[css] Full width layout with twitter bootstrap

Because the accepted answer isn't on the same planet as BS3, I'll share what I'm using to achieve nearly full-width capabilities.

First off, this is cheating. It's not really fluid width - but it appears to be - depending on the size of the screen viewing the site.

The problem with BS3 and fluid width sites is that they have taken this "mobile first" approach, which requires that they define every freaking screen width up to what they consider to be desktop (1200px) I'm working on a laptop with a 1900px wide screen - so I end up with 350px on either side of the content at what BS3 thinks is a desktop sized width.

They have defined 10 screen widths (really only 5, but anyway). I don't really feel comfortable changing those, because they are common widths. So, I chose to define some extra widths for BS to choose from when deciding the width of the container class.

The way I use BS is to take all of the Bootstrap provided LESS files, omit the variables.less file to provide my own, and add one of my own to the end to override the things I want to change. Within my less file, I add the following to achieve 2 common screen width settings:

@media screen and (min-width: 1600px) {
    .container {
        max-width: (1600px - @grid-gutter-width);
@media screen and (min-width: 1900px) {
    .container {
        max-width: (1900px - @grid-gutter-width);

These two settings set the example for what you need to do to achieve different screen widths. Here, you get full width at 1600px, and 1900px. Any less than 1600 - BS falls back to the 1200px width, then to 768px and so forth - down to phone size.

If you have larger to support, just create more @media screen statements like these. If you're building the CSS instead, you'll want to determine what gutter width was used and subtract it from your target screen width.


Bootstrap 3.0.1 and up (so far) - it's as easy as setting @container-large-desktop to 100%