This function will print a stack telling you where it was called from:
function PrintTrace() {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
echo '<pre>';
$sb = array();
foreach($trace as $item) {
if(isset($item['file'])) {
$sb[] = htmlspecialchars("$item[file]:$item[line]");
} else {
$sb[] = htmlspecialchars("$item[class]:$item[function]");
echo implode("\n",$sb);
echo '</pre>';
Call this function at the top of the file that includes your class.
Sometimes it will only print once, even though your class is being included two or more times. This is because PHP actually parses all the top-level classes in a file before executing any code and throws the fatal error immediately. To remedy this, wrap your class declaration in if(true) { ... }
, which will move your class down a level in scope. Then you should get your two traces before PHP fatal errors.
This should help you find where you class is being included from multiple times in a complex project.