Programs & Examples On #Nosql

NoSQL (sometimes expanded to "not only SQL") is a broad class of database management systems that differ from the classic model of the relational database management system (RDBMS) in some significant ways.

Is mongodb running?

To check current running status of mongodb use: sudo service mongodb status

How do you query for "is not null" in Mongo?

In pymongo you can use:

db.mycollection.find({"IMAGE URL":{"$ne":None}});

Because pymongo represents mongo "null" as python "None".

Difference between scaling horizontally and vertically for databases

The accepted answer is spot on the basic definition of horizontal vs vertical scaling. But unlike the common belief that horizontal scaling of databases is only possible with Cassandra, MongoDB, etc I would like to add that horizontal scaling is also very much possible with any traditional RDMS; that too without using any third party solutions.

I know of many companies, specially SaaS based companies that do this. This is done using simple application logic. You basically take a set of users and divide them over multiple DB servers. So for example, you would typically have a "meta" database/table that would store clients, DB server/connection strings, etc and a table that stores client/server mapping.

Then simply direct requests from each client to the DB server they are mapped to.

Now some may say this is akin to horizontal partitioning and not "true" horizontal scaling and they will be right in some ways. But the end result is that you have scaled your DB over multiple Db servers.

The only difference between the two approaches to horizontal scaling is that one approach (MongoDB, etc) the scaling is done by the DB software itself. In that sense you are "buying" the scaling. In the other approach (for RDBMS horizontal scaling), the scaling is built by application code/logic.

Buy vs Build

DynamoDB vs MongoDB NoSQL

I recently migrated my MongoDB to DynamoDB, and wrote 3 blogs to share some experience and data about performance, cost.

Migrate from MongoDB to AWS DynamoDB + SimpleDB

7 Reasons You Should Use MongoDB over DynamoDB

3 Reasons You Should Use DynamoDB over MongoDB

Mongodb: Failed to connect to, reason: errno:10061

Under normal conditions, at least 3379 MB of disk space is needed. If you do not have that much space, to lower this requirement;

mongod.exe --smallfiles

This is not the only requirement. But this may be your problem.

What is Hash and Range Primary Key?

As the whole thing is mixing up let's look at it function and code to simulate what it means consicely

The only way to get a row is via primary key

getRow(pk: PrimaryKey): Row

Primary key data structure can be this:

// If you decide your primary key is just the partition key.
class PrimaryKey(partitionKey: String)

// and in thids case
getRow(somePartitionKey): Row

However you can decide your primary key is partition key + sort key in this case:

// if you decide your primary key is partition key + sort key
class PrimaryKey(partitionKey: String, sortKey: String)

getRow(partitionKey, sortKey): Row
getMultipleRows(partitionKey): Row[]

So the bottom line:

  1. Decided that your primary key is partition key only? get single row by partition key.

  2. Decided that your primary key is partition key + sort key? 2.1 Get single row by (partition key, sort key) or get range of rows by (partition key)

In either way you get a single row by primary key the only question is if you defined that primary key to be partition key only or partition key + sort key

Building blocks are:

  1. Table
  2. Item
  3. KV Attribute.

Think of Item as a row and of KV Attribute as cells in that row.

  1. You can get an item (a row) by primary key.
  2. You can get multiple items (multiple rows) by specifying (HashKey, RangeKeyQuery)

You can do (2) only if you decided that your PK is composed of (HashKey, SortKey).

More visually as its complex, the way I see it:

|Table                                                                             |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
||Item                                                                          |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+                       |  |
|||primaryKey | |kv attr    | |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...|                       |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+                       |  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
||Item                                                                          |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+         |  |
|||primaryKey | |kv attr    | |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...| |kv attr ...|         |  |
||+-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+         |  |
|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+  |
|                                                                                  |

|1. Always get item by PrimaryKey                                                  |
|2. PK is (Hash,RangeKey), great get MULTIPLE Items by Hash, filter/sort by range     |
|3. PK is HashKey: just get a SINGLE ITEM by hashKey                               |
|                                                      +--------------------------+|
|                                 +---------------+    |getByPK => getBy(1        ||
|                 +-----------+ +>|(HashKey,Range)|--->|hashKey, > < or startWith ||
|              +->|Composite  |-+ +---------------+    |of rangeKeys)             ||
|              |  +-----------+                        +--------------------------+|
|+-----------+ |                                                                   |
||PrimaryKey |-+                                                                   |
|+-----------+ |                                       +--------------------------+|
|              |  +-----------+   +---------------+    |getByPK => get by specific||
|              +->|HashType   |-->|get one item   |--->|hashKey                   ||
|                 +-----------+   +---------------+    |                          ||
|                                                      +--------------------------+|

So what is happening above. Notice the following observations. As we said our data belongs to (Table, Item, KVAttribute). Then Every Item has a primary key. Now the way you compose that primary key is meaningful into how you can access the data.

If you decide that your PrimaryKey is simply a hash key then great you can get a single item out of it. If you decide however that your primary key is hashKey + SortKey then you could also do a range query on your primary key because you will get your items by (HashKey + SomeRangeFunction(on range key)). So you can get multiple items with your primary key query.

Note: I did not refer to secondary indexes.

Explanation of JSONB introduced by PostgreSQL

A simple explanation of the difference between json and jsonb (original image by PostgresProfessional):

SELECT '{"c":0,   "a":2,"a":1}'::json, '{"c":0,   "a":2,"a":1}'::jsonb;

          json          |        jsonb 
 {"c":0,   "a":2,"a":1} | {"a": 1, "c": 0} 
(1 row)
  • json: textual storage «as is»
  • jsonb: no whitespaces
  • jsonb: no duplicate keys, last key win
  • jsonb: keys are sorted

More in speech video and slide show presentation by jsonb developers. Also they introduced JsQuery, pg.extension provides powerful jsonb query language

Cassandra port usage - how are the ports used?

For Apache Cassandra 2.0 you need to take into account the following TCP ports: (See EC2 security group configuration and Apache Cassandra FAQ)


  • 7199 JMX monitoring port
  • 1024 - 65355 Random port required by JMX. Starting with Java 7u4 a specific port can be specified using the property.
  • 7000 Inter-node cluster
  • 7001 SSL inter-node cluster
  • 9042 CQL Native Transport Port
  • 9160 Thrift

DataStax OpsCenter

  • 61620 opscenterd daemon
  • 61621 Agent
  • 8888 Website


A possible architecture with Cassandra + OpsCenter on EC2 could look like this: AWS EC2 with OpsCenter

Add new field to every document in a MongoDB collection

Pymongo 3.9+

update() is now deprecated and you should use replace_one(), update_one(), or update_many() instead.

In my case I used update_many() and it solved my issue:

db.your_collection.update_many({}, {"$set": {"new_field": "value"}}, upsert=False, array_filters=None)

From documents

update_many(filter, update, upsert=False, array_filters=None, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None, session=None)

filter: A query that matches the documents to update.

update: The modifications to apply.

upsert (optional): If True, perform an insert if no documents match the filter.

bypass_document_validation (optional): If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False.

collation (optional): An instance of Collation. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above.

array_filters (optional): A list of filters specifying which array elements an update should apply. Requires MongoDB 3.6+.

session (optional): a ClientSession.

How to empty a redis database?

With redis-cli:

FLUSHDB       - Removes data from your connection's CURRENT database.
FLUSHALL      - Removes data from ALL databases.


NoSQL Use Case Scenarios or WHEN to use NoSQL

It really is an "it depends" kinda question. Some general points:

  • NoSQL is typically good for unstructured/"schemaless" data - usually, you don't need to explicitly define your schema up front and can just include new fields without any ceremony
  • NoSQL typically favours a denormalised schema due to no support for JOINs per the RDBMS world. So you would usually have a flattened, denormalized representation of your data.
  • Using NoSQL doesn't mean you could lose data. Different DBs have different strategies. e.g. MongoDB - you can essentially choose what level to trade off performance vs potential for data loss - best performance = greater scope for data loss.
  • It's often very easy to scale out NoSQL solutions. Adding more nodes to replicate data to is one way to a) offer more scalability and b) offer more protection against data loss if one node goes down. But again, depends on the NoSQL DB/configuration. NoSQL does not necessarily mean "data loss" like you infer.
  • IMHO, complex/dynamic queries/reporting are best served from an RDBMS. Often the query functionality for a NoSQL DB is limited.
  • It doesn't have to be a 1 or the other choice. My experience has been using RDBMS in conjunction with NoSQL for certain use cases.
  • NoSQL DBs often lack the ability to perform atomic operations across multiple "tables".

You really need to look at and understand what the various types of NoSQL stores are, and how they go about providing scalability/data security etc. It's difficult to give an across-the-board answer as they really are all different and tackle things differently.

For MongoDb as an example, check out their Use Cases to see what they suggest as being "well suited" and "less well suited" uses of MongoDb.

Delete all nodes and relationships in neo4j 1.8

It will do the trick..

Match (n)-[r]-()
Delete n,r;

Is there a query language for JSON?

You can also use Underscore.js which is basically a swiss-knife library to manipulate collections. Using _.filter, _.pluck, _.reduce you can do SQL-like queries.

var data = [{"x": 2, "y": 0}, {"x": 3, "y": 1}, {"x": 4, "y": 1}];

var posData = _.filter(data, function(elt) { return elt.y > 0; });
// [{"x": 3, "y": 1}, {"x": 4, "y": 1}]

var values = _.pluck(posData, "x");
// [3, 4]

var sum = _.reduce(values, function(a, b) { return a+b; });
// 7

Underscore.js works both client-side and server-side and is a notable library.

You can also use Lo-Dash which is a fork of Underscore.js with better performances.

SQL (MySQL) vs NoSQL (CouchDB)

Seems like only real solutions today revolve around scaling out or sharding. All modern databases (NoSQLs as well as NewSQLs) support horizontal scaling right out of the box, at the database layer, without the need for the application to have sharding code or something.

Unfortunately enough, for the trusted good-old MySQL, sharding is not provided "out of the box". ScaleBase (disclaimer: I work there) is a maker of a complete scale-out solution an "automatic sharding machine" if you like. ScaleBae analyzes your data and SQL stream, splits the data across DB nodes, and aggregates in runtime – so you won’t have to! And it's free download.

Don't get me wrong, NoSQLs are great, they're new, new is more choice and choice is always good!! But choosing NoSQL comes with a price, make sure you can pay it...

You can see here some more data about MySQL, NoSQL...:

Hope that helped.

Querying DynamoDB by date

Your Hash key (primary of sort) has to be unique (unless you have a range like stated by others).

In your case, to query your table you should have a secondary index.

|  ID  | DataID | Created | Data |
| hash | xxxxx  | 1234567 | blah |

Your Hash Key is ID Your secondary index is defined as: DataID-Created-index (that's the name that DynamoDB will use)

Then, you can make a query like this:

var params = {
    TableName: "Table",
    IndexName: "DataID-Created-index",
    KeyConditionExpression: "DataID = :v_ID AND Created > :v_created",
    ExpressionAttributeValues: {":v_ID": {S: "some_id"},
                                ":v_created": {N: "timestamp"}
    ProjectionExpression: "ID, DataID, Created, Data"

ddb.query(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) 
    else {
        data.Items.sort(function(a, b) {
            return parseFloat(a.Created.N) - parseFloat(b.Created.N);
        // More code here

Essentially your query looks like:

SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE DataID = "some_id" AND Created > timestamp;

The secondary Index will increase the read/write capacity units required so you need to consider that. It still is a lot better than doing a scan, which will be costly in reads and in time (and is limited to 100 items I believe).

This may not be the best way of doing it but for someone used to RD (I'm also used to SQL) it's the fastest way to get productive. Since there is no constraints in regards to schema, you can whip up something that works and once you have the bandwidth to work on the most efficient way, you can change things around.

Explanation of BASE terminology

The BASE acronym was defined by Eric Brewer, who is also known for formulating the CAP theorem.

The CAP theorem states that a distributed computer system cannot guarantee all of the following three properties at the same time:

  • Consistency
  • Availability
  • Partition tolerance

A BASE system gives up on consistency.

  • Basically available indicates that the system does guarantee availability, in terms of the CAP theorem.
  • Soft state indicates that the state of the system may change over time, even without input. This is because of the eventual consistency model.
  • Eventual consistency indicates that the system will become consistent over time, given that the system doesn't receive input during that time.

Brewer does admit that the acronym is contrived:

I came up with [the BASE] acronym with my students in their office earlier that year. I agree it is contrived a bit, but so is "ACID" -- much more than people realize, so we figured it was good enough.

NoSql vs Relational database

Not all data is relational. For those situations, NoSQL can be helpful.

With that said, NoSQL stands for "Not Only SQL". It's not intended to knock SQL or supplant it.

SQL has several very big advantages:

  1. Strong mathematical basis.
  2. Declarative syntax.
  3. A well-known language in Structured Query Language (SQL).

Those haven't gone away.

It's a mistake to think about this as an either/or argument. NoSQL is an alternative that people need to consider when it fits, that's all.

Documents can be stored in non-relational databases, like CouchDB.

Maybe reading this will help.

MongoDB: How to update multiple documents with a single command?

I had the same problem , and i found the solution , and it works like a charm

just set the flag multi to true like this :

                {_id_receiver: id_receiver},
               {$set: {is_showed: true}},
                {multi: true}   /* --> multiple update */
            , function (err, updated) {...});

i hope that helps :)

Foreign keys in mongo?

The purpose of ForeignKey is to prevent the creation of data if the field value does not match its ForeignKey. To accomplish this in MongoDB, we use Schema middlewares that ensure the data consistency.

Please have a look at the documentation.

When to use CouchDB over MongoDB and vice versa

Ask this questions yourself? And you will decide your DB selection.

  1. Do you need master-master? Then CouchDB. Mainly CouchDB supports master-master replication which anticipates nodes being disconnected for long periods of time. MongoDB would not do well in that environment.
  2. Do you need MAXIMUM R/W throughput? Then MongoDB
  3. Do you need ultimate single-server durability because you are only going to have a single DB server? Then CouchDB.
  4. Are you storing a MASSIVE data set that needs sharding while maintaining insane throughput? Then MongoDB.
  5. Do you need strong consistency of data? Then MongoDB.
  6. Do you need high availability of database? Then CouchDB.
  7. Are you hoping multi databases and multi tables/ collections? Then MongoDB
  8. You have a mobile app offline users and want to sync their activity data to a server? Then you need CouchDB.
  9. Do you need large variety of querying engine? Then MongoDB
  10. Do you need large community to be using DB? Then MongoDB

What is the recommended way to delete a large number of items from DynamoDB?

The answer of this question depends on the number of items and their size and your budget. Depends on that we have following 3 cases:

1- The number of items and size of items in the table are not very much. then as Steffen Opel said you can Use Query rather than Scan to retrieve all items for user_id and then loop over all returned items and either facilitate DeleteItem or BatchWriteItem. But keep in mind you may burn a lot of throughput capacity here. For example, consider a situation where you need delete 1000 items from a DynamoDB table. Assume that each item is 1 KB in size, resulting in Around 1MB of data. This bulk-deleting task will require a total of 2000 write capacity units for query and delete. To perform this data load within 10 seconds (which is not even considered as fast in some applications), you would need to set the provisioned write throughput of the table to 200 write capacity units. As you can see its doable to use this way if its for less number of items or small size items.

2- We have a lot of items or very large items in the table and we can store them according to the time into different tables. Then as jonathan Said you can just delete the table. this is much better but I don't think it is matched with your case. As you want to delete all of users data no matter what is the time of creation of logs, so in this case you can't delete a particular table. if you wanna have a separate table for each user then I guess if number of users are high then its so expensive and it is not practical for your case.

3- If you have a lot of data and you can't divide your hot and cold data into different tables and you need to do large scale delete frequently then unfortunately DynamoDB is not a good option for you at all. It may become more expensive or very slow(depends on your budget). In these cases I recommend to find another database for your data.

When to Redis? When to MongoDB?

If your project budged allows you to have enough RAM memory on your environment - answer is Redis. Especially taking in account new Redis 3.2 with cluster functionality.

Firestore Getting documents id from collection

Can get ID before add documents in database:

var idBefore =  this.afs.createId();

How can I run MongoDB as a Windows service?

The below steps apply to Windows.

Run below in an administrative cmd

mongod --remove

This will remove the existing MongoDB service (if any).

mongod --dbpath "C:\data\db" --logpath "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.log" --install --serviceName "MongoDB"

Make sure that C:\data\db folder exists

Open services with:


Find MongoDB -> Right click -> Start

Creating a Plot Window of a Particular Size

A convenient function for saving plots is ggsave(), which can automatically guess the device type based on the file extension, and smooths over differences between devices. You save with a certain size and units like this:

ggsave("mtcars.png", width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm")

In R markdown, figure size can be specified by chunk:

```{r, fig.width=6, fig.height=4}  

How to find Max Date in List<Object>?

Just use Kotlin!

val list = listOf(user1, user2, user3)
val maxDate = list.maxBy { }?.date

Check if a given key already exists in a dictionary and increment it

As you can see from the many answers, there are several solutions. One instance of LBYL (look before you leap) has not been mentioned yet, the has_key() method:

my_dict = {}

def add (key):
    if my_dict.has_key(key):
        my_dict[key] += 1
        my_dict[key] = 1

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print my_dict

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin or one of its dependencies could not be resolved

I was getting this problem when using IBM RSA 9.6.1 when building a brand new development machine. The problem for me ended up being because of HTTPS on the Global Maven repository. My solution was to create a Maven settings.xml that forced it to use HTTP.

The key to me was that the central repository was empty when I exploded it under Maven Repositories -- > Global Repositories

Using the following settings file worked for me:

    <!--make the profile active all the time -->
      <!--Override the repository (and pluginRepository) "central" from the Maven Super POM -->

I got the idea from this stackoverflow question.

Create a txt file using batch file in a specific folder

Changed the set to remove % as that will write to text file as Echo on or off

echo off
title Custom Text File
set /p txt=What do you want it to say? ; 
echo %txt% > "D:\Testing\dblank.txt"

PHP Remove elements from associative array

Why do not use array_diff?

$array = array(
    1 => 'Awaiting for Confirmation', 
    2 => 'Asssigned', 
    3 => 'In Progress', 
    4 => 'Completed', 
    5 => 'Mark As Spam', 
$to_delete = array('Completed', 'Mark As Spam');
$array = array_diff($array, $to_delete);

Just note that your array would be reindexed.

How to insert values in two dimensional array programmatically?

Think about it as array of array.

If you do this str[x][y], then there is array of length x where each element in turn contains array of length y. In java its not necessary for second dimension to have same length. So for x=i you can have y=m and x=j you can have y=n

For this your declaration looks like

String[][] test = new String[4][]; test[0] = new String[3]; test[1] = new String[2];


How do I invert BooleanToVisibilityConverter?

Write your own is the best solution for now. Here is an example of a Converter that can do both way Normal and Inverted. If you have any problems with this just ask.

[ValueConversion(typeof(bool), typeof(Visibility))]
public class InvertableBooleanToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    enum Parameters
        Normal, Inverted

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType,
                          object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var boolValue = (bool)value;
        var direction = (Parameters)Enum.Parse(typeof(Parameters), (string)parameter);

        if(direction == Parameters.Inverted)
            return !boolValue? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

        return boolValue? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType,
        object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;
  <Converters:InvertableBooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="_Converter"/>

<Button Visibility="{Binding IsRunning, Converter={StaticResource _Converter}, ConverterParameter=Inverted}">Start</Button>

PHP to search within txt file and echo the whole line

one way...

$needle = "blah";
$content = file_get_contents('file.txt');
echo $line[1];

though it would probably be better to read it line by line with fopen() and fread() and use strpos()

How to read a HttpOnly cookie using JavaScript

The whole point of HttpOnly cookies is that they can't be accessed by JavaScript.

The only way (except for exploiting browser bugs) for your script to read them is to have a cooperating script on the server that will read the cookie value and echo it back as part of the response content. But if you can and would do that, why use HttpOnly cookies in the first place?

`export const` vs. `export default` in ES6

It's a named export vs a default export. export const is a named export that exports a const declaration or declarations.

To emphasize: what matters here is the export keyword as const is used to declare a const declaration or declarations. export may also be applied to other declarations such as class or function declarations.

Default Export (export default)

You can have one default export per file. When you import you have to specify a name and import like so:

import MyDefaultExport from "./MyFileWithADefaultExport";

You can give this any name you like.

Named Export (export)

With named exports, you can have multiple named exports per file. Then import the specific exports you want surrounded in braces:

// ex. importing multiple exports:
import { MyClass, MyOtherClass } from "./MyClass";
// ex. giving a named import a different name by using "as":
import { MyClass2 as MyClass2Alias } from "./MyClass2";

// use MyClass, MyOtherClass, and MyClass2Alias here

Or it's possible to use a default along with named imports in the same statement:

import MyDefaultExport, { MyClass, MyOtherClass} from "./MyClass";

Namespace Import

It's also possible to import everything from the file on an object:

import * as MyClasses from "./MyClass";
// use MyClasses.MyClass, MyClasses.MyOtherClass and MyClasses.default here


  • The syntax favours default exports as slightly more concise because their use case is more common (See the discussion here).
  • A default export is actually a named export with the name default so you are able to import it with a named import:

    import { default as MyDefaultExport } from "./MyFileWithADefaultExport";

How to get day of the month?

It is simplified a lot in version Java 8. I have given some util methods below.

To get the day of the month in the format of int for the given day, month, and year.

    public static int findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println(LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfMonth());
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfMonth();

To get current day of the month in the format of int.

    public static int findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println("Asia/Kolkata")).getDayOfMonth());

To get the day of the week in the format of String for the given day, month, and year.

    public static String findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println(LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfWeek());
        return LocalDate.of(year, month, day).getDayOfWeek().toString();

To get current day of the week in the format of String.

    public static String findDay(final int month, final int day, final int year) {
        // System.out.println("Asia/Kolkata"))..getDayOfWeek());

Update Android SDK Tool to 22.0.4(Latest Version) from 22.0.1

run Android SDK Manager as administrator. that solved my problem

sudo android

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config

Download the following jars and add it to your WEB-INF/lib directory:

What is the T-SQL syntax to connect to another SQL Server?

Whenever we are trying to retrieve any data from another server we need two steps.

First step:

-- Server one scalar variable
--Oracle is the server to which we want to connect

Second step:

--DBO is the owner name to know table owner name execute (SP_HELP TABLENAME)    

Convert HH:MM:SS string to seconds only in javascript

Here is maybe a bit more readable form on the original approved answer.

const getSeconds = (hms: string) : number => {
  const [hours, minutes, seconds] = hms.split(':');
  return (+hours) * 60 * 60 + (+minutes) * 60 + (+seconds);

CSS Flex Box Layout: full-width row and columns

You've almost done it. However setting flex: 0 0 <basis> declaration to the columns would prevent them from growing/shrinking; And the <basis> parameter would define the width of columns.

In addition, you could use CSS3 calc() expression to specify the height of columns with the respect to the height of the header.

#productShowcaseTitle {
  flex: 0 0 100%; /* Let it fill the entire space horizontally */
  height: 100px;

#productShowcaseThumbnailContainer {
  height: calc(100% - 100px); /* excluding the height of the header */

#productShowcaseContainer {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-flow: row wrap;_x000D_
  height: 600px;_x000D_
  width: 580px;_x000D_
#productShowcaseTitle {_x000D_
  flex: 0 0 100%; /* Let it fill the entire space horizontally */_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-color: silver;_x000D_
#productShowcaseDetail {_x000D_
  flex: 0 0 66%; /* ~ 2 * 33.33% */_x000D_
  height: calc(100% - 100px); /* excluding the height of the header */_x000D_
  background-color: lightgray;_x000D_
#productShowcaseThumbnailContainer {_x000D_
  flex: 0 0 34%;  /* ~ 33.33% */_x000D_
  height: calc(100% - 100px); /* excluding the height of the header */_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
<div id="productShowcaseContainer">_x000D_
  <div id="productShowcaseTitle"></div>_x000D_
  <div id="productShowcaseDetail"></div>_x000D_
  <div id="productShowcaseThumbnailContainer"></div>_x000D_

(Vendor prefixes omitted due to brevity)

Alternatively, if you could change your markup e.g. wrapping the columns by an additional <div> element, it would be achieved without using calc() as follows:

<div class="contentContainer"> <!-- Added wrapper -->
    <div id="productShowcaseDetail"></div>
    <div id="productShowcaseThumbnailContainer"></div>
#productShowcaseContainer {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  height: 600px; width: 580px;

.contentContainer { display: flex; flex: 1; }
#productShowcaseDetail { flex: 3; }
#productShowcaseThumbnailContainer { flex: 2; }

#productShowcaseContainer {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex-direction: column;_x000D_
  height: 600px;_x000D_
  width: 580px;_x000D_
.contentContainer {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  flex: 1;_x000D_
#productShowcaseTitle {_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  background-color: silver;_x000D_
#productShowcaseDetail {_x000D_
  flex: 3;_x000D_
  background-color: lightgray;_x000D_
#productShowcaseThumbnailContainer {_x000D_
  flex: 2;_x000D_
  background-color: black;_x000D_
<div id="productShowcaseContainer">_x000D_
  <div id="productShowcaseTitle"></div>_x000D_
  <div class="contentContainer"> <!-- Added wrapper -->_x000D_
    <div id="productShowcaseDetail"></div>_x000D_
    <div id="productShowcaseThumbnailContainer"></div>_x000D_

(Vendor prefixes omitted due to brevity)

How to use UIPanGestureRecognizer to move object? iPhone/iPad

The Swift 2 version:

// start detecting pan gesture
let panGestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(TTAltimeterDetailViewController.panGestureDetected(_:)))
panGestureRecognizer.minimumNumberOfTouches = 1

func panGestureDetected(panGestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
    print("pan gesture recognized")

Hibernate HQL Query : How to set a Collection as a named parameter of a Query?

Use Query.setParameterList(), Javadoc here.

There are four variants to pick from.

A more useful statusline in vim?

This is the one I use:

set statusline=
set statusline+=%7*\[%n]                                  "buffernr
set statusline+=%1*\ %<%F\                                "File+path
set statusline+=%2*\ %y\                                  "FileType
set statusline+=%3*\ %{''.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).''}      "Encoding
set statusline+=%3*\ %{(&bomb?\",BOM\":\"\")}\            "Encoding2
set statusline+=%4*\ %{&ff}\                              "FileFormat (dos/unix..) 
set statusline+=%5*\ %{&spelllang}\%{HighlightSearch()}\  "Spellanguage & Highlight on?
set statusline+=%8*\ %=\ row:%l/%L\ (%03p%%)\             "Rownumber/total (%)
set statusline+=%9*\ col:%03c\                            "Colnr
set statusline+=%0*\ \ %m%r%w\ %P\ \                      "Modified? Readonly? Top/bot.

Highlight on? function:

function! HighlightSearch()
  if &hls
    return 'H'
    return ''

Colors (adapted from ligh2011.vim):

hi User1 guifg=#ffdad8  guibg=#880c0e
hi User2 guifg=#000000  guibg=#F4905C
hi User3 guifg=#292b00  guibg=#f4f597
hi User4 guifg=#112605  guibg=#aefe7B
hi User5 guifg=#051d00  guibg=#7dcc7d
hi User7 guifg=#ffffff  guibg=#880c0e gui=bold
hi User8 guifg=#ffffff  guibg=#5b7fbb
hi User9 guifg=#ffffff  guibg=#810085
hi User0 guifg=#ffffff  guibg=#094afe

My StatusLine

CSS table layout: why does table-row not accept a margin?

If you want a specific margin e.g. 20px, you can put the table inside a div.

<div id="tableDiv">
        <th> test heading </th>
        <td> test data </td>

So the #tableDiv has a margin of 20px but the table itself has a width of 100%, forcing the table to be the full width except for the margin on either sides.

#tableDiv {
  margin: 20px;

table {
  width: 100%;

Can you force Visual Studio to always run as an Administrator in Windows 8?

Also, you can check the compatibility troubleshooting

  • Right-click on Visual Studio > select Troubleshoot compatibility.
  • Select Troubleshoot Program.
  • Check The program requires additional permissions.
  • Click on Test the program.
  • Wait for a moment until the program launch. Click Next.
  • Select Yes, save these settings for this program.
  • Wait for resolving the issue.
  • Make sure the final status is fixed. Click Close.

Check the detail steps, and other ways to always open VS as Admin at Visual Studio requires the application to have elevated permissions.

PHP sessions that have already been started

I encountered this issue while trying to fix $_SESSION's blocking behavior.

The session file remains locked until the script completes or the session is manually closed.

So, by default, a page should open a session in read-only mode. But once it's open in read-only, it has to be closed-and-reopened in to get it into write mode.


 * Open _SESSION read-only
function OpenSessionReadOnly() {
                      'cookie_lifetime' => SESSION_DEFAULT_COOKIE_LIFETIME,
                      'read_and_close'  => true,    // READ ACCESS FAST
    // $_SESSION is now defined. Call WriteSessionValues() to write out values

 * _SESSION is read-only by default. Call this function to save a new value
 * call this function like `WriteSessionValues(["username"=>$login_user]);`
 * to set $_SESSION["username"]
 * @param array $values_assoc_array
function WriteSessionValues($values_assoc_array) {
    // this is required to close the read-only session and 
    // not get a warning on the next line.

    // now open the session with write access
    session_start([ 'cookie_lifetime' => SESSION_DEFAULT_COOKIE_LIFETIME ]);

    foreach ($values_assoc_array as $key => $value) {
        $_SESSION[ $key ] = $value;
    session_write_close();  // Write session data and end session

    OpenSessionReadOnly(); // now reopen the session in read-only mode.

OpenSessionReadOnly();  // start the session for this page

Then when you go to write some value:


The function takes an array of key=>value pairs to make it even more efficient.

How can I switch my signed in user in Visual Studio 2013?

For Visual Studio 2019 it wasn't working by signing out/ signing in, etc. as mention in other solutions. What simply worked was performing the operation from new branches window/section. i.e,

1. Click on:

Git Changes interface

2. It opens up the branches section as below. Then right click on desired branch and perform the operation which wasn't working earlier. (for me, it was PUSH that wasn't throwing this error) new branching interface in VS2019 upgrade

(in VS 2019 new Git interface, I usually push/pull/fetch from the small arrows as shown in first screenshot. But sometime they throw error (mentioned in question) and do not allow pushing/pulling. What then what worked was the solution I mentioned above. May be it's a bug or something, but this solution saves you from resetting user data, and mess of signing out/in from multiple accounts, etc.)

Shortest way to check for null and assign another value if not

To assign a non-empty variable without repeating the actual variable name (and without assigning anything if variable is null!), you can use a little helper method with a Action parameter:

public static void CallIfNonEmpty(string value, Action<string> action)
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))

And then just use it:

CallIfNonEmpty(this.approved_by, (s) => planRec.approved_by = s);

Getting a browser's name client-side

JavaScript side - you can get browser name like these ways...

if(window.navigator.appName == "") OR if(window.navigator.userAgent == "")

WPF Databinding: How do I access the "parent" data context?

This will also work:

<Hyperlink Command="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ItemsControl},
                             Path=DataContext.AllowItemCommand}" />

ListView will inherit its DataContext from Window, so it's available at this point, too.
And since ListView, just like similar controls (e. g. Gridview, ListBox, etc.), is a subclass of ItemsControl, the Binding for such controls will work perfectly.

Open a new tab on button click in AngularJS

You should use the $location service

Angular docs:

How does JPA orphanRemoval=true differ from the ON DELETE CASCADE DML clause

orphan removal has the same effect as ON DELETE CASCADE in the following scenario:- Lets say we have a simple many to one relationship between student entity and a guide entity, where many students can be mapped to the same guide and in database we have a foreign key relation between Student and Guide table such that student table has id_guide as FK.

    @Table(name = "student", catalog = "helloworld")
    public class Student implements {
     @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
     @Column(name = "id")
     private Integer id;

    @JoinColumn(name = "id_guide")
    private Guide guide;

// The parent entity

    @Table(name = "guide", catalog = "helloworld")
    public class Guide implements {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 9017118664546491038L;

@GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Integer id;

@Column(name = "name", length = 45)
private String name;

@Column(name = "salary", length = 45)
private String salary;

 @OneToMany(mappedBy = "guide", orphanRemoval=true) 
 private Set<Student> students = new  HashSet<Student>(0);

In this scenario, the relationship is such that student entity is the owner of the relationship and as such we need to save the student entity in order to persist the whole object graph e.g.

    Guide guide = new Guide("John", "$1500");
    Student s1 = new Student(guide, "Roy","ECE");
    Student s2 = new Student(guide, "Nick", "ECE");

Here we are mapping the same guide with two different student objects and since the CASCADE.PERSIST is used , the object graph will be saved as below in the database table(MySql in my case)

STUDENT table:-

ID Name Dept Id_Guide

1     Roy     ECE    1

2    Nick    ECE    1

GUIDE Table:-

ID NAME Salary

1    John     $1500

and Now if I want to remove one of the students, using

      Student student1 = em.find(Student.class,1);

and when a student record is removed the corresponding guide record should also be removed, that's where CASCADE.REMOVE attribute in the Student entity comes into picture and what it does is ;it removes the student with identifier 1 as well the corresponding guide object(identifier 1). But in this example, there is one more student object which is mapped to the same guide record and unless we use the orphanRemoval=true attribute in the Guide Entity , the remove code above will not work.

How to get current time in python and break up into year, month, day, hour, minute?

You can use gmtime

from time import gmtime

detailed_time = gmtime() 
#returns a struct_time object for current time

year = detailed_time.tm_year
month = detailed_time.tm_mon
day = detailed_time.tm_mday
hour = detailed_time.tm_hour
minute = detailed_time.tm_min

Note: A time stamp can be passed to gmtime, default is current time as returned by time()


See struct_time

Port 80 is being used by SYSTEM (PID 4), what is that?

PID=4 does not show up in Task Manager even after placing check mark on 'Show processes from all users". Well there is only one user.

However, netstat -b shows multiple connections poiting to the same PID=4 which on this computer displayed the following.

enter image description here

I have only chosen those pertaining to TCP protocol.

This was acquired while trouble shooting IIS which did not start after trying out many others. I do not think you should stop this process.

Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND

This is the real magento way:

                            'customer_firstname',//attribute_1 with key 0
                            'remote_ip',//attribute_2 with key 1
                            array('eq'=>'gabe'),//condition for attribute_1 with key 0
                            array('eq'=>''),//condition for attribute_2

Passing parameters to addTarget:action:forControlEvents

This fixed my problem but it crashed unless I changed



action:@selector(switchToNewsDetails: forEvent:)              

Angular 2.0 router not working on reloading the browser

If you are using Apache or Nginx as a server you have to create a .htaccess (if not created before) and "On" RewriteEngine

RewriteEngine On  
RewriteRule ^ - [L]
RewriteRule ^ /index.html

phpexcel to download


SET IN $xlsName name from XLSX with extension. Example: $xlsName = 'teste.xlsx';

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel2007');
header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$xlsName.'"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');


SET IN $xlsName name from XLS with extension. Example: $xlsName = 'teste.xls';

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();

$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');
header('Content-Type: application/');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$xlsName.'"');
header('Cache-Control: max-age=0');

How to render an array of objects in React?

Shubham's answer explains very well. This answer is addition to it as per to avoid some pitfalls and refactoring to a more readable syntax

Pitfall : There is common misconception in rendering array of objects especially if there is an update or delete action performed on data. Use case would be like deleting an item from table row. Sometimes when row which is expected to be deleted, does not get deleted and instead other row gets deleted.

To avoid this, use key prop in root element which is looped over in JSX tree of .map(). Also adding React's Fragment will avoid adding another element in between of ul and li when rendered via calling method.

state = {
    userData: [
        { id: '1', name: 'Joe', user_type: 'Developer' },
        { id: '2', name: 'Hill', user_type: 'Designer' }

deleteUser = id => {
    // delete operation to remove item

renderItems = () => {
    const data = this.state.userData;

    const mapRows =, index) => (
        <Fragment key={}>
                {/* Passing unique value to 'key' prop, eases process for virtual DOM to remove specific element and update HTML tree  */}
                <span>Name : {}</span>
                <span>User Type: {item.user_type}</span>
                <button onClick={() => this.deleteUser(}>
                    Delete User
    return mapRows;

render() {
    return <ul>{this.renderItems()}</ul>;

Important : Decision to use which value should we pass to key prop also matters as common way is to use index parameter provided by .map().

TLDR; But there's a drawback to it and avoid it as much as possible and use any unique id from data which is being iterated such as There's a good article on this -

Using Java to pull data from a webpage?

The Basics

Look at these to build a solution more or less from scratch:

The Easily Glued-Up and Stitched-Up Stuff

You always have the option of calling external tools from Java using the exec() and similar methods. For instance, you could use wget, or cURL.

The Hardcore Stuff

Then if you want to go into more fully-fledged stuff, thankfully the need for automated web-testing as given us very practical tools for this. Look at:

Some other libs are purposefully written with web-scraping in mind:

Some Workarounds

Java is a language, but also a platform, with many other languages running on it. Some of which integrate great syntactic sugar or libraries to easily build scrapers.

Check out:

If you know of a great library for Ruby (JRuby, with an article on scraping with JRuby and HtmlUnit) or Python (Jython) or you prefer these languages, then give their JVM ports a chance.

Some Supplements

Some other similar questions:

Importing PNG files into Numpy?

According to the doc, scipy.misc.imread is deprecated starting SciPy 1.0.0, and will be removed in 1.2.0. Consider using imageio.imread instead.


import imageio

im = imageio.imread('my_image.png')

You can also use imageio to load from fancy sources:

im = imageio.imread('')


To load all of the *.png files in a specific folder, you could use the glob package:

import imageio
import glob

for im_path in glob.glob("path/to/folder/*.png"):
     im = imageio.imread(im_path)
     # do whatever with the image here

jQuery - prevent default, then continue default

        // block form submit event

        // Do some stuff here

        // Continue the form submit

Using Jasmine to spy on a function without an object

TypeScript users:

I know the OP asked about javascript, but for any TypeScript users who come across this who want to spy on an imported function, here's what you can do.

In the test file, convert the import of the function from this:

import {foo} from '../foo_functions';

x = foo(y);

To this:

import * as FooFunctions from '../foo_functions';

x =;

Then you can spy on :)

spyOn(FooFunctions, 'foo').and.callFake(...);
// ...

Disallow Twitter Bootstrap modal window from closing


     backdrop: 'static',
     keyboard: false,
     show: false


"backdrop:'static'" will prevent closing modal when clicking outside of it; "keyboard: false" specifies that the modal can be closed from escape key (Esc) "show: false" will hide the modal when the page has finished loading

Unresolved external symbol in object files

I've just had the same error and I manage to avoid it by replacing ; with {} in the header file.

#ifndef XYZ_h
#define XYZ_h
class XYZ
    void xyzMethod(){}

When it was void xyzMethod(); it didn't want to compile.

Node.js for() loop returning the same values at each loop

I would suggest doing this in a more functional style :P

function CreateMessageboard(BoardMessages) {
  var htmlMessageboardString = BoardMessages
   .map(function(BoardMessage) {
     return MessageToHTMLString(BoardMessage);

Try this

When should we implement Serializable interface?

  1. Implement the Serializable interface when you want to be able to convert an instance of a class into a series of bytes or when you think that a Serializable object might reference an instance of your class.

  2. Serializable classes are useful when you want to persist instances of them or send them over a wire.

  3. Instances of Serializable classes can be easily transmitted. Serialization does have some security consequences, however. Read Joshua Bloch's Effective Java.

How to Copy Contents of One Canvas to Another Canvas Locally

Actually you don't have to create an image at all. drawImage() will accept a Canvas as well as an Image object.

//grab the context from your destination canvas
var destCtx = destinationCanvas.getContext('2d');

//call its drawImage() function passing it the source canvas directly
destCtx.drawImage(sourceCanvas, 0, 0);

Way faster than using an ImageData object or Image element.

Note that sourceCanvas can be a HTMLImageElement, HTMLVideoElement, or a HTMLCanvasElement. As mentioned by Dave in a comment below this answer, you cannot use a canvas drawing context as your source. If you have a canvas drawing context instead of the canvas element it was created from, there is a reference to the original canvas element on the context under context.canvas.

Here is a jsPerf to demonstrate why this is the only right way to clone a canvas:

Search code inside a Github project


The bookmarklet hack below is broken due to XHR issues and API changes.

Thankfully Github now has "A Whole New Code Search" which does the job superbly.

Checkout this voodoo: Github code search userscript.

Follow the directions there, or if you hate bloating your browser with scripts and extensions, use my bookmarkified bundle of the userscript:

javascript:(function(){var s='',t='text/javascript',d=document,n=navigator,e;(e=d.createElement('script')).src=s;e.type=t;d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e)})();doIt('');void('');

Save the source above as the URL of a new bookmark. Browse to any Github repo, click the bookmark, and bam: in-page, ajaxified code search.

CAVEAT Github must index a repo before you can search it.

Before the Bookmarklet


After - Look in the second menubar after the leftmost tabs: Files, Commits, Branches...

Here's a sample search from the annotated ECMAScript 5.1 specification repository:

Sample search in the annotated ECMAScript 5.1 specification repository

Can't check signature: public key not found

You get that error because you don't have the public key of the person who signed the message.

gpg should have given you a message containing the ID of the key that was used to sign it. Obtain the public key from the person who encrypted the file and import it into your keyring (gpg2 --import key.asc); you should be able to verify the signature after that.

If the sender submitted its public key to a keyserver (for instance,, then you may be able to import the key directly from the keyserver:

gpg2 --keyserver --search-keys <sender_name_or_address>

Angular 2 - Using 'this' inside setTimeout

You need to use Arrow function ()=> ES6 feature to preserve this context within setTimeout.

// var that = this;                             // no need of this line
this.messageSuccess = true;

setTimeout(()=>{                           //<<<---using ()=> syntax
      this.messageSuccess = false;
 }, 3000);

SQL query to find Nth highest salary from a salary table

if wanna specified nth highest,could use rank method.

To get the third highest, use

(SELECT @rank := @rank + 1 AS rank, salary
FROM   tbl,(SELECT @rank := 0) r 
order by salary desc ) m
WHERE rank=3

Anchor links in Angularjs?

I don't know if that answers your question, but yes, you can use angularjs links, such as:

<a ng-href="{{hash}}"/>

There is a good example on the AngularJS website:

UPDATE: The AngularJS documentation was a bit obscure and it didn't provide a good solution for it. Sorry!

You can find a better solution here: How to handle anchor hash linking in AngularJS

Eclipse DDMS error "Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger"

In addition to adding localhost to your hosts file, make the following changes in Eclipse.


Window -> Preferences -> Android -> DDMS

Set Base local debugger port to 8601

Check the box that says Use ADBHOST and the value should be Thanks to Ben Clayton & Doguhan Uluca in the comments for leading me to a solution.

Some Google keywords:

Ailment or solution for Nexus S Android debugging with the error message: Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger.

Displaying a message in iOS which has the same functionality as Toast in Android

In Android, a Toast is a short message that displays on the screen for a short amount of time and then disappears automatically without disrupting user interaction with the app.

enter image description here

So a lot of people coming from an Android background want to know what the iOS version of a Toast is. Besides the current question, other similar questions can be found here, here, and here. The answer is that there is no exact equivalent to a Toast in iOS. Various workarounds that have been presented, though, including

  • making your own Toast with a UIView (see here, here, here, and here)
  • importing a third party project that mimics a Toast (see here, here, here, and here)
  • using a buttonless Alert with a timer (see here)

However, my advice is to stick with the standard UI options that already come with iOS. Don't try to make your app look and behave exactly the same as the Android version. Think about how to repackage it so that it looks and feels like an iOS app. See the following link for some choices.

Consider redesigning the UI in a way that conveys the same information. Or, if the information is very important, then an Alert might be the answer.

How to know Hive and Hadoop versions from command prompt?

We can find hive version by

  • on linux shell : "hive --version"
  • on hive shell : " ! hive --version;"

above cmds works on hive 0.13 and above.

gives the hive version from hue hive editor it gives the the jar name which includes the version.

How to concatenate two MP4 files using FFmpeg?

Here's a fast (takes less than 1 minute) and lossless way to do this without needing intermediate files:

ls Movie_Part_1.mp4 Movie_Part_2.mp4 | \
perl -ne 'print "file $_"' | \
ffmpeg -f concat -i - -c copy Movie_Joined.mp4

The "ls" contains the files to join The "perl" creates the concatenation file on-the-fly into a pipe The "-i -" part tells ffmpeg to read from the pipe

(note - my files had no spaces or weird stuff in them - you'll need appropriate shell-escaping if you want to do this idea with "hard" files).

variable is not declared it may be inaccessible due to its protection level

I have suffered a similar problem, with a Sub not accessible in runtime, but absolutely legal in editor. It was solved by changing destination Framework from 4.5.1 to 4.5. It seems that my IIS only had 4.5 version.


document.getElementByID is not a function

It's document.getElementById() and not document.getElementByID(). Check the casing for Id.

Java Regex Capturing Groups

From the doc :

Capturing groups</a> are indexed from left
 * to right, starting at one.  Group zero denotes the entire pattern, so
 * the expression is equivalent to

So capture group 0 send the whole line.

Ifelse statement in R with multiple conditions

another solution using dplyr is:

df <- ## your data ##
df <- df %>%
        mutate(Den = ifelse(any( | any(Den != 1), 0, 1))

Difference between Hive internal tables and external tables?

In simple words, there are two things:

Hive can manage things in warehouse i.e. it will not delete data out of warehouse. When we delete table:

1) For internal tables the data is managed internally in warehouse. So will be deleted.

2) For external tables the data is managed eternal from warehouse. So can't be deleted and clients other then hive can also use it.

NodeJS accessing file with relative path

You can use the path module to join the path of the directory in which helper1.js lives to the relative path of foobar.json. This will give you the absolute path to foobar.json.

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var jsonPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'config', 'dev', 'foobar.json');
var jsonString = fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, 'utf8');

This should work on Linux, OSX, and Windows assuming a UTF8 encoding.

What is the purpose of the HTML "no-js" class?

The no-js class is used by the Modernizr feature detection library. When Modernizr loads, it replaces no-js with js. If JavaScript is disabled, the class remains. This allows you to write CSS which easily targets either condition.

From Modernizrs' Anotated Source (no longer maintained):

Remove "no-js" class from element, if it exists: docElement.className=docElement.className.replace(/\bno-js\b/,'') + ' js';

Here is a blog post by Paul Irish describing this approach:

I like to do this same thing, but without Modernizr. I put the following <script> in the <head> to change the class to js if JavaScript is enabled. I prefer to use .replace("no-js","js") over the regex version because its a bit less cryptic and suits my needs.

    document.documentElement.className = 

Prior to this technique, I would generally just apply js-dependant styles directly with JavaScript. For example:

$('.otherStuff').css({'color' : 'blue'});

With the no-js trick, this can Now be done with css:

.js #someSelector {display: none;}
.otherStuff { color: blue; }
.no-js .otherStuff { color: green }

This is preferable because:

  • It loads faster with no FOUC (flash of unstyled content)
  • Separation of concerns, etc...

Installing Java 7 on Ubuntu

Download java jdk<version>-linux-x64.tar.gz file from

Extract this file where you want. like: /home/java(Folder name created by user in home directory).

Now open terminal. Set path JAVA_HOME=path of your jdk folder(open jdk folder then right click on any folder, go to properties then copy the path using select all) and paste here.

Like: JAVA_HOME=/home/xxxx/java/JDK1.8.0_201

Let Ubuntu know where our JDK/JRE is located.

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /home/xxxx/java/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/java 20000
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /home/xxxx/java/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javac 20000
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /home/xxxx/java/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javaws 20000

Tell Ubuntu that our installation i.e., jdk1.8.0_05 must be the default Java.

sudo update-alternatives --set java /home/xxxx/sipTest/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/java
sudo update-alternatives --set javac /home/xxxx/java/sipTest/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javac
sudo update-alternatives --set javaws /home/xxxxx/sipTest/jdk1.8.0_201/bin/javaws

Now try:

$ sudo update-alternatives --config java

There are 3 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                  Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle1/bin/java   1047      auto mode
  1            /usr/bin/gij-4.6                       1046      manual mode
  2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-oracle1/bin/java   1047      manual mode
  3            /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/java      1         manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice [*], or type selection number: 3

update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0_75/bin/java to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in manual mode

Repeat the above for:

sudo update-alternatives --config javac
sudo update-alternatives --config javaws

How to check if a string starts with "_" in PHP?

Since someone mentioned efficiency, I've benchmarked the functions given so far out of curiosity:

function startsWith1($str, $char) {
    return strpos($str, $char) === 0;
function startsWith2($str, $char) {
    return stripos($str, $char) === 0;
function startsWith3($str, $char) {
    return substr($str, 0, 1) === $char;
function startsWith4($str, $char){
    return $str[0] === $char;
function startsWith5($str, $char){
    return (bool) preg_match('/^' . $char . '/', $str);
function startsWith6($str, $char) {
    if (is_null($encoding)) $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
    return mb_substr($str, 0, mb_strlen($char, $encoding), $encoding) === $char;

Here are the results on my average DualCore machine with 100.000 runs each

// Testing '_string'
startsWith1 took 0.385906934738
startsWith2 took 0.457293987274
startsWith3 took 0.412894964218
startsWith4 took 0.366240024567 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.642996072769
startsWith6 took 1.39859509468

// Tested "string"
startsWith1 took 0.384965896606
startsWith2 took 0.445554971695
startsWith3 took 0.42377281189
startsWith4 took 0.373164176941 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.630424022675
startsWith6 took 1.40699005127

// Tested 1000 char random string [a-z0-9]
startsWith1 took 0.430691003799
startsWith2 took 4.447286129
startsWith3 took 0.413349866867
startsWith4 took 0.368592977524 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.627470016479
startsWith6 took 1.40957403183

// Tested 1000 char random string [a-z0-9] with '_' prefix
startsWith1 took 0.384054899216
startsWith2 took 4.41522812843
startsWith3 took 0.408898115158
startsWith4 took 0.363884925842 <-- fastest
startsWith5 took 0.638479948044
startsWith6 took 1.41304707527

As you can see, treating the haystack as array to find out the char at the first position is always the fastest solution. It is also always performing at equal speed, regardless of string length. Using strpos is faster than substr for short strings but slower for long strings, when the string does not start with the prefix. The difference is irrelevant though. stripos is incredibly slow with long strings. preg_match performs mostly the same regardless of string length, but is only mediocre in speed. The mb_substr solution performs worst, while probably being more reliable though.

Given that these numbers are for 100.000 runs, it should be obvious that we are talking about 0.0000x seconds per call. Picking one over the other for efficiency is a worthless micro-optimization, unless your app is doing startsWith checking for a living.

How to set True as default value for BooleanField on Django?

If you're just using a vanilla form (not a ModelForm), you can set a Field initial value ( ) like

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    my_field = forms.BooleanField(initial=True)

If you're using a ModelForm, you can set a default value on the model field ( ), which will apply to the resulting ModelForm, like

class MyModel(models.Model):
    my_field = models.BooleanField(default=True)

Finally, if you want to dynamically choose at runtime whether or not your field will be selected by default, you can use the initial parameter to the form when you initialize it:

form = MyForm(initial={'my_field':True})

Add all files to a commit except a single file?

To keep the change in file but not to commit I did this

git add .

git reset -- main/dontcheckmein.txt

git commit -m "commit message"

to verify the file is excluded do

git status

Cannot find a differ supporting object '[object Object]' of type 'object'. NgFor only supports binding to Iterables such as Arrays

i have the same problem. this is how i fixed the problem. first when the error is occurred, my array data is coming form DB like this --,

{brands: Array(5), _id: "5ae9455f7f7af749cb2d3740"} 

make sure that your data is an ARRAY, not an OBJECT that carries an array. only array look like this --,

(5) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]

it solved my problem.

Change color inside strings.xml

You don't. strings.xml is just here to define the raw text messages. You should (must) use styles.xml to define reusable visual styles to apply to your widgets.

Think of it as a good practice to separate the concerns. You can work on the visual styles independently from the text messages.

Create a tar.xz in one command

Switch -J only works on newer systems. The universal command is:

To make .tar.xz archive

tar cf - directory/ | xz -z - > directory.tar.xz


  1. tar cf - directory reads directory/ and starts putting it to TAR format. The output of this operation is generated on the standard output.

  2. | pipes standard output to the input of another program...

  3. ... which happens to be xz -z -. XZ is configured to compress (-z) the archive from standard input (-).

  4. You redirect the output from xz to the tar.xz file.

how to change the dist-folder path in angular-cli after 'ng build'

Another option would be to set the webroot path to the angular cli dist folder. In your Program.cs when configuring the WebHostBuilder just say

.UseWebRoot(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Frontend\\dist")

or whatever the path to your dist dir is.

How to delete an SMS from the inbox in Android programmatically?

You just try the following code.It will delete all the sms that are all in phone (Received or Sent)

Uri uri = Uri.parse("content://sms");

ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver();

Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query(uri, null, null, null,

while (cursor.moveToNext()) {

 long thread_id = cursor.getLong(1);
 Uri thread = Uri.parse("content://sms/conversations/"
   + thread_id);
 getContentResolver().delete(thread, null, null);

Align items in a stack panel?

Yo can set FlowDirection of Stack panel to RightToLeft, and then all items will be aligned to the right side.

Date difference in years using C#

I hope the link below helps

MSDN - DateTime.Subtract.Method (DateTime)

There's even examples for C# there. Just simply click the C# language tab.

Good luck

How to horizontally center an unordered list of unknown width?

Use the below css to solve your issue

#footer{ text-align:center; height:58px;}
#footer ul {  font-size:11px;}
#footer ul li {display:inline-block;}

Note: Don't use float:left in li. it will make your li to align left.

Make an image responsive - the simplest way

Use Bootstrap to have a hustle free with your images as shown. Use class img-responsive and you are done:

<img src="cinqueterre.jpg" class="img-responsive" alt="Cinque Terre" width="304" height="236">

should use size_t or ssize_t

ssize_t is used for functions whose return value could either be a valid size, or a negative value to indicate an error. It is guaranteed to be able to store values at least in the range [-1, SSIZE_MAX] (SSIZE_MAX is system-dependent).

So you should use size_t whenever you mean to return a size in bytes, and ssize_t whenever you would return either a size in bytes or a (negative) error value.


How do I pick 2 random items from a Python set?

Use the random module:

import random
random.sample(set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), 2)

This samples the two values without replacement (so the two values are different).

Are static methods inherited in Java?

This concept is not that easy as it looks. We can access static members without inheritance, which is HasA-relation. We can access static members by extending the parent class also. That doesn't imply that it is an ISA-relation (Inheritance). Actually static members belong to the class, and static is not an access modifier. As long as the access modifiers permit to access the static members we can use them in other classes. Like if it is public then it will be accessible inside the same package and also outside the package. For private we can't use it anywhere. For default, we can use it only within the package. But for protected we have to extend the super class. So getting the static method to other class does not depend on being Static. It depends on Access modifiers. So, in my opinion, Static members can access if the access modifiers permit. Otherwise, we can use them like we use by Hasa-relation. And has a relation is not inheritance. Again we can not override the static method. If we can use other method but cant override it, then it is HasA-relation. If we can't override them it won't be inheritance.So the writer was 100% correct.

Show dialog from fragment?

Here is a full example of a yes/no DialogFragment:

The class:

public class SomeDialog extends DialogFragment {

    public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())
            .setMessage("Sure you wanna do this!")
            .setNegativeButton(, new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    // do nothing (will close dialog)
            .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes,  new OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                    // do something

To start dialog:

        FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        // Create and show the dialog.
        SomeDialog newFragment = new SomeDialog ();, "dialog");

You could also let the class implement onClickListener and use that instead of embedded listeners.

Callback to Activity

If you want to implement callback this is how it is done In your activity:

YourActivity extends Activity implements OnFragmentClickListener


public void onFragmentClick(int action, Object object) {
    switch(action) {
        case SOME_ACTION:
        //Do your action here

The callback class:

public interface OnFragmentClickListener {
    public void onFragmentClick(int action, Object object);

Then to perform a callback from a fragment you need to make sure the listener is attached like this:

public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
    try {
        mListener = (OnFragmentClickListener) activity;
    } catch (ClassCastException e) {
        throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement listeners!");

And a callback is performed like this:

mListener.onFragmentClick(SOME_ACTION, null); // null or some important object as second parameter.

iPhone/iPad browser simulator?

There's no good substitute to testing on an actual device.

Real devices have higher display densities, meaning that pixels are smaller. If you don't test on a real device, you may not realise that your design includes text that is too small to read or buttons that are too small to tap.

You use real devices with your fingers, not a mouse. This means that the accuracy of your taps is much lower and what you are tapping is obscured by your finger. If you don't test on a real device, you may not realise you've introduced usability problems into your design.

Are (non-void) self-closing tags valid in HTML5?

I would be very careful with self closing tags as this example demonstrates:

var a = '<span/><span/>';
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = a
console.log(d.innerHTML) // "<span><span></span></span>"

My gut feeling would have been <span></span><span></span> instead

How, in general, does Node.js handle 10,000 concurrent requests?

Adding to slebetman's answer for more clarity on what happens while executing the code.

The internal thread pool in nodeJs just has 4 threads by default. and its not like the whole request is attached to a new thread from the thread pool the whole execution of request happens just like any normal request (without any blocking task) , just that whenever a request has any long running or a heavy operation like db call ,a file operation or a http request the task is queued to the internal thread pool which is provided by libuv. And as nodeJs provides 4 threads in internal thread pool by default every 5th or next concurrent request waits until a thread is free and once these operations are over the callback is pushed to the callback queue. and is picked up by event loop and sends back the response.

Now here comes another information that its not once single callback queue, there are many queues.

  1. NextTick queue
  2. Micro task queue
  3. Timers Queue
  4. IO callback queue (Requests, File ops, db ops)
  5. IO Poll queue
  6. Check Phase queue or SetImmediate
  7. close handlers queue

Whenever a request comes the code gets executing in this order of callbacks queued.

It is not like when there is a blocking request it is attached to a new thread. There are only 4 threads by default. So there is another queueing happening there.

Whenever in a code a blocking process like file read occurs , then calls a function which utilises thread from thread pool and then once the operation is done , the callback is passed to the respective queue and then executed in the order.

Everything gets queued based on the the type of callback and processed in the order mentioned above.

ActiveX component can't create object

It's also worth checking that you've got "Enable 32-bit Applications" set to True in the advanced settings of the DefaultAppPool within IIS.

How do I terminate a thread in C++11?

This question actually have more deep nature and good understanding of the multithreading concepts in general will provide you insight about this topic. In fact there is no any language or any operating system which provide you facilities for asynchronous abruptly thread termination without warning to not use them. And all these execution environments strongly advise developer or even require build multithreading applications on the base of cooperative or synchronous thread termination. The reason for this common decisions and advices is that all they are built on the base of the same general multithreading model.

Let's compare multiprocessing and multithreading concepts to better understand advantages and limitations of the second one.

Multiprocessing assumes splitting of the entire execution environment into set of completely isolated processes controlled by the operating system. Process incorporates and isolates execution environment state including local memory of the process and data inside it and all system resources like files, sockets, synchronization objects. Isolation is a critically important characteristic of the process, because it limits the faults propagation by the process borders. In other words, no one process can affects the consistency of any another process in the system. The same is true for the process behaviour but in the less restricted and more blur way. In such environment any process can be killed in any "arbitrary" moment, because firstly each process is isolated, secondly, operating system have full knowledges about all resources used by process and can release all of them without leaking, and finally process will be killed by OS not really in arbitrary moment, but in the number of well defined points where the state of the process is well known.

In contrast, multithreading assumes running multiple threads in the same process. But all this threads are share the same isolation box and there is no any operating system control of the internal state of the process. As a result any thread is able to change global process state as well as corrupt it. At the same moment the points in which the state of the thread is well known to be safe to kill a thread completely depends on the application logic and are not known neither for operating system nor for programming language runtime. As a result thread termination at the arbitrary moment means killing it at arbitrary point of its execution path and can easily lead to the process-wide data corruption, memory and handles leakage, threads leakage and spinlocks and other intra-process synchronization primitives leaved in the closed state preventing other threads in doing progress.

Due to this the common approach is to force developers to implement synchronous or cooperative thread termination, where the one thread can request other thread termination and other thread in well-defined point can check this request and start the shutdown procedure from the well-defined state with releasing of all global system-wide resources and local process-wide resources in the safe and consistent way.

What is unexpected T_VARIABLE in PHP?

There might be a semicolon or bracket missing a line before your pasted line.

It seems fine to me; every string is allowed as an array index.

HTML Form Redirect After Submit

Try this Javascript (jquery) code. Its an ajax request to an external URL. Use the callback function to fire any code:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
    $.post('', function() {
      window.location = '';
    return false;

Convert String with Dot or Comma as decimal separator to number in JavaScript

Here is my solution that doesn't have any dependencies:

return value
  .replace(/[^\d\-.,]/g, "")   // Basic sanitization. Allows '-' for negative numbers
  .replace(/,/g, ".")          // Change all commas to periods
  .replace(/\.(?=.*\.)/g, ""); // Remove all periods except the last one

(I left out the conversion to a number - that's probably just a parseFloat call if you don't care about JavaScript's precision problems with floats.)

The code assumes that:

  • Only commas and periods are used as decimal separators. (I'm not sure if locales exist that use other ones.)
  • The decimal part of the string does not use any separators.

How to get current working directory in Java?

Who says your main class is in a file on a local harddisk? Classes are more often bundled inside JAR files, and sometimes loaded over the network or even generated on the fly.

So what is it that you actually want to do? There is probably a way to do it that does not make assumptions about where classes come from.

How to show one layout on top of the other programmatically in my case?

FrameLayout is not the better way to do this:

Use RelativeLayout instead. You can position the elements anywhere you like. The element that comes after, has the higher z-index than the previous one (i.e. it comes over the previous one).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent">

        android:text="This is a text."

enter image description here

Database Structure for Tree Data Structure

You mention the most commonly implemented, which is Adjacency List:

There are other models as well, including materialized path and nested sets:

Joe Celko has written a book on this subject, which is a good reference from a general SQL perspective (it is mentioned in the nested set article link above).

Also, Itzik Ben-Gann has a good overview of the most common options in his book "Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Querying".

The main things to consider when choosing a model are:

1) Frequency of structure change - how frequently does the actual structure of the tree change. Some models provide better structure update characteristics. It is important to separate structure changes from other data changes however. For example, you may want to model a company's organizational chart. Some people will model this as an adjacency list, using the employee ID to link an employee to their supervisor. This is usually a sub-optimal approach. An approach that often works better is to model the org structure separate from employees themselves, and maintain the employee as an attribute of the structure. This way, when an employee leaves the company, the organizational structure itself does not need to be changes, just the association with the employee that left.

2) Is the tree write-heavy or read-heavy - some structures work very well when reading the structure, but incur additional overhead when writing to the structure.

3) What types of information do you need to obtain from the structure - some structures excel at providing certain kinds of information about the structure. Examples include finding a node and all its children, finding a node and all its parents, finding the count of child nodes meeting certain conditions, etc. You need to know what information will be needed from the structure to determine the structure that will best fit your needs.

Numpy - add row to array

I use numpy.insert(arr, i, the_object_to_be_added, axis) in order to insert object_to_be_added at the i'th row(axis=0) or column(axis=1)

import numpy as np

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [5, 4, 6]])
# array([[1, 2, 3],
#        [5, 4, 6]])

np.insert(a, 1, [55, 66], axis=1)
# array([[ 1, 55,  2,  3],
#        [ 5, 66,  4,  6]])

np.insert(a, 2, [50, 60, 70], axis=0)
# array([[ 1,  2,  3],
#        [ 5,  4,  6],
#        [50, 60, 70]])

Too old discussion, but I hope it helps someone.

C# Regex for Guid

In .NET Framework 4 there is enhancement System.Guid structure, These includes new TryParse and TryParseExact methods to Parse GUID. Here is example for this.

    //Generate New GUID
    Guid objGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
    //Take invalid guid format
    string strGUID = "aaa-a-a-a-a";

    Guid newGuid;

    if (Guid.TryParse(objGuid.ToString(), out newGuid) == true)
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is Valid GUID.", objGuid.ToString()));
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is InValid GUID.", objGuid.ToString()));

    Guid newTmpGuid;

    if (Guid.TryParse(strGUID, out newTmpGuid) == true)
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is Valid GUID.", strGUID));
        Response.Write(string.Format("<br/>{0} is InValid GUID.", strGUID));

In this example we create new guid object and also take one string variable which has invalid guid. After that we use TryParse method to validate that both variable has valid guid format or not. By running example you can see that string variable has not valid guid format and it gives message of "InValid guid". If string variable has valid guid than this will return true in TryParse method.

Retrieve version from maven pom.xml in code

Use this Library for the ease of a simple solution. Add to the manifest whatever you need and then query by string.

 System.out.println("JAR was created by " +"Created-By"));

Check whether a variable is a string in Ruby

foo.instance_of? String


foo.kind_of? String 

if you you only care if it is derrived from String somewhere up its inheritance chain

How does a Java HashMap handle different objects with the same hash code?

Hash map works on the principle of hashing

HashMap get(Key k) method calls hashCode method on the key object and applies returned hashValue to its own static hash function to find a bucket location(backing array) where keys and values are stored in form of a nested class called Entry (Map.Entry) . So you have concluded that from the previous line that Both key and value is stored in the bucket as a form of Entry object . So thinking that Only value is stored in the bucket is not correct and will not give a good impression on the interviewer .

  • Whenever we call get( Key k ) method on the HashMap object . First it checks that whether key is null or not . Note that there can only be one null key in HashMap .

If key is null , then Null keys always map to hash 0, thus index 0.

If key is not null then , it will call hashfunction on the key object , see line 4 in above method i.e. key.hashCode() ,so after key.hashCode() returns hashValue , line 4 looks like

            int hash = hash(hashValue)

and now ,it applies returned hashValue into its own hashing function .

We might wonder why we are calculating the hashvalue again using hash(hashValue). Answer is It defends against poor quality hash functions.

Now final hashvalue is used to find the bucket location at which the Entry object is stored . Entry object stores in the bucket like this (hash,key,value,bucketindex)

How to make a GridLayout fit screen size

Just a quick follow up and note that it is possible now to use the support library with weighted spacing in GridLayout to achieve what you want, see:

As of API 21, GridLayout's distribution of excess space accomodates the principle of weight. In the event that no weights are specified, the previous conventions are respected and columns and rows are taken as flexible if their views specify some form of alignment within their groups. The flexibility of a view is therefore influenced by its alignment which is, in turn, typically defined by setting the gravity property of the child's layout parameters. If either a weight or alignment were defined along a given axis then the component is taken as flexible in that direction. If no weight or alignment was set, the component is instead assumed to be inflexible.

Java - JPA - @Version annotation

Every time an entity is updated in the database the version field will be increased by one. Every operation that updates the entity in the database will have appended WHERE version = VERSION_THAT_WAS_LOADED_FROM_DATABASE to its query.

In checking affected rows of your operation the jpa framework can make sure there was no concurrent modification between loading and persisting your entity because the query would not find your entity in the database when it's version number has been increased between load and persist.

PHP isset() with multiple parameters

The parameter(s) to isset() must be a variable reference and not an expression (in your case a concatenation); but you can group multiple conditions together like this:

if (isset($_POST['search_term'], $_POST['postcode'])) {

This will return true only if all arguments to isset() are set and do not contain null.

Note that isset($var) and isset($var) == true have the same effect, so the latter is somewhat redundant.


The second part of your expression uses empty() like this:

empty ($_POST['search_term'] . $_POST['postcode']) == false

This is wrong for the same reasons as above. In fact, you don't need empty() here, because by that time you would have already checked whether the variables are set, so you can shortcut the complete expression like so:

isset($_POST['search_term'], $_POST['postcode']) && 
    $_POST['search_term'] && 

Or using an equivalent expression:

!empty($_POST['search_term']) && !empty($_POST['postcode'])

Final thoughts

You should consider using filter functions to manage the inputs:

$data = filter_input_array(INPUT_POST, array(
    'search_term' => array(
        'filter' => FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW,
        'flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE,
    'postcode' => array(
        'filter' => FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW,
        'flags' => FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE,

if ($data === null || in_array(null, $data, true)) {
    // some fields are missing or their values didn't pass the filter
    die("You did something naughty");

// $data['search_term'] and $data['postcode'] contains the fields you want

Btw, you can customize your filters to check for various parts of the submitted values.

Get specific line from text file using just shell script

Easy with perl! If you want to get line 1, 3 and 5 from a file, say /etc/passwd:

perl -e 'while(<>){if(++$l~~[1,3,5]){print}}' < /etc/passwd

Windows equivalent of $export

There is not an equivalent statement for export in Windows Command Prompt. In Windows the environment is copied so when you exit from the session (from a called command prompt or from an executable that set a variable) the variable in Windows get lost. You can set it in user registry or in machine registry via setx but you won't see it if you not start a new command prompt.

How to capitalize the first letter in a String in Ruby

It depends on which Ruby version you use:

Ruby 2.4 and higher:

It just works, as since Ruby v2.4.0 supports Unicode case mapping:

"?????".capitalize #=> ?????

Ruby 2.3 and lower:

"maria".capitalize #=> "Maria"
"?????".capitalize #=> ?????

The problem is, it just doesn't do what you want it to, it outputs ????? instead of ?????.

If you're using Rails there's an easy workaround:

"?????".mb_chars.capitalize.to_s # requires ActiveSupport::Multibyte

Otherwise, you'll have to install the unicode gem and use it like this:

require 'unicode'

Unicode::capitalize("?????") #=> ?????

Ruby 1.8:

Be sure to use the coding magic comment:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

puts "?????".capitalize

gives invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII), while:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
#coding: utf-8

puts "?????".capitalize

works without errors, but also see the "Ruby 2.3 and lower" section for real capitalization.

How do you change Background for a Button MouseOver in WPF?

A slight more difficult answer that uses ControlTemplate and has an animation effect (adapted from

In your resource dictionary define a control template for your button like this one:

<ControlTemplate TargetType="Button" x:Key="testButtonTemplate2">
    <Border Name="RootElement">
            <SolidColorBrush x:Name="BorderBrush" Color="Black"/>

        <Grid Margin="4" >
                <SolidColorBrush x:Name="ButtonBackground" Color="Aquamarine"/>
            <ContentPresenter HorizontalAlignment="{TemplateBinding HorizontalContentAlignment}" VerticalAlignment="{TemplateBinding VerticalContentAlignment}" Margin="4,5,4,4"/>
            <VisualStateGroup x:Name="CommonStates">
                <VisualState x:Name="Normal"/>
                <VisualState x:Name="MouseOver">
                        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ButtonBackground" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="Red"/>
                <VisualState x:Name="Pressed">
                        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="ButtonBackground" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color" To="Red"/>

in your XAML you can use the template above for your button as below:

Define your button

<Button Template="{StaticResource testButtonTemplate2}" 
HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" 
Foreground="White">My button</Button>

Hope it helps

How to use global variables in React Native?

Try to use = bar in or index.ios.js, then you can call in other file js.

Remove duplicate elements from array in Ruby

If someone was looking for a way to remove all instances of repeated values, see "How can I efficiently extract repeated elements in a Ruby array?".

a = [1, 2, 2, 3]
counts =
a.each { |v| counts[v] += 1 }
p { |v, count| count == 1 }.keys # [1, 3]

How can I change from SQL Server Windows mode to mixed mode (SQL Server 2008)?

From this:

One can catch that you may change it through windows registry key

(SQLEXPRESS instance):

"Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\SQLEXPRESS\LoginMode" = 2

... and restart service

Eclipse : Maven search dependencies doesn't work

I have the same problem. None of the options suggested above worked for me. However I find, that if I lets say manually add groupid/artifact/version for org.springframework.spring-core version 4.3.4.RELEASE and save the pom.xml, the dependencies download automatically and the search works for the jars already present in the repository. However if I now search for org.springframework.spring-context , which isnt in the current dependencies, this search still doesn't work.

NPM global install "cannot find module"

On windows if you just did a clean install and you get this you need blow away your npm cache in \AppData\Roaming

Turning off eslint rule for a specific file

To disable a specific rule for the file:

/* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */

Note there is a bug in eslint where single line comment will not work -

// eslint-disable max-classes-per-file
// This fails!

Check this post

Proper use cases for Android UserManager.isUserAGoat()?

Funny Easter Egg.
In Ubuntu version of Chrome, in Task Manager (shift+esc), with right-click you can add a sci-fi column that in italian version is "Capre Teletrasportate" (Teleported Goats).

A funny theory about it is here.

How to empty the content of a div

you can .remove() each child:

const div = document.querySelector('')
while(div.firstChild) div.firstChild.remove()

Fixed positioning in Mobile Safari

You could try using touch-scroll, a jQuery plugin that mimics scrolling with fixed elements on mobile Safari:

View an example with your iOS device at

Or an alternative is iScroll:

Error related to only_full_group_by when executing a query in MySql

Addition of lines (mention below) in file : /etc/mysql/my.cnf


Work fine for me. Server version: 5.7.18-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 - (Ubuntu)

Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

Just to add another option to the mix, there are several useful constants within the string module. While more useful in other cases, they can be used here.

>>> from string import digits
>>> ''.join(c for c in "abc123def456" if c in digits)

There are several constants in the module, including:

  • ascii_letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ)
  • hexdigits (0123456789abcdefABCDEF)

If you are using these constants heavily, it can be worthwhile to covert them to a frozenset. That enables O(1) lookups, rather than O(n), where n is the length of the constant for the original strings.

>>> digits = frozenset(digits)
>>> ''.join(c for c in "abc123def456" if c in digits)

How to use timeit module

I'll let you in on a secret: the best way to use timeit is on the command line.

On the command line, timeit does proper statistical analysis: it tells you how long the shortest run took. This is good because all error in timing is positive. So the shortest time has the least error in it. There's no way to get negative error because a computer can't ever compute faster than it can compute!

So, the command-line interface:

%~> python -m timeit "1 + 2"
10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0468 usec per loop

That's quite simple, eh?

You can set stuff up:

%~> python -m timeit -s "x = range(10000)" "sum(x)"
1000 loops, best of 3: 543 usec per loop

which is useful, too!

If you want multiple lines, you can either use the shell's automatic continuation or use separate arguments:

%~> python -m timeit -s "x = range(10000)" -s "y = range(100)" "sum(x)" "min(y)"
1000 loops, best of 3: 554 usec per loop

That gives a setup of

x = range(1000)
y = range(100)

and times


If you want to have longer scripts you might be tempted to move to timeit inside a Python script. I suggest avoiding that because the analysis and timing is simply better on the command line. Instead, I tend to make shell scripts:


 ... # lots of stuff


 echo Minmod arr1
 python -m timeit -s "$SETUP" "Minmod(arr1)"

 echo pure_minmod arr1
 python -m timeit -s "$SETUP" "pure_minmod(arr1)"

 echo better_minmod arr1
 python -m timeit -s "$SETUP" "better_minmod(arr1)"

 ... etc

This can take a bit longer due to the multiple initialisations, but normally that's not a big deal.

But what if you want to use timeit inside your module?

Well, the simple way is to do:

def function(...):


and that gives you cumulative (not minimum!) time to run that number of times.

To get a good analysis, use .repeat and take the minimum:

min(timeit.Timer(function).repeat(repeat=REPEATS, number=NUMBER))

You should normally combine this with functools.partial instead of lambda: ... to lower overhead. Thus you could have something like:

from functools import partial

def to_time(items):

test_items = [1, 2, 3] * 100
times = timeit.Timer(partial(to_time, test_items)).repeat(3, 1000)

# Divide by the number of repeats
time_taken = min(times) / 1000

You can also do:

timeit.timeit("...", setup="from __main__ import ...", number=NUMBER)

which would give you something closer to the interface from the command-line, but in a much less cool manner. The "from __main__ import ..." lets you use code from your main module inside the artificial environment created by timeit.

It's worth noting that this is a convenience wrapper for Timer(...).timeit(...) and so isn't particularly good at timing. I personally far prefer using Timer(...).repeat(...) as I've shown above.


There are a few caveats with timeit that hold everywhere.

  • Overhead is not accounted for. Say you want to time x += 1, to find out how long addition takes:

    >>> python -m timeit -s "x = 0" "x += 1"
    10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0476 usec per loop

    Well, it's not 0.0476 µs. You only know that it's less than that. All error is positive.

    So try and find pure overhead:

    >>> python -m timeit -s "x = 0" ""      
    100000000 loops, best of 3: 0.014 usec per loop

    That's a good 30% overhead just from timing! This can massively skew relative timings. But you only really cared about the adding timings; the look-up timings for x also need to be included in overhead:

    >>> python -m timeit -s "x = 0" "x"
    100000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0166 usec per loop

    The difference isn't much larger, but it's there.

  • Mutating methods are dangerous.

    >>> python -m timeit -s "x = [0]*100000" "while x: x.pop()"
    10000000 loops, best of 3: 0.0436 usec per loop

    But that's completely wrong! x is the empty list after the first iteration. You'll need to reinitialize:

    >>> python -m timeit "x = [0]*100000" "while x: x.pop()"
    100 loops, best of 3: 9.79 msec per loop

    But then you have lots of overhead. Account for that separately.

    >>> python -m timeit "x = [0]*100000"                   
    1000 loops, best of 3: 261 usec per loop

    Note that subtracting the overhead is reasonable here only because the overhead is a small-ish fraction of the time.

    For your example, it's worth noting that both Insertion Sort and Tim Sort have completely unusual timing behaviours for already-sorted lists. This means you will require a random.shuffle between sorts if you want to avoid wrecking your timings.

What's the difference between setWebViewClient vs. setWebChromeClient?

From the source code:

// Instance of WebViewClient that is the client callback.
private volatile WebViewClient mWebViewClient;
// Instance of WebChromeClient for handling all chrome functions.
private volatile WebChromeClient mWebChromeClient;


 * Set the WebViewClient.
 * @param client An implementation of WebViewClient.
public void setWebViewClient(WebViewClient client) {
    mWebViewClient = client;

 * Set the WebChromeClient.
 * @param client An implementation of WebChromeClient.
public void setWebChromeClient(WebChromeClient client) {
    mWebChromeClient = client;

Using WebChromeClient allows you to handle Javascript dialogs, favicons, titles, and the progress. Take a look of this example: Adding alert() support to a WebView

At first glance, there are too many differences WebViewClient & WebChromeClient. But, basically: if you are developing a WebView that won't require too many features but rendering HTML, you can just use a WebViewClient. On the other hand, if you want to (for instance) load the favicon of the page you are rendering, you should use a WebChromeClient object and override the onReceivedIcon(WebView view, Bitmap icon).

Most of the times, if you don't want to worry about those things... you can just do this:

webView= (WebView) findViewById(; 
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient()); 
webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); 

And your WebView will (in theory) have all features implemented (as the android native browser).

php codeigniter count rows

You could use the helper function $query->num_rows()

It returns the number of rows returned by the query. You can use like this:

$query = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM my_table');
echo $query->num_rows();

How to extract HTTP response body from a Python requests call?

import requests

site_request = requests.get("")

site_response = str(site_request.content)


You can do it either way.

Creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++

I have written a class in C# to handle common functions for working with the binomial coefficient, which is the type of problem that your problem falls under. It performs the following tasks:

  1. Outputs all the K-indexes in a nice format for any N choose K to a file. The K-indexes can be substituted with more descriptive strings or letters. This method makes solving this type of problem quite trivial.

  2. Converts the K-indexes to the proper index of an entry in the sorted binomial coefficient table. This technique is much faster than older published techniques that rely on iteration. It does this by using a mathematical property inherent in Pascal's Triangle. My paper talks about this. I believe I am the first to discover and publish this technique.

  3. Converts the index in a sorted binomial coefficient table to the corresponding K-indexes. I believe it is also faster than the other solutions.

  4. Uses Mark Dominus method to calculate the binomial coefficient, which is much less likely to overflow and works with larger numbers.

  5. The class is written in .NET C# and provides a way to manage the objects related to the problem (if any) by using a generic list. The constructor of this class takes a bool value called InitTable that when true will create a generic list to hold the objects to be managed. If this value is false, then it will not create the table. The table does not need to be created in order to perform the 4 above methods. Accessor methods are provided to access the table.

  6. There is an associated test class which shows how to use the class and its methods. It has been extensively tested with 2 cases and there are no known bugs.

To read about this class and download the code, see Tablizing The Binomial Coeffieicent.

It should be pretty straight forward to port the class over to C++.

The solution to your problem involves generating the K-indexes for each N choose K case. For example:

int NumPeople = 10;
int N = TotalColumns;
// Loop thru all the possible groups of combinations.
for (int K = N - 1; K < N; K++)
   // Create the bin coeff object required to get all
   // the combos for this N choose K combination.
   BinCoeff<int> BC = new BinCoeff<int>(N, K, false);
   int NumCombos = BinCoeff<int>.GetBinCoeff(N, K);
   int[] KIndexes = new int[K];
   BC.OutputKIndexes(FileName, DispChars, "", " ", 60, false);
   // Loop thru all the combinations for this N choose K case.
   for (int Combo = 0; Combo < NumCombos; Combo++)
      // Get the k-indexes for this combination, which in this case
      // are the indexes to each person in the problem set.
      BC.GetKIndexes(Loop, KIndexes);
      // Do whatever processing that needs to be done with the indicies in KIndexes.

The OutputKIndexes method can also be used to output the K-indexes to a file, but it will use a different file for each N choose K case.

How can I plot data with confidence intervals?

Some addition to the previous answers. It is nice to regulate the density of the polygon to avoid obscuring the data points.

lm.fit2 = lm(medv~poly(lstat,2))
new.lstat = seq(min(lstat), max(lstat), length.out=100)
preds <- predict(lm.fit2, newdata = data.frame(lstat=new.lstat), interval = 'prediction')
lines(sort(lstat), fitted(lm.fit2)[order(lstat)], col='red', lwd=3) 
polygon(c(rev(new.lstat), new.lstat), c(rev(preds[ ,3]), preds[ ,2]), density=10, col = 'blue', border = NA)
lines(new.lstat, preds[ ,3], lty = 'dashed', col = 'red')
lines(new.lstat, preds[ ,2], lty = 'dashed', col = 'red')

drawing of the prediction interval in polynomial regression

Please note that you see the prediction interval on the picture, which is several times wider than the confidence interval. You can read here the detailed explanation of those two types of interval estimates.

Merging two images in C#/.NET

This will add an image to another.

using (Graphics grfx = Graphics.FromImage(image))
    grfx.DrawImage(newImage, x, y)

Graphics is in the namespace System.Drawing

How to make background of table cell transparent

Transparent background will help you see what behind the element, in this case what behind your td is in fact the parent table. So we have no way to achieve what you want using pure CSS. Even using script can't solve it in a direct way. We can just have a workaround using script based on the idea of using the same background for both the body and the td. However we have to update the background-position accordingly whenver the window is resized. Here is the code you can use with the default background position of body (which is left top, otherwise you have to change the code to update the background-position of the td correctly):


<table id = "MainTable">
    <td width = "20%"></td>
    <td width = "80%" id='test'>
        <tr><td>something interesting here</td></tr>
        <tr><td>another thing also interesting out there</td></tr>


/* use the same background for the td #test and the body */
#test {
body {

JS (better use jQuery):

//code placed in onload event handler
function updateBackgroundPos(){
  var pos = $('#test').offset();
                            -pos.left + 'px' + " " + ( + 'px'));


Try resizing the viewport, you'll see the background-position updated correctly, which will make an effect looking like the background of the td is transparent to the body.

Ruby: kind_of? vs. instance_of? vs. is_a?

kind_of? and is_a? are synonymous.

instance_of? is different from the other two in that it only returns true if the object is an instance of that exact class, not a subclass.


  • "hello".is_a? Object and "hello".kind_of? Object return true because "hello" is a String and String is a subclass of Object.
  • However "hello".instance_of? Object returns false.

Difference between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation


Memory is allocated before the execution of the program begins (During Compilation).
Memory is allocated during the execution of the program.

No memory allocation or deallocation actions are performed during Execution.
Memory Bindings are established and destroyed during the Execution.

Variables remain permanently allocated.
Allocated only when program unit is active.

Implemented using stacks and heaps.
Implemented using data segments.

Pointer is needed to accessing variables.
No need of Dynamically allocated pointers.

Faster execution than Dynamic.
Slower execution than static.

More memory Space required.
Less Memory space required.

How to plot multiple functions on the same figure, in Matplotlib?

Just use the function plot as follows

plot(t, a)
plot(t, b)
plot(t, c)

How to Navigate from one View Controller to another using Swift

Swift 3

let secondviewController:UIViewController =  self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "StoryboardIdOfsecondviewController") as? SecondViewController

self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondviewController, animated: true)

Why can't I use switch statement on a String?

When you use intellij also look at:

File -> Project Structure -> Project

File -> Project Structure -> Modules

When you have multiple modules make sure you set the correct language level in the module tab.

$date + 1 year?

My solution is: date('Y-m-d', time()-60*60*24*365);

You can make it more "readable" with defines:

define('ONE_SECOND', 1);
define('ONE_MINUTE', 60 * ONE_SECOND);
define('ONE_HOUR',   60 * ONE_MINUTE);
define('ONE_DAY',    24 * ONE_HOUR);
define('ONE_YEAR',  365 * ONE_DAY);

date('Y-m-d', time()-ONE_YEAR);

return query based on date

If you want to get all new things in the past 5 minutes you would have to do some calculations, but its not hard...

First create an index on the property you want to match on (include sort direction -1 for descending and 1 for ascending)

db.things.createIndex({ createdAt: -1 }) // descending order on .createdAt

Then query for documents created in the last 5 minutes (60 seconds * 5 minutes)....because javascript's .getTime() returns milliseconds you need to mulitply by 1000 before you use it as input to the new Date() constructor.

        createdAt: {
            $gte: new Date(new Date().getTime()-60*5*1000).toISOString()

Explanation for new Date(new Date().getTime()-60*5*1000).toISOString() is as follows:

First we calculate "5 minutes ago":

  1. new Date().getTime() gives us current time in milliseconds
  2. We want to subtract 5 minutes (in ms) from that: 5*60*1000 -- I just multiply by 60 seconds so its easy to change. I can just change 5 to 120 if I want 2 hours (120 minutes).
  3. new Date().getTime()-60*5*1000 gives us 1484383878676 (5 minutes ago in ms)

Now we need to feed that into a new Date() constructor to get the ISO string format required by MongoDB timestamps.

  1. { $gte: new Date(resultFromAbove).toISOString() } (mongodb .find() query)
  2. Since we can't have variables we do it all in one shot: new Date(new Date().getTime()-60*5*1000)
  3. ...then convert to ISO string: .toISOString()
  4. new Date(new Date().getTime()-60*5*1000).toISOString() gives us 2017-01-14T08:53:17.586Z

Of course this is a little easier with variables if you're using the node-mongodb-native driver, but this works in the mongo shell which is what I usually use to check things.

How to change the default docker registry from to my private registry?

Haven't tried, but maybe hijacking the DNS resolution process by adding a line in /etc/hosts for or something similar ( could work?

MySQL create stored procedure syntax with delimiter

Getting started with stored procedure syntax in MySQL (using the terminal):

1. Open a terminal and login to mysql like this:

el@apollo:~$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

2. Take a look to see if you have any procedures:

mysql> show procedure status;
| Db        | Name          | Type      | Definer | Modified            | Created             | Security_type | Comment | character_set_client | collation_connection | Database Collation |
|   yourdb  | sp_user_login | PROCEDURE | root@%  | 2013-12-06 14:10:25 | 2013-12-06 14:10:25 | DEFINER       |         | utf8                 | utf8_general_ci      | latin1_swedish_ci  |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

I have one defined, you probably have none to start out.

3. Change to the database, delete it.

mysql> use yourdb;
Database changed

mysql> drop procedure if exists sp_user_login;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> show procedure status;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

4. Ok so now I have no stored procedures defined. Make the simplest one:

mysql> delimiter //
mysql> create procedure foobar()
    -> begin select 'hello'; end//
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

The // will communicate to the terminal when you are done entering commands for the stored procedure. the stored procedure name is foobar. it takes no parameters and should return "hello".

5. See if it's there, remember to set back your delimiter!:

 mysql> show procedure status;

Gotcha! Why didn't this work? You set the delimiter to // remember? Set it back to ;

6. Set the delimiter back and look at the procedure:

mysql> delimiter ;
mysql> show procedure status;
| Db        | Name   | Type      | Definer        | Modified            | Created             | Security_type | Comment | character_set_client | collation_connection | Database Collation |
| yourdb    | foobar | PROCEDURE | root@localhost | 2013-12-06 14:27:23 | 2013-12-06 14:27:23 | DEFINER       |         | utf8                 | utf8_general_ci      | latin1_swedish_ci  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


7. Run it:

mysql> call foobar();
| hello |
| hello |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Hello world complete, lets overwrite it with something better.

8. Drop foobar, redefine it to accept a parameter, and re run it:

mysql> drop procedure foobar;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show procedure status;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter //
mysql> create procedure foobar (in var1 int)
    -> begin select var1 + 2 as result;
    -> end//
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter ;
mysql> call foobar(5);
| result |
|      7 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Nice! We made a procedure that takes input, modifies it, and does output. Now lets do an out variable.

9. Remove foobar, Make an out variable, run it:

mysql> delimiter ;
mysql> drop procedure foobar;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter //
mysql> create procedure foobar(out var1 varchar(100))
    -> begin set var1="kowalski, what's the status of the nuclear reactor?";
    -> end//
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter ;
mysql> call foobar(@kowalski_status);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @kowalski_status;
| @kowalski_status                                    |
| kowalski, what's the status of the nuclear reactor? |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

10. Example of INOUT usage in MySQL:

mysql> select 'ricksays' into @msg;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> delimiter //
mysql> create procedure foobar (inout msg varchar(100))
-> begin
-> set msg = concat(@msg, " never gonna let you down");
-> end//

mysql> delimiter ;

mysql> call foobar(@msg);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @msg;
| @msg                              |
| ricksays never gonna let you down |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Ok it worked, it joined the strings together. So you defined a variable msg, passed in that variable into stored procedure called foobar, and @msg was written to by foobar.

Now you know how to make stored procedures with delimiters. Continue this tutorial here, start in on variables within stored procedures:

Save PHP array to MySQL?

check out the implode function, since the values are in an array, you want to put the values of the array into a mysql query that inserts the values into a table.

$query = "INSERT INto hardware (specifications) VALUES (".implode(",",$specifications).")";

If the values in the array are text values, you will need to add quotes

$query = "INSERT INto hardware (specifications) VALUES ("'.implode("','",$specifications)."')";


Also, if you don't want duplicate values, switch the "INto" to "IGNORE" and only unique values will be inserted into the table.

JTable won't show column headers

As said in previous answers the 'normal' way is to add it to a JScrollPane, but sometimes you don't want it to scroll (don't ask me when:)). Then you can add the TableHeader yourself. Like this:

JPanel tablePanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JTable table = new JTable();
tablePanel.add(table, BorderLayout.CENTER);
tablePanel.add(table.getTableHeader(), BorderLayout.NORTH);

What do I do when my program crashes with exception 0xc0000005 at address 0?

Problems with the stack frames could indicate stack corruption (a truely horrible beast), optimisation, or mixing frameworks such as C/C++/C#/Delphi and other craziness as that - there is no absolute standard with respect to stack frames. (Some languages do not even have them!).

So, I suggest getting slightly annoyed with the stack frame issues, ignoring it, and then just use Remy's answer.

JOIN two SELECT statement results

you can use the UNION ALL keyword for this.

Here is the MSDN doc to do it in T-SQL

UNION ALL - combines the result set

UNION- Does something like a Set Union and doesnt output duplicate values

For the difference with an example:

MySQL date format DD/MM/YYYY select query?

You can use STR_TO_DATE() to convert your strings to MySQL date values and ORDER BY the result:

ORDER BY STR_TO_DATE(datestring, '%d/%m/%Y')

However, you would be wise to convert the column to the DATE data type instead of using strings.

Post parameter is always null

JSON.stringify(...) solved my issues

Option to ignore case with .contains method?

If you are looking for contains & not equals then i would propose below solution. Only drawback is if your searchItem in below solution is "DE" then also it would match

    List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
    public static final String[] LIST_OF_ELEMENTS = { "ABC", "DEF","GHI" };
    String searchItem= "def";

     if(String.join(",", LIST_OF_ELEMENTS).contains(searchItem.toUpperCase())) {
            System.out.println("found element");

How to read and write into file using JavaScript?

Here is write solution for chrome v52+ (user still need to select a destination doe...)
source: StreamSaver.js

<!-- load StreamSaver.js before streams polyfill to detect support -->
<script src="StreamSaver.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
const writeStream = streamSaver.createWriteStream('filename.txt')
const encoder = new TextEncoder
let data = 'a'.repeat(1024)
let uint8array = encoder.encode(data + "\n\n")

writeStream.write(uint8array) // must be uInt8array

Best suited for writing large data generated on client side.
Otherwise I suggest using FileSaver.js to save Blob/Files

angular2 manually firing click event on particular element

This worked for me:

<button #loginButton ...

and inside the controller:

@ViewChild('loginButton') loginButton;

Watching variables in SSIS during debug

I believe you can only add variables to the Watch window while the debugger is stopped on a breakpoint. If you set a breakpoint on a step, you should be able to enter variables into the Watch window when the breakpoint is hit. You can select the first empty row in the Watch window and enter the variable name (you may or may not get some Intellisense there, I can't remember how well that works.)

Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code in Xcode 10

Class re-declaration will be the problem. check duplicate class and build.

MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds

By my experiences when it happens on light queries there is a way to solve the problem. It seems when you start or restart mysql after apache this problem starts to appear and the source of the problem is confused open sockets in the php process. To solve it:

  1. First restart mysql service

  2. Then restart apache service

Select rows having 2 columns equal value

Select * from tablename t1, tablename t2, tablename t3 
where t1.C1 = t2.c2 and t2.c2 = t3.c3 

Seems like this will work. Though does not seems like an efficient way.

Location of WSDL.exe

You can find what you want in windows by looking with the windows dir command, use the administrator account to make it easy:

c:>dir wsdl.exe /s

Converting an array to a function arguments list

A very readable example from another post on similar topic:

var args = [ 'p0', 'p1', 'p2' ];

function call_me (param0, param1, param2 ) {
    // ...

// Calling the function using the array with apply()
call_me.apply(this, args);

And here a link to the original post that I personally liked for its readability

A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*)

For me, when typing the url, a user accidentally used a / instead of a ? to start the query parameters


which should have been:

Regex date validation for yyyy-mm-dd

you can test this expression:


validates a yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy mm dd, or yyyy/mm/dd date

makes sure day is within valid range for the month - does NOT validate Feb. 29 on a leap year, only that Feb. Can have 29 days

Matches (tested) : 0001-12-31 | 9999 09 30 | 2002/03/03

Android AlertDialog Single Button

You could use this:

AlertDialog.Builder builder1 = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder1.setMessage("my message");
        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {

AlertDialog alert11 = builder1.create();;

Unzip files programmatically in .net

We have used SharpZipLib successfully on many projects. I know it's a third party tool, but source code is included and could provide some insight if you chose to reinvent the wheel here.

Git fast forward VS no fast forward merge

I can give an example commonly seen in project.

Here, option --no-ff (i.e. true merge) creates a new commit with multiple parents, and provides a better history tracking. Otherwise, --ff (i.e. fast-forward merge) is by default.

$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b newFeature
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 1'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 2'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'finish the feature'
$ git checkout master
$ git merge --no-ff newFeature -m 'add new feature'
$ git log
// something like below
commit 'add new feature'         // => commit created at merge with proper message
commit 'finish the feature'
commit 'work from day 2'
commit 'work from day 1'
$ gitk                           // => see details with graph

$ git checkout -b anotherFeature        // => create a new branch (*)
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 3'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'work from day 4'
$ ...
$ git commit -m 'finish another feature'
$ git checkout master
$ git merge anotherFeature       // --ff is by default, message will be ignored
$ git log
// something like below
commit 'work from day 4'
commit 'work from day 3'
commit 'add new feature'
commit 'finish the feature'
commit ...
$ gitk                           // => see details with graph

(*) Note that here if the newFeature branch is re-used, instead of creating a new branch, git will have to do a --no-ff merge anyway. This means fast forward merge is not always eligible.

'Use of Unresolved Identifier' in Swift

If this is regarding a class you created, be sure that the class is not nested.



class A {

   class ARelated {


calling var b = ARelated() will give 'Use of unresolved identifier: ARelated'.

You can either:

1) separate the classes if wanted on the same file:


class A {


class ARelated {


2) Maintain your same structure and use the enclosing class to get to the subclass:

var b = A.ARelated

How to convert upper case letters to lower case

str.lower() converts all cased characters to lowercase.

JPA CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans

you can use @PrivateOwned to delete orphans e.g

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "masterData", cascade = {
        CascadeType.ALL })
private List<Data> dataList;

CSS3 Box Shadow on Top, Left, and Right Only

#div:before {

Contains method for a slice

Instead of using a slice, map may be a better solution.

simple example:

package main

import "fmt"

func contains(slice []string, item string) bool {
    set := make(map[string]struct{}, len(slice))
    for _, s := range slice {
        set[s] = struct{}{}

    _, ok := set[item] 
    return ok

func main() {

    s := []string{"a", "b"}
    s1 := "a"
    fmt.Println(contains(s, s1))


Enable/disable buttons with Angular

    <div class="col-md-12">
      <p style="color: #28a745; font-weight: bold; font-size:25px; text-align: right " >Total Productos a pagar= {{ getTotal() }} {{ getResult() | currency }}
      <button class="btn btn-success" type="submit" [disabled]="!getResult()" (click)="onSubmit()">
        Ver Pedido

How do I fix maven error The JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly?

I have removed JAVA_HOME variable and kept only path and classpath variables by pointing them to jdk and jre respectively. It worked for me.

identifier "string" undefined?

Because string is defined in the namespace std. Replace string with std::string, or add

using std::string;

below your include lines.

It probably works in main.cpp because some other header has this using line in it (or something similar).

How to convert Java String to JSON Object

The string that you pass to the constructor JSONObject has to be escaped with quote():

public static java.lang.String quote(java.lang.String string)

Your code would now be:

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject.quote(jsonString.toString());

How to convert Varchar to Int in sql server 2008?

Try with below command, and it will ask all values to INT

select case when isnumeric(YourColumn + '.0e0') = 1 then cast(YourColumn as int) else NULL end /* case */ from YourTable

Decorators with parameters?

Writing a decorator that works with and without parameter is a challenge because Python expects completely different behavior in these two cases! Many answers have tried to work around this and below is an improvement of answer by @norok2. Specifically, this variation eliminates the use of locals().

Following the same example as given by @norok2:

import functools

def multiplying(f_py=None, factor=1):
    assert callable(f_py) or f_py is None
    def _decorator(func):
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return factor * func(*args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper
    return _decorator(f_py) if callable(f_py) else _decorator

def summing(x): return sum(x)

# 45

def summing(x): return sum(x)

# 45

def summing(x): return sum(x)

# 450

Play with this code.

The catch is that the user must supply key,value pairs of parameters instead of positional parameters and the first parameter is reserved.

How can I emulate a get request exactly like a web browser?

Are you sure the curl module honors ini_set('user_agent',...)? There is an option CURLOPT_USERAGENT described at
Could there also be a cookie tested by the server? That you can handle by using CURLOPT_COOKIE, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE and/or CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR.

edit: Since the request uses https there might also be error in verifying the certificate, see CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER.

$agent= 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)';

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $agent);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url);

Represent space and tab in XML tag

For me, to make it work I need to encode hex value of space within CDATA xml element, so that post parsing it adds up just as in the htm webgae & when viewed in browser just displays a space!. ( all above ideas & answers are useful )


Mockito - difference between doReturn() and when()

The two syntaxes for stubbing are roughly equivalent. However, you can always use doReturn/when for stubbing; but there are cases where you can't use when/thenReturn. Stubbing void methods is one such. Others include use with Mockito spies, and stubbing the same method more than once.

One thing that when/thenReturn gives you, that doReturn/when doesn't, is type-checking of the value that you're returning, at compile time. However, I believe this is of almost no value - if you've got the type wrong, you'll find out as soon as you run your test.

I strongly recommend only using doReturn/when. There is no point in learning two syntaxes when one will do.

You may wish to refer to my answer at Forming Mockito "grammars" - a more detailed answer to a very closely related question.

What does it mean when an HTTP request returns status code 0?

In case anyone else comes across this problem, this was giving me issues due to the AJAX request and a normal form request being sent. I solved it with the following line:

<form onsubmit="submitfunc(); return false;">

The key there is the return false, which causes the form not to send. You could also just return false from inside of submitfunc(), but I find explicitly writing it to be clearer.

How to test valid UUID/GUID?

Currently, UUID's are as specified in RFC4122. An often neglected edge case is the NIL UUID, noted here. The following regex takes this into account and will return a match for a NIL UUID. See below for a UUID which only accepts non-NIL UUIDs. Both of these solutions are for versions 1 to 5 (see the first character of the third block).

Therefore to validate a UUID...


...ensures you have a canonically formatted UUID that is Version 1 through 5 and is the appropriate Variant as per RFC4122.

NOTE: Braces { and } are not canonical. They are an artifact of some systems and usages.

Easy to modify the above regex to meet the requirements of the original question.

HINT: regex group/captures

To avoid matching NIL UUID:


jquery change style of a div on click

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('#div_one').bind('click', function() {

If I understood your question.

Or you can modify css directly:

var $speech = $('div.speech');
var currentSize = $speech.css('fontSize');
$speech.css('fontSize', '10px');

default select option as blank

Solution that works by only using CSS:

A: Inline CSS

    <option style="display:none;"></option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 1</option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 2</option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 3</option>_x000D_

B: CSS Style Sheet

If you have a CSS file at hand, you can target the first option using:

select.first-opt-hidden option:first-of-type {_x000D_
<select class="first-opt-hidden">_x000D_
    <option>Option 1</option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 2</option>_x000D_
    <option>Option 3</option>_x000D_

CSS Animation onClick

Add a

-webkit-animation-play-state: paused;

to your CSS file, then you can control whether the animation is running or not by using this JS line:

document.getElementById("myDIV").style.WebkitAnimationPlayState = "running";

if you want the animation to run once, every time you click. Remember to set

-webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;

Eclipse - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I had the same problem. All what I did was,

i). Generated Eclipse artifacts

mvn clean eclipse:eclipse

ii). Refresh the project and rerun your junit test. Should work fine.

Opening A Specific File With A Batch File?

@echo off
cd "folder directory to your file"
start filename.ext

For example:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Winamp" 
Start winamp.exe

Programmatic equivalent of default(Type)

Why not call the method that returns default(T) with reflection ? You can use GetDefault of any type with:

    public object GetDefault(Type t)
        return this.GetType().GetMethod("GetDefaultGeneric").MakeGenericMethod(t).Invoke(this, null);

    public T GetDefaultGeneric<T>()
        return default(T);

Responsive Images with CSS

um responsive is simple

  • first off create a class named cell give it the property of display:table-cell
  • then @ max-width:700px do {display:block; width:100%; clear:both}

and that's it no absolute divs ever; divs needs to be 100% then max-width: - desired width - for inner framming. A true responsive sites has less than 9 lines of css anything passed that you are in a world of shit and over complicated things.

PS : reset.css style sheets are what makes css blinds there was a logical reason why they gave default styles in the first place.

How to insert an image in python

Install PIL(Python Image Library) :


from PIL import Image
myImage ="your_image_here");;

Import CSV to mysql table

Use TablePlus application: Right-Click on the table name from the right panel Choose Import... > From CSV Choose CSV file Review column matching and hit Import All done!

How do MySQL indexes work?

Adding some visual representation to the list of answers. enter image description here

MySQL uses an extra layer of indirection: secondary index records point to primary index records, and the primary index itself holds the on-disk row locations. If a row offset changes, only the primary index needs to be updated.

Caveat: Disk data structure looks flat in the diagram but actually is a B+ tree.

Source: link

When and why do I need to use cin.ignore() in C++?

It is better to use scanf(" %[^\n]",str) in c++ than cin.ignore() after cin>> statement.To do that first you have to include < cstdio > header.

Inserting a tab character into text using C#

Hazar is right with his \t. Here's the full list of escape characters for C#:

\' for a single quote.

\" for a double quote.

\\ for a backslash.

\0 for a null character.

\a for an alert character.

\b for a backspace.

\f for a form feed.

\n for a new line.

\r for a carriage return.

\t for a horizontal tab.

\v for a vertical tab.

\uxxxx for a unicode character hex value (e.g. \u0020).

\x is the same as \u, but you don't need leading zeroes (e.g. \x20).

\Uxxxxxxxx for a unicode character hex value (longer form needed for generating surrogates).

How to merge a transparent png image with another image using PIL

Had a similar question and had difficulty finding an answer. The following function allows you to paste an image with a transparency parameter over another image at a specific offset.

import Image

def trans_paste(fg_img,bg_img,alpha=1.0,box=(0,0)):
    fg_img_trans ="RGBA",fg_img.size)
    fg_img_trans = Image.blend(fg_img_trans,fg_img,alpha)
    return bg_img

bg_img ="bg.png")
fg_img ="fg.png")
p = trans_paste(fg_img,bg_img,.7,(250,100))

jQuery bind to Paste Event, how to get the content of the paste

It would appear as though this event has some clipboardData property attached to it (it may be nested within the originalEvent property). The clipboardData contains an array of items and each one of those items has a getAsString() function that you can call. This returns the string representation of what is in the item.

Those items also have a getAsFile() function, as well as some others which are browser specific (e.g. in webkit browsers, there is a webkitGetAsEntry() function).

For my purposes, I needed the string value of what is being pasted. So, I did something similar to this:

$(element).bind("paste", function (e) {
    e.originalEvent.clipboardData.items[0].getAsString(function (pStringRepresentation) {
        // pStringRepresentation now contains the string representation of what was pasted.
        // This does not include HTML or any markup. Essentially jQuery's $(element).text()
        // function result.

You'll want to perform an iteration through the items, keeping a string concatenation result.

The fact that there is an array of items makes me think more work will need to be done, analyzing each item. You'll also want to do some null/value checks.

How to set null to a GUID property

extrac Guid values from database functions:

    #region GUID

    public static Guid GGuid(SqlDataReader reader, string field)
            return reader[field] == DBNull.Value ? Guid.Empty : (Guid)reader[field];
        catch { return Guid.Empty; }

    public static Guid GGuid(SqlDataReader reader, int ordinal = 0)
            return reader[ordinal] == DBNull.Value ? Guid.Empty : (Guid)reader[ordinal];
        catch { return Guid.Empty; }

    public static Guid? NGuid(SqlDataReader reader, string field)
            if (reader[field] == DBNull.Value) return (Guid?)null; else return (Guid)reader[field];
        catch { return (Guid?)null; }

    public static Guid? NGuid(SqlDataReader reader, int ordinal = 0)
            if (reader[ordinal] == DBNull.Value) return (Guid?)null; else return (Guid)reader[ordinal];
        catch { return (Guid?)null; }


Trigger Change event when the Input value changed programmatically?

You are using jQuery, right? Separate JavaScript from HTML.

You can use trigger or triggerHandler.

var $myInput = $('#changeProgramatic').on('change', ChangeValue);

var anotherFunction = function() {
  $myInput.val('Another value');

How to check if a JavaScript variable is NOT undefined?

var lastname = "Hi";

if(typeof lastname !== "undefined")
  alert("Hi. Variable is defined.");

A Windows equivalent of the Unix tail command

I've used Tail For Windows. Certainly not as elegant as using

but then, you're using Windows. ;)

Getting the index of a particular item in array

You can use FindIndex

 var index = Array.FindIndex(myArray, row => row.Author == "xyz");

Edit: I see you have an array of string, you can use any code to match, here an example with a simple contains:

 var index = Array.FindIndex(myArray, row => row.Contains("Author='xyz'"));

Maybe you need to match using a regular expression?

Error: macro names must be identifiers using #ifdef 0

Note that you can also hit this error if you accidentally type:

#define <stdio.h>

...instead of...

#include <stdio.>

Styling the last td in a table with css

For IE, how about using a CSS expression:

<style type="text/css">
table td { 
  h: expression( = (this == this.parentNode.lastChild ? 'none' : '1px solid #000' ) );

Changing cursor to waiting in javascript/jquery

$("body").css("cursor", "progress");

back again
$("body").css("cursor", "default");

Pure: = 'progress';

back again = 'default';

Google MAP API Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetWidth' of null

Also, make sure you're not placing hash symbol (#) inside your selector in a

    document.getElementById('#map') // bad

    document.getElementById('map') // good

statement. It's not a jQuery. Just a quick reminder for someone in a hurry.

The static keyword and its various uses in C++


static variables exist for the "lifetime" of the translation unit that it's defined in, and:

  • If it's in a namespace scope (i.e. outside of functions and classes), then it can't be accessed from any other translation unit. This is known as "internal linkage" or "static storage duration". (Don't do this in headers except for constexpr. Anything else, and you end up with a separate variable in each translation unit, which is crazy confusing)
  • If it's a variable in a function, it can't be accessed from outside of the function, just like any other local variable. (this is the local they mentioned)
  • class members have no restricted scope due to static, but can be addressed from the class as well as an instance (like std::string::npos). [Note: you can declare static members in a class, but they should usually still be defined in a translation unit (cpp file), and as such, there's only one per class]

locations as code:

static std::string namespaceScope = "Hello";
void foo() {
    static std::string functionScope= "World";
struct A {
   static std::string classScope = "!";

Before any function in a translation unit is executed (possibly after main began execution), the variables with static storage duration (namespace scope) in that translation unit will be "constant initialized" (to constexpr where possible, or zero otherwise), and then non-locals are "dynamically initialized" properly in the order they are defined in the translation unit (for things like std::string="HI"; that aren't constexpr). Finally, function-local statics will be initialized the first time execution "reaches" the line where they are declared. All static variables all destroyed in the reverse order of initialization.

The easiest way to get all this right is to make all static variables that are not constexpr initialized into function static locals, which makes sure all of your statics/globals are initialized properly when you try to use them no matter what, thus preventing the static initialization order fiasco.

T& get_global() {
    static T global = initial_value();
    return global;

Be careful, because when the spec says namespace-scope variables have "static storage duration" by default, they mean the "lifetime of the translation unit" bit, but that does not mean it can't be accessed outside of the file.


Significantly more straightforward, static is often used as a class member function, and only very rarely used for a free-standing function.

A static member function differs from a regular member function in that it can be called without an instance of a class, and since it has no instance, it cannot access non-static members of the class. Static variables are useful when you want to have a function for a class that definitely absolutely does not refer to any instance members, or for managing static member variables.

struct A {
    A() {++A_count;}
    A(const A&) {++A_count;}
    A(A&&) {++A_count;}
    ~A() {--A_count;}

    static int get_count() {return A_count;}
    static int A_count;

int main() {
    A var;

    int c0 = var.get_count(); //some compilers give a warning, but it's ok.
    int c1 = A::get_count(); //normal way

A static free-function means that the function will not be referred to by any other translation unit, and thus the linker can ignore it entirely. This has a small number of purposes:

  • Can be used in a cpp file to guarantee that the function is never used from any other file.
  • Can be put in a header and every file will have it's own copy of the function. Not useful, since inline does pretty much the same thing.
  • Speeds up link time by reducing work
  • Can put a function with the same name in each translation unit, and they can all do different things. For instance, you could put a static void log(const char*) {} in each cpp file, and they could each all log in a different way.

Closing Excel Application Process in C# after Data Access

        GetWindowThreadProcessId((IntPtr)app.Hwnd, out iProcessId);
        System.Diagnostics.Process[] process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel");
        foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process p in process)
            if (p.Id == iProcessId)
                catch { }

private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);

uint iProcessId = 0;

this GetWindowThreadProcessId finds the correct Process Id o excell .... After kills it.... Enjoy It!!!

Initializing a dictionary in python with a key value and no corresponding values

Comprehension could be also convenient in this case:

# from a list
keys = ["k1", "k2"]
d = {k:None for k in keys}

# or from another dict
d1 = {"k1" : 1, "k2" : 2}
d2 = {k:None for k in d1.keys()}

# {'k1': None, 'k2': None}

How to create a Date in SQL Server given the Day, Month and Year as Integers

In SQL Server 2012+, you can use DATEFROMPARTS():

DECLARE @Year int = 2016, @Month int = 10, @Day int = 25;

In earlier versions, one method is to create and convert a string.

There are a few string date formats which SQL Server reliably interprets regardless of the date, language, or internationalization settings.

A six- or eight-digit string is always interpreted as ymd. The month and day must always be two digits.

So a string in the format 'yyyymmdd' will always be properly interpreted.

(ISO 8601-- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss-- also works, but you have to specify time and therefore it's more complicated than you need.)

While you can simply CAST this string as a date, you must use CONVERT in order to specify a style, and you must specify a style in order to be deterministic (if that matters to you).

The "yyyymmdd" format is style 112, so your conversion looks like this:

DECLARE @Year int = 2016, @Month int = 10, @Day int = 25;
SELECT CONVERT(date,CONVERT(varchar(50),(@Year*10000 + @Month*100 + @Day)),112);

And it results in:


Technically, the ISO/112/yyyymmdd format works even with other styles specified. For example, using that text format with style 104 (German,

DECLARE @Year int = 2016, @Month int = 10, @Day int = 25;
SELECT CONVERT(date,CONVERT(varchar(50),(@Year*10000 + @Month*100 + @Day)),104);

Also still results in:


Other formats are not as robust. For example this:

SELECT CASE WHEN CONVERT(date,'01-02-1900',110) = CONVERT(date,'01-02-1900',105) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END;

Results in:


As a side note, with this method, beware that nonsense inputs can yield valid but incorrect dates:

DECLARE @Year int = 2016, @Month int = 0, @Day int = 1025;
SELECT CONVERT(date,CONVERT(varchar(50),(@Year*10000 + @Month*100 + @Day)),112);

Also yields:


DATEFROMPARTS protects you from invalid inputs. This:

DECLARE @Year int = 2016, @Month int = 10, @Day int = 32;


Msg 289, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Cannot construct data type date, some of the arguments have values which are not valid.

Also beware that this method does not work for dates prior to 1000-01-01. For example:

DECLARE @Year int = 900, @Month int = 1, @Day int = 1;
SELECT CONVERT(date,CONVERT(varchar(50),(@Year*10000 + @Month*100 + @Day)),112);


Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

That's because the resulting string, '9000101', is not in the 'yyyymmdd' format. To ensure proper formatting, you'd have to pad it with leading zeroes, at the sacrifice of some small amount of performance. For example:

DECLARE @Year int = 900, @Month int = 1, @Day int = 1;
SELECT CONVERT(date,RIGHT('000' + CONVERT(varchar(50),(@Year*10000 + @Month*100 + @Day)),8),112);

Results in:


There are other methods aside from string conversion. Several are provided in answers to "Create a date with T-SQL". A notable example involves creating the date by adding years, months, and days to the "zero date".

(This answer was inspired by Gordon Linoff's answer, which I expanded on and provided additional documentation and notes.)

How to save SELECT sql query results in an array in C#


In this example i use a List instead an array.

    SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories;",connection);

    SqlDataReader reader = comm.ExecuteReader();
    List<string> str = new List<string>();
    int i=0;
    while (reader.Read())
        str.Add( reader.GetValue(i).ToString() );
catch (Exception)