Programs & Examples On #Netty

An open source asynchronous event-driven network application framework written in Java. It is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol servers and clients

When is " reset by peer" thrown?

I think this should be as its definition is stated for a TCP error.

 * Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying 
 * protocol, such as a TCP error. 
 * @author  Jonathan Payne
 * @version %I%, %G%
 * @since   JDK1.0
class SocketException extends IOException {

Calculate age given the birth date in the format YYYYMMDD

Adopting from naveen's and original OP's posts I ended up with a reusable method stub that accepts both strings and / or JS Date objects.

I named it gregorianAge() because this calculation gives exactly how we denote age using Gregorian calendar. i.e. Not counting the end year if month and day is before the month and day of the birth year.

 * Calculates human age in years given a birth day. Optionally ageAtDate_x000D_
 * can be provided to calculate age at a specific date_x000D_
 * @param string|Date Object birthDate_x000D_
 * @param string|Date Object ageAtDate optional_x000D_
 * @returns integer Age between birthday and a given date or today_x000D_
function gregorianAge(birthDate, ageAtDate) {_x000D_
  // convert birthDate to date object if already not_x000D_
  if ( !== '[object Date]')_x000D_
    birthDate = new Date(birthDate);_x000D_
  // use today's date if ageAtDate is not provided_x000D_
  if (typeof ageAtDate == "undefined")_x000D_
    ageAtDate = new Date();_x000D_
  // convert ageAtDate to date object if already not_x000D_
  else if ( !== '[object Date]')_x000D_
    ageAtDate = new Date(ageAtDate);_x000D_
  // if conversion to date object fails return null_x000D_
  if (ageAtDate == null || birthDate == null)_x000D_
    return null;_x000D_
  var _m = ageAtDate.getMonth() - birthDate.getMonth();_x000D_
  // answer: ageAt year minus birth year less one (1) if month and day of_x000D_
  // ageAt year is before month and day of birth year_x000D_
  return (ageAtDate.getFullYear()) - birthDate.getFullYear() _x000D_
  - ((_m < 0 || (_m === 0 && ageAtDate.getDate() < birthDate.getDate())) ? 1 : 0)_x000D_
// Below is for the attached snippet_x000D_
function showAge() {_x000D_
$(function() {_x000D_
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<script src="//"></script>_x000D_
<input name="dob" value="12/31/1970" id="dob" class="datepicker" onChange="showAge()" /> AGE: <span id="age"><span>

How do I find all files containing specific text on Linux?

grep is your good friend to achieve this.

grep -r <text_fo_find> <directory>

If you don't care about the case of the text to find, then use:

grep -ir <text_to_find> <directory>

open link of google play store in mobile version android

Open app page on Google Play:

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,
                Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + context.getPackageName()));

Getting number of elements in an iterator in Python

Kinda. You could check the __length_hint__ method, but be warned that (at least up to Python 3.4, as gsnedders helpfully points out) it's a undocumented implementation detail (following message in thread), that could very well vanish or summon nasal demons instead.

Otherwise, no. Iterators are just an object that only expose the next() method. You can call it as many times as required and they may or may not eventually raise StopIteration. Luckily, this behaviour is most of the time transparent to the coder. :)

How do I install chkconfig on Ubuntu?

sysv-rc-conf is an alternate option for Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf

sysv-rc-conf --list xxxx

./ line 1: import: command not found

It's about Shebang


This will tell which interpreter to wake up to run the code written in file.

Best way to retrieve variable values from a text file?

Use ConfigParser.

Your config:

var_a: 'home'
var_b: 'car'
var_c: 15.5

Your python code:

import ConfigParser

config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()"config.ini")
var_a = config.get("myvars", "var_a")
var_b = config.get("myvars", "var_b")
var_c = config.get("myvars", "var_c")

How to remove .html from URL?

You will need to make sure you have Options -MultiViews as well.

None of the above worked for me on a standard cPanel host.

This worked:

Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ $1.html [NC,L]

Windows equivalent to UNIX pwd

hmm - pwd works for me on Vista...

Final EDIT: it works for me on Vista because WinAvr installed pwd.exe and added \Program Files\WinAvr\Utils\bin to my path.

How to check if a string contains text from an array of substrings in JavaScript?

You can check like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <script src=""></script>
         var list = ["bad", "words", "include"] 
         var sentence = $("#comments_text").val()

         $.each(list, function( index, value ) {
           if (sentence.indexOf(value) > -1) {
      <input id="comments_text" value="This is a bad, with include test"> 

How to delete specific columns with VBA?

To answer the question How to delete specific columns in vba for excel. I use Array as below.

sub del_col()

dim myarray as variant
dim i as integer

myarray = Array(10, 9, 8)'Descending to Ascending
For i = LBound(myarray) To UBound(myarray)
Next i

end sub

List of foreign keys and the tables they reference in Oracle DB

WITH reference_view AS
     (SELECT a.owner, a.table_name, a.constraint_name, a.constraint_type,
             a.r_owner, a.r_constraint_name, b.column_name
        FROM dba_constraints a, dba_cons_columns b
       WHERE  a.owner LIKE UPPER ('SYS') AND
          a.owner = b.owner
         AND a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
         AND constraint_type = 'R'),
     constraint_view AS
     (SELECT a.owner a_owner, a.table_name, a.column_name, b.owner b_owner,
        FROM dba_cons_columns a, dba_constraints b
       WHERE a.owner = b.owner
         AND a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
         AND b.constraint_type = 'P'
         AND a.owner LIKE UPPER ('SYS')
       rv.table_name FK_Table , rv.column_name FK_Column ,
       CV.table_name PK_Table , rv.column_name PK_Column , rv.r_constraint_name Constraint_Name 
  FROM reference_view rv, constraint_view CV
 WHERE rv.r_constraint_name = CV.constraint_name AND rv.r_owner = CV.b_owner;

Detect if the device is iPhone X

After looking at all the answers this is what I ended up doing:

Solution (Swift 4.1 compatible)

extension UIDevice {
    static var isIphoneX: Bool {
        var modelIdentifier = ""
        if isSimulator {
            modelIdentifier = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["SIMULATOR_MODEL_IDENTIFIER"] ?? ""
        } else {
            var size = 0
            sysctlbyname("hw.machine", nil, &size, nil, 0)
            var machine = [CChar](repeating: 0, count: size)
            sysctlbyname("hw.machine", &machine, &size, nil, 0)
            modelIdentifier = String(cString: machine)

        return modelIdentifier == "iPhone10,3" || modelIdentifier == "iPhone10,6"

    static var isSimulator: Bool {
        return TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR != 0


if UIDevice.isIphoneX {
    // is iPhoneX
} else {
    // is not iPhoneX


Pre Swift 4.1 you can check if the app is running on a simulator like so:


From Swift 4.1 and onwards you can check if the app is running on a simulator using the Target environment platform condition:

#if targetEnvironment(simulator)
    return true
    return false

(the older method will still work, but this new method is more future proof)

Oracle SQL Developer and PostgreSQL

Oracle SQL Developer doesn't support connections to PostgreSQL. Use pgAdmin to connect to PostgreSQL instead, you can get it from the following URL

With form validation: why onsubmit="return functionname()" instead of onsubmit="functionname()"?

You need the return so the true/false gets passed up to the form's submit event (which looks for this and prevents submission if it gets a false).

Lets look at some standard JS:

function testReturn() { return false; }

If you just call that within any other code (be it an onclick handler or in JS elsewhere) it will get back false, but you need to do something with that value.


In that example the return value is coming back, but nothing is happening with it. You're basically saying execute this function, and I don't care what it returns. In contrast if you do this:

var wasSuccessful = testReturn();

then you've done something with the return value.

The same applies to onclick handlers. If you just call the function without the return in the onsubmit, then you're saying "execute this, but don't prevent the event if it return false." It's a way of saying execute this code when the form is submitted, but don't let it stop the event.

Once you add the return, you're saying that what you're calling should determine if the event (submit) should continue.

This logic applies to many of the onXXXX events in HTML (onclick, onsubmit, onfocus, etc).

Dynamically add properties to a existing object

If you have a class with an object property, or if your property actually casts to an object, you can reshape the object by reassigning its properties, as in:

  MyClass varClass = new MyClass();
  varClass.propObjectProperty = new { Id = 1, Description = "test" };

  //if you need to treat the class as an object
  var varObjectProperty = ((dynamic)varClass).propObjectProperty;
  ((dynamic)varClass).propObjectProperty = new { Id = varObjectProperty.Id, Description = varObjectProperty.Description, NewDynamicProperty = "new dynamic property description" };

  //if your property is an object, instead
  var varObjectProperty = varClass.propObjectProperty;
  varClass.propObjectProperty = new { Id = ((dynamic)varObjectProperty).Id, Description = ((dynamic)varObjectProperty).Description, NewDynamicProperty = "new dynamic property description" };

With this approach, you basically rewrite the object property adding or removing properties as if you were first creating the object with the

new { ... }


In your particular case, you're probably better off creating an actual object to which you assign properties like "dob" and "address" as if it were a person, and at the end of the process, transfer the properties to the actual "Person" object.

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library - STS

I got the same problem and this is how i solved. :

  1. Right click your Spring MVC project, choose Run As -> Maven install. Observe the output console to see the installation progress. After the installation is finished, you can continue to the next step.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  1. Right click your Spring MVC project, choose Maven -> Update Project.

enter image description here

  1. Choose your project and click OK. Wait until update process is finished.
  2. The error still yet, then do Project->Clean and then be sure you have selected our project directory and then do the follow Project->Build.

HTML Form: Select-Option vs Datalist-Option

Its similar to select, But datalist has additional functionalities like auto suggest. You can even type and see suggestions as and when you type.

User will also be able to write items which is not there in list.

Why do I need to override the equals and hashCode methods in Java?

In the example below, if you comment out the override for equals or hashcode in the Person class, this code will fail to look up Tom's order. Using the default implementation of hashcode can cause failures in hashtable lookups.

What I have below is a simplified code that pulls up people's order by Person. Person is being used as a key in the hashtable.

public class Person {
    String name;
    int age;
    String socialSecurityNumber;

    public Person(String name, int age, String socialSecurityNumber) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.socialSecurityNumber = socialSecurityNumber;

    public boolean equals(Object p) {
        //Person is same if social security number is same

        if ((p instanceof Person) && this.socialSecurityNumber.equals(((Person) p).socialSecurityNumber)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;


    public int hashCode() {        //I am using a hashing function in instead of writing my own.
        return socialSecurityNumber.hashCode();

public class Order {
    String[]  items;

    public void insertOrder(String[]  items)


import java.util.Hashtable;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

       Person p1=new Person("Tom",32,"548-56-4412");
        Person p2=new Person("Jerry",60,"456-74-4125");
        Person p3=new Person("Sherry",38,"418-55-1235");

        Order order1=new Order();
        order1.insertOrder(new String[]{"mouse","car charger"});

        Order order2=new Order();
        order2.insertOrder(new String[]{"Multi vitamin"});

        Order order3=new Order();
        order3.insertOrder(new String[]{"handbag", "iPod"});

        Hashtable<Person,Order> hashtable=new Hashtable<Person,Order>();

       //The line below will fail if Person class does not override hashCode()
       Order tomOrder= hashtable.get(new Person("Tom", 32, "548-56-4412"));
        for(String item:tomOrder.items)

What is the best way to initialize a JavaScript Date to midnight?

I have made a couple prototypes to handle this for me.

// This is a safety check to make sure the prototype is not already defined.
Function.prototype.method = function (name, func) {
    if (!this.prototype[name]) {
        this.prototype[name] = func;
        return this;

Date.method('endOfDay', function () {
    var date = new Date(this);
    date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
    return date;

Date.method('startOfDay', function () {
    var date = new Date(this);
    date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
    return date;

if you dont want the saftey check, then you can just use

Date.prototype.startOfDay = function(){
  /*Method body here*/

Example usage:

var date = new Date($.now()); // $.now() requires jQuery
console.log('startOfDay: ' + date.startOfDay());
console.log('endOfDay: ' + date.endOfDay());

What is the C# equivalent of NaN or IsNumeric?

VB has the IsNumeric function. You could reference Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll and use it.

What is the difference between compileSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion?

The CompileSdkVersion is the version of the SDK platform your app works with for compilation, etc DURING the development process (you should always use the latest) This is shipped with the API version you are using

enter image description here

You will see this in your build.gradle file:

enter image description here

targetSdkVersion: contains the info your app ships with AFTER the development process to the app store that allows it to TARGET the SPECIFIED version of the Android platform. Depending on the functionality of your app, it can target API versions lower than the current.For instance, you can target API 18 even if the current version is 23.

Take a good look at this official Google page.

Avoid browser popup blockers

The general rule is that popup blockers will engage if or similar is invoked from javascript that is not invoked by direct user action. That is, you can call in response to a button click without getting hit by the popup blocker, but if you put the same code in a timer event it will be blocked. Depth of call chain is also a factor - some older browsers only look at the immediate caller, newer browsers can backtrack a little to see if the caller's caller was a mouse click etc. Keep it as shallow as you can to avoid the popup blockers.

How to extract the decision rules from scikit-learn decision-tree?

This builds on @paulkernfeld 's answer. If you have a dataframe X with your features and a target dataframe y with your resonses and you you want to get an idea which y value ended in which node (and also ant to plot it accordingly) you can do the following:

    def tree_to_code(tree, feature_names):
        from sklearn.tree import _tree
        codelines = []
        codelines.append('def get_cat(X_tmp):\n')
        codelines.append('   catout = []\n')
        codelines.append('   for codelines in range(0,X_tmp.shape[0]):\n')
        codelines.append('      Xin = X_tmp.iloc[codelines]\n')
        tree_ = tree.tree_
        feature_name = [
            feature_names[i] if i != _tree.TREE_UNDEFINED else "undefined!"
            for i in tree_.feature
        #print "def tree({}):".format(", ".join(feature_names))

        def recurse(node, depth):
            indent = "      " * depth
            if tree_.feature[node] != _tree.TREE_UNDEFINED:
                name = feature_name[node]
                threshold = tree_.threshold[node]
                codelines.append ('{}if Xin["{}"] <= {}:\n'.format(indent, name, threshold))
                recurse(tree_.children_left[node], depth + 1)
                codelines.append( '{}else:  # if Xin["{}"] > {}\n'.format(indent, name, threshold))
                recurse(tree_.children_right[node], depth + 1)
                codelines.append( '{}mycat = {}\n'.format(indent, node))

        recurse(0, 1)
        codelines.append('      catout.append(mycat)\n')
        codelines.append('   return pd.DataFrame(catout,index=X_tmp.index,columns=["category"])\n')
        codelines.append('node_ids = get_cat(X)\n')
        return codelines
    mycode = tree_to_code(clf,X.columns.values)

    # now execute the function and obtain the dataframe with all nodes
    node_ids = [int(x[0]) for x in node_ids.values]
    node_ids2 = pd.DataFrame(node_ids)

    print('make plot')
    import as cm
    colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 1+max( list(set(node_ids)))))
    #plt.figure(figsize=cm2inch(24, 21))
    for i in list(set(node_ids)):
        plt.plot(y[node_ids2.values==i],'o',color=colors[i], label=str(i))  
    mytitle = ['y colored by node']
    plt.title(mytitle ,fontsize=14)
    plt.xlabel('my xlabel')
    plt.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.00), shadow=True, ncol=9)

not the most elegant version but it does the job...

Command line for looking at specific port

For Windows 8 User : Open Command Prompt, type netstat -an | find "your port number" , enter .

If reply comes like LISTENING then the port is in use, else it is free .

How to adjust the size of y axis labels only in R?

As the title suggests that we want to adjust the size of the labels and not the tick marks I figured that I actually might add something to the question, you need to use the mtext() if you want to specify one of the label sizes, or you can just use par(cex.lab=2) as a simple alternative. Here's a more advanced mtext() example:

foo <- data.frame(X = rnorm(10), Y = rnorm(10))
plot(Y ~ X, data=foo,
     yaxt="n", ylab="", 
     xlab="Regular boring x", 
mtext("Awesome Y variable", side=2, line=2.2, cex=2)

enter image description here

You may need to adjust the line= option to get the optimal positioning of the text but apart from that it's really easy to use.

What's the key difference between HTML 4 and HTML 5?

You might be interested in this list of HTML5 elements and attributes.

Also, please note that it's "HTML 4", not "HTML4". Indeed, for HTML 5, both variants are used, but there is an important difference in meaning. HTML 5 refers to the name of the W3C specification, whereas "HTML5" is the document type of those HTML files with a text/html MIME type that follow this spec. The same goes for XHTML 5 vs. XHTML5.

Automatically create an Enum based on values in a database lookup table?

Let's say you have the following in your DB:

table enums
| id | name     |
| 0  | MyEnum   |
| 1  | YourEnum |

table enum_values
| id | enums_id | value | key    |
| 0  | 0        | 0     | Apple  |
| 1  | 0        | 1     | Banana |
| 2  | 0        | 2     | Pear   |
| 3  | 0        | 3     | Cherry |
| 4  | 1        | 0     | Red    |
| 5  | 1        | 1     | Green  |
| 6  | 1        | 2     | Yellow |

Construct a select to get the values you need:

select * from enums e inner join enum_values ev on where

Construct the source code for the enum and you'll get something like:

String enumSourceCode = "enum " + enumName + "{" + enumKey1 + "=" enumValue1 + "," + enumKey2 + ... + "}";

(obviously this is constructed in a loop of some kind.)

Then comes the fun part, Compiling your enum and using it:

CodeDomProvider provider = CodeDomProvider.CreateProvider("CSharp");
CompilerParameters cs = new CompilerParameters();
cp.GenerateInMemory = True;

CompilerResult result = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, enumSourceCode);

Type enumType = result.CompiledAssembly.GetType(enumName);

Now you have the type compiled and ready for use.
To get a enum value stored in the DB you can use:

[Enum].Parse(enumType, value);

where value can be either the integer value (0, 1, etc.) or the enum text/key (Apple, Banana, etc.)

How do I make a list of data frames?

Very simple ! Here is my suggestion :

If you want to select dataframes in your workspace, try this :

Filter(function(x) , ls())


ls()[sapply(ls(), function(x)]

all these will give the same result.

You can change to check other types of variables like is.function

Bootstrap 4: Multilevel Dropdown Inside Navigation

Using official HTML without adding extra CSS styles and classes, it's like native support.

Just add the following code:

$.fn.dropdown = (function() {
    var $bsDropdown = $.fn.dropdown;
    return function(config) {
        if (typeof config === 'string' && config === 'toggle') { // dropdown toggle trigged
        var ret = $$(this), config);
        $(this).off(''); // Turn off dropdown.js click event, it will call 'this.toggle()' internal
        return ret;

$(function() {
    $('.dropdown [data-toggle="dropdown"]').on('click', function(e) {
    $('.dropdown').on('', function(e) {
        if ($(this).is('.has-child-dropdown-show')) {

Dropdown of bootstrap can be easily changed to infinite level. It's a pity that they didn't do it.

BTW, a hover version:

Here is a perfect demo: (works well with Bootstrap v4.4.1)

Is it possible to use 'else' in a list comprehension?

To use the else in list comprehensions in python programming you can try out the below snippet. This would resolve your problem, the snippet is tested on python 2.7 and python 3.5.

obj = ["Even" if i%2==0 else "Odd" for i in range(10)]

Replacement for "rename" in dplyr

You can actually use plyr's rename function as part of dplyr chains. I think every function that a) takes a data.frame as the first argument and b) returns a data.frame works for chaining. Here is an example:


DF = data.frame(var=1:5)

DF %>%
    # `rename` from `plyr`
    rename(c('var'='x')) %>%
    # `mutate` from `dplyr` (note order in which libraries are loaded)

#   x x.sq
# 1 1    1
# 2 2    4
# 3 3    9
# 4 4   16
# 5 5   25

UPDATE: The current version of dplyr supports renaming directly as part of the select function (see Romain Francois post above). The general statement about using non-dplyr functions as part of dplyr chains is still valid though and rename is an interesting example.

Name attribute in @Entity and @Table

@Entity(name = "someThing") => this name will be used to name the Entity
@Table(name = "someThing")  => this name will be used to name a table in DB

So, in the first case your table and entity will have the same name, that will allow you to access your table with the same name as the entity while writing HQL or JPQL.

And in second case while writing queries you have to use the name given in @Entity and the name given in @Table will be used to name the table in the DB.

So in HQL your someThing will refer to otherThing in the DB.

How to use in jQuery :not and hasClass() to get a specific element without a class

jQuery's hasClass() method returns a boolean (true/false) and not an element. Also, the parameter to be given to it is a class name and not a selector as such.

For ex: x.hasClass('error');

What does "\r" do in the following script?

The '\r' character is the carriage return, and the carriage return-newline pair is both needed for newline in a network virtual terminal session.

From the old telnet specification (RFC 854) (page 11):

The sequence "CR LF", as defined, will cause the NVT to be positioned at the left margin of the next print line (as would, for example, the sequence "LF CR").

However, from the latest specification (RFC5198) (page 13):

  1. ...

  2. In Net-ASCII, CR MUST NOT appear except when immediately followed by either NUL or LF, with the latter (CR LF) designating the "new line" function. Today and as specified above, CR should generally appear only when followed by LF. Because page layout is better done in other ways, because NUL has a special interpretation in some programming languages, and to avoid other types of confusion, CR NUL should preferably be avoided as specified above.

  3. LF CR SHOULD NOT appear except as a side-effect of multiple CR LF sequences (e.g., CR LF CR LF).

So newline in Telnet should always be '\r\n' but most implementations have either not been updated, or keeps the old '\n\r' for backwards compatibility.

Position DIV relative to another DIV?

First set position of the parent DIV to relative (specifying the offset, i.e. left, top etc. is not necessary) and then apply position: absolute to the child DIV with the offset you want.
It's simple and should do the trick well.

React onClick function fires on render

I had similar issue, my code was:

function RadioInput(props) {
    return (
    <div className="form-check form-check-inline">
        <input className="form-check-input" type="radio" name="inlineRadioOptions" id={} onClick={props.onClick} value={props.label}></input>
        <label className="form-check-label" htmlFor={}>{props.label}</label>
class ScheduleType extends React.Component
        id = "inlineRadio"+id;
                id = {id}
                label = {label}
                onClick = {this.props.onClick}


Where it should be

onClick = {() => this.props.onClick()}

in RenderRadioInput

It fixed the issue for me.

How to rename JSON key

If you want to rename all occurrences of some key you can use a regex with the g option. For example:

var json = [{"_id":"1","email":"[email protected]","image":"some_image_url","name":"Name 1"},{"_id":"2","email":"[email protected]","image":"some_image_url","name":"Name 2"}];

str = JSON.stringify(json);

now we have the json in string format in str.

Replace all occurrences of "_id" to "id" using regex with the g option:

str = str.replace(/\"_id\":/g, "\"id\":");

and return to json format:

json = JSON.parse(str);

now we have our json with the wanted key name.

Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

In my case the problem was:

define ('DB_PASSWORD', "MyPassw0rd!'");

(the odd single ' before the double ")

Setting the correct encoding when piping stdout in Python

I had a similar issue last week. It was easy to fix in my IDE (PyCharm).

Here was my fix:

Starting from PyCharm menu bar: File -> Settings... -> Editor -> File Encodings, then set: "IDE Encoding", "Project Encoding" and "Default encoding for properties files" ALL to UTF-8 and she now works like a charm.

Hope this helps!

How to pass an array to a function in VBA?

This seems unnecessary, but VBA is a strange place. If you declare an array variable, then set it using Array() then pass the variable into your function, VBA will be happy.

Sub test()
    Dim fString As String
    Dim arr() As Variant
    arr = Array("foo", "bar")
    fString = processArr(arr)
End Sub

Also your function processArr() could be written as:

Function processArr(arr() As Variant) As String
    processArr = Replace(Join(arr()), " ", "")
End Function

If you are into the whole brevity thing.

Reloading/refreshing Kendo Grid


Why are C++ inline functions in the header?

There are two ways to look at it:

  1. Inline functions are defined in the header because, in order to inline a function call, the compiler must be able to see the function body. For a naive compiler to do that, the function body must be in the same translation unit as the call. (A modern compiler can optimize across translation units, and so a function call may be inlined even though the function definition is in a separate translation unit, but these optimizations are expensive, aren't always enabled, and weren't always supported by the compiler)

  2. functions defined in the header must be marked inline because otherwise, every translation unit which includes the header will contain a definition of the function, and the linker will complain about multiple definitions (a violation of the One Definition Rule). The inline keyword suppresses this, allowing multiple translation units to contain (identical) definitions.

The two explanations really boil down to the fact that the inline keyword doesn't exactly do what you'd expect.

A C++ compiler is free to apply the inlining optimization (replace a function call with the body of the called function, saving the call overhead) any time it likes, as long as it doesn't alter the observable behavior of the program.

The inline keyword makes it easier for the compiler to apply this optimization, by allowing the function definition to be visible in multiple translation units, but using the keyword doesn't mean the compiler has to inline the function, and not using the keyword doesn't forbid the compiler from inlining the function.

How can I get new selection in "select" in Angular 2?

<mat-select placeholder="Vacancies" [(ngModel)]="vacanciesSpinnerSelectedItem.code" (ngModelChange)="spinnerClick1($event)"
    [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}" required>
    <mat-option *ngFor="let spinnerValue of vacanciesSpinnerValues" [value]="spinnerValue?.code">{{spinnerValue.description}}</mat-option>

I used this for angular Material dropdown. works fine

Using Notepad++ to validate XML against an XSD

  1. In Notepad++ go to Plugins > Plugin manager > Show Plugin Manager then find Xml Tools plugin. Tick the box and click Install

    enter image description here

  2. Open XML document you want to validate and click Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M (Or use Menu if this is your preference Plugins > XML Tools > Validate Now).
    Following dialog will open: enter image description here

  3. Click on .... Point to XSD file and I am pretty sure you'll be able to handle things from here.

Hope this saves you some time.

EDIT: Plugin manager was not included in some versions of Notepad++ because many users didn't like commercials that it used to show. If you want to keep an older version, however still want plugin manager, you can get it on github, and install it by extracting the archive and copying contents to plugins and updates folder.
In version 7.7.1 plugin manager is back under a different guise... Plugin Admin so now you can simply update notepad++ and have it back.

enter image description here

Invalid default value for 'create_date' timestamp field

I try to set type of column as 'timestamp' and it works for me.

How to specify the download location with wget?

man wget: -O file --output-document=file

wget "url" -O /tmp/cron_test/<file>

Push item to associative array in PHP

You can try.

$options['inputs'] = $options['inputs'] + $new_input;

MySQL query to get column names?

This question is old, but I got here looking for a way to find a given query its field names in a dynamic way (not necessarily only the fields of a table). And since people keep pointing this as the answer for that given task in other related questions, I'm sharing the way I found it can be done, using Gavin Simpson's tips:

//Function to generate a HTML table from a SQL query
function myTable($obConn,$sql)
    $rsResult = mysqli_query($obConn, $sql) or die(mysqli_error($obConn));
        //We start with header. >>>Here we retrieve the field names<<<
        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr align=\"center\" bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">";
        $i = 0;
        while ($i < mysqli_num_fields($rsResult)){
           $field = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($rsResult, $i);
           echo "<td><strong>$fieldName</strong></td>";
           $i = $i + 1;
        echo "</tr>"; 
        //>>>Field names retrieved<<<

        //We dump info
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rsResult)) {
            echo $bolWhite ? "<tr bgcolor=\"#CCCCCC\">" : "<tr bgcolor=\"#FFF\">";
            foreach($row as $data) {
                echo "<td>$data</td>";
            echo "</tr>";
        echo "</table>";

This can be easily modded to insert the field names in an array.

Using a simple: $sql="SELECT * FROM myTable LIMIT 1" can give you the fields of any table, without needing to use SHOW COLUMNS or any extra php module, if needed (removing the data dump part).

Hopefully this helps someone else.

How to stop default link click behavior with jQuery

This code strip all event listeners

var old_element=document.getElementsByClassName(".update-cart");    
var new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true);
old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element);  

App store link for "rate/review this app"

In iOS7 the URL that switch ur app to App Store for rate and review has changed:


Where APP_ID need to be replaced with your Application ID.

For iOS 6 and older, URL in previous answers are working fine.

Source: Appirater

Enjoy Coding..!!

How do you use the ? : (conditional) operator in JavaScript?

It's a little hard to google when all you have are symbols ;) The terms to use are "JavaScript conditional operator".

If you see any more funny symbols in JavaScript, you should try looking up JavaScript's operators first: Mozilla Developer Center's list of operators. The one exception you're likely to encounter is the $ symbol.

To answer your question, conditional operators replace simple if statements. An example is best:

var insurancePremium = age > 21 ? 100 : 200;

Instead of:

var insurancePremium;

if (age > 21) {
    insurancePremium = 100;
} else {
    insurancePremium = 200;

AngularJS multiple filter with custom filter function

Hope below answer in this link will help, Multiple Value Filter

And take a look into the fiddle with example

arrayOfObjectswithKeys | filterMultiple:{key1:['value1','value2','value3',...etc],key2:'value4',key3:[value5,value6,...etc]}


How to convert the time from AM/PM to 24 hour format in PHP?

We can use Carbon

 $time = '09:15 PM';
 echo $military_time =$s->format('G:i');

How to set a Default Route (To an Area) in MVC

This is how I did it. I don't know why MapRoute() doesn't allow you to set the area, but it does return the route object so you can continue to make any additional changes you would like. I use this because I have a modular MVC site that is sold to enterprise customers and they need to be able to drop dlls into the bin folder to add new modules. I allow them to change the "HomeArea" in the AppSettings config.

var route = routes.MapRoute(
                new {controller = "Home", action = "index" },
                new[] { "IPC.Web.Core.Controllers" }
route.DataTokens["area"] = area;

Edit: You can try this as well in your AreaRegistration.RegisterArea for the area you want the user going to by default. I haven't tested it but AreaRegistrationContext.MapRoute does sets route.DataTokens["area"] = this.AreaName; for you.

                    new {controller = "Home", action = "index" },
                    new[] { "IPC.Web.Core.Controllers" }

How to force garbage collection in Java?

To manually Request GC (not from System.gc()) :

  1. Go To : bin folder in JDK eg.-C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_31\bin
  2. Open jconsole.exe
  3. Connect to the desired local Process.
  4. Go To memory tab and click perform GC.

How to connect to mysql with laravel?

In Laravel 5, there is a .env file,

It looks like





Edit that .env There is .env.sample is there , try to create from that if no such .env file found.

Convert the values in a column into row names in an existing data frame

You can execute this in 2 simple statements:

row.names(samp) <- samp$names
samp[1] <- NULL

How to force keyboard with numbers in mobile website in Android


I am posting this as an answer, not a comment, as it is rather important info and it will attract more attention in this format.

As other fellows pointed, you can force a device to show you a numeric keyboard with type="number" / type="tel", but I must emphasize that you have to be extremely cautious with this.

If someone expects a number beginning with zeros, such as 000222, then she is likely to have trouble, as some browsers (desktop Chrome, for instance) will send to the server 222, which is not what she wants.

About type="tel" I can't say anything similar but personally I do not use it, as its behavior on different telephones can vary. I have confined myself to the simple pattern="[0-9]*" which do not work in Android

The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path

Adding below dependency in pom.xml, worked for me.


Line Break in HTML Select Option?

A bit of a hack, but this gives the effect of a multi-line select, puts in a gray bgcolor for your multi line, and if you select any of the gray text, it selects the first of the grouping. Kinda clever I'd say :) The first option also shows how you can put a title tag in for an option as well.

 function SelectFirst(SelVal) {_x000D_
   var arrSelVal = SelVal.split(",")_x000D_
   if (arrSelVal.length > 1) {_x000D_
     Valuetoselect = arrSelVal[0];_x000D_
     document.getElementById("select1").value = Valuetoselect;_x000D_
<select name="select1" id="select1" onchange="SelectFirst(this.value)">_x000D_
  <option value="1" title="this is my long title for the yes option">Yes</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2">No</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2,1" style="background:#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is my description for the no option</option>_x000D_
  <option value="2,2" style="background:#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is line 2 for the no option</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3">Maybe</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3,1" style="background:#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is my description for Maybe option</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3,2" style="background:#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is line 2 for the Maybe option</option>_x000D_
  <option value="3,3" style="background:#eeeeee">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This is line 3 for the Maybe option</option>_x000D_

Converting string to number in javascript/jQuery

Although this is an old post, I thought that a simple function can make the code more readable and keeps with jQuery chaining code-style:

String.prototype.toNum = function(){
    return parseInt(this, 10);

can be used with jQuery:

var padding_top = $('#some_div').css('padding-top'); //string: "10px"
var padding_top = $('#some_div').css('padding-top').toNum(); //number: 10`

or with any String object:

"123".toNum(); //123 (number)`

How to draw a dotted line with css?

Dooted line after element :


<h2 class="dotted-line">Lorem ipsum</h2>


.dotted-line {
  white-space: nowrap;
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
.dotted-line:after {
  content: "..........................................................................................................";
  letter-spacing: 6px;
  font-size: 30px;
  color: #9cbfdb;
  display: inline-block;
  vertical-align: 3px;
  padding-left: 10px;

Passing arguments forward to another javascript function

If you want to only pass certain arguments, you can do so like this:, 'theMethod', 'arg1', 'arg2')


bar (obj, method, ...args) {

obj and method are used by the bar() method, while the rest of args are passed to the actual call.

The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure

.NET is seeing an invalid SSL certificate on the other end of the connection. There is a workaround for it, but obviously not recommended for production code:

// Put this somewhere that is only once - like an initialization method
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateCertificate);

static bool ValidateCertificate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
   return true;

wget ssl alert handshake failure

One alternative is to replace the "https" with "http" in the url that you're trying to download from to just circumvent the SSL connection. Not the most secure solution, but this worked in my case.

Pandas DataFrame: replace all values in a column, based on condition

df.loc[df['First season'] > 1990, 'First Season'] = 1


df.loc takes two arguments, 'row index' and 'column index'. We are checking if the value is greater than 1990 of each row value, under "First season" column and then we replacing it with 1.

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

A possible solution might be to use the JSON dumps() method, so you can convert the dictionary to a string ---

import json

a={"a":10, "b":20}
b={"b":20, "a":10}
c = [json.dumps(a), json.dumps(b)]

json.dumps(a) in c

Output -

set(['{"a": 10, "b": 20}'])

How to edit my Excel dropdown list?

The answers above will work for changing the values.

If you want to change the number of cells in your list (e.g. I have a list called 'revisions' which has 4 items, I now need 7 items) you will find that you can't simply select your list and amend it on the sheet, So:

go to your 'Formulas' tab

choose "Name Manager"

a pop up box will show what is available for editing. Your list should be in it. Select your list and edit the range.

Don't change link color when a link is clicked

Don't over complicate it. Just give the link a color using the tags. It will leave a constant color that won't change even if you click it. So in your case just set it to blue. If it is set to a particular color of blue just you want to copy, you can press "print scrn" on your keyboard, paste in paint, and using the color picker(shaped as a dropper) pick the color of the link and view the code in the color settings.

Parsing XML with namespace in Python via 'ElementTree'

Here's how to do this with lxml without having to hard-code the namespaces or scan the text for them (as Martijn Pieters mentions):

from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse("filename")
root = tree.getroot()
root.findall('owl:Class', root.nsmap)


5 years later I'm still running into variations of this issue. lxml helps as I showed above, but not in every case. The commenters may have a valid point regarding this technique when it comes merging documents, but I think most people are having difficulty simply searching documents.

Here's another case and how I handled it:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><Tag1 xmlns="">

xmlns without a prefix means that unprefixed tags get this default namespace. This means when you search for Tag2, you need to include the namespace to find it. However, lxml creates an nsmap entry with None as the key, and I couldn't find a way to search for it. So, I created a new namespace dictionary like this

namespaces = {}
# response uses a default namespace, and tags don't mention it
# create a new ns map using an identifier of our choice
for k,v in root.nsmap.iteritems():
    if not k:
        namespaces['myprefix'] = v
e = root.find('myprefix:Tag2', namespaces)

Using global variables in a function

In case you have a local variable with the same name, you might want to use the globals() function.

globals()['your_global_var'] = 42

Android: resizing imageview in XML

for example:

<ImageView android:id="@+id/image_view"     

Add property android:scaleType="fitCenter" and android:adjustViewBounds="true".

ASP.NET Web Site or ASP.NET Web Application?

To summarize some of the answers above:

Flexibility, can you can make live changes to a web page?

Web Site: Possible. Pro: short term benefits. Con: long term risk of project chaos.

Web App: Con: not possible. Edit a page, archive the changes to source control, then build and deploy the entire site. Pro: maintain a quality project.

Development issues

Web Site: Simple project structure without a .csproj file.Two .aspx pages may have the same class name without conflicts. Random project directory name leading to build errors like why .net framework conflicts with its own generated file and why .net framework conflicts with its own generated file. Pro: Simple (simplistic). Con: erratic.

Web App: Project structure similar to WebForms project, with a .csproj file. Class names of asp pages must be unique. Pro: Simple (smart). Con: none, because a web app is still simple.

Is there a way to view two blocks of code from the same file simultaneously in Sublime Text?

In the nav go View => Layout => Columns:2 (alt+shift+2) and open your file again in the other pane (i.e. click the other pane and use ctrl+p

It appears you can also reopen the file using the command File -> New View into File which will open the current file in a new tab

Get MIME type from filename extension

You could use the table provided from Apache's httpd. It should be trivial to map this into a function, dictionary, list, etc.

Also, as seen here, extension->mime type is not necessarily a function. There may be multiple common MIME types per file extension, so you should look at the requirements of your application, and see why you care about MIME types, what you want "to do" with them, etc. Can you use file extensions to key the same behavior? Do you need to read the first few bytes of a file to determine its MIME type as well?

Listen for key press in .NET console app

Use Console.KeyAvailable so that you only call ReadKey when you know it won't block:

Console.WriteLine("Press ESC to stop");
do {
    while (! Console.KeyAvailable) {
        // Do something
} while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Passing additional variables from command line to make

If you make a file called Makefile and add a variable like this $(unittest) then you will be able to use this variable inside the Makefile even with wildcards

example :

make unittest=*

I use BOOST_TEST and by giving a wildcard to parameter --run_test=$(unittest) then I will be able to use regular expression to filter out the test I want my Makefile to run

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener

For me the fix was to right click on my webapp module > Maven > Update Project

port 8080 is already in use and no process using 8080 has been listed

Open eclipse go to Servers panel, right click or press F3 to open Overview window and go to Ports (Modify the server ports). You will get the following:

tomcat adminport

You can change the port numbers (e.g. HTTP/1.1 port number 8080 to 8082).

Loading another html page from javascript

Yes. In the javascript code:

window.location.href = "";

Parsing query strings on Android

Origanally answered here

On Android, there is Uri class in package . Note that Uri is part of, while URI is part of .

Uri class has many functions to extract query key-value pairs. enter image description here

Following function returns key-value pairs in the form of HashMap.

In Java:

Map<String, String> getQueryKeyValueMap(Uri uri){
    HashMap<String, String> keyValueMap = new HashMap();
    String key;
    String value;

    Set<String> keyNamesList = uri.getQueryParameterNames();
    Iterator iterator = keyNamesList.iterator();

    while (iterator.hasNext()){
        key = (String);
        value = uri.getQueryParameter(key);
        keyValueMap.put(key, value);
    return keyValueMap;

In Kotlin:

fun getQueryKeyValueMap(uri: Uri): HashMap<String, String> {
        val keyValueMap = HashMap<String, String>()
        var key: String
        var value: String

        val keyNamesList = uri.queryParameterNames
        val iterator = keyNamesList.iterator()

        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            key = as String
            value = uri.getQueryParameter(key) as String
            keyValueMap.put(key, value)
        return keyValueMap

Disable vertical scroll bar on div overflow: auto

This rules are compatible whit all browser:

body {overflow: hidden; }
body::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0 !important; }
body { overflow: -moz-scrollbars-none; }
body { -ms-overflow-style: none; }

What's the regular expression that matches a square bracket?

In general, when you need a character that is "special" in regexes, just prefix it with a \. So a literal [ would be \[.

Copy directory to another directory using ADD command

Indeed ADD go /usr/local/ will add content of go folder and not the folder itself, you can use Thomasleveil solution or if that did not work for some reason you can change WORKDIR to /usr/local/ then add your directory to it like:

WORKDIR /usr/local/
COPY go go/


WORKDIR /usr/local/go
COPY go ./

But if you want to add multiple folders, it will be annoying to add them like that, the only solution for now as I see it from my current issue is using COPY . . and exclude all unwanted directories and files in .dockerignore, let's say I got folders and files:

- src 
- tmp 
- dist 
- assets 
- go 
- justforfun 
- node_modules 
- scripts 
- .dockerignore 
- Dockerfile 
- headache.lock 
- package.json 

and I want to add src assets package.json justforfun go so:

in Dockerfile:

FROM galaxy:latest

WORKDIR /usr/local/
COPY . .

in .dockerignore file:


Or for more fun (or you like to confuse more people make them suffer as well :P) can be:


In this way you ignore everything, but excluding what you want to be copied or added only from "ignore list".

It is a late answer but adding more ways to do the same covering even more cases.

Bootstrap Responsive Text Size

Simplest way is to use dimensions in % or em. Just change the base font size everything will change.


@media (max-width: @screen-xs) {
    body{font-size: 10px;}

@media (max-width: @screen-sm) {
    body{font-size: 14px;}

    font-size: 1.4rem;

Look at all the ways at

You could use viewport units (vh,vw...) but they dont work on Android < 4.4

OpenJDK availability for Windows OS

Found all the windows binaries here :

These Windows binaries are built to keep them as close as possible in behaviour to java-x-openjdk CentOS packages.

Handling optional parameters in javascript

This I guess may be self explanatory example:

function clickOn(elem /*bubble, cancelable*/) {
    var bubble =     (arguments.length > 1)  ? arguments[1] : true;
    var cancelable = (arguments.length == 3) ? arguments[2] : true;

    var cle = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
    cle.initEvent("click", bubble, cancelable);

command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1- code sign error

Just reset your development and distribution certificate and clean your project. After that , Reboot also worked for me. Interestingly it seems to be an issue with allowing Xcode access to the certificates. When i tried the archive again, i received 2 popups asking me if i wanted to allow Xcode to access my keychain. After this it worked fine.

How to loop an object in React?

you could also just have a return div like the one below and use the built in template literals of Javascript :

const tifs = {1: 'Joe', 2: 'Jane'};



How to enable loglevel debug on Apache2 server

Do note that on newer Apache versions the RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel have been removed, and in fact will now trigger an error when trying to start Apache (at least on my XAMPP installation with Apache 2.4.2):

AH00526: Syntax error on line xx of path/to/config/file.conf: Invalid command 'RewriteLog', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration`

Instead, you're now supposed to use the general LogLevel directive, with a level of trace1 up to trace8. 'debug' didn't display any rewrite messages in the log for me.

Example: LogLevel warn rewrite:trace3

For the official documentation, see here.

Of course this also means that now your rewrite logs will be written in the general error log file and you'll have to sort them out yourself.

Change the Textbox height?

AutoSize, Minimum, Maximum does not give flexibility. Use multiline and handle the enter key event and suppress the keypress. Works great.

textBox1.Multiline = true;

 private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
                e.Handled = true;
                e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

Initialise numpy array of unknown length

Build a Python list and convert that to a Numpy array. That takes amortized O(1) time per append + O(n) for the conversion to array, for a total of O(n).

    a = []
    for x in y:
    a = np.array(a)

How to open local files in Swagger-UI

Yet another option is to run swagger using docker, you can use this docker image:

I made this ghetto little BASH script to kill running containers and rebuild, so basically each time you make a change to your spec and want to see it, just run the script. Make sure to put the name of your application in the APP_NAME variable


# Replace my_app with your application name

# Clean up old containers and images
old_containers=$(docker ps -a | grep $APP_NAME | awk '{ print $1 }')
old_images=$(docker images | grep $APP_NAME | awk '{ print $3 }')

if [[ $old_containers ]];
        echo "Stopping old containers: $old_containers"
        docker stop $old_containers
        echo "Removing old containers: $old_containers"
        docker rm $old_containers

if [[ $old_images ]];
        echo "Removing stale images"
        docker rmi $old_images

# Create new image
echo "Creating new image for $APP_NAME"
docker build . -t $APP_NAME

# Run container
echo "Running container with image $APP_NAME"
docker run -d --name $APP_NAME -p 8888:8888 $APP_NAME
echo "Check out your swaggery goodness here:


JDBC ResultSet: I need a getDateTime, but there is only getDate and getTimeStamp

The answer by Leos Literak is correct but now outdated, using one of the troublesome old date-time classes, java.sql.Timestamp.


it is really a DATETIME in the DB

Nope, it is not. No such data type as DATETIME in Oracle database.

I was looking for a getDateTime method.

Use java.time classes in JDBC 4.2 and later rather than troublesome legacy classes seen in your Question. In particular, rather than java.sql.TIMESTAMP, use Instant class for a moment such as the SQL-standard type TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE.

Contrived code snippet:

        myResultSetMetaData.getColumnType( … )
) {
    Instant instant = myResultSet.getObject( … , Instant.class ) ;

Oddly enough, the JDBC 4.2 specification does not require support for the two most commonly used java.time classes, Instant and ZonedDateTime. So if your JDBC does not support the code seen above, use OffsetDateTime instead.

OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = myResultSet.getObject( … , OffsetDateTime.class ) ;


I would like to get the DATETIME column from an Oracle DB Table with JDBC.

According to this doc, there is no column data type DATETIME in the Oracle database. That terminology seems to be Oracle’s word to refer to all their date-time types as a group.

I do not see the point of your code that detects the type and branches on which data-type. Generally, I think you should be crafting your code explicitly in the context of your particular table and particular business problem. Perhaps this would be useful in some kind of generic framework. If you insist, read on to learn about various types, and to learn about the extremely useful new java.time classes built into Java 8 and later that supplant the classes used in your Question.

Smart objects, not dumb strings

valueToInsert = aDate.toString();

You appear to trying to exchange date-time values with your database as text, as String objects. Don’t.

To exchange date-time values with your database, use date-time objects. Now in Java 8 and later, that means java.time objects, as discussed below.

Various type systems

You may be confusing three sets of date-time related data types:

  • Standard SQL types
  • Proprietary types
  • JDBC types

SQL standard types

The SQL standard defines five types:

  • DATE


  • DATE
    Date only, no time, no time zone.


    Time only, no date. Silently ignores any time zone specified as part of input.
    Time only, no date. Applies time zone and Daylight Saving Time rules if sufficient data is included with input. Of questionable usefulness given the other data types, as discussed in Postgres doc.

Date And Time-Of-Day

    Date and time, but ignores time zone. Any time zone information passed to the database is ignores with no adjustment to UTC. So this does not represent a specific moment on the timeline, but rather a range of possible moments over about 26-27 hours. Use this if the time zone or offset are (a) unknown or (b) irrelevant such as "All our factories around the world close at noon for lunch". If you have any doubts, not likely the right type.
    Date and time with respect for time zone. Note that this name is something of a misnomer depending on the implementation. Some systems may store the given time zone info. In other systems such as Postgres the time zone information is not stored, instead the time zone information passed to the database is used to adjust the date-time to UTC.


Many database offer their own date-time related types. The proprietary types vary widely. Some are old, legacy types that should be avoided. Some are believed by the vendor to offer certain benefits; you decide whether to stick with the standard types only or not. Beware: Some proprietary types have a name conflicting with a standard type; I’m looking at you Oracle DATE.


The Java platform's handles the internal details of date-time differently than does the SQL standard or specific databases. The job of a JDBC driver is to mediate between these differences, to act as a bridge, translating the types and their actual implemented data values as needed. The java.sql.* package is that bridge.

JDBC legacy classes

Prior to Java 8, the JDBC spec defined 3 types for date-time work. The first two are hacks as before Version 8, Java lacked any classes to represent a date-only or time-only value.

  • java.sql.Date
    Simulates a date-only, pretends to have no time, no time zone. Can be confusing as this class is a wrapper around java.util.Date which tracks both date and time. Internally, the time portion is set to zero (midnight UTC).
  • java.sql.Time
    Time only, pretends to have no date, and no time zone. Can also be confusing as this class too is a thin wrapper around java.util.Date which tracks both date and time. Internally, the date is set to zero (January 1, 1970).
  • java.sql.TimeStamp
    Date and time, but no time zone. This too is a thin wrapper around java.util.Date.

So that answers your question regarding no "getDateTime" method in the ResultSet interface. That interface offers getter methods for the three bridging data types defined in JDBC:

Note that the first lack any concept of time zone or offset-from-UTC. The last one, java.sql.Timestamp is always in UTC despite what its toString method tells you.

JDBC modern classes

You should avoid those poorly-designed JDBC classes listed above. They are supplanted by the java.time types.

  • Instead of java.sql.Date, use LocalDate. Suits SQL-standard DATE type.
  • Instead of java.sql.Time, use LocalTime. Suits SQL-standard TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE type.
  • Instead of java.sql.Timestamp, use Instant. Suits SQL-standard TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE type.

As of JDBC 4.2 and later, you can directly exchange java.time objects with your database. Use setObject/getObject methods.


myPreparedStatement.setObject( … , instant ) ;


Instant instant = myResultSet.getObject( … , Instant.class ) ;

The Instant class represents a moment on the timeline in UTC with a resolution of nanoseconds (up to nine (9) digits of a decimal fraction).

Adjusting time zone

If you want to see the moment of an Instant as viewed through the wall-clock time used by the people of a particular region (a time zone) rather than as UTC, adjust by applying a ZoneId to get a ZonedDateTime object.

ZoneId zAuckland = ZoneId.of( "Pacific/Auckland" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdtAuckland = instant.atZone( zAuckland ) ;

The resulting ZonedDateTime object is the same moment, the same simultaneous point on the timeline. A new day dawns earlier to the east, so the date and time-of-day will differ. For example, a few minutes after midnight in New Zealand is still “yesterday” in UTC.

You can apply yet another time zone to either the Instant or ZonedDateTime to see the same simultaneous moment through yet another wall-clock time used by people in some other region.

ZoneId zMontréal = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" ) ;
ZonedDateTime zdtMontréal = zdtAuckland.withZoneSameInstant( zMontréal ) ;  // Or, for the same effect: instant.atZone( zMontréal ) 

So now we have three objects (instant, zdtAuckland, zMontréal) all representing the same moment, same point on the timeline.

Detecting type

To get back to the code in Question about detecting the data-type of the databases: (a) not my field of expertise, (b) I would avoid this as mentioned up top, and (c) if you insist on this, beware that as of Java 8 and later, the java.sql.Types class is outmoded. That class is now replaced by a proper Java Enum of JDBCType that implements the new interface SQLType. See this Answer to a related Question.

This change is listed in JDBC Maintenance Release 4.2, sections 3 & 4. To quote:

Addition of the java.sql.JDBCType Enum

An Enum used to identify generic SQL Types, called JDBC Types. The intent is to use JDBCType in place of the constants defined in

The enum has the same values as the old class, but now provides type-safety.

A note about syntax: In modern Java, you can use a switch on an Enum object. So no need to use cascading if-then statements as seen in your Question. The one catch is that the enum object’s name must be used unqualified when switching for some obscure technical reason, so you must do your switch on TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE rather than the qualified JDBCType.TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE. Use a static import statement.

So, all that is to say that I guess (I’ve not tried yet) you can do something like the following code example.

final int columnType = myResultSetMetaData.getColumnType( … ) ;
final JDBCType jdbcType = JDBCType.valueOf( columnType ) ;

switch( jdbcType ) {  

    case DATE :  // FYI: Qualified type name `JDBCType.DATE` not allowed in a switch, because of an obscure technical issue. Use a `static import` statement.
        break ;

        break ;

    default :
        break ;


enter image description here

About java.time

The java.time framework is built into Java 8 and later. These classes supplant the troublesome old legacy date-time classes such as java.util.Date, Calendar, & SimpleDateFormat.

The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes.

To learn more, see the Oracle Tutorial. And search Stack Overflow for many examples and explanations. Specification is JSR 310.

You may exchange java.time objects directly with your database. Use a JDBC driver compliant with JDBC 4.2 or later. No need for strings, no need for java.sql.* classes.

Where to obtain the java.time classes?

The ThreeTen-Extra project extends java.time with additional classes. This project is a proving ground for possible future additions to java.time. You may find some useful classes here such as Interval, YearWeek, YearQuarter, and more.

UPDATE: The Joda-Time project, now in maintenance mode, advises migration to the java.time classes. This section left intact as history.


Prior to Java 8 (java.time.* package), the date-time classes bundled with java (java.util.Date & Calendar, java.text.SimpleDateFormat) are notoriously troublesome, confusing, and flawed.

A better practice is to take what your JDBC driver gives you and from that create Joda-Time objects, or in Java 8, java.time.* package. Eventually, you should see new JDBC drivers that automatically use the new java.time.* classes. Until then some methods have been added to classes such as java.sql.Timestamp to interject with java.time such as toInstant and fromInstant.


As for the latter part of the question, rendering a String… A formatter object should be used to generate a string value.

The old-fashioned way is with java.text.SimpleDateFormat. Not recommended.

Joda-Time provide various built-in formatters, and you may also define your own. But for writing logs or reports as you mentioned, the best choice may be ISO 8601 format. That format happens to be the default used by Joda-Time and java.time.

Example Code

//java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = resultSet.getTimestamp(i);
// Or, fake it 
// long m =;
// java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp( m );

//DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( timestamp.getTime(), DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( DateTimeZone.UTC ); // Defaults to now, this moment.

// Convert as needed for presentation to user in local time zone.
DateTimeZone timeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Paris");
DateTime dateTimeZoned = dateTimeUtc.toDateTime( timeZone );

Dump to console…

System.out.println( "dateTimeUtc: " + dateTimeUtc );
System.out.println( "dateTimeZoned: " + dateTimeZoned );

When run…

dateTimeUtc: 2014-01-16T22:48:46.840Z
dateTimeZoned: 2014-01-16T23:48:46.840+01:00

Visual Studio Code cannot detect installed git

In Visual Studio Code open 'user settings': ctrl + p and type >sett press enter

This will open default settings on left side and User settings on right side.

Just add path to git.exe in user settings

"git.path": "C:\\Users\\[WINDOWS_USER]\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"

Replace [WINDOWS_USER] with your user name.

Restart Visual Studio Code

Pass Method as Parameter using C#

public static T Runner<T>(Func<T> funcToRun)
    //Do stuff before running function as normal
    return funcToRun();


var ReturnValue = Runner(() => GetUser(99));

How to create a simple proxy in C#?

You can build one with the HttpListener class to listen for incoming requests and the HttpWebRequest class to relay the requests.

How do I clone a generic List in Java?

Be advised that Object.clone() has some major problems, and its use is discouraged in most cases. Please see Item 11, from "Effective Java" by Joshua Bloch for a complete answer. I believe you can safely use Object.clone() on primitive type arrays, but apart from that you need to be judicious about properly using and overriding clone. You are probably better off defining a copy constructor or a static factory method that explicitly clones the object according to your semantics.

PHP filesize MB/KB conversion

Here is a sample:

// Snippet from PHP Share:

    function formatSizeUnits($bytes)
        if ($bytes >= 1073741824)
            $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . ' GB';
        elseif ($bytes >= 1048576)
            $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . ' MB';
        elseif ($bytes >= 1024)
            $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . ' KB';
        elseif ($bytes > 1)
            $bytes = $bytes . ' bytes';
        elseif ($bytes == 1)
            $bytes = $bytes . ' byte';
            $bytes = '0 bytes';

        return $bytes;

Bold words in a string of strings.xml in Android

I was having a text something like:

Forgot Password? Reset here.

To implement this the easy way I used the existing android:textStyle="bold"



            android:text="Forgot password? "



            android:text="Reset here"
            android:textStyle="bold" />

Maybe it helps someone

How do I disable the resizable property of a textarea?

I found two things:


textarea{resize: none}

This is a CSS 3, which is not released yet, compatible with Firefox 4 (and later), Chrome, and Safari.

Another format feature is to overflow: auto to get rid of the right scrollbar, taking into account the dir attribute.

Code and different browsers

Basic HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <textarea style="overflow:auto;resize:none" rows="13" cols="20"></textarea>

Some browsers

  • Internet Explorer 8

Enter image description here

  • Firefox 17.0.1

Enter image description here

  • Chrome

Enter image description here

Hiding a form and showing another when a button is clicked in a Windows Forms application

i believe the following code will only run after form1 is closed

 while (true)
        if (form1.Visible == false)

Why not start your form2 from form1 instead?

Form2 form2 = new Form2();
 private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (richTextBox1.Text != null)

        else MessageBox.Show("Insert Attributes First !");


Using Html.ActionLink to call action on different controller

With that parameters you're triggering the wrong overloaded function/method.

What worked for me:

<%= Html.ActionLink("Details", "Details", "Product", new { id=item.ID }, null) %>

It fires HtmlHelper.ActionLink(string linkText, string actionName, string controllerName, object routeValues, object htmlAttributes)

I'm using MVC 4.


How to vertically center <div> inside the parent element with CSS?

You can vertically align a div in another div. See this example on JSFiddle or consider the example below.


<div class="outerDiv">
    <div class="innerDiv"> My Vertical Div </div>


.outerDiv {
    display: inline-flex;  // <-- This is responsible for vertical alignment
    height: 400px;
    background-color: red;
    color: white;

.innerDiv {
    margin: auto 5px;   // <-- This is responsible for vertical alignment
    background-color: green;   

The .innerDiv's margin must be in this format: margin: auto *px;

[Where, * is your desired value.]

display: inline-flex is supported in the latest (updated/current version) browsers with HTML5 support.

It may not work in Internet Explorer :P :)

Always try to define a height for any vertically aligned div (i.e. innerDiv) to counter compatibility issues.

A JNI error has occurred, please check your installation and try again in Eclipse x86 Windows 8.1

It can happen if the JDK version is different.

try this with maven:


under build->plugins:




Shared-memory objects in multiprocessing

I run into the same problem and wrote a little shared-memory utility class to work around it.

I'm using multiprocessing.RawArray (lockfree), and also the access to the arrays is not synchronized at all (lockfree), be careful not to shoot your own feet.

With the solution I get speedups by a factor of approx 3 on a quad-core i7.

Here's the code: Feel free to use and improve it, and please report back any bugs.

Created on 14.05.2013

@author: martin

import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import numpy as np

class SharedNumpyMemManagerError(Exception):

Singleton Pattern
class SharedNumpyMemManager:    

    _initSize = 1024

    _instance = None

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if not cls._instance:
            cls._instance = super(SharedNumpyMemManager, cls).__new__(
                                cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instance        

    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
        self.cur = 0
        self.cnt = 0
        self.shared_arrays = [None] * SharedNumpyMemManager._initSize

    def __createArray(self, dimensions, ctype=ctypes.c_double):


        # double size if necessary
        if (self.cnt >= len(self.shared_arrays)):
            self.shared_arrays = self.shared_arrays + [None] * len(self.shared_arrays)

        # next handle

        # create array in shared memory segment
        shared_array_base = multiprocessing.RawArray(ctype,

        # convert to numpy array vie ctypeslib
        self.shared_arrays[self.cur] = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array_base)

        # do a reshape for correct dimensions            
        # Returns a masked array containing the same data, but with a new shape.
        # The result is a view on the original array
        self.shared_arrays[self.cur] = self.shared_arrays[self.cnt].reshape(dimensions)

        # update cnt
        self.cnt += 1


        # return handle to the shared memory numpy array
        return self.cur

    def __getNextFreeHdl(self):
        orgCur = self.cur
        while self.shared_arrays[self.cur] is not None:
            self.cur = (self.cur + 1) % len(self.shared_arrays)
            if orgCur == self.cur:
                raise SharedNumpyMemManagerError('Max Number of Shared Numpy Arrays Exceeded!')

    def __freeArray(self, hdl):
        # set reference to None
        if self.shared_arrays[hdl] is not None: # consider multiple calls to free
            self.shared_arrays[hdl] = None
            self.cnt -= 1

    def __getArray(self, i):
        return self.shared_arrays[i]

    def getInstance():
        if not SharedNumpyMemManager._instance:
            SharedNumpyMemManager._instance = SharedNumpyMemManager()
        return SharedNumpyMemManager._instance

    def createArray(*args, **kwargs):
        return SharedNumpyMemManager.getInstance().__createArray(*args, **kwargs)

    def getArray(*args, **kwargs):
        return SharedNumpyMemManager.getInstance().__getArray(*args, **kwargs)

    def freeArray(*args, **kwargs):
        return SharedNumpyMemManager.getInstance().__freeArray(*args, **kwargs)

# Init Singleton on module load

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import timeit

    N_PROC = 8
    INNER_LOOP = 10000
    N = 1000

    def propagate(t):
        i, shm_hdl, evidence = t
        a = SharedNumpyMemManager.getArray(shm_hdl)
        for j in range(INNER_LOOP):
            a[i] = i

    class Parallel_Dummy_PF:

        def __init__(self, N):
            self.N = N
            self.arrayHdl = SharedNumpyMemManager.createArray(self.N, ctype=ctypes.c_double)            
            self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=N_PROC)

        def update_par(self, evidence):
  , zip(range(self.N), [self.arrayHdl] * self.N, [evidence] * self.N))

        def update_seq(self, evidence):
            for i in range(self.N):
                propagate((i, self.arrayHdl, evidence))

        def getArray(self):
            return SharedNumpyMemManager.getArray(self.arrayHdl)

    def parallelExec():
        pf = Parallel_Dummy_PF(N)

    def sequentialExec():
        pf = Parallel_Dummy_PF(N)

    t1 = timeit.Timer("sequentialExec()", "from __main__ import sequentialExec")
    t2 = timeit.Timer("parallelExec()", "from __main__ import parallelExec")

    print("Sequential: ", t1.timeit(number=1))    
    print("Parallel: ", t2.timeit(number=1))

automatically execute an Excel macro on a cell change

I have a cell which is linked to online stock database and updated frequently. I want to trigger a macro whenever the cell value is updated.

I believe this is similar to cell value change by a program or any external data update but above examples somehow do not work for me. I think the problem is because excel internal events are not triggered, but thats my guess.

I did the following,

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) 
  If Not Intersect(Target, Target.Worksheets("Symbols").Range("$C$3")) Is Nothing Then
   'Run Macro
End Sub

Iteration over std::vector: unsigned vs signed index variable

Obscure but important detail: if you say "for(auto it)" as follows, you get a copy of the object, not the actual element:

struct Xs{int i} x;
x.i = 0;
vector <Xs> v;
for(auto it : v)
    it.i = 1;         // doesn't change the element v[0]

To modify the elements of the vector, you need to define the iterator as a reference:

for(auto &it : v)

What is the HTML5 equivalent to the align attribute in table cells?

You can use inline css :
<td style = "text-align: center;">

Finding repeated words on a string and counting the repetitions

If you pass a String argument it will count the repetition of each word

 * @param string
 * @return map which contain the word and value as the no of repatation
public Map findDuplicateString(String str) {
    String[] stringArrays = str.split(" ");
    Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    Set<String> words = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(stringArrays));
    int count = 0;
    for (String word : words) {
        for (String temp : stringArrays) {
            if (word.equals(temp)) {
        map.put(word, count);
        count = 0;

    return map;



 Word1=2, word2=4, word2=1,. . .

TextView - setting the text size programmatically doesn't seem to work

Text size 2 will be practically invisible. Try it with 14 at least. BTW, using xml has a lot of advantages and will make your life easier once you need to do anything more complex than 'Hello World'.

How to install ADB driver for any android device?

If no other driver package worked for your obscure device go read how to make a truly universal abd and fastboot driver out of Google's USB driver. The trick is to use CompatibleID instead of HardwareID in the driver's INF Models section

How do I use raw_input in Python 3

How about the following one? Should allow you to use either raw_input or input in both Python2 and Python3 with the semantics of Python2's raw_input (aka the semantics of Python3's input)

# raw_input isn't defined in Python3.x, whereas input wasn't behaving like raw_input in Python 2.x
# this should make both input and raw_input work in Python 2.x/3.x like the raw_input from Python 2.x 
try: input = raw_input
except NameError: raw_input = input

Fetch first element which matches criteria

When you write a lambda expression, the argument list to the left of -> can be either a parenthesized argument list (possibly empty), or a single identifier without any parentheses. But in the second form, the identifier cannot be declared with a type name. Thus: s-> s.getStation().getName().equals(name));

is incorrect syntax; but s)-> s.getStation().getName().equals(name));

is correct. Or: -> s.getStation().getName().equals(name));

is also correct if the compiler has enough information to figure out the types.

How to have Android Service communicate with Activity

Another way could be using observers with a fake model class through the activity and the service itself, implementing an MVC pattern variation. I don't know if it's the best way to accomplish this, but it's the way that worked for me. If you need some example ask for it and i'll post something.

Radio Buttons ng-checked with ng-model

I think you should only use ng-model and should work well for you, here is the link to the official documentation of angular

The code from the example should not be difficult to adapt to your specific situation:

   function Ctrl($scope) {
      $scope.color = 'blue';
      $scope.specialValue = {
         "id": "12345",
         "value": "green"
<form name="myForm" ng-controller="Ctrl">
   <input type="radio" ng-model="color" value="red">  Red <br/>
   <input type="radio" ng-model="color" ng-value="specialValue"> Green <br/>
   <input type="radio" ng-model="color" value="blue"> Blue <br/>
   <tt>color = {{color | json}}</tt><br/>

Uri content://media/external/file doesn't exist for some devices

Most probably it has to do with caching on the device. Catching the exception and ignoring is not nice but my problem was fixed and it seems to work.

How to find a value in an excel column by vba code Cells.Find

Dim strFirstAddress As String
Dim searchlast As Range
Dim search As Range

Set search = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A100")
Set searchlast = search.Cells(search.Cells.Count)

Set rngFindValue = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A100").Find(Text, searchlast, xlValues)
If Not rngFindValue Is Nothing Then
  strFirstAddress = rngFindValue.Address
    Set rngFindValue = search.FindNext(rngFindValue)
  Loop Until rngFindValue.Address = strFirstAddress

How do I get the path to the current script with Node.js?

Use the basename method of the path module:

var path = require('path');
var filename = path.basename(__filename);

Here is the documentation the above example is taken from.

As Dan pointed out, Node is working on ECMAScript modules with the "--experimental-modules" flag. Node 12 still supports __dirname and __filename as above.

If you are using the --experimental-modules flag, there is an alternative approach.

The alternative is to get the path to the current ES module:

const __filename = new URL(import.meta.url).pathname;

And for the directory containing the current module:

import path from 'path';

const __dirname = path.dirname(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname);

Reduce size of legend area in barplot

The cex parameter will do that for you.

a <- c(3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2 )
barplot(a, beside = T,
        col = 1:6, space = c(0, 2))
       legend = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"), 
       fill = 1:6, ncol = 2,
       cex = 0.75)

The plot

Postgres manually alter sequence

The parentheses are misplaced:

SELECT setval('payments_id_seq', 21, true);  # next value will be 22

Otherwise you're calling setval with a single argument, while it requires two or three.

How to delete all files older than 3 days when "Argument list too long"?

Another solution for the original question, esp. useful if you want to remove only SOME of the older files in a folder, would be smth like this:

find . -name "*.sess" -mtime +100 

and so on.. Quotes block shell wildcards, thus allowing you to "find" millions of files :)

Spring Data JPA findOne() change to Optional how to use this?

Optional api provides methods for getting the values. You can check isPresent() for the presence of the value and then make a call to get() or you can make a call to get() chained with orElse() and provide a default value.

The last thing you can try doing is using @Query() over a custom method.

Multiple inputs on one line

Yes, you can.


Because these functions are operator overloading functions, the usual way in which they are called is:

   strm >> variable;

Where strm is the identifier of a istream object and variable is an object of any type supported as right parameter. It is also possible to call a succession of extraction operations as:

   strm >> variable1 >> variable2 >> variable3; //...

which is the same as performing successive extractions from the same object strm.

Just replace strm with cin.

How do I write a SQL query for a specific date range and date time using SQL Server 2008?

You can try this:

SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE DATE BETWEEN '03/10/2014 06:25:00' and '03/12/2010 6:25:00'

How do I count the number of rows and columns in a file using bash?

Columns: awk '{print NF}' file | sort -nu | tail -n 1

Use head -n 1 for lowest column count, tail -n 1 for highest column count.

Rows: cat file | wc -l or wc -l < file for the UUOC crowd.

Setting up and using environment variables in IntelliJ Idea

Path Variables dialog has nothing to do with the environment variables.

Environment variables can be specified in your OS or customized in the Run configuration:


How do I generate a random integer between min and max in Java?

As the solutions above do not consider the possible overflow of doing max-min when min is negative, here another solution (similar to the one of kerouac)

public static int getRandom(int min, int max) {
    if (min > max) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Min " + min + " greater than max " + max);
    return (int) ( (long) min + Math.random() * ((long)max - min + 1));

this works even if you call it with:

getRandom(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) 

HTML Table width in percentage, table rows separated equally

Use the property table-layout:fixed; on the table to get equally spaced cells. If a column has a width set, then no matter what the content is, it will be the specified width. Columns without a width set will divide whatever room is left over among themselves.

<table style='table-layout:fixed;'>
            <td>gobble de gook</td>

Just to throw it out there, you could also use <colgroup><col span='#' style='width:#%;'/></colgroup>, which doesn't require repetition of style per table data or giving the table an id to use in a style sheet. I think setting the widths on the first row is enough though.

Get img thumbnails from Vimeo?

You might want to take a look at the gem from Matt Hooks.

It provides a simple vimeo wrapper for the api.

All you would need is to store the video_id (and the provider if you are also doing other video sites)

You can extract the vimeo video id like so

  get_vimeo_video_id (link)
        vimeo_video_id = nil
        vimeo_regex  = /http:\/\/(www\.)?\/(\d+)($|\/)/
        vimeo_match = vimeo_regex.match(link)

if vimeo_match.nil?
  vimeo_regex  = /http:\/\/\/video\/([a-z0-9-]+)/
  vimeo_match = vimeo_regex.match(link)

    vimeo_video_id = vimeo_match[2] unless vimeo_match.nil?
    return vimeo_video_id

and if you need you tube you might find this usefull

 get_youtube_video_id (link)
    youtube_video_id = nil
    youtube_regex  = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?\/([A-Za-z0-9._%-]*)(\&\S+)?/
    youtube_match = youtube_regex.match(link)

if youtube_match.nil?
  youtubecom_regex  = /^(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?\/watch\?v=([A-Za-z0-9._%-]*)(\&\S+)?/
  youtube_match = youtubecom_regex.match(link)

youtube_video_id = youtube_match[3] unless youtube_match.nil?
return youtube_video_id

How do I use vim registers?

If you ever want to paste the contents of the register in an ex-mode command, hit <C-r><registerletter>.

Why would you use this? I wanted to do a search and replace for a longish string, so I selected it in visual mode, started typing out the search/replace expression :%s/[PASTE YANKED PHRASE]//g and went on my day.

If you only want to paste a single word in ex mode, can make sure the cursor is on it before entering ex mode, and then hit <C-r><C-w> when in ex mode to paste the word.

jQuery checkbox checked state changed event

Just another solution

$('.checkbox_class').on('change', function(){ // on change of state
   if(this.checked) // if changed state is "CHECKED"
        // do the magic here

What column type/length should I use for storing a Bcrypt hashed password in a Database?

A Bcrypt hash can be stored in a BINARY(40) column.

BINARY(60), as the other answers suggest, is the easiest and most natural choice, but if you want to maximize storage efficiency, you can save 20 bytes by losslessly deconstructing the hash. I've documented this more thoroughly on GitHub:

Bcrypt hashes follow a structure referred to as modular crypt format (MCF). Binary MCF (BMCF) decodes these textual hash representations to a more compact binary structure. In the case of Bcrypt, the resulting binary hash is 40 bytes.

Gumbo did a nice job of explaining the four components of a Bcrypt MCF hash:


Decoding to BMCF goes like this:

  1. $<id>$ can be represented in 3 bits.
  2. <cost>$, 04-31, can be represented in 5 bits. Put these together for 1 byte.
  3. The 22-character salt is a (non-standard) base-64 representation of 128 bits. Base-64 decoding yields 16 bytes.
  4. The 31-character hash digest can be base-64 decoded to 23 bytes.
  5. Put it all together for 40 bytes: 1 + 16 + 23

You can read more at the link above, or examine my PHP implementation, also on GitHub.

Extract specific columns from delimited file using Awk

Other languages have short cuts for ranges of field numbers, but not awk, you'll have to write your code as your fear ;-)

awk -F, 'BEGIN {OFS=","} { print $1, $2, $3, $4 ..... $30, $33}' infile.csv > outfile.csv

There is no direct function in awk to use field names as column specifiers.

I hope this helps.

How can I find matching values in two arrays?

If your values are non-null strings or numbers, you can use an object as a dictionary:

var map = {}, result = [], i;
for (i = 0; i < array1.length; ++i) {
    map[array1[i]] = 1;

for (i = 0; i < array2.length; ++i) {
    if (map[array2[i]] === 1) {

        // avoid returning a value twice if it appears twice in array 2
        map[array2[i]] = 0;

return result;

Why do I always get the same sequence of random numbers with rand()?

This is from


void srand(unsigned int seed); 

This function seeds the random number generator used by the function rand. Seeding srand with the same seed will cause rand to return the same sequence of pseudo-random numbers. If srand is not called, rand acts as if srand(1) has been called.

How to change Apache Tomcat web server port number

1) Locate server.xml in {Tomcat installation folder}\ conf \ 2) Find following similar statement

       <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8180 -->
      <Connector port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
           maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
           enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
           connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />

For example

<Connector port="8181" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
           redirectPort="8443" />

Edit and save the server.xml file. Restart Tomcat. Done

Further reference:

How to Count Duplicates in List with LINQ

Slightly shorter version using methods chain:

var list = new List<string> {"a", "b", "a", "c", "a", "b"};
var q = list.GroupBy(x => x)
            .Select(g => new {Value = g.Key, Count = g.Count()})

foreach (var x in q)
    Console.WriteLine("Value: " + x.Value + " Count: " + x.Count);

nginx error "conflicting server name" ignored

There should be only one localhost defined, check sites-enabled or nginx.conf.

Groovy method with optional parameters

You can use arguments with default values.

def someMethod(def mandatory,def optional=null){}

if argument "optional" not exist, it turns to "null".

Android Studio build fails with "Task '' not found in root project 'MyProject'."

Apparently this issue caused by Android Studio on the various situation but the reason is build error When importing an existing project into android studio.

In my case, I've imported my exist project where I was supposed to install few build tools then finally build configuration was done with error. In this case, just do the following things

  1. Close the current project
  2. File>New>Import Project (Don't use the open recent project)

    Note: I'm sure this kind of error is not on source code when this happened on Import project.

How to match "anything up until this sequence of characters" in a regular expression?

This will make sense about regex.

  1. The exact word can be get from the following regex command:


Here, we can get the exact word globally which is belonging inside the double quotes. For Example, If our search text is,

This is the example for "double quoted" words

then we will get "double quoted" from that sentence.

How to programmatically set the Image source

myImg.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(@"component/Images/down.png", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); 

Don't forget to set Build Action to "Content", and Copy to output directory to "Always".

What is the C# version of's InputDialog?

There is no such thing: I recommend to write it for yourself and use it whenever you need.

Trouble Connecting to sql server Login failed. "The login is from an untrusted domain and cannot be used with Windows authentication"

If you using windows authentication make sure that password of the user hasn't expired. An expired password can explain this error. This was the problem in my case.

Changing the CommandTimeout in SQL Management studio

If you are getting a timeout while on the table designer, change the "Transaction time-out after" value under Tools --> Options --> Designers --> Table and Database Designers

This will get rid of this message: "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."

enter image description here

Setting graph figure size

A different approach.
On the figure() call specify properties or modify the figure handle properties after h = figure().

This creates a full screen figure based on normalized units.
figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])

The units property can be adjusted to inches, centimeters, pixels, etc.

See figure documentation.

Get month and year from date cells Excel

You could right click on those cells, go to format, select custom, then type mm yyyy.

What do hjust and vjust do when making a plot using ggplot?

The value of hjust and vjust are only defined between 0 and 1:

  • 0 means left-justified
  • 1 means right-justified

Source: ggplot2, Hadley Wickham, page 196

(Yes, I know that in most cases you can use it beyond this range, but don't expect it to behave in any specific way. This is outside spec.)

hjust controls horizontal justification and vjust controls vertical justification.

An example should make this clear:

td <- expand.grid(
    hjust=c(0, 0.5, 1),
    vjust=c(0, 0.5, 1),
    angle=c(0, 45, 90),

ggplot(td, aes(x=hjust, y=vjust)) + 
    geom_point() +
    geom_text(aes(label=text, angle=angle, hjust=hjust, vjust=vjust)) + 
    facet_grid(~angle) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1), expand=c(0, 0.2)) +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0, 0.5, 1), expand=c(0, 0.2))

enter image description here

To understand what happens when you change the hjust in axis text, you need to understand that the horizontal alignment for axis text is defined in relation not to the x-axis, but to the entire plot (where this includes the y-axis text). (This is, in my view, unfortunate. It would be much more useful to have the alignment relative to the axis.)

DF <- data.frame(x=LETTERS[1:3],y=1:3)
p <- ggplot(DF, aes(x,y)) + geom_point() + 
    ylab("Very long label for y") +

p1 <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=0)) + xlab("X-axis at hjust=0")
p2 <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=0.5)) + xlab("X-axis at hjust=0.5")
p3 <- p + theme(axis.title.x=element_text(hjust=1)) + xlab("X-axis at hjust=1")

align.plots(p1, p2, p3)

enter image description here

To explore what happens with vjust aligment of axis labels:

DF <- data.frame(x=c("a\na","b","cdefghijk","l"),y=1:4)
p <- ggplot(DF, aes(x,y)) + geom_point()

p1 <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=0, colour="red")) + 
        xlab("X-axis labels aligned with vjust=0")
p2 <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=0.5, colour="red")) + 
        xlab("X-axis labels aligned with vjust=0.5")
p3 <- p + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(vjust=1, colour="red")) + 
        xlab("X-axis labels aligned with vjust=1")

align.plots(p1, p2, p3)

enter image description here

List files with certain extensions with ls and grep

Why not:

ls *.{mp3,exe,mp4}

I'm not sure where I learned it - but I've been using this.

How to pass arguments and redirect stdin from a file to program run in gdb?

Wouldn't it be nice to just type debug in front of any command to be able to debug it with gdb on shell level?

Below it this function. It even works with following:

"$program" "$@" < <(in) 1> >(out) 2> >(two) 3> >(three)

This is a call where you cannot control anything, everything is variable, can contain spaces, linefeeds and shell metacharacters. In this example, in, out, two, and three are arbitrary other commands which consume or produce data which must not be harmed.

Following bash function invokes gdb nearly cleanly in such an environment [Gist]:

  1000<&0 1001>&1 1002>&2 \
  0</dev/tty 1>/dev/tty 2>&0 \
  /usr/bin/gdb -q -nx -nw \
  -ex 'set exec-wrapper /bin/bash -c "exec 0<&1000 1>&1001 2>&1002 \"\$@\"" exec' \
  -ex r \
  --args "$@";

Example on how to apply this: Just type debug in front:


p=($'\n' $'I\'am\'evil' "  yay  ")
"b u g" "${p[@]}" < <(in) 1> >(out) 2> >(two) 3> >(three)


p=($'\n' $'I\'am\'evil' "  yay  ")
debug "b u g" "${p[@]}" < <(in) 1> >(out) 2> >(two) 3> >(three)

That's it. Now it's an absolute no-brainer to debug with gdb. Except for a few details or more:

  • gdb does not quit automatically and hence keeps the IO redirection open until you exit gdb. But I call this a feature.

  • You cannot easily pass argv0 to the program like with exec -a arg0 command args. Following should do this trick: After exec-wrapper change "exec to "exec -a \"\${DEBUG_ARG0:-\$1}\".

  • There are FDs above 1000 open, which are normally closed. If this is a problem, change 0<&1000 1>&1001 2>&1002 to read 0<&1000 1>&1001 2>&1002 1000<&- 1001>&- 1002>&-

  • You cannot run two debuggers in parallel. There also might be issues, if some other command consumes /dev/tty (or STDIN). To fix that, replace /dev/tty with "${DEBUGTTY:-/dev/tty}". In some other TTY type tty; sleep inf and then use the printed TTY (i. E. /dev/pts/60) for debugging, as in DEBUGTTY=/dev/pts/60 debug command arg... That's the Power of Shell, get used to it!

Function explained:

  • 1000<&0 1001>&1 1002>&2 moves away the first 3 FDs
    • This assumes, that FDs 1000, 1001 and 1002 are free
  • 0</dev/tty 1>/dev/tty 2>&0 restores the first 3 FDs to point to your current TTY. So you can control gdb.
  • /usr/bin/gdb -q -nx -nw runs gdb invokes gdb on shell
  • -ex 'set exec-wrapper /bin/bash -c "exec 0<&1000 1>&1001 2>&1002 \"\$@\"" creates a startup wrapper, which restores the first 3 FDs which were saved to 1000 and above
  • -ex r starts the program using the exec-wrapper
  • --args "$@" passes the arguments as given

Wasn't that easy?

Can I convert long to int?


(int) Math.Min(Int32.MaxValue, longValue)

be the correct way, mathematically speaking?

Delete terminal history in Linux

If you use bash, then the terminal history is saved in a file called .bash_history. Delete it, and history will be gone.

However, for MySQL the better approach is not to enter the password in the command line. If you just specify the -p option, without a value, then you will be prompted for the password and it won't be logged.

Another option, if you don't want to enter your password every time, is to store it in a my.cnf file. Create a file named ~/.my.cnf with something like:

user = <username>
password = <password>

Make sure to change the file permissions so that only you can read the file.

Of course, this way your password is still saved in a plaintext file in your home directory, just like it was previously saved in .bash_history.

Moving up one directory in Python

Although this is not exactly what OP meant as this is not super simple, however, when running scripts from Notepad++ the os.getcwd() method doesn't work as expected. This is what I would do:

import os

# get real current directory (determined by the file location)
curDir, _ = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))

print(curDir) # print current directory

Define a function like this:

def dir_up(path,n): # here 'path' is your path, 'n' is number of dirs up you want to go
    for _ in range(n):
        path = dir_up(path.rpartition("\\")[0], 0) # second argument equal '0' ensures that 
                                                        # the function iterates proper number of times

The use of this function is fairly simple - all you need is your path and number of directories up.

print(dir_up(curDir,3)) # print 3 directories above the current one

The only minus is that it doesn't stop on drive letter, it just will show you empty string.

What is EOF in the C programming language?

nput from a terminal never really "ends" (unless the device is disconnected), but it is useful to enter more than one "file" into a terminal, so a key sequence is reserved to indicate end of input. In UNIX the translation of the keystroke to EOF is performed by the terminal driver, so a program does not need to distinguish terminals from other input files. By default, the driver converts a Control-D character at the start of a line into an end-of-file indicator. To insert an actual Control-D (ASCII 04) character into the input stream, the user precedes it with a "quote" command character (usually Control-V). AmigaDOS is similar but uses Control-\ instead of Control-D.

In Microsoft's DOS and Windows (and in CP/M and many DEC operating systems), reading from the terminal will never produce an EOF. Instead, programs recognize that the source is a terminal (or other "character device") and interpret a given reserved character or sequence as an end-of-file indicator; most commonly this is an ASCII Control-Z, code 26. Some MS-DOS programs, including parts of the Microsoft MS-DOS shell (COMMAND.COM) and operating-system utility programs (such as EDLIN), treat a Control-Z in a text file as marking the end of meaningful data, and/or append a Control-Z to the end when writing a text file. This was done for two reasons:

  1. Backward compatibility with CP/M. The CP/M file system only recorded the lengths of files in multiples of 128-byte "records", so by convention a Control-Z character was used to mark the end of meaningful data if it ended in the middle of a record. The MS-DOS filesystem has always recorded the exact byte-length of files, so this was never necessary on MS-DOS.

  2. It allows programs to use the same code to read input from both a terminal and a text file.

Hibernate throws MultipleBagFetchException - cannot simultaneously fetch multiple bags

One good thing about @LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.FALSE) is that several fields with this annotation can coexist while FetchType.EAGER cannot, even in the situations where such coexistence is legit.

For example, an Order may have a list of OrderGroup(a short one) as well as a list of Promotions(also short). @LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.FALSE) can be used on both without causing LazyInitializationException neither MultipleBagFetchException.

In my case @Fetch did solve my problem of MultipleBacFetchException but then causes LazyInitializationException, the infamous no Session error.

How to generate javadoc comments in Android Studio

In Android Studio you don't need the plug in. On A Mac just open Android Studio -> click Android Studio in the top bar -> click Prefrences -> find File and Code Templates in the list -> select includes -> build it and will be persistent in all your project

How do I use arrays in cURL POST requests

You are just creating your array incorrectly. You could use http_build_query:

$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

So, the entire code that you could use would be:

//extract data from the post

//set POST variables
$url = '';
$fields = array(
            'username' => "annonymous",
            'api_key' => urlencode("1234"),
            'images' => array(

//url-ify the data for the POST
$fields_string = http_build_query($fields);

//open connection
$ch = curl_init();

//set the url, number of POST vars, POST data
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string);

//execute post
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;

//close connection

Fastest way to get the first n elements of a List into an Array

Option 3

Iterators are faster than using the get operation, since the get operation has to start from the beginning if it has to do some traversal. It probably wouldn't make a difference in an ArrayList, but other data structures could see a noticeable speed difference. This is also compatible with things that aren't lists, like sets.

String[] out = new String[n];
Iterator<String> iterator = in.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < n && iterator.hasNext(); i++)
    out[i] =;

ldap_bind: Invalid Credentials (49)

I don't see an obvious problem with the above.

It's possible your ldap.conf is being overridden, but the command-line options will take precedence, ldapsearch will ignore BINDDN in the main ldap.conf, so the only parameter that could be wrong is the URI. (The order is ETCDIR/ldap.conf then ~/ldaprc or ~/.ldaprc and then ldaprc in the current directory, though there environment variables which can influence this too, see man ldapconf.)

Try an explicit URI:

ldapsearch -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b "" -s base -H ldap://localhost

or prevent defaults with:

LDAPNOINIT=1 ldapsearch -x -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b "" -s base

If that doesn't work, then some troubleshooting (you'll probably need the full path to the slapd binary for these):

  • make sure your slapd.conf is being used and is correct (as root)

    slapd -T test -f slapd.conf -d 65535

    You may have a left-over or default slapd.d configuration directory which takes preference over your slapd.conf (unless you specify your config explicitly with -f, slapd.conf is officially deprecated in OpenLDAP-2.4). If you don't get several pages of output then your binaries were built without debug support.

  • stop OpenLDAP, then manually start slapd in a separate terminal/console with debug enabled (as root, ^C to quit)

    slapd -h ldap://localhost -d 481

    then retry the search and see if you can spot the problem (there will be a lot of schema noise in the start of the output unfortunately). (Note: running slapd without the -u/-g options can change file ownerships which can cause problems, you should usually use those options, probably -u ldap -g ldap )

  • if debug is enabled, then try also

    ldapsearch -v -d 63 -W -D 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b "" -s base

Missing Push Notification Entitlement

The biggest problem that i have after enabling the Push Notification from Capabilities and remaking all the certificates is that the Target name and the folder name where was stored the project was composed from 2 strings separated by space. After removing the space all worked just fine!

VB.NET Connection string (Web.Config, App.Config)

If it's a .mdf database and the connection string was saved when it was created, you should be able to access it via:

    Dim cn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.DatabaseNameConnectionString)

Hope that helps someone.

Disabling swap files creation in vim

Set the following variables in .vimrc or /etc/vimrc to make vim put swap, backup and undo files in a special location instead of the working directory of the file being edited:

set backupdir=~/.vim/backup//
set directory=~/.vim/swap//
set undodir=~/.vim/undo//

Using double trailing slashes in the path tells vim to enable a feature where it avoids name collisions. For example, if you edit a file in one location and another file in another location and both files have the same name, you don't want a name collision to occur in ~/.vim/swap/. If you specify ~/.vim/swap// with two trailing slashes vim will create swap files using the whole path of the files being edited to avoid collisions (slashes in the file's path will be replaced by percent symbol %).

For example, if you edit /path/one/foobar.txt and /path/two/foobar.txt, then you will see two swap files in ~/.vim/swap/ that are named %path%one%foobar.txt and %path%two%foobar.txt, respectively.

How to convert NSData to byte array in iPhone?

The signature of -[NSData bytes] is - (const void *)bytes. You can't assign a pointer to an array on the stack. If you want to copy the buffer managed by the NSData object into the array, use -[NSData getBytes:]. If you want to do it without copying, then don't allocate an array; just declare a pointer variable and let NSData manage the memory for you.

Recommended Fonts for Programming?

monaco 12pt, is there any other way?

Assert a function/method was not called using Mock

Judging from other answers, no one except @rob-kennedy talked about the call_args_list.

It's a powerful tool for that you can implement the exact contrary of MagicMock.assert_called_with()

call_args_list is a list of call objects. Each call object represents a call made on a mocked callable.

>>> from unittest.mock import MagicMock
>>> m = MagicMock()
>>> m.call_args_list
>>> m(42)
<MagicMock name='mock()' id='139675158423872'>
>>> m.call_args_list
>>> m(42, 30)
<MagicMock name='mock()' id='139675158423872'>
>>> m.call_args_list
[call(42), call(42, 30)]

Consuming a call object is easy, since you can compare it with a tuple of length 2 where the first component is a tuple containing all the positional arguments of the related call, while the second component is a dictionary of the keyword arguments.

>>> ((42,),) in m.call_args_list
>>> m(42, foo='bar')
<MagicMock name='mock()' id='139675158423872'>
>>> ((42,), {'foo': 'bar'}) in m.call_args_list
>>> m(foo='bar')
<MagicMock name='mock()' id='139675158423872'>
>>> ((), {'foo': 'bar'}) in m.call_args_list

So, a way to address the specific problem of the OP is

def test_something():
    with patch('something') as my_var:
        assert ((some, args),) not in my_var.call_args_list

Note that this way, instead of just checking if a mocked callable has been called, via MagicMock.called, you can now check if it has been called with a specific set of arguments.

That's useful. Say you want to test a function that takes a list and call another function, compute(), for each of the value of the list only if they satisfy a specific condition.

You can now mock compute, and test if it has been called on some value but not on others.

Get length of array?

If the variant is empty then an error will be thrown. The bullet-proof code is the following:

Public Function GetLength(a As Variant) As Integer
   If IsEmpty(a) Then
      GetLength = 0
      GetLength = UBound(a) - LBound(a) + 1
   End If
End Function

Drawing an SVG file on a HTML5 canvas

You can easily draw simple svgs onto a canvas by:

  1. Assigning the source of the svg to an image in base64 format
  2. Drawing the image onto a canvas

Note: The only drawback of the method is that it cannot draw images embedded in the svg. (see demo)


(Note that the embedded image is only visible in the svg)

var svg = document.querySelector('svg');_x000D_
var img = document.querySelector('img');_x000D_
var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas');_x000D_
// get svg data_x000D_
var xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);_x000D_
// make it base64_x000D_
var svg64 = btoa(xml);_x000D_
var b64Start = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,';_x000D_
// prepend a "header"_x000D_
var image64 = b64Start + svg64;_x000D_
// set it as the source of the img element_x000D_
img.src = image64;_x000D_
// draw the image onto the canvas_x000D_
canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0);
svg, img, canvas {_x000D_
  display: block;_x000D_
<svg height="40">_x000D_
  <rect width="40" height="40" style="fill:rgb(255,0,255);" />_x000D_
  <image xlink:href="" height="20px" width="20px" x="10" y="10"></image>_x000D_

Python Create unix timestamp five minutes in the future

Note that solutions with timedelta.total_seconds() work on python-2.7+. Use calendar.timegm(future.utctimetuple()) for lower versions of Python.

How to disable <br> tags inside <div> by css?

You could alter your CSS to render them less obtrusively, e.g.

div p,
div br {
    display: inline;

or - as my commenter points out:

div br {
    display: none;

but then to achieve the example of what you want, you'll need to trim the p down, so:

div br {
    display: none;
div p {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

Complex nesting of partials and templates

UPDATE: Check out AngularUI's new project to address this problem

For subsections it's as easy as leveraging strings in ng-include:

<ul id="subNav">
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='section1/subpage1.htm'">Sub Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='section1/subpage2.htm'">Sub Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='section1/subpage3.htm'">Sub Page 3</a></li>
<ng-include src="subPage"></ng-include>

Or you can create an object in case you have links to sub pages all over the place:

$scope.pages = { page1: 'section1/subpage1.htm', ... };
<ul id="subNav">
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='page1'">Sub Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='page2'">Sub Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a ng-click="subPage='page3'">Sub Page 3</a></li>
<ng-include src="pages[subPage]"></ng-include>

Or you can even use $routeParams

$routeProvider.when('/home', ...);
$routeProvider.when('/home/:tab', ...);
$scope.params = $routeParams;
<ul id="subNav">
  <li><a href="#/home/tab1">Sub Page 1</a></li>
  <li><a href="#/home/tab2">Sub Page 2</a></li>
  <li><a href="#/home/tab3">Sub Page 3</a></li>
<ng-include src=" '/home/' + tab + '.html' "></ng-include>

You can also put an ng-controller at the top-most level of each partial

getResourceAsStream() vs FileInputStream

The FileInputStream class works directly with the underlying file system. If the file in question is not physically present there, it will fail to open it. The getResourceAsStream() method works differently. It tries to locate and load the resource using the ClassLoader of the class it is called on. This enables it to find, for example, resources embedded into jar files.

Pass Model To Controller using Jquery/Ajax

Looks like your IndexPartial action method has an argument which is a complex object. If you are passing a a lot of data (complex object), It might be a good idea to convert your action method to a HttpPost action method and use jQuery post to post data to that. GET has limitation on the query string value.

public PartialViewResult IndexPartial(DashboardViewModel m)
   //May be you want to pass the posted model to the parial view?
   return PartialView("_IndexPartial");

Your script should be

var url = "@Url.Action("IndexPartial","YourControllerName")";

var model = { Name :"Shyju", Location:"Detroit"};

$.post(url, model, function(res){
   //res contains the markup returned by the partial view
   //You probably want to set that to some Div.

Assuming Name and Location are properties of your DashboardViewModel class and SomeDivToShowTheResult is the id of a div in your page where you want to load the content coming from the partialview.

Sending complex objects?

You can build more complex object in js if you want. Model binding will work as long as your structure matches with the viewmodel class

var model = { Name :"Shyju", 
              Interests : ["Code","Coffee","Stackoverflow"]

    type: "POST",
    data: JSON.stringify(model),
    url: url,
    contentType: "application/json"
}).done(function (res) {

For the above js model to be transformed to your method parameter, Your View Model should be like this.

public class DashboardViewModel
  public string Name {set;get;}
  public string Location {set;get;}
  public List<string> Interests {set;get;}

And in your action method, specify [FromBody]

public PartialViewResult IndexPartial([FromBody] DashboardViewModel m)
    return PartialView("_IndexPartial",m);

Is there an advantage to use a Synchronized Method instead of a Synchronized Block?

The only real difference is that a synchronized block can choose which object it synchronizes on. A synchronized method can only use 'this' (or the corresponding Class instance for a synchronized class method). For example, these are semantically equivalent:

synchronized void foo() {

void foo() {
    synchronized (this) {

The latter is more flexible since it can compete for the associated lock of any object, often a member variable. It's also more granular because you could have concurrent code executing before and after the block but still within the method. Of course, you could just as easily use a synchronized method by refactoring the concurrent code into separate non-synchronized methods. Use whichever makes the code more comprehensible.

Adding machineKey to web.config on web-farm sites

If you are using IIS 7.5 or later you can generate the machine key from IIS and save it directly to your web.config, within the web farm you then just copy the new web.config to each server.

  1. Open IIS manager.
  2. If you need to generate and save the MachineKey for all your applications select the server name in the left pane, in that case you will be modifying the root web.config file (which is placed in the .NET framework folder). If your intention is to create MachineKey for a specific web site/application then select the web site / application from the left pane. In that case you will be modifying the web.config file of your application.
  3. Double-click the Machine Key icon in ASP.NET settings in the middle pane:
  4. MachineKey section will be read from your configuration file and be shown in the UI. If you did not configure a specific MachineKey and it is generated automatically you will see the following options:
  5. Now you can click Generate Keys on the right pane to generate random MachineKeys. When you click Apply, all settings will be saved in the web.config file.

Full Details can be seen @ Easiest way to generate MachineKey – Tips and tricks: ASP.NET, IIS and .NET development…

Install Windows Service created in Visual Studio

Another possible problem (which I ran into):

Be sure that the ProjectInstaller class is public. To be honest, I am not sure how exactly I did it, but I added event handlers to ProjectInstaller.Designer.cs, like:

this.serviceProcessInstaller1.BeforeInstall += new System.Configuration.Install.InstallEventHandler(this.serviceProcessInstaller1_BeforeInstall);

I guess during the automatical process of creating the handler function in ProjectInstaller.cs it changed the class definition from

public class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer


partial class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer

replacing the public keyword with partial. So, in order to fix it it must be

public partial class ProjectInstaller : System.Configuration.Install.Installer

I use Visual Studio 2013 Community edition.

Error: Java: invalid target release: 11 - IntelliJ IDEA

My project module was set to 8 but the pom.xml was set to 11. When I changed from 8 to 11 in the module, it worked.

How do you use colspan and rowspan in HTML tables?

It is similar to your table

  <table border=1 width=50%>
    <td rowspan="2">x</td> 
    <td colspan="4">y</td>
    <td bgcolor=#FFFF00 >I</td>
    <td bgcolor=#FFFF00>III</td>
    <td bgcolor=#FFFF00>1</td>
    <td bgcolor=#FFFF00>3</td>

How can I combine multiple nested Substitute functions in Excel?

I would use the following approach:


where X denotes the length of things you're not after. And, for X I'd use


The above ISERROR(FIND("X",.,.))*x will return 0 if X is not found and x (the length of X) if it is found. So technically you're trimming A2 from the right with possible matches.

The advantage of this approach above the other mentioned is that it's more apparent what substitution (or removal) is taking place, since the "substitution" is not nested.

'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Go to the folder in which you have Node and NPM (such as C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\) and type the following:

> set path=%PATH%;%CD%
> setx path "%PATH%"


Define a struct inside a class in C++

declare class & nested struct probably in some header file

class C {
    // struct will be private without `public:` keyword
    struct S {
        // members will be public without `private:` keyword
        int sa;
        void func();
    void func(S s);

if you want to separate the implementation/definition, maybe in some CPP file

void C::func(S s) {
    // implementation here
void C::S::func() { // <= note that you need the `full path` to the function
    // implementation here

if you want to inline the implementation, other answers will do fine.

Vagrant error : Failed to mount folders in Linux guest

Your log complains about not finding exportfs: sudo: /usr/bin/exportfs: command not found

The exportfs makes local directories available for NFS clients to mount.

Looping through JSON with node.js

You may also want to use hasOwnProperty in the loop.

for (var prop in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        switch (prop) {
            // obj[prop] has the value

node.js is single-threaded which means your script will block whether you want it or not. Remember that V8 (Google's Javascript engine that node.js uses) compiles Javascript into machine code which means that most basic operations are really fast and looping through an object with 100 keys would probably take a couple of nanoseconds?

However, if you do a lot more inside the loop and you don't want it to block right now, you could do something like this

switch (prop) {
    case 'Timestamp':
        setTimeout(function() { ... }, 5);
    case 'Start_Value':
        setTimeout(function() { ... }, 10);

If your loop is doing some very CPU intensive work, you will need to spawn a child process to do that work or use web workers.

The type initializer for 'Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection' threw an exception

You need the oracle client driver installed for those classes to work.

There might be 3rd party connection frameworks out there that can handle Oracle, perhaps someone else might know of some specific ones.

Android refresh current activity

this is what worked for me as seen here.

Just use it or add it to a static class helper and just call it from anywher in your project.

Current Activity instance will go through its lifecycle to onDestroy() and a new instance then created after it.
  public static final void recreateActivityCompat(final Activity a) {
    } else {
      final Intent intent = a.getIntent();
      a.overridePendingTransition(0, 0);
      a.overridePendingTransition(0, 0);

Using mysql concat() in WHERE clause?

Note that the search query is now case sensitive.

When using

SELECT * FROM table WHERE `first_name` LIKE '%$search_term%'

It will match both "Larry" and "larry". With this concat_ws, it will suddenly become case sensitive!

This can be fixed by using the following query:

SELECT * FROM table WHERE UPPER(CONCAT_WS(' ', `first_name`, `last_name`) LIKE UPPER('%$search_term%')

Edit: Note that this only works on non-binary elements. See also mynameispaulie's answer.

Need a query that returns every field that contains a specified letter

You can use a cursor and temp table approach so you aren't doing full table scan each time. What this would be doing is populating the temp table with all of your keywords, and then with each string in the @letters XML, it would remove any records from the temp table. At the end, you only have records in your temp table that have each of your desired strings in it.

declare @letters xml

SET @letters = '&lt;letters&gt;

SELECT Letters.l.value('.', 'nvarchar(50)') AS letter
FROM @letters.nodes('/letters/letter') AS Letters(l)

CREATE TABLE #TempResults (keywordID int not null, keyWord nvarchar(50) not null)
INSERT INTO #TempResults (keywordID, keyWord)
SELECT employeeID, firstName FROM Employee

    SELECT Letters.l.value('.', 'nvarchar(50)') AS letter
    FROM @letters.nodes('/letters/letter') AS Letters(l)

DECLARE @letter varchar(50)
OPEN Cursor_Letters

FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor_Letters INTO @letter
WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1)
    IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)
        DELETE FROM #TempResults 
        WHERE  keywordID NOT IN 
        (SELECT keywordID FROM #TempResults WHERE keyWord LIKE '%' + @letter + '%')
    FETCH NEXT FROM Cursor_Letters INTO @letter

CLOSE Cursor_Letters
DEALLOCATE Cursor_Letters

SELECT * FROM #TempResults

DROP Table #TempResults

Pretty-print a Map in Java

When I have org.json.JSONObject in the classpath, I do:

Map<String, Object> stats = ...;
System.out.println(new JSONObject(stats).toString(2));

(this beautifully indents lists, sets and maps which may be nested)

How to declare an ArrayList with values?

Try this!

List<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("xyz", "abc"));

It's a good practice to declare the ArrayList with interface List if you don't have to invoke the specific methods.

Call static method with reflection

I prefer simplicity...

private void _InvokeNamespaceClassesStaticMethod(string namespaceName, string methodName, params object[] parameters) {
    foreach(var _a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
        foreach(var _t in _a.GetTypes()) {
            try {
                if((_t.Namespace == namespaceName) && _t.IsClass) _t.GetMethod(methodName, (BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))?.Invoke(null, parameters);
            } catch { }


    _InvokeNamespaceClassesStaticMethod("mySolution.Macros", "Run");

But in case you're looking for something a little more robust, including the handling of exceptions...

private InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult[] _InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethod(string namespaceName, string methodName, bool throwExceptions, params object[] parameters) {
    var results = new List<InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult>();
    foreach(var _a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) {
        foreach(var _t in _a.GetTypes()) {
            if((_t.Namespace == namespaceName) && _t.IsClass) {
                var method_t = _t.GetMethod(methodName, parameters.Select(_ => _.GetType()).ToArray());
                if((method_t != null) && method_t.IsPublic && method_t.IsStatic) {
                    var details_t = new InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult();
                    details_t.Namespace = _t.Namespace;
                    details_t.Class = _t.Name;
                    details_t.Method = method_t.Name;
                    try {
                        if(method_t.ReturnType == typeof(void)) {
                            method_t.Invoke(null, parameters);
                            details_t.Void = true;
                        } else {
                            details_t.Return = method_t.Invoke(null, parameters);
                    } catch(Exception ex) {
                        if(throwExceptions) {
                        } else {
                            details_t.Exception = ex;
    return results.ToArray();

private class InvokeNamespaceClassStaticMethodResult {
    public string Namespace;
    public string Class;
    public string Method;
    public object Return;
    public bool Void;
    public Exception Exception;

Usage is pretty much the same...

_InvokeNamespaceClassesStaticMethod("mySolution.Macros", "Run", false);

How to dynamically add and remove form fields in Angular 2

This is a few months late but I thought I'd provide my solution based on this here tutorial. The gist of it is that it's a lot easier to manage once you change the way you approach forms.

First, use ReactiveFormsModule instead of or in addition to the normal FormsModule. With reactive forms you create your forms in your components/services and then plug them into your page instead of your page generating the form itself. It's a bit more code but it's a lot more testable, a lot more flexible, and as far as I can tell the best way to make a lot of non-trivial forms.

The end result will look a little like this, conceptually:

  • You have one base FormGroup with whatever FormControl instances you need for the entirety of the form. For example, as in the tutorial I linked to, lets say you want a form where a user can input their name once and then any number of addresses. All of the one-time field inputs would be in this base form group.

  • Inside that FormGroup instance there will be one or more FormArray instances. A FormArray is basically a way to group multiple controls together and iterate over them. You can also put multiple FormGroup instances in your array and use those as essentially "mini-forms" nested within your larger form.

  • By nesting multiple FormGroup and/or FormControl instances within a dynamic FormArray, you can control validity and manage the form as one, big, reactive piece made up of several dynamic parts. For example, if you want to check if every single input is valid before allowing the user to submit, the validity of one sub-form will "bubble up" to the top-level form and the entire form becomes invalid, making it easy to manage dynamic inputs.

  • As a FormArray is, essentially, a wrapper around an array interface but for form pieces, you can push, pop, insert, and remove controls at any time without recreating the form or doing complex interactions.

In case the tutorial I linked to goes down, here some sample code you can implement yourself (my examples use TypeScript) that illustrate the basic ideas:

Base Component code:

import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { FormArray, FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms';

  selector: 'my-form-component',
  templateUrl: './my-form.component.html'
export class MyFormComponent implements OnInit {
    @Input() inputArray: ArrayType[];
    myForm: FormGroup;

    constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}
    ngOnInit(): void {
        let newForm ={
            appearsOnce: ['InitialValue', [Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(25)]],
            formArray: this.fb.array([])

        const arrayControl = <FormArray>newForm.controls['formArray'];
        this.inputArray.forEach(item => {
            let newGroup ={
                itemPropertyOne: ['InitialValue', [Validators.required]],
                itemPropertyTwo: ['InitialValue', [Validators.minLength(5), Validators.maxLength(20)]]

        this.myForm = newForm;
    addInput(): void {
        const arrayControl = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls['formArray'];
        let newGroup ={

            /* Fill this in identically to the one in ngOnInit */

    delInput(index: number): void {
        const arrayControl = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls['formArray'];
    onSubmit(): void {
        // Your form value is outputted as a JavaScript object.
        // Parse it as JSON or take the values necessary to use as you like

Sub-Component Code: (one for each new input field, to keep things clean)

import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { FormGroup } from '@angular/forms';

    selector: 'my-form-sub-component',
    templateUrl: './my-form-sub-component.html'
export class MyFormSubComponent {
    @Input() myForm: FormGroup; // This component is passed a FormGroup from the base component template

Base Component HTML

<form [formGroup]="myForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit()" novalidate>
    <label>Appears Once:</label>
    <input type="text" formControlName="appearsOnce" />

    <div formArrayName="formArray">
        <div *ngFor="let control of myForm.controls['formArray'].controls; let i = index">
            <button type="button" (click)="delInput(i)">Delete</button>
            <my-form-sub-component [myForm]="myForm.controls.formArray.controls[i]"></my-form-sub-component>
    <button type="button" (click)="addInput()">Add</button>
    <button type="submit" [disabled]="!myForm.valid">Save</button>

Sub-Component HTML

<div [formGroup]="form">
    <label>Property One: </label>
    <input type="text" formControlName="propertyOne"/>

    <label >Property Two: </label>
    <input type="number" formControlName="propertyTwo"/>

In the above code I basically have a component that represents the base of the form and then each sub-component manages its own FormGroup instance within the FormArray situated inside the base FormGroup. The base template passes along the sub-group to the sub-component and then you can handle validation for the entire form dynamically.

Also, this makes it trivial to re-order component by strategically inserting and removing them from the form. It works with (seemingly) any number of inputs as they don't conflict with names (a big downside of template-driven forms as far as I'm aware) and you still retain pretty much automatic validation. The only "downside" of this approach is, besides writing a little more code, you do have to relearn how forms work. However, this will open up possibilities for much larger and more dynamic forms as you go on.

If you have any questions or want to point out some errors, go ahead. I just typed up the above code based on something I did myself this past week with the names changed and other misc. properties left out, but it should be straightforward. The only major difference between the above code and my own is that I moved all of the form-building to a separate service that's called from the component so it's a bit less messy.

Delete all the records

For one table

truncate table [table name]

For all tables

EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1="truncate table ?"

Easiest way to convert a List to a Set in Java

Set<Foo> foo = new HashSet<Foo>(myList);

C# Iterating through an enum? (Indexing a System.Array)

Array values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(myEnum));

foreach( MyEnum val in values )
   Console.WriteLine (String.Format("{0}: {1}", Enum.GetName(typeof(MyEnum), val), val));

Or, you can cast the System.Array that is returned:

string[] names = Enum.GetNames(typeof(MyEnum));
MyEnum[] values = (MyEnum[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(MyEnum));

for( int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++ )
    print(names[i], values[i]);

But, can you be sure that GetValues returns the values in the same order as GetNames returns the names ?

How can I connect to MySQL in Python 3 on Windows?

On my mac os maverick i try this:

After that, enter in the python3 interpreter and type:

  1. import pymysql. If there is no error your installation is ok. For verification write a script to connect to mysql with this form:

  2. # a simple script for MySQL connection import pymysql db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", passwd="*", db="biblioteca") #Sure, this is information for my db # close the connection db.close ()*

Give it a name ("" for example) and save it on desktop. In Terminal type "cd desktop" and then $python If there is no error, you are connected with MySQL server. Good luck!

Simulate Keypress With jQuery

You could try this SendKeys jQuery plugin:

$(element).sendkeys(string) inserts string at the insertion point in an input, textarea or other element with contenteditable=true. If the insertion point is not currently in the element, it remembers where the insertion point was when sendkeys was last called (if the insertion point was never in the element, it appends to the end).

Undefined reference to `pow' and `floor'

Add -lm to your link options, since pow() and floor() are part of the math library:

gcc fib.c -o fibo -lm