Programs & Examples On #Libxml2

Software library for parsing XML documents.

How to install lxml on Ubuntu

Many answers here are rather old,
thanks to the pointer from @Simplans ( and the home page...

What worked for me (Ubuntu bionic):

sudo apt-get install python3-lxml  

(+ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev I installed before it, but not sure if that's the requirement still)

MVC Return Partial View as JSON

You can extract the html string from the PartialViewResult object, similar to the answer to this thread:

Render a view as a string

PartialViewResult and ViewResult both derive from ViewResultBase, so the same method should work on both.

Using the code from the thread above, you would be able to use:

public ActionResult ReturnSpecialJsonIfInvalid(AwesomenessModel model)
    if (ModelState.IsValid)
            return PartialView("NotEvil", model);
        return View(model)
        return Json(new { error = true, message = RenderViewToString(PartialView("Evil", model))});
    return View(model);

Check if key exists and iterate the JSON array using Python

jsonData = """{"from": {"id": "8", "name": "Mary Pinter"}, "message": "How ARE you?", "comments": {"count": 0}, "updated_time": "2012-05-01", "created_time": "2012-05-01", "to": {"data": [{"id": "1543", "name": "Honey Pinter"}, {"name": "Joe Schmoe"}]}, "type": "status", "id": "id_7"}"""

def getTargetIds(jsonData):
    data = json.loads(jsonData)
    for dest in data['to']['data']:
        print("to_id:", dest.get('id', 'null'))

Try it:

>>> getTargetIds(jsonData)
to_id: 1543
to_id: null

Or, if you just want to skip over values missing ids instead of printing 'null':

def getTargetIds(jsonData):
    data = json.loads(jsonData)
    for dest in data['to']['data']:
        if 'id' in to_id:
            print("to_id:", dest['id'])


>>> getTargetIds(jsonData)
to_id: 1543

Of course in real life, you probably don't want to print each id, but to store them and do something with them, but that's another issue.

Split / Explode a column of dictionaries into separate columns with pandas

You can use join with pop + tolist. Performance is comparable to concat with drop + tolist, but some may find this syntax cleaner:

res = df.join(pd.DataFrame(df.pop('b').tolist()))

Benchmarking with other methods:

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[{'c':1}, {'d':3}, {'c':5, 'd':6}]})

def joris1(df):
    return pd.concat([df.drop('b', axis=1), df['b'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)

def joris2(df):
    return pd.concat([df.drop('b', axis=1), pd.DataFrame(df['b'].tolist())], axis=1)

def jpp(df):
    return df.join(pd.DataFrame(df.pop('b').tolist()))

df = pd.concat([df]*1000, ignore_index=True)

%timeit joris1(df.copy())  # 1.33 s per loop
%timeit joris2(df.copy())  # 7.42 ms per loop
%timeit jpp(df.copy())     # 7.68 ms per loop

Scala best way of turning a Collection into a Map-by-key?

For what it's worth, here are two pointless ways of doing it:

scala> case class Foo(bar: Int)
defined class Foo

scala> import scalaz._, Scalaz._
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

scala> val c = Vector(Foo(9), Foo(11))
c: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Foo] = Vector(Foo(9), Foo(11))

scala> Foo).bar) &&& identity).toMap
res30: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Foo] = Map(9 -> Foo(9), 11 -> Foo(11))

scala> Foo).bar) >>= (Pair.apply[Int, Foo] _).curried).toMap
res31: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,Foo] = Map(9 -> Foo(9), 11 -> Foo(11))

How to manually set REFERER header in Javascript?

This works in Chrome, Firefox, doesn't work in Safari :(, haven't tested in other browsers

        delete window.document.referrer;
        window.document.__defineGetter__('referrer', function () {
            return "";

Saw that here


test case: (so you can easily test several browsers) and here is a test with iframes

Switch statement: must default be the last case?

The case statements and the default statement can occur in any order in the switch statement. The default clause is an optional clause that is matched if none of the constants in the case statements can be matched.

Good Example :-

switch(5) {
  case 1:
    echo "1";
  case 2:
    echo "2, default";
  case 3;
    echo "3";

Outputs '2,default'

very useful if you want your cases to be presented in a logical order in the code (as in, not saying case 1, case 3, case 2/default) and your cases are very long so you do not want to repeat the entire case code at the bottom for the default

How do I declare an array with a custom class?

In order to create an array of objects, the objects need a constructor that doesn't take any paramters (that creates a default form of the object, eg. with both strings empty). This is what the error message means. The compiler automatically generates a constructor which creates an empty object unless there are any other constructors.

If it makes sense for the array elements to be created empty (in which case the members acquire their default values, in this case, empty strings), you should:

-Write an empty constructor:

class name {
    string first;
    string last;

  name() { }
  name(string a, string b){
    first = a;
    last = b;

-Or, if you don't need it, remove the existing constructor.

If an "empty" version of your class makes no sense, there is no good solution to provide initialisation paramters to all the elements of the array at compile time. You can:

  • Have a constructor create an empty version of the class anyway, and an init() function which does the real initialisation
  • Use a vector, and on initialisation create the objects and insert them into the vector, either using vector::insert or a loop, and trust that not doing it at compile time doesn't matter.
  • If the object can't be copied either, you can use an array/vector of smart pointers to the object and allocate them on initialisation.
  • If you can use C++11 I think (?) you can use initialiser lists to initialise a vector and intialise it (I'm not sure if that works with any contructor or only if the object is created from a single value of another type). Eg: .
 std::vector<std::string> v = { "xyzzy", "plugh", "abracadabra" };


JSON.parse vs. eval()

If you parse the JSON with eval, you're allowing the string being parsed to contain absolutely anything, so instead of just being a set of data, you could find yourself executing function calls, or whatever.

Also, JSON's parse accepts an aditional parameter, reviver, that lets you specify how to deal with certain values, such as datetimes (more info and example in the inline documentation here)

ToString() function in Go

When you have own struct, you could have own convert-to-string function.

package main

import (

type Color struct {
    Red   int `json:"red"`
    Green int `json:"green"`
    Blue  int `json:"blue"`

func (c Color) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("[%d, %d, %d]", c.Red, c.Green, c.Blue)

func main() {
    c := Color{Red: 123, Green: 11, Blue: 34}
    fmt.Println(c) //[123, 11, 34]

Why is "cursor:pointer" effect in CSS not working

Just happened to me, and in my case it was due to a CSS rule pointer-events: none; which was set on a parent element and I forgot about it.

This caused any pointer events to be just ignored, which includes the cursor.

To fix this, you can just set the style to allow pointer events:

    pointer-events: auto;

Or directly in the element:

<span style="pointer-events: auto;">...</span>

Using Java to find substring of a bigger string using Regular Expression

I'd define that I want a maximum number of non-] characters between [ and ]. These need to be escaped with backslashes (and in Java, these need to be escaped again), and the definition of non-] is a character class, thus inside [ and ] (i.e. [^\\]]). The result:


How to update Xcode from command line

I was trying to use the React-Native Expo app with create-react-native-app but for some reason it would launch my simulator and just hang without loading the app. The above answer by ipinak above reset the Xcode CLI tools because attempting to update to most recent Xcode CLI was not working. the two commands are:

rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
xcode-select --install

This process take time because of the download. I am leaving this here for any other would be searches for this specific React-Native Expo fix.

How do you get the string length in a batch file?

The first few lines are simply to demonstrate the :strLen function.

@echo off
set "strToMeasure=This is a string"
call :strLen strToMeasure strlen
echo.String is %strlen% characters long
exit /b

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
  if not "!%1:~%len%!"=="" set /A len+=1 & goto :strLen_Loop
(endlocal & set %2=%len%)
goto :eof

Of course, this is not quite as efficient at the "13 loop" version provided by jeb. But it is easier to understand, and your 3GHz computer can slip through a few thousand iterations in a small fraction of a second.

Sort rows in data.table in decreasing order on string key `order(-x,v)` gives error on data.table 1.9.4 or earlier

You can only use - on the numeric entries, so you can use decreasing and negate the ones you want in increasing order:

      x y v
 [1,] c 1 7
 [2,] c 3 8
 [3,] c 6 9
 [4,] b 1 1
 [5,] b 3 2
 [6,] b 6 3
 [7,] a 1 4
 [8,] a 3 5
 [9,] a 6 6

Installing Node.js (and npm) on Windows 10

go to

and hit the button that says "Download For ..."

This'll download the .msi (or .pkg for mac) which will do all the installation and paths for you, unlike the selected answer.

Clear dropdown using jQuery Select2

You should use this one :


Is there a difference between using a dict literal and a dict constructor?

Literal is much faster, since it uses optimized BUILD_MAP and STORE_MAP opcodes rather than generic CALL_FUNCTION:

> python2.7 -m timeit "d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5)"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.958 usec per loop

> python2.7 -m timeit "d = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4, 'e':5}"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.479 usec per loop

> python3.2 -m timeit "d = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5)"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.975 usec per loop

> python3.2 -m timeit "d = {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3, 'd':4, 'e':5}"
1000000 loops, best of 3: 0.409 usec per loop

Moving from JDK 1.7 to JDK 1.8 on Ubuntu

Most of the answers for this question can not helped me in 2020.

This notification from download site of Oracle may be the reason:

Important Oracle JDK License Update

The Oracle JDK License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019.

I try to google a little bit and those tutorials below helped me a lot.

  1. Remove completely the previous version of JVM installed on your PC.

    sudo update-alternatives --remove-all java
    sudo update-alternatives --remove-all javac
    sudo update-alternatives --remove-all javaws
    # /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 is the path you installed the previous version of JVM on your PC
    sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0 

    Check to see whether java is uninstalled or not

    java -version
  2. Install Java 8 JDK.

    • Download Java 8 from Oracle's website. The version being used is 1.8.0_251. Pay attention to this value, you may need it to edit commands in this answer when Java 8 is upgraded to another version.
    • Extract the compressed file to the place where you want to install.

    cd /usr/lib/jvm
    sudo tar xzf ~/Downloads/jdk-8u251-linux-x64.tar.gz
    • Edit environment file

    sudo gedit /etc/environment
    • Edit the PATH's value by appending the string below to the current value

    • Append those strings to the environment file

    • Complete the installation by running commands below

    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/java" 0
    sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/javac" "javac" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/javac" 0
    sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/java
    sudo update-alternatives --set javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_251/bin/javac
    update-alternatives --list java
    update-alternatives --list javac

How to initialize a list of strings (List<string>) with many string values

List<string> animals= new List<string>();

Check string for nil & empty

I know there are a lot of answers to this question, but none of them seems to be as convenient as this (in my opinion) to validate UITextField data, which is one of the most common cases for using it:

extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
    var isNilOrEmpty: Bool {
        return self?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty ?? true

You can just use


You can also skip the .trimmingCharacters(in:.whitespaces) if you don't consider whitespaces as an empty string or use it for more complex input tests like

var isValidInput: Bool {
    return !isNilOrEmpty && self!.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).characters.count >= MIN_CHARS

htmlentities() vs. htmlspecialchars()

htmlspecialchars may be used:

  1. When there is no need to encode all characters which have their HTML equivalents.

    If you know that the page encoding match the text special symbols, why would you use htmlentities? htmlspecialchars is much straightforward, and produce less code to send to the client.

    For example:

    echo htmlentities('<Il était une fois un être>.');
    // Output: &lt;Il &eacute;tait une fois un &ecirc;tre&gt;.
    //                ^^^^^^^^                 ^^^^^^^
    echo htmlspecialchars('<Il était une fois un être>.');
    // Output: &lt;Il était une fois un être&gt;.
    //                ^                 ^

    The second one is shorter, and does not cause any problems if ISO-8859-1 charset is set.

  2. When the data will be processed not only through a browser (to avoid decoding HTML entities),

  3. If the output is XML (see the answer by Artefacto).

Changing file permission in Python

Just add 0 before the permission number:
For example - we want to give all permissions - 777
Syntax: os.chmod("file_name" , permission)

import os
os.chmod("file_name" , 0777)

Python version 3.7 does not support this syntax. It requires '0o' prefix for octal literals - this is the comment I have got in PyCharm

So for python 3.7, it will be

import os
os.chmod("file_name" , 0o777)

T-SQL: Selecting rows to delete via joins

Let's say you have 2 tables, one with a Master set (eg. Employees) and one with a child set (eg. Dependents) and you're wanting to get rid of all the rows of data in the Dependents table that cannot key up with any rows in the Master table.

delete from Dependents where EmpID in (
select d.EmpID from Employees e 
    right join Dependents d on e.EmpID = d.EmpID
    where e.EmpID is null)

The point to notice here is that you're just collecting an 'array' of EmpIDs from the join first, the using that set of EmpIDs to do a Deletion operation on the Dependents table.

no matching function for call to ' '

You are trying to pass pointers (which you do not delete, thus leaking memory) where references are needed. You do not really need pointers here:

Complex firstComplexNumber(81, 93);
Complex secondComplexNumber(31, 19);

cout << "Numarul complex este: " << firstComplexNumber << endl;
//                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ No need to dereference now

// ...

Complex::distanta(firstComplexNumber, secondComplexNumber);

Get all files that have been modified in git branch

I use grep so I only get the lines with diff --git which are the files path:

git diff branchA branchB | grep 'diff --git'
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json

How do I get the picture size with PIL?

Here's how you get the image size from the given URL in Python 3:

from PIL import Image
import urllib.request
from io import BytesIO

file = BytesIO(urllib.request.urlopen('').read())
im =
width, height = im.size

Regex to split a CSV


Instead of using a split, I think it would be easier to simply execute a match and process all the found matches.

This expression will:

  • divide your sample text on the comma delimits
  • will process empty values
  • will ignore double quoted commas, providing double quotes are not nested
  • trims the delimiting comma from the returned value
  • trims surrounding quotes from the returned value

Regex: (?:^|,)(?=[^"]|(")?)"?((?(1)[^"]*|[^,"]*))"?(?=,|$)

enter image description here


Sample Text

123,2.99,AMO024,Title,"Description, more info",,123987564

ASP example using the non-java expression

Set regEx = New RegExp
regEx.Global = True
regEx.IgnoreCase = True
regEx.MultiLine = True
sourcestring = "your source string"
regEx.Pattern = "(?:^|,)(?=[^""]|("")?)""?((?(1)[^""]*|[^,""]*))""?(?=,|$)"
Set Matches = regEx.Execute(sourcestring)
  For z = 0 to Matches.Count-1
    results = results & "Matches(" & z & ") = " & chr(34) & Server.HTMLEncode(Matches(z)) & chr(34) & chr(13)
    For zz = 0 to Matches(z).SubMatches.Count-1
      results = results & "Matches(" & z & ").SubMatches(" & zz & ") = " & chr(34) & Server.HTMLEncode(Matches(z).SubMatches(zz)) & chr(34) & chr(13)
    results=Left(results,Len(results)-1) & chr(13)
Response.Write "<pre>" & results

Matches using the non-java expression

Group 0 gets the entire substring which includes the comma
Group 1 gets the quote if it's used
Group 2 gets the value not including the comma

[0][0] = 123
[0][1] = 
[0][2] = 123

[1][0] = ,2.99
[1][1] = 
[1][2] = 2.99

[2][0] = ,AMO024
[2][1] = 
[2][2] = AMO024

[3][0] = ,Title
[3][1] = 
[3][2] = Title

[4][0] = ,"Description, more info"
[4][1] = "
[4][2] = Description, more info

[5][0] = ,
[5][1] = 
[5][2] = 

[6][0] = ,123987564
[6][1] = 
[6][2] = 123987564

How do I set up Eclipse/EGit with GitHub?

In Eclipse, go to Help -> Install New Software -> Add -> Name: any name like egit; Location: -> Okay. Now Search for egit in Work with and select all the check boxes and press Next till finish.

File -> Import -> search Git and select "Projects from Git" -> Clone URI. In the URI, paste the HTTPS URL of the repository (the one with .git extension). -> Next ->It will show all the branches "Next" -> Local Destination "Next" -> "Import as a general project" -> Next till finish.

You can refer to this Youtube tutorial:

Very Simple Image Slider/Slideshow with left and right button. No autoplay

Very simple code to make jquery slider Here is two div first is the slider viewer and second is the image list container. Just copy paste the code and customise with css.

    <div class="featured-image" style="height:300px">
     <img id="thumbnail" src="01.jpg"/>

    <div class="post-margin" style="margin:10px 0px; padding:0px;" id="thumblist">
    <img src='01.jpg'>
    <img src='02.jpg'>
    <img src='03.jpg'>
    <img src='04.jpg'>

    <script type="text/javascript">
            function changeThumbnail()
            var path=$("#thumbnail").attr('src');
            var arr= new Array(); var i=0;
            $("#thumblist img").each(function(index, element) {
            var index= arr.indexOf(path);
            setTimeout(changeThumbnail, 5000);  
            setTimeout(changeThumbnail, 5000);

How to change the remote a branch is tracking?

Another option to have a lot of control over what's happening is to edit your configurations by hand:

git config --edit

or the shorthand

git config -e

Then edit the file at will, save and your modifications will be applied.

Codeigniter $this->db->order_by(' ','desc') result is not complete

Put from before where, and order_by on last:


Or try BINARY:


You should add manually on codeigniter for binary sorting.

And set "course_name" character column.

If sorting is used on a character type column, normally the sort is conducted in a case-insensitive fashion.

What type of structure data in courses table?

If you frustrated you can put into array and return using PHP:

Use natcasesort for order in "natural order": (Reference:

Your array from database as example: $array_db = $result_from_db:

$final_result = natcasesort($array_db);


How to increase space between dotted border dots

This is a really old question but it has a high ranking in Google so I'm going to throw in my method which could work depending on your needs.

In my case, I wanted a thick dashed border that had a minimal break in between dashes. I used a CSS pattern generator (like this one: to create a 10px wide by 1px tall pattern. 9px of that is solid dash color, 1px is white.

In my CSS, I included that pattern as the background image, and then scaled it up by using the background-size attribute. I ended up with a 20px by 2px repeated dash, 18px of that being solid line and 2px white. You could scale it up even more for a really thick dashed line.

The nice thing is since the image is encoded as data you don't have the additional outside HTTP request, so there's no performance burden. I stored my image as a SASS variable so I could reuse it in my site.

How to write a link like <a href="#id"> which link to the same page in PHP?

try this

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
        <a href="#name">click me</a>
        <div name="name" id="name">here</div>

Where is Java Installed on Mac OS X?

If you install just the JRE, it seems to be put at:

/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home

How do I commit case-sensitive only filename changes in Git?

I've faced this issue several times on MacOS. Git is case sensitive but Mac is only case preserving.

Someone commit a file: and after a few days decides to rename it to When you pull the latest code it fails with The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout...

The only reliable way that I've seen that fixes this is:

  1. git rm
  2. Commit it with a message that you cannot miss git commit -m 'TEMP COMMIT!!'
  3. Pull
  4. This will pop up a conflict forcing you to merge the conflict - because your change deleted it, but the other change renamed (hence the problem) it
    1. Accept your change which is the 'deletion'
    2. git rebase --continue
  5. Now drop your workaround git rebase -i HEAD~2 and drop the TEMP COMMIT!!
  6. Confirm that the file is now called

javascript convert int to float

toFixed() method formats a number using fixed-point notation. Read MDN Web Docs for full reference.

var fval = 4;

console.log(fval.toFixed(2)); // prints 4.00

Java String to JSON conversion

Instead of JSONObject , you can use ObjectMapper to convert java object to json string

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String requestBean = mapper.writeValueAsString(yourObject);

iterating quickly through list of tuples

Assuming a bit more memory usage is not a problem and if the first item of your tuple is hashable, you can create a dict out of your list of tuples and then looking up the value is as simple as looking up a key from the dict. Something like:

dct = dict(tuples)
val = dct.get(key) # None if item not found else the corresponding value

EDIT: To create a reverse mapping, use something like:

revDct = dict((val, key) for (key, val) in tuples)

AssertNull should be used or AssertNotNull

Use assertNotNull(obj). assert means must be.

What is the right way to debug in iPython notebook?

Your return function is in line of def function(main function), you must give one tab to it. And Use


instead of


to debug the whole cell not only line. Hope, maybe this will help you.

Jquery show/hide table rows

<span id="black_only">Show only black</span><br>
<span id="white_only">Show only white</span><br>
<span id="all">Show all of them</span>
<table class="someclass" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="bla bla bla">
<caption>bla bla bla</caption>
  <tr class="black">
    <th>Header Text</th>
    <th>Header Text</th>
    <th>Header Text</th>
    <th>Header Text</th>
    <th>Header Text</th>
    <th>Header Text</th>
  <tr id="white">
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
  <tr class="black" style="background-color:black;">
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>
    <td>Some Text</td>





What is the difference between cache and persist?

Cache() and persist() both the methods are used to improve performance of spark computation. These methods help to save intermediate results so they can be reused in subsequent stages.

The only difference between cache() and persist() is ,using Cache technique we can save intermediate results in memory only when needed while in Persist() we can save the intermediate results in 5 storage levels(MEMORY_ONLY, MEMORY_AND_DISK, MEMORY_ONLY_SER, MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, DISK_ONLY).

How to use underscore.js as a template engine?

The documentation for templating is partial, I watched the source.

The _.template function has 3 arguments:

  1. String text : the template string
  2. Object data : the evaluation data
  3. Object settings : local settings, the _.templateSettings is the global settings object

If no data (or null) given, than a render function will be returned. It has 1 argument:

  1. Object data : same as the data above

There are 3 regex patterns and 1 static parameter in the settings:

  1. RegExp evaluate : "<%code%>" in template string
  2. RegExp interpolate : "<%=code%>" in template string
  3. RegExp escape : "<%-code%>"
  4. String variable : optional, the name of the data parameter in the template string

The code in an evaluate section will be simply evaluated. You can add string from this section with the __p+="mystring" command to the evaluated template, but this is not recommended (not part of the templating interface), use the interpolate section instead of that. This type of section is for adding blocks like if or for to the template.

The result of the code in the interpolate section will added to the evaluated template. If null given back, then empty string will added.

The escape section escapes html with _.escape on the return value of the given code. So its similar than an _.escape(code) in an interpolate section, but it escapes with \ the whitespace characters like \n before it passes the code to the _.escape. I don't know why is that important, it's in the code, but it works well with the interpolate and _.escape - which doesn't escape the white-space characters - too.

By default the data parameter is passed by a with(data){...} statement, but this kind of evaluating is much slower than the evaluating with named variable. So naming the data with the variable parameter is something good...

For example:

var html = _.template(
    "<pre>The \"<% __p+=_.escape(o.text) %>\" is the same<br />" +
        "as the  \"<%= _.escape(o.text) %>\" and the same<br />" +
        "as the \"<%- o.text %>\"</pre>",
        text: "<b>some text</b> and \n it's a line break"
        variable: "o"



The "<b>some text</b> and 
 it's a line break" is the same
as the "<b>some text</b> and 
 it's a line break" and the same
as the "<b>some text</b> and 
 it's a line break"

You can find here more examples how to use the template and override the default settings:

By template loading you have many options, but at the end you always have to convert the template into string. You can give it as normal string like the example above, or you can load it from a script tag, and use the .html() function of jquery, or you can load it from a separate file with the tpl plugin of require.js.

Another option to build the dom tree with laconic instead of templating.

How to create a jQuery function (a new jQuery method or plugin)?

You can also use extend (the way you create jQuery plugins):

    myfunction: function () 

    myfunction2: function () 



How to get MAC address of client using PHP?

//Simple & effective way to get client mac address
// Turn on output buffering
//Get the ipconfig details using system commond
system('ipconfig /all');

// Capture the output into a variable


// Clean (erase) the output buffer


$findme = "Physical";
//Search the "Physical" | Find the position of Physical text
$pmac = strpos($mycom, $findme);

// Get Physical Address
//Display Mac Address
echo $mac;

MySQL: ALTER TABLE if column not exists

$RESULT = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);

The abobe query return 0 if the column is not present in your table then you need to run alter query like below

    $sqll="ALTER TABLE Your_table_Name ADD COLUMN Your_New_Column_Name varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0";

IntelliJ, can't start simple web application: Unable to ping server at localhost:1099

For those who encounter this when you just recently updated IntelliJ (In my case 2019.2).

I am using JBoss server so i tried to run standalone.bat in the command line and I saw the real issue on the console.

It can be different to yours, but in my case I saw:

failure description: "WFLYSRV0137: No deployment content with

And on that error I was able to fix this by removing the items (war or ear) inside the <deployments/> node in my standalone.xml

Hope this helps for those using JBoss+IntelliJ

How to change MySQL timezone in a database connection using Java?

JDBC uses a so-called "connection URL", so you can escape "+" by "%2B", that is


jQuery $.ajax(), $.post sending "OPTIONS" as REQUEST_METHOD in Firefox

Another possibility to circumvent the problem is to use a proxy script. That method is described for example here

Back to previous page with header( "Location: " ); in PHP

Storing previous url in a session variable is bad, because the user might right click on multiple pages and then come back and save.

unless you save the previous url in the session variable to a hidden field in the form and after save header( "Location: save URL of calling page" );

webpack command not working

npm i webpack -g

installs webpack globally on your system, that makes it available in terminal window.

How to start up spring-boot application via command line?

Run Spring Boot app using Maven

You can also use Maven plugin to run your Spring Boot app. Use the below example to run your Spring Boot app with Maven plugin:

mvn spring-boot:run

Run Spring Boot App with Gradle

And if you use Gradle you can run the Spring Boot app with the following command:

gradle bootRun

Get the key corresponding to the minimum value within a dictionary

Best: min(d, key=d.get) -- no reason to interpose a useless lambda indirection layer or extract items or keys!

How can I change a button's color on hover?

a.button a:hover means "a link that's being hovered over that is a child of a link with the class button".

Go instead for a.button:hover.

Eclipse Bug: Unhandled event loop exception No more handles

If you have a fresh Windows 7, force a Windows Update. That will make the problem go away. It's a shot in the dark, but solved my problem. I struggled with it for a day until I realized that newer eclipse releases give the above error with older .net Framework: everything went fine until a driver installed .net 4.0, and from that point Eclipse editor gave the unhandled event loop exception.

How do you keep parents of floated elements from collapsing?

One of the most well known solutions is a variation of your solution number 3 that uses a pseudo element instead of a non-semantic html element.

It goes something like this...

.cf:after {
    content: " ";
    display: block;
    visibility: hidden;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;

You place that in your stylesheet, and all you need is to add the class 'cf' to the element containing the floats.

What I use is another variation which comes from Nicolas Gallagher.

It does the same thing, but it's shorter, looks neater, and maybe used to accomplish another thing that's pretty useful - preventing the child elements' margins from collapsing with it's parents' (but for that you do need something else - read more about it here ).

.cf:after {
    content: " ";
    display: table;
    clear: float;

Getting error "No such module" using Xcode, but the framework is there

In my case, after many attempts to figure out what I was doing wrong importing a framework I eventually discovered that the framework itself was the problem. If you are not getting your framework from a trusted source you should inspect the framework and ensure that it contains a Modules folder with a module.modulemap file inside it. If module.modulemap is not present, you will get the "No such module 'MyFramework'" error.

Example showing directory structure of SwiftyJSON.framework

If the Modules folder is missing the "MyFramework.swiftmodule" folder then the framework will be found but Xcode won't know about its contents so you will get different errors.

Calling a class method raises a TypeError in Python

You never created an instance.

You've defined average as an instance method, thus, in order to use average you need to create an instance first.

How to embed fonts in CSS?

One of the best source of information on this topic is Paul Irish's Bulletproof @font-face syntax article.

Read it and you will end with something like:

/* definition */
@font-face {
  font-family: EntezareZohoor2;
  src: url('fonts/EntezareZohoor2.eot');
  src: url('fonts/EntezareZohoor2.eot?') format('?'),
       url('fonts/EntezareZohoor2.woff') format('woff'),
       url('fonts/EntezareZohoor2.ttf') format('truetype');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;

/* use */
body {
    font-family: EntezareZohoor2, Tahoma, serif;

Subset and ggplot2

Your formulation is almost correct. You want:

subset(dat, ID=="P1" | ID=="P3") 

Where the | ('pipe') means 'or'. Your solution, ID=="P1 & P3", is looking for a case where ID is literally "P1 & P3"

Is there any difference between a GUID and a UUID?

Not really. GUID is more Microsoft-centric whereas UUID is used more widely (e.g., as in the urn:uuid: URN scheme, and in CORBA).

array of string with unknown size

you can declare an empty array like below

String[] arr = new String[]{}; // declare an empty array
String[] arr2 = {"A", "B"}; // declare and assign values to an array
arr = arr2; // assign valued array to empty array

you can't assign values to above empty array like below

arr[0] = "A"; // you can't do this

Converting a Uniform Distribution to a Normal Distribution

It seems incredible that I could add something to this after eight years, but for the case of Java I would like to point readers to the Random.nextGaussian() method, which generates a Gaussian distribution with mean 0.0 and standard deviation 1.0 for you.

A simple addition and/or multiplication will change the mean and standard deviation to your needs.

Subtracting Dates in Oracle - Number or Interval Datatype?

Ok, I don't normally answer my own questions but after a bit of tinkering, I have figured out definitively how Oracle stores the result of a DATE subtraction.

When you subtract 2 dates, the value is not a NUMBER datatype (as the Oracle 11.2 SQL Reference manual would have you believe). The internal datatype number of a DATE subtraction is 14, which is a non-documented internal datatype (NUMBER is internal datatype number 2). However, it is actually stored as 2 separate two's complement signed numbers, with the first 4 bytes used to represent the number of days and the last 4 bytes used to represent the number of seconds.

An example of a DATE subtraction resulting in a positive integer difference:

select date '2009-08-07' - date '2008-08-08' from dual;

Results in:


select dump(date '2009-08-07' - date '2008-08-08') from dual;

Typ=14 Len=8: 108,1,0,0,0,0,0,0

Recall that the result is represented as a 2 seperate two's complement signed 4 byte numbers. Since there are no decimals in this case (364 days and 0 hours exactly), the last 4 bytes are all 0s and can be ignored. For the first 4 bytes, because my CPU has a little-endian architecture, the bytes are reversed and should be read as 1,108 or 0x16c, which is decimal 364.

An example of a DATE subtraction resulting in a negative integer difference:

select date '1000-08-07' - date '2008-08-08' from dual;

Results in:


select dump(date '1000-08-07' - date '2008-08-08') from dual;

Typ=14 Len=8: 224,97,250,255,0,0,0,0

Again, since I am using a little-endian machine, the bytes are reversed and should be read as 255,250,97,224 which corresponds to 11111111 11111010 01100001 11011111. Now since this is in two's complement signed binary numeral encoding, we know that the number is negative because the leftmost binary digit is a 1. To convert this into a decimal number we would have to reverse the 2's complement (subtract 1 then do the one's complement) resulting in: 00000000 00000101 10011110 00100000 which equals -368160 as suspected.

An example of a DATE subtraction resulting in a decimal difference:

select to_date('08/AUG/2004 14:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'
 - to_date('08/AUG/2004 8:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;


The difference between those 2 dates is 0.25 days or 6 hours.

select dump(to_date('08/AUG/2004 14:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')
 - to_date('08/AUG/2004 8:00:00', 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS')) from dual;

Typ=14 Len=8: 0,0,0,0,96,84,0,0

Now this time, since the difference is 0 days and 6 hours, it is expected that the first 4 bytes are 0. For the last 4 bytes, we can reverse them (because CPU is little-endian) and get 84,96 = 01010100 01100000 base 2 = 21600 in decimal. Converting 21600 seconds to hours gives you 6 hours which is the difference which we expected.

Hope this helps anyone who was wondering how a DATE subtraction is actually stored.

You get the syntax error because the date math does not return a NUMBER, but it returns an INTERVAL:

SQL> SELECT DUMP(SYSDATE - start_date) from test;

Typ=14 Len=8: 188,10,0,0,223,65,1,0

You need to convert the number in your example into an INTERVAL first using the NUMTODSINTERVAL Function

For example:

SQL> SELECT (SYSDATE - start_date) DAY(5) TO SECOND from test;

+02748 22:50:04.000000

SQL> SELECT (SYSDATE - start_date) from test;


SQL> select NUMTODSINTERVAL(2748.9515, 'day') from dual;

+000002748 22:50:09.600000000


Based on the reverse cast with the NUMTODSINTERVAL() function, it appears some rounding is lost in translation.

What is the difference between And and AndAlso in VB.NET?

AndAlso is much like And, except it works like && in C#, C++, etc.

The difference is that if the first clause (the one before AndAlso) is true, the second clause is never evaluated - the compound logical expression is "short circuited".

This is sometimes very useful, e.g. in an expression such as:

If Not IsNull(myObj) AndAlso myObj.SomeProperty = 3 Then
End If

Using the old And in the above expression would throw a NullReferenceException if myObj were null.

Detecting IE11 using CSS Capability/Feature Detection

To target IE10 and IE11 only (and not Edge):

@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {  
   /* add your IE10-IE11 css here */   

Change/Get check state of CheckBox

You need to retrieve the checkbox before using it.

Give the checkbox an id attribute to retrieve it with document.getElementById(..) and then check its current state.

For example:

function checkAddress()
    var chkBox = document.getElementById('checkAddress');
    if (chkBox.checked)
        // ..

And your HTML would then look like this:

<input type="checkbox" id="checkAddress" name="checkAddress" onclick="checkAddress()"/>

(Also changed the onchange to onclick. Doesn't work quite well in IE :).

Unable to run Java GUI programs with Ubuntu

This command worked for me.

Sudo dnf install java-1.8.0-openjdk (Fedora)

Sudo apt-get install java-1.8.0-openjdk

Should work for Ubuntu.

'const int' vs. 'int const' as function parameters in C++ and C

This isn't a direct answer but a related tip. To keep things straight, I always use the convection "put const on the outside", where by "outside" I mean the far left or far right. That way there is no confusion -- the const applies to the closest thing (either the type or the *). E.g.,

int * const foo = ...; // Pointer cannot change, pointed to value can change
const int * bar = ...; // Pointer can change, pointed to value cannot change
int * baz = ...; // Pointer can change, pointed to value can change
const int * const qux = ...; // Pointer cannot change, pointed to value cannot change

Get item in the list in Scala?

Use parentheses:


But you don't really want to do that with lists very often, since linked lists take time to traverse. If you want to index into a collection, use Vector (immutable) or ArrayBuffer (mutable) or possibly Array (which is just a Java array, except again you index into it with (i) instead of [i]).

Detect all changes to a <input type="text"> (immediately) using JQuery

I may be late to the party here but can you not just use the .change() event that jQuery provides.

You should be able to do something like ...

    do your stuff here ...

You could always bind it to a list of controls with something like ...

var flds = $("input, textarea", window.document);'change keyup', function() {
    do your code here ...

The live binder ensures that all elements that exist on the page now and in the future are handled.

Find the number of employees in each department - SQL Oracle

select  d.dname
       ,count(e.empno) as count 
from dept d 
left outer join emp e 
  on e.deptno=d.deptno 
group by d.dname;

get current date from [NSDate date] but set the time to 10:00 am

this nsdate used different format:

NSDateFormatter *format = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[format setDateFormat:@"MMM dd, yyyy HH:mm"];

NSDate *now = [[NSDate alloc] init];

NSString *dateString = [format stringFromDate:now];

NSDateFormatter *inFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[inFormat setDateFormat:@"MMM dd, yyyy"];

NSDate *parsed = [inFormat dateFromString:dateString]; 

Register 32 bit COM DLL to 64 bit Windows 7

Below link saved the day

use the relevant RegSvcs as specified in the above link

c:\Windows\Microsoft. NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegSvcs.exe ....\Shared\Your.dll /tlb:Your.tlb

How do I use a third-party DLL file in Visual Studio C++?

These are two ways of using a DLL file in Windows:

  1. There is a stub library (.lib) with associated header files. When you link your executable with the lib-file it will automatically load the DLL file when starting the program.

  2. Loading the DLL manually. This is typically what you want to do if you are developing a plugin system where there are many DLL files implementing a common interface. Check out the documentation for LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress for more information on this.

For Qt I would suspect there are headers and a static library available that you can include and link in your project.

How do I convert an ANSI encoded file to UTF-8 with Notepad++?

Maybe this is not the answer you needed, but I encountered similar problem, so I decided to put it here.

I needed to convert 500 xml files to UTF8 via Notepad++. Why Notepad++? When I used the option "Encode in UTF8" (many other converters use the same logic) it messed up all special characters, so I had to use "Convert to UTF8" explicitly.

Here some simple steps to convert multiple files via Notepad++ without messing up with special characters (for ex. diacritical marks).

  1. Run Notepad++ and then open menu Plugins->Plugin Manager->Show Plugin Manager
  2. Install Python Script. When plugin is installed, restart the application.
  3. Choose menu Plugins->Python Script->New script.
  4. Choose its name, and then past the following code:

import os
import sys
from Npp import notepad # import it first!

filePathSrc="C:\\Users\\" # Path to the folder with files to convert
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filePathSrc):
    for fn in files: 
        if fn[-4:] == '.xml': # Specify type of the files
   + "\\" + fn)      
            notepad.runMenuCommand("Encoding", "Convert to UTF-8")
            # if you try to save/replace the file, an annoying confirmation window would popup.
            notepad.saveAs("{}{}".format(fn[:-4], '_utf8.xml')) 

After all, run the script

What is the HTML unicode character for a "tall" right chevron?

From the description and from the reference to the search box in the Ubuntu site, I gather that you actually want an arrowhead character pointing to the right. There are no Unicode characters designed to be used as arrowheads, but some of them may visually resemble an arrowhead.

In particular, if you draw your idea of the character at, you will find many suggestions, such as “>” RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET' (U+232A) and “?” MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT (U+276D).

Such characters generally have limited support in fonts, so you would need to carefully write a longish font-family list or to use a downloadable font. See my Guide to using special characters in HTML.

Especially if the intended use is as a symbol in a search box, as the reference to the Ubuntu page suggests, it is questionable whether you should use a character at all. It’s not really an element of text here; rather, a graphic symbol that accompanies text but isn’t a part of it. So why take all the trouble with using a character (safely), when it isn’t really a character?

How to set Highcharts chart maximum yAxis value

Taking help from above answer link mentioned in the above answer sets the max value with option

yAxis: { max: 100 },

On similar line min value can be set.So if you want to set min-max value then

yAxis: {
   min: 0,     
   max: 100

If you are using HighRoller php library for integration if Highchart graphs then you just need to set the option


Should C# or C++ be chosen for learning Games Programming (consoles)?

There is no one language that is a "better bet." Use the language most appropriate for what you need to do, whether it is game programming or any other domain. C++ isn't going away anytime soon.

If you're not developing for a Microsoft platform, I doubt you'll use C#.

How to timeout a thread

BalusC said:

Update: to clarify a conceptual misunderstanding, the sleep() is not required. It is just used for SSCCE/demonstration purposes. Just do your long running task right there in place of sleep().

But if you replace Thread.sleep(4000); with for (int i = 0; i < 5E8; i++) {} then it doesn't compile, because the empty loop doesn't throw an InterruptedException.

And for the thread to be interruptible, it needs to throw an InterruptedException.

This seems like a serious problem to me. I can't see how to adapt this answer to work with a general long-running task.

Edited to add: I reasked this as a new question: [ interrupting a thread after fixed time, does it have to throw InterruptedException? ]

How to center canvas in html5

Just center the div in HTML:

  #test {
     width: 100px;
     margin: 0px auto;
     border: 1px solid red;

<div id="test">
   <canvas width="100" height="100"></canvas>

Just change the height and width to whatever and you've got a centered div

ExpressJS - throw er Unhandled error event

Simple just check your teminal in Visual Studio Code Because me was running my node app and i hibernate my laptop then next morning i turn my laptop on back to development of software. THen i run the again command nodemon app.js First waas running from night and the second was running my latest command so two command prompts are listening to same ports that's why you are getting this issue. Simple Close one termianl or all terminal then run your node app.js or nodemon app.js

Fail during installation of Pillow (Python module) in Linux

Thank you @mfitzp. In my case (CentOS) these libs are not available in the yum repo, but actually the solution was even easier. What I did:

sudo yum install python-devel
sudo yum install zlib-devel
sudo yum install libjpeg-turbo-devel

And now pillow's installation finishes successfully.

How do I initialize a dictionary of empty lists in Python?

Use defaultdict instead:

from collections import defaultdict
data = defaultdict(list)

This way you don't have to initialize all the keys you want to use to lists beforehand.

What is happening in your example is that you use one (mutable) list:

alist = [1]
data = dict.fromkeys(range(2), alist)
print data

would output {0: [1, 2], 1: [1, 2]}.

'uint32_t' identifier not found error

Boost.Config offers these typedefs for toolsets that do not provide them natively. The documentation for this specific functionality is here: Standard Integer Types

Why use the 'ref' keyword when passing an object?

In .NET when you pass any parameter to a method, a copy is created. In value types means that any modification you make to the value is at the method scope, and is lost when you exit the method.

When passing a Reference Type, a copy is also made, but it is a copy of a reference, i.e. now you have TWO references in memory to the same object. So, if you use the reference to modify the object, it gets modified. But if you modify the reference itself - we must remember it is a copy - then any changes are also lost upon exiting the method.

As people have said before, an assignment is a modification of the reference, thus is lost:

public void Method1(object obj) {   
 obj = new Object(); 

public void Method2(object obj) {  
 obj = _privateObject; 

The methods above does not modifies the original object.

A little modification of your example

 using System;

    class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                TestRef t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Foo";



            static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
                t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Bar";

    public class TestRef
    private string s;
        public string Something 
            get {return s;} 
            set { s = value; }

What's the difference between .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Xamarin?

.NET Core is the current version of .NET that you should be using right now (more features , fixed bugs , etc.)

Xamarin is a platform that provides solutions for cross platform mobile problems coded in C# , so that you don't need to use Swift separately for IOS and the same goes for Android.

Python: read all text file lines in loop

You can stop the 2-line separation in the output by using

    with open('t.ini') as f:
       for line in f:
           print line.strip()
           if 'str' in line:

casting int to char using C++ style casting

You can implicitly convert between numerical types, even when that loses precision:

char c = i;

However, you might like to enable compiler warnings to avoid potentially lossy conversions like this. If you do, then use static_cast for the conversion.

Of the other casts:

  • dynamic_cast only works for pointers or references to polymorphic class types;
  • const_cast can't change types, only const or volatile qualifiers;
  • reinterpret_cast is for special circumstances, converting between pointers or references and completely unrelated types. Specifically, it won't do numeric conversions.
  • C-style and function-style casts do whatever combination of static_cast, const_cast and reinterpret_cast is needed to get the job done.

Android changing Floating Action Button color

I got the same problem and its all snatching my hair. Thanks for this

What we can do..

 favourite_fab.setImageDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(getBaseContext(), R.drawable.favourite_selected));

it works fine for me and wish for others who'll reach here.

What's a decent SFTP command-line client for windows?

WinSCP can be called from batch file:

"C:\Program Files\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /console

Example commands:

option batch on 
option confirm off  
option transfer binary 
open sftp://username@hostname:port -hostkey="ssh-rsa " 

Adding text to a cell in Excel using VBA

You could do

[A1].Value = "'O1/01/13 00:00"

if you really mean to add it as text (note the apostrophe as the first character).

The [A1].Value is VBA shorthand for Range("A1").Value.

If you want to enter a date, you could instead do (edited order with thanks to @SiddharthRout):

[A1].NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm;@"
[A1].Value = DateValue("01/01/2013 00:00")

How do I install Python 3 on an AWS EC2 instance?

Here are the steps I used to manually install python3 for anyone else who wants to do it as it's not super straight forward. EDIT: It's almost certainly easier to use the yum package manager (see other answers).

Note, you'll probably want to do sudo yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' before doing this otherwise pip won't install.

tar zxvf Python-3.4.2.tgz
cd Python-3.4.2
sudo yum install gcc
./configure --prefix=/opt/python3
sudo yum install openssl-devel
sudo make install
sudo ln -s /opt/python3/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3
python3 (should start the interpreter if it's worked (quit() to exit)

How does the modulus operator work?

Basically modulus Operator gives you remainder simple Example in maths what's left over/remainder of 11 divided by 3? answer is 2

for same thing C++ has modulus operator ('%')

Basic code for explanation

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int num = 11;
    cout << "remainder is " << (num % 3) << endl;

    return 0;

Which will display

remainder is 2

App.Config file in console application C#

For .NET Core, add System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager from NuGet manager.
And read appSetting from App.config

  <add key="appSetting1" value="1000" />

Add System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager from NuGet Manager

enter image description here


How to permanently add a private key with ssh-add on Ubuntu?

I had the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04: some keys were added permanently, for others I had to execute ssh-add on every session. I found out that the keys which were added permanently had both private and public key located in ~/.ssh and the keys which were forgotten on every session had only private keys in ~/.ssh dir. So solution is simple: you should copy both private and public key to ~/.ssh before executing ssh-add.

P.S.: As far as I understand from Gnome wiki my method works thanks to gnome-keyring tool which is part of the Gnome Desktop Environment. Therefore my method should probably work only if you use Gnome or Gnome-based DE.

What is the difference between BIT and TINYINT in MySQL?

From Overview of Numeric Types;


A bit-field type. M indicates the number of bits per value, from 1 to 64. The default is 1 if M is omitted.

This data type was added in MySQL 5.0.3 for MyISAM, and extended in 5.0.5 to MEMORY, InnoDB, BDB, and NDBCLUSTER. Before 5.0.3, BIT is a synonym for TINYINT(1).


A very small integer. The signed range is -128 to 127. The unsigned range is 0 to 255.

Additionally consider this;


These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Non-zero values are considered true.

VirtualBox and vmdk vmx files

Actually, for the configuration of the machine, just open the .vmx file with a text editor (e.g. notepad, gedit, etc.). You will be able to see the OS type, memsize, ethernet.connectionType, and other settings. Then when you make your machine, just look in the text editor for the corresponding settings. When it asks for the disk, select the .vmdk disk as mentioned above.

How to fix div on scroll

On jQuery for designers there's a well written post about this, this is the jQuery snippet that does the magic. just replace #comment with the selector of the div that you want to float.

Note: To see the whole article go here:

$(document).ready(function () {
  var $obj = $('#comment');
  var top = $obj.offset().top - parseFloat($obj.css('marginTop').replace(/auto/, 0));

  $(window).scroll(function (event) {
    // what the y position of the scroll is
    var y = $(this).scrollTop();

    // whether that's below the form
    if (y >= top) {
      // if so, ad the fixed class
    } else {
      // otherwise remove it

NLTK and Stopwords Fail #lookuperror

If you want to manually install NLTK Corpus.

1) Go to and download your desired NLTK Corpus file.

2) Now in a Python shell check the value of

3) Choose one of the path that exists on your machine, and unzip the data files into the corpora sub directory inside.

4) Now you can import the data from nltk.corpos import stopwords


Remove 'standalone="yes"' from generated XML

I'm using Java 1.8 and JAXB 2.3.1

First, be sure to be using java 1.8 in pom.xml


Then in source code I used: (the key was the internal part)

// remove standalone=yes
marshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FRAGMENT, true);
marshaller.setProperty("com.sun.xml.internal.bind.xmlHeaders", "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");

What is the syntax for an inner join in LINQ to SQL?

basically LINQ join operator provides no benefit for SQL. I.e. the following query

var r = from dealer in db.Dealers
   from contact in db.DealerContact
   where dealer.DealerID == contact.DealerID
   select dealerContact;

will result in INNER JOIN in SQL

join is useful for IEnumerable<> because it is more efficient:

from contact in db.DealerContact  

clause would be re-executed for every dealer But for IQueryable<> it is not the case. Also join is less flexible.

How to add a primary key to a MySQL table?

For me, none of suggestions worked giving me the errors of syntax, so I just gave a try using phpmyadmin(version 4.9.2), (10.4.10-MariaDB) and added id column with auto-increment primary key. Id column was nicely added from the first element.

Query output was:


Tooltip with HTML content without JavaScript

You can use the title attribute, e.g. if you want to have a Tooltip over a text, just make:

<span title="This is a Tooltip">This is a text</span>

Wait for page load in Selenium

Use implicitly wait for wait of every element on page till given time.

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

this wait for every element on page for 30 sec.

Another wait is Explicitly wait or conditional wait in this wait until given condition.

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 40);
WebElement element = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable("someid")));

In id give static element id which is diffidently display on the page, as soon as page is load.

Iterate through Nested JavaScript Objects

You can create a recursive function like this to do a depth-first traversal of the cars object.

var findObjectByLabel = function(obj, label) {
    if(obj.label === label) { return obj; }
    for(var i in obj) {
            var foundLabel = findObjectByLabel(obj[i], label);
            if(foundLabel) { return foundLabel; }
    return null;

which can be called like so

findObjectByLabel(car, "Chevrolet");

How to check sbt version?

In SBT 0.13 and above, you can use the sbtVersion task (as pointed out by @steffen) or about command (as pointed out by @mark-harrah)

There's a difference how the sbtVersion task works in and outside a SBT project. When in a SBT project, sbtVersion displays the version of SBT used by the project and its subprojects.

$ sbt sbtVersion
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Updating {file:/Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins/}global-plugins...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/jacek/oss/scalania/project
[info] Set current project to scalania (in build file:/Users/jacek/oss/scalania/)
[info] exercises/*:sbtVersion
[info]  0.13.1-RC5
[info] scalania/*:sbtVersion
[info]  0.13.1-RC5

It's set in project/

$ cat project/

The same task executed outside a SBT project shows the current version of the executable itself.

$ sbt sbtVersion
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Updating {file:/Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins/}global-plugins...
[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...
[info] Done updating.
[info] Set current project to jacek (in build file:/Users/jacek/)
[info] 0.13.0

When you're outside, the about command seems to be a better fit as it shows the sbt version as well as Scala's and available plugins.

$ sbt about
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to jacek (in build file:/Users/jacek/)
[info] This is sbt 0.13.0
[info] The current project is {file:/Users/jacek/}jacek 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[info] The current project is built against Scala 2.10.2
[info] Available Plugins: com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit, com.typesafe.sbt.SbtProguard, growl.GrowlingTests, org.sbtidea.SbtIdeaPlugin, com.timushev.sbt.updates.UpdatesPlugin
[info] sbt, sbt plugins, and build definitions are using Scala 2.10.2

You may want to run 'help about' to read its documentation:

$ sbt 'help about'
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to jacek (in build file:/Users/jacek/)
Displays basic information about sbt and the build.

For the sbtVersion setting, the inspect command can help.

$ sbt 'inspect sbtVersion'
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to jacek (in build file:/Users/jacek/)
[info] Setting: java.lang.String = 0.13.0
[info] Description:
[info]  Provides the version of sbt.  This setting should be not be modified.
[info] Provided by:
[info]  */*:sbtVersion
[info] Defined at:
[info]  (sbt.Defaults) Defaults.scala:67
[info] Delegates:
[info]  *:sbtVersion
[info]  {.}/*:sbtVersion
[info]  */*:sbtVersion
[info] Related:
[info]  */*:sbtVersion

The version setting that people seem to expect to inspect to know the SBT version is to set The version/revision of the current module.

$ sbt 'inspect version'
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/jacek/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Set current project to jacek (in build file:/Users/jacek/)
[info] Setting: java.lang.String = 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[info] Description:
[info]  The version/revision of the current module.
[info] Provided by:
[info]  */*:version
[info] Defined at:
[info]  (sbt.Defaults) Defaults.scala:102
[info] Reverse dependencies:
[info]  *:projectId
[info]  *:isSnapshot
[info] Delegates:
[info]  *:version
[info]  {.}/*:version
[info]  */*:version
[info] Related:
[info]  */*:version

When used in a SBT project the tasks/settings may show different outputs.

How do I check if file exists in jQuery or pure JavaScript?

I was getting a cross domain permissions issue when trying to run the answer to this question so I went with:

function UrlExists(url) {
$('<img src="'+ url +'">').load(function() {
    return true;
}).bind('error', function() {
    return false;

It seems to work great, hope this helps someone!

Return value of x = os.system(..)

os.system('command') returns a 16 bit number, which first 8 bits from left(lsb) talks about signal used by os to close the command, Next 8 bits talks about return code of command.

Refer my answer for more detail in What is the return value of os.system() in Python?

Java String to SHA1

This is a simple solution that can be used when converting a string to a hex format:

private static String encryptPassword(String password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

    MessageDigest crypt = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");

    return new BigInteger(1, crypt.digest()).toString(16);

What is the difference between require_relative and require in Ruby?

The top answers are correct, but deeply technical. For those newer to Ruby:

  • require_relative will most likely be used to bring in code from another file that you wrote.

for example, what if you have data in ~/my-project/data.rb and you want to include that in ~/my-project/solution.rb? in solution.rb you would add require_relative 'data'.

it is important to note these files do not need to be in the same directory. require_relative '../../folder1/folder2/data' is also valid.

  • require will most likely be used to bring in code from a library someone else wrote.

for example, what if you want to use one of the helper functions provided in the active_support library? you'll need to install the gem with gem install activesupport and then in the file require 'active_support'.

require 'active_support/all'

Said differently--

  • require_relative requires a file specifically pointed to relative to the file that calls it.

  • require requires a file included in the $LOAD_PATH.

git ignore all files of a certain type, except those in a specific subfolder

An optional prefix ! which negates the pattern; any matching file excluded by a previous pattern will become included again. If a negated pattern matches, this will override lower precedence patterns sources.


How to kill a child process by the parent process?

In the parent process, fork()'s return value is the process ID of the child process. Stuff that value away somewhere for when you need to terminate the child process. fork() returns zero(0) in the child process.

When you need to terminate the child process, use the kill(2) function with the process ID returned by fork(), and the signal you wish to deliver (e.g. SIGTERM).

Remember to call wait() on the child process to prevent any lingering zombies.

How to decode a Base64 string?

Base64 encoding converts three 8-bit bytes (0-255) into four 6-bit bytes (0-63 aka base64). Each of the four bytes indexes an ASCII string which represents the final output as four 8-bit ASCII characters. The indexed string is typically 'A-Za-z0-9+/' with '=' used as padding. This is why encoded data is 4/3 longer.

Base64 decoding is the inverse process. And as one would expect, the decoded data is 3/4 as long.

While base64 encoding can encode plain text, its real benefit is encoding non-printable characters which may be interpreted by transmitting systems as control characters.

I suggest the original poster render $z as bytes with each bit having meaning to the application. Rendering non-printable characters as text typically invokes Unicode which produces glyphs based on your system's localization.

Base64decode("the answer to life the universe and everything") = 00101010

How to check if a variable is null or empty string or all whitespace in JavaScript?

You can create your own method Equivalent to


function IsNullOrWhiteSpace( value) {

    if (value== null) return true;

    return value.replace(/\s/g, '').length == 0;

Arduino Tools > Serial Port greyed out

You probably don't have the correct permissions. Try adding yourself to these groups.

sudo adduser username ttyl
sudo adduser username serial
sudo adduser username uucp

Then restart your system and check if you got added to the groups.

groups username

Good Luck!

how to call a onclick function in <a> tag?

Fun! There are a few things to tease out here:

  • $leadID seems to be a php string. Make sure it gets printed in the right place. Also be aware of all the risks involved in passing your own strings around, like cross-site scripting and SQL injection vulnerabilities. There’s really no excuse for having Internet-facing production code not running on a solid framework.
  • Strings in Javascript (like in PHP and usually HTML) need to be enclosed in " or ' characters. Since you’re already inside both " and ', you’ll want to escape whichever you choose. \' to escape the PHP quotes, or &apos; to escape the HTML quotes.
  • <a /> elements are commonly used for “hyper”links, and almost always with a href attribute to indicate their destination, like this: <a href="">Google homepage</a>.
  • You’re trying to double up on watching when the user clicks. Why? Because a standard click both activates the link (causing the browser to navigate to whatever URL, even that executes Javascript), and “triggers” the onclick event. Tip: Add a return false; to a Javascript event to suppress default behavior.
  • Within Javascript, onclick doesn’t mean anything on its own. That’s because onclick is a property, and not a variable. There has to be a reference to some object, so it knows whose onclick we’re talking about! One such object is window. You could write <a href="javascript:window.onclick = location.reload;">Activate me to reload when anything is clicked</a>.
  • Within HTML, onclick can mean something on its own, as long as its part of an HTML tag: <a href="#" onclick="location.reload(); return false;">. I bet you had this in mind.
  • Big difference between those two kinds of = assignments. The Javascript = expects something that hasn’t been run yet. You can wrap things in a function block to signal code that should be run later, if you want to specify some arguments now (like I didn’t above with reload): <a href="javascript:window.onclick = function () { ... ) };"> ....
  • Did you know you don’t even need to use Javascript to signal the browser to open a link in a new window? There’s a special target attribute for that: <a href="" target="_blank">Google homepage</a>.

Hope those are useful.

How to run Java program in terminal with external library JAR

For compiling the java file having dependency on a jar

javac -cp path_of_the_jar/jarName.jar

For executing the class file

java -cp .;path_of_the_jar/jarName.jar className

git returns http error 407 from proxy after CONNECT

I experienced this error due to my corporate network using one proxy while on premise, and a second (completely different) proxy when VPN'd from the outside. I was originally configured for the on-premise proxy, received the error, and then had to update my config to use the alternate, off-prem, proxy when working elsewhere.

Why was the name 'let' chosen for block-scoped variable declarations in JavaScript?

I guess it follows mathematical tradition. In mathematics, it is often said "let x be arbitrary real number" or like that.

How to get a jqGrid cell value when editing

Hi, I met this problem too. Finally I solved this problem by jQuery. But the answer is related to the grid itself, not a common one. Hope it helps.

My solution like this:

var userIDContent = $("#grid").getCell(id,"userID");  // Use getCell to get the content
//alert("userID:" +userID);  // you can see the content here.

//Use jQuery to create this element and then get the required value.
var userID = $(userIDContent).val();  // var userID = $(userIDContent).attr('attrName');

ERROR 403 in loading resources like CSS and JS in my index.php

Find out the web server user

open up terminal and type lsof -i tcp:80

This will show you the user of the web server process Here is an example from a raspberry pi running debian:

apache2  7478 www-data    3u  IPv4 450666      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2  7664 www-data    3u  IPv4 450666      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)
apache2  7794 www-data    3u  IPv4 450666      0t0  TCP *:http (LISTEN)

The user is www-data

If you give ownership of the web files to the web server:

chown www-data:www-data -R /opt/lamp/htdocs

And chmod 755 for good measure:

chmod 755 -R /opt/lamp/htdocs

Let me know how you go, maybe you need to use 'sudo' before the command, i.e. sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /opt/lamp/htdocs

if it doesn't work, please give us the output of: ls -al /opt/lamp/htdocs

How can I convert a datetime object to milliseconds since epoch (unix time) in Python?

You can use Delorean to travel in space and time!

import datetime
import delorean
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
delorean.Delorean(dt, timezone="UTC").epoch  

Polling the keyboard (detect a keypress) in python

Ok, since my attempt to post my solution in a comment failed, here's what I was trying to say. I could do exactly what I wanted from native Python (on Windows, not anywhere else though) with the following code:

import msvcrt 

def kbfunc(): 
   x = msvcrt.kbhit()
   if x: 
      ret = ord(msvcrt.getch()) 
      ret = 0 
   return ret

Sorting a set of values

From a comment:

I want to sort each set.

That's easy. For any set s (or anything else iterable), sorted(s) returns a list of the elements of s in sorted order:

>>> s = set(['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '10.277200999', '0.030810999', '0.018384000', '4.918560000'])
>>> sorted(s)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '10.277200999', '4.918560000']

Note that sorted is giving you a list, not a set. That's because the whole point of a set, both in mathematics and in almost every programming language,* is that it's not ordered: the sets {1, 2} and {2, 1} are the same set.

You probably don't really want to sort those elements as strings, but as numbers (so 4.918560000 will come before 10.277200999 rather than after).

The best solution is most likely to store the numbers as numbers rather than strings in the first place. But if not, you just need to use a key function:

>>> sorted(s, key=float)
['0.000000000', '0.009518000', '0.018384000', '0.030810999', '4.918560000', '10.277200999']

For more information, see the Sorting HOWTO in the official docs.

* See the comments for exceptions.

Android charting libraries

You can use MPAndroidChart.

It's native, free, easy to use, fast and reliable.

Core features, benefits:

  • LineChart, BarChart (vertical, horizontal, stacked, grouped), PieChart, ScatterChart, CandleStickChart (for financial data), RadarChart (spider web chart), BubbleChart
  • Combined Charts (e.g. lines and bars in one)
  • Scaling on both axes (with touch-gesture, axes separately or pinch-zoom)
  • Dragging / Panning (with touch-gesture)
  • Separate (dual) y-axes
  • Highlighting values (with customizeable popup-views)
  • Save chart to SD-Card (as image)
  • Predefined color templates
  • Legends (generated automatically, customizeable)
  • Customizeable Axes (both x- and y-axis)
  • Animations (build up animations, on both x- and y-axis)
  • Limit lines (providing additional information, maximums, ...)
  • Listeners for touch, gesture & selection callbacks
  • Fully customizeable (paints, typefaces, legends, colors, background, dashed lines, ...)
  • mobile database support via MPAndroidChart-Realm library
  • Smooth rendering for up to 10.000 data points in Line- and BarChart
  • Lightweight (method count ~1.4K)
  • Available as .jar file (only 500kb in size)
  • Available as gradle dependency and via maven
  • Good documentation
  • Example Project (code for demo-application)
  • Google-PlayStore Demo Application
  • Widely used, great support on both GitHub and stackoverflow - mpandroidchart
  • Also available for iOS: Charts (API works the same way)
  • Also available for Xamarin: MPAndroidChart.Xamarin


Disclaimer: I am the developer of this library.

PDO's query vs execute

No, they're not the same. Aside from the escaping on the client-side that it provides, a prepared statement is compiled on the server-side once, and then can be passed different parameters at each execution. Which means you can do:

$sth = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE foo = ?");
$results = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

$results = $sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

They generally will give you a performance improvement, although not noticeable on a small scale. Read more on prepared statements (MySQL version).

Update MongoDB field using value of another field

(I would have posted this as a comment, but couldn't)

For anyone who lands here trying to update one field using another in the document with the c# driver... I could not figure out how to use any of the UpdateXXX methods and their associated overloads since they take an UpdateDefinition as an argument.

// we want to set Prop1 to Prop2
class Foo { public string Prop1 { get; set; } public string Prop2 { get; set;} } 

void Test()
     var update = new UpdateDefinitionBuilder<Foo>();
     update.Set(x => x.Prop1, <new value; no way to get a hold of the object that I can find>)

As a workaround, I found that you can use the RunCommand method on an IMongoDatabase (

var command = new BsonDocument
            { "update", "CollectionToUpdate" },
            { "updates", new BsonArray 
                       new BsonDocument
                            // Any filter; here the check is if Prop1 does not exist
                            { "q", new BsonDocument{ ["Prop1"] = new BsonDocument("$exists", false) }}, 
                            // set it to the value of Prop2
                            { "u", new BsonArray { new BsonDocument { ["$set"] = new BsonDocument("Prop1", "$Prop2") }}},
                            { "multi", true }


How do I export html table data as .csv file?

The following solution can do it.

$(function() {_x000D_
  $("button").on('click', function() {_x000D_
    var data = "";_x000D_
    var tableData = [];_x000D_
    var rows = $("table tr");_x000D_
    rows.each(function(index, row) {_x000D_
      var rowData = [];_x000D_
      $(row).find("th, td").each(function(index, column) {_x000D_
    data += tableData.join("\n");_x000D_
    $(document.body).append('<a id="download-link" download="data.csv" href=' + URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data], {_x000D_
      type: "text/csv"_x000D_
    })) + '/>');_x000D_
table {_x000D_
  border-collapse: collapse;_x000D_
th {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #aaa;_x000D_
  padding: 0.5rem;_x000D_
  text-align: left;_x000D_
td {_x000D_
  font-size: 0.875rem;_x000D_
.btn-group {_x000D_
  padding: 1rem 0;_x000D_
button {_x000D_
  background-color: #fff;_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #000;_x000D_
  margin-top: 0.5rem;_x000D_
  border-radius: 3px;_x000D_
  padding: 0.5rem 1rem;_x000D_
  font-size: 1rem;_x000D_
button:hover {_x000D_
  cursor: pointer;_x000D_
  background-color: #000;_x000D_
  color: #fff;_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
      <td>John Resig</td>_x000D_
      <td>The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library.</td>_x000D_
      <td>Jordan Walke</td>_x000D_
      <td>React makes it painless to create interactive UIs.</td>_x000D_
      <td>Yuxi You</td>_x000D_
      <td>The Progressive JavaScript Framework.</td>_x000D_
<div class="btn-group">_x000D_

Convert varchar dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy datetime

I think that more accurate is this syntax:


I add SELECT and GETDATE() for instant testing purposes :)

Convert Float to Int in Swift

You can get an integer representation of your float by passing the float into the Integer initializer method.



Keep in mind, that any numbers after the decimal point will be loss. Meaning, 3.9 is an Int of 3 and 8.99999 is an integer of 8.

Select DISTINCT individual columns in django?

The other answers are fine, but this is a little cleaner, in that it only gives the values like you would get from a DISTINCT query, without any cruft from Django.

>>> set(ProductOrder.objects.values_list('category', flat=True))
{u'category1', u'category2', u'category3', u'category4'}


>>> list(set(ProductOrder.objects.values_list('category', flat=True)))
[u'category1', u'category2', u'category3', u'category4']

And, it works without PostgreSQL.

This is less efficient than using a .distinct(), presuming that DISTINCT in your database is faster than a python set, but it's great for noodling around the shell.

Convert list to tuple in Python

l1 = []   #Empty list is given

l1 = tuple(l1)   #Through the type casting method we can convert list into tuple

print(type(l1))   #Now this show class of tuple

Download files from server php

Here is a simpler solution to list all files in a directory and to download it.

In your index.php file

$dir = "./";

$allFiles = scandir($dir);
$files = array_diff($allFiles, array('.', '..')); // To remove . and .. 

foreach($files as $file){
     echo "<a href='download.php?file=".$file."'>".$file."</a><br>";

The scandir() function list all files and directories inside the specified path. It works with both PHP 5 and PHP 7.

Now in the download.php

$filename = basename($_GET['file']);
// Specify file path.
$path = ''; // '/uplods/'
$download_file =  $path.$filename;

    // Check file is exists on given path.
      header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename);  
      echo 'File does not exists on given path';

Python Script Uploading files via FTP

To avoid getting the encryption error you can also try out below commands

ftp = ftplib.FTP_TLS("")
ftp.login("username", "password")
file = open("filename", "rb")
ftp.storbinary("STOR filename", file)

ftp.prot_p() ensure that your connections are encrypted

How to search for file names in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio 2017 you can search directly for files with Ctrl+1, Ctrl+F (Keyboard command: Edit.GoToFile).

Alternatively, you can use Ctrl+t or Ctrl+, (the Edit.GoToAll command) and start your search with f.

Complex numbers usage in python

In python, you can put ‘j’ or ‘J’ after a number to make it imaginary, so you can write complex literals easily:

>>> 1j
>>> 1J
>>> 1j * 1j

The ‘j’ suffix comes from electrical engineering, where the variable ‘i’ is usually used for current. (Reasoning found here.)

The type of a complex number is complex, and you can use the type as a constructor if you prefer:

>>> complex(2,3)

A complex number has some built-in accessors:

>>> z = 2+3j
>>> z.real
>>> z.imag
>>> z.conjugate()

Several built-in functions support complex numbers:

>>> abs(3 + 4j)
>>> pow(3 + 4j, 2)

The standard module cmath has more functions that handle complex numbers:

>>> import cmath
>>> cmath.sin(2 + 3j)

difference between $query>num_rows() and $this->db->count_all_results() in CodeIgniter & which one is recommended

We can also use

return $this->db->count_all('table_name');  


return $this->db->count_all_result();


return $this->db->count_all_result('table_name');


$query = $this->db->query('select * from tab');  
return $query->num_rows();

What is the difference between a Relational and Non-Relational Database?

Hmm, not quite sure what your question is.

In the title you ask about Databases (DB), whereas in the body of your text you ask about Database Management Systems (DBMS). The two are completely different and require different answers.

A DBMS is a tool that allows you to access a DB.

Other than the data itself, a DB is the concept of how that data is structured.

So just like you can program with Oriented Object methodology with a non-OO powered compiler, or vice-versa, so can you set-up a relational database without an RDBMS or use an RDBMS to store non-relational data.

I'll focus on what Relational Database (RDB) means and leave the discussion about what systems do to others.

A relational database (the concept) is a data structure that allows you to link information from different 'tables', or different types of data buckets. A data bucket must contain what is called a key or index (that allows to uniquely identify any atomic chunk of data within the bucket). Other data buckets may refer to that key so as to create a link between their data atoms and the atom pointed to by the key.

A non-relational database just stores data without explicit and structured mechanisms to link data from different buckets to one another.

As to implementing such a scheme, if you have a paper file with an index and in a different paper file you refer to the index to get at the relevant information, then you have implemented a relational database, albeit quite a simple one. So you see that you do not even need a computer (of course it can become tedious very quickly without one to help), similarly you do not need an RDBMS, though arguably an RDBMS is the right tool for the job. That said there are variations as to what the different tools out there can do so choosing the right tool for the job may not be all that straightforward.

I hope this is layman terms enough and is helpful to your understanding.

How can I work with command line on synology?

The current windows 10 (Version 1803 (OS Build 17134.1)) has SSH built in. With that, just enable SSH from the Control Panel, Terminal & SNMP, be sure you are using an account in the Administrator's group, and you're all set.

Launch Powershell or CMD, enter ssh yourAccountName@diskstation

The first time it will cache off your certificate.


Further detailed explanations can be found on the synology docs page:

How to login to DSM with root permission via SSH Telnet

How can I remove a specific item from an array?

In CoffeeScript:

my_array.splice(idx, 1) for ele, idx in my_array when ele is this_value

Executing Javascript from Python

quickjs should be the best option after quickjs come out. Just pip install quickjs and you are ready to go.

modify based on the example on README.

from quickjs import Function

js = """
function escramble_758(){
var a,b,c
a='+1 '

escramble_758 = Function('escramble_758', js.replace("document.write", "return "))


How to find the Target *.exe file of *.appref-ms

ClickOnce applications are stored under the user's profile at %LocalAppData%\Apps\2.0\.

From there, use the search function to find your application.

What is the meaning of git reset --hard origin/master?

In newer version of git (2.23+) you can use:

git switch -C master origin/master

-C is same as --force-create. Related Reference Docs

C++ wait for user input

Several ways to do so, here are some possible one-line approaches:

  1. Use getch() (need #include <conio.h>).

  2. Use getchar() (expected for Enter, need #include <iostream>).

  3. Use cin.get() (expected for Enter, need #include <iostream>).

  4. Use system("pause") (need #include <iostream>).

    PS: This method will also print Press any key to continue . . . on the screen. (seems perfect choice for you :))

Edit: As discussed here, There is no completely portable solution for this. Question 19.1 of the comp.lang.c FAQ covers this in some depth, with solutions for Windows, Unix-like systems, and even MS-DOS and VMS.

Python: Converting from ISO-8859-1/latin1 to UTF-8

Try decoding it first, then encoding:


How can I check if an element exists in the visible DOM?

I prefer to use the node.isConnected property (Visit MDN).

Note: This will return true if the element is appended to a ShadowRoot as well, which might not be everyone's desired behaviour.


const element = document.createElement('div');
console.log(element.isConnected); // Returns false
console.log(element.isConnected); // Returns true

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

When managing the actual files, things can get out of sync pretty easily unless you're really vigilant. So we've launched a (beta) free service called String which allows you to keep track of your language files easily, and collaborate with translators.

You can either import existing language files (in PHP array, PHP Define, ini, po or .strings formats) or create your own sections from scratch and add content directly through the system.

String is totally free so please check it out and tell us what you think.

It's actually built on Codeigniter too! Check out the beta at

Convert HTML string to image

       <!--ForExport data in iamge -->
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function ConvertToImage(btnExport) {
                html2canvas($("#dvTable")[0]).then(function (canvas) {
                    var base64 = canvas.toDataURL();
                    __doPostBack(, "");
                return false;

        <!--ForExport data in iamge -->

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script src="../js/html2canvas.min.js"></script> 

                    <td valign="top">
                        <asp:Button ID="btnExport" Text="Download Back" runat="server" UseSubmitBehavior="false"
                            OnClick="ExportToImage" OnClientClick="return ConvertToImage(this)" />
                        <div id="dvTable" class="divsection2" style="width: 350px">
                            <asp:HiddenField ID="hfImageData" runat="server" />
                            <table width="100%">
                                        <br />

                                        <asp:Label ID="Labelgg" runat="server" CssClass="labans4" Text=""></asp:Label>


         protected void ExportToImage(object sender, EventArgs e)
                    string base64 = Request.Form[hfImageData.UniqueID].Split(',')[1];
                    byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);
                    Response.ContentType = "image/png";
                    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=name.png");
                    Response.Buffer = true;


How can I extract audio from video with ffmpeg?

Here's what I just used:

ffmpeg -i my.mkv -map 0:3 -vn -b:a 320k my.mp3

Options explanation:

  • my.mkv is a source video file, you can use other formats as well
  • -map 0:3 means I want 3rd stream from video file. Put your N there - video files often has multiple audio streams; you can omit it or use -map 0:a to take the default audio stream. Run ffprobe my.mkv to see what streams does the video file have.
  • my.mp3 is a target audio filename, and ffmpeg figures out I want an MP3 from its extension. In my case the source audio stream is ac3 DTS and just copying wasn't what I wanted
  • 320k is a desired target bitrate
  • -vn means I don't want video in target file

"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function" - Beginner Backbone.js Application

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function example_app.js:7

This error message tells the whole story. On this line, you are trying to execute a function. However, whatever is being executed is not a function! Instead, it's undefined.

So what's on example_app.js line 7? Looks like this:

var tasks = new ExampleApp.Collections.Tasks(data.tasks);

There is only one function being run on that line. We found the problem! ExampleApp.Collections.Tasks is undefined.

So lets look at where that is declared:

var Tasks = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Task,
    url: '/tasks'

If that's all the code for this collection, then the root cause is right here. You assign the constructor to global variable, called Tasks. But you never add it to the ExampleApp.Collections object, a place you later expect it to be.

Change that to this, and I bet you'd be good.

ExampleApp.Collections.Tasks = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Task,
    url: '/tasks'

See how important the proper names and line numbers are in figuring this out? Never ever regard errors as binary (it works or it doesn't). Instead read the error, in most cases the error message itself gives you the critical clues you need to trace through to find the real issue.

In Javascript, when you execute a function, it's evaluated like:

expression.that('returns').aFunctionObject(); // js
execute -> expression.that('returns').aFunctionObject // what the JS engine does

That expression can be complex. So when you see undefined is not a function it means that expression did not return a function object. So you have to figure out why what you are trying to execute isn't a function.

And in this case, it was because you didn't put something where you thought you did.

How does Java handle integer underflows and overflows and how would you check for it?

static final int safeAdd(int left, int right)
                 throws ArithmeticException {
  if (right > 0 ? left > Integer.MAX_VALUE - right
                : left < Integer.MIN_VALUE - right) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow");
  return left + right;

static final int safeSubtract(int left, int right)
                 throws ArithmeticException {
  if (right > 0 ? left < Integer.MIN_VALUE + right
                : left > Integer.MAX_VALUE + right) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow");
  return left - right;

static final int safeMultiply(int left, int right)
                 throws ArithmeticException {
  if (right > 0 ? left > Integer.MAX_VALUE/right
                  || left < Integer.MIN_VALUE/right
                : (right < -1 ? left > Integer.MIN_VALUE/right
                                || left < Integer.MAX_VALUE/right
                              : right == -1
                                && left == Integer.MIN_VALUE) ) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow");
  return left * right;

static final int safeDivide(int left, int right)
                 throws ArithmeticException {
  if ((left == Integer.MIN_VALUE) && (right == -1)) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow");
  return left / right;

static final int safeNegate(int a) throws ArithmeticException {
  if (a == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow");
  return -a;
static final int safeAbs(int a) throws ArithmeticException {
  if (a == Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
    throw new ArithmeticException("Integer overflow");
  return Math.abs(a);

how to get docker-compose to use the latest image from repository

Option down resolve this problem

I run my compose file:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

then I delete all with down --rmi all

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down --rmi all

Stops containers and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images
created by `up`.

By default, the only things removed are:

- Containers for services defined in the Compose file
- Networks defined in the `networks` section of the Compose file
- The default network, if one is used

Networks and volumes defined as `external` are never removed.

Usage: down [options]

    --rmi type          Remove images. Type must be one of:
                        'all': Remove all images used by any service.
                        'local': Remove only images that don't have a custom tag
                        set by the `image` field.
    -v, --volumes       Remove named volumes declared in the `volumes` section
                        of the Compose file and anonymous volumes
                        attached to containers.
    --remove-orphans    Remove containers for services not defined in the
                        Compose file

C++ - Assigning null to a std::string

Literal 0 is of type int and you can't assign int to std::string. Use mValue.clear() or assign an empty string mValue="".

How do you turn a Mongoose document into a plain object?

the fast way if the property is not in the model :

document.set( key,value, { strict: false });

How do I run two commands in one line in Windows CMD?

Like this on all Microsoft OSes since 2000, and still good today:

dir & echo foo

If you want the second command to execute only if the first exited successfully:

dir && echo foo

The single ampersand (&) syntax to execute multiple commands on one line goes back to Windows XP, Windows 2000, and some earlier NT versions. (4.0 at least, according to one commenter here.)

There are quite a few other points about this that you'll find scrolling down this page.

Historical data follows, for those who may find it educational.

Prior to that, the && syntax was only a feature of the shell replacement 4DOS before that feature was added to the Microsoft command interpreter.

In Windows 95, 98 and ME, you'd use the pipe character instead:

dir | echo foo

In MS-DOS 5.0 and later, through some earlier Windows and NT versions of the command interpreter, the (undocumented) command separator was character 20 (Ctrl+T) which I'll represent with ^T here.

dir ^T echo foo

What is the command to exit a Console application in C#?

You can use Environment.Exit(0) and Application.Exit.

Environment.Exit(): terminates this process and gives the underlying operating system the specified exit code.

How do I find the caller of a method using stacktrace or reflection?

I've done this before. You can just create a new exception and grab the stack trace on it without throwing it, then examine the stack trace. As the other answer says though, it's extremely costly--don't do it in a tight loop.

I've done it before for a logging utility on an app where performance didn't matter much (Performance rarely matters much at all, actually--as long as you display the result to an action such as a button click quickly).

It was before you could get the stack trace, exceptions just had .printStackTrace() so I had to redirect System.out to a stream of my own creation, then (new Exception()).printStackTrace(); Redirect System.out back and parse the stream. Fun stuff.

How to delete a cookie using jQuery?

it is the problem of misunderstand of cookie. Browsers recognize cookie values for not just keys also compare the options path & domain. So Browsers recognize different value which cookie values that key is 'name' with server setting option(path='/'; domain='') and key is 'name' with no option.

Combining (concatenating) date and time into a datetime

Solution (1): datetime arithmetic

Given @myDate, which can be anything that can be cast as a DATE, and @myTime, which can be anything that can be cast as a TIME, starting SQL Server 2014+ this works fine and does not involve string manipulation:


You can verify with:


Solution (2): string manipulation


However, solution (1) is not only 2-3x faster than solution (2), it also preserves the microsecond part.

See SQL Fiddle for the solution (1) using date arithmetic vs solution (2) involving string manipulation

How to tag an older commit in Git?

Just the Code

# Set the HEAD to the old commit that we want to tag
git checkout 9fceb02

# temporarily set the date to the date of the HEAD commit, and add the tag
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" \
git tag -a v1.2 -m"v1.2"

# set HEAD back to whatever you want it to be
git checkout master


The answer by @dkinzer creates tags whose date is the current date (when you ran the git tag command), not the date of the commit. The Git help for tag has a section "On Backdating Tags" which says:

If you have imported some changes from another VCS and would like to add tags for major releases of your work, it is useful to be able to specify the date to embed inside of the tag object; such data in the tag object affects, for example, the ordering of tags in the gitweb interface.

To set the date used in future tag objects, set the environment variable GIT_COMMITTER_DATE (see the later discussion of possible values; the most common form is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM").

For example:

$ GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="2006-10-02 10:31" git tag -s v1.0.1

The page "How to Tag in Git" shows us that we can extract the time of the HEAD commit via:

git show --format=%aD  | head -1
#=> Wed, 12 Feb 2014 12:36:47 -0700

We could extract the date of a specific commit via:

GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show 9fceb02 --format=%aD | head -1)" \
git tag -a v1.2 9fceb02 -m "v1.2"

However, instead of repeating the commit twice, it seems easier to just change the HEAD to that commit and use it implicitly in both commands:

git checkout 9fceb02 

GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(git show --format=%aD | head -1)" git tag -a v1.2 -m "v1.2"

Simulate a click on 'a' element using javascript/jquery

Using jQuery:


How to center-justify the last line of text in CSS?

There doesn't appear to be a way. You can fake it by using justify and then wrapping the last line of text in a span and setting just that to text align center. It works ok for small blocks of text but is not a useful approach to large quantities of text or dynamic text.

I suggest finding somebody at Adobe who's involved in their W3C work and nagging them to bring up right/left/center justification in their next meeting. If anyone's gonna be able to push for basic typography features in CSS it'd be Adobe.

How to get the error message from the error code returned by GetLastError()?

void WinErrorCodeToString(DWORD ErrorCode, string& Message)
char* locbuffer = NULL;
    0, (LPSTR)&locbuffer, 0, nullptr);
if (locbuffer)
    if (count)
        int c;
        int back = 0;
        // strip any trailing "\r\n"s and replace by a single "\n"
        while (((c = *CharPrevA(locbuffer, locbuffer + count)) == '\r') ||
            (c == '\n')) {

        if (back) {
            locbuffer[count++] = '\n';
            locbuffer[count] = '\0';

        Message = "Error: ";
        Message += locbuffer;
    Message = "Unknown error code: " + to_string(ErrorCode);

No MediaTypeFormatter is available to read an object of type 'String' from content with media type 'text/plain'

I know this is an older question, but I felt the answer from t3chb0t led me to the best path and felt like sharing. You don't even need to go so far as implementing all the formatter's methods. I did the following for the content-type "application/vnd.api+json" being returned by an API I was using:

public class VndApiJsonMediaTypeFormatter : JsonMediaTypeFormatter
    public VndApiJsonMediaTypeFormatter()
        SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.api+json"));

Which can be used simply like the following:

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient("");
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync("person");

List<System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter> formatters = new List<System.Net.Http.Formatting.MediaTypeFormatter>();
formatters.Add(new System.Net.Http.Formatting.JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
formatters.Add(new VndApiJsonMediaTypeFormatter());

var responseObject = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Person>(formatters);

Super simple and works exactly as I expected.

Python "string_escape" vs "unicode_escape"

According to my interpretation of the implementation of unicode-escape and the unicode repr in the CPython 2.6.5 source, yes; the only difference between repr(unicode_string) and unicode_string.encode('unicode-escape') is the inclusion of wrapping quotes and escaping whichever quote was used.

They are both driven by the same function, unicodeescape_string. This function takes a parameter whose sole function is to toggle the addition of the wrapping quotes and escaping of that quote.

Rerender view on browser resize with React

Thank you all for the answers. Here's my React + Recompose. It's a High Order Function that includes the windowHeight and windowWidth properties to the component.

const withDimensions = compose(
 }) => ({
   windowHeight: window.innerHeight,
   windowWidth: window.innerWidth
 }), {
  handleResize: () => () => ({
    windowHeight: window.innerHeight,
    windowWidth: window.innerWidth
   componentDidMount() {
   window.addEventListener('resize', this.props.handleResize);
 componentWillUnmount() {

How do I get the n-th level parent of an element in jQuery?

If you plan on reusing this functionality, the optimal solution is to make a jQuery plugin:

$.fn.nthParent = function(n){
  var $p = $(this);
  while ( n-- >= 0 )
    $p = $p.parent();
  return $p;

Of course, you may want to extend it to allow for an optional selector and other such things.

One note: this uses a 0 based index for parents, so nthParent(0) is the same as calling parent(). If you'd rather have 1 based indexing, use n-- > 0

Post a json object to mvc controller with jquery and ajax

I see in your code that you are trying to pass an ARRAY to POST action. In that case follow below working code -

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
    function submitForm() {
        var roles = ["role1", "role2", "role3"];

            type: "POST",
            url: "@Url.Action("AddUser")",
            dataType: "json",
            contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
            data: JSON.stringify(roles),
            success: function (data) { alert(data); },
            failure: function (errMsg) {

<input type="button" value="Click" onclick="submitForm()"/>

And the controller action is going to be -

    public ActionResult AddUser(List<String> Roles)
        return null;

Then when you click on the button -

enter image description here

SQL JOIN, GROUP BY on three tables to get totals

Thank you very much for the replies!

Saggi Malachi, that query unfortunately sums the invoice amount in cases where there is more than one payment. Say there are two payments to a $39 invoice of $18 and $12. So rather than ending up with a result that looks like:

1   39.00   9.00

You'll end up with:

1   78.00   48.00

Charles Bretana, in the course of trimming my query down to the simplest possible query I (stupidly) omitted an additional table, customerinvoices, which provides a link between customers and invoices. This can be used to see invoices for which payments haven't made.

After much struggling, I think that the following query returns what I need it to:

SELECT DISTINCT i.invoiceid, i.amount, ISNULL(i.amount - p.amount, i.amount) AS amountdue
FROM invoices i
LEFT JOIN invoicepayments ip ON i.invoiceid = ip.invoiceid
LEFT JOIN customerinvoices ci ON i.invoiceid = ci.invoiceid
  SELECT invoiceid, SUM(p.amount) amount
  FROM invoicepayments ip 
  LEFT JOIN payments p ON ip.paymentid = p.paymentid
  GROUP BY ip.invoiceid
) p
ON p.invoiceid = ip.invoiceid
LEFT JOIN payments p2 ON ip.paymentid = p2.paymentid
LEFT JOIN customers c ON ci.customerid = c.customerid
WHERE c.customernumber='100'

Would you guys concur?

Converting Columns into rows with their respective data in sql server

As an alternative:

Using CROSS APPLY and VALUES performs this operation quite simply and efficiently with just a single pass of the table (unlike union queries that do one pass for every column)

    ca.ColName, ca.ColValue
FROM YOurTable
         ('ScripName' , ScripName),
         ('ScripCode' , ScripCode),
         ('Price'     , cast(Price as varchar(50)) )
  ) as CA (ColName, ColValue)

Personally I find this syntax easier than using unpivot.

NB: You must take care that all source columns are converted into compatible types for the single value column

Convert integer to string Jinja

The OP needed to cast as string outside the {% set ... %}. But if that not your case you can do:

{% set curYear = 2013 | string() %}

Note that you need the parenthesis on that jinja filter.

If you're concatenating 2 variables, you can also use the ~ custom operator.

How to get the current working directory using python 3?

It seems that IDLE changes its current working dir to location of the script that is executed, while when running the script using cmd doesn't do that and it leaves CWD as it is.

To change current working dir to the one containing your script you can use:

import os

The __file__ variable is available only if you execute script from file, and it contains path to the file. More on it here: Python __file__ attribute absolute or relative?

How to get am pm from the date time string using moment js

You are using the wrong format tokens when parsing your input. You should use ddd for an abbreviation of the name of day of the week, DD for day of the month, MMM for an abbreviation of the month's name, YYYY for the year, hh for the 1-12 hour, mm for minutes and A for AM/PM. See moment(String, String) docs.

Here is a working live sample:

console.log( moment('Mon 03-Jul-2017, 11:00 AM', 'ddd DD-MMM-YYYY, hh:mm A').format('hh:mm A') );_x000D_
console.log( moment('Mon 03-Jul-2017, 11:00 PM', 'ddd DD-MMM-YYYY, hh:mm A').format('hh:mm A') );
<script src=""></script>

UIView Hide/Show with animation

This code give an animation like pushing viewController in uinavigation controller...

CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
 animation.type = kCATransitionPush;
 animation.subtype = kCATransitionFromRight;
 animation.duration = 0.3;
 [_viewAccountName.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:nil];

 _viewAccountName.hidden = true;

Used this for pop animation...

 CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation];
 animation.type = kCATransitionPush;
 animation.subtype = kCATransitionFromLeft;
 animation.duration = 0.3;
 [_viewAccountName.layer addAnimation:animation forKey:nil];

 _viewAccountName.hidden = false;

How do I convert from a money datatype in SQL server?

you could either use

SELECT PARSENAME('$'+ Convert(varchar,Convert(money,@MoneyValue),1),2)


SELECT CurrencyNoDecimals = '$'+ LEFT( CONVERT(varchar, @MoneyValue,1),    
       LEN (CONVERT(varchar, @MoneyValue,1)) - 2)

How to obtain the query string from the current URL with JavaScript?

You can simply use URLSearchParams().

Lets see we have a page with url:


On that page, you can get the query string using and then extract them with URLSearchParams() class.

const params = new URLSearchParams(

// 1

// game

Another example using a dynamic url (not from window.location), you can extract the url using URL object.

const url = new URL('')

// ?v=6xJ27BtlM0c&ab_channel=FliteTest

This is a simple working snippet:

const urlInput = document.querySelector('input[type=url]')
const keyInput = document.querySelector('input[name=key]')
const button = document.querySelector('button')
const outputDiv = document.querySelector('#output')

button.addEventListener('click', () => {
    const url = new URL(urlInput.value)
    const params = new URLSearchParams(
    output.innerHTML = params.get(keyInput.value)
div {
margin-bottom: 1rem;
  <label>URL</label> <br>
  <input type="url" value="">

  <label>Params key</label> <br>
  <input type="text" name="key" value="v">

  <button>Get Value</button>

<div id="output"></div>

Changing the background color of a drop down list transparent in html

Or maybe

 background: transparent !important;
 color: #ffffff;

org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file for *VALID* XML

It is a problem with Java InputStream. When the stream is read once the file offset position counter is moved to the end of file. On the subsequent read by using the same stream you'll get this error. So you have to close and reopen the stream again or call inputStream.reset() to reset the offset counter to its initial position.

How to call another controller Action From a controller in Mvc

Your sample looks like psuedo code. You need to return the result of RedirectToAction:

return RedirectToAction("B", 
                        new { FileUploadMsg = "File uploaded successfully" });

How to change value of object which is inside an array using JavaScript or jQuery?

I think this way is better

const index = projects.findIndex(project => project.value==='jquery-ui');
projects[index].desc = "updated desc";

What is WEB-INF used for in a Java EE web application?

The Servlet 2.4 specification says this about WEB-INF (page 70):

A special directory exists within the application hierarchy named WEB-INF. This directory contains all things related to the application that aren’t in the document root of the application. The WEB-INF node is not part of the public document tree of the application. No file contained in the WEB-INF directory may be served directly to a client by the container. However, the contents of the WEB-INF directory are visible to servlet code using the getResource and getResourceAsStream method calls on the ServletContext, and may be exposed using the RequestDispatcher calls.

This means that WEB-INF resources are accessible to the resource loader of your Web-Application and not directly visible for the public.

This is why a lot of projects put their resources like JSP files, JARs/libraries and their own class files or property files or any other sensitive information in the WEB-INF folder. Otherwise they would be accessible by using a simple static URL (usefull to load CSS or Javascript for instance).

Your JSP files can be anywhere though from a technical perspective. For instance in Spring you can configure them to be in WEB-INF explicitly:

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"
    p:suffix=".jsp" >

The WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib folders mentioned in Wikipedia's WAR files article are examples of folders required by the Servlet specification at runtime.

It is important to make the difference between the structure of a project and the structure of the resulting WAR file.

The structure of the project will in some cases partially reflect the structure of the WAR file (for static resources such as JSP files or HTML and JavaScript files, but this is not always the case.

The transition from the project structure into the resulting WAR file is done by a build process.

While you are usually free to design your own build process, nowadays most people will use a standardized approach such as Apache Maven. Among other things Maven defines defaults for which resources in the project structure map to what resources in the resulting artifact (the resulting artifact is the WAR file in this case). In some cases the mapping consists of a plain copy process in other cases the mapping process includes a transformation, such as filtering or compiling and others.

One example: The WEB-INF/classes folder will later contain all compiled java classes and resources (src/main/java and src/main/resources) that need to be loaded by the Classloader to start the application.

Another example: The WEB-INF/lib folder will later contain all jar files needed by the application. In a maven project the dependencies are managed for you and maven automatically copies the needed jar files to the WEB-INF/lib folder for you. That explains why you don't have a lib folder in a maven project.

How to run a shell script in OS X by double-clicking?

chmod 774 filename

Note: The file with name 'filename' that has the bash script has no extension

Safest way to convert float to integer in python?


method in class cannot be applied to given types

The generateNumbers(int[] numbers) function definition has arguments (int[] numbers)that expects an array of integers. However, in the main, generateNumbers(); doesn't have any arguments.

To resolve it, simply add an array of numbers to the arguments while calling thegenerateNumbers() function in the main.

Convert UTF-8 to base64 string

It's a little difficult to tell what you're trying to achieve, but assuming you're trying to get a Base64 string that when decoded is abcdef==, the following should work:

byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("abcdef==");
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

This will output: YWJjZGVmPT0= which is abcdef== encoded in Base64.


To decode a Base64 string, simply use Convert.FromBase64String(). E.g.

string base64 = "YWJjZGVmPT0=";
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

At this point, bytes will be a byte[] (not a string). If we know that the byte array represents a string in UTF8, then it can be converted back to the string form using:

string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

This will output the original input string, abcdef== in this case.

One line if/else condition in linux shell scripting

To summarize the other answers, for general use:

Multi-line if...then statement

if [ foo ]; then
    a; b
elif [ bar ]; then
    c; d
    e; f

Single-line version

if [ foo ]; then a && b; elif [ bar ]; c && d; else e && f; fi

Using the OR operator

( foo && a && b ) || ( bar && c && d ) || e && f;


Remember that the AND and OR operators evaluate whether or not the result code of the previous operation was equal to true/success (0). So if a custom function returns something else (or nothing at all), you may run into problems with the AND/OR shorthand. In such cases, you may want to replace something like ( a && b ) with ( [ a == 'EXPECTEDRESULT' ] && b ), etc.

Also note that ( and [ are technically commands, so whitespace is required around them.

Instead of a group of && statements like then a && b; else, you could also run statements in a subshell like then $( a; b ); else, though this is less efficient. The same is true for doing something like result1=$( foo; a; b ); result2=$( bar; c; d ); [ "$result1" -o "$result2" ] instead of ( foo && a && b ) || ( bar && c && d ). Though at that point you'd be getting more into less-compact, multi-line stuff anyway.

Why does overflow:hidden not work in a <td>?

Well here is a solution for you but I don't really understand why it works:

  <div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid red;">Test</div>
  <div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid blue; overflow: hidden; height: 1.5em;">My hovercraft is full of eels.  These pretzels are making me thirsty.</div>
  <div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid yellow; overflow: hidden; height: 1.5em;">
  <table style="border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; width: 200px;"><tr>
   <td style="width:200px; border: 1px solid green; overflow: hidden; height: 1.5em;"><div style="width: 200px; border: 1px solid yellow; overflow: hidden;">

Namely, wrapping the cell contents in a div.

Best practice to return errors in ASP.NET Web API

For me I usually send back an HttpResponseException and set the status code accordingly depending on the exception thrown and if the exception is fatal or not will determine whether I send back the HttpResponseException immediately.

At the end of the day it's an API sending back responses and not views, so I think it's fine to send back a message with the exception and status code to the consumer. I currently haven't needed to accumulate errors and send them back as most exceptions are usually due to incorrect parameters or calls etc.

An example in my app is that sometimes the client will ask for data, but there isn't any data available so I throw a custom NoDataAvailableException and let it bubble to the Web API app, where then in my custom filter which captures it sending back a relevant message along with the correct status code.

I am not 100% sure on what's the best practice for this, but this is working for me currently so that's what I'm doing.


Since I answered this question a few blog posts have been written on the topic:

(this one has some new features in the nightly builds)

Update 2

Update to our error handling process, we have two cases:

  1. For general errors like not found, or invalid parameters being passed to an action we return a HttpResponseException to stop processing immediately. Additionally for model errors in our actions we will hand the model state dictionary to the Request.CreateErrorResponse extension and wrap it in a HttpResponseException. Adding the model state dictionary results in a list of the model errors sent in the response body.

  2. For errors that occur in higher layers, server errors, we let the exception bubble to the Web API app, here we have a global exception filter which looks at the exception, logs it with ELMAH and tries to make sense of it setting the correct HTTP status code and a relevant friendly error message as the body again in a HttpResponseException. For exceptions that we aren't expecting the client will receive the default 500 internal server error, but a generic message due to security reasons.

Update 3

Recently, after picking up Web API 2, for sending back general errors we now use the IHttpActionResult interface, specifically the built in classes for in the System.Web.Http.Results namespace such as NotFound, BadRequest when they fit, if they don't we extend them, for example a NotFound result with a response message:

public class NotFoundWithMessageResult : IHttpActionResult
    private string message;

    public NotFoundWithMessageResult(string message)
        this.message = message;

    public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        response.Content = new StringContent(message);
        return Task.FromResult(response);

Git push results in "Authentication Failed"

If you are on windows and trying to push to a windows server which has domain users working as repository users (TFS), try getting into TFS URL (i.e. http:\\tfs) with IE. enter your domain account credentials and let the page appear.

CAUTION only use INTERNET EXPLORER! other browsers wont change your system credentials.

Now go to git bash and change your remote user for the repository like below :

git config "domainName\userName"

And done, now you can push!

The #include<iostream> exists, but I get an error: identifier "cout" is undefined. Why?

The problem is the std namespace you are missing. cout is in the std namespace.
Add using namespace std; after the #include

Regex to replace multiple spaces with a single space

A more robust method: This takes care of also removing the initial and trailing spaces, if they exist. Eg:

// NOTE the possible initial and trailing spaces
var str = "  The dog      has a long   tail, and it     is RED!  "

str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$|\s+(?=\s)/g, "");

// str -> "The dog has a long tail, and it is RED !"

Your example didn't have those spaces but they are a very common scenario too, and the accepted answer was only trimming those into single spaces, like: " The ... RED! ", which is not what you will typically need.

How to fix homebrew permissions?

This solved the issue fore me.

sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /Users/$USER/Library/Caches/Homebrew
sudo chown -R "$USER":admin /usr/local

VBA - Range.Row.Count

The best solution is to use

Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

since it counts the number of cells until it finds the last one written.


Range("A1", sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count

what it does is select an "from-to" range and display the row number of the last one busy.
A range implies two minimum values, so ... meanwhile A1 has a value of the range continues to count to the limit (1048576) then it is shown.

Sub test()

Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Dim k As Long

    k = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    MsgBox k

    k = sh.Range("A1", sh.Range("A1").End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
    MsgBox k

End Sub

enter image description here

Pass Model To Controller using Jquery/Ajax

//C# class

public class DashBoardViewModel 
    public int Id { get; set;} 
    public decimal TotalSales { get; set;} 
    public string Url { get; set;} 
     public string MyDate{ get; set;} 

//JavaScript file
//Create dashboard.js file
$(document).ready(function () {

    // See the html on the View below
    $('.dashboardUrl').on('click', function(){
        var url = $(this).attr("href"); 

    $("#inpDateCompleted").change(function () {   

        // Construct your view model to send to the controller
        // Pass viewModel to ajax function 

        // Date
        var myDate = $('.myDate').val();

        // IF YOU USE @Html.EditorFor(), the myDate is as below
        var myDate = $('#MyDate').val();
        var viewModel = { Id : 1, TotalSales: 50, Url: url, MyDate: myDate };

            type: 'GET',
            dataType: 'json',
            cache: false,
            url: '/Dashboard/IndexPartial',
            data: viewModel ,
            success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
                //Do Stuff 
            error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                //Do Stuff or Nothing


//ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 Controller
public class DashboardController {

    public IActionResult IndexPartial(DashBoardViewModel viewModel )
        // Do stuff with my model
        var model = new DashBoardViewModel {  Id = 23 /* Some more results here*/ };
        return Json(model);

// MVC View 
// Include jQuerylibrary
// Include dashboard.js 
<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-2.1.3.js"></script>
<script src="~/Scripts/dashboard.js"></script>
// If you want to capture your URL dynamically 

    <a class="dashboardUrl" href ="@Url.Action("IndexPartial","Dashboard")"> LinkText </a>
    <input class="myDate" type="text"/>
   @Html.EditorFor(model => model.MyDate) 

Get the first N elements of an array?

You can use array_slice as:

$sliced_array = array_slice($array,0,$N);

registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: is not supported in iOS 8.0 and later

for iOS 8 and above

UIUserNotificationSettings *settings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:(UIUserNotificationTypeBadge|UIUserNotificationTypeSound|UIUserNotificationTypeAlert) categories:nil];
[application registerUserNotificationSettings:settings];

Download & Install Xcode version without Premium Developer Account

You can download Xcode with/without Paid (Premium) Apple Developer Account from below links.

Xcode 11

Xcode 10

For non-premium account/apple id: (Download Xcode 10 without Paid (Premium) Apple Developer Account from below link)

Apple Download Portal

Look at here: How to install & set command line tool

See here for older versions of Xcode (Which may need to authenticate your apple account):

How to check if a Unix .tar.gz file is a valid file without uncompressing?

What about just getting a listing of the tarball and throw away the output, rather than decompressing the file?

tar -tzf my_tar.tar.gz >/dev/null

Edited as per comment. Thanks zrajm!

Edit as per comment. Thanks Frozen Flame! This test in no way implies integrity of the data. Because it was designed as a tape archival utility most implementations of tar will allow multiple copies of the same file!