[vb.net] MessageBox with YesNoCancel - No & Cancel triggers same event

I have a message box with the YesNoCancel buttons...

  • Pressing Yes will do some action and close the application - works fine
  • Pressing No will do nothing and close the application - (see below)
  • Pressing Cancel will do nothing and keep the application open - (see below).

I'm using DialogResult.No for the No button and DialogResult.Cancel for the Cancel button. But pressing either of them triggers DialogResult.Cancel event. What's the problem?

This question is related to vb.net button messagebox

The answer is

Closing conformation alert:

Private Sub cmd_exit_click()

    ' By clicking on the button the MsgBox will appear
    If MsgBox("Are you sure want to exit now?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "closing warning") = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then ' If you select yes in the MsgBox then it will close the window
               Me.Close() ' Close the window
        ' Will not close the application
    End If
End Sub

Just to add a bit to Darin's example, the below will show an icon with the boxes. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.messagebox(v=vs.110).aspx

Dim result = MessageBox.Show("Message To Display", "MessageBox Title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)

If result = DialogResult.Cancel Then

    MessageBox.Show("Cancel Button Pressed", "MessageBox Title",MessageBoxButtons.OK , MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation)

ElseIf result = DialogResult.No Then

    MessageBox.Show("No Button Pressed", "MessageBox Title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)

ElseIf result = DialogResult.Yes Then

    MessageBox.Show("Yes Button Pressed", "MessageBox Title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)

End If

The way I use a yes/no prompt is:

If MsgBox("Are you sure?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) <> MsgBoxResults.Yes Then
    Exit Sub
End If


Dim n As String = MsgBox("Do you really want to exit?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Confirmation Dialog Box")
If n = vbYes Then
    MsgBox("Current Form is closed....")
    Me.Close() 'Current Form Closed
    Yogi_Cottex.Show() 'Form Name.show()
End If

I see all the answers are correct. I just want to write a little different piece of code. In my opinion, you may do it without using an extra variable to save the result of the dialogBox. Take a look:

VB Code

Select Case MsgBox("Your Message", MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel, "caption")
                    Case MsgBoxResult.Yes
                        MessageBox.Show("Yes button")
                    Case MsgBoxResult.Cancel
                        MessageBox.Show("Cancel button")
                    Case MsgBoxResult.No
                        MessageBox.Show("NO button")
 End Select

C# Code

switch (MessageBox.Show("Message", "caption", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel))
            case DialogResult.Yes: MessageBox.Show("Yes"); break;
            case DialogResult.No: MessageBox.Show("No"); break;
            case DialogResult.Cancel: MessageBox.Show("Cancel");  break;

Try this

MsgBox("Are you sure want to Exit", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "")
                If True Then
                End If

dim result as dialogresult
result = MessageBox.Show("message", "caption", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel)
If result = DialogResult.Cancel Then
    MessageBox.Show("Cancel pressed")
ElseIf result = DialogResult.No Then
    MessageBox.Show("No pressed")
ElseIf result = DialogResult.Yes Then
    MessageBox.Show("Yes pressed")
End If

This is how you can do it without a Dim, using MessageBox.Show instead of MsgBox. This is in my opinion the cleanest way of writing it!

Select Case MessageBox.Show("Message", "Title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
    Case vbYes
        ' Other Code goes here
    Case vbNo
        ' Other Code goes here
End Select

You can shorten it down even further by using If:

If MessageBox.Show("Message", "Title", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = vbYes Then
    ' Other Code goes here
End If

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