Programs & Examples On #Docx4j

Docx4j is an open source (ASLv2) Java library for manipulating Microsoft OpenXML files (Word docx, Powerpoint pptx, and Excel xlsx) via JAXB

SVN remains in conflict?

I had the same issue on linux, but I couldn't fix it with the accepted answer. I was able to solve it by using cd to go to the correct folder and then executing:

svn remove --force filename  
syn resolve --accept=working filename  
svn up

That's all.

setup android on eclipse but don't know SDK directory

The path to the SDK is:


This can be used in Eclipse after you replace USERNAME with your Windows user name.

How to hide Android soft keyboard on EditText

The soft keyboard kept rising even though I set EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL to the view. None of the answers worked for me, except the idea I got from nik431's answer:


Reliable way for a Bash script to get the full path to itself

I have used the following approach successfully for a while (not on OS X though), and it only uses a shell built-in and handles the 'source' case as far as I have seen.

One issue with the (hastily put together) example code below is that the function uses $PWD which may or may not be correct at the time of the function call. So that needs to be handled.


function canonical_path() {
  # Handle relative vs absolute path
  [ ${1:0:1} == '/' ] && x=$1 || x=$PWD/$1
  # Change to dirname of x
  cd ${x%/*}
  # Combine new pwd with basename of x
  echo $(pwd -P)/${x##*/}
  cd $OLDPWD

echo $(canonical_path "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")

type [
type cd
type echo
type pwd and pass parameters by post method

I found a better way to pass parameters to the popup window and even to retrieve parameters from it :

In the main page :

var popupwindow;
var sharedObject = {};

function openPopupWindow()
   // Define the datas you want to pass
   sharedObject.var1 = 
   sharedObject.var2 = 

   if (window.focus) { popupwindow.focus(); }

function closePopupWindow()

    // Retrieve the datas from the popup window
    = sharedObject.var1;
    = sharedObject.var2;

In the popup window :

var sharedObject = window.opener.sharedObject;

// function you have to to call to close the popup window
function myclose()
    //Define the parameters you want to pass to the main calling window
    sharedObject.var1 = 
    sharedObject.var2 = 

That's it !

And this is very convenient because:

  • You have not to set parameters in the URL of the popup window.
  • No form to define
  • You can use illimited parameters even objects.
  • Bi-directionnal : you can pass parameters AND, if you want you, can retreive new parameters.
  • Very easy to implement.

Have Fun!

R error "sum not meaningful for factors"

The error comes when you try to call sum(x) and x is a factor.

What that means is that one of your columns, though they look like numbers are actually factors (what you are seeing is the text representation)

simple fix, convert to numeric. However, it needs an intermeidate step of converting to character first. Use the following:

family[, 1] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 1] ))
family[, 3] <- as.numeric(as.character( family[, 3] ))

For a detailed explanation of why the intermediate as.character step is needed, take a look at this question: How to convert a factor to integer\numeric without loss of information?

Jquery insert new row into table at a certain index

Adding on to Nick Craver's answer and also considering the point raised by rossisdead, if scenario exists like one has to append to an empty table, or before a certain row, I have done like this:

var arr = []; //array
if (your condition) {
  arr.push(; //push row's id for eg: to the array
  idx = arr.sort().indexOf(;

  if (idx === 0) {   
    if (arr.length === 1) {  //if array size is only 1 (currently pushed item)
    else {       //if array size more than 1, but index still 0, meaning inserted row must be the first row
       $("#tableID tr").eq(idx + 1).before(row);
  else {     //if index is greater than 0, meaning inserted row to be after specified index row
      $("#tableID tr").eq(idx).after(row);

Hope it helps someone.

Difference between return 1, return 0, return -1 and exit?

As explained here, in the context of main both return and exit do the same thing

Q: Why do we need to return or exit?

A: To indicate execution status.

In your example even if you didnt have return or exit statements the code would run fine (Assuming everything else is syntactically,etc-ally correct. Also, if (and it should be) main returns int you need that return 0 at the end).

But, after execution you don't have a way to find out if your code worked as expected. You can use the return code of the program (In *nix environments , using $?) which gives you the code (as set by exit or return) . Since you set these codes yourself you understand at which point the code reached before terminating.

You can write return 123 where 123 indicates success in the post execution checks.

Usually, in *nix environments 0 is taken as success and non-zero codes as failures.

passing JSON data to a Spring MVC controller

Add the following dependencies



Modify request as follows

    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    data: jsonString, //Stringified Json Object
    async: false,    //Cross-domain requests and dataType: "jsonp" requests do not support synchronous operation
    cache: false,    //This will force requested pages not to be cached by the browser          
    processData:false, //To avoid making query String instead of JSON
    success: function(resposeJsonObject){
        // Success Message Handler

Controller side

@RequestMapping(value = urlPattern , method = RequestMethod.POST)
public @ResponseBody Person save(@RequestBody Person jsonString) {

   Person person=personService.savedata(jsonString);
   return person;

@RequestBody - Covert Json object to java
@ResponseBody- convert Java object to json

Is there a simple way to convert C++ enum to string?

That's pretty much the only way it can be done (an array of string could work also).

The problem is, once a C program is compiled, the binary value of the enum is all that is used, and the name is gone.

php.ini: which one?

Although Pascal's answer was detailed and informative it failed to mention some key information in the assumption that everyone knows how to use phpinfo()

For those that don't:

Navigate to your webservers root folder such as /var/www/

Within this folder create a text file called info.php

Edit the file and type phpinfo()

Navigate to the file such as:

Here you will see the php.ini path under Loaded Configuration File:


Make sure you delete info.php when you are done.

When to use 'npm start' and when to use 'ng serve'?

npm start will run whatever you have defined for the start command of the scripts object in your package.json file.

So if it looks like this:

"scripts": {
  "start": "ng serve"

Then npm start will run ng serve.

PHP class: Global variable as property in class

You probably don't really want to be doing this, as it's going to be a nightmare to debug, but it seems to be possible. The key is the part where you assign by reference in the constructor.

$GLOBALS = array(
    'MyNumber' => 1

class Foo {
    protected $glob;

    public function __construct() {
        global $GLOBALS;
        $this->glob =& $GLOBALS;

    public function getGlob() {
        return $this->glob['MyNumber'];

$f = new Foo;

echo $f->getGlob() . "\n";
$GLOBALS['MyNumber'] = 2;
echo $f->getGlob() . "\n";

The output will be


which indicates that it's being assigned by reference, not value.

As I said, it will be a nightmare to debug, so you really shouldn't do this. Have a read through the wikipedia article on encapsulation; basically, your object should ideally manage its own data and the methods in which that data is modified; even public properties are generally, IMHO, a bad idea.

<div style display="none" > inside a table not working

Semantically what you are trying is invalid html, table element cannot have a div element as a direct child. What you can do is, get your div element inside a td element and than try to hide it

Use string.Contains() with switch()

  case "test":
    if (Contains("test2")) {
      Console.WriteLine("yes for test2");

Getters \ setters for dummies

I've got one for you guys that might be a little ugly, but it does get'er done across platforms

function myFunc () {

var _myAttribute = "default";

this.myAttribute = function() {
    if (arguments.length > 0) _myAttribute = arguments[0];
    return _myAttribute;

this way, when you call

var test = new myFunc();
test.myAttribute(); //-> "default"
test.myAttribute("ok"); //-> "ok"
test.myAttribute(); //-> "ok"

If you really want to spice things up.. you can insert a typeof check:

if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "boolean") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "number") _myAttribute = arguments[0];
if (arguments.length > 0 && typeof arguments[0] == "string") _myAttribute = arguments[0];

or go even crazier with the advanced typeof check: type.of() code at

using setTimeout on promise chain

If you are inside a .then() block and you want to execute a settimeout()

            .then(() => {
                console.log('wait for 10 seconds . . . . ');
                return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { 
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        console.log('10 seconds Timer expired!!!');
                    }, 10000)
            .then(() => {
                console.log('promise resolved!!!');


output will as shown below

wait for 10 seconds . . . .
10 seconds Timer expired!!!
promise resolved!!!

Happy Coding!

'ssh-keygen' is not recognized as an internal or external command

Are you running msysgit, or some other form of Windows git installation? msysgit is only one possible way to run git on Windows but it's probably also the simplest one. It's also the way recommended by the git website at .

If you are using msysgit, then you need to run the command in Git Bash, not in a standard Windows command line prompt. Git Bash is a prompt that is installed for you by msysgit, and is basically the most common Linux command line shell (bash) packaged for Windows to facilitate command line usage of git. msysgit should also install the ssh-keygen program in a place where it is accessible from Git Bash, but not necessarily from your usual Windows command line prompt.

How to examine processes in OS X's Terminal?

Try ps -ef. man ps will give you all the options.

 -A      Display information about other users' processes, including those without controlling terminals.

 -e      Identical to -A.

 -f      Display the uid, pid, parent pid, recent CPU usage, process start time, controlling tty, elapsed CPU usage, and the associated command.  If the -u option is also used, display
         the user name rather then the numeric uid.  When -o or -O is used to add to the display following -f, the command field is not truncated as severely as it is in other formats.

HTML5 Email input pattern attribute

I had this exact problem with HTML5s email input, using Alwin Keslers answer above I added the regex to the HTML5 email input so the user must have .something at the end.

<input type="email" pattern="[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$" />

Curl: Fix CURL (51) SSL error: no alternative certificate subject name matches

As the error code says, "no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name" - so there is an issue with the SSL certificate.

The certificate should include SAN, and only SAN will be used. Some browsers ignore the deprecated Common Name.

RFC 2818 clearly states "If a subjectAltName extension of type dNSName is present, that MUST be used as the identity. Otherwise, the (most specific) Common Name field in the Subject field of the certificate MUST be used. Although the use of the Common Name is existing practice, it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName instead."

POST JSON to API using Rails and HTTParty

The :query_string_normalizer option is also available, which will override the default normalizer HashConversions.to_params(query)

query_string_normalizer: ->(query){query.to_json}

"The system cannot find the file C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"

This will solve all problems relating to Java and environment variables:

  1. Make your way to Windows' Environment Variables dialog.
  2. Under System variables, select the variable named Path. Click Edit...
  3. Remove the entry that looks like:

  4. Add the path of your JDK/JRE's bin folder.

  5. Don't forget to set JAVA_HOME.

Do something if screen width is less than 960 px

I recommend to not use jQuery for such thing and proceed with window.innerWidth:

if (window.innerWidth < 960) {

How can you zip or unzip from the script using ONLY Windows' built-in capabilities?

You say you're trying to do this without a third-party software. I'm not sure if you'd consider .NET "third-party" software.

But you can create your own command line utility in .NET. It shouldn't require more than a few lines of code.

ZipFile Class

How can I make the computer beep in C#?

In .Net 2.0, you can use Console.Beep().

// Default beep

You can also specify the frequency and length of the beep in milliseconds.

// Beep at 5000 Hz for 1 second
Console.Beep(5000, 1000);

For more information refer

Download multiple files with a single action

To improve on @Dmitry Nogin's answer: this worked in my case.

However, it's not tested, since I am not sure how the file dialogue works on various OS/browser combinations. (Thus community wiki.)

$('#download').click(function () {

var download = function (ar) {
    var prevfun=function(){};
    ar.forEach(function(address) {  
        var pp=prevfun;
        var fun=function() {
                var iframe = $('<iframe style="visibility: collapse;"></iframe>');
                var content = iframe[0].contentDocument;
                var form = '<form action="' + address + '" method="POST"></form>';
                setTimeout(function() {    
                    $(document).one('mousemove', function() { //<--slightly hacky!

In c# what does 'where T : class' mean?

'T' represents a generic type. It means it can accept any type of class. The following article might help:

How can I use SUM() OVER()

Seems like you expected the query to return running totals, but it must have given you the same values for both partitions of AccountID.

To obtain running totals with SUM() OVER (), you need to add an ORDER BY sub-clause after PARTITION BY …, like this:


But remember, not all database systems support ORDER BY in the OVER clause of a window aggregate function. (For instance, SQL Server didn't support it until the latest version, SQL Server 2012.)

How to fix "Referenced assembly does not have a strong name" error?

To avoid this error you could either:

  • Load the assembly dynamically, or
  • Sign the third-party assembly.

You will find instructions on signing third-party assemblies in .NET-fu: Signing an Unsigned Assembly (Without Delay Signing).

Signing Third-Party Assemblies

The basic principle to sign a thirp-party is to

  1. Disassemble the assembly using ildasm.exe and save the intermediate language (IL):

    ildasm /all / thirdPartyLib.dll 
  2. Rebuild and sign the assembly:

    ilasm /dll /key=myKey.snk

Fixing Additional References

The above steps work fine unless your third-party assembly (A.dll) references another library (B.dll) which also has to be signed. You can disassemble, rebuild and sign both A.dll and B.dll using the commands above, but at runtime, loading of B.dll will fail because A.dll was originally built with a reference to the unsigned version of B.dll.

The fix to this issue is to patch the IL file generated in step 1 above. You will need to add the public key token of B.dll to the reference. You get this token by calling

sn -Tp B.dll 

which will give you the following output:

Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility  Version 4.0.30319.33440
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Public key (hash algorithm: sha1):

Public key token is a8a7ed7203d87bc9

The last line contains the public key token. You then have to search the IL of A.dll for the reference to B.dll and add the token as follows:

.assembly extern /*23000003*/ MyAssemblyName
  .publickeytoken = (A8 A7 ED 72 03 D8 7B C9 )                         
  .ver 10:0:0:0

Resizing an image in an HTML5 canvas

So something interesting that I found a while ago while working with canvas that might be helpful:

To resize the canvas control on its own, you need to use the height="" and width="" attributes (or canvas.width/canvas.height elements). If you use CSS to resize the canvas, it will actually stretch (i.e.: resize) the content of the canvas to fit the full canvas (rather than simply increasing or decreasing the area of the canvas.

It'd be worth a shot to try drawing the image into a canvas control with the height and width attributes set to the size of the image and then using CSS to resize the canvas to the size you're looking for. Perhaps this would use a different resizing algorithm.

It should also be noted that canvas has different effects in different browsers (and even different versions of different browsers). The algorithms and techniques used in the browsers is likely to change over time (especially with Firefox 4 and Chrome 6 coming out so soon, which will place heavy emphasis on canvas rendering performance).

In addition, you may want to give SVG a shot, too, as it likely uses a different algorithm as well.

Best of luck!

creating triggers for After Insert, After Update and After Delete in SQL

(Update: overlooked a fault in the matter, I have corrected)

(Update2: I wrote from memory the code screwed up, repaired it)

(Update3: check on SQLFiddle)

create table Derived_Values
    BusinessUnit nvarchar(100) not null
    ,Questions nvarchar(100) not null
    ,Answer nvarchar(100)


ALTER TABLE Derived_Values ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Derived_Values
PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (BusinessUnit, Questions);

create table Derived_Values_Test
    BusinessUnit nvarchar(150)
    ,Questions nvarchar(100)
    ,Answer nvarchar(100)


CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterUpdate ON  [Derived_Values]
    declare @BusinessUnit nvarchar(50)
    set @BusinessUnit = 'Updated Record -- After Update Trigger.'

    insert into 
        --(BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) 
        @BusinessUnit + i.BusinessUnit, i.Questions, i.Answer
        inserted i
        inner join deleted d on i.BusinessUnit = d.BusinessUnit


CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterDelete ON  [Derived_Values]
    declare @BusinessUnit nvarchar(50)
    set @BusinessUnit = 'Deleted Record -- After Delete Trigger.'

    insert into 
        --(BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) 
        @BusinessUnit + d.BusinessUnit, d.Questions, d.Answer
        deleted d


insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU1', 'Q11', 'A11')
insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU1', 'Q12', 'A12')
insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU2', 'Q21', 'A21')
insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU2', 'Q22', 'A22')

UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A11' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU1') AND (Questions = 'Q11');
UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A12' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU1') AND (Questions = 'Q12');
UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A21' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU2') AND (Questions = 'Q21');
UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A22' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU2') AND (Questions = 'Q22');

delete Derived_Values;

and then:

SELECT * FROM Derived_Values;

select * from Derived_Values_Test;

Record Count: 0;

Updated Record -- After Update Trigger.BU1  Q11 Updated Answers A11
Deleted Record -- After Delete Trigger.BU1  Q11 A11
Updated Record -- After Update Trigger.BU1  Q12 Updated Answers A12
Deleted Record -- After Delete Trigger.BU1  Q12 A12
Updated Record -- After Update Trigger.BU2  Q21 Updated Answers A21
Deleted Record -- After Delete Trigger.BU2  Q21 A21
Updated Record -- After Update Trigger.BU2  Q22 Updated Answers A22
Deleted Record -- After Delete Trigger.BU2  Q22 A22

(Update4: If you want to sync: SQLFiddle)

create table Derived_Values
    BusinessUnit nvarchar(100) not null
    ,Questions nvarchar(100) not null
    ,Answer nvarchar(100)


ALTER TABLE Derived_Values ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Derived_Values
PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (BusinessUnit, Questions);

create table Derived_Values_Test
    BusinessUnit nvarchar(150) not null
    ,Questions nvarchar(100) not null
    ,Answer nvarchar(100)


ALTER TABLE Derived_Values_Test ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Derived_Values_Test
PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (BusinessUnit, Questions);

CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterInsert ON  [Derived_Values]
        i.BusinessUnit, i.Questions, i.Answer
        inserted i


CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterUpdate ON  [Derived_Values]
    declare @BusinessUnit nvarchar(50)
    set @BusinessUnit = 'Updated Record -- After Update Trigger.'

        --BusinessUnit = i.BusinessUnit
        --,Questions = i.Questions
        Answer = i.Answer
        inner join inserted i 
        [Derived_Values].BusinessUnit = i.BusinessUnit
        [Derived_Values].Questions = i.Questions


CREATE TRIGGER trgAfterDelete ON  [Derived_Values]
        inner join deleted d 
        [Derived_Values_Test].BusinessUnit = d.BusinessUnit
        [Derived_Values_Test].Questions = d.Questions


insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU1', 'Q11', 'A11')
insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU1', 'Q12', 'A12')
insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU2', 'Q21', 'A21')
insert Derived_Values (BusinessUnit,Questions, Answer) values ('BU2', 'Q22', 'A22')

UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A11' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU1') AND (Questions = 'Q11');
UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A12' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU1') AND (Questions = 'Q12');
UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A21' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU2') AND (Questions = 'Q21');
UPDATE Derived_Values SET Answer='Updated Answers A22' from Derived_Values WHERE (BusinessUnit = 'BU2') AND (Questions = 'Q22');

--delete Derived_Values;

And then:

SELECT * FROM Derived_Values;

select * from Derived_Values_Test;

BU1 Q11 Updated Answers A11
BU1 Q12 Updated Answers A12
BU2 Q21 Updated Answers A21
BU2 Q22 Updated Answers A22

BU1 Q11 Updated Answers A11
BU1 Q12 Updated Answers A12
BU2 Q21 Updated Answers A21
BU2 Q22 Updated Answers A22

Get Unix timestamp with C++


int main()
    std::time_t t = std::time(0);  // t is an integer type
    std::cout << t << " seconds since 01-Jan-1970\n";
    return 0;

How can I get client information such as OS and browser

You cannot reliably get this information. The basis of several answers provided here is to examine the User-Agent header of the HTTP request. However, there is no way to know if the information in the User-Agent header is truthful. The client sending the request can write anything in that header. So its content can be spoofed, or not sent at all.

Using DataContractSerializer to serialize, but can't deserialize back

I ended up doing the following and it works.

public static string Serialize(object obj)
    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
        DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(obj.GetType());
        serializer.WriteObject(memoryStream, obj);
        return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(memoryStream.ToArray());

public static object Deserialize(string xml, Type toType)
    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml)))
        XmlDictionaryReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(memoryStream, Encoding.UTF8, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas(), null);
        DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(toType);
        return serializer.ReadObject(reader);

It seems that the major problem was in the Serialize function when calling stream.GetBuffer(). Calling stream.ToArray() appears to work.

Python vs Cpython

The original, and standard, implementation of Python is usually called CPython when you want to contrast it with the other options (and just plain “Python” otherwise). This name comes from the fact that it is coded in portable ANSI C language code. This is the Python that you fetch from, get with the ActivePython and Enthought distributions, and have automatically on most Linux and Mac OS X machines. If you’ve found a preinstalled version of Python on your machine, it’s probably CPython, unless your company or organization is using Python in more specialized ways.

Unless you want to script Java or .NET applications with Python or find the benefits of Stackless or PyPy compelling, you probably want to use the standard CPython system. Because it is the reference implementation of the language, it tends to run the fastest, be the most complete, and be more up-to-date and robust than the alternative systems.

Find the number of downloads for a particular app in apple appstore

found a paper at: that suggests a formula to calculate the downloads:


CSS selector based on element text?

It was probably discussed, but as of CSS3 there is nothing like what you need (see also "Is there a CSS selector for elements containing certain text?"). You will have to use additional markup, like this:

<li><span class="foo">some text</span></li>
<li>some other text</li>

Then refer to it the usual way:

li > {...}

Executing a command stored in a variable from PowerShell

Here is yet another way without Invoke-Expression but with two variables (command:string and parameters:array). It works fine for me. Assume 7z.exe is in the system path.

$cmd = '7z.exe'
$prm = 'a', '-tzip', 'c:\temp\with space\', 'C:\TEMP\with space\changelog'

& $cmd $prm

If the command is known (7z.exe) and only parameters are variable then this will do

$prm = 'a', '-tzip', 'c:\temp\with space\', 'C:\TEMP\with space\changelog'

& 7z.exe $prm

BTW, Invoke-Expression with one parameter works for me, too, e.g. this works

$cmd = '& 7z.exe a -tzip "c:\temp\with space\" "C:\TEMP\with space\changelog"'

Invoke-Expression $cmd

P.S. I usually prefer the way with a parameter array because it is easier to compose programmatically than to build an expression for Invoke-Expression.

Getting JSONObject from JSONArray

JSONArray deletedtrs_array = sync_reponse.getJSONArray("deletedtrs");

for(int i = 0; deletedtrs_array.length(); i++){

            JSONObject myObj = deletedtrs_array.getJSONObject(i);

How to put a List<class> into a JSONObject and then read that object?

Let us assume that the class is Data with two objects name and dob which are both strings.

Initially, check if the list is empty. Then, add the objects from the list to a JSONArray

JSONArray allDataArray = new JSONArray();
List<Data> sList = new ArrayList<String>();

    //if List not empty
    if (!(sList.size() ==0)) {

        //Loop index size()
        for(int index = 0; index < sList.size(); index++) {
            JSONObject eachData = new JSONObject();
            try {
                eachData.put("name", sList.get(index).getName());
                eachData.put("dob", sList.get(index).getDob());
            } catch (JSONException e) {
    } else {
        //Do something when sList is empty

Finally, add the JSONArray to a JSONObject.

JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
    try {
        root.put("data", allDataArray);
    } catch (JSONException e) {

You can further get this data as a String too.

String jsonString = root.toString();

Storing a Key Value Array into a compact JSON string

So why don't you simply use a key-value literal?

var params = {
    'slide0001.html': 'Looking Ahead',
    'slide0002.html': 'Forecase',

return params['slide0001.html']; // returns: Looking Ahead

How to write PNG image to string with the PIL?

When you say "I'd like to have number of such images stored in dictionary", it's not clear if this is an in-memory structure or not.

You don't need to do any of this to meek an image in memory. Just keep the image object in your dictionary.

If you're going to write your dictionary to a file, you might want to look at im.tostring() method and the Image.fromstring() function

im.tostring() => string

Returns a string containing pixel data, using the standard "raw" encoder.

Image.fromstring(mode, size, data) => image

Creates an image memory from pixel data in a string, using the standard "raw" decoder.

The "format" (.jpeg, .png, etc.) only matters on disk when you are exchanging the files. If you're not exchanging files, format doesn't matter.

Convert string to buffer Node

Note: Just reposting John Zwinck's comment as answer.

One issue might be that you are using a older version of Node (for the moment, I cannot upgrade, codebase struck with v4.3.1). Simple solution here is, using the deprecated way:

new Buffer(bufferStr)

Note #2: This is for people struck in older version, for whom Buffer.from does not work

Only allow Numbers in input Tag without Javascript

Though it's probably suggested to get some heavier validation via JS or on the server, HTML5 does support this via the pattern attribute.

<input type= "text" name= "name" pattern= "[0-9]"  title= "Title"/>

Redirect all to index.php using htaccess

Your rewrite rule looks almost ok.

First make sure that your .htaccess file is in your document root (the same place as index.php) or it'll only affect the sub-folder it's in (and any sub-folders within that - recursively).

Next make a slight change to your rule so it looks something like:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?path=$1 [NC,L,QSA]

At the moment you're just matching on . which is one instance of any character, you need at least .* to match any number of instances of any character.

The $_GET['path'] variable will contain the fake directory structure, so /mvc/module/test for instance, which you can then use in index.php to determine the Controller and actions you want to perform.

If you want the whole shebang installed in a sub-directory, such as /mvc/ or /framework/ the least complicated way to do it is to change the rewrite rule slightly to take that into account.

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /mvc/index.php?path=$1 [NC,L,QSA]

And ensure that your index.php is in that folder whilst the .htaccess file is in the document root.

Alternative to $_GET['path'] (updated Feb '18 and Jan '19)

It's not actually necessary (nor even common now) to set the path as a $_GET variable, many frameworks will rely on $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to retrieve the same information - normally to determine which Controller to use - but the principle is exactly the same.

This does simplify the RewriteRule slightly as you don't need to create the path parameter (which means the OP's original RewriteRule will now work):

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ /index.php [L,QSA]

However, the rule about installing in a sub-directory still applies, e.g.

RewriteRule ^.*$ /mvc/index.php [L,QSA]

The flags:

NC = No Case (not case sensitive, not really necessary since there are no characters in the pattern)

L = Last (it'll stop rewriting at after this Rewrite so make sure it's the last thing in your list of rewrites)

QSA = Query String Append, just in case you've got something like ?like=penguins on the end which you want to keep and pass to index.php.

Understanding Spring @Autowired usage

Yes, you can configure the Spring servlet context xml file to define your beans (i.e., classes), so that it can do the automatic injection for you. However, do note, that you have to do other configurations to have Spring up and running and the best way to do that, is to follow a tutorial ground up.

Once you have your Spring configured probably, you can do the following in your Spring servlet context xml file for Example 1 above to work (please replace the package name of com.movies to what the true package name is and if this is a 3rd party class, then be sure that the appropriate jar file is on the classpath) :

<beans:bean id="movieFinder" class="com.movies.MovieFinder" />

or if the MovieFinder class has a constructor with a primitive value, then you could something like this,

<beans:bean id="movieFinder" class="com.movies.MovieFinder" >
    <beans:constructor-arg value="100" />

or if the MovieFinder class has a constructor expecting another class, then you could do something like this,

<beans:bean id="movieFinder" class="com.movies.MovieFinder" >
    <beans:constructor-arg ref="otherBeanRef" />

...where 'otherBeanRef' is another bean that has a reference to the expected class.

Int to Decimal Conversion - Insert decimal point at specified location

Declare it as a decimal which uses the int variable and divide this by 100

int number = 700
decimal correctNumber = (decimal)number / 100;

Edit: Bala was faster with his reaction

How to use the IEqualityComparer

Just code, with implementation of GetHashCode and NULL validation:

public class Class_reglementComparer : IEqualityComparer<Class_reglement>
    public bool Equals(Class_reglement x, Class_reglement y)
        if (x is null || y is null))
            return false;

        return x.Numf == y.Numf;

    public int GetHashCode(Class_reglement product)
        //Check whether the object is null 
        if (product is null) return 0;

        //Get hash code for the Numf field if it is not null. 
        int hashNumf = product.hashNumf == null ? 0 : product.hashNumf.GetHashCode();

        return hashNumf;

Example: list of Class_reglement distinct by Numf

List<Class_reglement> items = items.Distinct(new Class_reglementComparer());

Codeigniter - multiple database connections

The best way is to use different database groups. If you want to keep using the master database as usual ($this->db) just turn off persistent connexion configuration option to your secondary database(s). Only master database should work with persistent connexion :

Master database

$db['default']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['default']['username'] = "root";
$db['default']['password'] = "";
$db['default']['database'] = "database_name";
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['default']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['default']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['default']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['default']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['default']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Secondary database (notice pconnect is set to false)

$db['otherdb']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['otherdb']['username'] = "root";
$db['otherdb']['password'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['database'] = "other_database_name";
$db['otherdb']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['otherdb']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['pconnect'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['otherdb']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['otherdb']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['otherdb']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['otherdb']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['otherdb']['stricton'] = FALSE;

Then you can use secondary databases as database objects while using master database as usual :

// use master dataabse
$users = $this->db->get('users');

// connect to secondary database
$otherdb = $this->load->database('otherdb', TRUE);
$stuff = $otherdb->get('struff');
$otherdb->insert_batch('users', $users->result_array());

// keep using master database as usual, for example insert stuff from other database
$this->db->insert_batch('stuff', $stuff->result_array());

How to compare dates in Java?

Following are most common way of comparing dates (my preference is Approach 1):

Approach 1: Using Date.before(), Date.after() and Date.equals()

if (date1.after(date2)) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is after Date2");

if (date1.before(date2)) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is before Date2");

if (date1.equals(date2)) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is equal Date2");

Approach 2: Date.compareTo()

if (date1.compareTo(date2) > 0) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is after Date2");
} else if (date1.compareTo(date2) < 0) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is before Date2");
} else {
    System.out.println("Date1 is equal to Date2");

Approach 3: Calender.before(), Calender.after() and Calender.equals()

Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();

if (cal1.after(cal2)) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is after Date2");

if (cal1.before(cal2)) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is before Date2");

if (cal1.equals(cal2)) {
    System.out.println("Date1 is equal Date2");

Is this a good way to clone an object in ES6?

All the methods above do not handle deep cloning of objects where it is nested to n levels. I did not check its performance over others but it is short and simple.

The first example below shows object cloning using Object.assign which clones just till first level.

var person = {_x000D_
    skills: {_x000D_
newPerson = Object.assign({},person);_x000D_
newPerson.skills.lang = 'angular';_x000D_
console.log(newPerson.skills.lang); //logs Angular

Using the below approach deep clones object

var person = {_x000D_
    skills: {_x000D_
anotherNewPerson = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(person));_x000D_
anotherNewPerson.skills.lang = 'angular';_x000D_
console.log(person.skills.lang); //logs javascript

Getting mouse position in c#


Gets the position of the mouse cursor in screen coordinates. "The Position property is identical to the Control.MousePosition property."

One line if statement not working

For simplicity, If you need to default to some value if nil you can use:

@something.nil? = "No" || "Yes"

How to make Java work with SQL Server?

I had the same problem with a client of my company, the problem was that the driver sqljdbc4.jar, tries a convertion of character between the database and the driver. Each time that it did a request to the database, now you can imagine 650 connections concurrently, this did my sistem very very slow, for avoid this situation i add at the String of connection the following parameter:

 SendStringParametersAsUnicode=false, then te connection must be something like url="jdbc:sqlserver://IP:PORT;DatabaseName=DBNAME;SendStringParametersAsUnicode=false"

After that, the system is very very fast, as the users are very happy with the change, i hope my input be of same.

Execute PowerShell Script from C# with Commandline Arguments

Here is a way to add Parameters to the script if you used


This is with using an HashMap as paramaters the key being the name of the variable in the script and the value is the value of the variable.

FillVariables(pipeline, scriptParameter);
Collection<PSObject> results = pipeline.Invoke();

And the fill variable method is:

private static void FillVariables(Pipeline pipeline, Hashtable scriptParameters)
  // Add additional variables to PowerShell
  if (scriptParameters != null)
    foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in scriptParameters)
      CommandParameter Param = new CommandParameter(entry.Key as String, entry.Value);

this way you can easily add multiple parameters to a script. I've also noticed that if you want to get a value from a variable in you script like so:

Object resultcollection = runspace.SessionStateProxy.GetVariable("results");

//results being the name of the v

you'll have to do it the way I showed because for some reason if you do it the way Kosi2801 suggests the script variables list doesn't get filled with your own variables.

How to use the unsigned Integer in Java 8 and Java 9?

Well, even in Java 8, long and int are still signed, only some methods treat them as if they were unsigned. If you want to write unsigned long literal like that, you can do

static long values = Long.parseUnsignedLong("18446744073709551615");

public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println(values); // -1
    System.out.println(Long.toUnsignedString(values)); // 18446744073709551615

Mockito: List Matchers with generics

In addition to anyListOf above, you can always specify generics explicitly using this syntax:


Java 8 newly allows type inference based on parameters, so if you're using Java 8, this may work as well:


Remember that neither any() nor anyList() will apply any checks, including type or null checks. In Mockito 2.x, any(Foo.class) was changed to mean "any instanceof Foo", but any() still means "any value including null".

NOTE: The above has switched to ArgumentMatchers in newer versions of Mockito, to avoid a name collision with org.hamcrest.Matchers. Older versions of Mockito will need to keep using org.mockito.Matchers as above.

Encode URL in JavaScript?

Here is a LIVE DEMO of encodeURIComponent() and decodeURIComponent() JS built in functions:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      // encode string to base64
      function encode()
        var txt = document.getElementById("txt1").value;
        var result = btoa(txt);
        document.getElementById("txt2").value = result;
      // decode base64 back to original string
      function decode()
        var txt = document.getElementById("txt3").value;
        var result = atob(txt);
        document.getElementById("txt4").value = result;
      <textarea id="txt1">Some text to decode
      <input type="button" id="btnencode" value="Encode" onClick="encode()"/>
      <textarea id="txt2">
      <textarea id="txt3">U29tZSB0ZXh0IHRvIGRlY29kZQ==
      <input type="button" id="btndecode" value="Decode" onClick="decode()"/>
      <textarea id="txt4">

Getting the inputstream from a classpath resource (XML file)

Some of the "getResourceAsStream()" options in this answer didn't work for me, but this one did:


What's the fastest way of checking if a point is inside a polygon in python

I will just leave it here, just rewrote the code above using numpy, maybe somebody finds it useful:

def ray_tracing_numpy(x,y,poly):
    n = len(poly)
    inside = np.zeros(len(x),np.bool_)
    p2x = 0.0
    p2y = 0.0
    xints = 0.0
    p1x,p1y = poly[0]
    for i in range(n+1):
        p2x,p2y = poly[i % n]
        idx = np.nonzero((y > min(p1y,p2y)) & (y <= max(p1y,p2y)) & (x <= max(p1x,p2x)))[0]
        if p1y != p2y:
            xints = (y[idx]-p1y)*(p2x-p1x)/(p2y-p1y)+p1x
        if p1x == p2x:
            inside[idx] = ~inside[idx]
            idxx = idx[x[idx] <= xints]
            inside[idxx] = ~inside[idxx]    

        p1x,p1y = p2x,p2y
    return inside    

Wrapped ray_tracing into

def ray_tracing_mult(x,y,poly):
    return [ray_tracing(xi, yi, poly[:-1,:]) for xi,yi in zip(x,y)]

Tested on 100000 points, results:

ray_tracing_mult 0:00:00.850656
ray_tracing_numpy 0:00:00.003769

Overlay with spinner

And for a spinner like iOs I use this:

enter image description here


  <div class='spinner'>


.spinner {
  font-size: 30px;
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;

.spinner div {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0.4629em;
  bottom: 0;
  width: 0.074em;
  height: 0.2777em;
  border-radius: 0.5em;
  background-color: transparent;
  -webkit-transform-origin: center -0.2222em;
      -ms-transform-origin: center -0.2222em;
          transform-origin: center -0.2222em;
  -webkit-animation: spinner-fade 1s infinite linear;
          animation: spinner-fade 1s infinite linear;
.spinner div:nth-child(1) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0s;
          animation-delay: 0s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(0deg);
          transform: rotate(0deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(2) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.083s;
          animation-delay: 0.083s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(30deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(30deg);
          transform: rotate(30deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(3) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.166s;
          animation-delay: 0.166s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(60deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(60deg);
          transform: rotate(60deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(4) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.249s;
          animation-delay: 0.249s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(90deg);
          transform: rotate(90deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(5) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.332s;
          animation-delay: 0.332s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(120deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(120deg);
          transform: rotate(120deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(6) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.415s;
          animation-delay: 0.415s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(150deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(150deg);
          transform: rotate(150deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(7) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.498s;
          animation-delay: 0.498s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(180deg);
          transform: rotate(180deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(8) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.581s;
          animation-delay: 0.581s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(210deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(210deg);
          transform: rotate(210deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(9) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.664s;
          animation-delay: 0.664s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(240deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(240deg);
          transform: rotate(240deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(10) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.747s;
          animation-delay: 0.747s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(270deg);
          transform: rotate(270deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(11) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.83s;
          animation-delay: 0.83s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(300deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(300deg);
          transform: rotate(300deg);
.spinner div:nth-child(12) {
  -webkit-animation-delay: 0.913s;
          animation-delay: 0.913s;
  -webkit-transform: rotate(330deg);
      -ms-transform: rotate(330deg);
          transform: rotate(330deg);

@-webkit-keyframes spinner-fade {
  0% {
    background-color: #69717d;
  100% {
    background-color: transparent;

@keyframes spinner-fade {
  0% {
    background-color: #69717d;
  100% {
    background-color: transparent;

get from this website :

Google Play Services Library update and missing symbol @integer/google_play_services_version

Google's Android Developer site has instructions on how to "Add Google Play Services to Your Project", and they are also relevant to how to upgrade the Play Services version. There is even a drop down menu to view instructions for either Eclipse, Android Studio, or "Something else". That would be the best place to view instructions in case they change. The page is here:

But since most of the answers here are for Eclipse, here is a brief summary for upgrading Play Services with Android Studio

  1. Open the build.gradle file inside your application module directory. Note: Android Studio projects contain a top-level build.gradle file and a build.gradle file for each module. Be sure to edit the file for your application module.
  2. Update the build rule under "dependencies" to refer the version of play-services that you have downloaded on your development machine.

You can find the version number for the version of play-services that you have downloaded on your development machine by looking in your \sdk\extras\google\m2repository\com\google\android\gms\play-services folder, as explained here: How do I match a Google Play Services revision with an install version?

HttpUtility does not exist in the current context

After following the answers above , and did

Project -> Properties -> Application -> Target Framework -> select ".Net Framework 4"

It still didn't work until I went to
Project -> Add Reference
And selected System.web. And everything worked link a charm.

Appending a line to a file only if it does not already exist

This would be a clean, readable and reusable solution using grep and echo to add a line to a file only if it doesn't already exist:

LINE='include "/configs/projectname.conf"'
grep -qF -- "$LINE" "$FILE" || echo "$LINE" >> "$FILE"

If you need to match the whole line use grep -xqF

Add -s to ignore errors when the file does not exist, creating a new file with just that line.

How to install Selenium WebDriver on Mac OS

To use the java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar command-line tool you need to install a JDK. You need to download and install the JDK and the standalone selenium server.

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions.

By the way, one other possibility is that you do have a too old version of cordova android platform.

Error: Android SDK not found. Make sure that it is installed. If it is not at the default location, set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable.


cordova platform update android --save

Paused in debugger in chrome?

If you navigate to Sources you can see the pauseenter image description here button at the bottom of the DevTools. Basically there are 3 possible pause option in DevTools while debugging js file,

  • Don't pause on exceptions(enter image description here) :

    The pause button will be in grey colour as if "Don't pause on exceptions" is active. enter image description here

  • Pause on all exceptions(enter image description here) :

    The pause button will be in blue colour as if "Pause on all exceptions" is active. enter image description here

  • Pause on uncaught exceptions(enter image description here) :

    The pause button will be in purple colour as if "Pause on uncaught exceptions" is active. enter image description here

In your case, if you don't want to pause, select Don't pause on exceptions. To select, toggle the pause button till it become greyenter image description here.

mysql select from n last rows

Take advantage of SORT and LIMIT as you would with pagination. If you want the ith block of rows, use OFFSET.

SELECT val FROM big_table
where val = someval

In response to Nir: The sort operation is not necessarily penalized, this depends on what the query planner does. Since this use case is crucial for pagination performance, there are some optimizations (see link above). This is true in postgres as well "ORDER BY ... LIMIT can be done without sorting " E.7.1. Last bullet

explain extended select id from items where val = 48 order by id desc limit 10;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | items | const | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 4       | const |    1 | Using index | 

How to set default value to all keys of a dict object in python?

You can use the following class. Just change zero to any default value you like. The solution was tested in Python 2.7.

class cDefaultDict(dict):
    # dictionary that returns zero for missing keys
    # keys with zero values are not stored

    def __missing__(self,key):
        return 0

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if value==0:
            if key in self:  # returns zero anyway, so no need to store it
                del self[key]
            dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)

How to save a Seaborn plot into a file

You should just be able to use the savefig method of sns_plot directly.


For clarity with your code if you did want to access the matplotlib figure that sns_plot resides in then you can get it directly with

fig = sns_plot.fig

In this case there is no get_figure method as your code assumes.

How do I perform HTML decoding/encoding using Python/Django?

I found this in the Cheetah source code (here)

htmlCodes = [
    ['&', '&amp;'],
    ['<', '&lt;'],
    ['>', '&gt;'],
    ['"', '&quot;'],
htmlCodesReversed = htmlCodes[:]
def htmlDecode(s, codes=htmlCodesReversed):
    """ Returns the ASCII decoded version of the given HTML string. This does
        NOT remove normal HTML tags like <p>. It is the inverse of htmlEncode()."""
    for code in codes:
        s = s.replace(code[1], code[0])
    return s

not sure why they reverse the list, I think it has to do with the way they encode, so with you it may not need to be reversed. Also if I were you I would change htmlCodes to be a list of tuples rather than a list of lists... this is going in my library though :)

i noticed your title asked for encode too, so here is Cheetah's encode function.

def htmlEncode(s, codes=htmlCodes):
    """ Returns the HTML encoded version of the given string. This is useful to
        display a plain ASCII text string on a web page."""
    for code in codes:
        s = s.replace(code[0], code[1])
    return s

Java integer list

Let's use some java 8 feature:

IntStream.iterate(10, x -> x + 10).limit(5)

If you need to store the numbers you can collect them into a collection eg:

List numbers = IntStream.iterate(10, x -> x + 10).limit(5)

And some delay added:

IntStream.iterate(10, x -> x + 10).limit(5)
  .forEach(x -> {
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // Do something with the exception

Whitespace Matching Regex - Java

You can’t use \s in Java to match white space on its own native character set, because Java doesn’t support the Unicode white space property — even though doing so is strictly required to meet UTS#18’s RL1.2! What it does have is not standards-conforming, alas.

Unicode defines 26 code points as \p{White_Space}: 20 of them are various sorts of \pZ GeneralCategory=Separator, and the remaining 6 are \p{Cc} GeneralCategory=Control.

White space is a pretty stable property, and those same ones have been around virtually forever. Even so, Java has no property that conforms to The Unicode Standard for these, so you instead have to use code like this:

String whitespace_chars =  ""       /* dummy empty string for homogeneity */
                        + "\\u0009" // CHARACTER TABULATION
                        + "\\u000A" // LINE FEED (LF)
                        + "\\u000B" // LINE TABULATION
                        + "\\u000C" // FORM FEED (FF)
                        + "\\u000D" // CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
                        + "\\u0020" // SPACE
                        + "\\u0085" // NEXT LINE (NEL) 
                        + "\\u00A0" // NO-BREAK SPACE
                        + "\\u1680" // OGHAM SPACE MARK
                        + "\\u180E" // MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
                        + "\\u2000" // EN QUAD 
                        + "\\u2001" // EM QUAD 
                        + "\\u2002" // EN SPACE
                        + "\\u2003" // EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2004" // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2005" // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2006" // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
                        + "\\u2007" // FIGURE SPACE
                        + "\\u2008" // PUNCTUATION SPACE
                        + "\\u2009" // THIN SPACE
                        + "\\u200A" // HAIR SPACE
                        + "\\u2028" // LINE SEPARATOR
                        + "\\u2029" // PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
                        + "\\u202F" // NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
                        + "\\u205F" // MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
                        + "\\u3000" // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
/* A \s that actually works for Java’s native character set: Unicode */
String     whitespace_charclass = "["  + whitespace_chars + "]";    
/* A \S that actually works for  Java’s native character set: Unicode */
String not_whitespace_charclass = "[^" + whitespace_chars + "]";

Now you can use whitespace_charclass + "+" as the pattern in your replaceAll.

Sorry ’bout all that. Java’s regexes just don’t work very well on its own native character set, and so you really have to jump through exotic hoops to make them work.

And if you think white space is bad, you should see what you have to do to get \w and \b to finally behave properly!

Yes, it’s possible, and yes, it’s a mindnumbing mess. That’s being charitable, even. The easiest way to get a standards-comforming regex library for Java is to JNI over to ICU’s stuff. That’s what Google does for Android, because OraSun’s doesn’t measure up.

If you don’t want to do that but still want to stick with Java, I have a front-end regex rewriting library I wrote that “fixes” Java’s patterns, at least to get them conform to the requirements of RL1.2a in UTS#18, Unicode Regular Expressions.

background-image: url("images/plaid.jpg") no-repeat; wont show up

Try this:

    background:url("images/plaid.jpg") no-repeat fixed center;

jsfiddle example:

AttributeError: Module Pip has no attribute 'main'

If python -m pip install --upgrade pip==9.0.3 doesn't work, and you're using Windows,

  1. Navigate to this directory and move the pip folders elsewhere.

enter image description here

  1. Close your IDE if you have it open.

  2. Press 'Repair' on Python 3.

enter image description here

  1. Your IDE should cease to detect pip packages and prompt you to install them. Install and keep the last stable pip version by blocking automatic updates. enter image description here

Escape a string for a sed replace pattern

The only three literal characters which are treated specially in the replace clause are / (to close the clause), \ (to escape characters, backreference, &c.), and & (to include the match in the replacement). Therefore, all you need to do is escape those three characters:

sed "s/KEYWORD/$(echo $REPLACE | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\//\\\//g; s/&/\\\&/g')/g"


$ export REPLACE="'\"|\\/><&!"
$ echo fooKEYWORDbar | sed "s/KEYWORD/$(echo $REPLACE | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g; s/\//\\\//g; s/&/\\\&/g')/g"

Using margin:auto to vertically-align a div

If you know the height of the div you want to center, you can position it absolutely within its parent and then set the top value to 50%. That will put the top of the child div 50% of the way down its parent, i.e. too low. Pull it back up by setting its margin-top to half its height. So now you have the vertical midpoint of the child div sitting at the vertical midpoint of the parent - vertically centered!


.black {_x000D_
.message {_x000D_
    margin:auto auto;_x000D_
    position: absolute;_x000D_
    top: 50%;_x000D_
    margin-top: -25px;_x000D_
    height: 50px;_x000D_
<div class="black">_x000D_
    <div class="message">_x000D_
        This is a popup message._x000D_

How to force keyboard with numbers in mobile website in Android

inputmode according to WHATWG spec is the the default method.

For iOS devices adding pattern could also help.

For backward compatibility use type as well since Chrome use these as of version 66.


Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

With Windows 10 IIS runs on Port 80 by default which can be changed:

Run appwiz.cpl use Turn Windows features on or off and install the IIS Manager Console.

Turn Windows features on or off -> Internet Information Services -> Web Management Tools -> IIS Management Console

Run InetMgr.exe and go to "Connections -> Sites" and open with right-mouse click the context menu on the default entry "Default Website". In Context Menu select "Bindings" to open the Server address and port configuration.

"Connections -> Sites" -> "Default Website Bindings"

Server address and port configuration

Chaning Default Port to 8080

.ssh directory not being created

As a slight improvement over the other answers, you can do the mkdir and chmod as a single operation using mkdir's -m switch.

$ mkdir -m 700 ${HOME}/.ssh


From a Linux system

$ mkdir --help
Usage: mkdir [OPTION]... DIRECTORY...
Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
  -m, --mode=MODE   set file mode (as in chmod), not a=rwx - umask

PHP: How to get referrer URL?

$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] will give you the referrer page's URL if there exists any. If users use a bookmark or directly visit your site by manually typing in the URL, http_referer will be empty. Also if the users are posting to your page programatically (CURL) then they're not obliged to set the http_referer as well. You're missing all _, is that a typo?

Issue with Task Scheduler launching a task

  • Right Click on the Task in Task Scheduler
  • Click on the Actions tab
  • Click on Edit
  • Remove the quotes around the path in the "Starts In" textbox.

Request redirect to /Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f since MVC 3 install on server

Open web.config,then Change

<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="2880" />


<authentication mode="Forms">
  <forms loginUrl="~/Login.aspx" timeout="2880" />

change to ~/Default.aspx

What is the difference between Builder Design pattern and Factory Design pattern?

I believe, the usage of and the difference between Factory & Builder patterns can be understood/clarified easier in a certain time period as you worked on the same code base and changing requirements.

From my experience, usually, you start with a Factory pattern including couple of static creator methods to primarily hide away relatively complex initialisation logic. As your object hierarchy gets more complex (or as you add more types, parameters), you probably end up having your methods populated with more parameters and not to mention you gonna have to recompile your Factory module. All those stuff, increases the complexity of your creator methods, decreases the readability and makes the creation module more fragile.

This point possibly will be the transition/extension point. By doing so, you create a wrapper module around the construction parameters and then you will be able represent new (similar) objects by adding some more abstractions(perhaps) and implementations without touching actual your creation logic. So you've had "less" complex logic.

Frankly, referring to something sort of "having an object created in one-step or multiple steps is the difference" as the sole diversity factor was not sufficient for me to distinguish them since I could use both ways for almost all cases I faced up to now without experiencing any benefit. So this is what I've finally thought about it.

Best way to test exceptions with Assert to ensure they will be thrown

Mark the test with the ExpectedExceptionAttribute (this is the term in NUnit or MSTest; users of other unit testing frameworks may need to translate).

How to add hours to current time in python

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

nine_hours_from_now = + timedelta(hours=9)
#datetime.datetime(2012, 12, 3, 23, 24, 31, 774118)

And then use string formatting to get the relevant pieces:

>>> '{:%H:%M:%S}'.format(nine_hours_from_now)

If you're only formatting the datetime then you can use:

>>> format(nine_hours_from_now, '%H:%M:%S')

Or, as @eumiro has pointed out in comments - strftime

How to get the number of threads in a Java process

Using Linux Top command

top -H -p (process id)

you could get process id of one program by this method :

ps aux | grep (your program name)

for example :

ps aux | grep

Sorting an IList in C#

Convert your IList into List<T> or some other generic collection and then you can easily query/sort it using System.Linq namespace (it will supply bunch of extension methods)

Entity Framework: There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command

You get this error, when the collection you are trying to iterate is kind of lazy loading (IQueriable).

foreach (var user in _dbContext.Users)

Converting the IQueriable collection into other enumerable collection will solve this problem. example


Note: .ToList() creates a new set every-time and it can cause the performance issue if you are dealing with large data.

Bootstrap Accordion button toggle "data-parent" not working

As Blazemonger said, #parent, .panel and .collapse have to be direct descendants. However, if You can't change Your html, You can do workaround using bootstrap events and methods with the following code:

$('#your-parent .collapse').on('', function (e) {
    var actives = $('#your-parent').find('.in, .collapsing');
    actives.each( function (index, element) {

Insert all values of a table into another table in SQL

There is an easier way where you don't have to type any code (Ideal for Testing or One-time updates):

Step 1

  • Right click on table in the explorer and select "Edit top 100 rows";

Step 2

  • Then you can select the rows that you want (Ctrl + Click or Ctrl + A), and Right click and Copy (Note: If you want to add a "where" condition, then Right Click on Grid -> Pane -> SQL Now you can edit Query and add WHERE condition, then Right Click again -> Execute SQL, your required rows will be available to select on bottom)

Step 3

  • Follow Step 1 for the target table.

Step 4

  • Now go to the end of the grid and the last row will have an asterix (*) in first column (This row is to add new entry). Click on that to select that entire row and then PASTE (Ctrl + V). The cell might have a Red Asterix (indicating that it is not saved)

Step 5

  • Click on any other row to trigger the insert statement (the Red Asterix will disappear)

Note - 1: If the columns are not in the correct order as in Target table, you can always follow Step 2, and Select the Columns in the same order as in the Target table

Note - 2 - If you have Identity columns then execute SET IDENTITY_INSERT sometableWithIdentity ON and then follow above steps, and in the end execute SET IDENTITY_INSERT sometableWithIdentity OFF

How to create a sticky footer that plays well with Bootstrap 3

I've been searching for a simple way to make the sticky footer works. I just applied a class="navbar-fixed-bottom" and it worked instantly Only thing to keep in mind it's to adjust the settings of the footer for mobile devices. Cheers!

Reading PDF documents in .Net

aspose pdf works pretty well. then again, you have to pay for it

How to destroy Fragment?

If you are in the fragment itself, you need to call this. Your fragment needs to be the fragment that is being called. Enter code:


or if you are using supportLib, then you need to call:


How can I check MySQL engine type for a specific table?

mysqlshow -i <database_name>

will show the info for all tables of a specific database.

mysqlshow -i <database_name> <table_name> 

will do so just for a specific table.

Average of multiple columns

Select Req_ID, sum(R1+R2+R3+R4+R5)/5 as Average
from Request
Group by Req_ID;

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?

I asked recently about something similar.

If you use flags you can add an extension method to enums to make checking the contained flags easier (see post for detail)

This allows you to do:

public enum PossibleOptions : byte
    None = 0,
    OptionOne = 1,
    OptionTwo = 2,
    OptionThree = 4,
    OptionFour = 8,

    //combinations can be in the enum too
    OptionOneAndTwo = OptionOne | OptionTwo,
    OptionOneTwoAndThree = OptionOne | OptionTwo | OptionThree,

Then you can do:

PossibleOptions opt = PossibleOptions.OptionOneTwoAndThree 

if( opt.IsSet( PossibleOptions.OptionOne ) ) {
    //optionOne is one of those set

I find this easier to read than the most ways of checking the included flags.

How to map to multiple elements with Java 8 streams?

To do this, I had to come up with an intermediate data structure:

class KeyDataPoint {
    String key;
    DateTime timestamp;
    Number data;
    // obvious constructor and getters

With this in place, the approach is to "flatten" each MultiDataPoint into a list of (timestamp, key, data) triples and stream together all such triples from the list of MultiDataPoint.

Then, we apply a groupingBy operation on the string key in order to gather the data for each key together. Note that a simple groupingBy would result in a map from each string key to a list of the corresponding KeyDataPoint triples. We don't want the triples; we want DataPoint instances, which are (timestamp, data) pairs. To do this we apply a "downstream" collector of the groupingBy which is a mapping operation that constructs a new DataPoint by getting the right values from the KeyDataPoint triple. The downstream collector of the mapping operation is simply toList which collects the DataPoint objects of the same group into a list.

Now we have a Map<String, List<DataPoint>> and we want to convert it to a collection of DataSet objects. We simply stream out the map entries and construct DataSet objects, collect them into a list, and return it.

The code ends up looking like this:

Collection<DataSet> convertMultiDataPointToDataSet(List<MultiDataPoint> multiDataPoints) {
        .flatMap(mdp -> mdp.getData().entrySet().stream()
                           .map(e -> new KeyDataPoint(e.getKey(), mdp.getTimestamp(), e.getValue())))
                    mapping(kdp -> new DataPoint(kdp.getTimestamp(), kdp.getData()), toList())))
        .map(e -> new DataSet(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))

I took some liberties with constructors and getters, but I think they should be obvious.

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftCore.dylib

I solved by deleting the derived data and this time it worked correctly. Tried with Xcode 7.3.1GM

permission denied - php unlink

The file permission is okay (0777) but i think your on the shared server, so to delete your file correctly use; 1. create a correct path to your file

// delete from folder
$filename = 'test.txt';
$ifile = '/newy/made/link/uploads/'. $filename; // this is the actual path to the file you want to delete.
unlink($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .$ifile); // use server document root
// your file will be removed from the folder

That small code will do the magic and remove any selected file you want from any folder provided the actual file path is collect.

Angular CLI Error: The serve command requires to be run in an Angular project, but a project definition could not be found

This happens because we are hitting ng serve command in some other path.This can be solved by hitting ng serve or npm start command on the path where exactly the our project resides(take path until the folder which contains src,node_modules,etc.)

F:\project\AngularDemo\AngularDemoapp> ng serve

Javascript Image Resize

function resize_image(image, w, h) {

    if (typeof(image) != 'object') image = document.getElementById(image);

    if (w == null || w == undefined)
        w = (h / image.clientHeight) * image.clientWidth;

    if (h == null || h == undefined)
        h = (w / image.clientWidth) * image.clientHeight;['height'] = h + 'px';['width'] = w + 'px';

just pass it either an img DOM element, or the id of an image element, and the new width and height.

or you can pass it either just the width or just the height (if just the height, then pass the width as null or undefined) and it will resize keeping aspect ratio

Git: How to remove proxy

This is in the case if first answer does not work The latest version of git does not require to set proxy it directly uses system proxy settings .so just do these


in some systems you may also have to do

unset http_proxy
unset https_proxy

if you want to permanantly remove proxy then

sudo gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'none'

Text in a flex container doesn't wrap in IE11

Me too I encountered this issue.

The only alternative is to define a width (or max-width) in the child elements. IE 11 is a bit stupid, and me I just spent 20 minutes to realize this solution.

.parent {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  width: 800px;
  border: 1px solid red;
  align-items: center;
.child {
  border: 1px solid blue;
  max-width: 800px;
  @media (max-width:960px){ // <--- Here we go. The text won't wrap ? we will make it break !
    max-width: 600px;
  @media (max-width:600px){
    max-width: 400px;
  @media (max-width:400px){
    max-width: 150px;

<div class="parent">
  <div class="child">
    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
  <div class="child">
    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry

Where do I download JDBC drivers for DB2 that are compatible with JDK 1.5?

I know its late but i recently ran into this situation. After wasting entire day I finally found the solution. I am suprised that I got this info on oracle's website whereas this seems nowhere to be found on IBM's website.

If you want to use JDBC drivers for DB2 that are compatible with JDK 1.5 or 1.4 , you need to use the jar db2jcc.jar, which is available in SQLLIB/java/ folder of your db2 installation.

Count rows with not empty value

A simpler solution that works for me:


It counts both numbers, strings, dates, etc that are not empty

Copy data into another table

Insert Selected column with condition

INSERT INTO where_to_insert (col_1,col_2) SELECT col1, col2 FROM from_table WHERE condition;

Copy all data from one table to another with the same column name.

INSERT INTO where_to_insert 
SELECT * FROM from_table WHERE condition;

Moving items around in an ArrayList

To Move item in list simply add:

// move item to index 0
Object object = ObjectList.get(index);

To Swap two items in list simply add:

// swap item 10 with 20

How to use numpy.genfromtxt when first column is string and the remaining columns are numbers?

data=np.genfromtxt(csv_file, delimiter=',', dtype='unicode')

It works fine for me.

How to create a file in Linux from terminal window?

Depending on what you want the file to contain:

  • touch /path/to/file for an empty file
  • somecommand > /path/to/file for a file containing the output of some command.

      eg: grep --help > randomtext.txt
          echo "This is some text" > randomtext.txt
  • nano /path/to/file or vi /path/to/file (or any other editor emacs,gedit etc)
    It either opens the existing one for editing or creates & opens the empty file to enter, if it doesn't exist

Create the file using cat

$ cat > myfile.txt

Now, just type whatever you want in the file:

Hello World!

CTRL-D to save and exit

There are several possible solutions:

Create an empty file

touch file


echo -n > file

printf '' > file

The echo version will work only if your version of echo supports the -n switch to suppress newlines. This is a non-standard addition. The other examples will all work in a POSIX shell.

Create a file containing a newline and nothing else

echo '' > file

printf '\n' > file

This is a valid "text file" because it ends in a newline.

Write text into a file

"$EDITOR" file

echo 'text' > file

cat > file <<END \

printf 'text\n' > file

These are equivalent. The $EDITOR command assumes that you have an interactive text editor defined in the EDITOR environment variable and that you interactively enter equivalent text. The cat version presumes a literal newline after the \ and after each other line. Other than that these will all work in a POSIX shell.

Of course there are many other methods of writing and creating files, too.

Convert UTC/GMT time to local time

I'd just like to add a general note of caution.

If all you are doing is getting the current time from the computer's internal clock to put a date/time on the display or a report, then all is well. But if you are saving the date/time information for later reference or are computing date/times, beware!

Let's say you determine that a cruise ship arrived in Honolulu on 20 Dec 2007 at 15:00 UTC. And you want to know what local time that was.
1. There are probably at least three 'locals' involved. Local may mean Honolulu, or it may mean where your computer is located, or it may mean the location where your customer is located.
2. If you use the built-in functions to do the conversion, it will probably be wrong. This is because daylight savings time is (probably) currently in effect on your computer, but was NOT in effect in December. But Windows does not know this... all it has is one flag to determine if daylight savings time is currently in effect. And if it is currently in effect, then it will happily add an hour even to a date in December.
3. Daylight savings time is implemented differently (or not at all) in various political subdivisions. Don't think that just because your country changes on a specific date, that other countries will too.

Delete/Reset all entries in Core Data?

I took Grouchal's code and to speed it up I used enumeration with concurrent mode (NSEnumerationConcurrent), it got a bit faster compared to for loop (in my app I added this feature for Testers so that they can clear data and do testcases rather than delete and install app)

- (void)resetObjects
    [self deleteAllObjectsInEntity:@"Entity1"];
    [self deleteAllObjectsInEntity:@"Entity2"];
    [self deleteAllObjectsInEntity:@"Entity3"];
    [self deleteAllObjectsInEntity:@"Entity4"];

-(void) deleteAllObjectsInEntity:(NSString*) entityName
    MainDataContext *coreDataContext = [MainDataContext sharedInstance];
    NSManagedObjectContext *currentContext = coreDataContext.managedObjectContext;
    NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
    NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:entityName inManagedObjectContext:currentContext];
    [fetchRequest setEntity:entity];

    NSError *error;
    NSArray *items = [currentContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];

    [items enumerateObjectsWithOptions:NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock:^(NSManagedObject * obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
        [currentContext deleteObject:obj];

    if (![currentContext save:&error]) {
        NSLog(@"Error deleting %@ - error:%@",entityName,error);

Catching nullpointerexception in Java

You should be catching NullPointerException with the code above, but that doesn't change the fact that your Check_Circular is wrong. If you fix Check_Circular, your code won't throw NullPointerException in the first place, and work as intended.


public static boolean Check_Circular(LinkedListNode head)
    LinkedListNode curNode = head;
        curNode =;
        if(curNode == head)
            return true;
    while(curNode != null);

    return false;

Convert MySQL to SQlite

Not every DB schema can be converted. MySQL is more complex and feature-rich than SQLite. However, if your schema is simple enough, you could dump it into an SQL file and try to import it / load it into an SQLite DB.

Rename multiple files in cmd

I was puzzled by this also... didn't like the parentheses that windows puts in when you rename in bulk. In my research I decided to write a script with PowerShell instead. Super easy and worked like a charm. Now I can use it whenever I need to batch process file renaming... which is frequent. I take hundreds of photos and the camera names them IMG1234.JPG etc...

Here is the script I wrote:

# filename: bulk_file_rename.ps1
# by: subcan
# PowerShell script to rename multiple files within a folder to a 
# name that increments without (#)
# create counter
$int = 1
# ask user for what they want
$regex = Read-Host "Regex for files you are looking for? ex. IMG*.JPG "
$file_name = Read-Host "What is new file name, without extension? ex. New Image "
$extension = Read-Host "What extension do you want? ex. .JPG "
# get a total count of the files that meet regex
$total = Get-ChildItem -Filter $regex | measure
# while loop to rename all files with new name
while ($int -le $total.Count)
    # diplay where in loop you are
    Write-Host "within while loop" $int  
    # create variable for concatinated new name - 
    # $int.ToString(000) ensures 3 digit number 001, 010, etc
    $new_name = $file_name + $int.ToString(000)+$extension
    # get the first occurance and rename
    Get-ChildItem -Filter $regex | select -First 1 | Rename-Item -NewName $new_name
    # display renamed file name
    Write-Host "Renamed to" $new_name
    # increment counter

I hope that this is helpful to someone out there.


Adding a Button to a WPF DataGrid

First create a DataGridTemplateColumn to contain the button:

      <Button Click="ShowHideDetails">Details</Button> 

When the button is clicked, update the containing DataGridRow's DetailsVisibility:

void ShowHideDetails(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    for (var vis = sender as Visual; vis != null; vis = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(vis) as Visual)
    if (vis is DataGridRow)
        var row = (DataGridRow)vis;
        row.DetailsVisibility = 
        row.DetailsVisibility == Visibility.Visible ? Visibility.Collapsed : Visibility.Visible;

How to set DOM element as the first child?

2017 version

You can use

targetElement.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', newFirstElement)

From MDN :

The insertAdjacentElement() method inserts a given element node at a given position relative to the element it is invoked upon.

A DOMString representing the position relative to the element; must be one of the following strings:
beforebegin: Before the element itself.
afterbegin: Just inside the element, before its first child.
beforeend: Just inside the element, after its last child.
afterend: After the element itself.

The element to be inserted into the tree.

Also in the family of insertAdjacent there is the sibling methods:

element.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin','htmlText') for inject html string directly, like innerHTML but without overide everything , so you can jump oppressive process of document.createElement and even build whole componet with string manipulation process

element.insertAdjacentText for inject sanitize string into element . no more encode/decode

Using JSON POST Request

Modern browsers do not currently implement JSONRequest (as far as I know) since it is only a draft right now. I have found someone who has implemented it as a library that you can include in your page: (please note that it has a few dependencies).

Otherwise, you might want to go with another JS library like jQuery or Mootools.

Format SQL in SQL Server Management Studio

There is a special trick I discovered by accident.

  1. Select the query you wish to format.
  2. Ctrl+Shift+Q (This will open your query in the query designer)
  3. Then just go OK Voila! Query designer will format your query for you. Caveat is that you can only do this for statements and not procedural code, but its better than nothing.

Run PowerShell scripts on remote PC

After further investigating on PSExec tool, I think I got the answer. I need to add -i option to tell PSExec to launch process on remote in interactive mode:

PSExec \\RPC001 -i -u myID -p myPWD PowerShell C:\script\StartPS.ps1 par1 par2

Without -i, powershell.exe is running on the remote in waiting mode. Interesting point is that if I run a simple bat (without PS in bat), it works fine. Maybe this is something special for PS case? Welcome comments and explanations.

SQL Error: ORA-01861: literal does not match format string 01861

ORA-01861: literal does not match format string

This happens because you have tried to enter a literal with a format string, but the length of the format string was not the same length as the literal.

You can overcome this issue by carrying out following alteration.


As a general rule, if you are using the TO_DATE function, TO_TIMESTAMP function, TO_CHAR function, and similar functions, make sure that the literal that you provide matches the format string that you've specified

How to animate a View with Translate Animation in Android

In order to move a View anywhere on the screen, I would recommend placing it in a full screen layout. By doing so, you won't have to worry about clippings or relative coordinates.

You can try this sample code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:orientation="vertical" android:id="@+id/rootLayout">

        android:text="MOVE" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"/>

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="10dip"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_centerVertical="true" android:layout_alignParentRight="true"/>
        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_marginBottom="100dip"/>

        android:orientation="vertical" android:clipChildren="false" android:clipToPadding="false">

            android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:layout_marginLeft="60dip" android:layout_marginTop="150dip"/>


Your activity

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    ((Button) findViewById( )).setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener()
        public void onClick(View v)
            ImageView img = (ImageView) findViewById( );              
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );                
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );
            img = (ImageView) findViewById( );
            moveViewToScreenCenter( img );

private void moveViewToScreenCenter( View view )
    RelativeLayout root = (RelativeLayout) findViewById( );
    DisplayMetrics dm = new DisplayMetrics();
    this.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics( dm );
    int statusBarOffset = dm.heightPixels - root.getMeasuredHeight();

    int originalPos[] = new int[2];
    view.getLocationOnScreen( originalPos );

    int xDest = dm.widthPixels/2;
    xDest -= (view.getMeasuredWidth()/2);
    int yDest = dm.heightPixels/2 - (view.getMeasuredHeight()/2) - statusBarOffset;

    TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation( 0, xDest - originalPos[0] , 0, yDest - originalPos[1] );
    anim.setFillAfter( true );

The method moveViewToScreenCenter gets the View's absolute coordinates and calculates how much distance has to move from its current position to reach the center of the screen. The statusBarOffset variable measures the status bar height.

I hope you can keep going with this example. Remember that after the animation your view's position is still the initial one. If you tap the MOVE button again and again the same movement will repeat. If you want to change your view's position do it after the animation is finished.

Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current

In my case i had to disable Linux SE

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# setenforce 0

Disable Firewall

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# systemctl stop firewalld

Edit config file uncommenting#

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf


Then restart the services

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd

Vertical align text in block element

with thanks to Vlad's answer for inspiration; tested & working on IE11, FF49, Opera40, Chrome53

li > a {
  height: 100px;
  width: 300px;
  display: table-cell;
  text-align: center; /* H align */
  vertical-align: middle;

centers in all directions nicely even with text wrapping, line breaks, images, etc.

I got fancy and made a snippet

li > a {_x000D_
  height: 100px;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
  /*H align*/_x000D_
  text-align: center;_x000D_
  /*V align*/_x000D_
  vertical-align: middle;_x000D_
a.thin {_x000D_
  width: 40px;_x000D_
a.break {_x000D_
  /*force text wrap, otherwise `width` is treated as `min-width` when encountering a long word*/_x000D_
  word-break: break-all;_x000D_
/*more css so you can see this easier*/_x000D_
li {_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
li > a {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  margin: 30px;_x000D_
  background: aliceblue;_x000D_
li > a:hover {_x000D_
  padding: 10px;_x000D_
  margin: 30px;_x000D_
  background: aqua;_x000D_
<li><a href="">My menu item</a>_x000D_
<li><a href="">My menu <br> break item</a>_x000D_
<li><a href="">My menu item that is really long and unweildly</a>_x000D_
<li><a href="" class="thin">Good<br>Menu<br>Item</a>_x000D_
<li><a href="" class="thin">Fantastically Menu Item</a>_x000D_
<li><a href="" class="thin break">Fantastically Menu Item</a>_x000D_
note: if using "break-all" need to also use "&lt;br>" or suffer the consequences

How to take a first character from the string

Try this..

Dim S As String
Dim answer As Char
answer = S.Substring(0, 1)

How to write an XPath query to match two attributes?

Sample XML:

<Y ATTRIB1=attrib1_value ATTRIB2=attrib2_value/>

string xPath="/" + X + "/" + Y +
"[@" + ATTRIB1 + "='" + attrib1_value + "']" +
"[@" + ATTRIB2 + "='" + attrib2_value + "']"

XPath Testbed:

Exclude all transitive dependencies of a single dependency

There is a workaround for this, if you set the scope of a dependency to runtime, transitive dependencies will be excluded. Though be aware this means you need to add in additional processing if you want to package the runtime dependency.

To include the runtime dependency in any packaging, you can use the maven-dependency-plugin's copy goal for a specific artifact.

Ruby: How to post a file via HTTP as multipart/form-data?

Ok, here's a simple example using curb.

require 'yaml'
require 'curb'

# prepare post data
post_data = { |k, v| Curl::PostField.content(k, v.to_s) }
post_data << Curl::PostField.file('file', '/path/to/file'), 

# post
c ='http://localhost:3000/foo')
c.multipart_form_post = true

# print response
y [c.response_code, c.body_str]

Colorizing text in the console with C++

I'm not sure what you really want to do, but my guess is you want your C++ program to output colored text in the console, right ? Don't know about Windows, but on all Unices (including Mac OS X), you'd simply use ANSI escape sequences for that.

Loading a .json file into c# program

See Microsofts JavaScriptSerializer

The JavaScriptSerializer class is used internally by the asynchronous communication layer to serialize and deserialize the data that is passed between the browser and the Web server. You cannot access that instance of the serializer. However, this class exposes a public API. Therefore, you can use the class when you want to work with JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) in managed code.

Namespace: System.Web.Script.Serialization

Assembly: System.Web.Extensions (in System.Web.Extensions.dll)

How do I manually create a file with a . (dot) prefix in Windows? For example, .htaccess

You can do this in any program other than Explorer, e.g. Notepad, cmd.exe etc.

You just can't do it in Explorer, and Raymond Chen has offered an explanation as to why not.

SQL Server Management Studio – tips for improving the TSQL coding process

Use Object Explorer Details instead of object explorer for viewing your tables, this way you can press a letter and have it go to the first table with that letter prefix.

HTML5 Video // Completely Hide Controls

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { initialiseMediaPlayer(); }, false);

function initialiseMediaPlayer() {

    mediaPlayer = document.getElementById('media-video');

    mediaPlayer.controls = false;

    mediaPlayer.addEventListener('volumechange', function(e) { 
        // Update the button to be mute/unmute
        if (mediaPlayer.muted) changeButtonType(muteBtn, 'unmute');
        else changeButtonType(muteBtn, 'mute');
    }, false);  
    mediaPlayer.addEventListener('ended', function() { this.pause(); }, false); 

How to 'update' or 'overwrite' a python list

I think it is more pythonic:

aList.insert(0, 2014)

more useful:

def shuffle(list, to_delete, to_shuffle, index):
    list.insert(index, to_shuffle)

list = ['a', 'b']
shuffle(list, 'a', 'c', 0)
print list
>> ['c', 'b']

Standard deviation of a list

Using python, here are few methods:

import statistics as st

n = int(input())
data = list(map(int, input().split()))

Approach1 - using a function

stdev = st.pstdev(data)

Approach2: calculate variance and take square root of it

variance = st.pvariance(data)
devia = math.sqrt(variance)

Approach3: using basic math

mean = sum(data)/n
variance = sum([((x - mean) ** 2) for x in X]) / n
stddev = variance ** 0.5



  • variance calculates variance of sample population
  • pvariance calculates variance of entire population
  • similar differences between stdev and pstdev

Check if a string contains a number

You can use any function, with the str.isdigit function, like this

>>> def hasNumbers(inputString):
...     return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)
>>> hasNumbers("I own 1 dog")
>>> hasNumbers("I own no dog")

Alternatively you can use a Regular Expression, like this

>>> import re
>>> def hasNumbers(inputString):
...     return bool('\d', inputString))
>>> hasNumbers("I own 1 dog")
>>> hasNumbers("I own no dog")

how to access iFrame parent page using jquery?

To find in the parent of the iFrame use:

$('#parentPrice', window.parent.document).html();

The second parameter for the $() wrapper is the context in which to search. This defaults to document.

How to know if an object has an attribute in Python

EDIT:This approach has serious limitation. It should work if the object is an iterable one. Please check the comments below.

If you are using Python 3.6 or higher like me there is a convenient alternative to check whether an object has a particular attribute:

if 'attr1' in obj1:
    print("attr1 = {}".format(obj1["attr1"]))

However, I'm not sure which is the best approach right now. using hasattr(), using getattr() or using in. Comments are welcome.

Get only filename from url in php without any variable values which exist in the url

$url = "";
$l = parse_url($url);
print_r(stristr($l['path'], "/"));

Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix()

If this ()Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix Android Project is old and you have updated Android Studio, what I did was simply CLOSE PROJECT and ran it again. It solved the issue for me. Did not add any dependencies or whatever as described by other answers.

CMake complains "The CXX compiler identification is unknown"

I just had this problem setting up my new laptop. The issue for me was that my toolchain (CodeSourcery) is 32bit and I had not installed the 32bit libs.

sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

difference between primary key and unique key

difference between Primary Key and Unique Key

Both Primary key and Unique Key are used to uniquely define of a row in a table. Primary Key creates a clustered index of the column whereas a Unique creates an unclustered index of the column.

A Primary Key doesn’t allow NULL value, however a Unique Key does allow one NULL value.

How to get selenium to wait for ajax response?

I would use


This will wait until the element is present in the DOM.

If you need to check the element is visible, you may be better using


How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile as tempfile
f = tempfile()
print Popen(['/bin/grep','f'],stdout=PIPE,stdin=f)

Maven compile: package does not exist

the issue happened with me, I resolved by removing the scope tag only and built successfully.

When is null or undefined used in JavaScript?

A property, when it has no definition, is undefined. null is an object. It's type is null. undefined is not an object, its type is undefined.

This is a good article explaining the difference and also giving some examples.

null vs undefined

Why should you use strncpy instead of strcpy?

While I know the intent behind strncpy, it is not really a good function. Avoid both. Raymond Chen explains.

Personally, my conclusion is simply to avoid strncpy and all its friends if you are dealing with null-terminated strings. Despite the "str" in the name, these functions do not produce null-terminated strings. They convert a null-terminated string into a raw character buffer. Using them where a null-terminated string is expected as the second buffer is plain wrong. Not only do you fail to get proper null termination if the source is too long, but if the source is short you get unnecessary null padding.

See also Why is strncpy insecure?

Create text file and fill it using bash

Assuming you mean UNIX shell commands, just run

echo >> file.txt

echo prints a newline, and the >> tells the shell to append that newline to the file, creating if it doesn't already exist.

In order to properly answer the question, though, I'd need to know what you would want to happen if the file already does exist. If you wanted to replace its current contents with the newline, for example, you would use

echo > file.txt

EDIT: and in response to Justin's comment, if you want to add the newline only if the file didn't already exist, you can do

test -e file.txt || echo > file.txt

At least that works in Bash, I'm not sure if it also does in other shells.

keytool error Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

In my case I was needed to have root access.

How to compare variables to undefined, if I don’t know whether they exist?

if (obj === undefined)
    // Create obj

If you are doing extensive javascript programming you should get in the habit of using === and !== when you want to make a type specific check.

Also if you are going to be doing a fair amount of javascript, I suggest running code through JSLint it might seem a bit draconian at first, but most of the things JSLint warns you about will eventually come back to bite you.

How to get image height and width using java?

So unfortunately, after trying all the answers from above, I did not get them to work after tireless times of trying. So I decided to do the real hack myself and I go this to work for me. I trust it would work perfectly for you too.

I am using this simple method to get the width of an image generated by the app and yet to be upload later for verification :

Pls. take note : you would have to enable permissions in manifest for access storage.

/I made it static and put in my Global class so I can reference or access it from just one source and if there is any modification, it would all have to be done at just one place. Just maintaining a DRY concept in java. (anyway) :)/

public static int getImageWidthOrHeight(String imgFilePath) {

            Log.d("img path : "+imgFilePath);

            // Decode image size
            BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
            o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
            BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgFilePath, o);

            int width_tmp = o.outWidth, height_tmp = o.outHeight;

            Log.d("Image width : ", Integer.toString(width_tmp) );

            //you can decide to rather return height_tmp to get the height.

            return width_tmp;


How do I Validate the File Type of a File Upload?

Ensure that you always check for the file extension in server-side to ensure that no one can upload a malicious file such as .aspx, .asp etc.

Is the LIKE operator case-sensitive with MSSQL Server?

It is not the operator that is case sensitive, it is the column itself.

When a SQL Server installation is performed a default collation is chosen to the instance. Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise (check the collate clause bellow) when a new database is created it inherits the collation from the instance and when a new column is created it inherits the collation from the database it belongs.

A collation like sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as dictates how the content of the column should be treated. CI stands for case insensitive and AS stands for accent sensitive.

A complete list of collations is available at

(a) To check a instance collation

select serverproperty('collation')

(b) To check a database collation

select databasepropertyex('databasename', 'collation') sqlcollation

(c) To create a database using a different collation

create database exampledatabase
collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_cs_as 

(d) To create a column using a different collation

create table exampletable (
    examplecolumn varchar(10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null

(e) To modify a column collation

alter table exampletable
alter column examplecolumn varchar(10) collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as null

It is possible to change a instance and database collations but it does not affect previously created objects.

It is also possible to change a column collation on the fly for string comparison, but this is highly unrecommended in a production environment because it is extremely costly.

  column1 collate sql_latin1_general_cp1_ci_as as column1
from table1

Copy struct to struct in C

memcpy expects the first two arguments to be void*.

Try: memcpy( (void*)&RTCclk, (void*)&RTCclkBuffert, sizeof(RTCclk) );

P.S. although not necessary, convention dictates the brackets for the sizeof operator. You can get away with a lot in C that leaves code impossible to maintain, so following convention is the mark of a good (employable) C programmer.

How do I convert an array object to a string in PowerShell?

I found that piping the array to the Out-String cmdlet works well too.

For example:

PS C:\> $a  | out-string


It depends on your end goal as to which method is the best to use.

Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8

This cheatsheet lists some common caveats related to UTF-8 handling in PHP:

This function detecting multibyte characters in a string might also prove helpful (source):

function detectUTF8($string)
    return preg_match('%(?:
        [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]             # non-overlong 2-byte
        |\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]        # excluding overlongs
        |[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte
        |\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]        # excluding surrogates
        |\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}     # planes 1-3
        |[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}         # planes 4-15
        |\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}     # plane 16

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails

It means that you're trying to insert into table2 a UserID value that doesn't exist in table1.

addEventListener vs onclick

The difference you could see if you had another couple of functions:

var h = document.getElementById('a');
h.onclick = doThing_1;
h.onclick = doThing_2;

h.addEventListener('click', doThing_3);
h.addEventListener('click', doThing_4);

Functions 2, 3 and 4 work, but 1 does not. This is because addEventListener does not overwrite existing event handlers, whereas onclick overrides any existing onclick = fn event handlers.

The other significant difference, of course, is that onclick will always work, whereas addEventListener does not work in Internet Explorer before version 9. You can use the analogous attachEvent (which has slightly different syntax) in IE <9.

Firebase Storage How to store and Retrieve images

There are a couple of ways of doing I first did the way Grendal2501 did it. I then did it similar to user15163, you can store the image URL in the firebase and host the image on your firebase host or also Amazon S3;

Add two numbers and display result in textbox with Javascript

You made a simple mistake. Don't worry.... Simply use getElementById instead getElementsById


var first_number = parseInt(document.getElementById("Text1").value);


var first_number = parseInt(document.getElementsById("Text1").value);

Thanks ...

Use getElementById on HTMLElement instead of HTMLDocument

Thanks to dee for the answer above with the Scrape() subroutine. The code worked perfectly as written, and I was able to then convert the code to work with the specific website I am trying to scrape.

I do not have enough reputation to upvote or to comment, but I do actually have some minor improvements to add to dee's answer:

  1. You will need to add the VBA Reference via "Tools\References" to "Microsoft HTML Object Library in order for the code to compile.

  2. I commented out the Browser.Visible line and added the comment as follows

    'if you need to debug the browser page, uncomment this line:
    'Browser.Visible = True
  3. And I added a line to close the browser before Set Browser = Nothing:


Thanks again dee!

ETA: this works on machines with IE9, but not machines with IE8. Anyone have a fix?

Found the fix myself, so came back here to post it. The ClassName function is available in IE9. For this to work in IE8, you use querySelectorAll, with a dot preceding the class name of the object you are looking for:

'Set repList = doc.getElementsByClassName("reportList") 'only works in IE9, not in IE8
Set repList = doc.querySelectorAll(".reportList")       'this works in IE8+

How to not wrap contents of a div?

If your div has a fixed-width it shouldn't expand, because you've fixed its width. However, modern browsers support a min-width CSS property.

You can emulate the min-width property in old IE browsers by using CSS expressions or by using auto width and having a spacer object in the container. This solution isn't elegant but may do the trick:

<div id="container" style="float: left">
  <div id="spacer" style="height: 1px; width: 300px"></div>
  <button>Button 1 text</button>
  <button>Button 2 text</button>

onchange event for html.dropdownlist

You can do this

@Html.DropDownList("Sortby", new SelectListItem[] { new SelectListItem() 

       Text = "Newest to Oldest", Value = "0" }, new SelectListItem() { Text = "Oldest to Newest", Value = "1" } , new
           onchange = @"form.submit();"

AngularJs - ng-model in a SELECT

You can use the ng-selected directive on the option elements. It takes expression that if truthy will set the selected property.

In this case:

<option ng-selected="data.unit ==" 
        ng-repeat="item in units" 


angular.module("app",[]).controller("myCtrl",function($scope) {_x000D_
    $scope.units = [_x000D_
        {'id': 10, 'label': 'test1'},_x000D_
        {'id': 27, 'label': 'test2'},_x000D_
        {'id': 39, 'label': 'test3'},_x000D_
        $ = {_x000D_
        'id': 1,_x000D_
        'unit': 27_x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="myCtrl">_x000D_
    <select class="form-control" ng-change="unitChanged()" ng-model="data.unit">_x000D_
         <option ng-selected="data.unit ==" ng-repeat="item in units" ng-value="">{{item.label}}</option>_x000D_

"CASE" statement within "WHERE" clause in SQL Server 2008

I think that the beginning of your query should look like that:

    tl.storenum [Store #], 
    co.ccnum [FuelFirst Card #], 
    co.dtentered [Date Entered],
    CASE st.reasonid 
        WHEN 1 THEN 'Active' 
        WHEN 2 THEN 'Not Active' 
        WHEN 0 THEN st.ccstatustypename 
        ELSE 'Unknown' 
    END [Status],
    CASE st.ccstatustypename 
        WHEN 'Active' THEN ' ' 
        WHEN 'Not Active' THEN ' ' 
        ELSE st.ccstatustypename 
        END [Reason],
    UPPER(REPLACE(REPLACE(co.personentered,'RT\\\\',''),'RACETRAC\\\\','')) [Person Entered],
    co.comments [Comments or Notes]
FROM comments co
    INNER JOIN cards cc ON co.ccnum=cc.ccnum
    INNER JOIN customerinfo ci ON cc.customerinfoid=ci.customerinfoid
    INNER JOIN ccstatustype st ON st.ccstatustypeid=cc.ccstatustypeid
    INNER JOIN customerstatus cs ON cs.customerstatuscd=ci.customerstatuscd
    INNER JOIN transactionlog tl ON tl.transactionlogid=co.transactionlogid
    LEFT JOIN stores s ON s.StoreNum = tl.StoreNum
      WHEN (LEN([TestPerson]) = 0 AND co.personentered  = co.personentered) OR (LEN([TestPerson]) <> 0 AND co.personentered LIKE '%'+TestPerson) THEN 1
      ELSE 0
      END = 1


what is in the tail is completely not understandable

Difference between jQuery .hide() and .css("display", "none")

You can have a look at the source code (here it is v1.7.2).

Except for the animation that we can set, this also keep in memory the old display style (which is not in all cases block, it can also be inline, table-cell, ...).

Get width/height of SVG element

A save method to determine the width and height unit of any element (no padding, no margin) is the following:

let div   = document.querySelector("div");
let style = getComputedStyle(div);

let width  = parseFloat(style.width.replace("px", ""));
let height = parseFloat(style.height.replace("px", ""));

Get the Id of current table row with Jquery

$('#tblCart tr').click(function () {
        var tr_id = $(this).attr('id'); 
        alert(tr_id );

<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="tblCart" cellspacing="0" align="center" >
                        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Item.ItemName)
                        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Price.PriceAmount)
                        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Quantity)
                        @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Subtotal)

               @if (cart != null)
                   foreach (var vm in cart)
                    <tr id="@vm.Id">
                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => vm.Item.ItemName)
                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => vm.Price.PriceAmount)
                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => vm.Quantity)
                            @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => vm.Subtotal)
                        <td >                            
                            <span style="width:80px; text-align:center;" class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign" />                        

Pass multiple values with onClick in HTML link

If valuationId and user are JavaScript variables, and the source code is plain static HTML, not generated by any means, you should try:

<a href=# onclick="return ReAssign(valuationId,user)">Re-Assign</a>

If they are generated from PHP, and they contain string values, use the escaped quoting around each variables like this:

    echo '<a href=# onclick="return ReAssign(\'' + $valuationId + '\',\'' + $user + '\')">Re-Assign</a>';

The logic is similar to the updated code in the question, which generates code using JavaScript (maybe using jQuery?): don't forget to apply the escaped quotes to each variable:

var user = element.UserName;
var valuationId = element.ValuationId;
$('#ValuationAssignedTable').append('<tr> <td><a href=# onclick="return ReAssign(\'' + valuationId + '\',\'' + user + '\')">Re-Assign</a> </td>  </tr>');

The moral of the story is


Will get evaluated as:


Whereas you would need:


What characters are valid in a URL?

All the gory details can be found in the current RFC on the topic: RFC 3986 (Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax)

Based on this related answer, you are looking at a list that looks like: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, ., _, ~, :, /, ?, #, [, ], @, !, $, &, ', (, ), *, +, ,, ;, %, and =. Everything else must be url-encoded. Also, some of these characters can only exist in very specific spots in a URI and outside of those spots must be url-encoded (e.g. % can only be used in conjunction with url encoding as in %20), the RFC has all of these specifics.

How do I make a checkbox required on an ASP.NET form?

Non-javascript way . . aspx page:

 <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" />
    <asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1"
        runat="server" ErrorMessage="CustomValidator" ControlToValidate="CheckBox1"></asp:CustomValidator>

Code Behind:

Protected Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate
    If Not CheckBox1.Checked Then
        args.IsValid = False
    End If
End Sub

For any actions you might need (business Rules):

If Page.IsValid Then
   'do logic
End If 

Sorry for the VB code . . . you can convert it to C# if that is your pleasure. The company I am working for right now requires VB :(

How can I add NSAppTransportSecurity to my info.plist file?


Array or List in Java. Which is faster?

A lot of microbenchmarks given here have found numbers of a few nanoseconds for things like array/ArrayList reads. This is quite reasonable if everything is in your L1 cache.

A higher level cache or main memory access can have order of magnitude times of something like 10nS-100nS, vs more like 1nS for L1 cache. Accessing an ArrayList has an extra memory indirection, and in a real application you could pay this cost anything from almost never to every time, depending on what your code is doing between accesses. And, of course, if you have a lot of small ArrayLists this might add to your memory use and make it more likely you'll have cache misses.

The original poster appears to be using just one and accessing a lot of contents in a short time, so it should be no great hardship. But it might be different for other people, and you should watch out when interpreting microbenchmarks.

Java Strings, however, are appallingly wasteful, especially if you store lots of small ones (just look at them with a memory analyzer, it seems to be > 60 bytes for a string of a few characters). An array of strings has an indirection to the String object, and another from the String object to a char[] which contains the string itself. If anything's going to blow your L1 cache it's this, combined with thousands or tens of thousands of Strings. So, if you're serious - really serious - about scraping out as much performance as possible then you could look at doing it differently. You could, say, hold two arrays, a char[] with all the strings in it, one after another, and an int[] with offsets to the starts. This will be a PITA to do anything with, and you almost certainly don't need it. And if you do, you've chosen the wrong language.

How to make a .NET Windows Service start right after the installation?

To add to ScottTx's answer, here's the actual code to start the service if you're doing it the Microsoft way (ie. using a Setup project etc...)

(excuse the code, but this is what I'm stuck with)

Private Sub ServiceInstaller1_AfterInstall(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Configuration.Install.InstallEventArgs) Handles ServiceInstaller1.AfterInstall
    Dim sc As New ServiceController()
    sc.ServiceName = ServiceInstaller1.ServiceName

    If sc.Status = ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped Then
            ' Start the service, and wait until its status is "Running".

            ' TODO: log status of service here: sc.Status
        Catch ex As Exception
            ' TODO: log an error here: "Could not start service: ex.Message"
        End Try
    End If
End Sub

To create the above event handler, go to the ProjectInstaller designer where the 2 controlls are. Click on the ServiceInstaller1 control. Go to the properties window under events and there you'll find the AfterInstall event.

Note: Don't put the above code under the AfterInstall event for ServiceProcessInstaller1. It won't work, coming from experience. :)

How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file

Notepad++ provides 2 types of features:

  • Auto-completion that read the open file and provide suggestion of words and/or functions within the file
  • Suggestion with the arguments of functions (specific to the language)

Based on what you write, it seems what you want is auto-completion on function only + suggestion on arguments.

To do that, you just need to change a setting.

  1. Go to Settings > Preferences... > Auto-completion
  2. Check Enable Auto-completion on each input
  3. Select Function completion and not Word completion
  4. Check Function parameter hint on input (if you have this option)

On version 6.5.5 of Notepad++, I have this setting settings

Some documentation about auto-completion is available in Notepad++ Wiki.

Select distinct using linq

myList.GroupBy(i => => group.First())

How to keep :active css style after click a button

In the Divi Theme Documentation, it says that the theme comes with access to 'ePanel' which also has an 'Integration' section.

You should be able to add this code:

 $( ".et-pb-icon" ).click(function() {
 $( this ).toggleClass( "active" );

into the the box that says 'Add code to the head of your blog' under the 'Integration' tab, which should get the jQuery working.

Then, you should be able to style your class to what ever you need.

sudo: npm: command not found

In case could be useful for anyone that uses rh-* packages this worked for me:

sudo ln -s /opt/rh/rh-nodejs8/root/usr/bin/npm /usr/local/bin/npm

Array copy values to keys in PHP

$final_array = array_combine($a, $a);


P.S. Be careful with source array containing duplicated keys like the following:

$a = ['one','two','one'];

Note the duplicated one element.

Swapping two variable value without using third variable

Since the original solution is:

temp = x; y = x; x = temp;

You can make it a two liner by using:

temp = x; y = y + temp -(x=y);

Then make it a one liner by using:

x = x + y -(y=x);

ASP.NET Core Get Json Array using IConfiguration

Add a level in your appsettings.json :

  "MySettings": {
    "MyArray": [

Create a class representing your section :

public class MySettings
     public List<string> MyArray {get; set;}

In your application startup class, bind your model an inject it in the DI service :

services.Configure<MySettings>(options => Configuration.GetSection("MySettings").Bind(options));

And in your controller, get your configuration data from the DI service :

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly List<string> _myArray;

    public HomeController(IOptions<MySettings> mySettings)
        _myArray = mySettings.Value.MyArray;

    public IActionResult Index()
        return Json(_myArray);

You can also store your entire configuration model in a property in your controller, if you need all the data :

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly MySettings _mySettings;

    public HomeController(IOptions<MySettings> mySettings)
        _mySettings = mySettings.Value;

    public IActionResult Index()
        return Json(_mySettings.MyArray);

The ASP.NET Core's dependency injection service works just like a charm :)

EXCEL VBA, inserting blank row and shifting cells

If you want to just shift everything down you can use:

Rows(1).Insert shift:=xlShiftDown

Similarly to shift everything over:

Columns(1).Insert shift:=xlShiftRight

Implementing a slider (SeekBar) in Android

How to implement a SeekBar

enter image description here

Add the SeekBar to your layout

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





  • max is the highest value that the seek bar can go to. The default is 100. The minimum is 0. The xml min value is only available from API 26, but you can just programmatically convert the 0-100 range to whatever you need for earlier versions.
  • progress is the initial position of the slider dot (called a "thumb").
  • For a vertical SeekBar use android:rotation="270".

Listen for changes in code

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    TextView tvProgressLabel;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // set a change listener on the SeekBar
        SeekBar seekBar = findViewById(;

        int progress = seekBar.getProgress();
        tvProgressLabel = findViewById(;
        tvProgressLabel.setText("Progress: " + progress);

    SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener seekBarChangeListener = new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() {

        public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
            // updated continuously as the user slides the thumb
            tvProgressLabel.setText("Progress: " + progress);

        public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
            // called when the user first touches the SeekBar

        public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) {
            // called after the user finishes moving the SeekBar


  • If you don't need to do any updates while the user is moving the seekbar, then you can just update the UI in onStopTrackingTouch.

See also

Get HTML source of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver using Python

The method to get the rendered HTML I prefer is the following:

body_html = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body")
print body_html.text

However, the above method removes all the tags (yes, the nested tags as well) and returns only text content. If you interested in getting the HTML markup as well, then use the method below.

print body_html.getAttribute("innerHTML")

How to join multiple lines of file names into one with custom delimiter?

ls produces one column output when connected to a pipe, so the -1 is redundant.

Here's another perl answer using the builtin join function which doesn't leave a trailing delimiter:

ls | perl -F'\n' -0777 -anE 'say join ",", @F'

The obscure -0777 makes perl read all the input before running the program.

sed alternative that doesn't leave a trailing delimiter

ls | sed '$!s/$/,/' | tr -d '\n'

Angular2 - TypeScript : Increment a number after timeout in AppComponent

You should put your processing into the class constructor or an OnInit hook method.

Reading InputStream as UTF-8

Solved my own problem. This line:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));

needs to be:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8"));

or since Java 7:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

What does it mean with bug report captured in android tablet?

It's because you have turned on USB debugging in Developer Options. You can create a bug report by holding the power + both volume up and down.

Edit: This is what the forums say:

By pressing Volume up + Volume down + power button, you will feel a vibration after a second or so, that's when the bug reporting initiated.

To disable:

/system/bin/ must be deleted/renamed.

There should be a folder on your SD card called "bug reports".

Have a look at this thread:

And this one:

How to pass object from one component to another in Angular 2?

From component

import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';_x000D_
    import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';_x000D_
    import { dataService } from "src/app/service/data.service";_x000D_
    @Component( {_x000D_
        selector: 'app-sideWidget',_x000D_
        templateUrl: './sideWidget.html',_x000D_
        styleUrls: ['./linked-widget.component.css']_x000D_
    } )_x000D_
    export class sideWidget{_x000D_
    TableColumnNames: object[];_x000D_
    SelectedtableName: string = "patient";_x000D_
    constructor( private LWTableColumnNames: dataService ) { _x000D_
    ngOnInit() {_x000D_ 'getColumns', this.SelectedtableName )_x000D_
            ( data: object[] ) => {_x000D_
                this.TableColumnNames = data;_x000D_
     this.LWTableColumnNames.refLWTableColumnNames = this.TableColumnNames; //this line of code will pass the value through data service_x000D_
            } );_x000D_
    }    _x000D_


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';_x000D_
import { BehaviorSubject, Observable } from 'rxjs';_x000D_
export class dataService {_x000D_
    refLWTableColumnNames: object;//creating an object for the data_x000D_

To Component

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';_x000D_
import { dataService } from "src/app/service/data.service";_x000D_
@Component( {_x000D_
    selector: 'app-linked-widget',_x000D_
    templateUrl: './linked-widget.component.html',_x000D_
    styleUrls: ['./linked-widget.component.css']_x000D_
} )_x000D_
export class LinkedWidgetComponent implements OnInit {_x000D_
    constructor(private LWTableColumnNames: dataService) { }_x000D_
    ngOnInit() {_x000D_
        console.log(this.LWTableColumnNames.refLWTableColumnNames);// calling the object from another component_x000D_

Convert an integer to a float number

There is no float type. Looks like you want float64. You could also use float32 if you only need a single-precision floating point value.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    i := 5
    f := float64(i)
    fmt.Printf("f is %f\n", f)

Difference between opening a file in binary vs text

The link you gave does actually describe the differences, but it's buried at the bottom of the page:

Text files are files containing sequences of lines of text. Depending on the environment where the application runs, some special character conversion may occur in input/output operations in text mode to adapt them to a system-specific text file format. Although on some environments no conversions occur and both text files and binary files are treated the same way, using the appropriate mode improves portability.

The conversion could be to normalize \r\n to \n (or vice-versa), or maybe ignoring characters beyond 0x7F (a-la 'text mode' in FTP). Personally I'd open everything in binary-mode and use a good text-encoding library for dealing with text.

Change application's starting activity

It's simple. Do this, in your Manifest file.

    android:name="Your app name"
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Parsing xml using powershell

First step is to load your xml string into an XmlDocument, using powershell's unique ability to cast strings to [xml]

$doc = [xml]@'
    <Section name="BackendStatus">
        <BEName BE="crust" Status="1" />
        <BEName BE="pizza" Status="1" />
        <BEName BE="pie" Status="1" />
        <BEName BE="bread" Status="1" />
        <BEName BE="Kulcha" Status="1" />
        <BEName BE="kulfi" Status="1" />
        <BEName BE="cheese" Status="1" />

Powershell makes it really easy to parse xml with the dot notation. This statement will produce a sequence of XmlElements for your BEName elements:


Then you can pipe these objects into the where-object cmdlet to filter down the results. You can use ? as a shortcut for where

$doc.xml.Section.BEName | ? { $_.Status -eq 1 }

The expression inside the braces will be evaluated for each XmlElement in the pipeline, and only those that have a Status of 1 will be returned. The $_ operator refers to the current object in the pipeline (an XmlElement).

If you need to do something for every object in your pipeline, you can pipe the objects into the foreach-object cmdlet, which executes a block for every object in the pipeline. % is a shortcut for foreach:

$doc.xml.Section.BEName | ? { $_.Status -eq 1 } | % { $_.BE + " is delicious" }

Powershell is great at this stuff. It's really easy to assemble pipelines of objects, filter pipelines, and do operations on each object in the pipeline.

Laravel 5: Display HTML with Blade

you can do with many ways in laravel 5..

{!! $text !!}

{!! html_entity_decode($text) !!}

The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration

I've been searching for hours and no one could help me. I did a simple thing to solve this problem. (WINDOWS 10 x64)

Follow this:

1 - Go to your php_mysqli.dll path (in my case: C:/xampp/php/ext);

2 - Move the php_mysqli.dll to the previous folder (C:/xampp/php);

3 - Open php.ini and search the line: "extension: php_mysqli.dll";

4 - Change to the path where is your file: extension="C:\xampp\php\php_mysqli.dll";

5 - Restart your application (wampp, xampp, etc.) and start Apache Server;

The problem was the path ext/php_mysqli.dll, I've tried changing the line to extension="C:\xampp\php\ext\php_mysqli.dll" but doesn't worked.

How do I compare two strings in python?

If you just need to check if the two strings are exactly same,

text1 = 'apple'

text2 = 'apple'

text1 == text2

The result will be


If you need the matching percentage,

import difflib

text1 = 'Since 1958.'

text2 = 'Since 1958'

output = str(int(difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, text1, text2).ratio()*100))

Matching percentage output will be,


In C++ check if std::vector<string> contains a certain value

In C++11, you can use std::any_of instead.

An example to find if there is any zero in the array:

std::array<int,3> foo = {0,1,-1};
if ( std::any_of(foo.begin(), foo.end(), [](int i){return i==0;}) )
std::cout << "zero found...";