This article is old, but I spent a hot minute trying to figure this out so I figured I would post an updated response. My main source is this wonderful PowerPoint: Okay, here's what I did:
In this example, my data set is called 'Data' and I was comparing 'Touch' data against 'Gaze' data. The subjects were divided into two groups: 'Red' and 'Blue'.
`plot(Data$Touch[Data$Category == "Blue"], Data$Gaze[Data$Category == "Blue"], main = "Touch v Gaze", xlab = "Gaze(s)", ylab = "Touch (s)", col = "blue", pch = 20)`
This set of code creates a scatterplot of Touch v Gaze of my Blue group
par(new = TRUE)
This tells R to create a new plot. This second plot is laid over the first automatically by R when you run all the code together
plot(Data$Touch[Data$Category == "Red"], Data$Gaze[Data$Category == "Red"], axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = "red", pch = 2)
This is the second plot. I found when I was coding these that R didn't just lay over the data points onto the Blue plot, but it also lay the axes, axes titles, and main title.
To get rid of the annoying overlap problem, I used the axes function to get rid of the axes themselves and set the titles to be blank.
legend(x = 60, y = 50, legend = c("Blue", "Red"), col = c("blue", "red"), pch = c(20, 2))
Adding a pretty legend to round out the project
This way may be a bit longer than the pretty ggplots but I did not want to learn something completely new today, hope this helps someone!