[ruby] How to get UTC timestamp in Ruby?

How to get UTC timestamp in Ruby?

This question is related to ruby timestamp

The answer is

The default formatting is not very useful, in my opinion. I prefer ISO8601 as it's sortable, relatively compact and widely recognized:

>> require 'time'
=> true
>> Time.now.utc.iso8601
=> "2011-07-28T23:14:04Z"

You could use: Time.now.to_i.

What good is a timestamp with its granularity given in seconds? I find it much more practical working with Time.now.to_f. Heck, you may even throw a to_s.sub('.','') to get rid of the decimal point, or perform a typecast like this: Integer(1e6*Time.now.to_f).

time = Time.zone.now()

It will work as

irb> Time.zone.now
=> 2017-12-02 12:06:41 UTC

Time.utc(2010, 05, 17)

Usually timestamp has no timezone.

% irb
> Time.now.to_i == Time.now.getutc.to_i
=> true

The proper way is to do a Time.now.getutc.to_i to get the proper timestamp amount as simply displaying the integer need not always be same as the utc timestamp due to time zone differences.

if you need a human-readable timestamp (like rails migration has) ex. "20190527141340"

Time.now.utc.to_formatted_s(:number)  # using Rails

Time.now.utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") # using Ruby