Programs & Examples On #Cp1251

Windows-1251 (a.k.a. code page CP1251) is a popular 8-bit character encoding, designed to cover languages that use the Cyrillic script such as Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian Cyrillic and other languages. It is the most widely used for encoding the Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian languages. In modern applications, Unicode is a preferred character set.

'AND' vs '&&' as operator

Since and has lower precedence than = you can use it in condition assignment:

if ($var = true && false) // Compare true with false and assign to $var
if ($var = true and false) // Assign true to $var and compare $var to false

How to debug JavaScript / jQuery event bindings with Firebug or similar tools?

With version 2.0 Firebug introduced an Events panel, which lists all events for the element currently selected within the HTML panel.

*Events* side panel in Firebug

It can also display event listeners wrapped into jQuery event bindings in case the option Show Wrapped Listeners is checked, which you can reach via the Events panel's options menu.

With that panel the workflow to debug an event handler is as follows:

  1. Select the element with the event listener you want to debug
  2. Inside the Events side panel right-click the function under the related event and choose Set Breakpoint
  3. Trigger the event

=> The script execution will stop at the first line of the event handler function and you can step debug it.

ASP.NET Web Application Message Box

Right click the solution explorer and choose the add dialog box will be appear. On that select (.net)-> Imports System.Windows.Forms (vb) and using copy this in your coding and then write"").

jQuery: selecting each td in a tr

You don't need a jQuery selector at all. You already have a reference to the cells in each row via the cells property.

$('#tblNewAttendees tr').each(function() {

    $.each(this.cells, function(){


It is far more efficient to utilize a collection that you already have, than to create a new collection via DOM selection.

Here I've used the jQuery.each()(docs) method which is just a generic method for iteration and enumeration.

Coerce multiple columns to factors at once

Here is a data.table example. I used grep in this example because that's how I often select many columns by using partial matches to their names.

data <- data.table(matrix(sample(1:40), 4, 10, dimnames = list(1:4, LETTERS[1:10])))

factorCols <- grep(pattern = "A|C|D|H", x = names(data), value = TRUE)

data[, (factorCols) := lapply(.SD, as.factor), .SDcols = factorCols]

How to declare strings in C

char *p = "String";   means pointer to a string type variable.

char p3[5] = "String"; means you are pre-defining the size of the array to consist of no more than 5 elements. Note that,for strings the null "\0" is also considered as an element.So,this statement would give an error since the number of elements is 7 so it should be:

char p3[7]= "String";

Automatic login script for a website on windows machine?

You can use Autohotkey, download it from:

After the installation, if you want to open Gmail website when you press Alt+g, you can do something like this:


Further reference: Hotkeys (Mouse, Joystick and Keyboard Shortcuts)

Does Google Chrome work with Selenium IDE (as Firefox does)?

artejera, do you mean Selenium as plugin to your browser (Selenium IDE)? Here is something for automation in Google Chrome.

But if you want to work with Selenium RC, just set up browser in your test script. There is setBrowser() method in Selenium.

SQL Call Stored Procedure for each Row without using a cursor

This is a variation of n3rds solution above. No sorting by using ORDER BY is needed, as MIN() is used.

Remember that CustomerID (or whatever other numerical column you use for progress) must have a unique constraint. Furthermore, to make it as fast as possible CustomerID must be indexed on.

-- Declare & init
DECLARE @CustomerID INT = (SELECT MIN(CustomerID) FROM Sales.Customer); -- First ID

-- Iterate over all customers

  -- Get data based on ID
  SELECT @Data1 = Data1, @Data2 = Data2
    FROM Sales.Customer
    WHERE [ID] = @CustomerID ;

  -- call your sproc
  EXEC dbo.YOURSPROC @Data1, @Data2

  -- Get next customerId
  SELECT @CustomerID = MIN(CustomerID)
    FROM Sales.Customer
    WHERE CustomerID > @CustomerId 


I use this approach on some varchars I need to look over, by putting them in a temporary table first, to give them an ID.

How to use onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState()?

  • onSaveInstanceState() is a method used to store data before pausing the activity.

Description : Hook allowing a view to generate a representation of its internal state that can later be used to create a new instance with that same state. This state should only contain information that is not persistent or can not be reconstructed later. For example, you will never store your current position on screen because that will be computed again when a new instance of the view is placed in its view hierarchy.

  • onRestoreInstanceState() is method used to retrieve that data back.

Description : This method is called after onStart() when the activity is being re-initialized from a previously saved state, given here in savedInstanceState. Most implementations will simply use onCreate(Bundle) to restore their state, but it is sometimes convenient to do it here after all of the initialization has been done or to allow subclasses to decide whether to use your default implementation. The default implementation of this method performs a restore of any view state that had previously been frozen by onSaveInstanceState(Bundle).

Consider this example here:
You app has 3 edit boxes where user was putting in some info , but he gets a call so if you didn't use the above methods what all he entered will be lost.
So always save the current data in onPause() method of Activity as a bundle & in onResume() method call the onRestoreInstanceState() method .

Please see :

How to use onSavedInstanceState example please

How to get form input array into PHP array

Nonetheless, you can use below code as,

$a = array('name1','name2','name3');
$b = array('email1','email2','email3');

function f($a,$b){
    return "The name is $a and email is $b, thank you";

$c = array_map('f', $a, $b);

//echoing the result

foreach ($c as $val) {
    echo $val.'<br>';

Determine if Android app is being used for the first time

     * @author ALGO
    import java.util.UUID;

    import android.content.Context;

    public class Util {
        // ===========================================================
        // ===========================================================

        private static final String INSTALLATION = "INSTALLATION";

        public synchronized static boolean isFirstLaunch(Context context) {
            String sID = null;
            boolean launchFlag = false;
            if (sID == null) {
                File installation = new File(context.getFilesDir(), INSTALLATION);
                try {
                    if (!installation.exists()) {

                    sID = readInstallationFile(installation);
launchFlag = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);
            return launchFlag;

        private static String readInstallationFile(File installation) throws IOException {
            RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(installation, "r");// read only mode
            byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) f.length()];

            return new String(bytes);

        private static void writeInstallationFile(File installation) throws IOException {
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(installation);
            String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

> Usage (in class extending


how to use List<WebElement> webdriver

Try the following code:

By mySelector = By.xpath("/html/body/div[1]/div/section/div/div[2]/form[1]/div/ul/li");
List<WebElement> myElements = driver.findElements(mySelector);
for(WebElement e : myElements) {

It will returns with the whole content of the <li> tags, like:

<a class="extra">Vše</a> (950)</li>

But you can easily get the number now from it, for example by using split() and/or substring().

Associating enums with strings in C#

You can use two enums. One for the database and the other for readability.

You just need to make sure they stay in sync, which seems like a small cost. You don't have to set the values, just set the positions the same, but setting the values makes it very clear the two enums are related and prevents errors from rearranging the enum members. And a comment lets the maintenance crew know these are related and must be kept in sync.

// keep in sync with GroupTypes
public enum GroupTypeCodes

// keep in sync with GroupTypesCodes
public enum GroupTypes
    TheGroup = GroupTypeCodes.OEM,
    TheOtherGroup = GroupTypeCodes.CMB

To use it you just convert to the code first:

GroupTypes myGroupType = GroupTypes.TheGroup;
string valueToSaveIntoDatabase = ((GroupTypeCodes)myGroupType).ToString();

Then if you want to make it even more convenient you can add an extension function that only works for this type of enum:

public static string ToString(this GroupTypes source)
    return ((GroupTypeCodes)source).ToString();

and you can then just do:

GroupTypes myGroupType = GroupTypes.TheGroup;
string valueToSaveIntoDatabase = myGroupType.ToString();

Git list of staged files

The best way to do this is by running the command:

git diff --name-only --cached

When you check the manual you will likely find the following:

    Show only names of changed files.

And on the example part of the manual:

git diff --cached
    Changes between the index and your current HEAD.

Combined together you get the changes between the index and your current HEAD and Show only names of changed files.

Update: --staged is also available as an alias for --cached above in more recent git versions.

Can I set the cookies to be used by a WKWebView?

set cookie

self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.cookie='access_token=your token';domain='your domain';") { (data, error) -> Void in

delete cookie

self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.cookie='access_token=';domain='your domain';") { (data, error) -> Void in

Python dictionary: Get list of values for list of keys

Try This:

mydict = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
mykeys = ['three', 'one','ten']
newList=[mydict[k] for k in mykeys if k in mydict]
print newList
[3, 1]

How to round a numpy array?

It is worth noting that the accepted answer will round small floats down to zero.

>>> import numpy as np 
>>> arr = np.asarray([2.92290007e+00, -1.57376965e-03, 4.82011728e-08, 1.92896977e-12])
>>> print(arr)
[ 2.92290007e+00 -1.57376965e-03  4.82011728e-08  1.92896977e-12]
>>> np.round(arr, 2)
array([ 2.92, -0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ]) 

You can use set_printoptions and a custom formatter to fix this and get a more numpy-esque printout with fewer decimal places:

>>> np.set_printoptions(formatter={'float': "{0:0.2e}".format})
>>> print(arr)
[2.92e+00 -1.57e-03 4.82e-08 1.93e-12]  

This way, you get the full versatility of format and maintain the full precision of numpy's datatypes.

Also note that this only affects printing, not the actual precision of the stored values used for computation.

Create table (structure) from existing table

try this.. the below one copy the entire structure of the existing table but not the data.

create table AT_QUOTE_CART as select * from QUOTE_CART where 0=1 ;

if you want to copy the data then use the below one:

create table AT_QUOTE_CART as select * from QUOTE_CART ;

Removing double quotes from variables in batch file creates problems with CMD environment

Spent a lot of time trying to do this in a simple way. After looking at FOR loop carefully, I realized I can do this with just one line of code:

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%Quoted%) DO SET Unquoted=%%I


SET Quoted="Test string"

FOR /F "delims=" %%I IN (%Quoted%) DO SET Unquoted=%%I

ECHO %Quoted%
ECHO %Unquoted%


"Test string"
Test string

How to configure Fiddler to listen to localhost?

Go to proxy settings in Firefox and choose "Use system proxy" but be sure to check if there is no exception for localhost in "no proxy for" field.

enter image description here enter image description here

Git: Pull from other remote

upstream in the github example is just the name they've chosen to refer to that repository. You may choose any that you like when using git remote add. Depending on what you select for this name, your git pull usage will change. For example, if you use:

git remote add upstream git://

then you would use this to pull changes:

git pull upstream master

But, if you choose origin for the name of the remote repo, your commands would be:

To name the remote repo in your local config: git remote add origin git://

And to pull: git pull origin master

Can I append an array to 'formdata' in javascript?

Writing as

var formData = new FormData;
var array = ['1', '2'];
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    formData.append('array_php_side[]', array[i]);

you can receive just as normal array post/get by php.

Could not find or load main class

First, put your file *.class (e.g Hello.class) into 1 folder (e.g C:\java). Then you try command and type cd /d C:\java. Now you can type "java Hello" !

How can I use pointers in Java?

Java reference types are not the same as C pointers as you can't have a pointer to a pointer in Java.

Local and global temporary tables in SQL Server

Local temporary tables: if you create local temporary tables and then open another connection and try the query , you will get the following error.

the temporary tables are only accessible within the session that created them.

Global temporary tables: Sometimes, you may want to create a temporary table that is accessible other connections. In this case, you can use global temporary tables.

Global temporary tables are only destroyed when all the sessions referring to it are closed.

Use of "this" keyword in C++

For the example case above, it is usually omitted, yes. However, either way is syntactically correct.

Professional jQuery based Combobox control?

A new fork of the sexy-combo project is now out which looks promising:

Python dictionary get multiple values

If you have pandas installed you can turn it into a series with the keys as the index. So something like

import pandas as pd

s = pd.Series(my_dict)

s[['key1', 'key3', 'key2']]

Constructors in Go

another way is;

package person

type Person struct {
    Name string
    Old  int

func New(name string, old int) *Person {
    // set only specific field value with field key
    return &Person{
        Name: name,

Syntax for creating a two-dimensional array in Java

You can create them just the way others have mentioned. One more point to add: You can even create a skewed two-dimensional array with each row, not necessarily having the same number of collumns, like this:

int array[][] = new int[3][];
array[0] = new int[3];
array[1] = new int[2];
array[2] = new int[5];

how to get the value of a textarea in jquery?

Value of textarea is also taken with val method:

var message = $('textarea#message').val();

How do I check if a given Python string is a substring of another one?

string.find("substring") will help you. This function returns -1 when there is no substring.

MongoDB/Mongoose querying at a specific date?

Yeah, Date object complects date and time, so comparing it with just date value does not work.

You can simply use the $where operator to express more complex condition with Javascript boolean expression :)

db.posts.find({ '$where': 'this.created_on.toJSON().slice(0, 10) == "2012-07-14"' })

created_on is the datetime field and 2012-07-14 is the specified date.

Date should be exactly in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Note: Use $where sparingly, it has performance implications.

Downloading a file from spring controllers

This code is working fine to download a file automatically from spring controller on clicking a link on jsp.

public void getLogFile(HttpSession session,HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    try {
        String filePathToBeServed = //complete file name with path;
        File fileToDownload = new File(filePathToBeServed);
        InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileToDownload);
        response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+fileName+".txt"); 
        IOUtils.copy(inputStream, response.getOutputStream());
    } catch (Exception e){
        LOGGER.debug("Request could not be completed at this moment. Please try again.");


select unique rows based on single distinct column

Quick one in TSQL

FROM emails a
  (SELECT email,
    MIN(id) as id
  FROM emails 
  GROUP BY email 
) AS b
  ON = 
  AND =;

How to view file history in Git?

Many Git history browsers, including git log (and 'git log --graph'), gitk (in Tcl/Tk, part of Git), QGit (in Qt), tig (text mode interface to git, using ncurses), Giggle (in GTK+), TortoiseGit and git-cheetah support path limiting (e.g. gitk path/to/file).

jQuery Ajax File Upload

In case you want to do it like that:

$.upload( form.action, new FormData( myForm))
.progress( function( progressEvent, upload) {
    if( progressEvent.lengthComputable) {
        var percent = Math.round( progressEvent.loaded * 100 / + '%';
        if( upload) {
            console.log( percent + ' uploaded');
        } else {
            console.log( percent + ' downloaded');
.done( function() {
    console.log( 'Finished upload');                    


might be your solution.

Mixed mode assembly is built against version ‘v2.0.50727' of the runtime

Please add attribute useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true" in your applications app.config file.

Old Value

    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/>

New Value

  <startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"/>

It will solve your problem.

How are POST and GET variables handled in Python?

They are stored in the CGI fieldstorage object.

import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()

print "The user entered %s" % form.getvalue("uservalue")

Is there a "not equal" operator in Python?

Use !=. See comparison operators. For comparing object identities, you can use the keyword is and its negation is not.


1 == 1 #  -> True
1 != 1 #  -> False
[] is [] #-> False (distinct objects)
a = b = []; a is b # -> True (same object)

Signed to unsigned conversion in C - is it always safe?

As was previously answered, you can cast back and forth between signed and unsigned without a problem. The border case for signed integers is -1 (0xFFFFFFFF). Try adding and subtracting from that and you'll find that you can cast back and have it be correct.

However, if you are going to be casting back and forth, I would strongly advise naming your variables such that it is clear what type they are, eg:

int iValue, iResult;
unsigned int uValue, uResult;

It is far too easy to get distracted by more important issues and forget which variable is what type if they are named without a hint. You don't want to cast to an unsigned and then use that as an array index.

Getting the difference between two Dates (months/days/hours/minutes/seconds) in Swift

I added a "long" version to Leo Dabus's asnwer in case you want to have a string that says something like "2 weeks ago" instead of just "2w"...

extension Date {
    /// Returns the amount of years from another date
    func years(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.year], from: date, to: self).year ?? 0
    /// Returns the amount of months from another date
    func months(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.month], from: date, to: self).month ?? 0
    /// Returns the amount of weeks from another date
    func weeks(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.weekOfYear], from: date, to: self).weekOfYear ?? 0
    /// Returns the amount of days from another date
    func days(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.day], from: date, to: self).day ?? 0
    /// Returns the amount of hours from another date
    func hours(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.hour], from: date, to: self).hour ?? 0
    /// Returns the amount of minutes from another date
    func minutes(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.minute], from: date, to: self).minute ?? 0
    /// Returns the amount of seconds from another date
    func seconds(from date: Date) -> Int {
        return Calendar.current.dateComponents([.second], from: date, to: self).second ?? 0
    /// Returns the a custom time interval description from another date
    func offset(from date: Date) -> String {
        if years(from: date)   > 0 { return "\(years(from: date))y"   }
        if months(from: date)  > 0 { return "\(months(from: date))M"  }
        if weeks(from: date)   > 0 { return "\(weeks(from: date))w"   }
        if days(from: date)    > 0 { return "\(days(from: date))d"    }
        if hours(from: date)   > 0 { return "\(hours(from: date))h"   }
        if minutes(from: date) > 0 { return "\(minutes(from: date))m" }
        if seconds(from: date) > 0 { return "\(seconds(from: date))s" }
        return ""

    func offsetLong(from date: Date) -> String {
        if years(from: date)   > 0 { return years(from: date) > 1 ? "\(years(from: date)) years ago" : "\(years(from: date)) year ago" }
        if months(from: date)  > 0 { return months(from: date) > 1 ? "\(months(from: date)) months ago" : "\(months(from: date)) month ago" }
        if weeks(from: date)   > 0 { return weeks(from: date) > 1 ? "\(weeks(from: date)) weeks ago" : "\(weeks(from: date)) week ago"   }
        if days(from: date)    > 0 { return days(from: date) > 1 ? "\(days(from: date)) days ago" : "\(days(from: date)) day ago" }
        if hours(from: date)   > 0 { return hours(from: date) > 1 ? "\(hours(from: date)) hours ago" : "\(hours(from: date)) hour ago"   }
        if minutes(from: date) > 0 { return minutes(from: date) > 1 ? "\(minutes(from: date)) minutes ago" : "\(minutes(from: date)) minute ago" }
        if seconds(from: date) > 0 { return seconds(from: date) > 1 ? "\(seconds(from: date)) seconds ago" : "\(seconds(from: date)) second ago" }
        return ""


differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The first case is telling the web server that you are posting JSON data as in:

{ Name : 'John Smith', Age: 23}

The second option is telling the web server that you will be encoding the parameters in the URL as in:


ESRI : Failed to parse source map

When I had this issue the cause was a relative reference to template files when using the ui.bootstrap.modal module.

templateUrl: 'js/templates/modal.html'

This works from a root domain ( but when a path is added ( the reference breaks. The answer in my case was simply to making the reference absolute (js/ -> /js/).

templateUrl: '/js/templates/modal.html'

How to restart a single container with docker-compose

Restart Service with docker-compose file

docker-compose -f [COMPOSE_FILE_NAME].yml restart [SERVICE_NAME]

Use Case #1: If the COMPOSE_FILE_NAME is docker-compose.yml and service is worker

docker-compose restart worker

Use Case #2: If the file name is sample.yml and service is worker

docker-compose -f sample.yml restart worker

By default docker-compose looks for the docker-compose.yml if we run the docker-compose command, else we have flag to give specific file name with -f [FILE_NAME].yml

What is the difference between Forking and Cloning on GitHub?

Another weird subtle difference on GitHub is that changes to forks are not counted in your activity log until your changes are pulled into the original repo. What's more, to change a fork into a proper clone, you have to contact Github support, apparently.

From Why are my contributions not showing up:

Commit was made in a fork

Commits made in a fork will not count toward your contributions. To make them count, you must do one of the following:

Open a pull request to have your changes merged into the parent repository. To detach the fork and turn it into a standalone repository on GitHub, contact GitHub Support. If the fork has forks of its own, let support know if the forks should move with your repository into a new network or remain in the current network. For more information, see "About forks."

PHP remove special character from string

You want str replace, because performance-wise it's much cheaper and still fits your needs!

$title = str_replace( array( '\'', '"', ',' , ';', '<', '>' ), ' ', $rawtitle);

(Unless this is all about security and sql injection, in that case, I'd rather to go with a POSITIVE list of ALLOWED characters... even better, stick with tested, proven routines.)

Btw, since the OP talked about title-setting: I wouldn't replace special chars with nothing, but with a space. A superficious space is less of a problem than two words glued together...

Converting Java objects to JSON with Jackson

You can use Google Gson like this

UserEntity user = new UserEntity();

Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonStr = gson.toJson(user);

Run script with rc.local: script works, but not at boot

rc.local only runs on startup. If you reboot and want the script to execute, it needs to go into the rc.0 file starting with the K99 prefix.

How do I check if a PowerShell module is installed?

When I use a non-default modules in my scripts I call the function below. Beside the module name you can provide a minimum version.

# See for module and version info
Function Install-ModuleIfNotInstalled(
    [string] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $moduleName,
    [string] $minimalVersion
) {
    $module = Get-Module -Name $moduleName -ListAvailable |`
        Where-Object { $null -eq $minimalVersion -or $minimalVersion -ge $_.Version } |`
        Select-Object -Last 1
    if ($null -ne $module) {
         Write-Verbose ('Module {0} (v{1}) is available.' -f $moduleName, $module.Version)
    else {
        Import-Module -Name 'PowershellGet'
        $installedModule = Get-InstalledModule -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($null -ne $installedModule) {
            Write-Verbose ('Module [{0}] (v {1}) is installed.' -f $moduleName, $installedModule.Version)
        if ($null -eq $installedModule -or ($null -ne $minimalVersion -and $installedModule.Version -lt $minimalVersion)) {
            Write-Verbose ('Module {0} min.vers {1}: not installed; check if nuget v2.8.5.201 or later is installed.' -f $moduleName, $minimalVersion)
            #First check if package provider NuGet is installed. Incase an older version is installed the required version is installed explicitly
            if ((Get-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force).Version -lt '') {
                Write-Warning ('Module {0} min.vers {1}: Install nuget!' -f $moduleName, $minimalVersion)
                Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Scope CurrentUser -Force
            $optionalArgs = New-Object -TypeName Hashtable
            if ($null -ne $minimalVersion) {
                $optionalArgs['RequiredVersion'] = $minimalVersion
            Write-Warning ('Install module {0} (version [{1}]) within scope of the current user.' -f $moduleName, $minimalVersion)
            Install-Module -Name $moduleName @optionalArgs -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Verbose

usage example:

Install-ModuleIfNotInstalled 'CosmosDB' ''

Please let me known if it's usefull (or not)

Creating a search form in PHP to search a database?

Are you sure, that specified database and table exists? Did you try to look at your database using any database client? For example command-line MySQL client bundled with MySQL server. Or if you a developer newbie, there are dozens of a GUI and web interface clients (HeidiSQL, MySQL Workbench, phpMyAdmin and many more). So first check, if your table creation script was successful and had created what it have to.

BTW why do you have a script for creating the database structure? It's usualy a nonrecurring operation, so write the script to do this is unneeded. It's useful only in case of need of repeatedly creating and manipulating the database structure on the fly.

Custom HTTP headers : naming conventions

The format for HTTP headers is defined in the HTTP specification. I'm going to talk about HTTP 1.1, for which the specification is RFC 2616. In section 4.2, 'Message Headers', the general structure of a header is defined:

   message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
   field-name     = token
   field-value    = *( field-content | LWS )
   field-content  = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
                    and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
                    of token, separators, and quoted-string>

This definition rests on two main pillars, token and TEXT. Both are defined in section 2.2, 'Basic Rules'. Token is:

   token          = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>

In turn resting on CHAR, CTL and separators:

   CHAR           = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)>

   CTL            = <any US-ASCII control character
                    (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>

   separators     = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@"
                  | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <">
                  | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "="
                  | "{" | "}" | SP | HT

TEXT is:

   TEXT           = <any OCTET except CTLs,
                    but including LWS>

Where LWS is linear white space, whose definition i won't reproduce, and OCTET is:

   OCTET          = <any 8-bit sequence of data>

There is a note accompanying the definition:

The TEXT rule is only used for descriptive field contents and values
that are not intended to be interpreted by the message parser. Words
of *TEXT MAY contain characters from character sets other than ISO-
8859-1 [22] only when encoded according to the rules of RFC 2047

So, two conclusions. Firstly, it's clear that the header name must be composed from a subset of ASCII characters - alphanumerics, some punctuation, not a lot else. Secondly, there is nothing in the definition of a header value that restricts it to ASCII or excludes 8-bit characters: it's explicitly composed of octets, with only control characters barred (note that CR and LF are considered controls). Furthermore, the comment on the TEXT production implies that the octets are to be interpreted as being in ISO-8859-1, and that there is an encoding mechanism (which is horrible, incidentally) for representing characters outside that encoding.

So, to respond to @BalusC in particular, it's quite clear that according to the specification, header values are in ISO-8859-1. I've sent high-8859-1 characters (specifically, some accented vowels as used in French) in a header out of Tomcat, and had them interpreted correctly by Firefox, so to some extent, this works in practice as well as in theory (although this was a Location header, which contains a URL, and these characters are not legal in URLs, so this was actually illegal, but under a different rule!).

That said, i wouldn't rely on ISO-8859-1 working across all servers, proxies, and clients, so i would stick to ASCII as a matter of defensive programming.

Post form data using HttpWebRequest

You are encoding the form incorrectly. You should only encode the values:

StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
postData.Append("username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(uname) + "&");
postData.Append("password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(pword) + "&");
postData.Append("url_success=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(urlSuccess) + "&");
postData.Append("url_failed=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(urlFailed));


I was incorrect. According to RFC1866 section 8.2.1 both names and values should be encoded.

But for the given example, the names do not have any characters that needs to be encoded, so in this case my code example is correct ;)

The code in the question is still incorrect as it would encode the equal sign which is the reason to why the web server cannot decode it.

A more proper way would have been:

StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder();
postData.AppendUrlEncoded("username", uname);
postData.AppendUrlEncoded("password", pword);
postData.AppendUrlEncoded("url_success", urlSuccess);
postData.AppendUrlEncoded("url_failed", urlFailed);

//in an extension class
public static void AppendUrlEncoded(this StringBuilder sb, string name, string value)
    if (sb.Length != 0)

Ways to implement data versioning in MongoDB

If you're looking for a ready-to-roll solution -

Mongoid has built in simple versioning

mongoid-history is a Ruby plugin that provides a significantly more complicated solution with auditing, undo and redo

Why do package names often begin with "com"

Wikipedia, of all places, actually discusses this.

The idea is to make sure all package names are unique world-wide, by having authors use a variant of a DNS name they own to name the package. For example, the owners of the domain name created a number of packages whose names begin with org.joda, for example:

  • org.joda.time
  • org.joda.time.base
  • org.joda.time.chrono
  • org.joda.time.convert
  • org.joda.time.field
  • org.joda.time.format

Set transparent background of an imageview on Android

In case you want it in code, just:


How to write one new line in Bitbucket markdown?

It's now possible to add a forced line break
with two blank spaces at the end of the line:


will be formatted as:


iOS: Convert UTC NSDate to local Timezone

Here input is a string currentUTCTime (in format 08/30/2012 11:11) converts input time in GMT to system set zone time

//UTC time
NSDateFormatter *utcDateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[utcDateFormatter setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"];
[utcDateFormatter setTimeZone :[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: 0]];

// utc format
NSDate *dateInUTC = [utcDateFormatter dateFromString: currentUTCTime];

// offset second
NSInteger seconds = [[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone] secondsFromGMT];

// format it and send
NSDateFormatter *localDateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
[localDateFormatter setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"];
[localDateFormatter setTimeZone :[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT: seconds]];

// formatted string
NSString *localDate = [localDateFormatter stringFromDate: dateInUTC];
return localDate;

Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type

I had the similar issue using Flurl.Http:

Flurl.Http.FlurlHttpException: Call failed. Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type. GET http://******:8301/api/v1/agents/**** ---> System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.

The problem was I used .WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") when creating IFlurlRequest.

In Perl, how can I concisely check if a $variable is defined and contains a non zero length string?

First, since length always returns a non-negative number,

if ( length $name )


if ( length $name > 0 )

are equivalent.

If you are OK with replacing an undefined value with an empty string, you can use Perl 5.10's //= operator which assigns the RHS to the LHS unless the LHS is defined:


use feature qw( say );
use strict; use warnings;

my $name;

say 'nonempty' if length($name //= '');
say "'$name'";

Note the absence of warnings about an uninitialized variable as $name is assigned the empty string if it is undefined.

However, if you do not want to depend on 5.10 being installed, use the functions provided by Scalar::MoreUtils. For example, the above can be written as:


use strict; use warnings;

use Scalar::MoreUtils qw( define );

my $name;

print "nonempty\n" if length($name = define $name);
print "'$name'\n";

If you don't want to clobber $name, use default.

How to cast/convert pointer to reference in C++

Call it like this:


Note that there is no casting going on here, as suggested in your question title. All we have done is de-referenced the pointer to the object which we then pass to the function.

Give all permissions to a user on a PostgreSQL database


How to declare a Fixed length Array in TypeScript

Actually, You can achieve this with current typescript:

type Grow<T, A extends Array<T>> = ((x: T, ...xs: A) => void) extends ((...a: infer X) => void) ? X : never;
type GrowToSize<T, A extends Array<T>, N extends number> = { 0: A, 1: GrowToSize<T, Grow<T, A>, N> }[A['length'] extends N ? 0 : 1];

export type FixedArray<T, N extends number> = GrowToSize<T, [], N>;


// OK
const fixedArr3: FixedArray<string, 3> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// Error:
// Type '[string, string, string]' is not assignable to type '[string, string]'.
//   Types of property 'length' are incompatible.
//     Type '3' is not assignable to type '2'.ts(2322)
const fixedArr2: FixedArray<string, 2> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

// Error:
// Property '3' is missing in type '[string, string, string]' but required in type 
// '[string, string, string, string]'.ts(2741)
const fixedArr4: FixedArray<string, 4> = ['a', 'b', 'c'];

EDIT (after a long time)

This should handle bigger sizes (as basically it grows array exponentially until we get to closest power of two):

type Shift<A extends Array<any>> = ((...args: A) => void) extends ((...args: [A[0], ...infer R]) => void) ? R : never;

type GrowExpRev<A extends Array<any>, N extends number, P extends Array<Array<any>>> = A['length'] extends N ? A : {
  0: GrowExpRev<[...A, ...P[0]], N, P>,
  1: GrowExpRev<A, N, Shift<P>>
}[[...A, ...P[0]][N] extends undefined ? 0 : 1];

type GrowExp<A extends Array<any>, N extends number, P extends Array<Array<any>>> = A['length'] extends N ? A : {
  0: GrowExp<[...A, ...A], N, [A, ...P]>,
  1: GrowExpRev<A, N, P>
}[[...A, ...A][N] extends undefined ? 0 : 1];

export type FixedSizeArray<T, N extends number> = N extends 0 ? [] : N extends 1 ? [T] : GrowExp<[T, T], N, [[T]]>;

Is it safe to delete the "InetPub" folder?

it is safe to delete the inetpub it is only a cache.

How to create .ipa file using Xcode?

Archive process (using Xcode 8.3.2)

Note : If you are using creating IPA using drag-and-drop process using iTunes Mac app then this is no longer applicable for iTunes 12.7 since there is no built-in App store in iTunes 12.7.

  1. Select ‘Generic iOS Device’ on device list in Xcode

Step 1

  1. Clean the project (cmd + shift + k as shortcut)

Step 2

  1. Go to Product -> Archive your project

Step 3

  1. Once archive is succeeded this will open a window with archived project

  2. You can validate your archive by pressing Validate (optional step but recommended)

  3. Now press on Export button

Step 4 5 6

  1. This will open list of method for export. Select the export method as per your requirement and click on Next button.

Step 7

  1. This will show list of team for provisioning. Select accordingly and press on ‘Choose’ button.

Step 8

  1. Now you’ve to select Device support -> Export one app for all compatible devices (recommended). If you want IPA for specific device then select the device variant from list and press on ‘Next’ button.

Step 9

  1. Now you’ll be able to see the ‘Summary’ and then press on ‘Next’ button

Step 10

  1. Thereafter IPA file generation beings and later you’ll be able to export the IPA as [App Name - Date Time] and then press on ‘Done’.

Step 11

Tomcat 8 throwing - org.apache.catalina.webresources.Cache.getResource Unable to add the resource

You have more static resources that the cache has room for. You can do one of the following:

  • Increase the size of the cache
  • Decrease the TTL for the cache
  • Disable caching

For more details see the documentation for these configuration options.

How do I specify different Layouts in the ASP.NET MVC 3 razor ViewStart file?

You could put a _ViewStart.cshtml file inside the /Views/Public folder which would override the default one in the /Views folder and specify the desired layout:

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_PublicLayout.cshtml";

By analogy you could put another _ViewStart.cshtml file inside the /Views/Staff folder with:

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_StaffLayout.cshtml";

You could also specify which layout should be used when returning a view inside a controller action but that's per action:

return View("Index", "~/Views/Shared/_StaffLayout.cshtml", someViewModel);

Yet another possibility is a custom action filter which would override the layout. As you can see many possibilities to achieve this. Up to you to choose which one fits best in your scenario.


As requested in the comments section here's an example of an action filter which would choose a master page:

public class LayoutInjecterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    private readonly string _masterName;
    public LayoutInjecterAttribute(string masterName)
        _masterName = masterName;

    public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
        var result = filterContext.Result as ViewResult;
        if (result != null)
            result.MasterName = _masterName;

and then decorate a controller or an action with this custom attribute specifying the layout you want:

public ActionResult Index()
    return View();

How to create module-wide variables in Python?

Here is what is going on.

First, the only global variables Python really has are module-scoped variables. You cannot make a variable that is truly global; all you can do is make a variable in a particular scope. (If you make a variable inside the Python interpreter, and then import other modules, your variable is in the outermost scope and thus global within your Python session.)

All you have to do to make a module-global variable is just assign to a name.

Imagine a file called, containing this single line:

X = 1

Now imagine you import it.

import foo
print(foo.X)  # prints 1

However, let's suppose you want to use one of your module-scope variables as a global inside a function, as in your example. Python's default is to assume that function variables are local. You simply add a global declaration in your function, before you try to use the global.

def initDB(name):
    global __DBNAME__  # add this line!
    if __DBNAME__ is None: # see notes below; explicit test for None
        __DBNAME__ = name
        raise RuntimeError("Database name has already been set.")

By the way, for this example, the simple if not __DBNAME__ test is adequate, because any string value other than an empty string will evaluate true, so any actual database name will evaluate true. But for variables that might contain a number value that might be 0, you can't just say if not variablename; in that case, you should explicitly test for None using the is operator. I modified the example to add an explicit None test. The explicit test for None is never wrong, so I default to using it.

Finally, as others have noted on this page, two leading underscores signals to Python that you want the variable to be "private" to the module. If you ever do an import * from mymodule, Python will not import names with two leading underscores into your name space. But if you just do a simple import mymodule and then say dir(mymodule) you will see the "private" variables in the list, and if you explicitly refer to mymodule.__DBNAME__ Python won't care, it will just let you refer to it. The double leading underscores are a major clue to users of your module that you don't want them rebinding that name to some value of their own.

It is considered best practice in Python not to do import *, but to minimize the coupling and maximize explicitness by either using mymodule.something or by explicitly doing an import like from mymodule import something.

EDIT: If, for some reason, you need to do something like this in a very old version of Python that doesn't have the global keyword, there is an easy workaround. Instead of setting a module global variable directly, use a mutable type at the module global level, and store your values inside it.

In your functions, the global variable name will be read-only; you won't be able to rebind the actual global variable name. (If you assign to that variable name inside your function it will only affect the local variable name inside the function.) But you can use that local variable name to access the actual global object, and store data inside it.

You can use a list but your code will be ugly:

__DBNAME__ = [None] # use length-1 list as a mutable

# later, in code:  
if __DBNAME__[0] is None:
    __DBNAME__[0] = name

A dict is better. But the most convenient is a class instance, and you can just use a trivial class:

class Box:

__m = Box()  # m will contain all module-level values
__m.dbname = None  # database name global in module

# later, in code:
if __m.dbname is None:
    __m.dbname = name

(You don't really need to capitalize the database name variable.)

I like the syntactic sugar of just using __m.dbname rather than __m["DBNAME"]; it seems the most convenient solution in my opinion. But the dict solution works fine also.

With a dict you can use any hashable value as a key, but when you are happy with names that are valid identifiers, you can use a trivial class like Box in the above.

Using a SELECT statement within a WHERE clause

It's not bad practice at all. They are usually referred as SUBQUERY, SUBSELECT or NESTED QUERY.

It's a relatively expensive operation, but it's quite common to encounter a lot of subqueries when dealing with databases since it's the only way to perform certain kind of operations on data.

Fetch: POST json data

I think your issue is jsfiddle can process form-urlencoded request only.

But correct way to make json request is pass correct json as a body:

fetch('', {_x000D_
  method: 'post',_x000D_
  headers: {_x000D_
    'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*',_x000D_
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'_x000D_
  body: JSON.stringify({a: 7, str: 'Some string: &=&'})_x000D_
  .then(res => console.log(res));

How to use a typescript enum value in an Angular2 ngSwitch statement

If using the 'typetable reference' approach (from @Carl G) and you're using multiple type tables you might want to consider this way :

export default class AppComponent {

  // Store a reference to the enums (must be public for --AOT to work)
  public TT = { 
       CellType: CellType, 
       CatType: CatType, 
       DogType: DogType 


  dog = DogType.GoldenRetriever; 

Then access in your html file with

{{ TT.DogType[dog] }}   => "GoldenRetriever"

I favor this approach as it makes it clear you're referring to a typetable, and also avoids unnecessary pollution of your component file.

You can also put a global TT somewhere and add enums to it as needed (if you want this you may as well make a service as shown by @VincentSels answer). If you have many many typetables this may become cumbersome.

Also you always rename them in your declaration to get a shorter name.

Make REST API call in Swift

swift 4

USE ALAMOFIRE in our App plz install pod file

pod 'Alamofire', '~> 4.0'

We can Use API for Json Data -

Then We can create A networking class for Our project- networkingService.swift

import Foundation
import Alamofire
typealias JSON = [String:Any]
class networkingService{
     static let shared = networkingService()
    private init() {}
    func getPeople(success successblock: @escaping (GetPeopleResponse) -> Void)
    Alamofire.request("").responseJSON { response in
        guard let json = response.result.value as? JSON else {return}
       // print(json)
        do {
                let getPeopleResponse = try GetPeopleResponse(json: json)
    func getHomeWorld(homeWorldLink:String,completion: @escaping(String) ->Void){
        Alamofire.request(homeWorldLink).responseJSON {(response) in
            guard let json = response.result.value as? JSON,
            let name = json["name"] as? String

Then Create NetworkingError.swift class

import Foundation
enum networkingError : Error{
    case badNetworkigStuff


Then create Person.swift class

import Foundation
struct Person {
    private let homeWorldLink : String
    let birthyear : String
    let gender : String
    let haircolor : String
    let eyecolor : String
    let height : String
    let mass : String
    let name : String
    let skincolor : String
    init?(json : JSON) {
        guard let birthyear = json["birth_year"] as? String,
        let eyecolor = json["eye_color"] as? String,
        let gender = json["gender"] as? String,
        let haircolor = json["hair_color"] as? String,
        let height = json["height"] as? String,
        let homeWorldLink = json["homeworld"] as? String,
        let mass = json["mass"] as? String,
        let name = json["name"] as? String,
        let skincolor = json["skin_color"] as? String
        else { return nil }
        self.homeWorldLink = homeWorldLink
        self.birthyear = birthyear
        self.gender = gender
        self.haircolor = haircolor
        self.eyecolor = eyecolor
        self.height = height
        self.mass = mass = name
        self.skincolor = skincolor
    func homeWorld(_ completion: @escaping (String) -> Void)  {
        networkingService.shared.getHomeWorld(homeWorldLink: homeWorldLink){ (homeWorld) in

Then create DetailVC.swift

import UIKit
class DetailVC: UIViewController {
    var person :Person!
    @IBOutlet var name: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var birthyear: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var homeworld: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var eyeColor: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var skinColor: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var gender: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var hairColor: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var mass: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet var height: UILabel!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        name.text =
        birthyear.text = person.birthyear
        eyeColor.text = person.eyecolor
        gender.text = person.gender
        hairColor.text = person.haircolor
        mass.text = person.mass
        height.text = person.height
        skinColor.text = person.skincolor
        person.homeWorld{(homeWorld) in
            self.homeworld.text = homeWorld

Then Create GetPeopleResponse.swift class

import Foundation
struct GetPeopleResponse {
    let people : [Person]
    init(json :JSON) throws {
        guard let results = json["results"] as? [JSON] else { throw networkingError.badNetworkigStuff}
        let people ={Person(json: $0)}.flatMap{ $0 }
        self.people = people

Then Our View controller class

import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet var tableVieww: UITableView!
    var people = [Person]()

    @IBAction func getAction(_ sender: Any)
        networkingService.shared.getPeople{ response in
            self.people = response.people
    override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?)
        guard segue.identifier == "peopleToDetails",
        let detailVC = segue.destination as? DetailVC,
        let person = sender as AnyObject as? Person
        else {return}
        detailVC.person = person
    extension ViewController:UITableViewDataSource{
        func numberOfSections(in tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
            return 1
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
            return people.count
        func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
         let cell = UITableViewCell()
            cell.textLabel?.text = people[indexPath.row].name

            return cell

extension ViewController:UITableViewDelegate{
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        performSegue(withIdentifier: "peopleToDetails", sender: people[indexPath.row])

In our StoryBoard

plz Connect with our View with another one using segue with identifier -peopleToDetails

  • Use UITableView In our First View

  • Use UIButton For get the Data

  • Use 9 Labels in our DetailVc

How can I decrypt MySQL passwords

With luck, if the original developer was any good, you will not be able to get the plain text out. I say "luck" otherwise you probably have an insecure system.

For the admin passwords, as you have the code, you should be able to create hashed passwords from a known plain text such that you can take control of the application. Follow the algorithm used by the original developer.

If they were not salted and hashed, then make sure you do apply this as 'best practice'

Ignore python multiple return value

If this is a function that you use all the time but always discard the second argument, I would argue that it is less messy to create an alias for the function without the second return value using lambda.

def func():
    return 1, 2

func_ = lambda: func()[0] 

func_()  # Prints 1 

Python Socket Multiple Clients

import sys
import os
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)         
port = 50000

    s.bind((socket.gethostname() , port))
except socket.error as msg:
conn, addr = s.accept()  
print 'Got connection from'+addr[0]+':'+str(addr[1]))
while 1:
        msg = s.recv(1024)
        print +addr[0]+, ' >> ', msg
        msg = raw_input('SERVER >>'),host

How to execute UNION without sorting? (SQL)

"UNION also sort the final output" - only as an implementation artifact. It is by no means guaranteed to perform the sort, and if you need a particular sort order, you should specify it with an ORDER BY clause. Otherwise, the output order is whatever is most convenient for the server to provide.

As such, your request for a function that performs a UNION ALL but that removes duplicates is easy - it's called UNION.

From your clarification, you also appear to believe that a UNION ALL will return all of the results from the first query before the results of the subsequent queries. This is also not guaranteed. Again, the only way to achieve a particular order is to specify it using an ORDER BY clause.

How can I change IIS Express port for a site

If we are talking about a WebSite, not web app, my issue was that the actual .sln folder was somewhere else than the website, and I had not noticed. Look for the .sln path and then for the .vs (hidden) folder there.

Unable to run Java code with Intellij IDEA

My classes contained a main() method yet I was unable to see the Run option. That option was enabled once I marked a folder containing my class files as a source folder:

  1. Right click the folder containing your source
  2. Select Mark Directory as → Test Source Root

Some of the classes in my folder don't have a main() method, but I still see a Run option for those.

How to replace a substring of a string

Note that backslashes (\) and dollar signs ($) in the replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it were being treated as a literal replacement string; see Matcher.replaceAll. Use Matcher.quoteReplacement(java.lang.String) to suppress the special meaning of these characters, if desired.

from javadoc.

Database Diagram Support Objects cannot be Installed ... no valid owner

Only need to execute it in query editor ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::YourDatabase TO [domain\account];

RestClientException: Could not extract response. no suitable HttpMessageConverter found

Please add the shared dependency having jackson databind package . Hope this will clear the issue.


VBA check if file exists

For checking existence one can also use (works for both, files and folders):

Not Dir(DirFile, vbDirectory) = vbNullString

The result is True if a file or a directory exists.


If Not Dir("C:\Temp\test.xlsx", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then
    MsgBox "exists"
    MsgBox "does not exist"
End If

C# List of objects, how do I get the sum of a property

And if you need to do it on items that match a specific condition...

double total = myList.Where(item => item.Name == "Eggs").Sum(item => item.Amount);

Floating elements within a div, floats outside of div. Why?

As Lucas says, what you are describing is the intended behaviour for the float property. What confuses many people is that float has been pushed well beyond its original intended usage in order to make up for shortcomings in the CSS layout model.

Have a look at Floatutorial if you'd like to get a better understanding of how this property works.

Calculating Covariance with Python and Numpy

When a and b are 1-dimensional sequences, numpy.cov(a,b)[0][1] is equivalent to your cov(a,b).

The 2x2 array returned by np.cov(a,b) has elements equal to

cov(a,a)  cov(a,b)

cov(a,b)  cov(b,b)

(where, again, cov is the function you defined above.)

Hibernate table not mapped error in HQL query

hibernate3.HibernateQueryException: Books is not mapped [SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Books];

Hibernate is trying to say that it does not know an entity named "Books". Let's look at your entity:

@javax.persistence.Table(name = "Books")
public class Book {

Right. The table name for Book has been renamed to "Books" but the entity name is still "Book" from the class name. If you want to set the entity name, you should use the @Entity annotation's name instead:

// this allows you to use the entity Books in HQL queries
@javax.persistence.Entity(name = "Books")
public class Book {

That sets both the entity name and the table name.

The opposite problem happened to me when I was migrating from the Person.hbm.xml file to using the Java annotations to describe the hibernate fields. My old XML file had:

<hibernate-mapping package="...">
    <class name="Person" table="persons" lazy="true">

And my new entity had a @Entity(name=...) which I needed to set the name of the table.

// this renames the entity and sets the table name
@javax.persistence.Entity(name = "persons")
public class Person {

What I then was seeing was HQL errors like:

QuerySyntaxException: Person is not mapped
     [SELECT id FROM Person WHERE id in (:ids)]

The problem with this was that the entity name was being renamed to persons as well. I should have set the table name using:

// no name = here so the entity can be used as Person
// table name specified here
@javax.persistence.Table(name = "persons")
public class Person extends BaseGeneratedId {

Hope this helps others.

cocoapods - 'pod install' takes forever

you can run

pod install --verbose 

to see what's going on behind the scenes.. at least you'll know where it's stuck at (it could be a git clone operation that's taking too long because of your slow network etc)

to have an even better idea of why it seems to be stuck (running verbose can get you something like this

-> Installing Typhoon (2.2.1)
 > GitHub download
 > Creating cache git repo (~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/0363445acc1ed036ea1f162b4d8d143134f53b92)
 > Cloning to Pods folder
       $ /usr/bin/git clone ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/0363445acc1ed036ea1f162b4d8d143134f53b92 --mirror
       Cloning into bare repository '~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods/GitHub/0363445acc1ed036ea1f162b4d8d143134f53b92'...

is to find out the size of the git repo you're cloning.. if you're cloning from github.. you can use this format:


so, for example, to find out about the above repo type

and the returned JSON will have a size key, value. so the above returned

"size": 94014,

which is approx 90mb. no wonder it's taking forever! (btw.. by the time I wrote this.. it just finished.. ha!)

update: one common thing that cocoa pods do before it even starts downloading the dependencies listed in your podfile, is to download/update its own repo (they call it Setting up Cocoapods Master repo.. look at this:

pod install --verbose

Analyzing dependencies

Updating spec repositories
  $ /usr/bin/git rev-parse  >/dev/null 2>&1
  $ /usr/bin/git ls-remote
  09b0e7431ab82063d467296904a85d72ed40cd73  HEAD

the bad news is that if you follow the above procedure to find out how big the cocoa pod repo is.. you'll get this: "size": 614373,.. which is a lot.

so to get a more accurate way of knowing how long it takes to just install your own repo.. you can set up the cocoa pods master repo separately by using pod setup:

$ pod help setup

$ pod setup

  Creates a directory at `~/.cocoapods/repos` which will hold your spec-repos.
  This is where it will create a clone of the public `master` spec-repo from:

  If the clone already exists, it will ensure that it is up-to-date.

then running pod install

How to read numbers separated by space using scanf

It should be as simple as using a list of receiving variables:

scanf("%i %i %i", &var1, &var2, &var3);

Swing/Java: How to use the getText and setText string properly

in your action performed method, call:


This way, when the button is clicked, label will be updated to the nameField text.

How can I split a string into segments of n characters?

Building on the previous answers to this question; the following function will split a string (str) n-number (size) of characters.

function chunk(str, size) {
    return str.match(new RegExp('.{1,' + size + '}', 'g'));


(function() {_x000D_
  function chunk(str, size) {_x000D_
    return str.match(new RegExp('.{1,' + size + '}', 'g'));_x000D_
  var str = 'HELLO WORLD';_x000D_
  println('Simple binary representation:');_x000D_
  println(chunk(textToBin(str), 8).join('\n'));_x000D_
  println('\nNow for something crazy:');_x000D_
  println(chunk(textToHex(str, 4), 8).map(function(h) { return '0x' + h }).join('  '));_x000D_
  // Utiliy functions, you can ignore these._x000D_
  function textToBin(text) { return textToBase(text, 2, 8); }_x000D_
  function textToHex(t, w) { return pad(textToBase(t,16,2), roundUp(t.length, w)*2, '00'); }_x000D_
  function pad(val, len, chr) { return (repeat(chr, len) + val).slice(-len); }_x000D_
  function print(text) { document.getElementById('out').innerHTML += (text || ''); }_x000D_
  function println(text) { print((text || '') + '\n'); }_x000D_
  function repeat(chr, n) { return new Array(n + 1).join(chr); }_x000D_
  function textToBase(text, radix, n) {_x000D_
    return text.split('').reduce(function(result, chr) {_x000D_
      return result + pad(chr.charCodeAt(0).toString(radix), n, '0');_x000D_
    }, '');_x000D_
  function roundUp(numToRound, multiple) { _x000D_
    if (multiple === 0) return numToRound;_x000D_
    var remainder = numToRound % multiple;_x000D_
    return remainder === 0 ? numToRound : numToRound + multiple - remainder;_x000D_
#out {_x000D_
  white-space: pre;_x000D_
  font-size: 0.8em;_x000D_
<div id="out"></div>

How to make Java honor the DNS Caching Timeout?

This has obviously been fixed in newer releases (SE 6 and 7). I experience a 30 second caching time max when running the following code snippet while watching port 53 activity using tcpdump.

 * Result: Java 6 distributed with Ubuntu 12.04 and Java 7 u15 downloaded from Oracle have
 * an expiry time for dns lookups of approx. 30 seconds.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;


public class Test {
    final static String hostname = "";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // only required for Java SE 5 and lower:
        //Security.setProperty("networkaddress.cache.ttl", "30");


        while(true) {
            int i = 0;
            try {
                InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
                System.out.println(new Date());
                inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(hostname);
                displayStuff(hostname, inetAddress);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
            try {
            } catch(Exception ex) {}

    public static void displayStuff(String whichHost, InetAddress inetAddress) {
        System.out.println("Which Host:" + whichHost);
        System.out.println("Canonical Host Name:" + inetAddress.getCanonicalHostName());
        System.out.println("Host Name:" + inetAddress.getHostName());
        System.out.println("Host Address:" + inetAddress.getHostAddress());

    public static void makeRequest() {
        try {
            URL url = new URL("http://"+hostname+"/");
            URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
            InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
            InputStreamReader ird = new InputStreamReader(is);
            BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(ird);
            String res;
            while((res = rd.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch(Exception ex) {

How to make CSS width to fill parent?

box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
padding: 5px;

box-sizing: border box; makes it so that padding, margin and border are included in the width calculations.


Why are you not able to declare a class as static in Java?

I think this is possible as easy as drink a glass of coffee!. Just take a look at this. We do not use static keyword explicitly while defining class.

public class StaticClass {

    static private int me = 3;
    public static void printHelloWorld() {
       System.out.println("Hello World");

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Is not that a definition of static class? We just use a function binded to just a class. Be careful that in this case we can use another class in that nested. Look at this:

class StaticClass1 {

    public static int yum = 4;

    static void  printHowAreYou() {
        System.out.println("How are you?");

public class StaticClass {

    static int me = 3; 
    public static void printHelloWorld() {
       System.out.println("Hello World");

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Does Python have an argc argument?

I often use a quick-n-dirty trick to read a fixed number of arguments from the command-line:

[filename] = sys.argv[1:]

in_file = open(filename)   # Don't need the "r"

This will assign the one argument to filename and raise an exception if there isn't exactly one argument.

How to get the number of characters in a string

You can try RuneCountInString from the utf8 package.

returns the number of runes in p

that, as illustrated in this script: the length of "World" might be 6 (when written in Chinese: "??"), but its rune count is 2:

package main
import "fmt"
import "unicode/utf8"
func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, ??", len("??"), utf8.RuneCountInString("??"))

Phrozen adds in the comments:

Actually you can do len() over runes by just type casting.
len([]rune("??")) will print 2. At leats in Go 1.3.

And with CL 108985 (May 2018, for Go 1.11), len([]rune(string)) is now optimized. (Fixes issue 24923)

The compiler detects len([]rune(string)) pattern automatically, and replaces it with for r := range s call.

Adds a new runtime function to count runes in a string. Modifies the compiler to detect the pattern len([]rune(string)) and replaces it with the new rune counting runtime function.

RuneCount/lenruneslice/ASCII        27.8ns ± 2%  14.5ns ± 3%  -47.70%
RuneCount/lenruneslice/Japanese     126ns ± 2%   60  ns ± 2%  -52.03%
RuneCount/lenruneslice/MixedLength  104ns ± 2%   50  ns ± 1%  -51.71%

Stefan Steiger points to the blog post "Text normalization in Go"

What is a character?

As was mentioned in the strings blog post, characters can span multiple runes.
For example, an 'e' and '?´?´' (acute "\u0301") can combine to form 'é' ("e\u0301" in NFD). Together these two runes are one character.

The definition of a character may vary depending on the application.
For normalization we will define it as:

  • a sequence of runes that starts with a starter,
  • a rune that does not modify or combine backwards with any other rune,
  • followed by possibly empty sequence of non-starters, that is, runes that do (typically accents).

The normalization algorithm processes one character at at time.

Using that package and its Iter type, the actual number of "character" would be:

package main
import "fmt"
import ""
func main() {
    var ia norm.Iter
    ia.InitString(norm.NFKD, "école")
    nc := 0
    for !ia.Done() {
        nc = nc + 1
    fmt.Printf("Number of chars: %d\n", nc)

Here, this uses the Unicode Normalization form NFKD "Compatibility Decomposition"

Oliver's answer points to UNICODE TEXT SEGMENTATION as the only way to reliably determining default boundaries between certain significant text elements: user-perceived characters, words, and sentences.

For that, you need an external library like rivo/uniseg, which does Unicode Text Segmentation.

That will actually count "grapheme cluster", where multiple code points may be combined into one user-perceived character.

package uniseg
import (
func main() {
    gr := uniseg.NewGraphemes("!")
    for gr.Next() {
        fmt.Printf("%x ", gr.Runes())
    // Output: [1f44d 1f3fc] [21]

Two graphemes, even though there are three runes (Unicode code points).

You can see other examples in "How to manipulate strings in GO to reverse them?"

? alone is one grapheme, but, from unicode to code points converter, 4 runes:

How can I count the number of children?

What if you are using this to determine the current selector to find its children so this holds: <ol> then there is <li>s under how to write a selector var count = $(this+"> li").length; wont work..

c# why can't a nullable int be assigned null as a value

Another option is to use

int? accom = (accomStr == "noval" ? Convert.DBNull : Convert.ToInt32(accomStr); 

I like this one most.

adb is not recognized as internal or external command on windows

You have two ways:

First go to the particular path of Android SDK:

1) Open your command prompt and traverse to the platform-tools directory through it such as

$ cd Frameworks\Android-Sdk\platform-tools

2) Run your adb commands now such as to know that your adb is working properly :

$ adb devices OR adb logcat OR simply adb

Second way is :

1) Right click on your My Computer.

2) Open Environment variables.

3) Add new variable to your System PATH variable(Add if not exist otherwise no need to add new variable if already exist).

4) Add path of platform-tools directory to as value of this variable such as C:\Program Files\android-sdk\platform-tools.

5) Restart your computer once.

6) Now run the above adb commands such adb devices or other adb commands from anywhere in command prompt.

Also on you can fire a command on terminal setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\android-sdk\platform-tools"

How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2?

I think you can't call, envelope);

on main Thread.

Network operations should be done on different Thread.

Create another Thread or AsyncTask to call the method.

How to display the string html contents into webbrowser control?

For some reason the code supplied by m3z (with the DisplayHtml(string) method) is not working in my case (except first time). I'm always displaying html from string. Here is my version after the battle with the WebBrowser control:

while (webBrowser1.Document == null || webBrowser1.Document.Body == null)

Working every time for me. I hope it helps someone.

Calling pylab.savefig without display in ipython

We don't need to plt.ioff() or (if we use %matplotlib inline). You can test above code without plt.ioff(). plt.close() has the essential role. Try this one:

%matplotlib inline
import pylab as plt

# It doesn't matter you add line below. You can even replace it by 'plt.ion()', but you will see no changes.
## plt.ioff()

# Create a new figure, plot into it, then close it so it never gets displayed
fig = plt.figure()

# Create a new figure, plot into it, then don't close it so it does get displayed
fig2 = plt.figure()

If you run this code in iPython, it will display a second plot, and if you add plt.close(fig2) to the end of it, you will see nothing.

In conclusion, if you close figure by plt.close(fig), it won't be displayed.

Find which commit is currently checked out in Git

If you want to extract just a simple piece of information, you can get that using git show with the --format=<string> option...and ask it not to give you the diff with --no-patch. This means you can get a printf-style output of whatever you want, which might often be a single field.

For instance, to get just the shortened hash (%h) you could say:

$ git show --format="%h" --no-patch

If you're looking to save that into an environment variable in bash (a likely thing for people to want to do) you can use the $() syntax:

$ GIT_COMMIT="$(git show --format="%h" --no-patch)"

$ echo $GIT_COMMIT

The full list of what you can do is in git show --help. But here's an abbreviated list of properties that might be useful:

  • %H commit hash
  • %h abbreviated commit hash
  • %T tree hash
  • %t abbreviated tree hash
  • %P parent hashes
  • %p abbreviated parent hashes
  • %an author name
  • %ae author email
  • %at author date, UNIX timestamp
  • %aI author date, strict ISO 8601 format
  • %cn committer name
  • %ce committer email
  • %ct committer date, UNIX timestamp
  • %cI committer date, strict ISO 8601 format
  • %s subject
  • %f sanitized subject line, suitable for a filename
  • %gD reflog selector, e.g., refs/stash@{1}
  • %gd shortened reflog selector, e.g., stash@{1}

Wget output document and headers to STDOUT

This worked for me for printing response with header:

wget --server-response

angular2 manually firing click event on particular element

This worked for me:

<button #loginButton ...

and inside the controller:

@ViewChild('loginButton') loginButton;

How to include a Font Awesome icon in React's render()

I was experienced this case; I need the react/redux site that should be working perfectly in production.

but there was a 'strict mode'; Shouldn't lunch it with these commands.

yarn global add serve
serve -s build

Should working with only click the build/index.html file. When I used fontawesome with npm font-awesome, it was working in development mode but not working in the 'strict mode'.

Here is my solution:

*** other different types of files(4) ***
*** I copied these files for node_module/font-awesome ***
*** after copied then can delete the font-awesome from package.json ***

in public/index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="%PUBLIC_URL%/css/font-awesome.min.css">

After all of above steps, the fontawesome works NICELY!!!

Using if(isset($_POST['submit'])) to not display echo when script is open is not working

Another option is to use


Expression must be a modifiable L-value

lvalue means "left value" -- it should be assignable. You cannot change the value of text since it is an array, not a pointer.

Either declare it as char pointer (in this case it's better to declare it as const char*):

const char *text;
if(number == 2) 
    text = "awesome"; 
    text = "you fail";

Or use strcpy:

char text[60];
if(number == 2) 
    strcpy(text, "awesome"); 
    strcpy(text, "you fail");

What is the default access modifier in Java?

It depends on the context.

When it's within a class:

class example1 {

    int a = 10; // This is package-private (visible within package)

    void method1() // This is package-private as well.

When it's within a interface:

interface example2 {

    int b = 10; // This is public and static.
    void method2(); // This is public and abstract

Is there a C++ gdb GUI for Linux?

You won't find anything overlaying GDB which can compete with the raw power of the Visual Studio debugger. It's just too powerful, and it's just too well integrated inside the IDE.

For a Linux alternative, try DDD if free software is your thing.

curl_exec() always returns false

Error checking and handling is the programmer's friend. Check the return values of the initializing and executing cURL functions. curl_error() and curl_errno() will contain further information in case of failure:

try {
    $ch = curl_init();

    // Check if initialization had gone wrong*    
    if ($ch === false) {
        throw new Exception('failed to initialize');

    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt(/* ... */);

    $content = curl_exec($ch);

    // Check the return value of curl_exec(), too
    if ($content === false) {
        throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));

    /* Process $content here */

    // Close curl handle
} catch(Exception $e) {

        'Curl failed with error #%d: %s',
        $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()),


* The curl_init() manual states:

Returns a cURL handle on success, FALSE on errors.

I've observed the function to return FALSE when you're using its $url parameter and the domain could not be resolved. If the parameter is unused, the function might never return FALSE. Always check it anyways, though, since the manual doesn't clearly state what "errors" actually are.

Debugging the error "gcc: error: x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: No such file or directory"

After a fair amount of work, I was able to get it to build on Ubuntu 12.04 x86 and Debian 7.4 x86_64. I wrote up a guide below. Can you please try following it to see if it resolves the issue?

If not please let me know where you get stuck.

Install Common Dependencies

sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtool pkg-config python-opengl python-imaging python-pyrex python-pyside.qtopengl idle-python2.7 qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer libqtgui4 libqtcore4 libqt4-xml libqt4-test libqt4-script libqt4-network libqt4-dbus python-qt4 python-qt4-gl libgle3 python-dev

Install NumArray 1.5.2

wget -O numarray-1.5.2.tgz
tar xfvz numarray-1.5.2.tgz
cd numarray-1.5.2
sudo python install

Install Numeric 23.8

wget -O numeric-23.8.tgz
tar xfvz numeric-23.8.tgz
cd Numeric-23.8
sudo python install

Install HDF5 1.6.5

tar xfvz hdf5-1.6.5.tar.gz
cd hdf5-1.6.5
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make 
sudo make install

Install Nanoengineer

git clone
cd nanoengineer
sudo make install


On Debian Jessie, you will receive the error message that cant pants mentioned. There seems to be an issue in the automake scripts. x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc is inserted in CFLAGS and gcc will interpret that as a name of one of the source files. As a workaround, let's create an empty file with that name. Empty so that it won't change the program and that very name so that compiler picks it up. From the cloned nanoengineer directory, run this command to make gcc happy (it is a hack yes, but it does work) ...

touch sim/src/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc

If you receive an error message when attemping to compile HDF5 along the lines of: "error: call to ‘__open_missing_mode’ declared with attribute error: open with O_CREAT in second argument needs 3 arguments", then modify the file perform/zip_perf.c, line 548 to look like the following and then rerun make...

output = open(filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);

If you receive an error message about Numeric/arrayobject.h not being found when building Nanoengineer, try running

export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/python2.7
sudo make install

If you receive an error message similar to "TRACE_PREFIX undeclared", modify the file sim/src/simhelp.c lines 38 to 41 to look like this and re-run make:

static char tracePrefix[] = "";
static char tracePrefix[] = "";

If you receive an error message when trying to launch NanoEngineer-1 that mentions something similar to "cannot import name GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB", modify the lines in the following files


that look like this:


to look like this:

from OpenGL.GL.ARB.vertex_buffer_object import GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_AR
from OpenGL.GL.ARB.vertex_buffer_object import GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB

I also found an additional troubleshooting text file that has been removed, but you can find it here

How to get names of enum entries?

To get the list of the enum values you have to use:

enum AnimalEnum {
  DOG = "dog", 
  CAT = "cat", 
  MOUSE = "mouse"


Compare two files and write it to "match" and "nomatch" files

In Eztrieve it's really easy, below is an example how you could code it:

//STEP01   EXEC PGM=EZTPA00                                        
//            DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                             
//            SPACE=(CYL,(100,50),RLSE),                           
//            UNIT=PRMDA,                                          
//            DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=5200,BLKSIZE=0)                  
//SYSOUT   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SRTMSG   DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                             
//SYSIN    DD *                                                    
 FILE FILEA                                                        
   FA-KEY       1   7 A                                         
   FA-REC1      8  10 A
   FA-REC2     18   5 A

 FILE FILEB                                                        
   FB-KEY       1   7 A                                         
   FB-REC1      8  10 A                                         
   FB-REC2     18   5 A                                         

 FILE FILEC                                                        

 FILE FILED                                                        
   FD-KEY       1   7 A                                         
   FD-REC1      8  10 A                                         
   FD-REC2     18   5 A                                         

   IF MATCHED            
      FD-KEY   =  FB-KEY                                      
      FD-REC1  =  FA-REC1
      FD-REC2  =  FB-REC2
      IF FILEA
         PUT FILEC FROM FILEA                                         

Why is volatile needed in C?

volatile tells the compiler that your variable may be changed by other means, than the code that is accessing it. e.g., it may be a I/O-mapped memory location. If this is not specified in such cases, some variable accesses can be optimised, e.g., its contents can be held in a register, and the memory location not read back in again.

Combine two ActiveRecord::Relation objects

Brute force it:

first_name_relation = User.where(:first_name => 'Tobias') # ActiveRecord::Relation
last_name_relation  = User.where(:last_name  => 'Fünke') # ActiveRecord::Relation

all_name_relations = User.none
first_name_relation.each do |ar|
last_name_relation.each do |ar|

How to randomly pick an element from an array

Use the Random class:

int getRandomNumber(int[] arr)
  return arr[(new Random()).nextInt(arr.length)];

Split text with '\r\n'

I took a more compact approach to split an input resulting from a text area into a list of string . You can use this if suits your purpose.

the problem is you cannot split by \r\n so i removed the \n beforehand and split only by \r

var serials = model.List.Replace("\n","").Split('\r').ToList<string>();

I like this approach because you can do it in just one line.

Closing database connections in Java

Yes. You need to close the resultset, the statement and the connection. If the connection has come from a pool, closing it actually sends it back to the pool for reuse.

You typically have to do this in a finally{} block, such that if an exception is thrown, you still get the chance to close this.

Many frameworks will look after this resource allocation/deallocation issue for you. e.g. Spring's JdbcTemplate. Apache DbUtils has methods to look after closing the resultset/statement/connection whether null or not (and catching exceptions upon closing), which may also help.

Function to convert column number to letter?

Just one more way to do this. Brettdj's answer made me think of this, but if you use this method you don't have to use a variant array, you can go directly to a string.

ColLtr = Cells(1, ColNum).Address(True, False)
ColLtr = Replace(ColLtr, "$1", "")

or can make it a little more compact with this

ColLtr = Replace(Cells(1, ColNum).Address(True, False), "$1", "")

Notice this does depend on you referencing row 1 in the cells object.

How to check if a double is null?

Firstly, a Java double cannot be null, and cannot be compared with a Java null. (The double type is a primitive (non-reference) type and primitive types cannot be null.)

Next, if you call ResultSet.getDouble(...), that returns a double not a Double, the documented behaviour is that a NULL (from the database) will be returned as zero. (See javadoc linked above.) That is no help if zero is a legitimate value for that column.

So your options are:

The getObject method will deliver the value as a Double (assuming that the column type is double), and is documented to return null for a NULL. (For more information, this page documents the default mappings of SQL types to Java types, and therefore what actual type you should expect getObject to deliver.)

Javascript: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'addEventListener' of null

Move script tag at the end of BODY instead of HEAD because in current code when the script is computed html element doesn't exist in document.

Since you don't want to you jquery. Use window.onload or document.onload to execute the entire piece of code that you have in current script tag. window.onload vs document.onload

Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal

Per zanco's answer, you're not providing a remote command to ssh, given how the shell parses the command line. To solve this problem, change the syntax of your ssh command invocation so that the remote command is comprised of a syntactically correct, multi-line string.

There are a variety of syntaxes that can be used. For example, since commands can be piped into bash and sh, and probably other shells too, the simplest solution is to just combine ssh shell invocation with heredocs:

ssh user@server /bin/bash <<'EOT'
echo "These commands will be run on: $( uname -a )"
echo "They are executed by: $( whoami )"

Note that executing the above without /bin/bash will result in the warning Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal. Also note that EOT is surrounded by single-quotes, so that bash recognizes the heredoc as a nowdoc, turning off local variable interpolation so that the command text will be passed as-is to ssh.

If you are a fan of pipes, you can rewrite the above as follows:

cat <<'EOT' | ssh user@server /bin/bash
echo "These commands will be run on: $( uname -a )"
echo "They are executed by: $( whoami )"

The same caveat about /bin/bash applies to the above.

Another valid approach is to pass the multi-line remote command as a single string, using multiple layers of bash variable interpolation as follows:

ssh user@server "$( cat <<'EOT'
echo "These commands will be run on: $( uname -a )"
echo "They are executed by: $( whoami )"

The solution above fixes this problem in the following manner:

  1. ssh user@server is parsed by bash, and is interpreted to be the ssh command, followed by an argument user@server to be passed to the ssh command

  2. " begins an interpolated string, which when completed, will comprise an argument to be passed to the ssh command, which in this case will be interpreted by ssh to be the remote command to execute as user@server

  3. $( begins a command to be executed, with the output being captured by the surrounding interpolated string

  4. cat is a command to output the contents of whatever file follows. The output of cat will be passed back into the capturing interpolated string

  5. << begins a bash heredoc

  6. 'EOT' specifies that the name of the heredoc is EOT. The single quotes ' surrounding EOT specifies that the heredoc should be parsed as a nowdoc, which is a special form of heredoc in which the contents do not get interpolated by bash, but rather passed on in literal format

  7. Any content that is encountered between <<'EOT' and <newline>EOT<newline> will be appended to the nowdoc output

  8. EOT terminates the nowdoc, resulting in a nowdoc temporary file being created and passed back to the calling cat command. cat outputs the nowdoc and passes the output back to the capturing interpolated string

  9. ) concludes the command to be executed

  10. " concludes the capturing interpolated string. The contents of the interpolated string will be passed back to ssh as a single command line argument, which ssh will interpret as the remote command to execute as user@server

If you need to avoid using external tools like cat, and don't mind having two statements instead of one, use the read built-in with a heredoc to generate the SSH command:

IFS='' read -r -d '' SSH_COMMAND <<'EOT'
echo "These commands will be run on: $( uname -a )"
echo "They are executed by: $( whoami )"

ssh user@server "${SSH_COMMAND}"

Search for "does-not-contain" on a DataFrame in pandas

You can use Apply and Lambda to select rows where a column contains any thing in a list. For your scenario :

df[df["col"].apply(lambda x:x not in [word1,word2,word3])]

CSS Calc Viewport Units Workaround?

Before I answer this, I'd like to point out that Chrome and IE 10+ actually supports calc with viewport units.


Solution (for other browsers): box-sizing

1) Start of by setting your height as 100vh.

2) With box-sizing set to border-box - add a padding-top of 75vw. This means that the padding will be part f the inner height.

3) Just offset the extra padding-top with a negative margin-top


    /*height: calc(100vh - 75vw);*/
    height: 100vh;
    margin-top: -75vw;
    padding-top: 75vw;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    background: pink;

What does Maven do, in theory and in practice? When is it worth to use it?

From the Sonatype doc:

The answer to this question depends on your own perspective. The great majority of Maven users are going to call Maven a “build tool”: a tool used to build deployable artifacts from source code. Build engineers and project managers might refer to Maven as something more comprehensive: a project management tool. What is the difference? A build tool such as Ant is focused solely on preprocessing, compilation, packaging, testing, and distribution. A project management tool such as Maven provides a superset of features found in a build tool. In addition to providing build capabilities, Maven can also run reports, generate a web site, and facilitate communication among members of a working team.

I'd strongly recommend looking at the Sonatype doc and spending some time looking at the available plugins to understand the power of Maven.

Very briefly, it operates at a higher conceptual level than (say) Ant. With Ant, you'd specify the set of files and resources that you want to build, then specify how you want them jarred together, and specify the order that should occur in (clean/compile/jar). With Maven this is all implicit. Maven expects to find your files in particular places, and will work automatically with that. Consequently setting up a project with Maven can be a lot simpler, but you have to play by Maven's rules!

Different font size of strings in the same TextView

You can get this done using html string and setting the html to Textview using
txtView.setText(Html.fromHtml("Your html string here"));

For example :

txtView.setText(Html.fromHtml("<html><body><font size=5 color=red>Hello </font> World </body><html>"));`

Search for executable files using find command

You can use the -executable test flag:

              Matches files which are executable  and  directories  which  are
              searchable  (in  a file name resolution sense).

How to install numpy on windows using pip install?

Install miniconda (here)

After installed, open Anaconda Prompt (search this in Start Menu)


pip install numpy

After installed, test:

import numpy as np

Best practices with STDIN in Ruby?

Following are some things I found in my collection of obscure Ruby.

So, in Ruby, a simple no-bells implementation of the Unix command cat would be:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

ARGF is your friend when it comes to input; it is a virtual file that gets all input from named files or all from STDIN.

ARGF.each_with_index do |line, idx|
    print ARGF.filename, ":", idx, ";", line

# print all the lines in every file passed via command line that contains login
ARGF.each do |line|
    puts line if line =~ /login/

Thank goodness we didn’t get the diamond operator in Ruby, but we did get ARGF as a replacement. Though obscure, it actually turns out to be useful. Consider this program, which prepends copyright headers in-place (thanks to another Perlism, -i) to every file mentioned on the command-line:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -i

Header =

ARGF.each_line do |e|
  puts Header if ARGF.pos - e.length == 0
  puts e

# Copyright (C) 2007 Fancypants, Inc.

Credit to:

"Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function" error when opening new foundation project

One of the possible reasons is when you load jQuery TWICE ,like:

<script src='..../jquery.js'></script>
<script src='......./jquery.js'></script>

So, check your source code and remove duplicate jQuery load.

Force the origin to start at 0

In the latest version of ggplot2, this can be more easy.

p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg))
p + geom_point()
p+ geom_point() + scale_x_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0))) + scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(mult = c(0, 0)))

enter image description here

See ?expansion() for more details.

How to add an extra source directory for maven to compile and include in the build jar?

You can use the Build Helper Plugin, e.g:

                <source>some directory</source>

SQL query question: SELECT ... NOT IN

SELECT distinct idCustomer FROM reservations
WHERE DATEPART ( hour, insertDate) < 2
  and idCustomer is not null

Make sure your list parameter does not contain null values.

Here's an explanation:

WHERE field1 NOT IN (1, 2, 3, null)

is the same as:

WHERE NOT (field1 = 1 OR field1 = 2 OR field1 = 3 OR field1 = null)
  • That last comparision evaluates to null.
  • That null is OR'd with the rest of the boolean expression, yielding null. (*)
  • null is negated, yielding null.
  • null is not true - the where clause only keeps true rows, so all rows are filtered.

(*) Edit: this explanation is pretty good, but I wish to address one thing to stave off future nit-picking. (TRUE OR NULL) would evaluate to TRUE. This is relevant if field1 = 3, for example. That TRUE value would be negated to FALSE and the row would be filtered.

How to resolve "local edit, incoming delete upon update" message

So you can just revert the file that you deleted but remember, If you are working on any type of project with a set project file (like iOS), reverting the file will add it to your system folder structure but not your project file structure. additional steps may be required if you are in this case

How to parse an RSS feed using JavaScript?

If you are looking for a simple and free alternative to Google Feed API for your rss widget then could be a suitable solution for that.

You may try to see how it works on a sample code from the api documentation below:

google.load("feeds", "1");_x000D_
    function initialize() {_x000D_
      var feed = new google.feeds.Feed("");_x000D_
      feed.load(function(result) {_x000D_
        if (!result.error) {_x000D_
          var container = document.getElementById("feed");_x000D_
          for (var i = 0; i < result.feed.entries.length; i++) {_x000D_
            var entry = result.feed.entries[i];_x000D_
            var div = document.createElement("div");_x000D_
  <head>    _x000D_
     <script src=""></script>_x000D_
    <p><b>Result from the API:</b></p>_x000D_
    <div id="feed"></div>_x000D_

MySQL - How to increase varchar size of an existing column in a database without breaking existing data?

For me this has worked-

ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name VARCHAR(50)

Create an array of integers property in Objective-C

Like lucius said, it's not possible to have a C array property. Using an NSArray is the way to go. An array only stores objects, so you'd have to use NSNumbers to store your ints. With the new literal syntax, initialising it is very easy and straight-forward:

NSArray *doubleDigits = @[ @1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6, @7, @8, @9, @10 ];


NSMutableArray *doubleDigits = [NSMutableArray array];

for (int n = 1; n <= 10; n++)
    [doubleDigits addObject:@(n)];

For more information: NSArray Class Reference, NSNumber Class Reference, Literal Syntax

Youtube autoplay not working on mobile devices with embedded HTML5 player

As it turns out, autoplay cannot be done on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) and Android.

See and

Lambda expression to convert array/List of String to array/List of Integers

In addition - control when string array doesn't have elements: -> (t != null)&&!("".equals(t))).map(func).toArray(generator) 

FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

Update 11-12-2020

Now FirebaseInstanceId is also deprectaed

Now we need to use FirebaseInstallations.getInstance().getToken() and FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().token


FirebaseInstallations.getInstance().getToken(true).addOnCompleteListener {
            firebaseToken = it.result!!.token

        // OR
        FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().token.addOnCompleteListener {
                firebaseToken = it.result.toString()


Yes FirebaseInstanceIdService is deprecated

FROM DOCS :- This class was deprecated. In favour of overriding onNewToken in FirebaseMessagingService. Once that has been implemented, this service can be safely removed.

No need to use FirebaseInstanceIdService service to get FCM token You can safely remove FirebaseInstanceIdService service

Now we need to @Override onNewToken get Token in FirebaseMessagingService


public class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {

    public void onNewToken(String s) {
        Log.e("NEW_TOKEN", s);

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {

        Map<String, String> params = remoteMessage.getData();
        JSONObject object = new JSONObject(params);
        Log.e("JSON_OBJECT", object.toString());

        String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "Nilesh_channel";

        long pattern[] = {0, 1000, 500, 1000};

        NotificationManager mNotificationManager =
                (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            NotificationChannel notificationChannel = new NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, "Your Notifications",


        // to diaplay notification in DND Mode
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            NotificationChannel channel = mNotificationManager.getNotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID);

        NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID);

                .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorAccent))



You need to register your FirebaseMessagingService in manifest file like this

            <action android:name="" />

#how to get token in your activity

.getToken(); is also deprecated if you need to get token in your activity than Use getInstanceId ()

Now we need to use getInstanceId () to generate token

getInstanceId () Returns the ID and automatically generated token for this Firebase project.

This generates an Instance ID if it does not exist yet, which starts periodically sending information to the Firebase backend.


  • Task which you can use to see the result via the InstanceIdResult which holds the ID and token.


FirebaseInstanceId.getInstance().getInstanceId().addOnSuccessListener( MyActivity.this,  new OnSuccessListener<InstanceIdResult>() {
     public void onSuccess(InstanceIdResult instanceIdResult) {
           String newToken = instanceIdResult.getToken();


##EDIT 2

Here is the working code for kotlin

class MyFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {

    override fun onNewToken(p0: String?) {


    override fun onMessageReceived(remoteMessage: RemoteMessage?) {

        val notificationManager = getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
        val NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = "Nilesh_channel"

        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            val notificationChannel = NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID, "Your Notifications", NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_HIGH)

            notificationChannel.description = "Description"
            notificationChannel.lightColor = Color.RED
            notificationChannel.vibrationPattern = longArrayOf(0, 1000, 500, 1000)

        // to diaplay notification in DND Mode
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            val channel = notificationManager.getNotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)

        val notificationBuilder = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)

                .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorAccent))



Iterating through a golang map

For example,

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    type Map1 map[string]interface{}
    type Map2 map[string]int
    m := Map1{"foo": Map2{"first": 1}, "boo": Map2{"second": 2}}
    //m = map[foo:map[first: 1] boo: map[second: 2]]
    fmt.Println("m:", m)
    for k, v := range m {
        fmt.Println("k:", k, "v:", v)


m: map[boo:map[second:2] foo:map[first:1]]
k: boo v: map[second:2]
k: foo v: map[first:1]

Get value (String) of ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); in Java

The right way to iterate on a list inside list is:

//iterate on the general list
for(int i = 0 ; i < collection.size() ; i++) {
    ArrayList<String> currentList = collection.get(i);
    //now iterate on the current list
    for (int j = 0; j < currentList.size(); j++) {
        String s = currentList.get(1);

How can I use optional parameters in a T-SQL stored procedure?

The answer from @KM is good as far as it goes but fails to fully follow up on one of his early bits of advice;

..., ignore compact code, ignore worrying about repeating code, ...

If you are looking to achieve the best performance then you should write a bespoke query for each possible combination of optional criteria. This might sound extreme, and if you have a lot of optional criteria then it might be, but performance is often a trade-off between effort and results. In practice, there might be a common set of parameter combinations that can be targeted with bespoke queries, then a generic query (as per the other answers) for all other combinations.

    @FirstName varchar(25) = null,
    @LastName varchar(25) = null,
    @Title varchar(25) = null

    IF (@FirstName IS NOT NULL AND @LastName IS NULL AND @Title IS NULL)
        -- Search by first name only
        SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Title
        FROM tblUsers
            FirstName = @FirstName

    ELSE IF (@FirstName IS NULL AND @LastName IS NOT NULL AND @Title IS NULL)
        -- Search by last name only
        SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Title
        FROM tblUsers
            LastName = @LastName

    ELSE IF (@FirstName IS NULL AND @LastName IS NULL AND @Title IS NOT NULL)
        -- Search by title only
        SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Title
        FROM tblUsers
            Title = @Title

        -- Search by first and last name
        SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Title
        FROM tblUsers
            FirstName = @FirstName
            AND LastName = @LastName

        -- Search by any other combination
        SELECT ID, FirstName, LastName, Title
        FROM tblUsers
                (@FirstName IS NULL OR (FirstName = @FirstName))
            AND (@LastName  IS NULL OR (LastName  = @LastName ))
            AND (@Title     IS NULL OR (Title     = @Title    ))


The advantage of this approach is that in the common cases handled by bespoke queries the query is as efficient as it can be - there's no impact by the unsupplied criteria. Also, indexes and other performance enhancements can be targeted at specific bespoke queries rather than trying to satisfy all possible situations.

Hive External Table Skip First Row

I also struggled with this and found no way to tell hive to skip first row, like there is e.g. in Greenplum. So finally I had to remove it from the files. e.g. "cat File.csv | grep -v RecordId > File_no_header.csv"

pyplot scatter plot marker size

Because other answers here claim that s denotes the area of the marker, I'm adding this answer to clearify that this is not necessarily the case.

Size in points^2

The argument s in plt.scatter denotes the markersize**2. As the documentation says

s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ), optional
size in points^2. Default is rcParams['lines.markersize'] ** 2.

This can be taken literally. In order to obtain a marker which is x points large, you need to square that number and give it to the s argument.

So the relationship between the markersize of a line plot and the scatter size argument is the square. In order to produce a scatter marker of the same size as a plot marker of size 10 points you would hence call scatter( .., s=100).

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot([0],[0], marker="o",  markersize=10)
ax.plot([0.07,0.93],[0,0],    linewidth=10)
ax.scatter([1],[0],           s=100)

ax.plot([0],[1], marker="o",  markersize=22)
ax.plot([0.14,0.86],[1,1],    linewidth=22)
ax.scatter([1],[1],           s=22**2)

Connection to "area"

So why do other answers and even the documentation speak about "area" when it comes to the s parameter?

Of course the units of points**2 are area units.

  • For the special case of a square marker, marker="s", the area of the marker is indeed directly the value of the s parameter.
  • For a circle, the area of the circle is area = pi/4*s.
  • For other markers there may not even be any obvious relation to the area of the marker.

enter image description here

In all cases however the area of the marker is proportional to the s parameter. This is the motivation to call it "area" even though in most cases it isn't really.

Specifying the size of the scatter markers in terms of some quantity which is proportional to the area of the marker makes in thus far sense as it is the area of the marker that is perceived when comparing different patches rather than its side length or diameter. I.e. doubling the underlying quantity should double the area of the marker.

enter image description here

What are points?

So far the answer to what the size of a scatter marker means is given in units of points. Points are often used in typography, where fonts are specified in points. Also linewidths is often specified in points. The standard size of points in matplotlib is 72 points per inch (ppi) - 1 point is hence 1/72 inches.

It might be useful to be able to specify sizes in pixels instead of points. If the figure dpi is 72 as well, one point is one pixel. If the figure dpi is different (matplotlib default is fig.dpi=100),

1 point == fig.dpi/72. pixels

While the scatter marker's size in points would hence look different for different figure dpi, one could produce a 10 by 10 pixels^2 marker, which would always have the same number of pixels covered:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for dpi in [72,100,144]:

    fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1.5,2), dpi=dpi)


    ax.scatter([0],[1], s=10**2, 
               marker="s", linewidth=0, label="100 points^2")
    ax.scatter([1],[1], s=(10*72./fig.dpi)**2, 
               marker="s", linewidth=0, label="100 pixels^2")

    ax.legend(loc=8,framealpha=1, fontsize=8)

    fig.savefig("fig{}.png".format(dpi), bbox_inches="tight") 

If you are interested in a scatter in data units, check this answer.

Does it matter what extension is used for SQLite database files?

If you have settled on a particular set of tools to access / modify your databases, I would go with whatever extension they expect you to use. This will avoid needless friction when doing development tasks.

For instance, SQLiteStudio v3.1.1 defaults to looking for files with the following extensions:

enter image description here


If necessary for deployment your installation mechanism could rename the file if obscuring the file type seems useful to you (as some other answers have suggested). Filename requirements for development and deployment can be different.

byte[] to hex string

Very fast extension methods (with reversal):

public static class ExtensionMethods {
    public static string ToHex(this byte[] data) {
        return ToHex(data, "");
    public static string ToHex(this byte[] data, string prefix) {
        char[] lookup = new char[] { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
        int i = 0, p = prefix.Length, l = data.Length;
        char[] c = new char[l * 2 + p];
        byte d;
        for(; i < p; ++i) c[i] = prefix[i];
        i = -1;
        while(i < l) {
            d = data[++i];
            c[++p] = lookup[d >> 4];
            c[++p] = lookup[d & 0xF];
        return new string(c, 0, c.Length);
    public static byte[] FromHex(this string str) {
        return FromHex(str, 0, 0, 0);
    public static byte[] FromHex(this string str, int offset, int step) {
        return FromHex(str, offset, step, 0);
    public static byte[] FromHex(this string str, int offset, int step, int tail) {
        byte[] b = new byte[(str.Length - offset - tail + step) / (2 + step)];
        byte c1, c2;
        int l = str.Length - tail;
        int s = step + 1;
        for(int y = 0, x = offset; x < l; ++y, x += s) {
            c1 = (byte)str[x];
            if(c1 > 0x60) c1 -= 0x57;
            else if(c1 > 0x40) c1 -= 0x37;
            else c1 -= 0x30;
            c2 = (byte)str[++x];
            if(c2 > 0x60) c2 -= 0x57;
            else if(c2 > 0x40) c2 -= 0x37;
            else c2 -= 0x30;
            b[y] = (byte)((c1 << 4) + c2);
        return b;

Beats all the others in the speed test above:

=== Long string test
BitConvertReplace calculation Time Elapsed 2415 ms
StringBuilder calculation Time Elapsed 5668 ms
LinqConcat calculation Time Elapsed 11826 ms
LinqJoin calculation Time Elapsed 9323 ms
LinqAgg calculation Time Elapsed 7444 ms
ToHexTable calculation Time Elapsed 1028 ms
ToHexAcidzombie calculation Time Elapsed 1035 ms
ToHexPatrick calculation Time Elapsed 814 ms
ToHexKurt calculation Time Elapsed 1604 ms
ByteArrayToHexString calculation Time Elapsed 1330 ms

=== Many string test
BitConvertReplace calculation Time Elapsed 2238 ms
StringBuilder calculation Time Elapsed 5393 ms
LinqConcat calculation Time Elapsed 9043 ms
LinqJoin calculation Time Elapsed 9131 ms
LinqAgg calculation Time Elapsed 7324 ms
ToHexTable calculation Time Elapsed 968 ms
ToHexAcidzombie calculation Time Elapsed 969 ms
ToHexPatrick calculation Time Elapsed 956 ms
ToHexKurt calculation Time Elapsed 1547 ms
ByteArrayToHexString calculation Time Elapsed 1277 ms

Angular @ViewChild() error: Expected 2 arguments, but got 1

That also resolved my issue.

@ViewChild('map', {static: false}) googleMap;

iOS: Multi-line UILabel in Auto Layout

I was just fighting with this exact scenario, but with quite a few more views that needed to resize and move down as necessary. It was driving me nuts, but I finally figured it out.

Here's the key: Interface Builder likes to throw in extra constraints as you add and move views and you may not notice. In my case, I had a view half way down that had an extra constraint that specified the size between it and its superview, basically pinning it to that point. That meant that nothing above it could resize larger because it would go against that constraint.

An easy way to tell if this is the case is by trying to resize the label manually. Does IB let you grow it? If it does, do the labels below move as you expect? Make sure you have both of these checked before you resize to see how your constraints will move your views:

IB Menu

If the view is stuck, follow the views that are below it and make sure one of them doesn't have a top space to superview constraint. Then just make sure your number of lines option for the label is set to 0 and it should take care of the rest.

python error: no module named pylab

I solved the same problem by installing "matplotlib".

How to convert Seconds to HH:MM:SS using T-SQL

SELECT substring(convert (varchar(23),Dateadd(s,10000,LEFT(getdate(),11)),121),12,8)

10000 is your value in sec

Best approach to converting Boolean object to string in java

If you see implementation of both the method, they look same.


public static String valueOf(boolean b) {
        return b ? "true" : "false";


public static String toString(boolean b) {
        return b ? "true" : "false";

So both the methods are equally efficient.

Get the previous month's first and last day dates in c#

using Fluent DateTime

        var lastMonth = 1.Months().Ago().Date;
        var firstDayOfMonth = lastMonth.FirstDayOfMonth();
        var lastDayOfMonth = lastMonth.LastDayOfMonth();

File count from a folder

Try following code to get count of files in the folder

string strDocPath = Server.MapPath('Enter your path here'); 
int docCount = Directory.GetFiles(strDocPath, "*", 

Execute cmd command from VBScript

Can also invoke oShell.Exec in order to be able to read STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR responses. Perfect for error checking which it seems you're doing with your sanity .BAT.

How to set editor theme in IntelliJ Idea

For IntelliJ Mac / IOS,

Click on IntelliJ IDEA text besides enter image description here on top left corner then Preferences->Editor->Color Scheme-> Select the required one

Pretty-print a Map in Java

public void printMapV2 (Map <?, ?> map) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
    for (Map.Entry<?,?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        if (sb.length()>1) {
            sb.append(", ");

Does IE9 support console.log, and is it a real function?

I know this is a very old question but feel this adds a valuable alternative of how to deal with the console issue. Place the following code before any call to console.* (so your very first script).

// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console.
(function() {
    var method;
    var noop = function () {};
    var methods = [
        'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error',
        'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log',
        'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd',
        'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
    var length = methods.length;
    var console = (window.console = window.console || {});

    while (length--) {
        method = methods[length];

        // Only stub undefined methods.
        if (!console[method]) {
            console[method] = noop;


PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class

Just do one thing whenever you include or require filename namely class.login.php. You can include it this way:

include_once class.login.php or 
require_once class.login.php

This way it never throws an error.

Reading a text file with SQL Server

Just discovered this:


It'll pull in the contents of the file as varchar(max). Replace SINGLE_CLOB with:

SINGLE_NCLOB for nvarchar(max) SINGLE_BLOB for varbinary(max)

Thanks to for this!

Fastest way to convert an iterator to a list

@Robino was suggesting to add some tests which make sense, so here is a simple benchmark between 3 possible ways (maybe the most used ones) to convert an iterator to a list:

  1. by type constructor


  1. by unpacking


  1. using list comprehension

[e for e in my_iterator]

I have been using simple_bechmark library

from simple_benchmark import BenchmarkBuilder
from heapq import nsmallest

b = BenchmarkBuilder()

def convert_by_type_constructor(size):

def convert_by_list_comprehension(size):
    [e for e in iter(range(size))]

def convert_by_unpacking(size):

@b.add_arguments('Convert an iterator to a list')
def argument_provider():
    for exp in range(2, 22):
        size = 2**exp
        yield size, size

r =

enter image description here

As you can see there is very hard to make a difference between conversion by the constructor and conversion by unpacking, conversion by list comprehension is the “slowest” approach.

I have been testing also across different Python versions (3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9) by using the following simple script:

import argparse
import timeit

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Test convert iterator to list')
    '--size', help='The number of elements from iterator')

args = parser.parse_args()

size = int(args.size)
repeat_number = 10000

# do not wait too much if the size is too big
if size > 10000:
    repeat_number = 100

def test_convert_by_type_constructor():

def test_convert_by_list_comprehension():
    [e for e in iter(range(size))]

def test_convert_by_unpacking():

def get_avg_time_in_ms(func):
    avg_time = timeit.timeit(func, number=repeat_number) * 1000 / repeat_number
    return round(avg_time, 6)

funcs = [test_convert_by_type_constructor,
         test_convert_by_unpacking, test_convert_by_list_comprehension]

print(*map(get_avg_time_in_ms, funcs))

The script will be executed via a subprocess from a Jupyter Notebook (or a script), the size parameter will be passed through command-line arguments and the script results will be taken from standard output.

from subprocess import PIPE, run

import pandas

simple_data = {'constructor': [], 'unpacking': [], 'comprehension': [],
        'size': [], 'python version': []}

size_test = 100, 1000, 10_000, 100_000, 1_000_000
for version in ['3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9']:
    print('test for python', version)
    for size in size_test:
        command = [f'python{version}', '', f'--size={size}']
        result = run(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
        constructor, unpacking,  comprehension = result.stdout.split()
        simple_data['python version'].append(version)

df_ = pandas.DataFrame(simple_data)

enter image description here

You can get my full notebook from here.

In most of the cases, in my tests, unpacking shows to be faster, but the difference is so small that the results may change from a run to the other. Again, the comprehension approach is the slowest, in fact, the other 2 methods are up to ~ 60% faster.

Could not load file or assembly 'Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies

I had a similar problem with a new ASP.NET Core application a while ago. Turns out one of the referenced libraries used a version of Newtonsoft.Json that was lower than So I upgraded the version for that library and the problem was solved. Not sure if you'll be able to do the same here

How to comment out a block of Python code in Vim

I usually sweep out a visual block (<C-V>), then search and replace the first character with:


(Entering command mode with a visual block selected automatically places '<,'> on the command line) I can then uncomment the block by sweeping out the same visual block and:


Difference between staticmethod and classmethod

Static Methods:

  • Simple functions with no self argument.
  • Work on class attributes; not on instance attributes.
  • Can be called through both class and instance.
  • The built-in function staticmethod()is used to create them.

Benefits of Static Methods:

  • It localizes the function name in the classscope
  • It moves the function code closer to where it is used
  • More convenient to import versus module-level functions since each method does not have to be specially imported

    def some_static_method(*args, **kwds):

Class Methods:

  • Functions that have first argument as classname.
  • Can be called through both class and instance.
  • These are created with classmethod in-built function.

     def some_class_method(cls, *args, **kwds):

Split array into chunks

The following ES2015 approach works without having to define a function and directly on anonymous arrays (example with chunk size 2):

[11,22,33,44,55].map((_, i, all) => all.slice(2*i, 2*i+2)).filter(x=>x.length)

If you want to define a function for this, you could do it as follows (improving on K._'s comment on Blazemonger's answer):

const array_chunks = (array, chunk_size) => array
    .map((_, i, all) => all.slice(i*chunk_size, (i+1)*chunk_size))
    .filter(x => x.length)

mysql datetime comparison

But this is obviously performing a 'string' comparison

No. The string will be automatically cast into a DATETIME value.

See 11.2. Type Conversion in Expression Evaluation.

When an operator is used with operands of different types, type conversion occurs to make the operands compatible. Some conversions occur implicitly. For example, MySQL automatically converts numbers to strings as necessary, and vice versa.

variable or field declared void

Other answers have given very accurate responses and I am not completely sure what exactly was your problem(if it was just due to unknown type in your program then you would have gotten many more clear cut errors along with the one you mentioned) but to add on further information this error is also raised if we add the function type as void while calling the function as you can see further below:

using namespace std;
void fun(int x);
   int q=9;
   void fun(q); //line no 10
void fun(int x)
    if (x==9)


 C:\Users\ACER\Documents\C++ programs\exp1.cpp|10|error: variable or field 'fun' declared void|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

So as we can see from this example this reason can also result in "variable or field declared void" error.

What is the preferred syntax for defining enums in JavaScript?

Here's what we all want:

function Enum(constantsList) {
    for (var i in constantsList) {
        this[constantsList[i]] = i;

Now you can create your enums:

var YesNo = new Enum(['NO', 'YES']);
var Color = new Enum(['RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE']);

By doing this, constants can be acessed in the usual way (YesNo.YES, Color.GREEN) and they get a sequential int value (NO = 0, YES = 1; RED = 0, GREEN = 1, BLUE = 2).

You can also add methods, by using Enum.prototype:

Enum.prototype.values = function() {
    return this.allValues;
    /* for the above to work, you'd need to do
            this.allValues = constantsList at the constructor */

Edit - small improvement - now with varargs: (unfortunately it doesn't work properly on IE :S... should stick with previous version then)

function Enum() {
    for (var i in arguments) {
        this[arguments[i]] = i;

var YesNo = new Enum('NO', 'YES');
var Color = new Enum('RED', 'GREEN', 'BLUE');

Using success/error/finally/catch with Promises in AngularJS

What type of granularity are you looking for? You can typically get by with:

  //success function
  function(results) {
    //do something w/
  //error function
  function(err) {
    //handle error

I've found that "finally" and "catch" are better off when chaining multiple promises.

Creating InetAddress object in Java

ip = InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[] {
        (byte)192, (byte)168, (byte)0, (byte)102}

How to print (using cout) a number in binary form?

Similar to what is already posted, just using bit-shift and mask to get the bit; usable for any type, being a template (only not sure if there is a standard way to get number of bits in 1 byte, I used 8 here).

#include <climits>

template<typename T>
void printBin(const T& t){
    size_t nBytes=sizeof(T);
    char* rawPtr((char*)(&t));
    for(size_t byte=0; byte<nBytes; byte++){
        for(size_t bit=0; bit<CHAR_BIT; bit++){

int main(void){
    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
        std::cout<<i<<": ";

How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2

What worked for me (in ubuntu):

sudo su
cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
ln ../mods-available/rewrite.load rewrite.load

Also, as already mentioned, make sure AllowOverride all is set in the relevant section of /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

PHP - Get key name of array value

If the name's dynamic, then you must have something like


which'd mean that $key contains the value of the key.

You can use array_keys() to get ALL the keys of an array, e.g.

$arr = array('a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd')
$x = array_keys($arr);

would give you

$x = array(0 => 'a', 1 => 'c');

Auto start node.js server on boot

If you are using Linux, macOS or Windows pm2 is your friend. It's a process manager that handle clusters very well.

You install it:

npm install -g pm2

Start a cluster of, for example, 3 processes:

 pm2 start app.js -i 3

And make pm2 starts them at boot:

 pm2 startup

It has an API, an even a monitor interface:


Go to github and read the instructions. It's easy to use and very handy. Best thing ever since forever.

SQL to find the number of distinct values in a column

This will give you BOTH the distinct column values and the count of each value. I usually find that I want to know both pieces of information.

SELECT [columnName], count([columnName]) AS CountOf
FROM [tableName]
GROUP BY [columnName]

Sending email in .NET through Gmail

I had the same issue, but it was resolved by going to gmail's security settings and Allowing Less Secure apps. The Code from Domenic & Donny works, but only if you enabled that setting

If you are signed in (to Google) you can follow this link and toggle "Turn on" for "Access for less secure apps"

Ignore .pyc files in git repository

You should add a line with:


to the .gitignore file in the root folder of your git repository tree right after repository initialization.

As ralphtheninja said, if you forgot to to do it beforehand, if you just add the line to the .gitignore file, all previously committed .pyc files will still be tracked, so you'll need to remove them from the repository.

If you are on a Linux system (or "parents&sons" like a MacOSX), you can quickly do it with just this one line command that you need to execute from the root of the repository:

find . -name "*.pyc" -exec git rm -f "{}" \;

This just means:

starting from the directory i'm currently in, find all files whose name ends with extension .pyc, and pass file name to the command git rm -f

After *.pyc files deletion from git as tracked files, commit this change to the repository, and then you can finally add the *.pyc line to the .gitignore file.

(adapted from

How to delete images from a private docker registry?

Here is a script based on Yavuz Sert's answer. It deletes all tags that are not the latest version, and their tag is greater than 950.

#!/usr/bin/env bash


    if [[ "${Tag}" == "latest" ]]; then
    if [[ "${Tag}" -ge "950" ]]; then
    if [[ "${Skip}" == "1" ]]; then
        echo "skip ${Name} ${Tag}"
        echo "delete ${Name} ${Tag}"
        Sha=$(curl -v -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" -X GET${Name}/manifests/${Tag} 2>&1 | grep Docker-Content-Digest | awk '{print ($3)}')
        curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" -X DELETE "${Name}/manifests/${Sha}"

    echo "Repository ${Name}"
    curl -s${Name}/tags/list | jq '.tags[]' |
    while IFS=$"\n" read -r line; do
        CheckTag $Name $line

JqPath=$(which jq)
if [[ "x${JqPath}" == "x" ]]; then
  echo "Couldn't find jq executable."
  exit 2

curl -s | jq '.repositories[]' |
while IFS=$"\n" read -r line; do
    ScanRepository $line

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN

As the other answers already state there is no difference in your example.

The relevant bit of grammar is documented here

<join_type> ::= 
    [ { INNER | { { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [ OUTER ] } } [ <join_hint> ] ]

Showing that all are optional. The page further clarifies that

INNER Specifies all matching pairs of rows are returned. Discards unmatched rows from both tables. When no join type is specified, this is the default.

The grammar does also indicate that there is one time where the INNER is required though. When specifying a join hint.

See the example below


       LOOP JOIN T2
         ON X = Y;

         ON X = Y;

enter image description here

What’s the best way to check if a file exists in C++? (cross platform)

I would reconsider trying to find out if a file exists. Instead, you should try to open it (in Standard C or C++) in the same mode you intend to use it. What use is knowing that the file exists if, say, it isn't writable when you need to use it?

Accessing a class' member variables in Python?

You are declaring a local variable, not a class variable. To set an instance variable (attribute), use

class Example(object):
    def the_example(self):
        self.itsProblem = "problem"  # <-- remember the 'self.'

theExample = Example()

To set a class variable (a.k.a. static member), use

class Example(object):
    def the_example(self):
        Example.itsProblem = "problem"
        # or, type(self).itsProblem = "problem"
        # depending what you want to do when the class is derived.

How to convert string to boolean php

function stringToBool($string){
    return ( mb_strtoupper( trim( $string)) === mb_strtoupper ("true")) ? TRUE : FALSE;


function stringToBool($string) {
    return filter_var($string, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);

What is the 'override' keyword in C++ used for?

Wikipedia says:

Method overriding, in object oriented programming, is a language feature that allows a subclass or child class to provide a specific implementation of a method that is already provided by one of its superclasses or parent classes.

In detail, when you have an object foo that has a void hello() function:

class foo {
    virtual void hello(); // Code : printf("Hello!");

A child of foo, will also have a hello() function:

class bar : foo {
    // no functions in here but yet, you can call
    // bar.hello()

However, you may want to print "Hello Bar!" when hello() function is being called from a bar object. You can do this using override

class bar : foo {
    virtual void hello() override; // Code : printf("Hello Bar!");

How to send 500 Internal Server Error error from a PHP script

header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 500 Internal Server Error', true, 500);

How to compare two columns in Excel (from different sheets) and copy values from a corresponding column if the first two columns match?

Vlookup is good if the reference values (column A, sheet 1) are in ascending order. Another option is Index and Match, which can be used no matter the order (As long as the values in column a, sheet 1 are unique)

This is what you would put in column B on sheet 2


Setting Sheet1!A$1:B$6 and Sheet1!A$1:A$6 as named ranges makes it a little more user friendly.

Spell Checker for Python

Maybe it is too late, but I am answering for future searches. TO perform spelling mistake correction, you first need to make sure the word is not absurd or from slang like, caaaar, amazzzing etc. with repeated alphabets. So, we first need to get rid of these alphabets. As we know in English language words usually have a maximum of 2 repeated alphabets, e.g., hello., so we remove the extra repetitions from the words first and then check them for spelling. For removing the extra alphabets, you can use Regular Expression module in Python.

Once this is done use Pyspellchecker library from Python for correcting spellings.

For implementation visit this link:

How to implement class constructor in Visual Basic?

Not sure what you mean with "class constructor" but I'd assume you mean one of the ones below.

Instance constructor:

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Shared constructor:

Shared Sub New()

End Sub

org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start component [StandardEngine[Catalina].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/CollegeWebsite]]

This error happens because of your Jre version of Eclipse and Tomcat are mismatched ..either change eclipse one to tomcat one or ViceVersa..

Both should be same ..Java version mismatched ..Check it

How do you use a variable in a regular expression?

Here's another replaceAll implementation:

    String.prototype.replaceAll = function (stringToFind, stringToReplace) {
        if ( stringToFind == stringToReplace) return this;
        var temp = this;
        var index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);
        while (index != -1) {
            temp = temp.replace(stringToFind, stringToReplace);
            index = temp.indexOf(stringToFind);
        return temp;

What is the best way to connect and use a sqlite database from C#

Mono comes with a wrapper, use theirs! gives code to wrap the actual SQLite dll ( found on the download page ) in a .net friendly way. It works on Linux or Windows.

This seems the thinnest of all worlds, minimizing your dependence on third party libraries. If I had to do this project from scratch, this is the way I would do it.

Run Stored Procedure in SQL Developer?

For those using SqlDeveloper 3+, in case you missed that:

SqlDeveloper has feature to execute stored proc/function directly, and output are displayed in a easy-to-read manner.

Just right click on the package/stored proc/ stored function, Click on Run and choose target to be the proc/func you want to execute, SqlDeveloper will generate the code snippet to execute (so that you can put your input parameters). Once executed, output parameters are displayed in lower half of the dialog box, and it even have built-in support for ref cursor: result of cursor will be displayed as a separate output tab.

C# how to wait for a webpage to finish loading before continuing

Task method worked for me, except Browser.Task.IsCompleted has to be changed to PageLoaded.Task.IsCompleted.

Sorry I didnt add comment, that is because I need higher reputation to add comments.

Eclipse doesn't stop at breakpoints

Breakpoints have seemed to work and not-work on the versions of Eclipse I've used the last couple years. Currently I'm using Juno and just experienced breakpoints-not-working again. The solutions above, although good ones, didn't work in my case.

Here's what worked in my case:

  1. deleted the project

  2. check it back out from svn

  3. import it into Eclipse again

  4. run "mvn eclipse:eclipse"

Since the project is also a Groovy/Http-bulder/junit-test project, I had to:

  1. convert the project from Java to Groovy

  2. add /src/test/groovy to the Java Build Path (Source folders on build path)

  3. include "**/*.groovy" on the Java Build Path for /src/test/groovy Need Text Box to Only Accept Numbers

On each entry in textbox (event - Handles RestrictedTextBox.TextChanged), you can do a try to caste entered text into integer, if failure occurs, you just reset the value of the text in RestrictedTextBox to last valid entry (which gets constantly updating under the temp1 variable).

Here's how to go about it. In the sub that loads with the form (me.load or mybase.load), initialize temp1 to the default value of RestrictedTextBox.Text

Dim temp1 As Integer 'initialize temp1 default value, you should do this after the default value for RestrictedTextBox.Text was loaded.
If (RestrictedTextBox.Text = Nothing) Then 
    temp1 = Nothing
        temp1 = CInt(RestrictedTextBox.Text)
    Catch ex As Exception
        temp1 = Nothing
    End Try
End If   

At any other point in form:

Private Sub textBox_TextChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles RestrictedTextBox.TextChanged
        temp1 = CInt(RestrictedTextBox.Text) 'If user inputs integer, this will succeed and temp will be updated
    Catch ex As Exception
        RestrictedTextBox.Text = temp1.ToString 'If user inputs non integer, textbox will be reverted to state the state it was in before the string entry
    End Try
End Sub

The nice thing about this is that you can use this to restrict a textbox to any type you want: double, uint etc....

How to purge tomcat's cache when deploying a new .war file? Is there a config setting?

A little late for the party, here's how I do it

  1. Undeploy application from manager
  2. Shutdown tomcat using ./
  3. Delete browser cache
  4. Delete the application from webapps, and from /work/Catalina/...
  5. Startup tomcat using ./
  6. Copy the new version of the application into /webapps and start it.

How to get user's high resolution profile picture on Twitter?

use this URL : ""

If you are using TWitter SDK you can get the user name when logged in, with TWTRAPIClient, using TWTRAuthSession.

This is the code snipe for iOS:

if let twitterId = session.userID{
   let twitterClient = TWTRAPIClient(userID: twitterId)
   twitterClient.loadUser(withID: twitterId) {(user, error) in
       if let userName = user?.screenName{
          let url = "\(userName)/profile_image?size=original")