[css] Changing :hover to touch/click for mobile devices

I've had a look around but can't quite find what i'm looking for.

I currently have a css animation on my page which is triggered by :hover. I would like this to change to 'click' or 'touch' when the page is resized past width 700px using media queries.

Here is what i have at the moment: http://jsfiddle.net/danieljoseph/3p6Kz/

As you can see, the :hover will not work on mobile devices but i still want to ensure it works the same way just by click, not hover.

I would rather use css if possible but happy with JQuery also.

I have a feeling this is very easy to do but i am just missing something very obvious! Any help would be appreciated.

Here is the css animation:

.info-slide {
  transition: height .4s ease-in-out;
  -webkit-transition: height .4s ease-in-out;
  -moz-transition: height .4s ease-in-out;

.info-slide:hover {

This question is related to css css-animations

The answer is

I am a CSS noob but I have noticed that hover will work for touch screens so long as it's a "hoverable" element: image, link, button. You can do it all with CSS using the following trick.

Change your div background to an actual image tag within the div or create a dummy link around the entire div, it will then register as a hover when you touch the image.

Doing this will mean that you need the rest of your page to also be "hoverable" so when you touch outside of the image it recognizes that info-slide:hover has ended. My trick is to make all of my other content dummy links.

It's not very elegant but it works.

I think this simple method can achieve this goal. With CSS you can turn off pointer event to 'none' then use jQuery to switch classes.

  /* Your Style On Hover Converted to Tap*/_x000D_

Use jQuery to switch classed:


I got the same trouble, in mobile device with Microsoft's Edge browser. I can solve the problem with: aria-haspopup="true". It need to add to the div and the :hover, :active, :focus for the other mobile browsers.

Example html:

<div class="left_bar" aria-haspopup="true">


.left_bar:hover, .left_bar:focus, .left_bar:active{
    left: 0%;

On most devices, the other answers work. For me, to ensure it worked on every device (in react) I had to wrap it in an anchor tag <a> and add the following: :hover, :focus, :active (in that order), as well as role="button" and tabIndex="0".

document.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {}, true);

This snippet will enable hover effects for touchscreens

Well I agree with above answers but still there can be an another way to do this and it is by using media queries.

Suppose this is what you want to do :

body.nontouch nav a:hover {
    background: yellow;

then you can do this by media query as :

@media(hover: hover) and (pointer: fine) {
    nav a:hover {
        background: yellow;

And for more details you can visit this page.

A CSS only solution for those who are having trouble with mobile touchscreen button styling.

This will fix your hover-stick / active button problems.

body, html {
  width: 600px;
p {
  font-size: 20px;

button {
  border: none;
  width: 200px;
  height: 60px;
  border-radius: 30px;
  background: #00aeff;
  font-size: 20px;

button:active {
  background: black;
  color: white;

.delayed {
  transition: all 0.2s;
  transition-delay: 300ms;

.delayed:active {
  transition: none;
<h1>Sticky styles for better touch screen buttons!</h1>

<button>Normal button</button>

<button class="delayed"><a href="https://www.google.com"/>Delayed style</a></button>

<p>The CSS :active psuedo style is displayed between the time when a user touches down (when finger contacts screen) on a element to the time when the touch up (when finger leaves the screen) occures.   With a typical touch-screen tap interaction, the time of which the :active psuedo style is displayed can be very small resulting in the :active state not showing or being missed by the user entirely.  This can cause issues with users not undertanding if their button presses have actually reigstered or not.</p>

<p>Having the the :active styling stick around for a few hundred more milliseconds after touch up would would improve user understanding when they have interacted with a button.</p>

You can add onclick="" to hovered element. Hover will work after that.

Edit: But you really shouldn't add anything style related to your markup, just posted it as an alternative.