Programs & Examples On #Autoplay

AutoPlay, a feature introduced in Windows XP, examines newly discovered removable media and devices and, based on content such as pictures, music or video files, launches an appropriate application to play or display the content.

Autoplay an audio with HTML5 embed tag while the player is invisible

I used this code,

 <div style="visibility:hidden">
    <audio autoplay loop>
        <source src="Aakaasam-Yemaaya Chesave.mp3">

It is working well but i want stop and pause button. So, we can stop if we don't want to listen.

Disable html5 video autoplay

<video class="embed-responsive-item"  controls>_x000D_
   <source src="" autostart="false">_x000D_
   Your browser does not support the video tag._x000D_

HTML5 Video Autoplay not working correctly

//You might want to add some scripts if your software doesn't support jQuery or giving any reference type error.

//Use above scripts only if the software you are working on doesn't support jQuery.

$(document).ready(function() { //Change the location of your mp3 or any music file. var source = "../Assets/music.mp3"; var audio = new Audio(); audio.src = source; audio.autoplay = true; });

How to disable auto-play for local video in iframe

I've tried all the possible solutions but nothing worked for local video bindings. I believe best solution would be to fix using jQuery if you still wants to use iframes.

$(document).ready(function () {
    var ownVideos = $("iframe");
    $.each(ownVideos, function (i, video) {                
        var frameContent = $(video).contents().find('body').html();
        if (frameContent) {
            $(video).contents().find('body').html(frameContent.replace("autoplay", ""));

Note: It'll find all the iframes on document ready and loop through each iframe contents and replace/remove autoplay attribute. This solution can be use anywhere in your project. If you would like to do for specific element then use the code under $.each function and replace $(video) with your iframe element id like $("#myIFrameId").

HTML5 Video autoplay on iPhone

Here is the little hack to overcome all the struggles you have for video autoplay in a website:

  1. Check video is playing or not.
  2. Trigger video play on event like body click or touch.

Note: Some browsers don't let videos to autoplay unless the user interacts with the device.

So scripts to check whether video is playing is:

Object.defineProperty(HTMLMediaElement.prototype, 'playing', {
get: function () {
    return !!(this.currentTime > 0 && !this.paused && !this.ended && this.readyState > 2);

And then you can simply autoplay the video by attaching event listeners to the body:

$('body').on('click touchstart', function () {
        const videoElement = document.getElementById('home_video');
        if (videoElement.playing) {
            // video is already playing so do nothing
        else {
            // video is not playing
            // so play video now

Note: autoplay attribute is very basic which needs to be added to the video tag already other than these scripts.

You can see the working example with code here at this link:

How to autoplay video when the device is in low power mode / data saving mode / safari browser issue

Very Simple Image Slider/Slideshow with left and right button. No autoplay

After reading your comment on my previous answer I thought I might put this as a separate answer.

Although I appreciate your approach of trying to do it manually to get a better grasp on jQuery I do still emphasise the merit in using existing frameworks.

That said, here is a solution. I've modified some of your css and and HTML just to make it easier for me to work with


This is the jQuery



                   if ( $('.oldActive').is(':last-child')) {


           if ( $('.oldActive').is(':first-child')) {


So now the explanation.
Stage 1
1) Load the script on document ready.

2) Grab the first slide and add a class 'active' to it so we know which slide we are dealing with.

3) Hide all slides and show active slide. So now slide #1 is display block and all the rest are display:none;

Stage 2 Working with the button-next click event.
1) Remove the current active class from the slide that will be disappearing and give it the class oldActive so we know that it is on it's way out.

2) Next is an if statement to check if we are at the end of the slideshow and need to return to the start again. It checks if oldActive (i.e. the outgoing slide) is the last child. If it is, then go back to the first child and make it 'active'. If it's not the last child, then just grab the next element (using .next() ) and give it class active.

3) We remove the class oldActive because it's no longer needed.

4) fadeOut all of the slides

5) fade In the active slides

Step 3

Same as in step two but using some reverse logic for traversing through the elements backwards.

It's important to note there are thousands of ways you can achieve this. This is merely my take on the situation.

How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file

The answer is to DISABLE "Enable auto-completion on each input". Tested and works perfectly.

The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

If you could not find Local DTC in the component services try to run this PowerShell script first:

$DTCSettings = @(
"NetworkDtcAccess",               # Network DTC Access
"NetworkDtcAccessClients",        # Allow Remote Clients        ( Client and Administration)
"NetworkDtcAccessAdmin",          # Allow Remote Administration ( Client and Administration)
"NetworkDtcAccessTransactions",   #                (Transaction Manager Communication )
"NetworkDtcAccessInbound",        # Allow Inbound  (Transaction Manager Communication )
"NetworkDtcAccessOutbound" ,      # Allow Outbound (Transaction Manager Communication )
"XaTransactions",                 # Enable XA Transactions
"LuTransactions"                  # Enable SNA LU 6.2 Transactions
foreach($setting in $DTCSettings)
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSDTC\Security -Name $setting -Value 1
Restart-Service msdtc

And it appears!

Source: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions


All: Evidently this is working as designed. Please see new ref man dated 2019-7-23, Section 6.1.6, Security Issues with LOAD DATA LOCAL.

ASP.NET DateTime Picker

There is an easy, out of the box implementation: the HTML 5 input type="date" and the other date-related input types.

Okay, you can't style the controls that much and it doesn't work on every browser, but still it can be a very good option in the long term if all modern browsers support it and don't want to include heavy libraries that don't always work that good on mobile devices.

grep from tar.gz without extracting [faster one]

You can use the --to-command option to pipe files to an arbitrary script. Using this you can process the archive in a single pass (and without a temporary file). See also this question, and the manual. Armed with the above information, you could try something like:

$ tar xf file.tar.gz --to-command "awk '/bar/ { print ENVIRON[\"TAR_FILENAME\"]; exit }'"

What is The difference between ListBox and ListView

A ListView let you define a set of views for it and gives you a native way (WPF binding support) to control the display of ListView by using defined views.



<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding list}" Name="listv" MouseEnter="listv_MouseEnter" MouseLeave="listv_MouseLeave">
            <GridView x:Key="one">
                <GridViewColumn Header="ID" >
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding id}" />
                <GridViewColumn Header="Name" >
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding name}" />
            <GridView x:Key="two">                    
                <GridViewColumn Header="Name" >
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding name}" />
            <Style TargetType="ListView">
                    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ViewType}" Value="1">
                        <Setter Property="View" Value="{StaticResource one}" />
                <Setter Property="View" Value="{StaticResource two}" />

Code Behind:

private int viewType;

public int ViewType
    get { return viewType; }
        viewType = value;

private void listv_MouseEnter(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    ViewType = 1;

private void listv_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    ViewType = 2;


Normal View: View 2 in above XAML


MouseOver View: View 1 in above XAML

Mouse Over

If you try to achieve above in a ListBox, probably you'll end up writing a lot more code forControlTempalate/ItemTemplate of ListBox.

How to serialize an object into a string

If you're storing an object as binary data in the database, then you really should use a BLOB datatype. The database is able to store it more efficiently, and you don't have to worry about encodings and the like. JDBC provides methods for creating and retrieving blobs in terms of streams. Use Java 6 if you can, it made some additions to the JDBC API that make dealing with blobs a whole lot easier.

If you absolutely need to store the data as a String, I would recommend XStream for XML-based storage (much easier than XMLEncoder), but alternative object representations might be just as useful (e.g. JSON). Your approach depends on why you actually need to store the object in this way.

How can I change image tintColor in iOS and WatchKit

Swift 4

Change tint of UIImage SVG / PDF, that work for image with unique color :

enter image description here enter image description here

import Foundation
// MARK: - UIImage extensions

public extension UIImage {

    /// Tint Image
    /// - Parameter fillColor: UIColor
    /// - Returns: Image with tint color
    func tint(with fillColor: UIColor) -> UIImage? {
        let image = withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)
        image.draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size))

        guard let imageColored = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() else {
            return nil
        return imageColored

Change tint of UIImageView, that work for image with unique color :

enter image description here enter image description here

let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 50, y: 50, width: 50, height: 50))
imageView.image = UIImage(named: "hello.png")!.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
imageView.tintColor = .yellow

Change tint of UIImage for picture, use that :

enter image description here enter image description here

import Foundation

// MARK: - Extensions UIImage

public extension UIImage {

    /// Tint, Colorize image with given tint color
    /// This is similar to Photoshop's "Color" layer blend mode
    /// This is perfect for non-greyscale source images, and images that 
    /// have both highlights and shadows that should be preserved<br><br>
    /// white will stay white and black will stay black as the lightness of 
    /// the image is preserved
    /// - Parameter TintColor: Tint color
    /// - Returns:  Tinted image
    public func tintImage(with fillColor: UIColor) -> UIImage {
        return modifiedImage { context, rect in
            // draw black background - workaround to preserve color of partially transparent pixels
            // draw original image
            context.draw(cgImage!, in: rect)
            // tint image (loosing alpha) - the luminosity of the original image is preserved
            // mask by alpha values of original image
            context.draw(context.makeImage()!, in: rect)
    /// Modified Image Context, apply modification on image
    /// - Parameter draw: (CGContext, CGRect) -> ())
    /// - Returns:        UIImage
    fileprivate func modifiedImage(_ draw: (CGContext, CGRect) -> ()) -> UIImage {
        // using scale correctly preserves retina images
        UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, false, scale)
        let context: CGContext! = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
        assert(context != nil)
        // correctly rotate image
        context.translateBy(x: 0, y: size.height)
        context.scaleBy(x: 1.0, y: -1.0)
        let rect = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
        draw(context, rect)
        let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
        return image!

in angularjs how to access the element that triggered the event?

To pass the source element in Angular 5 :

<input #myInput type="text" (change)="someFunction(myInput)">

How should I escape strings in JSON?

Extract From Jettison:

 public static String quote(String string) {
         if (string == null || string.length() == 0) {
             return "\"\"";

         char         c = 0;
         int          i;
         int          len = string.length();
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len + 4);
         String       t;

         for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
             c = string.charAt(i);
             switch (c) {
             case '\\':
             case '"':
             case '/':
 //                if (b == '<') {
 //                }
             case '\b':
             case '\t':
             case '\n':
             case '\f':
             case '\r':
                 if (c < ' ') {
                     t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(c);
                     sb.append("\\u" + t.substring(t.length() - 4));
                 } else {
         return sb.toString();

create unique id with javascript

I think if you really want to have a unique ID then the best approach is to use a library like:
uuid or uniqueid

Note: Unique ID is not the same as Random ID

To use only date time milliseconds approach is wrong.
Nowadays computers are fast enough and able to run more than one iteration of a loop in a single millisecond.

npm install uuid

Importing the library:

If you are using ES modules

import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid';

And for CommonJS:

const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');



// This will output something like: 9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d

Ajax - 500 Internal Server Error

The 500 (internal server error) means something went wrong on the server's side. It could be several things, but I would start by verifying that the URL and parameters are correct. Also, make sure that whatever handles the request is expecting the request as a GET and not a POST.

One useful way to learn more about what's going on is to use a tool like Fiddler which will let you watch all HTTP requests and responses so you can see exactly what you're sending and the server is responding with.

If you don't have a compelling reason to write your own Ajax code, you would be far better off using a library that handles the Ajax interactions for you. jQuery is one option.

iOS 7 UIBarButton back button arrow color

It is possible to change only arrow's color (not back button title's color) on this way:

[[self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews lastObject] setTintColor:[UIColor blackColor]];

Navigation bar contains subview of _UINavigationBarBackIndicatorView type (last item in subviews array) which represents arrow.

Result is navigation bar with different colors of back button arrow and back button title

Stop fixed position at footer

I've just solved this problem on a site I'm working on, and thought I would share it in the hope it helps someone.

My solution takes the distance from the footer to the top of the page - if the user has scrolled further than this, it pulls the sidebar back up with a negative margin.

$(window).scroll(() => { 
  // Distance from top of document to top of footer.
  topOfFooter = $('#footer').position().top;
  // Distance user has scrolled from top, adjusted to take in height of sidebar (570 pixels inc. padding).
  scrollDistanceFromTopOfDoc = $(document).scrollTop() + 570;
  // Difference between the two.
  scrollDistanceFromTopOfFooter = scrollDistanceFromTopOfDoc - topOfFooter;

  // If user has scrolled further than footer,
  // pull sidebar up using a negative margin.
  if (scrollDistanceFromTopOfDoc > topOfFooter) {
    $('#cart').css('margin-top',  0 - scrollDistanceFromTopOfFooter);
  } else  {
    $('#cart').css('margin-top', 0);

Get the previous month's first and last day dates in c#

I use this simple one-liner:

public static DateTime GetLastDayOfPreviousMonth(this DateTime date)
    return date.AddDays(-date.Day);

Be aware, that it retains the time.

Use and meaning of "in" in an if statement?

the reserved word "in" is used to look inside an object that can be iterated over.

list_obj = ['a', 'b', 'c']
tuple_obj = ('a', 1, 2.0)
dict_obj = {'a': 1, 'b': 2.0}
obj_to_find = 'c'
if obj_to_find in list_obj:
    print('Object {0} is in {1}'.format(obj_to_find, list_obj))
obj_to_find = 2.0
if obj_to_find in tuple_obj:
    print('Object {0} is in {1}'.format(obj_to_find, tuple_obj))
obj_to_find = 'b'
if obj_to_find in dict_obj:
    print('Object {0} is in {1}'.format(obj_to_find, dict_obj))


Object c is in ['a', 'b', 'c']
Object 2.0 is in ('a', 1, 2.0)
Object b is in {'a': 1, 'b': 2.0}


cannot_iterate_over = 5.5
obj_to_find = 5.5
if obj_to_find in cannot_iterate_over:
    print('Object {0} is in {1}'.format(obj_to_find, cannot_iterate_over))

will throw

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jgranger/workspace/sandbox/src/", line 43, in <module>
if obj_to_find in cannot_iterate_over:
TypeError: argument of type 'float' is not iterable

In your case, raw_input("> ") returns iterable object or it will throw TypeError

How do I add a reference to the MySQL connector for .NET?

In Visual Studio you can use nuget to download the latest version. Just right click on the project and click 'Manage NuGet Packages' then search online for MySql.Data and install.

Server.MapPath("."), Server.MapPath("~"), Server.MapPath(@"\"), Server.MapPath("/"). What is the difference?

Server.MapPath specifies the relative or virtual path to map to a physical directory.

  • Server.MapPath(".")1 returns the current physical directory of the file (e.g. aspx) being executed
  • Server.MapPath("..") returns the parent directory
  • Server.MapPath("~") returns the physical path to the root of the application
  • Server.MapPath("/") returns the physical path to the root of the domain name (is not necessarily the same as the root of the application)

An example:

Let's say you pointed a web site application ( to


and installed your shop application (sub web as virtual directory in IIS, marked as application) in


For example, if you call Server.MapPath() in following request:


  • Server.MapPath(".")1 returns D:\WebApps\shop\products
  • Server.MapPath("..") returns D:\WebApps\shop
  • Server.MapPath("~") returns D:\WebApps\shop
  • Server.MapPath("/") returns C:\Inetpub\wwwroot
  • Server.MapPath("/shop") returns D:\WebApps\shop

If Path starts with either a forward slash (/) or backward slash (\), the MapPath() returns a path as if Path was a full, virtual path.

If Path doesn't start with a slash, the MapPath() returns a path relative to the directory of the request being processed.

Note: in C#, @ is the verbatim literal string operator meaning that the string should be used "as is" and not be processed for escape sequences.


  1. Server.MapPath(null) and Server.MapPath("") will produce this effect too.

How can I make a "color map" plot in matlab?

By default mesh will color surface values based on the (default) jet colormap (i.e. hot is higher). You can additionally use surf for filled surface patches and set the 'EdgeColor' property to 'None' (so the patch edges are non-visible).

[X,Y] = meshgrid(-8:.5:8);
R = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2) + eps;
Z = sin(R)./R;

% surface in 3D

enter image description here

2D map: You can get a 2D map by switching the view property of the figure

% 2D map using view

enter image description here

... or treating the values in Z as a matrix, viewing it as a scaled image using imagesc and selecting an appropriate colormap.

% using imagesc to view just Z
colormap jet; 

enter image description here

The color pallet of the map is controlled by colormap(map), where map can be custom or any of the built-in colormaps provided by MATLAB:

enter image description here

Update/Refining the map: Several design options on the map (resolution, smoothing, axis etc.) can be controlled by the regular MATLAB options. As @Floris points out, here is a smoothed, equal-axis, no-axis labels maps, adapted to this example:

surf(X, Y, Z,'EdgeColor', 'None', 'facecolor', 'interp');
axis equal; 
axis off;

enter image description here

Inconsistent Accessibility: Parameter type is less accessible than method

You can get Parameter (class that have less accessibility) as object then convert it to your class by as keyword.

Fetching data from MySQL database to html dropdown list

# here database details      
mysql_connect('hostname', 'username', 'password');

$sql = "SELECT username FROM userregistraton";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo "<select name='username'>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    echo "<option value='" . $row['username'] ."'>" . $row['username'] ."</option>";
echo "</select>";

# here username is the column of my table(userregistration)
# it works perfectly

Getting Textarea Value with jQuery

you have id="#message"... should be id="message"

Import an existing git project into GitLab?

This is a basic move one repo to new location. I use this sequence all te time. With --bare no source files will be seen.

Open Git Bash.
Create a bare clone of the repository.

git clone --bare

Mirror-push to the new repository.

cd old-repository.git

git push --mirror

Remove the temporary local repository you created in step 1.

cd ../
rm -rf old-repository.git

Why mirror? See documentation of git:

--all Push all branches (i.e. refs under refs/heads/); cannot be used with other .

--mirror Instead of naming each ref to push, specifies that all refs under refs/ (which includes but is not limited to refs/heads/, refs/remotes/, and refs/tags/) be mirrored to the remote repository. Newly created local refs will be pushed to the remote end, locally updated refs will be force updated on the remote end, and deleted refs will be removed from the remote end. This is the default if the configuration option remote..mirror is set.

How can I plot data with confidence intervals?

Some addition to the previous answers. It is nice to regulate the density of the polygon to avoid obscuring the data points.

lm.fit2 = lm(medv~poly(lstat,2))
new.lstat = seq(min(lstat), max(lstat), length.out=100)
preds <- predict(lm.fit2, newdata = data.frame(lstat=new.lstat), interval = 'prediction')
lines(sort(lstat), fitted(lm.fit2)[order(lstat)], col='red', lwd=3) 
polygon(c(rev(new.lstat), new.lstat), c(rev(preds[ ,3]), preds[ ,2]), density=10, col = 'blue', border = NA)
lines(new.lstat, preds[ ,3], lty = 'dashed', col = 'red')
lines(new.lstat, preds[ ,2], lty = 'dashed', col = 'red')

drawing of the prediction interval in polynomial regression

Please note that you see the prediction interval on the picture, which is several times wider than the confidence interval. You can read here the detailed explanation of those two types of interval estimates.

How can I wrap or break long text/word in a fixed width span?

Try following css with addition of white-space:

span {
    display: block;
    width: 50px;
    white-space: normal

How to convert timestamps to dates in Bash?

This version is similar to chiborg's answer, but it eliminates the need for the external tty and cat. It uses date, but could just as easily use gawk. You can change the shebang and replace the double square brackets with single ones and this will also run in sh.

if [[ -z "$1" ]]
    if [[ -p /dev/stdin ]]    # input from a pipe
        read -r p
        echo "No timestamp given." >&2
date -d "@$p" +%c

is vs typeof

This should answer that question, and then some.

The second line, if (obj.GetType() == typeof(ClassA)) {}, is faster, for those that don't want to read the article.

(Be aware that they don't do the same thing)

How to print last two columns using awk

Please try this out to take into account all possible scenarios:

awk '{print $(NF-1)"\t"$NF}'  file


awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}' file


awk '{print $(NF-1), $NF} {print $(NF-1), $NF}' file

How to select the first, second, or third element with a given class name?

In the future (perhaps) you will be able to use :nth-child(an+b of s)

Actually, browser support for the “of” filter is very limited. Only Safari seems to support the syntax.

How do I change the IntelliJ IDEA default JDK?

One other place worth checking: Look in the pom.xml for your project, if you are using Maven compiler plugin, at the source/target config and make sure it is the desired version of Java. I found that I had 1.7 in the following; I changed it to 1.8 and then everything compiled correctly in IntelliJ.


Declaring variables inside loops, good practice or bad practice?

Chapter 4.8 Block Structure in K&R's The C Programming Language 2.Ed.:

An automatic variable declared and initialized in a block is initialized each time the block is entered.

I might have missed seeing the relevant description in the book like:

An automatic variable declared and initialized in a block is allocated only one time before the block is entered.

But a simple test can prove the assumption held:

 #include <stdio.h>                                                                                                    

 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {                                                                                    
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {                                                                                     
         for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {                                                                                 
             int k;                                                                                                    
             printf("%p\n", &k);                                                                                       
     return 0;                                                                                                         

AngularJS - add HTML element to dom in directive without jQuery

If your destination element is empty and will only contain the <svg> tag you could consider using ng-bind-html as follow :

Declare your HTML tag in the directive scope variable

link: function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {

    scope.svgTag = '<svg width="600" height="100" class="svg"></svg>';


Then, in your directive template, just add the proper attribute at the exact place you want to append the svg tag :

<!-- start of directive template code -->
<!-- end of directive template code -->
<div ng-bind-html="svgTag"></div>

Don't forget to include ngSanitize to allow ng-bind-html to automatically parse the HTML string to trusted HTML and avoid insecure code injection warnings.

See official documentation for more details.

jQuery - simple input validation - "empty" and "not empty"

You could do this

    if($(this).val() == ''){

When the input has lost focus that is .blur(), then check the value of the #input.

If it is empty == '' then trigger the alert.

React-Redux: Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions

I had same issue as I had missed adding composeEnhancers. Once this is setup then you can take a look into action creators. You get this error when this is not setup as well.

const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose;

const store = createStore(

npm install hangs

Updating npm helped me on Mac OS. Use the command:

sudo npm install -g npm@latest

How to edit default dark theme for Visual Studio Code?

In VS code 'User Settings', you can edit visible colours using the following tags(this is a sample and there are much more tags),

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "list.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#C5DEF0",
    "sideBar.background": "#F8F6F6",
    "sideBar.foreground": "#000000",
    "editor.background": "#FFFFFF",
    "editor.foreground": "#000000",
    "sideBarSectionHeader.background": "#CAC9C9",
    "sideBarSectionHeader.foreground": "#000000",
    "activityBar.border": "#FFFFFF",
    "statusBar.background": "#102F97",
    "scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": "#77D4CB",
    "scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground": "#8CE6DA",
    "badge.background": "#81CA91"}

If you want to edit some C++ color tokens, use the following tag,

"editor.tokenColorCustomizations": {
    "numbers": "#2247EB",
    "comments": "#6D929C",
    "functions": "#0D7C28"

Delete sql rows where IDs do not have a match from another table

    SELECT *
    FROM files

FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

Kotlin allows for even simpler code than what's shown in other answers.

To get the new token whenever it's refreshed:

class MyFirebaseMessagingService: FirebaseMessagingService() {

    override fun onNewToken(token: String?) {
        Log.d("FMS_TOKEN", token)

To get the token from anywhere at runtime:

FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().instanceId.addOnSuccessListener {
    Log.d("FMS_TOKEN", it.token)

Force Intellij IDEA to reread all maven dependencies

To remove all dependencies you can simply delete your local maven repo: ~/.m2 folder by default. Then rebuild your projects one-by-one:

mvn clean
mvn package

How to push changes to github after jenkins build completes?

I followed the below Steps. It worked for me.

In Jenkins execute shell under Build, creating a file and trying to push that file from Jenkins workspace to GitHub.

enter image description here

Download Git Publisher Plugin and Configure as shown below snapshot.

enter image description here

Click on Save and Build. Now you can check your git repository whether the file was pushed successfully or not.

Read from database and fill DataTable

Connection object is for illustration only. The DataAdapter is the key bit:

Dim strSql As String = "SELECT EmpCode,EmpID,EmpName FROM dbo.Employee"
Dim dtb As New DataTable
Using cnn As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
  Using dad As New SqlDataAdapter(strSql, cnn)
  End Using
End Using

How do you add CSS with Javascript?

Another option is to use JQuery to store the element's in-line style property, append to it, and to then update the element's style property with the new values. As follows:

function appendCSSToElement(element, CssProperties)
            var existingCSS = $(element).attr("style");

             if(existingCSS == undefined) existingCSS = "";

            $.each(CssProperties, function(key,value)
                existingCSS += " " + key + ": " + value + ";";

            $(element).attr("style", existingCSS);

            return $(element);

And then execute it with the new CSS attributes as an object.

appendCSSToElement("#ElementID", { "color": "white", "background-color": "green", "font-weight": "bold" });

This may not necessarily be the most efficient method (I'm open to suggestions on how to improve this. :) ), but it definitely works.

Why is access to the path denied?

I also had the problem, hence me stumbling on this post. I added the following line of code before and after a Copy / Delete.


File.SetAttributes(file, FileAttributes.Normal);


File.Copy(file, dest, true);
File.SetAttributes(dest, FileAttributes.Normal);

How do I finish the merge after resolving my merge conflicts?

It may be late. It is Happen because your git HEAD is not updated. this commend would solve that git reset HEAD.

cordova Android requirements failed: "Could not find an installed version of Gradle"

For me the problem was that my android version was still on 6.1.2 which is not compatible with the newest Android Studio 2.3.1.

So what I did was run

cordova platform rm android cordova platform add [email protected]

Why do we use volatile keyword?

Consider this code,

int some_int = 100;

while(some_int == 100)
   //your code

When this program gets compiled, the compiler may optimize this code, if it finds that the program never ever makes any attempt to change the value of some_int, so it may be tempted to optimize the while loop by changing it from while(some_int == 100) to something which is equivalent to while(true) so that the execution could be fast (since the condition in while loop appears to be true always). (if the compiler doesn't optimize it, then it has to fetch the value of some_int and compare it with 100, in each iteration which obviously is a little bit slow.)

However, sometimes, optimization (of some parts of your program) may be undesirable, because it may be that someone else is changing the value of some_int from outside the program which compiler is not aware of, since it can't see it; but it's how you've designed it. In that case, compiler's optimization would not produce the desired result!

So, to ensure the desired result, you need to somehow stop the compiler from optimizing the while loop. That is where the volatile keyword plays its role. All you need to do is this,

volatile int some_int = 100; //note the 'volatile' qualifier now!

In other words, I would explain this as follows:

volatile tells the compiler that,

"Hey compiler, I'm volatile and, you know, I can be changed by some XYZ that you're not even aware of. That XYZ could be anything. Maybe some alien outside this planet called program. Maybe some lightning, some form of interrupt, volcanoes, etc can mutate me. Maybe. You never know who is going to change me! So O you ignorant, stop playing an all-knowing god, and don't dare touch the code where I'm present. Okay?"

Well, that is how volatile prevents the compiler from optimizing code. Now search the web to see some sample examples.

Quoting from the C++ Standard ($

[..] volatile is a hint to the implementation to avoid aggressive optimization involving the object because the value of the object might be changed by means undetectable by an implementation.[...]

Related topic:

Does making a struct volatile make all its members volatile?

Choose File Dialog

Thanx schwiz for idea! Here is modified solution:

public class FileDialog {
    private static final String PARENT_DIR = "..";
    private final String TAG = getClass().getName();
    private String[] fileList;
    private File currentPath;
    public interface FileSelectedListener {
        void fileSelected(File file);
    public interface DirectorySelectedListener {
        void directorySelected(File directory);
    private ListenerList<FileSelectedListener> fileListenerList = new ListenerList<FileDialog.FileSelectedListener>();
    private ListenerList<DirectorySelectedListener> dirListenerList = new ListenerList<FileDialog.DirectorySelectedListener>();
    private final Activity activity;
    private boolean selectDirectoryOption;
    private String fileEndsWith;    

    * @param activity 
    * @param initialPath
    public FileDialog(Activity activity, File initialPath) {
        this(activity, initialPath, null);

    public FileDialog(Activity activity, File initialPath, String fileEndsWith) {
        this.activity = activity;
        if (!initialPath.exists()) initialPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

    * @return file dialog
    public Dialog createFileDialog() {
        Dialog dialog = null;
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity);

        if (selectDirectoryOption) {
            builder.setPositiveButton("Select directory", new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    Log.d(TAG, currentPath.getPath());

        builder.setItems(fileList, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                String fileChosen = fileList[which];
                File chosenFile = getChosenFile(fileChosen);
                if (chosenFile.isDirectory()) {
                } else fireFileSelectedEvent(chosenFile);

        dialog =;
        return dialog;

    public void addFileListener(FileSelectedListener listener) {

    public void removeFileListener(FileSelectedListener listener) {

    public void setSelectDirectoryOption(boolean selectDirectoryOption) {
        this.selectDirectoryOption = selectDirectoryOption;

    public void addDirectoryListener(DirectorySelectedListener listener) {

    public void removeDirectoryListener(DirectorySelectedListener listener) {

    * Show file dialog
    public void showDialog() {

    private void fireFileSelectedEvent(final File file) {
        fileListenerList.fireEvent(new FireHandler<FileDialog.FileSelectedListener>() {
            public void fireEvent(FileSelectedListener listener) {

    private void fireDirectorySelectedEvent(final File directory) {
        dirListenerList.fireEvent(new FireHandler<FileDialog.DirectorySelectedListener>() {
            public void fireEvent(DirectorySelectedListener listener) {

    private void loadFileList(File path) {
        this.currentPath = path;
        List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>();
        if (path.exists()) {
            if (path.getParentFile() != null) r.add(PARENT_DIR);
            FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) {
                    File sel = new File(dir, filename);
                    if (!sel.canRead()) return false;
                    if (selectDirectoryOption) return sel.isDirectory();
                    else {
                        boolean endsWith = fileEndsWith != null ? filename.toLowerCase().endsWith(fileEndsWith) : true;
                        return endsWith || sel.isDirectory();
            String[] fileList1 = path.list(filter);
            for (String file : fileList1) {
        fileList = (String[]) r.toArray(new String[]{});

    private File getChosenFile(String fileChosen) {
        if (fileChosen.equals(PARENT_DIR)) return currentPath.getParentFile();
        else return new File(currentPath, fileChosen);

    private void setFileEndsWith(String fileEndsWith) {
        this.fileEndsWith = fileEndsWith != null ? fileEndsWith.toLowerCase() : fileEndsWith;

class ListenerList<L> {
    private List<L> listenerList = new ArrayList<L>();

    public interface FireHandler<L> {
        void fireEvent(L listener);

    public void add(L listener) {

    public void fireEvent(FireHandler<L> fireHandler) {
        List<L> copy = new ArrayList<L>(listenerList);
        for (L l : copy) {

    public void remove(L listener) {

    public List<L> getListenerList() {
        return listenerList;

Use it on activity onCreate (directory selection option is commented):

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    File mPath = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "//DIR//");
    fileDialog = new FileDialog(this, mPath, ".txt");
    fileDialog.addFileListener(new FileDialog.FileSelectedListener() {
        public void fileSelected(File file) {
            Log.d(getClass().getName(), "selected file " + file.toString());
    //fileDialog.addDirectoryListener(new FileDialog.DirectorySelectedListener() {
    //  public void directorySelected(File directory) {
    //      Log.d(getClass().getName(), "selected dir " + directory.toString());
    //  }

How to declare and add items to an array in Python?

In some languages like JAVA you define an array using curly braces as following but in python it has a different meaning:


int[] myIntArray = {1,2,3};
String[] myStringArray = {"a","b","c"};

However, in Python, curly braces are used to define dictionaries, which needs a key:value assignment as {'a':1, 'b':2}

To actually define an array (which is actually called list in python) you can do:


mylist = [1,2,3]

or other examples like:

mylist = list()
>>> [1,2,3]

Which command do I use to generate the build of a Vue app?

if you used vue-cli and webpack when you created your project.

you can use just

npm run build command in command line, and it will create dist folder in your project. Just upload content of this folder to your ftp and done.

Using Rsync include and exclude options to include directory and file by pattern

The problem is that --exclude="*" says to exclude (for example) the 1260000000/ directory, so rsync never examines the contents of that directory, so never notices that the directory contains files that would have been matched by your --include.

I think the closest thing to what you want is this:

rsync -nrv --include="*/" --include="file_11*.jpg" --exclude="*" /Storage/uploads/ /website/uploads/

(which will include all directories, and all files matching file_11*.jpg, but no other files), or maybe this:

rsync -nrv --include="/[0-9][0-9][0-9]0000000/" --include="file_11*.jpg" --exclude="*" /Storage/uploads/ /website/uploads/

(same concept, but much pickier about the directories it will include).

A top-like utility for monitoring CUDA activity on a GPU

In Linux Mint, and most likely Ubuntu, you can try "nvidia-smi --loop=1"

Using Case/Switch and GetType to determine the object

I'm faced with the same problem and came across this post. Is this what's meant by the IDictionary approach:

Dictionary<Type, int> typeDict = new Dictionary<Type, int>

void Foo(object o)
    switch (typeDict[o.GetType()])
        case 0:
            Print("I'm a number.");
        case 1:
            Print("I'm a text.");
        case 2:
            Print("I'm classy.");

If so, I can't say I'm a fan of reconciling the numbers in the dictionary with the case statements.

This would be ideal but the dictionary reference kills it:

void FantasyFoo(object o)
    switch (typeDict[o.GetType()])
        case typeDict[typeof(int)]:
            Print("I'm a number.");
        case typeDict[typeof(string)]:
            Print("I'm a text.");
        case typeDict[typeof(MyClass)]:
            Print("I'm classy.");

Is there another implementation I've overlooked?

Django URLs TypeError: view must be a callable or a list/tuple in the case of include()

You may also get this error if you have a name clash of a view and a module. I've got the error when i distribute my view files under views folder, /views/, /views/ and imported some model named in which happened to be a name of a view in So naming the view functions as v_table(request,id) helped.

Merge (Concat) Multiple JSONObjects in Java

This is what I do

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;

 * This class has all static functions to merge 2 objects into one
public class MergeHelper {
    private static ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

     * return a merge JsonNode, merge newJson into oldJson; override or insert
     * fields from newJson into oldJson
     * @param oldJson
     * @param newJson
     * @return
    public static JsonNode mergeJsonObject(JsonNode oldJson, JsonNode newJson) {
        ObjectNode merged = objectMapper.createObjectNode();
        merged.setAll((ObjectNode) oldJson);
        merged.setAll((ObjectNode) newJson);
        return merged;

Static variable inside of a function in C

Let's just read the Wikipedia article on Static Variables...

Static local variables: variables declared as static inside a function are statically allocated while having the same scope as automatic local variables. Hence whatever values the function puts into its static local variables during one call will still be present when the function is called again.

In excel how do I reference the current row but a specific column?

If you dont want to hard-code the cell addresses you can use the ROW() function.


Its probably not the best way to do it though! Using Auto-Fill and static columns like @JaiGovindani suggests would be much better.

How to output numbers with leading zeros in JavaScript?


function pad(a, b){
  return(1e15 + a + '').slice(-b);

With comments:

function pad(
  a, // the number to convert 
  b // number of resulting characters
  return (
    1e15 + a + // combine with large number
    "" // convert to string
  ).slice(-b) // cut leading "1"

How to view instagram profile picture in full-size?

replace "150x150" with 720x720 and remove /vp/ from the should work.

Most simple code to populate JTable from ResultSet

go here java tips weblog

then,put in your project : and add another class with this code:

    enter code here
 * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
 * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
 * and open the template in the editor.
package comp;

import java.awt.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import static javax.swing.JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE;
import javax.swing.table.*;

public class TableFromDatabase extends JPanel {

    private Connection conexao = null;

    public TableFromDatabase() {
        Vector columnNames = new Vector();
        Vector data = new Vector();

        try {
            //  Connect to an Access Database
            conexao = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + "localhost"
                    + ":3306/yourdatabase", "root", "password");

            //  Read data from a table
            String sql = "select * from tb_something";
            Statement stmt = conexao.createStatement();
            ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
            ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
            int columns = md.getColumnCount();

            //  Get column names
            for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {

            //  Get row data
            while ( {
                Vector row = new Vector(columns);

                for (int i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {


        } catch (Exception e) {

        //  Create table with database data
        JTable table = new JTable(data, columnNames) {
            public Class getColumnClass(int column) {
                for (int row = 0; row < getRowCount(); row++) {
                    Object o = getValueAt(row, column);

                    if (o != null) {
                        return o.getClass();

                return Object.class;

        JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);

        JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();
        add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                JFrame frame = new JFrame("any");

                //Create and set up the content pane.
                TableFromDatabase newContentPane = new TableFromDatabase();
                newContentPane.setOpaque(true); //content panes must be opaque

                //Display the window.


then drag this class to you jframe,and it's done

it's deprecated,but it works.........

How to select records without duplicate on just one field in SQL?

Ignore duplicate rows in SQL. I think this may help you.

    SELECT res2.*
    (select * from [dbo].[tbl_countries])as res1
    )as res2
    WHERE res2.num=1

How to specify a port number in SQL Server connection string?

For JDBC the proper format is slightly different and as follows:


Note the colon instead of the comma.

How to call multiple functions with @click in vue?

First of all you can use the short notation @click instead of v-on:click for readability purposes.

Second You can use a click event handler that calls other functions/methods as @Tushar mentioned in his comment above, so you end up with something like this :

<div id="app">
   <div @click="handler('foo','bar')">
       Hi, click me!

<!-- link to vue.js !--> 
<script src="vue.js"></script>

        var vm = new Vue({
                    console.log('method1: ',arg);
                    console.log('method2: ',arg);

Getting all request parameters in Symfony 2

You can do $this->getRequest()->query->all(); to get all GET params and $this->getRequest()->request->all(); to get all POST params.

So in your case:

$params = $this->getRequest()->request->all();

For more info about the Request class, see

Update using LINQ to SQL

I found a workaround a week ago. You can use direct commands with "ExecuteCommand":

MDataContext dc = new MDataContext();
var flag = (from f in dc.Flags
                   where f.Code == Code
                   select f).First();
_refresh = Convert.ToBoolean(flagRefresh.Value);
if (_refresh)
    dc.ExecuteCommand("update Flags set value = 0 where code = {0}", Code);

In the ExecuteCommand statement, you can send the query directly, with the value for the specific record you want to update.

value = 0 --> 0 is the new value for the record;

code = {0} --> is the field where you will send the filter value;

Code --> is the new value for the field;

I hope this reference helps.

How can I pop-up a print dialog box using Javascript?

if problem:


altenative using:




        var body = $('body').html();
        var ticket_area = '<aside class="widget tickets">' + $('').html() + '</aside>';

        var print_html = '<html lang="tr">' + $('html').html() + '<scr'+'ipt>print()</scr'+'ipt>' + '</html>'; 

        var mywindow ='', 'my div', 'height=600,width=800');
        mywindow.document.close(); // necessary for IE >= 10'</html>'
        mywindow.focus(); // necessary for IE >= 10

        return true;

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

Every Node.js program has some global variables in its environment, which represents some information about your process and one of it is __dirname.

Get value when selected ng-option changes

Best practise is to create an object (always use a . in ng-model)

In your controller:

var myObj: {
     ngModelValue: null

and in your template:

    ng-options=" as for o in options">

Now you can just watch


or you can use the ng-change directive like so:

    ng-options=" as for o in options"

The video "The Dot" has a really good overview, as does this very popular stack overflow question: What are the nuances of scope prototypal / prototypical inheritance in AngularJS?

How to properly set the 100% DIV height to match document/window height?

html, body {
#wrapper {

How can jQuery deferred be used?

You can also integrate it with any 3rd-party libraries which makes use of JQuery.

One such library is Backbone, which is actually going to support Deferred in their next version.

What is difference between 'git reset --hard HEAD~1' and 'git reset --soft HEAD~1'?

This is a useful article which graphically shows the explanation of the reset command.

Reset --hard can be quite dangerous as it overwrites your working copy without checking, so if you haven't commited the file at all, it is gone.

As for Source tree, there is no way I know of to undo commits. It would most likely use reset under the covers anyway

How to quickly drop a user with existing privileges

How about

DROP USER <username>

This is actually an alias for DROP ROLE.

You have to explicity drop any privileges associated with that user, also to move its ownership to other roles (or drop the object).

This is best achieved by

REASSIGN OWNED BY <olduser> TO <newuser>


DROP OWNED BY <olduser>

The latter will remove any privileges granted to the user.

See the postgres docs for DROP ROLE and the more detailed description of this.


Apparently, trying to drop a user by using the commands mentioned here will only work if you are executing them while being connected to the same database that the original GRANTS were made from, as discussed here:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token

The accepted answer work when you have a single line string(the email) but if you have a

multiline string, the error will remain.

Please look into this matter:

<!-- start: definition-->
    dynamic item = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
    item.MultiLineString = @"a multi-line
    item.SingleLineString = "a single-line string";
<!-- end: definition-->
<a href="#" onclick="Getinfo('@item.MultiLineString')">6/16/2016 2:02:29 AM</a>
    function Getinfo(text) {

Change the single-quote(') to backtick(`) in Getinfo as bellow and error will be fixed:

<a href="#" onclick="Getinfo(`@item.MultiLineString`)">6/16/2016 2:02:29 AM</a>

Conditional formatting based on another cell's value

I've used an interesting conditional formatting in a recent file of mine and thought it would be useful to others too. So this answer is meant for completeness to the previous ones.

It should demonstrate what this amazing feature is capable of, and especially how the $ thing works.

Example table

Simple google sheets table

The color from D to G depend on the values in columns A, B and C. But the formula needs to check values that are fixed horizontally (user, start, end), and values that are fixed vertically (dates in row 1). That's where the dollar sign gets useful.


There are 2 users in the table, each with a defined color, respectively foo (blue) and bar (yellow).
We have to use the following conditional formatting rules, and apply both of them on the same range (D2:G3):

  1. =AND($A2="foo", D$1>=$B2, D$1<=$C2)
  2. =AND($A2="bar", D$1>=$B2, D$1<=$C2)

In English, the condition means:
User is name, and date of current cell is after start and before end

Notice how the only thing that changes between the 2 formulas, is the name of the user. This makes it really easy to reuse with many other users!


Important: Variable rows and columns are relative to the start of the range. But fixed values are not affected.

It is easy to get confused with relative positions. In this example, if we had used the range D1:G3 instead of D2:G3, the color formatting would be shifted 1 row up.
To avoid that, remember that the value for variable rows and columns should correspond to the start of the containing range.

In this example, the range that contains colors is D2:G3, so the start is D2.

User, start, and end vary with rows
-> Fixed columns A B C, variable rows starting at 2: $A2, $B2, $C2

Dates vary with columns
-> Variable columns starting at D, fixed row 1: D$1

How to make a dropdown readonly using jquery?

Try this one.. without disabling the selected value..

$('#cf_1268591 option:not(:selected)').prop('disabled', true);

It works for me..

Is it possible to use the instanceof operator in a switch statement?

Unfortunately, it is not possible out of the box since the switch-case statement expects a constant expression. To overcome this, one way would be to use enum values with the class names e.g.

public enum MyEnum {

private String refClassname;
private static final Map<String, MyEnum> ENUM_MAP;

MyEnum (String refClassname) {
    this.refClassname = refClassname;

static {
    Map<String, MyEnum> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MyEnum>();
    for (MyEnum instance : MyEnum.values()) {
        map.put(instance.refClassname, instance);
    ENUM_MAP = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);

public static MyEnum get(String name) {
    return ENUM_MAP.get(name);

With that is is possible to use the switch statement like this

MyEnum type = MyEnum.get(clazz.getName());
switch (type) {
case A:
    ... // it's A class
case B:
    ... // it's B class
case C:
    ... // it's C class

Counting no of rows returned by a select query

SQL Server requires subqueries that you SELECT FROM or JOIN to have an alias.

Add an alias to your subquery (in this case x):

select COUNT(*) from
select m.Company_id
from Monitor as m
    inner join Monitor_Request as mr on mr.Company_ID=m.Company_id
    group by m.Company_id
    having COUNT(m.Monitor_id)>=5)  x

Multiple file upload in php

Simple is that, just count the files array first, then in while loop you can easily do this like

$count = count($_FILES{'item_file']['name']);

now you got total number of files right.

In while loop do like this:

$i = 0;
    Upload one by one like we do normally

dataframe: how to groupBy/count then filter on count in Scala

So, is that a behavior to expect, a bug

Truth be told I am not sure. It looks like parser is interpreting count not as a column name but a function and expects following parentheses. Looks like a bug or at least a serious limitation of the parser.

is there a canonical way to go around?

Some options have been already mentioned by Herman and mattinbits so here more SQLish approach from me:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.count

df.groupBy("x").agg(count("*").alias("cnt")).where($"cnt"  > 2)

What is "with (nolock)" in SQL Server?

Unfortunately it's not just about reading uncommitted data. In the background you may end up reading pages twice (in the case of a page split), or you may miss the pages altogether. So your results may be grossly skewed.

Check out Itzik Ben-Gan's article. Here's an excerpt:

" With the NOLOCK hint (or setting the isolation level of the session to READ UNCOMMITTED) you tell SQL Server that you don't expect consistency, so there are no guarantees. Bear in mind though that "inconsistent data" does not only mean that you might see uncommitted changes that were later rolled back, or data changes in an intermediate state of the transaction. It also means that in a simple query that scans all table/index data SQL Server may lose the scan position, or you might end up getting the same row twice. "

How can I detect when an Android application is running in the emulator?

You may check if deviceId (IMEI) is "000000000000000" (15 zeroes)

Filter object properties by key in ES6

The cleanest way you can find is with Lodash#pick

const _ = require('lodash');

const allowed = ['item1', 'item3'];

const obj = {
  item1: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },
  item2: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' },
  item3: { key: 'sdfd', value:'sdfd' }

const filteredObj = _.pick(obj, allowed)

"unable to locate adb" using Android Studio

I fixed this issue by deleting and inserting new platform-tools folder inside android sdk folder. But it is caused by my Avast anti virus software. Where I can found my adb.exe in Avast chest. You can also solve by restoring it from Avast chest.

Request string without GET arguments

I had the same problem when I wanted a link back to homepage. I tried this and it worked:

<a href="<?php echo $_SESSION['PHP_SELF']; ?>?">

Note the question mark at the end. I believe that tells the machine stop thinking on behalf of the coder :)

Java Refuses to Start - Could not reserve enough space for object heap

I recently faced this issue. I have 3 java applications that start with 1024m or 1280m heap size. Java is looking at the available space in swap, and if there is not enough memory available, the jvm exits.

To resolve the issue, I had to end several programs that had a large amount of virtual memory allocated.

I was running on x86-64 linux with a 64-bit jvm.

Length of a JavaScript object

Like most JavaScript problems, there are many solutions. You could extend the Object that for better or worse works like many other languages' Dictionary (+ first class citizens). Nothing wrong with that, but another option is to construct a new Object that meets your specific needs.

function uberject(obj){
    this._count = 0;
    for(var param in obj){
        this[param] = obj[param];

uberject.prototype.getLength = function(){
    return this._count;

var foo = new uberject({bar:123,baz:456});

Transpose a range in VBA

First copy the source range then paste-special on target range with Transpose:=True, short sample:

Option Explicit

Sub test()
  Dim sourceRange As Range
  Dim targetRange As Range

  Set sourceRange = ActiveSheet.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 1))
  Set targetRange = ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 1)

  targetRange.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=True
End Sub

The Transpose function takes parameter of type Varaiant and returns Variant.

  Sub transposeTest()
    Dim transposedVariant As Variant
    Dim sourceRowRange As Range
    Dim sourceRowRangeVariant As Variant

    Set sourceRowRange = Range("A1:H1") ' one row, eight columns
    sourceRowRangeVariant = sourceRowRange.Value
    transposedVariant = Application.Transpose(sourceRowRangeVariant)

    Dim rangeFilledWithTransposedData As Range
    Set rangeFilledWithTransposedData = Range("I1:I8") ' eight rows, one column
    rangeFilledWithTransposedData.Value = transposedVariant
  End Sub

I will try to explaine the purpose of 'calling transpose twice'. If u have row data in Excel e.g. "a1:h1" then the Range("a1:h1").Value is a 2D Variant-Array with dimmensions 1 to 1, 1 to 8. When u call Transpose(Range("a1:h1").Value) then u get transposed 2D Variant Array with dimensions 1 to 8, 1 to 1. And if u call Transpose(Transpose(Range("a1:h1").Value)) u get 1D Variant Array with dimension 1 to 8.

First Transpose changes row to column and second transpose changes the column back to row but with just one dimension.

If the source range would have more rows (columns) e.g. "a1:h3" then Transpose function just changes the dimensions like this: 1 to 3, 1 to 8 Transposes to 1 to 8, 1 to 3 and vice versa.

Hope i did not confuse u, my english is bad, sorry :-).

In ASP.NET, when should I use Session.Clear() rather than Session.Abandon()?

Only using Session.Clear() when a user logs out can pose a security hole. As the session is still valid as far as the Web Server is concerned. It is then a reasonably trivial matter to sniff, and grab the session Id, and hijack that session.

For this reason, when logging a user out it would be safer and more sensible to use Session.Abandon() so that the session is destroyed, and a new session created (even though the logout UI page would be part of the new session, the new session would not have any of the users details in it and hijacking the new session would be equivalent to having a fresh session, hence it would be mute).

Are multiple `.gitignore`s frowned on?

I can think of at least two situations where you would want to have multiple .gitignore files in different (sub)directories.

  • Different directories have different types of file to ignore. For example the .gitignore in the top directory of your project ignores generated programs, while Documentation/.gitignore ignores generated documentation.

  • Ignore given files only in given (sub)directory (you can use /sub/foo in .gitignore, though).

Please remember that patterns in .gitignore file apply recursively to the (sub)directory the file is in and all its subdirectories, unless pattern contains '/' (so e.g. pattern name applies to any file named name in given directory and all its subdirectories, while /name applies to file with this name only in given directory).

How to pass multiple parameters in json format to a web service using jquery?

Found the solution:

It should be:


and not


Load content of a div on another page

Yes, see "Loading Page Fragments" on

In short, you add the selector after the URL. For example:

$('#result').load('ajax/test.html #container');

How to merge remote master to local branch

git rebase didn't seem to work for me. After git rebase, when I try to push changes to my local branch, I kept getting an error ("hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull ...') before pushing again.") even after git pull. What finally worked for me was git merge.

git checkout <local_branch>
git merge <master> 

If you are a beginner like me, here is a good article on git merge vs git rebase.

what is right way to do API call in react js?

1) You can use Fetch API to fetch data from Endd Points:

Example fetching all Github repose for a user

  /* Fetch GitHub Repos */
  fetchData = () => {

       //show progress bar
      this.setState({ isLoading: true });

      //fetch repos
      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => {
        if (Array.isArray(data)) {
          this.setState({ repos: data ,
                         isLoading: false});
        } else {
          this.setState({ repos: [],
                          isLoading: false  

2) Other Alternative is Axios

Using axios you can cut out the middle step of passing the results of the http request to the .json() method. Axios just returns the data object you would expect.

  import axios from "axios";

 /* Fetch GitHub Repos */
  fetchDataWithAxios = () => {

     //show progress bar
      this.setState({ isLoading: true });

      // fetch repos with axios
          .then(result => {
              isLoading: false
          .catch(error =>
              isLoading: false

Now you can choose to fetch data using any of this strategies in componentDidMount

class App extends React.Component {
  state = {
    repos: [],
   isLoading: false

  componentDidMount() {
    this.fetchData ();

Meanwhile you can show progress bar while data is loading

   {this.state.isLoading && <LinearProgress />}

How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity?

For start Activity 2 from Activity 1 and get result, you could use startActivityForResult and implement onActivityResult in Activity 1 and use setResult in Activity2.

Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity2.class);
intent.putExtra(NUMERO1, numero1);
intent.putExtra(NUMERO2, numero2);
startActivityForResult(intent, MI_REQUEST_CODE);

How do I delete a local repository in git?

That's right, if you're on a mac(unix) you won't see .git in finder(the file browser). You can follow the directions above to delete and there are git commands that allow you to delete files as well(they are sometimes difficult to work with and learn, for example: on making a 'git rm -r ' command you might be prompted with a .git/ not found. Here is the git command specs:

usage: git rm [options] [--] ...

-n, --dry-run         dry run
-q, --quiet           do not list removed files
--cached              only remove from the index
-f, --force           override the up-to-date check
-r                    allow recursive removal
--ignore-unmatch      exit with a zero status even if nothing matched

When I had to do this, deleting the objects and refs didn't matter. After I deleted the other files in the .git, I initialized a git repo with 'git init' and it created an empty repo.

Android DialogFragment vs Dialog

I would recommend using DialogFragment.

Sure, creating a "Yes/No" dialog with it is pretty complex considering that it should be rather simple task, but creating a similar dialog box with Dialog is surprisingly complicated as well.

(Activity lifecycle makes it complicated - you must let Activity manage the lifecycle of the dialog box - and there is no way to pass custom parameters e.g. the custom message to Activity.showDialog if using API levels under 8)

The nice thing is that you can usually build your own abstraction on top of DialogFragment pretty easily.

how to count the spaces in a java string?

This program will definitely help you.

class SpaceCount

    public static int spaceCount(String s)
    { int a=0;
        char ch[]= new char[s.length()];
        for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) 

        {  ch[i]= s.charAt(i);
            if( ch[i]==' ' )
        return a;

    public static void main(String... s)
        int m = spaceCount("Hello I am a Java Developer");
        System.out.println("The number of words in the String are :  "+m);


How do I redirect output to a variable in shell?

If a pipeline is too complicated to wrap in $(...), consider writing a function. Any local variables available at the time of definition will be accessible.

function getHash {
  genhash --use-ssl -s $IP -p 443 --url $URL | grep MD5 | grep -c $MD5

How to support UTF-8 encoding in Eclipse

You can set a default encoding-set whenever you run eclipse.exe.

  1. Open eclipse.ini in your eclipse home directory Or STS.ini in case of STS(Spring Tool Suite)
  2. put the line below at the end of the file


Is there a short contains function for lists?

I came up with this one liner recently for getting True if a list contains any number of occurrences of an item, or False if it contains no occurrences or nothing at all. Using next(...) gives this a default return value (False) and means it should run significantly faster than running the whole list comprehension.

list_does_contain = next((True for item in list_to_test if item == test_item), False)

Can I simultaneously declare and assign a variable in VBA?

You can sort-of do that with objects, as in the following.

Dim w As New Widget

But not with strings or variants.

Measuring execution time of a function in C++

simple program to find a function execution time taken.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime> // time_t
#include <cstdio>

void function()
     for(long int i=0;i<1000000000;i++)
        // do nothing

int main()

time_t begin,end; // time_t is a datatype to store time values.

time (&begin); // note time before execution
time (&end); // note time after execution

double difference = difftime (end,begin);
printf ("time taken for function() %.2lf seconds.\n", difference );

return 0;

Delete newline in Vim

If you are on the first line, pressing (upper case) J will join that line and the next line together, removing the newline. You can also combine this with a count, so pressing 3J will combine all 3 lines together.

Google Text-To-Speech API

Old answer:

Try using this URL: It will automatically generate a wav file which you can easily get with an HTTP request through any .net programming.


Ohh Google, you thought you could prevent people from using your wonderful service with flimsy http header verification.

Here is a solution to get a response in multiple languages (I'll try to add more as we go):


// npm install `request`
const fs = require('fs');
const request = require('request');
const text = 'Hello World';

const options = {
    url: `${encodeURIComponent(text)}&tl=en&client=tw-ob`,
    headers: {
        'Referer': '',
        'User-Agent': 'stagefright/1.2 (Linux;Android 5.0)'



curl '' -H 'Referer:' -H 'User-Agent: stagefright/1.2 (Linux;Android 5.0)' > google_tts.mp3

Note that the headers are based on @Chris Cirefice's example, if they stop working at some point I'll attempt to recreate conditions for this code to function. All credits for the current headers go to him and the wonderful tool that is WireShark. (also thanks to Google for not patching this)

Python "extend" for a dictionary

In case you need it as a Class, you can extend it with dict and use update method:

Class a(dict):
  # some stuff

What is an abstract class in PHP?

An abstract class is a class that contains at least one abstract method, which is a method without any actual code in it, just the name and the parameters, and that has been marked as "abstract".

The purpose of this is to provide a kind of template to inherit from and to force the inheriting class to implement the abstract methods.

An abstract class thus is something between a regular class and a pure interface. Also interfaces are a special case of abstract classes where ALL methods are abstract.

See this section of the PHP manual for further reference.

Clearing _POST array fully

You can use a combination of both unset() and initialization:

$_POST = array();

Or in a single statement:

unset($_POST) ? $_POST = array() : $_POST = array();

But what is the reason you want to do this?

How to pass the password to su/sudo/ssh without overriding the TTY?

The usual solution to this problem is setuiding a helper app that performs the task requiring superuser access:

Sudo is not meant to be used offline.

Later edit: SSH can be used with private-public key authentication. If the private key does not have a passphrase, ssh can be used without prompting for a password.

printf formatting (%d versus %u)

%u is used for unsigned integer. Since the memory address given by the signed integer address operator %d is -12, to get this value in unsigned integer, Compiler returns the unsigned integer value for this address.

Return content with IHttpActionResult for non-OK response

A more detailed example with support of HTTP code not defined in C# HttpStatusCode.

public class MyController : ApiController
    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        HttpStatusCode codeNotDefined = (HttpStatusCode)429;
        return Content(codeNotDefined, "message to be sent in response body");

Content is a virtual method defined in abstract class ApiController, the base of the controller. See the declaration as below:

protected internal virtual NegotiatedContentResult<T> Content<T>(HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value);

Github permission denied: ssh add agent has no identities

try this:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

worked for me

How to create a new schema/new user in Oracle Database 11g?

It's a working example:

CREATE USER auto_exchange IDENTIFIED BY 123456;
GRANT RESOURCE TO auto_exchange;
GRANT CONNECT TO auto_exchange;
GRANT CREATE VIEW TO auto_exchange;

Lua - Current time in milliseconds

in openresty there is a function ngx.req.start_time.

From the docs:

Returns a floating-point number representing the timestamp (including milliseconds as the decimal part) when the current request was created.

How to create multidimensional array

Hope the following code suits your requirement

var row= 20;
var column= 10;
var f = new Array();

for (i=0;i<row;i++) {
 f[i]=new Array();
 for (j=0;j<column;j++) {

Passing arguments forward to another javascript function

If you want to only pass certain arguments, you can do so like this:, 'theMethod', 'arg1', 'arg2')


bar (obj, method, ...args) {

obj and method are used by the bar() method, while the rest of args are passed to the actual call.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

encountered the same problem on payara 5.191

jcl-over-slf4j together with slf4j-log4j12 solved the problem





Regular expression to find two strings anywhere in input

If you absolutely need to only use one regex then


i modifier = case-insensitive

.*? Lazy evaluation for any character (matches as few as possible)

?= for Positive LookAhead it has to match somewhere

s modifier = .(period) also accepts line breaks

Current date and time as string

Using C++ in MS Visual Studio 2015 (14), I use:

#include <chrono>

string NowToString()
  chrono::system_clock::time_point p = chrono::system_clock::now();
  time_t t = chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(p);
  char str[26];
  ctime_s(str, sizeof str, &t);
  return str;

Error: Failed to lookup view in Express

npm install [email protected] installs the previous version, if it helps.

I know in 3.x the view layout mechanic was removed, but this might not be your problem. Also replace express.createServer() with express()


It's your __dirname from environment.js
It should be:

app.use(express.static(__dirname + '../public'));

How to put the legend out of the plot

In addition to all the excellent answers here, newer versions of matplotlib and pylab can automatically determine where to put the legend without interfering with the plots, if possible.


This will automatically place the legend away from the data if possible! Compare the use of loc='best'

However, if there is no place to put the legend without overlapping the data, then you'll want to try one of the other answers; using loc="best" will never put the legend outside of the plot.

jQuery: Test if checkbox is NOT checked

if ( $("#checkSurfaceEnvironment-1").is(":checked") && $("#checkSurfaceEnvironment-2").not(":checked") )

.setAttribute("disabled", false); changes editable attribute to false

Just set the property directly: .

eleman.disabled = false;

Showing an image from an array of images - Javascript

Also, when checking for the last image, you must compare with imgArray.length-1 because, for example, when array length is 2 then I will take the values 0 and 1, it won't reach the value 2, so you must compare with length-1 not with length, here is the fixed line:

if(i == imgArray.length-1)

Java word count program

Two routes for this. One way would be to use regular expressions. You can find out more about regular expressions here. A good regular expression for this would be something like "\w+" Then count the number of matches.

If you don't want to go that route, you could have a boolean flag that remembers if the last character you've seen is a space. If it is, don't count it. So the center of the loop looks like this:

boolean prevCharWasSpace=true;
for (int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++) 
    if (str1.charAt(i) == ' ') {
        if(prevCharWasSpace) wordChar++;
        prevCharWasSpace = false;


Using the split technique is exactly equivalent to what's happening here, but it doesn't really explain why it works. If we go back to our CS theory, we want to construct a Finite State Automa (FSA) that counts words. That FSA may appear as:
enter image description here
If you look at the code, it implements this FSA exactly. The prevCharWasSpace keeps track of which state we're in, and the str1.charAt('i') is decideds which edge (or arrow) is being followed. If you use the split method, a regular expression equivalent of this FSA is constructed internally, and is used to split the string into an array.

adding css class to multiple elements

You need to qualify the a part of the selector too:

.button input, .button a {
    //css stuff here

Basically, when you use the comma to create a group of selectors, each individual selector is completely independent. There is no relationship between them.

Your original selector therefore matched "all elements of type 'input' that are descendants of an element with the class name 'button', and all elements of type 'a'".

UITextField border color

Import the following class:

#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> 

//Code for setting the grey color for the border of the text field

[[textField layer] setBorderColor:[[UIColor colorWithRed:171.0/255.0
                                                   alpha:1.0] CGColor]];

Replace 171.0 with the respective color number as required.

Convert int to string?

string s = "" + 2;

and you can do nice things like:

string s = 2 + 2 + "you" 

The result will be:

"4 you"

Find specific string in a text file with VBS script

I'd recommend using a regular expressions instead of string operations for this:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

filename = "C:\VBS\filediprova.txt"

newtext = vbLf & "<tr><td><a href=""..."">Beginning_of_DD_TC5</a></td></tr>"

Set re = New RegExp
re.Pattern = "(\n.*?Test Case \d)"
re.Global  = False
re.IgnoreCase = True

text = f.OpenTextFile(filename).ReadAll
f.OpenTextFile(filename, 2).Write re.Replace(text, newText & "$1")

The regular expression will match a line feed (\n) followed by a line containing the string Test Case followed by a number (\d), and the replacement will prepend that with the text you want to insert (variable newtext). Setting re.Global = False makes the replacement stop after the first match.

If the line breaks in your text file are encoded as CR-LF (carriage return + line feed) you'll have to change \n into \r\n and vbLf into vbCrLf.

If you have to modify several text files, you could do it in a loop like this:

For Each f In fso.GetFolder("C:\VBS").Files
  If LCase(fso.GetExtensionName(f.Name)) = "txt" Then
    text = f.OpenAsTextStream.ReadAll
    f.OpenAsTextStream(2).Write re.Replace(text, newText & "$1")
  End If

How many parameters are too many?

It seems like there are other considerations than mere number, here are some that come to mind:

  1. logical relation to the primary purpose of the function vs. one-off settings

  2. If they are just environment flags, bundling can be very handy

How can I merge the columns from two tables into one output?

I guess that what you want to do is an UNION of both tables.

If both tables have the same columns then you can just do

SELECT category_id, col1, col2, col3
  FROM items_a
SELECT category_id, col1, col2, col3 
  FROM items_b

Else, you might have to do something like

SELECT category_id, col1, col2, col3
  FROM items_a 
SELECT category_id, col_1 as col1, col_2 as col2, col_3 as col3
  FROM items_b

Display Yes and No buttons instead of OK and Cancel in Confirm box?

Create your own confirm box:

<div id="confirmBox">
    <div class="message"></div>
    <span class="yes">Yes</span>
    <span class="no">No</span>

Create your own confirm() method:

function doConfirm(msg, yesFn, noFn)
    var confirmBox = $("#confirmBox");

Call it by your code:

doConfirm("Are you sure?", function yes()
}, function no()
    // do nothing

You'll need to add CSS to style and position your confirm box appropriately.

Working demo:

How to get input type using jquery?

Very Simple using jQuery... To check that selected element is type of input


To check that selected element is type of textarea


To check that selected element is type of Radio


To check that selected element is type of Checkbox


To check that selected element is type of Input type number


To check that selected element is type of Input type password


To check that selected element is type of Input type email




So Basically you can change selection and type to determine required input type

How to put two divs side by side

I am just giving the code for two responsive divs side by side

  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#parent {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: space-around;

#left {
  border: 1px solid lightgray;
  background-color: red;
  width: 40%;

#right {
  border: 1px solid lightgray;
  background-color: green;
  width: 40%;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <div id="parent">
        <div id="left">
        lorem ipsum dolor sit emet
        <div id="right">
        lorem ipsum dolor sit emet

close fancy box from function from within open 'fancybox'

Within an iframe use - parent.$.fancybox.close();

SQL Server - find nth occurrence in a string

You can use the same function inside for the position +1

charindex('_', [TEXT], (charindex('_', [TEXT], 1))+1)

in where +1 is the nth time you will want to find.

How do I remove a comma off the end of a string?

This is a classic question, with two solutions. If you want to remove exactly one comma, which may or may not be there, use:

if (substr($string, -1, 1) == ',')
  $string = substr($string, 0, -1);

If you want to remove all commas from the end of a line use the simpler:

$string = rtrim($string, ',');

The rtrim function (and corresponding ltrim for left trim) is very useful as you can specify a range of characters to remove, i.e. to remove commas and trailing whitespace you would write:

$string = rtrim($string, ", \t\n");

Why does Path.Combine not properly concatenate filenames that start with Path.DirectorySeparatorChar?

This \ means "the root directory of the current drive". In your example it means the "test" folder in the current drive's root directory. So, this can be equal to "c:\test".

What are the differences in die() and exit() in PHP?


The difference between die() and exit() in PHP is their origin.


die() and exit() are equivalent functions.

PHP Manual

PHP Manual for die:

This language construct is equivalent to exit().

PHP Manual for exit:

Note: This language construct is equivalent to die().

PHP Manual for List of Function Aliases:

die is an alias for master function exit()


die() and exit() are different in other languages but in PHP they are identical.

From Yet another PHP rant:

...As a C and Perl coder, I was ready to answer, "Why, exit() just bails off the program with a numeric exit status, while die() prints out the error message to stderr and exits with EXIT_FAILURE status." But then I remembered we're in messy-syntax-land of PHP.

In PHP, exit() and die() are identical.

The designers obviously thought "Hmm, let's borrow exit() from C. And Perl folks probably will like it if we take die() as is from Perl too. Oops! We have two exit functions now! Let's make it so that they both can take a string or integer as an argument and make them identical!"

The end result is that this didn't really make things any "easier", just more confusing. C and Perl coders will continue to use exit() to toss an integer exit value only, and die() to toss an error message and exit with a failure. Newbies and PHP-as-a-first-language people will probably wonder "umm, two exit functions, which one should I use?" The manual doesn't explain why there's exit() and die().

In general, PHP has a lot of weird redundancy like this - it tries to be friendly to people who come from different language backgrounds, but while doing so, it creates confusing redundancy.

Load a bitmap image into Windows Forms using open file dialog

It's simple. Just add:

PictureBox1.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom;

Force uninstall of Visual Studio

So Soumyaansh's Revo Uninstaller Pro fix worked for me :) ( After 2 days of troubleshooting other options {screams internally 😀} ).

I did run into the an issue with his method though, "Could not find a suitable SDK to target" even though I selected to install Visual Studio with custom settings and selected the SDK I wanted to install. You may need to download the Windows 10 Standalone SDK to resolved this, in order to develop UWP apps if you see this same error after reinstalling Visual Studio.

To do this

  1. Uninstall any Windows 10 SDKs that me on the system (the naming schem for them looks like Windows 10 SDK (WINDOWS_VERSION_NUMBER_HERE) -> Windows 10 SDK (14393) etc . . .). If there are no SDKs on your system go to step 2!
  2. All that's left is to download the SDKs you want by Checking out the SDK Archive for all available SDKs and you should be good to go in developing for the UWP!

Replacing backslashes with forward slashes with str_replace() in php

No regex, so no need for //.

this should work:

$str = str_replace("\\", '/', $str);

You need to escape "\" as well.

Serialize and Deserialize Json and Json Array in Unity

You can use Newtonsoft.Json just add Newtonsoft.dll to your project and use below script

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using UnityEngine;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour

    public class Person
        public string id;
        public string name;
    public Person[] person;

    private void Start()
       var myjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(person);



enter image description here

another solution is using JsonHelper

using System;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using UnityEngine;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour

    public class Person
        public string id;
        public string name;
    public Person[] person;

    private void Start()
        var myjson = JsonHelper.ToJson(person);



enter image description here

Force flushing of output to a file while bash script is still running

Thanks @user3258569, script is maybe the only thing that works in busybox!

The shell was freezing for me after it, though. Looking for the cause, I found these big red warnings "don't use in a non-interactive shells" in script manual page:

script is primarily designed for interactive terminal sessions. When stdin is not a terminal (for example: echo foo | script), then the session can hang, because the interactive shell within the script session misses EOF and script has no clue when to close the session. See the NOTES section for more information.

True. script -c "make_hay" -f /dev/null | grep "needle" was freezing the shell for me.

Countrary to the warning, I thought that echo "make_hay" | script WILL pass a EOF, so I tried

echo "make_hay; exit" | script -f /dev/null | grep 'needle'

and it worked!

Note the warnings in the man page. This may not work for you.

Is mongodb running?

I find:

ps -ax | grep mongo

To be a lot more consistent. The value returned can be used to detect how many instances of mongod there are running

How can building a heap be O(n) time complexity?

We get the runtime for the heap build by figuring out the maximum move each node can take. So we need to know how many nodes are in each row and how far from their can each node go.

Starting from the root node each next row has double the nodes than the previous row has, so by answering how often can we double the number of nodes until we don't have any nodes left we get the height of the tree. Or in mathematical terms the height of the tree is log2(n), n being the length of the array.

To calculate the nodes in one row we start from the back, we know n/2 nodes are at the bottom, so by dividing by 2 we get the previous row and so on.

Based on this we get this formula for the Siftdown approach: (0 * n/2) + (1 * n/4) + (2 * n/8) + ... + (log2(n) * 1)

The term in the last paranthesis is the height of the tree multiplied by the one node that is at the root, the term in the first paranthesis are all the nodes in the bottom row multiplied by the length they can travel,0. Same formula in smart: enter image description here


Bringing the n back in we have 2 * n, 2 can be discarded because its a constant and tada we have the worst case runtime of the Siftdown approach: n.

ASP.NET Identity's default Password Hasher - How does it work and is it secure?

Because these days ASP.NET is open source, you can find it on GitHub: AspNet.Identity 3.0 and AspNet.Identity 2.0.

From the comments:

/* =======================
 * =======================
 * Version 2:
 * PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA1, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 1000 iterations.
 * (See also: SDL crypto guidelines v5.1, Part III)
 * Format: { 0x00, salt, subkey }
 * Version 3:
 * PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA256, 128-bit salt, 256-bit subkey, 10000 iterations.
 * Format: { 0x01, prf (UInt32), iter count (UInt32), salt length (UInt32), salt, subkey }
 * (All UInt32s are stored big-endian.)

How do I rename a column in a SQLite database table?

While it is true that there is no ALTER COLUMN, if you only want to rename the column, drop the NOT NULL constraint, or change the data type, you can use the following set of commands:

Note: These commands have the potential to corrupt your database, so make sure you have a backup

PRAGMA writable_schema = 1;
PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;

You will need to either close and reopen your connection or vacuum the database to reload the changes into the schema.

For example:

Y:\> sqlite3 booktest  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> create table BOOKS ( title TEXT NOT NULL, publication_date TEXT NOT NULL);  
sqlite> insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);  
Error: BOOKS.publication_date may not be NULL  
sqlite> PRAGMA writable_schema = 1; 
sqlite> PRAGMA writable_schema = 0;  
sqlite> .q  

Y:\> sqlite3 booktest  
SQLite version 3.7.4  
Enter ".help" for instructions  
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"  
sqlite> insert into BOOKS VALUES ("NULLTEST",null);  
sqlite> .q  


pragma writable_schema
When this pragma is on, the SQLITE_MASTER tables in which database can be changed using ordinary UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements. Warning: misuse of this pragma can easily result in a corrupt database file.

alter table
SQLite supports a limited subset of ALTER TABLE. The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.


assign function return value to some variable using javascript

The result is undefined since $.ajax runs an asynchronous operation. Meaning that return status gets executed before the $.ajax operation finishes with the request.

You may use Promise to have a syntax which feels synchronous.

function doSomething() { 
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            type: "POST",
            data: dataString,
            success: function (txtBack) { 
                if(txtBack==1) {
                } else {
            error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

You can call the promise like this

doSomething.then(function (result) {
}).catch(function (error) {

or this

(async () => {
    try {
        let result = await doSomething();
    } catch (error) {

C++ Erase vector element by value rather than by position?

How about std::remove() instead:

#include <algorithm>
vec.erase(std::remove(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 8), vec.end());

This combination is also known as the erase-remove idiom.

How to comment multiple lines in Visual Studio Code?

on Windows 10, Italian Keyboard, VSC 1.19.1:

Select lines that you want comment and press "Ctrl + ù"

CSS pseudo elements in React

You can use styled components.

Install it with npm i styled-components

import React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const YourEffect = styled.div`
  height: 50px;
  position: relative;
  &:after {
    // whatever you want with normal CSS syntax. Here, a custom orange line as example
    content: '';
    width: 60px;
    height: 4px;
    background: orange
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;

const YourComponent = props => {
  return (

export default YourComponent

How to fix corrupted git repository?

This command worked for me:

$ git reset --mixed 

How to increase size of DOSBox window?

Looking again at your question, I think I see what's wrong with your conf file. You set:

fullresolution=1366x768 windowresolution=1366x768

That's why you're getting the letterboxing (black on either side). You've essentially told Dosbox that your screen is the same size as your window, but your screen is actually bigger, 1600x900 (or higher) per the Googled specs for that computer. So the 'difference' shows up in black. So you either should change fullresolution to your actual screen resolution, or revert to fullresolution=original default, and only specify the window resolution.

So now I wonder if you really want fullscreen, though your question asks about only a window. For you are getting a window, but you sized it short of your screen, hence the two black stripes (letterboxing). If you really want fullscreen, then you need to specify the actual resolution of your screen. 1366x768 is not big enough.

The next issue is, what's the resolution of the program itself? It won't go past its own resolution. So if the program/game is (natively) say 1280x720 (HD), then your window resolution setting shouldn't be bigger than that (remember, it's fixed not dynamic when you use AxB as windowresolution).

Example: DOS Lotus 123 will only extend eight columns and 20 rows. The bigger the Dosbox, the bigger the text, but not more columns and rows. So setting a higher windowresolution for that, only results in bigger text, not more columns and rows. After that you'll have letterboxing.

Hope this helps you better.

ipad safari: disable scrolling, and bounce effect?

Try this JS sollutuion:

var xStart, yStart = 0; 

document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(e) {
    xStart = e.touches[0].screenX;
    yStart = e.touches[0].screenY;

document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) {
    var xMovement = Math.abs(e.touches[0].screenX - xStart);
    var yMovement = Math.abs(e.touches[0].screenY - yStart);
    if((yMovement * 3) > xMovement) {

Prevents default Safari scrolling and bounce gestures without detaching your touch event listeners.

change html input type by JS?


<input id="hybrid" type="text" name="password" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    document.getElementById('hybrid').type = 'password';

Find control by name from Windows Forms controls

Use Control.ControlCollection.Find.

TextBox tbx = this.Controls.Find("textBox1", true).FirstOrDefault() as TextBox;
tbx.Text = "found!";

EDIT for asker:

Control[] tbxs = this.Controls.Find(txtbox_and_message[0,0], true);
if (tbxs != null && tbxs.Length > 0)
    tbxs[0].Text = "Found!";

Can you split a stream into two streams?

This was the least bad answer I could come up with.

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;

public class Test {

    public static <T, L, R> Pair<L, R> splitStream(Stream<T> inputStream, Predicate<T> predicate,
            Function<Stream<T>, L> trueStreamProcessor, Function<Stream<T>, R> falseStreamProcessor) {

        Map<Boolean, List<T>> partitioned = inputStream.collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(predicate));
        L trueResult = trueStreamProcessor.apply(partitioned.get(Boolean.TRUE).stream());
        R falseResult = falseStreamProcessor.apply(partitioned.get(Boolean.FALSE).stream());

        return new ImmutablePair<L, R>(trueResult, falseResult);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Stream<Integer> stream = Stream.iterate(0, n -> n + 1).limit(10);

        Pair<List<Integer>, String> results = splitStream(stream,
                n -> n > 5,
                s -> s.filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).collect(Collectors.toList()),
                s -> -> n.toString()).collect(Collectors.joining("|")));



This takes a stream of integers and splits them at 5. For those greater than 5 it filters only even numbers and puts them in a list. For the rest it joins them with |.


 ([6, 8],0|1|2|3|4|5)

Its not ideal as it collects everything into intermediary collections breaking the stream (and has too many arguments!)

Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML?

Probably the best approach is to use the PDF.JS library. It's a pure HTML5/JavaScript renderer for PDF documents without any third-party plugins.

Online demo:


Windows batch files: .bat vs .cmd?

I believe if you change the value of the ComSpec environment variable to %SystemRoot%system32\cmd.exe(CMD) then it doesn't matter if the file extension is .BAT or .CMD. I'm not sure, but this may even be the default for WinXP and above.

Remove values from select list based on condition

To remove options in a select by value I would do (in pure JS) :

    .filter(o => o.value === 'A' || o.value === 'C')
    .forEach(o => o.remove());

How can I convert a string to an int in Python?

>>> a = "123"
>>> int(a)

Here's some freebie code:

def getTwoNumbers():
    numberA = raw_input("Enter your first number: ")
    numberB = raw_input("Enter your second number: ")
    return int(numberA), int(numberB)

7-zip commandline

Instead of the option a use option x, this will create the directories but only for extraction, not compression.

Run Jquery function on window events: load, resize, and scroll?

You can use the following. They all wrap the window object into a jQuery object.


$(window).load(function () {


$(window).resize(function () {


$(window).scroll(function () {

Or bind to them all using on:

$(window).on("load resize scroll",function(e){

ClassCastException, casting Integer to Double

Well the code you've shown doesn't actually include adding any Integers to the ArrayList - but if you do know that you've got integers, you can use:

sum = (double) ((Integer) marks.get(i)).intValue();

That will convert it to an int, which can then be converted to double. You can't just cast directly between the boxed classes.

Note that if you can possibly use generics for your ArrayList, your code will be clearer.

Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) after new installation on Ubuntu

TL;DR: To access newer versions of mysql/mariadb after as the root user, after a new install, you need to be in a root shell (ie sudo mysql -u root, or mysql -u root inside a shell started by su - or sudo -i first)

Having just done the same upgrade, on Ubuntu, I had the same issue.

What was odd was that

sudo /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation

Would accept my password, and allow me to set it, but I couldn't log in as root via the mysql client

I had to start mariadb with

sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables

to get access as root, whilst all the other users could still access fine.

Looking at the mysql.user table I noticed for root the plugin column is set to unix_socket whereas all other users it is set to 'mysql_native_password'. A quick look at this page: explains that the Unix Socket enables logging in by matching uid of the process running the client with that of the user in the mysql.user table. In other words to access mariadb as root you have to be logged in as root.

Sure enough restarting my mariadb daemon with authentication required I can login as root with

sudo mysql -u root -p


sudo su -
mysql -u root -p

Having done this I thought about how to access without having to do the sudo, which is just a matter of running these mysql queries

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';

(replacing <password> with your desired mysql root password). This enabled password logins for the root user.

Alternatively running the mysql query:

UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_native_password' WHERE user = 'root' AND plugin = 'unix_socket';

Will change the root account to use password login without changing the password, but this may leave you with a mysql/mariadb install with no root password on it.

After either of these you need to restarting mysql/mariadb:

sudo service mysql restart

And voila I had access from my personal account via mysql -u root -p

PLEASE NOTE THAT DOING THIS IS REDUCING SECURITY Presumably the MariaDB developers have opted to have root access work like this for a good reason.

Thinking about it I'm quite happy to have to sudo mysql -u root -p so I'm switching back to that, but I thought I'd post my solution as I couldn't find one elsewhere.

Not able to launch IE browser using Selenium2 (Webdriver) with Java

To resolve this issue you have to do two things :

  1. You will need to set a registry entry on the target computer so that the driver can maintain a connection to the instance of Internet Explorer it creates.

  2. Change few settings of Internet Explorer browser on that machine (where you desire to run automation).

1 . Setting Registry Key / Entry :

  • To set registry key or entry, you need to open "Registry Editor".

  • To open "Registry Editor" press windows button key + r alphabet key which will open "Run Window" and then type "regedit" and press enter.

  • Or Press Windows button key and enter "regedit" at start menu and press enter. Now depending upon your OS type whether 32/64 bit follow the corresponding steps.

Windows 32 bit : go to this location - "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl" and check for "FEATURE_BFCACHE" key.

Windows 64 bit : go to this location - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl and check for "FEATURE_BFCACHE" key. Please note that the FEATURE_BFCACHE subkey may or may not be present, and should be created if it is not present.

Important: Inside this key, create a DWORD value named iexplore.exe with the value of 0.

Registry Setting

2 . Change Settings of Internet Explorer Browser :

  • Click on setting button and select "Internet options".

  • On "Internet options" window go to "Security" tab

  • Now select "Internet" option and unchecked the "Enable Protected Mode" check box and change the "Security level" to low.

  • Now select "Local Intranet" Option and change the "Security level" to low.

  • Now select "Trusted Sites" Option and change the "Security level" to low.

Internet Options

  • Now click on "Apply" button , a warning pop up may appear click on "OK" button for warning and then on "OK" button on Internet Options window.

Save Settings

  • After this restart the browser.

Using variables in Nginx location rules

A modified python version of @danack's PHP generate script. It generates all files & folders that live inside of build/ to the parent directory, replacing all {{placeholder}} matches. You need to cd into build/ before running the script.

File structure

-- (files/folders you want to generate)


import os, re

# Configurations
target = os.path.join('.', '..')
variables = {
  'placeholder': 'your replacement here'

# Loop files
def loop(cb, subdir=''):
  dir = os.path.join('.', subdir);

  for name in os.listdir(dir):
    file = os.path.join(dir, name)
    newsubdir = os.path.join(subdir, name)

    if name == '': continue
    if os.path.isdir(file): loop(cb, newsubdir)
    else: cb(subdir, name)

# Update file
def replacer(subdir, name):
  dir  = os.path.join(target, subdir)
  file = os.path.join(dir, name)
  oldfile = os.path.join('.', subdir, name)

  with open(oldfile, "r") as fin:
    data =

  for key, replacement in variables.iteritems():
    data = re.sub(r"{{\s*" + key + "\s*}}", replacement, data)

  if not os.path.exists(dir):

  with open(file, "w") as fout:

# Start variable replacements.

"continue" in cursor.forEach()

Use continue statement instead of return to skip an iteration in JS loops.

Why is "forEach not a function" for this object?

Object does not have forEach, it belongs to Array prototype. If you want to iterate through each key-value pair in the object and take the values. You can do this:

Object.keys(a).forEach(function (key){

Usage note: For an object v = {"cat":"large", "dog": "small", "bird": "tiny"};, Object.keys(v) gives you an array of the keys so you get ["cat","dog","bird"]

How to Pass data from child to parent component Angular

In order to send data from child component create property decorated with output() in child component and in the parent listen to the created event. Emit this event with new values in the payload when ever it needed.

@Output() public eventName:EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

to emit this event:


How do I run Python code from Sublime Text 2?

You can access the Python console via “View/Show console” or Ctrl+`.

How to upgrade safely php version in wamp server

WAMP server generally provide addond for different php/mysql versions. However you mentioned you have downloaded latest wamp server. As of now, latest Wamp server v2.5 provide PHP version 5.5.12

So you need to upgrade it manually as follow:

  1. Download binaries on
  2. Extract all files in a new folder : C:/wamp/bin/php/php5.5.27/
  3. Copy the wampserver.conf from another php folder (like php/php5.5.12/) to the new folder
  4. Rename php.ini-development file to phpForApache.ini
  5. Done ! Restart WampServer (>Right Mouseclick on trayicon >Exit)

Although not asked, I'd recommend to vagrant/puppet or docker for local development. Check for details. It has slight learning curve but it will give you much better control of different versions of every tool.

Set Windows process (or user) memory limit

Depending on your applications, it might be easier to limit the memory the language interpreter uses. For example with Java you can set the amount of RAM the JVM will be allocated.

Otherwise it is possible to set it once for each process with the windows API

SetProcessWorkingSetSize Function

Tuples( or arrays ) as Dictionary keys in C#

If for some reason you really want to avoid creating your own Tuple class, or using on built into .NET 4.0, there is one other approach possible; you can combine the three key values together into a single value.

For example, if the three values are integer types together not taking more than 64 bits, you could combine them into a ulong.

Worst-case you can always use a string, as long as you make sure the three components in it are delimited with some character or sequence that does not occur inside the components of the key, for example, with three numbers you could try:

string.Format("{0}#{1}#{2}", key1, key2, key3)

There is obviously some composition overhead in this approach, but depending on what you are using it for this may be trivial enough not to care about it.

using jQuery .animate to animate a div from right to left?

so the .animate method works only if you have given a position attribute to an element, if not it didn't move?

for example i've seen that if i declare the div but i declare nothing in the css, it does not assume his default position and it does not move it into the page, even if i declare property margin: x w y z;

What is __pycache__?

When you import a module,

import file_name

Python stores the compiled bytecode in __pycache__ directory so that future imports can use it directly, rather than having to parse and compile the source again.

It does not do that for merely running a script, only when a file is imported.

(Previous versions used to store the cached bytecode as .pyc files that littered up the same directory as the .py files, but starting in Python 3 they were moved to a subdirectory to make things tidier.)

PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE ---> If this is set to a non-empty string, Python won’t try to write .pyc files on the import of source modules. This is equivalent to specifying the -B option.

Find duplicate records in MongoDB

Use aggregation on name and get name with count > 1:

    {"$group" : { "_id": "$name", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } },
    {"$match": {"_id" :{ "$ne" : null } , "count" : {"$gt": 1} } }, 
    {"$project": {"name" : "$_id", "_id" : 0} }

To sort the results by most to least duplicates:

    {"$group" : { "_id": "$name", "count": { "$sum": 1 } } },
    {"$match": {"_id" :{ "$ne" : null } , "count" : {"$gt": 1} } }, 
    {"$sort": {"count" : -1} },
    {"$project": {"name" : "$_id", "_id" : 0} }     

To use with another column name than "name", change "$name" to "$column_name"

S3 limit to objects in a bucket

While you can store an unlimited number of files/objects in a single bucket, when you go to list a "directory" in a bucket, it will only give you the first 1000 files/objects in that bucket by default. To access all the files in a large "directory" like this, you need to make multiple calls to their API.

pip installation /usr/local/opt/python/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I had the same issue. I have both Python 2.7 & 3.6 installed. Python 2.7 had virtualenv working, but after installing Python3, virtualenv kept looking for version 2.7 and couldn't find it. Doing pip install virtualenv installed the Python3 version of virtualenv.

Then, for each command, if I want to use Python2, I would use virtualenv --python=python2.7 somecommand

Is there a way to delete all the data from a topic or delete the topic before every run?

Below are scripts for emptying and deleting a Kafka topic assuming localhost as the zookeeper server and Kafka_Home is set to the install directory:

The script below will empty a topic by setting its retention time to 1 second and then removing the configuration:

echo "Enter name of topic to empty:"
read topicName
/$Kafka_Home/bin/kafka-configs --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name $topicName --add-config
sleep 5
/$Kafka_Home/bin/kafka-configs --zookeeper localhost:2181 --alter --entity-type topics --entity-name $topicName --delete-config

To fully delete topics you must stop any applicable kafka broker(s) and remove it's directory(s) from the kafka log dir (default: /tmp/kafka-logs) and then run this script to remove the topic from zookeeper. To verify it's been deleted from zookeeper the output of ls /brokers/topics should no longer include the topic:

echo "Enter name of topic to delete from zookeeper:"
read topicName
/$Kafka_Home/bin/zookeeper-shell localhost:2181 <<EOF
rmr /brokers/topics/$topicName
ls /brokers/topics

React Native android build failed. SDK location not found

If you are on windows escape (add backlashes to) the backslashes and the colon in the android/ file. If its not there then create it

sdk.dir = C\:\\Android\\sdk

jquery getting post action url

Clean and Simple:

$('#signup').submit(function(event) {


Writing to a file in a for loop

It's preferable to use context managers to close the files automatically

with open("new.txt", "r"), open('xyz.txt', 'w') as textfile, myfile:
    for line in textfile:
        var1, var2 = line.split(",");

<xsl:variable> Print out value of XSL variable using <xsl:value-of>

In this case no conditionals are needed to set the variable.

This one-liner XPath expression:


is true() only when the child of the current node, named joined-subclass exists and it is false() otherwise.

The complete stylesheet is:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="class">
   <xsl:variable name="subexists"

   subexists:  <xsl:text/>
   <xsl:value-of select="$subexists" />

Do note, that the use of the XPath function boolean() in this expression is to convert a node (or its absense) to one of the boolean values true() or false().

How to change plot background color?

If you already have axes object, just like in Nick T's answer, you can also use


You can't specify target table for update in FROM clause

Make a temporary table (tempP) from a subquery

UPDATE pers P 
SET P.gehalt = P.gehalt * 1.05 
    SELECT tempP.tempId
    FROM (
        SELECT persID as tempId
        FROM pers P
            P.chefID IS NOT NULL OR gehalt < 
                (SELECT (
                    SELECT MAX(gehalt * 1.05) 
                    FROM pers MA 
                    WHERE MA.chefID = MA.chefID) 
                    AS _pers
    ) AS tempP

I've introduced a separate name (alias) and give a new name to 'persID' column for temporary table

How to easily get network path to the file you are working on?

Here's how to get the filepath of the file in Excel 2010.

1) Right click on the Ribbon.
2) Click on "Customize the Ribbon"
3) On the right hand side, click "New Group." This will add a new tab to the Ribbon. If you want to, click on the "Rename" button the right side and name your tab. For example, I named the tab "Doc Path." This step is optional
4) Under "Choose Commands From" on the left hand side, choose "Commands Not in the Ribbon."
5) Select "Document Location" and "Add" it to your newly created group.
6) The filepath should now appear under the newly created tab on the ribbon.

onchange event for html.dropdownlist

If you have a list view you can do this:

  1. Define a select list:

       var Acciones = new SelectList(new[]
      new SelectListItem { Text = "Modificar", Value = 
       Url.Action("Edit", "Countries")},
      new SelectListItem { Text = "Detallar", Value = 
      Url.Action("Details", "Countries") },
      new SelectListItem { Text = "Eliminar", Value = 
      Url.Action("Delete", "Countries") },
     }, "Value", "Text");
  2. Use the defined SelectList, creating a diferent id for each record (remember that id of each element must be unique in a view), and finally call a javascript function for onchange event (include parameters in example url and record key):

    @Html.DropDownList("ddAcciones", Acciones, "Acciones", new { id = 
    item.CountryID, @onchange = "RealizarAccion(this.value ,id)" })
  3. onchange function can be something as:

    @section Scripts {
    <script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
    <script src="~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function RealizarAccion(accion, country)
        var url = accion + '/' + country;
        if (url != null && url != '') {
            window.location.href = url ;

an htop-like tool to display disk activity in linux

You could use iotop. It doesn't rely on a kernel patch. It Works with stock Ubuntu kernel

There is a package for it in the Ubuntu repos. You can install it using

sudo apt-get install iotop


git with development, staging and production branches

one of the best things about git is that you can change the work flow that works best for you.. I do use most of the time but you can use any workflow that fits your needs

Null check in an enhanced for loop

For anyone uninterested in writing their own static null safety method you can use: commons-lang's org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(Object, Object). For example:

    for (final String item : 
    (List<String>)ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(items, Collections.emptyList())) { ... }

ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull JavaDoc

How do I add a auto_increment primary key in SQL Server database?

In SQL Server 2008:

  • Right click on table
  • Go to design
  • Select numeric datatype
  • Add Name to the new column
  • Make Identity Specification to 'YES'

FATAL ERROR in native method: JDWP No transports initialized, jvmtiError=AGENT_ERROR_TRANSPORT_INIT(197)

This error mostly comes when we forcefully kill the weblogic server ("kill -9 process id"), so before restart kindly check all the ports status which weblogic using e.g. http port , DEBUG_PORT etc by using this command to see which whether this port is active or not.

netstat –an | grep (Admin: 7001 or something, Managed server- 7002, 7003 etc) eg: netstat –an | grep 7001

If it returns value then, option 1: wait for some time, so that background process can release the port option 2: execute Option 3: Bounce the server/host or restart the system.

My issue was resolved by option 2.

delete map[key] in go?

From Effective Go:

To delete a map entry, use the delete built-in function, whose arguments are the map and the key to be deleted. It's safe to do this even if the key is already absent from the map.

delete(timeZone, "PDT")  // Now on Standard Time

Hadoop MapReduce: Strange Result when Storing Previous Value in Memory in a Reduce Class (Java)

It is very inefficient to store all values in memory, so the objects are reused and loaded one at a time. See this other SO question for a good explanation. Summary:

[...] when looping through the Iterable value list, each Object instance is re-used, so it only keeps one instance around at a given time.

How to get user's high resolution profile picture on Twitter?

for me the "workaround" solution was to remove the "_normal" from the end of the string

Check it out below:

How can I output leading zeros in Ruby?

As stated by the other answers, "%03d" % number works pretty well, but it goes against the rubocop ruby style guide:

Favor the use of sprintf and its alias format over the fairly cryptic String#% method

We can obtain the same result in a more readable way using the following:

format('%03d', number)

Regarding 'main(int argc, char *argv[])'

argc means the number of argument that are passed to the program. char* argv[] are the passed arguments. argv[0] is always the program name itself. I'm not a 100% sure, but I think int main() is valid in C/C++.