[json] Importing data from a JSON file into R


  • library(httr)
  • library(jsonlite)

I have had issues converting json to dataframe/csv. For my case I did:

Token <- "245432532532"
source <- "http://......."
header_type <- "applcation/json"
full_token <- paste0("Bearer ", Token)
response <- GET(n_source, add_headers(Authorization = full_token, Accept = h_type), timeout(120), verbose())
text_json <- content(response, type = 'text', encoding = "UTF-8")
jfile <- fromJSON(text_json)
df <- as.data.frame(jfile)

then from df to csv.

In this format it should be easy to convert it to multiple .csvs if needed.

The important part is content function should have type = 'text'.