - this cannot, by default, be deserialized into a Collection because it's not actually a JSON Array - that would look like this:

        "name": "Test order1",
        "detail": "ahk ks"
        "name": "Test order2",
        "detail": "Fisteku"

Since you're not controlling the exact process of deserialization (RestEasy does) - a first option would be to simply inject the JSON as a String and then take control of the deserialization process:

Collection<COrder> readValues = new ObjectMapper().readValue(
    jsonAsString, new TypeReference<Collection<COrder>>() { }

You would loose a bit of the convenience of not having to do that yourself, but you would easily sort out the problem.

Another option - if you cannot change the JSON - would be to construct a wrapper to fit the structure of your JSON input - and use that instead of Collection<COrder>.

Hope this helps.

Windows batch script to move files

This is exactly how it worked for me. For some reason the above code failed.

This one runs a check every 3 minutes for any files in there and auto moves it to the destination folder. If you need to be prompted for conflicts then change the /y to /-y

move /y "D:\Dropbox\Dropbox\Camera Uploads\*.*" "D:\Archive\Camera Uploads\"
timeout 360
goto backup

Image height and width not working?

You must write

<img src="theSource" style="width:30px;height:30px;" />

Inline styling will always take precedence over CSS styling. The width and height attributes are being overridden by your stylesheet, so you need to switch to this format.

How can I get the status code from an http error in Axios?

Axios. get('')
.then((response) => {})
.catch((error) => {
    if(error. response){
       console.log(error. response. data)
       console.log(error. response. status);


Get a worksheet name using Excel VBA

i need to change the sheet name by the name of the file was opened

Sub Get_Data_From_File5()
    Dim FileToOpen As Variant
    Dim OpenBook As Workbook
    Dim currentName As String
    currentName = ActiveSheet.Name
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename(Title:="Browse for your File & Import Range", FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.csv*),*csv*")
    If FileToOpen <> False Then
        Set OpenBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(FileToOpen)
        ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(currentName).Range("Aw1:bc5000").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
        OpenBook.Close False
    End If
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Hiding the address bar of a browser (popup)

Its not possible to hide address bar of browser.

Get the difference between dates in terms of weeks, months, quarters, and years

For weeks, you can use function difftime:

date1 <- strptime("14.01.2013", format="%d.%m.%Y")
date2 <- strptime("26.03.2014", format="%d.%m.%Y")
Time difference of 62.28571 weeks

But difftime doesn't work with duration over weeks.
The following is a very suboptimal solution using cut.POSIXt for those durations but you can work around it:

seq1 <- seq(date1,date2, by="days")

This is however the number of months, quarters or years spanned by your time interval and not the duration of your time interval expressed in months, quarters, years (since those do not have a constant duration). Considering the comment you made on @SvenHohenstein answer I would think you can use nlevels(cut(seq1,"months")) - 1 for what you're trying to achieve.

How to calculate DATE Difference in PostgreSQL?

a simple way would be to cast the dates into timestamps and take their difference and then extract the DAY part.

if you want real difference

select extract(day from 'DATE_A'::timestamp - 'DATE_B':timestamp);

if you want absolute difference

select abs(extract(day from 'DATE_A'::timestamp - 'DATE_B':timestamp));

How to sort strings in JavaScript

An updated answer (October 2014)

I was really annoyed about this string natural sorting order so I took quite some time to investigate this issue. I hope this helps.

Long story short

localeCompare() character support is badass, just use it. As pointed out by Shog9, the answer to your question is:

return item1.attr.localeCompare(item2.attr);

Bugs found in all the custom javascript "natural string sort order" implementations

There are quite a bunch of custom implementations out there, trying to do string comparison more precisely called "natural string sort order"

When "playing" with these implementations, I always noticed some strange "natural sorting order" choice, or rather mistakes (or omissions in the best cases).

Typically, special characters (space, dash, ampersand, brackets, and so on) are not processed correctly.

You will then find them appearing mixed up in different places, typically that could be:

  • some will be between the uppercase 'Z' and the lowercase 'a'
  • some will be between the '9' and the uppercase 'A'
  • some will be after lowercase 'z'

When one would have expected special characters to all be "grouped" together in one place, except for the space special character maybe (which would always be the first character). That is, either all before numbers, or all between numbers and letters (lowercase & uppercase being "together" one after another), or all after letters.

My conclusion is that they all fail to provide a consistent order when I start adding barely unusual characters (ie. characters with diacritics or charcters such as dash, exclamation mark and so on).

Research on the custom implementations:

Browsers' native "natural string sort order" implementations via localeCompare()

localeCompare() oldest implementation (without the locales and options arguments) is supported by IE6+, see (scroll down to localeCompare() method). The built-in localeCompare() method does a much better job at sorting, even international & special characters. The only problem using the localeCompare() method is that "the locale and sort order used are entirely implementation dependent". In other words, when using localeCompare such as stringOne.localeCompare(stringTwo): Firefox, Safari, Chrome & IE have a different sort order for Strings.

Research on the browser-native implementations:

Difficulty of "string natural sorting order"

Implementing a solid algorithm (meaning: consistent but also covering a wide range of characters) is a very tough task. UTF8 contains more than 2000 characters & covers more than 120 scripts (languages). Finally, there are some specification for this tasks, it is called the "Unicode Collation Algorithm", which can be found at . You can find more information about this on this question I posted

Final conclusion

So considering the current level of support provided by the javascript custom implementations I came across, we will probably never see anything getting any close to supporting all this characters & scripts (languages). Hence I would rather use the browsers' native localeCompare() method. Yes, it does have the downside of beeing non-consistent across browsers but basic testing shows it covers a much wider range of characters, allowing solid & meaningful sort orders.

So as pointed out by Shog9, the answer to your question is:

return item1.attr.localeCompare(item2.attr);

Further reading:

Thanks to Shog9's nice answer, which put me in the "right" direction I believe

Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

I know this is an old question that already has several answers, but I had this same problem and for me the issue was that I followed the example provided on and entered my domains in the format *.domain.tld/*. This didn't work at all, and I tried adding all kinds of variations to this like domain.tld, domain.tld/*, *.domain.tld etc.

What solved it for me was adding the actual protocol too; http://domain.tld/* is the only one I need for it to work on my site. I guess I'll need to add https://domain.tld/* if I were to switch to HTTPS.

Update: Google have finally updated the placeholder to include http now:

Google Maps API referrer input field

How can I change a file's encoding with vim?

It could be useful to change the encoding just on the command line before the file is read:

rem On MicroSoft Windows
vim --cmd "set encoding=utf-8" file.ext
# In *nix shell
vim --cmd 'set encoding=utf-8' file.ext

See starting, --cmd.

Convert Time DataType into AM PM Format:

Try this:

select CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), ' 4:07PM', 108) + ' ' + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(30), ' 4:07PM', 9),2) as ConvertedTime

Get first line of a shell command's output

Yes, that is one way to get the first line of output from a command.

If the command outputs anything to standard error that you would like to capture in the same manner, you need to redirect the standard error of the command to the standard output stream:

utility 2>&1 | head -n 1

There are many other ways to capture the first line too, including sed 1q (quit after first line), sed -n 1p (only print first line, but read everything), awk 'FNR == 1' (only print first line, but again, read everything) etc.

Javascript, Time and Date: Getting the current minute, hour, day, week, month, year of a given millisecond time

Regarding number of days in month just use static switch command and check if (year % 4 == 0) in which case February will have 29 days.

Minute, hour, day etc:

var someMillisecondValue = 511111222127;
var date = new Date(someMillisecondValue);
var minute = date.getMinutes();
var hour = date.getHours();
var day = date.getDate();
var month = date.getMonth();
var year = date.getFullYear();
alert([minute, hour, day, month, year].join("\n"));

How to get raw text from pdf file using java

You can use iText for do such things

//iText imports

import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfReader;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.parser.PdfTextExtractor;

for example:

try {     
    PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(INPUTFILE);
    int n = reader.getNumberOfPages(); 
    String str=PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, 2); //Extracting the content from a particular page.
} catch (Exception e) {

another one

try {

    PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("c:/temp/test.pdf");
    System.out.println("This PDF has "+reader.getNumberOfPages()+" pages.");
    String page = PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, 2);
    System.out.println("Page Content:\n\n"+page+"\n\n");
    System.out.println("Is this document tampered: "+reader.isTampered());
    System.out.println("Is this document encrypted: "+reader.isEncrypted());
} catch (IOException e) {

the above examples can only extract the text, but you need to do some more to remove hyperlinks, bullets, heading & numbers.

jQuery, checkboxes and .is(":checked")

As of June 2016 (using jquery 2.1.4) none of the other suggested solutions work. Checking attr('checked') always returns undefined and is('checked) always returns false.

Just use the prop method:

$("#checkbox").change(function(e) {

  if ($(this).prop('checked')){

How do I verify that a string only contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes?

use a regex and see if it matches!


Swift: How to get substring from start to last index of character

Swift 3, XCode 8

func lastIndexOfCharacter(_ c: Character) -> Int? {
    return range(of: String(c), options: .backwards)?.lowerBound.encodedOffset

Since advancedBy(Int) is gone since Swift 3 use String's method index(String.Index, Int). Check out this String extension with substring and friends:

public extension String {

    //right is the first encountered string after left
    func between(_ left: String, _ right: String) -> String? {
        guard let leftRange = range(of: left), let rightRange = range(of: right, options: .backwards)
        , leftRange.upperBound <= rightRange.lowerBound
            else { return nil }
        let sub = self.substring(from: leftRange.upperBound)
        let closestToLeftRange = sub.range(of: right)!
        return sub.substring(to: closestToLeftRange.lowerBound)

    var length: Int {
        get {
            return self.characters.count

    func substring(to : Int) -> String {
        let toIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: to)
        return self.substring(to: toIndex)

    func substring(from : Int) -> String {
        let fromIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: from)
        return self.substring(from: fromIndex)

    func substring(_ r: Range<Int>) -> String {
        let fromIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: r.lowerBound)
        let toIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: r.upperBound)
        return self.substring(with: Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: fromIndex, upper: toIndex)))

    func character(_ at: Int) -> Character {
        return self[self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: at)]

    func lastIndexOfCharacter(_ c: Character) -> Int? {
        guard let index = range(of: String(c), options: .backwards)?.lowerBound else
        { return nil }
        return distance(from: startIndex, to: index)

UPDATED extension for Swift 5

public extension String {
    //right is the first encountered string after left
    func between(_ left: String, _ right: String) -> String? {
            let leftRange = range(of: left), let rightRange = range(of: right, options: .backwards)
            , leftRange.upperBound <= rightRange.lowerBound
            else { return nil }
        let sub = self[leftRange.upperBound...]
        let closestToLeftRange = sub.range(of: right)!            
        return String(sub[..<closestToLeftRange.lowerBound])
    var length: Int {
        get {
            return self.count
    func substring(to : Int) -> String {
        let toIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: to)
        return String(self[...toIndex])
    func substring(from : Int) -> String {
        let fromIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: from)
        return String(self[fromIndex...])
    func substring(_ r: Range<Int>) -> String {
        let fromIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: r.lowerBound)
        let toIndex = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: r.upperBound)
        let indexRange = Range<String.Index>(uncheckedBounds: (lower: fromIndex, upper: toIndex))
        return String(self[indexRange])
    func character(_ at: Int) -> Character {
        return self[self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: at)]
    func lastIndexOfCharacter(_ c: Character) -> Int? {
        guard let index = range(of: String(c), options: .backwards)?.lowerBound else
        { return nil }
        return distance(from: startIndex, to: index)


let text = ""
let at = text.character(3) // .
let range = text.substring(0..<3) // www
let from = text.substring(from: 4) //
let to = text.substring(to: 16) // www.stackoverflow
let between = text.between(".", ".") // stackoverflow
let substringToLastIndexOfChar = text.lastIndexOfCharacter(".") // 17

P.S. It's really odd that developers forced to deal with String.Index instead of plain Int. Why should we bother about internal String mechanics and not just have simple substring() methods?

Catching exceptions from Guzzle

To catch Guzzle errors you can do something like this:

try {
    $response = $client->get('/not_found.xml')->send();
} catch (Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException $e) {
    echo 'Uh oh! ' . $e->getMessage();

... but, to be able to "log" or "resend" your request try something like this:

// Add custom error handling to any request created by this client
    function(Event $event) {

        //write log here ...

        if ($event['response']->getStatusCode() == 401) {

            // create new token and resend your request...
            $newRequest = $event['request']->clone();
            $newRequest->setHeader('X-Auth-Header', MyApplication::getNewAuthToken());
            $newResponse = $newRequest->send();

            // Set the response object of the request without firing more events
            $event['response'] = $newResponse;

            // You can also change the response and fire the normal chain of
            // events by calling $event['request']->setResponse($newResponse);

            // Stop other events from firing when you override 401 responses


... or if you want to "stop event propagation" you can overridde event listener (with a higher priority than -255) and simply stop event propagation.

$client->getEventDispatcher()->addListener('request.error', function(Event $event) {
if ($event['response']->getStatusCode() != 200) {
        // Stop other events from firing when you get stytus-code != 200

thats a good idea to prevent guzzle errors like:

request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Guzzle\Http\Exception\ClientErrorResponseException: "Client error response

in your application.

Why both no-cache and no-store should be used in HTTP response?

Just to make things even worse, in some situations, no-cache can't be used, but no-store can:

Send values from one form to another form

// In form 1
public static string Username = Me;

// In form 2's load block
string _UserName = Form1.Username;

How can I change image tintColor in iOS and WatchKit

For tinting the image of a UIButton

let image1 = "ic_shopping_cart_empty"
btn_Basket.setImage(UIImage(named: image1)?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: .normal)
btn_Basket.setImage(UIImage(named: image1)?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate), for: .selected)
btn_Basket.imageView?.tintColor = UIColor(UIColor.Red)

How to align matching values in two columns in Excel, and bring along associated values in other columns

assuming the item numbers are unique, a VLOOKUP should get you the information you need.

first value would be =VLOOKUP(E1,A:B,2,FALSE), and the same type of formula to retrieve the second value would be =VLOOKUP(E1,C:D,2,FALSE). Wrap them in an IFERROR if you want to return anything other than #N/A if there is no corresponding value in the item column(s)

Pass variables to Ruby script via command line

Unfortunately, Ruby does not support such passing mechanism as e.g. AWK:

> awk -v a=1 'BEGIN {print a}'
> 1

It means you cannot pass named values into your script directly.

Using cmd options may help:

> ruby script.rb val_0 val_1 val_2

# script.rb
puts ARGV[0] # => val_0
puts ARGV[1] # => val_1
puts ARGV[2] # => val_2

Ruby stores all cmd arguments in the ARGV array, the scriptname itself can be captured using the $PROGRAM_NAME variable.

The obvious disadvantage is that you depend on the order of values.

If you need only Boolean switches use the option -s of the Ruby interpreter:

> ruby -s -e 'puts "So do I!" if $agreed' -- -agreed
> So do I!

Please note the -- switch, otherwise Ruby will complain about a nonexistent option -agreed, so pass it as a switch to your cmd invokation. You don't need it in the following case:

> ruby -s script_with_switches.rb -agreed
> So do I!

The disadvantage is that you mess with global variables and have only logical true/false values.

You can access values from environment variables:

> FIRST_NAME='Andy Warhol' ruby -e 'puts ENV["FIRST_NAME"]'
> Andy Warhol

Drawbacks are present here to, you have to set all the variables before the script invocation (only for your ruby process) or to export them (shells like BASH):

> export FIRST_NAME='Andy Warhol'
> ruby -e 'puts ENV["FIRST_NAME"]'

In the latter case, your data will be readable for everybody in the same shell session and for all subprocesses, which can be a serious security implication.

And at least you can implement an option parser using getoptlong and optparse.

Happy hacking!

how to pass this element to javascript onclick function and add a class to that clicked element

<div class="row" style="padding-left:21px;">
    <ul class="nav nav-tabs" style="padding-left:40px;">
        <li class="active filter"><a href="#month" onclick="Data(this)">This Month</a></li>
        <li class="filter"><a href="#year" onclick="Data(this)">Year</a></li>
        <li class="filter"><a href="#last60" onclick="Data(this)">60 Days</a></li>
        <li class="filter"><a href="#last90" onclick="Data(this)">90 Days</a></li>


    function Data(element)
       element.addClass('active') ;

commons httpclient - Adding query string parameters to GET/POST request

Here is how you would add query string parameters using HttpClient 4.2 and later:

URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("");
builder.setParameter("parts", "all").setParameter("action", "finish");

HttpPost post = new HttpPost(;

The resulting URI would look like:

How to sum a variable by group

Several years later, just to add another simple base R solution that isn't present here for some reason- xtabs

xtabs(Frequency ~ Category, df)
# Category
# First Second  Third 
#    30      5     34 

Or if you want a data.frame back ~ Category, df))
#   Category Freq
# 1    First   30
# 2   Second    5
# 3    Third   34

How to turn off gcc compiler optimization to enable buffer overflow

You don't need to disable ASLR in order to do a buffer overflow! Although ASLR is enabled (kernel_randomize_va_space = 2), it will not take effect unless the compiled executable is PIE. So unless you compiled your file with -fPIC -pie flag, ASLR will not take effect.

I think only disabling the canaries with -fno-stack-protector is enough. If you want to check if ASLR is working or not (Position independent code must be set), use:

hardening-check executable_name

Should I size a textarea with CSS width / height or HTML cols / rows attributes?

I recommend to use both. Rows and cols are required and useful if the client does not support CSS. But as a designer I overwrite them to get exactly the size I wish.

The recommended way to do it is via an external stylesheet e.g.

textarea {_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  height: 150px;_x000D_
<textarea> </textarea>

How can I check whether an array is null / empty?

An int array without elements is not necessarily null. It will only be null if it hasn't been allocated yet. See this tutorial for more information about Java arrays.

You can test the array's length:

void foo(int[] data)
  if(data.length == 0)

undefined reference to 'vtable for class' constructor

You're declaring a virtual function and not defining it:

virtual void calculateCredits();

Either define it or declare it as:

virtual void calculateCredits() = 0;

Or simply:

virtual void calculateCredits() { };

Read more about vftable:

How to Apply Gradient to background view of iOS Swift App

Easy to use extension on swift 3

extension CALayer {
    func addGradienBorder(colors:[UIColor] = [,], width:CGFloat = 1) {
        let gradientLayer = CAGradientLayer()
        gradientLayer.frame =  CGRect(origin: .zero, size: self.bounds.size)
        gradientLayer.startPoint = CGPoint(x:0.0, y:0.5)
        gradientLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x:1.0, y:0.5)
        gradientLayer.colors ={$0.cgColor})

        let shapeLayer = CAShapeLayer()
        shapeLayer.lineWidth = width
        shapeLayer.path = UIBezierPath(rect: self.bounds).cgPath
        shapeLayer.fillColor = nil
        shapeLayer.strokeColor =
        gradientLayer.mask = shapeLayer


use to your view, example

yourView.addGradienBorder(color:, opacity: 0.1, offset: CGSize(width:2 , height: 5), radius: 3, viewCornerRadius: 3.0)

Import Package Error - Cannot Convert between Unicode and Non Unicode String Data Type

Mike, I had the same problem with SSIS in SQL Server 2005... Apparently, the DataFlowDestination object will always attempt to validate the data coming in, into Unicode. Go to that object, Advanced Editor, Component Properties pane, change the "ValidateExternalMetaData" property to False. Now, go to the Input and Output Properties pane, Destination Input, External Columns - set each column Data type and Length to match the database table it's going to. Now, when you close that editor, those column changes will be saved and not validated over, and it will work.

python encoding utf-8

You don't need to encode data that is already encoded. When you try to do that, Python will first try to decode it to unicode before it can encode it back to UTF-8. That is what is failing here:

>>> data = u'\u00c3'            # Unicode data
>>> data = data.encode('utf8')  # encoded to UTF-8
>>> data
>>> data.encode('utf8')         # Try to *re*-encode it
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

Just write your data directly to the file, there is no need to encode already-encoded data.

If you instead build up unicode values instead, you would indeed have to encode those to be writable to a file. You'd want to use instead, which returns a file object that will encode unicode values to UTF-8 for you.

You also really don't want to write out the UTF-8 BOM, unless you have to support Microsoft tools that cannot read UTF-8 otherwise (such as MS Notepad).

For your MySQL insert problem, you need to do two things:

  • Add charset='utf8' to your MySQLdb.connect() call.

  • Use unicode objects, not str objects when querying or inserting, but use sql parameters so the MySQL connector can do the right thing for you:

    artiste = artiste.decode('utf8')  # it is already UTF8, decode to unicode
    c.execute('SELECT COUNT(id) AS nbr FROM artistes WHERE nom=%s', (artiste,))
    # ...
    c.execute('INSERT INTO artistes(nom,status,path) VALUES(%s, 99, %s)', (artiste, artiste + u'/'))

It may actually work better if you used to decode the contents automatically instead:

import codecs

sql = mdb.connect('localhost','admin','ugo&(-@F','music_vibration', charset='utf8')

with'config/index/'+index, 'r', 'utf8') as findex:
    for line in findex:
        if u'#artiste' not in line:


    cursor = sql.cursor()
    cursor.execute('SELECT COUNT(id) AS nbr FROM artistes WHERE nom=%s', (artiste,))
    if not cursor.fetchone()[0]:
        cursor = sql.cursor()
        cursor.execute('INSERT INTO artistes(nom,status,path) VALUES(%s, 99, %s)', (artiste, artiste + u'/'))
        artists_inserted += 1

You may want to brush up on Unicode and UTF-8 and encodings. I can recommend the following articles:

Bringing a subview to be in front of all other views

In c#, View.BringSubviewToFront(childView); YourView.Layer.ZPosition = 1; both should work.

How to delete multiple values from a vector?

You can use setdiff.


a <- sample(1:10)
remove <- c(2, 3, 5)


> a
 [1] 10  8  9  1  3  4  6  7  2  5
> setdiff(a, remove)
[1] 10  8  9  1  4  6  7

Running Facebook application on localhost

In your app's basic settings ( under Settings->Basic->Select how your app integrates with Facebook...

Use "Site URL:" and "Mobile Site URL:" to hold your production and development URLs. Both sites will be allowed to authenticate. I'm just using Facebook for authentication so I don't need any of the mobile site redirection features. I usually change the "Mobile Site URL:" to my "localhost:12345" site while I'm testing the authentication, and then set it back to normal when I'm done.

IE11 prevents ActiveX from running

Try this tag on the pages that use the ActiveX control:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE10">

Note: this has to be the very first element in the <head> section.

Access to the path 'c:\inetpub\wwwroot\myapp\App_Data' is denied

Try granting permission to the NETWORK SERVICE user.

How to clear a textbox using javascript

For my coffeescript peeps!

#disable Delete button until reason is entered
$("#delete_event_button").prop("disabled", true)
$('#event_reason_is_deleted').click ->
    $("#delete_event_button").prop("disabled", false)

PHP mailer multiple address

You need to call the AddAddress method once for every recipient. Like so:

$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Person One');
$mail->AddAddress('[email protected]', 'Person Two');
// ..

Better yet, add them as Carbon Copy recipients.

$mail->AddCC('[email protected]', 'Person One');
$mail->AddCC('[email protected]', 'Person Two');
// ..

To make things easy, you should loop through an array to do this.

$recipients = array(
   '[email protected]' => 'Person One',
   '[email protected]' => 'Person Two',
   // ..
foreach($recipients as $email => $name)
   $mail->AddCC($email, $name);

Loading custom functions in PowerShell

I kept using this all this time

Import-module .\build_functions.ps1 -Force

What does it mean when MySQL is in the state "Sending data"?

This is quite a misleading status. It should be called "reading and filtering data".

This means that MySQL has some data stored on the disk (or in memory) which is yet to be read and sent over. It may be the table itself, an index, a temporary table, a sorted output etc.

If you have a 1M records table (without an index) of which you need only one record, MySQL will still output the status as "sending data" while scanning the table, despite the fact it has not sent anything yet.

How to test a variable is null in python

Testing for name pointing to None and name existing are two semantically different operations.

To check if val is None:

if val is None:
    pass  # val exists and is None

To check if name exists:

except NameError:
    pass  # val does not exist at all

How to create a horizontal loading progress bar?

For using the new progress bar


for the old grey color progress bar use


in this one you have the option of changing the height by setting minHeight

The complete XML code is:


indeterminateOnly is set to true for getting indeterminate horizontal progress bar

How can you get the first digit in an int (C#)?

I just stumbled upon this old question and felt inclined to propose another suggestion since none of the other answers so far returns the correct result for all possible input values and it can still be made faster:

public static int GetFirstDigit( int i )
    if( i < 0 && ( i = -i ) < 0 ) return 2;
    return ( i < 100 ) ? ( i < 1 ) ? 0 : ( i < 10 )
            ? i : i / 10 : ( i < 1000000 ) ? ( i < 10000 )
            ? ( i < 1000 ) ? i / 100 : i / 1000 : ( i < 100000 )
            ? i / 10000 : i / 100000 : ( i < 100000000 )
            ? ( i < 10000000 ) ? i / 1000000 : i / 10000000
            : ( i < 1000000000 ) ? i / 100000000 : i / 1000000000;

This works for all signed integer values inclusive -2147483648 which is the smallest signed integer and doesn't have a positive counterpart. Math.Abs( -2147483648 ) triggers a System.OverflowException and - -2147483648 computes to -2147483648.

The implementation can be seen as a combination of the advantages of the two fastest implementations so far. It uses a binary search and avoids superfluous divisions. A quick benchmark with the index of a loop with 100,000,000 iterations shows that it is twice as fast as the currently fastest implementation.

It finishes after 2,829,581 ticks.

For comparison I also measured a corrected variant of the currently fastest implementation which took 5,664,627 ticks.

public static int GetFirstDigitX( int i )
    if( i < 0 && ( i = -i ) < 0 ) return 2;
    if( i >= 100000000 ) i /= 100000000;
    if( i >= 10000 ) i /= 10000;
    if( i >= 100 ) i /= 100;
    if( i >= 10 ) i /= 10;
    return i;

The accepted answer with the same correction needed 16,561,929 ticks for this test on my computer.

public static int GetFirstDigitY( int i )
    if( i < 0 && ( i = -i ) < 0 ) return 2;
    while( i >= 10 )
        i /= 10;
    return i;

Simple functions like these can easily be proven for correctness since iterating all possible integer values takes not much more than a few seconds on current hardware. This means that it is less important to implement them in a exceptionally readable fashion as there simply won't ever be the need to fix a bug inside them later on.

Image change every 30 seconds - loop

I agree with using frameworks for things like this, just because its easier. I hacked this up real quick, just fades an image out and then switches, also will not work in older versions of IE. But as you can see the code for the actual fade is much longer than the JQuery implementation posted by KARASZI István.

function changeImage() {
    var img = document.getElementById("img");
    img.src = images[x];
    if(x >= images.length) {
        x = 0;
    fadeImg(img, 100, true);
    setTimeout("changeImage()", 30000);

function fadeImg(el, val, fade) {
    if(fade === true) {
    } else {
        val ++;
    if(val > 0 && val < 100) { = val / 100;
        setTimeout(function(){ fadeImg(el, val, fade); }, 10);

var images = [], x = 0;
images[0] = "image1.jpg";
images[1] = "image2.jpg";
images[2] = "image3.jpg";
setTimeout("changeImage()", 30000);

Converting file into Base64String and back again

private String encodeFileToBase64Binary(File file){    
String encodedfile = null;  
try {  
    FileInputStream fileInputStreamReader = new FileInputStream(file);  
    byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)file.length()];;  
    encodedfile = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes).toString();  
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {  
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block  
} catch (IOException e) {  
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block  
    return encodedfile;  

npm not working after clearing cache

Try npm cache clean --force if it doesn't work then manually delete %appdata%\npm-cache folder.

and install npm install npm@latest -g

It worked for me.

visit this link

How to run VBScript from command line without Cscript/Wscript

Why don't you just stash the vbscript in a batch/vbscript file hybrid. Name the batch hybrid Converter.bat and you can execute it directly as Converter from the cmd line. Sure you can default ALL scripts to run from Cscript or Wscript, but if you want to execute your vbs as a windows script rather than a console script, this could cause some confusion later on. So just set your code to a batch file and run it directly.

Check the answer -> Here

And here is an example:


::' VBS/Batch Hybrid
::' --- Batch portion ---------
rem^ &@echo off
rem^ &call :'sub
rem^ &exit /b

rem^ &echo begin batch
rem^ &cscript //nologo //e:vbscript "%~f0"
rem^ &echo end batch
rem^ &exit /b

'----- VBS portion -----
Dim tester
tester = "Convert data here"
Msgbox tester

MySQL foreach alternative for procedure

Here's the mysql reference for cursors. So I'm guessing it's something like this:

  DECLARE products_id INT;
  DECLARE result varchar(4000);
  DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT products_id FROM sets_products WHERE set_id = 1;

  OPEN cur1;

    FETCH cur1 INTO products_id;
    IF NOT done THEN
      CALL generate_parameter_list(@product_id, @result);
      SET param = param + "," + result; -- not sure on this syntax
    END IF;

  CLOSE cur1;

  -- now trim off the trailing , if desired

How to disable RecyclerView scrolling?

You should override the layoutmanager of your recycleview for this. This way it will only disable scrolling, none of ther other functionalities. You will still be able to handle click or any other touch events. For example:-


 public class CustomGridLayoutManager extends LinearLayoutManager {
 private boolean isScrollEnabled = true;

 public CustomGridLayoutManager(Context context) {

 public void setScrollEnabled(boolean flag) {
  this.isScrollEnabled = flag;

 public boolean canScrollVertically() {
  //Similarly you can customize "canScrollHorizontally()" for managing horizontal scroll
  return isScrollEnabled && super.canScrollVertically();

Here using "isScrollEnabled" flag you can enable/disable scrolling functionality of your recycle-view temporarily.


Simple override your existing implementation to disable scrolling and allow clicking.

 linearLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context) {
 public boolean canScrollVertically() {
  return false;


:LinearLayoutManager(this){ override fun canScrollVertically(): Boolean { return false } }

How to get root directory of project in core. Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() doesn't seem to work correctly on a mac

As previously answered (and retracted). To get the base directory, as in the location of the running assembly, don't use Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), rather get it from IHostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath.

private IHostingEnvironment _hostingEnvironment;
    private string projectRootFolder;
    public Program(IHostingEnvironment env)
        _hostingEnvironment = env;
        projectRootFolder = env.ContentRootPath.Substring(0,
            env.ContentRootPath.LastIndexOf(@"\ProjectRoot\", StringComparison.Ordinal) + @"\ProjectRoot\".Length);

However I made an additional error: I had set the ContentRoot Directory to Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() at startup undermining the default value which I had so desired! Here I commented out the offending line:

 public static void Main(string[] args)
        var host = new WebHostBuilder().UseKestrel()
           // .UseContentRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) //<== The mistake

Now it runs correctly - I can now navigate to sub folders of my projects root with:

var pathToData = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(projectRootFolder, "data"));

I realised my mistake by reading BaseDirectory vs. Current Directory and @CodeNotFound founds answer (which was retracted because it didn't work because of the above mistake) which basically can be found here: Getting WebRoot Path and Content Root Path in Core

What CSS selector can be used to select the first div within another div

The MOST CORRECT answer to your question is...

#content > div:first-of-type { /* css */ }

This will apply the CSS to the first div that is a direct child of #content (which may or may not be the first child element of #content)

Another option:

#content > div:nth-of-type(1) { /* css */ }

How to add Action bar options menu in Android Fragments

in AndroidManifest.xml set theme holo like this:

android:name="your Fragment or activity"
android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo" >

How to solve "Connection reset by peer: socket write error"?

I've got the same exception and in my case the problem was in a renegotiation procecess. In fact my client closed a connection when the server tried to change a cipher suite. After digging it appears that in the jdk 1.6 update 22 renegotiation process is disabled by default. If your security constraints can effort this, try to enable the unsecure renegotiation by setting the system property to true. Here is some information about the process:

Session renegotiation is a mechanism within the SSL protocol that allows the client or the server to trigger a new SSL handshake during an ongoing SSL communication. Renegotiation was initially designed as a mechanism to increase the security of an ongoing SSL channel, by triggering the renewal of the crypto keys used to secure that channel. However, this security measure isn't needed with modern cryptographic algorithms. Additionally, renegotiation can be used by a server to request a client certificate (in order to perform client authentication) when the client tries to access specific, protected resources on the server.

Additionally there is the excellent post about this issue in details and written in (IMHO) understandable language.

How to restart ADB manually from Android Studio

open cmd and type the following command

netstat -aon|findstr 5037

and press enter.

you will get a reply like this :

  TCP              LISTENING       3372
  TCP        TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP        TIME_WAIT       0
  TCP         TIME_WAIT       0

this shows the pid which is occupying the adb. in this 3372 is the value. it will not be same for anyone. so you need to do this every time you face this problem.

now type this :

taskkill /pid 3372(the pid you get in the previous step) /f

Voila! now adb runs perfectly.

Print to the same line and not a new line?

It's called the carriage return, or \r


print i/len(some_list)*100," percent complete         \r",

The comma prevents print from adding a newline. (and the spaces will keep the line clear from prior output)

Also, don't forget to terminate with a print "" to get at least a finalizing newline!

Bold & Non-Bold Text In A Single UILabel?

That's easy to do in Interface Builder:

1) make UILabel Attributed in Attributes Inspector

Bold Example Step 1

2) select part of phrase you want to make bold

Bold Example Step 2

3) change its font (or bold typeface of the same font) in font selector

Bold Example Step 3

That's all!

Oracle: not a valid month


To_Date(To_Char(MaxDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY')) = REP_DATE

is causing the issue. when you use to_date without the time format, oracle will use the current sessions NLS format to convert, which in your case might not be "DD/MM/YYYY". Check this...

SQL> select sysdate from dual;


Which means my session's setting is DD-Mon-YY

SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY') from dual;


SQL> select to_date(to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY')) from dual;
select to_date(to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY')) from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01843: not a valid month

SQL> select to_date(to_char(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY'),'MM/DD/YYYY') from dual;



More importantly, Why are you converting to char and then to date, instead of directly comparing

MaxDate = REP_DATE

If you want to ignore the time component in MaxDate before comparision, you should use..

trunc(MaxDate ) = rep_date


==Update : based on updated question.

Rep_Date = 01/04/2009 Rep_Time = 01/01/1753 13:00:00

I think the problem is more complex. if rep_time is intended to be only time, then you cannot store it in the database as a date. It would have to be a string or date to time interval or numerically as seconds (thanks to Alex, see this) . If possible, I would suggest using one column rep_date that has both the date and time and compare it to the max date column directly.

If it is a running system and you have no control over repdate, you could try this.

trunc(rep_date) = trunc(maxdate) and 
to_char(rep_date,'HH24:MI:SS') = to_char(maxdate,'HH24:MI:SS')

Either way, the time is being stored incorrectly (as you can tell from the year 1753) and there could be other issues going forward.

Cannot connect to Database server (mysql workbench)

Did you try to determine if this is a problem with Workbench or a general connection problem? Try this:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Type mysql -u root -p -h -P 3306
  3. If you can connect successfully you will see a mysql prompt after you type your password (type quit and Enter there to exit).

Report back how this worked.

How do I fix a "Expected Primary-expression before ')' token" error?

showInventory(player);     // I get the error here.

void showInventory(player& obj) {   // By Johnny :D

this means that player is an datatype and showInventory expect an referance to an variable of type player.

so the correct code will be

  void showInventory(player& obj) {   // By Johnny :D
    for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        std::cout << "\nINVENTORY:\n" + obj.getItem(i);
        std::cout << "\t\t\t" + obj.getItem(i) + "\n";

players myPlayers[10];

    std::string toDo() //BY KEATON
    std::string commands[5] =   // This is the valid list of commands.
        {"help", "inv"};

    std::string ans;
    std::cout << "\nWhat do you wish to do?\n>> ";
    std::cin >> ans;

    if(ans == commands[0]) {
        return NULL;
    else if(ans == commands[1]) {
        showInventory(myPlayers[0]);     // or any other index,also is not necessary to have an array
        return NULL;


How can I kill all sessions connecting to my oracle database?

This answer is heavily influenced by a conversation here:


    for x in (  
            select Sid, Serial#, machine, program  
            from v$session  
                machine <> 'MyDatabaseServerName'  
        ) loop  
        execute immediate 'Alter System Kill Session '''|| x.Sid  
                     || ',' || x.Serial# || ''' IMMEDIATE';  
    end loop;  

I skip killing sessions originating on the database server to avoid killing off Oracle's connections to itself.

Can we have functions inside functions in C++?

Local classes have already been mentioned, but here is a way to let them appear even more as local functions, using an operator() overload and an anonymous class:

int main() {
    struct {
        unsigned int operator() (unsigned int val) const {
            return val<=1 ? 1 : val*(*this)(val-1);
    } fac;

    std::cout << fac(5) << '\n';

I don't advise on using this, it's just a funny trick (can do, but imho shouldn't).

2014 Update:

With the rise of C++11 a while back, you can now have local functions whose syntax is a little reminiscient of JavaScript:

auto fac = [] (unsigned int val) {
    return val*42;

print highest value in dict with key

You could use use max and min with dict.get:

maximum = max(mydict, key=mydict.get)  # Just use 'min' instead of 'max' for minimum.
print(maximum, mydict[maximum])
# D 87

Create a list from two object lists with linq

Why you don't just use Concat?

Concat is a part of linq and more efficient than doing an AddRange()

in your case:

List<Person> list1 = ...
List<Person> list2 = ...
List<Person> total = list1.Concat(list2);

Retrieving data from a POST method in ASP.NET

The data from the request (content, inputs, files, querystring values) is all on this object HttpContext.Current.Request
To read the posted content

StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);
string requestFromPost = reader.ReadToEnd();

To navigate through the all inputs

foreach (string key in HttpContext.Current.Request.Form.AllKeys)
   string value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form[key];

How can I center text (horizontally and vertically) inside a div block?

Add the following code in the parent div

 display: grid;
 place-items: center;

What is __pycache__?

Execution of a python script would cause the byte code to be generated in memory and kept until the program is shutdown. In case a module is imported, for faster reusability, Python would create a cache .pyc (PYC is 'Python' 'Compiled') file where the byte code of the module being imported is cached. Idea is to speed up loading of python modules by avoiding re-compilation ( compile once, run multiple times policy ) when they are re-imported.

The name of the file is the same as the module name. The part after the initial dot indicates Python implementation that created the cache (could be CPython) followed by its version number.

Insert Data Into Temp Table with Query

SELECT * INTO #TempTable 
FROM SampleTable

SELECT * FROM #TempTable

How to remove \n from a list element?

If you want to remove \n from the last element only, use this:

t[-1] = t[-1].strip()

If you want to remove \n from all the elements, use this:

t = map(lambda s: s.strip(), t)

You might also consider removing \n before splitting the line:

line = line.strip()
# split line...

Option to ignore case with .contains method?

I'm guessing you mean ignoring case when searching in a string?

I don't know any, but you could try to convert the string to search into either to lower or to upper case, then search.

// s is the String to search into, and seq the sequence you are searching for.
bool doesContain = s.toLowerCase().contains(seq);

Edit: As Ryan Schipper suggested, you can also (and probably would be better off) do seq.toLowerCase(), depending on your situation.

Want to upgrade project from Angular v5 to Angular v6

Please run the below comments to update to Angular 6 from Angular 5

  1. ng update @angular/cli
  2. ng update @angular/core
  3. npm install rxjs-compat (In order to support older version rxjs 5.6 )
  4. npm install -g rxjs-tslint (To change from rxjs 5 to rxjs 6 format in code. Install globally then only will work)
  5. rxjs-5-to-6-migrate -p src/ (After installing we have to change it in our source code to rxjs6 format)
  6. npm uninstall rxjs-compat (Remove this finally)

How do I show the value of a #define at compile-time?

As far as I know '#error' only will print strings, in fact you don't even need to use quotes.

Have you tried writing various purposefully incorrect code using "BOOST_VERSION"? Perhaps something like "blah[BOOST_VERSION] = foo;" will tell you something like "string literal 1.2.1 cannot be used as an array address". It won't be a pretty error message, but at least it'll show you the relevant value. You can play around until you find a compile error that does tell you the value.

How to display pie chart data values of each slice in chart.js

For Chart.js 2.0 and up, the Chart object data has changed. For those who are using Chart.js 2.0+, below is an example of using HTML5 Canvas fillText() method to display data value inside of the pie slice. The code works for doughnut chart, too, with the only difference being type: 'pie' versus type: 'doughnut' when creating the chart.



var data = {
    datasets: [{
        data: [
        backgroundColor: [
        label: 'My dataset' // for legend
    labels: [

var pieOptions = {
  events: false,
  animation: {
    duration: 500,
    easing: "easeOutQuart",
    onComplete: function () {
      var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
      ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(, 'normal',;
      ctx.textAlign = 'center';
      ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'; (dataset) {

        for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
          var model = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].data[i]._model,
              total = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].total,
              mid_radius = model.innerRadius + (model.outerRadius - model.innerRadius)/2,
              start_angle = model.startAngle,
              end_angle = model.endAngle,
              mid_angle = start_angle + (end_angle - start_angle)/2;

          var x = mid_radius * Math.cos(mid_angle);
          var y = mid_radius * Math.sin(mid_angle);

          ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
          if (i == 3){ // Darker text color for lighter background
            ctx.fillStyle = '#444';
          var percent = String(Math.round([i]/total*100)) + "%";      
          //Don't Display If Legend is hide or value is 0
          if([i] != 0 && dataset._meta[0].data[i].hidden != true) {
            ctx.fillText([i], model.x + x, model.y + y);
            // Display percent in another line, line break doesn't work for fillText
            ctx.fillText(percent, model.x + x, model.y + y + 15);

var pieChartCanvas = $("#pieChart");
var pieChart = new Chart(pieChartCanvas, {
  type: 'pie', // or doughnut
  data: data,
  options: pieOptions


<canvas id="pieChart" width=200 height=200></canvas>


Use NSInteger as array index

According to the error message, you declared myLoc as a pointer to an NSInteger (NSInteger *myLoc) rather than an actual NSInteger (NSInteger myLoc). It needs to be the latter.

Get month name from number

To print all months at once:

 import datetime

 monthint = list(range(1,13))

 for X in monthint:
     month =, X , 1).strftime('%B')

Reducing video size with same format and reducing frame size

I found myself wanting to do this too recently, so I created a tool called Shrinkwrap that uses FFmpeg to transcode videos, while preserving as much of the original metadata as possible (including file modification timestamps).

You can run it as a docker container:

docker run -v /path/to/your/videos:/vids bennetimo/shrinkwrap \
--input-extension mp4 --ffmpeg-opts crf=22,preset=fast /vids


  • /path/to/your/videos/ is where the videos are that you want to convert
  • --input-extension is the type of videos you want to process, here .mp4
  • --ffmpeg-opts is any arbitrary FFmpeg options you want to use to customise the transcode

Then it will recursively find all of the video files that match the extension and transcode them all into files of the same name with a -tc suffix.

For more configuration options, presets for GoPro etc, see the readme.

Hope this helps someone!

How do I use vim registers?

From vim's help page:

CTRL-R {0-9a-z"%#:-=.}                  *c_CTRL-R* *c_<C-R>*
        Insert the contents of a numbered or named register.  Between
        typing CTRL-R and the second character '"' will be displayed
        Special registers:
            '"' the unnamed register, containing the text of
                the last delete or yank
            '%' the current file name
            '#' the alternate file name
            '*' the clipboard contents (X11: primary selection)
            '+' the clipboard contents
            '/' the last search pattern
            ':' the last command-line
            '-' the last small (less than a line) delete
            '.' the last inserted text
            '=' the expression register: you are prompted to
                enter an expression (see |expression|)
                (doesn't work at the expression prompt; some
                things such as changing the buffer or current
                window are not allowed to avoid side effects)
                When the result is a |List| the items are used
                as lines.  They can have line breaks inside
                When the result is a Float it's automatically
                converted to a String.
        See |registers| about registers.  {not in Vi}

How to remove unwanted space between rows and columns in table?

  border: 1px solid black;_x000D_
table td {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid black; /* Style just to show the table cell boundaries */_x000D_
_x000D_ {_x000D_
  border-spacing:0; /* Removes the cell spacing via CSS */_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;  /* Optional - if you don't want to have double border where cells touch */_x000D_
<p>Default table:</p>_x000D_
    <td>First cell</td>_x000D_
    <td>Second cell</td>_x000D_
<p>Removed spacing:</p>_x000D_
<table class="no-spacing" cellspacing="0"> <!-- cellspacing 0 to support IE6 and IE7 -->_x000D_
    <td>First cell</td>_x000D_
    <td>Second cell</td>_x000D_

How to print GETDATE() in SQL Server with milliseconds in time?

these 2 are the same:

Print CAST(GETDATE() as Datetime2 (3) )

enter image description here

Iterating C++ vector from the end to the beginning

Use reverse iterators and loop from rbegin() to rend()

How to set index.html as root file in Nginx?

location / { is the most general location (with location {). It will match anything, AFAIU. I doubt that it would be useful to have location / { index index.html; } because of a lot of duplicate content for every subdirectory of your site.

The approach with

try_files $uri $uri/index.html index.html;

is bad, as mentioned in a comment above, because it returns index.html for pages which should not exist on your site (any possible $uri will end up in that). Also, as mentioned in an answer above, there is an internal redirect in the last argument of try_files.

Your approach

location = / {
   index index.html;

is also bad, since index makes an internal redirect too. In case you want that, you should be able to handle that in a specific location. Create e.g.

location = /index.html {

as was proposed here. But then you will have a working link, which may be not desired. Another variant, which I use, is:

root /www/my-root;

# = means exact location
location = / {
    try_files /index.html =404;

# disable as a duplicate content
location = /index      { return 404; }

# This is a general location. 
# (e.g. <- contacts.html)
location / {
    # use fastcgi or whatever you need here
    # return 404 if doesn't exist
    try_files $uri.html =404;

P.S. It's extremely easy to debug nginx (if your binary allows that). Just add into the server { block:

error_log /var/log/nginx/debug.log debug;

and see there all internal redirects etc.

What's the point of 'meta viewport user-scalable=no' in the Google Maps API

On many devices (such as the iPhone), it prevents the user from using the browser's zoom. If you have a map and the browser does the zooming, then the user will see a big ol' pixelated image with huge pixelated labels. The idea is that the user should use the zooming provided by Google Maps. Not sure about any interaction with your plugin, but that's what it's there for.

More recently, as @ehfeng notes in his answer, Chrome for Android (and perhaps others) have taken advantage of the fact that there's no native browser zooming on pages with a viewport tag set like that. This allows them to get rid of the dreaded 300ms delay on touch events that the browser takes to wait and see if your single touch will end up being a double touch. (Think "single click" and "double click".) However, when this question was originally asked (in 2011), this wasn't true in any mobile browser. It's just added awesomeness that fortuitously arose more recently.

Transport endpoint is not connected

Now this answer is for those lost souls that got here with this problem because they force-unmounted the drive but their hard drive is NTFS Formatted. Assuming you have ntfs-3g installed (sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g).

sudo ntfs-3g /dev/hdd /mnt/mount_point -o force

Where hdd is the hard drive in question and the "/mnt/mount_point" directory exists.

NOTES: This fixed the issue on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine using NTFS drives that had their journal files reset through sudo ntfsfix /dev/hdd and unmounted by force using sudo umount -l /mnt/mount_point

Leaving my answer here in case this fix can aid anyone!

How to read fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

PDO:FETCH_ASSOC puts the results in an array where values are mapped to their field names.

You can access the name field like this: $user['name'].

I recommend using PDO::FETCH_OBJ. It fetches fields in an object and you can access like this: $user->name

Compare two different files line by line in python

Yet another example...

from __future__ import print_function #Only for Python2

with open('file1.txt') as f1, open('file2.txt') as f2, open('outfile.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    for line1, line2 in zip(f1, f2):
        if line1 == line2:
            print(line1, end='', file=outfile)

And if you want to eliminate common blank lines, just change the if statement to:

if line1.strip() and line1 == line2:

.strip() removes all leading and trailing whitespace, so if that's all that's on a line, it will become an empty string "", which is considered false.

Password encryption/decryption code in .NET

First create a class like:

public class Encryption
        public static string Encrypt(string clearText)
            string EncryptionKey = "MAKV2SPBNI99212";
            byte[] clearBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(clearText);
            using (Aes encryptor = Aes.Create())
                Rfc2898DeriveBytes pdb = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(EncryptionKey, new byte[] { 0x49, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76 });
                encryptor.Key = pdb.GetBytes(32);
                encryptor.IV = pdb.GetBytes(16);
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, encryptor.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                        cs.Write(clearBytes, 0, clearBytes.Length);
                    clearText = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
            return clearText;

        public static string Decrypt(string cipherText)
            string EncryptionKey = "MAKV2SPBNI99212";
            byte[] cipherBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
            using (Aes encryptor = Aes.Create())
                Rfc2898DeriveBytes pdb = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(EncryptionKey, new byte[] { 0x49, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76 });
                encryptor.Key = pdb.GetBytes(32);
                encryptor.IV = pdb.GetBytes(16);
                using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                    using (CryptoStream cs = new CryptoStream(ms, encryptor.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                        cs.Write(cipherBytes, 0, cipherBytes.Length);
                    cipherText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ms.ToArray());
            return cipherText;

**In Controller **

add reference for this encryption class:

using testdemo.Models

public ActionResult Index() {
            return View();
        public ActionResult Index(string text)
            if (Request["txtEncrypt"] != null)
                string getEncryptionCode = Request["txtEncrypt"];
                string DecryptCode = Encryption.Decrypt(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(getEncryptionCode));
                ViewBag.GetDecryptCode = DecryptCode;
                return View();
            else {
                string getDecryptCode = Request["txtDecrypt"];
                string EncryptionCode = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Encryption.Encrypt(getDecryptCode));
                ViewBag.GetEncryptionCode = EncryptionCode;
                return View();


In View

<h2>Decryption Code</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <table class="table-bordered table">
            <th>Encryption Code</th>
            <td><input type="text" id="txtEncrypt" name="txtEncrypt" placeholder="Enter Encryption Code" /></td>
            <td colspan="2">
                <span style="color:red">@ViewBag.GetDecryptCode</span>
                <td colspan="2">
                    <input type="submit" id="btnEncrypt" name="btnEncrypt"value="Decrypt to Encrypt code" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <h2>Encryption Code</h2>
@using (Html.BeginForm())
    <table class="table-bordered table">
            <th>Decryption Code</th>
            <td><input type="text" id="txtDecrypt" name="txtDecrypt" placeholder="Enter Decryption Code" /></td>

            <td colspan="2">
                <span style="color:red">@ViewBag.GetEncryptionCode</span>
            <td colspan="2">
                <input type="submit" id="btnDecryt" name="btnDecryt" value="Encrypt to Decrypt code" />

Error while installing json gem 'mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby'

For Xcode 11 on macOS 10.14, this can happen even after installing Xcode and installing command-line tools and accepting the license with

sudo xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license accept

The issue is that Xcode 11 ships the macOS 10.15 SDK which includes headers for ruby2.6, but not for macOS 10.14's ruby2.3. You can verify that this is your problem by running

ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyhdrdir"]'

which on macOS 10.14 with Xcode 11 prints the non-existent path


However, Xcode 11 installs a macOS 10.14 SDK within /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOS10.14.sdk. It isn't necessary to pollute the system directories by installing the old header files as suggested in other answers. Instead, by selecting that SDK, the appropriate ruby2.3 headers will be found:

sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["rubyhdrdir"]'

This should now correctly print


Likewise, gem install should work while that SDK is selected.

To switch back to the current Xcode SDK, use

sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/


A few days ago I've had an issue with triggers, and I've figured out that ON UPDATE CASCADE can be useful. Take a look at this example (PostgreSQL):

    name TEXT UNIQUE

    name TEXT UNIQUE

    club_name TEXT REFERENCES club(name) ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    band_name TEXT REFERENCES band(name) ON UPDATE CASCADE,
    concert_date DATE

In my issue, I had to define some additional operations (trigger) for updating the concert's table. Those operations had to modify club_name and band_name. I was unable to do it, because of reference. I couldn't modify concert and then deal with club and band tables. I couldn't also do it the other way. ON UPDATE CASCADE was the key to solve the problem.

Could not obtain information about Windows NT group user

Active Directory is refusing access to your SQL Agent. The Agent should be running under an account that is recognized by STAR domain controller.

Converting Decimal to Binary Java

Integer.toBinaryString() is an in-built method and will do quite well.

How display only years in input Bootstrap Datepicker?

For bootstrap 3 datepicker. (Note the capital letters)

$("#datetimepicker").datetimepicker( {
  format: "YYYY",
  viewMode: "years"

Is there a way to detect if a browser window is not currently active?

this worked for me

document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function() {
      document.title = document.hidden ? "I'm away" : "I'm here";


Update TextView Every Second

You can use Timer instead of Thread. This is whole my code

package dk.tellwork.tellworklite.tabs;

import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnClickListener;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.TextView;
import dk.tellwork.tellworklite.MainActivity;
import dk.tellwork.tellworklite.R;

public class HomeActivity extends Activity {
    Button chooseYourAcitivity, startBtn, stopBtn;
    TextView labelTimer;
    int passedSenconds;
    Boolean isActivityRunning = false;
    Timer timer;
    TimerTask timerTask;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        chooseYourAcitivity = (Button) findViewById(;
        chooseYourAcitivity.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                //move to Activities tab

        labelTimer = (TextView)findViewById(;
        passedSenconds = 0;

        startBtn = (Button)findViewById(;
        startBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                if (isActivityRunning) {
                    //pause running activity
                    isActivityRunning = false;
                } else {
                    isActivityRunning = true;

        stopBtn = (Button)findViewById(;
        stopBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                passedSenconds = 0;
                labelTimer.setText("00 : 00 : 00");
                isActivityRunning = false;

    public void reScheduleTimer(){
        timer = new Timer();
        timerTask = new myTimerTask();
        timer.schedule(timerTask, 0, 1000);

    private class myTimerTask extends TimerTask{
        public void run() {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    private Handler updateLabel = new Handler(){
        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            int seconds = passedSenconds % 60;
            int minutes = (passedSenconds / 60) % 60;
            int hours = (passedSenconds / 3600);
            labelTimer.setText(String.format("%02d : %02d : %02d", hours, minutes, seconds));

    public void switchTabInActivity(int indexTabToSwitchTo){
        MainActivity parentActivity;
        parentActivity = (MainActivity) this.getParent();

Android + Pair devices via bluetooth programmatically

The Best way is do not use any pairing code. Instead of onClick go to other function or other class where You create the socket using UUID.
Android automatically pops up for pairing if already not paired.

or see this link for better understanding

Below is code for the same:

private OnItemClickListener mDeviceClickListener = new OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int arg2, long arg3) {
        // Cancel discovery because it's costly and we're about to connect

        // Get the device MAC address, which is the last 17 chars in the View
        String info = ((TextView) v).getText().toString();
        String address = info.substring(info.length() - 17);

        // Create the result Intent and include the MAC address
        Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS, address);

        // Set result and finish this Activity
        setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent);

      // **add this 2 line code** 
       Intent myIntent = new Intent(view.getContext(), Connect.class);
        startActivityForResult(myIntent, 0);

}; file is :

public class Connect extends Activity {
private static final String TAG = "zeoconnect";
private ByteBuffer localByteBuffer;
 private InputStream in;
 byte[] arrayOfByte = new byte[4096];
 int bytes;

  public BluetoothDevice mDevice;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

              try {
            } catch (ZeoMessageException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            } catch (ZeoMessageParseException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

 private void setup() throws ZeoMessageException, ZeoMessageParseException  {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

                    new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_CONNECTED));
                    new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_ACL_DISCONNECTED));

            BluetoothDevice zee = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter().
                    getRemoteDevice("**:**:**:**:**:**");// add device mac adress

            try {
                sock = zee.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(
                         UUID.fromString("*******************")); // use unique UUID
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            Log.d(TAG, "++++ Connecting");
            try {
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            Log.d(TAG, "++++ Connected");

            try {
                in = sock.getInputStream();
            } catch (IOException e1) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

              Log.d(TAG, "++++ Listening...");

              while (true) {

                  try {
                      bytes =;
                      Log.d(TAG, "++++ Read "+ bytes +" bytes");  
                    } catch (IOException e1) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                        Log.d(TAG, "++++ Done: test()"); 


 private static final LogBroadcastReceiver receiver = new LogBroadcastReceiver();
    public static class LogBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

        public void onReceive(Context paramAnonymousContext, Intent paramAnonymousIntent) {
            Log.d("ZeoReceiver", paramAnonymousIntent.toString());
            Bundle extras = paramAnonymousIntent.getExtras();
            for (String k : extras.keySet()) {
                Log.d("ZeoReceiver", "    Extra: "+ extras.get(k).toString());


    private BluetoothSocket sock;
    public void onDestroy() {
        if (sock != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

Regular expression for 10 digit number without any special characters

Use this regular expression to match ten digits only:


To find a sequence of ten consecutive digits anywhere in a string, use:


Note that this will also find the first 10 digits of an 11 digit number. To search anywhere in the string for exactly 10 consecutive digits and not more you can use negative lookarounds:


Share cookie between subdomain and domain

The 2 domains and can only share cookies if the domain is explicitly named in the Set-Cookie header. Otherwise, the scope of the cookie is restricted to the request host. (This is referred to as a "host-only cookie". See What is a host only cookie?)

For instance, if you sent the following header from, then the cookie won't be sent for requests to

Set-Cookie: name=value

However if you use the following, it will be usable on both domains:

Set-Cookie: name=value;

This cookie will be sent for any subdomain of, including nested subdomains like

In RFC 2109, a domain without a leading dot meant that it could not be used on subdomains, and only a leading dot ( would allow it to be used across multiple subdomains (but not the top-level domain, so what you ask was not possible in the older spec).

However, all modern browsers respect the newer specification RFC 6265, and will ignore any leading dot, meaning you can use the cookie on subdomains as well as the top-level domain.

In summary, if you set a cookie like the second example above from, it would be accessible by, and vice versa. This can also be used to allow and to share cookies.

See also:

Inserting created_at data with Laravel

You can manually set this using Laravel, just remember to add 'created_at' to your $fillable array:

protected $fillable = ['name', 'created_at']; 

Xcode source automatic formatting

Swift -

It provides Xcode Extension as well as CLI option.

adding classpath in linux

Paths under linux are separated by colons (:), not semi-colons (;), as theatrus correctly used it in his example. I believe Java respects this convention.


Alternatively to what andy suggested, you may use the following form (which sets CLASSPATH for the duration of the command):

CLASSPATH=".:../somejar.jar:../mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar" java -Xmx500m ...

whichever is more convenient to you.

Java 8 lambda get and remove element from list

I'm sure this will be an unpopular answer, but it works...

ProducerDTO[] p = new ProducerDTO[1];
            .filter(producer -> producer.getPod().equals(pod))
            .ifPresent(producer -> {producersProcedureActive.remove(producer); p[0] = producer;}

p[0] will either hold the found element or be null.

The "trick" here is circumventing the "effectively final" problem by using an array reference that is effectively final, but setting its first element.

XML serialization in Java?

2008 Answer The "Official" Java API for this is now JAXB - Java API for XML Binding. See Tutorial by Oracle. The reference implementation lives at

2018 Update Note that the Java EE and CORBA Modules are deprecated in SE in JDK9 and to be removed from SE in JDK11. Therefore, to use JAXB it will either need to be in your existing enterprise class environment bundled by your e.g. app server, or you will need to bring it in manually.

How can I force browsers to print background images in CSS?

You can do some tricks like that:

    @page {
        size: 21cm 29.7cm;
        size: landscape
        /*margin: 30mm 45mm 30mm 45mm;*/

        opacity: 0.05;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        position: absolute;
        z-index: 9999;

In body tag:

<img src="YOUR IMAGE URL" class="whater"/>

Query to select data between two dates with the format m/d/yyyy

select * from xxx where dates between '2012-10-10' and '2012-10-12'

I always use YYYY-MM-DD in my views and never had any issue. Plus, it is readable and non equivocal.
You should be aware that using BETWEEN might not return what you expect with a DATETIME field, since it would eliminate records dated '2012-10-12 08:00' for example.
I would rather use where dates >= '2012-10-10' and dates < '2012-10-13' (lower than next day)

How can I get the line number which threw exception?

I added an extension to Exception which returns the line, column, method, filename and message:

public static class Extensions
    public static string ExceptionInfo(this Exception exception)

        StackFrame stackFrame = (new StackTrace(exception, true)).GetFrame(0);
        return string.Format("At line {0} column {1} in {2}: {3} {4}{3}{5}  ",
           stackFrame.GetFileLineNumber(), stackFrame.GetFileColumnNumber(),
           stackFrame.GetMethod(), Environment.NewLine, stackFrame.GetFileName(),


Center Align on a Absolutely Positioned Div

Or you can use relative units, e.g.

#thing {
    position: absolute;
    width: 50vw;
    right: 25vw;

How to get start and end of previous month in VB

Try this

First_Day_Of_Previous_Month = New Date(Today.Year, Today.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1)

Last_Day_Of_Previous_Month = New Date(Today.Year, Today.Month, 1).AddDays(-1)

Specifying an Index (Non-Unique Key) Using JPA

As far as I know, there isn't a cross-JPA-Provider way to specify indexes. However, you can always create them by hand directly in the database, most databases will pick them up automatically during query planning.

What causes the Broken Pipe Error?

We had the Broken Pipe error after a new network was put into place. After ensuring that port 9100 was open and could connect to the printer over telnet port 9100, we changed the printer driver from "HP" to "Generic PDF", the broken pipe error went away and were able to print successfully.

(RHEL 7, Printers were Ricoh brand, the HP configuration was pre-existing and functional on the previous network)

What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring?

They are almost the same - all of them mean that the class is a Spring bean. @Service, @Repository and @Controller are specialized @Components. You can choose to perform specific actions with them. For example:

  • @Controller beans are used by spring-mvc
  • @Repository beans are eligible for persistence exception translation

Another thing is that you designate the components semantically to different layers.

One thing that @Component offers is that you can annotate other annotations with it, and then use them the same way as @Service.

For example recently I made:

public @interface ScheduledJob {..}

So all classes annotated with @ScheduledJob are spring beans and in addition to that are registered as quartz jobs. You just have to provide code that handles the specific annotation.

How to hide the soft keyboard from inside a fragment?

Use this:

Button loginBtn = view.findViewById(;
loginBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
   public void onClick(View v) {
      InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) getActivity().getSystemService(getActivity().INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
      imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(v.getWindowToken(), 0);

Outline radius?

As others have said, only firefox supports this. Here is a work around that does the same thing, and even works with dashed outlines.


.has-outline {_x000D_
    display: inline-block;_x000D_
    background: #51ab9f;_x000D_
    border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
    padding: 5px;_x000D_
    position: relative;_x000D_
.has-outline:after {_x000D_
  border-radius: 10px;_x000D_
  padding: 5px;_x000D_
  border: 2px dashed #9dd5cf;_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  content: '';_x000D_
  top: -2px;_x000D_
  left: -2px;_x000D_
  bottom: -2px;_x000D_
  right: -2px;_x000D_
<div class="has-outline">_x000D_
  I can haz outline_x000D_

Using moment.js to convert date to string "MM/dd/yyyy"

this also might be relevant to anyone using React -

install react-moment (npm i react-moment)

import Moment from 'react-moment'

<Moment format="MM/DD/YYYY">{yourTimeStamp}</Moment>

(or any other format you'd like)

Simplest way to detect keypresses in javascript

With plain Javascript, the simplest is:

document.onkeypress = function (e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    // use e.keyCode

But with this, you can only bind one handler for the event.

In addition, you could use the following to be able to potentially bind multiple handlers to the same event:

addEvent(document, "keypress", function (e) {
    e = e || window.event;
    // use e.keyCode

function addEvent(element, eventName, callback) {
    if (element.addEventListener) {
        element.addEventListener(eventName, callback, false);
    } else if (element.attachEvent) {
        element.attachEvent("on" + eventName, callback);
    } else {
        element["on" + eventName] = callback;

In either case, keyCode isn't consistent across browsers, so there's more to check for and figure out. Notice the e = e || window.event - that's a normal problem with Internet Explorer, putting the event in window.event instead of passing it to the callback.


With jQuery:

$(document).on("keypress", function (e) {
    // use e.which


Other than jQuery being a "large" library, jQuery really helps with inconsistencies between browsers, especially with window events...and that can't be denied. Hopefully it's obvious that the jQuery code I provided for your example is much more elegant and shorter, yet accomplishes what you want in a consistent way. You should be able to trust that e (the event) and e.which (the key code, for knowing which key was pressed) are accurate. In plain Javascript, it's a little harder to know unless you do everything that the jQuery library internally does.

Note there is a keydown event, that is different than keypress. You can learn more about them here: onKeyPress Vs. onKeyUp and onKeyDown

As for suggesting what to use, I would definitely suggest using jQuery if you're up for learning the framework. At the same time, I would say that you should learn Javascript's syntax, methods, features, and how to interact with the DOM. Once you understand how it works and what's happening, you should be more comfortable working with jQuery. To me, jQuery makes things more consistent and is more concise. In the end, it's Javascript, and wraps the language.

Another example of jQuery being very useful is with AJAX. Browsers are inconsistent with how AJAX requests are handled, so jQuery abstracts that so you don't have to worry.

Here's something that might help decide:

How do I get a file's last modified time in Perl?

my @array = stat($filehandle);

The modification time is stored in Unix format in $array[9].

Or explicitly:

my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size,
    $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat($filepath);

  0 dev      Device number of filesystem
  1 ino      inode number
  2 mode     File mode  (type and permissions)
  3 nlink    Number of (hard) links to the file
  4 uid      Numeric user ID of file's owner
  5 gid      Numeric group ID of file's owner
  6 rdev     The device identifier (special files only)
  7 size     Total size of file, in bytes
  8 atime    Last access time in seconds since the epoch
  9 mtime    Last modify time in seconds since the epoch
 10 ctime    inode change time in seconds since the epoch
 11 blksize  Preferred block size for file system I/O
 12 blocks   Actual number of blocks allocated

The epoch was at 00:00 January 1, 1970 GMT.

More information is in stat.

Calling a JavaScript function named in a variable

I'd avoid eval.

To solve this problem, you should know these things about JavaScript.

  1. Functions are first-class objects, so they can be properties of an object (in which case they are called methods) or even elements of arrays.
  2. If you aren't choosing the object a function belongs to, it belongs to the global scope. In the browser, that means you're hanging it on the object named "window," which is where globals live.
  3. Arrays and objects are intimately related. (Rumor is they might even be the result of incest!) You can often substitute using a dot . rather than square brackets [], or vice versa.

Your problem is a result of considering the dot manner of reference rather than the square bracket manner.

So, why not something like,


That's assuming your function lives in the global space. If you've namespaced, then:


Avoid eval, and avoid passing a string in to setTimeout and setInterval. I write a lot of JS, and I NEVER need eval. "Needing" eval comes from not knowing the language deeply enough. You need to learn about scoping, context, and syntax. If you're ever stuck with an eval, just ask--you'll learn quickly.

How do I remove the horizontal scrollbar in a div?

If you don't have anything overflowing horizontally, you can also just use

overflow: auto;

and it will only show scrollbars when needed.

See The CSS Overflow Property

PHP compare time

Simple way to compare time is :

$time = date('H:i:s',strtotime("11 PM"));
if($time < date('H:i:s')){
     // your code

How do you unit test private methods?

If you want to unit test a private method, something may be wrong. Unit tests are (generally speaking) meant to test the interface of a class, meaning its public (and protected) methods. You can of course "hack" a solution to this (even if just by making the methods public), but you may also want to consider:

  1. If the method you'd like to test is really worth testing, it may be worth to move it into its own class.
  2. Add more tests to the public methods that call the private method, testing the private method's functionality. (As the commentators indicated, you should only do this if these private methods's functionality is really a part in with the public interface. If they actually perform functions that are hidden from the user (i.e. the unit test), this is probably bad).

CSS Border Not Working

The height is a 100% unsure, try putting display: block; or display: inline-block;

What is the best way to iterate over a dictionary?

In some cases you may need a counter that may be provided by for-loop implementation. For that, LINQ provides ElementAt which enables the following:

for (int index = 0; index < dictionary.Count; index++) {
  var item = dictionary.ElementAt(index);
  var itemKey = item.Key;
  var itemValue = item.Value;

Change Name of Import in Java, or import two classes with the same name

As the other answers already stated, Java does not provide this feature.

Implementation of this feature has been requested multiple times, e.g. as JDK-4194542: class name aliasing or JDK-4214789: Extend import to allow renaming of imported type.

From the comments:

This is not an unreasonable request, though hardly essential. The occasional use of fully qualified names is not an undue burden (unless the library really reuses the same simple names right and left, which is bad style).

In any event, it doesn't pass the bar of price/performance for a language change.

So I guess we will not see this feature in Java anytime soon :-P

org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 400 Bad Request

This is what worked for me. Issue is earlier I didn't set Content Type(header) when I used exchange method.

MultiValueMap<String, String> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<String, String>();
map.add("param1", "123");
map.add("param2", "456");
map.add("param3", "789");
map.add("param4", "123");
map.add("param5", "456");

HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();

final HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>> entity = new HttpEntity<MultiValueMap<String, String>>(map ,
JSONObject jsonObject = null;

try {
    RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
    ResponseEntity<String> responseEntity =
            "https://url", HttpMethod.POST, entity,

    if (responseEntity.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.CREATED) {
        try {
            jsonObject = new JSONObject(responseEntity.getBody());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("JSONException occurred");
  } catch (final HttpClientErrorException httpClientErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallBadRequestException();
  } catch (HttpServerErrorException httpServerErrorException) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(httpServerErrorException);
  } catch (Exception exception) {
        throw new ExternalCallServerErrorException(exception);

ExternalCallBadRequestException and ExternalCallServerErrorException are the custom exceptions here.

Note: Remember HttpClientErrorException is thrown when a 4xx error is received. So if the request you send is wrong either setting header or sending wrong data, you could receive this exception.

How to generate an MD5 file hash in JavaScript?

Simplified and minified version (about 3.5k) of this nice implementation

will be (stripped utf-8 conversion, upper/lowercase change the array). This is the smallest size I could get, still perfect for embedded web servers.

function md5(d){return rstr2hex(binl2rstr(binl_md5(rstr2binl(d),8*d.length)))}function rstr2hex(d){for(var _,m="0123456789ABCDEF",f="",r=0;r<d.length;r++)_=d.charCodeAt(r),f+=m.charAt(_>>>4&15)+m.charAt(15&_);return f}function rstr2binl(d){for(var _=Array(d.length>>2),m=0;m<_.length;m++)_[m]=0;for(m=0;m<8*d.length;m+=8)_[m>>5]|=(255&d.charCodeAt(m/8))<<m%32;return _}function binl2rstr(d){for(var _="",m=0;m<32*d.length;m+=8)_+=String.fromCharCode(d[m>>5]>>>m%32&255);return _}function binl_md5(d,_){d[_>>5]|=128<<_%32,d[14+(_+64>>>9<<4)]=_;for(var m=1732584193,f=-271733879,r=-1732584194,i=271733878,n=0;n<d.length;n+=16){var h=m,t=f,g=r,e=i;f=md5_ii(f=md5_ii(f=md5_ii(f=md5_ii(f=md5_hh(f=md5_hh(f=md5_hh(f=md5_hh(f=md5_gg(f=md5_gg(f=md5_gg(f=md5_gg(f=md5_ff(f=md5_ff(f=md5_ff(f=md5_ff(f,r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+0],7,-680876936),f,r,d[n+1],12,-389564586),m,f,d[n+2],17,606105819),i,m,d[n+3],22,-1044525330),r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+4],7,-176418897),f,r,d[n+5],12,1200080426),m,f,d[n+6],17,-1473231341),i,m,d[n+7],22,-45705983),r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+8],7,1770035416),f,r,d[n+9],12,-1958414417),m,f,d[n+10],17,-42063),i,m,d[n+11],22,-1990404162),r=md5_ff(r,i=md5_ff(i,m=md5_ff(m,f,r,i,d[n+12],7,1804603682),f,r,d[n+13],12,-40341101),m,f,d[n+14],17,-1502002290),i,m,d[n+15],22,1236535329),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+1],5,-165796510),f,r,d[n+6],9,-1069501632),m,f,d[n+11],14,643717713),i,m,d[n+0],20,-373897302),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+5],5,-701558691),f,r,d[n+10],9,38016083),m,f,d[n+15],14,-660478335),i,m,d[n+4],20,-405537848),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+9],5,568446438),f,r,d[n+14],9,-1019803690),m,f,d[n+3],14,-187363961),i,m,d[n+8],20,1163531501),r=md5_gg(r,i=md5_gg(i,m=md5_gg(m,f,r,i,d[n+13],5,-1444681467),f,r,d[n+2],9,-51403784),m,f,d[n+7],14,1735328473),i,m,d[n+12],20,-1926607734),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+5],4,-378558),f,r,d[n+8],11,-2022574463),m,f,d[n+11],16,1839030562),i,m,d[n+14],23,-35309556),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+1],4,-1530992060),f,r,d[n+4],11,1272893353),m,f,d[n+7],16,-155497632),i,m,d[n+10],23,-1094730640),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+13],4,681279174),f,r,d[n+0],11,-358537222),m,f,d[n+3],16,-722521979),i,m,d[n+6],23,76029189),r=md5_hh(r,i=md5_hh(i,m=md5_hh(m,f,r,i,d[n+9],4,-640364487),f,r,d[n+12],11,-421815835),m,f,d[n+15],16,530742520),i,m,d[n+2],23,-995338651),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+0],6,-198630844),f,r,d[n+7],10,1126891415),m,f,d[n+14],15,-1416354905),i,m,d[n+5],21,-57434055),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+12],6,1700485571),f,r,d[n+3],10,-1894986606),m,f,d[n+10],15,-1051523),i,m,d[n+1],21,-2054922799),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+8],6,1873313359),f,r,d[n+15],10,-30611744),m,f,d[n+6],15,-1560198380),i,m,d[n+13],21,1309151649),r=md5_ii(r,i=md5_ii(i,m=md5_ii(m,f,r,i,d[n+4],6,-145523070),f,r,d[n+11],10,-1120210379),m,f,d[n+2],15,718787259),i,m,d[n+9],21,-343485551),m=safe_add(m,h),f=safe_add(f,t),r=safe_add(r,g),i=safe_add(i,e)}return Array(m,f,r,i)}function md5_cmn(d,_,m,f,r,i){return safe_add(bit_rol(safe_add(safe_add(_,d),safe_add(f,i)),r),m)}function md5_ff(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(_&m|~_&f,d,_,r,i,n)}function md5_gg(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(_&f|m&~f,d,_,r,i,n)}function md5_hh(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(_^m^f,d,_,r,i,n)}function md5_ii(d,_,m,f,r,i,n){return md5_cmn(m^(_|~f),d,_,r,i,n)}function safe_add(d,_){var m=(65535&d)+(65535&_);return(d>>16)+(_>>16)+(m>>16)<<16|65535&m}function bit_rol(d,_){return d<<_|d>>>32-_}

How to create Drawable from resource

This code is deprecated:

Drawable drawable = getResources().getDrawable( R.drawable.icon );

Use this instead:

Drawable drawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(getApplicationContext(),R.drawable.icon);

No module named 'pymysql'

To get around the problem, find out where pymysql is installed.

If for example it is installed in /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages, add the following code above the import pymysql command:

import sys
import pymysql

This ensures that your Python program can find where pymysql is installed.

SQL WHERE.. IN clause multiple columns

Concatenating the columns together in some form is a "hack", but when the product doesn't support semi-joins for more than one column, sometimes you have no choice.

Example of where inner/outer join solution would not work:

select * from T1 
 where <boolean expression>
   and (<boolean expression> OR (ColA, ColB) in (select A, B ...))
   and <boolean expression>

When the queries aren't trivial in nature sometimes you don't have access to the base table set to perform regular inner/outer joins.

If you do use this "hack", when you combine fields just be sure to add enough of a delimiter in between them to avoid misinterpretations, e.g. ColA + ":-:" + ColB

Grouped bar plot in ggplot

First you need to get the counts for each category, i.e. how many Bads and Goods and so on are there for each group (Food, Music, People). This would be done like so:

raw <- read.csv("",sep=",")
raw[,2]<-factor(raw[,2],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,3]<-factor(raw[,3],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)
raw[,4]<-factor(raw[,4],levels=c("Very Bad","Bad","Good","Very Good"),ordered=FALSE)

raw=raw[,c(2,3,4)] # getting rid of the "people" variable as I see no use for it

freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) # get the counts of each factor level

Then you need to create a data frame out of it, melt it and plot it:

Names=c("Food","Music","People")     # create list of names
data=data.frame(cbind(freq),Names)   # combine them into a data frame
data=data[,c(5,3,1,2,4)]             # sort columns

# melt the data frame for plotting
data.m <- melt(data, id.vars='Names')

# plot everything
ggplot(data.m, aes(Names, value)) +   
  geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), position = "dodge", stat="identity")

Is this what you're after?

enter image description here

To clarify a little bit, in ggplot multiple grouping bar you had a data frame that looked like this:

> head(df)
1  1    A  1980   450   338   154    36    13     9
2  2    A  2000   288   407   212    54    16    23
3  3    A  2020   196   434   246    68    19    36
4  4    B  1980   111   326   441    90    21    11
5  5    B  2000    63   298   443   133    42    21
6  6    B  2020    36   257   462   162    55    30

Since you have numerical values in columns 4-9, which would later be plotted on the y axis, this can be easily transformed with reshape and plotted.

For our current data set, we needed something similar, so we used freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)) to get this:

> data
   Names Very.Bad Bad Good Very.Good
1   Food        7   6    5         2
2  Music        5   5    7         3
3 People        6   3    7         4

Just imagine you have Very.Bad, Bad, Good and so on instead of X1PCE, X2PCE, X3PCE. See the similarity? But we needed to create such structure first. Hence the freq=table(col(raw), as.matrix(raw)).

How to remove index.php from URLs?

You have to enable mod_rewrite in apache to make clean urls to work

if mod_rewrite is not in phpinfo you have to install it by

sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo apache2ctl -l

You need to replace the occurrence of AllowOverride none to AllowOverride all ( in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default)

Restart Apache

sudo service apache2 restart

In Magento’s admin go to System > Configuration > Web > search engine Optimization and change “Use Web Server Rewrites” to Yes

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

You can use following format:

    <add name="ConStringBDName" connectionString="Data Source=serverpath;Initial Catalog=YourDataBaseName;Integrated Security=SSPI;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Most probably you will fing connectionstring tag in web.config after <appSettings>

Try out this.

How to check the maximum number of allowed connections to an Oracle database?

There are a few different limits that might come in to play in determining the number of connections an Oracle database supports. The simplest approach would be to use the SESSIONS parameter and V$SESSION, i.e.

The number of sessions the database was configured to allow

SELECT name, value 
  FROM v$parameter
 WHERE name = 'sessions'

The number of sessions currently active

  FROM v$session

As I said, though, there are other potential limits both at the database level and at the operating system level and depending on whether shared server has been configured. If shared server is ignored, you may well hit the limit of the PROCESSES parameter before you hit the limit of the SESSIONS parameter. And you may hit operating system limits because each session requires a certain amount of RAM.