Aaaand another answer here. :) Since I couldn't make the others quite work.
My solution both handles escaped quotes (double occurrences), and it does not include delimiters in the match.
Note that I have been matching against '
instead of "
as that was my scenario, but simply replace them in the pattern for the same effect.
Here goes (remember to use the "ignore whitespace" flag /x
if you use the commented version below) :
# Only include if previous char was start of string or delimiter
# 1st option: empty quoted string (,'',)
# 2nd option: nothing (,,)
# 3rd option: all but quoted strings (,123,)
# (included linebreaks to allow multiline matching)
# 4th option: quoted strings (,'123''321',)
# start pling
# double quote
# or anything but quotes
# at least one occurance - greedy
# end pling
# Only include if next char is delimiter or end of string
Single line version: