Programs & Examples On #Repository design

Difference between Inheritance and Composition

How inheritance can be dangerous ?

Lets take an example

public class X{    
   public void do(){    
Public Class Y extends X{
   public void work(){    

1) As clear in above code , Class Y has very strong coupling with class X. If anything changes in superclass X , Y may break dramatically. Suppose In future class X implements a method work with below signature

public int work(){

Change is done in class X but it will make class Y uncompilable. SO this kind of dependency can go up to any level and it can be very dangerous. Every time superclass might not have full visibility to code inside all its subclasses and subclass may be keep noticing what is happening in superclass all the time. So we need to avoid this strong and unnecessary coupling.

How does composition solves this issue?

Lets see by revising the same example

public class X{
    public void do(){

Public Class Y{
    X x = new X();    
    public void work(){   ;

Here we are creating reference of X class in Y class and invoking method of X class by creating an instance of X class. Now all that strong coupling is gone. Superclass and subclass are highly independent of each other now. Classes can freely make changes which were dangerous in inheritance situation.

2) Second very good advantage of composition in that It provides method calling flexibility, for example :

class X implements R
class Y implements R

public class Test{    
    R r;    

In Test class using r reference I can invoke methods of X class as well as Y class. This flexibility was never there in inheritance

3) Another great advantage : Unit testing

public class X {
    public void do(){

Public Class Y {
    X x = new X();    
    public void work(){   ;    

In above example, if state of x instance is not known, it can easily be mocked up by using some test data and all methods can be easily tested. This was not possible at all in inheritance as you were heavily dependent on superclass to get the state of instance and execute any method.

4) Another good reason why we should avoid inheritance is that Java does not support multiple inheritance.

Lets take an example to understand this :

Public class Transaction {
    Banking b;
    public static void main(String a[])    
        b = new Deposit();    
            b = new Credit();

Good to know :

  1. composition is easily achieved at runtime while inheritance provides its features at compile time

  2. composition is also know as HAS-A relation and inheritance is also known as IS-A relation

So make it a habit of always preferring composition over inheritance for various above reasons.

How do I get rid of the "cannot empty the clipboard" error?

Good answers by Paul Simon and Steve Homer, I shut down team viewer and that did the trick. Skype or other programs may trigger the same glitch, but in this instance, I recalled the problem occurred when I tried to cut n paste a 2MB file from remote system through windows right click rather than using "File Transfer function in TV. An error message appeared, then the problem with Excel "'Cannot empty clipboard' message.

This problem occurs when you are working on a remote system. After copying and pasting a huge amount of data it shows the error. I have found the solution to this problem.

Go to remote systems task manager and perform the following task

Go to Task Manager > Processes Look for "rdpclip.exe" End that process

Your problem will be solved.

How to get on scroll events?

Listen to window:scroll event for window/document level scrolling and element's scroll event for element level scrolling.


@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event'])
onWindowScroll($event) {



<div (window:scroll)="onWindowScroll($event)">


@HostListener('scroll', ['$event'])
onElementScroll($event) {



<div (scroll)="onElementScroll($event)">

@HostListener('scroll', ['$event']) won't work if the host element itself is not scroll-able.


In ASP.NET, when should I use Session.Clear() rather than Session.Abandon()?

Session.Abandon destroys the session as stated above so you should use this when logging someone out. I think a good use of Session.Clear would be for a shopping basket on an ecommerce website. That way the basket gets cleared without logging out the user.

mysql_connect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead

Simply put, you need to rewrite all of your database connections and queries.

You are using mysql_* functions which are now deprecated and will be removed from PHP in the future. So you need to start using MySQLi or PDO instead, just as the error notice warned you.

A basic example of using PDO (without error handling):

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');
$result = $db->exec("INSERT INTO table(firstname, lastname) VAULES('John', 'Doe')");
$insertId = $db->lastInsertId();

A basic example of using MySQLi (without error handling):

$db = new mysqli($DBServer, $DBUser, $DBPass, $DBName);
$result = $db->query("INSERT INTO table(firstname, lastname) VAULES('John', 'Doe')");

Here's a handy little PDO tutorial to get you started. There are plenty of others, and ones about the PDO alternative, MySQLi.

How to split a string content into an array of strings in PowerShell?

[string[]]$recipients = $address.Split('; ',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

Read pdf files with php

Not exactly php, but you could exec a program from php to convert the pdf to a temporary html file and then parse the resulting file with php. I've done something similar for a project of mine and this is the program I used:


The resulting HTML wraps text elements in < div > tags with absolute position coordinates. It seems like this is exactly what you are trying to do.

Forward declaring an enum in C++

Seems it can not be forward-declared in GCC!

Interesting discussion here

How to append a newline to StringBuilder

In addition to K.S's response of creating a StringBuilderPlus class and utilising ther adapter pattern to extend a final class, if you make use of generics and return the StringBuilderPlus object in the new append and appendLine methods, you can make use of the StringBuilders many append methods for all different types, while regaining the ability to string string multiple append commands together, as shown below

public class StringBuilderPlus {

    private final StringBuilder stringBuilder;

    public StringBuilderPlus() {
        this.stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    public <T> StringBuilderPlus append(T t) {
        return this;

    public <T> StringBuilderPlus appendLine(T t) {
        return this;

    public String toString() {
        return stringBuilder.toString();

    public StringBuilder getStringBuilder() {
        return stringBuilder;

you can then use this exactly like the original StringBuilder class:

StringBuilderPlus stringBuilder = new StringBuilderPlus();


convert month from name to number

Maybe use a combination with strtotime() and date()?

do <something> N times (declarative syntax)

Just use a nested loop (maybe enclosed in a function)

function times( fct, times ) {
  for( var i=0; i<times.length; ++i ) {
    for( var j=0; j<times[i]; ++j ) {

Then just call it like this:

times( doSomething, [1,2,3] );

Keep the order of the JSON keys during JSON conversion to CSV

In the real world, an application will almost always have java bean or domain that is to be serialized/de-serialized to/from JSON. Its already mentioned that JSON Object specification does not guarantee order and any manipulation to that behavior does not justify the requirement. I had the same scenario in my application where I needed to preserve order just for the sack of readability purpose. I used standard jackson way to serialize my java bean to JSON:

Object object = getObject();  //the source java bean that needs conversion
String jsonString = new com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(object);

In order to make the json with an ordered set of elements I just use JSON property annotation in the the Java bean I used for conversion. An example below:

public class SampleBean implements Serializable {
    private int id;
    private String name:
    private String city;
    private String phone;

    //...standard getters and setters

the getObject() used above:

public SampleBean getObject(){
    SampleBean bean  = new SampleBean();
    return bean;

The output shows as per Json property order annotation:

    name: "SomeName",
    phone: "1234567890",
    city: "SomeCity",
    id: 100

When to use std::size_t?

size_t is returned by various libraries to indicate that the size of that container is non-zero. You use it when you get once back :0

However, in the your example above looping on a size_t is a potential bug. Consider the following:

for (size_t i = thing.size(); i >= 0; --i) {
  // this will never terminate because size_t is a typedef for
  // unsigned int which can not be negative by definition
  // therefore i will always be >= 0
  printf("the never ending story. la la la la");

the use of unsigned integers has the potential to create these types of subtle issues. Therefore imho I prefer to use size_t only when I interact with containers/types that require it.

C++ template typedef

C++11 added alias declarations, which are generalization of typedef, allowing templates:

template <size_t N>
using Vector = Matrix<N, 1>;

The type Vector<3> is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

In C++03, the closest approximation was:

template <size_t N>
struct Vector
    typedef Matrix<N, 1> type;

Here, the type Vector<3>::type is equivalent to Matrix<3, 1>.

How can I assign the output of a function to a variable using bash?


Exactly the same way as for programs.

jQuery prevent change for select

Try this:

var my_condition = true;
var lastSel = $("#my_select option:selected");

    lastSel.prop("selected", true);

    lastSel = $("#my_select option:selected");

How to convert unix timestamp to calendar date moment.js

This function creates date from timestamp:

    function formatDateTime(dateString) {
        const parsed = moment(new Date(dateString))

        if (!parsed.isValid()) {
            return dateString

        return parsed.format('MMM D, YYYY, HH:mmA')

How do you style a TextInput in react native for password input

An TextInput must include secureTextEntry={true}, note that the docs of React state that you must not use multiline={true} at the same time, as that combination is not supported.

You can also set textContentType={'password'} to allow the field to retrieve credentials from the keychain stored on your mobile, an alternative way to enter credentials if you got biometric input on your mobile to quickly insert credentials. Such as FaceId on iPhone X or fingerprint touch input on other iPhone models and Android.

 <TextInput value={this.state.password} textContentType={'password'} multiline={false} secureTextEntry={true} onChangeText={(text) => { this._savePassword(text); this.setState({ password: text }); }} style={styles.input} placeholder='Github password' />

nvm keeps "forgetting" node in new terminal session

If you have tried everything still no luck you can try this :_

1 -> Uninstall NVM

rm -rf ~/.nvm

2 -> Remove npm dependencies by following this

3 -> Install NVM

curl -o- | bash

4 -> Set ~/.bash_profile configuration

Run sudo nano ~/.bash_profile

Copy and paste following this

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"  # This loads nvm
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/bash_completion"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

5 -> CONTROL + X save the changes

6 -> Run . ~/.bash_profile

7 -> Now you should have nvm installed on your machine, to install node run nvm install v7.8.0 this will be default node version or you can install any version of node

Google Maps V3 marker with label

Support for single character marker labels was added to Google Maps in version 3.21 (Aug 2015). See the new marker label API.

You can now create your label marker like this:

var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
  position: new google.maps.LatLng(result.latitude, result.longitude), 
  icon: markerIcon,
  label: {
    text: 'A'

If you would like to see the 1 character restriction removed, please vote for this issue.

Update October 2016:

This issue was fixed and as of version 3.26.10, Google Maps natively supports multiple character labels in combination with custom icons using MarkerLabels.

get DATEDIFF excluding weekends using sql server

Use this function to calculate the number of business days excluding Saturday and Sunday. Also it will exclude start date and it will include end date.

-- Select [dbo].[GetBussinessDays]  ('02/18/2021', '03/06/2021') -- 11 days
CREATE or ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetBussinessDays] ( 
    @StartDate DATETIME,
    @EndDate  DATETIME 
returns INT AS
  DECLARE @tempStartDate     DATETIME= @StartDate;
  DECLARE @tempEndDate       DATETIME = @EndDate;
  IF(@tempStartDate IS NULL
  @tempEndDate IS NULL)
  --To avoid negative values reverse the date if StartDate is grater than EndDate
  IF(@StartDate > @EndDate)
    SET @StartDate = @tempEndDate;
    SET @EndDate = @tempStartDate;

  DECLARE @Counter           INT = Datediff(day,@StartDate ,@EndDate);
  DECLARE @TempCounter       INT = 0;
  DECLARE @TotalBusinessDays INT = 0;

  WHILE @Counter >= 0
    IF(@TempCounter > 0 OR @Counter = 1) -- To ignore first day's calculation
        SET @TotalBusinessDays = @TotalBusinessDays + Iif(Datename(dw, Dateadd(day,@TempCounter,@StartDate)) IN('Monday',

    SET @Counter = @Counter - 1
    SET @TempCounter = @TempCounter +1
  RETURN @TotalBusinessDays;

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?

Update (May 14, 2010):

It turns out, the russian developer Ilya Konyukhov picked up the gauntlet after reading this and created a new auth library for CI based on DX Auth, following the recommendations and requirements below.

And the resulting Tank Auth is looking like the answer to the OP's question. I'm going to go out on a limb here and call Tank Auth the best authentication library for CodeIgniter available today. It's a rock-solid library that has all the features you need and none of the bloat you don't:

Tank Auth


  • Full featured
  • Lean footprint (20 files) considering the feature set
  • Very good documentation
  • Simple and elegant database design (just 4 DB tables)
  • Most features are optional and easily configured
  • Language file support
  • reCAPTCHA supported
  • Hooks into CI's validation system
  • Activation emails
  • Login with email, username or both (configurable)
  • Unactivated accounts auto-expire
  • Simple yet effective error handling
  • Uses phpass for hashing (and also hashes autologin codes in the DB)
  • Does not use security questions
  • Separation of user and profile data is very nice
  • Very reasonable security model around failed login attempts (good protection against bots and DoS attacks)

(Minor) Cons

  • Lost password codes are not hashed in DB
  • Includes a native (poor) CAPTCHA, which is nice for those who don't want to depend on the (Google-owned) reCAPTCHA service, but it really isn't secure enough
  • Very sparse online documentation (minor issue here, since the code is nicely documented and intuitive)

Download Tank Auth here

Original answer:

I've implemented my own as well (currently about 80% done after a few weeks of work). I tried all of the others first; FreakAuth Light, DX Auth, Redux, SimpleLogin, SimpleLoginSecure, pc_user, Fresh Powered, and a few more. None of them were up to par, IMO, either they were lacking basic features, inherently INsecure, or too bloated for my taste.

Actually, I did a detailed roundup of all the authentication libraries for CodeIgniter when I was testing them out (just after New Year's). FWIW, I'll share it with you:

DX Auth


  • Very full featured
  • Medium footprint (25+ files), but manages to feel quite slim
  • Excellent documentation, although some is in slightly broken English
  • Language file support
  • reCAPTCHA supported
  • Hooks into CI's validation system
  • Activation emails
  • Unactivated accounts auto-expire
  • Suggests for salts (not bad for a PRNG)
  • Banning with stored 'reason' strings
  • Simple yet effective error handling


  • Only lets users 'reset' a lost password (rather than letting them pick a new one upon reactivation)
  • Homebrew pseudo-event model - good intention, but misses the mark
  • Two password fields in the user table, bad style
  • Uses two separate user tables (one for 'temp' users - ambiguous and redundant)
  • Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing
  • Failed login attempts only stored by IP, not by username - unsafe!
  • Autologin key not hashed in the database - practically as unsafe as storing passwords in cleartext!
  • Role system is a complete mess: is_admin function with hard-coded role names, is_role a complete mess, check_uri_permissions is a mess, the whole permissions table is a bad idea (a URI can change and render pages unprotected; permissions should always be stored exactly where the sensitive logic is). Dealbreaker!
  • Includes a native (poor) CAPTCHA
  • reCAPTCHA function interface is messy

FreakAuth Light


  • Very full featured
  • Mostly quite well documented code
  • Separation of user and profile data is a nice touch
  • Hooks into CI's validation system
  • Activation emails
  • Language file support
  • Actively developed


  • Feels a bit bloated (50+ files)
  • And yet it lacks automatic cookie login (!)
  • Doesn't support logins with both username and email
  • Seems to have issues with UTF-8 characters
  • Requires a lot of autoloading (impeding performance)
  • Badly micromanaged config file
  • Terrible View-Controller separation, with lots of program logic in views and output hard-coded into controllers. Dealbreaker!
  • Poor HTML code in the included views
  • Includes substandard CAPTCHA
  • Commented debug echoes everywhere
  • Forces a specific folder structure
  • Forces a specific Ajax library (can be switched, but shouldn't be there in the first place)
  • No max limit on login attempts - VERY unsafe! Dealbreaker!
  • Hijacks form validation
  • Uses potentially unsafe md5 hashing



  • Good feature set for its tiny footprint
  • Lightweight, no bloat (3 files)
  • Elegant automatic cookie login
  • Comes with optional test implementation (nice touch)


  • Uses the old CI database syntax (less safe)
  • Doesn't hook into CI's validation system
  • Kinda unintuitive status (role) system (indexes upside down - impractical)
  • Uses potentially unsafe sha1 hashing

Fresh Powered


  • Small footprint (6 files)


  • Lacks a lot of essential features. Dealbreaker!
  • Everything is hard-coded. Dealbreaker!

Redux / Ion Auth

According to the CodeIgniter wiki, Redux has been discontinued, but the Ion Auth fork is going strong:

Ion Auth is a well featured library without it being overly heavy or under advanced. In most cases its feature set will more than cater for a project's requirements.


  • Lightweight and simple to integrate with CodeIgniter
  • Supports sending emails directly from the library
  • Well documented online and good active dev/user community
  • Simple to implement into a project


  • More complex DB schema than some others
  • Documentation lacks detail in some areas



  • Tiny footprint (4 files)
  • Minimalistic, absolutely no bloat
  • Uses phpass for hashing (excellent)


  • Only login, logout, create and delete
  • Lacks a lot of essential features. Dealbreaker!
  • More of a starting point than a library

Don't get me wrong: I don't mean to disrespect any of the above libraries; I am very impressed with what their developers have accomplished and how far each of them have come, and I'm not above reusing some of their code to build my own. What I'm saying is, sometimes in these projects, the focus shifts from the essential 'need-to-haves' (such as hard security practices) over to softer 'nice-to-haves', and that's what I hope to remedy.

Therefore: back to basics.

Authentication for CodeIgniter done right

Here's my MINIMAL required list of features from an authentication library. It also happens to be a subset of my own library's feature list ;)

  1. Tiny footprint with optional test implementation
  2. Full documentation
  3. No autoloading required. Just-in-time loading of libraries for performance
  4. Language file support; no hard-coded strings
  5. reCAPTCHA supported but optional
  6. Recommended TRUE random salt generation (e.g. using or
  7. Optional add-ons to support 3rd party login (OpenID, Facebook Connect, Google Account, etc.)
  8. Login using either username or email
  9. Separation of user and profile data
  10. Emails for activation and lost passwords
  11. Automatic cookie login feature
  12. Configurable phpass for hashing (properly salted of course!)
  13. Hashing of passwords
  14. Hashing of autologin codes
  15. Hashing of lost password codes
  16. Hooks into CI's validation system
  17. NO security questions!
  18. Enforced strong password policy server-side, with optional client-side (Javascript) validator
  19. Enforced maximum number of failed login attempts with BEST PRACTICES countermeasures against both dictionary and DoS attacks!
  20. All database access done through prepared (bound) statements!

Note: those last few points are not super-high-security overkill that you don't need for your web application. If an authentication library doesn't meet these security standards 100%, DO NOT USE IT!

Recent high-profile examples of irresponsible coders who left them out of their software: #17 is how Sarah Palin's AOL email was hacked during the Presidential campaign; a nasty combination of #18 and #19 were the culprit recently when the Twitter accounts of Britney Spears, Barack Obama, Fox News and others were hacked; and #20 alone is how Chinese hackers managed to steal 9 million items of personal information from more than 70.000 Korean web sites in one automated hack in 2008.

These attacks are not brain surgery. If you leave your back doors wide open, you shouldn't delude yourself into a false sense of security by bolting the front. Moreover, if you're serious enough about coding to choose a best-practices framework like CodeIgniter, you owe it to yourself to at least get the most basic security measures done right.


Basically, here's how it is: I don't care if an auth library offers a bunch of features, advanced role management, PHP4 compatibility, pretty CAPTCHA fonts, country tables, complete admin panels, bells and whistles -- if the library actually makes my site less secure by not following best practices. It's an authentication package; it needs to do ONE thing right: Authentication. If it fails to do that, it's actually doing more harm than good.


/Jens Roland

How do I create a self-signed certificate for code signing on Windows?

Updated Answer

If you are using the following Windows versions or later: Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows 8.1 then MakeCert is now deprecated, and Microsoft recommends using the PowerShell Cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate.

If you're using an older version such as Windows 7, you'll need to stick with MakeCert or another solution. Some people suggest the Public Key Infrastructure Powershell (PSPKI) Module.

Original Answer

While you can create a self-signed code-signing certificate (SPC - Software Publisher Certificate) in one go, I prefer to do the following:

Creating a self-signed certificate authority (CA)

makecert -r -pe -n "CN=My CA" -ss CA -sr CurrentUser ^
         -a sha256 -cy authority -sky signature -sv MyCA.pvk MyCA.cer

(^ = allow batch command-line to wrap line)

This creates a self-signed (-r) certificate, with an exportable private key (-pe). It's named "My CA", and should be put in the CA store for the current user. We're using the SHA-256 algorithm. The key is meant for signing (-sky).

The private key should be stored in the MyCA.pvk file, and the certificate in the MyCA.cer file.

Importing the CA certificate

Because there's no point in having a CA certificate if you don't trust it, you'll need to import it into the Windows certificate store. You can use the Certificates MMC snapin, but from the command line:

certutil -user -addstore Root MyCA.cer

Creating a code-signing certificate (SPC)

makecert -pe -n "CN=My SPC" -a sha256 -cy end ^
         -sky signature ^
         -ic MyCA.cer -iv MyCA.pvk ^
         -sv MySPC.pvk MySPC.cer

It is pretty much the same as above, but we're providing an issuer key and certificate (the -ic and -iv switches).

We'll also want to convert the certificate and key into a PFX file:

pvk2pfx -pvk MySPC.pvk -spc MySPC.cer -pfx MySPC.pfx

If you want to protect the PFX file, add the -po switch, otherwise PVK2PFX creates a PFX file with no passphrase.

Using the certificate for signing code

signtool sign /v /f MySPC.pfx ^
              /t http://timestamp.url MyExecutable.exe

(See why timestamps may matter)

If you import the PFX file into the certificate store (you can use PVKIMPRT or the MMC snapin), you can sign code as follows:

signtool sign /v /n "Me" /s SPC ^
              /t http://timestamp.url MyExecutable.exe

Some possible timestamp URLs for signtool /t are:


Full Microsoft documentation


For those who are not .NET developers, you will need a copy of the Windows SDK and .NET framework. A current link is available here: SDK & .NET (which installs makecert in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1). Your mileage may vary.

MakeCert is available from the Visual Studio Command Prompt. Visual Studio 2015 does have it, and it can be launched from the Start Menu in Windows 7 under "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2015" or "VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt" (probably all of them in the same folder).

How to use '-prune' option of 'find' in sh?

Beware that -prune does not prevent descending into any directory as some have said. It prevents descending into directories that match the test it's applied to. Perhaps some examples will help (see the bottom for a regex example). Sorry for this being so lengthy.

$ find . -printf "%y %p\n"    # print the file type the first time FYI
d .
f ./test
d ./dir1
d ./dir1/test
f ./dir1/test/file
f ./dir1/test/test
d ./dir1/scripts
f ./dir1/scripts/
f ./dir1/scripts/
f ./dir1/scripts/
d ./dir2
d ./dir2/test
f ./dir2/test/file
f ./dir2/test/
f ./dir2/test/

$ find . -name test

$ find . -prune

$ find . -name test -prune

$ find . -name test -prune -o -print

$ find . -regex ".*/my.*p.$"

$ find . -name test -prune -regex ".*/my.*p.$"
(no results)

$ find . -name test -prune -o -regex ".*/my.*p.$"

$ find . -regex ".*/my.*p.$" -a -not -regex ".*test.*"

$ find . -not -regex ".*test.*"                   .

Handling JSON Post Request in Go

I like to define custom structs locally. So:

// my handler func
func addImage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    // define custom type
    type Input struct {
        Url        string  `json:"url"`
        Name       string  `json:"name"`
        Priority   int8    `json:"priority"`

    // define a var 
    var input Input

    // decode input or return error
    err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&input)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Decode error! please check your JSON formating.")

    // print user inputs
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "Inputed name: %s", input.Name)


No Application Encryption Key Has Been Specified

In 3 steps:

Generate new key php artisan key:generate

Clear the config php artisan config:clear

Update cache php artisan config:cache

How To Set A JS object property name from a variable

var jsonVariable = {};
for(var i=1; i < 3; i++) {
  jsonVariable[i + 'name'] = 'name' + i;        

How to Clear Console in Java?

Use the following code:


'\f' is an escape sequence which represents FormFeed. This is what I have used in my projects to clear the console. This is simpler than the other codes, I guess.

How to check type of files without extensions in python?

There are Python libraries that can recognize files based on their content (usually a header / magic number) and that don't rely on the file name or extension.

If you're addressing many different file types, you can use python-magic. That's just a Python binding for the well-established magic library. This has a good reputation and (small endorsement) in the limited use I've made of it, it has been solid.

There are also libraries for more specialized file types. For example, the Python standard library has the imghdr module that does the same thing just for image file types.

If you need dependency-free (pure Python) file type checking, see filetype.

Egit rejected non-fast-forward

  1. Go in Github an create a repo for your new code.
  2. Use the new https or ssh url in Eclise when you are doing the push to upstream;

Console app arguments, how arguments are passed to Main method

in visual studio you can also do like that to pass simply or avoiding from comandline argument

 static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args == null)
            Console.WriteLine("args is null"); // Check for null array
            args=new string[2];
            args[0] = "welcome in";
            args[1] = "";
            Console.Write("args length is ");
            Console.WriteLine(args.Length); // Write array length
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) // Loop through array
                string argument = args[i];
                Console.Write("args index ");
                Console.Write(i); // Write index
                Console.Write(" is [");
                Console.Write(argument); // Write string

"git rm --cached x" vs "git reset head --? x"?

Perhaps an example will help:

git rm --cached asd
git commit -m "the file asd is gone from the repository"


git reset HEAD -- asd
git commit -m "the file asd remains in the repository"

Note that if you haven't changed anything else, the second commit won't actually do anything.

When & why to use delegates?

Delegates are extremely useful when wanting to declare a block of code that you want to pass around. For example when using a generic retry mechanism.


function Retry(Delegate func, int numberOfTimes)
    catch { if(numberOfTimes blabla) func.Invoke(); etc. etc. }

Or when you want to do late evaluation of code blocks, like a function where you have some Transform action, and want to have a BeforeTransform and an AfterTransform action that you can evaluate within your Transform function, without having to know whether the BeginTransform is filled, or what it has to transform.

And of course when creating event handlers. You don't want to evaluate the code now, but only when needed, so you register a delegate that can be invoked when the event occurs.

How to keep a VMWare VM's clock in sync?

In Active Directory environment, it's important to know:

  • All member machines synchronizes with any domain controller.

  • In a domain, all domain controllers synchronize from the PDC Emulator (PDCe) of that domain.

  • The PDC Emulator of a domain should synchronize with local or NTP.

It's important to consider this when setting the time in vmware or configuring the time sync.

Extracted from:

Right align and left align text in same HTML table cell

If you want them on separate lines do what Balon said. If you want them on the same lines, do:

  <div style="float:left;width:50%;">this is left</div>
  <div style="float:right;width:50%;">this is right</div>

how to set default method argument values?

No. Java doesn't support default parameters like C++. You need to define a different method:

public int doSomething()
   return doSomething(value1, value2);

Trying to mock, but not working

The easiest way for me is doing this:

import datetime
from unittest.mock import Mock, patch

def test():
    datetime_mock = Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime) = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1)
    with patch('datetime.datetime', new=datetime_mock):
        assert == datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1)

CAUTION for this solution: all functionality from datetime module from the target_module will stop working.

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect()

I am using IIS and mysql (directly downloaded, without wamp or xampp) My php was installed in c:\php I was getting the error of "call to undefined function mysql_connect()" For me the change of extension_dir worked. This is what I did. In the php.ini, Originally, I had this line

; On windows: extension_dir = "ext"

I changed it to:

; On windows: extension_dir = "C:\php\ext"

And it worked. Of course, I did the other things also like uncommenting the dll extensions etc, as explained in others remarks.

Semaphore vs. Monitors - what's the difference?

A Monitor is an object designed to be accessed from multiple threads. The member functions or methods of a monitor object will enforce mutual exclusion, so only one thread may be performing any action on the object at a given time. If one thread is currently executing a member function of the object then any other thread that tries to call a member function of that object will have to wait until the first has finished.

A Semaphore is a lower-level object. You might well use a semaphore to implement a monitor. A semaphore essentially is just a counter. When the counter is positive, if a thread tries to acquire the semaphore then it is allowed, and the counter is decremented. When a thread is done then it releases the semaphore, and increments the counter.

If the counter is already zero when a thread tries to acquire the semaphore then it has to wait until another thread releases the semaphore. If multiple threads are waiting when a thread releases a semaphore then one of them gets it. The thread that releases a semaphore need not be the same thread that acquired it.

A monitor is like a public toilet. Only one person can enter at a time. They lock the door to prevent anyone else coming in, do their stuff, and then unlock it when they leave.

A semaphore is like a bike hire place. They have a certain number of bikes. If you try and hire a bike and they have one free then you can take it, otherwise you must wait. When someone returns their bike then someone else can take it. If you have a bike then you can give it to someone else to return --- the bike hire place doesn't care who returns it, as long as they get their bike back.

Build a simple HTTP server in C

Open a TCP socket on port 80, start listening for new connections, implement this. Depending on your purposes, you can ignore almost everything. At the easiest, you can send the same response for every request, which just involves writing text to the socket.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". in a Maven Project



slf4j-log4j12 is the log4j binding for slf4j you dont need to add another log4j dependency.

Provide the log4j configuration in and add it to your class path. There are sample configurations here

or you can change your binding to


if you are configuring slf4j due to some dependencies requiring it.

Counting number of lines, words, and characters in a text file

while(in.hasNextLine())  {
        String line = in.nextLine();
        for(int i=0;i<line.length();i++)
            if(line.charAt(i)!=' ' && line.charAt(i)!='\n')
        chars ++;
        words += new StringTokenizer(line, " ,;:.").countTokens();

How to extract svg as file from web page

Here's a three step solution:

  1. Copy the SVG code snippet, and paste it into a new HTML page.
  2. Save the HTML page as (for example) "logo.html", and then open that HTML page in Chrome hitting > File > Print > "Save as pdf"
  3. This PDF can now be opened in Illustrator - extracting the vector element.

How to add parameters to a HTTP GET request in Android?

If you have constant URL I recommend use simplified http-request built on apache http.

You can build your client as following:

private filan static HttpRequest<YourResponseType> httpRequest = 

public void send(){
    ResponseHendler<YourResponseType> rh = 
         httpRequest.execute(param1, value1, param2, value2);


public void whenSuccess(ResponseHendler<YourResponseType> rh){
     rh.ifHasContent(content -> // your code);

public void whenSuccess(ResponseHendler<YourResponseType> rh){
   LOGGER.error("Status code: " + rh.getStatusCode() + ", Error msg: " + rh.getErrorText());

Note: There are many useful methods to manipulate your response.

python: how to send mail with TO, CC and BCC?

Email headers don't matter to the smtp server. Just add the CC and BCC recipients to the toaddrs when you send your email. For CC, add them to the CC header.

toaddr = '[email protected]'
cc = ['[email protected]','[email protected]']
bcc = ['[email protected]']
fromaddr = '[email protected]'
message_subject = "disturbance in sector 7"
message_text = "Three are dead in an attack in the sewers below sector 7."
message = "From: %s\r\n" % fromaddr
        + "To: %s\r\n" % toaddr
        + "CC: %s\r\n" % ",".join(cc)
        + "Subject: %s\r\n" % message_subject
        + "\r\n" 
        + message_text
toaddrs = [toaddr] + cc + bcc
server = smtplib.SMTP('')
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddrs, message)

how concatenate two variables in batch script?

You can do it without setlocal, because of the setlocal command the variable won't survive an endlocal because it was created in setlocal. In this way the variable will be defined the right way.

To do that use this code:

set var1=A

set var2=B

set AB=hi

call set newvar=%%%var1%%var2%%%

echo %newvar% 

Note: You MUST use call before you set the variable or it won't work.

How can I access getSupportFragmentManager() in a fragment?

You can simply access like

Context mContext;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
                             @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

mContext = getActivity();


and then use

FragmentManager fm = ((FragmentActivity) mContext)

CardView not showing Shadow in Android L

check hardwareAccelerated in manifest make it true , making it false removes shadows , when false shadow appears in xml preview but not in phone .

How to POST using HTTPclient content type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded

var nvc = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();
nvc.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Input1", "TEST2"));
nvc.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>("Input2", "TEST2"));
var client = new HttpClient();
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url) { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(nvc) };
var res = await client.SendAsync(req);


var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>();
dict.Add("Input1", "TEST2");
dict.Add("Input2", "TEST2");
var client = new HttpClient();
var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url) { Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(dict) };
var res = await client.SendAsync(req);

How can I get file extensions with JavaScript?

There's also a simple approach using ES6 destructuring:

const path = ''
const [extension, ...nameParts] = path.split('.').reverse();
console.log('extension:', extension);

Is there a Max function in SQL Server that takes two values like Math.Max in .NET?

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnMax] (@p1 INT, @p2 INT)

    DECLARE @Result INT

    SET @p2 = COALESCE(@p2, @p1)

        @Result = (
                    CASE WHEN @p1 > @p2 THEN @p1
                         ELSE @p2

    RETURN @Result


'method' object is not subscriptable. Don't know what's wrong

You need to use parentheses: myList.insert([1, 2, 3]). When you leave out the parentheses, python thinks you are trying to access myList.insert at position 1, 2, 3, because that's what brackets are used for when they are right next to a variable.

:last-child not working as expected?

:last-child will not work if the element is not the VERY LAST element

In addition to Harry's answer, I think it's crucial to add/emphasize that :last-child will not work if the element is not the VERY LAST element in a container. For whatever reason it took me hours to realize that, and even though Harry's answer is very thorough I couldn't extract that information from "The last-child selector is used to select the last child element of a parent."

Suppose this is my selector: a:last-child {}

This works:

    <a>This will be selected</a>

This doesn't:

    <a>This will no longer be selected</a>
    <div>This is now the last child :'( </div>

It doesn't because the a element is not the last element inside its parent.

It may be obvious, but it was not for me...

Javascript isnull

return (results||0) && results[1] || 0;

The && operator acts as guard and returns the 0 if results if falsy and return the rightmost part if truthy.

Global Git ignore

If you're using VSCODE, you can get this extension to handle the task for you. It watches your workspace each time you save your work and helps you to automatically ignore the files and folders you specified in your vscode settings.json ignoreit (vscode extension)

msvcr110.dll is missing from computer error while installing PHP

I am on a 64 bit system, and I only got this to work after installing both the 32 and 64 bit versions of the redistributable. I did not try the 64 bit version by itself due to the other posters' warnings about using the 32 bit version (and am too lazy to uninstall the 32 bit version now that I have it working), so I don't know if the 32 bit version is needed or not in cases like mine.

refresh both the External data source and pivot tables together within a time schedule

I found this solution online, and it addressed this pretty well. My only concern is looping through all the pivots and queries might become time consuming if there's a lot of them:

Sub RefreshTables()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim objList As ListObject
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each objList In ws.ListObjects
        If objList.SourceType = 3 Then
            With objList.QueryTable
                .BackgroundQuery = False
            End With
        End If
    Next objList
Next ws

Call UpdateAllPivots

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Sub UpdateAllPivots()
Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim ws As Worksheet

For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each pt In ws.PivotTables
    Next pt
Next ws

End Sub

create array from mysql query php

You may want to go look at the SQL Injection article on Wikipedia. Look under the "Hexadecimal Conversion" part to find a small function to do your SQL commands and return an array with the information in it.

I wrote the dosql() function because I got tired of having my SQL commands executing all over the place, forgetting to check for errors, and being able to log all of my commands to a log file for later viewing if need be. The routine is free for whoever wants to use it for whatever purpose. I actually have expanded on the function a bit because I wanted it to do more but this basic function is a good starting point for getting the output back from an SQL call.

What to put in a python module docstring?

Think about somebody doing help(yourmodule) at the interactive interpreter's prompt — what do they want to know? (Other methods of extracting and displaying the information are roughly equivalent to help in terms of amount of information). So if you have in

"""This module does blah blah."""

class Blah(object):
  """This class does blah blah."""


>>> import x; help(x)


Help on module x:

    x - This module does blah blah.



    class Blah(__builtin__.object)
     |  This class does blah blah.
     |  Data and other attributes defined here:
     |  __dict__ = <dictproxy object>
     |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
     |  __weakref__ = <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Blah' objects>
     |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)

As you see, the detailed information on the classes (and functions too, though I'm not showing one here) is already included from those components' docstrings; the module's own docstring should describe them very summarily (if at all) and rather concentrate on a concise summary of what the module as a whole can do for you, ideally with some doctested examples (just like functions and classes ideally should have doctested examples in their docstrings).

I don't see how metadata such as author name and copyright / license helps the module's user — it can rather go in comments, since it could help somebody considering whether or not to reuse or modify the module.

Paste text on Android Emulator

Write command: adb devices (it will list the device currently connected) Select Textbox where you want to write text. Write command: adb shell input text "Yourtext" (make sure only one device is connected to run this command) Done!

Kotlin Ternary Conditional Operator

You can use var a= if (a) b else c in place of the ternary operator.

Another good concept of kotlin is Elvis operater. You don't need to check null every time.

val l = b?.length ?: -1

This will return length if b is not null otherwise it executes right side statement.

Android Layout Right Align

To support older version Space can be replaced with View as below. Add this view between after left most component and before right most component. This view with weight=1 will stretch and fill the space

        android:layout_weight="1" />

Complete sample code is given here. It has has 4 components. Two arrows will be on the right and left side. The Text and Spinner will be in the middle.

        android:src="@drawable/prev" />

        android:layout_weight="1" />

        android:textSize="25sp" />

        android:textSize="25sp" />

        android:layout_weight="1" />

        android:src="@drawable/next" />

AJAX jQuery refresh div every 5 seconds

<script type="text/javascript">

function refreshTable(){
    $('#tableHolder').load('getTable.php', function(){
       setTimeout(refreshTable, 5000);

HTTP Error 404 when running Tomcat from Eclipse

Eclipse forgets to copy the default apps (ROOT, examples, etc.) when it creates a Tomcat folder inside the Eclipse workspace. Go to C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.34\webapps, R-click on the ROOT folder and copy it. Then go to your Eclipse workspace, go to the .metadata folder, and search for "wtpwebapps". You should find something like your-eclipse-workspace.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps (or .../tmp1/wtpwebapps if you already had another server registered in Eclipse). Go to the wtpwebapps folder, R-click, and paste ROOT (say "yes" if asked if you want to merge/replace folders/files). Then reload http://localhost/ to see the Tomcat welcome page.

How to make div appear in front of another?

The black div will display the full 500px unless overflow:hidden is set on the 100px li not found error

For me it worked after manually copying the sqljdbc4-2.jar into WEB-INF/lib folder. So please have a try on this too.

Changing background color of text box input not working when empty

You could have the CSS first style the textbox, then have js change it:

<input type="text" style="background-color: yellow;" id="subEmail" />


function changeColor() {
  document.getElementById("subEmail").style.backgroundColor = "Insert color here"

C# Set collection?

I use Iesi.Collections

It's used in lot of OSS projects, I first came across it in NHibernate

Sending and receiving data over a network using TcpClient

First of all, TCP does not guarantee that everything that you send will be received with the same read at the other end. It only guarantees that all bytes that you send will arrive and in the correct order.

Therefore, you will need to keep building up a buffer when reading from the stream. You will also have to know how large each message is.

The simplest ever is to use a non-typeable ASCII character to mark the end of the packet and look for it in the received data.

Is it possible to pass parameters programmatically in a Microsoft Access update query?

Many thanks for the information about using the QueryDefs collection! I have been wondering about this for a while.

I did it a different way, without using VBA, by using a table containing the query parameters.


SELECT a_table.a_field 
FROM QueryParameters, a_table 
WHERE a_table.a_field BETWEEN QueryParameters.a_field_min 
AND QueryParameters.a_field_max

Where QueryParameters is a table with two fields, a_field_min and a_field_max

It can even be used with GROUP BY, if you include the query parameter fields in the GROUP BY clause, and the FIRST operator on the parameter fields in the HAVING clause.


I think that CONTAINS took longer and used Merge because you had a dash("-") in your query

The dash is a break word so the CONTAINS searched the full-text index for adventure and than it searched for and merged the results.

Python RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long scalars

Here's an example which issues the same warning:

import numpy as np
A = np.array([10])


RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in long_scalars

In the example above it happens because a is of dtype int32, and the maximim value storable in an int32 is 2**31-1. Since 10**10 > 2**32-1, the exponentiation results in a number that is bigger than that which can be stored in an int32.

Note that you can not rely on np.seterr(all='warn') to catch all overflow errors in numpy. For example, on 32-bit NumPy

>>> np.multiply.reduce(np.arange(21)+1)

while on 64-bit NumPy:

>>> np.multiply.reduce(np.arange(21)+1)

Both fail without any warning, although it is also due to an overflow error. The correct answer is that 21! equals

In [47]: import math

In [48]: math.factorial(21)
Out[50]: 51090942171709440000L

According to numpy developer, Robert Kern,

Unlike true floating point errors (where the hardware FPU sets a flag whenever it does an atomic operation that overflows), we need to implement the integer overflow detection ourselves. We do it on the scalars, but not arrays because it would be too slow to implement for every atomic operation on arrays.

So the burden is on you to choose appropriate dtypes so that no operation overflows.

Check that Field Exists with MongoDB

db.<COLLECTION NAME>.find({ "<FIELD NAME>": { $exists: true, $ne: null } })

Converting a JS object to an array using jQuery

The solving is very simple

var my_obj = {1:[Array-Data], 2:[Array-Data]}
    return my_obj[property_name]; 

How to execute Table valued function

You can execute it just as you select a table using SELECT clause. In addition you can provide parameters within parentheses.

Try with below syntax:

SELECT * FROM yourFunctionName(parameter1, parameter2)

Search for all occurrences of a string in a mysql database

I can't remember where I came across this script, but I've been using it with XCloner to move my WP multisites.


    // Setup the associative array for replacing the old string with new string
    $replace_array = array( 'FIND' => 'REPLACE', 'FIND' => 'REPLACE');

    $mysql_link = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD' );
    if( ! $mysql_link) {
        die( 'Could not connect: ' . mysql_error() );

    $mysql_db = mysql_select_db( 'DATABASE', $mysql_link );
    if(! $mysql_db ) {
        die( 'Can\'t select database: ' . mysql_error() );

    // Traverse all tables
    $tables_query = 'SHOW TABLES';
    $tables_result = mysql_query( $tables_query );
    while( $tables_rows = mysql_fetch_row( $tables_result ) ) {
        foreach( $tables_rows as $table ) {

            // Traverse all columns
            $columns_query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM ' . $table;
            $columns_result = mysql_query( $columns_query );
            while( $columns_row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $columns_result ) ) {

                $column = $columns_row['Field'];
                $type = $columns_row['Type'];

                // Process only text-based columns
                if( strpos( $type, 'char' ) !== false || strpos( $type, 'text' ) !== false ) {
                    // Process all replacements for the specific column                    
                    foreach( $replace_array as $old_string => $new_string ) {
                        $replace_query = 'UPDATE ' . $table . 
                            ' SET ' .  $column . ' = REPLACE(' . $column . 
                            ', \'' . $old_string . '\', \'' . $new_string . '\')';
                        mysql_query( $replace_query );

    mysql_free_result( $columns_result );
    mysql_free_result( $tables_result );
    mysql_close( $mysql_link );

    echo 'Done!';


How do I run a Python program?

Python itself comes with an editor that you can access from the IDLE File > New File menu option.

Write the code in that file, save it as [filename].py and then (in that same file editor window) press F5 to execute the code you created in the IDLE Shell window.

Note: it's just been the easiest and most straightforward way for me so far.

ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 536

So, @Vivek has got the solution to the problem through a dialogue in the Comments rather than through an actual answer.

"The file is being created by user oracle just noticed this in our development database. i'm getting this error because, the directory where i try to create the file doesn't have write access for others and user oracle comes under others category. "

Who says SO is a Q&A site not a forum? Er, me, amongst others. Anyway, in the absence of an accepted answer to this question I proffer a link to an answer of mine on the topic of UTL_FILE.FOPEN(). Find it here.

P.S. I'm marking this answer Community Wiki, because it's not a proper answer to this question, just a redirect to somewhere else.

How to select the comparison of two columns as one column in Oracle

If you want to consider null values equality too, try the following

select column1, column2, 
      when column1 is NULL and column2 is NULL then 'true'  
      when column1=column2 then 'true' 
      else 'false' 
from table;

How to limit the number of dropzone.js files uploaded?

You can limit the number of files uploaded by changing in dropezone.js

Dropzone.prototype.defaultOptions = { maxFiles: 10, }

How can I check if a Perl module is installed on my system from the command line?

If you're running ActivePerl under Windows:

  • C:\>ppm query * to get a list of all installed modules

  • C:\>ppm query XML-Simple to check if XML::Simple is installed

Laravel 5.5 ajax call 419 (unknown status)

Use this in the head section:

<meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}">

and get the csrf token in ajax:

  headers: {
    'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')

Please refer Laravel Documentation csrf_token

Form content type for a json HTTP POST?


is used when you want to upload files to the server. Please check this article for details.

Prevent line-break of span element

white-space: nowrap is the correct solution but it will prevent any break in a line. If you only want to prevent line breaks between two elements it gets a bit more complicated:

    <span class="text">Some text</span>
    <span class="icon"></span>

To prevent breaks between the spans but to allow breaks between "Some" and "text" can be done by:

p {
    white-space: nowrap;

.text {
    white-space: normal;

That's good enough for Firefox. In Chrome you additionally need to replace the whitespace between the spans with an &nbsp;. (Removing the whitespace doesn't work.)

warning about too many open figures

Here's a bit more detail to expand on Hooked's answer. When I first read that answer, I missed the instruction to call clf() instead of creating a new figure. clf() on its own doesn't help if you then go and create another figure.

Here's a trivial example that causes the warning:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, patches
import os

def main():
    path = 'figures'
    for i in range(21):
        _fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        x = range(3*i)
        y = [n*n for n in x]
        ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy=(i, 1), width=i, height=10))
        plt.step(x, y, linewidth=2, where='mid')
        figname = 'fig_{}.png'.format(i)
        dest = os.path.join(path, figname)
        plt.savefig(dest)  # write image to file


To avoid the warning, I have to pull the call to subplots() outside the loop. In order to keep seeing the rectangles, I need to switch clf() to cla(). That clears the axis without removing the axis itself.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, patches
import os

def main():
    path = 'figures'
    _fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    for i in range(21):
        x = range(3*i)
        y = [n*n for n in x]
        ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy=(i, 1), width=i, height=10))
        plt.step(x, y, linewidth=2, where='mid')
        figname = 'fig_{}.png'.format(i)
        dest = os.path.join(path, figname)
        plt.savefig(dest)  # write image to file


If you're generating plots in batches, you might have to use both cla() and close(). I ran into a problem where a batch could have more than 20 plots without complaining, but it would complain after 20 batches. I fixed that by using cla() after each plot, and close() after each batch.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, patches
import os

def main():
    for i in range(21):
        print('Batch {}'.format(i))

def make_plots(path):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    for i in range(21):
        x = range(3 * i)
        y = [n * n for n in x]
        ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(xy=(i, 1), width=i, height=10))
        plt.step(x, y, linewidth=2, where='mid')
        figname = 'fig_{}.png'.format(i)
        dest = os.path.join(path, figname)
        plt.savefig(dest)  # write image to file


I measured the performance to see if it was worth reusing the figure within a batch, and this little sample program slowed from 41s to 49s (20% slower) when I just called close() after every plot.

Entity Framework code-first: migration fails with update-database, forces unneccessary(?) add-migration

for me i solved it like the following In Visual Studio 2015 : From View menu click Other Windows then click Package Manager Console then run the following commands :

PM> enable-migrations

Migrations have already been enabled in project 'mvcproject'. To overwrite the existing migrations configuration, use the -Force parameter.

PM> enable-migrations -Force

Checking if the context targets an existing database... Code First Migrations enabled for project mvcproject.

then add the migration name under the migration folder it will add the class you need in Solution Explorer by run the following command

PM>Add-migration AddColumnUser

Finally update the database

PM> update-database 

Is not required for packages in Python 3.3+


@Mike's answer is correct but too imprecise. It is true that Python 3.3+ supports Implicit Namespace Packages that allows it to create a package without an file. This is called a namespace package in contrast to a regular package which does have an file (empty or not empty).

However, creating a namespace package should ONLY be done if there is a need for it. For most use cases and developers out there, this doesn't apply so you should stick with EMPTY files regardless.

Namespace package use case

To demonstrate the difference between the two types of python packages, lets look at the following example:

google_pubsub/              <- Package 1
    google/                 <- Namespace package (there is no
        cloud/              <- Namespace package (there is no
            pubsub/         <- Regular package (with
       <- Required to make the package a regular package

google_storage/             <- Package 2
    google/                 <- Namespace package (there is no
        cloud/              <- Namespace package (there is no
            storage/        <- Regular package (with
       <- Required to make the package a regular package

google_pubsub and google_storage are separate packages but they share the same namespace google/cloud. In order to share the same namespace, it is required to make each directory of the common path a namespace package, i.e. google/ and cloud/. This should be the only use case for creating namespace packages, otherwise, there is no need for it.

It's crucial that there are no __init__py files in the google and google/cloud directories so that both directories can be interpreted as namespace packages. In Python 3.3+ any directory on the sys.path with a name that matches the package name being looked for will be recognized as contributing modules and subpackages to that package. As a result, when you import both from google_pubsub and google_storage, the Python interpreter will be able to find them.

This is different from regular packages which are self-contained meaning all parts live in the same directory hierarchy. When importing a package and the Python interpreter encounters a subdirectory on the sys.path with an file, then it will create a single directory package containing only modules from that directory, rather than finding all appropriately named subdirectories outside that directory. This is perfectly fine for packages that don't want to share a namespace. I highly recommend taking a look at Traps for the Unwary in Python’s Import System to get a better understanding of how Python importing behaves with regular and namespace package and what traps to watch out for.


  • Only skip files if you want to create namespace packages. Only create namespace packages if you have different libraries that reside in different locations and you want them each to contribute a subpackage to the parent package, i.e. the namespace package.
  • Keep on adding empty __init__py to your directories because 99% of the time you just want to create regular packages. Also, Python tools out there such as mypy and pytest require empty files to interpret the code structure accordingly. This can lead to weird errors if not done with care.


My answer only touches the surface of how regular packages and namespace packages work so take a look at the following resources for further information:

Find the line number where a specific word appears with "grep"

Or You can use

   grep -n . file1 |tail -LineNumberToStartWith|grep regEx

This will take care of numbering the lines in the file

   grep -n . file1 

This will print the last-LineNumberToStartWith

   tail -LineNumberToStartWith

And finally it will grep your desired lines(which will include line number as in orignal file)

grep regEX

Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?

I am answering this question late but hope it will help the other candidate facing same problem.

I have used two methods to load thumbnail for videos list the first was

    Bitmap bmThumbnail;
    bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(FILE_PATH
                    + videoList.get(position),

    if (bmThumbnail != null) {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail found");
    } else {
        Log.d("VideoAdapter","video thumbnail not found");

its look good but there was a problem with this solution because when i scroll video list it will freeze some time due to its large processing.

so after this i found another solution which works perfectly by using Glide Library.

            .with( mContext )
            .load( Uri.fromFile( new File( FILE_PATH+videoList.get(position) ) ) )
            .into( holder.imgVideo );

I recommended the later solution for showing thumbnail with video list . thanks

Swap x and y axis without manually swapping values

In Numbers, click on the chart. Then in the BOTTOM LEFT corner there is the the option to either 'Plot Rows as Series'or 'Plot Columns as series'

Track a new remote branch created on GitHub

git fetch
git branch --track branch-name origin/branch-name

First command makes sure you have remote branch in local repository. Second command creates local branch which tracks remote branch. It assumes that your remote name is origin and branch name is branch-name.

--track option is enabled by default for remote branches and you can omit it.

How to read text file in JavaScript

my example


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

    function PreviewText() {
      var oFReader = new FileReader();
      oFReader.onload = function(oFREvent) {
        document.getElementById("uploadTextValue").value =;
        document.getElementById("obj").data =;
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
      $('#viewSource').click(function() {
        var text = $('#uploadTextValue').val();
        //here ajax
  <object width="100%" height="400" data="" id="obj"></object>
    <input type="hidden" id="uploadTextValue" name="uploadTextValue" value="" />
    <input id="uploadText" style="width:120px" type="file" size="10" onchange="PreviewText();" />
  <a href="#" id="viewSource">Source file</a>


Keep CMD open after BAT file executes

I was also confused as to why we're adding a cmd at the beginning and I was wondering if I had to open the command prompt first. What you need to do is type the full command along with cmd /k. For example assume your batch file name is "my_command.bat" which runs the command javac then the code in your batch file should be:

cmd /k javac

So basically there is no need to open command prompt at the current folder and type the above command but you can save this code directly in your batch file and execute it directly.

Python regex findall

Use this pattern,

pattern = '\[P\].+?\[\/P\]'

Check here

Algorithm to find all Latitude Longitude locations within a certain distance from a given Lat Lng location

Based on the current user's latitude, longitude and the distance you wants to find,the sql query is given below.

    SELECT *,(((acos(sin((@latitude*pi()/180)) * sin((Latitude*pi()/180))+cos((@latitude*pi()/180)) * cos((Latitude*pi()/180)) * cos(((@longitude - Longitude)*pi()/180))))*180/pi())*60*1.1515*1.609344) as distance FROM Distances) t
WHERE distance <= @distance

@latitude and @longitude are the latitude and longitude of the point. Latitude and longitude are the columns of distances table. Value of pi is 22/7

How to get only the last part of a path in Python?

I was searching for a solution to get the last foldername where the file is located, I just used split two times, to get the right part. It's not the question but google transfered me here.

pathname = "/folderA/folderB/folderC/folderD/"
head, tail = os.path.split(os.path.split(pathname)[0])
print(head + "   "  + tail)

How do I upload a file with the JS fetch API?

An important note for sending Files with Fetch API

One needs to omit content-type header for the Fetch request. Then the browser will automatically add the Content type header including the Form Boundary which looks like

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=—-WebKitFormBoundaryfgtsKTYLsT7PNUVD

Form boundary is the delimiter for the form data

What is the correct wget command syntax for HTTPS with username and password?

I have found that wget does not properly authenticate with some servers, perhaps because it is only HTTP 1.0 compliant. In such cases, curl (which is HTTP 1.1 compliant) usually does the trick:

curl -o <filename-to-save-as> -u <username>:<password> <url>

How can I tell where mongoDB is storing data? (its not in the default /data/db!)

When you start it up it shows you. But I don't know if it is something you can do or not on your host. If you have access to the command line and can restart the service, you will get something like:

    2016-11-15T12:57:09.182-0500 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
 MongoDB starting : pid=16448 port=27017 dbpath=C:\data\db\ 

How do I center a Bootstrap div with a 'spanX' class?

Twitter's bootstrap .span classes are floated to the left so they won't center by usual means. So, if you want it to center your span simply add float:none to your #main rule.


#main {
 margin:0 auto;

Java Map equivalent in C#

Dictionary<,> is the equivalent. While it doesn't have a Get(...) method, it does have an indexed property called Item which you can access in C# directly using index notation:

class Test {
  Dictionary<int,String> entities;

  public String getEntity(int code) {
    return this.entities[code];

If you want to use a custom key type then you should consider implementing IEquatable<> and overriding Equals(object) and GetHashCode() unless the default (reference or struct) equality is sufficient for determining equality of keys. You should also make your key type immutable to prevent weird things happening if a key is mutated after it has been inserted into a dictionary (e.g. because the mutation caused its hash code to change).

How can I create a dropdown menu from a List in Tkinter?

To create a "drop down menu" you can use OptionMenu in tkinter

Example of a basic OptionMenu:

from Tkinter import *

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set("one") # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, "one", "two", "three")


More information (including the script above) can be found here.

Creating an OptionMenu of the months from a list would be as simple as:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)


In order to retrieve the value the user has selected you can simply use a .get() on the variable that we assigned to the widget, in the below case this is variable:

from tkinter import *

] #etc

master = Tk()

variable = StringVar(master)
variable.set(OPTIONS[0]) # default value

w = OptionMenu(master, variable, *OPTIONS)

def ok():
    print ("value is:" + variable.get())

button = Button(master, text="OK", command=ok)


I would highly recommend reading through this site for further basic tkinter information as the above examples are modified from that site.

Avoid Adding duplicate elements to a List C#

not a good way but kind of quick fix, take a bool to check if in whole list there is any duplicate entry.

bool containsKey;
string newKey;

public void addKey(string newKey)
    foreach (string key in MyKeys)
        if (key == newKey)
            containsKey = true;

    if (!containsKey)
        containsKey = false;

How to fix Git error: object file is empty?

The git object files have gone corrupt (as pointed out in other answers as well). This can happen during machine crashes, etc.

I had the same thing. After reading the other top answers here I found the quickest way to fix the broken git repository with the following commands (execute in the git working directory that contains the .git folder):

(Be sure to back up your git repository folder first!)

find .git/objects/ -type f -empty | xargs rm
git fetch -p
git fsck --full

This will first remove any empty object files that cause corruption of the repository as a whole, and then fetch down the missing objects (as well as latest changes) from the remote repository, and then do a full object store check. Which, at this point, should succeed without any errors (there may be still some warnings though!)

PS. This answer suggests you have a remote copy of your git repository somewhere (e.g. on GitHub) and the broken repository is the local repository that is tied to the remote repository which is still in tact. If that is not the case, then do not attempt to fix it the way I recommend.

What's the difference between unit tests and integration tests?

A unit test should have no dependencies on code outside the unit tested. You decide what the unit is by looking for the smallest testable part. Where there are dependencies they should be replaced by false objects. Mocks, stubs .. The tests execution thread starts and ends within the smallest testable unit.

When false objects are replaced by real objects and tests execution thread crosses into other testable units, you have an integration test

Concatenate rows of two dataframes in pandas

call concat and pass param axis=1 to concatenate column-wise:

In [5]:

pd.concat([df_a,df_b], axis=1)
        AAseq Biorep  Techrep Treatment     mz      AAseq1 Biorep1  Techrep1  \
0  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  500.0  ELVISLIVES       A         1   
1  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  500.5  ELVISLIVES       A         1   
2  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  501.0  ELVISLIVES       A         1   

  Treatment1  inte1  
0          C   1100  
1          C   1050  
2          C   1010  

There is a useful guide to the various methods of merging, joining and concatenating online.

For example, as you have no clashing columns you can merge and use the indices as they have the same number of rows:

In [6]:

df_a.merge(df_b, left_index=True, right_index=True)
        AAseq Biorep  Techrep Treatment     mz      AAseq1 Biorep1  Techrep1  \
0  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  500.0  ELVISLIVES       A         1   
1  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  500.5  ELVISLIVES       A         1   
2  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  501.0  ELVISLIVES       A         1   

  Treatment1  inte1  
0          C   1100  
1          C   1050  
2          C   1010  

And for the same reasons as above a simple join works too:

In [7]:

        AAseq Biorep  Techrep Treatment     mz      AAseq1 Biorep1  Techrep1  \
0  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  500.0  ELVISLIVES       A         1   
1  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  500.5  ELVISLIVES       A         1   
2  ELVISLIVES      A        1         C  501.0  ELVISLIVES       A         1   

  Treatment1  inte1  
0          C   1100  
1          C   1050  
2          C   1010  

How to display all methods of an object?

The other answers here work for something like Math, which is a static object. But they don't work for an instance of an object, such as a date. I found the following to work:

function getMethods(o) {
  return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(o))
    .filter(m => 'function' === typeof o[m])
//example: getMethods(new Date()):  [ 'getFullYear', 'setMonth', ... ]

This won't work for something like the original question (Math), so pick your solution based on your needs. I'm posting this here because Google sent me to this question but I was wanting to know how to do this for instances of objects.

Error with multiple definitions of function

This problem happens because you are calling fun.cpp instead of fun.hpp. So c++ compiler finds func.cpp definition twice and throws this error.

Change line 3 of your main.cpp file, from #include "fun.cpp" to #include "fun.hpp" .

How do I get a range's address including the worksheet name, but not the workbook name, in Excel VBA?

I found the following worked for me in a user defined function I created. I concatenated the cell range reference and worksheet name as a string and then used in an Evaluate statement (I was using Evaluate on Sumproduct).

For example:

Function SumRange(RangeName as range)   

Dim strCellRef, strSheetName, strRngName As String

strCellRef = RangeName.Address                 
strSheetName = RangeName.Worksheet.Name & "!" 
strRngName = strSheetName & strCellRef        

Then refer to strRngName in the rest of your code.

"SetPropertiesRule" warning message when starting Tomcat from Eclipse

I copied the dynamic Webproject before the issue came up. So, changing the org.eclipse.wst.common.component file in the .settings directory solved the issue for me. The other solutions did not work.

How do I compile the asm generated by GCC?

gcc can use an assembly file as input, and invoke the assembler as needed. There is a subtlety, though:

  • If the file name ends with ".s" (lowercase 's'), then gcc calls the assembler.
  • If the file name ends with ".S" (uppercase 'S'), then gcc applies the C preprocessor on the source file (i.e. it recognizes directives such as #if and replaces macros), and then calls the assembler on the result.

So, on a general basis, you want to do things like this:

gcc -S file.c -o file.s
gcc -c file.s

How to use EOF to run through a text file in C?

You should check the EOF after reading from file.

fscanf_s                   // read from file
while(condition)           // check EOF
   fscanf_s               // read from file

Differences between "java -cp" and "java -jar"?

With the -cp argument you provide the classpath i.e. path(s) to additional classes or libraries that your program may require when being compiled or run. With -jar you specify the executable JAR file that you want to run.

You can't specify them both. If you try to run java -cp folder/myexternallibrary.jar -jar myprogram.jar then it won't really work. The classpath for that JAR should be specified in its Manifest, not as a -cp argument.

You can find more about this here and here.

PS: -cp and -classpath are synonyms.

Virtualbox "port forward" from Guest to Host

That's not possible. localhost always defaults to the loopback device on the local operating system.
As your virtual machine runs its own operating system it has its own loopback device which you cannot access from the outside.

If you want to access it e.g. in a browser, connect to it using the local IP instead:

This is just an example of course, you can find out the actual IP by issuing an ifconfig command on a shell in the guest operating system.

URL encoding the space character: + or %20?

This confusion is because URLs are still 'broken' to this day.

Take "" for instance. This is a URL. A URL is a Uniform Resource Locator and is really a pointer to a web page (in most cases). URLs actually have a very well-defined structure since the first specification in 1994.

We can extract detailed information about the "" URL:

|      Part     |      Data         |
|  Scheme       | http              |
|  Host         |    |

If we look at a more complex URL such as:

"https://bob:[email protected]:8080/file;p=1?q=2#third"

we can extract the following information:

|        Part       |       Data          |
|  Scheme           | https               |
|  User             | bob                 |
|  Password         | bobby               |
|  Host             |    |
|  Port             | 8080                |
|  Path             | /file;p=1           |
|  Path parameter   | p=1                 |
|  Query            | q=2                 |
|  Fragment         | third               |

https://bob:[email protected]:8080/file;p=1?q=2#third
\___/   \_/ \___/ \______________/ \__/\_______/ \_/ \___/
  |      |    |          |          |      | \_/  |    |
Scheme User Password    Host       Port  Path |   | Fragment
        \_____________________________/       | Query
                       |               Path parameter

The reserved characters are different for each part.

For HTTP URLs, a space in a path fragment part has to be encoded to "%20" (not, absolutely not "+"), while the "+" character in the path fragment part can be left unencoded.

Now in the query part, spaces may be encoded to either "+" (for backwards compatibility: do not try to search for it in the URI standard) or "%20" while the "+" character (as a result of this ambiguity) has to be escaped to "%2B".

This means that the "blue+light blue" string has to be encoded differently in the path and query parts:


From there you can deduce that encoding a fully constructed URL is impossible without a syntactical awareness of the URL structure.

This boils down to:

You should have %20 before the ? and + after.


Python functions call by reference

In Python the passing by reference or by value has to do with what are the actual objects you are passing.So,if you are passing a list for example,then you actually make this pass by reference,since the list is a mutable object.Thus,you are passing a pointer to the function and you can modify the object (list) in the function body.

When you are passing a string,this passing is done by value,so a new string object is being created and when the function terminates it is destroyed. So it all has to do with mutable and immutable objects.

Magento - How to add/remove links on my account navigation?

Open navigation.phtml



<?php $_links = $this->getLinks(); ?>

with unset link which you want to remove

$_count = count($_links);
unset($_links['account']); // Account Information     
unset($_links['account_edit']); // Account Information  
unset($_links['address_book']); // Address Book
unset($_links['orders']); // My Orders
unset($_links['billing_agreements']); // Billing Agreements
unset($_links['recurring_profiles']); // Recurring Profiles
unset($_links['reviews']);  // My Product Reviews
unset($_links['wishlist']); // My Wishlist
unset($_links['OAuth Customer Tokens']); // My Applications
unset($_links['newsletter']); // Newsletter Subscriptions
unset($_links['downloadable_products']); // My Downloadable Products
unset($_links['tags']); // My Tags
unset($_links['invitations']); // My Invitations
unset($_links['enterprise_customerbalance']); // Store Credit
unset($_links['enterprise_reward']); // Reward Points
unset($_links['giftregistry']); // Gift Registry
unset($_links['enterprise_giftcardaccount']); // Gift Card Link

Eclipse gives “Java was started but returned exit code 13”

enter image description hereI got this fixed by doing the below steps,

  1. The eclipse finds the JAVA executables from 'C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath'

    2.The folder structure will contain shortcuts to the below executables, i. java.exe
    ii. javaw.exe
    iii. javaws.exe 3.For me the executable paths were pointing to my (ProgramFiles(x84)) folder location

  2. I corrected it to Program Files path(64 bit) and the issue got resolved

Please find the screenshot for the same.

Get user's non-truncated Active Directory groups from command line

You could parse the output from the GPRESULT command.

How to replace a substring of a string

By regex i think this is java, the method replaceAll() returns a new String with the substrings replaced, so try this:

String teste = "abcd=0; efgh=1";

String teste2 = teste.replaceAll("abcd", "dddd");



dddd=0; efgh=1

Business logic in MVC

Business rules go in the model.

Say you were displaying emails for a mailing list. The user clicks the "delete" button next to one of the emails, the controller notifies the model to delete entry N, then notifies the view the model has changed.

Perhaps the admin's email should never be removed from the list. That's a business rule, that knowledge belongs in the model. The view may ultimately represent this rule somehow -- perhaps the model exposes an "IsDeletable" property which is a function of the business rule, so that the delete button in the view is disabled for certain entries - but the rule itself isn't contained in the view.

The model is ultimately gatekeeper for your data. You should be able to test your business logic without touching the UI at all.

Why is there no Char.Empty like String.Empty?

Doesn't answer your first question - but for the specific problem you had, you can just use strings instead of chars, right?:

myString.Replace("c", "")

There a reason you wouldn't want to do that?

PHP unable to load php_curl.dll extension

I got this error because, on my system at least, if extension_dir in php.ini is set to a relative path, it is taken as being relative to the root Apache directory, so to get it to point to the correct directory I had to use an absolute path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PHP\ext". (This was PHP 5.5.31 and Apache 2.4.23 on Windows 10; setting extension_dir to ext worked just fine with the same setup on Windows 7. I first got it to work by putting an ext directory in the Apache folder with the necessary dlls, then figured out what was happening.)

It was also necessary to set the PATH correctly or make sure the dlls mentioned above (libeay32.dll, libssh2.dll, and ssleay32.dll) are in Apache's bin directory (or most likely any of the places other answers mention). The fact that I got the same error message for Apache not being able to find lib_curl.dll as for it not being able to find libssh2.dll did not make things any easier to figure out.

convert UIImage to NSData

- (void) imageConvert
     UIImage *snapshot = self.myImageView.image;
     [self encodeImageToBase64String:snapshot];

call this method for image convert in base 64 
    -(NSString *)encodeImageToBase64String:(UIImage *)image
        return [UIImagePNGRepresentation(image) base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64Encoding64CharacterLineLength];

SQL Server Regular expressions in T-SQL

You can use VBScript regular expression features using OLE Automation. This is way better than the overhead of creating and maintaining an assembly. Please make sure you go through the comments section to get a better modified version of the main one.

DECLARE @obj INT, @res INT, @match BIT;
DECLARE @pattern varchar(255) = '<your regex pattern goes here>';
DECLARE @matchstring varchar(8000) = '<string to search goes here>';
SET @match = 0;

-- Create a VB script component object
EXEC @res = sp_OACreate 'VBScript.RegExp', @obj OUT;

-- Apply/set the pattern to the RegEx object
EXEC @res = sp_OASetProperty @obj, 'Pattern', @pattern;

-- Set any other settings/properties here
EXEC @res = sp_OASetProperty @obj, 'IgnoreCase', 1;

-- Call the method 'Test' to find a match
EXEC @res = sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Test', @match OUT, @matchstring;

-- Don't forget to clean-up
EXEC @res = sp_OADestroy @obj;

If you get SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.sp_OACreate'... error, use sp_reconfigure to enable Ole Automation Procedures. (Yes, unfortunately that is a server level change!)

More information about the Test method is available here

Happy coding

Why am I getting 'Assembly '*.dll' must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prerequisite.'?

Deleting the DLL (where the error is occurred) and re-building the solution fixed my problem. Thanks

NuGet behind a proxy

Maybe this helps someone else. For me the solution was to open NuGet settings on Visual Studio (2015/2017) and add a new feed URL:

I didn't have to change any proxy related settings.

How do I set environment variables from Java?

Like most people who have found this thread, I was writing some unit tests and needed to modify the environment variables to set the correct conditions for the test to run. However, I found the most upvoted answers had some issues and/or were very cryptic or overly complicated. Hopefully this will help others to sort out the solution more quickly.

First off, I finally found @Hubert Grzeskowiak's solution to be the simplest and it worked for me. I wish I would have come to that one first. It's based on @Edward Campbell's answer, but without the complicating for loop search.

However, I started with @pushy's solution, which got the most upvotes. It is a combo of @anonymous and @Edward Campbell's. @pushy claims both approaches are needed to cover both Linux and Windows environments. I'm running under OS X and find that both work (once an issue with @anonymous approach is fixed). As others have noted, this solution works most of the time, but not all.

I think the source of most of the confusion comes from @anonymous's solution operating on the 'theEnvironment' field. Looking at the definition of the ProcessEnvironment structure, 'theEnvironment' is not a Map< String, String > but rather it is a Map< Variable, Value >. Clearing the map works fine, but the putAll operation rebuilds the map a Map< String, String >, which potentially causes problems when subsequent operations operate on the data structure using the normal API that expects Map< Variable, Value >. Also, accessing/removing individual elements is a problem. The solution is to access 'theEnvironment' indirectly through 'theUnmodifiableEnvironment'. But since this is a type UnmodifiableMap the access must be done through the private variable 'm' of the UnmodifiableMap type. See getModifiableEnvironmentMap2 in code below.

In my case I needed to remove some of the environment variables for my test (the others should be unchanged). Then I wanted to restore the environment variables to their prior state after the test. The routines below make that straight forward to do. I tested both versions of getModifiableEnvironmentMap on OS X, and both work equivalently. Though based on comments in this thread, one may be a better choice than the other depending on the environment.

Note: I did not include access to the 'theCaseInsensitiveEnvironmentField' since that seems to be Windows specific and I had no way to test it, but adding it should be straight forward.

private Map<String, String> getModifiableEnvironmentMap() {
    try {
        Map<String,String> unmodifiableEnv = System.getenv();
        Class<?> cl = unmodifiableEnv.getClass();
        Field field = cl.getDeclaredField("m");
        Map<String,String> modifiableEnv = (Map<String,String>) field.get(unmodifiableEnv);
        return modifiableEnv;
    } catch(Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access writable environment variable map.");

private Map<String, String> getModifiableEnvironmentMap2() {
    try {
        Class<?> processEnvironmentClass = Class.forName("java.lang.ProcessEnvironment");
        Field theUnmodifiableEnvironmentField = processEnvironmentClass.getDeclaredField("theUnmodifiableEnvironment");
        Map<String,String> theUnmodifiableEnvironment = (Map<String,String>)theUnmodifiableEnvironmentField.get(null);

        Class<?> theUnmodifiableEnvironmentClass = theUnmodifiableEnvironment.getClass();
        Field theModifiableEnvField = theUnmodifiableEnvironmentClass.getDeclaredField("m");
        Map<String,String> modifiableEnv = (Map<String,String>) theModifiableEnvField.get(theUnmodifiableEnvironment);
        return modifiableEnv;
    } catch(Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to access writable environment variable map.");

private Map<String, String> clearEnvironmentVars(String[] keys) {

    Map<String,String> modifiableEnv = getModifiableEnvironmentMap();

    HashMap<String, String> savedVals = new HashMap<String, String>();

    for(String k : keys) {
        String val = modifiableEnv.remove(k);
        if (val != null) { savedVals.put(k, val); }
    return savedVals;

private void setEnvironmentVars(Map<String, String> varMap) {

public void myTest() {
    String[] keys = { "key1", "key2", "key3" };
    Map<String, String> savedVars = clearEnvironmentVars(keys);

    // do test


SQL WHERE ID IN (id1, id2, ..., idn)

Sample 3 would be the worst performer out of them all because you are hitting up the database countless times for no apparent reason.

Loading the data into a temp table and then joining on that would be by far the fastest. After that the IN should work slightly faster than the group of ORs.

How do I get the current date and time in PHP?

date(format, timestamp)

The date function returns a string formatted according to the given format string using the given integer timestamp or the current time if no timestamp is given. In other words, timestamp is optional and defaults to the value of time().

And the parameters are -

format - Required. Specifies the format of the timestamp

timestamp - (Optional) Specifies a timestamp. Default is the current date and time

How to get a simple date

The required format parameter of the date() function specifies how to format the date (or time).

Here are some characters that are commonly used for dates:

  1. d - Represents the day of the month (01 to 31)
  2. m - Represents a month (01 to 12)
  3. Y - Represents a year (in four digits)
  4. l (lowercase 'L') - Represents the day of the week

Other characters, like "/", ".", or "-" can also be inserted between the characters to add additional formatting.

The example below formats today's date in three different ways:

    echo "Today is " . date("Y/m/d") . "<br>";
    echo "Today is " . date("Y.m.d") . "<br>";
    echo "Today is " . date("Y-m-d") . "<br>";
    echo "Today is " . date("l");

Some useful links

How to convert strings into integers in Python?

Instead of putting int( ), put float( ) which will let you use decimals along with integers.

How to change a Git remote on Heroku

Assuming your current remote is named origin then:

Delete the current remote reference with

git remote rm origin

Add the new remote

git remote add origin <URL to new heroku app>

push to new domain

git push -u origin master

The -u will set this up as tracked.

React Js conditionally applying class attributes

The curly braces are inside the string, so it is being evaluated as string. They need to be outside, so this should work:

<div className={"btn-group pull-right " + (this.props.showBulkActions ? 'show' : 'hidden')}>

Note the space after "pull-right". You don't want to accidentally provide the class "pull-rightshow" instead of "pull-right show". Also the parentheses needs to be there.

Method to Add new or update existing item in Dictionary

There's no problem. I would even remove the CreateNewOrUpdateExisting from the source and use map[key] = value directly in your code, because this this is much more readable, because developers would usually know what map[key] = value means.

How do I start my app on startup?

Another approach is to use android.intent.action.USER_PRESENT instead of android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED to avoid slow downs during the boot process. But this is only true if the user has enabled the lock Screen - otherwise this intent is never broadcasted.

Reference blog - The Problem With Android’s ACTION_USER_PRESENT Intent

How to list all AWS S3 objects in a bucket using Java

For those, who are reading this in 2018+. There are two new pagination-hassle-free APIs available: one in AWS SDK for Java 1.x and another one in 2.x.


There is a new API in Java SDK that allows you to iterate through objects in S3 bucket without dealing with pagination:

AmazonS3 s3 = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().build();

S3Objects.inBucket(s3, "the-bucket").forEach((S3ObjectSummary objectSummary) -> {
    // TODO: Consume `objectSummary` the way you need

This iteration is lazy:

The list of S3ObjectSummarys will be fetched lazily, a page at a time, as they are needed. The size of the page can be controlled with the withBatchSize(int) method.


The API changed, so here is an SDK 2.x version:

S3Client client = S3Client.builder().region(Region.US_EAST_1).build();
ListObjectsV2Request request = ListObjectsV2Request.builder().bucket("the-bucket").prefix("the-prefix").build();
ListObjectsV2Iterable response = client.listObjectsV2Paginator(request);

for (ListObjectsV2Response page : response) {
    page.contents().forEach((S3Object object) -> {
        // TODO: Consume `object` the way you need

ListObjectsV2Iterable is lazy as well:

When the operation is called, an instance of this class is returned. At this point, no service calls are made yet and so there is no guarantee that the request is valid. As you iterate through the iterable, SDK will start lazily loading response pages by making service calls until there are no pages left or your iteration stops. If there are errors in your request, you will see the failures only after you start iterating through the iterable.

Python: count repeated elements in the list

This works for Python 2.6.6

a = ["a", "b", "a"]
result = dict((i, a.count(i)) for i in a)
print result


{'a': 2, 'b': 1}

PadLeft function in T-SQL

I believe this may be what your looking for:

SELECT padded_id = REPLACE(STR(id, 4), SPACE(1), '0') 

FROM tableA


SELECT REPLACE(STR(id, 4), SPACE(1), '0') AS [padded_id]

FROM tableA

I haven't tested the syntax on the 2nd example. I'm not sure if that works 100% - it may require some tweaking - but it conveys the general idea of how to obtain your desired output.


To address concerns listed in the comments...

@pkr298 - Yes STR does only work on numbers... The OP's field is an ID... hence number only.

@Desolator - Of course that won't work... the First parameter is 6 characters long. You can do something like:

(SELECT LEN(MAX(id)) + 4 FROM tableA)), SPACE(1), '0') AS [padded_id] FROM tableA

this should theoretically move the goal posts... as the number gets bigger it should ALWAYS work.... regardless if its 1 or 123456789...

So if your max value is 123456... you would see 0000123456 and if your min value is 1 you would see 0000000001

Export data from Chrome developer tool

To get this in excel or csv format- right click the folder and select "copy response"- paste to excel and use text to columns.

React Native add bold or italics to single words in <Text> field

You could just nest the Text components with the required style. The style will be applied along with already defined style in the first Text component.


 <Text style={styles.paragraph}>
   Trouble singing in. <Text style={{fontWeight: "bold"}}> Resolve</Text>

How to check date of last change in stored procedure or function in SQL server

I found this listed as the new technique

This is very detailed

order by  LAST_ALTERED desc

order by  CREATED desc 

order by  LAST_ALTERED desc

order by  CREATED desc 

How can I check whether a option already exist in select by JQuery

Another way using jQuery:

var exists = false; 
$('#yourSelect  option').each(function(){
  if (this.value == yourValue) {
    exists = true;

How to overcome the CORS issue in ReactJS

You can have your React development server proxy your requests to that server. Simply send your requests to your local server like this: url: "/" And add the following line to your package.json file

"proxy": ""

Though if you are sending CORS requests to multiple sources, you'll have to manually configure the proxy yourself This link will help you set that up Create React App Proxying API requests

How do you properly determine the current script directory?

Hopefully this helps:- If you run a script/module from anywhere you'll be able to access the __file__ variable which is a module variable representing the location of the script.

On the other hand, if you're using the interpreter you don't have access to that variable, where you'll get a name NameError and os.getcwd() will give you the incorrect directory if you're running the file from somewhere else.

This solution should give you what you're looking for in all cases:

from inspect import getsourcefile
from os.path import abspath

I haven't thoroughly tested it but it solved my problem.

C++ Matrix Class

There's lots of subtleties in setting up an efficient and high quality matrix class. Thankfully there's several good implementations floating about.

Think hard about whether you want a fixed size matrix class or a variable sized one. i.e. can you do this:

// These tend to be fast and allocated on the stack.
matrix<3,3> M; 

or do you need to be able to do this

// These are slower but more flexible and partially allocated on the heap 
matrix M(3,3); 

There's good libraries that support either style, and some that support both. They have different allocation patterns and different performances.

If you want to code it yourself, then the template version requires some knowledge of templates (duh). And the dynamic one needs some hacks to get around lots of small allocations if used inside tight loops.

Returning a promise in an async function in TypeScript

When you do new Promise((resolve)... the type inferred was Promise<{}> because you should have used new Promise<number>((resolve).

It is interesting that this issue was only highlighted when the async keyword was added. I would recommend reporting this issue to the TS team on GitHub.

There are many ways you can get around this issue. All the following functions have the same behavior:

const whatever1 = () => {
    return new Promise<number>((resolve) => {

const whatever2 = async () => {
    return new Promise<number>((resolve) => {

const whatever3 = async () => {
    return await new Promise<number>((resolve) => {

const whatever4 = async () => {
    return Promise.resolve(4);

const whatever5 = async () => {
    return await Promise.resolve(4);

const whatever6 = async () => Promise.resolve(4);

const whatever7 = async () => await Promise.resolve(4);

In your IDE you will be able to see that the inferred type for all these functions is () => Promise<number>.

How to pass arguments from command line to gradle

It's possible to utilize custom command line options in Gradle to end up with something like:

./gradlew printPet --pet="puppies!"

However, custom command line options in Gradle are an incubating feature.

Java solution

To end up with something like this follow the instructions here:

import org.gradle.api.tasks.options.Option;

public class PrintPet extends DefaultTask {
    private String pet;

    @Option(option = "pet", description = "Name of the cute pet you would like to print out!")
    public void setPet(String pet) { = pet;

    public String getPet() {
        return pet;

    public void print() {
        getLogger().quiet("'{}' are awesome!", pet);

Then register it:

task printPet(type: PrintPet)

Now you can do:

./gradlew printPet --pet="puppies"


Puppies! are awesome!

Kotlin solution

open class PrintPet : DefaultTask() {

    @set:Option(option = "pet", description = "The cute pet you would like to print out")
    var pet: String = ""

    fun print() {    
        println("$pet are awesome!")

then register the task with:


What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

I notice that all the other answers here have focused almost exclusively on integral types, while the questioner also asked about floating-points.

I don't think the C++ standard requires it, but compilers for the most common platforms these days generally follow the IEEE754 standard for their floating-point numbers. This standard specifies four types of binary floating-point (as well as some BCD formats, which I've never seen support for in C++ compilers):

  • Half precision (binary16) - 11-bit significand, exponent range -14 to 15
  • Single precision (binary32) - 24-bit significand, exponent range -126 to 127
  • Double precision (binary64) - 53-bit significand, exponent range -1022 to 1023
  • Quadruple precision (binary128) - 113-bit significand, exponent range -16382 to 16383

How does this map onto C++ types, then? Generally the float uses single precision; thus, sizeof(float) = 4. Then double uses double precision (I believe that's the source of the name double), and long double may be either double or quadruple precision (it's quadruple on my system, but on 32-bit systems it may be double). I don't know of any compilers that offer half precision floating-points.

In summary, this is the usual:

  • sizeof(float) = 4
  • sizeof(double) = 8
  • sizeof(long double) = 8 or 16

MySQL select where column is not empty

Surprisingly(as nobody else mentioned it before) found that the condition below does the job:

WHERE ORD(field_to_check) > 0 

when we need to exclude both null and empty values. Is anybody aware of downsides of the approach?

Cannot execute RUN mkdir in a Dockerfile

The problem is that /var/www doesn't exist either, and mkdir isn't recursive by default -- it expects the immediate parent directory to exist.


mkdir -p /var/www/app

...or install a package that creates a /var/www prior to reaching this point in your Dockerfile.

Converting pfx to pem using openssl

You can use the OpenSSL Command line tool. The following commands should do the trick

openssl pkcs12 -in client_ssl.pfx -out client_ssl.pem -clcerts

openssl pkcs12 -in client_ssl.pfx -out root.pem -cacerts

If you want your file to be password protected etc, then there are additional options.

You can read the entire documentation here.

pass array to method Java

public static void main(String[] args) {

    int[] A=new int[size];
      //code for take input in array
      int[] C=sorting(A); //pass array via method
      //and then print array

public static int[] sorting(int[] a) {
     //code for work with array 
     return a; //retuen array

Dump all tables in CSV format using 'mysqldump'

mysqldump has options for CSV formatting:

                  Fields in the output file are terminated by the given
                  Lines in the output file are terminated by the given

The name should contain one of the following:


\t or "\""

   Fields in the output file are enclosed by the given



  • \r
  • \n
  • \r\n

Naturally you should mysqldump each table individually.

I suggest you gather all table names in a text file. Then, iterate through all tables running mysqldump. Here is a script that will dump and gzip 10 tables at a time:

SQLSTMT="SELECT CONCAT(table_schema,'.',table_name)"
SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema NOT IN "
SQLSTMT="${SQLSTMT} ('information_schema','performance_schema','mysql')"
mysql ${MYSQL_CONN} -ANe"${SQLSTMT}" > /tmp/DBTB.txt
for DBTB in `cat /tmp/DBTB.txt`
    DB=`echo "${DBTB}" | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{print $1}'`
    TB=`echo "${DBTB}" | sed 's/\./ /g' | awk '{print $2}'`
    mysqldump ${MYSQL_CONN} -T ${TARGET_FOLDER} --fields-terminated-by="," --fields-enclosed-by="\"" --lines-terminated-by="\r\n" ${DB} ${TB} | gzip > ${DUMPFILE}
    (( COMMIT_COUNT++ ))
    if [ ${COMMIT_COUNT} -eq ${COMMIT_LIMIT} ]
if [ ${COMMIT_COUNT} -gt 0 ]

C# - How to add an Excel Worksheet programmatically - Office XP / 2003

You need to add a COM reference in your project to the "Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library" - or whatever version is appropriate.

This code works for me:

private void AddWorksheetToExcelWorkbook(string fullFilename,string worksheetName)
    Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application xlApp = null;
    Workbook xlWorkbook = null;
    Sheets xlSheets = null;
    Worksheet xlNewSheet = null;

    try {
        xlApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();

        if (xlApp == null)

        // Uncomment the line below if you want to see what's happening in Excel
        // xlApp.Visible = true;

        xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(fullFilename, 0, false, 5, "", "",
                false, XlPlatform.xlWindows, "",
                true, false, 0, true, false, false);

        xlSheets = xlWorkbook.Sheets as Sheets;

        // The first argument below inserts the new worksheet as the first one
        xlNewSheet = (Worksheet)xlSheets.Add(xlSheets[1], Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
        xlNewSheet.Name = worksheetName;

    finally {
        xlApp = null;

Note that you want to be very careful about properly cleaning up and releasing your COM object references. Included in that StackOverflow question is a useful rule of thumb: "Never use 2 dots with COM objects". In your code; you're going to have real trouble with that. My demo code above does NOT properly clean up the Excel app, but it's a start!

Some other links that I found useful when looking into this question:

According to MSDN

To use COM interop, you must have administrator or Power User security permissions.

Hope that helps.

How to resolve "gpg: command not found" error during RVM installation?

On Mac OSX 10.15, Even after installing gpg, i was getting gpg2 command not found

$ brew install gnupg gnupg2
Warning: gnupg 2.2.23 is already installed and up-to-date
To reinstall 2.2.23, run `brew reinstall gnupg`

$ gpg2 --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
-bash: gpg2: command not found

Instead, this worked for me

$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

Find number of decimal places in decimal value regardless of culture

So far, nearly all of the listed solutions are allocating GC Memory, which is very much the C# way to do things but far from ideal in performance critical environments. (The ones that do not allocate use loops and also don't take trailing zeros into consideration.)

So to avoid GC Allocs, you can just access the scale bits in an unsafe context. That might sound fragile but as per Microsoft's reference source, the struct layout of decimal is Sequential and even has a comment in there, not to change the order of the fields:

    // NOTE: Do not change the order in which these fields are declared. The
    // native methods in this class rely on this particular order.
    private int flags;
    private int hi;
    private int lo;
    private int mid;

As you can see, the first int here is the flags field. From the documentation and as mentioned in other comments here, we know that only the bits from 16-24 encode the scale and that we need to avoid the 31st bit which encodes the sign. Since int is the size of 4 bytes, we can safely do this:

internal static class DecimalExtensions
  public static byte GetScale(this decimal value)
      byte* v = (byte*)&value;
      return v[2];

This should be the most performant solution since there is no GC alloc of the bytes array or ToString conversions. I've tested it against .Net 4.x and .Net 3.5 in Unity 2019.1. If there are any versions where this does fail, please let me know.


Thanks to @Zastai for reminding me about the possibility to use an explicit struct layout to practically achieve the same pointer logic outside of unsafe code:

public struct DecimalHelper
    const byte k_SignBit = 1 << 7;

    public decimal Value;

    public readonly uint Flags;
    public readonly ushort Reserved;
    byte m_Scale;
    public byte Scale
            return m_Scale;
            if(value > 28)
                throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", "Scale can't be bigger than 28!")
            m_Scale = value;
    byte m_SignByte;
    public int Sign
            return m_SignByte > 0 ? -1 : 1;
    public bool Positive
            return (m_SignByte & k_SignBit) > 0 ;
            m_SignByte = value ? (byte)0 : k_SignBit;
    public uint Hi;
    public uint Lo;
    public uint Mid;

    public DecimalHelper(decimal value) : this()
        Value = value;

    public static implicit operator DecimalHelper(decimal value)
        return new DecimalHelper(value);

    public static implicit operator decimal(DecimalHelper value)
        return value.Value;

To solve the original problem, you could strip away all fields besides Value and Scale but maybe it could be useful for someone to have them all.

test if display = none

As @Agent_9191 and @partick mentioned you should use

$('tbody :visible').highlight(myArray[i]); // works for all children of tbody that are visible


$('tbody:visible').highlight(myArray[i]); // works for all visible tbodys

Additionally, since you seem to be applying a class to the highlighted words, instead of using jquery to alter the background for all matched highlights, just create a css rule with the background color you need and it gets applied directly once you assign the class.

.highlight { background-color: #FFFF88; }

Reading data from XML

Try GetElementsByTagName method of XMLDocument class to read specific data or LoadXml method to read all data to xml document.

Does Java have a path joining method?

This concerns Java versions 7 and earlier.

To quote a good answer to the same question:

If you want it back as a string later, you can call getPath(). Indeed, if you really wanted to mimic Path.Combine, you could just write something like:

public static String combine (String path1, String path2) {
    File file1 = new File(path1);
    File file2 = new File(file1, path2);
    return file2.getPath();

Implementing multiple interfaces with Java - is there a way to delegate?

Unfortunately: NO.

We're all eagerly awaiting the Java support for extension methods

What is the best way to test for an empty string in Go?

As of now, the Go compiler generates identical code in both cases, so it is a matter of taste. GCCGo does generate different code, but barely anyone uses it so I wouldn't worry about that.

Exception thrown in catch and finally clause

To handle this kind of situation i.e. handling the exception raised by finally block. You can surround the finally block by try block: Look at the below example in python:

   fh = open("testfile", "w")
      fh.write("This is my test file for exception handling!!")
      print "Going to close the file"
except IOError:
   print "Error: can\'t find file or read data"

Git - Ignore node_modules folder everywhere

Try doing something like this


** is used for a recursive call in the whole project

Two consecutive asterisks ** in patterns matched against full pathname may have special meaning:

A leading ** followed by a slash means match in all directories. For example, **/foo matches file or directory foo anywhere, the same as pattern foo. **/foo/bar matches file or directory bar anywhere that is directly under directory foo.

A trailing /** matches everything inside. For example, abc/** matches all files inside directory abc, relative to the location of the .gitignore file, with infinite depth.

A slash followed by two consecutive asterisks then a slash matches zero or more directories. For example, a/\**/b matches a/b, a/x/b, a/x/y/b and so on.

Other consecutive asterisks are considered invalid.


Maven- No plugin found for prefix 'spring-boot' in the current project and in the plugin groups

You should run the $ mvn spring-boot:run from the folder where your pom.xml file is located and refer to this answer

Using C# to read/write Excel files (.xls/.xlsx)

I'm a big fan of using EPPlus to perform these types of actions. EPPlus is a library you can reference in your project and easily create/modify spreadsheets on a server. I use it for any project that requires an export function.

Here's a nice blog entry that shows how to use the library, though the library itself should come with some samples that explain how to use it.

Third party libraries are a lot easier to use than Microsoft COM objects, in my opinion. I would suggest giving it a try.

How to get Android crash logs?

I have created this library to solve all your problems. Crash Reporter is a handy tool to capture all your crashes and log them in device locally

Just add this dependency and you're good to go.

compile ''

Find all your crashes in device locally and fix them at your convenience. Crashes are saved using date and time format easy to track. Plus it also provides API for capture Logged Exceptions using below method.

CrashRepoter.logException(Exception e)

String.strip() in Python

In this case, you might get some differences. Consider a line like:

"foo\tbar "

In this case, if you strip, then you'll get {"foo":"bar"} as the dictionary entry. If you don't strip, you'll get {"foo":"bar "} (note the extra space at the end)

Note that if you use line.split() instead of line.split('\t'), you'll split on every whitespace character and the "striping" will be done during splitting automatically. In other words:


is always identical to:




Is not necessarily equivalent to:


Why doesn't os.path.join() work in this case?

It's because your '/new_sandbox/' begins with a / and thus is assumed to be relative to the root directory. Remove the leading /.

What does it mean to "program to an interface"?

To add to the existing posts, sometimes coding to interfaces helps on large projects when developers work on separate components simultaneously. All you need is to define interfaces upfront and write code to them while other developers write code to the interface you are implementing.

Should I set max pool size in database connection string? What happens if I don't?

"currently yes but i think it might cause problems at peak moments" I can confirm, that I had a problem where I got timeouts because of peak requests. After I set the max pool size, the application ran without any problems. IIS 7.5 / ASP.Net

How to export settings?

There is an extension for Visual Studio Code, called Settings Sync.

It synchronises your settings by gist (Gist by GitHub). It works the same as the extension called settings-sync.


This feature is now build in VS Code, it is worth to switch to official feature. (

You can now sync all your settings across devices with VSCode's built-in Settings Sync. It's found under Code > Preferences > Turn on Settings Sync...

Insert string at specified position

str_replace($sub_str, $insert_str.$sub_str, $org_str);

Login to Microsoft SQL Server Error: 18456

Just happened to me, and turned out to be different than all other cases listed here.

I happen to have two virtual servers hosted in the same cluster, each with it own IP address. The host configured one of the servers to be the SQL Server, and the other to be the Web server. However, SQL Server is installed and running on both. The host forgot to mention which of the servers is the SQL and which is the Web, so I just assumed the first is Web, second is SQL.

When I connected to the (what I thought is) SQL Server and tried to connect via SSMS, choosing Windows Authentication, I got the error mentioned in this question. After pulling lots of hairs, I went over all the setting, including SQL Server Network Configuration, Protocols for MSSQLSERVER:

screenshot of TCP/IP configuration

Double clicking the TCP/IP gave me this:

TCP/IP properties, showing wrong IP address

The IP address was of the other virtual server! This finally made me realize I simply confused between the servers, and all worked well on the second server.

WCF ServiceHost access rights

Please open your Visual Studio as administrator:

enter image description here

PHP AES encrypt / decrypt

If you don't want to use a heavy dependency for something solvable in 15 lines of code, use the built in OpenSSL functions. Most PHP installations come with OpenSSL, which provides fast, compatible and secure AES encryption in PHP. Well, it's secure as long as you're following the best practices.

The following code:

  • uses AES256 in CBC mode
  • is compatible with other AES implementations, but not mcrypt, since mcrypt uses PKCS#5 instead of PKCS#7.
  • generates a key from the provided password using SHA256
  • generates a hmac hash of the encrypted data for integrity check
  • generates a random IV for each message
  • prepends the IV (16 bytes) and the hash (32 bytes) to the ciphertext
  • should be pretty secure

IV is a public information and needs to be random for each message. The hash ensures that the data hasn't been tampered with.

function encrypt($plaintext, $password) {
    $method = "AES-256-CBC";
    $key = hash('sha256', $password, true);
    $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);

    $ciphertext = openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $method, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);
    $hash = hash_hmac('sha256', $ciphertext . $iv, $key, true);

    return $iv . $hash . $ciphertext;

function decrypt($ivHashCiphertext, $password) {
    $method = "AES-256-CBC";
    $iv = substr($ivHashCiphertext, 0, 16);
    $hash = substr($ivHashCiphertext, 16, 32);
    $ciphertext = substr($ivHashCiphertext, 48);
    $key = hash('sha256', $password, true);

    if (!hash_equals(hash_hmac('sha256', $ciphertext . $iv, $key, true), $hash)) return null;

    return openssl_decrypt($ciphertext, $method, $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $iv);


$encrypted = encrypt('Plaintext string.', 'password'); // this yields a binary string

echo decrypt($encrypted, 'password');
// decrypt($encrypted, 'wrong password') === null

edit: Updated to use hash_equals and added IV to the hash.

PHP7 : install ext-dom issue

For CentOS, RHEL, Fedora:

$ yum search php-xml
============================================================================================================ N/S matched: php-xml ============================================================================================================
php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php-xmlseclibs.noarch : PHP library for XML Security
php54-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php54-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php55-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php55-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php56-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php56-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php70-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php70-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php71-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php71-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php72-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php72-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
php73-php-xml.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use XML
php73-php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol

Then select the php-xml version matching your php version:

# php -v
PHP 7.2.11 (cli) (built: Oct 10 2018 10:00:29) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

# sudo yum install -y php72-php-xml.x86_64

How to use componentWillMount() in React Hooks?

useLayoutEffect could accomplish this with an empty set of observers ([]) if the functionality is actually similar to componentWillMount -- it will run before the first content gets to the DOM -- though there are actually two updates but they are synchronous before drawing to the screen.

for example:

function MyComponent({ ...andItsProps }) {
     useLayoutEffect(()=> {
          console.log('I am about to render!');

     return (<div>some content</div>);

The benefit over useState with an initializer/setter or useEffect is though it may compute a render pass, there are no actual re-renders to the DOM that a user will notice, and it is run before the first noticable render, which is not the case for useEffect. The downside is of course a slight delay in your first render since a check/update has to happen before painting to screen. It really does depend on your use-case, though.

I think personally, useMemo is fine in some niche cases where you need to do something heavy -- as long as you keep in mind it is the exception vs the norm.

How to print float to n decimal places including trailing 0s?

The cleanest way in modern Python >=3.6, is to use an f-string with string formatting:

>>> var = 1.6
>>> f"{var:.15f}"

How can I count the occurrences of a list item?

If you can use pandas, then value_counts is there for rescue.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 4, 1]
>>> pd.Series(a).value_counts()
1    3
4    2
3    1
2    1
dtype: int64

It automatically sorts the result based on frequency as well.

If you want the result to be in a list of list, do as below

>>> pd.Series(a).value_counts().reset_index().values.tolist()
[[1, 3], [4, 2], [3, 1], [2, 1]]

Is there an "exists" function for jQuery?

Just check the length of the selector, if it more than 0 then it's return true otherwise false.

For ID:

 if( $('#selector').length )         // use this if you are using id to check
     // it exists

For Class:

 if( $('.selector').length )         // use this if you are using class to check
     // it exists

For Dropdown:

if( $('#selector option').size() ) {   // use this if you are using dropdown size to check

   // it exists

Confirm postback OnClientClick button ASP.NET

You can put the above answers into one line like this. And you don't need to write the function.

    <asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnUserDelete" Text="Delete" CssClass="GreenLightButton"
         OnClick="BtnUserDelete_Click" meta:resourcekey="BtnUserDeleteResource1"
OnClientClick="if ( !confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this user?')) return false;"  />

CustomErrors mode="Off"

Actually, what I figured out while hosting my web app is the the code you developed on your local Machine is of higher version than the hosting company offers you. If you have admin privileges you may be able to change the Microsoft ASP.NET version support under web hosting setting

PHP write file from input to txt

A possible solution:

$txt = "data.txt"; 
if (isset($_POST['field1']) && isset($_POST['field2'])) { // check if both fields are set
    $fh = fopen($txt, 'a'); 
    $txt=$_POST['field1'].' - '.$_POST['field2']; 
    fwrite($fh,$txt); // Write information to the file
    fclose($fh); // Close the file

You were closing the script before close de file.

How to convert int[] to Integer[] in Java?

Not sure why you need a Double in your map. In terms of what you're trying to do, you have an int[] and you just want counts of how many times each sequence occurs? Why would this required a Double anyway?

What I would do is to create a wrapper for the int array with a proper .equals and .hashCode methods to account for the fact that int[] object itself doesn't consider the data in it's version of these methods.

public class IntArrayWrapper {
    private int values[];

    public IntArrayWrapper(int[] values) {
        this.values = values;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(values);
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        IntArrayWrapper other = (IntArrayWrapper) obj;
        if (!Arrays.equals(values, other.values))
            return false;
        return true;


And then use google guava's multiset, which is meant exactly for the purpose of counting occurances, as long as the element type you put in it has proper .equals and .hashCode methods.

List<int[]> list = ...;
HashMultiset<IntArrayWrapper> multiset = HashMultiset.create();
for (int values[] : list) {
    multiset.add(new IntArrayWrapper(values));

Then, to get the count for any particular combination:

int cnt = multiset.count(new IntArrayWrapper(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }));

What does "to stub" mean in programming?

You have also a very good testing frameworks to create such a stub. One of my preferrable is Mockito There is also EasyMock and others... But Mockito is great you should read it - very elegant and powerfull package

Laravel Eloquent: Ordering results of all()

You can actually do this within the query.

$results = Project::orderBy('name')->get();

This will return all results with the proper order.

Keeping ASP.NET Session Open / Alive

Do you really need to keep the session (do you have data in it?) or is it enough to fake this by reinstantiating the session when a request comes in? If the first, use the method above. If the second, try something like using the Session_End event handler.

If you have Forms Authentication, then you get something in the Global.asax.cs like

FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(formsCookie.Value);
if (ticket.Expired)
{   ...
    // renew ticket if old
    ticket = FormsAuthentication.RenewTicketIfOld(ticket);

And you set the ticket lifetime much longer than the session lifetime. If you're not authenticating, or using a different authentication method, there are similar tricks. Microsoft TFS web interface and SharePoint seem to use these - the give away is that if you click a link on a stale page, you get authentication prompts in the popup window, but if you just use a command, it works.

Mean Squared Error in Numpy?

Another alternative to the accepted answer that avoids any issues with matrix multiplication:

 def MSE(Y, YH):
     return np.square(Y - YH).mean()

From the documents for np.square: "Return the element-wise square of the input."

Share cookie between subdomain and domain

In both cases yes it can, and this is the default behaviour for both IE and Edge.

The other answers add valuable insight but chiefly describe the behaviour in Chrome. it's important to note that the behaviour is completely different in IE. CMBuckley's very helpful test script demonstrates that in (say) Chrome, the cookies are not shared between root and subdomains when no domain is specified. However the same test in IE shows that they are shared. This IE case is closer to the take-home description in CMBuckley's www-or-not-www link. I know this to be the case because we have a system that used different servicestack cookies on both the root and subdomain. It all worked fine until someone accessed it in IE and the two systems fought over whose session cookie would win until we blew up the cache.

Properties file in python (similar to Java Properties)

Below 2 lines of code shows how to use Python List Comprehension to load 'java style' property file.

split_properties=[line.split("=") for line in open('/<path_to_property_file>)]
properties={key: value for key,value in split_properties }

Please have a look at below post for details

Getting Current time to display in Label.

Use Date.Now instead of DateTime.Now

How can I change default dialog button text color in android 5

<style name="AlertDialogCustom" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
    <item name="android:colorPrimary">#00397F</item>
    <item name="android:textColorPrimary">#22397F</item>
    <item name="android:colorAccent">#00397F</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#22397F</item>

The color of the buttons and other text can also be changed using appcompat :

C# "as" cast vs classic cast

There's nothing deep happening here.. Basically, it's handy to test something to see if it's of a certain type (i.e. use 'as'). You would want to check the result of the 'as' call to see if the result is null.

When you expect a cast to work and you want the exception to be thrown, use the 'classic' method.

Do I cast the result of malloc?


int *sieve = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * length);

has two problems. The cast and that you're using the type instead of variable as argument for sizeof. Instead, do like this:

int *sieve = malloc(sizeof *sieve * length);

Long version

No; you don't cast the result, since:

  • It is unnecessary, as void * is automatically and safely promoted to any other pointer type in this case.
  • It adds clutter to the code, casts are not very easy to read (especially if the pointer type is long).
  • It makes you repeat yourself, which is generally bad.
  • It can hide an error if you forgot to include <stdlib.h>. This can cause crashes (or, worse, not cause a crash until way later in some totally different part of the code). Consider what happens if pointers and integers are differently sized; then you're hiding a warning by casting and might lose bits of your returned address. Note: as of C99 implicit functions are gone from C, and this point is no longer relevant since there's no automatic assumption that undeclared functions return int.

As a clarification, note that I said "you don't cast", not "you don't need to cast". In my opinion, it's a failure to include the cast, even if you got it right. There are simply no benefits to doing it, but a bunch of potential risks, and including the cast indicates that you don't know about the risks.

Also note, as commentators point out, that the above talks about straight C, not C++. I very firmly believe in C and C++ as separate languages.

To add further, your code needlessly repeats the type information (int) which can cause errors. It's better to de-reference the pointer being used to store the return value, to "lock" the two together:

int *sieve = malloc(length * sizeof *sieve);

This also moves the length to the front for increased visibility, and drops the redundant parentheses with sizeof; they are only needed when the argument is a type name. Many people seem to not know (or ignore) this, which makes their code more verbose. Remember: sizeof is not a function! :)

While moving length to the front may increase visibility in some rare cases, one should also pay attention that in the general case, it should be better to write the expression as:

int *sieve = malloc(sizeof *sieve * length);

Since keeping the sizeof first, in this case, ensures multiplication is done with at least size_t math.

Compare: malloc(sizeof *sieve * length * width) vs. malloc(length * width * sizeof *sieve) the second may overflow the length * width when width and length are smaller types than size_t.

Difference between drop table and truncate table?

Delete Statement

Delete Statement delete table rows and return the number of rows is deleted from the this statement, we use where clause to deleted data from the table

  • Delete Statement is slower than Truncate statement because it deleted records one by one

Truncate Statement

Truncate statement Deleted or removing all the rows from the table.

  • It is faster than the Delete Statement because it deleted all the records from the table
  • Truncate statement not return the no of rows are deleted from the table

Drop statement

Drop statement deleted all records as well as the structure of the table

HTML: Image won't display?

I found that skipping the quotation marks "" around the file and location name displayed the image... I am doing this on MacBook....

Using Math.round to round to one decimal place?

try this

for example

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.##");



how to find seconds since 1970 in java

Based on your desire that 1317427200 be the output, there are several layers of issue to address.

  • First as others have mentioned, java already uses a UTC 1/1/1970 epoch. There is normally no need to calculate the epoch and perform subtraction unless you have weird locale rules.

  • Second, when you create a new Calendar it's initialized to 'now' so it includes the time of day. Changing the year/month/day doesn't affect the time of day fields. So if you want it to represent midnight of the date, you need to zero out the calendar before you set the date.

  • Third, you haven't specified how you're supposed to handle time zones. Daylight Savings can cause differences in the absolute number of seconds represented by a particular calendar-on-the-wall-date, depending on where your JVM is running. Since epoch is in UTC, we probably want to work in UTC times? You may need to seek clarification from the makers of the system you're interfacing with.

  • Fourth, months in Java are zero indexed. January is 0, October is 9.

Putting all that together

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
calendar.set(2011, Calendar.OCTOBER, 1);
long secondsSinceEpoch = calendar.getTimeInMillis() / 1000L;

that will give you 1317427200