Programs & Examples On

How to add a second css class with a conditional value in razor MVC 4

You can use String.Format function to add second class based on condition:

<div class="@String.Format("details {0}", Details.Count > 0 ? "show" : "hide")">

How can I set my Cygwin PATH to find javac?

Although all other answers are technically correct, I would recommend you adding the custom path to the beginning of your PATH, not at the end. That way it would be the first place to look for instead of the last:

Add to bottom of ~/.bash_profile:

export PATH="/cygdrive/C/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_23/bin/":$PATH

That way if you have more than one java or javac it will use the one you provided first.

Application Installation Failed in Android Studio

For those who uses Xiaomi phones, follow these steps:

  1. Settings-> Additional Settings-> Developer options

  2. Turn off MIUI Optimization and reboot your phone

  3. Last Disable verify app over USB

Your device will respond properly.

Also enable install via USB

Java default constructor

A default constructor does not take any arguments:

public class Student { 
    // default constructor
    public Student() {   


Access item in a list of lists

List1 = [[10,-13,17],[3,5,1],[13,11,12]]

num = 50
for i in List1[0]:num -= i
print num

Differences between contentType and dataType in jQuery ajax function

From the documentation:

contentType (default: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')

Type: String

When sending data to the server, use this content type. Default is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", which is fine for most cases. If you explicitly pass in a content-type to $.ajax(), then it'll always be sent to the server (even if no data is sent). If no charset is specified, data will be transmitted to the server using the server's default charset; you must decode this appropriately on the server side.


dataType (default: Intelligent Guess (xml, json, script, or html))

Type: String

The type of data that you're expecting back from the server. If none is specified, jQuery will try to infer it based on the MIME type of the response (an XML MIME type will yield XML, in 1.4 JSON will yield a JavaScript object, in 1.4 script will execute the script, and anything else will be returned as a string).

They're essentially the opposite of what you thought they were.

Match everything except for specified strings

You don't need negative lookahead. There is working example:



  • [\s\S] - match any character
  • * - match from 0 to unlimited from previous group
  • ? - match as less as possible
  • (red|green|blue|) - match one of this words or nothing
  • g - repeat pattern



Will be:


Test it:

Disabling right click on images using jquery

This should work

     $('body').on('contextmenu', 'img', function(e){ 
         return false; 

How to convert FormData (HTML5 object) to JSON

I am arriving late here. However, I made a simple method that checks for the input type="checkbox"

var formData = new FormData($form.get(0));
        var objectData = {};
        formData.forEach(function (value, key) {
            var updatedValue = value;
            if ($('input[name="' + key + '"]').attr("type") === "checkbox" && $('input[name="' + key + '"]').is(":checked")) {
                updatedValue = true; // we don't set false due to it is by default on HTML
            objectData[key] = updatedValue;
var jsonData = JSON.stringify(objectData);

I hope this helps somebody else.

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

Add servlet-api.jar file which is present in the lib folder under tomcat folder. You can do this using the following steps:

1.Select project properties
2.Select Java Build Path
3.Select Libraries
4.Select External Jars
5.Select servlet-api.jar
6. Apply & Ok.

The issue should be resolved after these steps.

How to change the status bar color in Android?

Place this is your values-v21/styles.xml, to enable this on Lollipop:

    <!-- Base application theme. -->
    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/color_primary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/color_secondary</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/color_accent</item>
        <item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/color_primary</item>

Using Python's ftplib to get a directory listing, portably

There's no standard for the layout of the LIST response. You'd have to write code to handle the most popular layouts. I'd start with Linux ls and Windows Server DIR formats. There's a lot of variety out there, though.

Fall back to the nlst method (returning the result of the NLST command) if you can't parse the longer list. For bonus points, cheat: perhaps the longest number in the line containing a known file name is its length.

ValueError: Wrong number of items passed - Meaning and suggestions?

for i in range(100):
  #Your code here

This one worked for me.

Open file dialog and select a file using WPF controls and C#

var ofd = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog() {Filter = "JPEG Files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|PNG Files (*.png)|*.png|JPG Files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|GIF Files (*.gif)|*.gif"}; 
var result = ofd.ShowDialog();
if (result == false) return;
textBox1.Text = ofd.FileName;

Programmatically Lighten or Darken a hex color (or rgb, and blend colors)

Your approach is ok :) I simplify your shortest version a little (for saturation control look here)

(col,amt)=> (+('0x'+col)+amt*0x010101).toString(16).padStart(6,0)

// Similar to OP shortest version, we not have here # and colors range checking

var LightenDarkenColor = 
     (col,amt) => (+('0x'+col)+amt*0x010101).toString(16).padStart(6,0);    

// ------
// ------

function update() {
  let c= col.value.padEnd(6,'0').slice(0,6);
  let color = '#'+LightenDarkenColor(c, +amt.value);
  oldColor.innerHTML = 'Old: #'+c; = `background: #${c}`;
  newColor.innerHTML = 'New: '+color = `background: ${color}`;


.box{ width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block}
<input id="col" value="3F6D2A" oninput="update()">
<input id="amt" value="30" oninput="update()"><br>
<div id="oldColor" class="box"></div>
<div id="newColor" class="box"></div>

And version with # and color ranges checking

// # and colors range checking

var LightenDarkenColor = 
     (col,amt) => '#'+col.slice(1).match(/../g)

// ------
// ------

function update() {
  let c= col.value.padEnd(6,'0').slice(0,7);
  let color = LightenDarkenColor(c, +amt.value);
  oldColor.innerHTML = 'Old: '+c; = `background: ${c}`;
  newColor.innerHTML = 'New: '+color = `background: ${color}`;

.box{ width: 100px; height: 100px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block}
<input id="col" value="#3F6D2A" oninput="update()">
<input id="amt" value="40" oninput="update()"><br>
<div id="oldColor" class="box"></div>
<div id="newColor" class="box"></div>

Call a url from javascript

var req ;

// Browser compatibility check          
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
   req = new XMLHttpRequest();
    } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {

 try {
   req = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
 } catch (e) {

   try {
     req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
   } catch (e) {}


var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "test.html",true);
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
    //document.getElementById('divTxt').innerHTML = "Contents : " + req.responseText;


Change Twitter Bootstrap Tooltip content on click

You can just change the data-original-title using the following code:

$(element).attr('data-original-title', newValue);

Command-line svn for Windows?

You can get SVN command-line tools with TortoiseSVN 1.7 or later or get a 6.5mb standalone package from VisualSVN.

Starting with TortoiseSVN 1.7, its installer provides you with an option to install the command-line tools.

It also makes sense to check the Apache Subversion "Binary Packages" page. xD

How do I concatenate a boolean to a string in Python?

The recommended way is to let str.format handle the casting (docs). Methods with %s substitution may be deprecated eventually (see PEP3101).

>>> answer = True
>>> myvar = "the answer is {}".format(answer)
>>> print(myvar)
the answer is True

In Python 3.6+ you may use literal string interpolation:

 >>> print(f"the answer is {answer}")
the answer is True

Cannot install node modules that require compilation on Windows 7 x64/VS2012

on windows 8, it worked for me using :

npm install -g node-gyp -msvs_version=2012


npm install -g restify

Change URL without refresh the page


Based on Manipulating the browser history, passing the empty string as second parameter of pushState method (aka title) should be safe against future changes to the method, so it's better to use pushState like this:

history.pushState(null, '', '/en/step2');    

You can read more about that in mentioned article

Original Answer

Use history.pushState like this:

history.pushState(null, null, '/en/step2');

Update 2 to answer Idan Dagan's comment:

Why not using history.replaceState()?

From MDN

history.replaceState() operates exactly like history.pushState() except that replaceState() modifies the current history entry instead of creating a new one

That means if you use replaceState, yes the url will be changed but user can not use Browser's Back button to back to prev. state(s) anymore (because replaceState doesn't add new entry to history) and it's not recommended and provide bad UX.

Update 3 to add window.onpopstate

So, as this answer got your attention, here is additional info about manipulating the browser history, after using pushState, you can detect the back/forward button navigation by using window.onpopstate like this:

window.onpopstate = function(e) {
    // ... 

As the first argument of pushState is an object, if you passed an object instead of null, you can access that object in onpopstate which is very handy, here is how:

window.onpopstate = function(e) {
    if(e.state) {

Update 4 to add Reading the current state:

When your page loads, it might have a non-null state object, you can read the state of the current history entry without waiting for a popstate event using the history.state property like this:


Bonus: Use following to check history.pushState support:

if (history.pushState) {
  // \o/

How to get the type of a variable in MATLAB?

Since nobody mentioned it, MATLAB also has the metaclass function, which returns an object with various bits of information about the passed-in entity. These meta.class objects can be useful for tests of inheritance (via common comparison operators).

For example:

>> metaclass(magic(1))

ans = 

  class with properties:

                     Name: 'double'
              Description: ''
      DetailedDescription: ''
                   Hidden: 0
                   Sealed: 0
                 Abstract: 0
              Enumeration: 0
          ConstructOnLoad: 0
         HandleCompatible: 0
          InferiorClasses: {0×1 cell}
        ContainingPackage: [0×0 meta.package]
     RestrictsSubclassing: 0
             PropertyList: [0×1]
               MethodList: [272×1 meta.method]
                EventList: [0×1 meta.event]
    EnumerationMemberList: [0×1 meta.EnumeratedValue]
           SuperclassList: [0×1 meta.class]

>> ?containers.Map <= ?handle

ans =



We can see that class(someObj) is equivalent to the Name field of the result of metaclass(someObj).

Warning: push.default is unset; its implicit value is changing in Git 2.0

If you get a message from git complaining about the value 'simple' in the configuration, check your git version.

After upgrading Xcode (on a Mac running Mountain Lion), which also upgraded git from to, shells started before the upgrade were still running git and complained about the value 'simple' for push.default in the global config.

The solution was to close the shells running the old version of git and use the new version.

HTML: Select multiple as dropdown

Here is the documentation of <select>. You are using 2 attributes:

This Boolean attribute indicates that multiple options can be selected in the list. If it is not specified, then only one option can be selected at a time. When multiple is specified, most browsers will show a scrolling list box instead of a single line dropdown.

If the control is presented as a scrolling list box (e.g. when multiple is specified), this attribute represents the number of rows in the list that should be visible at one time. Browsers are not required to present a select element as a scrolled list box. The default value is 0.

As described in the docs. <select size="1" multiple> will render a List box only 1 line visible and a scrollbar. So you are loosing the dropdown/arrow with the multiple attribute.

Pointer-to-pointer dynamic two-dimensional array

The first method cannot be used to create dynamic 2D arrays because by doing:

int *board[4];

you essentially allocated an array of 4 pointers to int on stack. Therefore, if you now populate each of these 4 pointers with a dynamic array:

for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
  board[i] = new int[10];

what you end-up with is a 2D array with static number of rows (in this case 4) and dynamic number of columns (in this case 10). So it is not fully dynamic because when you allocate an array on stack you should specify a constant size, i.e. known at compile-time. Dynamic array is called dynamic because its size is not necessary to be known at compile-time, but can rather be determined by some variable in runtime.

Once again, when you do:

int *board[4];


const int x = 4; // <--- `const` qualifier is absolutely needed in this case!
int *board[x];

you supply a constant known at compile-time (in this case 4 or x) so that compiler can now pre-allocate this memory for your array, and when your program is loaded into the memory it would already have this amount of memory for the board array, that's why it is called static, i.e. because the size is hard-coded and cannot be changed dynamically (in runtime).

On the other hand, when you do:

int **board;
board = new int*[10];


int x = 10; // <--- Notice that it does not have to be `const` anymore!
int **board;
board = new int*[x];

the compiler does not know how much memory board array will require, and therefore it does not pre-allocate anything. But when you start your program, the size of array would be determined by the value of x variable (in runtime) and the corresponding space for board array would be allocated on so-called heap - the area of memory where all programs running on your computer can allocate unknown beforehand (at compile-time) amounts memory for personal usage.

As a result, to truly create dynamic 2D array you have to go with the second method:

int **board;
board = new int*[10]; // dynamic array (size 10) of pointers to int

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
  board[i] = new int[10];
  // each i-th pointer is now pointing to dynamic array (size 10) of actual int values

We've just created an square 2D array with 10 by 10 dimensions. To traverse it and populate it with actual values, for example 1, we could use nested loops:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {   // for each row
  for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { // for each column
    board[i][j] = 1;

How do you change the datatype of a column in SQL Server?


EDIT As noted NULL/NOT NULL should have been specified, see Rob's answer as well.

Intersect Two Lists in C#

From performance point of view if two lists contain number of elements that differ significantly, you can try such approach (using conditional operator ?:):

1.First you need to declare a converter:

Converter<string, int> del = delegate(string s) { return Int32.Parse(s); };

2.Then you use a conditional operator:

var r = data1.Count > data2.Count ?
 data2.ConvertAll<int>(del).Intersect(data1) :
 data1.Select(v => v.ToString()).Intersect(data2).ToList<string>().ConvertAll<int>(del);

You convert elements of shorter list to match the type of longer list. Imagine an execution speed if your first set contains 1000 elements and second only 10 (or opposite as it doesn't matter) ;-)

As you want to have a result as List, in a last line you convert the result (only result) back to int.

Android WebView style background-color:transparent ignored on android 2.2

  • After trying everything given above. I found it doesn't matter either you specify
    webView.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT) before or after loadUrl() /loadData().
  • The thing that matters is you should explicitly declare android:hardwareAccelerated="false" in the manifest.

Tested on IceCream Sandwich

Why can't I use background image and color together?

And to add to this answer, make sure the image itself has a transparent background.

Convert Enum to String

All of these internally end up calling a method called InternalGetValueAsString. The difference between ToString and GetName would be that GetName has to verify a few things first:

  1. The type you entered isn't null.
  2. The type you entered is, in fact an enumeration.
  3. The value you passed in isn't null.
  4. The value you passed in is of a type that an enumeration can actually use as it's underlying type, or of the type of the enumeration itself. It uses GetType on the value to check this.

.ToString doesn't have to worry about any of these above issues, because it is called on an instance of the class itself, and not on a passed in version, therefore, due to the fact that the .ToString method doesn't have the same verification issues as the static methods, I would conclude that .ToString is the fastest way to get the value as a string.

PHP Multiple Checkbox Array

Also remember you can include custom indices to the array sent to the server like this

<form method='post' id='userform' action='thisform.php'>
    <td>Trouble Type</td>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[4]' value='Option One'>4<br>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[6]' value='Option Two'>6<br>
    <input type='checkbox' name='checkboxvar[9]' value='Option Three'>9
<input type='submit' class='buttons'>

This is particularly useful when you want to use the id of individual objects in a server array accounts (for instance) to send data back to the server and recognize same at server

<form method='post' id='userform' action='thisform.php'>
    <td>Trouble Type</td>
    <?php foreach($accounts as $account) { ?>
        <input type='checkbox' name='accounts[<?php echo $account->id ?>]' value='<?php echo $account->name ?>'>
        <?php echo $account->name ?>
    <?php } ?>
<input type='submit' class='buttons'>

if (isset($_POST['accounts'])) 

How to kill a child process by the parent process?

In the parent process, fork()'s return value is the process ID of the child process. Stuff that value away somewhere for when you need to terminate the child process. fork() returns zero(0) in the child process.

When you need to terminate the child process, use the kill(2) function with the process ID returned by fork(), and the signal you wish to deliver (e.g. SIGTERM).

Remember to call wait() on the child process to prevent any lingering zombies.

HTML5 video - show/hide controls programmatically

<video id="myvideo">
  <source src="path/to/movie.mp4" />

<p onclick="toggleControls();">Toggle</p>

var video = document.getElementById("myvideo");

function toggleControls() {
  if (video.hasAttribute("controls")) {
  } else {

See it working on jsFiddle:

creating a table in ionic


.table:nth-child(2n+1) {
    background-color: whatever color !important;


    <ion-row class="nameClass" justify-content-center align-items-center style='height: 100%'>

            <div text-center>

row 2

        <ion-col >

        <ion-col >

        <ion-col >




bootstrap button shows blue outline when clicked

this will solve button with a text, button only a icon or a button is a link:

 <!--1. button with a text -->
 <button type="button" class="btn btn-success" id="newWord">Save</button>

 <!--2. button only with a close icon -->
 <button type="button" class="close"></button>

 <!--3. button is a link -->
 <a class="btn btn-success btn-xs" href="#">Save</a>

    outline:none !important;

if you add border:none !important;

    border:none !important;
    outline:none !important;

then the button will become smaller size when clicked.

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android

android:layout_gravity="center" />

The effect looks like this:


Excel - find cell with same value in another worksheet and enter the value to the left of it

Assuming employee numbers are in the first column and their names are in the second:

=VLOOKUP(A1, Sheet2!A:B, 2,false)

process.start() arguments

Not really a direct answer, but I'd highly recommend using LINQPad for this kind of "exploratory" C# programming.

I have the following as a saved "query" in LINQPad:

var p = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "/c echo Foo && echo Bar";
p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

Feel free to adapt as needed.

How to get the function name from within that function?

look here:


seems to be right for your needs.


    SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(tableName.categories, ' ', numbers.n), ' ', -1) category
    numbers INNER JOIN tableName
    ON LENGTH(tableName.categories)>=LENGTH(REPLACE(tableName.categories, ' ', ''))+numbers.n-1
  ) s;   

This will return distinct values like: test1,test2,test4,test3

Logging request/response messages when using HttpClient

An example of how you could do this:

Some notes:

  • LoggingHandler intercepts the request before it handles it to HttpClientHandler which finally writes to the wire.

  • PostAsJsonAsync extension internally creates an ObjectContent and when ReadAsStringAsync() is called in the LoggingHandler, it causes the formatter inside ObjectContent to serialize the object and that's the reason you are seeing the content in json.

Logging handler:

public class LoggingHandler : DelegatingHandler
    public LoggingHandler(HttpMessageHandler innerHandler)
        : base(innerHandler)

    protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (request.Content != null)
            Console.WriteLine(await request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

        HttpResponseMessage response = await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

        if (response.Content != null)
            Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

        return response;

Chain the above LoggingHandler with HttpClient:

HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new LoggingHandler(new HttpClientHandler()));
HttpResponseMessage response = client.PostAsJsonAsync(baseAddress + "/api/values", "Hello, World!").Result;


Method: POST, RequestUri: 'http://kirandesktop:9095/api/values', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.ObjectContent`1[
[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], Headers:
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"Hello, World!"

StatusCode: 200, ReasonPhrase: 'OK', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.StreamContent, Headers:
  Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 20:21:26 GMT
  Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
  Content-Length: 15
  Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"Hello, World!"

c# dictionary How to add multiple values for single key?

You could use my implementation of a multimap, which derives from a Dictionary<K, List<V>>. It is not perfect, however it does a good job.

/// <summary>
/// Represents a collection of keys and values.
/// Multiple values can have the same key.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TKey">Type of the keys.</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TValue">Type of the values.</typeparam>
public class MultiMap<TKey, TValue> : Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>>

    public MultiMap()
        : base()

    public MultiMap(int capacity)
        : base(capacity)

    /// <summary>
    /// Adds an element with the specified key and value into the MultiMap. 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The key of the element to add.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the element to add.</param>
    public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
        List<TValue> valueList;

        if (TryGetValue(key, out valueList)) {
        } else {
            valueList = new List<TValue>();
            Add(key, valueList);

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes first occurence of an element with a specified key and value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The key of the element to remove.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the element to remove.</param>
    /// <returns>true if the an element is removed;
    /// false if the key or the value were not found.</returns>
    public bool Remove(TKey key, TValue value)
        List<TValue> valueList;

        if (TryGetValue(key, out valueList)) {
            if (valueList.Remove(value)) {
                if (valueList.Count == 0) {
                return true;
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Removes all occurences of elements with a specified key and value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The key of the elements to remove.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the elements to remove.</param>
    /// <returns>Number of elements removed.</returns>
    public int RemoveAll(TKey key, TValue value)
        List<TValue> valueList;
        int n = 0;

        if (TryGetValue(key, out valueList)) {
            while (valueList.Remove(value)) {
            if (valueList.Count == 0) {
        return n;

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the total number of values contained in the MultiMap.
    /// </summary>
    public int CountAll
            int n = 0;

            foreach (List<TValue> valueList in Values) {
                n += valueList.Count;
            return n;

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines whether the MultiMap contains an element with a specific
    /// key / value pair.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">Key of the element to search for.</param>
    /// <param name="value">Value of the element to search for.</param>
    /// <returns>true if the element was found; otherwise false.</returns>
    public bool Contains(TKey key, TValue value)
        List<TValue> valueList;

        if (TryGetValue(key, out valueList)) {
            return valueList.Contains(value);
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines whether the MultiMap contains an element with a specific value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="value">Value of the element to search for.</param>
    /// <returns>true if the element was found; otherwise false.</returns>
    public bool Contains(TValue value)
        foreach (List<TValue> valueList in Values) {
            if (valueList.Contains(value)) {
                return true;
        return false;


Note that the Add method looks if a key is already present. If the key is new, a new list is created, the value is added to the list and the list is added to the dictionary. If the key was already present, the new value is added to the existing list.

Oracle find a constraint

To get a more detailed description (which table/column references which table/column) you can run the following query:

SELECT   uc.constraint_name||CHR(10)
   ||      '('||ucc1.TABLE_NAME||'.'||ucc1.column_name||')' constraint_source
   ,       'REFERENCES'||CHR(10)
   ||      '('||ucc2.TABLE_NAME||'.'||ucc2.column_name||')' references_column
FROM user_constraints uc ,
  user_cons_columns ucc1 ,
  user_cons_columns ucc2
WHERE uc.constraint_name = ucc1.constraint_name
AND uc.r_constraint_name = ucc2.constraint_name
AND ucc1.POSITION        = ucc2.POSITION -- Correction for multiple column primary keys.
AND uc.constraint_type   = 'R'
AND uc.constraint_name   = 'SYS_C00381400'

From here.

Run chrome in fullscreen mode on Windows

I would like to share my way of starting chrome - specificaly youtube tv - in full screen mode automatically, without the need of pressing F11. kiosk/fullscreen options doesn't seem to work (Version 41.0.2272.89). It has some steps though...

  • Start chrome and navigate to page (
  • Drag the address from the address bar (the lock icon) to the desktop. It will create a shortcut.
  • From chrome, open Apps (the icon with the multiple coloured dots)
  • From desktop, drag the shortcut into the Apps space
  • Right click on the new icon in Apps and select "Open fullscreen"
  • Right click again on the icon in Apps and select "Create shortcuts..."
  • Select for example Desktop and Create. A new shortcut will be created on desktop.

Now, whenever you click on this shortcut, chrome will start in fullscreen and at the page you defined. I guess you can put this shortcut in startup folder to run when windows starts, but I haven't tried it.

What is the difference between ( for... in ) and ( for... of ) statements?

The statement iterates over the enumerable properties of an object, in an arbitrary order. Enumerable properties are those properties whose internal [[Enumerable]] flag is set to true, hence if there is any enumerable property in the prototype chain, the loop will iterate on those as well.

The for...of statement iterates over data that iterable object defines to be iterated over.


Object.prototype.objCustom = function() {}; 
Array.prototype.arrCustom = function() {};

let iterable = [3, 5, 7];

for (let i in iterable) {
  console.log(i); // logs: 0, 1, 2, "arrCustom", "objCustom"

for (let i in iterable) {
  if (iterable.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
    console.log(i); // logs: 0, 1, 2,

for (let i of iterable) {
  console.log(i); // logs: 3, 5, 7

Like earlier, you can skip adding hasOwnProperty in for...of loops.

How to pad a string with leading zeros in Python 3

Since python 3.6 you can use fstring :

>>> length = 1
>>> print(f'length = {length:03}')
length = 001

Filter Pyspark dataframe column with None value

To obtain entries whose values in the dt_mvmt column are not null we have

df.filter("dt_mvmt is not NULL")

and for entries which are null we have

df.filter("dt_mvmt is NULL")

npm install error - MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe"

I tried the above suggested npm install --global --production windows-build-tools but found that the installation was always hanging forever.

I managed to fix the problem by installing Node.js 8 instead of Node.js 10.

Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

If you want to delete file first close all the connections and streams. after that delete the file.

How to initialize a list with constructor?

You can initialize it just like any list:

public List<ContactNumber> ContactNumbers { get; set; }

public Human(int id)
    Id = id;
    ContactNumbers = new List<ContactNumber>();

public Human(int id, string address, string name) :this(id)
    Address = address;
    Name = name;
    // no need to initialize the list here since you're
    // already calling the single parameter constructor

However, I would even go a step further and make the setter private since you often don't need to set the list, but just access/modify its contents:

public List<ContactNumber> ContactNumbers { get; private set; }

How to get UTC timestamp in Ruby?

if you need a human-readable timestamp (like rails migration has) ex. "20190527141340"  # using Rails"%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # using Ruby

If...Then...Else with multiple statements after Then

Multiple statements are to be separated by a new line:

If SkyIsBlue Then
ElseIf SkyIsRed Then
ElseIf SkyIsYellow Then
  If Sunset Then
  ElseIf Sunrise or IsMorning Then
  End If
End If

Node.js create folder or use existing

You can also use fs-extra, which provide a lot frequently used file operations.

Sample Code:

var fs = require('fs-extra')

fs.mkdirs('/tmp/some/long/path/that/prob/doesnt/exist', function (err) {
  if (err) return console.error(err)


docs here:

string to string array conversion in java

Based on the title of this question, I came here wanting to convert a String into an array of substrings divided by some delimiter. I will add that answer here for others who may have the same question.

This makes an array of words by splitting the string at every space:

String str = "string to string array conversion in java";
String delimiter = " ";
String strArray[] = str.split(delimiter);

This creates the following array:

// [string, to, string, array, conversion, in, java]


Tested in Java 8

Easiest way to split a string on newlines in .NET?

I did not know about Environment.Newline, but I guess this is a very good solution.

My try would have been:

        string str = "Test Me\r\nTest Me\nTest Me";
        var splitted = str.Split('\n').Select(s => s.Trim()).ToArray();

The additional .Trim removes any \r or \n that might be still present (e. g. when on windows but splitting a string with os x newline characters). Probably not the fastest method though.


As the comments correctly pointed out, this also removes any whitespace at the start of the line or before the new line feed. If you need to preserve that whitespace, use one of the other options.

How to set a default value in react-select

Extending on @isaac-pak's answer, if you want to pass the default value to your component in a prop, you can save it in state in the componentDidMount() lifecycle method to ensure the default is selected the first time.

Note, I've updated the following code to make it more complete and to use an empty string as the initial value per the comment.

export default class MySelect extends Component {

    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            selectedValue: '',
        this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);

        this.options = [
            {value: 'foo', label: 'Foo'},
            {value: 'bar', label: 'Bar'},
            {value: 'baz', label: 'Baz'}


    componentDidMount() {
            selectedValue: this.props.defaultValue,

    handleChange(selectedOption) {

    render() {
        return (
                value={this.options.filter(({value}) => value === this.state.selectedValue)}

MySelect.propTypes = {
    defaultValue: PropTypes.string.isRequired

How to hide a div with jQuery?

$("myDiv").hide(); and $("myDiv").show(); does not work in Internet Explorer that well.

The way I got around this was to get the html content of myDiv using .html().

I then wrote it to a newly created DIV. I then appended the DIV to the body and appended the content of the variable Content to the HiddenField then read that contents from the newly created div when I wanted to show the DIV.

After I used the .remove() method to get rid of the DIV that was temporarily holding my DIVs html.

var Content = $('myDiv').html(); 
        var hiddenField = $("<input type='hidden' id='myDiv2'>");

and then when I wanted to SHOW the content again.

        var Content = $('myDiv');

This was more reliable that the .hide() & .show() methods.

Git: How to remove proxy

Check if you have environment variable that could still define a proxy (picked up by curl, even if the git config does not include any proxy setting anymore):


Valid content-type for XML, HTML and XHTML documents

HTML: text/html, full-stop.

XHTML: application/xhtml+xml, or only if following HTML compatbility guidelines, text/html. See the W3 Media Types Note.

XML: text/xml, application/xml (RFC 2376).

There are also many other media types based around XML, for example application/rss+xml or image/svg+xml. It's a safe bet that any unrecognised but registered ending in +xml is XML-based. See the IANA list for registered media types ending in +xml.

(For unregistered x- types, all bets are off, but you'd hope +xml would be respected.)

How do I find out where login scripts live?

The default location for logon scripts is the netlogon share of a domain controller. On the server this is located:


It can presumably be changes from this default but I've never met anyone that had a reason to.

To get list of domain controllers programatically see this article:

Get checkbox list values with jQuery

You should use map for this.

$('input[type=checkbox]:checked').map(function(i, e) { 
    return $(e).val(); 

Margin on child element moves parent element

I had this problem too but preferred to prevent negative margins hacks, so I put a

<div class="supercontainer"></div>

around it all which has paddings instead of margins. Of course this means more divitis but it's probably the cleanest way to do get this done properly.

Determine if 2 lists have the same elements, regardless of order?

As mentioned in comments above, the general case is a pain. It is fairly easy if all items are hashable or all items are sortable. However I have recently had to try solve the general case. Here is my solution. I realised after posting that this is a duplicate to a solution above that I missed on the first pass. Anyway, if you use slices rather than list.remove() you can compare immutable sequences.

def sequences_contain_same_items(a, b):
    for item in a:
            i = b.index(item)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        b = b[:i] + b[i+1:]
    return not b

How do I compile and run a program in Java on my Mac?

I will give you steps to writing and compiling code. Use this example:

 public class Paycheck {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        double amountInAccount;
        amountInAccount = 128.57;
        System.out.print("You earned $");
        System.out.println(" at work today.");
  1. Save the code as
  2. Go to terminal and type cd Desktop
  3. Type javac
  4. Type java Paycheck
  5. Enjoy your program!

Delete worksheet in Excel using VBA


Sub SheetKiller()
    Dim s As Worksheet, t As String
    Dim i As Long, K As Long
    K = Sheets.Count

    For i = K To 1 Step -1
        t = Sheets(i).Name
        If t = "ID Sheet" Or t = "Summary" Then
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        End If
    Next i
End Sub


Because we are deleting, we run the loop backwards.

What to return if Spring MVC controller method doesn't return value?

You can simply return a ResponseEntity with the appropriate header:

@RequestMapping(value = "/updateSomeData" method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity updateDataThatDoesntRequireClientToBeNotified(...){
return new ResponseEntity(HttpStatus.OK)

Windows batch: sleep

I rely on JScript. I have a JScript file like this:

// This is sleep.js
WScript.Sleep( WScript.Arguments( 0 ) );

And inside a batch file I run it with CScript (usually it is %SystemRoot%\system32\cscript.exe)

rem This is the calling inside a BAT file to wait for 5 seconds
cscript /nologo sleep.js 5000

How do I setup a SSL certificate for an express.js server?

See the Express docs as well as the Node docs for https.createServer (which is what express recommends to use):

var privateKey = fs.readFileSync( 'privatekey.pem' );
var certificate = fs.readFileSync( 'certificate.pem' );

    key: privateKey,
    cert: certificate
}, app).listen(port);

Other options for createServer are at:

Where is Maven Installed on Ubuntu

Depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for the executable :

$ whereis mvn

If you are looking for the libs and repo :

$ locate maven

With the locate command, you could also pipe it to grep to find a particular library, i.e.

$ locate maven | grep 'jetty'


How to find schema name in Oracle ? when you are connected in sql session using read only user

Call SYS_CONTEXT to get the current schema. From Ask Tom "How to get current schema:

select sys_context( 'userenv', 'current_schema' ) from dual;

MessageBox with YesNoCancel - No & Cancel triggers same event

The way I use a yes/no prompt is:

If MsgBox("Are you sure?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) <> MsgBoxResults.Yes Then
    Exit Sub
End If

GitHub Error Message - Permission denied (publickey)

I was using github earlier for one of my php project. While using github, I was using ssh instead of https. I had my machine set up like that and every time I used to commit and push the code, it would ask me my rsa key password.

After some days, I stopped working on the php project and forgot my rsa password. Recently, I started working on a java project and moved to bitbucket. Since, I had forgotten the password and there is no way to recover it I guess, I decided to use the https(recommended) protocol for the new project and got the same error asked in the question.

How I solved it?

  1. Ran this command to tell my git to use https instead of ssh:

    git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
  2. Remove any remote if any

    git remote rm origin
  3. Redo everything from git init to git push and it works!

PS: I also un-installed ssh from my machine during the debug process thinking that, removing it will fix the problem. Yes I know!! :)

Interop type cannot be embedded

Expanding on Jon's correct answer.

The problem here is that your are combining the new "Embed Interop Types" (or NoPIA) feature with use of a class type. The "Embed Interop Types" feature works by essentially statically linking in all of the types from a PIA (Primary Interop Assembly) into the referencing assembly removing the overhead of deploying it.

This feature works great for most types in a PIA but it does have restrictions. One of them is that you cannot embed classes (it's a servicing issue). Misha has a detailed blog article on why this is not allowed

Making a request to a RESTful API using python

So you want to pass data in body of a GET request, better would be to do it in POST call. You can achieve this by using both Requests.

Raw Request

Content-Length: 183
User-Agent: python-requests/2.9.0
Connection: keep-alive
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "text": {
            "record.document": "SOME_JOURNAL"
          "text": {
            "record.articleTitle": "farmers"
      "must_not": [],
      "should": []
  "from": 0,
  "size": 50,
  "sort": [],
  "facets": {}

Sample call with Requests

import requests

def consumeGETRequestSync():
data = '{
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "must": [
          "text": {
            "record.document": "SOME_JOURNAL"
          "text": {
            "record.articleTitle": "farmers"
      "must_not": [],
      "should": []
  "from": 0,
  "size": 50,
  "sort": [],
  "facets": {}
url = ''
headers = {"Accept": "application/json"}
# call get service with headers and params
response = requests.get(url,data = data)
print "code:"+ str(response.status_code)
print "******************"
print "headers:"+ str(response.headers)
print "******************"
print "content:"+ str(response.text)


php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known

in simple word your site has been blocked to access network. may be you have automated some script and it caused your whole website to be blocked. the better way to resolve this is contact that site and tell your issue. if issue is genuine they may consider unblocking

C# Regex for Guid

In .NET Framework 4 there is enhancement System.Guid structure, These includes new TryParse and TryParseExact methods to Parse GUID. Here is example for this.

    //Generate New GUID
    Guid objGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
    //Take invalid guid format
    string strGUID = "aaa-a-a-a-a";

    Guid newGuid;

    if (Guid.TryParse(objGuid.ToString(), out newGuid) == true)
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is Valid GUID.", objGuid.ToString()));
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is InValid GUID.", objGuid.ToString()));

    Guid newTmpGuid;

    if (Guid.TryParse(strGUID, out newTmpGuid) == true)
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is Valid GUID.", strGUID));
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is InValid GUID.", strGUID));

In this example we create new guid object and also take one string variable which has invalid guid. After that we use TryParse method to validate that both variable has valid guid format or not. By running example you can see that string variable has not valid guid format and it gives message of "InValid guid". If string variable has valid guid than this will return true in TryParse method.

Best way to test if a row exists in a MySQL table

Suggest you not to use Count because count always makes extra loads for db use SELECT 1 and it returns 1 if your record right there otherwise it returns null and you can handle it.

Copy multiple files from one directory to another from Linux shell

I guess you are looking for brace expansion:

cp /home/ankur/folder/{file1,file2} /home/ankur/dest

take a look here, it would be helpful for you if you want to handle multiple files once :

tab completion with zsh...

enter image description here

Create an enum with string values

In latest version (1.0RC) of TypeScript, you can use enums like this:

enum States {

// this will show message '0' which is number representation of enum member

// this will show message 'Disabled' as string representation of enum member

Update 1

To get number value of enum member from string value, you can use this:

var str = "Active";
// this will show message '1'

Update 2

In latest TypeScript 2.4, there was introduced string enums, like this:

enum ActionType {
    AddUser = "ADD_USER",
    DeleteUser = "DELETE_USER",
    RenameUser = "RENAME_USER",

    // Aliases
    RemoveUser = DeleteUser,

For more info about TypeScript 2.4, read blog on MSDN.


I would dump your query so you can take a look at the SQL that was actually executed and see how that differs from what you wrote.

You should be able to do that with the following code:

$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);

Hopefully that should give you enough information to allow you to figure out what's gone wrong.

How to get value in the session in jQuery

Assuming you are using this plugin, you are misusing the .set method. .set must be passed the name of the key as a string as well as the value. I suppose you meant to write:

$.session.set("userName", $("#uname").val());

This sets the userName key in session storage to the value of the input, and allows you to retrieve it using:


How to compile a static library in Linux?

Generate the object files with gcc, then use ar to bundle them into a static library.

How to set Internet options for Android emulator?

On a slightly different note, I had to make a virtual device without GSM Modem Support so that the internet on my emulator would work.

How to copy a dictionary and only edit the copy

Assignment statements in Python do not copy objects, they create bindings between a target and an object.

so, dict2 = dict1, it results another binding between dict2and the object that dict1 refer to.

if you want to copy a dict, you can use the copy module. The copy module has two interface:

Return a shallow copy of x.

Return a deep copy of x.

The difference between shallow and deep copying is only relevant for compound objects (objects that contain other objects, like lists or class instances):

A shallow copy constructs a new compound object and then (to the extent possible) inserts references into it to the objects found in the original.

A deep copy constructs a new compound object and then, recursively, inserts copies into it of the objects found in the original.

For example, in python 2.7.9:

>>> import copy
>>> a = [1,2,3,4,['a', 'b']]
>>> b = a
>>> c = copy.copy(a)
>>> d = copy.deepcopy(a)
>>> a.append(5)
>>> a[4].append('c')

and the result is:

>>> a
[1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 5]
>>> b
[1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b', 'c'], 5]
>>> c
[1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b', 'c']]
>>> d
[1, 2, 3, 4, ['a', 'b']]

Ruby 2.0.0p0 IRB warning: "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle"

The message you received is common when you have ruby 2.0.0p0 (2013-02-24) on top of Windows.

The message "DL is deprecated, please use Fiddle" is not an error; it's only a warning.

The source is the Deprecation notice for DL introduced some time ago in dl.rb ( see revisions/37910 ).

On Windows the lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/readline.rb file still requires dl.rb so the warning message comes out when you require 'irb' ( because irb requires 'readline' ) or when anything else wants to require 'readline'.

You can open readline.rb with your favorite text editor and look up the code ( near line 4369 ):

    if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.1'
      require 'Win32API'
      require 'dl'
      class Win32API
        DLL = {}

We can always hope for an improvement to work out this deprecation in future releases of Ruby.

EDIT: For those wanting to go deeper about Fiddle vs DL, let it be said that their purpose is to dynamically link external libraries with Ruby; you can read on the ruby-doc website about DL or Fiddle.

Fine control over the font size in Seaborn plots for academic papers

It is all but satisfying, isn't it? The easiest way I have found to specify when setting the context, e.g.:

sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

This should take care of 90% of standard plotting usage. If you want ticklabels smaller than axes labels, set the 'axes.labelsize' to the smaller (ticklabel) value and specify axis labels (or other custom elements) manually, e.g.:


you could define it as a function and load it in your scripts so you don't have to remember your standard numbers, or call it every time.

def set_pubfig:
    sns.set_context("paper", rc={"font.size":8,"axes.titlesize":8,"axes.labelsize":5})   

Of course you can use configuration files, but I guess the whole idea is to have a simple, straightforward method, which is why the above works well.

Note: If you specify these numbers, specifying font_scale in sns.set_context is ignored for all specified font elements, even if you set it.

Get the position of a spinner in Android

The way to get the selection of the spinner is:


Documentation reference:

However, in your code, the one place you are referencing it is within your setOnItemSelectedListener(). It is not necessary to poll the spinner, because the onItemSelected method gets passed the position as the "position" variable.

So you could change that line to:

TestProjectActivity.this.number = position + 1;

If that does not fix the problem, please post the error message generated when your app crashes.

how to check which version of nltk, scikit learn installed?

import nltk is Python syntax, and as such won't work in a shell script.

To test the version of nltk and scikit_learn, you can write a Python script and run it. Such a script may look like

import nltk
import sklearn

print('The nltk version is {}.'.format(nltk.__version__))
print('The scikit-learn version is {}.'.format(sklearn.__version__))

# The nltk version is 3.0.0.
# The scikit-learn version is 0.15.2.

Note that not all Python packages are guaranteed to have a __version__ attribute, so for some others it may fail, but for nltk and scikit-learn at least it will work.

Laravel Eloquent Sum of relation's column

this is not your answer but is for those come here searching solution for another problem. I wanted to get sum of a column of related table conditionally. In my database Deals has many Activities I wanted to get the sum of the "amount_total" from Activities table where activities.deal_id = and activities.status = paid so i did this.

'activity AS paid_sum' => function ($query) {
            $query->select(DB::raw("SUM(amount_total) as paidsum"))->where('status', 'paid');

it returns

"paid_sum_count" => "320.00"

in Deals attribute.

This it now the sum which i wanted to get not the count.

How can I hide a checkbox in html?

This two classes are borrowed from the HTML Boilerplate main.css. Although the invisible checkbox will be focused and not the label.

 * Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders:

.visuallyhidden {
    border: 0;
    clip: rect(0 0 0 0);
    height: 1px;
    margin: -1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0;
    position: absolute;
    width: 1px;

 * Extends the .visuallyhidden class to allow the element to be focusable
 * when navigated to via the keyboard:

.visuallyhidden.focusable:focus {
    clip: auto;
    height: auto;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: visible;
    position: static;
    width: auto;

how to remove new lines and returns from php string?

To remove new lines from string, follow the below code

$newstring = preg_replace("/[\n\r]/","",$subject); 

Mysql Compare two datetime fields

Do you want to order it?

Select * From temp where mydate > '2009-06-29 04:00:44' ORDER BY mydate;

Getting RAW Soap Data from a Web Reference Client running in

Try Fiddler2 it will let you inspect the requests and response. It might be worth noting that Fiddler works with both http and https traffic.

How can I read user input from the console?

string str = Console.ReadLine(); //Reads a character from console
double a = double.Parse(str); //Converts str into the type double
double b = a * Math.PI; // Multiplies by PI
Console.WriteLine("{0}", b); // Writes the number to console

Console.Read() reads a string from console A SINGLE CHARACTER AT A TIME (but waits for an enter before going on. You normally use it in a while cycle). So if you write 25 + Enter, it will return the unicode value of 2 that is 50. If you redo a second Console.Read() it will return immediately with 53 (the unicode value of 5). A third and a fourth Console.Read() will return the end of line/carriage characters. A fifth will wait for new input.

Console.ReadLine() reads a string (so then you need to change the string to a double)

How to trim white space from all elements in array?

I know this is a really old post, but since Java 1.8 there is a nicer way to trim every String in an array.

Java 8 Lamda Expression solution:

List<String> temp = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(yourArray));
temp.forEach(e -> {temp.set((temp.indexOf(e), e.trim()});
yourArray = temp.toArray(new String[temp.size()]);

with this solution you don't have to create a new Array.
Like in Óscar López's solution

Use jQuery to change value of a label

Validation (HTML5): Attribute 'name' is not a valid attribute of element 'label'.

How to change column order in a table using sql query in sql server 2005?



which displays the default column order of the table.

If you want to change the order of the columns.

Specify the column name to display correspondingly


How to change css property using javascript

var hello = $('.right') // or var hello = document.getElementByClassName('right')
var bye = $('.right1')
hello.onmouseover = function()
{ = 'visible'
hello.onmouseout = function()
{ = 'hidden'

How to ignore ansible SSH authenticity checking?

forward to nikobelia

For those who using jenkins to run the play book, I just added to my jenkins job before running the ansible-playbook the he environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING = False For instance this:

ansible-playbook 'playbook.yml' \
--extra-vars="some vars..." \
--tags="tags_name..." -vv

The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)

This could be an error in the web.config file.

Open up your URL in your browser, example:


Check if you have a 500 Error.

HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error

Look for the error in these sections:

Config Error

Config File

HttpRequest maximum allowable size in tomcat?

Although other answers include some of the following information, this is the absolute minimum that needs to be changed on EC2 instances, specifically regarding deployment of large WAR files, and is the least likely to cause issues during future updates. I've been running into these limits about every other year due to the ever-increasing size of the Jenkins WAR file (now ~72MB).

More specifically, this answer is applicable if you encounter a variant of the following error in catalina.out:

SEVERE [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-17] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.log HTMLManager:
FAIL - Deploy Upload Failed, Exception:
the request was rejected because its size (75333656) exceeds the configured maximum (52428800)]

On Amazon EC2 Linux instances, the only file that needs to be modified from the default installation of Tomcat (sudo yum install tomcat8) is:


By default, the maximum upload size is exactly 50MB:

  <!-- 50MB max -->

There are only two values that need to be modified (max-file-size and max-request-size):

  <!-- 100MB max -->

When Tomcat is upgraded on these instances, the new version of the manager web.xml will be placed in web.xml.rpmnew, so any modifications to the original file will not be overwritten during future updates.

Error Code 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value - Mysql

I've seen a couple cases where this error occurs:

1. using the not equals operator != in a where clause with a list of multiple or values

such as:

where columnName !=('A'||'B')

This can be resolved by using

where columnName not in ('A','B')

2. missing a comparison operator in an if() function:

select if(col1,col1,col2);

in order to select the value in col1 if it exists and otherwise show the value in col2...this throws the error; it can be resolved by using:

select if(col1!='',col1,col2);

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField

What I did was to create my own storage that will just not save the file to the disk:

from import FileSystemStorage

class CustomStorage(FileSystemStorage):

    def _open(self, name, mode='rb'):
        return File(open(self.path(name), mode))

    def _save(self, name, content):
        # here, you should implement how the file is to be saved
        # like on other machines or something, and return the name of the file.
        # In our case, we just return the name, and disable any kind of save
        return name

    def get_available_name(self, name):
        return name

Then, in my models, for my ImageField, I've used the new custom storage:

from custom_storage import CustomStorage

custom_store = CustomStorage()

class Image(models.Model):
    thumb = models.ImageField(storage=custom_store, upload_to='/some/path')

Assert equals between 2 Lists in Junit

For junit4! This question deserves a new answer written for junit5.

I realise this answer is written a couple years after the question, probably this feature wasn't around then. But now, it's easy to just do this:

public void test_array_pass()
  List<String> actual = Arrays.asList("fee", "fi", "foe");
  List<String> expected = Arrays.asList("fee", "fi", "foe");

  assertThat(actual, is(expected));
  assertThat(actual, is(not(expected)));

If you have a recent version of Junit installed with hamcrest, just add these imports:

import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;, org.hamcrest.Matcher)

Styling text input caret

In CSS3, there is now a native way to do this, without any of the hacks suggested in the existing answers: the caret-color property.

There are a lot of things you can do to with the caret, as seen below. It can even be animated.

/* Keyword value */
caret-color: auto;
color: transparent;
color: currentColor;

/* <color> values */
caret-color: red;
caret-color: #5729e9;
caret-color: rgb(0, 200, 0);
caret-color: hsla(228, 4%, 24%, 0.8);

The caret-color property is supported from Firefox 55, and Chrome 60. Support is also available in the Safari Technical Preview and in Opera (but not yet in Edge). You can view the current support tables here.

Why is my variable unaltered after I modify it inside of a function? - Asynchronous code reference

To state the obvious, the cup represents outerScopeVar.

Asynchronous functions be like...

asynchronous call for coffee

Tkinter: "Python may not be configured for Tk"

Even after installing python-tk, python3-tk I was getting error your python is not configured for Tk.

So I additionally installed tk8.6-dev Then I build my Python again, run following again: make, make install.

When I did this I saw messages on screen that it is building _tkinter and related modules. Once that is done, I tried 'import tkinter" and it worked.

Failed to open/create the internal network Vagrant on Windows10

The two answers did not solve my issue but combining them, I was able to solve the problem. My situation was I was trying to install and run Docker on a Windows 7 pc and kept getting an error: "Looks like something went wrong... Press any key to continue..."

After much digging, I was able to relate the issue to the host network adapter that was created by Docker. I had the NDIS6 driver installed but it was enabled. I tried to uncheck, disable, recheck, enable etc but it did not help.

I then uninstalled VB and reinstalled as per the first answer to get the NDIS5 driver. This was unchecked, so checking it I was able to move past this issue.

How come I can't remove the blue textarea border in Twitter Bootstrap?

Work out computed styles via an inspector

For future reference you can work out computed styles via an inspector

How can I get dict from sqlite query?

Even using the sqlite3.Row class-- you still can't use string formatting in the form of:

print "%(id)i - %(name)s: %(value)s" % row

In order to get past this, I use a helper function that takes the row and converts to a dictionary. I only use this when the dictionary object is preferable to the Row object (e.g. for things like string formatting where the Row object doesn't natively support the dictionary API as well). But use the Row object all other times.

def dict_from_row(row):
    return dict(zip(row.keys(), row))       

Find document with array that contains a specific value

I know this topic is old, but for future people who could wonder the same question, another incredibly inefficient solution could be to do:

PersonModel.find({$where : 'this.favouriteFoods.indexOf("sushi") != -1'});

This avoids all optimisations by MongoDB so do not use in production code.

oracle plsql: how to parse XML and insert into table

    (xml IN CLOB)
        ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/EMPID') AS EMPID
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/EMPNAME') AS EMPNAME
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/EMPDETAIL') AS EMPDETAIL
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/CREATEDBY') AS CREATEDBY
       ,ExtractValue(column_value,'/ROOT/CREATEDDATE') AS CREATEDDATE
    FROM   TABLE(XMLSequence( XMLType(xml))) XMLDUMMAY;


Tomcat request timeout

For anyone who doesn't like none of the solutions posted above like me then you can simply implement a timer yourself and stop the request execution by throwing a runtime exception. Something like below:

                     timer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                       public void run() {
                     }, /* specify time of the requst */ 1000);
                 catch(Exception e)
                   throw new RuntimeException("the request is taking longer than usual");


or preferably use the java guava timeLimiter here

What is the meaning of git reset --hard origin/master?

In newer version of git (2.23+) you can use:

git switch -C master origin/master

-C is same as --force-create. Related Reference Docs

How to get div height to auto-adjust to background size?

Adding to the original accepted answer just add style width:100%; to the inner image so it will auto-shrink/expand for mobile devices and wont end up taking large top or bottom margins in mobile view.

<div style="background-image: url(http://your-image.jpg);background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size: contain;height: auto;">
 <img src="http://your-image.jpg" style="visibility: hidden; width: 100%;" />

Where does Visual Studio look for C++ header files?

Visual Studio looks for headers in this order:

  • In the current source directory.
  • In the Additional Include Directories in the project properties (Project -> [project name] Properties, under C/C++ | General).
  • In the Visual Studio C++ Include directories under Tools ? Options ? Projects and Solutions ? VC++ Directories.
  • In new versions of Visual Studio (2015+) the above option is deprecated and a list of default include directories is available at Project Properties ? Configuration ? VC++ Directories

In your case, add the directory that the header is to the project properties (Project Properties ? Configuration ? C/C++ ? General ? Additional Include Directories).

SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

Oracle does not allow joining tables in an UPDATE statement. You need to rewrite your statement with a co-related sub-select

Something like this:

UPDATE system_info
SET field_value = 'NewValue' 
WHERE field_desc IN (SELECT role_type 
                     FROM system_users 
                     WHERE user_name = 'uname')

For a complete description on the (valid) syntax of the UPDATE statement, please read the manual:

How to pass command line argument to gnuplot?

You may use trick in unix/linux environment:

  1. in gnuplot program: plot "/dev/stdin" ...

  2. In command line: gnuplot program.plot < data.dat

Is there a math nCr function in python?

Do you want iteration? itertools.combinations. Common usage:

>>> import itertools
>>> itertools.combinations('abcd',2)
<itertools.combinations object at 0x01348F30>
>>> list(itertools.combinations('abcd',2))
[('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'd'), ('b', 'c'), ('b', 'd'), ('c', 'd')]
>>> [''.join(x) for x in itertools.combinations('abcd',2)]
['ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'bc', 'bd', 'cd']

If you just need to compute the formula, use math.factorial:

import math

def nCr(n,r):
    f = math.factorial
    return f(n) / f(r) / f(n-r)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print nCr(4,2)

In Python 3, use the integer division // instead of / to avoid overflows:

return f(n) // f(r) // f(n-r)



ValueError when checking if variable is None or numpy.array

You can see if object has shape or not

def check_array(x):
        return True
        return False

Why is Dictionary preferred over Hashtable in C#?

In .NET, the difference between Dictionary<,> and HashTable is primarily that the former is a generic type, so you get all the benefits of generics in terms of static type checking (and reduced boxing, but this isn't as big as people tend to think in terms of performance - there is a definite memory cost to boxing, though).

How to use OUTPUT parameter in Stored Procedure

There are a several things you need to address to get it working

  1. The name is wrong its not @ouput its @code
  2. You need to set the parameter direction to Output.
  3. Don't use AddWithValue since its not supposed to have a value just you Add.
  4. Use ExecuteNonQuery if you're not returning rows


SqlParameter output = new SqlParameter("@code", SqlDbType.Int);
output.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

My C# application is returning 0xE0434352 to Windows Task Scheduler but it is not crashing

It is permission issue in my case the task scheduler has a user which doesn't have permission on the server in which the database is present.

Set Focus on EditText

please try this code on manifest

<activity android:name=".EditTextActivity" android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysVisible">

How do I disable the security certificate check in Python requests

Also can be done from the environment variable:

export CURL_CA_BUNDLE=""

Way to *ngFor loop defined number of times instead of repeating over array?

Within your component, you can define an array of number (ES6) as described below:

export class SampleComponent {
  constructor() {
    this.numbers = Array(5).fill(0).map((x,i)=>i);

See this link for the array creation: Tersest way to create an array of integers from 1..20 in JavaScript.

You can then iterate over this array with ngFor:

  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let number of numbers">{{number}}</li>
export class SampleComponent {

Or shortly:

  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let number of [0,1,2,3,4]">{{number}}</li>
export class SampleComponent {

Hope it helps you, Thierry

Edit: Fixed the fill statement and template syntax.

Flutter : Vertically center column

You could use. This will the material through the center in the column wise. `crossAxisAlignment:' This will align the items in the center in the row wise.

Container(, Child: Column () )

Simply use. Center ( Child: Column () ) or rap with Padding widget . And adjust the Padding such the the column children are in the center.

What is the default Precision and Scale for a Number in Oracle?

Actually, you can always test it by yourself.


select column_name, data_type, nullable, data_length, data_precision, data_scale from user_tab_columns where table_name ='CUSTOMERS';

Importing data from a JSON file into R

An alternative package is RJSONIO. To convert a nested list, lapply can help:

l <- fromJSON('[{"winner":"68694999",  "votes":[ 
   {"ts":"Thu Mar 25 03:13:01 UTC 2010", "user":{"name":"Lamur","user_id":"68694999"}},   
   {"ts":"Thu Mar 25 03:13:08 UTC 2010", "user":{"name":"Lamur","user_id":"68694999"}}],   
m <- lapply(
    function(x) c(x$user['name'], x$user['user_id'], x['ts'])
m <-, m)

gives information on the votes in your example.

Full width layout with twitter bootstrap

In Bootstrap 3, columns are specified using percentages. (In Bootstrap 2, this was only the case if a column/span was within a .row-fluid element, but that's no longer necessary and that class no longer exists.) If you use a .container, then @Michael is absolutely right that you'll be stuck with a fixed-width layout. However, you should be in good shape if you just avoid using a .container element.

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-4">...</div>
    <div class="col-lg-8">...</div>

The margin for the body is already 0, so you should be able to get up right to the edge. (Columns still have a 15px padding on both sides, so you may have to account for that in your design, but this shouldn't stop you, and you can always customize this when you download Bootstrap.)

How to drop a unique constraint from table column?

   ALTER TABLE dbo.table
DROP CONSTRAINT uq_testConstrain

constraint name uq_testConstrain can be found under database->table->keys folder

How to check file input size with jQuery?

Use below to check file's size and clear if it's greater,

    $("input[type='file']").on("change", function () {
     if(this.files[0].size > 2000000) {
       alert("Please upload file less than 2MB. Thanks!!");

How to create an empty matrix in R?

The default for matrix is to have 1 column. To explicitly have 0 columns, you need to write

matrix(, nrow = 15, ncol = 0)

A better way would be to preallocate the entire matrix and then fill it in

mat <- matrix(, nrow = 15, ncol = n.columns)
for(column in 1:n.columns){
  mat[, column] <- vector

How to solve PHP error 'Notice: Array to string conversion in...'

When you have many HTML inputs named C[] what you get in the POST array on the other end is an array of these values in $_POST['C']. So when you echo that, you are trying to print an array, so all it does is print Array and a notice.

To print properly an array, you either loop through it and echo each element, or you can use print_r.

Alternatively, if you don't know if it's an array or a string or whatever, you can use var_dump($var) which will tell you what type it is and what it's content is. Use that for debugging purposes only.

How can I see the size of a GitHub repository before cloning it?

You can do it using the Github API

This is the Python example:

import requests

if __name__ == '__main__':
    base_api_url = ''
    git_repository_url = ''

    github_username, repository_name = git_repository_url[:-4].split('/')[-2:]  # garysieling and wikipedia-categorization
    res = requests.get(f'{base_api_url}/{github_username}/{repository_name}')
    repository_size = res.json().get('size')

Mongoose, Select a specific field with find

DB Data

    "_id": "70001",
    "name": "peter"
    "_id": "70002",
    "name": "john"
    "_id": "70003",
    "name": "joseph"


  "_id": 0,
  "name": 1


    "name": "peter"
    "name": "john"
    "name": "joseph"

Working sample playground


Instantiate and Present a viewController in Swift

This link has both the implementations:


let viewController:UIViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("ViewController") as UIViewController
self.presentViewController(viewController, animated: false, completion: nil)

Objective C

UIViewController *viewController = [[UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"MainStoryboard" bundle:nil] instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"ViewController"];

This link has code for initiating viewcontroller in the same storyboard

 Helper to Switch the View based on StoryBoard
 @param StoryBoard ID  as String
func switchToViewController(identifier: String) {
    let viewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier(identifier) as! UIViewController
    self.navigationController?.setViewControllers([viewController], animated: false)


Change background color of selected item on a ListView

First you can create selector xml file like below in your drawable folder drawable/list_item_selector.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

    <item android:state_activated="true">
      <shape android:shape="rectangle">
        <solid android:color="#333333" />
        <padding android:left="5dp" android:right="5dp" />
    <item><shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="#222222" />


And then in your listview specify background as


Where is the Microsoft.IdentityModel dll

In Windows 8 and up there's a way to enable the feature from the command line without having to download/install anything explicitly by running the following:

dism /online /Enable-Feature:Windows-Identity-Foundation

And then find the file by running the following at the root of your Windows disk:

dir /s /b Microsoft.IdentityModel.dll

ORA-01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace SYSTEM: How to extend?

Each tablespace has one or more datafiles that it uses to store data.

The max size of a datafile depends on the block size of the database. I believe that, by default, that leaves with you with a max of 32gb per datafile.

To find out if the actual limit is 32gb, run the following:

select value from v$parameter where name = 'db_block_size';

Compare the result you get with the first column below, and that will indicate what your max datafile size is.

I have Oracle Personal Edition 11g r2 and in a default install it had an 8,192 block size (32gb per data file).

Block Sz   Max Datafile Sz (Gb)   Max DB Sz (Tb)

--------   --------------------   --------------

   2,048                  8,192          524,264

   4,096                 16,384        1,048,528

   8,192                 32,768        2,097,056

  16,384                 65,536        4,194,112

  32,768                131,072        8,388,224

You can run this query to find what datafiles you have, what tablespaces they are associated with, and what you've currrently set the max file size to (which cannot exceed the aforementioned 32gb):

select bytes/1024/1024 as mb_size,
       maxbytes/1024/1024 as maxsize_set,
from   dba_data_files x

MAXSIZE_SET is the maximum size you've set the datafile to. Also relevant is whether you've set the AUTOEXTEND option to ON (its name does what it implies).

If your datafile has a low max size or autoextend is not on you could simply run:

alter database datafile 'path_to_your_file\that_file.DBF' autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

However if its size is at/near 32gb an autoextend is on, then yes, you do need another datafile for the tablespace:

alter tablespace system add datafile 'path_to_your_datafiles_folder\name_of_df_you_want.dbf' size 10m autoextend on maxsize unlimited;

Cannot import keras after installation

Ran to the same issue, Assuming your using anaconda3 and your using a venv with >= python=3.6:

python -m pip install keras
sudo python -m pip install --user tensorflow

Return array from function

Your BlockID function uses the undefined variable images, which will lead to an error. Also, you should not use an Array here - JavaScripts key-value-maps are plain objects:

function BlockID() {
    return {
        "s": "Images/Block_01.png",
        "g": "Images/Block_02.png",
        "C": "Images/Block_03.png",
        "d": "Images/Block_04.png"

How to change already compiled .class file without decompile?

You can use any decompiler to first decompile the file.

I had once faced a simillar problem where I didn't have source code of the application and had to make a very small change in a file.

Below is what I did:

  1. Extracted the class file from the jar

  2. Opened it in a decompiler (I use JD GUI, you can get it easily from many resources on internet) You may download it from here

  3. You can actually view all the files in a jar using JD GUI.

  4. Made changes to the file I wanted to and copied all the code from that file
  5. Created a new project in eclipse with only this class (with the same package structure as in the jar), provided the original jar as library and all other dependencies.
  6. Compiled the class, injected the .class file back to the jar from bin folder of my workspace
  7. Tested my change, celebrated it by sipping a cup of coffee :)

The easiest way to transform collection to array?

Here's the final solution for the case in update section (with the help of Google Collections):

Collections2.transform (fooCollection, new Function<Foo, Bar>() {
    public Bar apply (Foo foo) {
        return new Bar (foo);
}).toArray (new Bar[fooCollection.size()]);

But, the key approach here was mentioned in the doublep's answer (I forgot for toArray method).

Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?

You may can use -Xlinker option.

g++ -o foobar  -Xlinker -start-group  -Xlinker libA.a -Xlinker libB.a -Xlinker libC.a  -Xlinker -end-group 

is ALMOST equal to

g++ -o foobar  -Xlinker -start-group  -Xlinker libC.a -Xlinker libB.a -Xlinker libA.a  -Xlinker -end-group 

Careful !

  1. The order within a group is important ! Here's an example: a debug library has a debug routine, but the non-debug library has a weak version of the same. You must put the debug library FIRST in the group or you will resolve to the non-debug version.
  2. You need to precede each library in the group list with -Xlinker

REST API using POST instead of GET

I use POST body for anything non-trivial and line-of-business apps for these reasons:

  1. Security - If we use GET with query strings and https, the query strings can be saved in server logs and forwarded as referral links. Both of these are now visible by server/network admins and the next domain the user went to after leaving your app. So if we send a query containing confidential PII data such as a customer's name this may not be desired.
  2. URL maximum length - Not a big issue, but some browsers have a limit on the length. So if we have several items in our URL like query, paging, fields to return, etc....
  3. POST is not cached by default. Some say caching is desired; however, how often is that exact same set of search criteria for that exact object for that exact customer going to occur before the cache times out anyway?

BTW, I also put the fields to return in my POST body as I may not wish to expose my field names. Security is like an onion; it has many layers and makes us cry!

How to select an element by classname using jqLite?

If elem.find() is not working for you, check that you are including JQuery script before angular script....

How to pass arguments to a Button command in Tkinter?

One simple way would be to configure button with lambda like the following syntax:

button['command'] = lambda arg1 = local_var1, arg2 = local_var2 : function(arg1, arg2)

Split string with delimiters in C

String tokenizer this code should put you in the right direction.

int main(void) {
  char st[] ="Where there is will, there is a way.";
  char *ch;
  ch = strtok(st, " ");
  while (ch != NULL) {
  printf("%s\n", ch);
  ch = strtok(NULL, " ,");
  return 0;

How to do constructor chaining in C#

What is usage of "Constructor Chain"?
You use it for calling one constructor from another constructor.

How can implement "Constructor Chain"?
Use ": this (yourProperties)" keyword after definition of constructor. for example:

Class MyBillClass
    private DateTime requestDate;
    private int requestCount;

    public MyBillClass()
        /// ===== we naming "a" constructor ===== ///
        requestDate = DateTime.Now;
    public MyBillClass(int inputCount) : this()
        /// ===== we naming "b" constructor ===== ///
        /// ===== This method is "Chained Method" ===== ///
        this.requestCount= inputCount;

Why is it useful?
Important reason is reduce coding, and prevention of duplicate code. such as repeated code for initializing property Suppose some property in class must be initialized with specific value (In our sample, requestDate). And class have 2 or more constructor. Without "Constructor Chain", you must repeat initializaion code in all constractors of class.

How it work? (Or, What is execution sequence in "Constructor Chain")?
in above example, method "a" will be executed first, and then instruction sequence will return to method "b". In other word, above code is equal with below:

Class MyBillClass
    private DateTime requestDate;
    private int requestCount;

    public MyBillClass()
        /// ===== we naming "a" constructor ===== ///
        requestDate = DateTime.Now;
    public MyBillClass(int inputCount) : this()
        /// ===== we naming "b" constructor ===== ///
        // ===== This method is "Chained Method" ===== ///

        /// *** --- > Compiler execute "MyBillClass()" first, And then continue instruction sequence from here
        this.requestCount= inputCount;

Lost httpd.conf file located apache

Get the path of running Apache

$ ps -ef | grep apache
apache   12846 14590  0 Oct20 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2

Append -V argument to the path

$ /usr/sbin/apache2 -V | grep SERVER_CONFIG_FILE
-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"


How to get a resource id with a known resource name?

A simple way to getting resource ID from string. Here resourceName is the name of resource ImageView in drawable folder which is included in XML file as well.

int resID = getResources().getIdentifier(resourceName, "id", getPackageName());
ImageView im = (ImageView) findViewById(resID);
Context context = im.getContext();
int id = context.getResources().getIdentifier(resourceName, "drawable",

Applying Comic Sans Ms font style

The httpd dæmon on OpenBSD uses the following stylesheet for all of its error messages, which presumably covers all the Comic Sans variations on non-Windows systems:

810    style = "body { background-color: white; color: black; font-family: "
811        "'Comic Sans MS', 'Chalkboard SE', 'Comic Neue', sans-serif; }\n"
812        "hr { border: 0; border-bottom: 1px dashed; }\n";

E.g., try this:

font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', 'Chalkboard SE', 'Comic Neue', sans-serif;

How to generate java classes from WSDL file

You can use the eclipse plugin as suggested by Oscar earlier. Or if you are a command line person, you can use Apache Axis WSDL2Java tool from command prompt. You can find more details here

add an onclick event to a div

Assign the onclick like this:

divTag.onclick = printWorking;

The onclick property will not take a string when assigned. Instead, it takes a function reference (in this case, printWorking).
The onclick attribute can be a string when assigned in HTML, e.g. <div onclick="func()"></div>, but this is generally not recommended.

How to insert new row to database with AUTO_INCREMENT column without specifying column names?

Even better, use DEFAULT instead of NULL. You want to store the default value, not a NULL that might trigger a default value.

But you'd better name all columns, with a piece of SQL you can create all the INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE's you need. Just check the information_schema and construct the queries you need. There is no need to do it all by hand, SQL can help you out.

Avoiding "resource is out of sync with the filesystem"

If this occurs trying to delete a folder (on *nix) and Refresh does not help, open a terminal and look for a symlink below the folder you are trying to delete and remove this manually. This solved my issues.

How to see the CREATE VIEW code for a view in PostgreSQL?

select pg_get_viewdef('viewname', true)

A list of all those functions is available in the manual:

Get git branch name in Jenkins Pipeline/Jenkinsfile

This is for simple Pipeline type - not multibranch. Using Jenkins 2.150.1

environment { FULL_PATH_BRANCH = "${sh(script:'git name-rev --name-only HEAD', returnStdout: true)}" GIT_BRANCH = FULL_PATH_BRANCH.substring(FULL_PATH_BRANCH.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, FULL_PATH_BRANCH.length()) }

then use it env.GIT_BRANCH

How to destroy a DOM element with jQuery?

Is $target.remove(); what you're looking for?

postgresql port confusion 5433 or 5432?

For me in PgAdmin 4 on Mac OS High Sierra, Clicking the PostrgreSQL10 database under Servers in the left column, then the Properties tab, showed 5433 as the port under Connection. (I don't know why, because I chose 5432 during install). Anyway, I clicked the Edit icon under the Properties tab, change that to 5432, saved, and that solved the problem. Go figure.

How to increment an iterator by 2?

The very simple answer:


The long answer:

You really should get used to writing ++iter instead of iter++. The latter must return (a copy of) the old value, which is different from the new value; this takes time and space.

Note that prefix increment (++iter) takes an lvalue and returns an lvalue, whereas postfix increment (iter++) takes an lvalue and returns an rvalue.

How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2?

Typecast the envelope to SoapPrimitive:

SoapPrimitive result = (SoapPrimitive)envelope.getResponse();
String strRes = result.toString();

and it will work.

How to get current time in milliseconds in PHP?

$the_date_time = new DateTime($date_string);
$the_date_time_in_ms = ($the_date_time->format('U') * 1000) +
    ($the_date_time->format('u') / 1000);

How to search for rows containing a substring?

Info on MySQL's full text search. This is restricted to MyISAM tables, so may not be suitable if you wantto use a different table type.

Even if WHERE textcolumn LIKE "%SUBSTRING%" is going to be slow, I think it is probably better to let the Database handle it rather than have PHP handle it. If it is possible to restrict searches by some other criteria (date range, user, etc) then you may find the substring search is OK (ish).

If you are searching for whole words, you could pull out all the individual words into a separate table and use that to restrict the substring search. (So when searching for "my search string" you look for the the longest word "search" only do the substring search on records containing the word "search")

How to export table as CSV with headings on Postgresql?

Try this: "COPY products_273 FROM '\tmp\products_199.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER"

Given an RGB value, how do I create a tint (or shade)?

Among several options for shading and tinting:

  • For shades, multiply each component by 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, etc., of its previous value. The smaller the factor, the darker the shade.

  • For tints, calculate (255 - previous value), multiply that by 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, etc. (the greater the factor, the lighter the tint), and add that to the previous value (assuming each.component is a 8-bit integer).

Note that color manipulations (such as tints and other shading) should be done in linear RGB. However, RGB colors specified in documents or encoded in images and video are not likely to be in linear RGB, in which case a so-called inverse transfer function needs to be applied to each of the RGB color's components. This function varies with the RGB color space. For example, in the sRGB color space (which can be assumed if the RGB color space is unknown), this function is roughly equivalent to raising each sRGB color component (ranging from 0 through 1) to a power of 2.2. (Note that "linear RGB" is not an RGB color space.)

See also Violet Giraffe's comment about "gamma correction".

Convert nullable bool? to bool

This is an interesting variation on the theme. At first and second glances you would assume the true branch is taken. Not so!

bool? flag = null;
if (!flag ?? true)
    // false branch
    // true branch

The way to get what you want is to do this:

if (!(flag ?? true))
    // false branch
    // true branch

Is it possible to have multiple styles inside a TextView?

Here is an easy way to do so using HTMLBuilder

    myTextView.setText(new HtmlBuilder().
                    append("Some bold text ").
                    append("Some italic text").


Some bold text Some italic text

shell-script headers (#!/bin/sh vs #!/bin/csh)

This is known as a Shebang:

#!interpreter [optional-arg]

A shebang is only relevant when a script has the execute permission (e.g. chmod u+x

When a shell executes the script it will use the specified interpreter.


# file:
echo 1

$ chmod u+x
$ ./

Slidedown and slideup layout with animation

I had a similar requirement in the app I am working on. And, I found a third-party library which does a slide-up, slide-down and slide-right in Android.

Refer to the link for more details:

To set up the library(copied from the ReadMe portion of its Github page on request):

Get SlideUp library

Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
  repositories {
    maven { url '' }
    maven { url "" } // or google() in AS 3.0

Add the dependency (in the Module gradle)

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.mancj:SlideUp-Android:2.2.1'
    compile 'ru.ztrap:RxSlideUp2:2.x.x' //optional, for reactive listeners based on RxJava-2
    compile 'ru.ztrap:RxSlideUp:1.x.x' //optional, for reactive listeners based on RxJava

To add the SlideUp into your project, follow these three simple steps:

Step 1:

create any type of layout


Step 2:

Find that view in your activity/fragment

View slideView = findViewById(;

Step 3:

Create a SlideUp object and pass in your view

slideUp = new SlideUpBuilder(slideView)


You may also refer to the sample project on the link. I found it quite useful.

HTML favicon won't show on google chrome

I've found that (at Chrome 56, OSX) the favicon state appears to be cached for the browser lifetime, so if a favicon isn't being loaded, it won't be until after restarting Chrome. It appears that it doesn't show up in the "application" tab in dev tools and isn't cleared by a hard reload or 'Clear site data'.

Remove a marker from a GoogleMap

1. If you want to remove a marker you can do it as marker.remove(); alternatively you can also hide the marker instead of removing it as


and make it visible later whenever needed.
2. However if you want to remove all markers from the map Use map.clear();
Note: map.clear(); will also remove Polylines, Circles etc.
3. If you not want to remove Polylines, Circles etc. than use a loop to the length of marker (if you have multiple markers) to remove those Check out the Example here OR set them Visible false And do not use map.clear(); in such case.

How to check the extension of a filename in a bash script?


if [ "$file" == "*.txt" ]

like this:

if [[ $file == *.txt ]]

That is, double brackets and no quotes.

The right side of == is a shell pattern. If you need a regular expression, use =~ then.

Better way to remove specific characters from a Perl string

You could use the tr instead:

       $p =~ tr/fo//d;

will delete every f and every o from $p. In your case it should be:

       $p =~ tr/\$#@~!&*()[];.,:?^ `\\\///d

See Perl's tr documentation.


Transliterates all occurrences of the characters found (or not found if the /c modifier is specified) in the search list with the positionally corresponding character in the replacement list, possibly deleting some, depending on the modifiers specified.


If the /d modifier is specified, any characters specified by SEARCHLIST not found in REPLACEMENTLIST are deleted.

Javascript: Fetch DELETE and PUT requests

Here is a fetch POST example. You can do the same for DELETE.

function createNewProfile(profile) {
    const formData = new FormData();
    formData.append('first_name', profile.firstName);
    formData.append('last_name', profile.lastName);

    return fetch('', {
        method: 'POST',
        body: formData
    }).then(response => response.json())

   .then((json) => {
       // handle success
   .catch(error => error);

Is there a mechanism to loop x times in ES6 (ECMAScript 6) without mutable variables?

I wrapped @Tieme s answer with a helper function.

In TypeScript:

export const mapN = <T = any[]>(count: number, fn: (...args: any[]) => T): T[] => [...Array(count)].map((_, i) => fn())

Now you can run:

const arr: string[] = mapN(3, () => 'something')
// returns ['something', 'something', 'something']

How to multi-line "Replace in files..." in Notepad++

Actually it's way easier to use ToolBucket plugin for Notepad++ to multiline replace.

To activate it just go to N++ menu:

Plugins > Plugin Manager > Show Plugin Manager > Check ToolBucket > Install.

Restart N++ and press ALT + SHIFT + F to multiline edit.

No mapping found for HTTP request with URI.... in DispatcherServlet with name

What is /Elso?

You try:

public class myController {

    public ModelAndView helloWorld() {

        String message = "Hello World, Spring 3.0!";
        return new ModelAndView("hello", "message", message); 

How would I run an async Task<T> method synchronously?

Try following code it works for me:

public async void TaskSearchOnTaskList (SearchModel searchModel)
        List<EventsTasksModel> taskSearchList = await Task.Run(
            () => MakeasyncSearchRequest(searchModel),

        if (cancelTaskSearchToken.IsCancellationRequested
                || string.IsNullOrEmpty(rid_agendaview_search_eventsbox.Text))

        if (taskSearchList == null || taskSearchList[0].result == Constants.ZERO)
            RunOnUiThread(() => {
                textViewNoMembers.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible;                  
                taskListView.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone;

            taskSearchRecureList = null;

            taskSearchRecureList = TaskFooterServiceLayer

    catch (Exception ex)
        Console.WriteLine("ActivityTaskFooter -> TaskSearchOnTaskList:" + ex.Message);

jquery dialog save cancel button styling

Here is how to add custom classes in jQuery UI Dialog (Version 1.8+):

    'buttons' : {
        'cancel' : {
            priority: 'secondary', class: 'foo bar baz', click: function() {

z-index not working with position absolute

I faced this issue a lot when using position: absolute;, I faced this issue by using position: relative in the child element. don't need to change position: absolute to relative, just need to add in the child element look into the beneath two examples:

let toggle = document.getElementById('toggle')

toggle.addEventListener("click", () => {
.container {
  width: 60px;
  height: 22px;
  background: #333;
  border-radius: 20px;
  position: relative;
  cursor: pointer;


.change .slide {
  transform: translateX(33px);

.slide {
  transition: 0.5s;
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 20px;
  margin: 2px 2px;
  z-index: 100;

.dot {
  width: 10px;
  height: 16px;
  background: red;
  position: absolute;
  top: 4px;
  right: 5px;
  z-index: 1;
<div class="container" id="toggle">
  <div class="slide"></div>
  <div class="dot"></div>

This's how it can be fixed using position relative:

let toggle = document.getElementById('toggle')

toggle.addEventListener("click", () => {
.container {
  width: 60px;
  height: 22px;
  background: #333;
  border-radius: 20px;
  position: relative;
  cursor: pointer;


.change .slide {
  transform: translateX(33px);

.slide {
  transition: 0.5s;
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
  background: #fff;
  border-radius: 20px;
  margin: 2px 2px;
  z-index: 100;
  // Just add position relative;
  position: relative;

.dot {
  width: 10px;
  height: 16px;
  background: red;
  position: absolute;
  top: 4px;
  right: 5px;
  z-index: 1;
<div class="container" id="toggle">
  <div class="slide"></div>
  <div class="dot"></div>

Sandbox here

How do I remove the last comma from a string using PHP?

You can use substr function to remove this.

$t_string = "'test1', 'test2', 'test3',";
echo substr($t_string, 0, -1);

org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: annotations.Users

Instead of using, to create sessionfactory object, you should use this:

SessionFactory sessionFactory=new AnnotationConfiguration().configure().buildSessionFactory();

Because in order to avoid the exception, you'll have to declare the class object in file as configuration.addAnnotatedClass(Student_Info.class); which looks dumb because we have provided the entry already in hibernate.cfg.xml file.

To use the AnnotationConfiguration class you'll have to add a jar to your project build path:

Most efficient conversion of ResultSet to JSON?

package com.idal.cib;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;

public class DBJsonConverter {

    static ArrayList<String> data = new ArrayList<String>();
    static Connection conn = null;
    static PreparedStatement ps = null;
    static ResultSet rs = null;
    static String path = "";
    static String driver="";
    static String url="";
    static String username="";
    static String password="";
    static String query="";

    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
    public static void dataLoad(String path) {
        JSONObject obj1 = new JSONObject();
        JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
        conn = DatabaseConnector.getDbConnection(driver, url, username,
        try {
            ps = conn.prepareStatement(query);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();
            ArrayList<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>();
            if (rs != null) {
                ResultSetMetaData columns = rs.getMetaData();
                int i = 0;
                while (i < columns.getColumnCount()) {
                while ( {
                    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
                    for (i = 0; i < columnNames.size(); i++) {
                            for (int j = 0; j < data.size(); j++) {
                                if (data.get(j) != null) {
                                    obj.put(columnNames.get(i), data.get(j));
                                }else {
                                    obj.put(columnNames.get(i), "");

                    obj1.put("header", jsonArray);
                    FileWriter file = new FileWriter(path);
            } else {
                JSONObject obj2 = new JSONObject();
                obj2.put(null, null);
                obj1.put("header", jsonArray);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } finally {
            if (conn != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
        url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:database";
        username = "user";
        password = "password";
        path = "path of file";
        query = "select * from temp_employee";

        DatabaseConnector dc = new DatabaseConnector();
        DBJsonConverter formatter = new DBJsonConverter();



package com.idal.cib;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;

public class DatabaseConnector {

    static Connection conn1 = null;

    public static Connection getDbConnection(String driver, String url,
            String username, String password) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        try {


            conn1 = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        return conn1;


Preferred method to store PHP arrays (json_encode vs serialize)

If to summ up what people say here, json_decode/encode seems faster than serialize/unserialize BUT If you do var_dump the type of the serialized object is changed. If for some reason you want to keep the type, go with serialize!

(try for example stdClass vs array)


Array cache:
array (size=2)
  'a' => string '1' (length=1)
  'b' => int 2
Object cache:
  public 'field1' => int 123
This cache:
  protected 'view' => 

json encode/decode

Array cache:
  public 'a' => string '1' (length=1)
  public 'b' => int 2
Object cache:
  public 'field1' => int 123
This cache:

As you can see the json_encode/decode converts all to stdClass, which is not that good, object info lost... So decide based on needs, especially if it is not only arrays...

Find unused npm packages in package.json

If you're using a Unix like OS (Linux, OSX, etc) then you can use a combination of find and egrep to search for require statements containing your package name:

find . -path ./node_modules -prune -o -name "*.js" -exec egrep -ni 'name-of-package' {} \;

If you search for the entire require('name-of-package') statement, remember to use the correct type of quotation marks:

find . -path ./node_modules -prune -o -name "*.js" -exec egrep -ni 'require("name-of-package")' {} \;


find . -path ./node_modules -prune -o -name "*.js" -exec egrep -ni "require('name-of-package')" {} \;

The downside is that it's not fully automatic, i.e. it doesn't extract package names from package.json and check them. You need to do this for each package yourself. Since package.json is just JSON this could be remedied by writing a small script that uses child_process.exec to run this command for each dependency. And make it a module. And add it to the NPM repo...

How do I use arrays in C++?

Array creation and initialization

As with any other kind of C++ object, arrays can be stored either directly in named variables (then the size must be a compile-time constant; C++ does not support VLAs), or they can be stored anonymously on the heap and accessed indirectly via pointers (only then can the size be computed at runtime).

Automatic arrays

Automatic arrays (arrays living "on the stack") are created each time the flow of control passes through the definition of a non-static local array variable:

void foo()
    int automatic_array[8];

Initialization is performed in ascending order. Note that the initial values depend on the element type T:

  • If T is a POD (like int in the above example), no initialization takes place.
  • Otherwise, the default-constructor of T initializes all the elements.
  • If T provides no accessible default-constructor, the program does not compile.

Alternatively, the initial values can be explicitly specified in the array initializer, a comma-separated list surrounded by curly brackets:

    int primes[8] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};

Since in this case the number of elements in the array initializer is equal to the size of the array, specifying the size manually is redundant. It can automatically be deduced by the compiler:

    int primes[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};   // size 8 is deduced

It is also possible to specify the size and provide a shorter array initializer:

    int fibonacci[50] = {0, 1, 1};   // 47 trailing zeros are deduced

In that case, the remaining elements are zero-initialized. Note that C++ allows an empty array initializer (all elements are zero-initialized), whereas C89 does not (at least one value is required). Also note that array initializers can only be used to initialize arrays; they cannot later be used in assignments.

Static arrays

Static arrays (arrays living "in the data segment") are local array variables defined with the static keyword and array variables at namespace scope ("global variables"):

int global_static_array[8];

void foo()
    static int local_static_array[8];

(Note that variables at namespace scope are implicitly static. Adding the static keyword to their definition has a completely different, deprecated meaning.)

Here is how static arrays behave differently from automatic arrays:

  • Static arrays without an array initializer are zero-initialized prior to any further potential initialization.
  • Static POD arrays are initialized exactly once, and the initial values are typically baked into the executable, in which case there is no initialization cost at runtime. This is not always the most space-efficient solution, however, and it is not required by the standard.
  • Static non-POD arrays are initialized the first time the flow of control passes through their definition. In the case of local static arrays, that may never happen if the function is never called.

(None of the above is specific to arrays. These rules apply equally well to other kinds of static objects.)

Array data members

Array data members are created when their owning object is created. Unfortunately, C++03 provides no means to initialize arrays in the member initializer list, so initialization must be faked with assignments:

class Foo
    int primes[8];


        primes[0] = 2;
        primes[1] = 3;
        primes[2] = 5;
        // ...

Alternatively, you can define an automatic array in the constructor body and copy the elements over:

class Foo
    int primes[8];


        int local_array[] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19};
        std::copy(local_array + 0, local_array + 8, primes + 0);

In C++0x, arrays can be initialized in the member initializer list thanks to uniform initialization:

class Foo
    int primes[8];


    Foo() : primes { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 }

This is the only solution that works with element types that have no default constructor.

Dynamic arrays

Dynamic arrays have no names, hence the only means of accessing them is via pointers. Because they have no names, I will refer to them as "anonymous arrays" from now on.

In C, anonymous arrays are created via malloc and friends. In C++, anonymous arrays are created using the new T[size] syntax which returns a pointer to the first element of an anonymous array:

std::size_t size = compute_size_at_runtime();
int* p = new int[size];

The following ASCII art depicts the memory layout if the size is computed as 8 at runtime:

(anonymous)  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
          p: | | |                               int*

Obviously, anonymous arrays require more memory than named arrays due to the extra pointer that must be stored separately. (There is also some additional overhead on the free store.)

Note that there is no array-to-pointer decay going on here. Although evaluating new int[size] does in fact create an array of integers, the result of the expression new int[size] is already a pointer to a single integer (the first element), not an array of integers or a pointer to an array of integers of unknown size. That would be impossible, because the static type system requires array sizes to be compile-time constants. (Hence, I did not annotate the anonymous array with static type information in the picture.)

Concerning default values for elements, anonymous arrays behave similar to automatic arrays. Normally, anonymous POD arrays are not initialized, but there is a special syntax that triggers value-initialization:

int* p = new int[some_computed_size]();

(Note the trailing pair of parenthesis right before the semicolon.) Again, C++0x simplifies the rules and allows specifying initial values for anonymous arrays thanks to uniform initialization:

int* p = new int[8] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 };

If you are done using an anonymous array, you have to release it back to the system:

delete[] p;

You must release each anonymous array exactly once and then never touch it again afterwards. Not releasing it at all results in a memory leak (or more generally, depending on the element type, a resource leak), and trying to release it multiple times results in undefined behavior. Using the non-array form delete (or free) instead of delete[] to release the array is also undefined behavior.

Change Placeholder Text using jQuery

     $("input[type=search]").attr("placeholder","this is a test");

When should I use UNSIGNED and SIGNED INT in MySQL?

I think, UNSIGNED would be the best option to store something like time_duration(Eg: resolved_call_time = resolved_time(DateTime)-creation_time(DateTime)) value in minutes or hours or seconds format which will definitely be a non-negative number

Install Chrome extension form outside the Chrome Web Store

For regular Windows users who are not skilled with computers, it is practically not possible to install and use extensions from outside the Chrome Web Store.

Users of other operating systems (Linux, Mac, Chrome OS) can easily install unpacked extensions (in developer mode).
Windows users can also load an unpacked extension, but they will always see an information bubble with "Disable developer mode extensions" when they start Chrome or open a new incognito window, which is really annoying. The only way for Windows users to use unpacked extensions without such dialogs is to switch to Chrome on the developer channel, by installing

Extensions can be loaded in unpacked mode by following the following steps:

  1. Visit chrome://extensions (via omnibox or menu -> Tools -> Extensions).
  2. Enable Developer mode by ticking the checkbox in the upper-right corner.
  3. Click on the "Load unpacked extension..." button.
  4. Select the directory containing your unpacked extension.

If you have a crx file, then it needs to be extracted first. CRX files are zip files with a different header. Any capable zip program should be able to open it. If you don't have such a program, I recommend 7-zip.

These steps will work for almost every extension, except extensions that rely on their extension ID. If you use the previous method, you will get an extension with a random extension ID. If it is important to preserve the extension ID, then you need to know the public key of your CRX file and insert this in your manifest.json. I have previously given a detailed explanation on how to get and use this key at

Setting the Textbox read only property to true using JavaScript

Try This :-

set Read Only False ( Editable TextBox)


set Read Only true(Not Editable )

var v1=document.getElementById("txtID");

This can work on IE and Firefox also.

Running Python on Windows for Node.js dependencies

I had the same issue and none of these answers did help. In my case PYTHON variable was set correctly. However python was installed too deep, i.e. has too long path. So, I did the following:

  1. reinstalled python to c:\python
  2. set environmental variable PYTHON to C:\python\python.exe

And that’s it!

Is the ternary operator faster than an "if" condition in Java

Ternary operators are just shorthand. They compile into the equivalent if-else statement, meaning they will be exactly the same.

How to remove an element from a list by index

pop is also useful to remove and keep an item from a list. Where del actually trashes the item.

>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]

>>> p = x.pop(1)
>>> p

Make an HTTP request with android

Look at this awesome new library which is available via gradle :)

build.gradle: compile 'com.apptakk.http_request:http-request:0.1.2'


new HttpRequestTask(
    new HttpRequest("", HttpRequest.POST, "{ \"some\": \"data\" }"),
    new HttpRequest.Handler() {
      public void response(HttpResponse response) {
        if (response.code == 200) {
          Log.d(this.getClass().toString(), "Request successful!");
        } else {
          Log.e(this.getClass().toString(), "Request unsuccessful: " + response);