Pymongo 3.9+
is now deprecated and you should use replace_one()
, update_one()
, or update_many()
In my case I used update_many()
and it solved my issue:
db.your_collection.update_many({}, {"$set": {"new_field": "value"}}, upsert=False, array_filters=None)
From documents
update_many(filter, update, upsert=False, array_filters=None, bypass_document_validation=False, collation=None, session=None) filter: A query that matches the documents to update. update: The modifications to apply. upsert (optional): If True, perform an insert if no documents match the filter. bypass_document_validation (optional): If True, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation. Default is False. collation (optional): An instance of Collation. This option is only supported on MongoDB 3.4 and above. array_filters (optional): A list of filters specifying which array elements an update should apply. Requires MongoDB 3.6+. session (optional): a ClientSession.