Programs & Examples On #Ctp4

How do you find out the type of an object (in Swift)?

Swift 2.0:

The proper way to do this kind of type introspection would be with the Mirror struct,

    let stringObject:String = "testing"
    let stringArrayObject:[String] = ["one", "two"]
    let viewObject = UIView()
    let anyObject:Any = "testing"

    let stringMirror = Mirror(reflecting: stringObject)
    let stringArrayMirror = Mirror(reflecting: stringArrayObject)
    let viewMirror = Mirror(reflecting: viewObject)
    let anyMirror = Mirror(reflecting: anyObject)

Then to access the type itself from the Mirror struct you would use the property subjectType like so:

    // Prints "String"

    // Prints "Array<String>"

    // Prints "UIView"

    // Prints "String"

You can then use something like this:

    if anyMirror.subjectType == String.self {
        print("anyObject is a string!")
    } else {
        print("anyObject is not a string!")

How to fill the whole canvas with specific color?

We don't need to access the canvas context.

Implementing hednek in pure JS you would get canvas.setAttribute('style', 'background-color:#00F8'). But my preferred method requires converting the kabab-case to camelCase. = '#00F8'

How to add an element to the beginning of an OrderedDict?

This is now possible with move_to_end(key, last=True)

>>> d = OrderedDict.fromkeys('abcde')
>>> d.move_to_end('b')
>>> ''.join(d.keys())
>>> d.move_to_end('b', last=False)
>>> ''.join(d.keys())

Regex for string not ending with given suffix

Use the not (^) symbol:


If you put the ^ symbol at the beginning of brackets, it means "everything except the things in the brackets." $ is simply an anchor to the end.

For multiple characters, just put them all in their own character set:


How to convert numbers to words without using num2word library?

You can do this program in this way. The range is in between 0 to 99,999

def num_to_word(num):
    word_num = { "0": "zero", "00": "", "1" : "One" , "2" : "Two", "3" : "Three", "4" : "Four", "5" : "Five","6" : "Six", "7": "Seven", "8" : "eight", "9" : "Nine","01" : "One" , "02" : "Two", "03" : "Three", "04" : "Four", "05" : "Five","06" : "Six", "07": "Seven", "08" : "eight", "09" : "Nine", "10" : "Ten", "11": "Eleven", "12" :"Twelve", "13" : "Thirteen", "14" : "Fourteen", "15" : "Fifteen", "17":"Seventeen", "18" :"Eighteen", "19": "Nineteen", "20" : "Twenty", "30" : "Thirty", "40" : "Forty", "50" : "Fifty", "60" : "Sixty", "70": "seventy", "80" : "eighty", "90" : "ninety"}
    keys = []
    for k in word_num.keys():

    if len(num) == 1:
    elif len(num) == 2:
        c = 0
        for k in keys:
            if k == num[0] + num[1]:
                c += 1
        if c == 1:
            return(word_num[num[0] + num[1]])
            return(word_num[str(int(num[0]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[1]])
    elif len(num) == 3:
        c = 0
        for k in keys:
            if k == num[1] + num[2]:
                c += 1
        if c == 1:
            return(word_num[num[0]]+ " Hundred " + word_num[num[1] + num[2]])
            return(word_num[num[0]]+ " Hundred " + word_num[str(int(num[1]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[2]])
    elif len(num) == 4:
        c = 0
        for k in keys:
            if k == num[2] + num[3]:
                c += 1
        if c == 1:
            if num[1] == '0' :
                return(word_num[num[0]]+ " Thousand " + word_num[num[2] + num[3]])
                return(word_num[num[0]]+ " Thousand " + word_num[num[1]]+ " Hundred " + word_num[num[2] + num[3]])

            if num[1] == '0' :
                return(word_num[num[0]]+ " Thousand " + word_num[str(int(num[2]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[3]])
                return(word_num[num[0]]+ " Thousand " + word_num[num[1]]+ " Hundred " + word_num[str(int(num[2]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[3]])
    elif len(num) == 5:
        c = 0
        d = 0
        for k in keys:
            if k == num[3] + num[4]:
                c += 1
        for k in keys:
            if k == num[0] + num[1]:
                d += 1
        if d == 1:
            val = word_num[num[0] + num[1]] 
            val = word_num[str(int(num[0]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[1]]

        if c == 1:
            if num[1] == '0' :
                return(val + " Thousand " + word_num[num[3] + num[4]])
                return(val + " Thousand " + word_num[num[2]]+ " Hundred " + word_num[num[3] + num[4]])

            if num[1] == '0' :
                return(val + " Thousand " + word_num[str(int(num[3]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[4]])
                return(val + " Thousand " + word_num[num[2]]+ " Hundred " + word_num[str(int(num[3]) * 10)] + " " + word_num[num[4]])

num = [str(d) for d in input("Enter number: ")]

Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25; nested exception is: Connection refused: connect

The mail server on CentOS 6 and other IPv6 capable server platforms may be bound to IPv6 localhost (::1) instead of IPv4 localhost (

Typical symptoms:

[root@host /]# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused

[root@host /]# telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 host ESMTP Exim 4.72 Wed, 14 Aug 2013 17:02:52 +0100

[root@host /]# netstat -plant | grep 25
tcp        0      0 :::25                       :::*                        LISTEN      1082/exim           

If this happens, make sure that you don't have two entries for localhost in /etc/hosts with different IP addresses, like this (bad) example:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

To avoid confusion, make sure you only have one entry for localhost, preferably an IPv4 address, like this:

[root@host /]# cat /etc/hosts localhost  localhost.localdomain   localhost4.localdomain4 localhost4
::1       localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

How can I echo the whole content of a .html file in PHP?

Just use:


That will echo it as well. This also has the benefit of executing any PHP in the file.

If you need to do anything with the contents, use file_get_contents(),

For example,

    $pagecontents = file_get_contents("/path/to/file.html");

    echo str_replace("Banana", "Pineapple", $pagecontents);


This doesn't execute code in that file, so be careful if you expect that to work.

I usually use:


as then I can move files without breaking the includes.

mysql query order by multiple items

SELECT some_cols
FROM prefix_users
WHERE (some conditions)
ORDER BY pic_set DESC, last_activity;

Find Number of CPUs and Cores per CPU using Command Prompt

You can use the environment variable NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS for the total number of processors:


SELECT with a Replace()

Don't use the alias (P) in your WHERE clause directly.

You can either use the same REPLACE logic again in the WHERE clause:

SELECT Replace(Postcode, ' ', '') AS P
FROM Contacts
WHERE Replace(Postcode, ' ', '') LIKE 'NW101%'

Or use an aliased sub query as described in Nick's answers.

Groovy executing shell commands

// a wrapper closure around executing a string                                  
// can take either a string or a list of strings (for arguments with spaces)    
// prints all output, complains and halts on error                              
def runCommand = { strList ->
  assert ( strList instanceof String ||
           ( strList instanceof List && strList.each{ it instanceof String } ) \
  def proc = strList.execute() { line -> println line }

  print "[INFO] ( "
  if(strList instanceof List) {
    strList.each { print "${it} " }
  } else {
    print strList
  println " )"

  if (proc.exitValue()) {
    println "gave the following error: "
    println "[ERROR] ${proc.getErrorStream()}"
  assert !proc.exitValue()

Contain an image within a div?

Since you don't want stretching (all of the other answers ignore that) you can simply set max-width and max-height like in my jsFiddle edit.

#container img {
    max-height: 250px;
    max-width: 250px;

See my example with an image that isn't a square, it doesn't stretch

How to use regex with find command?

on Mac OS X (BSD find): Same as accepted answer, the .*/ prefix is needed to match a complete path:

$ find -E . -regex ".*/[a-f0-9\-]{36}.jpg"

man find says -E uses extended regex support

Mysql where id is in array


$array=array_map('intval', explode(',', $string));


$array= implode(',', array_map('intval', explode(',', $string)));

array_map returns an array, not a string. You need to convert the array to a comma separated string in order to use in the WHERE clause.

select and echo a single field from mysql db using PHP

And escape your values with mysql_real_escape_string since PHP6 won't do that for you anymore! :)

Extracting time from POSIXct

There have been previous answers that showed the trick. In essence:

  • you must retain POSIXct types to take advantage of all the existing plotting functions

  • if you want to 'overlay' several days worth on a single plot, highlighting the intra-daily variation, the best trick is too ...

  • impose the same day (and month and even year if need be, which is not the case here)

which you can do by overriding the day-of-month and month components when in POSIXlt representation, or just by offsetting the 'delta' relative to 0:00:00 between the different days.

So with times and val as helpfully provided by you:

## impose month and day based on first obs
ntimes <- as.POSIXlt(times)    # convert to 'POSIX list type'
ntimes$mday <- ntimes[1]$mday  # and $mon if it differs too
ntimes <- as.POSIXct(ntimes)   # convert back

plot(times,val)   # old times
plot(ntimes,val)  # new times

yields this contrasting the original and modified time scales:

enter image description here

Export javascript data to CSV file without server interaction

We can easily create and export/download the excel file with any separator (in this answer I am using the comma separator) using javascript. I am not using any external package for creating the excel file.

    var Head = [[_x000D_
        'Heading 1',_x000D_
        'Heading 2', _x000D_
        'Heading 3', _x000D_
        'Heading 4'_x000D_
    var row = [_x000D_
       {key1:1,key2:2, key3:3, key4:4},_x000D_
       {key1:2,key2:5, key3:6, key4:7},_x000D_
       {key1:3,key2:2, key3:3, key4:4},_x000D_
       {key1:4,key2:2, key3:3, key4:4},_x000D_
       {key1:5,key2:2, key3:3, key4:4}_x000D_
for (var item = 0; item < row.length; ++item) {_x000D_
var csvRows = [];_x000D_
for (var cell = 0; cell < Head.length; ++cell) {_x000D_
var csvString = csvRows.join("\n");_x000D_
let csvFile = new Blob([csvString], { type: "text/csv" });_x000D_
let downloadLink = document.createElement("a");_x000D_ = 'MYCSVFILE.csv';_x000D_
downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(csvFile);_x000D_ = "none";_x000D_

Extract Data from PDF and Add to Worksheet

I know this is an old issue but I just had to do this for a project at work, and I am very surprised that nobody has thought of this solution yet: Just open the .pdf with Microsoft word.

The code is a lot easier to work with when you are trying to extract data from a .docx because it opens in Microsoft Word. Excel and Word play well together because they are both Microsoft programs. In my case, the file of question had to be a .pdf file. Here's the solution I came up with:

  1. Choose the default program to open .pdf files to be Microsoft Word
  2. The first time you open a .pdf file with word, a dialogue box pops up claiming word will need to convert the .pdf into a .docx file. Click the check box in the bottom left stating "do not show this message again" and then click OK.
  3. Create a macro that extracts data from a .docx file. I used MikeD's Code as a resource for this.
  4. Tinker around with the MoveDown, MoveRight, and Find.Execute methods to fit the need of your task.

Yes you could just convert the .pdf file to a .docx file but this is a much simpler solution in my opinion.

Unable to connect with remote debugger

I solved it doing adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 and then reload on my phone.

How to subtract date/time in JavaScript?

If you wish to get difference in wall clock time, for local timezone and with day-light saving awareness.

Date.prototype.diffDays = function (date: Date): number {

    var utcThis = Date.UTC(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), this.getHours(), this.getMinutes(), this.getSeconds(), this.getMilliseconds());
    var utcOther = Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds());

    return (utcThis - utcOther) / 86400000;


it('diffDays - Czech DST', function () {
    // expect this to parse as local time
    // with Czech calendar DST change happened 2012-03-25 02:00
    var pre = new Date('2012/03/24 03:04:05');
    var post = new Date('2012/03/27 03:04:05');

    // regardless DST, you still wish to see 3 days

Diff minutes or seconds is in same fashion.

MongoDB logging all queries

I recommend checking out mongosniff. This can tool can do everything you want and more. Especially it can help diagnose issues with larger scale mongo systems and how queries are being routed and where they are coming from since it works by listening to your network interface for all mongo related communications.

Assign result of dynamic sql to variable

You should try this while getting SEQUENCE value in a variable from the dynamic table.

DECLARE @temp table (#temp varchar (MAX));
DECLARE @SeqID nvarchar(150);
DECLARE @Name varchar(150); 

SET @Name = (Select Name from table)
SET @SeqID = 'SELECT NEXT VALUE FOR '+ @Name + '_Sequence'
insert @temp exec (@SeqID)

SET @SeqID = (select * from @temp )


(1 row(s) affected)

Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server

Well, nothing of the above answer worked for me. After a lot of research, I found a solution. Though I may be late this may help others in future.

Login to your SQL server from a terminal

 mysql -u root -p
 -- root password
GRANT ALL ON *.* to root@'XX.XXX.XXX.XX' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

This should solve the permission issue.

Before solving error

After solving issue

Happy coding!!

Set drawable size programmatically

Use the post method to achieve the desired effect:

{your view}.post(new Runnable()
        public void run()
            Drawable image = context.getResources().getDrawable({drawable image resource id});
            image.setBounds(0, 0, {width amount in pixels}, {height amount in pixels});
            {your view}.setCompoundDrawables(image, null, null, null);

android layout with visibility GONE

Done by having it like that:

view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.entry_detail, container, false);
TextView tp1= (TextView) view.findViewById(;
LinearLayout layone= (LinearLayout) view.findViewById(;

Find the number of downloads for a particular app in apple appstore

I think developers can do this for their own apps via iTunes Connect but this doesn't help you if you are looking for stats on other peoples apps.

148Apps also have some aggregate AppStore metrics on their web site that could be useful to you but, again, doesn't really give a low-level breakdown of numbers.

You could also scrape some stats from the RSS feeds generated by the iTunes Store RSS Generator but, again, this just gets currently popular apps rather than actual download numbers.

Create a simple 10 second countdown

A solution using Promises, includes both progress bar & text countdown.

ProgressCountdown(10, 'pageBeginCountdown', 'pageBeginCountdownText').then(value => alert(`Page has started: ${value}.`));_x000D_
function ProgressCountdown(timeleft, bar, text) {_x000D_
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {_x000D_
    var countdownTimer = setInterval(() => {_x000D_
      document.getElementById(bar).value = timeleft;_x000D_
      document.getElementById(text).textContent = timeleft;_x000D_
      if (timeleft <= 0) {_x000D_
    }, 1000);_x000D_
<div class="row begin-countdown">_x000D_
  <div class="col-md-12 text-center">_x000D_
    <progress value="10" max="10" id="pageBeginCountdown"></progress>_x000D_
    <p> Begining in <span id="pageBeginCountdownText">10 </span> seconds</p>_x000D_

How to compare two JSON have the same properties without order?

Due to @zerkems comment:

i should convert my strings to JSON object and then call the equal method:

var x = eval("(" + remoteJSON + ')');
var y = eval("(" + localJSON + ')');

function jsonequals(x, y) {
    // If both x and y are null or undefined and exactly the same
    if ( x === y ) {
        return true;

    // If they are not strictly equal, they both need to be Objects
    if ( ! ( x instanceof Object ) || ! ( y instanceof Object ) ) {
        return false;

    // They must have the exact same prototype chain, the closest we can do is
    // test the constructor.
    if ( x.constructor !== y.constructor ) {
        return false;

    for ( var p in x ) {
        // Inherited properties were tested using x.constructor === y.constructor
        if ( x.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) {
            // Allows comparing x[ p ] and y[ p ] when set to undefined
            if ( ! y.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) {
                return false;

            // If they have the same strict value or identity then they are equal
            if ( x[ p ] === y[ p ] ) {

            // Numbers, Strings, Functions, Booleans must be strictly equal
            if ( typeof( x[ p ] ) !== "object" ) {
                return false;

            // Objects and Arrays must be tested recursively
            if ( !equals( x[ p ],  y[ p ] ) ) {
                return false;

    for ( p in y ) {
        // allows x[ p ] to be set to undefined
        if ( y.hasOwnProperty( p ) && ! x.hasOwnProperty( p ) ) {
            return false;
    return true;

what is the difference between uint16_t and unsigned short int incase of 64 bit processor?

uint16_t is unsigned 16-bit integer.

unsigned short int is unsigned short integer, but the size is implementation dependent. The standard only says it's at least 16-bit (i.e, minimum value of UINT_MAX is 65535). In practice, it usually is 16-bit, but you can't take that as guaranteed.


  1. If you want a portable unsigned 16-bit integer, use uint16_t.
  2. inttypes.h and stdint.h are both introduced in C99. If you are using C89, define your own type.
  3. uint16_t may not be provided in certain implementation(See reference below), but unsigned short int is always available.

Reference: C11(ISO/IEC 9899:201x) §7.20 Integer types

For each type described herein that the implementation provides) shall declare that typedef name and define the associated macros. Conversely, for each type described herein that the implementation does not provide, shall not declare that typedef name nor shall it define the associated macros. An implementation shall provide those types described as ‘‘required’’, but need not provide any of the others (described as ‘optional’’).

Error: No module named psycopg2.extensions

For macOS Mojave just run pip install psycopg2-binary. Works fine for me, python version -> Python 3.7.2

Creating stored procedure and SQLite?

SQLite has had to sacrifice other characteristics that some people find useful, such as high concurrency, fine-grained access control, a rich set of built-in functions, stored procedures, esoteric SQL language features, XML and/or Java extensions, tera- or peta-byte scalability, and so forth

Source : Appropriate Uses For SQLite

Populating a database in a Laravel migration file

Here is a very good explanation of why using Laravel's Database Seeder is preferable to using Migrations:

Although, following the instructions on the official documentation is a much better idea because the implementation described at the above link doesn't seem to work and is incomplete.

CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA added to NgModule.schemas still showing Error

Make sure to import component in declarations array

  declarations: [ExampleComponent],
  imports: [

How to get public directory?

You can use base_path() to get the base of your application - and then just add your public folder to that:

$path = base_path().'/public';
return File::put($path , $data)

Note: Be very careful about allowing people to upload files into your root of public_html. If they upload their own index.php file, they will take over your site.

Custom Python list sorting

As a side note, here is a better alternative to implement the same sorting:

alist.sort(key=lambda x:

Or alternatively:

import operator

Check out the Sorting How To, it is very useful.

Running a Python script from PHP

The above methods seem to be complex. Use my method as a reference.

I have these two files:

  • run.php


Here, I've created an HTML page which contains a GO button. Whenever you press this button a new folder will be created in directory whose path you have mentioned.


   <form method="post">_x000D_
    <input type="submit" value="GO" name="GO">_x000D_
  shell_exec("python /var/www/html/lab/");_x000D_

#!/usr/bin/env python    
import os    

Combining paste() and expression() functions in plot labels

Use substitute instead.

labNames <- c('xLab','yLab')
     xlab=substitute(paste(nn, x^2), list(nn=labNames[1])),
     ylab=substitute(paste(nn, y^2), list(nn=labNames[2])))

Calculate days between two Dates in Java 8

Use the class or method that best meets your needs:

  • the Duration class,
  • Period class,
  • or the ChronoUnit.between method.

A Duration measures an amount of time using time-based values (seconds, nanoseconds).

A Period uses date-based values (years, months, days).

The ChronoUnit.between method is useful when you want to measure an amount of time in a single unit of time only, such as days or seconds.

Correct way to use StringBuilder in SQL

In the code you have posted there would be no advantages, as you are misusing the StringBuilder. You build the same String in both cases. Using StringBuilder you can avoid the + operation on Strings using the append method. You should use it this way:

return new StringBuilder("select id1, ").append(" id2 ").append(" from ").append(" table").toString();

In Java, the String type is an inmutable sequence of characters, so when you add two Strings the VM creates a new String value with both operands concatenated.

StringBuilder provides a mutable sequence of characters, which you can use to concat different values or variables without creating new String objects, and so it can sometimes be more efficient than working with strings

This provides some useful features, as changing the content of a char sequence passed as parameter inside another method, which you can't do with Strings.

private void addWhereClause(StringBuilder sql, String column, String value) {
   //WARNING: only as an example, never append directly a value to a SQL String, or you'll be exposed to SQL Injection
   sql.append(" where ").append(column).append(" = ").append(value);

More info at

converting date time to 24 hour format

    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    Date date = new Date();
    Date date2 = new Date("2014/08/06 15:59:48");

    String currentDate = dateFormat.format(date).toString();
    String anyDate = dateFormat.format(date2).toString();


Transpose/Unzip Function (inverse of zip)?

It's only another way to do it but it helped me a lot so I write it here:

Having this data structure:


Resulting in:

In: XY
Out: [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'd')]

The more pythonic way to unzip it and go back to the original is this one in my opinion:


But this return a tuple so if you need a list you can use:


pandas groupby sort descending order

Similar to one of the answers above, but try adding .sort_values() to your .groupby() will allow you to change the sort order. If you need to sort on a single column, it would look like this:


ascending=False will sort from high to low, the default is to sort from low to high.

*Careful with some of these aggregations. For example .size() and .count() return different values since .size() counts NaNs.

What is the difference between size and count in pandas?

How to fix PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'ext\\php_curl.dll'?

As Darren commented, Apache don't understand php.ini relative paths in Windows.

To fix it, change the relative paths in your php.ini to absolute paths.


405 method not allowed Web API

Old question but none of the answers worked for me.

This article solved my problem by adding the following lines to web.config:

  <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false">
    <remove name="WebDAVModule" />

Guid is all 0's (zeros)?

Try doing:

Guid foo = Guid.NewGuid();

What is a regex to match ONLY an empty string?

As explained in under the section "Strings Ending with a Line Break", \Z will generally match before the end of the last newline in strings that end in a newline. If you want to only match the end of the string, you need to use \z. The exception to this rule is Python.

In other words, to exclusively match an empty string, you need to use /\A\z/.

How to use store and use session variables across pages?

Starting a Session:

Put below code at the top of file.

<?php session_start();?>

Storing a session variable:

<?php $_SESSION['id']=10; ?>

To Check if data stored in session variable:

<?php if(isset($_SESSION['id']) && !empty(isset($_SESSION['id'])))
echo “Session id “.$_SESSION['id'].” exist”;
echo “Session not set “;?>

?> detail here

Reportviewer tool missing in visual studio 2017 RC

** Update**: 11/19/2019

Microsoft has released a new version of the control 150.1400.0 in their Nuget library. My short testing shows that it works again in the forms designer where 150.1357.0 and 150.1358.0 did not. This includes being able to resize and modify the ReportViewer Tasks on the control itself.

** Update**: 8/18/2019

Removing the latest version and rolling back to 150.900.148.0 seems to work on multiple computers I'm using with VS2017 and VS2019.

You can roll back to 150.900.148 in the Nuget solution package manager. It works similarly to the previous versions. Use the drop down box to select the older version.

enter image description here

It may be easier to manually delete references to post 150.900 versions of ReportViewer and readd them than it is to fix them.

Remember to restart Visual Studio after changing the toolbox entry.

Update: 8/7/2019

A newer version of the ReportViewer control has been released, probably coinciding with Visual Studio 2019. I was working with V150.1358.0.

Following the directions in this answer gets the control in the designer's toolbox. But once dropped on the form it doesn't display. The control shows up below the form as a non-visual component.

This is working as designed according to Microsoft SQL BI support. This is the group responsible for the control.

While you still cannot interact with the control directly, these additional steps give a workaround so the control can be sized on the form. While now visible, the designer treats the control as if it didn't exist.

I've created a feedback request at the suggestion of Microsoft SQL BI support. Please consider voting on it to get Microsoft's attention.

Microsoft Azure Feedback page - Restore Designtime features of the WinForms ReportViewer Control

Additional steps:

  • After adding the reportviewer to the WinForm
  • Add a Panel Control to the WinForm.
  • In the form's form.designer.cs file, add the Reportviewer control to the panel.

      // panel1
  • Return to the form's designer, you should see the reportViewer on the panel

  • In the Properties panel select the ReportViewer in the controls list dropdown
  • Set the reportViewer's Dock property to Fill

Now you can position the reportViewer by actually interacting with the panel.

Update: Microsoft released a document on April 18, 2017 describing how to configure and use the reporting tool in Visual Studio 2017.

Visual Studio 2017 does not have the ReportViewer tool installed by default in the ToolBox. Installing the extension Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio and then adding that to the ToolBox results in a non-visual component that appears below the form.

Microsoft Support had told me this is a bug, but as of April 21, 2017 it is "working as designed".

The following steps need to be followed for each project that requires ReportViewer.

  • If you have ReportViewer in the Toolbox, remove it. Highlight, right-click and delete.
    • You will have to have a project with a form open to do this.

Edited 8/7/2019 - It looks like the current version of the RDLC Report Designer extension no longer interferes. You need this to actually edit the reports.

  • If you have the Microsoft Rdlc Report Designer for Visual Studio extension installed, uninstall it.

  • Close your solution and restart Visual Studio. This is a crucial step, errors will occur if VS is not restarted when switching between solutions.

  • Open your solution.
  • Open the NuGet Package Manager Console (Tools/NuGet Package Manager/Package Manager Console)
  • At the PM> prompt enter this command, case matters.

    Install-Package Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.WinForms

    You should see text describing the installation of the package.

Now we can temporarily add the ReportViewer tool to the tool box.

  • Right-click in the toolbox and use Choose Items...

  • We need to browse to the proper DLL that is located in the solutions Packages folder, so hit the browse button.

  • In our example we can paste in the packages folder as shown in the text of Package Manager Console.


  • Then double click on the folder named Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportViewerControl.Winforms.140.340.80

    The version number will probably change in the future.

  • Then double-click on lib and again on net40.

  • Finally, double click on the file Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll

    You should see ReportViewer checked in the dialog. Scroll to the right and you will see the version associated to it.

  • Click OK.

ReportViewer is now located in the ToolBox.

  • Drag the tool to the desired form(s).

  • Once completed, delete the ReportViewer tool from the tool box. You can't use it with another project.

  • You may save the project and are good to go.

Remember to restart Visual Studio any time you need to open a project with ReportViewer so that the DLL is loaded from the correct location. If you try and open a solution with a form with ReportViewer without restarting you will see errors indicating that the “The variable 'reportViewer1' is either undeclared or was never assigned.“.

If you add a new project to the same solution you need to create the project, save the solution, restart Visual Studio and then you should be able to add the ReportViewer to the form. I have seen it not work the first time and show up as a non-visual component.

When that happens, removing the component from the form, deleting the Microsoft.ReportViewer.* references from the project, saving and restarting usually works.

How do I execute a PowerShell script automatically using Windows task scheduler?

Instead of only using the path to your script in the task scheduler, you should start PowerShell with your script in the task scheduler, e.g.

C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -File "C:\Path\To\Your\PS1File.ps1"

See powershell /? for an explanation of those switches.

If you still get problems you should read this question.

Shortest distance between a point and a line segment

coded in t-sql

the point is (@px, @py) and the line segment runs from (@ax, @ay) to (@bx, @by)

create function fn_sqr (@NumberToSquare decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    declare @Result decimal(18,10)
    set @Result = @NumberToSquare * @NumberToSquare
    return @Result

create function fn_Distance(@ax decimal (18,10) , @ay decimal (18,10), @bx decimal(18,10),  @by decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    declare @Result decimal(18,10)
    set @Result = (select dbo.fn_sqr(@ax - @bx) + dbo.fn_sqr(@ay - @by) )
    return @Result

create function fn_DistanceToSegmentSquared(@px decimal(18,10), @py decimal(18,10), @ax decimal(18,10), @ay decimal(18,10), @bx decimal(18,10), @by decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    declare @l2 decimal(18,10)
    set @l2 = (select dbo.fn_Distance(@ax, @ay, @bx, @by))
    if @l2 = 0
        return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py, @ax, @ay)
    declare @t decimal(18,10)
    set @t = ((@px - @ax) * (@bx - @ax) + (@py - @ay) * (@by - @ay)) / @l2
    if (@t < 0) 
        return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py, @ax, @ay);
    if (@t > 1) 
        return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py, @bx, @by);
    return dbo.fn_Distance(@px, @py,  @ax + @t * (@bx - @ax),  @ay + @t * (@by - @ay))

create function fn_DistanceToSegment(@px decimal(18,10), @py decimal(18,10), @ax decimal(18,10), @ay decimal(18,10), @bx decimal(18,10), @by decimal(18,10)) 
returns decimal(18,10)
    return sqrt(dbo.fn_DistanceToSegmentSquared(@px, @py , @ax , @ay , @bx , @by ))

--example execution for distance from a point at (6,1) to line segment that runs from (4,2) to (2,1)
select dbo.fn_DistanceToSegment(6, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1) 
--result = 2.2360679775

--example execution for distance from a point at (-3,-2) to line segment that runs from (0,-2) to (-2,1)
select dbo.fn_DistanceToSegment(-3, -2, 0, -2, -2, 1) 
--result = 2.4961508830

--example execution for distance from a point at (0,-2) to line segment that runs from (0,-2) to (-2,1)
select dbo.fn_DistanceToSegment(0,-2, 0, -2, -2, 1) 
--result = 0.0000000000

Determine if $.ajax error is a timeout

If your error event handler takes the three arguments (xmlhttprequest, textstatus, and message) when a timeout happens, the status arg will be 'timeout'.

Per the jQuery documentation:

Possible values for the second argument (besides null) are "timeout", "error", "notmodified" and "parsererror".

You can handle your error accordingly then.

I created this fiddle that demonstrates this.

    url: "/ajax_json_echo/",
    type: "GET",
    dataType: "json",
    timeout: 1000,
    success: function(response) { alert(response); },
    error: function(xmlhttprequest, textstatus, message) {
        if(textstatus==="timeout") {
            alert("got timeout");
        } else {

With jsFiddle, you can test ajax calls -- it will wait 2 seconds before responding. I put the timeout setting at 1 second, so it should error out and pass back a textstatus of 'timeout' to the error handler.

Hope this helps!

Microsoft Web API: How do you do a Server.MapPath?

Since Server.MapPath() does not exist within a Web Api (Soap or REST), you'll need to denote the local- relative to the web server's context- home directory. The easiest way to do so is with:

string AppContext.BaseDirectory { get;}

You can then use this to concatenate a path string to map the relative path to any file.
NOTE: string paths are \ and not / like they are in mvc.



returns true- positing that this is a sound path in your example

What is the equivalent of the C# 'var' keyword in Java?

This feature is now available in Java SE 10. The static, type-safe var has finally made it into the java world :)


Fastest way to Remove Duplicate Value from a list<> by lambda

List<long> distinctlongs = longs.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToList();

Set the selected index of a Dropdown using jQuery

JQuery code:


Jsp Code:

<select name="sel_status"
    <option value="1">-Status-</option>

How to remove leading zeros from alphanumeric text?

Regex is the best tool for the job; what it should be depends on the problem specification. The following removes leading zeroes, but leaves one if necessary (i.e. it wouldn't just turn "0" to a blank string).

s.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "")

The ^ anchor will make sure that the 0+ being matched is at the beginning of the input. The (?!$) negative lookahead ensures that not the entire string will be matched.

Test harness:

String[] in = {
    "01234",         // "[1234]"
    "0001234a",      // "[1234a]"
    "101234",        // "[101234]"
    "000002829839",  // "[2829839]"
    "0",             // "[0]"
    "0000000",       // "[0]"
    "0000009",       // "[9]"
    "000000z",       // "[z]"
    "000000.z",      // "[.z]"
for (String s : in) {
    System.out.println("[" + s.replaceFirst("^0+(?!$)", "") + "]");

See also

What is the Maximum Size that an Array can hold?

Per MSDN it is

By default, the maximum size of an Array is 2 gigabytes (GB).

In a 64-bit environment, you can avoid the size restriction by setting the enabled attribute of the gcAllowVeryLargeObjects configuration element to true in the run-time environment.

However, the array will still be limited to a total of 4 billion elements.

Refer Here

Note: Here I am focusing on the actual length of array by assuming that we will have enough hardware RAM.

How to use requirements.txt to install all dependencies in a python project

(Taken from my comment)

pip won't handle system level dependencies. You'll have to apt-get install libfreetype6-dev before continuing. (It even says so right in your output. Try skimming over it for such errors next time, usually build outputs are very detailed)

How to restore default perspective settings in Eclipse IDE

Alt+w-->or click on window tab -->ResetPerspective

How do you programmatically update query params in react-router?

It can also be written this way


How to check existence of user-define table type in SQL Server 2008?

Following examples work for me, please note "is_user_defined" NOT "is_table_type"

CREATE TYPE [dbo].[idType] FROM Bigint NOT NULL

IF not EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.types WHERE is_user_defined = 1 AND name = 'idType')
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[idType] FROM Bigint NOT NULL

pinpointing "conditional jump or move depends on uninitialized value(s)" valgrind message

What this means is that you are trying to print out/output a value which is at least partially uninitialized. Can you narrow it down so that you know exactly what value that is? After that, trace through your code to see where it is being initialized. Chances are, you will see that it is not being fully initialized.

If you need more help, posting the relevant sections of source code might allow someone to offer more guidance.


I see you've found the problem. Note that valgrind watches for Conditional jump or move based on unitialized variables. What that means is that it will only give out a warning if the execution of the program is altered due to the uninitialized value (ie. the program takes a different branch in an if statement, for example). Since the actual arithmetic did not involve a conditional jump or move, valgrind did not warn you of that. Instead, it propagated the "uninitialized" status to the result of the statement that used it.

It may seem counterintuitive that it does not warn you immediately, but as mark4o pointed out, it does this because uninitialized values get used in C all the time (examples: padding in structures, the realloc() call, etc.) so those warnings would not be very useful due to the false positive frequency.

How to merge a specific commit in Git

If you have committed changes to master branch. Now you want to move that same commit to release-branch. Check the commit id(Eg:xyzabc123) for the commit.

Now try following commands

git checkout release-branch
git cherry-pick xyzabc123
git push origin release-branch

How to check for an empty object in an AngularJS view

You can use plain javascript Object class to achieve it, Object class has keys function which takes 1 argument as input as follows,

Object.keys(obj).length === 0

You can achieve it in 3 ways, 1) Current controller scope 2) Filter 3) $rootScope

1) First way is current controller scope,

$scope.isObjEmpty = function(obj){ return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; }

Then you can call the function from the view:

ng-show="!isObjEmpty(obj)" if you want to show and hide dom dynamically & ng-if="!isObjEmpty(obj)" if you want to remove or add dom dynamically.

2) The second way is a custom filter. Following code should work for the object & Array,

    .filter('isEmpty', [function () {
        return function (obj) {
            if (obj == undefined || obj == null || obj == '')
                return true;
            if (angular.isObject(obj))
                return Object.keys(obj).length != 0;

            for (var key in obj) {
                if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

    <div ng-hide="items | isEmpty"> Your content's goes here </div>

3) The third way is $rootScope, create a plain javascript function and add it in $rootScope server it will accessible default in all scopes and UI.

function isObjEmpty (obj){ return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; }

$rootScope.isObjEmpty = isObjEmpty ;

Inversion of Control vs Dependency Injection

enter image description here

IoC (Inversion of Control) :- It’s a generic term and implemented in several ways (events, delegates etc).

DI (Dependency Injection) :- DI is a sub-type of IoC and is implemented by constructor injection, setter injection or Interface injection.

But, Spring supports only the following two types :

  • Setter Injection
    • Setter-based DI is realized by calling setter methods on the user’s beans after invoking a no-argument constructor or no-argument static factory method to instantiate their bean.
  • Constructor Injection
    • Constructor-based DI is realized by invoking a constructor with a number of arguments, each representing a collaborator.Using this we can validate that the injected beans are not null and fail fast(fail on compile time and not on run-time), so while starting application itself we get NullPointerException: bean does not exist. Constructor injection is Best practice to inject dependencies.

How to invoke the super constructor in Python?

Just to add an example with parameters:

class B(A):
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        A.__init__(self, x, y)

Given a derived class B that requires the variables x, y, z to be defined, and a superclass A that requires x, y to be defined, you can call the static method init of the superclass A with a reference to the current subclass instance (self) and then the list of expected arguments.

How do I activate C++ 11 in CMake?

On modern CMake (>= 3.1) the best way to set global requirements is:


It translates to "I want C++11 for all targets, it's not optional, I don’t want to use any GNU or Microsoft extensions." As of C++17, this still is IMHO the best way.

Source: Enabling C++11 And Later In CMake

Convert Json String to C# Object List

Try to change type of ScoreIfNoMatch, like this:

   public class MatrixModel
            public string S1 { get; set; }
            public string S2 { get; set; }
            public string S3 { get; set; }
            public string S4 { get; set; }
            public string S5 { get; set; }
            public string S6 { get; set; }
            public string S7 { get; set; }
            public string S8 { get; set; }
            public string S9 { get; set; }
            public string S10 { get; set; }
            // the type should be string
            public string ScoreIfNoMatch { get; set; }

Java balanced expressions check {[()]}

///check Parenthesis
public boolean isValid(String s) {
    Map<Character, Character> map = new HashMap<>();
    map.put('(', ')');
    map.put('[', ']');
    map.put('{', '}');
    Stack<Character> stack = new Stack<>();
    for(char c : s.toCharArray()){
        } else if(!stack.empty() && map.get(stack.peek())==c){
        } else {
            return false;
    return stack.empty();

PHP Curl UTF-8 Charset

function page_title($val){
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$val);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING , "gzip");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
    $return = curl_exec($ch); 
    $encot = false;
    $charset = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);

    $html = str_get_html('"'.$return.'"');

    if(strpos($charset,'charset=') !== false) {
        $c = str_replace("text/html; charset=","",$charset);
        $encot = true;
    else {
        $chrst = $lookat->content;
        preg_match('/charset=(.+)/', $chrst, $found);
        $p = trim($found[1]);
        if(!empty($p) && $p != "")
            $c = $p;
            $encot = true;
    $title = $html->find('title')[0]->innertext;
    if($encot == true && $c != 'utf-8' && $c != 'UTF-8') $title = mb_convert_encoding($title,'UTF-8',$c);

    return $title;

What's the difference between @JoinColumn and mappedBy when using a JPA @OneToMany association

I'd just like to add that @JoinColumn does not always have to be related to the physical information location as this answer suggests. You can combine @JoinColumn with @OneToMany even if the parent table has no table data pointing to the child table.

How to define unidirectional OneToMany relationship in JPA

Unidirectional OneToMany, No Inverse ManyToOne, No Join Table

It seems to only be available in JPA 2.x+ though. It's useful for situations where you want the child class to just contain the ID of the parent, not a full on reference.

Elasticsearch query to return all records

The official documentation provides the answer to this question! you can find it here.

  "query": { "match_all": {} },
  "size": 1

You simply replace size (1) with the number of results you want to see!

Java client certificates over HTTPS/SSL

While not recommended, you can also disable SSL cert validation alltogether:


public class SSLTool {

  public static void disableCertificateValidation() {
    // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
    TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { 
      new X509TrustManager() {
        public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { 
          return new X509Certificate[0]; 
        public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {}
        public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) {}

    // Ignore differences between given hostname and certificate hostname
    HostnameVerifier hv = new HostnameVerifier() {
      public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; }

    // Install the all-trusting trust manager
    try {
      SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
      sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom());
    } catch (Exception e) {}

Random Number Between 2 Double Numbers

If you need a random number in the range [double.MinValue; double.MaxValue]

// Because of:
double.MaxValue - double.MinValue == double.PositiveInfinity

// This will be equals to NaN or PositiveInfinity
random.NextDouble() * (double.MaxValue - double.MinValue)

Use instead:

public static class RandomExtensions
    public static double NextDoubleInMinMaxRange(this Random random)
        var bytes = new byte[sizeof(double)];
        var value = default(double);
        while (true)
            value = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 0);
            if (!double.IsNaN(value) && !double.IsInfinity(value))
                return value;

How to create a GUID / UUID

A simple solution to generate unique identification is to use time token and add random number to it. I prefer to prefix it with "uuid-".

Below function will generate random string of type: uuid-14d93eb1b9b4533e6. One doesn't need to generate 32 chars random string. 16 char random string is more than sufficient in this case to provide the unique UUIDs in javascript.

var createUUID = function() {
  return"uuid-"+((new Date).getTime().toString(16)+Math.floor(1E7*Math.random()).toString(16));

Google Maps V3 - How to calculate the zoom level for a given bounds

For version 3 of the API, this is simple and working:

var latlngList = [];
latlngList.push(new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng));

var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
latlngList.each(function(n) {

map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter()); //or use custom center

and some optional tricks:

//remove one zoom level to ensure no marker is on the edge.
map.setZoom(map.getZoom() - 1); 

// set a minimum zoom 
// if you got only 1 marker or all markers are on the same address map will be zoomed too much.
if(map.getZoom() > 15){

How to update Ruby Version 2.0.0 to the latest version in Mac OSX Yosemite?

Open your terminal and run

curl -sSL | bash -s stable

When this is complete, you need to restart your terminal for the rvm command to work.

Now, run rvm list known

This shows the list of versions of the ruby.

Now, run rvm install ruby@latest to get the latest ruby version.

If you type ruby -v in the terminal, you should see ruby X.X.X.

If it still shows you ruby 2.0., run rvm use ruby-X.X.X --default.

Prerequisites for windows 10:

  • C compiler. You can use
  • make command available otherwise it will complain that "bash: make: command not found". You can install it by running mingw-get install msys-make
  • Add "C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin" and "C:\MinGW\bin" to your path enviroment variable

How to set environment variable for everyone under my linux system?

Every process running under the Linux kernel receives its own, unique environment that it inherits from its parent. In this case, the parent will be either a shell itself (spawning a sub shell), or the 'login' program (on a typical system).

As each process' environment is protected, there is no way to 'inject' an environmental variable to every running process, so even if you modify the default shell .rc / profile, it won't go into effect until each process exits and reloads its start up settings.

Look in /etc/ to modify the default start up variables for any particular shell. Just realize that users can (and often do) change them in their individual settings.

Unix is designed to obey the user, within limits.

NB: Bash is not the only shell on your system. Pay careful attention to what the /bin/sh symbolic link actually points to. On many systems, this could actually be dash which is (by default, with no special invocation) POSIXLY correct. Therefore, you should take care to modify both defaults, or scripts that start with /bin/sh will not inherit your global defaults. Similarly, take care to avoid syntax that only bash understands when editing both, aka avoiding bashisms.

PHP class: Global variable as property in class

Simply use the global keyword.


class myClass() {
    private function foo() {
        global $MyNumber;

$MyNumber will then become accessible (and indeed modifyable) within that method.

However, the use of globals is often frowned upon (they can give off a bad code smell), so you might want to consider using a singleton class to store anything of this nature. (Then again, without knowing more about what you're trying to achieve this might be a very bad idea - a define could well be more useful.)

WinError 2 The system cannot find the file specified (Python)

Popen expect a list of strings for non-shell calls and a string for shell calls.

Call subprocess.Popen with shell=True:

process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=tempFile, shell=True)

Hopefully this solves your issue.

This issue is listed here:

"echo -n" prints "-n"

enable -n echo
echo -n "Some string..."

Cannot deserialize the current JSON array (e.g. [1,2,3])

You can use this to solve your problem:

private async void btn_Go_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    HttpClient webClient = new HttpClient();
    Uri uri = new Uri("" + txtVCode.Text);
    HttpResponseMessage response = await webClient.GetAsync(uri);
    var jsonString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    var _Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List<Student>>(jsonString);
    foreach (Student Student in _Data)
        tb1.Text = Student.student_name;

Paste text on Android Emulator

If you are using Android Studio on a Mac, you may need to provide the full path to the adb executable. To find this path, open:

Android Studio > Tools > Android > SDK Manager

Copy the path to the SDK location. The adb executable will be within a platform-tools directory. For me, this was the path:


Now you can run this command:

~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell input text 'thetextyouwanttopaste'

Invalid http_host header

In your project file,set ALLOWED_HOSTS like this :

ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['', '']

and then restart your apache. in ubuntu:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

How do I print output in new line in PL/SQL?



DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hi, ' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) || 
                     'good' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) ||
                     'morning' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) ||
                     'friends' || CHR(13) || CHR(10) ||);

try it.

How do I reflect over the members of dynamic object?

In the case of ExpandoObject, the ExpandoObject class actually implements IDictionary<string, object> for its properties, so the solution is as trivial as casting:

IDictionary<string, object> propertyValues = (IDictionary<string, object>)s;

Note that this will not work for general dynamic objects. In these cases you will need to drop down to the DLR via IDynamicMetaObjectProvider.

How to remove components created with Angular-CLI

You should remove your component manually, that is...

[name].component.html  // if you've used templateUrl in your component
[name].component.spec.ts  // if you've created test file
[name].component.[css or scss]  // if you've used styleUrls in your component

If you have all that files in a folder, delete the folder directly.

Then you need to go to the module which use that component and delete

import { [component_name] } from ...

and the component on the declarations array

That's all. Hope that helps

How to convert a string to number in TypeScript?

Easiest way is to use +strVal or Number(strVal)


let strVal1 = "123.5"
let strVal2 = "One"
let val1a = +strVal1
let val1b = Number(strVal1)
let val1c = parseFloat(strVal1)
let val1d = parseInt(strVal1)
let val1e = +strVal1 - parseInt(strVal1)
let val2a = +strVal2

console.log("val1a->", val1a) // 123.5
console.log("val1b->", val1b) // 123.5
console.log("val1c->", val1c) // 123.5
console.log("val1d->", val1d) // 123
console.log("val1e->", val1e) // 0.5
console.log("val2a->", val2a) // NaN

How to retrieve images from MySQL database and display in an html tag

Technically, you can too put image data in an img tag, using data URIs.

<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,<?php echo base64_encode( $image_data ); ?>" />

There are some special circumstances where this could even be useful, although in most cases you're better off serving the image through a separate script like daiscog suggests.

Casting to string in JavaScript

They do behave differently when the value is null.

  • null.toString() throws an error - Cannot call method 'toString' of null
  • String(null) returns - "null"
  • null + "" also returns - "null"

Very similar behaviour happens if value is undefined (see jbabey's answer).

Other than that, there is a negligible performance difference, which, unless you're using them in huge loops, isn't worth worrying about.

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

Luckily, Python has this built-in :)

import re
re.split('; |, ',str)

Following your comment:

>>> a='Beautiful, is; better*than\nugly'
>>> import re
>>> re.split('; |, |\*|\n',a)
['Beautiful', 'is', 'better', 'than', 'ugly']

Getting title and meta tags from external website

get_meta_tags did not work with title.

Only meta tags with name attributes like

<meta name="description" content="the description">

will be parsed.

How do I get the full url of the page I am on in C#

I usually use Request.Url.ToString() to get the full url (including querystring), no concatenation required.

Fixed GridView Header with horizontal and vertical scrolling in

I was looking for a solution for this for a long time and found most of the answers are not working or not suitable for my situation i also find most of the java script code for that they worked but only with the vertical scroll not with the horizontal scroll and also combination of header and rows doesn't match.

Finally i have found a solution with javascript here is the link bellow :-

scrollable horizontal and vertical grid view with fixed headers

Tomcat is web server or application server?

Apache Tomcat is an open source software implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.

Since Tomcat does not implement the full Java EE specification for an application server, it can be considered as a web server.


C++ array initialization

You can declare the array in C++ in these type of ways. If you know the array size then you should declare the array for: integer: int myArray[array_size]; Double: double myArray[array_size]; Char and string : char myStringArray[array_size]; The difference between char and string is as follows

char myCharArray[6]={'a','b','c','d','e','f'};
char myStringArray[6]="abcdef";

If you don't know the size of array then you should leave the array blank like following.

integer: int myArray[array_size];

Double: double myArray[array_size];

.crx file install in chrome

I had a similar issue where I was not able to either install a CRX file into Chrome.

It turns out that since I had my Downloads folder set to a network mapped drive, it would not allow Chrome to install any extensions and would either do nothing (drag and drop on Chrome) or ask me to download the extension (if I clicked a link from the Web Store).

Setting the Downloads folder to a local disk directory instead of a network directory allowed extensions to be installed.

Running: 20.0.1132.57 m

What is the use of ByteBuffer in Java?

In Android you can create shared buffer between C++ and Java (with directAlloc method) and manipulate it in both sides.

How can I increment a char?

For me i made the fallowing as a test.


def test(string_1):
   i = 0
   p = ""
   x = len(string_1)
   while i < x:
    y = (string_1)[i]
    s = chr(ord(y) + 1)



How to save an activity state using save instance state?

In 2020 we have some changes :

If you want your Activity to restore its state after the process is killed and started again, you may want to use the “saved state” functionality. Previously, you needed to override two methods in the Activity: onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState. You can also access the restored state in the onCreate method. Similarly, in Fragment, you have onSaveInstanceState method available (and the restored state is available in the onCreate, onCreateView, and onActivityCreated methods).

Starting with AndroidX SavedState 1.0.0, which is the dependency of the AndroidX Activity and the AndroidX Fragment, you get access to the SavedStateRegistry. You can obtain the SavedStateRegistry from the Activity/Fragment and then register your SavedStateProvider :

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

  companion object {
    private const val MY_SAVED_STATE_KEY = "MY_SAVED_STATE_KEY "
    private const val SOME_VALUE_KEY = "SOME_VALUE_KEY "
  private lateinit var someValue: String
  private val savedStateProvider = SavedStateRegistry.SavedStateProvider {    
    Bundle().apply {
      putString(SOME_VALUE_KEY, someValue)
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {    
    savedStateRegistry.registerSavedStateProvider(MY_SAVED_STATE_KEY, savedStateProvider)
    someValue = savedStateRegistry.consumeRestoredStateForKey(MY_SAVED_STATE_KEY)?.getString(SOME_VALUE_KEY) ?: ""

As you can see, SavedStateRegistry enforces you to use the key for your data. This can prevent your data from being corrupted by another SavedStateProvider attached to the same Activity/Fragment.Also you can extract your SavedStateProvider to another class to make it work with your data by using whatever abstraction you want and in such a way achieve the clean saved state behavior in your application.

How to set calculation mode to manual when opening an excel file?

The best way around this would be to create an Excel called 'launcher.xlsm' in the same folder as the file you wish to open. In the 'launcher' file put the following code in the 'Workbook' object, but set the constant TargetWBName to be the name of the file you wish to open.

Private Const TargetWBName As String = "myworkbook.xlsx"

'// First, a function to tell us if the workbook is already open...
Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean
' returns TRUE if the workbook is open
    WorkbookOpen = False
    On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen
    If Len(Application.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then
        WorkbookOpen = True
        Exit Function
    End If
End Function

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    'Check if our target workbook is open
    If WorkbookOpen(TargetWBName) = False Then
        'set calculation to manual
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Workbooks.Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & TargetWBName
        Me.Close False
    End If
End Sub

Set the constant 'TargetWBName' to be the name of the workbook that you wish to open. This code will simply switch calculation to manual, then open the file. The launcher file will then automatically close itself. *NOTE: If you do not wish to be prompted to 'Enable Content' every time you open this file (depending on your security settings) you should temporarily remove the 'me.close' to prevent it from closing itself, save the file and set it to be trusted, and then re-enable the 'me.close' call before saving again. Alternatively, you could just set the False to True after Me.Close

Bootstrap change carousel height

The following should work

.carousel .item {
  height: 300px;

.item img {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    min-height: 300px;

JSFille for reference.

How do you copy a record in a SQL table but swap out the unique id of the new row?

I'm guessing you're trying to avoid writing out all the column names. If you're using SQL Management Studio you can easily right click on the table and Script As Insert.. then you can mess around with that output to create your query.

Stripping everything but alphanumeric chars from a string in Python

Regular expressions to the rescue:

import re
re.sub(r'\W+', '', your_string)

By Python definition '\W == [^a-zA-Z0-9_], which excludes all numbers, letters and _

Correct MySQL configuration for Ruby on Rails Database.yml file

Use 'utf8mb4' as encoding to cover all unicode (including emojis)

default: &default
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8mb4
  collation: utf8mb4_bin
  username: <%= ENV.fetch("MYSQL_USERNAME") %>
  password: <%= ENV.fetch("MYSQL_PASSWORD") %>
  host:     <%= ENV.fetch("MYSQL_HOST") %>

(Reference1) (Reference2)

Linking a UNC / Network drive on an html page

To link to a UNC path from an HTML document, use file:///// (yes, that's five slashes).


Note that this is most useful in IE and Outlook/Word. It won't work in Chrome or Firefox, intentionally - the link will fail silently. Some words from the Mozilla team:

For security purposes, Mozilla applications block links to local files (and directories) from remote files.

And less directly, from Google:

Firefox and Chrome doesn't open "file://" links from pages that originated from outside the local machine. This is a design decision made by those browsers to improve security.

The Mozilla article includes a set of client settings you can use to override this behavior in Firefox, and there are extensions for both browsers to override this restriction.

how to use "AND", "OR" for RewriteCond on Apache?

Having trouble wrapping my head around this.

Have a rewrite rule with four conditions.
The first three conditions A, B, C are to be AND which is then OR with D

RewriteCond A       true
RewriteCond B       false
RewriteCond C [OR]  true
RewriteCond D       true
RewriteRule ...

But that seems to be an expression of A and B and (C or D) = false (don't rewrite)

How can I get to the desired expression? (A and B and C) or D = true (rewrite)

Preferably without using the additional steps of setting environment variables.


Why my regexp for hyphenated words doesn't work?

This regex should do it.


\b indicates a word-boundary.

How to read appSettings section in the web.config file?

    using System.Configuration;

    /// <summary>
    /// For read one setting
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">Key correspondent a your setting</param>
    /// <returns>Return the String contains the value to setting</returns>
    public string ReadSetting(string key)
        var appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings;
        return appSettings[key] ?? string.Empty;

    /// <summary>
    /// Read all settings for output Dictionary<string,string> 
    /// </summary>        
    /// <returns>Return the Dictionary<string,string> contains all settings</returns>
    public Dictionary<string, string> ReadAllSettings()
        var result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        foreach (var key in ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys)
            result.Add(key, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]);
        return result;

How to read one single line of csv data in Python?

Just for reference, a for loop can be used after getting the first row to get the rest of the file:

with open('file.csv', newline='') as f:
    reader = csv.reader(f)
    row1 = next(reader)  # gets the first line
    for row in reader:
        print(row)       # prints rows 2 and onward

Android Studio says "cannot resolve symbol" but project compiles

I had this problem for a couple of days now and finally figured it out! All other solutions didn't work for me btw.

Solution: I had special characters in my project path!

Just make sure to have none of those and you should be fine or at least one of the other solutions should work for you.

Hope this helps someone!

How can I use grep to find a word inside a folder?

GREP: Global Regular Expression Print/Parser/Processor/Program.
You can use this to search the current directory.
You can specify -R for "recursive", which means the program searches in all subfolders, and their subfolders, and their subfolder's subfolders, etc.

grep -R "your word" .

-n will print the line number, where it matched in the file.
-i will search case-insensitive (capital/non-capital letters).

grep -inR "your regex pattern" .

Beautiful Soup and extracting a div and its contents by ID

In the beautifulsoup source this line allows divs to be nested within divs; so your concern in lukas' comment wouldn't be valid.

NESTABLE_BLOCK_TAGS = ['blockquote', 'div', 'fieldset', 'ins', 'del']

What I think you need to do is to specify the attrs you want such as

source.find('div', attrs={'id':'articlebody'})

Adding click event listener to elements with the same class

You should use querySelectorAll. It returns NodeList, however querySelector returns only the first found element:

var deleteLink = document.querySelectorAll('.delete');

Then you would loop:

for (var i = 0; i < deleteLink.length; i++) {
    deleteLink[i].addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        if (!confirm("sure u want to delete " + this.title)) {

Also you should preventDefault only if confirm === false.

It's also worth noting that return false/true is only useful for event handlers bound with onclick = function() {...}. For addEventListening you should use event.preventDefault().


ES6 version

You can make it a little cleaner (and safer closure-in-loop wise) by using Array.prototype.forEach iteration instead of for-loop:

var deleteLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.delete');

Array.from(deleteLinks).forEach(link => {
    link.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
        if (!confirm(`sure u want to delete ${this.title}`)) {

Example above uses Array.from and template strings from ES2015 standard.

repaint() in Java

If you added JComponent to already visible Container, then you have call


for example

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();
        frame.setSize(460, 500);
        frame.setTitle("Circles generator");

        SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

        String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter n:");
        CustomComponents0 component = new CustomComponents0();

    static class CustomComponents0 extends JLabel {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

        public Dimension getMinimumSize() {
            return new Dimension(200, 100);

        public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
            return new Dimension(300, 200);

        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            int margin = 10;
            Dimension dim = getSize();
            g.fillRect(margin, margin, dim.width - margin * 2, dim.height - margin * 2);

Confirm deletion using Bootstrap 3 modal box

You can use Bootbox dialog boxes

$(document).ready(function() {

  $('#btnDelete').click(function() {
    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure want to delete?", function(result) {
      alert("Confirm result: " + result);

Plunker Demo

How to resize datagridview control when form resizes

The 'Anchor' property exists for any container: form, panel, group box, etc.

You can choose 1 side, left for example, or up to all four sides.

Anchor means the distance between the side(s) chosen and the edge of the container will stay the same, even upon resizing.

E.g., A datagridview, dgv1, is in the middle of Form1. Your 'Anchor' the left and top sides of dgv1. When the app is run and resizing occurs, either from different screen resolutions or changing the form size, the top and left sides of dgv1 will change accordingly to maintain their distance from the edge of From1. The bottom and right sides will not.

Configuring Hibernate logging using Log4j XML config file?

The answers were useful. After the change, I got duplicate logging of SQL statements, one in the log4j log file and one on the standard console. I changed the persistence.xml file to say show_sql to false to get rid of logging from the standard console. Keeping format_sql true also affects the log4j log file, so I kept that true.

<persistence xmlns=""
    <persistence-unit name="myUnit" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
            <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
            <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:file:d:\temp\database\cap1000;shutdown=true"></property>
            <property name="dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect"/>
            <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="false"/>
            <property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true"/>
            <property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="sa"/>
            <property name="" value="create-drop"/>

Environment Variable with Maven

Following documentation from @Kevin's answer the below one worked for me for setting environment variable with maven sure-fire plugin


Changing selection in a select with the Chosen plugin

In case of multiple type of select and/or if you want to remove already selected items one by one, directly within a dropdown list items, you can use something like:

jQuery("body").on("click", ".result-selected", function() {
    var locID = jQuery(this).attr('class').split('__').pop();
    // I have a class name: class="result-selected locvalue__209"
    var arrayCurrent = jQuery('#searchlocation').val();
    var index = arrayCurrent.indexOf(locID);
    if (index > -1) {
        arrayCurrent.splice(index, 1);

MVC Razor @foreach

a reply to @DarinDimitrov for a case where i have used foreach in a razor view.

<li><label for="category">Category</label>
        <select id="category">
            <option value="0">All</option>
            @foreach(Category c in Model.Categories)
                <option title="@c.Description" value="@c.CategoryID">@c.Name</option>

How is VIP swapping + CNAMEs better than IP swapping + A records?

A VIP swap is an internal change to Azure's routers/load balancers, not an external DNS change. They're just routing traffic to go from one internal [set of] server[s] to another instead. Therefore the DNS info for doesn't change at all. Therefore the change for people accessing via the IP bound to (and CNAME'd by you) will see the change as soon as the VIP swap is complete.

Timestamp with a millisecond precision: How to save them in MySQL

You need to be at MySQL version 5.6.4 or later to declare columns with fractional-second time datatypes. Not sure you have the right version? Try SELECT NOW(3). If you get an error, you don't have the right version.

For example, DATETIME(3) will give you millisecond resolution in your timestamps, and TIMESTAMP(6) will give you microsecond resolution on a *nix-style timestamp.

Read this:

NOW(3) will give you the present time from your MySQL server's operating system with millisecond precision.

If you have a number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch, try this to get a DATETIME(3) value

FROM_UNIXTIME(ms * 0.001)

Javascript timestamps, for example, are represented in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

(Notice that MySQL internal fractional arithmetic, like * 0.001, is always handled as IEEE754 double precision floating point, so it's unlikely you'll lose precision before the Sun becomes a white dwarf star.)

If you're using an older version of MySQL and you need subsecond time precision, your best path is to upgrade. Anything else will force you into doing messy workarounds.

If, for some reason you can't upgrade, you could consider using BIGINT or DOUBLE columns to store Javascript timestamps as if they were numbers. FROM_UNIXTIME(col * 0.001) will still work OK. If you need the current time to store in such a column, you could use UNIX_TIMESTAMP() * 1000

Read environment variables in Node.js

Why not use them in the Users directory in the .bash_profile file, so you don't have to push any files with your variables to production?

INSERT INTO...SELECT for all MySQL columns

The correct syntax is described in the manual. Try this:

INSERT INTO this_table_archive (col1, col2, ..., coln)
SELECT col1, col2, ..., coln
FROM this_table
WHERE entry_date < '2011-01-01 00:00:00';

If the id columns is an auto-increment column and you already have some data in both tables then in some cases you may want to omit the id from the column list and generate new ids instead to avoid insert an id that already exists in the original table. If your target table is empty then this won't be an issue.

how to get the base url in javascript

Base URL in JavaScript

Here is simple function for your project to get base URL in JavaScript.

// base url
function base_url() {
    var pathparts = location.pathname.split('/');
    if ( == 'localhost') {
        var url = location.origin+'/'+pathparts[1].trim('/')+'/'; // http://localhost/myproject/
        var url = location.origin; //
    return url;

copy-item With Alternate Credentials

This is an old question but I'm just updating it for future finders.

PowerShell v3 now supports using the -Credential parameter for filesystem operations.

Hope this helps others searching for the same solution.

Remove last specific character in a string c#

When you have spaces at the end. you can use beliow.

ProcessStr = ProcessStr.Replace(" ", "");
Emails     = ProcessStr.TrimEnd(';');

Can I use Twitter Bootstrap and jQuery UI at the same time?

For future reference (since this is google's top answer ATM), to prevent jQuery UI from overriding bootstrap's or your custom style, you need to create a custom download and select the no-theme theme. That will only include jQuery UI's resets, and not overload bootstrap's style for various elements.

While we're at it, some jQuery UI components (such as datepicker) have a native bootstrap implementation. The native bootstrap implementations will use the bootstrap css classes, attributes and layouts, so should have a better integration with the rest of the framework.

Attaching click event to a JQuery object not yet added to the DOM

I am really surprised that no one has posted this yet

$(document).on('click','#my-butt', function(){
   console.log('document is always there');

If you are unsure about what elements are going to be on that page at that time just attach it to document.

Note: this is sub-optimal from performance perspective - to get maximum speed one should try to attach to the nearest parent of element that is going to be inserted.

How to create a custom attribute in C#

The short answer is for creating an attribute in c# you only need to inherit it from Attribute class, Just this :)

But here I'm going to explain attributes in detail:

basically attributes are classes that we can use them for applying our logic to assemblies, classes, methods, properties, fields, ...

In .Net, Microsoft has provided some predefined Attributes like Obsolete or Validation Attributes like ( [Required], [StringLength(100)], [Range(0, 999.99)]), also we have kind of attributes like ActionFilters in that can be very useful for applying our desired logic to our codes (read this article about action filters if you are passionate to learn it)

one another point, you can apply a kind of configuration on your attribute via AttibuteUsage.

  [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = true)]

When you decorate an attribute class with AttributeUsage you can tell to c# compiler where I'm going to use this attribute: I'm going to use this on classes, on assemblies on properties or on ... and my attribute is allowed to use several times on defined targets(classes, assemblies, properties,...) or not?!

After this definition about attributes I'm going to show you an example: Imagine we want to define a new lesson in university and we want to allow just admins and masters in our university to define a new Lesson, Ok?

namespace ConsoleApp1
    /// <summary>
    /// All Roles in our scenario
    /// </summary>
    public enum UniversityRoles

    /// <summary>
    /// This attribute will check the Max Length of Properties/fields
    /// </summary>
    [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = true)]
    public class ValidRoleForAccess : Attribute
        public ValidRoleForAccess(UniversityRoles role)
            Role = role;
        public UniversityRoles Role { get; private set; }


    /// <summary>
    /// we suppose that just admins and masters can define new Lesson
    /// </summary>
    public class Lesson
        public Lesson(int id, string name, DateTime startTime, User owner)
            var lessType = typeof(Lesson);
            var validRolesForAccesses = lessType.GetCustomAttributes<ValidRoleForAccess>();

            if (validRolesForAccesses.All(x => x.Role.ToString() != owner.GetType().Name))
                throw new Exception("You are not Allowed to define a new lesson");
            Id = id;
            Name = name;
            StartTime = startTime;
            Owner = owner;
        public int Id { get; private set; }
        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public DateTime StartTime { get; private set; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Owner is some one who define the lesson in university website
        /// </summary>
        public User Owner { get; private set; }


    public abstract class User
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

    public class Master : User
        public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }
        public Decimal Salary { get; set; }
        public string Department { get; set; }

    public class Student : User
        public float GPA { get; set; }

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)

            #region  exampl1

            var master = new Master()
                Name = "Hamid Hasani",
                Id = 1,
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1994, 8, 15),
                Department = "Computer Engineering",
                HireDate = new DateTime(2018, 1, 1),
                Salary = 10000
            var math = new Lesson(1, "Math", DateTime.Today, master);


            #region exampl2
            var student = new Student()
                Name = "Hamid Hasani",
                Id = 1,
                DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1994, 8, 15),
                GPA = 16
            var literature = new Lesson(2, "literature", DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), student);



In the real world of programming maybe we don't use this approach for using attributes and I said this because of its educational point in using attributes

jquery variable syntax

$self has little to do with $, which is an alias for jQuery in this case. Some people prefer to put a dollar sign together with the variable to make a distinction between regular vars and jQuery objects.


var self = 'some string';
var $self = 'another string';

These are declared as two different variables. It's like putting underscore before private variables.

A somewhat popular pattern is:

var foo = 'some string';
var $foo = $('.foo');

That way, you know $foo is a cached jQuery object later on in the code.

Initializing a list to a known number of elements in Python

Not quite sure why everyone is giving you a hard time for wanting to do this - there are several scenarios where you'd want a fixed size initialised list. And you've correctly deduced that arrays are sensible in these cases.

import array

For the non-pythonistas, the (0,)*1000 term is creating a tuple containing 1000 zeros. The comma forces python to recognise (0) as a tuple, otherwise it would be evaluated as 0.

I've used a tuple instead of a list because they are generally have lower overhead.

How to convert a date string to different format

If you can live with 01 for January instead of 1, then try...

d = datetime.datetime.strptime("2013-1-25", '%Y-%m-%d')
print, "%m/%d/%y")

You can check the docs for other formatting directives.

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/juli/logging/LogFactory

  1. install tomcat

    # yum install tomcat6*

  2. edit tomcat conf file

    # vim /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml

something like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
  <role rolename="tomcat"/>
  <role rolename="role1"/>
  <role rolename="manager"/>
  <role rolename="admin"/>
  <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat"/>
  <user username="both" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,role1"/>
  <user username="role1" password="tomcat" roles="role1"/>
  <user username="TomcatAdmin" password="tomcat" roles="admin,manager"/>
  1. create root directory for your J2EE project, example:

    $ mkdir -p ~/Project/java/

  2. do symbolic link, /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/ to ~/Project/java/

    # ln -s /home//Project/java//dist/.war /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/.war

Note: war archive file is created automatcaly when you use netbeans

0r you can do:

# ln -s /home/<login>/Project/java/<myProject>/webapps /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/<myProject>
  1. check /etc/hosts file, this file must contain the machine name, mine hosts file

    jonathan localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

  2. start httpd service

    # service httpd start

  3. check loclahost web page

  4. start tomcat6

    # service tomcat6 start

  5. check localhost:8080 web page

  6. check that tomcat show your project
    if not:

    • check symbolic link and restart tomcat6 service
    • or add manualy with tomcat manager web page
      a) Set project name
      b) Se path to web.xml file
      c) Valid
      d) start your project (from web page)

for fedora 13 and under they are some problem, how fix it:

# chmod -R g+w /var/log/tomcat6 /etc/tomcat6/Catalina  
# chmod -R g+w /usr/share/tomcat6/work/  

check in log files located in /var/log/tomcat6/ if they are anymore "permission denied" message

Convert String XML fragment to Document Node in Java

For what it's worth, here's a solution I came up with using the dom4j library. (I did check that it works.)

Read the XML fragment into a org.dom4j.Document (note: all the XML classes used below are from org.dom4j; see Appendix):

  String newNode = "<node>value</node>"; // Convert this to XML
  SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
  Document newNodeDocument = StringReader(newNode));

Then get the Document into which the new node is inserted, and the parent Element (to be) from it. (Your org.w3c.dom.Document would need to be converted to org.dom4j.Document here.) For testing purposes, I created one like this:

    Document originalDoc = 
      new SAXReader().read(new StringReader("<root><given></given></root>"));
    Element givenNode = originalDoc.getRootElement().element("given");

Adding the new child element is very simple:


Done. Outputting originalDoc now yields:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Appendix: Because your question talks about org.w3c.dom.Document, here's how to convert between that and org.dom4j.Document.

// dom4j -> w3c
DOMWriter writer = new DOMWriter();
org.w3c.dom.Document w3cDoc = writer.write(dom4jDoc);

// w3c -> dom4j
DOMReader reader = new DOMReader();
Document dom4jDoc =;

(If you'd need both kind of Documents regularly, it might make sense to put these in neat utility methods, maybe in a class called XMLUtils or something like that.)

Maybe there are better ways to do this, even without any 3rd party libraries. But out of the solutions presented so far, in my view this is the easiest way, even if you need to do the dom4j <-> w3c conversions.

Update (2011): before adding dom4j dependency to your code, note that it is not an actively maintained project, and has some other problems too. Improved version 2.0 has been in the works for ages, but there's only an alpha version available. You may want to consider an alternative, like XOM, instead; read more in the question linked above.

Android studio takes too much memory

Open below mention path on your system and delete all your avd's (Virtual devices: Emulator)


Note: - Deleting Emulator only from android studio will not delete all the spaces grab by their avd's. So delete all avd's from above given path and then create new emulator, if you needed.

How to turn off INFO logging in Spark?

Simply add below param to your spark-submit command

--conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dlog4jspark.root.logger=WARN,console"

This overrides system value temporarily only for that job. Check exact property name (log4jspark.root.logger here) from file.

Hope this helps, cheers!

Creating and Naming Worksheet in Excel VBA

Dim WS as Worksheet
Set WS = Sheets.Add

You don't have to know where it's located, or what it's name is, you just refer to it as WS.
If you still want to do this the "old fashioned" way, try this:

Sheets.Add.Name = "Test"

List all virtualenv

To list all the virtual environments (if using the anaconda distribution):

conda info --envs

Hope my answer helps someone...

How to calculate the sum of all columns of a 2D numpy array (efficiently)

Other alternatives for summing the columns are

numpy.einsum('ij->j', a)

and, numpy.ones(a.shape[0]))

If the number of rows and columns is in the same order of magnitude, all of the possibilities are roughly equally fast:

enter image description here

If there are only a few columns, however, both the einsum and the dot solution significantly outperform numpy's sum (note the log-scale):

enter image description here

Code to reproduce the plots:

import numpy
import perfplot

def numpy_sum(a):
    return numpy.sum(a, axis=1)

def einsum(a):
    return numpy.einsum('ij->i', a)

def dot_ones(a):
    return, numpy.ones(a.shape[1]))
    # setup=lambda n: numpy.random.rand(n, n),
    setup=lambda n: numpy.random.rand(n, 3),
    n_range=[2**k for k in range(15)],
    kernels=[numpy_sum, einsum, dot_ones],

What is a "web service" in plain English?

A web service, as used by software developers, generally refers to an operation that is performed on a remote server and invoked using the XML/SOAP specification. As with all definitions, there are nuances to it, but that's the most common use of the term.

The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library was not found on the java.library.path

not found on the java.library.path: /usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib

The native lib is expected in one of the following locations


and not in


The files in tomcat/lib are all jar file and are added by tomcat to the classpath so that they are available to your application.

The native lib is needed by tomcat to perform better on the platform it is installed on and thus cannot be a jar, for linux it could be a .so file, for windows it could be a .dll file.

Just download the native library for your platform and place it in the one of the locations tomcat is expecting it to be.

Note that you are not required to have this lib for development/test purposes. Tomcat runs just fine without it.

org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start INFO: Server startup in 2882 ms


The output you are getting is very normal, it's just some logging outputs from tomcat, the line right above indicates that the server correctly started and is ready for operating.

If you are troubling with running your servlet then after the run on sever command eclipse opens a browser window (embeded (default) or external, depends on your config). If nothing shows on the browser, then check the url bar of the browser to see whether your servlet was requested or not.

It should be something like that



Try to call your servlet using the following url


Also each web project has a web.xml, you can find it in your project under WebContent\WEB-INF.

It is better to configure your servlets there using servlet-name servlet-class and url-mapping. It could look like that:

    <display-name>File counter - My first servlet</display-name>


In eclipse dynamic web project the default context name is the same as your project name.


will work too.

How to synchronize or lock upon variables in Java?

For this functionality you are better off not using a lock at all. Try an AtomicReference.

public class Sample {
    private final AtomicReference<String> msg = new AtomicReference<String>();

    public void setMsg(String x) {

    public String getMsg() {
        return msg.getAndSet(null);

No locks required and the code is simpler IMHO. In any case, it uses a standard construct which does what you want.

Adding space/padding to a UILabel

Full and correct solution which works in all cases, including stack views, dynamic cells, dynamic number of lines, collection views, animated padding, every character count, and every other situation.

Padding a UILabel, full solution. Updated for 2021.

It turns out there are three things that must be done.

1. Must call textRect#forBounds with the new smaller size

2. Must override drawText with the new smaller size

3. If a dynamically sized cell, must adjust intrinsicContentSize

In the typical example below, the text unit is in a table view, stack view or similar construction, which gives it a fixed width. In the example we want padding of 60,20,20,24.

Thus, we take the "existing" intrinsicContentSize and actually add 80 to the height.

To repeat ...

You have to literally "get" the height calculated "so far" by the engine, and change that value.

I find that process confusing, but, that is how it works. For me, Apple should expose a call named something like "preliminary height calculation".

Secondly we have to actually use the textRect#forBounds call with our new smaller size.

So in textRect#forBounds we first make the size smaller and then call super.

Alert! You must call super after, not before!

If you carefully investigate all the attempts and discussion on this page, that is the exact problem.

Notice some solutions "seem to usually work". This is indeed the exact reason - confusingly you must "call super afterwards", not before.

If you call super "in the wrong order", it usually works, but fails for certain specific text lengths.

Here is an exact visual example of "incorrectly doing super first":

enter image description here

Notice the 60,20,20,24 margins are correct BUT the size calculation is actually wrong, because it was done with the "super first" pattern in textRect#forBounds.


Only now does the textRect#forBounds engine know how to do the calculation properly:

enter image description here


Again, in this example the UILabel is being used in the typical situation where width is fixed. So in intrinsicContentSize we have to "add" the overall extra height we want. (You don't need to "add" in any way to the width, that would be meaningless as it is fixed.)

Then in textRect#forBounds you get the bounds "suggested so far" by autolayout, you subtract your margins, and only then call again to the textRect#forBounds engine, that is to say in super, which will give you a result.

Finally and simply in drawText you of course draw in that same smaller box.


let UIEI = UIEdgeInsets(top: 60, left: 20, bottom: 20, right: 24) // as desired

override var intrinsicContentSize:CGSize {
    numberOfLines = 0       // don't forget!
    var s = super.intrinsicContentSize
    s.height = s.height + + UIEI.bottom
    s.width = s.width + UIEI.left + UIEI.right
    return s

override func drawText(in rect:CGRect) {
    let r = rect.inset(by: UIEI)
    super.drawText(in: r)

override func textRect(forBounds bounds:CGRect,
                           limitedToNumberOfLines n:Int) -> CGRect {
    let b = bounds
    let tr = b.inset(by: UIEI)
    let ctr = super.textRect(forBounds: tr, limitedToNumberOfLines: 0)
    // that line of code MUST be LAST in this function, NOT first
    return ctr

Once again. Note that the answers on this and other QA that are "almost" correct suffer the problem in the first image above - the "super is in the wrong place". You must force the size bigger in intrinsicContentSize and then in textRect#forBounds you must first shrink the first-suggestion bounds and then call super.

Summary: you must "call super last" in textRect#forBounds

That's the secret.

Note that you do not need to and should not need to additionally call invalidate, sizeThatFits, needsLayout or any other forcing call. A correct solution should work properly in the normal autolayout draw cycle.

HTML5 live streaming

Live streaming in HTML5 is possible via the use of Media Source Extensions (MSE) - the relatively new W3C standard: MSE is an an extension of HTML5 <video> tag; the javascript on webpage can fetch audio/video segments from the server and push them to MSE for playback. The fetching mechanism can be done via HTTP requests (MPEG-DASH) or via WebSockets. As of September 2016 all major browsers on all devices support MSE. iOS is the only exception.

For high latency (5+ seconds) HTML5 live video streaming you can consider MPEG-DASH implementations by video.js or Wowza streaming engine.

For low latency, near real-time HTML5 live video streaming, take a look at EvoStream media server, Unreal media server, and WebRTC.

Node: log in a file instead of the console

Overwriting console.log is the way to go. But for it to work in required modules, you also need to export it.

module.exports = console;

To save yourself the trouble of writing log files, rotating and stuff, you might consider using a simple logger module like winston:

// Include the logger module
var winston = require('winston');
// Set up log file. (you can also define size, rotation etc.)
winston.add(winston.transports.File, { filename: 'somefile.log' });
// Overwrite some of the build-in console functions
console.error = winston.error;
console.log =; =;
console.debug = winston.debug;
console.warn = winston.warn;
module.exports = console;

Is there a download function in jsFiddle?

Ok I found out:

You have to put /show a after the URL you're working on:<your_fiddle_id>/show/
It is the site that shows the results.

And then when you save it as a file. It is all in one HTML-file.

For example:
for the site

SFTP in Python? (platform independent)

Twisted can help you with what you are doing, check out their documentation, there are plenty of examples. Also it is a mature product with a big developer/user community behind it.

Customizing Bootstrap CSS template

Since Pabluez's answer back in December, there is now a better way to customize Bootstrap.

Use: Bootswatch to generate your bootstrap.css

Bootswatch builds the normal Twitter Bootstrap from the latest version (whatever you install in the bootstrap directory), but also imports your customizations. This makes it easy to use the the latest version of Bootstrap, while maintaining custom CSS, without having to change anything about your HTML. You can simply sway boostrap.css files.

Can I assume (bool)true == (int)1 for any C++ compiler?

Charles Bailey's answer is correct. The exact wording from the C++ standard is (§4.7/4): "If the source type is bool, the value false is converted to zero and the value true is converted to one."

Edit: I see he's added the reference as well -- I'll delete this shortly, if I don't get distracted and forget...

Edit2: Then again, it is probably worth noting that while the Boolean values themselves always convert to zero or one, a number of functions (especially from the C standard library) return values that are "basically Boolean", but represented as ints that are normally only required to be zero to indicate false or non-zero to indicate true. For example, the is* functions in <ctype.h> only require zero or non-zero, not necessarily zero or one.

If you cast that to bool, zero will convert to false, and non-zero to true (as you'd expect).

Rails: Using greater than/less than with a where statement

If you want a more intuitive writing, it exist a gem called squeel that will let you write your instruction like this:

User.where{id > 200}

Notice the 'brace' characters { } and id being just a text.

All you have to do is to add squeel to your Gemfile:

gem "squeel"

This might ease your life a lot when writing complex SQL statement in Ruby.

HTTP Error 404.3-Not Found in IIS 7.5

You should install IIS sub components from

Control Panel -> Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off

Internet Information Services has subsection World Wide Web Services / Application Development Features

There you must check ASP.NET (.NET Extensibility, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters will be selected automatically). Double check that specific versions are checked. Under Windows Server 2012 R2, these options are split into 4 & 4.5.

Run from cmd:

%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -ir

Finally check in IIS manager, that your application uses application pool with .NET framework version v4.0.

Also, look at this answer.

How to write subquery inside the OUTER JOIN Statement

I think you don't have to use sub query in this scenario.You can directly left outer join the DEPRMNT table .

While using Left Outer Join ,don't use columns in the RHS table of the join in the where condition, you ll get wrong output

Numpy: Checking if a value is NaT

Very simple and surprisingly fast: (without numpy or pandas)

    str( myDate ) == 'NaT'            # True if myDate is NaT

Ok, it's a little nasty, but given the ambiguity surrounding 'NaT' it does the job nicely.

It's also useful when comparing two dates either of which might be NaT as follows:

   str( date1 ) == str( date1 )       # True
   str( date1 ) == str( NaT )         # False
   str( NaT )   == str( date1 )       # False

wait for it...

   str( NaT )   == str( Nat )         # True    (hooray!)

Counter in foreach loop in C#

This is only true if you're iterating through an array; what if you were iterating through a different kind of collection that has no notion of accessing by index? In the array case, the easiest way to retain the index is to simply use a vanilla for loop.

How to convert minutes to Hours and minutes (hh:mm) in java

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Time{
    public static void main(String[]args){
        int totMins=0;
        int hours=0;
        int mins=0;
    Scanner sc= new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("Enter the time in mins: ");
        totMins= sc.nextInt();
        mins =(int)(totMins%60);

`col-xs-*` not working in Bootstrap 4

If you want to apply an extra small class in Bootstrap 4,you need to use col-. important thing to know is that col-xs- is dropped in Bootstrap4

Java : Sort integer array without using Arrays.sort()

Bubble sort can be used here:

 //Time complexity: O(n^2)
public static int[] bubbleSort(final int[] arr) {

    if (arr == null || arr.length <= 1) {
        return arr;

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j < arr.length - i; j++) {
            if (arr[j - 1] > arr[j]) {
                arr[j] = arr[j] + arr[j - 1];
                arr[j - 1] = arr[j] - arr[j - 1];
                arr[j] = arr[j] - arr[j - 1];

    return arr;

Using Mockito to stub and execute methods for testing


How to do in your case:

int argument = 5; // example with int but could be another type


Actually what you want to do is possible, at least in Java 8. Maybe you didn't get this answer by other people because I am using Java 8 that allows that and this question is before release of Java 8 (that allows to pass functions, not only values to other functions).

Let's simulate a call to a DataBase query. This query returns all the rows of HotelTable that have FreeRoms = X and StarNumber = Y. What I expect during testing, is that this query will give back a List of different hotel: every returned hotel has the same value X and Y, while the other values and I will decide them according to my needs. The following example is simple but of course you can make it more complex.

So I create a function that will give back different results but all of them have FreeRoms = X and StarNumber = Y.

static List<Hotel> simulateQueryOnHotels(int availableRoomNumber, int starNumber) {
    ArrayList<Hotel> HotelArrayList = new ArrayList<>();
    HotelArrayList.add(new Hotel(availableRoomNumber, starNumber, Rome, 1, 1));
    HotelArrayList.add(new Hotel(availableRoomNumber, starNumber, Krakow, 7, 15));
    HotelArrayList.add(new Hotel(availableRoomNumber, starNumber, Madrid, 1, 1));
    HotelArrayList.add(new Hotel(availableRoomNumber, starNumber, Athens, 4, 1));

    return HotelArrayList;

Maybe Spy is better (please try), but I did this on a mocked class. Here how I do (notice the anyInt() values):

//somewhere at the beginning of your file with tests...
private DatabaseManager mockedDatabaseManager;

//in the same file, somewhere in a test...
int availableRoomNumber = 3;
int starNumber = 4;
// in this way, the mocked queryOnHotels will return a different result according to the passed parameters
when(mockedDatabaseManager.queryOnHotels(anyInt(), anyInt())).thenReturn(simulateQueryOnHotels(availableRoomNumber, starNumber));

Good way of getting the user's location in Android

In my experience, I've found it best to go with the GPS fix unless it's not available. I don't know much about other location providers, but I know that for GPS there are a few tricks that can be used to give a bit of a ghetto precision measure. The altitude is often a sign, so you could check for ridiculous values. There is the accuracy measure on Android location fixes. Also if you can see the number of satellites used, this can also indicate the precision.

An interesting way of getting a better idea of the accuracy could be to ask for a set of fixes very rapidly, like ~1/sec for 10 seconds and then sleep for a minute or two. One talk I've been to has led to believe that some android devices will do this anyway. You would then weed out the outliers (I've heard Kalman filter mentioned here) and use some kind of centering strategy to get a single fix.

Obviously the depth you get to here depends on how hard your requirements are. If you have particularly strict requirement to get THE BEST location possible, I think you'll find that GPS and network location are as similar as apples and oranges. Also GPS can be wildly different from device to device.

Java 8, Streams to find the duplicate elements

I think I have good solution how to fix problem like this - List => List with grouping by Something.a & Something.b. There is extended definition:

public class Test {

    public static void test() {

        class A {
            private int a;
            private int b;
            private float c;
            private float d;

            public A(int a, int b, float c, float d) {
                this.a = a;
                this.b = b;
                this.c = c;
                this.d = d;

        List<A> list1 = new ArrayList<A>();

        list1.addAll(Arrays.asList(new A(1, 2, 3, 4),
                new A(2, 3, 4, 5),
                new A(1, 2, 3, 4),
                new A(2, 3, 4, 5),
                new A(1, 2, 3, 4)));

        Map<Integer, A> map =
                .collect(HashMap::new, (m, v) -> m.put(
                        Objects.hash(v.a, v.b, v.c, v.d), v),




class A, list1 it's just incoming data - magic is in the Objects.hash(...) :)

Retrieving Android API version programmatically

android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK should give you the value of the API Level. You can easily find the mapping from api level to android version in the android documentation. I believe, 8 is for 2.2, 7 for 2.1, and so on.

How to find event listeners on a DOM node when debugging or from the JavaScript code?

changing these functions will allow you to log the listeners added:


read the rest of the listeners with


Reset git proxy to default configuration

For me, I had to add:

git config --global --unset http.proxy

Basically, you can run:

git config --global -l 

to get the list of all proxy defined, and then use "--unset" to disable them

"Field has incomplete type" error

You are using a forward declaration for the type MainWindowClass. That's fine, but it also means that you can only declare a pointer or reference to that type. Otherwise the compiler has no idea how to allocate the parent object as it doesn't know the size of the forward declared type (or if it actually has a parameterless constructor, etc.)

So, you either want:

// forward declaration, details unknown
class A;

class B {
  A *a;  // pointer to A, ok

Or, if you can't use a pointer or reference....

// declaration of A
#include "A.h"

class B {
  A a;  // ok, declaration of A is known

At some point, the compiler needs to know the details of A.

If you are only storing a pointer to A then it doesn't need those details when you declare B. It needs them at some point (whenever you actually dereference the pointer to A), which will likely be in the implementation file, where you will need to include the header which contains the declaration of the class A.

// B.h
// header file

// forward declaration, details unknown
class A;

class B {
    void foo();
  A *a;  // pointer to A, ok

// B.cpp
// implementation file

#include "B.h"
#include "A.h"  // declaration of A

B::foo() {
    // here we need to know the declaration of A

How to check if user input is not an int value

This is to keep requesting inputs while this input is integer and find whether it is odd or even else it will end.

int counter = 1;
    System.out.println("Enter a number:");
    Scanner OddInput = new Scanner(;
            int Num = OddInput.nextInt();
            if (Num %2==0){
                System.out.println("Number " + Num + " is Even");
                System.out.println("Enter a number:");
            else {
                System.out.println("Number " + Num + " is Odd");
                System.out.println("Enter a number:");
        System.out.println("Program Ended");

simple custom event

This is an easy way to create custom events and raise them. You create a delegate and an event in the class you are throwing from. Then subscribe to the event from another part of your code. You have already got a custom event argument class so you can build on that to make other event argument classes. N.B: I have not compiled this code.

public partial class Form1 : Form
    private TestClass _testClass;
    public Form1()
        _testClass = new TestClass();
        _testClass.OnUpdateStatus += new TestClass.StatusUpdateHandler(UpdateStatus);

    private void UpdateStatus(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e)

    private void SetStatus(string status)
        label1.Text = status;

    private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)


public class TestClass
    public delegate void StatusUpdateHandler(object sender, ProgressEventArgs e);
    public event StatusUpdateHandler OnUpdateStatus;

    public static void Func()
        //time consuming code
        // time consuming code

    private void UpdateStatus(string status)
        // Make sure someone is listening to event
        if (OnUpdateStatus == null) return;

        ProgressEventArgs args = new ProgressEventArgs(status);
        OnUpdateStatus(this, args);

public class ProgressEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string Status { get; private set; }

    public ProgressEventArgs(string status)
        Status = status;

How can I implement custom Action Bar with custom buttons in Android?

enter image description here

This is pretty much as close as you'll get if you want to use the ActionBar APIs. I'm not sure you can place a colorstrip above the ActionBar without doing some weird Window hacking, it's not worth the trouble. As far as changing the MenuItems goes, you can make those tighter via a style. It would be something like this, but I haven't tested it.

<style name="MyTheme" parent="android:Theme.Holo.Light">
    <item name="actionButtonStyle">@style/MyActionButtonStyle</item>

<style name="MyActionButtonStyle" parent="Widget.ActionButton">
    <item name="android:minWidth">28dip</item>

Here's how to inflate and add the custom layout to your ActionBar.

    // Inflate your custom layout
    final ViewGroup actionBarLayout = (ViewGroup) getLayoutInflater().inflate(

    // Set up your ActionBar
    final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();

    // You customization
    final int actionBarColor = getResources().getColor(R.color.action_bar);
    actionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(actionBarColor));

    final Button actionBarTitle = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarSent = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarStaff = (Button) findViewById(;

    final Button actionBarLocations = (Button) findViewById(;
    actionBarLocations.setText("HIPPA Locations");

Here's the custom layout:

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:paddingEnd="8dip" >

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />

        style="@style/ActionBarButtonOffWhite" />


Here's the color strip layout: To use it, just use merge in whatever layout you inflate in setContentView.

<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:background="@android:color/holo_blue_dark" />

Here are the Button styles:

<style name="ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:layout_width">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:layout_height">wrap_content</item>
    <item name="android:background">@null</item>
    <item name="android:ellipsize">end</item>
    <item name="android:singleLine">true</item>
    <item name="android:textSize">@dimen/text_size_small</item>

<style name="ActionBarButtonWhite" parent="@style/ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/white</item>

<style name="ActionBarButtonOffWhite" parent="@style/ActionBarButton">
    <item name="android:textColor">@color/off_white</item>

Here are the colors and dimensions I used:

<color name="action_bar">#ff0d0d0d</color>
<color name="white">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="off_white">#99ffffff</color>

<!-- Text sizes -->
<dimen name="text_size_small">14.0sp</dimen>
<dimen name="text_size_medium">16.0sp</dimen>

<!-- ActionBar color strip -->
<dimen name="colorstrip">5dp</dimen>

If you want to customize it more than this, you may consider not using the ActionBar at all, but I wouldn't recommend that. You may also consider reading through the Android Design Guidelines to get a better idea on how to design your ActionBar.

If you choose to forgo the ActionBar and use your own layout instead, you should be sure to add action-able Toasts when users long press your "MenuItems". This can be easily achieved using this Gist.

Calling other function in the same controller?

To call a function inside a same controller in any laravel version follow as bellow

$role = $this->sendRequest('parameter');
// sendRequest is a public function

How to use sys.exit() in Python

you didn't import sys in your code, nor did you close the () when calling the function... try:

import sys

Generating unique random numbers (integers) between 0 and 'x'

Use the basic Math methods:

  • Math.random() returns a random number between 0 and 1 (including 0, excluding 1).
  • Multiply this number by the highest desired number (e.g. 10)
  • Round this number downward to its nearest integer

    Math.floor(Math.random()*10) + 1


//Example, including customisable intervals [lower_bound, upper_bound)
var limit = 10,
    amount = 3,
    lower_bound = 1,
    upper_bound = 10,
    unique_random_numbers = [];

if (amount > limit) limit = amount; //Infinite loop if you want more unique
                                    //Natural numbers than exist in a
                                    // given range
while (unique_random_numbers.length < limit) {
    var random_number = Math.floor(Math.random()*(upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound);
    if (unique_random_numbers.indexOf(random_number) == -1) { 
        // Yay! new random number
        unique_random_numbers.push( random_number );
// unique_random_numbers is an array containing 3 unique numbers in the given range

Why does sudo change the PATH?

You can also move your file in a sudoers used directory :

    sudo mv $HOME/bash/ /usr/sbin/ 

Math constant PI value in C

Just define:

#define M_PI acos(-1.0)

It should give you exact PI number that math functions are working with. So if they change PI value they are working with in tangent or cosine or sine, then your program should be always up-to-dated ;)

.gitignore exclude folder but include specific subfolder

So , since many programmers uses node . the use case which meets this question is to exclude node_modules except one module module-a for example:



Marker in leaflet, click event

I found the solution:

function onClick(e) {alert(this.getLatLng());}

used the method getLatLng() of the marker

How to change the playing speed of videos in HTML5?

According to this site, this is supported in the playbackRate and defaultPlaybackRate attributes, accessible via the DOM. Example:

/* play video twice as fast */
document.querySelector('video').defaultPlaybackRate = 2.0;

/* now play three times as fast just for the heck of it */
document.querySelector('video').playbackRate = 3.0;

The above works on Chrome 43+, Firefox 20+, IE 9+, Edge 12+.

XAMPP: Couldn't start Apache (Windows 10)

I tried everything listed in the answers here but none of them worked.

Then all I did was to re-start XAMPP with administrator rights by:

Start menu - right click on XAMPP - select run as administartor

It worked. It is that simple.

I uninstalled IIS services, stopped WWW services, changed ports back to 80, blocked all apache and mysql connections from windows 10 firewall, but yes it still works!

Opening PDF String in new window with javascript

//for pdf view

let pdfWindow ="");
pdfWindow.document.write("<iframe width='100%' height='100%' src='data:application/pdf;base64," + +"'></iframe>");

How to get Top 5 records in SqLite?

Select TableName.* from  TableName DESC LIMIT 5

For Loop on Lua

names = {'John', 'Joe', 'Steve'}
for names = 1, 3 do
  print (names)
  1. You're deleting your table and replacing it with an int
  2. You aren't pulling a value from the table


names = {'John','Joe','Steve'}
for i = 1,3 do

Format / Suppress Scientific Notation from Python Pandas Aggregation Results

If you want to style the output of a data frame in a jupyter notebook cell, you can set the display style on a per-dataframe basis:

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': np.random.randn(4)*1e7})"{:.1f}")

enter image description here

See the documentation here.

Laravel 5: Retrieve JSON array from $request

As of Laravel 5.2+, you can fetch it directly with $request->input('item') as well.

Retrieving JSON Input Values

When sending JSON requests to your application, you may access the JSON data via the input method as long as the Content-Type header of the request is properly set to application/json. You may even use "dot" syntax to dig deeper into JSON arrays:

$name = $request->input('');

As noted above, the content-type header must be set to application/json so the jQuery ajax call would need to include contentType: "application/json",

    type: "POST",
    url: "/people",
    data: '[{ "name": "John", "location": "Boston" }, { "name": "Dave", "location": "Lancaster" }]',
    dataType: "json",
    contentType: "application/json",
    success:function(data) {

By fixing the AJAX call, $request->all() should work.

How to add a TextView to LinearLayout in Android

Here's where the exception occurs

((LinearLayout) linearLayout).addView(valueTV);

addView method takes in a parameter of type View, not TextView. Therefore, typecast the valueTv object into a View object, explicitly.

Therefore, the corrected code would be :

((LinearLayout) linearLayout).addView((TextView)valueTV);

How to get first and last element in an array in java?

I think there is only one intuitive solution and it is:

int[] someArray = {1,2,3,4,5};
int first = someArray[0];
int last = someArray[someArray.length - 1];
System.out.println("First: " + first + "\n" + "Last: " + last);


First: 1
Last: 5

difference between css height : 100% vs height : auto

height: 100% gives the element 100% height of its parent container.

height: auto means the element height will depend upon the height of its children.

Consider these examples:

height: 100%

<div style="height: 50px">
    <div id="innerDiv" style="height: 100%">

#innerDiv is going to have height: 50px

height: auto

<div style="height: 50px">
    <div id="innerDiv" style="height: auto">
          <div id="evenInner" style="height: 10px">

#innerDiv is going to have height: 10px

When to use static classes in C#

I do tend to use static classes for factories. For example, this is the logging class in one of my projects:

public static class Log
   private static readonly ILoggerFactory _loggerFactory =

   public static ILogger For<T>(T instance)
      return For(typeof(T));

   public static ILogger For(Type type)
      return _loggerFactory.GetLoggerFor(type);

You might have even noticed that IoC is called with a static accessor. Most of the time for me, if you can call static methods on a class, that's all you can do so I mark the class as static for extra clarity.

How can I verify if one list is a subset of another?

One more solution would be to use a intersection.

one = [1, 2, 3]
two = [9, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1]

set(one).intersection(set(two)) == set(one)

The intersection of the sets would contain of set one


one = [1, 2, 3]
two = [9, 8, 5, 3, 2, 1]

set(one) & (set(two)) == set(one)

laravel foreach loop in controller

Hi, this will throw an error:

foreach ($product->sku as $sku){ 
// Code Here

because you cannot loop a model with a specific column ($product->sku) from the table.
So you must loop on the whole model:

foreach ($product as $p) {
// code

Inside the loop you can retrieve whatever column you want just adding "->[column_name]"

foreach ($product as $p) {
echo $p->sku;

Have a great day

Variably modified array at file scope

Imho this is a flaw in many c compilers. I know for a fact that the compilers i worked with do not store a "static const"variable at an adress but replace the use in the code by the very constant. This can be verified as you will get the same checksum for the produced code when you use a preprocessors #define directive and when you use a static const variable.

Either way you should use static const variables instead of #defines whenever possible as the static const is type safe.

SQL "select where not in subquery" returns no results

Table1 or Table2 has some null values for common_id. Use this query instead:

select *
from Common
where common_id not in (select common_id from Table1 where common_id is not null)
and common_id not in (select common_id from Table2 where common_id is not null)

How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework?

If it's Implicit SSL, it looks like it can't be done with System.Net.Mail and isn't supported as of yet.

To check if it's Implicit SSL try this.

Overwriting txt file in java

This simplifies it a bit and it behaves as you want it.

FileWriter f = new FileWriter("../playlist/"+existingPlaylist.getText()+".txt");

try {
} catch(...) {
} finally {
 //close it here

Google MAP API v3: Center & Zoom on displayed markers

Try this works...

$(function() {
        var myOptions = {
            zoom: 10,
            center: latlng,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),myOptions);
        var latlng_pos=[];
        var j=0;
            latlng_pos[j]=new google.maps.LatLng($(this).find(".latitude").val(),$(this).find(".longitude").val());
            var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
                position: new google.maps.LatLng($(this).find(".latitude").val(),$(this).find(".longitude").val()),
                // position: new google.maps.LatLng(-35.397, 150.640),
                map: map
        // map: an instance of google.maps.Map object
        // latlng: an array of google.maps.LatLng objects
        var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds( );
        for ( var i = 0; i < latlng_pos.length; i++ ) {
            latlngbounds.extend( latlng_pos[ i ] );
        map.fitBounds( latlngbounds );


How to run Pip commands from CMD

Simple solution that worked for me is, set the path of python in environment variables,it is done as follows

  1. Go to My Computer
  2. Open properties
  3. Open Advanced Settings
  4. Open Environment Variables
  5. Select path
  6. Edit it

In the edit option click add and add following two paths to it one by one:



and now close cmd and run it as administrator, by that pip will start working.