[css] Full width layout with twitter bootstrap

I'm trying to accomplish a layout similar to this one: http://dribbble.com/shots/829195-Slate/attachments/86422

My project uses Twitter Bootstrap with responsive design. It is possible to implement a full width layout with Bootstrap?

The issue is that from what I've been reading fluid layouts will be removed in bootstrap 3.0, and the responsive design has fixed widths.

This question is related to css twitter-bootstrap

The answer is

Just create another class and add along with the bootstrap container class. You can also use container-fluid though.

<div class="container full-width">
    <div class="row">

The CSS part is pretty simple

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
.full-width {
    width: 100%;
    min-width: 100%;
    max-width: 100%;

Hope this helps, Thanks!

As of the latest Bootstrap (3.1.x), the way to achieve a fluid layout it to use .container-fluid class.

See Bootstrap grid for reference

I think you could just use class "col-md-12" it has required left and right paddings and 100% width. Looks like this is a good replacement for container-fluid from 2nd bootstrap.

You'll find a great tutorial here: bootstrap-3-grid-introduction and answer for your question is <div class="container-fluid"> ... </div>

Here is an example of a 100% width, 100% height layout with Bootstrap 3.



make sure your container's width:%100

The easiest way with BS3 is to reset the max-width and padding set by BS3 CSS simply like this. You get again a container-fluid :



Bootstrap 3 has been released since this question was originally answered in January, so if you are a BS3 user, please refer to the BS3 documentation. For those still on BS2, the original answer still applies. If you are interested in switching from 2 to 3, see the migration guide.

Original answer:

From the bootstrap 2 docs:

Make any row "fluid" by changing .row to .row-fluid. The column classes stay the exact same, making it easy to flip between fixed and fluid grids.


<div class="row-fluid">
  <div class="span4">...</div>
  <div class="span8">...</div>

This, in conjunction with setting the width of your container to a fluid value, should allow you to get your desired layout.

In Bootstrap 3, columns are specified using percentages. (In Bootstrap 2, this was only the case if a column/span was within a .row-fluid element, but that's no longer necessary and that class no longer exists.) If you use a .container, then @Michael is absolutely right that you'll be stuck with a fixed-width layout. However, you should be in good shape if you just avoid using a .container element.

  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-lg-4">...</div>
    <div class="col-lg-8">...</div>

The margin for the body is already 0, so you should be able to get up right to the edge. (Columns still have a 15px padding on both sides, so you may have to account for that in your design, but this shouldn't stop you, and you can always customize this when you download Bootstrap.)