Programs & Examples On #Togglebuttonbar

How to set default value for form field in Symfony2?

My solution:

$defaultvalue = $options['data']->getMyField();
$builder->add('myField', 'number', array(
            'data' => !empty($defaultvalue) ? $options['data']->getMyField() : 0
        )) ;

How to set the range of y-axis for a seaborn boxplot?

It is standard matplotlib.pyplot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.ylim(10, 40)

Or simpler, as mwaskom comments below:

ax.set(ylim=(10, 40))

enter image description here

Make A List Item Clickable (HTML/CSS)

The li element supports an onclick event.

<li onclick="location.href = '';">Make A List Item Clickable</li>

Convert from ASCII string encoded in Hex to plain ASCII?

Here's my solution when working with hex integers and not hex strings:

def convert_hex_to_ascii(h):
    chars_in_reverse = []
    while h != 0x0:
        chars_in_reverse.append(chr(h & 0xFF))
        h = h >> 8

    return ''.join(chars_in_reverse)

print convert_hex_to_ascii(0x7061756c)

How to make a smooth image rotation in Android?

As hanry has mentioned above putting liner iterpolator is fine. But if rotation is inside a set you must put android:shareInterpolator="false" to make it smooth.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<set xmlns:android=""
    android:pivotY="50%" />
<scale xmlns:android=""
    android:toYScale="0" />

If Sharedinterpolator being not false, the above code gives glitches.

Jackson: how to prevent field serialization

Starting with Jackson 2.6, a property can be marked as read- or write-only. It's simpler than hacking the annotations on both accessors and keeps all the information in one place:

public class User {
    @JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY)
    private String password;

System.BadImageFormatException An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format

I had the same issue when getting my software running on another machine. On my developer pc (Windows 7), I had Visual Studio 2015 installed, the target pc was a clean installation of Windows 10 (.Net installed). I also tested it on another clean Windows 7 pc including .Net Framework. However, on both target pc's I needed to install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 package for x86 or x64 (depends on what your application is build for). That was already installed on my developer pc.

My application was using a C library, which has been compiled to a C++ application using /clr and /TP options in visual studio. Also the application was providing functions to C# by using dllexport method signatures. Not sure if the C# integration leaded to give me that error or if a C++ application would have given me the same.

Hope it helps anybody.

How to prevent scrollbar from repositioning web page?

html {
  overflow-x: hidden;
  margin-right: calc(-1 * (100vw - 100%));

Example. Click "change min-height" button.

With calc(100vw - 100%) we can calculate the width of the scrollbar (and if it is not displayed, it will be 0). Idea: using negative margin-right, we can increase the width of <html> to this width. You will see a horizontal scroll bar — it should be hidden using overflow-x: hidden.

What is the difference between String.slice and String.substring?

The one answer is fine but requires a little reading into. Especially with the new terminology "stop".

My Go -- organized by differences to make it useful in addition to the first answer by Daniel above:

1) negative indexes. Substring requires positive indexes and will set a negative index to 0. Slice's negative index means the position from the end of the string.

"1234".substring(-2, -1) == "1234".substring(0,0) == ""
"1234".slice(-2, -1) == "1234".slice(2, 3) == "3"

2) Swapping of indexes. Substring will reorder the indexes to make the first index less than or equal to the second index.

"1234".substring(3,2) == "1234".substring(2,3) == "3"
"1234".slice(3,2) == ""


General comment -- I find it weird that the second index is the position after the last character of the slice or substring. I would expect "1234".slice(2,2) to return "3". This makes Andy's confusion above justified -- I would expect "1234".slice(2, -1) to return "34". Yes, this means I'm new to Javascript. This means also this behavior:

"1234".slice(-2, -2) == "", "1234".slice(-2, -1) == "3", "1234".slice(-2, -0) == "" <-- you have to use length or omit the argument to get the 4.
"1234".slice(3, -2) == "", "1234".slice(3, -1) == "", "1234".slice(3, -0) == "" <-- same issue, but seems weirder.

My 2c.

RecyclerView - How to smooth scroll to top of item on a certain position?

I have create an extension method based on position of items in a list which is bind with recycler view

Smooth scroll in large list takes longer time to scroll , use this to improve speed of scrolling and also have the smooth scroll animation. Cheers!!

fun RecyclerView?.perfectScroll(size: Int,up:Boolean = true ,smooth: Boolean = true) {
this?.apply {
    if (size > 0) {
        if (smooth) {
            val minDirectScroll = 10 // left item to scroll
            //smooth scroll
            if (size > minDirectScroll) {
                //scroll directly to certain position
                val newSize = if (up) minDirectScroll else size - minDirectScroll
                //scroll to new position
                val newPos = newSize  - 1
                //direct scroll
                //smooth scroll to rest
                perfectScroll(minDirectScroll, true)

            } else {
                //direct smooth scroll
                smoothScrollToPosition(if (up) 0 else size-1)
        } else {
            //direct scroll
            scrollToPosition(if (up) 0 else size-1)
} }

Just call the method anywhere using


How to get second-highest salary employees in a table

Try This one

    select * from
    select name,salary,ROW_NUMBER() over( order by Salary desc) as
    rownum from    employee
   ) as t where t.rownum=2

jQuery SVG, why can't I addClass?

There is element.classList in the DOM API that works for both HTML and SVG elements. No need for jQuery SVG plugin or even jQuery.

$(".jimmy").click(function() {

How to send multiple data fields via Ajax?

var countries = new Array();
countries[0] = 'ga';
countries[1] = 'cd';

after that you can do like:

var new_countries = countries.join(',')


    type: "POST",
    url: "Concessions.aspx/GetConcessions",
    data: new_countries,

This thing work as JSON string format.

Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock

Configure your DB connection in the 'Manage DB Connections dialog. Select 'Standard (TCP/IP)' as connection method.

See this page for more details

According to this other page a socket file is used even if you specify localhost.

A Unix socket file is used if you do not specify a host name or if you specify the special host name localhost.

It also shows how to check on your server by running these commands:

If a mysqld process is running, you can check it by trying the following commands. The port number or Unix socket file name might be different in your setup. host_ip represents the IP address of the machine where the server is running.

shell> mysqladmin version 
shell> mysqladmin variables 
shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` version variables 
shell> mysqladmin -h `hostname` --port=3306 version 
shell> mysqladmin -h host_ip version 
shell> mysqladmin --protocol=SOCKET --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock version

Python; urllib error: AttributeError: 'bytes' object has no attribute 'read'

Use json.loads not json.load.

(load loads from a file-like object, loads from a string. So you could just as well omit the .read() call instead.)

How to get a list of images on docker registry v2

Docker search registry v2 functionality is currently not supported at the time of this writing. See discussion since Feb 2015: "propose registry search functionality #206"

I wrote a script, view-private-registry, that you can find: It is not pretty but it gets the information needed from the private registry.

Example of output from view-private-registry:

$ view-private-registry`
Number of images:   16
Disk space used:    1.7G    /mnt/three/docker-registry/registry-data

jQuery: get data attribute

1. Try this: .attr()

  $('.field').hover(function () {
    var value=$(this).attr('data-fullText');


2. Try this: .data()

$('.field').hover(function () {
    var value=$(this).data('fulltext');


How to stop mysqld

What worked for me on CentOS 6.4 was running service mysqld stop as the root user.

I found my answer on nixCraft.

How to check if a file exists in Documents folder?

NSURL.h provided - (BOOL)checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:(NSError **)error to do so

NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()];
NSError * __autoreleasing error = nil;
if ([fileURL checkResourceIsReachableAndReturnError:&error]) {
    NSLog(@"%@ exists", fileURL);
} else {
    NSLog(@"%@ existence checking error: %@", fileURL, error);

Or using Swift

if let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()) {
    do {
        let result = try url.checkResourceIsReachable()
    } catch {

Accessing a property in a parent Component

I made a generic component where I need a reference to the parent using it. Here's what I came up with:

In my component I made an @Input :

parent: any;

Then In the parent using this component:

<app-super-component [parent]="this"> </app-super-component>

In the super component I can use any public thing coming from the parent:



Functions :


and of course private stuff won't be accessible.

How to use 'hover' in CSS

The href is a required attribute of an anchor element, so without it, you cannot expect all browsers to handle it equally. Anyway, I read somewhere in a comment that you only want the link to be underlined when hovering, and not otherwise. You can use the following to achieve this, and it will only apply to links with the hover-class:

<a class="hover" href="">click</a>

a.hover {
    text-decoration: none;

a.hover:hover {

How to Implement Custom Table View Section Headers and Footers with Storyboard

To follow up on Damon's suggestion, here is how I made the header selectable just like a normal row with a disclosure indicator.

I added a Button subclassed from UIButton (subclass name "ButtonWithArgument") to the header's prototype cell and deleted the title text (the bold "Title" text is another UILabel in the prototype cell)

Button In Interface Builder

then set the Button to the entire header view, and added a disclosure indicator with Avario's trick

- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section
    static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"PersonGroupHeader";
    UITableViewCell *headerView = (UITableViewCell *) [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
    if(headerView == nil)
        [NSException raise:@"headerView == nil, PersonGroupTableViewController" format:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Storyboard does not have prototype cell with identifier %@",CellIdentifier]];

        [headerView.contentView removeGestureRecognizer:[headerView.contentView.gestureRecognizers objectAtIndex:0]];

    ButtonWithArgument *button = (ButtonWithArgument *)[headerView viewWithTag:4];
    button.frame = headerView.bounds; // set tap area to entire header view
    button.argument = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInteger:section]; // from ButtonWithArguments subclass
    [button addTarget:self action:@selector(headerViewTap:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

    UITableViewCell *disclosure = [[UITableViewCell alloc] init];
    disclosure.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;
    disclosure.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
    disclosure.frame = CGRectMake(button.bounds.origin.x + button.bounds.size.width - 20 - 5, // disclosure 20 px wide, right margin 5 px
          (button.bounds.size.height - 20) / 2,
    [button addSubview:disclosure];

    // configure header title text

    return headerView.contentView;

- (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section
    return 35.0f;

-(void) headerViewTap:(UIGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer;
    NSLog(@"header tap");
    NSInteger section = ((NSNumber *)sender.argument).integerValue;
    // do something here


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface ButtonWithArgument : UIButton
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject *argument;


#import "ButtonWithArgument.h"
@implementation ButtonWithArgument

How to get annotations of a member variable?

If you need know if a annotation specific is present. You can do so:

    Field[] fieldList = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();

        boolean isAnnotationNotNull, isAnnotationSize, isAnnotationNotEmpty;

        for (Field field : fieldList) {

            //Return the boolean value
            isAnnotationNotNull = field.isAnnotationPresent(NotNull.class);
            isAnnotationSize = field.isAnnotationPresent(Size.class);
            isAnnotationNotEmpty = field.isAnnotationPresent(NotEmpty.class);


And so on for the other annotations...

I hope help someone.

Python: Removing spaces from list objects

for element in range(0,len(hello)):
      d[element] = hello[element].strip()

Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

Solved this by adding following

RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} 200 [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
 RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
 RewriteRule ^ - [L]

Maven: add a folder or jar file into current classpath

From docs and example it is not clear that classpath manipulation is not allowed.


But see Java docs (also

-classpath path Specifies the path javac uses to look up classes needed to run javac or being referenced by other classes you are compiling. Overrides the default or the CLASSPATH environment variable if it is set.

Maybe it is possible to get current classpath and extend it,
see in maven, how output the classpath being used?



Read file (Read a file into a Maven property)

          def file = new File(
 = file.getText()

and finally


Simple PHP form: Attachment to email (code golf)

This article "How to create PHP based email form with file attachment" presents step-by-step instructions how to achieve your requirement.


This article shows you how to create a PHP based email form that supports file attachment. The article will also show you how to validate the type and size of the uploaded file.

It consists of the following steps:

  • The HTML form with file upload box
  • Getting the uploaded file in the PHP script
  • Validating the size and extension of the uploaded file
  • Copy the uploaded file
  • Sending the Email

The entire example code can be downloaded here

Zookeeper connection error

I also ran into this problem last week and have managed to fix this now. I got the idea to resolve this one from the response shared by @gukoff.

My requirement and situation was slightly different from the ones shared so far but the issue was fundamentally the same so I thought of sharing it on this thread.

I was actually trying to query zookeeper quorum (after every 30 seconds) for some information from my application and was using the Curator Framework for this purpose (the methods available in LeaderLatch class). So, essentially I was starting up a CuratorFramework client and supplying this to LeaderLatch object.

Only after I ran into the error mentioned in this thread - I realised that I did not close the zookeeper client connection(s) established in my applications. The maxClientCnxns property had the value of 60 and as soon as the number of connections (all of them were stale connections) touched 60, my application started complaining with this error.

I found out about the number of open connections by:

  1. Checking the zookeeper logs, where there were warning messages stating "Too many connections from {IP address of the host}"

  2. Running the following netstat command from the same host mentioned in the above logs where my application was running:

netstat -no | grep :2181 | wc -l

Note: The 2181 port is the default for zookeeper supplied as a parameter in grep to match the zookeeper connections.

To fix this, I cleared up all of those stale connections manually and then added the code for closing the zookeeper client connections gracefully in my application.

I hope this helps!

Find out who is locking a file on a network share

Close the file e:\gestion\yourfile.dat, open by any user (/a *)

openfiles /disconnect /a * /op "e:\gestion\yourfile.dat"

more in:

How to track untracked content?

I think you should read this to learn a little about submodule. It's well-written, and it doesn't take much time to read it.

Sum a list of numbers in Python

I use a while loop to get the result:

i = 0
while i < len(a)-1:
   result = (a[i]+a[i+1])/2
   print result
   i +=1

SQL Query for Logins

EXEC sp_helplogins

You can also pass an "@LoginNamePattern" parameter to get information about a specific login:

EXEC sp_helplogins @LoginNamePattern='fred'

Regular expression to remove HTML tags from a string

A trivial approach would be to replace


with nothing. But depending on how ill-structured your input is that may well fail.

How do you add an action to a button programmatically in xcode

UIButton inherits from UIControl. That has all of the methods to add/remove actions: UIControl Class Reference. Look at the section "Preparing and Sending Action Messages", which covers – sendAction:to:forEvent: and – addTarget:action:forControlEvents:.

adb shell command to make Android package uninstall dialog appear

While the above answers work but in case you have multiple devices connected to your computer then the following command can be used to remove the app from one of them:

adb -s <device-serial> shell pm uninstall <app-package-name>

If you want to find out the device serial then use the following command:

adb devices -l

This will give you a list of devices attached. The left column shows the device serials.

Make: how to continue after a command fails?

To get make to actually ignore errors on a single line, you can simply suffix it with ; true, setting the return value to 0. For example:

rm .lambda .lambda_t .activity .activity_t_lambda 2>/dev/null; true

This will redirect stderr output to null, and follow the command with true (which always returns 0, causing make to believe the command succeeded regardless of what actually happened), allowing program flow to continue.

Getting input values from text box

you have multiple elements with the same id. That is a big no-no. Make sure your inputs have unique ids.

<td id="pass"><label>Password</label></td>
   <td colspan="2"><input class="textBox" id="pass" type="text" maxlength="30" required/></td>

see, both the td and the input share the id value pass.

Servlet Mapping using web.xml

It allows servlets to have multiple servlet mappings:


It allows filters to be mapped on the particular servlet:


Your proposal would support neither of them. Note that the web.xml is read and parsed only once during application's startup, not on every HTTP request as you seem to think.

Since Servlet 3.0, there's the @WebServlet annotation which minimizes this boilerplate:

public class Servlet1 extends HttpServlet {

See also:

How to convert Varchar to Double in sql?

This might be more desirable, that is use float instead

SELECT fullName, CAST(totalBal as float) totalBal FROM client_info ORDER BY totalBal DESC

How to use SVG markers in Google Maps API v3

Yes you can use an .svg file for the icon just like you can .png or another image file format. Just set the url of the icon to the directory where the .svg file is located. For example:

var icon = {
        url: 'path/to/images/car.svg',
        size: new google.maps.Size(sizeX, sizeY),
        origin: new google.maps.Point(0, 0),
        anchor: new google.maps.Point(sizeX/2, sizeY/2)

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: event.latLng,
        map: map,
        draggable: false,
        icon: icon

Is double square brackets [[ ]] preferable over single square brackets [ ] in Bash?

[[ ]] double brackets are unsuported under certain version of SunOS and totally unsuported inside function declarations by : GNU bash, version 2.02.0(1)-release (sparc-sun-solaris2.6)

UITableview: How to Disable Selection for Some Rows but Not Others

Use this to make the cell look like it is disabled and non-selectable:

cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone;

Important: note that this is only a styling property, and does not actually disable the cell. In order to do that, you have to check for selectionStylein your didSelectRowAtIndexPath: delegate implementation:

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    if(cell.selectionStyle == UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone) {

    // do your cell selection handling here

Xpath: select div that contains class AND whose specific child element contains text

To find a div of a certain class that contains a span at any depth containing certain text, try:

//div[contains(@class, 'measure-tab') and contains(.//span, 'someText')]

That said, this solution looks extremely fragile. If the table happens to contain a span with the text you're looking for, the div containing the table will be matched, too. I'd suggest to find a more robust way of filtering the elements. For example by using IDs or top-level document structure.

How to try convert a string to a Guid

Unfortunately, there isn't a TryParse() equivalent. If you create a new instance of a System.Guid and pass the string value in, you can catch the three possible exceptions it would throw if it is invalid.

Those are:

  • ArgumentNullException
  • FormatException
  • OverflowException

I have seen some implementations where you can do a regex on the string prior to creating the instance, if you are just trying to validate it and not create it.

Change route params without reloading in Angular 2

I use this way to get it:

const queryParamsObj = {foo: 1, bar: 2, andThis: 'text'};

    [this.locationStrategy.path().split('?')[0]], // Get uri
    {queryParams: queryParamsObj} // Pass all parameters inside queryParamsObj

-- EDIT --

I think that I should add some more informations for this.

If you use this.location.replaceState() router of your application is not updated, so if you use router information later it's not equal for this in your browser. For example if you use localizeService to change language, after switch language your application back to last URL where you was before change it with this.location.replaceState().

If you don't want this behaviour you can chose different method for update URL, like:

  {queryParams: queryParamsObj}

In this option your browser also doesn't refresh but your URL change is also injected into Router of your application, so when you switch language you don't have problem like in this.location.replaceState().

Of course you can choose method for your needs. The first is more lighter because you don't engage your application more than change URL in browser.

How to add row in JTable?

The TableModel behind the JTable handles all of the data behind the table. In order to add and remove rows from a table, you need to use a DefaultTableModel

To create the table with this model:

JTable table = new JTable(new DefaultTableModel(new Object[]{"Column1", "Column2"}));

To add a row:

DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) table.getModel();
model.addRow(new Object[]{"Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3"});

You can also remove rows with this method.

Full details on the DefaultTableModel can be found here

Play audio file from the assets directory

Here my static version:

public static void playAssetSound(Context context, String soundFileName) {
    try {
        MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer();

        AssetFileDescriptor descriptor = context.getAssets().openFd(soundFileName);
        mediaPlayer.setDataSource(descriptor.getFileDescriptor(), descriptor.getStartOffset(), descriptor.getLength());

        mediaPlayer.setVolume(1f, 1f);
    } catch (Exception e) {

Just disable scroll not hide it?

All modal/lightbox javascript-based systems use an overflow when displaying the modal/lightbox, on html tag or body tag.

When lightbox is show, the js push a overflow hidden on html or body tag. When lightbox is hidden, some remove the hidden other push a overflow auto on html or body tag.

Developers who work on Mac, do not see the problem of the scrollbar.

Just replace the hidden by an unset not to see the content slipping under the modal of the removal of the scrollbar.

Lightbox open/show:

<html style="overflow: unset;"></html>

Lightbox close/hide:

<html style="overflow: auto;"></html>

Could not find tools.jar. Please check that C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_151 contains a valid JDK installation

My issue was two-fold:

  1. I had the JRE installed, but not the JDK.
  2. I did not have a JAVA_HOME environment variable set.

Note: I am using Fedora Linux.

To resolve the first issue, I followed these instructions

To resolve the second, I merely added the following line to my ~/.bashrc file:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java/

I had to restart my IDE and terminals to ensure the change to the ~/.bashrc took affect.

Setting a property by reflection with a string value

You're probably looking for the Convert.ChangeType method. For example:

Ship ship = new Ship();
string value = "5.5";
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = ship.GetType().GetProperty("Latitude");
propertyInfo.SetValue(ship, Convert.ChangeType(value, propertyInfo.PropertyType), null);

How can I generate an INSERT script for an existing SQL Server table that includes all stored rows?

Just to share, I've developed my own script to do it. Feel free to use it. It generates "SELECT" statements that you can then run on the tables to generate the "INSERT" statements.

select distinct 'SELECT ''INSERT INTO ' + schema_name(ta.schema_id) + '.' + + ' (' + substring(o.list, 1, len(o.list)-1) + ') VALUES ('
+ substring(val.list, 1, len(val.list)-1) + ');''  FROM ' + schema_name(ta.schema_id) + '.' + + ';'
from    sys.objects so
join sys.tables ta on ta.object_id=so.object_id
cross apply
(SELECT '  ' +column_name + ', '
 from information_schema.columns c
 join syscolumns co on and object_name( and OBJECT_NAME( and and c.TABLE_SCHEMA=SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)
 where table_name =
 order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) o (list)
cross apply
(SELECT '''+' +case
         when data_type = 'uniqueidentifier' THEN 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''' END '
         WHEN data_type = 'timestamp' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CONVERT(BINARY(8),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),1)+'''''''''
         WHEN data_type = 'nvarchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'varchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'char' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         WHEN data_type = 'nchar' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE([' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END'
         when DATA_TYPE='datetime' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],121)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='datetime2' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],121)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='geography' and column_name<>'Shape' then 'ST_GeomFromText(''POINT('+column_name+'.Lat '+column_name+'.Long)'') '
         when DATA_TYPE='geography' and column_name='Shape' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''''
         when DATA_TYPE='bit' then '''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''''
         when DATA_TYPE='xml' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),'''''''','''''''''''')+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='image' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + ']),1)+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='varbinary' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],1)+'''''''' END '
         WHEN DATA_TYPE='binary' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],1)+'''''''' END '
         when DATA_TYPE='time' then 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE ''''''''+CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),[' + COLUMN_NAME + '])+'''''''' END '
         ELSE 'CASE WHEN [' + column_name+'] IS NULL THEN ''NULL'' ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX),['+column_name+']) END' end
   + '+'', '
 from information_schema.columns c
 join syscolumns co on and object_name( and OBJECT_NAME( and and c.TABLE_SCHEMA=SCHEMA_NAME(so.schema_id)
 where table_name =
 order by ordinal_position
FOR XML PATH('')) val (list)
where   so.type = 'U'

Recursively list files in Java

In Java 8, we can now use the Files utility to walk a file tree. Very simple.

      .filter(path -> !Files.isDirectory(path))
      .forEach(path -> System.out.println(path));

Reverse each individual word of "Hello World" string with Java

Easy way:

String reverseString(String string)
    String newString = "";
    for(int x = string.length() - 1; x > -1; x ++)
        newString += string.charAt(x);
    return newString;

How do I pass options to the Selenium Chrome driver using Python?

This is how I did it.

from selenium import webdriver

chrome_options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

chrome = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=chrome_options)

Update Jenkins from a war file

when you open the Jenkins panel it will show available package from their latest version. you can download it via wget command in the server.after download the latest package you should take .war backup file.

Eg-: wget

Jenkins war file path for Ubuntu - /usr/share/jenkins/

Jenkins war file path for centos - /usr/lib/jenkins/

after taking backup overwrite the war file and restart the jenkins service.

Ubuntu - service jenkins restart , centos - systemctl restart jenkins.service

How do you wait for input on the same Console.WriteLine() line?

As Matt has said, use Console.Write. I would also recommend explicitly flushing the output, however - I believe WriteLine does this automatically, but I'd seen oddities when just using Console.Write and then waiting. So Matt's code becomes:

Console.Write("What is your name? ");
var name = Console.ReadLine();

Display special characters when using print statement

Use repr:

a = "Hello\tWorld\nHello World"
# 'Hello\tWorld\nHello World'

Note you do not get \s for a space. I hope that was a typo...?

But if you really do want \s for spaces, you could do this:

print(repr(a).replace(' ',r'\s'))

Custom header to HttpClient request

There is a Headers property in the HttpRequestMessage class. You can add custom headers there, which will be sent with each HTTP request. The DefaultRequestHeaders in the HttpClient class, on the other hand, sets headers to be sent with each request sent using that client object, hence the name Default Request Headers.

Hope this makes things more clear, at least for someone seeing this answer in future.

How to make a deep copy of Java ArrayList

Cloning the objects before adding them. For example, instead of newList.addAll(oldList);

for(Person p : oldList) {

Assuming clone is correctly overriden inPerson.

"NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class" error

I had this:

 class Util {
  static boolean isNeverAsync = System.getenv().get("asyncc_exclude_redundancy").equals("yes");

you can probably see the problem, the env var might return null instead of string. So just to test my theory, I changed it to:

 class Util {
  static boolean isNeverAsync = false;

and the problem went away. Too bad that Java can't give you the exact stack trace of the error though, kinda weird.

Angularjs - simple form submit

var app = angular.module( "myApp", [] );_x000D_
app.controller( "myCtrl", ["$scope", function($scope) {_x000D_
    $scope.submit_form = function(formData) {_x000D_
        $scope.formData = formData;_x000D_
        console.log(formData); // object_x000D_
        console.log(JSON.stringify(formData)); // string_x000D_
        $scope.form = {}; // clear ng-model form_x000D_
}] );
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">_x000D_
    <form ng-submit="submit_form(form)" >_x000D_
        Firstname: <input type="text" ng-model="form.firstname" /><br />_x000D_
        Lastname: <input type="text" ng-model="form.lastname" /><br />_x000D_
        <hr />_x000D_
        <input type="submit" value="Submit" />_x000D_
    <hr />          _x000D_
    <p>Firstname: {{ form.firstname }}</p>_x000D_
    <p>Lastname: {{ form.lastname }}</p>_x000D_
    <pre>Submit Form: {{ formData }} </pre>_x000D_


Reading a text file in MATLAB line by line

You cannot read text strings with csvread. Here is another solution:

fid1 = fopen('test.csv','r'); %# open csv file for reading
fid2 = fopen('new.csv','w'); %# open new csv file
while ~feof(fid1)
    line = fgets(fid1); %# read line by line
    A = sscanf(line,'%*[^,],%f,%f'); %# sscanf can read only numeric data :(
    if A(2)<4.185 %# test the values
        fprintf(fid2,'%s',line); %# write the line to the new file

Is there a better jQuery solution to this.form.submit();?


This is probably your best bet. Especially if you are not already using jQuery in your project, there is no need to add it (or any other JS library) just for this purpose.

Find CRLF in Notepad++

Just do a \r with a find and replace with a blank in the replace field so everything goes up to one line. Then do a find and replace (in my case by semi colon) and replace with ;\n

:) -T&C

Converting xml to string using C#

As Chris suggests, you can do it like this:

public string GetXMLAsString(XmlDocument myxml)
    return myxml.OuterXml;

Or like this:

public string GetXMLAsString(XmlDocument myxml)

        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        XmlTextWriter tx = new XmlTextWriter(sw);

        string str = sw.ToString();// 
        return str;

and if you really want to create a new XmlDocument then do this

XmlDocument newxmlDoc= myxml

How to give color to each class in scatter plot in R?

Here is how I do it in 2018. Who knows, maybe an R newbie will see it one day and fall in love with ggplot2.


ggplot(data = iris, aes(Petal.Length, Petal.Width, color = Species)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("setosa" = "red", "versicolor" = "blue", "virginica" = "yellow"))

How to create number input field in Flutter?

Here is code for numeric keyboard : keyboardType: When you add this code in textfield it will open numeric keyboard.

  final _mobileFocus = new FocusNode();
  final _mobile = TextEditingController();

          controller: _mobile,
          focusNode: _mobileFocus,
          maxLength: 10,
          decoration: new InputDecoration(
            counterText: "",
            counterStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 0),
            hintText: "Mobile",
            border: InputBorder.none,
            hintStyle: TextStyle(
                fontSize: 15.0.
          style: new TextStyle(
              fontSize: 15.0,

Get POST data in C#/ASP.NET

I'm a little surprised that this question has been asked so many times before, but the most reuseable and friendly solution hasn't been documented.

I often have webpages using AngularJS, and when I click on a Save button, I'll "POST" this data back to my .aspx page or .ashx handler to save this back to the database. The data will be in the form of a JSON record.

On the server, to turn the raw posted data back into a C# class, here's what I would do.

First, define a C# class which will contain the posted data.

Supposing my webpage is posting JSON data like this:

    "UserID" : 1,
    "FirstName" : "Mike",
    "LastName" : "Mike",
    "Address1" : "10 Really Street",
    "Address2" : "London"

Then I'd define a C# class like this...

public class JSONRequest
    public int UserID { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public string Address1 { get; set; }
    public string Address2 { get; set; }

(These classes can be nested, but the structure must match the format of the JSON data. So, if you're posting a JSON User record, with a list of Order records within it, your C# class should also contain a List<> of Order records.)

Now, in my .aspx.cs or .ashx file, I just need to do this, and leave JSON.Net to do the hard work...

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string jsonString = "";
        HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
        using (StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader(this.Request.InputStream))
            jsonString = inputStream.ReadToEnd();
        JSONRequest oneQuestion = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JSONRequest>(jsonString);

And that's it. You now have a JSONRequest class containing the various fields which were POSTed to your server.

How to declare and display a variable in Oracle

Did you recently switch from MySQL and are now longing for the logical equivalents of its more simple commands in Oracle? Because that is the case for me and I had the very same question. This code will give you a quick and dirty print which I think is what you're looking for:

Variable n number
    :n := 1;
print n

The middle section is a PL/SQL bit that binds the variable. The output from print n is in column form, and will not just give the value of n, I'm afraid. When I ran it in Toad 11 it returned like this


I hope that helps

How to move child element from one parent to another using jQuery


doesn't work for you? I think it should...

Service vs IntentService in the Android platform

Android IntentService vs Service


  • A Service is invoked using startService().
  • A Service can be invoked from any thread.
  • A Service runs background operations on the Main Thread of the Application by default. Hence it can block your Application’s UI.
  • A Service invoked multiple times would create multiple instances.
  • A service needs to be stopped using stopSelf() or stopService().
  • Android service can run parallel operations.

2. IntentService

  • An IntentService is invoked using Intent.
  • An IntentService can in invoked from the Main thread only.
  • An IntentService creates a separate worker thread to run background operations.
  • An IntentService invoked multiple times won’t create multiple instances.
  • An IntentService automatically stops after the queue is completed. No need to trigger stopService() or stopSelf().
  • In an IntentService, multiple intent calls are automatically Queued and they would be executed sequentially.
  • An IntentService cannot run parallel operation like a Service.

Refer from Here

Python's "in" set operator

Sets behave different than dicts, you need to use set operations like issubset():

>>> k
{'ip': '', 'pw': 'test1234', 'port': 1234, 'debug': True}
>>> set('ip,port,pw'.split(',')).issubset(set(k.keys()))
>>> set('ip,port,pw'.split(',')) in set(k.keys())


This worked for me but only after forcing the specific verbs to be handled by the default handler.

    <add path="*" verb="OPTIONS" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>
    <add path="*" verb="TRACE" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>
    <add path="*" verb="HEAD" type="System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler" validate="true"/>

You still use the same configuration as you have above, but also force the verbs to be handled with the default handler and validated. Source:

An easy way to test is just to deny GET and see if your site loads.

How to start an application without waiting in a batch file?

If start can't find what it's looking for, it does what you describe.

Since what you're doing should work, it's very likely you're leaving out some quotes (or putting extras in).

Linq where clause compare only date value without time value

Try this,

var _My_ResetSet_Array = _DB
    .Where(x => x.Active == true
         && x.DateTimeValueColumn <= DateTime.Now)
    .Select(x => x.DateTimeValueColumn)

How to replace item in array?

presentPrompt(id,productqty) {
    let alert = this.forgotCtrl.create({
      title: 'Test',
      inputs: [
          name: 'pickqty',
          placeholder: 'pick quantity'
          name: 'state',
          value: 'verified',
          placeholder: 'state',

      buttons: [
          text: 'Ok',
          role: 'cancel',
          handler: data => {


          for (var i = 0; i < this.cottonLists.length; i++){

            if (this.cottonLists[i].id == id){
                this.cottonLists[i].real_stock = data.pickqty;


          for (var i = 0; i < this.cottonLists.length; i++){

            if (this.cottonLists[i].id == id){
              this.cottonLists[i].state = 'verified';   

            //Log object to console again.
            console.log("After update: ", this.cottonLists)
            console.log('Ok clicked');


As per your requirement you can change fields and array names.
thats all. Enjoy your coding.

Swap two variables without using a temporary variable

Very simple code for swapping two variables:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine("Prof.Owais ahmed");
    Console.WriteLine("Swapping two variables");

    Console.WriteLine("Enter your first number ");
    int x = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

    Console.WriteLine("Enter your first number ");
    int y = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

    Console.WriteLine("your vlaue of x is="+x+"\nyour value of y is="+y);

    int z = x;
    x = y;
    y = z;

    Console.WriteLine("after Swapping value of x is="+x+"/nyour value of y is="+y);

Generating a SHA-256 hash from the Linux command line

If the command sha256sum is not available (on Mac OS X v10.9 (Mavericks) for example), you can use:

echo -n "foobar" | shasum -a 256

How to trigger the onclick event of a marker on a Google Maps V3?

I've found out the solution! Thanks to Firebug ;)

//"markers" is an array that I declared which contains all the marker of the map
//"i" is the index of the marker in the array that I want to trigger the OnClick event

//V2 version is:
GEvent.trigger(markers[i], 'click');

//V3 version is:
google.maps.event.trigger(markers[i], 'click');

How to split a large text file into smaller files with equal number of lines?

In case you just want to split by x number of lines each file, the given answers about split are OK. But, i am curious about no one paid attention to requirements:

  • "without having to count them" -> using wc + cut
  • "having the remainder in extra file" -> split does by default

I can't do that without "wc + cut", but I'm using that:

split -l  $(expr `wc $filename | cut -d ' ' -f3` / $chunks) $filename

This can be easily added to your bashrc functions so you can just invoke it passing filename and chunks:

 split -l  $(expr `wc $1 | cut -d ' ' -f3` / $2) $1

In case you want just x chunks without remainder in extra file, just adapt the formula to sum it (chunks - 1) on each file. I do use this approach because usually i just want x number of files rather than x lines per file:

split -l  $(expr `wc $1 | cut -d ' ' -f3` / $2 + `expr $2 - 1`) $1

You can add that to a script and call it your "ninja way", because if nothing suites your needs, you can build it :-)

Runnable with a parameter?

You have two options:

  1. Define a named class. Pass your parameter to the constructor of the named class.

  2. Have your anonymous class close over your "parameter". Be sure to mark it as final.

Checking if sys.argv[x] is defined

Check the length of sys.argv:

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    blah = sys.argv[1]
    blah = 'blah'

Some people prefer the exception-based approach you've suggested (eg, try: blah = sys.argv[1]; except IndexError: blah = 'blah'), but I don't like it as much because it doesn't “scale” nearly as nicely (eg, when you want to accept two or three arguments) and it can potentially hide errors (eg, if you used blah = foo(sys.argv[1]), but foo(...) raised an IndexError, that IndexError would be ignored).

How do I correctly setup and teardown for my pytest class with tests?

When you write "tests defined as class methods", do you really mean class methods (methods which receive its class as first parameter) or just regular methods (methods which receive an instance as first parameter)?

Since your example uses self for the test methods I'm assuming the latter, so you just need to use setup_method instead:

class Test:

    def setup_method(self, test_method):
        # configure self.attribute

    def teardown_method(self, test_method):
        # tear down self.attribute

    def test_buttons(self):
        # use self.attribute for test

The test method instance is passed to setup_method and teardown_method, but can be ignored if your setup/teardown code doesn't need to know the testing context. More information can be found here.

I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with py.test's fixtures, as they are a more powerful concept.

Get current cursor position

GetCursorPos() will return to you the x/y if you pass in a pointer to a POINT structure.

Hiding the cursor can be done with ShowCursor().

How to disable <br> tags inside <div> by css?

You could alter your CSS to render them less obtrusively, e.g.

div p,
div br {
    display: inline;

or - as my commenter points out:

div br {
    display: none;

but then to achieve the example of what you want, you'll need to trim the p down, so:

div br {
    display: none;
div p {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

Unexpected token }

You have endless loop in place:

function save() {
    var filename = id('filename').value;
    var name = id('name').value;
    var text = id('text').value;
    save(filename, name, text);

No idea what you're trying to accomplish with that endless loop but first of all get rid of it and see if things are working.

Using an integer as a key in an associative array in JavaScript

As people say, JavaScript will convert a string of number to integer, so it is not possible to use directly on an associative array, but objects will work for you in similar way I think.

You can create your object:

var object = {};

And add the values as array works:

object[1] = value;
object[2] = value;

This will give you:

  '1': value,
  '2': value

After that you can access it like an array in other languages getting the key:

for(key in object)
   value = object[key] ;

I have tested and works.

{"<user xmlns=''> was not expected.} Deserializing Twitter XML

Nothing worked for me for these errors EXCEPT

... was not expected, 
... there is an error in XML document (1,2)
... System.FormatException Input String was not in correct format ...

Except this way

1- You need to inspect the xml response as string (the response that you are trying to de-serialize to an object)

2- Use online tools for string unescape and xml prettify/formatter

3- MAKE SURE that the C# Class (main class) you are trying to map/deserialize the xml string to HAS AN XmlRootAttribute that matches the root element of the response.


My XML Response was staring like :

<ShipmentCreationResponse xmlns="">
       <Transaction i:nil="true" xmlns:i=""/>

And the C# class definition + attributes was like :

[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.ServiceModel", "")]
[System.ServiceModel.MessageContractAttribute(WrapperName="ShipmentCreationResponse", WrapperNamespace="", IsWrapped=true)]
public partial class ShipmentCreationResponse {

Note that the class definition does not have "XmlRootAttribute"

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]

And when i try to de serialize using a generic method :

public static T Deserialize<T>(string input) where T : class
    System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(T));

    using (System.IO.StringReader sr = new System.IO.StringReader(input))
        return (T)ser.Deserialize(sr);

var _Response = GeneralHelper.XMLSerializer.Deserialize<ASRv2.ShipmentCreationResponse>(xml);

I was getting the errors above

... was not expected, ... there is an error in XML document (1,2) ...

Now by just adding the "XmlRootAttribute" that fixed the issue for ever and for every other requests/responses i had a similar issue with:

[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]


[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute(AnonymousType = true, Namespace = "")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute(Namespace = "", IsNullable = false)]
public partial class ShipmentCreationResponse

How to change the colors of a PNG image easily?

Ok guys it can be done easy in photoshop.

Open png photo and then check image -> mode value(i had indexed color). Go image -> mode and check rgb color. Now change your color EASY.

How can I convert a string to boolean in JavaScript?

There are a lot of answers and it's hard to pick one. In my case, I prioritise the performance when choosing, so I create this jsPerf that I hope can throw some light here.

Brief of results (the higher the better):

  1. Conditional statement: 2,826,922
  2. Switch case on Bool object: 2,825,469
  3. Casting to JSON: 1,867,774
  4. !! conversions: 805,322
  5. Prototype of String: 713,637

They are linked to the related answer where you can find more information (pros and cons) about each one; specially in the comments.

How to Select Columns in Editors (Atom,Notepad++, Kate, VIM, Sublime, Textpad,etc) and IDEs (NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, Visual Studio, etc)

In MCEdit toggle Shift+F3 (ie F13) or F9->Edit ->Mark columns.

P.S. In this case, MCEdit is an editor written for the Midnight Commander.

How to Solve the XAMPP 1.7.7 - PHPMyAdmin - MySQL Error #2002 in Ubuntu

You can check it by connecting MySQL through the command prompt.

I think that your MySQL Database is blocked by firewall. Once stop all the services of antivirus software you have on your computer, then try to connect.

I faced this problem as well and rectified by blocking all firewalls..

Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android?

  • At launch, Java was the only officially supported programming language for building distributable third-party Android software.

  • Android Native Development Kit (Android NDK) which will allow developers to build Android software components with C and C++.

  • In addition to delivering support for native code, Google is also extending Android to support popular dynamic scripting languages. Earlier this month, Google launched the Android Scripting Environment (ASE) which allows third-party developers to build simple Android applications with perl, JRuby, Python, LUA and BeanShell. For having idea and usage of ASE, refer this Example link.

  • Scala is also supported. For having examples of Scala, refer these Example link-1 , Example link-2 , Example link-3 .

  • Just now i have referred one Article Here in which i found some useful information as follows:

    1. programming language is Java but bridges from other languages exist (C# .net - Mono, etc).
    2. can run script languages like LUA, Perl, Python, BeanShell, etc.

  • I have read 2nd article at Google Releases 'Simple' Android Programming Language . For example of this, refer this .

  • Just now (2 Aug 2010) i have read an article which describes regarding "Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android", refer this links Link-1 , Link-2

  • On 4-Aug-2010, i have found Regarding RenderScript. Basically, It is said to be a C-like language for high performance graphics programming, which helps you easily write efficient Visual effects and animations in your Android Applications. Its not released yet as it isn't finished.

Website screenshots

If you don't want to use any third party tools, I have come across to simple solution that is using Google Page Insight api.

Just need to call it's api with params screenshot=true.

For mobile site view pass &strategy=mobile in params,


Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?

The folks from have taken over the development of the ADO.NET provider:

From their homepage:

This is a fork of the popular ADO.NET 4.0 adaptor for SQLite known as System.Data.SQLite. The originator of System.Data.SQLite, Robert Simpson, is aware of this fork, has expressed his approval, and has commit privileges on the new Fossil repository. The SQLite development team intends to maintain System.Data.SQLite moving forward.

Historical versions, as well as the original support forums, may still be found at, though there have been no updates to this version since April of 2010.

The complete list of features can be found at on their wiki. Highlights include

  • ADO.NET 2.0 support
  • Full Entity Framework support
  • Full Mono support
  • Visual Studio 2005/2008 Design-Time support
  • Compact Framework, C/C++ support

Released DLLs can be downloaded directly from the site.

A message body writer for Java type, class myPackage.B, and MIME media type, application/octet-stream, was not found

Adding reference to:


As long as adding clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, true); on client creation solved the issue for me:

ClientConfig clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig();
clientConfig.getFeatures().put(JSONConfiguration.FEATURE_POJO_MAPPING, true);
Client client = Client.create(clientConfig);

Returning JSON object as response in Spring Boot

use ResponseEntity<ResponseBean>

Here you can use ResponseBean or Any java bean as you like to return your api response and it is the best practice. I have used Enum for response. it will return status code and status message of API.

@GetMapping(path = "/login")
public ResponseEntity<ServiceStatus> restApiExample(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) {
        String username = request.getParameter("username");
        String password = request.getParameter("password");

        loginService.login(username, password, request);
        return new ResponseEntity<ServiceStatus>(ServiceStatus.LOGIN_SUCCESS,

for response ServiceStatus or(ResponseBody)

    public enum ServiceStatus {

    LOGIN_SUCCESS(0, "Login success"),

    private final int id;
    private final String message;

    //Enum constructor
    ServiceStatus(int id, String message) { = id;
        this.message = message;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public String getMessage() {
        return message;

Spring REST API should have below key in response

  1. Status Code
  2. Message

you will get final response below


   "StatusCode" : "0",

   "Message":"Login success"


you can use ResponseBody(java POJO, ENUM,etc..) as per your requirement.

Showing the same file in both columns of a Sublime Text window

I regularly work on the same file in 2 different positions. I solved this in Sublime Text 3 using origami and chain with some additional config.

My workflow is Ctrl + k + 2 splits the view of the file in two (horizontal) panes with the lower one active. Use Ctrl + k + o to toggle between the panes. When done ensure the lower pane is the active and press Ctrl + F4 to close the duplicated view and the pane.

In sublime global settings (not origami settings!) add

"origami_auto_close_empty_panes": true,

Add the following shortcuts

  { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "2"], 
    "command": "chain", 
    "args": {
      "commands": [
        ["create_pane", {"direction": "down"}],
        ["clone_file_to_pane", {"direction": "down"}],

  { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "o"], "command": "focus_neighboring_group" },

How to embed image or picture in jupyter notebook, either from a local machine or from a web resource?

I'm surprised no one here has mentioned the html cell magic option. from the docs (IPython, but same for Jupyter)


Render the cell as a block of HTML

How to fix warning from date() in PHP"

This just happen to me because in the php.ini the date.timezone was not set!


Using the php date() function triggered that warning.

How to use WPF Background Worker

using System;  
using System.ComponentModel;   
using System.Threading;    
namespace BackGroundWorkerExample  
    class Program  
        private static BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker;  

        static void Main(string[] args)  
            backgroundWorker = new BackgroundWorker  
                WorkerReportsProgress = true,  
                WorkerSupportsCancellation = true  

            backgroundWorker.DoWork += backgroundWorker_DoWork;  
            //For the display of operation progress to UI.    
            backgroundWorker.ProgressChanged += backgroundWorker_ProgressChanged;  
            //After the completation of operation.    
            backgroundWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted;  
            backgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync("Press Enter in the next 5 seconds to Cancel operation:");  


            if (backgroundWorker.IsBusy)  

        static void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)  
            for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)  
                if (backgroundWorker.CancellationPending)  
                    e.Cancel = true;  

                e.Result = 1000;  

        static void backgroundWorker_ProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)  
            Console.WriteLine("Completed" + e.ProgressPercentage + "%");  

        static void backgroundWorker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)  

            if (e.Cancelled)  
                Console.WriteLine("Operation Cancelled");  
            else if (e.Error != null)  
                Console.WriteLine("Error in Process :" + e.Error);  
                Console.WriteLine("Operation Completed :" + e.Result);  

Also, referr the below link you will understand the concepts of Background:

$http get parameters does not work

The 2nd parameter in the get call is a config object. You want something like this:

    .get('accept.php', {
        params: {
            source: link,
            category_id: category
     .success(function (data,status) {
          $scope.info_show = data

See the Arguments section of$http for more detail

Rails 4: List of available datatypes

Rails4 has some added datatypes for Postgres.

For example, railscast #400 names two of them:

Rails 4 has support for native datatypes in Postgres and we’ll show two of these here, although a lot more are supported: array and hstore. We can store arrays in a string-type column and specify the type for hstore.

Besides, you can also use cidr, inet and macaddr. For more information:

jquery : focus to div is not working

a <div> can be focused if it has a tabindex attribute. (the value can be set to -1)

For example:


In addition, consider setting outline: none !important; so it displayed without a focus rectangle.

var element = $("#focus_point");
element.css('outline', 'none !important')
       .attr("tabindex", -1)

Should I put input elements inside a label element?

As most people have said, both ways work indeed, but I think only the first one should. Being semantically strict, the label does not "contain" the input. In my opinion, containment (parent/child) relationship in the markup structure should reflect containment in the visual output. i.e., an element surrounding another one in the markup should be drawn around that one in the browser. According to this, the label should be the input's sibling, not it's parent. So option number two is arbitrary and confusing. Everyone that has read the Zen of Python will probably agree (Flat is better than nested, Sparse is better than dense, There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it...).

Because of decisions like that from W3C and major browser vendors (allowing "whichever way you prefer to do it", instead of "do it the right way") is that the web is so messed up today and we developers have to deal with tangled and so diverse legacy code.

What does an exclamation mark before a cell reference mean?

When entered as the reference of a Named range, it refers to range on the sheet the named range is used on.

For example, create a named range MyName refering to =SUM(!B1:!K1)

Place a formula on Sheet1 =MyName. This will sum Sheet1!B1:K1

Now place the same formula (=MyName) on Sheet2. That formula will sum Sheet2!B1:K1

Note: (as pnuts commented) this and the regular SheetName!B1:K1 format are relative, so reference different cells as the =MyName formula is entered into different cells.

Android - Back button in the title bar

Just sharing something that helped me and may be useful for others. Although most of the answers here are correct, by using the getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);, this wasn't working for me. The issue I had was that I was trying to create a second Activity manually, but there are more details involved.
What really solved my problem was following Android Developers tutorial ( for creating a second Activity using Android Studio own tools:

Create the second activity
1. In the Project window, right-click the app folder and select New > Activity > Empty Activity.
2. In the Configure Activity window, enter "DisplayMessageActivity" for Activity Name and click Finish (leave all other properties set to the defaults).
Android Studio automatically does three things:
- Creates the DisplayMessageActivity file.
- Creates the corresponding activity_display_message.xml layout file.
- Adds the required <activity> element in AndroidManifest.xml.

sql like operator to get the numbers only

Try something like this - it works for the cases you have mentioned.

select * from tbl
where answer like '%[0-9]%'
and answer not like '%[:]%'
and answer not like '%[A-Z]%'

When do I need to do "git pull", before or after "git add, git commit"?

You want your change to sit on top of the current state of the remote branch. So probably you want to pull right before you commit yourself. After that, push your changes again.

"Dirty" local files are not an issue as long as there aren't any conflicts with the remote branch. If there are conflicts though, the merge will fail, so there is no risk or danger in pulling before committing local changes.

Python Decimals format

Just use Python's standard string formatting methods:

>>> "{0:.2}".format(1.234232)
>>> "{0:.3}".format(1.234232)

If you are using a Python version under 2.6, use

>>> "%f" % 1.32423
>>> "%.2f" % 1.32423
>>> "%d" % 1.32423

Spring Data JPA and Exists query

Since Spring data 1.12 you can use the query by Example functionnality by extending the QueryByExampleExecutor interface (The JpaRepositoryalready extends it).
Then you can use this query (among others) :

<S extends T> boolean exists(Example<S> example);

Consider an entity MyEntity which as a property name, you want to know if an entity with that name exists, ignoring case, then the call to this method can look like this :

//The ExampleMatcher is immutable and can be static I think
ExampleMatcher NAME_MATCHER = ExampleMatcher.matching()
            .withMatcher("name", GenericPropertyMatchers.ignoreCase());
Example<MyEntity> example = Example.<MyEntity>of(new MyEntity("example name"), NAME_MATCHER);
boolean exists = myEntityRepository.exists(example);

How does Java resolve a relative path in new File()?

When your path starts with a root dir i.e. C:\ in windows or / in Unix or in java resources path, it is considered to be an absolute path. Everything else is relative, so

new File("test.txt") is the same as new File("./test.txt")

new File("test/../test.txt") is the same as new File("./test/../test.txt")

The major difference between getAbsolutePath and getCanonicalPath is that the first one concatenates a parent and a child path, so it may contain dots: .. or .. getCanonicalPath will always return the same path for a particular file.

Note: File.equals uses an abstract form of a path (getAbsolutePath) to compare files, so this means that two File objects for the same might not be equal and Files are unsafe to use in collections like Map or Set.

Pass parameters in setInterval function

Another solution consists in pass your function like that (if you've got dynamics vars) : setInterval('funca('+x+','+y+')',500);"#element") not working when code above the html element

<script>$(function(){var svg ="#chart").append("svg:svg");});</script>
<div id="chart"></div>

In other words, it's not happening because you can't query against something that doesn't exist yet-- so just do it after the page loads (here via jquery).

Btw, its recommended that you place your JS files before the close of your body tag.

Select All as default value for Multivalue parameter

The accepted answer is correct, but not complete. In order for Select All to be the default option, the Available Values dataset must contain at least 2 columns: value and label. They can return the same data, but their names have to be different. The Default Values dataset will then use value column and then Select All will be the default value. If the dataset returns only 1 column, only the last record's value will be selected in the drop down of the parameter.

SVN: Is there a way to mark a file as "do not commit"?

Conflicted files are not allowed to be committed. You can take advantage of this to keep your private changes out of the repository. This works best with a small number of files.

To get a conflict for a-file, your working copy (WC) does not have the up to date a-file from the repository, and that the a-file in your WC has changes that are in the same location as changes in the repository (changes that you didn't update to yet). If you don't want to wait for the conditions above you can create a conflict for a-file like this:
In working copy 1 (WC1), add a line of text to the top of a-file, such as "make a conflict here". Use the necessary syntax so that you don't break the repository. Commit a-file from WC1. In WC2, add a different line of text to the top of a-file, like "i want a conflict". Update from WC2, and now a-file should be in conflict.

C++ style cast from unsigned char * to const char *

Hope it help. :)

const unsigned attribName = getname();
const unsigned attribVal = getvalue();
const char *attrName=NULL, *attrVal=NULL;
attrName = (const char*) attribName;
attrVal = (const char*) attribVal;

How do I show running processes in Oracle DB?

I suspect you would just want to grab a few columns from V$SESSION and the SQL statement from V$SQL. Assuming you want to exclude the background processes that Oracle itself is running

SELECT sess.process, sess.status, sess.username, sess.schemaname, sql.sql_text
  FROM v$session sess,
       v$sql     sql
 WHERE sql.sql_id(+) = sess.sql_id
   AND sess.type     = 'USER'

The outer join is to handle those sessions that aren't currently active, assuming you want those. You could also get the sql_fulltext column from V$SQL which will have the full SQL statement rather than the first 1000 characters, but that is a CLOB and so likely a bit more complicated to deal with.

Realistically, you probably want to look at everything that is available in V$SESSION because it's likely that you can get a lot more information than SP_WHO provides.

jQuery SVG vs. Raphael

Another svg javascript library you might want to look at is d3.js.

Add tooltip to font awesome icon

Simply with native html & css :

<div class="tooltip">Hover over me
  <span class="tooltiptext">Tooltip text</span>

/* Tooltip container */
.tooltip {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  border-bottom: 1px dotted black; /* If you want dots under the hoverable text */

/* Tooltip text */
.tooltip .tooltiptext {
  visibility: hidden;
  width: 120px;
  background-color: #555;
  color: #fff;
  text-align: center;
  padding: 5px 0;
  border-radius: 6px;

  /* Position the tooltip text */
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 1;
  bottom: 125%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -60px;

  /* Fade in tooltip */
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0.3s;

/* Tooltip arrow */
.tooltip .tooltiptext::after {
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  top: 100%;
  left: 50%;
  margin-left: -5px;
  border-width: 5px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #555 transparent transparent transparent;

/* Show the tooltip text when you mouse over the tooltip container */
.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {
  visibility: visible;
  opacity: 1;

Here is the source of the example from w3schools

Hide Command Window of .BAT file that Executes Another .EXE File

Using Windows API we can start new process, a console application, and hide its "black" window. This can be done at process creation and avoid showing "black" window at all.

In CreateProcess function the dwCreationFlags parameter can have CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag:

The process is a console application that is being run
without a console window. Therefore, the console handle
for the application is not set. This flag is ignored if
the application is not a console application

Here is a link to hide-win32-console-window executable using this method and source code.

hide-win32-console-window is similar to Jamesdlin's silentbatch program.

There is open question: what to do with program's output when its window does not exist? What if exceptions happen? Not a good solution to throw away the output. hide-win32-console-window uses anonymous pipes to redirect program's output to file created in current directory.


batchscript_starter.exe full/path/to/application [arguments to pass on]

Example running python script

batchscript_starter.exe c:\Python27\python.exe -c "import time; print('prog start'); time.sleep(3.0); print('prog end');"

The output file is created in working directory named python.2019-05-13-13-32-39.log with output from the python command:

prog start
prog end

Example running command

batchscript_starter.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C dir .

The output file is created in working directory named cmd.2019-05-13-13-37-28.log with output from CMD:

 Volume in drive Z is Storage
 Volume Serial Number is XXXX-YYYY

 Directory of hide_console_project\hide-win32-console-window

2019-05-13  13:37    <DIR>          .
2019-05-13  13:37    <DIR>          ..
2019-05-13  04:41            17,274 batchscript_starter.cpp
2018-04-10  01:08            46,227 batchscript_starter.ico
2019-05-12  11:27             7,042 batchscript_starter.rc
2019-05-12  11:27             1,451 batchscript_starter.sln
2019-05-12  21:51             8,943 batchscript_starter.vcxproj
2019-05-12  21:51             1,664 batchscript_starter.vcxproj.filters
2019-05-13  03:38             1,736 batchscript_starter.vcxproj.user
2019-05-13  13:37                 0 cmd.2019-05-13-13-37-28.log
2019-05-13  04:34             1,518 LICENSE
2019-05-13  13:32                22 python.2019-05-13-13-32-39.log
2019-05-13  04:55                82
2019-05-13  04:44             1,562 Resource.h
2018-04-10  01:08            46,227 small.ico
2019-05-13  04:44               630 targetver.h
2019-05-13  04:57    <DIR>          x64
              14 File(s)        134,378 bytes
               3 Dir(s)  ???,???,692,992 bytes free

Example shortcut for running .bat script

Shortcut for starting windowless .bat file

Target field:

C:\batchscript_starter.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C C:\start_wiki.bat

Directory specified in Start in field will hold output files.

ld.exe: cannot open output file ... : Permission denied

I had the same behaviour, and fixed it by running Code::Blocks as administrator.

How to get the date from the DatePicker widget in Android?

The DatePicker class has methods for getting the month, year, day of month. Or you can use an OnDateChangedListener.

Maven plugins can not be found in IntelliJ

Recently I faced the same issue. All tips doesn't work in my cause.

But I fix it.

Go to Intellij idea setting, find Maven, and in it you need to open Repository tab and update maven and local repos. That's all.

How to give a pandas/matplotlib bar graph custom colors

For a more detailed answer on creating your own colormaps, I highly suggest visiting this page

If that answer is too much work, you can quickly make your own list of colors and pass them to the color parameter. All the colormaps are in the cm matplotlib module. Let's get a list of 30 RGB (plus alpha) color values from the reversed inferno colormap. To do so, first get the colormap and then pass it a sequence of values between 0 and 1. Here, we use np.linspace to create 30 equally-spaced values between .4 and .8 that represent that portion of the colormap.

from matplotlib import cm
color = cm.inferno_r(np.linspace(.4, .8, 30))

array([[ 0.865006,  0.316822,  0.226055,  1.      ],
       [ 0.851384,  0.30226 ,  0.239636,  1.      ],
       [ 0.832299,  0.283913,  0.257383,  1.      ],
       [ 0.817341,  0.270954,  0.27039 ,  1.      ],
       [ 0.796607,  0.254728,  0.287264,  1.      ],
       [ 0.775059,  0.239667,  0.303526,  1.      ],
       [ 0.758422,  0.229097,  0.315266,  1.      ],
       [ 0.735683,  0.215906,  0.330245,  1.      ],

Then we can use this to plot, using the data from the original post:

import random
x = [{i: random.randint(1, 5)} for i in range(30)]
df = pd.DataFrame(x)
df.plot(kind='bar', stacked=True, color=color, legend=False, figsize=(12, 4))

enter image description here

Dynamic SELECT TOP @var In SQL Server

In x0n's example, it should be:


SELECT * from sometable


How to check the version of GitLab?

Get information about GitLab and the system it runs on :

bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production

Example output of gitlab:env:info

System information
System:     Arch Linux
Current User:   git
Using RVM:  yes
RVM Version:    1.20.3
Ruby Version:   2.0.0p0
Gem Version:    2.0.0
Bundler Version:1.3.5
Rake Version:   10.0.4

GitLab information
Version:    5.2.0.pre
Revision:   4353bab
Directory:  /home/git/gitlab
DB Adapter: mysql2
URL:        http://gitlab.arch
HTTP Clone URL: http://gitlab.arch/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL:  [email protected]:some-project.git
Using LDAP: no
Using Omniauth: no

GitLab Shell
Version:    1.4.0
Repositories:   /home/git/repositories/
Hooks:      /home/git/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git:        /usr/bin/git

Read this article, it will help you.

Cannot import the keyfile 'blah.pfx' - error 'The keyfile may be password protected'

My problem was that the TFS Build Controller was running as a network service and for some reason I didn't understand why the Visual Studio Build Host service certificates were not being used. I changed the identity of the Visual Studio Build service to something more manageable, made sure it had rights on the TFS server, and manually added the certificates using the MMC.

The problem was also that MSBuild can't add the password protected certificates to the store.

Using group by on multiple columns

Here I am going to explain not only the GROUP clause use, but also the Aggregate functions use.

The GROUP BY clause is used in conjunction with the aggregate functions to group the result-set by one or more columns. e.g.:

-- GROUP BY with one parameter:
SELECT column_name, AGGREGATE_FUNCTION(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name;

-- GROUP BY with two parameters:

Remember this order:

  1. SELECT (is used to select data from a database)

  2. FROM (clause is used to list the tables)

  3. WHERE (clause is used to filter records)

  4. GROUP BY (clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across multiple records and group the results by one or more columns)

  5. HAVING (clause is used in combination with the GROUP BY clause to restrict the groups of returned rows to only those whose the condition is TRUE)

  6. ORDER BY (keyword is used to sort the result-set)

You can use all of these if you are using aggregate functions, and this is the order that they must be set, otherwise you can get an error.

Aggregate Functions are:

MIN() returns the smallest value in a given column

MAX() returns the maximum value in a given column.

SUM() returns the sum of the numeric values in a given column

AVG() returns the average value of a given column

COUNT() returns the total number of values in a given column

COUNT(*) returns the number of rows in a table

SQL script examples about using aggregate functions:

Let's say we need to find the sale orders whose total sale is greater than $950. We combine the HAVING clause and the GROUP BY clause to accomplish this:

    orderId, SUM(unitPrice * qty) Total
GROUP BY orderId
HAVING Total > 950;

Counting all orders and grouping them customerID and sorting the result ascendant. We combine the COUNT function and the GROUP BY, ORDER BY clauses and ASC:

    customerId, COUNT(*)
GROUP BY customerId

Retrieve the category that has an average Unit Price greater than $10, using AVG function combine with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses:

    categoryName, AVG(unitPrice)
    Products p
    Categories c ON c.categoryId = p.categoryId
GROUP BY categoryName
HAVING AVG(unitPrice) > 10;

Getting the less expensive product by each category, using the MIN function in a subquery:

SELECT categoryId,
FROM Products p1
WHERE unitPrice = (
                SELECT MIN(unitPrice)
                FROM Products p2
                WHERE p2.categoryId = p1.categoryId)

The following statement groups rows with the same values in both categoryId and productId columns:

    categoryId, categoryName, productId, SUM(unitPrice)
    Products p
    Categories c ON c.categoryId = p.categoryId
GROUP BY categoryId, productId

Mocking a method to throw an exception (moq), but otherwise act like the mocked object?

I think this is what you want, I already tested this code and works

The tools used are: (all these tools can be downloaded as Nuget packages)

var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var myInterface = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IFileConnection>>();

var sut = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Transfer>();

myInterface.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>()))

sut.Invoking(x => 


Let me explain:

When you write a test, you must know exactly what you want to test, this is called: "subject under test (SUT)", if my understanding is correctly, in this case your SUT is: Transfer

So with this in mind, you should not mock your SUT, if you substitute your SUT, then you wouldn't be actually testing the real code

When your SUT has external dependencies (very common) then you need to substitute them in order to test in isolation your SUT. When I say substitute I'm referring to use a mock, dummy, mock, etc depending on your needs

In this case your external dependency is IFileConnection so you need to create mock for this dependency and configure it to throw the exception, then just call your SUT real method and assert your method handles the exception as expected

  • var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());: This linie initializes a new Fixture object (Autofixture library), this object is used to create SUT's without having to explicitly have to worry about the constructor parameters, since they are created automatically or mocked, in this case using Moq

  • var myInterface = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IFileConnection>>();: This freezes the IFileConnection dependency. Freeze means that Autofixture will use always this dependency when asked, like a singleton for simplicity. But the interesting part is that we are creating a Mock of this dependency, you can use all the Moq methods, since this is a simple Moq object

  • var sut = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Transfer>();: Here AutoFixture is creating the SUT for us

  • myInterface.Setup(x => x.Get(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Throws<System.IO.IOException>(); Here you are configuring the dependency to throw an exception whenever the Get method is called, the rest of the methods from this interface are not being configured, therefore if you try to access them you will get an unexpected exception

  • sut.Invoking(x => x.TransferFiles(myInterface.Object, It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())).ShouldThrow<System.IO.IOException>();: And finally, the time to test your SUT, this line uses the FluenAssertions library, and it just calls the TransferFiles real method from the SUT and as parameters it receives the mocked IFileConnection so whenever you call the IFileConnection.Get in the normal flow of your SUT TransferFiles method, the mocked object will be invoking throwing the configured exception and this is the time to assert that your SUT is handling correctly the exception, in this case, I am just assuring that the exception was thrown by using the ShouldThrow<System.IO.IOException>() (from the FluentAssertions library)

References recommended:

Turn Pandas Multi-Index into column

As @cs95 mentioned in a comment, to drop only one level, use:


This avoids having to redefine your desired index after reset.

Double precision floating values in Python?

Python's built-in float type has double precision (it's a C double in CPython, a Java double in Jython). If you need more precision, get NumPy and use its numpy.float128.

Dynamic type languages versus static type languages

It is all about the right tool for the job. Neither is better 100% of the time. Both systems were created by man and have flaws. Sorry, but we suck and making perfect stuff.

I like dynamic typing because it gets out of my way, but yes runtime errors can creep up that I didn't plan for. Where as static typing may fix the aforementioned errors, but drive a novice(in typed languages) programmer crazy trying to cast between a constant char and a string.

JavaScript calculate the day of the year (1 - 366)

Date.prototype.dayOfYear= function(){
    var j1= new Date(this);
    j1.setMonth(0, 0);
    return Math.round((this-j1)/8.64e7);

alert(new Date().dayOfYear())

Displaying one div on top of another

There are many ways to do it, but this is pretty simple and avoids issues with disrupting inline content positioning. You might need to adjust for margins/padding, too.

#backdrop, #curtain {
  height: 100px;
  width: 200px;

#curtain {
  position: relative;
  top: -100px;

How do I read a text file of about 2 GB?

Try Vim, emacs (has a low maximum buffer size limit if compiled in 32-bit mode), hex tools

How to add extra whitespace in PHP?

pre is your friend.

<?php // code goes here


Or you can "View Source" in your browser. (Ctrl+U for most browser.)

How to update an "array of objects" with Firestore?

Here is the latest example from the Firestore documentation:


var washingtonRef = db.collection("cities").doc("DC");

// Atomically add a new region to the "regions" array field.
    regions: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion("greater_virginia")

// Atomically remove a region from the "regions" array field.
    regions: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayRemove("east_coast")

Convert string to int array using LINQ

This post asked a similar question and used LINQ to solve it, maybe it will help you out too.

string s1 = "1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12";
int[] ia = s1.Split(';').Select(n => Convert.ToInt32(n)).ToArray();

Display Last Saved Date on worksheet

You can also simple add the following into the Header or Footer of the Worksheet

Last Saved: &[Date] &[Time]

Can I call an overloaded constructor from another constructor of the same class in C#?

No, You can't do that, the only place you can call the constructor from another constructor in C# is immediately after ":" after the constructor. for example

class foo
    public foo(){}
    public foo(string s ) { }
    public foo (string s1, string s2) : this(s1) {....}


Compare two Lists for differences

This solution produces a result list, that contains all differences from both input lists. You can compare your objects by any property, in my example it is ID. The only restriction is that the lists should be of the same type:

var DifferencesList = ListA.Where(x => !ListB.Any(x1 => ==
            .Union(ListB.Where(x => !ListA.Any(x1 => ==;

Efficient way to remove keys with empty strings from a dict

Here is an option if you are using pandas:

import pandas as pd

d = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
d['b'] = 'not null'
d['c'] = ''  # empty string


# convert `dict` to `Series` and replace any blank strings with `None`;
# use the `.dropna()` method and
# then convert back to a `dict`
d_ = pd.Series(d).replace('', None).dropna().to_dict()


Run Excel Macro from Outside Excel Using VBScript From Command Line

Since my related question was removed by a righteous hand after I had killed the whole day searching how to beat the "macro not found or disabled" error, posting here the only syntax that worked for me ( didn't, no matter what I tried)

Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

' Didn't run this way from the Modules
'objExcel.Application.Run "c:\app\Book1.xlsm!Sub1"
' Didn't run this way either from the Sheet
'objExcel.Application.Run "c:\app\Book1.xlsm!Sheet1.Sub1"
' Nor did it run from a named Sheet
'objExcel.Application.Run "c:\app\Book1.xlsm!Named_Sheet.Sub1"

' Only ran like this (from the Module1)

Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open("c:\app\Book1.xlsm")
objExcel.Run "Sub1"

Excel 2010, Win 7

Execution failed for task ':app:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' Android Studio 3.1 Update

Go to preferences(settings) : click on Build,Execution,Deployment .....then select : Instant Run ......and uncheck its topmost checkbox (i.e Disable Instant Run)

Instant run in Android Studio 2.0 (how to turn off)

Update August 2019

In Android Studio 3.5 Instant Run was replaced with Apply Changes. And it works in different way: APK is not modified on the fly anymore but instead runtime instrumentation is used to redefine classes on the fly (more info). So since Android Studio 3.5 instant run settings are replaced with Deployment (Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Deployment):enter image description here

How to add "Maven Managed Dependencies" library in build path eclipse?

If you use an eclipse plugin to do your maven tasks (there are 2 of them : M2ecipse from sonatype the 'official' one and q4e on Google Code) then, there are options in the contextual menus (right click on the project) to do that painlessly.

You can have both plugins running at the same time in your eclipse workbench and use them indifferently on a per project basis.

How to pass parameters using ui-sref in ui-router to controller

You don't necessarily need to have the parameters inside the URL.

For instance, with:

.state('home', {
  url: '/',
  views: {
    '': {
      templateUrl: 'home.html',
      controller: 'MainRootCtrl'

  params: {
    foo: null,
    bar: null

You will be able to send parameters to the state, using either:

$state.go('home', {foo: true, bar: 1});
// or
<a ui-sref="home({foo: true, bar: 1})">Go!</a>

Of course, if you reload the page once on the home state, you will loose the state parameters, as they are not stored anywhere.

A full description of this behavior is documented here, under the params row in the state(name, stateConfig) section.

How to get user name using Windows authentication in

These are the different variables you have access to and their values, depending on the IIS configuration.

Scenario 1: Anonymous Authentication in IIS with impersonation off.

HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name    SERVER1\IUSR_SERVER1 
HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated           False                    
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name                –                        
System.Environment.UserName                           ASPNET                   
Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name  SERVER1\ASPNET

Scenario 2: Windows Authentication in IIS, impersonation off.

HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name    MYDOMAIN\USER1   
HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated           True             
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name                MYDOMAIN\USER1   
System.Environment.UserName                           ASPNET           
Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name  SERVER1\ASPNET

Scenario 3: Anonymous Authentication in IIS, impersonation on

HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name    SERVER1\IUSR_SERVER1 
HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated           False                    
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name                –                        
System.Environment.UserName                           IUSR_SERVER1           
Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name  SERVER1\IUSR_SERVER1 

Scenario 4: Windows Authentication in IIS, impersonation on

HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name    MYDOMAIN\USER1
HttpContext.Current.Request.IsAuthenticated           True          
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name                MYDOMAIN\USER1
System.Environment.UserName                           USER1         
Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name  MYDOMAIN\USER1

SERVER1\ASPNET: Identity of the running process on server.
SERVER1\IUSR_SERVER1: Anonymous guest user defined in IIS.
MYDOMAIN\USER1: The user of the remote client.


How to programmatically set the SSLContext of a JAX-WS client?

This one was a hard nut to crack, so for the record:

To solve this, it required a custom KeyManager and a SSLSocketFactory that uses this custom KeyManager to access the separated KeyStore. I found the base code for this KeyStore and SSLFactory on this excellent blog entry: how-to-dynamically-select-a-certificate-alias-when-invoking-web-services

Then, the specialized SSLSocketFactory needs to be inserted into the WebService context:

service = getWebServicePort(getWSDLLocation());
BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider) service; 
bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put("", getCustomSocketFactory()); 

Where the getCustomSocketFactory() returns a SSLSocketFactory created using the method mentioned above. This would only work for JAX-WS RI from the Sun-Oracle impl built into the JDK, given that the string indicating the SSLSocketFactory property is proprietary for this implementation.

At this stage, the JAX-WS service communication is secured through SSL, but if you are loading the WSDL from the same secure server () then you'll have a bootstrap problem, as the HTTPS request to gather the WSDL will not be using the same credentials than the Web Service. I worked around this problem by making the WSDL locally available (file:///...) and dynamically changing the web service endpoint: (a good discussion on why this is needed can be found in this forum)

bindingProvider.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, webServiceLocation); 

Now the WebService gets bootstrapped and is able to communicate through SSL with the server counterpart using a named (alias) Client-Certificate and mutual authentication. ?

Changing :hover to touch/click for mobile devices

I think this simple method can achieve this goal. With CSS you can turn off pointer event to 'none' then use jQuery to switch classes.

  /* Your Style On Hover Converted to Tap*/_x000D_

Use jQuery to switch classed:


How to delete/remove nodes on Firebase

Firebase.remove() like probably most Firebase methods is asynchronous, thus you have to listen to events to know when something happened:

parent = ref.parent()
parent.on('child_removed', function (snapshot) {
    // removed!

According to Firebase docs it should work even if you lose network connection. If you want to know when the change has been actually synchronized with Firebase servers, you can pass a callback function to Firebase.remove method:

ref.remove(function (error) {
    if (!error) {
        // removed!

unique object identifier in javascript

Latest browsers provide a cleaner method for extending Object.prototype. This code will make the property hidden from property enumeration (for p in o)

For the browsers that implement defineProperty, you can implement uniqueId property like this:

(function() {
    var id_counter = 1;
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "__uniqueId", {
        writable: true
    Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "uniqueId", {
        get: function() {
            if (this.__uniqueId == undefined)
                this.__uniqueId = id_counter++;
            return this.__uniqueId;

For details, see

Changing the row height of a datagridview

Make sure AutoSizeRowsMode is set to None else the row height won't matter because well... it'll auto-size the rows.

Should be an easy thing but I fought this for a few hours before I figured it out.

Better late than never to respond =)

HTML image bottom alignment inside DIV container

This is your code:

Using display: table-cell is fine, provided that you're aware that it won't work in IE6/7. Other than that, it's safe: Is there a disadvantage of using `display:table-cell`on divs?

To fix the space at the bottom, add vertical-align: bottom to the actual imgs:

Removing the space between the images boils down to this: bikeshedding CSS3 property alternative?

So, here's a demo with the whitespace removed in your HTML:

How to get Rails.logger printing to the console/stdout when running rspec?

Tail the log as a background job (&) and it will interleave with rspec output.

tail -f log/test.log &
bundle exec rspec

"And" and "Or" troubles within an IF statement

This is not an answer, but too long for a comment.

In reply to JP's answers / comments, I have run the following test to compare the performance of the 2 methods. The Profiler object is a custom class - but in summary, it uses a kernel32 function which is fairly accurate (Private Declare Sub GetLocalTime Lib "kernel32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME)).

Sub test()

  Dim origNum As String
  Dim creditOrDebit As String
  Dim b As Boolean
  Dim p As Profiler
  Dim i As Long

  Set p = New_Profiler

  origNum = "30062600006"
  creditOrDebit = "D"

  p.startTimer ("nested_ifs")

  For i = 1 To 1000000

    If creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      If origNum = "006260006" Then
        b = True
      ElseIf origNum = "30062600006" Then
        b = True
      End If
    End If

  Next i

  p.stopTimer ("nested_ifs")
  p.startTimer ("or_and")

  For i = 1 To 1000000

    If (origNum = "006260006" Or origNum = "30062600006") And creditOrDebit = "D" Then
      b = True
    End If

  Next i

  p.stopTimer ("or_and")


End Sub

The results of 5 runs (in ms for 1m loops):

20-Jun-2012 19:28:25
nested_ifs (x1): 156 - Last Run: 156 - Average Run: 156
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125

20-Jun-2012 19:28:26
nested_ifs (x1): 156 - Last Run: 156 - Average Run: 156
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125

20-Jun-2012 19:28:27
nested_ifs (x1): 140 - Last Run: 140 - Average Run: 140
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125

20-Jun-2012 19:28:28
nested_ifs (x1): 140 - Last Run: 140 - Average Run: 140
or_and (x1): 141 - Last Run: 141 - Average Run: 141

20-Jun-2012 19:28:29
nested_ifs (x1): 156 - Last Run: 156 - Average Run: 156
or_and (x1): 125 - Last Run: 125 - Average Run: 125


If creditOrDebit is not "D", JP's code runs faster (around 60ms vs. 125ms for the or/and code).

How do I get which JRadioButton is selected from a ButtonGroup

jRadioOne = new javax.swing.JRadioButton();
jRadioTwo = new javax.swing.JRadioButton();
jRadioThree = new javax.swing.JRadioButton();

... then for every button:



ActionListener radioButtonActionListener = new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
        }; whatever you need as response to event

protected void radioButtonActionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {            

Compare two DataFrames and output their differences side-by-side

If your two dataframes have the same ids in them, then finding out what changed is actually pretty easy. Just doing frame1 != frame2 will give you a boolean DataFrame where each True is data that has changed. From that, you could easily get the index of each changed row by doing changedids = frame1.index[np.any(frame1 != frame2,axis=1)].

Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection)

I was also facing the error "Error preloading the connection pool" while using Oracle 10g Express Edition with my Spring and CAS based application during login.

My CAS based application only has classes12.jar in its classpath, Placing ojdbc14.jar in the classpath has resolved my problem.

How to return a resultset / cursor from a Oracle PL/SQL anonymous block that executes Dynamic SQL?

You should be able to declare a cursor to be a bind variable (called parameters in other DBMS')

like Vincent wrote, you can do something like this:

  open :yourCursor
    for 'SELECT "'|| :someField ||'" from yourTable where x = :y'
      using :someFilterValue;

You'd have to bind 3 vars to that script. An input string for "someField", a value for "someFilterValue" and an cursor for "yourCursor" which has to be declared as output var.

Unfortunately, I have no idea how you'd do that from C++. (One could say fortunately for me, though. ;-) )

Depending on which access library you use, it might be a royal pain or straight forward.

How do I print debug messages in the Google Chrome JavaScript Console?

You could use console.log() if you have a debugged code in what programming software editor you have and you will see the output mostly likely the best editor for me (Google Chrome). Just press F12 and press the Console tab. You will see the result. Happy coding. :)

How do I get a list of all the duplicate items using pandas in python?

sort("ID") does not seem to be working now, seems deprecated as per sort doc, so use sort_values("ID") instead to sort after duplicate filter, as following:


How to set selected item of Spinner by value, not by position?

I am using a custom adapter, for that this code is enough:

yourSpinner.setSelection(arrayAdapter.getPosition("Your Desired Text"));

So, your code snippet will be like this:

void setSpinner(String value)

Browser Timeouts

It's browser dependent. "By default, Internet Explorer has a KeepAliveTimeout value of one minute and an additional limiting factor (ServerInfoTimeout) of two minutes. Either setting can cause Internet Explorer to reset the socket." - from IE support

Firefox is around the same value I think as well.

Usually though server timeout are set lower than browser timeouts, but at least you can control that and set it higher.

You'd rather handle the timeout though, so that way you can act upon such an event. See this thread: How to detect timeout on an AJAX (XmlHttpRequest) call in the browser?

How to remove decimal values from a value of type 'double' in Java

Double d = 1000d;
System.out.println("Normal value :"+d);
System.out.println("Without decimal points :"+d.longValue());

Jquery Ajax, return success/error from controller

    type: "POST",
    data: formData,
    url: "/Forms/GetJobData",
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: false,
    processData: false,               
    success: function (response) {
        if (response.success) {
        } else {
            // DoSomethingElse()
    error: function (response) {
        alert("error!");  // 



public ActionResult GetJobData(Jobs jobData)
    var mimeType = jobData.File.ContentType;
    var isFileSupported = IsFileSupported(mimeType);

    if (!isFileSupported){        
         //  Send "false"
        return Json(new { success = false, responseText = "The attached file is not supported." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        //  Send "Success"
        return Json(new { success = true, responseText= "Your message successfuly sent!"}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


basically you can send multiple parameters this way:


 return Json(new { 
                success = true,
                Name = model.Name,
                Phone = model.Phone,
                Email = model.Email                                


                type: "POST",
                url: '@Url.Action("GetData")',
                contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',            
                success: function (response) {


                error: function (response) {

Create a 3D matrix

If you want to define a 3D matrix containing all zeros, you write

A = zeros(8,4,20);

All ones uses ones, all NaN's uses NaN, all false uses false instead of zeros.

If you have an existing 2D matrix, you can assign an element in the "3rd dimension" and the matrix is augmented to contain the new element. All other new matrix elements that have to be added to do that are set to zero.

For example

B = magic(3); %# creates a 3x3 magic square
B(2,1,2) = 1; %# and you have a 3x3x2 array

How to Git stash pop specific stash in 1.8.3?

Version 2.11+ use the following:

git stash list

git stash apply n

n is the number stash@{12}

PHP-FPM doesn't write to error log

In my case php-fpm outputs 500 error without any logging because of missing php-mysql module. I moved joomla installation to another server and forgot about it. So apt-get install php-mysql and service restart solved it.

I started with trying to fix broken logging without success. Finally with strace i found fail message after db-related system calls. Though my case is not directly related to op's question, I hope it could be useful.

How to call a method in MainActivity from another class?

You have to pass instance of MainActivity into another class, then you can call everything public (in MainActivity) from everywhere.

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    // Instance of AnotherClass for future use
    private AnotherClass anotherClass;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // Create new instance of AnotherClass and
        // pass instance of MainActivity by "this"
        anotherClass = new AnotherClass(this);

    // Method you want to call from another class
    public void startChronometer(){

public class AnotherClass {

    // Main class instance
    private MainActivity mainActivity;  

    // Constructor
    public AnotherClass(MainActivity activity) {

        // Save instance of main class for future use
        mainActivity = activity;  

        // Call method in MainActivity

What's the difference between <b> and <strong>, <i> and <em>?

b or i means you want the text to be rendered as bold or italics. strong or em means you want the text to be rendered in a way that the user understands as "important". The default is to render strong as bold and em as italics, but some other cultures might use a different mapping.

Like strings in a program, b and i would be "hard coded" while strong and em would be "localized".

jQuery count child elements

fastest one:

$("div#selected ul li").length

What's the difference between eval, exec, and compile?

The short answer, or TL;DR

Basically, eval is used to evaluate a single dynamically generated Python expression, and exec is used to execute dynamically generated Python code only for its side effects.

eval and exec have these two differences:

  1. eval accepts only a single expression, exec can take a code block that has Python statements: loops, try: except:, class and function/method definitions and so on.

    An expression in Python is whatever you can have as the value in a variable assignment:

    a_variable = (anything you can put within these parentheses is an expression)
  2. eval returns the value of the given expression, whereas exec ignores the return value from its code, and always returns None (in Python 2 it is a statement and cannot be used as an expression, so it really does not return anything).

In versions 1.0 - 2.7, exec was a statement, because CPython needed to produce a different kind of code object for functions that used exec for its side effects inside the function.

In Python 3, exec is a function; its use has no effect on the compiled bytecode of the function where it is used.

Thus basically:

>>> a = 5
>>> eval('37 + a')   # it is an expression
>>> exec('37 + a')   # it is an expression statement; value is ignored (None is returned)
>>> exec('a = 47')   # modify a global variable as a side effect
>>> a
>>> eval('a = 47')  # you cannot evaluate a statement
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
    a = 47
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The compile in 'exec' mode compiles any number of statements into a bytecode that implicitly always returns None, whereas in 'eval' mode it compiles a single expression into bytecode that returns the value of that expression.

>>> eval(compile('42', '<string>', 'exec'))  # code returns None
>>> eval(compile('42', '<string>', 'eval'))  # code returns 42
>>> exec(compile('42', '<string>', 'eval'))  # code returns 42,
>>>                                          # but ignored by exec

In the 'eval' mode (and thus with the eval function if a string is passed in), the compile raises an exception if the source code contains statements or anything else beyond a single expression:

>>> compile('for i in range(3): print(i)', '<string>', 'eval')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
    for i in range(3): print(i)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Actually the statement "eval accepts only a single expression" applies only when a string (which contains Python source code) is passed to eval. Then it is internally compiled to bytecode using compile(source, '<string>', 'eval') This is where the difference really comes from.

If a code object (which contains Python bytecode) is passed to exec or eval, they behave identically, excepting for the fact that exec ignores the return value, still returning None always. So it is possible use eval to execute something that has statements, if you just compiled it into bytecode before instead of passing it as a string:

>>> eval(compile('if 1: print("Hello")', '<string>', 'exec'))

works without problems, even though the compiled code contains statements. It still returns None, because that is the return value of the code object returned from compile.

In the 'eval' mode (and thus with the eval function if a string is passed in), the compile raises an exception if the source code contains statements or anything else beyond a single expression:

>>> compile('for i in range(3): print(i)', '<string>'. 'eval')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
    for i in range(3): print(i)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

The longer answer, a.k.a the gory details

exec and eval

The exec function (which was a statement in Python 2) is used for executing a dynamically created statement or program:

>>> program = '''
for i in range(3):
    print("Python is cool")
>>> exec(program)
Python is cool
Python is cool
Python is cool

The eval function does the same for a single expression, and returns the value of the expression:

>>> a = 2
>>> my_calculation = '42 * a'
>>> result = eval(my_calculation)
>>> result

exec and eval both accept the program/expression to be run either as a str, unicode or bytes object containing source code, or as a code object which contains Python bytecode.

If a str/unicode/bytes containing source code was passed to exec, it behaves equivalently to:

exec(compile(source, '<string>', 'exec'))

and eval similarly behaves equivalent to:

eval(compile(source, '<string>', 'eval'))

Since all expressions can be used as statements in Python (these are called the Expr nodes in the Python abstract grammar; the opposite is not true), you can always use exec if you do not need the return value. That is to say, you can use either eval('my_func(42)') or exec('my_func(42)'), the difference being that eval returns the value returned by my_func, and exec discards it:

>>> def my_func(arg):
...     print("Called with %d" % arg)
...     return arg * 2
>>> exec('my_func(42)')
Called with 42
>>> eval('my_func(42)')
Called with 42

Of the 2, only exec accepts source code that contains statements, like def, for, while, import, or class, the assignment statement (a.k.a a = 42), or entire programs:

>>> exec('for i in range(3): print(i)')
>>> eval('for i in range(3): print(i)')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
    for i in range(3): print(i)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Both exec and eval accept 2 additional positional arguments - globals and locals - which are the global and local variable scopes that the code sees. These default to the globals() and locals() within the scope that called exec or eval, but any dictionary can be used for globals and any mapping for locals (including dict of course). These can be used not only to restrict/modify the variables that the code sees, but are often also used for capturing the variables that the executed code creates:

>>> g = dict()
>>> l = dict()
>>> exec('global a; a, b = 123, 42', g, l)
>>> g['a']
>>> l
{'b': 42}

(If you display the value of the entire g, it would be much longer, because exec and eval add the built-ins module as __builtins__ to the globals automatically if it is missing).

In Python 2, the official syntax for the exec statement is actually exec code in globals, locals, as in

>>> exec 'global a; a, b = 123, 42' in g, l

However the alternate syntax exec(code, globals, locals) has always been accepted too (see below).


The compile(source, filename, mode, flags=0, dont_inherit=False, optimize=-1) built-in can be used to speed up repeated invocations of the same code with exec or eval by compiling the source into a code object beforehand. The mode parameter controls the kind of code fragment the compile function accepts and the kind of bytecode it produces. The choices are 'eval', 'exec' and 'single':

  • 'eval' mode expects a single expression, and will produce bytecode that when run will return the value of that expression:

    >>> dis.dis(compile('a + b', '<string>', 'eval'))
      1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
                  3 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
                  6 BINARY_ADD
                  7 RETURN_VALUE
  • 'exec' accepts any kinds of python constructs from single expressions to whole modules of code, and executes them as if they were module top-level statements. The code object returns None:

    >>> dis.dis(compile('a + b', '<string>', 'exec'))
      1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
                  3 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
                  6 BINARY_ADD
                  7 POP_TOP                             <- discard result
                  8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)   <- load None on stack
                 11 RETURN_VALUE                        <- return top of stack
  • 'single' is a limited form of 'exec' which accepts a source code containing a single statement (or multiple statements separated by ;) if the last statement is an expression statement, the resulting bytecode also prints the repr of the value of that expression to the standard output(!).

    An if-elif-else chain, a loop with else, and try with its except, else and finally blocks is considered a single statement.

    A source fragment containing 2 top-level statements is an error for the 'single', except in Python 2 there is a bug that sometimes allows multiple toplevel statements in the code; only the first is compiled; the rest are ignored:

    In Python 2.7.8:

    >>> exec(compile('a = 5\na = 6', '<string>', 'single'))
    >>> a

    And in Python 3.4.2:

    >>> exec(compile('a = 5\na = 6', '<string>', 'single'))
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "<string>", line 1
        a = 5
    SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement

    This is very useful for making interactive Python shells. However, the value of the expression is not returned, even if you eval the resulting code.

Thus greatest distinction of exec and eval actually comes from the compile function and its modes.

In addition to compiling source code to bytecode, compile supports compiling abstract syntax trees (parse trees of Python code) into code objects; and source code into abstract syntax trees (the ast.parse is written in Python and just calls compile(source, filename, mode, PyCF_ONLY_AST)); these are used for example for modifying source code on the fly, and also for dynamic code creation, as it is often easier to handle the code as a tree of nodes instead of lines of text in complex cases.

While eval only allows you to evaluate a string that contains a single expression, you can eval a whole statement, or even a whole module that has been compiled into bytecode; that is, with Python 2, print is a statement, and cannot be evalled directly:

>>> eval('for i in range(3): print("Python is cool")')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<string>", line 1
    for i in range(3): print("Python is cool")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

compile it with 'exec' mode into a code object and you can eval it; the eval function will return None.

>>> code = compile('for i in range(3): print("Python is cool")',
                   '', 'exec')
>>> eval(code)
Python is cool
Python is cool
Python is cool

If one looks into eval and exec source code in CPython 3, this is very evident; they both call PyEval_EvalCode with same arguments, the only difference being that exec explicitly returns None.

Syntax differences of exec between Python 2 and Python 3

One of the major differences in Python 2 is that exec is a statement and eval is a built-in function (both are built-in functions in Python 3). It is a well-known fact that the official syntax of exec in Python 2 is exec code [in globals[, locals]].

Unlike majority of the Python 2-to-3 porting guides seem to suggest, the exec statement in CPython 2 can be also used with syntax that looks exactly like the exec function invocation in Python 3. The reason is that Python 0.9.9 had the exec(code, globals, locals) built-in function! And that built-in function was replaced with exec statement somewhere before Python 1.0 release.

Since it was desirable to not break backwards compatibility with Python 0.9.9, Guido van Rossum added a compatibility hack in 1993: if the code was a tuple of length 2 or 3, and globals and locals were not passed into the exec statement otherwise, the code would be interpreted as if the 2nd and 3rd element of the tuple were the globals and locals respectively. The compatibility hack was not mentioned even in Python 1.4 documentation (the earliest available version online); and thus was not known to many writers of the porting guides and tools, until it was documented again in November 2012:

The first expression may also be a tuple of length 2 or 3. In this case, the optional parts must be omitted. The form exec(expr, globals) is equivalent to exec expr in globals, while the form exec(expr, globals, locals) is equivalent to exec expr in globals, locals. The tuple form of exec provides compatibility with Python 3, where exec is a function rather than a statement.

Yes, in CPython 2.7 that it is handily referred to as being a forward-compatibility option (why confuse people over that there is a backward compatibility option at all), when it actually had been there for backward-compatibility for two decades.

Thus while exec is a statement in Python 1 and Python 2, and a built-in function in Python 3 and Python 0.9.9,

>>> exec("print(a)", globals(), {'a': 42})

has had identical behaviour in possibly every widely released Python version ever; and works in Jython 2.5.2, PyPy 2.3.1 (Python 2.7.6) and IronPython 2.6.1 too (kudos to them following the undocumented behaviour of CPython closely).

What you cannot do in Pythons 1.0 - 2.7 with its compatibility hack, is to store the return value of exec into a variable:

Python 2.7.11+ (default, Apr 17 2016, 14:00:29) 
[GCC 5.3.1 20160413] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> a = exec('print(42)')
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    a = exec('print(42)')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

(which wouldn't be useful in Python 3 either, as exec always returns None), or pass a reference to exec:

>>> call_later(exec, 'print(42)', delay=1000)
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    call_later(exec, 'print(42)', delay=1000)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Which a pattern that someone might actually have used, though unlikely;

Or use it in a list comprehension:

>>> [exec(i) for i in ['print(42)', 'print(foo)']
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    [exec(i) for i in ['print(42)', 'print(foo)']
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

which is abuse of list comprehensions (use a for loop instead!).

How to start/stop/restart a thread in Java?

There's a difference between pausing a thread and stopping/killing it. If stopping for you mean killing the thread, then a restart simply means creating a new thread and launching.

There are methods for killing threads from a different thread (e.g., your spawner), but they are unsafe in general. It might be safer if your thread constantly checks some flag to see if it should continue (I assume there is some loop in your thread), and have the external "controller" change the state of that flag.

You can see a little more in:

May I ask why you want to kill the thread and restart it? Why not just have it wait until its services are needed again? Java has synchronization mechanisms exactly for that purpose. The thread will be sleeping until the controller notifies it to continue executing.

Double Iteration in List Comprehension

Additionally, you could use just the same variable for the member of the input list which is currently accessed and for the element inside this member. However, this might even make it more (list) incomprehensible.

input = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
[x for x in input for x in x]

First for x in input is evaluated, leading to one member list of the input, then, Python walks through the second part for x in x during which the x-value is overwritten by the current element it is accessing, then the first x defines what we want to return.

What does "&" at the end of a linux command mean?

I don’t know for sure but I’m reading a book right now and what I am getting is that a program need to handle its signal ( as when I press CTRL-C). Now a program can use SIG_IGN to ignore all signals or SIG_DFL to restore the default action.

Now if you do $ command & then this process running as background process simply ignores all signals that will occur. For foreground processes these signals are not ignored.

ImportError: No module named 'django.core.urlresolvers'

In my case the problem was that I had outdated django-stronghold installed (0.2.9). And even though in the code I had:

from django.urls import reverse

I still encountered the error. After I upgraded the version to django-stronghold==0.4.0 the problem disappeard.

How do I git rm a file without deleting it from disk?

git rm --cached file

should do what you want.

You can read more details at git help rm

To switch from vertical split to horizontal split fast in Vim

The following ex commands will (re-)split any number of windows:

  • To split vertically (e.g. make vertical dividers between windows), type :vertical ball
  • To split horizontally, type :ball

If there are hidden buffers, issuing these commands will also make the hidden buffers visible.

How to list the tables in a SQLite database file that was opened with ATTACH?

Since nobody has mentioned about the official reference of SQLite, I think it may be useful to refer to it under this heading:

You can manipulate your database using the commands described in this link. Besides, if you are using Windows OS and do not know where the command shell is, that is in the SQLite's site:

After downloading it, click sqlite3.exe file to initialize the SQLite command shell. When it is initialized, by default this SQLite session is using an in-memory database, not a file on disk, and so all changes will be lost when the session exits. To use a persistent disk file as the database, enter the ".open ex1.db" command immediately after the terminal window starts up.

The example above causes the database file named "ex1.db" to be opened and used, and created if it does not previously exist. You might want to use a full pathname to ensure that the file is in the directory that you think it is in. Use forward-slashes as the directory separator character. In other words use "c:/work/ex1.db", not "c:\work\ex1.db".

To see all tables in the database you have previously chosen, type the command .tables as it is said in the above link.

If you work in Windows, I think it might be useful to move this sqlite.exe file to same folder with the other Python files. In this way, the Python file writes to and the SQLite shell reads from .db files are in the same path.

How to build a query string for a URL in C#?

The query string can be added to a URL by:

  1. create a name value collection object
  2. add the query string items and their values to this object
  3. encode this name value collection object to the url the code is provided in the below link

public ActionResult Create()
    //declaring name value collection object
    NameValueCollection collection = new NameValueCollection();

    //adding new value to the name value collection object
    collection.Add("Id1", "wwe323");
    collection.Add("Id2", "454w");
    collection.Add("Id3", "tyt5656");
    collection.Add("Id4", "343wdsd");

    //generating query string
    string url = GenerateQueryString(collection);

    return View();

private string GenerateQueryString(NameValueCollection collection)
    var querystring = (
        from key in collection.AllKeys
        from value in collection.GetValues(key)
        select string.Format("{0}={1}",
    return "?" + string.Join("&", querystring);

Objects inside objects in javascript

var pause_menu = {
    pause_button : { someProperty : "prop1", someOther : "prop2" },
    resume_button : { resumeProp : "prop", resumeProp2 : false },
    quit_button : false


pause_menu.pause_button.someProperty //evaluates to "prop1"

etc etc.

How to open specific tab of bootstrap nav tabs on click of a particuler link using jQuery?

Not sure if I understood correctly but here is snippet that I use to open links from Bootstrap tab menu:


<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
  <li class="active"><a href="#foo" data-toggle="tab">Foo</a></li>
  <li><a href="#bar" data-toggle="tab">Bar</a></li>
  <li><a href="baz.html" class="external">Baz</a></li>

<div class="tab-content">
  <div class="tab-pane active" id="foo">Foo</div>
  <div class="tab-pane" id="bar">Bar</div>


$('.nav a:not(".external")').click(function (e) {

How to change an Eclipse default project into a Java project

In recent versions of eclipse the fix is slightly different...

  1. Right click and select Project Properties
  2. Select Project Facets
  3. If necessary, click "Convert to faceted form"
  4. Select "Java" facet
  5. Click OK

Recursive Fibonacci

When x==2 you call fib(1) and fib(0):

return fib(2-1)+fib(2-2);

Consider what will happen when fib(0) is evaluated...

IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF - How to turn it ON?

I believe it needs to be done in a single query batch. Basically, the GO statements are breaking your commands into multiple batches and that is causing the issue. Change it to this:

/* GO */

...insert command...


invalid_grant trying to get oAuth token from google

Try change your url for requst to

Redis connection to failed - connect ECONNREFUSED

For me I had this issue on Ubuntu 18.x, but my problem was that my redis-server was running on but I found out I needed to run it on my IP address xxx.xx.xx.xx

I went into my Ubuntu machine and did the following.

cd /etc/redis/

sudo vim redis.conf

Then I edited this part.

################################## NETWORK #####################################

# By default, if no "bind" configuration directive is specified, Redis listens
# for connections from all the network interfaces available on the server.
# It is possible to listen to just one or multiple selected interfaces using
# the "bind" configuration directive, followed by one or more IP addresses.
# Examples:
# bind
# bind ::1
# ~~~ WARNING ~~~ If the computer running Redis is directly exposed to the
# internet, binding to all the interfaces is dangerous and will expose the
# instance to everybody on the internet. So by default we uncomment the
# following bind directive, that will force Redis to listen only into
# the IPv4 loopback interface address (this means Redis will be able to
# accept connections only from clients running into the same computer it
# is running).le to listen to just one or multiple selected interfaces using
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# bind ::1
bind ::1 # <<-------- change this to what your iP address is something like (bind

Save that, and then restart redis-server.

sudo service redis-server restart or simply run redis-server

Application not picking up .css file (flask/python)

Still having problems after following the solution provided by codegeek:
<link rel= "stylesheet" type= "text/css" href= "{{ url_for('static',filename='styles/mainpage.css') }}"> ?

In Google Chrome pressing the reload button (F5) will not reload the static files. If you have followed the accepted solution but still don't see the changes you have made to CSS, then press ctrl + shift + R to ignore cached files and reload the static files.

In Firefox pressing the reload button appears to reload the static files.

In Edge pressing the refresh button does not reload the static file. Pressing ctrl + shift + R is supposed to ignore cached files and reload the static files. However this does not work on my computer. ) .done( ) and success:

Both .done() and .success() are callback functions and they essentially function the same way.

Here's the documentation. The difference is that .success() is deprecated as of jQuery 1.8. You should use .done() instead.

In case you don't want to click the link:

Deprecation Notice

The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callback methods introduced in jQuery 1.5 are deprecated as of jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal, use jqXHR.done(),, and jqXHR.always() instead.

How is the default max Java heap size determined?

On Windows, you can use the following command to find out the defaults on the system where your applications runs.

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | findstr HeapSize

Look for the options MaxHeapSize (for -Xmx) and InitialHeapSize for -Xms.

On a Unix/Linux system, you can do

java -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -version | grep HeapSize

I believe the resulting output is in bytes.

Cannot instantiate the type List<Product>

Use a concrete list type, e.g. ArrayList instead of just List.

Reporting Services Remove Time from DateTime in Expression

Since SSRS utilizes VB, you can do the following:

=Today() 'returns date only

If you were to use:

=Now() 'returns date and current timestamp

How do I capture the output into a variable from an external process in PowerShell?

Another real-life example:

$result = & "$env:cust_tls_store\Tools\WDK\x64\devcon.exe" enable $strHwid 2>&1 | Out-String

Notice that this example includes a path (which begins with an environment variable). Notice that the quotes must surround the path and the EXE file, but not the parameters!

Note: Don't forget the & character in front of the command, but outside of the quotes.

The error output is also collected.

It took me a while to get this combination working, so I thought that I would share it.