Programs & Examples On #Producer consumer

The Producer-Consumer Problem (also known as the bounded-buffer problem) is a classical example of a multi-process synchronization problem. The problem describes two processes, the producer and the consumer, who share a common, fixed-size buffer used as a queue.

Producer/Consumer threads using a Queue

Use this typesafe pattern with poison pills:

public sealed interface BaseMessage {

    final class ValidMessage<T> implements BaseMessage {

        private final T value;

        public ValidMessage(@Nonnull T value) {
            this.value = value;

        public T getValue() {
            return value;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            ValidMessage<?> that = (ValidMessage<?>) o;
            return value.equals(that.value);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(value);

        public String toString() {
            return "ValidMessage{value=%s}".formatted(value);

    final class PoisonedMessage implements BaseMessage {

        public static final PoisonedMessage INSTANCE = new PoisonedMessage();

        private PoisonedMessage() {

        public String toString() {
            return "PoisonedMessage{}";

public class Producer implements Callable<Void> {

    private final BlockingQueue<BaseMessage> messages;

    Producer(@Nonnull BlockingQueue<BaseMessage> messages) {
        this.messages = messages;

    public Void call() throws Exception {
        messages.put(new BaseMessage.ValidMessage<>(1));
        messages.put(new BaseMessage.ValidMessage<>(2));
        messages.put(new BaseMessage.ValidMessage<>(3));
        return null;

public class Consumer implements Callable<Void> {

    private final BlockingQueue<BaseMessage> messages;

    private final int maxPoisons;

    public Consumer(@Nonnull BlockingQueue<BaseMessage> messages, int maxPoisons) {
        this.messages = messages;
        this.maxPoisons = maxPoisons;

    public Void call() throws Exception {
        int poisonsReceived = 0;
        while (poisonsReceived < maxPoisons && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            BaseMessage message = messages.take();
            if (message instanceof BaseMessage.ValidMessage<?> vm) {
                Integer value = (Integer) vm.getValue();
            } else if (message instanceof BaseMessage.PoisonedMessage) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid BaseMessage type: " + message);
        return null;

How to calculate modulus of large numbers?

To add to Jason's answer:

You can speed the process up (which might be helpful for very large exponents) using the binary expansion of the exponent. First calculate 5, 5^2, 5^4, 5^8 mod 221 - you do this by repeated squaring:

 5^1 = 5(mod 221)
 5^2 = 5^2 (mod 221) = 25(mod 221)
 5^4 = (5^2)^2 = 25^2(mod 221) = 625 (mod 221) = 183(mod221)
 5^8 = (5^4)^2 = 183^2(mod 221) = 33489 (mod 221) = 118(mod 221)
5^16 = (5^8)^2 = 118^2(mod 221) = 13924 (mod 221) = 1(mod 221)
5^32 = (5^16)^2 = 1^2(mod 221) = 1(mod 221)

Now we can write

55 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 16 + 32

so 5^55 = 5^1 * 5^2 * 5^4 * 5^16 * 5^32 
        = 5   * 25  * 625 * 1    * 1 (mod 221)
        = 125 * 625 (mod 221)
        = 125 * 183 (mod 183) - because 625 = 183 (mod 221)
        = 22875 ( mod 221)
        = 112 (mod 221)

You can see how for very large exponents this will be much faster (I believe it's log as opposed to linear in b, but not certain.)

Excel Define a range based on a cell value

Old post but this is exactly what I needed, simple question, how to change it to count column rather than Row. Thankyou in advance. Novice to Excel.


I.e My data is A1 B1 C1 D1 etc rather then A1 A2 A3 A4.

Is there a "do ... while" loop in Ruby?

Here's another one:

people = []
1.times do
  info = gets.chomp
  unless info.empty? 
    people += []

QuotaExceededError: Dom exception 22: An attempt was made to add something to storage that exceeded the quota

As mentioned in other answers, you'll always get the QuotaExceededError in Safari Private Browser Mode on both iOS and OS X when localStorage.setItem (or sessionStorage.setItem) is called.

One solution is to do a try/catch or Modernizr check in each instance of using setItem.

However if you want a shim that simply globally stops this error being thrown, to prevent the rest of your JavaScript from breaking, you can use this:

// Safari, in Private Browsing Mode, looks like it supports localStorage but all calls to setItem
// throw QuotaExceededError. We're going to detect this and just silently drop any calls to setItem
// to avoid the entire page breaking, without having to do a check at each usage of Storage.
if (typeof localStorage === 'object') {
    try {
        localStorage.setItem('localStorage', 1);
    } catch (e) {
        Storage.prototype._setItem = Storage.prototype.setItem;
        Storage.prototype.setItem = function() {};
        alert('Your web browser does not support storing settings locally. In Safari, the most common cause of this is using "Private Browsing Mode". Some settings may not save or some features may not work properly for you.');

Subtract days, months, years from a date in JavaScript

This does not answer the question fully, but for anyone who is able to calculate the number of days by which they would like to offset an initial date then the following method will work:

myDate.setUTCDate(myDate.getUTCDate() + offsetDays);

offsetDays can be positive or negative and the result will be correct for any given initial date with any given offset.

Apache gives me 403 Access Forbidden when DocumentRoot points to two different drives

Somewhere, you need to tell Apache that people are allowed to see contents of this directory.

<Directory "F:/bar/public">
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from All
    # Any other directory-specific stuff

More info

fatal error: iostream.h no such file or directory

That header doesn't exist in standard C++. It was part of some pre-1990s compilers, but it is certainly not part of C++.

Use #include <iostream> instead. And all the library classes are in the std:: namespace, for ex­am­ple std::cout.

Also, throw away any book or notes that mention the thing you said.

What is HTTP "Host" header?

The Host Header tells the webserver which virtual host to use (if set up). You can even have the same virtual host using several aliases (= domains and wildcard-domains). In this case, you still have the possibility to read that header manually in your web app if you want to provide different behavior based on different domains addressed. This is possible because in your webserver you can (and if I'm not mistaken you must) set up one vhost to be the default host. This default vhost is used whenever the host header does not match any of the configured virtual hosts.

That means: You get it right, although saying "multiple hosts" may be somewhat misleading: The host (the addressed machine) is the same, what really gets resolved to the IP address are different domain names (including subdomains) that are also referred to as hostnames (but not hosts!).

Although not part of the question, a fun fact: This specification led to problems with SSL in early days because the web server has to deliver the certificate that corresponds to the domain the client has addressed. However, in order to know what certificate to use, the webserver should have known the addressed hostname in advance. But because the client sends that information only over the encrypted channel (which means: after the certificate has already been sent), the server had to assume you browsed the default host. That meant one ssl-secured domain per IP address / port-combination.

This has been overcome with Server Name Indication; however, that again breaks some privacy, as the server name is now transferred in plain text again, so every man-in-the-middle would see which hostname you are trying to connect to.

Although the webserver would know the hostname from Server Name Indication, the Host header is not obsolete, because the Server Name Indication information is only used within the TLS handshake. With an unsecured connection, there is no Server Name Indication at all, so the Host header is still valid (and necessary).

Another fun fact: Most webservers (if not all) reject your HTTP request if it does not contain exactly one Host header, even if it could be omitted because there is only the default vhost configured. That means the minimum required information in an http-(get-)request is the first line containing METHOD RESOURCE and PROTOCOL VERSION and at least the Host header, like this:

GET /someresource.html HTTP/1.1

In the MDN Documentation on the "Host" header they actually phrase it like this:

A Host header field must be sent in all HTTP/1.1 request messages. A 400 (Bad Request) status code will be sent to any HTTP/1.1 request message that lacks a Host header field or contains more than one.

As mentioned by Darrel Miller, the complete specs can be found in RFC7230.

Best way to create unique token in Rails?

I think token should be handled just like password. As such, they should be encrypted in DB.

I'n doing something like this to generate a unique new token for a model:

key = ActiveSupport::KeyGenerator
                .generate_key("put some random or the name of the key")

loop do
  raw = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(nil, false)
  enc = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('SHA256', key, raw)

  break [raw, enc] unless Model.exist?(token: enc)

How do I query for all dates greater than a certain date in SQL Server?

Try enclosing your date into a character string.

 select * 
 from dbo.March2010 A
 where A.Date >= '2010-04-01';

Filtering a list based on a list of booleans

With python 3 you can use list_a[filter] to get True values. To get False values use list_a[~filter]

Change directory in Node.js command prompt

That isn't the Node.js command prompt window. That is a language shell to run JavaScript commands, also known as a REPL.

In Windows, there should be a Node.js command prompt in your Start menu or start screen:

Windows Search for node.js

Which will open a command prompt window that looks like this:

Node.js command prompt window

From there you can switch directories using the cd command.

CSS endless rotation animation

@keyframes rotate {
    100% {
        transform: rotate(1turn);

   animation: rotate 4s linear infinite;

iOS - Build fails with CocoaPods cannot find header files

I was the only developer in the team experiencing this same issue, it worked perfectly for everybody so I realized it had to be my environment. I tried a git clone of the same project in another directory and it compiled perfectly, then I realized it had to be Xcode caching stuff for my project path somewhere, that "somewhere" is the DerivedData folder, just remove it and do a clean build of your project, it worked for me.

You can get the path and even open the folder in finder by going to:

Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> **DerivedData

What is the full path to the Packages folder for Sublime text 2 on Mac OS Lion

/Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages

Get to it quickly from within Sublime via the menu at Sublime Text 2... Preferences... Browse Packages

Increase distance between text and title on the y-axis

From ggplot2 2.0.0 you can use the margin = argument of element_text() to change the distance between the axis title and the numbers. Set the values of the margin on top, right, bottom, and left side of the element.

ggplot(mpg, aes(cty, hwy)) + geom_point()+
  theme(axis.title.y = element_text(margin = margin(t = 0, r = 20, b = 0, l = 0)))

margin can also be used for other element_text elements (see ?theme), such as axis.text.x, axis.text.y and title.


in order to set the margin for axis titles when the axis has a different position (e.g., with scale_x_...(position = "top"), you'll need a different theme setting - e.g. See

Capturing TAB key in text box

The previous answer is fine, but I'm one of those guys that's firmly against mixing behavior with presentation (putting JavaScript in my HTML) so I prefer to put my event handling logic in my JavaScript files. Additionally, not all browsers implement event (or e) the same way. You may want to do a check prior to running any logic:

document.onkeydown = TabExample;

function TabExample(evt) {
  var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((event) ? event : null);
  var tabKey = 9;
  if(evt.keyCode == tabKey) {
    // do work

BitBucket - download source as ZIP

In Bitbucket Server you can do a download by clicking on ... next to the branch and then Download

Bitbucket Server download

For more info see Download an archive from Bitbucket Server

What is the difference between JOIN and JOIN FETCH when using JPA and Hibernate

Dherik : I'm not sure about what you say, when you don't use fetch the result will be of type : List<Object[ ]> which means a list of Object tables and not a list of Employee.

Object[0] refers an Employee entity 
Object[1] refers a Departement entity 

When you use fetch, there is just one select and the result is the list of Employee List<Employee> containing the list of departements. It overrides the lazy declaration of the entity.

Array initializing in Scala

If you know Array's length but you don't know its content, you can use

val length = 5
val temp = Array.ofDim[String](length)

If you want to have two dimensions array but you don't know its content, you can use

val row = 5
val column = 3
val temp = Array.ofDim[String](row, column)

Of course, you can change String to other type.

If you already know its content, you can use

val temp = Array("a", "b")

How to get Bitmap from an Uri?

Here's the correct way of doing it:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    if (resultCode == RESULT_OK)
        Uri imageUri = data.getData();
        Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(this.getContentResolver(), imageUri);

If you need to load very large images, the following code will load it in in tiles (avoiding large memory allocations):

BitmapRegionDecoder decoder = BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance(myStream, false);  
Bitmap region = decoder.decodeRegion(new Rect(10, 10, 50, 50), null);

See the answer here

use a javascript array to fill up a drop down select box

This is a part from a REST-Service I´ve written recently.

var select = $("#productSelect")
for (var prop in data) {
    var option = document.createElement('option');
    option.innerHTML = data[prop].ProduktName
    option.value = data[prop].ProduktName;

The reason why im posting this is because appendChild() wasn´t working in my case so I decided to put up another possibility that works aswell.

How do I do a bulk insert in mySQL using node.js

I ran into this today (mysql 2.16.0) and thought I'd share my solution:

const items = [
    {name: 'alpha', description: 'describes alpha', value: 1},

    'INSERT INTO my_table (name, description, value) VALUES ?',
    [ => [, item.description, item.value])],
    (error, results) => {...}

env: node: No such file or directory in mac

I re-installed node through this link and it fixed it.

I think the issue was that I somehow got node to be in my /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin.

How to scroll to the bottom of a UITableView on the iPhone before the view appears

In iOS this worked fine for me

CGFloat height = self.inputTableView.contentSize.height;
if (height > CGRectGetHeight(self.inputTableView.frame)) {
    height -= (CGRectGetHeight(self.inputTableView.frame) - CGRectGetHeight(self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame));
else {
    height = 0;
[self.inputTableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, height) animated:animated];

It needs to be called from viewDidLayoutSubviews

Python NoneType object is not callable (beginner)

You want to pass the function object hi to your loop() function, not the result of a call to hi() (which is None since hi() doesn't return anything).

So try this:

>>> loop(hi, 5)

Perhaps this will help you understand better:

>>> print hi()
>>> print hi
<function hi at 0x0000000002422648>

How to retrieve the current value of an oracle sequence without increment it?

This is not an answer, really and I would have entered it as a comment had the question not been locked. This answers the question:

Why would you want it?

Assume you have a table with the sequence as the primary key and the sequence is generated by an insert trigger. If you wanted to have the sequence available for subsequent updates to the record, you need to have a way to extract that value.

In order to make sure you get the right one, you might want to wrap the INSERT and RonK's query in a transaction.

RonK's Query:

select MY_SEQ_NAME.currval from DUAL;

In the above scenario, RonK's caveat does not apply since the insert and update would happen in the same session.

Experimental decorators warning in TypeScript compilation

For the sake of clarity and stupidity.

1) Open .vscode/settings.json.

2) Add "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib" on it.

3) Save it.

4) Restart Visual Studio Code.

How to get everything after last slash in a URL?

rsplit should be up to the task:

In [1]: ''.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
Out[1]: 'TEST2'

Set Jackson Timezone for Date deserialization

Looks like older answers were fine for older Jackson versions, but since objectMapper has method setTimeZone(tz), setting time zone on a dateFormat is totally ignored.

How to properly setup timeZone to the ObjectMapper in Jackson version 2.11.0:

ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

Full example

  void test() throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    JavaTimeModule module = new JavaTimeModule();

    ZonedDateTime now =;
    String converted = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(now);

    ZonedDateTime restored = objectMapper.readValue(converted, ZonedDateTime.class);
    System.out.println("serialized: " + now);
    System.out.println("converted: " + converted);
    System.out.println("restored: " + restored);


LINQ: Select where object does not contain items from list

I have not tried this, so I am not guarantueeing anything, however

foreach Bar f in filterBars
Foo search(Bar b)
    fooSelect = (from f in fooBunch
                 where !(from b in f.BarList select b.BarId).Contains(b.ID)
                 select f).ToList();

    return fooSelect;

Git says remote ref does not exist when I delete remote branch

I followed the solution by poke with a minor adjustment in the end. My steps follow
- git fetch --prune;
- git branch -a printing the following
    remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
    remotes/origin/branch (remote branch to remove)
- git push origin --delete branch.
Here, the branch to remove is not named as remotes/origin/branch but simply branch. And the branch is removed.

What exactly is OAuth (Open Authorization)?

OAuth is an open standard for authorization, commonly used as a way for Internet users to log into third party websites using their Microsoft, Google, Facebook or Twitter accounts without exposing their password.

How to get current route in react-router 2.0.0-rc5

You could use the 'isActive' prop like so:

const { router } = this.context;
if (router.isActive('/login')) {

isActive will return a true or false.

Tested with react-router 2.7

How to exit an Android app programmatically?

Try this on a call. I sometimes use it in onClick of a button.

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

It instead of closing your app , opens the dashboard so kind of looks like your app is closed.

read this question for more clearity android - exit application code

Best way to handle multiple constructors in Java

I would do the following:

public class Book
    private final String title;
    private final String isbn;

    public Book(final String t, final String i)
        if(t == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("t cannot be null");

        if(i == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("i cannot be null");

        title = t;
        isbn  = i;

I am making the assumption here that:

1) the title will never change (hence title is final) 2) the isbn will never change (hence isbn is final) 3) that it is not valid to have a book without both a title and an isbn.

Consider a Student class:

public class Student
    private final StudentID id;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;

    public Student(final StudentID i,
                   final String    first,
                   final String    last)
        if(i == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("i cannot be null"); 

        if(first == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("first cannot be null"); 

        if(last == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("last cannot be null"); 

        id        = i;
        firstName = first;
        lastName  = last;

There a Student must be created with an id, a first name, and a last name. The student ID can never change, but a persons last and first name can change (get married, changes name due to losing a bet, etc...).

When deciding what constrructors to have you really need to think about what makes sense to have. All to often people add set/get methods because they are taught to - but very often it is a bad idea.

Immutable classes are much better to have (that is classes with final variables) over mutable ones. This book:,M1 (Effective Java) has a good discussion on immutability. Look at items 12 and 13.

How can I generate an ObjectId with mongoose?

You can find the ObjectId constructor on require('mongoose').Types. Here is an example:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId();

id is a newly generated ObjectId.

You can read more about the Types object at Mongoose#Types documentation.

pip is configured with locations that require TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not available

I am on macOS and I had used brew but what Vaulstein mentioned in his answer didn't cover my case.

I run the following commands to make sure my current python was not installed by brew

brew list | grep python           

brew info python
[email protected]: stable 3.8.3 (bottled)
Interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
Not installed

So I download the latest 3.8.5 from and when installing it I saw following information

Certificate verification and OpenSSL

This package includes its own private copy of OpenSSL 1.1.1. The trust certificates in system and user keychains managed by the Keychain Access application and the security command line utility are not used as defaults by the Python ssl module

After installed 3.8.5 it fixed the problem.

Sum all the elements java arraylist

Using Java 8 streams:

double sum =
    .mapToDouble(a -> a)


Interesting 'takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)' Python error

The call


for a regular method extractAll() is indeed equivalent to

Extractor.extractAll(e, "th")

These two calls are treated the same in all regards, including the error messages you get.

If you don't need to pass the instance to a method, you can use a staticmethod:

def extractAll(tag):

which can be called as e.extractAll("th"). But I wonder why this is a method on a class at all if you don't need to access any instance.

Age from birthdate in python

The simplest way is using python-dateutil

import datetime

import dateutil

def birthday(date):
    # Get the current date
    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
    now =

    # Get the difference between the current date and the birthday
    age = dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(now, date)
    age = age.years

    return age

How do you implement a class in C?

I will give a simple example of how OOP should be done in C. I realise this thead is from 2009 but would like to add this anyway.

/// Object.h
typedef struct Object {
    uuid_t uuid;
} Object;

int Object_init(Object *self);
uuid_t Object_get_uuid(Object *self);
int Object_clean(Object *self);

/// Person.h
typedef struct Person {
    Object obj;
    char *name;
} Person;

int Person_init(Person *self, char *name);
int Person_greet(Person *self);
int Person_clean(Person *self);

/// Object.c
#include "object.h"

int Object_init(Object *self)
    self->uuid = uuid_new();

    return 0;
uuid_t Object_get_uuid(Object *self)
{ // Don't actually create getters in C...
    return self->uuid;
int Object_clean(Object *self)

    return 0;

/// Person.c
#include "person.h"

int Person_init(Person *self, char *name)
    Object_init(&self->obj); // Or just Object_init(&self);
    self->name = strdup(name);

    return 0;
int Person_greet(Person *self)
    printf("Hello, %s", self->name);

    return 0;
int Person_clean(Person *self)

    return 0;

/// main.c
int main(void)
    Person p;

    Person_init(&p, "John");
    Object_get_uuid(&p); // Inherited function

    return 0;

The basic concept involves placing the 'inherited class' at the top of the struct. This way, accessing the first 4 bytes in the struct also accesses the first 4 bytes in the 'inherited class' (Asuming non-crazy optimalisations). Now, when the pointer of the struct is cast to the 'inherited class', the 'inherited class' can access the 'inherited values' in the same way it would access it's members normally.

This and some naming conventions for constructors, destructors, allocation and deallocarion functions (I recommend init, clean, new, free) will get you a long way.

As for Virtual functions, use function pointers in the struct, possibly with Class_func(...); wrapper too. As for (simple) templates, add a size_t parameter to determine size, require a void* pointer, or require a 'class' type with just the functionality you care about. (e.g. int GetUUID(Object *self); GetUUID(&p);)

CSS: Position loading indicator in the center of the screen

change the position absolute of div busy to fixed

Passing data to components in vue.js

The above-mentioned responses work well but if you want to pass data between 2 sibling components, then the event bus can also be used. Check out this blog which would help you understand better.

supppose for 2 components : CompA & CompB having same parent and main.js for setting up main vue app. For passing data from CompA to CompB without involving parent component you can do the following.

in main.js file, declare a separate global Vue instance, that will be event bus.

export const bus = new Vue();

In CompA, where the event is generated : you have to emit the event to bus.

methods: {
      somethingHappened (){
          bus.$emit('changedSomething', 'new data');

Now the task is to listen the emitted event, so, in CompB, you can listen like.

created (){
    bus.$on('changedSomething', (newData) => {


  • Less & Clean code.
  • Parent should not involve in passing down data from 1 child comp to another ( as the number of children grows, it will become hard to maintain )
  • Follows pub-sub approach.

What is the best way to generate a unique and short file name in Java

Look at the File javadoc, the method createNewFile will create the file only if it doesn't exist, and will return a boolean to say if the file was created.

You may also use the exists() method:

int i = 0;
String filename = Integer.toString(i);
File f = new File(filename);
while (f.exists()) {
    filename = Integer.toString(i);
    f = new File(filename);
System.out.println("File in use: " + f);

How do I get column datatype in Oracle with PL-SQL with low privileges?

Note: if you are trying to get this information for tables that are in a different SCHEMA use the all_tab_columns view, we have this problem as our Applications use a different SCHEMA for security purposes.

use the following:


    upper(table_name) = 'MY_TABLE_NAME' AND upper(column_name) = 'MY_COL_NAME'

Dynamically add child components in React

First, I wouldn't use document.body. Instead add an empty container:


        <div id="app"></div>

Then opt to only render your <App /> element:


var App = require('./App.js');
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));

Within App.js you can import your other components and ignore your DOM render code completely:


var SampleComponent = require('./SampleComponent.js');

var App = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
                <h1>App main component!</h1>
                <SampleComponent name="SomeName" />


var SampleComponent = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
                <h1>Sample Component!</h1>

Then you can programmatically interact with any number of components by importing them into the necessary component files using require.

Maven: Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor error

For me, the solution given on the page maven is not able to download anything from central because ssl don't work worked, when running Mint 19 in a VM:

sudo apt install ca-certificates-java
sudo update-ca-certificates -f

Return file in ASP.Net Core Web API

You can return FileResult with this methods:

1: Return FileStreamResult

    public async Task<FileStreamResult> DownloadAsync(string id)
        var fileName="myfileName.txt";
        var mimeType="application/...."; 
        var stream = await GetFileStreamById(id);

        return new FileStreamResult(stream, mimeType)
            FileDownloadName = fileName

2: Return FileContentResult

    public async Task<FileContentResult> DownloadAsync(string id)
        var fileName="myfileName.txt";
        var mimeType="application/...."; 
        var fileBytes = await GetFileBytesById(id);

        return new FileContentResult(fileBytes, mimeType)
            FileDownloadName = fileName

Should I use past or present tense in git commit messages?

Stick with the present tense imperative because

  • it's good to have a standard
  • it matches tickets in the bug tracker which naturally have the form "implement something", "fix something", or "test something."

How to update values using pymongo?

You can use the $set syntax if you want to set the value of a document to an arbitrary value. This will either update the value if the attribute already exists on the document or create it if it doesn't. If you need to set a single value in a dictionary like you describe, you can use the dot notation to access child values.

If p is the object retrieved:

existing = p['d']['a']

For pymongo versions < 3.0

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$set': {
    'd.a': existing + 1
}, upsert=False, multi=False)

For pymongo versions >= 3.0

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$set': {
    'd.a': existing + 1
}, upsert=False)

However if you just need to increment the value, this approach could introduce issues when multiple requests could be running concurrently. Instead you should use the $inc syntax:

For pymongo versions < 3.0:

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$inc': {
    'd.a': 1
}, upsert=False, multi=False)

For pymongo versions >= 3.0:

  '_id': p['_id']
  '$inc': {
    'd.a': 1
}, upsert=False)

This ensures your increments will always happen.

Use string contains function in oracle SQL query

By lines I assume you mean rows in the table person. What you're looking for is:

from   person p
where LIKE '%A%'; --contains the character 'A'

The above is case sensitive. For a case insensitive search, you can do:

from   person p
where  UPPER( LIKE '%A%'; --contains the character 'A' or 'a'

For the special character, you can do:

from   person p
where LIKE '%'||chr(8211)||'%'; --contains the character chr(8211)

The LIKE operator matches a pattern. The syntax of this command is described in detail in the Oracle documentation. You will mostly use the % sign as it means match zero or more characters.

How do I scroll the UIScrollView when the keyboard appears?

One of the easiest solutions is using the following protocol:

protocol ScrollViewKeyboardDelegate: class {
    var scrollView: UIScrollView? { get set }

    func registerKeyboardNotifications()
    func unregisterKeyboardNotifications()

extension ScrollViewKeyboardDelegate where Self: UIViewController {
    func registerKeyboardNotifications() {
            forName: UIResponder.keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification,
            object: nil,
            queue: nil) { [weak self] notification in

            forName: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification,
            object: nil,
            queue: nil) { [weak self] notification in

    func unregisterKeyboardNotifications() {
            name: UIResponder.keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification,
            object: nil
            name: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNotification,
            object: nil

    func keyboardWillBeShown(_ notification: Notification) {
        let info = notification.userInfo
        let key = (info?[UIResponder.keyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] as? NSValue)
        let aKeyboardSize = key?.cgRectValue

        guard let keyboardSize = aKeyboardSize,
            let scrollView = self.scrollView else {

        let bottomInset = keyboardSize.height
        scrollView.contentInset.bottom = bottomInset
        scrollView.scrollIndicatorInsets.bottom = bottomInset
        if let activeField = self.view.firstResponder {
            let yPosition = activeField.frame.origin.y - bottomInset
            if yPosition > 0 {
                let scrollPoint = CGPoint(x: 0, y: yPosition)
                scrollView.setContentOffset(scrollPoint, animated: true)

    func keyboardWillBeHidden(_ notification: Notification) {
        self.scrollView?.contentInset = .zero
        self.scrollView?.scrollIndicatorInsets = .zero

extension UIView {
    var firstResponder: UIView? {
        guard !isFirstResponder else { return self }
        return subviews.first(where: {$0.firstResponder != nil })

When you want to use this protocol, you only need to conform to it and assign your scroll view in your controller as follows:

class MyViewController: UIViewController {
      @IBOutlet var scrollViewOutlet: UIScrollView?
      var scrollView: UIScrollView?

      public override func viewDidLoad() {

        self.scrollView = self.scrollViewOutlet
        self.scrollView?.isScrollEnabled = true

    extension MyViewController: ScrollViewKeyboardDelegate {}

    deinit {


Cross-thread operation not valid: Control accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on

I know its too late now. However even today if you are having trouble accessing cross thread controls? This is the shortest answer till date :P

Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    label1.Text = "WooHoo!!!";

This is how i access any form control from a thread.

Creating a LINQ select from multiple tables

You must create a new anonymous type:

 select new { op, pg }

Refer to the official guide.

How to git commit a single file/directory

For git 1.9.5 on Windows 7: "my Notes" (double quotes) corrected this issue. In my case putting the file(s) before or after the -m 'message'. made no difference; using single quotes was the problem.

Determine whether an array contains a value

Given the implementation of indexOf for IE (as described by eyelidlessness):

Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {
    return this.indexOf(obj) > -1;

Cannot install packages inside docker Ubuntu image

It is because there is no package cache in the image, you need to run:

apt-get update

before installing packages, and if your command is in a Dockerfile, you'll then need:

apt-get -y install curl

To suppress the standard output from a command use -qq. E.g.

apt-get -qq -y install curl

Android studio Error "Unsupported Modules Detected: Compilation is not supported for following modules"

Goto .idea/modules.xml & delete the invalid/not existing path <module />. Then File => Invalidate Caches / Restart.

How do you set autocommit in an SQL Server session?

I wanted a more permanent and quicker way. Because I tend to forget to add extra lines before writing my actual Update/Insert queries.

I did it by checking SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS check-box from Options. To navigate to Options Select Tools>Options>Query Execution>SQL Server>ANSI in your Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Just make sure to execute commit or rollback after you are done executing your queries. Otherwise, the table you would have run the query will be locked for others.

trace a particular IP and port

You can use the default traceroute command for this purpose, then there will be nothing to install.

traceroute -T -p 9100 <IP address/hostname>

The -T argument is required so that the TCP protocol is used instead of UDP.

In the rare case when traceroute isn't available, you can also use ncat.

nc -Czvw 5 <IP address/hostname> 9100

How to check whether an object is a date?

This function will return true if it's Date or false otherwise:

function isDate(myDate) {
    return myDate.constructor.toString().indexOf("Date") > -1;

jQuery’s .bind() vs. .on()

From the jQuery documentation:

As of jQuery 1.7, the .on() method is the preferred method for attaching event handlers to a document. For earlier versions, the .bind() method is used for attaching an event handler directly to elements. Handlers are attached to the currently selected elements in the jQuery object, so those elements must exist at the point the call to .bind() occurs. For more flexible event binding, see the discussion of event delegation in .on() or .delegate().

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory


It holds different jar files.

Go to -> Integration folder after extracting zip and include following jar files

  1. slf4j-api-2.0.99
  2. slf4j-simple-1.6.99
  3. junit-3.8.1

@font-face src: local - How to use the local font if the user already has it?

I haven’t actually done anything with font-face, so take this with a pinch of salt, but I don’t think there’s any way for the browser to definitively tell if a given web font installed on a user’s machine or not.

The user could, for example, have a different font with the same name installed on their machine. The only way to definitively tell would be to compare the font files to see if they’re identical. And the browser couldn’t do that without downloading your web font first.

Does Firefox download the font when you actually use it in a font declaration? (e.g. h1 { font: 'DejaVu Serif';)?

no overload for matches delegate 'system.eventhandler'

You need to change public void klik(PaintEventArgs pea, EventArgs e) to public void klik(object sender, System.EventArgs e) because there is no Click event handler with parameters PaintEventArgs pea, EventArgs e.

How to move the cursor word by word in the OS X Terminal

Actually it depends on what shell you use, however most shells have similar bindings. The bindings you are referring to (e.g. Ctrl+A and Ctrl+E) are bindings you will find in many other programs and they are used for ages, BTW also work in most UI apps.

Here's a look of default bindings for Bash:

Most Important Bash Keyboard Shortcuts

Please also note that you can customize them. You need to create a file, name as you wish, I named mine .bash_key_bindings and put it into my home directory. There you can set some general bash options and you can also set key bindings. To make sure they are applied, you need to modify a file named ".bashrc" that bash reads in upon start-up (you must create it, if it does not exist) and make the following call there:

bind -f ~/.bash_key_bindings

~ means home directory in bash, as stated above, you can name the file as you like and also place it where you like as long as you feed the right path+name to bind.

Let me show you some excerpts of my .bash_key_bindings file:

set meta-flag on
set input-meta on
set output-meta on
set convert-meta off
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set bell-style none
set print-completions-horizontally off

These just set a couple of options (e.g. disable the bell; this can be all looked up on the bash webpage).

"A": self-insert
"B": self-insert
"C": self-insert
"D": self-insert
"E": self-insert
"F": self-insert
"G": self-insert
"H": self-insert
"I": self-insert
"J": self-insert

These make sure that the characters alone just do nothing but making sure the character is "typed" (they insert themselves on the shell).

"\C-dW": kill-word
"\C-dL": kill-line
"\C-dw": backward-kill-word
"\C-dl": backward-kill-line
"\C-da": kill-line

This is quite interesting. If I hit Ctrl+D alone (I selected d for delete), nothing happens. But if I then type a lower case w, the word to the left of the cursor is deleted. If I type an upper case, however, the word to the right of the cursor is killed. Same goes for l and L regarding the whole line starting from the cursor. If I type an "a", the whole line is actually deleted (everything before and after the cursor).

I placed jumping one word forward on Ctrl+F and one word backward on Ctrl+B

"\C-f": forward-word
"\C-b": backward-word

As you can see, you can make a shortcut, that leads to an action immediately, or you can make one, that just inits a character sequence and then you have to type one (or more) characters to cause an action to take place as shown in the example further above.

So if you are not happy with the default bindings, feel free to customize them as you like. Here's a link to the bash manual for more information.

SQL Server: how to create a stored procedure

To Create SQL server Store procedure in SQL server management studio

  • Expand your database
  • Expand programmatically
  • Right-click on Stored-procedure and Select "new Stored Procedure"

Now, Write your Store procedure, for example, it can be something like below

USE DatabaseName;  
 @LastName nvarchar(50),   
 @FirstName nvarchar(50)   

//Your SQL query here, like
Select  FirstName, LastName, Department  
FROM HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory  
WHERE FirstName = @FirstName AND LastName = @LastName  

Where, DatabaseName = name of your database
ProcedureName = name of SP
InputValue = your input parameter value (@LastName and @FirstName) and type = parameter type example nvarchar(50) etc.

Source: Stored procedure in sql server (With Example)

To Execute the above stored procedure you can use sample query as below

EXECUTE ProcedureName @FirstName = N'Pilar', @LastName = N'Ackerman';  

HTML button to NOT submit form

For accessibility reason, I could not pull it off with multiple type=submit buttons. The only way to work natively with a form with multiple buttons but ONLY one can submit the form when hitting the Enter key is to ensure that only one of them is of type=submit while others are in other type such as type=button. By this way, you can benefit from the better user experience in dealing with a form on a browser in terms of keyboard support.

XML parsing of a variable string in JavaScript

Most examples on the web (and some presented above) show how to load an XML from a file in a browser compatible manner. This proves easy, except in the case of Google Chrome which does not support the document.implementation.createDocument() method. When using Chrome, in order to load an XML file into a XmlDocument object, you need to use the inbuilt XmlHttp object and then load the file by passing it's URI.

In your case, the scenario is different, because you want to load the XML from a string variable, not a URL. For this requirement however, Chrome supposedly works just like Mozilla (or so I've heard) and supports the parseFromString() method.

Here is a function I use (it's part of the Browser compatibility library I'm currently building):

function LoadXMLString(xmlString)
  // ObjectExists checks if the passed parameter is not null.
  // isString (as the name suggests) checks if the type is a valid string.
  if (ObjectExists(xmlString) && isString(xmlString))
    var xDoc;
    // The GetBrowserType function returns a 2-letter code representing
    // ...the type of browser.
    var bType = GetBrowserType();

      case "ie":
        // This actually calls into a function that returns a DOMDocument 
        // on the basis of the MSXML version installed.
        // Simplified here for illustration.
        xDoc = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
        xDoc.async = false;
        var dp = new DOMParser();
        xDoc = dp.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml");
    return xDoc;
    return null;

What is the bit size of long on 64-bit Windows?

The easiest way to get to know it for your compiler/platform:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::cout << sizeof(long)*8 << std::endl;

Themultiplication by 8 is to get bits from bytes.

When you need a particular size, it is often easiest to use one of the predefined types of a library. If that is undesirable, you can do what often happens with autoconf software and have the configuration system determine the right type for the needed size.

How to make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

Using execComand:

<input type="button" name="save" value="Save" onclick="javascript:document.execCommand('SaveAs','true','your_file.txt')">

In the next link: execCommand

Get filename in batch for loop

The answer by @AKX works on the command line, but not within a batch file. Within a batch file, you need an extra %, like this:

@echo off
for /R TutorialSteps %%F in (*.py) do echo %%~nF

How do I make a JAR from a .java file?

Simply with command line:

jar -cf myJar.jar MyApp.class

Sure IDEs avoid using command line terminal

getContext is not a function

Actually we get this error also when we create canvas in javascript as below.


Here point to be noted we have to provide argument name correctly as 'canvas' not anything else.


Emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration

I solved this Issue by enabling virtualization technology from system Settings.

Just followed these steps

  • Restart my Computer
  • Continuously press Esc and then F10 to enter BIOS setup
  • configuration
  • Check Virtualization technology

Your system settings may be changed According to your Computer. You can google (how to enable virtualizatino for YOUR_PC_NAME).

I hope it helps.

T-SQL stored procedure that accepts multiple Id values

Erland Sommarskog has maintained the authoritative answer to this question for the last 16 years: Arrays and Lists in SQL Server.

There are at least a dozen ways to pass an array or list to a query; each has their own unique pros and cons.

I really can't recommend enough to read the article to learn about the tradeoffs among all these options.

Select last N rows from MySQL

You can do it with a sub-query:

) sub

This will select the last 50 rows from table, and then order them in ascending order.


If your DataGridView does not have any DataSource the solution does not come by manipulating it.

You will always have an empty row if you have the AllowUserToAddRows property set to true.

Put AllowUserToAddRows = false if you don't need permise this.

Matplotlib subplots_adjust hspace so titles and xlabels don't overlap?

You can use plt.subplots_adjust to change the spacing between the subplots Link

subplots_adjust(left=None, bottom=None, right=None, top=None, wspace=None, hspace=None)

left  = 0.125  # the left side of the subplots of the figure
right = 0.9    # the right side of the subplots of the figure
bottom = 0.1   # the bottom of the subplots of the figure
top = 0.9      # the top of the subplots of the figure
wspace = 0.2   # the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots
hspace = 0.2   # the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots

Error "can't use subversion command line client : svn" when opening android project checked out from svn

i have fixed the issue by just downloading the android command line tool from download apache comand line tool unzip it on drive go to your android settings/version control/subversion and make sure only command line option is enable set the path of svn.exe as shown below C:\Users\viratsinh.parmar\Apace SVN client\Apache-Subversion-1.8.13\bin\svn.exe

now in your android studio update the project , you will be able to commit now. you can contact me on [email protected]

Searching if value exists in a list of objects using Linq

Using Linq you have many possibilities, here one without using lambdas:

//assuming list is a List<Customer> or something queryable...
var hasJohn = (from customer in list
         where customer.FirstName == "John"
         select customer).Any();

What is the theoretical maximum number of open TCP connections that a modern Linux box can have

A single listening port can accept more than one connection simultaneously.

There is a '64K' limit that is often cited, but that is per client per server port, and needs clarifying.

Each TCP/IP packet has basically four fields for addressing. These are:

source_ip source_port destination_ip destination_port
<----- client ------> <--------- server ------------>

Inside the TCP stack, these four fields are used as a compound key to match up packets to connections (e.g. file descriptors).

If a client has many connections to the same port on the same destination, then three of those fields will be the same - only source_port varies to differentiate the different connections. Ports are 16-bit numbers, therefore the maximum number of connections any given client can have to any given host port is 64K.

However, multiple clients can each have up to 64K connections to some server's port, and if the server has multiple ports or either is multi-homed then you can multiply that further.

So the real limit is file descriptors. Each individual socket connection is given a file descriptor, so the limit is really the number of file descriptors that the system has been configured to allow and resources to handle. The maximum limit is typically up over 300K, but is configurable e.g. with sysctl.

The realistic limits being boasted about for normal boxes are around 80K for example single threaded Jabber messaging servers.

Difference in Months between two dates in JavaScript

The definition of "the number of months in the difference" is subject to a lot of interpretation. :-)

You can get the year, month, and day of month from a JavaScript date object. Depending on what information you're looking for, you can use those to figure out how many months are between two points in time.

For instance, off-the-cuff:

function monthDiff(d1, d2) {
    var months;
    months = (d2.getFullYear() - d1.getFullYear()) * 12;
    months -= d1.getMonth();
    months += d2.getMonth();
    return months <= 0 ? 0 : months;

function monthDiff(d1, d2) {_x000D_
    var months;_x000D_
    months = (d2.getFullYear() - d1.getFullYear()) * 12;_x000D_
    months -= d1.getMonth();_x000D_
    months += d2.getMonth();_x000D_
    return months <= 0 ? 0 : months;_x000D_
function test(d1, d2) {_x000D_
    var diff = monthDiff(d1, d2);_x000D_
        d1.toISOString().substring(0, 10),_x000D_
        d2.toISOString().substring(0, 10),_x000D_
    new Date(2008, 10, 4), // November 4th, 2008_x000D_
    new Date(2010, 2, 12)  // March 12th, 2010_x000D_
// Result: 16_x000D_
    new Date(2010, 0, 1),  // January 1st, 2010_x000D_
    new Date(2010, 2, 12)  // March 12th, 2010_x000D_
// Result: 2_x000D_
    new Date(2010, 1, 1),  // February 1st, 2010_x000D_
    new Date(2010, 2, 12)  // March 12th, 2010_x000D_
// Result: 1

(Note that month values in JavaScript start with 0 = January.)

Including fractional months in the above is much more complicated, because three days in a typical February is a larger fraction of that month (~10.714%) than three days in August (~9.677%), and of course even February is a moving target depending on whether it's a leap year.

There are also some date and time libraries available for JavaScript that probably make this sort of thing easier.

Note: There used to be a + 1 in the above, here:

months = (d2.getFullYear() - d1.getFullYear()) * 12;
months -= d1.getMonth() + 1;
// --------------------^^^^
months += d2.getMonth();

That's because originally I said:

...this finds out how many full months lie between two dates, not counting partial months (e.g., excluding the month each date is in).

I've removed it for two reasons:

  1. Not counting partial months turns out not to be what many (most?) people coming to the answer want, so I thought I should separate them out.

  2. It didn't always work even by that definition. :-D (Sorry.)

How to update data in one table from corresponding data in another table in SQL Server 2005

Try a query like


What exactly is LLVM?

According to 'Getting Started With LLVM Core Libraries' book (c):

In fact, the name LLVM might refer to any of the following:

  • The LLVM project/infrastructure: This is an umbrella for several projects that, together, form a complete compiler: frontends, backends, optimizers, assemblers, linkers, libc++, compiler-rt, and a JIT engine. The word "LLVM" has this meaning, for example, in the following sentence: "LLVM is comprised of several projects".

  • An LLVM-based compiler: This is a compiler built partially or completely with the LLVM infrastructure. For example, a compiler might use LLVM for the frontend and backend but use GCC and GNU system libraries to perform the final link. LLVM has this meaning in the following sentence, for example: "I used LLVM to compile C programs to a MIPS platform".

  • LLVM libraries: This is the reusable code portion of the LLVM infrastructure. For example, LLVM has this meaning in the sentence: "My project uses LLVM to generate code through its Just-in-Time compilation framework".

  • LLVM core: The optimizations that happen at the intermediate language level and the backend algorithms form the LLVM core where the project started. LLVM has this meaning in the following sentence: "LLVM and Clang are two different projects".

  • The LLVM IR: This is the LLVM compiler intermediate representation. LLVM has this meaning when used in sentences such as "I built a frontend that translates my own language to LLVM".

CORS error :Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response

This is an API issue, you won't get this error if using Postman/Fielder to send HTTP requests to API. In case of browsers, for security purpose, they always send OPTIONS request/preflight to API before sending the actual requests (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). Therefore, in case, the request method is OPTION, not only you need to add "Authorization" into "Access-Control-Allow-Headers", but you need to add "OPTIONS" into "Access-Control-allow-methods" as well. This was how I fixed:

if (context.Request.Method == "OPTIONS")
            context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", new[] { (string)context.Request.Headers["Origin"] });
            context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", new[] { "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization" });
            context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", new[] { "GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" });
            context.Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials", new[] { "true" });


How to use SQL Order By statement to sort results case insensitive?


Edit: If you need to specify ASC or DESC, add this after NOCASE like




How to find out which package version is loaded in R?

Use the R method packageDescription to get the installed package description and for version just use $Version as:

[1] "1.1-6"

ERROR 1067 (42000): Invalid default value for 'created_at'

As mentioned in @Bernd Buffen's answer. This is issue with MariaDB 5.5, I simple upgrade MariaDB 5.5 to MariaDB 10.1 and issue resolved.

Here Steps to upgrade MariaDB 5.5 into MariaDB 10.1 at CentOS 7 (64-Bit)

  1. Add following lines to MariaDB repo.

    nano /etc/yum.repos.d/mariadb.repo and paste the following lines.

name = MariaDB
baseurl =

  1. Stop MariaDB, if already running service mariadb stop
  2. Perform update

    yum update

  3. Starting MariaDB & Performing Upgrade

    service mariadb start


Everything Done.

Check MariaDB version: mysql -V

NOTE: Please always take backup of Database(s) before performing upgrades. Data can be lost if upgrade failed or something went wrong.

[Vue warn]: Cannot find element

The simple thing is to put the script below the document, just before your closing </body> tag:

   <div id="main">
      <div id="mainActivity" v-component="{{currentActivity}}" class="activity"></div>
   <script src="app.js"></script>

app.js file:

var main = new Vue({
    el: '#main',
    data: {
        currentActivity: 'home'

Gson: How to exclude specific fields from Serialization without annotations

I came up with a class factory to support this functionality. Pass in any combination of either fields or classes you want to exclude.

public class GsonFactory {

    public static Gson build(final List<String> fieldExclusions, final List<Class<?>> classExclusions) {
        GsonBuilder b = new GsonBuilder();
        b.addSerializationExclusionStrategy(new ExclusionStrategy() {
            public boolean shouldSkipField(FieldAttributes f) {
                return fieldExclusions == null ? false : fieldExclusions.contains(f.getName());

            public boolean shouldSkipClass(Class<?> clazz) {
                return classExclusions == null ? false : classExclusions.contains(clazz);
        return b.create();


To use, create two lists (each is optional), and create your GSON object:

static {
 List<String> fieldExclusions = new ArrayList<String>();

 List<Class<?>> classExclusions = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
 GSON =, classExclusions);

private static final Gson GSON;

public String getSomeJson(){
    List<Provider> list = getEntitiesFromDatabase();
    return GSON.toJson(list);

Is there a "do ... until" in Python?

There is no do-while loop in Python.

This is a similar construct, taken from the link above.

 while True:
     if condition():

Display PDF within web browser

The simple solution is to put it in an iframe and hope that the user has a plug-in that supports it.

(I don't, the Acrobat plugin has been such a resource hog and source of instability that I make a point to remove it from any browser that it touches).

The complicated, but relative popular solution is to display it in a flash applet.

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

Try this

sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -safemode leave

check status of safemode

sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfsadmin -safemode get

If it is still in safemode ,then one of the reason would be not enough space in your node, you can check your node disk usage using :

df -h

if root partition is full, delete files or add space in your root partition and retry first step.

Returning Promises from Vuex actions


ADD_PRODUCT : (context,product) => {
  return, product).then((response) => {
    if (response.status === 'success') {  


this.$store.dispatch('ADD_PRODUCT',data).then((res) => {
  if (res.status === 'success') {
    // write your success actions here....
  } else {
     // write your error actions here...

Which is the default location for keystore/truststore of Java applications?

In Java, according to the JSSE Reference Guide, there is no default for the keystore, the default for the truststore is "jssecacerts, if it exists. Otherwise, cacerts".

A few applications use ~/.keystore as a default keystore, but this is not without problems (mainly because you might not want all the application run by the user to use that trust store).

I'd suggest using application-specific values that you bundle with your application instead, it would tend to be more applicable in general.

Displaying splash screen for longer than default seconds

Use following line in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: delegate method:

[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:5.0];

It will stop splash screen for 5.0 seconds.

Using IF..ELSE in UPDATE (SQL server 2005 and/or ACCESS 2007)

Yes you can use CASE

UPDATE table 
SET columnB = CASE fieldA 
        WHEN columnA=1 THEN 'x' 
        WHEN columnA=2 THEN 'y' 
        ELSE 'z' 
WHERE columnC = 1

Npm install cannot find module 'semver'

In my case, simply re-running brew install yarn fixed the problem.

Using two CSS classes on one element

If you want two classes on one element, do it this way:

<div class="social first"></div>

Reference it in css like so:

.social.first {}


Subset data.frame by date

Well, it's clearly not a number since it has dashes in it. The error message and the two comments tell you that it is a factor but the commentators are apparently waiting and letting the message sink in. Dirk is suggesting that you do this:

 EPL2011_12$Date2 <- as.Date( as.character(EPL2011_12$Date), "%d-%m-%y")

After that you can do this:

 EPL2011_12FirstHalf <- subset(EPL2011_12, Date2 > as.Date("2012-01-13") )

R date functions assume the format is either "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY/MM/DD". You do need to compare like classes: date to date, or character to character.

Disabling Chrome Autofill

The method of hiding it by adding "display: none;" to the input didn’t work for me if the form is generated through javascript.

So instead I made them invisible by placing them out of sight:

<input style="width:0;height:0;opacity:0;position:absolute;left:-10000px;overflow:hidden;" type="text" name="fakeusernameremembered"/>
<input style="width:0;height:0;opacity:0;position:absolute;left:-10000px;overflow:hidden;" type="password" name="fakepasswordremembered"/>

Google Maps JavaScript API RefererNotAllowedMapError

Check you have the correct APIS enabled as well.

I tried all of the above, asterisks, domain tlds, forward slashes, backslashes and everything, even in the end only entering one url as a last hope.

All of this did not work and finally I realised that Google also requires that you specify now which API's you want to use (see screenshot)

enter image description here

I did not have ones I needed enabled (for me that was Maps JavaScript API)

Once I enabled it, all worked fine using:*

I hope that helps someone! :)

Sites not accepting wget user agent header

You need to set both the user-agent and the referer:

 wget  --header="Accept: text/html" --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.8; rv:21.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/21.0" --referrer

Matching a Forward Slash with a regex

I encountered two issues related to the foregoing, when extracting text delimited by \ and /, and found a solution that fits both, other than using new RegExp, which requires \\\\ at the start. These findings are in Chrome and IE11.

The regular expression


does not work. I think the // is interpreted as the start of a comment in spite of the escape character. The regular expression (equally valid in my case though not in general)


does not work either. I think the second / terminates the regular expression in spite of the escape character.

What does work for me is to represent / as \x2F, which is the hexadecimal representation of /. I think that's more efficient and understandable than using new RegExp, but of course it needs a comment to identify the hex code.

Convert Year/Month/Day to Day of Year in Python

If you have reason to avoid the use of the datetime module, then these functions will work.

def is_leap_year(year):
    """ if year is a leap year return True
        else return False """
    if year % 100 == 0:
        return year % 400 == 0
    return year % 4 == 0

def doy(Y,M,D):
    """ given year, month, day return day of year
        Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus, 2d ed, 1998, chap 7 """
    if is_leap_year(Y):
        K = 1
        K = 2
    N = int((275 * M) / 9.0) - K * int((M + 9) / 12.0) + D - 30
    return N

def ymd(Y,N):
    """ given year = Y and day of year = N, return year, month, day
        Astronomical Algorithms, Jean Meeus, 2d ed, 1998, chap 7 """    
    if is_leap_year(Y):
        K = 1
        K = 2
    M = int((9 * (K + N)) / 275.0 + 0.98)
    if N < 32:
        M = 1
    D = N - int((275 * M) / 9.0) + K * int((M + 9) / 12.0) + 30
    return Y, M, D

shell init issue when click tab, what's wrong with getcwd?

By chance, is this occurring on a directory using OverlayFS (or some other special file system type)?

I just had this issue where my cross-compiled version of bash would use an internal implementation of getcwd which has issues with OverlayFS. I found information about this here:

It seems that this can be traced to an internal implementation of getcwd() in bash. When cross-compiled, it can't check for getcwd() use of malloc, so it is cautious and sets GETCWD_BROKEN and uses an internal implementation of getcwd(). This internal implementation doesn't seem to work well with OverlayFS.

You can configure and rebuild bash with bash_cv_getcwd_malloc=yes (if you're actually building bash and your C library does malloc a getcwd call).

How to create friendly URL in php?

ModRewrite is not the only answer. You could also use Options +MultiViews in .htaccess and then check $_SERVER REQUEST_URI to find everything that is in URL.

How do I install the ext-curl extension with PHP 7?

We can install any PHP7 Extensions which we are needed at the time of install Magento just use related command which you get error at the time of installin Magento

sudo apt-get install php7.0-curl
sudo apt-get install php7.0-dom
sudo apt-get install php7.0-mcrypt
sudo apt-get install php7.0-simplexml
sudo apt-get install php7.0-spl
sudo apt-get install php7.0-xsl
sudo apt-get install php7.0-intl
sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstring
sudo apt-get install php7.0-ctype
sudo apt-get install php7.0-hash
sudo apt-get install php7.0-openssl
sudo apt-get install php7.0-zip
sudo apt-get install php7.0-xmlwriter
sudo apt-get install php7.0-gd
sudo apt-get install php7.0-iconv

Thanks! Hope this will help you


$M2_HOMEis used sometimes, for example, to install Takari Extensions for Apache Maven

One way to find $M2_HOME value is to search for mvn:

sudo find / -name "mvn" 2>/dev/null

And, probably it will be: /opt/maven/

Conda command not found

Maybe you should type add this to your .bashrc or .zshrc

export PATH="/anaconda3/bin":$PATH

It worked for me.

CSS fixed width in a span

In an ideal world you'd achieve this simply using the following css

<style type="text/css">

span {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 50px;


This works on all browsers apart from FF2 and below.

Firefox 2 and lower don't support this value. You can use -moz-inline-box, but be aware that it's not the same as inline-block, and it may not work as you expect in some situations.

Quote taken from quirksmode

How do I get the fragment identifier (value after hash #) from a URL?

var url ='';
var type = url.split('#');
var hash = '';
if(type.length > 1)
  hash = type[1];

Working demo on jsfiddle

What is the HTML unicode character for a "tall" right chevron?

Use '›'

&rsaquo; -> single right angle quote. For single left angle quote, use &lsaquo;

Select distinct using linq

myList.GroupBy(test =>
      .Select(grp => grp.First());

Edit: as getting this IEnumerable<> into a List<> seems to be a mystery to many people, you can simply write:

var result = myList.GroupBy(test =>
                   .Select(grp => grp.First())

But one is often better off working with the IEnumerable rather than IList as the Linq above is lazily evaluated: it doesn't actually do all of the work until the enumerable is iterated. When you call ToList it actually walks the entire enumerable forcing all of the work to be done up front. (And may take a little while if your enumerable is infinitely long.)

The flipside to this advice is that each time you enumerate such an IEnumerable the work to evaluate it has to be done afresh. So you need to decide for each case whether it is better to work with the lazily evaluated IEnumerable or to realize it into a List, Set, Dictionary or whatnot.

Run PHP function on html button click

Use an AJAX Request on your PHP file, then display the result on your page, without any reloading. This is a simple solution if you don't need any POST data.

How to install Python packages from the tar.gz file without using pip install

You may use pip for that without using the network. See in the docs (search for "Install a particular source archive file"). Any of those should work:

pip install relative_path_to_seaborn.tar.gz    
pip install absolute_path_to_seaborn.tar.gz    
pip install file:///absolute_path_to_seaborn.tar.gz    

Or you may uncompress the archive and use directly with either pip or python:

cd directory_containing_tar.gz
tar -xvzf seaborn-0.10.1.tar.gz
pip install seaborn-0.10.1
python install

Of course, you should also download required packages and install them the same way before you proceed.

How to add a hook to the application context initialization event?

Since Spring 4.2 you can use @EventListener (documentation)

class MyClassWithEventListeners {

    void contextRefreshedEvent() {
        System.out.println("a context refreshed event happened");

Read values into a shell variable from a pipe

The syntax for an implicit pipe from a shell command into a bash variable is




In your examples, you are piping data to an assignment statement, which does not expect any input.

"The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine" Error in importing process of xlsx to a sql server

I had no luck until I installed the 2010 version link here:

I tried installing the 32 bit version, it still errored, so I uninstalled it and installed the 64 bit version and it started working.

C++ Matrix Class

In C++ you can use like this:

matrix *p = new matrix;

After that,

delete p; 

"pip install json" fails on Ubuntu

json is a built-in module, you don't need to install it with pip.

how to run command "mysqladmin flush-hosts" on Amazon RDS database Server instance?

Login to any other EC2 instance you have that has access to the RDS instance in question and has mysqladmin installed and run

mysqladmin -h <RDS ENDPOINT URL> -P 3306 -u <USER> -p flush-hosts

you will be prompted for your password

Select columns in PySpark dataframe

The method select accepts a list of column names (string) or expressions (Column) as a parameter. To select columns you can use:

-- column names (strings):'col_1','col_2','col_3')

-- column objects:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F'col_1'), F.col('col_2'), F.col('col_3'))

# or, df.col_2, df.col_3)

# or['col_1'], df['col_2'], df['col_3'])

-- a list of column names or column objects:*['col_1','col_2','col_3'])

#or*[F.col('col_1'), F.col('col_2'), F.col('col_3')])

#or*[df.col_1, df.col_2, df.col_3])

The star operator * can be omitted as it's used to keep it consistent with other functions like drop that don't accept a list as a parameter.

Fastest way to check a string contain another substring in JavaScript?

You have three possibilites:

  1. Regular expression:

     (new RegExp('word')).test(str)
     // or
  2. indexOf:

     str.indexOf('word') !== -1
  3. includes:


Regular expressions seem to be faster (at least in Chrome 10).

Performance test - short haystack
Performance test - long haystack

**Update 2011:**

It cannot be said with certainty which method is faster. The differences between the browsers is enormous. While in Chrome 10 indexOf seems to be faster, in Safari 5, indexOf is clearly slower than any other method.

You have to see and try for your self. It depends on your needs. For example a case-insensitive search is way faster with regular expressions.

Update 2018:

Just to save people from running the tests themselves, here are the current results for most common browsers, the percentages indicate performance increase over the next fastest result (which varies between browsers):

Chrome: indexOf (~98% faster) <-- wow
Firefox: cached RegExp (~18% faster)
IE11: cached RegExp(~10% faster)
Edge: indexOf (~18% faster)
Safari: cached RegExp(~0.4% faster)

Note that cached RegExp is: var r = new RegExp('simple'); var c = r.test(str); as opposed to: /simple/.test(str)

How to tell if string starts with a number with Python?

This piece of code:

for s in ("fukushima", "123 is a number", ""):
    print s.ljust(20),  s[0].isdigit() if s else False

prints out the following:

fukushima            False
123 is a number      True

macro run-time error '9': subscript out of range

"Subscript out of range" indicates that you've tried to access an element from a collection that doesn't exist. Is there a "Sheet1" in your workbook? If not, you'll need to change that to the name of the worksheet you want to protect.

How to get size of mysql database?

Run this query and you'll probably get what you're looking for:

SELECT table_schema "DB Name",
        ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB" 
FROM information_schema.tables 
GROUP BY table_schema; 

This query comes from the mysql forums, where there are more comprehensive instructions available.

Is it possible to get an Excel document's row count without loading the entire document into memory?

The solution suggested in this answer has been deprecated, and might no longer work.

Taking a look at the source code of OpenPyXL (IterableWorksheet) I've figured out how to get the column and row count from an iterator worksheet:

wb = load_workbook(path, use_iterators=True)
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]

row_count = sheet.get_highest_row() - 1
column_count = letter_to_index(sheet.get_highest_column()) + 1

IterableWorksheet.get_highest_column returns a string with the column letter that you can see in Excel, e.g. "A", "B", "C" etc. Therefore I've also written a function to translate the column letter to a zero based index:

def letter_to_index(letter):
    """Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
    column index.

    A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.

        letter (str): The column index letter.
        The column index as an integer.
    letter = letter.upper()
    result = 0

    for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
        # Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
        # corresponds to 1.
        num = ord(char) - 64

        # Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
        # value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
        final_num = (26 ** index) * num

        result += final_num

    # Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
    return result - 1

I still haven't figured out how to get the column sizes though, so I've decided to use a fixed-width font and automatically scaled columns in my application.

What does PHP keyword 'var' do?

In PHP7.3 still working...

If declared using var, the property will be defined as public.

Resetting MySQL Root Password with XAMPP on Localhost

  1. Start the Apache Server and MySQL instances from the XAMPP control panel.
  2. Now goto to your localhost.
  3. Click on user accounts -> Click on Edit privileges -> You will find an option change password just change password as you want click on go. Image are given below enter image description here enter image description here
  4. If you refresh the page, you will be getting a error message. This is because the phpMyAdmin configuration file is not aware of our newly set root passoword. To do this we have to modify the phpMyAdmin config file.
  5. Open terminal window (not mac default terminal please check attached image) enter image description here
  6. Then Run apt-get update in the newly opened terminal.
  7. Then run apt-get install nano this will install nano
  8. CD to cd ../opt/lampp/phpmyadmin
  9. Open and Edit nano and save. enter image description here enter image description here

Making an svg image object clickable with onclick, avoiding absolute positioning

This started as a comment on RGB's solution but I could not fit it in so have converted it to an answer. The inspiration for which is entirely RGB's.

RGB's solution worked for me. However, I wished to note a couple of points which may help others arriving at this post (like me) who are not that familiar which SVG and who may very well have generated their SVG file from a graphics package (as I had).

So to apply RGB's solutions I used:


    rect.btn {

The jquery script

<script type="text/javascript" src="../_public/_jquery/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>   
<script type="text/javascript">
       $(".btn").bind("click", function(event){alert("clicked svg")});

The HTML to code the inclusion of your pre-existing SVG file in the group tag inside the SVG code.

<svg xmlns="" version="1.1">
     <image x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"
     xlink:href="../_public/_icons/booked.svg" width="10px"/>
    <rect class="btn" x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10"/>


However, in my case I have several SVG icons which I wish to be clickable and incorporating each of these into the SVG tag was starting to become cumbersome.

So as an alternative approach where I could employ Classes I used jquery.svg. This is probably a shameful application of this plugin which can do all sorts of stuff with SVG's. But it worked using the following code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../_public/_jquery/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>       
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.svg.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(".svgload").bind("click", function(event){alert("clicked svg")});

         for (var i=0; i < 99; i++) {
           $(".svgload:eq(" + i + ")").svg({
              onLoad: function(){
              var svg = $(".svgload:eq(" + i + ")").svg('get');
              svg.load("../_public/_icons/booked.svg", {addTo: true,  changeSize: false});        
              settings: {}}

where HTML

<div class="svgload" style="width: 10px; height: 10px;"></div>

The advantage to my thinking is that I can use the appropriate class where ever the icons are needed and avoid quite a lot of code in the body of the HTML which aids readability. And I only need to incorporate the pre-existing SVG file once.

Edit: Here is a neater version of the script courtesy of Keith Wood: using .svg's load URL setting.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../_public/_jquery/jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>       
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.svg.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

      $('.svgload').on('click', function() {
          alert('clicked svg new');
      }).svg({loadURL: '../_public/_icons/booked.svg'});


Spring: How to get parameters from POST body?

You can try using @RequestBodyParam

@RequestMapping(value = "/saveData", headers="Content-Type=application/json", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Boolean> saveData(@RequestBodyParam String source,@RequestBodyParam JsonDto json) throws MyException {

Remove all items from RecyclerView

ListView uses clear().

But, if you're just doing it for RecyclerView. First you have to clear your RecyclerView.Adapter with notifyItemRangeRemoved(0,size)

Then, only you recyclerView.removeAllViewsInLayout().

How to change Toolbar Navigation and Overflow Menu icons (appcompat v7)?

which theme you have used in activity add below one line code

for white

<style name="AppTheme.NoActionBar">
      <item name="android:tint">#ffffff</item>

 <style name="AppThemeName" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="android:tint">#ffffff</item>

for black

   <style name="AppTheme.NoActionBar">
      <item name="android:tint">#000000</item>

 <style name="AppThemeName" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
<item name="android:tint">#000000</item>

Gerrit error when Change-Id in commit messages are missing

You might be an admin doing a one-off push directly into refs/changes/<change_number>.

For example, once a commit without Change-Id landed into Subversion, you pull it out of Subversion using git-svn, and you'd like to archive it as a Gerrit patchset into a Gerrit change.

If so, you can go to project settings page (http://[installation-path]/#/admin/projects/[project-id]) and temporarily change "Require Change-Id in commit message" value to False.

Don't forget to afterwards change it back to Inherit or True!

Java 8 Stream API to find Unique Object matching a property value

Instead of using a collector try using findFirst or findAny.

Optional<Person> matchingObject =
    filter(p ->"testemail")).

This returns an Optional since the list might not contain that object.

If you're sure that the list always contains that person you can call:

Person person = matchingObject.get();

Be careful though! get throws NoSuchElementException if no value is present. Therefore it is strongly advised that you first ensure that the value is present (either with isPresent or better, use ifPresent, map, orElse or any of the other alternatives found in the Optional class).

If you're okay with a null reference if there is no such person, then:

Person person = matchingObject.orElse(null);

If possible, I would try to avoid going with the null reference route though. Other alternatives methods in the Optional class (ifPresent, map etc) can solve many use cases. Where I have found myself using orElse(null) is only when I have existing code that was designed to accept null references in some cases.

Optionals have other useful methods as well. Take a look at Optional javadoc.

How do you remove a Cookie in a Java Servlet

The MaxAge of -1 signals that you want the cookie to persist for the duration of the session. You want to set MaxAge to 0 instead.

From the API documentation:

A negative value means that the cookie is not stored persistently and will be deleted when the Web browser exits. A zero value causes the cookie to be deleted.

Converting String to "Character" array in Java

This method take String as a argument and return the Character Array

 * @param sourceString
 *            :String as argument
 * @return CharcterArray
public static Character[] toCharacterArray(String sourceString) {
    char[] charArrays = new char[sourceString.length()];
    charArrays = sourceString.toCharArray();
    Character[] characterArray = new Character[charArrays.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < charArrays.length; i++) {
        characterArray[i] = charArrays[i];
    return characterArray;

How do I create a basic UIButton programmatically?

As of Swift 3, several changes have been made to the syntax.

Here is how you would go about creating a basic button as of Swift 3:

    let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.system) as UIButton
    button.frame = CGRect(x: 100, y: 100, width: 100, height: 50)
    button.backgroundColor =
    button.setTitle("Example Button", for: UIControlState.normal)

Here are the changes that have been made since previous versions of Swift:

let button = UIButton(type: UIButtonType.System) as UIButton

// system no longer capitalised

button.frame = CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 50)

// CGRectMake has been removed as of Swift 3

button.backgroundColor = UIColor.greenColor()

// greenColor replaced with green

button.setTitle("Example Button", forState: UIControlState.Normal)

// normal is no longer capitalised


Angular JS Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr]

I previously had the same issue, but I realized that I didn't include the "app.js" (the main application) inside my main page (index.html). So even when you include all the dependencies required by AngularJS, you might end up with that error in the console. So always make sure to include the necessary files inside your main page and you shouldn't have that issue.

Hope this helps.

How to select a range of the second row to the last row

Sub SelectAllCellsInSheet(SheetName As String)
    lastCol = Sheets(SheetName).Range("a1").End(xlToRight).Column
    Lastrow = Sheets(SheetName).Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row
    Sheets(SheetName).Range("A2", Sheets(SheetName).Cells(Lastrow, lastCol)).Select
End Sub

To use with ActiveSheet:

Call SelectAllCellsInSheet(ActiveSheet.Name)

Symfony2 Setting a default choice field selection

the solution: for type entity use option "data" but value is a object. ie:

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getEntityManager();

->add('sucursal', 'entity', array

    'class' => 'TestGeneralBundle:Sucursal',
    'label' => 'Sucursal',
    'required' => false,


Responsive dropdown navbar with angular-ui bootstrap (done in the correct angular kind of way)

Not sure if anyone is having the same responsive issue, but it was just a simple css solution for me.

same example

...  ng-init="isCollapsed = true" ng-click="isCollapsed = !isCollapsed"> ...
...  div collapse="isCollapsed"> ...


@media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
        display: block !important;

Oracle 11g SQL to get unique values in one column of a multi-column query

For efficiency's sake you want to only hit the data once, as Harper does. However you don't want to use rank() because it will give you ties and further you want to group by language rather than order by language. From there you want add an order by clause to distinguish between rows, but you don't want to actually sort the data. To achieve this I would use "order by null" E.g.

count(*) over (group by language order by null)

JQuery - Get select value

var nationality = $("#dancerCountry").val(); should work. Are you sure that the element selector is working properly? Perhaps you should try:

var nationality = $('select[name="dancerCountry"]').val();

Difference between logical addresses, and physical addresses?

logical address is address relative to program. It tells how much memory a particular process will take, not tell what will the exact location of the process and this exact location will we generated by using some mapping, and is known as physical address.

reading and parsing a TSV file, then manipulating it for saving as CSV (*efficiently*)

You should use the csv module to read the tab-separated value file. Do not read it into memory in one go. Each row you read has all the information you need to write rows to the output CSV file, after all. Keep the output file open throughout.

import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows([row[2:4] for _ in range(count)])

or, using the itertools module to do the repeating with itertools.repeat():

from itertools import repeat
import csv

with open('sample.txt', newline='') as tsvin, open('new.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvout:
    tsvin = csv.reader(tsvin, delimiter='\t')
    csvout = csv.writer(csvout)

    for row in tsvin:
        count = int(row[4])
        if count > 0:
            csvout.writerows(repeat(row[2:4], count))

Cannot find libcrypto in Ubuntu

I solved this on 12.10 by installing libssl-dev.

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Pointer vs. Reference


  • A pointer is a variable that holds a memory address.
  • A pointer declaration consists of a base type, an *, and the variable name.
  • A pointer can point to any number of variables in lifetime
  • A pointer that does not currently point to a valid memory location is given the value null (Which is zero)

    BaseType* ptrBaseType;
    BaseType objBaseType;
    ptrBaseType = &objBaseType;
  • The & is a unary operator that returns the memory address of its operand.

  • Dereferencing operator (*) is used to access the value stored in the variable which pointer points to.

       int nVar = 7;
       int* ptrVar = &nVar;
       int nVar2 = *ptrVar;


  • A reference (&) is like an alias to an existing variable.

  • A reference (&) is like a constant pointer that is automatically dereferenced.

  • It is usually used for function argument lists and function return values.

  • A reference must be initialized when it is created.

  • Once a reference is initialized to an object, it cannot be changed to refer to another object.

  • You cannot have NULL references.

  • A const reference can refer to a const int. It is done with a temporary variable with value of the const

    int i = 3;    //integer declaration
    int * pi = &i;    //pi points to the integer i
    int& ri = i;    //ri is refers to integer i – creation of reference and initialization

enter image description here

enter image description here

What does the "undefined reference to varName" in C mean?

It is very bad style to define external interfaces in .c files. .

You should do this


    extern void doSomething (int    sig);


    void doSomething (int    sig)
       ... do stuff 


#include "a.h"
signal(SIGNAL, doSomething); 


Regular Expression to reformat a US phone number in Javascript

Assuming you want the format "(123) 456-7890":

function formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumberString) {
  var cleaned = ('' + phoneNumberString).replace(/\D/g, '')
  var match = cleaned.match(/^(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)
  if (match) {
    return '(' + match[1] + ') ' + match[2] + '-' + match[3]
  return null

Here's a version that allows the optional +1 international code:

function formatPhoneNumber(phoneNumberString) {
  var cleaned = ('' + phoneNumberString).replace(/\D/g, '')
  var match = cleaned.match(/^(1|)?(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})$/)
  if (match) {
    var intlCode = (match[1] ? '+1 ' : '')
    return [intlCode, '(', match[2], ') ', match[3], '-', match[4]].join('')
  return null
formatPhoneNumber('+12345678900') // => "+1 (234) 567-8900"
formatPhoneNumber('2345678900')   // => "(234) 567-8900"

Display array values in PHP

use implode(',', $array); for output as apple,banana,orange


foreach($array as $key => $value)
   echo $key." is ". $value;

Accurate way to measure execution times of php scripts

Here is very simple and short method

$time_start = microtime(true);
//the loop begin
//some code
//the loop end
$time_end = microtime(true);
$total_time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo $total_time; // or whatever u want to do with the time

Why are C++ inline functions in the header?

The reason is that the compiler has to actually see the definition in order to be able to drop it in in place of the call.

Remember that C and C++ use a very simplistic compilation model, where the compiler always only sees one translation unit at a time. (This fails for export, which is the main reason only one vendor actually implemented it.)

How to rename a class and its corresponding file in Eclipse?

To rename file using refactoring (which also updates all occurrences of name in other scripts):

  1. Save changes to file before using refactoring/renaming
  2. In Project Explorer view, right-click file to be renamed and select Refactor | Rename -or- select it and go to Refactor | Rename from the Menu Bar. A Rename File dialog will appear.
  3. Enter the file's new name.
  4. Check the "Update references" box and click Preview.
  5. You can scroll through changes using the Select Next / Previous Change scrolling arrows.
  6. Press OK to rename file and update all occurrences of the script name in other scripts.

See "PHP Developer User Guide > Tasks > Using Refactoring > Renaming Files".

How to call a method with a separate thread in Java?

In Java 8 you can do this with one line of code.

If your method doesn't take any parameters, you can use a method reference:

new Thread(MyClass::doWork).start();

Otherwise, you can call the method in a lambda expression:

new Thread(() -> doWork(someParam)).start();

Force an Android activity to always use landscape mode

Doing it in code is is IMO wrong and even more so if you put it into the onCreate. Do it in the manifest and the "system" knows the orientation from the startup of the app. And this type of meta or top level "guidance" SHOULD be in the manifest. If you want to prove it to yourself set a break in the Activity's onCreate. If you do it in code there it will be called twice : it starts up in Portrait mode then is switched to Landscape. This does not happen if you do it in the manifest.

how to make a whole row in a table clickable as a link?

Here is another way...


       <tr class='clickableRow'>
       <td>Blah Blah</td>

The jQuery:

$(function() {
      $(".clickableRow").on("click", function() {



disable all form elements inside div

Simply this line of code will disable all input elements

$('#yourdiv *').prop('disabled', true);

How can I format a number into a string with leading zeros?

For interpolated strings:

$"Int value: {someInt:D4} or {someInt:0000}. Float: {someFloat: 00.00}"

Failed to allocate memory: 8

You only need to edit your virtual device's ram, making it lower! Try 20 MB, and it will work!

What is the difference between join and merge in Pandas?

From this documentation

pandas provides a single function, merge, as the entry point for all standard database join operations between DataFrame objects:

merge(left, right, how='inner', on=None, left_on=None, right_on=None,
      left_index=False, right_index=False, sort=True,
      suffixes=('_x', '_y'), copy=True, indicator=False)

And :

DataFrame.join is a convenient method for combining the columns of two potentially differently-indexed DataFrames into a single result DataFrame. Here is a very basic example: The data alignment here is on the indexes (row labels). This same behavior can be achieved using merge plus additional arguments instructing it to use the indexes:

result = pd.merge(left, right, left_index=True, right_index=True,

How can I do a BEFORE UPDATED trigger with sql server?

The updated or deleted values are stored in DELETED. we can get it by the below method in trigger

Full example,




Example using Hyperlink in WPF

In addition to Fuji's response, we can make the handler reusable turning it into an attached property:

public static class HyperlinkExtensions
    public static bool GetIsExternal(DependencyObject obj)
        return (bool)obj.GetValue(IsExternalProperty);

    public static void SetIsExternal(DependencyObject obj, bool value)
        obj.SetValue(IsExternalProperty, value);
    public static readonly DependencyProperty IsExternalProperty =
        DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("IsExternal", typeof(bool), typeof(HyperlinkExtensions), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, OnIsExternalChanged));

    private static void OnIsExternalChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
        var hyperlink = sender as Hyperlink;

        if ((bool)args.NewValue)
            hyperlink.RequestNavigate += Hyperlink_RequestNavigate;
            hyperlink.RequestNavigate -= Hyperlink_RequestNavigate;

    private static void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, System.Windows.Navigation.RequestNavigateEventArgs e)
        Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(e.Uri.AbsoluteUri));
        e.Handled = true;

And use it like this:

    <Hyperlink NavigateUri=""
        Click here

Visibility of global variables in imported modules

Globals in Python are global to a module, not across all modules. (Many people are confused by this, because in, say, C, a global is the same across all implementation files unless you explicitly make it static.)

There are different ways to solve this, depending on your actual use case.

Before even going down this path, ask yourself whether this really needs to be global. Maybe you really want a class, with f as an instance method, rather than just a free function? Then you could do something like this:

import module1
thingy1 = module1.Thingy(a=3)

If you really do want a global, but it's just there to be used by module1, set it in that module.

import module1

On the other hand, if a is shared by a whole lot of modules, put it somewhere else, and have everyone import it:

import shared_stuff
import module1
shared_stuff.a = 3

… and, in

import shared_stuff
def f():
    print shared_stuff.a

Don't use a from import unless the variable is intended to be a constant. from shared_stuff import a would create a new a variable initialized to whatever shared_stuff.a referred to at the time of the import, and this new a variable would not be affected by assignments to shared_stuff.a.

Or, in the rare case that you really do need it to be truly global everywhere, like a builtin, add it to the builtin module. The exact details differ between Python 2.x and 3.x. In 3.x, it works like this:

import builtins
import module1
builtins.a = 3

CSS vertical alignment of inline/inline-block elements

Simply floating both elements left achieves the same result.

div {

a {
border:solid black 1px;

span {

Spring application context external properties?

This question is kind of old, but wanted to share something which worked for me. Hope it will be useful for people who are searching for some information accessing properties in an external location.

This is what has worked for me.

  1. Property file contents:

  2. applicationContext.xml file contents: (Spring 3.2.3)

    Note: ${user.home} is a system property from OS.

    <context:property-placeholder system-properties-mode="OVERRIDE" location="file:${user.home}/myapp/latest/bin/"/>
    <bean id="appsclusterJndiTemplate" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiTemplate">
        <property name="environment">
                <prop key="java.naming.factory.initial">weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory</prop>
                <prop key="java.naming.provider.url">${PROVIDER_URL}</prop>

${PROVIDER_URL} got replaced with the value in the properties the file

append option to select menu?


<select id="mySelect">
    <option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
    <option value="saab">Saab</option>
    <option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
    <option value="audi">Audi</option>


 var mySelect = document.getElementById('mySelect'),
    newOption = document.createElement('option');

newOption.value = 'bmw';

// Not all browsers support textContent (W3C-compliant)
// When available, textContent is faster (see
if (typeof newOption.textContent === 'undefined')
    newOption.innerText = 'BMW';
    newOption.textContent = 'BMW';


Demo →

python: sys is not defined

In addition to the answers given above, check the last line of the error message in your console. In my case, the 'site-packages' path in sys.path.append('.....') was wrong.

How Do I Upload Eclipse Projects to GitHub?

While the EGit plugin for Eclipse is a good option, an even better one would be to learn to use git bash -- i.e., git from the command line. It isn't terribly difficult to learn the very basics of git, and it is often very beneficial to understand some basic operations before relying on a GUI to do it for you. But to answer your question:

First things first, download git from Then go to and create an account and repository.

On your machine, first you will need to navigate to the project folder using git bash. When you get there you do:

git init

which initiates a new git repository in that directory.

When you've done that, you need to register that new repo with a remote (where you'll upload -- push -- your files to), which in this case will be github. This assumes you have already created a github repository. You'll get the correct URL from your repo in GitHub.

git remote add origin[username]/[reponame].git

You need to add you existing files to your local commit:

git add .   # this adds all the files

Then you need to make an initial commit, so you do:

git commit -a -m "Initial commit" # this stages your files locally for commit. 
                                  # they haven't actually been pushed yet

Now you've created a commit in your local repo, but not in the remote one. To put it on the remote, you do the second line you posted:

git push -u origin --all

__proto__ VS. prototype in JavaScript

To put it simply:

> var a = 1
> a.__proto__
[Number: 0]
> Number.prototype
[Number: 0]
> Number.prototype === a.__proto__

This allows you to attach properties to X.prototype AFTER objects of type X has been instantiated, and they will still get access to those new properties through the __proto__ reference which the Javascript-engine uses to walk up the prototype chain.

Making view resize to its parent when added with addSubview

If you aren’t using Auto Layout, have you tried setting the child view’s autoresize mask? Try this:

myChildeView.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth |

Also, you may need to call

myParentView.autoresizesSubviews = YES;

to get the parent view to resize its subviews automatically when its frame changes.

If you’re still seeing the child view drawing outside of the parent view’s frame, there’s a good chance that the parent view is not clipping its contents. To fix that, call

myParentView.clipsToBounds = YES;

How to get item count from DynamoDB?


will give you the count of the filtered rows


fe = Key('entity').eq('tesla')
response = table.scan(FilterExpression=fe)

Width equal to content

Using display:inline-block; it will work only for a correct sentence with spaces like

#container {_x000D_
    width: 30%;_x000D_
    background-color: grey;_x000D_
#container p{_x000D_
    background-color: green;_x000D_
<h5>Correct sentence with spaces </h5>_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
    <p>Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1</p>_x000D_
<h5>No specaes (not working )</h5>_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_

Why not using word-wrap: break-word;? it's made to allow long words to be able to break and wrap onto the next line.

#container {_x000D_
    width: 30%;_x000D_
    background-color: grey;_x000D_
#container p{_x000D_
   word-wrap: break-word;_x000D_
    background-color: green;_x000D_
<h5> Correct sentence with spaces </h5>_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
    <p>Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1 Sample Text 1</p>_x000D_
<h5>No specaes</h5>_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_

Nginx reverse proxy causing 504 Gateway Timeout

Had the same problem. Turned out it was caused by iptables connection tracking on the upstream server. After removing --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED from the firewall script and flushing with conntrack -F the problem was gone.

Printing variables in Python 3.4

The syntax has changed in that print is now a function. This means that the % formatting needs to be done inside the parenthesis:1

print("%d. %s appears %d times." % (i, key, wordBank[key]))

However, since you are using Python 3.x., you should actually be using the newer str.format method:

print("{}. {} appears {} times.".format(i, key, wordBank[key]))

Though % formatting is not officially deprecated (yet), it is discouraged in favor of str.format and will most likely be removed from the language in a coming version (Python 4 maybe?).

1Just a minor note: %d is the format specifier for integers, not %s.

Track a new remote branch created on GitHub

When the branch is no remote branch you can push your local branch direct to the remote.

git checkout master
git push origin master

or when you have a dev branch

git checkout dev
git push origin dev

or when the remote branch exists

git branch dev -t origin/dev

There are some other posibilites to push a remote branch.

What are Bearer Tokens and token_type in OAuth 2?

From RFC 6750, Section 1.2:

Bearer Token

A security token with the property that any party in possession of the token (a "bearer") can use the token in any way that any other party in possession of it can. Using a bearer token does not require a bearer to prove possession of cryptographic key material (proof-of-possession).

The Bearer Token or Refresh token is created for you by the Authentication server. When a user authenticates your application (client) the authentication server then goes and generates for your a Bearer Token (refresh token) which you can then use to get an access token.

The Bearer Token is normally some kind of cryptic value created by the authentication server, it isn't random it is created based upon the user giving you access and the client your application getting access.

See also: Mozilla MDN Header Information.

Efficient iteration with index in Scala

There's nothing in the stdlib that will do it for you without creating tuple garbage, but it's not too hard to write your own. Unfortunately I've never bothered to figure out how to do the proper CanBuildFrom implicit raindance to make such things generic in the type of collection they're applied to, but if it's possible, I'm sure someone will enlighten us. :)

def foreachWithIndex[A](as: Traversable[A])(f: (Int,A) => Unit) {
  var i = 0
  for (a <- as) {
    f(i, a)
    i += 1

def mapWithIndex[A,B](in: List[A])(f: (Int,A) => B): List[B] = {
  def mapWithIndex0(in: List[A], gotSoFar: List[B], i: Int): List[B] = {
    in match {
      case Nil         => gotSoFar.reverse
      case one :: more => mapWithIndex0(more, f(i, one) :: gotSoFar, i+1)
  mapWithIndex0(in, Nil, 0)

// Tests....

def testForeachWithIndex() {
  var out = List[Int]()
  ScalaUtils.foreachWithIndex(List(1,2,3,4)) { (i, num) =>
    out :+= i * num

def testMapWithIndex() {
  val out = ScalaUtils.mapWithIndex(List(4,3,2,1)) { (i, num) =>
    i * num


Image resizing in React Native

In my case I could not set 'width' and 'height' to null because I'm using TypeScript.

The way I fixed it was by setting them to '100%':

backgroundImage: {
    flex: 1,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    resizeMode: 'cover',        

How can I get the username of the logged-in user in Django?

'request.user' has the logged in user.
'request.user.username' will return username of logged in user.

Change auto increment starting number?

If you need this procedure for variable fieldnames instead of id this might be helpful:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS update_auto_increment;
CREATE PROCEDURE update_auto_increment (_table VARCHAR(128), _fieldname VARCHAR(128))
    DECLARE _max_stmt VARCHAR(1024);
    DECLARE _stmt VARCHAR(1024);    
    SET @inc := 0;

    SET @MAX_SQL := CONCAT('SELECT IFNULL(MAX(',_fieldname,'), 0) + 1 INTO @inc FROM ', _table);
    PREPARE _max_stmt FROM @MAX_SQL;
    EXECUTE _max_stmt;

    SET @SQL := CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', _table, ' AUTO_INCREMENT =  ', @inc);
    PREPARE _stmt FROM @SQL;
    EXECUTE _stmt;
END //

CALL update_auto_increment('your_table_name', 'autoincrement_fieldname');

Python safe method to get value of nested dictionary

I little changed this answer. I added checking if we're using list with numbers. So now we can use it whichever way. deep_get(allTemp, [0], {}) or deep_get(getMinimalTemp, [0, minimalTemperatureKey], 26) etc

def deep_get(_dict, keys, default=None):
    def _reducer(d, key):
        if isinstance(d, dict):
            return d.get(key, default)
        if isinstance(d, list):
            return d[key] if len(d) > 0 else default
        return default
    return reduce(_reducer, keys, _dict)

What is the difference between Sessions and Cookies in PHP?

A cookie is a bit of data stored by the browser and sent to the server with every request.

A session is a collection of data stored on the server and associated with a given user (usually via a cookie containing an id code)

tar: file changed as we read it

I am not sure does it suit you but I noticed that tar does not fail on changed/deleted files in pipe mode. See what I mean.

Test script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
tar cpf - ./files | aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/files.tar
echo $?

Deleting random files manually...


+ aws s3 cp - s3://my-bucket/files.tar
+ tar cpf - ./files
tar: ./files/default_images: File removed before we read it
tar: ./files: file changed as we read it
+ echo 0

How do you use the "WITH" clause in MySQL?

I followed the link shared by lisachenko and found another link to this blog:

The post lays out ways of emulating the 2 uses of SQL WITH. Really good explanation on how these work to do a similar query as SQL WITH.

1) Use WITH so you don't have to perform the same sub query multiple times

 D AS D1,
 D AS D2

2) Recursive queries can be done with a stored procedure that makes the call similar to a recursive with query.


And this is the code or the stored procedure

# Usage: the standard syntax:
#   WITH RECURSIVE recursive_table AS
#    (initial_SELECT
#     recursive_SELECT)
#   final_SELECT;
# should be translated by you to 
# CALL WITH_EMULATOR(recursive_table, initial_SELECT, recursive_SELECT,
#                    final_SELECT, 0, "").

# 1) we have an initial table T0 (actual name is an argument
# "recursive_table"), we fill it with result of initial_SELECT.
# 2) We have a union table U, initially empty.
# 3) Loop:
#   add rows of T0 to U,
#   run recursive_SELECT based on T0 and put result into table T1,
#   if T1 is empty
#      then leave loop,
#      else swap T0 and T1 (renaming) and empty T1
# 4) Drop T0, T1
# 5) Rename U to T0
# 6) run final select, send relult to client

# This is for *one* recursive table.
# It would be possible to write a SP creating multiple recursive tables.

delimiter |

recursive_table varchar(100), # name of recursive table
initial_SELECT varchar(65530), # seed a.k.a. anchor
recursive_SELECT varchar(65530), # recursive member
final_SELECT varchar(65530), # final SELECT on UNION result
max_recursion int unsigned, # safety against infinite loop, use 0 for default
create_table_options varchar(65530) # you can add CREATE-TABLE-time options
# to your recursive_table, to speed up initial/recursive/final SELECTs; example:
# "(KEY(some_column)) ENGINE=MEMORY"

  declare new_rows int unsigned;
  declare show_progress int default 0; # set to 1 to trace/debug execution
  declare recursive_table_next varchar(120);
  declare recursive_table_union varchar(120);
  declare recursive_table_tmp varchar(120);
  set recursive_table_next  = concat(recursive_table, "_next");
  set recursive_table_union = concat(recursive_table, "_union");
  set recursive_table_tmp   = concat(recursive_table, "_tmp"); 
  # Cleanup any previous failed runs
  SET @str =
    CONCAT("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS ", recursive_table, ",",
    recursive_table_next, ",", recursive_table_union,
    ",", recursive_table_tmp);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt; 
 # If you need to reference recursive_table more than
  # once in recursive_SELECT, remove the TEMPORARY word.
  SET @str = # create and fill T0
    CONCAT("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ", recursive_table, " ",
    create_table_options, " AS ", initial_SELECT);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  SET @str = # create U
    CONCAT("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ", recursive_table_union, " LIKE ", recursive_table);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  SET @str = # create T1
    CONCAT("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ", recursive_table_next, " LIKE ", recursive_table);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  if max_recursion = 0 then
    set max_recursion = 100; # a default to protect the innocent
  end if;
  recursion: repeat
    # add T0 to U (this is always UNION ALL)
    SET @str =
      CONCAT("INSERT INTO ", recursive_table_union, " SELECT * FROM ", recursive_table);
    PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
    EXECUTE stmt;
    # we are done if max depth reached
    set max_recursion = max_recursion - 1;
    if not max_recursion then
      if show_progress then
        select concat("max recursion exceeded");
      end if;
      leave recursion;
    end if;
    # fill T1 by applying the recursive SELECT on T0
    SET @str =
      CONCAT("INSERT INTO ", recursive_table_next, " ", recursive_SELECT);
    PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
    EXECUTE stmt;
    # we are done if no rows in T1
    select row_count() into new_rows;
    if show_progress then
      select concat(new_rows, " new rows found");
    end if;
    if not new_rows then
      leave recursion;
    end if;
    # Prepare next iteration:
    # T1 becomes T0, to be the source of next run of recursive_SELECT,
    # T0 is recycled to be T1.
    SET @str =
      CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", recursive_table, " RENAME ", recursive_table_tmp);
    PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
    EXECUTE stmt;
    # we use ALTER TABLE RENAME because RENAME TABLE does not support temp tables
    SET @str =
      CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", recursive_table_next, " RENAME ", recursive_table);
    PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
    EXECUTE stmt;
    SET @str =
      CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", recursive_table_tmp, " RENAME ", recursive_table_next);
    PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
    EXECUTE stmt;
    # empty T1
    SET @str =
      CONCAT("TRUNCATE TABLE ", recursive_table_next);
    PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
    EXECUTE stmt;
  until 0 end repeat;
  # eliminate T0 and T1
  SET @str =
    CONCAT("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE ", recursive_table_next, ", ", recursive_table);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  # Final (output) SELECT uses recursive_table name
  SET @str =
    CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", recursive_table_union, " RENAME ", recursive_table);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  # Run final SELECT on UNION
  SET @str = final_SELECT;
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  # No temporary tables may survive:
  SET @str =
    CONCAT("DROP TEMPORARY TABLE ", recursive_table);
  PREPARE stmt FROM @str;
  EXECUTE stmt;
  # We are done :-)

delimiter ;

How to show MessageBox on

You may use MessageBox if you want but it is recommended to use alert (from JavaScript) instead.

If you want to use it you should write:


Note that you must specify the namespace.

Embedding Base64 Images

Update: 2017-01-10

Data URIs are now supported by all major browsers. IE supports embedding images since version 8 as well.

Data URIs are now supported by the following web browsers:

  • Gecko-based, such as Firefox, SeaMonkey, XeroBank, Camino, Fennec and K-Meleon
  • Konqueror, via KDE's KIO slaves input/output system
  • Opera (including devices such as the Nintendo DSi or Wii)
  • WebKit-based, such as Safari (including on iOS), Android's browser, Epiphany and Midori (WebKit is a derivative of Konqueror's KHTML engine, but Mac OS X does not share the KIO architecture so the implementations are different), as well as Webkit/Chromium-based, such as Chrome
  • Trident
    • Internet Explorer 8: Microsoft has limited its support to certain "non-navigable" content for security reasons, including concerns that JavaScript embedded in a data URI may not be interpretable by script filters such as those used by web-based email clients. Data URIs must be smaller than 32 KiB in Version 8[3].
    • Data URIs are supported only for the following elements and/or attributes[4]:
      • object (images only)
      • img
      • input type=image
      • link
    • CSS declarations that accept a URL, such as background-image, background, list-style-type, list-style and similar.
    • Internet Explorer 9: Internet Explorer 9 does not have 32KiB limitation and allowed in broader elements.
    • TheWorld Browser: An IE shell browser which has a built-in support for Data URI scheme

How to copy a file along with directory structure/path using python?

To create all intermediate-level destination directories you could use os.makedirs() before copying:

import os
import shutil

srcfile = 'a/long/long/path/to/'
dstroot = '/home/myhome/new_folder'

assert not os.path.isabs(srcfile)
dstdir =  os.path.join(dstroot, os.path.dirname(srcfile))

os.makedirs(dstdir) # create all directories, raise an error if it already exists
shutil.copy(srcfile, dstdir)

Multiple rows to one comma-separated value in Sql Server

Test Data

INSERT INTO @Table1 VALUES (1,100),(1,200),(1,300),(1,400)


       ,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + CAST(Value AS VARCHAR(10)) [text()]
         FROM @Table1 
         WHERE ID = t.ID
         FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE)
        .value('.','NVARCHAR(MAX)'),1,2,' ') List_Output
FROM @Table1 t

Result Set

¦ ID ¦     List_Output     ¦
¦  1 ¦  100, 200, 300, 400 ¦

SQL Server 2017 and Later Versions

If you are working on SQL Server 2017 or later versions, you can use built-in SQL Server Function STRING_AGG to create the comma delimited list:

INSERT INTO @Table1 VALUES (1,100),(1,200),(1,300),(1,400);

SELECT ID , STRING_AGG([Value], ', ') AS List_Output
FROM @Table1

Result Set

¦ ID ¦     List_Output     ¦
¦  1 ¦  100, 200, 300, 400 ¦

How can I hide or encrypt JavaScript code?

You can obfuscate it, but there's no way of protecting it completely.

example obfuscator:

ggplot legends - change labels, order and title

You need to do two things:

  1. Rename and re-order the factor levels before the plot
  2. Rename the title of each legend to the same title

The code:

dtt$model <- factor(dtt$model, levels=c("mb", "ma", "mc"), labels=c("MBB", "MAA", "MCC"))

ggplot(dtt, aes(x=year, y=V, group = model, colour = model, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.35, linetype=0)+ 
  geom_line(aes(linetype=model), size = 1) +       
  geom_point(aes(shape=model), size=4)  +      
  theme(legend.position=c(.6,0.8)) +
  theme(legend.background = element_rect(colour = 'black', fill = 'grey90', size = 1, linetype='solid')) +
  scale_linetype_discrete("Model 1") +
  scale_shape_discrete("Model 1") +
  scale_colour_discrete("Model 1")

enter image description here

However, I think this is really ugly as well as difficult to interpret. It's far better to use facets:

ggplot(dtt, aes(x=year, y=V, group = model, colour = model, ymin = lower, ymax = upper)) +
  geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2, colour=NA)+ 
  geom_line() +       
  geom_point()  +      

enter image description here

can't access mysql from command line mac

I think this is the more simpler approach:

  1. Install mySQL-Shell package from mySQL site
  2. Run mysqlsh (should be added to your path by default after install)
  3. Connect to your database server like so: MySQL JS > \connect --mysql [username]@[endpoint/server]:3306
  4. Switch to SQL Mode by typing "\sql" in your prompt
  5. The console should print out the following to let you know you are good to go:

Switching to SQL mode... Commands end with ;

Go forth and do great things! :)

How do I fix a Git detached head?

This approach will potentially discard part of the commit history, but it is easier in case the merge of the old master branch and the current status is tricky, or you simply do not mind losing part of the commit history.

To simply keep things as currently are, without merging, turning the current detached HEAD into the master branch:

  1. Manually back up the repository, in case things go unexpectedly wrong.
  2. Commit the last changes you would like to keep.
  3. Create a temporary branch (let's name it detached-head) that will contain the files in their current status:
git checkout -b detached-head
  1. (a) Delete the master branch if you do not need to keep it
git branch -D master
  1. (b) OR rename if you want to keep it
git branch -M master old-master
  1. Rename the temporary branch as the new master branch
git branch -M detached-head master

Credit: adapted from this Medium article by Gary Lai.

Drop shadow for PNG image in CSS

There's a proposed feature which you could use for arbitrarily shaped drop shadows. You could see it here, courtesy of Lea Verou:

Browser support is minimal, though.

SQL Server convert select a column and convert it to a string

Use simplest way of doing this-

SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(Column) from table

How can I indent multiple lines in Xcode?

Shortcut key:

ctrl + i

NOTE: Please select codes to Re-indent and press 'control' and 'i' on your mac.

Background color not showing in print preview

if you are using Bootstrap.just use this code in your custom css file. Bootstrap removes all your colors in print preview.

@media print{
  .box-text {

    font-size: 27px !important; 
    color: blue !important;
    -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact !important;