Programs & Examples On #Sanity check

how to dynamically add options to an existing select in vanilla javascript

.add() also works.

var daySelect = document.getElementById("myDaySelect");
var myOption = document.createElement("option");
myOption.text = "test";
myOption.value = "value";

W3 School - try

No input file specified

I had the same problem. All I did to fix the issue was to modify my htacces file like this:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /crm/

Options +FollowSymLinks 

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] 

RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] 

RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d 
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*)$ [L]

cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++11" with g++

Seeing from your G++ version, you need to update it badly. C++11 has only been available since G++ 4.3. The most recent version is 4.7.

In versions pre-G++ 4.7, you'll have to use -std=c++0x, for more recent versions you can use -std=c++11.

How to get Time from DateTime format in SQL?

I often use this script to get Time from DateTime:


What does "collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status" mean?

Try running task manager to determine if your program is still running.

If it is running then stop it and run it again. the [Error] ld returned 1 exit status will not come back

Get commit list between tags in git

If your team uses descriptive commit messages (eg. "Ticket #12345 - Update dependencies") on this project, then generating changelog since the latest tag can de done like this:

git log --no-merges --pretty=format:"%s" 'old-tag^' > /path/to/
  • --no-merges omits the merge commits from the list
  • old-tag^ refers to the previous commit earlier than the tagged one. Useful if you want to see the tagged commit at the bottom of the list by any reason. (Single quotes needed only for iTerm on mac OS).

How to combine paths in Java?

platform independent approach (uses File.separator, ie will works depends on operation system where code is running:

java.nio.file.Paths.get(".", "path", "to", "file.txt")
// relative unix path: ./path/to/file.txt
// relative windows path: .\path\to\filee.txt

java.nio.file.Paths.get("/", "path", "to", "file.txt")
// absolute unix path: /path/to/filee.txt
// windows network drive path: \\path\to\file.txt

java.nio.file.Paths.get("C:", "path", "to", "file.txt")
// absolute windows path: C:\path\to\file.txt

How do I dynamically set HTML5 data- attributes using react?

Note - if you want to pass a data attribute to a React Component, you need to handle them a little differently than other props.

2 options

Don't use camel case

<Option data-img-src='value' ... />

And then in the component, because of the dashes, you need to refer to the prop in quotes.

// @flow
class Option extends React.Component {

  props: {
    'data-img-src': string

And when you refer to it later, you don't use the dot syntax

  render () {
    return (
      <option data-img-src={this.props['data-img-src']} >...</option>

Or use camel case

<Option dataImgSrc='value' ... />

And then in the component, you need to convert.

// @flow
class Option extends React.Component {

  props: {
    dataImgSrc: string

And when you refer to it later, you don't use the dot syntax

  render () {
    return (
      <option data-img-src={this.props.dataImgSrc} >...</option>

Mainly just realize data- attributes and aria- attributes are treated specially. You are allowed to use hyphens in the attribute name in those two cases.

Return a value of '1' a referenced cell is empty

Beware: There are also cells which are seemingly blank, but are not truly empty but containg "" or something that is called NULL in other languages. As an example, when a formula results in "" or such result is copied to a cell, the formula


returns FALSE. That means the cell is not truly empty.

The way to go there is to use enter code here


Which finds both truly empty cells and those containing "". See also this very good answer here

How do you specifically order ggplot2 x axis instead of alphabetical order?

It is a little difficult to answer your specific question without a full, reproducible example. However something like this should work:

#Turn your 'treatment' column into a character vector
data$Treatment <- as.character(data$Treatment)
#Then turn it back into a factor with the levels in the correct order
data$Treatment <- factor(data$Treatment, levels=unique(data$Treatment))

In this example, the order of the factor will be the same as in the data.csv file.

If you prefer a different order, you can order them by hand:

data$Treatment <- factor(data$Treatment, levels=c("Y", "X", "Z"))

However this is dangerous if you have a lot of levels: if you get any of them wrong, that will cause problems.

File Permissions and CHMOD: How to set 777 in PHP upon file creation?

You just need to manually set the desired permissions with chmod():

private function writeFileContent($file, $content){
    $fp = fopen($file, 'w');
    fwrite($fp, $content);

    // Set perms with chmod()
    chmod($file, 0777);
    return true;

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

I have found this to be really useful:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A' : range(0,10) * 2, 'B' : np.random.randint(20,30,20)})

# A ascending, B descending

# A descending, B ascending

Note that unlike the standard columns=,ascending= arguments, here column names and their sort order are in the same place. As a result your code gets a lot easier to read and maintain.

Note the actual call to .sort is unchanged, skw (sortkwargs) is just a small helper function that parses the columns and returns the usual columns= and ascending= parameters for you. Pass it any other sort kwargs as you usually would. Copy/paste the following code into e.g. your local then forget about it and just use it as above.

# (or anywhere else convenient to import)
def skw(columns=None, **kwargs):
    """ get sort kwargs by parsing sort order given in column name """
    # set default order as ascending (+)
    sort_cols = ['+' + col if col[0] != '-' else col for col in columns]
    # get sort kwargs
    columns, ascending = zip(*[(col.replace('+', '').replace('-', ''), 
                                False if col[0] == '-' else True) 
                               for col in sort_cols])
    kwargs.update(dict(columns=list(columns), ascending=ascending))
    return kwargs

How do I insert an image in an activity with android studio?

When you have image into yours drawable gallery then you just need to pick the option of image view pick and drag into app activity you want to show and select the required image.

Parsing PDF files (especially with tables) with PDFBox

For reading content of the table from pdf file,you have to do only just convert the pdf file into a text file by using any API(I have use PdfTextExtracter.getTextFromPage() of iText) and then read that txt file by your java after reading it the major task is done.. you have to filter the data of your need. you can do it by continuously using split method of String class until you find record of your intrest.. here is my code by which I have extract part of record by an PDF file and write it into a .CSV file.. Url of PDF file is..


public static void genrateCsvMonth_Region(String pdfpath, String csvpath) {
        try {
            String line = null;
            // Appending Header in CSV file...
            BufferedWriter writer1 = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(csvpath,
            // Checking whether file is empty or not..
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvpath));

            if ((line = br.readLine()) == null) {
                BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
                        csvpath, true));
            // Reading the pdf file..
            PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(pdfpath);
            BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(csvpath,

            // Extracting records from page into String..
            String page = PdfTextExtractor.getTextFromPage(reader, 1);
            // Extracting month and Year from String..
            String period1[] = page.split("PEROID");
            String period2[] = period1[0].split(":");
            String month[] = period2[1].split("-");
            String period3[] = month[1].split("ENERGY");
            String year[] = period3[0].split("VIS");

            // Extracting Northen region
            String northen[] = page.split("NORTHEN REGION");
            String nthermal1[] = northen[0].split("THERMAL");
            String nthermal2[] = nthermal1[1].split(" ");

            String nnuclear1[] = northen[0].split("NUCLEAR");
            String nnuclear2[] = nnuclear1[1].split(" ");

            String nhydro1[] = northen[0].split("HYDRO");
            String nhydro2[] = nhydro1[1].split(" ");

            String ntotal1[] = northen[0].split("TOTAL");
            String ntotal2[] = ntotal1[1].split(" ");

            // Appending filtered data into CSV file..
            writer.append("NORTHEN" + ",");
            writer.append(year[0] + ",");
            writer.append(month[0] + ",");
            writer.append(nthermal2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(nnuclear2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(nhydro2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(ntotal2[4] + "\n");

            // Extracting Western region
            String western[] = page.split("WESTERN");

            String wthermal1[] = western[1].split("THERMAL");
            String wthermal2[] = wthermal1[1].split(" ");

            String wnuclear1[] = western[1].split("NUCLEAR");
            String wnuclear2[] = wnuclear1[1].split(" ");

            String whydro1[] = western[1].split("HYDRO");
            String whydro2[] = whydro1[1].split(" ");

            String wtotal1[] = western[1].split("TOTAL");
            String wtotal2[] = wtotal1[1].split(" ");

            // Appending filtered data into CSV file..
            writer.append("WESTERN" + ",");
            writer.append(year[0] + ",");
            writer.append(month[0] + ",");
            writer.append(wthermal2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(wnuclear2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(whydro2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(wtotal2[4] + "\n");

            // Extracting Southern Region
            String southern[] = page.split("SOUTHERN");

            String sthermal1[] = southern[1].split("THERMAL");
            String sthermal2[] = sthermal1[1].split(" ");

            String snuclear1[] = southern[1].split("NUCLEAR");
            String snuclear2[] = snuclear1[1].split(" ");

            String shydro1[] = southern[1].split("HYDRO");
            String shydro2[] = shydro1[1].split(" ");

            String stotal1[] = southern[1].split("TOTAL");
            String stotal2[] = stotal1[1].split(" ");

            // Appending filtered data into CSV file..
            writer.append("SOUTHERN" + ",");
            writer.append(year[0] + ",");
            writer.append(month[0] + ",");
            writer.append(sthermal2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(snuclear2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(shydro2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(stotal2[4] + "\n");

            // Extracting eastern region
            String eastern[] = page.split("EASTERN");

            String ethermal1[] = eastern[1].split("THERMAL");
            String ethermal2[] = ethermal1[1].split(" ");

            String ehydro1[] = eastern[1].split("HYDRO");
            String ehydro2[] = ehydro1[1].split(" ");

            String etotal1[] = eastern[1].split("TOTAL");
            String etotal2[] = etotal1[1].split(" ");
            // Appending filtered data into CSV file..
            writer.append("EASTERN" + ",");
            writer.append(year[0] + ",");
            writer.append(month[0] + ",");
            writer.append(ethermal2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(" " + ",");
            writer.append(ehydro2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(etotal2[4] + "\n");

            // Extracting northernEastern region
            String neestern[] = page.split("NORTH");

            String nethermal1[] = neestern[2].split("THERMAL");
            String nethermal2[] = nethermal1[1].split(" ");

            String nehydro1[] = neestern[2].split("HYDRO");
            String nehydro2[] = nehydro1[1].split(" ");

            String netotal1[] = neestern[2].split("TOTAL");
            String netotal2[] = netotal1[1].split(" ");

            writer.append("NORTH EASTERN" + ",");
            writer.append(year[0] + ",");
            writer.append(month[0] + ",");
            writer.append(nethermal2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(" " + ",");
            writer.append(nehydro2[4] + ",");
            writer.append(netotal2[4] + "\n");

        } catch (IOException ioe) {


Mockito: Trying to spy on method is calling the original method

One way to make sure a method from a class is not called is to override the method with a dummy.

    WebFormCreatorActivity activity = spy(new WebFormCreatorActivity(clientFactory) {//spy(new WebFormCreatorActivity(clientFactory));
            public void select(TreeItem i) {

Perform .join on value in array of objects

On node or ES6+: =>', ')

ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application?

There is an article in MSDN which describes the differences:

Comparing Web Site Projects and Web Application Projects

BTW: there are some similar questions about that topic, e.g:

How to make java delay for a few seconds?


For calculating times we use this method:

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;

    public static String getCurrentTime() {
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
    return sdf.format(cal.getTime());


import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

System.out.println("Start delay of 10 seconds, Time is: " + getCurrentTime());
System.out.println("And delay of 10 seconds, Time is: " + getCurrentTime());


Start delay of 10 seconds, Time is: 14:19:08

And delay of 10 seconds, Time is: 14:19:18


import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

System.out.println("Start delay of 1 Minute, Time is: " + getCurrentTime());
System.out.println("And delay of 1 Minute, Time is: " + getCurrentTime());


Start delay of 1 Minute, Time is: 14:21:20

And delay of 1 Minute, Time is: 14:22:20


import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

System.out.println("Start delay of 2000 milliseconds, Time is: " +getCurrentTime());
System.out.println("And delay of 2000 milliseconds, Time is: " + getCurrentTime());


Start delay of 2000 milliseconds, Time is: 14:23:44

And delay of 2000 milliseconds, Time is: 14:23:46


Thread.sleep(1000); //milliseconds

Static Vs. Dynamic Binding in Java

With the static method in the parent and child class: Static Binding

public class test1 {   
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        parent pc = new child(); 

class parent {
    static public void start() {
        System.out.println("Inside start method of parent");

class child extends parent {

    static public void start() {
        System.out.println("Inside start method of child");

// Output => Inside start method of parent

Dynamic Binding :

public class test1 {   
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        parent pc = new child();

class parent {
   public void start() {
        System.out.println("Inside start method of parent");

class child extends parent {

   public void start() {
        System.out.println("Inside start method of child");

// Output => Inside start method of child

laravel Unable to prepare route ... for serialization. Uses Closure

the solustion when we use routes like this:

Route::get('/', function () {
    return view('welcome');

laravel call them Closure so you cant optimize routes uses as Closures you must route to controller to use php artisan optimize

force line break in html table cell

You could put the text into a div (or other container) with a width of 50%.

Check if a folder exist in a directory and create them using C#

This should help:

using System.IO;

string path = @"C:\MP_Upload";

How to both read and write a file in C#

Made an improvement code by @Ipsita - for use asynchronous read\write file I/O

readonly string logPath = @"FilePath";
public async Task WriteToLogAsync(string dataToWrite)
    TextReader tr = new StreamReader(logPath);
    string data = await tr.ReadLineAsync();

    TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(logPath);
    await tw.WriteLineAsync(data + dataToWrite);
await WriteToLogAsync("Write this to file");

Carriage return and Line feed... Are both required in C#?

System.Environment.NewLine is the constant you are looking for - which will provide environment specific combination that most programs on given OS will consider "next line of text".

In practice most of the text tools treat all variations that include \n as "new line" and you can just use it in your text "foo\nbar". Especially if you are trying to construct multi-line format strings like $"V1 = {value1}\nV2 = {value2}\n". If you are building text with string concatenation consider using NewLine. In any case make sure tools you are using understand output the way you want and you may need for example always use \r\n irrespective of platform if editor of your choice can't correctly open files otherwise.

Note that WriteLine methods use NewLine so if you plan to write text with one these methods avoid using just \n as resulting text may contain mix of \r\n and just \n which may confuse some tools and definitely does not look neat.

For historical background see Difference between \n and \r?

Git: Cannot see new remote branch

What ended up finally working for me was to add the remote repository name to the git fetch command, like this:

git fetch core

Now you can see all of them like this:

git branch --all

How can I execute a python script from an html button?

I've done exactly this on Windows. I have a local .html page that I use as a "dashboard" for all my current work. In addition to the usual links, I've been able to add clickable links that open MS-Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, open my IDE, ssh to servers, etc. It is a little involved but here's how I did it ...

First, update the Windows registry. Your browser handles usual protocols like http, https, ftp. You can define your own protocol and a handler to be invoked when a link of that protocol-type is clicked. Here's the config (run with regedit)

@="URL:MyDB Document"
"URL Protocol"=""



@="wscript C:\_opt\Dashboard\Dashboard.vbs \"%1\""

With this, when I have a link like <a href="mydb:open:ProjectX.docx">ProjectX</a>, clicking it will invoke C:\_opt\Dashboard\Dashboard.vbs passing it the command line parameter open:ProjectX.docx. My VBS code looks at this parameter and does the necessary thing (in this case, because it ends in .docx, it invokes MS-Word with ProjectX.docx as the parameter to it.

Now, I've written my handler in VBS only because it is very old code (like 15+ years). I haven't tried it, but you might be able to write a Python handler,, instead. I'll leave it up to you to write your own handler. For your scripts, your link could be href="" (the runpy: prefix tells your handle to run with Python).

Android Studio: Unable to start the daemon process

You need to install all necessary packages with Android SDK Manager:

  • Android SDK Tools

  • Android SDK Platform-tools

  • Android SDK Build-tools

  • SDK Platform

  • ARM\Intel System Image

  • Android Support Repository

  • Android Support Library

Horizontal list items

This fiddle shows how

ul, li {

Great references on lists and css here:

Deny access to one specific folder in .htaccess

You can do this dynamically that way:

@touch($dirname . "/.htaccess");
  $f = fopen($dirname . "/.htaccess", "w");
  fwrite($f, "deny from all");

Animate a custom Dialog

I have created the Fade in and Fade Out animation for Dialogbox using ChrisJD code.

  1. Inside res/style.xml

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="android:Theme.Light" />
    <style name="PauseDialog" parent="@android:style/Theme.Dialog">
        <item name="android:windowAnimationStyle">@style/PauseDialogAnimation</item>
    <style name="PauseDialogAnimation">
        <item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/fadein</item>
        <item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@anim/fadeout</item>

  2. Inside anim/fadein.xml

    <alpha xmlns:android=""
        android:fromAlpha="0.0" android:toAlpha="1.0" android:duration="500" />
  3. Inside anim/fadeout.xml

    <alpha xmlns:android=""
        android:fromAlpha="1.0" android:toAlpha="0.0" android:duration="500" />
  4. MainActivity

    Dialog imageDiaglog= new Dialog(MainActivity.this,;

Python : List of dict, if exists increment a dict value, if not append a new dict

This always works fine for me:

for url in list_of_urls:
    urls.setdefault(url, 0)
    urls[url] += 1

Nesting CSS classes

Update 1: There is a CSS3 spec for CSS level 3 nesting. It's currently a draft.

Update 2 (2019): We now have a CSSWG draft

If approved, the syntax would look like this:

table.colortable {
  & td {
    &.c { text-transform:uppercase }
    &:first-child, &:first-child + td { border:1px solid black }
  & th {

.foo {
  color: red;
  @nest & > .bar {
    color: blue;

.foo {
  color: red;
  @nest .parent & {
    color: blue;

Status: The original 2015 spec proposal was not approved by the Working Group.

Vue 2 - Mutating props vue-warn

do not change the props directly in components.if you need change it set a new property like this:

data () {
    return () {
        listClone: this.list

And change the value of listClone.

How to count the NaN values in a column in pandas DataFrame

One solution is finding out null value rows and converting them into dataframe and then checking the length of the new dataframe.-

nan_rows = df[df['column_name'].isnull()]

No internet on Android emulator - why and how to fix?

Try launching the Emulator from the command line as follows:

emulator -verbose -avd <AVD name>

This will give you detailed output and may show the error that's preventing the emulator from connecting to the Internet.

Build .NET Core console application to output an EXE

For debugging purposes, you can use the DLL file. You can run it using dotnet ConsoleApp2.dll. If you want to generate an EXE file, you have to generate a self-contained application.

To generate a self-contained application (EXE in Windows), you must specify the target runtime (which is specific to the operating system you target).

Pre-.NET Core 2.0 only: First, add the runtime identifier of the target runtimes in the .csproj file (list of supported RIDs):


The above step is no longer required starting with .NET Core 2.0.

Then, set the desired runtime when you publish your application:

dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
dotnet publish -c Release -r ubuntu.16.10-x64

How to execute a stored procedure inside a select query

You can create a temp table matching your proc output and insert into it.

    Col1 INT

    EXEC MyProc

How to add a form load event (currently not working)

You got half of the answer! Now that you created the event handler, you need to hook it to the form so that it actually gets called when the form is loading. You can achieve that by doing the following:

 public class ProgramViwer : Form{
  public ProgramViwer()
       Load += new EventHandler(ProgramViwer_Load);
  private void ProgramViwer_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Saving response from Requests to file

I believe all the existing answers contain the relevant information, but I would like to summarize.

The response object that is returned by requests get and post operations contains two useful attributes:

Response attributes

  • response.text - Contains str with the response text.
  • response.content - Contains bytes with the raw response content.

You should choose one or other of these attributes depending on the type of response you expect.

  • For text-based responses (html, json, yaml, etc) you would use response.text
  • For binary-based responses (jpg, png, zip, xls, etc) you would use response.content.

Writing response to file

When writing responses to file you need to use the open function with the appropriate file write mode.

  • For text responses you need to use "w" - plain write mode.
  • For binary responses you need to use "wb" - binary write mode.


Text request and save

# Request the HTML for this web page:
response = requests.get("")
with open("response.txt", "w") as f:

Binary request and save

# Request the profile picture of the OP:
response = requests.get("")
with open("response.jpg", "wb") as f:

Answering the original question

The original code should work by using wb and response.content:

import requests

files = {'f': ('1.pdf', open('1.pdf', 'rb'))}
response ="",files=files)
response.raise_for_status() # ensure we notice bad responses
file = open("out.xls", "wb")

But I would go further and use the with context manager for open.

import requests

with open('1.pdf', 'rb') as file:
    files = {'f': ('1.pdf', file)}
    response ="",files=files)

response.raise_for_status() # ensure we notice bad responses

with open("out.xls", "wb") as file:

Scrolling to element using webdriver?


driver.execute_script("arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", driver.find_element_by_css_selector(.your_css_selector))

This one always works for me for any type of selectors. There is also the Actions class, but for this case, it is not so reliable.

JSON to string variable dump

Yes, JSON.stringify, can be found here, it's included in Firefox 3.5.4 and above.

A JSON stringifier goes in the opposite direction, converting JavaScript data structures into JSON text. JSON does not support cyclic data structures, so be careful to not give cyclical structures to the JSON stringifier.

var myJSONText = JSON.stringify(myObject, replacer);

Getting DOM elements by classname

Update: Xpath version of *[@class~='my-class'] css selector

So after my comment below in response to hakre's comment, I got curious and looked into the code behind Zend_Dom_Query. It looks like the above selector is compiled to the following xpath (untested):

[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' my-class ')]

So the PHP would be:

$dom = new DomDocument();
$finder = new DomXPath($dom);
$nodes = $finder->query("//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' $classname ')]");

Basically, all we do here is normalize the class attribute so that even a single class is bounded by spaces, and the complete class list is bounded in spaces. Then append the class we are searching for with a space. This way we are effectively looking for and find only instances of my-class .

Use an xpath selector?

$dom = new DomDocument();
$finder = new DomXPath($dom);
$nodes = $finder->query("//*[contains(@class, '$classname')]");

If it is only ever one type of element you can replace the * with the particular tagname.

If you need to do a lot of this with very complex selector I would recommend Zend_Dom_Query which supports CSS selector syntax (a la jQuery):

$finder = new Zend_Dom_Query($html);
$classname = 'my-class';
$nodes = $finder->query("*[class~=\"$classname\"]");

What is the difference between ELF files and bin files?

A bin file is just the bits and bytes that go into the rom or a particular address from which you will run the program. You can take this data and load it directly as is, you need to know what the base address is though as that is normally not in there.

An elf file contains the bin information but it is surrounded by lots of other information, possible debug info, symbols, can distinguish code from data within the binary. Allows for more than one chunk of binary data (when you dump one of these to a bin you get one big bin file with fill data to pad it to the next block). Tells you how much binary you have and how much bss data is there that wants to be initialised to zeros (gnu tools have problems creating bin files correctly).

The elf file format is a standard, arm publishes its enhancements/variations on the standard. I recommend everyone writes an elf parsing program to understand what is in there, dont bother with a library, it is quite simple to just use the information and structures in the spec. Helps to overcome gnu problems in general creating .bin files as well as debugging linker scripts and other things that can help to mess up your bin or elf output.

Embed youtube videos that play in fullscreen automatically

This was pretty well answered over here: How to make a YouTube embedded video a full page width one?

If you add '?rel=0&autoplay=1' to the end of the url in the embed code (like this)

<iframe id="video" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

of the video it should play on load. Here's a demo over at jsfiddle.

Show data on mouseover of circle

A really good way to make a tooltip is described here: Simple D3 tooltip example

You have to append a div

var tooltip ="body")
    .style("position", "absolute")
    .style("z-index", "10")
    .style("visibility", "hidden")
    .text("a simple tooltip");

Then you can just toggle it using

.on("mouseover", function(){return"visibility", "visible");})
.on("mousemove", function(){return"top",
.on("mouseout", function(){return"visibility", "hidden");});

d3.event.pageX / d3.event.pageY is the current mouse coordinate.

If you want to change the text you can use tooltip.text("my tooltip text");

Working Example

Python - use list as function parameters

Use an asterisk:


JQuery create a form and add elements to it programmatically

The 2nd line should be written as:

$form.append('<input type="button" value="button">');

How to get the cookie value in website

You may use Request.Cookies collection to read the cookies.

   var value=Request.Cookies["key"].Value;

How to add an item to a drop down list in ASP.NET?

Try this, it will insert the list item at index 0;

DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Add New", ""));

Simple way to read single record from MySQL

$id = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM games LIMIT 1"),0);

Cygwin - Makefile-error: recipe for target `main.o' failed

You see the two empty -D entries in the g++ command line? They're causing the problem. You must have values in the -D items e.g. -DWIN32

if you're insistent on using something like -D$(SYSTEM) -D$(ENVIRONMENT) then you can use something like:

SYSTEM ?= generic
ENVIRONMENT ?= generic

in the makefile which gives them default values.

Your output looks to be missing the all important output:

<command-line>:0:1: error: macro names must be identifiers
<command-line>:0:1: error: macro names must be identifiers

just to clarify, what actually got sent to g++ was -D -DWindows_NT, i.e. define a preprocessor macro called -DWindows_NT; which is of course not a valid identifier (similarly for -D -I.)

How to set environment variable for everyone under my linux system?

If your LinuxOS has this file:


You can use it to permanently set environmental variables for all users.

Extracted from:

Makefiles with source files in different directories

If you have code in one subdirectory dependent on code in another subdirectory, you are probably better off with a single makefile at top-level.

See Recursive Make Considered Harmful for the full rationale, but basically you want make to have the full information it needs to decide whether or not a file needs to be rebuilt, and it won't have that if you only tell it about a third of your project.

The link above seems to be not reachable. The same document is reachable here:

DTO and DAO concepts and MVC

DTO is an abbreviation for Data Transfer Object, so it is used to transfer the data between classes and modules of your application.

  • DTO should only contain private fields for your data, getters, setters, and constructors.
  • DTO is not recommended to add business logic methods to such classes, but it is OK to add some util methods.

DAO is an abbreviation for Data Access Object, so it should encapsulate the logic for retrieving, saving and updating data in your data storage (a database, a file-system, whatever).

Here is an example of how the DAO and DTO interfaces would look like:

interface PersonDTO {
    String getName();
    void setName(String name);

interface PersonDAO {
    PersonDTO findById(long id);
    void save(PersonDTO person);

The MVC is a wider pattern. The DTO/DAO would be your model in the MVC pattern.
It tells you how to organize the whole application, not just the part responsible for data retrieval.

As for the second question, if you have a small application it is completely OK, however, if you want to follow the MVC pattern it would be better to have a separate controller, which would contain the business logic for your frame in a separate class and dispatch messages to this controller from the event handlers.
This would separate your business logic from the view.

Pandas DataFrame Groupby two columns and get counts

Should you want to add a new column (say 'count_column') containing the groups' counts into the dataframe:


(I picked 'col5' as it contains no nan)

Select all from table with Laravel and Eloquent

// Select all data of model table
// Select all data of model table

Model::where('foo', '=', 'bar')->get();

Model::find([1, 2, 3]);

How to display a loading screen while site content loads

You can use <progress> element in HTML5. See this page for source code and live demo.

here is the progress element...

<progress id="progressbar" value="20" max="100"></progress>

this will have the loading value starting from 20. Of course only the element wont suffice. You need to move it as the script loads. For that we need JQuery. Here is a simple JQuery script that starts the progress from 0 to 100 and does something in defined time slot.

        $(document).ready(function() {
         alert('Sorry your brower does not support HTML5 progress bar');
         } else {
         var progressbar = $('#progressbar'),
         max = progressbar.attr('max'),
         time = (1000/max)*10, 
         value = progressbar.val();
        var loading = function() {
        value += 1;
        addValue = progressbar.val(value);
        $('.progress-value').html(value + '%');
        if (value == max) {
        //Do Something
if (value == 16) {
//Do something 
if (value == 38) {
//Do something
if (value == 55) {
//Do something 
if (value == 72) {
//Do something 
if (value == 1) {
//Do something 
if (value == 86) {
//Do something 

var animate = setInterval(function() {
}, time);

Add this to your HTML file.

<div class="demo-wrapper html5-progress-bar">
<div class="progress-bar-wrapper">
 <progress id="progressbar" value="0" max="100"></progress>
 <span class="progress-value">0%</span>

Hope this will give you a start.

Simple parse JSON from URL on Android and display in listview


How to get the html String: Make an HTTP request with android

Installing Homebrew on OS X

It's on the top of the Homebrew homepage.

From a Terminal prompt:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

The command brew install wget is an example of how to use Homebrew to install another application (in this case, wget) after brew is already installed.


Above command to install the Brew is migrated to:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Use virtualenv with Python with Visual Studio Code in Ubuntu

I got this from YouTube Setting up Python Visual Studio Code... Venv

OK, the video really didn't help me all that much, but... the first comment under (by the person who posted the video) makes a lot of sense and is pure gold.

Basically, open up Visual Studio Code' built-in Terminal. Then source <your path>/, the usual way you choose a venv from the command line. I have a predefined Bash function to find & launch the right script file and that worked just fine.

Quoting that YouTube comment directly (all credit to aneuris ap):

(you really only need steps 5-7)

1. Open your command line/terminal and type `pip virtualenv`.
2. Create a folder in which the virtualenv will be placed in.
3. 'cd' to the script folder in the virtualenv and run activate.bat (CMD).
4. Deactivate to turn of the virtualenv (CMD).
5. Open the project in Visual Studio Code and use its built-in terminal to 'cd' to the script folder in you virtualenv.
6. Type source activates (in Visual Studio Code I use the Git terminal).
7. Deactivate to turn off the virtualenv.

As you may notice, he's talking about activate.bat. So, if it works for me on a Mac, and it works on Windows too, chances are it's pretty robust and portable.

Comparing a variable with a string python not working when redirecting from bash script

When you read() the file, you may get a newline character '\n' in your string. Try either

if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': 


if 'List contents' in UserInput: 

Also note that your second file open could also use with:

with open('/Users/.../USER_INPUT.txt', 'w+') as UserInputFile:     if UserInput.strip() == 'List contents': # or if s in f:         UserInputFile.write("ls")     else:         print "Didn't work" 

How to write a:hover in inline CSS?

This is the best code example:

 style="color:blue;text-decoration: underline;background: white;"_x000D_

Moderator Suggestion: Keep your separation of concerns.


 style="color:blue;text-decoration: underline;background: white;"_x000D_


const libLink = document.getElementsByClassName("lib-link")[0];_x000D_
// The array 0 assumes there is only one of these links,_x000D_
// you would have to loop or use event delegation for multiples_x000D_
// but we won't go into that here_x000D_
libLink.onmouseover = function () {_x000D_'#0F0'_x000D_
libLink.onmouseout = function () {_x000D_'#00F'_x000D_

When tracing out variables in the console, How to create a new line?

The worst thing of using just

console.log({'some stuff': 2} + '\n' + 'something')

is that all stuff are converted to the string and if you need object to show you may see next:

[object Object]

Thus my variant is the next code:

console.log({'some stuff': 2},'\n' + 'something');

Get data from file input in JQuery

 <script src="~/fileupload/fileinput.min.js"></script>
 <link href="~/fileupload/fileinput.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Download above files named fileinput add the path i your index page.

<div class="col-sm-9 col-lg-5" style="margin: 0 0 0 8px;">
<input id="uploadFile1" name="file" type="file" class="file-loading"       
 `enter code here`accept=".pdf" multiple>

            autoReplace: true,
            maxFileCount: 5

How to resolve TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

This is very useful to avoid errors when accessing properties of null or undefined objects.

null to undefined object

const obj = null;
const newObj = obj || undefined;
// newObj = undefined

undefined to empty object

const obj; 
const newObj = obj || {};
// newObj = {}     
// newObj.prop = undefined, but no error here

null to empty object

const obj = null;
const newObj = obj || {};
// newObj = {}  
// newObj.prop = undefined, but no error here

ReDim Preserve to a Multi-Dimensional Array in Visual Basic 6

You can use a user defined type containing an array of strings which will be the inner array. Then you can use an array of this user defined type as your outer array.

Have a look at the following test project:

'1 form with:
'  command button: name=Command1
'  command button: name=Command2
Option Explicit

Private Type MyArray
  strInner() As String
End Type

Private mudtOuter() As MyArray

Private Sub Command1_Click()
  'change the dimensens of the outer array, and fill the extra elements with "1"
  Dim intOuter As Integer
  Dim intInner As Integer
  Dim intOldOuter As Integer
  intOldOuter = UBound(mudtOuter)
  ReDim Preserve mudtOuter(intOldOuter + 2) As MyArray
  For intOuter = intOldOuter + 1 To UBound(mudtOuter)
    ReDim mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intOuter) As String
    For intInner = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
      mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner) = "1"
    Next intInner
  Next intOuter
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
  'change the dimensions of the middle inner array, and fill the extra elements with "2"
  Dim intOuter As Integer
  Dim intInner As Integer
  Dim intOldInner As Integer
  intOuter = UBound(mudtOuter) / 2
  intOldInner = UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
  ReDim Preserve mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intOldInner + 5) As String
  For intInner = intOldInner + 1 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
    mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner) = "2"
  Next intInner
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click()
  'clear the form and print the outer,inner arrays
  Dim intOuter As Integer
  Dim intInner As Integer
  For intOuter = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter)
    For intInner = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
      Print CStr(intOuter) & "," & CStr(intInner) & " = " & mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner)
    Next intInner
    Print "" 'add an empty line between the outer array elements
  Next intOuter
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
  'init the arrays
  Dim intOuter As Integer
  Dim intInner As Integer
  ReDim mudtOuter(5) As MyArray
  For intOuter = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter)
    ReDim mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intOuter) As String
    For intInner = 0 To UBound(mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner)
      mudtOuter(intOuter).strInner(intInner) = CStr((intOuter + 1) * (intInner + 1))
    Next intInner
  Next intOuter
  WindowState = vbMaximized
End Sub

Run the project, and click on the form to display the contents of the arrays.

Click on Command1 to enlarge the outer array, and click on the form again to show the results.

Click on Command2 to enlarge an inner array, and click on the form again to show the results.

Be careful though: when you redim the outer array, you also have to redim the inner arrays for all the new elements of the outer array

How can I take a screenshot with Selenium WebDriver?

File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) driver).getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE);
BufferedImage originalImage =;
//int type = originalImage.getType() == 0 ? BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB : originalImage.getType();
BufferedImage resizedImage = CommonUtilities.resizeImage(originalImage, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH);
ImageIO.write(resizedImage, "jpg", new File(path + "/"+ testCaseId + "/img/" + index + ".jpg"));
Image jpeg = Image.getInstance(path + "/" + testCaseId + "/img/"+ index + ".jpg");

How to find out if a file exists in C# / .NET?


using System.IO;

if (File.Exists(path)) 
    Console.WriteLine("file exists");

python .replace() regex

For this particular case, if using re module is overkill, how about using split (or rsplit) method as


For example,


Ponta Monta 
Waff Moff


outputs out.txt as

Ponta Monta 

How can I count the number of matches for a regex?

This should work for matches that might overlap:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String input = "aaaaaaaa";
    String regex = "aa";
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
    int from = 0;
    int count = 0;
    while(matcher.find(from)) {
        from = matcher.start() + 1;

Using CMake to generate Visual Studio C++ project files

CMake is actually pretty good for this. The key part was everyone on the Windows side has to remember to run CMake before loading in the solution, and everyone on our Mac side would have to remember to run it before make.

The hardest part was as a Windows developer making sure your structural changes were in the cmakelist.txt file and not in the solution or project files as those changes would probably get lost and even if not lost would not get transferred over to the Mac side who also needed them, and the Mac guys would need to remember not to modify the make file for the same reasons.

It just requires a little thought and patience, but there will be mistakes at first. But if you are using continuous integration on both sides then these will get shook out early, and people will eventually get in the habit.

Python: How exactly can you take a string, split it, reverse it and join it back together again?

Do you mean like this?

import string

deleter=string.maketrans('()[]','    ')
# a b c  d
# ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
# ['d', 'c', 'b', 'a']
print(' '.join(reversed(astr.translate(deleter).split())))
# d c b a

SQL Server - transactions roll back on error?

From MDSN article, Controlling Transactions (Database Engine).

If a run-time statement error (such as a constraint violation) occurs in a batch, the default behavior in the Database Engine is to roll back only the statement that generated the error. You can change this behavior using the SET XACT_ABORT statement. After SET XACT_ABORT ON is executed, any run-time statement error causes an automatic rollback of the current transaction. Compile errors, such as syntax errors, are not affected by SET XACT_ABORT. For more information, see SET XACT_ABORT (Transact-SQL).

In your case it will rollback the complete transaction when any of inserts fail.

Integer ASCII value to character in BASH using printf

If you convert 65 to hexadecimal it's 0x41:

$ echo -e "\x41" A

When are static variables initialized?

The static variable can be intialize in the following three ways as follow choose any one you like

  1. you can intialize it at the time of declaration
  2. or you can do by making static block eg:

    static {
            // whatever code is needed for initialization goes here
  3. There is an alternative to static blocks — you can write a private static method

    class name {
        public static varType myVar = initializeVar();
        private static varType initializeVar() {
            // initialization code goes here

Eloquent ->first() if ->exists()

get returns Collection and is rather supposed to fetch multiple rows.

count is a generic way of checking the result:

$user = User::where(...)->first(); // returns Model or null
if (count($user)) // do what you want with $user

// or use this:
$user = User::where(...)->firstOrFail(); // returns Model or throws ModelNotFoundException

// count will works with a collection of course:
$users = User::where(...)->get(); // returns Collection always (might be empty)
if (count($users)) // do what you want with $users

Remove spacing between table cells and rows

Used font-size:0 in parent TD which has the image.

How to use SearchView in Toolbar Android

If you would like to setup the search facility inside your Fragment, just add these few lines:

Step 1 - Add the search field to you toolbar:


Step 2 - Add the logic to your onCreateOptionsMenu()

import; // not the default !

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu( Menu menu) {
    getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

    MenuItem myActionMenuItem = menu.findItem(;
    searchView = (SearchView) myActionMenuItem.getActionView();
    searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() {
        public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
            // Toast like print
   "SearchOnQueryTextSubmit: " + query);
            if( ! searchView.isIconified()) {
            return false;
        public boolean onQueryTextChange(String s) {
            // "SearchOnQueryTextChanged: " + s);
            return false;
    return true;

CSS performance relative to translateZ(0)

I can attest to the fact that -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); will mess with the new position: -webkit-sticky; property. With a left drawer navigation pattern that I was working on, the hardware acceleration I wanted with the transform property was messing with the fixed positioning of my top nav bar. I turned off the transform and the positioning worked fine.

Luckily, I seem to have had hardware acceleration on already, because I had -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased on the html element. I was testing this behavior in iOS7 and Android.

What is attr_accessor in Ruby?

I am new to ruby and had to just deal with understanding the following weirdness. Might help out someone else in the future. In the end it is as was mentioned above, where 2 functions (def myvar, def myvar=) both get implicitly for accessing @myvar, but these methods can be overridden by local declarations.

class Foo
  attr_accessor 'myvar'
  def initialize
    @myvar = "A"
    myvar = "B"
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # B - myvar declared above overrides myvar method

  def test
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # A - coming from myvar accessor

    myvar = "C" # local myvar overrides accessor
    puts @myvar # A
    puts myvar # C

    send "myvar=", "E" # not running "myvar =", but instead calls setter for @myvar
    puts @myvar # E
    puts myvar # C

SQL multiple column ordering

FROM    mytable
        column1 DESC, column2 ASC

What does "dereferencing" a pointer mean?

Code and explanation from Pointer Basics:

The dereference operation starts at the pointer and follows its arrow over to access its pointee. The goal may be to look at the pointee state or to change the pointee state. The dereference operation on a pointer only works if the pointer has a pointee -- the pointee must be allocated and the pointer must be set to point to it. The most common error in pointer code is forgetting to set up the pointee. The most common runtime crash because of that error in the code is a failed dereference operation. In Java the incorrect dereference will be flagged politely by the runtime system. In compiled languages such as C, C++, and Pascal, the incorrect dereference will sometimes crash, and other times corrupt memory in some subtle, random way. Pointer bugs in compiled languages can be difficult to track down for this reason.

void main() {   
    int*    x;  // Allocate the pointer x
    x = malloc(sizeof(int));    // Allocate an int pointee,
                            // and set x to point to it
    *x = 42;    // Dereference x to store 42 in its pointee   

Overlay normal curve to histogram in R

Here's a nice easy way I found:

h <- hist(g, breaks = 10, density = 10,
          col = "lightgray", xlab = "Accuracy", main = "Overall") 
xfit <- seq(min(g), max(g), length = 40) 
yfit <- dnorm(xfit, mean = mean(g), sd = sd(g)) 
yfit <- yfit * diff(h$mids[1:2]) * length(g) 

lines(xfit, yfit, col = "black", lwd = 2)

How do I add Git version control (Bitbucket) to an existing source code folder?

You can init a Git directory in an directory containing other files. After that you can add files to the repository and commit there.

Create a project with some code:

$ mkdir my_project
$ cd my_project
$ echo "foobar" > some_file

Then, while inside the project's folder, do an initial commit:

$ git init
$ git add some_file
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"

Then for using Bitbucket or such you add a remote and push up:

$ git remote add some_name user@host:repo
$ git push some_name

You also might then want to configure tracking branches, etc. See git remote set-branches and related commands for that.

-didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not being called

I have read all the answers and strongly agree with them. But it is entirely different in my case. I had new segue for my detailViewController linked directly to my tableCell in StoryBoard which caused this. So I had to remove that segue from my cell and linked it with the UITableViewController itself. Now by writing the following code it works,

override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)
        // Do any operation
        performSegue(withIdentifier: "DetailSegue", sender: self)

Hope this solution will help someone out there!

How to get image size (height & width) using JavaScript?

My two cents in jquery

Disclaimer: This does not necessarily answer this question, but broadens our capabilities. Tested and working in jQuery 3.3.1

Lets consider:

  1. You have the image url/path and you want to get the image width and height without rendering it on the DOM,

  2. Before rendering image on the DOM, you need to set offsetParent node or image div wrapper element to image width and height, to create a fluid wrapper for different image sizes, i.e when clicking a button to view image on a modal/lightbox

This is how i will do it:

// image path
const imageUrl = '/path/to/your/image.jpg'

// Create dummy image to get real width and height
$('<img alt="" src="">').attr("src", imageUrl).on('load', function(){
    const realWidth = this.width;
    const realHeight = this.height;
    alert(`Original width: ${realWidth}, Original height: ${realHeight}`);

How to display a Yes/No dialog box on Android?

This is working for me:

AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getApplicationContext());

    builder.setMessage("Are you sure?");

    builder.setPositiveButton("YES", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

            // Do nothing, but close the dialog

    builder.setNegativeButton("NO", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

            // Do nothing

    AlertDialog alert = builder.create();;

How to empty/destroy a session in rails?

To clear the whole thing use the reset_session method in a controller.


Here's the documentation on this method:

Resets the session by clearing out all the objects stored within and initializing a new session object.

Good luck!

How to select from subquery using Laravel Query Builder?

Correct way described in this answer: Most popular answer at current moment is not totally correct.

This way is not correct in some cases like: sub select has where bindings, then joining table to sub select, then other wheres added to all query. For example query: select * from (select * from t1 where col1 = ?) join t2 on col1 = col2 and col3 = ? where t2.col4 = ? To make this query you will write code like:

$subQuery = DB::query()->from('t1')->where('t1.col1', 'val1');
$query = DB::query()->from(DB::raw('('. $subQuery->toSql() . ') AS subquery'))
$query->join('t2', function(JoinClause $join) {
    $join->on('subquery.col1', 't2.col2');
    $join->where('t2.col3', 'val3');
})->where('t2.col4', 'val4');

During executing this query, his method $query->getBindings() will return bindings in incorrect order like ['val3', 'val1', 'val4'] in this case instead correct ['val1', 'val3', 'val4'] for raw sql described above.

One more time correct way to do this:

$subQuery = DB::query()->from('t1')->where('t1.col1', 'val1');
$query = DB::query()->fromSub($subQuery, 'subquery');
$query->join('t2', function(JoinClause $join) {
    $join->on('subquery.col1', 't2.col2');
    $join->where('t2.col3', 'val3');
})->where('t2.col4', 'val4');

Also bindings will be automatically and correctly merged to new query.

Private class declaration

You can't have private class but you can have second class:

public class App14692708 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        PC pc = new PC();

class PC {
    public String toString() {
        return "I am PC instance " + super.toString();

Also remember that static inner class is indistinguishable of separate class except it's name is OuterClass.InnerClass. So if you don't want to use "closures", use static inner class.

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost."

If the problem is occurring on a device, check if traffic is going through a proxy (Settings > Wi-Fi > (info) > HTTP Proxy). I had my device setup to use with Charles, but forgot about the proxy. Seems that without Charles actually running this error occurs.

Fixed header, footer with scrollable content

It works fine for me using a CSS grid. Initially fix the container and then give overflow-y: auto; for the centre content which has to get scrolled i.e other than header and footer.

  height: 100%;
  left: 0;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  width: 100%;
  display: grid;
  grid-template-rows: 5em auto 3em;

   grid-row: 1;  
    background-color: rgb(148, 142, 142);
    justify-self: center;
    align-self: center;
    width: 100%;

  grid-row: 2;
  overflow-y: auto;

   grid-row: 3;
    background: rgb(110, 112, 112);
<div class="container">
    <div class="body">
      Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.
    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.</div>

Html.BeginForm and adding properties

As part of htmlAttributes,e.g.

    action, controller, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype="multipart/form-data"})

Or you can pass null for action and controller to get the same default target as for BeginForm() without any parameters:

    null, null, FormMethod.Post, new { enctype="multipart/form-data"})

Update a local branch with the changes from a tracked remote branch

You don't use the : syntax - pull always modifies the currently checked-out branch. Thus:

git pull origin my_remote_branch

while you have my_local_branch checked out will do what you want.

Since you already have the tracking branch set, you don't even need to specify - you could just do...

git pull

while you have my_local_branch checked out, and it will update from the tracked branch.

How to send POST in angularjs with multiple params?

You can also send (POST) multiple params within {} and add it.


$'/api/assign-badge/', {employeeId:emp_ID,bType:selectedCat,badge:selectedBadge})
    .then(function(response) {
        NotificationService.displayNotification('Info', 'Successfully Assigned!', true);
    }, function(response) {

where employeeId, bType (Badge Catagory), and badge are three parameters.

Converting a view to Bitmap without displaying it in Android?

Try this,

 * Draw the view into a bitmap.
public static Bitmap getViewBitmap(View v) {

    boolean willNotCache = v.willNotCacheDrawing();

    // Reset the drawing cache background color to fully transparent
    // for the duration of this operation
    int color = v.getDrawingCacheBackgroundColor();

    if (color != 0) {
    Bitmap cacheBitmap = v.getDrawingCache();
    if (cacheBitmap == null) {
        Log.e(TAG, "failed getViewBitmap(" + v + ")", new RuntimeException());
        return null;

    Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(cacheBitmap);

    // Restore the view

    return bitmap;

Display UIViewController as Popup in iPhone

You can use EzPopup (, it is a Swift pod and very easy to use:

// init YourViewController
let contentVC = ...

// Init popup view controller with content is your content view controller
let popupVC = PopupViewController(contentController: contentVC, popupWidth: 100, popupHeight: 200)

// show it by call present(_ , animated:) method from a current UIViewController
present(popupVC, animated: true)

Java: print contents of text file to screen

For those new to Java and wondering why Jiri's answer doesn't work, make sure you do what he says and handle the exception or else it won't compile. Here's the bare minimum:


public class ReadFile {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("test.txt"));
        for (String line; (line = br.readLine()) != null;) {

comparing two strings in SQL Server

There is no direct string compare function in SQL Server

  WHEN str1 = str2 THEN 0
  WHEN str1 < str2 THEN -1
  WHEN str1 > str2 THEN 1
  ELSE NULL --one of the strings is NULL so won't compare (added on edit)


  • you can wraps this via a UDF using CREATE FUNCTION etc
  • you may need NULL handling (in my code above, any NULL will report 1)
  • str1 and str2 will be column names or @variables

What is the difference between Document style and RPC style communication?

An RPC style web service uses the names of the method and its parameters to generate XML structures representing a method’s call stack. Document style indicates the SOAP body contains an XML document which can be validated against pre-defined XML schema document.

A good starting point : SOAP Binding: Difference between Document and RPC Style Web Services

Is there a way to use shell_exec without waiting for the command to complete?

How about adding.

"> /dev/null 2>/dev/null &"

shell_exec('php measurePerformance.php 47 844 [email protected] > /dev/null 2>/dev/null &');

Note this also gets rid of the stdio and stderr.

How to remove undefined and null values from an object using lodash?

With lodash (or underscore) You may do

var my_object = { a:undefined, b:2, c:4, d:undefined, e:null };

var passedKeys = _.reject(Object.keys(my_object), function(key){ return _.isUndefined(my_object[key]) || _.isNull(my_object[key]) })

newObject = {};
_.each(passedKeys, function(key){
    newObject[key] = my_object[key];

Otherwise, with vanilla JavaScript, you can do

var my_object = { a:undefined, b:2, c:4, d:undefined };
var new_object = {};

    if (typeof my_object[key] != 'undefined' && my_object[key]!=null){
        new_object[key] = my_object[key];

Not to use a falsey test, because not only "undefined" or "null" will be rejected, also is other falsey value like "false", "0", empty string, {}. Thus, just to make it simple and understandable, I opted to use explicit comparison as coded above.

How do I convert an object to an array?

Single-dimensional arrays

For converting single-dimension arrays, you can cast using (array) or there's get_object_vars, which Benoit mentioned in his answer.

// Cast to an array
$array = (array) $object;
// get_object_vars
$array = get_object_vars($object);

They work slightly different from each other. For example, get_object_vars will return an array with only publicly accessible properties unless it is called from within the scope of the object you're passing (ie in a member function of the object). (array), on the other hand, will cast to an array with all public, private and protected members intact on the array, though all public now, of course.

Multi-dimensional arrays

A somewhat dirty method is to use PHP >= 5.2's native JSON functions to encode to JSON and then decode back to an array. This will not include private and protected members, however, and is not suitable for objects that contain data that cannot be JSON encoded (such as binary data).

// The second parameter of json_decode forces parsing into an associative array
$array = json_decode(json_encode($object), true);

Alternatively, the following function will convert from an object to an array including private and protected members, taken from here and modified to use casting:

function objectToArray ($object) {
    if(!is_object($object) && !is_array($object))
        return $object;

    return array_map('objectToArray', (array) $object);

MVC3 DropDownListFor - a simple example?

I think this will help : In Controller get the list items and selected value

public ActionResult Edit(int id)
    ItemsStore item = itemStoreRepository.FindById(id);
    ViewBag.CategoryId = new SelectList(categoryRepository.Query().Get(), 
                                        "Id", "Name",item.CategoryId);

    // ViewBag to pass values to View and SelectList
    //(get list of items,valuefield,textfield,selectedValue)

    return View(item);

and in View


n-grams in python, four, five, six grams?

You can easily whip up your own function to do this using itertools:

from itertools import izip, islice, tee
s = 'spam and eggs'
N = 3
trigrams = izip(*(islice(seq, index, None) for index, seq in enumerate(tee(s, N))))
# [('s', 'p', 'a'), ('p', 'a', 'm'), ('a', 'm', ' '),
# ('m', ' ', 'a'), (' ', 'a', 'n'), ('a', 'n', 'd'),
# ('n', 'd', ' '), ('d', ' ', 'e'), (' ', 'e', 'g'),
# ('e', 'g', 'g'), ('g', 'g', 's')]

How to efficiently check if variable is Array or Object (in NodeJS & V8)?

I've used this function to solve:

function isArray(myArray) {
    return myArray.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") > -1;

How to set ssh timeout?

try this:

timeout 5 ssh user@ip

timeout executes the ssh command (with args) and sends a SIGTERM if ssh doesn't return after 5 second. for more details about timeout, read this document:

or you can use the param of ssh:

ssh -o ConnectTimeout=3 user@ip

Handling file renames in git

Git will recognise the file from the contents, rather than seeing it as a new untracked file

That's where you went wrong.

It's only after you add the file, that git will recognize it from content.

Apple Cover-flow effect using jQuery or other library?

Try Jquery Interface Elements here -

Here's a sample.

I looked around for a Jquery image carousel a few months ago and didn't find a good one so I gave up. This one was the best I could find.

Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?

What about this:

public static List<Class<?>> getClassesForPackage(final String pkgName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    final String pkgPath = pkgName.replace('.', '/');
    final URI pkg = Objects.requireNonNull(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(pkgPath)).toURI();
    final ArrayList<Class<?>> allClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();

    Path root;
    if (pkg.toString().startsWith("jar:")) {
        try {
            root = FileSystems.getFileSystem(pkg).getPath(pkgPath);
        } catch (final FileSystemNotFoundException e) {
            root = FileSystems.newFileSystem(pkg, Collections.emptyMap()).getPath(pkgPath);
    } else {
        root = Paths.get(pkg);

    final String extension = ".class";
    try (final Stream<Path> allPaths = Files.walk(root)) {
        allPaths.filter(Files::isRegularFile).forEach(file -> {
            try {
                final String path = file.toString().replace('/', '.');
                final String name = path.substring(path.indexOf(pkgName), path.length() - extension.length());
            } catch (final ClassNotFoundException | StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ignored) {
    return allClasses;

You can then overload the function:

public static List<Class<?>> getClassesForPackage(final Package pkg) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    return getClassesForPackage(pkg.getName());

If you need to test it:

public static void main(final String[] argv) throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
    for (final Class<?> cls : getClassesForPackage("my.package")) {
    for (final Class<?> cls : getClassesForPackage(MyClass.class.getPackage())) {

If your IDE does not have import helper:

import java.nio.file.FileSystemNotFoundException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

It works:

  • from your IDE

  • for a JAR file

  • without external dependencies

Capture key press without placing an input element on the page?

Detect key press, including key combinations:

window.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
  if (e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode == 90) {
    // Ctrl + z pressed

Benefit here is that you are not overwriting any global properties, but instead merely introducing a side effect. Not good, but definitely a whole lot less nefarious than other suggestions on here.

How does Trello access the user's clipboard?

Something very similar can be seen on when you shorten the URL.

There is a readonly input element that gets programmatically focused, with tooltip press CTRL-C to copy.

When you hit that shortcut, the input content effectively gets into the clipboard. Really nice :)

How to fit Windows Form to any screen resolution?

If you want to set the form size programmatically, set the form's StartPosition property to Manual. Otherwise the form's own positioning and sizing algorithm will interfere with yours. This is why you are experiencing the problems mentioned in your question.

Example: Here is how I resize the form to a size half-way between its original size and the size of the screen's working area. I also center the form in the working area:

public MainView()

    // StartPosition was set to FormStartPosition.Manual in the properties window.
    Rectangle screen = Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea;
    int w = Width >= screen.Width ? screen.Width : (screen.Width + Width) / 2;
    int h = Height >= screen.Height ? screen.Height : (screen.Height + Height) / 2;
    this.Location = new Point((screen.Width - w) / 2, (screen.Height - h) / 2);
    this.Size = new Size(w, h);

Note that setting WindowState to FormWindowState.Maximized alone does not change the size of the restored window. So the window might look good as long as it is maximized, but when restored, the window size and location can still be wrong. So I suggest setting size and location even when you intend to open the window as maximized.

Javac is not found

As far as I can see you have the JRE in your PATH, but not the JDK.

From a command prompt try this:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\bin

Then try javac again - if this works you'll need to permanently modify your environment variables to have PATH include the JDK too.

Is there a way to create key-value pairs in Bash script?

In bash version 4 associative arrays were introduced.

declare -A arr


arr+=( ["key2"]=val2 ["key3"]=val3 )

The arr array now contains the three key value pairs. Bash is fairly limited what you can do with them though, no sorting or popping etc.

for key in ${!arr[@]}; do
    echo ${key} ${arr[${key}]}

Will loop over all key values and echo them out.

Note: Bash 4 does not come with Mac OS X because of its GPLv3 license; you have to download and install it. For more on that see here

Python recursive folder read

Try this:

import os
import sys

for root, subdirs, files in os.walk(path):

    for file in os.listdir(root):

        filePath = os.path.join(root, file)

        if os.path.isdir(filePath):

            f = open (filePath, 'r')
            # Do Stuff

jQuery returning "parsererror" for ajax request

If you don't want to remove/change dataType: json, you can override jQuery's strict parsing by defining a custom converter:

    // We're expecting a JSON response...
    dataType: 'json',

    // ...but we need to override jQuery's strict JSON parsing
    converters: {
        'text json': function(result) {
            try {
                // First try to use native browser parsing
                if (typeof JSON === 'object' && typeof JSON.parse === 'function') {
                    return JSON.parse(result);
                } else {
                    // Fallback to jQuery's parser
                    return $.parseJSON(result);
            } catch (e) {
               // Whatever you want as your alternative behavior, goes here.
               // In this example, we send a warning to the console and return 
               // an empty JS object.
               console.log("Warning: Could not parse expected JSON response.");
               return {};


Using this, you can customize the behavior when the response cannot be parsed as JSON (even if you get an empty response body!)

With this custom converter, .done()/success will be triggered as long as the request was otherwise successful (1xx or 2xx response code).

Difference between left join and right join in SQL Server

Table from which you are taking data is 'LEFT'.
Table you are joining is 'RIGHT'.
LEFT JOIN: Take all items from left table AND (only) matching items from right table.
RIGHT JOIN: Take all items from right table AND (only) matching items from left table.

Select * from Table1 left join Table2 on =  


Id     Name       
1      A          
2      B      


Select * from Table1 right join Table2 on =


Id     Name       
1      A          
2      B   
3      C  

you were right joining table with less rows on table with more rows
again, left joining table with less rows on table with more rows

 If Table1.Rows.Count > Table2.Rows.Count Then  
    ' Left Join  
    ' Right Join  
 End If  

JNI converting jstring to char *

Here's a a couple of useful link that I found when I started with JNI

concerning your problem you can use this

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ClassName_MethodName(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring javaString)   
   const char *nativeString = env->GetStringUTFChars(javaString, 0);

   // use your string

   env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(javaString, nativeString);

Print second last column/field in awk

You weren't far from the result! This does it:

awk '{NF--; print $NF}' file

This decrements the number of fields in one, so that $NF contains the former penultimate.


Let's generate some numbers and print them on groups of 5:

$ seq 12 | xargs -n5
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12

Let's print the penultimate on each line:

$ seq 12 | xargs -n5 | awk '{NF--; print $NF}'

How to write MySQL query where A contains ( "a" or "b" )

I user for searching the size of motorcycle :

For example : Data = "Tire cycle size 70 / 90 - 16"

i can search with "70 90 16"

$searchTerms = preg_split("/[\s,-\/?!]+/", $itemName);

foreach ($searchTerms as $term) {
        $term = trim($term);
            if (!empty($term)) {
            $searchTermBits[] = "name LIKE '%$term%'";

$query = "SELECT * FROM item WHERE " .implode(' AND ', $searchTermBits);

How do I get the name of the rows from the index of a data frame?


  • outputs the row names as pandas Index object.


  • casts to a list.

df.index['Row 2':'Row 5']

  • supports label slicing similar to columns.

Casting a variable using a Type variable

Here is an example of a cast and a convert:

using System;

public T CastObject<T>(object input) {   
    return (T) input;   

public T ConvertObject<T>(object input) {
    return (T) Convert.ChangeType(input, typeof(T));


Some people in the comments say that this answer doesn't answer the question. But the line (T) Convert.ChangeType(input, typeof(T)) provides the solution. The Convert.ChangeType method tries to convert any Object to the Type provided as the second argument.

For example:

Type intType = typeof(Int32);
object value1 = 1000.1;

// Variable value2 is now an int with a value of 1000, the compiler 
// knows the exact type, it is safe to use and you will have autocomplete
int value2 = Convert.ChangeType(value1, intType);

// Variable value3 is now an int with a value of 1000, the compiler
// doesn't know the exact type so it will allow you to call any
// property or method on it, but will crash if it doesn't exist
dynamic value3 = Convert.ChangeType(value1, intType);

I've written the answer with generics, because I think it is a very likely sign of code smell when you want to cast a something to a something else without handling an actual type. With proper interfaces that shouldn't be necessary 99.9% of the times. There are perhaps a few edge cases when it comes to reflection that it might make sense, but I would recommend to avoid those cases.

Edit 2:

Few extra tips:

  • Try to keep your code as type-safe as possible. If the compiler doesn't know the type, then it can't check if your code is correct and things like autocomplete won't work. Simply said: if you can't predict the type(s) at compile time, then how would the compiler be able to?
  • If the classes that you are working with implement a common interface, you can cast the value to that interface. Otherwise consider creating your own interface and have the classes implement that interface.
  • If you are working with external libraries that you are dynamically importing, then also check for a common interface. Otherwise consider creating small wrapper classes that implement the interface.
  • If you want to make calls on the object, but don't care about the type, then store the value in an object or dynamic variable.
  • Generics can be a great way to create reusable code that applies to a lot of different types, without having to know the exact types involved.
  • If you are stuck then consider a different approach or code refactor. Does your code really have to be that dynamic? Does it have to account for any type there is?

File input 'accept' attribute - is it useful?

If the browser uses this attribute, it is only as an help for the user, so he won't upload a multi-megabyte file just to see it rejected by the server...
Same for the <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="100000"> tag: if the browser uses it, it won't send the file but an error resulting in UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE (2) error in PHP (not sure how it is handled in other languages).
Note these are helps for the user. Of course, the server must always check the type and size of the file on its end: it is easy to tamper with these values on the client side.

Custom HTTP headers : naming conventions

The format for HTTP headers is defined in the HTTP specification. I'm going to talk about HTTP 1.1, for which the specification is RFC 2616. In section 4.2, 'Message Headers', the general structure of a header is defined:

   message-header = field-name ":" [ field-value ]
   field-name     = token
   field-value    = *( field-content | LWS )
   field-content  = <the OCTETs making up the field-value
                    and consisting of either *TEXT or combinations
                    of token, separators, and quoted-string>

This definition rests on two main pillars, token and TEXT. Both are defined in section 2.2, 'Basic Rules'. Token is:

   token          = 1*<any CHAR except CTLs or separators>

In turn resting on CHAR, CTL and separators:

   CHAR           = <any US-ASCII character (octets 0 - 127)>

   CTL            = <any US-ASCII control character
                    (octets 0 - 31) and DEL (127)>

   separators     = "(" | ")" | "<" | ">" | "@"
                  | "," | ";" | ":" | "\" | <">
                  | "/" | "[" | "]" | "?" | "="
                  | "{" | "}" | SP | HT

TEXT is:

   TEXT           = <any OCTET except CTLs,
                    but including LWS>

Where LWS is linear white space, whose definition i won't reproduce, and OCTET is:

   OCTET          = <any 8-bit sequence of data>

There is a note accompanying the definition:

The TEXT rule is only used for descriptive field contents and values
that are not intended to be interpreted by the message parser. Words
of *TEXT MAY contain characters from character sets other than ISO-
8859-1 [22] only when encoded according to the rules of RFC 2047

So, two conclusions. Firstly, it's clear that the header name must be composed from a subset of ASCII characters - alphanumerics, some punctuation, not a lot else. Secondly, there is nothing in the definition of a header value that restricts it to ASCII or excludes 8-bit characters: it's explicitly composed of octets, with only control characters barred (note that CR and LF are considered controls). Furthermore, the comment on the TEXT production implies that the octets are to be interpreted as being in ISO-8859-1, and that there is an encoding mechanism (which is horrible, incidentally) for representing characters outside that encoding.

So, to respond to @BalusC in particular, it's quite clear that according to the specification, header values are in ISO-8859-1. I've sent high-8859-1 characters (specifically, some accented vowels as used in French) in a header out of Tomcat, and had them interpreted correctly by Firefox, so to some extent, this works in practice as well as in theory (although this was a Location header, which contains a URL, and these characters are not legal in URLs, so this was actually illegal, but under a different rule!).

That said, i wouldn't rely on ISO-8859-1 working across all servers, proxies, and clients, so i would stick to ASCII as a matter of defensive programming.

Should we pass a shared_ptr by reference or by value?

Since C++11 you should take it by value over const& more often than you might think.

If you are taking the std::shared_ptr (rather than the underlying type T), then you are doing so because you want to do something with it.

If you would like to copy it somewhere, it makes more sense to take it by copy, and std::move it internally, rather than taking it by const& and then later copying it. This is because you allow the caller the option to in turn std::move the shared_ptr when calling your function, thus saving yourself a set of increment and decrement operations. Or not. That is, the caller of the function can decide whether or not he needs the std::shared_ptr around after calling the function, and depending on whether or not move or not. This is not achievable if you pass by const&, and thus it is then preferably to take it by value.

Of course, if the caller both needs his shared_ptr around for longer (thus can not std::move it) and you don't want to create a plain copy in the function (say you want a weak pointer, or you only sometimes want to copy it, depending on some condition), then a const& might still be preferable.

For example, you should do

void enqueue(std::shared<T> t) m_internal_queue.enqueue(std::move(t));


void enqueue(std::shared<T> const& t) m_internal_queue.enqueue(t);

Because in this case you always create a copy internally

printf() prints whole array

But still, the memory address for each letter in this address is different.

Memory address is different but as its array of characters they are sequential. When you pass address of first element and use %s, printf will print all characters starting from given address until it finds '\0'.

jQuery event is triggered twice

If you use

$( document ).ready({ })


$(function() { });

more than once, the click function will trigger as many times as it is used.

Hibernate SessionFactory vs. JPA EntityManagerFactory

EntityManagerFactory is the standard implementation, it is the same across all the implementations. If you migrate your ORM for any other provider like EclipseLink, there will not be any change in the approach for handling the transaction. In contrast, if you use hibernate’s session factory, it is tied to hibernate APIs and cannot migrate to new vendor.

How to validate phone number in laravel 5.2?

You can use this :

        'mobile_number' => ['required', 'digits:10'],

How do you detect/avoid Memory leaks in your (Unmanaged) code?

Working on Motorola cell phones operating system, we hijacked memory allocation library to observe all memory allocations. It helped to find a lot of problems with memory allocations. Since prevention is better then curing, I would recommend to use static analysis tool like Klockwork or PC-Lint

Web-scraping JavaScript page with Python

EDIT 30/Dec/2017: This answer appears in top results of Google searches, so I decided to update it. The old answer is still at the end.

dryscape isn't maintained anymore and the library dryscape developers recommend is Python 2 only. I have found using Selenium's python library with Phantom JS as a web driver fast enough and easy to get the work done.

Once you have installed Phantom JS, make sure the phantomjs binary is available in the current path:

phantomjs --version
# result:


To give an example, I created a sample page with following HTML code. (link):

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Javascript scraping test</title>
  <p id='intro-text'>No javascript support</p>
     document.getElementById('intro-text').innerHTML = 'Yay! Supports javascript';

without javascript it says: No javascript support and with javascript: Yay! Supports javascript

Scraping without JS support:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response = requests.get(my_url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text)
# Result:
<p id="intro-text">No javascript support</p>

Scraping with JS support:

from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
p_element = driver.find_element_by_id(id_='intro-text')
# result:
'Yay! Supports javascript'

You can also use Python library dryscrape to scrape javascript driven websites.

Scraping with JS support:

import dryscrape
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
session = dryscrape.Session()
response = session.body()
soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
# Result:
<p id="intro-text">Yay! Supports javascript</p>

What version of Python is on my Mac?

You could have multiple Python versions on your macOS.

You may check that by command, type or which command, like:

which -a python python2 python2.7 python3 python3.6

Or type python in Terminal and hit Tab few times for auto completion, which is equivalent to:

compgen -c python

By default python/pip commands points to the first binary found in PATH environment variable depending what's actually installed. So before installing Python packages with Homebrew, the default Python is installed in /usr/bin which is shipped with your macOS (e.g. Python 2.7.10 on High Sierra). Any versions found in /usr/local (such as /usr/local/bin) are provided by external packages.

It is generally advised, that when working with multiple versions, for Python 2 you may use python2/pip2 command, respectively for Python 3 you can use python3/pip3, but it depends on your configuration which commands are available.

It is also worth to mention, that since release of Homebrew 1.5.0+ (on 19 January 2018), the python formula has been upgraded to Python 3.x and a python@2 formula will be added for installing Python 2.7. Before, python formula was pointing to Python 2.

For instance, if you've installed different version via Homebrew, try the following command:

brew list python python3


brew list | grep ^python

it'll show you all Python files installed with the package.

Alternatively you may use apropos or locate python command to locate more Python related files.

To check any environment variables related to Python, run:

env | grep ^PYTHON

To address your issues:

  • Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/python

    Means you don't have Python installed via Homebrew. However double check by specifying only one package at a time (like brew list python python2 python3).

  • The locate database (/var/db/locate.database) does not exist.

    Follow the advice and run:

    sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

    After the database is rebuild, you can use locate command.

How to add a ListView to a Column in Flutter?

Use Expanded to fit the listview in the column

  children: <Widget>[
      child: ListView()

Angular - res.json() is not a function

HttpClient.get() applies res.json() automatically and returns Observable<HttpResponse<string>>. You no longer need to call this function yourself.

See Difference between HTTP and HTTPClient in angular 4?

What precisely does 'Run as administrator' do?

So ... more digging, with the result. It seems that although I ran one process normal and one "As Administrator", I had UAC off. Turning UAC to medium allowed me to see different results. Basically, it all boils down to integrity levels, which are 5.

Browsers, for example, run at Low Level (1), while services (System user) run at System Level (4). Everything is very well explained in Windows Integrity Mechanism Design . When UAC is enabled, processes are created with Medium level (SID S-1-16-8192 AKA 0x2000 is added) while when "Run as Administrator", the process is created with High Level (SID S-1-16-12288 aka 0x3000).

So the correct ACCESS_TOKEN for a normal user (Medium Integrity level) is:

0:000:x86> !token
Thread is not impersonating. Using process token...
TS Session ID: 0x1
User: S-1-5-21-1542574918-171588570-488469355-1000
 00 S-1-5-21-1542574918-171588570-488469355-513
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 01 S-1-1-0
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 02 S-1-5-32-544
    Attributes - DenyOnly
 03 S-1-5-32-545
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 04 S-1-5-4
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 05 S-1-2-1
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 06 S-1-5-11
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 07 S-1-5-15
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 08 S-1-5-5-0-1908477
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled LogonId
 09 S-1-2-0
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 10 S-1-5-64-10
    Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled
 11 S-1-16-8192
    Attributes - GroupIntegrity GroupIntegrityEnabled
Primary Group:   LocadDumpSid failed to dump Sid at addr 000000000266b458, 0xC0000078; try own SID dump.
 00 0x000000013 SeShutdownPrivilege               Attributes -
 01 0x000000017 SeChangeNotifyPrivilege           Attributes - Enabled Default
 02 0x000000019 SeUndockPrivilege                 Attributes -
 03 0x000000021 SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege     Attributes -
 04 0x000000022 SeTimeZonePrivilege               Attributes -
Auth ID: 0:1d1f65
Impersonation Level: Anonymous
TokenType: Primary
Is restricted token: no.

Now, the differences are as follows:

Attributes - Mandatory Default Enabled Owner

for "As Admin", while

Attributes - DenyOnly

for non-admin.

Note that S-1-5-32-544 is BUILTIN\Administrators. Also, there are fewer privileges, and the most important thing to notice:


Attributes - GroupIntegrity GroupIntegrityEnabled

while for non-admin:

Attributes - GroupIntegrity GroupIntegrityEnabled

I hope this helps.

Further reading:

Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery

Try the code below. e.preventDefault() was added. This removes the default event action for the form.

 $(document).ready(function () {
    $("form").submit(function (e) {
            url: '@Url.Action("HasJobInProgress", "ClientChoices")/',
            data: { id: '@Model.ClientId' },
            success: function (data) {
                showMsg(data, e);
            cache: false

Also, you mentioned you wanted the form to not submit under the premise of validation, but I see no code validation here?

Here is an example of some added validation

 $(document).ready(function () {
    $("form").submit(function (e) {
      /* put your form field(s) you want to validate here, this checks if your input field of choice is blank */
       e.preventDefault(); // This will prevent the form submission
     } else{
        // In the event all validations pass. THEN process AJAX request.
            url: '@Url.Action("HasJobInProgress", "ClientChoices")/',
            data: { id: '@Model.ClientId' },
            success: function (data) {
                showMsg(data, e);
            cache: false


What is SuppressWarnings ("unchecked") in Java?

In Java, generics are implemented by means of type erasure. For instance, the following code.

List<String> hello = List.of("a", "b");
String example = hello.get(0);

Is compiled to the following.

List hello = List.of("a", "b");
String example = (String) hello.get(0);

And List.of is defined as.

static <E> List<E> of(E e1, E e2);

Which after type erasure becomes.

static List of(Object e1, Object e2);

The compiler has no idea what are generic types at runtime, so if you write something like this.

Object list = List.of("a", "b");
List<Integer> actualList = (List<Integer>) list;

Java Virtual Machine has no idea what generic types are while running a program, so this compiles and runs, as for Java Virtual Machine, this is a cast to List type (this is the only thing it can verify, so it verifies only that).

But now add this line.

Integer hello = actualList.get(0);

And JVM will throw an unexpected ClassCastException, as Java compiler inserted an implicit cast.

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.base/java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.base/java.lang.Integer

An unchecked warning tells a programmer that a cast may cause a program to throw an exception somewhere else. Suppressing the warning with @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") tells the compiler that the programmer believes the code to be safe and won't cause unexpected exceptions.

Why would you want to do that? Java type system isn't good enough to represent all possible type usage patterns. Sometimes you may know that a cast is safe, but Java doesn't provide a way to say so - to hide warnings like this, @SupressWarnings("unchecked") can be used, so that a programmer can focus on real warnings. For instance, Optional.empty() returns a singleton to avoid allocation of empty optionals that don't store a value.

private static final Optional<?> EMPTY = new Optional<>();
public static<T> Optional<T> empty() {
    Optional<T> t = (Optional<T>) EMPTY;
    return t;

This cast is safe, as the value stored in an empty optional cannot be retrieved so there is no risk of unexpected class cast exceptions.

How to close a Tkinter window by pressing a Button?

from tkinter import *

def close_window():
    import sys

root = Tk()

frame = Frame (root)

button = Button (frame, text="Good-bye", command=close_window)


.NET NewtonSoft JSON deserialize map to a different property name

Expanding's answer, in scenarios where a whole graph of many types is to be taken care of, and you're looking for a strongly typed solution, this class can help, see usage (fluent) below. It operates as either a black-list or white-list per type. A type cannot be both (Gist - also contains global ignore list).

public class PropertyFilterResolver : DefaultContractResolver
  const string _Err = "A type can be either in the include list or the ignore list.";
  Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<string>> _IgnorePropertiesMap = new Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<string>>();
  Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<string>> _IncludePropertiesMap = new Dictionary<Type, IEnumerable<string>>();
  public PropertyFilterResolver SetIgnoredProperties<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] propertyAccessors)
    if (propertyAccessors == null) return this;

    if (_IncludePropertiesMap.ContainsKey(typeof(T))) throw new ArgumentException(_Err);

    var properties = propertyAccessors.Select(GetPropertyName);
    _IgnorePropertiesMap[typeof(T)] = properties.ToArray();
    return this;

  public PropertyFilterResolver SetIncludedProperties<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] propertyAccessors)
    if (propertyAccessors == null)
      return this;

    if (_IgnorePropertiesMap.ContainsKey(typeof(T))) throw new ArgumentException(_Err);

    var properties = propertyAccessors.Select(GetPropertyName);
    _IncludePropertiesMap[typeof(T)] = properties.ToArray();
    return this;

  protected override IList<JsonProperty> CreateProperties(Type type, MemberSerialization memberSerialization)
    var properties = base.CreateProperties(type, memberSerialization);

    var isIgnoreList = _IgnorePropertiesMap.TryGetValue(type, out IEnumerable<string> map);
    if (!isIgnoreList && !_IncludePropertiesMap.TryGetValue(type, out map))
      return properties;

    Func<JsonProperty, bool> predicate = jp => map.Contains(jp.PropertyName) == !isIgnoreList;
    return properties.Where(predicate).ToArray();

  string GetPropertyName<TSource, TProperty>(
  Expression<Func<TSource, TProperty>> propertyLambda)
    if (!(propertyLambda.Body is MemberExpression member))
      throw new ArgumentException($"Expression '{propertyLambda}' refers to a method, not a property.");

    if (!(member.Member is PropertyInfo propInfo))
      throw new ArgumentException($"Expression '{propertyLambda}' refers to a field, not a property.");

    var type = typeof(TSource);
    if (!type.GetTypeInfo().IsAssignableFrom(propInfo.DeclaringType.GetTypeInfo()))
      throw new ArgumentException($"Expresion '{propertyLambda}' refers to a property that is not from type '{type}'.");

    return propInfo.Name;


var resolver = new PropertyFilterResolver()
    u => u.Id, 
    u => u.UnitId)
    r => r.Responders)
    b => b.Id)
  .Ignore(nameof(IChangeTracking.IsChanged)); //see gist

Sending and Parsing JSON Objects in Android

There are different open source libraries, which you can use for parsing json.

org.json :- If you want to read or write json then you can use this library. First create JsonObject :-

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(<jsonStr>);

Now, use this object to get your values :-

String id = jsonObj.getString("id");

You can see complete example here

Jackson databind :- If you want to bind and parse your json to particular POJO class, then you can use jackson-databind library, this will bind your json to POJO class :-

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
post= mapper.readValue(json, Post.class);

You can see complete example here

Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

In your targeted screen you have to code this !

 static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => {
    return {
       header: null

Git: can't undo local changes (error: path ... is unmerged)

I find git stash very useful for temporal handling of all 'dirty' states.

Tomcat: How to find out running tomcat version

run the following

/usr/local/tomcat/bin/ version

its response will be something like:

Using CATALINA_BASE:   /usr/local/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME:   /usr/local/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /var/tmp/
Using JRE_HOME:        /usr
Using CLASSPATH:       /usr/local/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/usr/local/tomcat/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID:    /var/
Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.30
Server built:   Sep 27 2012 05:13:37
Server number:
OS Name:        Linux
OS Version:     2.6.32-504.3.3.el6.x86_64
Architecture:   amd64
JVM Version:    1.7.0_60-b19
JVM Vendor:     Oracle Corporation

What's onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

onCreate(Bundle) is called when the activity first starts up. You can use it to perform one-time initialization such as creating the user interface. onCreate() takes one parameter that is either null or some state information previously saved by the onSaveInstanceState.

Error: Can't set headers after they are sent to the client

I had the same problem which was caused by mongoose.

to fix that you must enable Promises, so you can add : mongoose.Promise = global.Promise to your code,which enables using native js promises.

other alternatives to this soloution is :

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
// set Promise provider to bluebird
mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird');


// q
mongoose.Promise = require('q').Promise;

but you need to install these packages first.

SSL peer shut down incorrectly in Java

I experienced this exception using a SSL/TLS server Socket library on java 8. Updating the jdk to 14 (and also the VM to 14) solved the issue.

How to prevent null values inside a Map and null fields inside a bean from getting serialized through Jackson

Answer seems to be a little old, What I did was to use this mapper to convert a MAP

      ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().configure(SerializationConfig.Feature.WRITE_NULL_MAP_VALUES, false);

a simple Map:

          Map<String, Object> user = new HashMap<String,Object>();
            user.put( "id",  teklif.getAccount().getId() );
            user.put( "fname", teklif.getAccount().getFname());
            user.put( "lname", teklif.getAccount().getLname());
            user.put( "email", teklif.getAccount().getEmail());
            user.put( "test", null);

Use it like this for example:

      String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(user);

swift 3.0 Data to String?

Swift 4 version of 4redwings's answer:

let testString = "This is a test string"
let somedata = String.Encoding.utf8)
let backToString = String(data: somedata!, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)

Remove a file from the list that will be committed

You want to do this:

git add -u
git reset HEAD path/to/file
git commit

Be sure and do this from the top level of the repo; add -u adds changes in the current directory (recursively).

The key line tells git to reset the version of the given path in the index (the staging area for the commit) to the version from HEAD (the currently checked-out commit).

And advance warning of a gotcha for others reading this: add -u stages all modifications, but doesn't add untracked files. This is the same as what commit -a does. If you want to add untracked files too, use add . to recursively add everything.

Change the "From:" address in Unix "mail"

I derived this from all the above answers. Nothing worked for me when I tried each one of them. I did lot of trail and error by combining all the above answers and concluded on this. I am not sure if this works for you but it worked for me on Ununtu 12.04 and RHEL 5.4.

echo "This is the body of the mail" | mail -s 'This is the subject' '<[email protected]>,<[email protected]>' -- -F '<SenderName>' -f '<[email protected]>'

One can send the mail to any number of people by adding any number of receiver id's and the mail is sent by SenderName from [email protected]

Hope this helps.

How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)?

I'm writting a syntax highlighter (and basic code editor), and I needed to know how to auto-type a single quote char and move the caret back (like a lot of code editors nowadays).

Heres a snippet of my solution, thanks to much help from this thread, the MDN docs, and a lot of moz console watching..

//onKeyPress event

if (evt.key === "\"") {
    let sel = window.getSelection();
    let offset = sel.focusOffset;
    let focus = sel.focusNode;

    focus.textContent += "\""; //setting div's innerText directly creates new
    //nodes, which invalidate our selections, so we modify the focusNode directly

    let range = document.createRange();
    range.setStart(focus, offset);


//end onKeyPress event

This is in a contenteditable div element

I leave this here as a thanks, realizing there is already an accepted answer.

How do I collapse sections of code in Visual Studio Code for Windows?

As of version 1.3.1 (2016-07-17), Block Collapse is much more convenient.

Any line followed by an indented line will have a '-' character to allow collapse. If the block is collapsed, it will then be replaced by a '+' character that will open the collapsed block.

The (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ]) will still affect all blocks, closing one level. Each repeated use closed one more level. The (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + [) works in the opposite way.

Hooray, block collapse finally works usefully.

How to Install Sublime Text 3 using Homebrew

brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask
brew tap caskroom/versions
brew cask install sublime-text

Weird how I will struggle with this for days, post on StackOverflow, then figure out my own answer in 20 seconds.

[edited to reflect that the package name is now just sublime-text, not sublime-text3]

Matplotlib/pyplot: How to enforce axis range?

I tried all of those above answers, and I then summarized a pipeline of how to draw the fixed-axes image. It applied both to show function and savefig function.

  1. before you plot:

    fig = pylab.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()

This is to request an ax which is subplot(1,1,1).

  1. During the plot:

    ax.plot('You plot argument') # Put inside your argument, like ax.plot(x,y,label='test')
    ax.axis('The list of range') # Put in side your range [xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax], like ax.axis([-5,5,-5,200])
  2. After the plot:

    1. To show the image :
    2. To save the figure :

      fig.savefig('the name of your figure')

I find out that put axis at the front of the code won't work even though I have set autoscale_on to False.

I used this code to create a series of animation. And below is the example of combing multiple fixed axes images into an animation. img

How to get the Facebook user id using the access token

Check out this answer, which describes, how to get ID response. First, you need to create method get data:

const https = require('https');
getFbData = (accessToken, apiPath, callback) => {
    const options = {
        host: '',
        port: 443,
        path: `${apiPath}access_token=${accessToken}`, // apiPath example: '/me/friends'
        method: 'GET'

    let buffer = ''; // this buffer will be populated with the chunks of the data received from facebook
    const request = https.get(options, (result) => {
        result.on('data', (chunk) => {
            buffer += chunk;

        result.on('end', () => {

    request.on('error', (e) => {
        console.log(`error from facebook.getFbData: ${e.message}`)


Then simply use your method whenever you want, like this:

getFbData(access_token, '/me?fields=id&', (result) => {

What's the purpose of META-INF?

I've noticed that some Java libraries have started using META-INF as a directory in which to include configuration files that should be packaged and included in the CLASSPATH along with JARs. For example, Spring allows you to import XML Files that are on the classpath using:

<import resource="classpath:/META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
<import resource="classpath:/META-INF/cxf/cxf-extensions-*.xml" />

In this example, I'm quoting straight out of the Apache CXF User Guide. On a project I worked on in which we had to allow multiple levels of configuration via Spring, we followed this convention and put our configuration files in META-INF.

When I reflect on this decision, I don't know what exactly would be wrong with simply including the configuration files in a specific Java package, rather than in META-INF. But it seems to be an emerging de facto standard; either that, or an emerging anti-pattern :-)

Oracle query execution time


set serveroutput on
variable n number
exec :n := dbms_utility.get_time;
select ......
exec dbms_output.put_line( (dbms_utility.get_time-:n)/100) || ' seconds....' );

Or possibly:


-- do stuff

SET TIMING OFF; get the hundredths of seconds that elapsed.

In either case, time elapsed can be impacted by server load/etc.


getDate with Jquery Datepicker

Instead of parsing day, month and year you can specify date formats directly using datepicker's formatDate function. In my example I am using "yy-mm-dd", but you can use any format of your choice.

    dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
    inline: true,
    minDate: new Date(2010, 1 - 1, 1),
    maxDate: new Date(2010, 12 - 1, 31),
    altField: '#datepicker_value',
    onSelect: function(){
        var fullDate = $.datepicker.formatDate("yy-mm-dd", $(this).datepicker('getDate'));
        var str_output = "<h1><center><img src=\"/images/a" + fullDate +".png\"></center></h1><br/><br>";

Most efficient way to convert an HTMLCollection to an Array

var arr = htmlCollection )

will have the same effect using "native" code.


Since this gets a lot of views, note (per @oriol's comment) that the following more concise expression is effectively equivalent:

var arr = [];

But note per @JussiR's comment, that unlike the "verbose" form, it does create an empty, unused, and indeed unusable array instance in the process. What compilers do about this is outside the programmer's ken.


Since ECMAScript 2015 (ES 6) there is also Array.from:

var arr = Array.from(htmlCollection);


ECMAScript 2015 also provides the spread operator, which is functionally equivalent to Array.from (although note that Array.from supports a mapping function as the second argument).

var arr = [...htmlCollection];

I've confirmed that both of the above work on NodeList.

A performance comparison for the mentioned methods:

SQL Server stored procedure parameters

You are parsing wrong parameter you passing @TaskName = and @ID instead of @TaskName = .SP need only one parameter.

What should be the values of GOPATH and GOROOT?

GOPATH is discussed in the cmd/go documentation:

The GOPATH environment variable lists places to look for Go code. On Unix, the value is a colon-separated string. On Windows, the value is a semicolon-separated string. On Plan 9, the value is a list.

GOPATH must be set to get, build and install packages outside the standard Go tree.

GOROOT is discussed in the installation instructions:

The Go binary distributions assume they will be installed in /usr/local/go (or c:\Go under Windows), but it is possible to install the Go tools to a different location. In this case you must set the GOROOT environment variable to point to the directory in which it was installed.

For example, if you installed Go to your home directory you should add the following commands to $HOME/.profile:

export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

Note: GOROOT must be set only when installing to a custom location.

(updated version of Chris Bunch's answer.)

How do I set a checkbox in razor view?

I had the same issue, luckily I found the below code

@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.As, htmlAttributes: new { @checked = true} )

Check Box Checked By Default - Razor Solution

How can I get the current PowerShell executing file?

If you are looking for the current directory in which the script is being executed, you can try this one:

$fullPathIncFileName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$currentScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
$currentExecutingPath = $fullPathIncFileName.Replace($currentScriptName, "")

Write-Host $currentExecutingPath

Newline character in StringBuilder

I would make use of the Environment.NewLine property.

Something like:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("Foo{0}Bar", Environment.NewLine);
string s = sb.ToString();


StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string s = sb.ToString();

If you wish to have a new line after each append, you can have a look at Ben Voigt's answer.

How to convert int[] to Integer[] in Java?

If you want to convert an int[] to an Integer[], there isn't an automated way to do it in the JDK. However, you can do something like this:

int[] oldArray;

... // Here you would assign and fill oldArray

Integer[] newArray = new Integer[oldArray.length];
int i = 0;
for (int value : oldArray) {
    newArray[i++] = Integer.valueOf(value);

If you have access to the Apache lang library, then you can use the ArrayUtils.toObject(int[]) method like this:

Integer[] newArray = ArrayUtils.toObject(oldArray);

Get HTML code from website in C#

Here's an example of using the HttpWebRequest class to fetch a URL

private void buttonl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) 
    String url = TextBox_url.Text;
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url); 
    HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); 
    StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); 
    richTextBox1.Text = sr.ReadToEnd(); 

SSIS Connection Manager Not Storing SQL Password

The designed behavior in SSIS is to prevent storing passwords in a package, because it's bad practice/not safe to do so.

Instead, either use Windows auth, so you don't store secrets in packages or config files, or, if that's really impossible in your environment (maybe you have no Windows domain, for example) then you have to use a workaround as described in (Sam's correct, just read further in that article). The simplest answer is a config file to go with the package, but then you have to worry that the config file is stored securely so someone can't just read it and take the credentials.

How to add image to canvas

You have to use .onload

let canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); 

const drawImage = (url) => {
    const image = new Image();
    image.src = url;
    image.onload = () => {
       ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0)

Here's Why

If you are loading the image first after the canvas has already been created then the canvas won't be able to pass all the image data to draw the image. So you need to first load all the data that came with the image and then you can use drawImage()

Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources' even with latest build tools

Set your compileSdkVersion to 23 in your module's build.gradle file.

What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python?

For your case, threading will probably do the trick as you'll probably be spending most time waiting for a response. There are helpful modules like Queue in the standard library that might help.

I did a similar thing with parallel downloading of files before and it was good enough for me, but it wasn't on the scale you are talking about.

If your task was more CPU-bound, you might want to look at the multiprocessing module, which will allow you to utilize more CPUs/cores/threads (more processes that won't block each other since the locking is per process)

mysql query order by multiple items

SELECT id, user_id, video_name
FROM sa_created_videos

Detect iPhone/iPad purely by css

Many devices with different screen sizes/ratios/resolutions have come out even in the last five years, including new types of iPhones and iPads. It would be very difficult to customize a website for each device.

Meanwhile, media queries for device-width, device-height, and device-aspect-ratio have been deprecated, so they may not work in future browser versions. (Source: MDN)

TLDR: Design based on browser widths, not devices. Here's a good introduction to this topic.

How do I get the current timezone name in Postgres 9.3?

It seems to work fine in Postgresql 9.5:

SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE');

Entity Framework Migrations renaming tables and columns

Nevermind. I was making this way more complicated than it really needed to be.

This was all that I needed. The rename methods just generate a call to the sp_rename system stored procedure and I guess that took care of everything, including the foreign keys with the new column name.

public override void Up()
    RenameTable("ReportSections", "ReportPages");
    RenameTable("ReportSectionGroups", "ReportSections");
    RenameColumn("ReportPages", "Group_Id", "Section_Id");

public override void Down()
    RenameColumn("ReportPages", "Section_Id", "Group_Id");
    RenameTable("ReportSections", "ReportSectionGroups");
    RenameTable("ReportPages", "ReportSections");

Aligning rotated xticklabels with their respective xticks

If you dont want to modify the xtick labels, you can just use:


Why does the 260 character path length limit exist in Windows?

As to how to cope with the path size limitation on Windows - using 7zip to pack (and unpack) your path-length sensitive files seems like a viable workaround. I've used it to transport several IDE installations (those Eclipse plugin paths, yikes!) and piles of autogenerated documentation and haven't had a single problem so far.

Not really sure how it evades the 260 char limit set by Windows (from a technical PoV), but hey, it works!

More details on their SourceForge page here:

"NTFS can actually support pathnames up to 32,000 characters in length."

7-zip also support such long names.

But it's disabled in SFX code. Some users don't like long paths, since they don't understand how to work with them. That is why I have disabled it in SFX code.

and release notes:

9.32 alpha 2013-12-01

  • Improved support for file pathnames longer than 260 characters.

4.44 beta 2007-01-20

  • 7-Zip now supports file pathnames longer than 260 characters.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this to work properly, you'll need to specify the destination path in the 7zip "Extract" dialog directly, rather than dragging & dropping the files into the intended folder. Otherwise the "Temp" folder will be used as an interim cache and you'll bounce into the same 260 char limitation once Windows Explorer starts moving the files to their "final resting place". See the replies to this question for more information.

regular expression for anything but an empty string

Create "regular expression to detect empty string", and then inverse it. Invesion of regular language is the regular language. I think regular expression library in what you leverage - should support it, but if not you always can write your own library.

grep --invert-match

How to add a footer in ListView?

In this Question, best answer not work for me. After that i found this method to show listview footer,

LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
ViewGroup footerView = (ViewGroup)inflater.inflate(R.layout.footer_layout,listView,false);
listView.addFooterView(footerView, null, false);

And create new layout call footer_layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

If not work refer this article hear

File.Move Does Not Work - File Already Exists

If file really exists and you want to replace it use below code:

string file = "c:\test\SomeFile.txt"
string moveTo = "c:\test\test\SomeFile.txt"

if (File.Exists(moveTo))

File.Move(file, moveTo);

How to get to Model or Viewbag Variables in a Script Tag

What you have should work. It depends on the type of data you are setting i.e. if it's a string value you need to make sure it's in quotes e.g.

var val = '@ViewBag.ForSection';

If it's an integer you need to parse it as one i.e.

var val = parseInt(@ViewBag.ForSection);

The POM for project is missing, no dependency information available


<!-- ANT4X -->


<!-- ANT4X -->

The groupId of net.sourceforge was incorrect. The correct value is net.sourceforge.ant4x.

bs4.FeatureNotFound: Couldn't find a tree builder with the features you requested: lxml. Do you need to install a parser library?

I have a suspicion that this is related to the parser that BS will use to read the HTML. They document is here, but if you're like me (on OSX) you might be stuck with something that requires a bit of work:

You'll notice that in the BS4 documentation page above, they point out that by default BS4 will use the Python built-in HTML parser. Assuming you are in OSX, the Apple-bundled version of Python is 2.7.2 which is not lenient for character formatting. I hit this same problem, so I upgraded my version of Python to work around it. Doing this in a virtualenv will minimize disruption to other projects.

If doing that sounds like a pain, you can switch over to the LXML parser:

pip install lxml

And then try:

soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "lxml")

Depending on your scenario, that might be good enough. I found this annoying enough to warrant upgrading my version of Python. Using virtualenv, you can migrate your packages fairly easily.

What is the difference between old style and new style classes in Python?

Guido has written The Inside Story on New-Style Classes, a really great article about new-style and old-style class in Python.

Python 3 has only new-style class. Even if you write an 'old-style class', it is implicitly derived from object.

New-style classes have some advanced features lacking in old-style classes, such as super, the new C3 mro, some magical methods, etc.

Hiding an Excel worksheet with VBA

You can do this programmatically using a VBA macro. You can make the sheet hidden or very hidden:

Sub HideSheet()

    Dim sheet As Worksheet

    Set sheet = ActiveSheet

    ' this hides the sheet but users will be able 
    ' to unhide it using the Excel UI
    sheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden

    ' this hides the sheet so that it can only be made visible using VBA
    sheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden

End Sub

Resize image in the wiki of GitHub using Markdown

On GitHub, you can use HTML directly instead of Markdown:

<a href="url"><img src="" align="left" height="48" width="48" ></a>

This should make it.

Padding or margin value in pixels as integer using jQuery

You could also extend the jquery framework yourself with something like:

jQuery.fn.margin = function() {
var marginTop = this.outerHeight(true) - this.outerHeight();
var marginLeft = this.outerWidth(true) - this.outerWidth();

return {
    top: marginTop,
    left: marginLeft

Thereby adding a function on your jquery objects called margin(), which returns a collection like the offset function.



git: Your branch is ahead by X commits

Then when I do a git status it tells me that my branch is ahead by X commits (presumably the same number of commits that I have made).

My experience is in a team environment with many branches. We work in our own feature branches (in local clones) and it was one of those that git status showed I was 11 commits ahead. My working assumption, like the question's author, was that +11 was from commits of my own.

It turned out that I had pulled in changes from the common develop branch into my feature branch many weeks earlier -- but forgot! When I revisited my local feature branch today and did a git pull origin develop the number jumped to +41 commits ahead. Much work had been done in develop and so my local feature branch was even further ahead of the feature branch on the origin repository.

So, if you get this message, think back to any pulls/merges you might have done from other branches (of your own, or others) you have access to. The message just signals you need to git push those pulled changes back to the origin repo ('tracking branch') from your local repo to get things sync'd up.

How to downgrade php from 7.1.1 to 5.6 in xampp 7.1.1?

i was trying the same, so i downloaded the .7zip version of XAMPP with php 5.6.33 from

then followed the steps below: 1. rename c:\xampp\php to c:\xampp\php7 2. raname C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf to httpd-xampp7.OLD 3. copy php folder from XAMPP_5.6 7zip archive to c:\xampp\ 4. copy file httpd-xampp.conf from XAMPP_5.6 7zip archive to C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\

open xampp control panel and start Apache and then visit ( i am using port 82 instead of default 80) http://localhost and then click PHPInfo to see if it is working as expected.

Opening localhost shows dashboard

Opening phpinfo shows version 5.6

How to check command line parameter in ".bat" file?

I've been struggling recently with the implementation of complex parameter switches in a batch file so here is the result of my research. None of the provided answers are fully safe, examples:

"%1"=="-?" will not match if the parameter is enclosed in quotes (needed for file names etc.) or will crash if the parameter is in quotes and has spaces (again often seen in file names)

echo starting parameter test...
rem echo First parameter is %1
if "%1"=="-?" (echo Condition is true, param=%1) else (echo Condition is false, param=%1)
C:\>test.bat -?

starting parameter test...

Condition is true, param=-?

C:\>test.bat "-?"

starting parameter test...

Condition is false, param="-?"

Any combination with square brackets [%1]==[-?] or [%~1]==[-?] will fail in case the parameter has spaces within quotes:

echo starting parameter test...
echo First parameter is %1
if [%~1]==[-?] (echo Condition is true, param=%1) else (echo Condition is false, param=%1)

C:\>test.bat "long file name"

starting parameter test...

First parameter is "long file name"
file was unexpected at this time.

The proposed safest solution "%~1"=="-?" will crash with a complex parameter that includes text outside the quotes and text with spaces within the quotes:

echo starting parameter test...
echo First parameter is %1
if "%~1"=="-?" (echo Condition is true, param=%1) else (echo Condition is false, param=%1)

C:\>test.bat -source:"long file name"

starting parameter test...

First parameter is -source:"long file name"
file was unexpected at this time.

The only way to ensure all above scenarios are covered is to use EnableDelayedExpansion and to pass the parameters by reference (not by value) using variables. Then even the most complex scenario will work fine:

SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
echo starting parameter test...
echo First parameter is %1
:: we assign the parameter to a variable to pass by reference with delayed expansion
set "var1=%~1"
echo var1 is !var1!
:: we assign the value to compare with to a second variable to pass by reference with delayed expansion
set "var2=-source:"c:\app images"\image.png"
echo var2 is !var2!
if "!var1!"=="!var2!" (echo Condition is true, param=!var1!) else (echo Condition is false, param=!var1!)
C:\>test.bat -source:"c:\app images"\image.png

starting parameter test...

First parameter is -source:"c:\app images"\image.png
var1 is -source:"c:\app images"\image.png
var2 is -source:"c:\app images"\image.png
Condition is true, param=-source:"c:\app images"\image.png

C:\>test.bat -source:"c:\app images"\image1.png

starting parameter test...

First parameter is -source:"c:\app images"\image1.png
var1 is -source:"c:\app images"\image1.png
var2 is -source:"c:\app images"\image.png
Condition is false, param=-source:"c:\app images"\image1.png

C:\>test.bat -source:"c:\app images\image.png"

starting parameter test...

First parameter is -source:"c:\app images\image.png"
var1 is -source:"c:\app images\image.png"
var2 is -source:"c:\app images"\image.png
Condition is false, param=-source:"c:\app images\image.png"

How to create strings containing double quotes in Excel formulas?

Concatenate " as a ceparate cell:

    A |   B   | C | D
1   " | text  | " | =CONCATENATE(A1; B1; C1);

D1 displays "text"

ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system

Open terminal

Run the command: Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted

in terminal: yarn --version

CSS - Syntax to select a class within an id

#navigation .navigationLevel2 li
    color: #f00;

How to display table data more clearly in oracle sqlplus

I usually start with something like:

set lines 256
set trimout on
set tab off

Have a look at help set if you have the help information installed. And then select name,address rather than select * if you really only want those two columns.

When do I have to use interfaces instead of abstract classes?

This is an direct excerpt from the excellent book 'Thinking in Java' by Bruce Eckel.

[..] Should you use an interface or an abstract class?

Well, an interface gives you the benefits of an abstract class and the benefits of an interface, so if it’s possible to create your base class without any method definitions or member variables you should always prefer interfaces to abstract classes.

In fact, if you know something is going to be a base class, your first choice should be to make it an interface, and only if you’re forced to have method definitions or member variables should you change to an abstract class.

How does the Spring @ResponseBody annotation work?

Further to this, the return type is determined by

  1. What the HTTP Request says it wants - in its Accept header. Try looking at the initial request as see what Accept is set to.

  2. What HttpMessageConverters Spring sets up. Spring MVC will setup converters for XML (using JAXB) and JSON if Jackson libraries are on he classpath.

If there is a choice it picks one - in this example, it happens to be JSON.

This is covered in the course notes. Look for the notes on Message Convertors and Content Negotiation.

How do I delete multiple rows in Entity Framework (without foreach)

UUHHIVS's is a very elegant and fast way for batch delete, but it must be used with care:

  • auto generation of transaction: its queries will be encompassed by a transaction
  • database context independence: its execution has nothing to do with context.SaveChanges()

These issues can be circumvented by taking control of the transaction. The following code illustrates how to batch delete and bulk insert in a transactional manner:

var repo = DataAccess.EntityRepository;
var existingData = repo.All.Where(x => x.ParentId == parentId);  

TransactionScope scope = null;
    // this starts the outer transaction 
    using (scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
        // this starts and commits an inner transaction

        // var toInsert = ... 

        // this relies on EntityFramework.BulkInsert library

        // any other context changes can be performed

        // this starts and commit an inner transaction

        // this commit the outer transaction
catch (Exception exc)
    // this also rollbacks any pending transactions

How to make a HTML Page in A4 paper size page(s)?

I saw this solution after searching at google, search for "A4 CSS page template" ( It shows an A4 (A3,A5, also portrait) sized area in the browser, using the <page> tag. Inside this tag the content is shown, but absolute position is still with respect to browser area.

body {_x000D_
  background: rgb(204,204,204); _x000D_
page {_x000D_
  background: white;_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
  margin-bottom: 0.5cm;_x000D_
  box-shadow: 0 0 0.5cm rgba(0,0,0,0.5);_x000D_
page[size="A4"] {  _x000D_
  width: 21cm;_x000D_
  height: 29.7cm; _x000D_
page[size="A4"][layout="portrait"] {_x000D_
  width: 29.7cm;_x000D_
  height: 21cm;  _x000D_
@media print {_x000D_
  body, page {_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
    box-shadow: 0;_x000D_
<page size="A4">A4</page>_x000D_
<page size="A4" layout="portrait">A4 portrait</page>

This works for me without any other css/js-library to be included. Works for current browsers (IE, FF, Chrome).

How to access global variables

I would "inject" the starttime variable instead, otherwise you have a circular dependency between the packages.


var StartTime = time.Now()
func main() {
   otherPackage.StartTime = StartTime


var StartTime time.Time