[c#] Why use the 'ref' keyword when passing an object?

If I am passing an object to a method, why should I use the ref keyword? Isn't this the default behaviour anyway?

For example:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        TestRef t = new TestRef();
        t.Something = "Foo";


    static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
        t.Something = "Bar";

public class TestRef
    public string Something { get; set; }

The output is "Bar" which means that the object was passed as a reference.

This question is related to c# .net pass-by-reference ref

The answer is

By using the ref keyword with reference types you are effectively passing a reference to the reference. In many ways it's the same as using the out keyword but with the minor difference that there's no guarantee that the method will actually assign anything to the ref'ed parameter.

ref mimics (or behaves) as a global area just for two scopes:

  • Caller
  • Callee.

Since TestRef is a class (which are reference objects), you can change the contents inside t without passing it as a ref. However, if you pass t as a ref, TestRef can change what the original t refers to. i.e. make it point to a different object.

This is like passing a pointer to a pointer in C. In .NET this will allow you to change what the original T refers to, personally though I think if you are doing that in .NET you have probably got a design issue!

You need to distinguish between "passing a reference by value", and "passing a parameter/argument by reference".

I've written a reasonably long article on the subject to avoid having to write carefully each time this comes up on newsgroups

This is like passing a pointer to a pointer in C. In .NET this will allow you to change what the original T refers to, personally though I think if you are doing that in .NET you have probably got a design issue!

If you're passing a value, however, things are different. You can force a value to be passed by reference. This allows you to pass an integer to a method, for example, and have the method modify the integer on your behalf.

In .NET when you pass any parameter to a method, a copy is created. In value types means that any modification you make to the value is at the method scope, and is lost when you exit the method.

When passing a Reference Type, a copy is also made, but it is a copy of a reference, i.e. now you have TWO references in memory to the same object. So, if you use the reference to modify the object, it gets modified. But if you modify the reference itself - we must remember it is a copy - then any changes are also lost upon exiting the method.

As people have said before, an assignment is a modification of the reference, thus is lost:

public void Method1(object obj) {   
 obj = new Object(); 

public void Method2(object obj) {  
 obj = _privateObject; 

The methods above does not modifies the original object.

A little modification of your example

 using System;

    class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                TestRef t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Foo";



            static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
                t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Bar";

    public class TestRef
    private string s;
        public string Something 
            get {return s;} 
            set { s = value; }

With ref you can write:

static public void DoSomething(ref TestRef t)
    t = new TestRef();

And t will be changed after the method has completed.

Think of variables (e.g. foo) of reference types (e.g. List<T>) as holding object identifiers of the form "Object #24601". Suppose the statement foo = new List<int> {1,5,7,9}; causes foo to hold "Object #24601" (a list with four items). Then calling foo.Length will ask Object #24601 for its length, and it will respond 4, so foo.Length will equal 4.

If foo is passed to a method without using ref, that method might make changes to Object #24601. As a consequence of such changes, foo.Length might no longer equal 4. The method itself, however, will be unable to change foo, which will continue to hold "Object #24601".

Passing foo as a ref parameter will allow the called method to make changes not just to Object #24601, but also to foo itself. The method might create a new Object #8675309 and store a reference to that in foo. If it does so, foo would no longer hold "Object #24601", but instead "Object #8675309".

In practice, reference-type variables don't hold strings of the form "Object #8675309"; they don't even hold anything that can meaningfully converted into a number. Even though each reference-type variable will hold some bit pattern, there is no fixed relationship between the bit patterns stored in such variables and the objects they identify. There is no way code could extract information from an object or a reference to it, and later determine whether another reference identified the same object, unless the code either held or knew of a reference that identified the original object.

By using the ref keyword with reference types you are effectively passing a reference to the reference. In many ways it's the same as using the out keyword but with the minor difference that there's no guarantee that the method will actually assign anything to the ref'ed parameter.

ref mimics (or behaves) as a global area just for two scopes:

  • Caller
  • Callee.

Ref denotes whether the function can get its hands on the object itself, or only on its value.

Passing by reference is not bound to a language; it's a parameter binding strategy next to pass-by-value, pass by name, pass by need etc...

A sidenote: the class name TestRef is a hideously bad choice in this context ;).

You need to distinguish between "passing a reference by value", and "passing a parameter/argument by reference".

I've written a reasonably long article on the subject to avoid having to write carefully each time this comes up on newsgroups

By using the ref keyword with reference types you are effectively passing a reference to the reference. In many ways it's the same as using the out keyword but with the minor difference that there's no guarantee that the method will actually assign anything to the ref'ed parameter.

In .NET when you pass any parameter to a method, a copy is created. In value types means that any modification you make to the value is at the method scope, and is lost when you exit the method.

When passing a Reference Type, a copy is also made, but it is a copy of a reference, i.e. now you have TWO references in memory to the same object. So, if you use the reference to modify the object, it gets modified. But if you modify the reference itself - we must remember it is a copy - then any changes are also lost upon exiting the method.

As people have said before, an assignment is a modification of the reference, thus is lost:

public void Method1(object obj) {   
 obj = new Object(); 

public void Method2(object obj) {  
 obj = _privateObject; 

The methods above does not modifies the original object.

A little modification of your example

 using System;

    class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                TestRef t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Foo";



            static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
                t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Bar";

    public class TestRef
    private string s;
        public string Something 
            get {return s;} 
            set { s = value; }

This is like passing a pointer to a pointer in C. In .NET this will allow you to change what the original T refers to, personally though I think if you are doing that in .NET you have probably got a design issue!

You need to distinguish between "passing a reference by value", and "passing a parameter/argument by reference".

I've written a reasonably long article on the subject to avoid having to write carefully each time this comes up on newsgroups

Since TestRef is a class (which are reference objects), you can change the contents inside t without passing it as a ref. However, if you pass t as a ref, TestRef can change what the original t refers to. i.e. make it point to a different object.

Since TestRef is a class (which are reference objects), you can change the contents inside t without passing it as a ref. However, if you pass t as a ref, TestRef can change what the original t refers to. i.e. make it point to a different object.

With ref you can write:

static public void DoSomething(ref TestRef t)
    t = new TestRef();

And t will be changed after the method has completed.

Think of variables (e.g. foo) of reference types (e.g. List<T>) as holding object identifiers of the form "Object #24601". Suppose the statement foo = new List<int> {1,5,7,9}; causes foo to hold "Object #24601" (a list with four items). Then calling foo.Length will ask Object #24601 for its length, and it will respond 4, so foo.Length will equal 4.

If foo is passed to a method without using ref, that method might make changes to Object #24601. As a consequence of such changes, foo.Length might no longer equal 4. The method itself, however, will be unable to change foo, which will continue to hold "Object #24601".

Passing foo as a ref parameter will allow the called method to make changes not just to Object #24601, but also to foo itself. The method might create a new Object #8675309 and store a reference to that in foo. If it does so, foo would no longer hold "Object #24601", but instead "Object #8675309".

In practice, reference-type variables don't hold strings of the form "Object #8675309"; they don't even hold anything that can meaningfully converted into a number. Even though each reference-type variable will hold some bit pattern, there is no fixed relationship between the bit patterns stored in such variables and the objects they identify. There is no way code could extract information from an object or a reference to it, and later determine whether another reference identified the same object, unless the code either held or knew of a reference that identified the original object.

If you're passing a value, however, things are different. You can force a value to be passed by reference. This allows you to pass an integer to a method, for example, and have the method modify the integer on your behalf.

With ref you can write:

static public void DoSomething(ref TestRef t)
    t = new TestRef();

And t will be changed after the method has completed.

By using the ref keyword with reference types you are effectively passing a reference to the reference. In many ways it's the same as using the out keyword but with the minor difference that there's no guarantee that the method will actually assign anything to the ref'ed parameter.

Ref denotes whether the function can get its hands on the object itself, or only on its value.

Passing by reference is not bound to a language; it's a parameter binding strategy next to pass-by-value, pass by name, pass by need etc...

A sidenote: the class name TestRef is a hideously bad choice in this context ;).

Since TestRef is a class (which are reference objects), you can change the contents inside t without passing it as a ref. However, if you pass t as a ref, TestRef can change what the original t refers to. i.e. make it point to a different object.

With ref you can write:

static public void DoSomething(ref TestRef t)
    t = new TestRef();

And t will be changed after the method has completed.

You need to distinguish between "passing a reference by value", and "passing a parameter/argument by reference".

I've written a reasonably long article on the subject to avoid having to write carefully each time this comes up on newsgroups

If you're passing a value, however, things are different. You can force a value to be passed by reference. This allows you to pass an integer to a method, for example, and have the method modify the integer on your behalf.

In .NET when you pass any parameter to a method, a copy is created. In value types means that any modification you make to the value is at the method scope, and is lost when you exit the method.

When passing a Reference Type, a copy is also made, but it is a copy of a reference, i.e. now you have TWO references in memory to the same object. So, if you use the reference to modify the object, it gets modified. But if you modify the reference itself - we must remember it is a copy - then any changes are also lost upon exiting the method.

As people have said before, an assignment is a modification of the reference, thus is lost:

public void Method1(object obj) {   
 obj = new Object(); 

public void Method2(object obj) {  
 obj = _privateObject; 

The methods above does not modifies the original object.

A little modification of your example

 using System;

    class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                TestRef t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Foo";



            static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
                t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Bar";

    public class TestRef
    private string s;
        public string Something 
            get {return s;} 
            set { s = value; }

This is like passing a pointer to a pointer in C. In .NET this will allow you to change what the original T refers to, personally though I think if you are doing that in .NET you have probably got a design issue!

In .NET when you pass any parameter to a method, a copy is created. In value types means that any modification you make to the value is at the method scope, and is lost when you exit the method.

When passing a Reference Type, a copy is also made, but it is a copy of a reference, i.e. now you have TWO references in memory to the same object. So, if you use the reference to modify the object, it gets modified. But if you modify the reference itself - we must remember it is a copy - then any changes are also lost upon exiting the method.

As people have said before, an assignment is a modification of the reference, thus is lost:

public void Method1(object obj) {   
 obj = new Object(); 

public void Method2(object obj) {  
 obj = _privateObject; 

The methods above does not modifies the original object.

A little modification of your example

 using System;

    class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                TestRef t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Foo";



            static public void DoSomething(TestRef t)
                t = new TestRef();
                t.Something = "Bar";

    public class TestRef
    private string s;
        public string Something 
            get {return s;} 
            set { s = value; }

Ref denotes whether the function can get its hands on the object itself, or only on its value.

Passing by reference is not bound to a language; it's a parameter binding strategy next to pass-by-value, pass by name, pass by need etc...

A sidenote: the class name TestRef is a hideously bad choice in this context ;).

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