[php] Magento addFieldToFilter: Two fields, match as OR, not AND

I've been stuck on this for the last few hours. I got it working by hacking a few lines in /lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php, but I'd rather use the proper solution and leave my core untouched.

All I need to do is get a collection and filter it by two or more fields. Say, customer_firstname and remote_ip. Here's my (disfunctional without hacking Db.php) code:

$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()->
addFieldToFilter(array(array('remote_ip', array('eq'=>'')),
array('customer_firstname', array('eq'=>'gabe'))), array('eq'=>array(1,2,3)));

With a stock Db.php, I tried this: (sample taken from http://magentoexpert.blogspot.com/2009/12/retrieve-products-with-specific.html)

    array('name'=>'orig_price','eq'=>'Widget A'),
    array('name'=>'orig_price','eq'=>'Widget B'),           

But that gives me this error:

Warning: Illegal offset type in isset or empty  in magento/lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php on line 369

If I wrap that with a try/catch, then it moves into _getConditionSql() and gives this error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()  in magento/lib/Varien/Data/Collection/Db.php on line 412

Does anyone have any working, functional code for doing this? I'm running Magento 1.9 (Enterprise). Thanks!

This question is related to php magento magento-1.9

The answer is

To filter by multiple attributes use something like:

//for AND
    $collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
    ->addFieldToFilter('my_field1', 'my_value1')
    ->addFieldToFilter('my_field2', 'my_value2');

    echo $collection->getSelect()->__toString();

//for OR - please note 'attribute' is the key name and must remain the same, only replace //the value (my_field1, my_field2) with your attribute name

    $collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
                array('attribute'=>'my_field2', 'eq'=>'my_value2')

For more information check: http://docs.magentocommerce.com/Varien/Varien_Data/Varien_Data_Collection_Db.html#_getConditionSql

public function testAction()
        $filter_a = array('like'=>'a%');
        $filter_b = array('like'=>'b%');


WHERE (((e.sku like 'a%') or (e.sku like 'b%')))

Source: http://alanstorm.com/magento_collections

To create simple OR condition for collection, use format below:

    $orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getResourceCollection();

This will produce SQL like this:

WHERE (((`status` = 'processing') OR (`status` = 'pending')))

Here is my solution in Enterprise 1.11 (should work in CE 1.6):

                        array('gteq' => 10),
                        array('null' => true),
                        array('gteq' => 9.99),
                        array('null' => true),
                        array('gteq' => 1.5),
                        array('null' => true),

Which results in this SQL:

    SELECT `main_table`.*
    FROM `shipping_method_entity` AS `main_table`
    WHERE (((max_item_count >= 10) OR (max_item_count IS NULL)))
      AND (((max_item_price >= 9.99) OR (max_item_price IS NULL)))
      AND (((max_item_weight >= 1.5) OR (max_item_weight IS NULL)))

I also tried to get the field1 = 'a' OR field2 = 'b'

Your code didn't work for me.

Here is my solution

$results = Mage::getModel('xyz/abc')->getCollection();

$results->getSelect()->where("keywords like '%foo%' or additional_keywords  like '%bar%'");


echo json_encode($results->toArray());

It gives me

SELECT name, keywords FROM abc WHERE keywords like '%foo%' OR additional_keywords like '%bar%'.

It is maybe not the "magento's way" but I was stuck 5 hours on that.

Hope it will help

Thanks Anda, your post has been a great help!! However the OR sentence didnt' quite work for me and I was getting an error: getCollection() "invalid argument supplied for foreach".

So this is what I ended with (notice the attribute being specified 3 times instead of 2 in this case):

  $collection->addFieldToFilter('attribute', array(  
    array('attribute'=>'my_field2','eq'=>'my_value2') ));

addFieldToFilter first requires a field and then condition -> link.

There is a bit of confusion going on here, but let me try to clarify things:

Lets say you wanted sql that looked something like:

    `main_table`.`email` AS `invitation_email`, 
    `main_table`.`group_id` AS `invitee_group_id` 
    `enterprise_invitation` AS `main_table` 
    (status = 'new') 
    OR (customer_id = '1234')

In order to achieve this, your collection needs to be formatted like this:

$collection = Mage::getModel('enterprise_invitation/invitation')->getCollection();

$collection->addFieldToFilter(array('status', 'customer_id'), array(
array('customer_id', 'eq'=>'1234') ));

Now to see what this looks like you can always echo the query that this creates by using

echo $collection->getSelect()->__toString();

I've got another way to add an or condition in the field:

    array('title', 'content'),

OR conditions can be generated like this:

    array('field_1', 'field_2', 'field_3'), // columns
    array( // conditions
        array( // conditions for field_1
            array('in' => array('text_1', 'text_2', 'text_3')),
            array('like' => '%text')
        array('eq' => 'exact'), // condition for field 2
        array('in' => array('val_1', 'val_2')) // condition for field 3

This will generate an SQL WHERE condition something like:

... WHERE (
         (field_1 IN ('text_1', 'text_2', 'text_3') OR field_1 LIKE '%text')
      OR (field_2 = 'exact')
      OR (field_3 IN ('val_1', 'val_2'))

Each nested array(<condition>) generates another set of parentheses for an OR condition.

This is the real magento way:

                            'customer_firstname',//attribute_1 with key 0
                            'remote_ip',//attribute_2 with key 1
                            array('eq'=>'gabe'),//condition for attribute_1 with key 0
                            array('eq'=>''),//condition for attribute_2