Programs & Examples On #Runner

A cron job for rails: best practices?

I used clockwork gem and it works pretty well for me. There is also clockworkd gem that allows a script to run as a daemon.

Add tooltip to font awesome icon

You should use 'title' attribute along with 'data-toogle' (bootstrap).

For example

<i class="fa fa-info" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Hooray!"></i>Hover over me

and do not forget to add the javascript to display the tooltip


How to display custom view in ActionBar?

I struggled with this myself, and tried Tomik's answer. However, this didn't made the layout to full available width on start, only when you add something to the view.

You'll need to set the LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT when adding the view:

//I'm using actionbarsherlock, but it's the same.
LayoutParams layout = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
getSupportActionBar().setCustomView(overlay, layout); 

This way it completely fills the available space. (You may need to use Tomik's solution too).

Get unique values from a list in python

By using basic property of Python Dictionary:

inp=[u'nowplaying', u'PBS', u'PBS', u'nowplaying', u'job', u'debate', u'thenandnow']
d={i for i in inp}
print d

Output will be:

set([u'nowplaying', u'job', u'debate', u'PBS', u'thenandnow'])

Can I install Python 3.x and 2.x on the same Windows computer?

Easy-peasy ,after installing both the python versions add the paths to the environment variables ;seeenvironment variable settings. Then go to python 2 and python 3 folders and rename them to python2 and python3 respectively as shown here for python2 and here for python3. Now in cmd type python2 or python3 to use your required version see here.

How can I read comma separated values from a text file in Java?

//lat=3434&lon=yy38&rd=1.0&| in that format o/p is displaying

public class ReadText {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        FileInputStream f= new FileInputStream("D:/workplace/sample/bookstore.txt");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(f));
        String strline;
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        while ((strline = br.readLine()) != null)
            String[] arraylist=StringUtils.split(strline, ",");
            if(arraylist.length == 2){

            } else {
                System.out.println("Error: "+strline);
        System.out.println("Data: "+sb.toString());

How can I display a modal dialog in Redux that performs asynchronous actions?

Update: React 16.0 introduced portals through ReactDOM.createPortal link

Update: next versions of React (Fiber: probably 16 or 17) will include a method to create portals: ReactDOM.unstable_createPortal() link

Use portals

Dan Abramov answer first part is fine, but involves a lot of boilerplate. As he said, you can also use portals. I'll expand a bit on that idea.

The advantage of a portal is that the popup and the button remain very close into the React tree, with very simple parent/child communication using props: you can easily handle async actions with portals, or let the parent customize the portal.

What is a portal?

A portal permits you to render directly inside document.body an element that is deeply nested in your React tree.

The idea is that for example you render into body the following React tree:

<div className="layout">
  <div className="outside-portal">
      <div className="inside-portal">

And you get as output:

  <div class="layout">
    <div class="outside-portal">
  <div class="inside-portal">

The inside-portal node has been translated inside <body>, instead of its normal, deeply-nested place.

When to use a portal

A portal is particularly helpful for displaying elements that should go on top of your existing React components: popups, dropdowns, suggestions, hotspots

Why use a portal

No z-index problems anymore: a portal permits you to render to <body>. If you want to display a popup or dropdown, this is a really nice idea if you don't want to have to fight against z-index problems. The portal elements get added do document.body in mount order, which means that unless you play with z-index, the default behavior will be to stack portals on top of each others, in mounting order. In practice, it means that you can safely open a popup from inside another popup, and be sure that the 2nd popup will be displayed on top of the first, without having to even think about z-index.

In practice

Most simple: use local React state: if you think, for a simple delete confirmation popup, it's not worth to have the Redux boilerplate, then you can use a portal and it greatly simplifies your code. For such a use case, where the interaction is very local and is actually quite an implementation detail, do you really care about hot-reloading, time-traveling, action logging and all the benefits Redux brings you? Personally, I don't and use local state in this case. The code becomes as simple as:

class DeleteButton extends React.Component {
  static propTypes = {
    onDelete: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

  state = { confirmationPopup: false };

  open = () => {
    this.setState({ confirmationPopup: true });

  close = () => {
    this.setState({ confirmationPopup: false });

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="delete-button">
        <div onClick={() =>}>Delete</div>
        {this.state.confirmationPopup && (
              onCancel={() => this.close()}
              onConfirm={() => {

Simple: you can still use Redux state: if you really want to, you can still use connect to choose whether or not the DeleteConfirmationPopup is shown or not. As the portal remains deeply nested in your React tree, it is very simple to customize the behavior of this portal because your parent can pass props to the portal. If you don't use portals, you usually have to render your popups at the top of your React tree for z-index reasons, and usually have to think about things like "how do I customize the generic DeleteConfirmationPopup I built according to the use case". And usually you'll find quite hacky solutions to this problem, like dispatching an action that contains nested confirm/cancel actions, a translation bundle key, or even worse, a render function (or something else unserializable). You don't have to do that with portals, and can just pass regular props, since DeleteConfirmationPopup is just a child of the DeleteButton


Portals are very useful to simplify your code. I couldn't do without them anymore.

Note that portal implementations can also help you with other useful features like:

  • Accessibility
  • Espace shortcuts to close the portal
  • Handle outside click (close portal or not)
  • Handle link click (close portal or not)
  • React Context made available in portal tree

react-portal or react-modal are nice for popups, modals, and overlays that should be full-screen, generally centered in the middle of the screen.

react-tether is unknown to most React developers, yet it's one of the most useful tools you can find out there. Tether permits you to create portals, but will position automatically the portal, relative to a given target. This is perfect for tooltips, dropdowns, hotspots, helpboxes... If you have ever had any problem with position absolute/relative and z-index, or your dropdown going outside of your viewport, Tether will solve all that for you.

You can, for example, easily implement onboarding hotspots, that expands to a tooltip once clicked:

Onboarding hotspot

Real production code here. Can't be any simpler :)


Edit: just discovered react-gateway which permits to render portals into the node of your choice (not necessarily body)

Edit: it seems react-popper can be a decent alternative to react-tether. PopperJS is a library that only computes an appropriate position for an element, without touching the DOM directly, letting the user choose where and when he wants to put the DOM node, while Tether appends directly to the body.

Edit: there's also react-slot-fill which is interesting and can help solve similar problems by allowing to render an element to a reserved element slot that you put anywhere you want in your tree

What would be the best method to code heading/title for <ul> or <ol>, Like we have <caption> in <table>?

Though this is old, I'm updating it for others who might find this question when searching later.

@Matt Kelliher:

Using the css :before and a data-* attribute for the list is a great idea, but can be modified slightly to be more handicap accessible as well:


<ul aria-label="Vehicle Models Available:"> 
    <li>Dodge Shadow</li>
    <li>Ford Focus</li>
    <li>Chevy Lumina</li>



This will make a list with the "header" pseudo element above it with text set to the value in the aria-label attribute. You can then easily style it to your needs.

The benefit of this over using a data-* attribute is that aria-label will be read off by screen readers as a "label" for the list, which is semantically correct for your intended use of this data.

Note: IE8 supports :before attributes, but must use the single colon version (and must have a valid doctype defined). IE7 does not support :before, but Modernizer or Selectivizr should fix that issue for you. All modern browsers support the older :before syntax, but prefer that the ::before syntax be used. Generally the best way to handle this is to have an external stylesheet for IE7/8 that uses the old format and a general stylesheet using the new format, but in practice, most just use the old single colon format since it is still 100% cross browser, even if not technically valid for CSS3.

Load a bitmap image into Windows Forms using open file dialog

You have to create an instance of the Bitmap class, using the constructor overload that loads an image from a file on disk. As your code is written now, you're trying to use the PictureBox.Image property as if it were a method.

Change your code to look like this (also taking advantage of the using statement to ensure proper disposal, rather than manually calling the Dispose method):

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Wrap the creation of the OpenFileDialog instance in a using statement,
    // rather than manually calling the Dispose method to ensure proper disposal
    using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
        dlg.Title = "Open Image";
        dlg.Filter = "bmp files (*.bmp)|*.bmp";

        if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            PictureBox PictureBox1 = new PictureBox();

            // Create a new Bitmap object from the picture file on disk,
            // and assign that to the PictureBox.Image property
            PictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(dlg.FileName);

Of course, that's not going to display the image anywhere on your form because the picture box control that you've created hasn't been added to the form. You need to add the new picture box control that you've just created to the form's Controls collection using the Add method. Note the line added to the above code here:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog())
        dlg.Title = "Open Image";
        dlg.Filter = "bmp files (*.bmp)|*.bmp";

        if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            PictureBox PictureBox1 = new PictureBox();
            PictureBox1.Image = new Bitmap(dlg.FileName);

            // Add the new control to its parent's controls collection

Query EC2 tags from within instance

If you are not in the default availability zone the results from overthink would return empty.

ec2-describe-tags \
   --region \
     $(curl -s  | sed -e "s/.$//") \
   --filter \
     resource-id=$(curl --silent

If you want to add a filter to get a specific tag (elasticbeanstalk:environment-name in my case) then you can do this.

ec2-describe-tags \
   --region \
     $(curl -s  | sed -e "s/.$//") \
   --filter \
     resource-id=$(curl --silent \
   --filter \
     key=elasticbeanstalk:environment-name | cut -f5

And to get only the value for the tag that I filtered on, we pipe to cut and get the fifth field.

ec2-describe-tags \
  --region \
    $(curl -s  | sed -e "s/.$//") \
  --filter \
    resource-id=$(curl --silent \
  --filter \
    key=elasticbeanstalk:environment-name | cut -f5

Apply multiple functions to multiple groupby columns

Pandas >= 0.25.0, named aggregations

Since pandas version 0.25.0 or higher, we are moving away from the dictionary based aggregation and renaming, and moving towards named aggregations which accepts a tuple. Now we can simultaneously aggregate + rename to a more informative column name:


df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(4,4), columns=list('abcd'))
df['group'] = [0, 0, 1, 1]

          a         b         c         d  group
0  0.521279  0.914988  0.054057  0.125668      0
1  0.426058  0.828890  0.784093  0.446211      0
2  0.363136  0.843751  0.184967  0.467351      1
3  0.241012  0.470053  0.358018  0.525032      1

Apply GroupBy.agg with named aggregation:

             a_sum=('a', 'sum'),
             a_mean=('a', 'mean'),
             b_mean=('b', 'mean'),
             c_sum=('c', 'sum'),
             d_range=('d', lambda x: x.max() - x.min())

          a_sum    a_mean    b_mean     c_sum   d_range
0      0.947337  0.473668  0.871939  0.838150  0.320543
1      0.604149  0.302074  0.656902  0.542985  0.057681

What is the difference between Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish?

JBoss and Glassfish are basically full Java EE Application Server whereas Tomcat is only a Servlet container. The main difference between JBoss, Glassfish but also WebSphere, WebLogic and so on respect to Tomcat but also Jetty, was in the functionality that an full app server offer. When you had a full stack Java EE app server you can benefit of all the implementation of the vendor of your choice, and you can benefit of EJB, JTA, CDI(JAVA EE 6+), JPA, JSF, JSP/Servlet of course and so on. With Tomcat on the other hands you can benefit only of JSP/Servlet. However to day with advanced Framework such as Spring and Guice, many of the main advantage of using an a full stack application server can be mitigate, and with the assumption of a one of this framework manly with Spring Ecosystem, you can benefit of many sub project that in the my work experience let me to left the use of a full stack app server in favour of lightweight app server like tomcat.

Parsing domain from a URL

Just use as like following ...

   echo $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

jQuery: Get selected element tag name

nodeName will give you the tag name in uppercase, while localName will give you the lower case.


will give you : yourelement instead of YOURELEMENT

Javascript: Extend a Function

There are several ways to go about this, it depends what your purpose is, if you just want to execute the function as well and in the same context, you can use .apply():

function init(){
function myFunc(){
  init.apply(this, arguments);

If you want to replace it with a newer init, it'd look like this:

function init(){
//anytime later
var old_init = init;
init = function() {
  old_init.apply(this, arguments);

How to show full object in Chrome console?

You might get even better results if you try:

console.log(JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4));

View not attached to window manager crash

we have also dismiss our dialog on onPause method or onDestroy method

protected void onPause() {

protected void onDestroy() {

Got a NumberFormatException while trying to parse a text file for objects

The problem might be your split() call. Try just split(" ") without the square brackets.

MySQL: @variable vs. variable. What's the difference?

In MySQL, @variable indicates a user-defined variable. You can define your own.

SET @a = 'test';

Outside of stored programs, a variable, without @, is a system variable, which you cannot define yourself.

The scope of this variable is the entire session. That means that while your connection with the database exists, the variable can still be used.

This is in contrast with MSSQL, where the variable will only be available in the current batch of queries (stored procedure, script, or otherwise). It will not be available in a different batch in the same session.

Format date and time in a Windows batch script

Here is how I generate a log filename (based on

:: Check WMIC is available
WMIC.EXE Alias /? >NUL 2>&1 || GOTO s_error

:: Use WMIC to retrieve date and time
FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1-6" %%G IN ('WMIC Path Win32_LocalTime Get Day^,Hour^,Minute^,Month^,Second^,Year /Format:table') DO (
   IF "%%~L"=="" goto s_done
      Set _yyyy=%%L
      Set _mm=00%%J
      Set _dd=00%%G
      Set _hour=00%%H
      SET _minute=00%%I
      SET _second=00%%K

:: Pad digits with leading zeros
      Set _mm=%_mm:~-2%
      Set _dd=%_dd:~-2%
      Set _hour=%_hour:~-2%
      Set _minute=%_minute:~-2%
      Set _second=%_second:~-2%

Set logtimestamp=%_yyyy%-%_mm%-%_dd%_%_hour%_%_minute%_%_second%
goto make_dump

echo WMIC is not available, using default log filename
Set logtimestamp=_

set FILENAME=database_dump_%logtimestamp%.sql

What does it mean: The serializable class does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field?

The other answers so far have a lot of technical information. I will try to answer, as requested, in simple terms.

Serialization is what you do to an instance of an object if you want to dump it to a raw buffer, save it to disk, transport it in a binary stream (e.g., sending an object over a network socket), or otherwise create a serialized binary representation of an object. (For more info on serialization see Java Serialization on Wikipedia).

If you have no intention of serializing your class, you can add the annotation just above your class @SuppressWarnings("serial").

If you are going to serialize, then you have a host of things to worry about all centered around the proper use of UUID. Basically, the UUID is a way to "version" an object you would serialize so that whatever process is de-serializing knows that it's de-serializing properly. I would look at Ensure proper version control for serialized objects for more information.

Force an Android activity to always use landscape mode

That's it!! Long waiting for this fix.

I've an old Android issue about double-start an activity that required (programmatically) landscape mode: setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)

Now Android make Landscape mode on start.

Turn off constraints temporarily (MS SQL)

You can disable FK and CHECK constraints only in SQL 2005+. See ALTER TABLE




Primary keys and unique constraints can not be disabled, but this should be OK if I've understood you correctly.

Error - Unable to access the IIS metabase

I came across this today and fixed the problem by removing the IISUrl from the Project file:

  1. Right click project
  2. Click Edit
  3. Delete the following line:

     <IISUrl>http://localhost:xxxxx </IISUrl>
  4. Reload project

  5. Now add a new IIS virtual directory by right clicking Project > Properties > Web and selecting Use Local IIS Web Server (Uncheck Use IIS Express) and clicking the Create Virtual Directory button.

How to see query history in SQL Server Management Studio

I use the below query for tracing application activity on a SQL server that does not have trace profiler enabled. The method uses Query Store (SQL Server 2016+) instead of the DMV's. This gives better ability to look into historical data, as well as faster lookups. It is very efficient to capture short-running queries that can't be captured by sp_who/sp_whoisactive.

/* Adjust script to your needs.
    Run full script (F5) -> Interact with UI -> Run full script again (F5)
    Output will contain the queries completed in that timeframe.

/* Requires Query Store to be enabled:

USE <db> /* Select your DB */

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#lastendtime') IS NULL
    SELECT GETUTCDATE() AS dt INTO #lastendtime

    DB_NAME() AS DBName
    , + '.' + AS ObjectName
    , qt.query_sql_text
    , rs.runtime_stats_id
    , p.query_id
    , p.plan_id
    , CAST(p.last_execution_time AS DATETIME) AS last_execution_time
    , CASE WHEN p.last_execution_time > #lastendtime.dt THEN 'X' ELSE '' END AS New
    , CAST(rs.last_duration / 1.0e6 AS DECIMAL(9,3)) last_duration_s
    , rs.count_executions
    , rs.last_rowcount
    , rs.last_logical_io_reads
    , rs.last_physical_io_reads
    , q.query_parameterization_type_desc
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY plan_id, runtime_stats_id ORDER BY runtime_stats_id DESC) AS recent_stats_in_current_priod
    FROM sys.query_store_runtime_stats 
    ) AS rs
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_runtime_stats_interval AS rsi ON rsi.runtime_stats_interval_id = rs.runtime_stats_interval_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_plan AS p ON p.plan_id = rs.plan_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query AS q ON q.query_id = p.query_id
INNER JOIN sys.query_store_query_text AS qt ON qt.query_text_id = q.query_text_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON o.object_id = q.object_id
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id
CROSS APPLY #lastendtime
WHERE rsi.start_time <= GETUTCDATE() AND GETUTCDATE() < rsi.end_time
    AND recent_stats_in_current_priod = 1
    /* Adjust your filters: */
    -- AND ( IN ('<myschema>') OR IS NULL)
FROM #lastendtime
WHERE T.query_sql_text IS NULL OR T.query_sql_text NOT LIKE '%#lastendtime%' -- do not show myself
ORDER BY last_execution_time DESC

TRUNCATE TABLE #lastendtime

How to make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

There is a javascript library for this, see FileSaver.js on Github

However the saveAs() function won't send pure string to the browser, you need to convert it to blob:

function data2blob(data, isBase64) {
  var chars = "";

  if (isBase64)
    chars = atob(data);
    chars = data;

  var bytes = new Array(chars.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
    bytes[i] = chars.charCodeAt(i);

  var blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(bytes)]);
  return blob;

and then call saveAs on the blob, as like:

var myString = "my string with some stuff";
saveAs( data2blob(myString), "myString.txt" );

Of course remember to include the above-mentioned javascript library on your webpage using <script src=FileSaver.js>

echo that outputs to stderr

You could define a function:

echoerr() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
echoerr hello world

This would be faster than a script and have no dependencies.

Camilo Martin's bash specific suggestion uses a "here string" and will print anything you pass to it, including arguments (-n) that echo would normally swallow:

echoerr() { cat <<< "$@" 1>&2; }

Glenn Jackman's solution also avoids the argument swallowing problem:

echoerr() { printf "%s\n" "$*" >&2; }

Unable to start debugging on the web server. Could not start ASP.NET debugging VS 2010, II7, Win 7 x64

Had the same issue trying to debug a DNN (Dot Net Nuke) module. Turned out you need to have compilation debug="true":

<compilation debug="true" strict="false" targetFramework="4.0"> 

in your web.config. By default it is false in DNN. Original source here:

How to access /storage/emulated/0/!msg/nexus/WIcHUNQfRLU/ALpViG86AwAJ

Mr Expensive Toys said: Am amazed that this problem is still showing up as it started happening as far back as Honeycomb.

So, the /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera is the same folder as your normal DCIM/Camera folder. Its just a symlink. So the files are actually in the right location you just have an app that put bad data into the MediaStore Database.

When accessing files from your PC your are actually enumerating the MediaStorage database for files. Its not pulling a traditional directory lists. So what you see is based on what is in that database and the path entries in the database. Files in the database pointing to emulated directories aren't shown as they are assumed to be duplicates as its the same physical directory as your normal DCIM/Camera. What is going on is that some poorly written third party apps are inserting entries into the database with the /storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera path instead of the proper root path to DCIM/Camera. Which means that the MTP service can't see them when you are hooked up to your PC.

Usually the easiest way to fix the problem is to just clear the MediaStore databases to get the bad entries out of the MediaStore Database and let the system reindex the files and put into the database with the proper paths.

Settings->apps Hit 3 dot menu in top right and select Show System Find Media Storage, Select it, Select Storage, then Clear Data Find External Storage, Select it , Select Storage, then Clear Data Turn phone off, turn phone back on, wait for indexer service to rebuild the data.

When you are done the files should show up with proper directory tree and be visible from the PC. Depending on amount of files on the phone it can take as 10-20 minutes to rebuild the media database as the service walks the phone directories, getting meta data, creating thumbnails, etc.

Changing text color of menu item in navigation drawer

To change the individual text color of a single item, use a SpannableString like below:

NavigationView navDrawer;
Menu menu = navDrawer.getMenu();

SpannableString spannableString = new SpannableString("Menu item"));
        spannableString.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(getResources().getColor(R.color.colorPrimary)), 0, spannableString.length(), 0);


Convert JSON format to CSV format for MS Excel

I created a JsFiddle here based on the answer given by Zachary. It provides a more accessible user interface and also escapes double quotes within strings properly.

Can a CSS class inherit one or more other classes?

Less and Sass are CSS pre-processors which extend CSS language in valuable ways. Just one of many improvements they offer is just the option you're looking for. There are some very good answers with Less and I will add Sass solution.

Sass has extend option which allows one class to be fully extended to another one. More about extend you can read in this article

How to output a multiline string in Bash?

Since I recommended printf in a comment, I should probably give some examples of its usage (although for printing a usage message, I'd be more likely to use Dennis' or Chris' answers). printf is a bit more complex to use than echo. Its first argument is a format string, in which escapes (like \n) are always interpreted; it can also contain format directives starting with %, which control where and how any additional arguments are included in it. Here are two different approaches to using it for a usage message:

First, you could include the entire message in the format string:

printf "usage: up [--level <n>| -n <levels>][--help][--version]\n\nReport bugs to: \nup home page: \n"

Note that unlike echo, you must include the final newline explicitly. Also, if the message happens to contain any % characters, they would have to be written as %%. If you wanted to include the bugreport and homepage addresses, they can be added quite naturally:

printf "usage: up [--level <n>| -n <levels>][--help][--version]\n\nReport bugs to: %s\nup home page: %s\n" "$bugreport" "$homepage"

Second, you could just use the format string to make it print each additional argument on a separate line:

printf "%s\n" "usage: up [--level <n>| -n <levels>][--help][--version]" "" "Report bugs to: " "up home page: "

With this option, adding the bugreport and homepage addresses is fairly obvious:

printf "%s\n" "usage: up [--level <n>| -n <levels>][--help][--version]" "" "Report bugs to: $bugreport" "up home page: $homepage"

python: how to get information about a function?



if you're generally poking around.

Remove legend ggplot 2.2

from r cookbook, where bp is your ggplot:

Remove legend for a particular aesthetic (fill):

bp + guides(fill=FALSE)

It can also be done when specifying the scale:

bp + scale_fill_discrete(guide=FALSE)

This removes all legends:

bp + theme(legend.position="none")

MySQL: Insert datetime into other datetime field


    UPDATE products SET former_date=20111218131717 WHERE id=1

Alternatively, you might want to look at using the STR_TO_DATE (see STR_TO_DATE(str,format)) function.

Is it possible to add dynamically named properties to JavaScript object?

A nice way to access from dynamic string names that contain objects (for example

function ReadValue(varname)
    var v=varname.split(".");
    var o=window;
        return undefined;
    for(var i=0;i<v.length-1;i++)
    return o[v[v.length-1]];

function AssignValue(varname,value)
    var v=varname.split(".");
    var o=window;
    for(var i=0;i<v.length-1;i++)



eval works for read value, but write value is a bit harder.

A more advanced version (Create subclasses if they dont exists, and allows objects instead of global variables)

function ReadValue(varname,o=window)
    if(typeof(varname)==="undefined" || typeof(o)==="undefined" || o===null)
        return undefined;
    var v=varname.split(".");
        return undefined;
    for(var i=0;i<v.length-1;i++)
        if(o[v[i]]===null || typeof(o[v[i]])==="undefined") 
        return undefined;
        return o[v[v.length-1]];

function AssignValue(varname,value,o=window)
    if(typeof(varname)==="undefined" || typeof(o)==="undefined" || o===null)
    var v=varname.split(".");
    for(var i=0;i<v.length-1;i++)
        if(o[v[i]]===null || typeof(o[v[i]])==="undefined")



This is the same that

How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException?

sorry i am late to the question, but i will explain it to you in the simplest layman language. When you type 'javac <> The compiler checks the program and finds errors, first of all make sure your program is in the same directory as you have executed in the command prompt. Then it creates a. Class file of your program. For ex. If the name of my program was then the class file created should be Test.class which will be executed in the next line. Sometimes java takes some other name for your .class, use that name and voila you'll get the output.

JSON find in JavaScript

General Solution

We use object-scan for a lot of data processing. It has some nice properties, especially traversing in delete safe order. Here is how one could implement find, delete and replace for your question.

// const objectScan = require('object-scan');

const tool = (() => {
  const scanner = objectScan(['[*]'], {
    abort: true,
    rtn: 'bool',
    filterFn: ({
      value, parent, property, context
    }) => {
      if ( === {
        context.fn({ value, parent, property });
        return true;
      return false;
  return {
    add: (data, id, obj) => scanner(data, { id, fn: ({ parent, property }) => parent.splice(property + 1, 0, obj) }),
    del: (data, id) => scanner(data, { id, fn: ({ parent, property }) => parent.splice(property, 1) }),
    mod: (data, id, prop, v = undefined) => scanner(data, {
      fn: ({ value }) => {
        if (value !== undefined) {
          value[prop] = v;
        } else {
          delete value[prop];

// -------------------------------

const data = [ { id: 'one', pId: 'foo1', cId: 'bar1' }, { id: 'three', pId: 'foo3', cId: 'bar3' } ];
const toAdd = { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' };

const exec = (fn) => {

exec(() => tool.add(data, 'one', toAdd));
exec(() => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'pId', 'zzz'));
exec(() => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'other', 'test'));
exec(() => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'gone', 'delete me'));
exec(() => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'gone'));
exec(() => tool.del(data, 'three'));

// => ---------------
// => () => tool.add(data, 'one', toAdd)
// => true
// => [ { id: 'one', pId: 'foo1', cId: 'bar1' }, { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' }, { id: 'three', pId: 'foo3', cId: 'bar3' } ]
// => ---------------
// => () => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'pId', 'zzz')
// => true
// => [ { id: 'one', pId: 'zzz', cId: 'bar1' }, { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' }, { id: 'three', pId: 'foo3', cId: 'bar3' } ]
// => ---------------
// => () => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'other', 'test')
// => true
// => [ { id: 'one', pId: 'zzz', cId: 'bar1', other: 'test' }, { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' }, { id: 'three', pId: 'foo3', cId: 'bar3' } ]
// => ---------------
// => () => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'gone', 'delete me')
// => true
// => [ { id: 'one', pId: 'zzz', cId: 'bar1', other: 'test', gone: 'delete me' }, { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' }, { id: 'three', pId: 'foo3', cId: 'bar3' } ]
// => ---------------
// => () => tool.mod(data, 'one', 'gone')
// => true
// => [ { id: 'one', pId: 'zzz', cId: 'bar1', other: 'test', gone: undefined }, { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' }, { id: 'three', pId: 'foo3', cId: 'bar3' } ]
// => ---------------
// => () => tool.del(data, 'three')
// => true
// => [ { id: 'one', pId: 'zzz', cId: 'bar1', other: 'test', gone: undefined }, { id: 'two', pId: 'foo2', cId: 'bar2' } ]
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
<script src="[email protected]"></script>

Disclaimer: I'm the author of object-scan

Should try...catch go inside or outside a loop?

As long as you are aware of what you need to accomplish in the loop you could put the try catch outside the loop. But it is important to understand that the loop will then end as soon as the exception occurs and that may not always be what you want. This is actually a very common error in Java based software. People need to process a number of items, such as emptying a queue, and falsely rely on an outer try/catch statement handling all possible exceptions. They could also be handling only a specific exception inside the loop and not expect any other exception to occur. Then if an exception occurs that is not handled inside the loop then the loop will be "preemted", it ends possibly prematurely and the outer catch statement handles the exception.

If the loop had as its role in life to empty a queue then that loop very likely could end before that queue was really emptied. Very common fault.

Android SDK location should not contain whitespace, as this cause problems with NDK tools

I just wanted to add a solution for Mac users since this is the top article that comes up for searches related to this issue. If you have macOS 10.13 or later you can make use of APFS Space Sharing.

  • Open Disk Utility
  • Click Partition
  • Click Add Volume -- no need to Partition as we are adding an APFS volume which shares space within the current partition/container)
  • Give the volume a name (without spaces)
  • Click Add
  • You can now mount this drive like any other via Terminal: cd /Volumes/<your_volume_name>
  • Create an empty folder in the new volume -- I called mine sdk
  • You can now select the volume and directory while installing Android Studio

Better way to find last used row

This is the best way I've seen to find the last cell.

MsgBox ActiveSheet.UsedRage.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row

One of the disadvantages to using this is that it's not always accurate. If you use it then delete the last few rows and use it again, it does not always update. Saving your workbook before using this seems to force it to update though.

Using the next bit of code after updating the table (or refreshing the query that feeds the table) forces everything to update before finding the last row. But, it's been reported that it makes excel crash. Either way, calling this before trying to find the last row will ensure the table has finished updating first.


Another way to get the last row for any given column, if you don't mind the overhead.

Function GetLastRow(col, row)
    ' col and row are where we will start.
    ' We will find the last row for the given column.
    Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(row, col) = ""
        row = row + 1
    GetLastRow = row
End Function

How to avoid precompiled headers

You can always disable the use of pre-compiled headers in the project settings.

Instructions for VS 2010 (should be similar for other versions of VS):

Select your project, use the "Project -> Properties" menu and go to the "Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers" section, then change the "Precompiled Header" setting to "Not Using Precompiled Headers" option.

If you are only trying to setup a minimal Visual Studio project for simple C++ command-line programs (such as those developed in introductory C++ programming classes), you can create an empty C++ project.

Why doesn't CSS ellipsis work in table cell?

It's also important to put


Onto the containing table, so it operates well in IE9 (if your utilize max-width) as well.

How do I determine if a checkbox is checked?

var elementCheckBox = document.getElementById("IdOfCheckBox");_x000D_
elementCheckBox[0].checked //return true if checked and false if not checked


Show MySQL host via SQL Command


mysql> show processlist;

How to add screenshot to READMEs in github repository?

The markdown syntax for displaying images is indeed:


BUT: How to provide the url ?

  • You probably do not want to clutter your repo with screenshots, they have nothing to do with code
  • you might not want either to deal with the hassle of making your image available on the web... (upload it to a server... ).

So... you can use this awesome trick to make github host your image file. TDLR:

  1. create an issue on the issue list of your repo
  2. drag and drop your screenshot on this issue
  3. copy the markdown code that github has just created for you to display your image
  4. paste it on your readme (or wherever you want)

error: invalid initialization of non-const reference of type ‘int&’ from an rvalue of type ‘int’

Non-const and const reference binding follow different rules

These are the rules of the C++ language:

  • an expression consisting of a literal number (12) is a "rvalue"
  • it is not permitted to create a non-const reference with a rvalue: int &ri = 12; is ill-formed
  • it is permitted to create a const reference with a rvalue: in this case, an unnamed object is created by the compiler; this object will persist as long as the reference itself exist.

You have to understand that these are C++ rules. They just are.

It is easy to invent a different language, say C++', with slightly different rules. In C++', it would be permitted to create a non-const reference with a rvalue. There is nothing inconsistent or impossible here.

But it would allow some risky code where the programmer might not get what he intended, and C++ designers rightly decided to avoid that risk.

Switch statement multiple cases in JavaScript

Adding and clarifying Stefano's answer, you can use expressions to dynamically set the values for the conditions in switch, e.g.:

var i = 3
switch (i) {
    case ((i>=0 && i<=5) ? i : -1):

    case 6: console.log('6');

So in your problem, you could do something like:

var varName = "afshin"
switch (varName) {
    case (["afshin", "saeed", "larry"].indexOf(varName)+1 && varName):

      console.log('Default case');

Although it is so much DRY...

Setting href attribute at runtime

In jQuery 1.6+ it's better to use:

$(selector).prop('href',"http://www...") to set the value, and

$(selector).prop('href') to get the value

In short, .prop gets and sets values on the DOM object, and .attr gets and sets values in the HTML. This makes .prop a little faster and possibly more reliable in some contexts.

How to add number of days to today's date?

Here is a solution that worked for me.

function calduedate(ndays){

    var newdt = new Date(); var chrday; var chrmnth;
    newdt.setDate(newdt.getDate() + parseInt(ndays));

    var newdate = newdt.getFullYear();
    if(newdt.getMonth() < 10){
        newdate = newdate+'-'+'0'+newdt.getMonth();
        newdate = newdate+'-'+newdt.getMonth();
    if(newdt.getDate() < 10){
        newdate = newdate+'-'+'0'+newdt.getDate();
        newdate = newdate+'-'+newdt.getDate();



Using pickle.dump - TypeError: must be str, not bytes

The output file needs to be opened in binary mode:

f = open('varstor.txt','w')

needs to be:

f = open('varstor.txt','wb')

Self-reference for cell, column and row in worksheet functions

My current Column is calculated by:

Method 1:


Method 2:


My current Row is calculated by:


so an indirect link to Sheet2!My Column but a different row, specified in Column A on my row is:

Method 1:


Method 2:


So if A6=3 and my row is 6 and my Col is C returns contents of "Sheet2!C3"

So if A7=1 and my row is 7 and my Col is D returns contents of "Sheet2!D1"

How do you configure tomcat to bind to a single ip address (localhost) instead of all addresses?

Several connectors are configured, and each connector has an optional "address" attribute where you can set the IP address.

  1. Edit tomcat/conf/server.xml.
  2. Specify a bind address for that connector:

Getting the Username from the HKEY_USERS values

By searching for my userid in the registry, I found

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Volatile Environment\Username

Is it a good practice to place C++ definitions in header files?

IMHO, He has merit ONLY if he's doing templates and/or metaprogramming. There's plenty of reasons already mentioned that you limit header files to just declarations. They're just that... headers. If you want to include code, you compile it as a library and link it up.

How do you do natural logs (e.g. "ln()") with numpy in Python?

from numpy.lib.scimath import logn
from math import e

#using: x - var
logn(e, x)

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in milliseconds

In Mysql 5.7+ you can execute

select current_timestamp(6)

for more details

How to split a string between letters and digits (or between digits and letters)?

Didn't use Java for ages, so just some pseudo code, that should help get you started (faster for me than looking up everything :) ).

 string a = "123abc345def";
 string[] result;
 while(a.Length > 0)
      string part;
      if((part = a.Match(/\d+/)).Length) // match digits
      else if((part = a.Match(/\a+/)).Length) // match letters
           break; // something invalid - neither digit nor letter
      a = a.SubStr(part.Length - 1); // remove the part we've found

How do you make strings "XML safe"?

1) You can wrap your text as CDATA like this:

    <![CDATA[Your text goes here. Btw: 5<6 and 6>5]]>


2) As already someone said: Escape those chars. E.g. like so:

5&lt;6 and 6&gt;5

Detect whether a Python string is a number or a letter

For a string of length 1 you can simply perform isdigit() or isalpha()

If your string length is greater than 1, you can make a function something like..

def isinteger(a):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

How to convert all text to lowercase in Vim

I assume you want lowercase the text. Solution is pretty simple:



  1. gg - goes to first line of text
  2. V - turns on Visual selection, in line mode
  3. G - goes to end of file (at the moment you have whole text selected)
  4. u - lowercase selected area

How to select an element inside "this" in jQuery?

$( this ).find( '' ).css("border", "3px double red");


$( this ).children( '' ).css("border", "3px double red");

Use children for immediate descendants, or find for deeper elements.

jQuery find and replace string

var string ='my string'
var new_string = string.replace('string','new string');

AppCompat v7 r21 returning error in values.xml?

In my case with Eclipse IDE, I had the same problem and the solution was:
1- Install the latest available API (SDK Platform & Google APIs)
2- Create the project with the following settings:

  • Compile With: use the latest API version available at the time
  • the other values can receive values according at your requirements (look at the meaning of each one in previous comments)

How to open an Excel file in C#?

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excapp;

excapp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

object misval=System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

Workbook wrkbuk = new Workbook();

Worksheet wrksht = new Worksheet();

wrkbuk = excapp.Workbooks._Open(@"C:\Users\...\..._template_v1.0.xlsx", misval, misval, 
misval, misval, misval, misval, misval, misval, misval, misval, misval, misval);

wrksht = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)wrkbuk.Worksheets.get_Item(2);

Can I specify multiple users for myself in .gitconfig?

git aliases (and sections in git configs) to the rescue!

add an alias (from command line):

git config --global alias.identity '! git config "$(git config user.$"; git config "$(git config user.$"; :'

then, set, for example

git config --global "your github username"
git config --global [email protected]

and in a new or cloned repo you can run this command:

git identity github

This solution isn't automatic, but unsetting user and email in your global ~/.gitconfig and setting user.useConfigOnly to true would force git to remind you to set them manually in each new or cloned repo.

git config --global --unset
git config --global --unset
git config --global user.useConfigOnly true

React: "this" is undefined inside a component function

In my case, for a stateless component that received the ref with forwardRef, I had to do what it is said here

From this (onClick doesn't have access to the equivalent of 'this')

const Com = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  return <input ref={ref} onClick={() => {console.log(ref.current} } />

To this (it works)

const useCombinedRefs = (...refs) => {
  const targetRef = React.useRef()

  useEffect(() => {
    refs.forEach(ref => {
      if (!ref) return

      if (typeof ref === 'function') ref(targetRef.current)
      else ref.current = targetRef.current
  }, [refs])

  return targetRef

const Com = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
  const innerRef = useRef()
  const combinedRef = useCombinedRefs(ref, innerRef)

  return <input ref={combinedRef } onClick={() => {console.log(combinedRef .current} } />

How do I increase the cell width of the Jupyter/ipython notebook in my browser?

To get this to work with jupyter (version 4.0.6) I created ~/.jupyter/custom/custom.css containing:

/* Make the notebook cells take almost all available width */
.container {
    width: 99% !important;

/* Prevent the edit cell highlight box from getting clipped;
 * important so that it also works when cell is in edit mode*/
div.cell.selected {
    border-left-width: 1px !important;

How to construct a std::string from a std::vector<char>?

I like Stefan’s answer (Sep 11 ’13) but would like to make it a bit stronger:

If the vector ends with a null terminator, you should not use (v.begin(), v.end()): you should use (or &v[0] for those prior to C++17).

If v does not have a null terminator, you should use (v.begin(), v.end()).

If you use begin() and end() and the vector does have a terminating zero, you’ll end up with a string "abc\0" for example, that is of length 4, but should really be only "abc".

Generate list of all possible permutations of a string

This is a translation of Mike's Ruby version, into Common Lisp:

(defun perms (x y original-string)
  (loop with all = (list "")
        with current-array = (list "")
        for iteration from 1 to y
        do (loop with next-array = nil
                 for string in current-array
                 do (loop for c across original-string
                          for value = (concatenate 'string string (string c))
                          do (push value next-array)
                             (push value all))
                    (setf current-array (reverse next-array)))
        finally (return (nreverse (delete-if #'(lambda (el) (< (length el) x)) all)))))

And another version, slightly shorter and using more loop facility features:

(defun perms (x y original-string)
  (loop repeat y
        collect (loop for string in (or (car (last sets)) (list ""))
                      append (loop for c across original-string
                                   collect (concatenate 'string string (string c)))) into sets
        finally (return (loop for set in sets
                              append (loop for el in set when (>= (length el) x) collect el)))))

How to allow CORS in react.js?

Suppose you want to hit https://yourwebsitedomain/app/getNames from http://localhost:3000 then just make the following changes:

packagae.json :

   "name": "version-compare-app",
   "proxy": "https://yourwebsitedomain/",
   "dependencies": {
    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^4.2.4",
    "@testing-library/react": "^9.5.0",

In your component use it as follows:

import axios from "axios";

componentDidMount() {
const getNameUrl =

axios.get(getChallenge).then(data => {


Stop your local server and re run npm start. You should be able to see the data in browser's console logged

How do I grep recursively?

Just for fun, a quick and dirty search of *.txt files if the @christangrant answer is too much to type :-)

grep -r texthere .|grep .txt

Ajax success event not working

Put an alert() in your success callback to make sure it's being called at all.

If it's not, that's simply because the request wasn't successful at all, even though you manage to hit the server. Reasonable causes could be that a timeout expires, or something in your php code throws an exception.

Install the firebug addon for firefox, if you haven't already, and inspect the AJAX callback. You'll be able to see the response, and whether or not it receives a successful (200 OK) response. You can also put another alert() in the complete callback, which should definitely be invoked.

Remove non-ASCII characters from CSV

I tried all the solutions and nothing worked. The following, however, does:

tr -cd '\11\12\15\40-\176'

Which I found here:

My problem needed it in a series of piped programs, not directly from a file, so modify as needed.

Authenticating in PHP using LDAP through Active Directory

For those looking for a complete example check out

I have tested this connecting to both Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008 R2 domain controllers from a Windows Server 2003 Web Server (IIS6) and from a windows server 2012 enterprise running IIS 8.

Play/pause HTML 5 video using JQuery

For pausing multiple videos I have found that this works nicely:


This can be put into a click function which is quite handy.

Chrome / Safari not filling 100% height of flex parent

I had a similar bug, but while using a fixed number for height and not a percentage. It was also a flex container within the body (which has no specified height). It appeared that on Safari, my flex container had a height of 9px for some reason, but in all other browsers it displayed the correct 100px height specified in the stylesheet.

I managed to get it to work by adding both the height and min-height properties to the CSS class.

The following worked for me on both Safari 13.0.4 and Chrome 79.0.3945.130:

.flex-container {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  min-height: 100px;
  height: 100px;

Hope this helps!

What is the difference between Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows and Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop?

A comparison between the different Visual Studio Express editions can be found at Visual Studio Express ( link). The difference between Windows and Windows Desktop is that with the Windows edition you can build Windows Store Apps (using .NET, WPF/XAML) while the Windows Desktop edition allows you to write classic Windows Desktop applications. It is possible to install both products on the same machine.

Visual Studio Express 2010 allows you to build Windows Desktop applications. Writing Windows Store applications is not possible with this product.

For learning I would suggest Notepad and the command line. While an IDE provides significant productivity enhancements to professionals, it can be intimidating to a beginner. If you want to use an IDE nevertheless I would recommend Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop.

Update 2015-07-27: In addition to the Express Editions, Microsoft now offers Community Editions. These are still free for individual developers, open source contributors, and small teams. There are no Web, Windows, and Windows Desktop releases anymore either; the Community Edition can be used to develop any app type. In addition, the Community Edition does support (3rd party) Add-ins. The Community Edition offers the same functionality as the commercial Professional Edition.

Python not working in the command line of git bash

This is a known bug in MSys2, which provides the terminal used by Git Bash. You can work around it by running a Python build without ncurses support, or by using WinPTY, used as follows:

To run a Windows console program in mintty or Cygwin sshd, prepend console.exe to the command-line:

$ build/console.exe c:/Python27/python.exe
Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 15:08:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 10 + 20
>>> exit()

The prebuilt binaries for msys are likely to work with Git Bash. (Do check whether there's a newer version if significant time has passed since this answer was posted!).

As of Git for Windows 2.7.1, also try using winpty c:Python27/python.exe; WinPTY may be included out-of-the-box.

How to assign a NULL value to a pointer in python?

left = None

left is None #evaluates to True

How can I make a checkbox readonly? not disabled?

Through CSS:

<label for="">
  <input type="checkbox" style="pointer-events: none; tabindex: -1;" checked> Label

pointer-events not supported in IE<10

Execute command on all files in a directory

i think the simple solution is:

sh /dir/* > ./result.txt

Role/Purpose of ContextLoaderListener in Spring?

In the context of spring framework purpose of ContextLoaderListener is to load the other beans in your application such as the middle-tier and data-tier components that drive the back end of the application.

how to implement Pagination in reactJs

Give you a pagination component, which is maybe a little difficult to understand for newbie to react:

How do I replace multiple spaces with a single space in C#?

I like to use:

myString = Regex.Replace(myString, @"\s+", " ");

Since it will catch runs of any kind of whitespace (e.g. tabs, newlines, etc.) and replace them with a single space.

How can I use mySQL replace() to replace strings in multiple records?

UPDATE some_table SET some_field = REPLACE(some_field, '&lt;', '<')

How to style a clicked button in CSS

There are three states of button

  • Normal : You can select like this button
  • Hover : You can select like this button:hover
  • Pressed/Clicked : You can select like this button:active


     //your css


        //your css


        //your css


Use :active to style the active state of button.

<button>Click Me</button>

Simple PHP calculator

Personally I would do a switch instead of all this if, else if, else

$first = $_POST['first'] + 0;//a small "hack" to make sure its an int but allow negs!!
$second= $_POST['second'] + 0;
$operator = $_POST["group1"];
    case "add"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first + $second;
    case "subtract"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first - $second;
    case "times"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first * $second;
    case "divide"
    echo "Answer is: " .$first / $second;

Shorter syntax for casting from a List<X> to a List<Y>?

dynamic data = List<x> val;  
List<y> val2 = ((IEnumerable)data).Cast<y>().ToList();

Using %s in C correctly - very basic level

For both *printf and *scanf, %s expects the corresponding argument to be of type char *, and for scanf, it had better point to a writable buffer (i.e., not a string literal).

char *str_constant = "I point to a string literal";
char str_buf[] = "I am an array of char initialized with a string literal";

printf("string literal = %s\n", "I am a string literal");
printf("str_constant = %s\n", str_constant);
printf("str_buf = %s\n", str_buf);

scanf("%55s", str_buf);

Using %s in scanf without an explcit field width opens the same buffer overflow exploit that gets did; namely, if there are more characters in the input stream than the target buffer is sized to hold, scanf will happily write those extra characters to memory outside the buffer, potentially clobbering something important. Unfortunately, unlike in printf, you can't supply the field with as a run time argument:

printf("%*s\n", field_width, string);

One option is to build the format string dynamically:

char fmt[10];
sprintf(fmt, "%%%lus", (unsigned long) (sizeof str_buf) - 1);
scanf(fmt, target_buffer); // fmt = "%55s"


Using scanf with the %s conversion specifier will stop scanning at the first whitespace character; for example, if your input stream looks like

"This is a test"

then scanf("%55s", str_buf) will read and assign "This" to str_buf. Note that the field with specifier doesn't make a difference in this case.


It depends on the content-type

url-encoded or multipart/form-data

To send data the standard way, as a browser would with a form, just pass an associative array. As stated by PHP's manual:

This parameter can either be passed as a urlencoded string like 'para1=val1&para2=val2&...' or as an array with the field name as key and field data as value. If value is an array, the Content-Type header will be set to multipart/form-data.

JSON encoding

Neverthless, when communicating with JSON APIs, content must be JSON encoded for the API to understand our POST data.

In such cases, content must be explicitely encoded as JSON :

CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => json_encode(['param1' => $param1, 'param2' => $param2]),

When communicating in JSON, we also usually set accept and content-type headers accordingly:

    'accept: application/json',
    'content-type: application/json'

Newtonsoft JSON Deserialize

As per the Newtonsoft Documentation you can also deserialize to an anonymous object like this:

var definition = new { Name = "" };

string json1 = @"{'Name':'James'}";
var customer1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json1, definition);

// James

Equivalent of waitForVisible/waitForElementPresent in Selenium WebDriver tests using Java?

WebElement myDynamicElement = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 10))

This waits up to 10 seconds before throwing a TimeoutException or if it finds the element will return it in 0 - 10 seconds. WebDriverWait by default calls the ExpectedCondition every 500 milliseconds until it returns successfully. A successful return is for ExpectedCondition type is Boolean return true or not null return value for all other ExpectedCondition types.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable("someid")));

Element is Clickable - it is Displayed and Enabled.

From WebDriver docs: Explicit and Implicit Waits

How to display binary data as image - extjs 4

Need to convert it in base64.

JS have btoa() function for it.

For example:

var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + btoa('your-binary-data');

But i think what your binary data in pastebin is invalid - the jpeg data must be ended on 'ffd9'.


Need to write simple hex to base64 converter:

function hexToBase64(str) {
    return btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, str.replace(/\r|\n/g, "").replace(/([\da-fA-F]{2}) ?/g, "0x$1 ").replace(/ +$/, "").split(" ")));

And use it:

img.src = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + hexToBase64('your-binary-data');

See working example with your hex data on jsfiddle

apache server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting

When you use Apache with mod_php apache is enforced in prefork mode, and not worker. As, even if php5 is known to support multi-thread, it is also known that some php5 libraries are not behaving very well in multithreaded environments (so you would have a locale call on one thread altering locale on other php threads, for example).

So, if php is not running in cgi way like with php-fpm you have mod_php inside apache and apache in prefork mode. On your tests you have simply commented the prefork settings and increased the worker settings, what you now have is default values for prefork settings and some altered values for the shared ones :

StartServers       20
MinSpareServers    5
MaxSpareServers    10
MaxClients         1024
MaxRequestsPerChild  0

This means you ask apache to start with 20 process, but you tell it that, if there is more than 10 process doing nothing it should reduce this number of children, to stay between 5 and 10 process available. The increase/decrease speed of apache is 1 per minute. So soon you will fall back to the classical situation where you have a fairly low number of free available apache processes (average 2). The average is low because usually you have something like 5 available process, but as soon as the traffic grows they're all used, so there's no process available as apache is very slow in creating new forks. This is certainly increased by the fact your PHP requests seems to be quite long, they do not finish early and the apache forks are not released soon enough to treat another request.

See on the last graphic the small amount of green before the red peak? If you could graph this on a 1 minute basis instead of 5 minutes you would see that this green amount was not big enough to take the incoming traffic without any error message.

Now you set 1024 MaxClients. I guess the cacti graph are not taken after this configuration modification, because with such modification, when no more process are available, apache would continue to fork new children, with a limit of 1024 busy children. Take something like 20MB of RAM per child (or maybe you have a big memory_limit in PHP and allows something like 64MB or 256MB and theses PHP requests are really using more RAM), maybe a DB server... your server is now slowing down because you have only 768MB of RAM. Maybe when apache is trying to initiate the first 20 children you already reach the available RAM limit.

So. a classical way of handling that is to check the amount of memory used by an apache fork (make some top commands while it is running), then find how many parallel request you can handle with this amount of RAM (that mean parallel apache children in prefork mode). Let's say it's 12, for example. Put this number in apache mpm settings this way:

<IfModule prefork.c>
  StartServers       12
  MinSpareServers    12
  MaxSpareServers    12
  MaxClients         12
  MaxRequestsPerChild  300

That means you do not move the number of fork while traffic increase or decrease, because you always want to use all the RAM and be ready for traffic peaks. The 300 means you recyclate each fork after 300 requests, it's better than 0, it means you will not have potential memory leaks issues. MaxClients is set to 12 25 or 50 which is more than 12 to handle the ListenBacklog queue, which can enqueue some requests, you may take a bigger queue, but you would get some timeouts maybe (removed this strange sentende, I can't remember why I said that, if more than 12 requests are incoming the next one will be pushed in the Backlog queue, but you should set MaxClient to your targeted number of processes).

And yes, that means you cannot handle more than 12 parallel requests.

If you want to handle more requests:

  • buy some more RAM
  • try to use apache in worker mode, but remove mod_php and use php as a parallel daemon with his own pooler settings (this is called php-fpm), connect it with fastcgi. Note that you will certainly need to buy some RAM to allow a big number of parallel php-fpm process, but maybe less than with mod_php
  • Reduce the time spent in your php process. From your cacti graphs you have to potential problems: a real traffic peak around 11:25-11:30 or some php code getting very slow. Fast requests will reduce the number of parallel requests.

If your problem is really traffic peaks, solutions could be available with caches, like a proxy-cache server. If the problem is a random slowness in PHP then... it's an application problem, do you do some HTTP query to another site from PHP, for example?

And finally, as stated by @Jan Vlcinsky you could try nginx, where php will only be available as php-fpm. If you cannot buy RAM and must handle a big traffic that's definitively desserve a test.

Update: About internal dummy connections (if it's your problem, but maybe not).

Check this link and this previous answer. This is 'normal', but if you do not have a simple virtualhost theses requests are maybe hitting your main heavy application, generating slow http queries and preventing regular users to acces your apache processes. They are generated on graceful reload or children managment.

If you do not have a simple basic "It works" default Virtualhost prevent theses requests on your application by some rewrites:

  RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*internal\ dummy\ connection.*$ [NC]
  RewriteRule .* - [F,L]


Having only one Virtualhost does not protect you from internal dummy connections, it is worst, you are sure now that theses connections are made on your unique Virtualhost. So you should really avoid side effects on your application by using the rewrite rules.

Reading your cacti graphics, it seems your apache is not in prefork mode bug in worker mode. Run httpd -l or apache2 -l on debian, and check if you have worker.c or prefork.c. If you are in worker mode you may encounter some PHP problems in your application, but you should check the worker settings, here is an example:

<IfModule worker.c>
  StartServers           3
  MaxClients           500
  MinSpareThreads       75
  MaxSpareThreads      250 
  ThreadsPerChild       25
  MaxRequestsPerChild  300

You start 3 processes, each containing 25 threads (so 3*25=75 parallel requests available by default), you allow 75 threads doing nothing, as soon as one thread is used a new process is forked, adding 25 more threads. And when you have more than 250 threads doing nothing (10 processes) some process are killed. You must adjust theses settings with your memory. Here you allow 500 parallel process (that's 20 process of 25 threads). Your usage is maybe more:

<IfModule worker.c>
  StartServers           2
  MaxClients           250
  MinSpareThreads       50
  MaxSpareThreads      150 
  ThreadsPerChild       25
  MaxRequestsPerChild  300

How does the vim "write with sudo" trick work?

A summary (and very minor improvement) on the most common answers that I found for this as at 2020.


Call with :w!! or :W!!. After it expands, press enter.

  • If you are too slow in typing the !! after the w/W, it will not expand and might report: E492: Not an editor command: W!!

NOTE Use which tee output to replace /usr/bin/tee if it differs in your case.

Put these in your ~/.vimrc file:

    " Silent version of the super user edit, sudo tee trick.
    cnoremap W!! execute 'silent! write !sudo /usr/bin/tee "%" >/dev/null' <bar> edit!
    " Talkative version of the super user edit, sudo tee trick.
    cmap w!! w !sudo /usr/bin/tee >/dev/null "%"

More Info:

First, the linked answer below was about the only other that seemed to mitigate most known problems and differ in any significant way from the others. Worth reading:

My answer above was pulled together from multiple suggestions on the conventional sudo tee theme and thus very slightly improves on the most common answers I found. My version above:

  • Works with whitespace in file names

  • Mitigates path modification attacks by specifying the full path to tee.

  • Gives you two mappings, W!! for silent execution, and w!! for not silent, i.e Talkative :-)

  • The difference in using the non-silent version is that you get to choose between [O]k and [L]oad. If you don't care, use the silent version.

    • [O]k - Preserves your undo history, but will cause you to get warned when you try to quit. You have to use :q! to quit.
    • [L]oad - Erases your undo history and resets the "modified flag" allowing you to exit without being warned to save changes.

Information for the above was drawn from a bunch of other answers and comments on this, but notably:

Dr Beco's answer:

idbrii's comment to this:

Han Seoul-Oh's comment to this: How does the vim "write with sudo" trick work?

Bruno Bronosky comment to this:

This answer also explains why the apparently most simple approach is not such a good idea:

Check if a file exists locally using JavaScript only

Try this:

  try {
    var file ="file://mnt/sdcard/download/Click.ogg");
    setTimeout('file.close()', 100);
    setTimeout("alert('Audio file found. Have a nice day!');", 101);
  } catch(err) {
    var wantstodl=confirm("Warning:\n the file, Click.ogg is not found.\n do you want to download it?\n "+err.message);
    if (wantstodl) {""); //downloads the audio file

printf a variable in C

Your printf needs a format string:

printf("%d\n", x);

This reference page gives details on how to use printf and related functions.

OS specific instructions in CMAKE: How to?

In General

You can detect and specify variables for several operating systems like that:

Detect Microsoft Windows

    # for Windows operating system in general


    # for detecting Windows compilers

Detect Apple MacOS

    # for MacOS X or iOS, watchOS, tvOS (since 3.10.3)

Detect Unix and Linux

    # for Linux, BSD, Solaris, Minix

Your specific linker issue

To solve your issue with the Windows-specific wsock32 library, just remove it from other systems, like that:

    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} bioutils wsock32)
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} bioutils)

What is the difference between "Form Controls" and "ActiveX Control" in Excel 2010?

Google is full of information on this. As Hans Passant said, Form controls are built in to Excel whereas ActiveX controls are loaded separately.

Generally you'll use Forms controls, they're simpler. ActiveX controls allow for more flexible design and should be used when the job just can't be done with a basic Forms control.

Many user's computers by default won't trust ActiveX, and it will be disabled; this sometimes needs to be manually added to the trust center. ActiveX is a microsoft-based technology and, as far as I'm aware, is not supported on the Mac. This is something you'll have to also consider, should you (or anyone you provide a workbook to) decide to use it on a Mac.

Do checkbox inputs only post data if they're checked?

Checkboxes are posting value 'on' if and only if the checkbox is checked. Insted of catching checkbox value you can use hidden inputs


var chk = $('input[type="checkbox"]');
        var v = $(this).attr('checked') == 'checked'?1:0;
        $(this).after('<input type="hidden" name="'+$(this).attr('rel')+'" value="'+v+'" />');

        var v = $(this).is(':checked')?1:0;


<label>Active</label><input rel="active" type="checkbox" />

How to check if an environment variable exists and get its value?

[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ] checks whether DEPLOY_ENV has length equal to zero. So you could run:

if [[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]]; then
  MY_SCRIPT_VARIABLE="Some default value because DEPLOY_ENV is undefined"

# or using a short-hand version

[[ -z "${DEPLOY_ENV}" ]] && MyVar='default' || MyVar="${DEPLOY_ENV}"

# or even shorter use


Python: find position of element in array

Without actually seeing your data it is difficult to say how to find location of max and min in your particular case, but in general, you can search for the locations as follows. This is just a simple example below:

In [9]: a=np.array([5,1,2,3,10,4])

In [10]: np.where(a == a.min())
Out[10]: (array([1]),)

In [11]: np.where(a == a.max())
Out[11]: (array([4]),)

Alternatively, you can also do as follows:

In [19]: a=np.array([5,1,2,3,10,4])

In [20]: a.argmin()
Out[20]: 1

In [21]: a.argmax()
Out[21]: 4

How to respond to clicks on a checkbox in an AngularJS directive?

I prefer to use the ngModel and ngChange directives when dealing with checkboxes. ngModel allows you to bind the checked/unchecked state of the checkbox to a property on the entity:

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.isChecked">

Whenever the user checks or unchecks the checkbox the entity.isChecked value will change too.

If this is all you need then you don't even need the ngClick or ngChange directives. Since you have the "Check All" checkbox, you obviously need to do more than just set the value of the property when someone checks a checkbox.

When using ngModel with a checkbox, it's best to use ngChange rather than ngClick for handling checked and unchecked events. ngChange is made for just this kind of scenario. It makes use of the ngModelController for data-binding (it adds a listener to the ngModelController's $viewChangeListeners array. The listeners in this array get called after the model value has been set, avoiding this problem).

<input type="checkbox" ng-model="entity.isChecked" ng-change="selectEntity()">

... and in the controller ...

var model = {};
$scope.model = model;

// This property is bound to the checkbox in the table header
model.allItemsSelected = false;

// Fired when an entity in the table is checked
$scope.selectEntity = function () {
    // If any entity is not checked, then uncheck the "allItemsSelected" checkbox
    for (var i = 0; i < model.entities.length; i++) {
        if (!model.entities[i].isChecked) {
            model.allItemsSelected = false;

    // ... otherwise ensure that the "allItemsSelected" checkbox is checked
    model.allItemsSelected = true;

Similarly, the "Check All" checkbox in the header:

    <input type="checkbox" ng-model="model.allItemsSelected" ng-change="selectAll()">

... and ...

// Fired when the checkbox in the table header is checked
$scope.selectAll = function () {
    // Loop through all the entities and set their isChecked property
    for (var i = 0; i < model.entities.length; i++) {
        model.entities[i].isChecked = model.allItemsSelected;


What is the best way to... add a CSS class to the <tr> containing the entity to reflect its selected state?

If you use the ngModel approach for the data-binding, all you need to do is add the ngClass directive to the <tr> element to dynamically add or remove the class whenever the entity property changes:

<tr ng-repeat="entity in model.entities" ng-class="{selected: entity.isChecked}">

See the full Plunker here.

CodeIgniter 404 Page Not Found, but why?

we have to give the controller name in lower cases in server side

$this->class = strtolower(__CLASS__);

String parsing in Java with delimiter tab "\t" using split

You can use yourstring.split("\x09"); I tested it, and it works.

Escape double quotes in a string

In C#, there are at least 4 ways to embed a quote within a string:

  1. Escape quote with a backslash
  2. Precede string with @ and use double quotes
  3. Use the corresponding ASCII character
  4. Use the Hexadecimal Unicode character

Please refer this document for detailed explanation.

HTML5 Number Input - Always show 2 decimal places

My preferred approach, which uses data attributes to hold the state of the number:

<input type='number' step='0.01'/>

// react to stepping in UI
el.addEventListener('onchange', ev => = * 100)

// react to keys
el.addEventListener('onkeyup', ev => {

    // user cleared field
    if (! = ''

    // non num input
    if (isNaN(ev.key)) {

        // deleting
        if (ev.keyCode == 8)

   =, -1)

    // num input
    } else += ev.key = parseFloat( / 100


Converting ArrayList to Array in java

We can convert ararylist to array using 3 mrthod

  1. public Object[] toArray() - it will return array of object

    Object[] array = list.toArray();

  2. public T[] toArray(T[] a) - In this way we will create array and toArray Take it as argument then return it

       String[] arr = new String[list.size()]; 
        arr = list.toArray(arr);
  3. Public get() method;

    Iterate ararylist and one by one add element in array.

For more details for these method Visit Java Vogue

How do I update a Linq to SQL dbml file?

I would recommend using the visual designer built into VS2008, as updating the dbml also updates the code that is generated for you. Modifying the dbml outside of the visual designer would result in the underlying code being out of sync.

AngularJS ng-click to go to another page (with Ionic framework)

One think you should change is the call $state.go(). As described here:

The param passed should be the state name

$scope.create = function() {
  // instead of this

  // we should use this

Some cite from doc (the first parameter to of the [$state.go(to \[, toParams\] \[, options\]):


String Absolute State Name or Relative State Path

The name of the state that will be transitioned to or a relative state path. If the path starts with ^ or . then it is relative, otherwise it is absolute.

Some examples:

$state.go('contact.detail') will go to the 'contact.detail' state
$state.go('^') will go to a parent state.
$state.go('^.sibling') will go to a sibling state.
$state.go('.child.grandchild') will go to a grandchild state.

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel, despite setting ServerCertificateValidationCallback

We have been solving the same problem just today, and all you need to do is to increase the runtime version of .NET

4.5.2 didn't work for us with the above problem, while 4.6.1 was OK

If you need to keep the .NET version, then set

ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

form action with javascript

It has been almost 8 years since the question was asked, but I will venture an answer not previously given. The OP said this doesn't work:


And the OP said that this code continued to fail despite trying all the good advice he got. So I will venture a guess. The action is calling checkout() as a static method of the simpleCart class; but maybe checkout() is actually an instance member, and not static. It depends how he defined checkout().

By the way, simpleCart is presumably a class name, and by convention class names have an initial capital letter, so let's use that convention, here. Let's use the name SimpleCart.

Here is some sample code that illustrates defining checkout() as an instance member. This was the correct way to do it, prior to ECMA-6:

function SimpleCart() {
SimpleCart.prototype.checkout = function() { ... };

Many people have used a different technique, as illustrated in the following. This was popular, and it worked, but I advocate against it, because instances are supposed to be defined on the prototype, just once, while the following technique defines the member on this and does so repeatedly, with every instantiation.

function SimpleCart() {
    this.checkout = function() { ... };

And here is an instance definition in ECMA-6, using an official class:

class SimpleCart {
    constructor() { ... }
    checkout()    { ... }

Compare to a static definition in ECMA-6. The difference is just one word:

class SimpleCart {
    constructor() { ... }
    static checkout()    { ... }

And here is a static definition the old way, pre-ECMA-6. Note that the checkout() method is defined outside of the function. It is a member of the function object, not the prototype object, and that's what makes it static.

function SimpleCart() {
SimpleCart.checkout = function() { ... };

Because of the way it is defined, a static function will have a different concept of what the keyword this references. Note that instance member functions are called using the this keyword:


Static member functions are called using the class name:


The problem is that the OP wants to put the call into HTML, where it will be in global scope. He can't use the keyword this because this would refer to the global scope (which is window).

action="javascript:this.checkout()" // not as intended
action="javascript:window.checkout()" // same thing

There is no easy way to use an instance member function in HTML. You can do stuff in combination with JavaScript, creating a registry in the static scope of the Class, and then calling a surrogate static method, while passing an argument to that surrogate that gives the index into the registry of your instance, and then having the surrogate call the actual instance member function. Something like this:

// In Javascript:
SimpleCart.registry[1234] = new SimpleCart();

// In HTML

// In Javascript
SimpleCart.checkout = function(myIndex) {
    var myThis = SimpleCart.registry[myIndex];

You could also store the index as an attribute on the element.

But usually it is easier to just do nothing in HTML and do everything in JavaScript with .addEventListener() and use the .bind() capability.

How do I save and restore multiple variables in python?

Another approach to saving multiple variables to a pickle file is:

import pickle

a = 3; b = [11,223,435];
pickle.dump([a,b], open("trial.p", "wb"))

c,d = pickle.load(open("trial.p","rb"))

print(c,d) ## To verify

Replace all occurrences of a String using StringBuilder?

I found this method: Matcher.replaceAll(String replacement); In you can see more:

 * Replaces every subsequence of the input sequence that matches the
 * pattern with the given replacement string.
 * <p> This method first resets this matcher.  It then scans the input
 * sequence looking for matches of the pattern.  Characters that are not
 * part of any match are appended directly to the result string; each match
 * is replaced in the result by the replacement string.  The replacement
 * string may contain references to captured subsequences as in the {@link
 * #appendReplacement appendReplacement} method.
 * <p> Note that backslashes (<tt>\</tt>) and dollar signs (<tt>$</tt>) in
 * the replacement string may cause the results to be different than if it
 * were being treated as a literal replacement string. Dollar signs may be
 * treated as references to captured subsequences as described above, and
 * backslashes are used to escape literal characters in the replacement
 * string.
 * <p> Given the regular expression <tt>a*b</tt>, the input
 * <tt>"aabfooaabfooabfoob"</tt>, and the replacement string
 * <tt>"-"</tt>, an invocation of this method on a matcher for that
 * expression would yield the string <tt>"-foo-foo-foo-"</tt>.
 * <p> Invoking this method changes this matcher's state.  If the matcher
 * is to be used in further matching operations then it should first be
 * reset.  </p>
 * @param  replacement
 *         The replacement string
 * @return  The string constructed by replacing each matching subsequence
 *          by the replacement string, substituting captured subsequences
 *          as needed
public String replaceAll(String replacement) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(input.length());
    while (find()) {
        appendReplacement(buffer, replacement);
    return appendTail(buffer).toString();

Cancel a UIView animation?

When I work with UIStackView animation, besides removeAllAnimations() I need to set some values to initial one because removeAllAnimations() can set them to unpredictable state. I have stackView with view1 and view2 inside, and one view should be visible and one hidden:

public func configureStackView(hideView1: Bool, hideView2: Bool) {
    let oldHideView1 = view1.isHidden
    let oldHideView2 = view2.isHidden
    // after stopping animation the values are unpredictable, so set values to old
    view1.isHidden = oldHideView1 //    <- Solution is here
    view2.isHidden = oldHideView2 //    <- Solution is here

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3,
                   delay: 0.0,
                   usingSpringWithDamping: 0.9,
                   initialSpringVelocity: 1,
                   options: [],
                   animations: {
                    view1.isHidden = hideView1
                    view2.isHidden = hideView2
                   completion: nil)

What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?

Smoke tests are tests which aim is to check if everything was build correctly. I mean here integration, connections. So you check from technically point of view if you can make wider tests. You have to execute some test cases and check if the results are positive.

Sanity tests in general have the same aim - check if we can make further test. But in sanity test you focus on business value so you execute some test cases but you check the logic.

In general people say smoke tests for both above because they are executed in the same time (sanity after smoke tests) and their aim is similar.

How do I debug error ECONNRESET in Node.js?

I just figured this out, at least in my use case.

I was getting ECONNRESET. It turned out that the way my client was set up, it was hitting the server with an API call a ton of times really quickly -- and it only needed to hit the endpoint once.

When I fixed that, the error was gone.

How to get list of all installed packages along with version in composer?

To list the globally installed composer packages:

composer global show -i

Writing a new line to file in PHP (line feed)

Use PHP_EOL which outputs \r\n or \n depending on the OS.

Spring data JPA query with parameter properties

    for using this, you can create a Repository for example this one:
    Member findByEmail(String email);

    List<Member> findByDate(Date date);
    // custom query example and return a member
   @Query("select m from Member m where m.username = :username and m.password=:password")
        Member findByUsernameAndPassword(@Param("username") String username, @Param("password") String password);

How do I remove repeated elements from ArrayList?

When you are filling the ArrayList, use a condition for each element. For example:

    ArrayList< Integer > al = new ArrayList< Integer >(); 

    // fill 1 
    for ( int i = 0; i <= 5; i++ ) 
        if ( !al.contains( i ) ) 
            al.add( i ); 

    // fill 2 
    for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++ ) 
        if ( !al.contains( i ) ) 
            al.add( i ); 

    for( Integer i: al )
        System.out.print( i + " ");     

We will get an array {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

Firefox "ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap" error

"Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap" error message after login, when Welcome screen expected--using Firefox browser Solution 1: enter 'about:config' in Browser Address bar 2: find/select "security.ssl3.rsa_rc4_40_md5" 3: set boolean to TRUE

HTML button calling an MVC Controller and Action method

OK, you basically need to pass the action to the button and call it when click happens, it doesn't need to be inside a from, you can use HTML onclick on button to trigger it when the button get clicked...

<button id="my-button" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("YourActionName", "YourControllerName")'">Submit</button>

ASP.NET email validator regex

Apart from the client side validation with a Validator, I also recommend doing server side validation as well.

bool isValidEmail(string input)
        var email = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(input);
        return true;
        return false;

CMake: How to build external projects and include their targets

This post has a reasonable answer:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.2)

project(googletest-download NONE)

  GIT_TAG           master
  SOURCE_DIR        "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-src"
  BINARY_DIR        "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-build"
  TEST_COMMAND      ""


# Download and unpack googletest at configure time
  WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download )
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .
  WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/googletest-download )

# Prevent GoogleTest from overriding our compiler/linker options
# when building with Visual Studio
set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL "" FORCE)

# Add googletest directly to our build. This adds
# the following targets: gtest, gtest_main, gmock
# and gmock_main

# The gtest/gmock targets carry header search path
# dependencies automatically when using CMake 2.8.11 or
# later. Otherwise we have to add them here ourselves.

# Now simply link your own targets against gtest, gmock,
# etc. as appropriate

However it does seem quite hacky. I'd like to propose an alternative solution - use Git submodules.

cd MyProject/dependencies/gtest
git submodule add
cd googletest
git checkout release-1.8.0
cd ../../..
git add *
git commit -m "Add googletest"

Then in MyProject/dependencies/gtest/CMakeList.txt you can do something like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)

if(TARGET gtest) # To avoid diamond dependencies; may not be necessary depending on you project.


I haven't tried this extensively yet but it seems cleaner.

Edit: There is a downside to this approach: The subdirectory might run install() commands that you don't want. This post has an approach to disable them but it was buggy and didn't work for me.

Edit 2: If you use add_subdirectory("googletest" EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) it seems means the install() commands in the subdirectory aren't used by default.

Replace all occurrences of a string in a data frame

I had the problem, I had to replace "Not Available" with NA and my solution goes like this

data <- sapply(data,function(x) {x <- gsub("Not Available",NA,x)})

Most efficient way to find mode in numpy array

simplest way in Python to get the mode of an list or array a

   import statistics
   print("mode = "+str(statistics.(mode(a)))

That's it

Check if an element contains a class in JavaScript?

Try this one:

document.getElementsByClassName = function(cl) {
   var retnode = [];
   var myclass = new RegExp('\\b'+cl+'\\b');
   var elem = this.getElementsByTagName('*');
   for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
       var classes = elem[i].className;
       if (myclass.test(classes)) retnode.push(elem[i]);
    return retnode;

What is the difference between an interface and abstract class?

An abstract class is a class whose object cannot be created or a class which cannot be instantiated. An abstract method makes a class abstract. An abstract class needs to be inherited in order to override the methods that are declared in the abstract class. No restriction on access specifiers. An abstract class can have constructor and other concrete(non abstarct methods ) methods in them but interface cannot have.

An interface is a blueprint/template of methods.(eg. A house on a paper is given(interface house) and different architects will use their ideas to build it(the classes of architects implementing the house interface) . It is a collection of abstract methods , default methods , static methods , final variables and nested classes. All members will be either final or public , protected and private access specifiers are not allowed.No object creation is allowed. A class has to be made in order to use the implementing interface and also to override the abstract method declared in the interface. An interface is a good example of loose coupling(dynamic polymorphism/dynamic binding) An interface implements polymorphism and abstraction.It tells what to do but how to do is defined by the implementing class. For Eg. There's a car company and it wants that some features to be same for all the car it is manufacturing so for that the company would be making an interface vehicle which will have those features and different classes of car(like Maruti Suzkhi , Maruti 800) will override those features(functions).

Why interface when we already have abstract class? Java supports only multilevel and hierarchal inheritance but with the help of interface we can implement multiple inheritance.

Connecting to TCP Socket from browser using javascript

As for your problem, currently you will have to depend on XHR or websockets for this.

Currently no popular browser has implemented any such raw sockets api for javascript that lets you create and access raw sockets, but a draft for the implementation of raw sockets api in JavaScript is under-way. Have a look at these links:

Chrome now has support for raw TCP and UDP sockets in its ‘experimental’ APIs. These features are only available for extensions and, although documented, are hidden for the moment. Having said that, some developers are already creating interesting projects using it, such as this IRC client.

To access this API, you’ll need to enable the experimental flag in your extension’s manifest. Using sockets is pretty straightforward, for example:

chrome.experimental.socket.create('tcp', '', 8080, function(socketInfo) {
  chrome.experimental.socket.connect(socketInfo.socketId, function (result) {
        chrome.experimental.socket.write(socketInfo.socketId, "Hello, world!");         

JSLint says "missing radix parameter"

I solved it with just using the +foo, to convert the string.

Keep in mind it's not great for readability (dirty fix).

console.log( +'1' )
// 1 (int)

Android ViewPager with bottom dots

ViewPagerIndicator has not been updated since 2012 and got several bugs that were never fixed.

I finally found an alternative with this light library that displays nice dots for the viewpager, here is the link:

Easy to implement!

.substring error: "is not a function"

document.location is an object, not a string. It returns (by default) the full path, but it actually holds more info than that.

Shortcut for solution: document.location.toString().substring(2,3);

Or use document.location.href or window.location.href

How do I compare two string variables in an 'if' statement in Bash?

I don't have access to a Linux box right now, but [ is actually a program (and a Bash builtin), so I think you have to put a space between [ and the first parameter.

Also note that the string equality operator seems to be a single =.

How to change the style of a DatePicker in android?

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

DatePickerDialog datePickerDialog = new DatePickerDialog(getActivity(),, new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {
  public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
    Calendar newDate = Calendar.getInstance();
    newDate.set(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);

    SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
    String date = simpleDateFormat.format(newDate.getTime());
}, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR), calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH), calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));;

And use this style:

<style name="DatePickerDialogTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog">
  <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorPrimary</item>

Save a subplot in matplotlib

While @Eli is quite correct that there usually isn't much of a need to do it, it is possible. savefig takes a bbox_inches argument that can be used to selectively save only a portion of a figure to an image.

Here's a quick example:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np

# Make an example plot with two subplots...
fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
ax1.plot(range(10), 'b-')

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
ax2.plot(range(20), 'r^')

# Save the full figure...

# Save just the portion _inside_ the second axis's boundaries
extent = ax2.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted())
fig.savefig('ax2_figure.png', bbox_inches=extent)

# Pad the saved area by 10% in the x-direction and 20% in the y-direction
fig.savefig('ax2_figure_expanded.png', bbox_inches=extent.expanded(1.1, 1.2))

The full figure: Full Example Figure

Area inside the second subplot: Inside second subplot

Area around the second subplot padded by 10% in the x-direction and 20% in the y-direction: Full second subplot

How can I combine two commits into one commit?

Lazy simple version for forgetfuls like me:

git rebase -i HEAD~3 or however many commits instead of 3.

Turn this

pick YourCommitMessageWhatever
pick YouGetThePoint
pick IdkManItsACommitMessage

into this

pick YourCommitMessageWhatever
s YouGetThePoint
s IdkManItsACommitMessage

and do some action where you hit esc then enter to save the changes. [1]

When the next screen comes up, get rid of those garbage # lines [2] and create a new commit message or something, and do the same escape enter action. [1]

Wowee, you have fewer commits. Or you just broke everything.

[1] - or whatever works with your git configuration. This is just a sequence that's efficient given my setup.

[2] - you'll see some stuff like # this is your n'th commit a few times, with your original commits right below these message. You want to remove these lines, and create a commit message to reflect the intentions of the n commits that you're combining into 1.

Verifying a specific parameter with Moq

Had one of these as well, but the parameter of the action was an interface with no public properties. Ended up using It.Is() with a seperate method and within this method had to do some mocking of the interface

public interface IQuery
    IQuery SetSomeFields(string info);

void DoSomeQuerying(Action<IQuery> queryThing);

mockedObject.Setup(m => m.DoSomeQuerying(It.Is<Action<IQuery>>(q => MyCheckingMethod(q)));

private bool MyCheckingMethod(Action<IQuery> queryAction)
    var mockQuery = new Mock<IQuery>();
    mockQuery.Setup(m => m.SetSomeFields(It.Is<string>(s => s.MeetsSomeCondition())
    mockQuery.Verify(m => m.SetSomeFields(It.Is<string>(s => s.MeetsSomeCondition(), Times.Once)
    return true

How to reject in async/await syntax?

This is not an answer over @T.J. Crowder's one. Just an comment responding to the comment "And actually, if the exception is going to be converted to a rejection, I'm not sure whether I am actually bothered if it's an Error. My reasons for throwing only Error probably don't apply."

if your code is using async/await, then it is still a good practice to reject with an Error instead of 400:

try {
  await foo('a');
catch (e) {
  // you would still want `e` to be an `Error` instead of `400`

getElementById in React

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function App() {
  const [apes , setap] = useState('yo');
  const handleClick = () =>{
  return (
      <input id='name' />
      <h2> {apes} </h2>
      <button onClick={handleClick} />

export default App;

Pass in an array of Deferreds to $.when()

You can apply the when method to your array:

var arr = [ /* Deferred objects */ ];

$.when.apply($, arr);

How do you work with an array of jQuery Deferreds?

Convert NSDate to NSString

#ios #swift #convertDateinString

Simply just do like this to "convert date into string" as per format you passed:

let formatter = DateFormatter()

formatter.dateFormat = "dd-MM-YYYY" // pass formate here
let myString = formatter.string(from: date) // this will convert Date in String

Note: You can specify different formats such like "yyyy-MM-dd", "yyyy", "MM" etc...

How can I set the current working directory to the directory of the script in Bash?

The following also works:

cd "${0%/*}"

The syntax is thoroughly described in this StackOverflow answer.

Remove all child elements of a DOM node in JavaScript

Why aren't we following the simplest method here "remove" looped inside while.

const foo = document.querySelector(".foo");
while (foo.firstChild) {
  • Selecting the parent div
  • Using "remove" Method inside a While loop for eliminating First child element , until there is none left.

How to set layout_gravity programmatically?

This question is old but I just had the same problem and solved it like this

LayoutParams lay = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)
lay.gravity = Gravity.CENTER;

git add, commit and push commands in one?

If the file is already being tracked then you do not need to run git add, you can simply write git commit -am 'your message'

If you do not want to write a commit message you might consider doing something like

git commit --allow-empty-message -am ''

How to select all and copy in vim?

@swpd's answer improved

I use , as a leader key and ,a shortcut does the trick

Add this line if you prefer ,a shortcut

map <Leader>a :%y+<CR> 

I use Ctrl y shortcut to copy

vmap <C-y> y:call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", getreg("\""))<CR>:call system("xclip -i", getreg("\""))<CR>

And ,v to paste

nmap <Leader>v :call setreg("\"",system("xclip -o -selection clipboard"))<CR>p

Before using this you have to install xclip

$ sudo apt-get install xclip

Edit: When you use :%y+, it can be only pasted to Vim vim Ctrl+Insert shortcut. And

map <C-a> :%y+<Esc>

is not conflicting any settings in my Vimrc.

Difference between _self, _top, and _parent in the anchor tag target attribute

Below is an image showing nested frames and the effect of different target values, followed by an explanation of the image.

Different target values.1

Imagine a webpage containing 3 nested <iframe> aka "frame"/"frameset". So:

  • the outermost webpage/browser is the starting context
  • the outermost webpage is the parent of frame 3
  • frame 3 is the parent of frame 2
  • frame 2 is the parent of frame 1
  • frame 1 is the innermost frame

Then target attributes have these effects:

  • If frame 1 has a link with target="_self", the link targets frame 1 (i.e. the link targets the frame containing the link (i.e. targets itself))
  • If frame 1 has a link with target="_parent", the link targets frame 2 (i.e. the link targets the parent frame)
  • If frame 1 has a link with target="_top", the link targets the initial webpage (i.e. the link targets the topmost/outermost frame; (in this case; the link skips past the grandparent frame 3))
    • If frame 2 has a link with target="_top", the link also targets the initial webpage (i.e. again, the link targets the topmost/outermost frame)
  • If any of these frames has a link with target="_blank", the link targets an auxiliary browsing context, aka a "new window"/"new tab"

How to bind 'touchstart' and 'click' events but not respond to both?

I'm not sure if this works on all browsers and devices. I tested this using Google Chrome and Safari iOS.

$thing.on('click || touchend', function(e){


The OR opperand should fire only the first event (on desktop that should be click and on an iPhone that should be touchend).

java - iterating a linked list

As the definition of Linkedlist says, it is a sequence and you are guaranteed to get the elements in order.


import java.util.LinkedList;

public class ForEachDemonstrater {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    LinkedList<Character> pl = new LinkedList<Character>();
    for (char s : pl)

Change default icon

Go to the Project properties Build the project Locate the .exe file in your favorite file explorer.

Convert Json Array to normal Java list

Instead of using bundled-in org.json library, try using Jackson or GSON, where this is a one-liner. With Jackson, f.ex:

List<String> list = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, List.class);
// Or for array:
String[] array = mapper.readValue(json, String[].class);

Increase Tomcat memory settings

try setting this

CATALINA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 
-server -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m
-XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:PermSize=256m 
-XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC"

in {$tomcat-folder}\bin\ (create it if necessary).

See for more details.

How to open the second form?

In a single line it would be:

(new Form2()).Show();

Hope it helps.

Class 'ViewController' has no initializers in swift

This issue usually appears when one of your variables has no value or when you forget to add "!" to force this variable to store nil until it is set.

In your case the problem is here:

var delegate: AppDelegate

It should be defined as var delegate: AppDelegate! to make it an optional that stores nil and do not unwrap the variable until the value is used.

It is sad that Xcode highlights the whole class as an error instead of highlighting the particular line of code that caused it, so it takes a while to figure it out.

How can I enable auto complete support in Notepad++?

Go to

Settings -> Preferences -> Backup/Autocompletion

  • Check Enable auto-completion on each input. By default the radio button for Function completion gets checked, that will complete related function name as you type. But when you are editing something other than code, you can check for Word completion.

  • Check Function parameters hint on input, if you find it difficult to remember function parameters and their ordering.

Skip Git commit hooks

Maybe (from git commit man page):

git commit --no-verify


This option bypasses the pre-commit and commit-msg hooks. See also githooks(5).

As commented by Blaise, -n can have a different role for certain commands.
For instance, git push -n is actually a dry-run push.
Only git push --no-verify would skip the hook.

Note: Git 2.14.x/2.15 improves the --no-verify behavior:

See commit 680ee55 (14 Aug 2017) by Kevin Willford (``).
(Merged by Junio C Hamano -- gitster -- in commit c3e034f, 23 Aug 2017)

commit: skip discarding the index if there is no pre-commit hook

"git commit" used to discard the index and re-read from the filesystem just in case the pre-commit hook has updated it in the middle; this has been optimized out when we know we do not run the pre-commit hook.

Davi Lima points out in the comments the git cherry-pick does not support --no-verify.
So if a cherry-pick triggers a pre-commit hook, you might, as in this blog post, have to comment/disable somehow that hook in order for your git cherry-pick to proceed.
The same process would be necessary in case of a git rebase --continue, after a merge conflict resolution.

c# dictionary How to add multiple values for single key?

Dictionary<string, List<string>> dictionary = new Dictionary<string,List<string>>();

foreach(string key in keys) {
    if(!dictionary.ContainsKey(key)) {
        dictionary.Add(key, new List<string>());

If the key doesn't exist, a new List is added (inside if). Else the key exists, so just add a new value to the List under that key.

Issue with adding common code as git submodule: "already exists in the index"

You need to remove your submodule git repository (projectfolder in this case) first for git path.

rm -rf projectfolder

git rm -r projectfolder

and then add submodule

git submodule add <git_submodule_repository> projectfolder

Parse JSON String into a Particular Object Prototype in JavaScript

I created a package called json-dry. It supports (circular) references and also class instances.

You have to define 2 new methods in your class (toDry on the prototype and unDry as a static method), register the class (Dry.registerClass), and off you go.

CSS Input Type Selectors - Possible to have an "or" or "not" syntax?

input[type='text'], input[type='password']
   // my css

That is the correct way to do it. Sadly CSS is not a programming language.

Tree view of a directory/folder in Windows?

In the Windows command prompt you can use "tree /F" to view a tree of the current folder and all descending files & folders.

In File Explorer under Windows 8.1:

  • Select folder
  • Press Shift, right-click mouse, and select "Open command window here"
  • Type tree /f > tree.txt and press Enter
  • Use MS Word to open "tree.txt"
  • The dialog box "File Conversion - tree.txt" will open
  • For "Text encoding" tick the "MS-DOS" option

You now have an editable tree structure file.

This works for versions of Windows from Windows XP to Windows 8.1.

Tab separated values in awk

echo "LOAD_SETTLED    LOAD_INIT       2011-01-13 03:50:01" | awk -v var="test" 'BEGIN { FS = "[ \t]+" } ; { print $1 "\t" var "\t" $3 }'

Resizing SVG in html?

Try these:

  1. Set the missing viewbox and fill in the height and width values of the set height and height attributes in the svg tag

  2. Then scale the picture simply by setting the height and width to the desired percent values. Good luck.

  3. Set a fixed aspect ratio with preserveAspectRatio="X200Y200 meet (e.g. 200px), but it's not necessary


   preserveAspectRatio="x200Y200 meet"
   viewBox="0 0 350 350"
   inkscape:version="0.48.0 r9654"

How do I do string replace in JavaScript to convert ‘9.61’ to ‘9:61’?

I love jQuery's method chaining. Simply do...

    var value = $("#text").val().replace('.',':');

    //Or if you want to return the value:
    return $("#text").val().replace('.',':');

How do I invert BooleanToVisibilityConverter?

I was looking for a more general answer, but could not find it. I wrote a converter that might help others.

It is based on the fact that we need to distinguish six different cases:

  • True 2 Visible, False 2 Hidden
  • True 2 Visible, False 2 Collapsed
  • True 2 Hidden, False 2 Visible
  • True 2 Collapsed, False 2 Visible
  • True 2 Hidden, False 2 Collapsed
  • True 2 Collapsed, False 2 Hidden

Here is my implementation for the first 4 cases:

[ValueConversion(typeof(bool), typeof(Visibility))]
public class BooleanToVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
    enum Types
        /// <summary>
        /// True to Visible, False to Collapsed
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// True to Visible, False to Hidden
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// True to Collapsed, False to Visible
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// True to Hidden, False to Visible
        /// </summary>
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType,
                          object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var b = (bool)value;
        string p = (string)parameter;
        var type = (Types)Enum.Parse(typeof(Types), (string)parameter);
        switch (type)
            case Types.t2v_f2c:
                return b ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; 
            case Types.t2v_f2h:
                return b ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; 
            case Types.t2c_f2v:
                return b ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible; 
            case Types.t2h_f2v:
                return b ? Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible; 
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType,
        object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var v = (Visibility)value;
        string p = (string)parameter;
        var type = (Types)Enum.Parse(typeof(Types), (string)parameter);
        switch (type)
            case Types.t2v_f2c:
                if (v == Visibility.Visible)
                    return true;
                else if (v == Visibility.Collapsed)
                    return false;
            case Types.t2v_f2h:
                if (v == Visibility.Visible)
                    return true;
                else if (v == Visibility.Hidden)
                    return false;
            case Types.t2c_f2v:
                if (v == Visibility.Visible)
                    return false;
                else if (v == Visibility.Collapsed)
                    return true;
            case Types.t2h_f2v:
                if (v == Visibility.Visible)
                    return false;
                else if (v == Visibility.Hidden)
                    return true;
        throw new InvalidOperationException();


Visibility="{Binding HasItems, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}, ConverterParameter='t2v_f2c'}"

I think the parameters are easy to remember.

Hope it helps somebody.

I want to convert std::string into a const wchar_t *

You can use the ATL text conversion macros to convert a narrow (char) string to a wide (wchar_t) one. For example, to convert a std::string:

#include <atlconv.h>
std::string str = "Hello, world!";
CA2W pszWide(str.c_str());

You can also specify a code page, so if your std::string contains UTF-8 chars you can use:

CA2W pszWide(str.c_str(), CP_UTF8);

Very useful but Windows only.

Checking if any elements in one list are in another

There are different ways. If you just want to check if one list contains any element from the other list, you can do this..

not set(list1).isdisjoint(list2)

I believe using isdisjoint is better than intersection for Python 2.6 and above.

Bootstrap 3 only for mobile

You can create a jQuery function to unload Bootstrap CSS files at the size of 768px, and load it back when resized to lower width. This way you can design a mobile website without touching the desktop version, by using col-xs-* only

function resize() {
if ($(window).width() > 767) {
$('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="bootstrap.min.css"]').prop('disabled', true);
$('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="bootstrap-theme.min.css"]').prop('disabled', true);
else {
$('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="bootstrap.min.css"]').prop('disabled', false);
$('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="bootstrap-theme.min.css"]').prop('disabled', false);


$(document).ready(function() {

if ($(window).width() > 767) {
$('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="bootstrap.min.css"]').prop('disabled', true);
$('link[rel=stylesheet][href~="bootstrap-theme.min.css"]').prop('disabled', true);

jQuery ajax call to REST service

I think there is no need to specify


in the URI part.. because. if you specify it, You'll have to change it manually for every environment.


"/restws/json/product/get" also works

Angular2 material dialog has issues - Did you add it to @NgModule.entryComponents?

If someone needs to call Dialog from services here is how to solve the issue. I agree with some of above answer, my answer is for calling dialog in services if someone may face issues on.

Create a service for example DialogService then move your dialog function inside the services and add your dialogservice in the component you call like below code:

  selector: "app-newsfeed",
  templateUrl: "./abc.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./abc.component.css",],

otherwise you get error

Joining two table entities in Spring Data JPA

This has been an old question but solution is very simple to that. If you are ever unsure about how to write criterias, joins etc in hibernate then best way is using native queries. This doesn't slow the performance and very useful. Eq. below

    @Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "your sql query")
returnTypeOfMethod methodName(arg1, arg2);

Delete topic in Kafka

bin/ –delete –zookeeper localhost:2181 –topic <topic-name>

How to diff one file to an arbitrary version in Git?

If neither commit is your HEAD then bash's brace expansion proves really useful, especially if your filenames are long, the example above:

git diff master~20:pom.xml master:pom.xml

Would become

git diff {master~20,master}:pom.xml

More on Brace expansion with bash.

Ruby value of a hash key?

Hashes are indexed using the square brackets ([]). Just as arrays. But instead of indexing with the numerical index, hashes are indexed using either the string literal you used for the key, or the symbol. So if your hash is similar to

hash = { "key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2" }

you can access the value with


or for

hash = { :key1 => "value1", :key2 => "value2"}

or the new format supported in Ruby 1.9

hash = { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" }

you can access the value with


How can I detect window size with jQuery?

//get dimensions 
var height = $(window).height();
var width = $(window).width();

//refresh on resize
$(window).resize(function() {

not sure if you wanted to tinker with the dimensions of elements or actually refresh the page. so here a bunch of different things pick what you want. you can even put the height and width in the resize event if you really wanted.

SSRS expression to format two decimal places does not show zeros

Please try the following code snippet,

IIF(Round(Avg(Fields!Vision_Score.Value)) = Avg(Fields!Vision_Score.Value), 

hope it will help, Thank-you.

Add a new element to an array without specifying the index in Bash

As Dumb Guy points out, it's important to note whether the array starts at zero and is sequential. Since you can make assignments to and unset non-contiguous indices ${#array[@]} is not always the next item at the end of the array.

$ array=(a b c d e f g h)
$ array[42]="i"
$ unset array[2]
$ unset array[3]
$ declare -p array     # dump the array so we can see what it contains
declare -a array='([0]="a" [1]="b" [4]="e" [5]="f" [6]="g" [7]="h" [42]="i")'
$ echo ${#array[@]}
$ echo ${array[${#array[@]}]}

Here's how to get the last index:

$ end=(${!array[@]})   # put all the indices in an array
$ end=${end[@]: -1}    # get the last one
$ echo $end

That illustrates how to get the last element of an array. You'll often see this:

$ echo ${array[${#array[@]} - 1]}

As you can see, because we're dealing with a sparse array, this isn't the last element. This works on both sparse and contiguous arrays, though:

$ echo ${array[@]: -1}

How can apply multiple background color to one div

The A div can actually be made without :before or :after selector but using linear gradient as your first try. The only difference is that you must specify 4 positions. Dark grey from 0 to 50% and ligth grey from 50% to 100% like this:

background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#f6f6f6 50%,#f6f6f6 100%);

As you know, B div is made from a linear gradient having 2 positions like this:

background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9c9e9f 0%,#f6f6f6 100%);

For the C div, i use the same kind of gradient as div A ike this:

background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#33ccff 50%,#33ccff 100%);

But this time i used the :after selector with a white background like if the second part of your div was smaller. * Please note that I added a better alternative below.

Check this jsfiddle or the snippet below for complete cross-browser code.

    background: #9c9e9f; /* Old browsers */_x000D_
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%); /* FF3.6+ */_x000D_
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%,#9c9e9f), color-stop(50%,#9c9e9f), color-stop(50%,#f6f6f6), color-stop(100%,#f6f6f6)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */_x000D_
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#f6f6f6 50%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */_x000D_
    background: -o-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#f6f6f6 50%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */_x000D_
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#f6f6f6 50%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* IE10+ */_x000D_
    background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#f6f6f6 50%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* W3C */_x000D_
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9c9e9f', endColorstr='#f6f6f6',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 */_x000D_
    background: #9c9e9f; /* Old browsers */_x000D_
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%, #f6f6f6 100%); /* FF3.6+ */_x000D_
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%,#9c9e9f), color-stop(100%,#f6f6f6)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */_x000D_
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */_x000D_
    background: -o-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */_x000D_
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* IE10+ */_x000D_
    background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9c9e9f 0%,#f6f6f6 100%); /* W3C */_x000D_
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9c9e9f', endColorstr='#f6f6f6',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 */_x000D_
.c{    _x000D_
    background: #9c9e9f; /* Old browsers */_x000D_
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #33ccff 50%, #33ccff 100%); /* FF3.6+ */_x000D_
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%,#9c9e9f), color-stop(50%,#9c9e9f), color-stop(50%,#33ccff), color-stop(100%,#33ccff)); /* Chrome,Safari4+ */_x000D_
    background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#33ccff 50%,#33ccff 100%); /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */_x000D_
    background: -o-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#33ccff 50%,#33ccff 100%); /* Opera 11.10+ */_x000D_
    background: -ms-linear-gradient(left,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#33ccff 50%,#33ccff 100%); /* IE10+ */_x000D_
    background: linear-gradient(to right,  #9c9e9f 0%,#9c9e9f 50%,#33ccff 50%,#33ccff 100%); /* W3C */_x000D_
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9c9e9f', endColorstr='#33ccff',GradientType=1 ); /* IE6-9 */_x000D_
<div class="a">A</div>_x000D_
<div class="b">B</div>_x000D_
<div class="c">C</div>

There is also an alternative for the C div without using a white background to hide the a part of the second section. Instead, we make the second part transparent and we use the :after selector to act as a colored background with the desired position and size.

See this jsfiddle or the snippet below for this updated solution.

div {_x000D_
  position: relative;_x000D_
  width: 80%;_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  color: red;_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  line-height: 100px;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 10px;_x000D_
.a {_x000D_
  background: #9c9e9f;_x000D_
  /* Old browsers */_x000D_
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* FF3.6+ */_x000D_
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%, #9c9e9f), color-stop(50%, #9c9e9f), color-stop(50%, #f6f6f6), color-stop(100%, #f6f6f6));_x000D_
  /* Chrome,Safari4+ */_x000D_
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */_x000D_
  background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* Opera 11.10+ */_x000D_
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* IE10+ */_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(to right, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, #f6f6f6 50%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* W3C */_x000D_
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9c9e9f', endColorstr='#f6f6f6', GradientType=1);_x000D_
  /* IE6-9 */_x000D_
.b {_x000D_
  background: #9c9e9f;_x000D_
  /* Old browsers */_x000D_
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* FF3.6+ */_x000D_
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%, #9c9e9f), color-stop(100%, #f6f6f6));_x000D_
  /* Chrome,Safari4+ */_x000D_
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */_x000D_
  background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* Opera 11.10+ */_x000D_
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* IE10+ */_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(to right, #9c9e9f 0%, #f6f6f6 100%);_x000D_
  /* W3C */_x000D_
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9c9e9f', endColorstr='#f6f6f6', GradientType=1);_x000D_
  /* IE6-9 */_x000D_
.c {_x000D_
  background: #9c9e9f;_x000D_
  /* Old browsers */_x000D_
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);_x000D_
  /* FF3.6+ */_x000D_
  background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, color-stop(0%, #9c9e9f), color-stop(50%, #9c9e9f), color-stop(50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)), color-stop(100%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)));_x000D_
  /* Chrome,Safari4+ */_x000D_
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);_x000D_
  /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */_x000D_
  background: -o-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);_x000D_
  /* Opera 11.10+ */_x000D_
  background: -ms-linear-gradient(left, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);_x000D_
  /* IE10+ */_x000D_
  background: linear-gradient(to right, #9c9e9f 0%, #9c9e9f 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 50%, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 100%);_x000D_
  /* W3C */_x000D_
  filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#9c9e9f', endColorstr='#ffffff00', GradientType=1);_x000D_
  /* IE6-9 */_x000D_
.c:after {_x000D_
  content: "";_x000D_
  position: absolute;_x000D_
  right: 0;_x000D_
  top: 0;_x000D_
  width: 50%;_x000D_
  height: 80%;_x000D_
  background-color: #33ccff;_x000D_
  z-index: -1_x000D_
<div class="a">A</div>_x000D_
<div class="b">B</div>_x000D_
<div class="c">C</div>

FIX CSS <!--[if lt IE 8]> in IE

Also, the comment tag


is only supported in IE 8 and below, so if that's exactly what you're trying to target, you could wrap them in comment tag. They're the same as

<!--[if lte IE 8]><![endif]-->

In which lte means "less than or equal to".

See: Conditional Comments.

C++, how to declare a struct in a header file

Your student.h file only forward declares a struct named "Student", it does not define one. This is sufficient if you only refer to it through reference or pointer. However, as soon as you try to use it (including creating one) you will need the full definition of the structure.

In short, move your struct Student { ... }; into the .h file and use the .cpp file for implementation of member functions (which it has none so you don't need a .cpp file).

svn cleanup: sqlite: database disk image is malformed

Integrity check

sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "pragma integrity_check"

Clean up

sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "reindex nodes"
sqlite3 .svn/wc.db "reindex pristine"


You may be able to dump the contents of the database that can be read to a backup file, then slurp it back into an new database file:

sqlite3 .svn/wc.db

sqlite> .mode insert
sqlite> .output dump_all.sql
sqlite> .dump
sqlite> .exit

mv .svn/wc.db .svn/wc-corrupt.db
sqlite3 .svn/wc.db

sqlite> .read dump_all.sql
sqlite> .exit

How can I implement a theme from bootswatch or wrapbootstrap in an MVC 5 project?

First, if you are able to locate your

bootstrap.css file


bootstrap.min.js file

in your computer, then what you just do is

First download your favorite theme i.e. from

Copy the downloaded bootstrap.css and bootstrap.min.js files

Then in your computer locate the existing files and replace them with the new downloaded files.

NOTE: ensure your downloaded files are renamed to what is in your folder


enter image description here

Then you are good to go.

sometimes result may not display immediately. your may need to run the css on your browser as a way of refreshing

Error while sending QUERY packet

If inserting 'too much data' fails due to the max_allowed_packet setting of the database server, the following warning is raised:

SQLSTATE[08S01]: Communication link failure: 1153 Got a packet bigger than 
'max_allowed_packet' bytes

If this warning is catched as exception (due to the set error handler), the database connection is (probably) lost but the application doesn't know about this (failing inserts can have several causes). The next query in line, which can be as simple as:


Will then fail with the error this SO-question started:

Error while sending QUERY packet. PID=18486

Simple test script to reproduce my explanation, try it with and without the error handler to see the difference in impact:

set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline, array $errcontext) {
    // error was suppressed with the @-operator
    if (0 === error_reporting()) {
        return false;

    throw new ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline);

    // $oDb is instance of PDO
    var_dump($oDb->query('SELECT 1 FROM DUAL'));

    $oStatement = $oDb->prepare('INSERT INTO `test` (`id`, `message`) VALUES (NULL, :message);');
    $oStatement->bindParam(':message', $largetext, PDO::PARAM_STR);
catch(Exception $e)
var_dump($oDb->query('SELECT 2 FROM DUAL'));

Set 4 Space Indent in Emacs in Text Mode

Short answer:

The key point is to tell emacs to insert whatever you want when indenting, this is done by changing the indent-line-function. It is easier to change it to insert a tab and then change tabs into 4 spaces than change it to insert 4 spaces. The following configuration will solve your problem:

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(setq indent-line-function 'insert-tab)


From Indentation Controlled by Major Mode @ emacs manual:

An important function of each major mode is to customize the key to indent properly for the language being edited.


The indent-line-function variable is the function to be used by (and various commands, like when calling indent-region) to indent the current line. The command indent-according-to-mode does no more than call this function.


The default value is indent-relative for many modes.

From indent-relative @ emacs manual:

Indent-relative Space out to under next indent point in previous nonblank line.


If the previous nonblank line has no indent points beyond the column point starts at, `tab-to-tab-stop' is done instead.

Just change the value of indent-line-function to the insert-tab function and configure tab insertion as 4 spaces.

Failed to load JavaHL Library

My Understanding - Basically, svn client comes by default on Mac os. While installing in eclipse we should match svn plugin to the mac plugin and javaHL wont be missing. There is a lengthy process to update by installing xcode and then by using homebrew or macports which you can find after googling but if you are in hurry use simply the steps below.

1) on your mac terminal shell

$ svn --version

Note down the version e.g. 1.7.

2) open the link below

check which version of subclipse you need corresponding to it. e.g.

Subclipse Version SVN/JavaHL Version 1.8.x 1.7.x

3) ok, pick up url corresponding to 1.8.x from

and add to your eclipse => Install new Software under help

select whatever you need, svn client or subclipse or mylyn etc and it will ask for restart of STS/eclipse thats it you are done. worked for me.

NOTE: if you already have multiple versions installed inside your eclipse then its best to uninstall all subclipse or svn client versions from eclipse plugins and start fresh with steps listed above.

What is REST? Slightly confused

It stands for Representational State Transfer and it can mean a lot of things, but usually when you are talking about APIs and applications, you are talking about REST as a way to do web services or get programs to talk over the web.

REST is basically a way of communicating between systems and does much of what SOAP RPC was designed to do, but while SOAP generally makes a connection, authenticates and then does stuff over that connection, REST works pretty much the same way that that the web works. You have a URL and when you request that URL you get something back. This is where things start getting confusing because people describe the web as a the largest REST application and while this is technically correct it doesn't really help explain what it is.

In a nutshell, REST allows you to get two applications talking over the Internet using tools that are similar to what a web browser uses. This is much simpler than SOAP and a lot of what REST does is says, "Hey, things don't have to be so complex."

Worth reading:

Angular2 equivalent of $document.ready()

In your main.ts file bootstrap after DOMContentLoaded so angular will load when DOM is fully loaded.

import { enableProdMode } from '@angular/core';
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';

import { AppModule } from './app/app.module';
import { environment } from './environments/environment';

if (environment.production) {

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  .catch(err => console.log(err));

How to add color to Github's file

I'm inclined to agree with Qwertman that it's not currently possible to specify color for text in GitHub markdown, at least not through HTML.

GitHub does allow some HTML elements and attributes, but only certain ones (see their documentation about their HTML sanitization). They do allow p and div tags, as well as color attribute. However, when I tried using them in a markdown document on GitHub, it didn't work. I tried the following (among other variations), and they didn't work:

  • <p style='color:red'>This is some red text.</p>
  • <font color="red">This is some text!</font>
  • These are <b style='color:red'>red words</b>.

As Qwertman suggested, if you really must use color you could do it in a README.html and refer them to it.

Get an OutputStream into a String


Converts the buffer's contents into a string by decoding the bytes using the named charset.

Java 14 -

Read environment variables in Node.js

To retrieve environment variables in Node.JS you can use process.env.VARIABLE_NAME, but don't forget that assigning a property on process.env will implicitly convert the value to a string.

Avoid Boolean Logic

Even if your .env file defines a variable like SHOULD_SEND=false or SHOULD_SEND=0, the values will be converted to strings (“false” and “0” respectively) and not interpreted as booleans.

if (process.env.SHOULD_SEND) {
} else {
  console.log("this won't be reached with values like false and 0");

Instead, you should make explicit checks. I’ve found depending on the environment name goes a long way.

  debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

How to remove leading whitespace from each line in a file

For this specific problem, something like this would work:

$ sed 's/^ *//g' < input.txt > output.txt

It says to replace all spaces at the start of a line with nothing. If you also want to remove tabs, change it to this:

$ sed 's/^[ \t]+//g' < input.txt > output.txt

The leading "s" before the / means "substitute". The /'s are the delimiters for the patterns. The data between the first two /'s are the pattern to match, and the data between the second and third / is the data to replace it with. In this case you're replacing it with nothing. The "g" after the final slash means to do it "globally", ie: over the entire file rather than on only the first match it finds.

Finally, instead of < input.txt > output.txt you can use the -i option which means to edit the file "in place". Meaning, you don't need to create a second file to contain your result. If you use this option you will lose your original file.

Inserting a PDF file in LaTeX

The \includegraphics function has a page option for inserting a specific page of a PDF file as graphs. The default is one, but you can change it.


You can find more here.

Expression ___ has changed after it was checked

The article Everything you need to know about the ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError error explains the behavior in great details.

The problem with you setup is that ngAfterViewInit lifecycle hook is executed after change detection processed DOM updates. And you're effectively changing the property that is used in the template in this hook which means that DOM needs to be re-rendered:

  ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.message = 'all done loading :)'; // needs to be rendered the DOM

and this will require another change detection cycle and Angular by design only runs one digest cycle.

You basically have two alternatives how to fix it:

  • update the property asynchronously either using setTimeout, Promise.then or asynchronous observable referenced in the template

  • perform the property update in a hook before the DOM update - ngOnInit, ngDoCheck, ngAfterContentInit, ngAfterContentChecked.

How to print a single backslash?

A backslash needs to be escaped with another backslash.


Format in kotlin string templates

It's simple, use:

val str: String = "%.2f".format(3.14159)

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type

My case it solved i was using

@Html.DropDownList(model => model.TypeId ...)  


@Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.TypeId ...) 

will solve it

Setting focus to a textbox control

To set focus,

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

Set the TabIndex by

Me.TextBox1.TabIndex = 0