Programs & Examples On #Doctype

A doctype declaration defines a document's type definition. It should be the very first thing in an HTML document, before the element. It is used to switch browsers to standards mode, rather than quirks mode.

<meta charset="utf-8"> vs <meta http-equiv="Content-Type">

Another reason to go with the short one is that it matches other instances where you might specify a character set in markup. For example:

<script type="javascript" charset="UTF-8" src="/script.js"></script>

<p><a charset="UTF-8" href="">Example Site</a></p>

Consistency helps to reduce errors and make code more readable.

Note that the charset attribute is case-insensitive. You can use UTF-8 or utf-8, however UTF-8 is clearer, more readable, more accurate.

Also, there is absolutely no reason at all to use any value other than UTF-8 in the meta charset attribute or page header. UTF-8 is the default encoding for Web documents since HTML4 in 1999 and the only practical way to make modern Web pages.

Also you should not use HTML entities in UTF-8. Characters like the copyright symbol should be typed directly. The only entities you should use are for the 5 reserved markup characters: less than, greater than, ampersand, prime, double prime. Entities need an HTML parser, which you may not always want to use going forward, they introduce errors, make your code less readable, increase your file sizes, and sometimes decode incorrectly in various browsers depending on which entities you used. Learn how to type/insert copyright, trademark, open quote, close quote, apostrophe, em dash, en dash, bullet, Euro, and any other characters you encounter in your content, and use those actual characters in your code. The Mac has a Character Viewer that you can turn on in the Keyboard System Preference, and you can find and then drag and drop the characters you need, or use the matching Keyboard Viewer to see which keys to type. For example, trademark is Option+2. UTF-8 contains all of the characters and symbols from every written human language. So there is no excuse for using -- instead of an em dash. It is not a bad idea to learn the rules of punctuation and typography also ... for example, knowing that a period goes inside a close quote, not outside.

Using a tag for something like content-type and encoding is highly ironic, since without knowing those things, you couldn't parse the file to get the value of the meta tag.

No, that is not true. The browser starts out parsing the file as the browser's default encoding, either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1. Since US-ASCII is a subset of both ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8, the browser can read just fine either way ... it is the same. When the browser encounters the meta charset tag, if the encoding is different than what the browser is already using, the browser reloads the page in the specified encoding. That is why we put the meta charset tag at the top, right after the head tag, before anything else, even the title. That way you can use UTF-8 characters in your title.

You must save your file(s) in UTF-8 encoding without BOM

That is not strictly true. If you only have US-ASCII characters in your document, you can Save it as US-ASCII and serve it as UTF-8, because it is a subset. But if there are Unicode characters, you are correct, you must Save as UTF-8 without BOM.

If you want a good text editor that will save your files in UTF-8, I recommend Notepad++.

On the Mac, use Bare Bones TextWrangler (free) from Mac App Store, or Bare Bones BBEdit which is at Mac App Store for $39.99 ... very cheap for such a great tool. In either app, there is a menu at the bottom of the document window where you specify the document encoding and you can easily choose "UTF-8 no BOM". And of course you can set that as the default for new documents in Preferences.

But if your Webserver serves the encoding in the HTTP header, which is recommended, both [meta tags] are needless.

That is incorrect. You should of course set the encoding in the HTTP header, but you should also set it in the meta charset attribute so that the page can be Saved by the user, out of the browser onto local storage and then Opened again later, in which case the only indication of the encoding that will be present is the meta charset attribute. You should also set a base tag for the same reason ... on the server, the base tag is unnecessary, but when opened from local storage, the base tag enables the page to work as if it is on the server, with all the assets in place and so on, no broken links.

AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

Or you can just change the encoding of particular file types like so:

AddType text/html;charset=utf-8 html

A tip for serving both UTF-8 and Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) files is to give the UTF-8 files a "text" extension and Latin-1 files "txt."

AddType text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 txt
AddType text/plain;charset=utf-8 text

Finally, consider Saving your documents with Unix line endings, not legacy DOS or (classic) Mac line endings, which don't help and may hurt, especially down the line as we get further and further from those legacy systems. An HTML document with valid HTML5, UTF-8 encoding, and Unix line endings is a job well done. You can share and edit and store and read and recover and rely on that document in many contexts. It's lingua franca. It's digital paper.

How do I launch a program from command line without opening a new cmd window?

I think if you closed a program

taskkill /f /im "winamp.exe" 
//....(winamp.exe is example)...

end, so if you want to start a program that you can use

start "" /normal winamp.exe 

(/norma,/max/min are that process value cpu)


start "filepath"enter image description here

if you want command line without openning an new window you write that

start /b "filepath"enter image description here

/B is Start application without creating a new window. The application has ^C handling ignored. Unless the application enables ^C processing, ^Break is the only way to interrupt the application.

How to loop through elements of forms with JavaScript?

$(function() {
    $('form button').click(function() {
        var allowSubmit = true;
        $.each($('form input:text'), function(index, formField) {
            if($(formField).val().trim().length == 0) {
                alert('field is empty!');
                allowSubmit = false;
        return allowSubmit;


When is a language considered a scripting language?

The most commonly know essay written on the topic by a note-worthy source I know of is called Ousterhout's dichotomy. It is highly criticized as being fairly arbitrary and often jokingly refereed to as Ousterhout's false dichotomy. That being said in a discussion about the topic it deserves a citation.

I personally agree that this is a false dichotomy and I wouldn't trust anyone answering this question that proposes to have firm properties as to what defines a scripting language. Comments like "a scripting language must be dynamically typed" are false and comments like "scripting languages must be interpreted" don't even make sense because contrary to popular belief, compilation vs. interpretation is not a property of the language at all.

There are lots of properties that people have mentioned above as roughly matching scripting languages, thankfully most of them properly explaining that this term has no rigorous definition. So I won't duplicate my ideas of what they are here. For my experience people consider a language a scripting language if they can easily write some quick throwaway programs in them without writing much boiler plate. I'm mostly answering to give you the citation to Ousterhout which I don't see here.

How to configure postgresql for the first time?

You probably need to update your pg_hba.conf file. This file controls what users can log in from what IP addresses. I think that the postgres user is pretty locked-down by default.

Android Studio: /dev/kvm device permission denied

Step 1: (Install qemu-kvm)

sudo apt install qemu-kvm

Step 2: (Add your user to kvm group using)

sudo adduser username kvm

Step 3: (If still showing permission denied)

sudo chown username /dev/kvm

Final step:

ls -al /dev/kvm

C# Dictionary get item by index

Is it useful to look beyond the exact question asked to alternatives that might better suit the need? Create your own class or struct, then make an array of those to operate on instead of being stuck with the operation of the KeyValuePair collection behavior of the Dictionary type.

Using a struct instead of a class will allow equality comparison of two different cards without implementing your own comparison code.

public struct Card
  public string Name;
  public int Value;


private int random()
  // Whatever
  return 1;

private static Card[] Cards = new Card[]
    new Card() { Name = "7", Value = 7 },
    new Card() { Name = "8", Value = 8 },
    new Card() { Name = "9", Value = 9 },
    new Card() { Name = "10", Value = 10 },
    new Card() { Name = "J", Value = 1 },
    new Card() { Name = "Q", Value = 1 },
    new Card() { Name = "K", Value = 1 },
    new Card() { Name = "A", Value = 1 }

private void CardDemo()
  int value, maxVal;
  string name;
  Card card, card2;
  List<Card> lowCards;

  value = Cards[random()].Value;
  name = Cards[random()].Name;
  card = Cards[random()];
  card2 = Cards[1];
  // card.Equals(card2) returns true
  lowCards = Cards.Where(x => x.Value == 1).ToList();
  maxVal = Cards.Max(x => x.Value);


RGB to hex and hex to RGB

// Ignoring hsl notation, color values are commonly expressed as names, rgb, rgba or hex-

// Hex can be 3 values or 6.

// Rgb can be percentages as well as integer values.

// Best to account for all of these formats, at least.

String.prototype.padZero= function(len, c){
    var s= this, c= c || "0", len= len || 2;
    while(s.length < len) s= c + s;
    return s;
var colors={
        aqua: '#00ffff', black: '#000000', blue: '#0000ff', fuchsia: '#ff00ff',
        gray: '#808080', green: '#008000', lime: '#00ff00', maroon: '#800000',
        navy: '#000080', olive: '#808000', purple: '#800080', red: '#ff0000',
        silver: '#c0c0c0', teal: '#008080', white: '#ffffff', yellow: '#ffff00'
    toRgb: function(c){
        c= '0x'+colors.toHex(c).substring(1);
        c= [(c>> 16)&255, (c>> 8)&255, c&255];
        return 'rgb('+c.join(',')+')';
    toHex: function(c){
        var tem, i= 0, c= c? c.toString().toLowerCase(): '';
            if(c.length< 7){
                var A= c.split('');
                c= A[0]+A[1]+A[1]+A[2]+A[2]+A[3]+A[3];
            return c;
            return colors.colornames[c] || '';
        c= c.match(/\d+(\.\d+)?%?/g) || [];
        if(c.length<3) return '';
        c= c.slice(0, 3);
        while(i< 3){
            tem= c[i];
            if(tem.indexOf('%')!= -1){
                tem= Math.round(parseFloat(tem)*2.55);
            else tem= parseInt(tem);
            if(tem< 0 || tem> 255) c.length= 0;
            else c[i++]= tem.toString(16).padZero(2);
        if(c.length== 3) return '#'+c.join('').toLowerCase();
        return '';
//var c='#dc149c';
//var c='rgb(100%,25%,0)';
var c= 'red';

How to trigger SIGUSR1 and SIGUSR2?

They are user-defined signals, so they aren't triggered by any particular action. You can explicitly send them programmatically:

#include <signal.h>

kill(pid, SIGUSR1);

where pid is the process id of the receiving process. At the receiving end, you can register a signal handler for them:

#include <signal.h>

void my_handler(int signum)
    if (signum == SIGUSR1)
        printf("Received SIGUSR1!\n");

signal(SIGUSR1, my_handler);

Install npm (Node.js Package Manager) on Windows (w/o using Node.js MSI)

Download the latest Node.js MSI (4.x or 5.x) installer and run the following via command line:

msiexec /a node-v4.4.3-x64.msi /qb TARGETDIR="C:\Node.js"

This will extract the binaries into C:\Node.js\nodejs.

Then you will want to add C:\Node.js\nodejs PATH environment variable.

To update NPM, do the following:

cd C:\Node.js\nodejs
npm install npm@latest

After that completes, you should be able to check the versions:

node --version
npm --version

Node should be 4.4.3+ (whichever you installed) and npm should be 3.8.7+.

Making WPF applications look Metro-styled, even in Windows 7? (Window Chrome / Theming / Theme)

Based on Kapitán Mlíko's answer with source above, I would change it to use the following:

Marlett Font Example

It's a better practice to use the Marlett font rather than Path Data points for the Minimize, Restore/Maximize and Close buttons.

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Top" WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome="True" Grid.Row="0">
<Button Command="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemCommands.MinimizeWindowCommand}}" ToolTip="minimize" Style="{StaticResource WindowButtonStyle}">
        <Grid Width="30" Height="25">
            <TextBlock Text="0" FontFamily="Marlett" FontSize="14" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="3.5,0,0,3" />
<Grid Margin="1,0,1,0">
    <Button x:Name="Restore" Command="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemCommands.RestoreWindowCommand}}" ToolTip="restore" Visibility="Collapsed" Style="{StaticResource WindowButtonStyle}">
            <Grid Width="30" Height="25" UseLayoutRounding="True">
                <TextBlock Text="2" FontFamily="Marlett" FontSize="14" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="2,0,0,1" />
    <Button x:Name="Maximize" Command="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemCommands.MaximizeWindowCommand}}" ToolTip="maximize" Style="{StaticResource WindowButtonStyle}">
            <Grid Width="31" Height="25">
                <TextBlock Text="1" FontFamily="Marlett" FontSize="14" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="2,0,0,1" />
<Button Command="{Binding Source={x:Static SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand}}" ToolTip="close"  Style="{StaticResource WindowButtonStyle}">
        <Grid Width="30" Height="25">
            <TextBlock Text="r" FontFamily="Marlett" FontSize="14" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Padding="0,0,0,1" />

Eclipse+Maven src/main/java not visible in src folder in Package Explorer

If none of the answers worked for you. You might be in the wrong "Window". I was in "Package explorer" and switching to "Project Explorer" showed me the folders.

python convert list to dictionary

Using the usual grouper recipe, you could do:

Python 2:

d = dict(itertools.izip_longest(*[iter(l)] * 2, fillvalue=""))

Python 3:

d = dict(itertools.zip_longest(*[iter(l)] * 2, fillvalue=""))

How to set image in circle in swift

imageView.layer.cornerRadius = imageView.frame.height/2
imageView.clipToBounds = true

MongoDB: Combine data from multiple collections into

If there is no bulk insert into mongodb, we loop all objects in the small_collection and insert them one by one into the big_collection:


jQuery: Handle fallback for failed AJAX Request

Dougs answer is correct, but you actually can use $.getJSON and catch errors (not having to use $.ajax). Just chain the getJSON call with a call to the fail function:

    .done(function() { alert('request successful'); })
    .fail(function() { alert('request failed'); });

Live demo:

This behavior is part of the jQuery.Deferred interface.
Basically it allows you to attach events to an asynchronous action after you call that action, which means you don't have to pass the event function to the action.

Read more about jQuery.Deferred here:

How can I get column names from a table in Oracle?

SELECT COLUMN_NAME 'all_columns' 

INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY (do nothing)

HOW TO IMPLEMENT 'insert if not exist'?



  1. simple.


  1. too slow.

  2. auto-increment key will CHANGE(increase by 1) if there is entry matches unique key or primary key, because it deletes the old entry then insert new one.



  1. simple.


  1. auto-increment key will not change if there is entry matches unique key or primary key but auto-increment index will increase by 1

  2. some other errors/warnings will be ignored such as data conversion error.



  1. you can easily implement 'save or update' function with this


  1. looks relatively complex if you just want to insert not update.

  2. auto-increment key will not change if there is entry matches unique key or primary key but auto-increment index will increase by 1

4. Any way to stop auto-increment key increasing if there is entry matches unique key or primary key?

As mentioned in the comment below by @toien: "auto-increment column will be effected depends on innodb_autoinc_lock_mode config after version 5.1" if you are using innodb as your engine, but this also effects concurrency, so it needs to be well considered before used. So far I'm not seeing any better solution.

What is the preferred syntax for initializing a dict: curly brace literals {} or the dict() function?

Sometimes dict() is a good choice:

a=dict(zip(['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri'], [x for x in range(1, 6)]))


[random.randint(0,100) for x in range(0,7)]))

ERROR 1698 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

I would suggest to remove the Mysql connection -

UPDATE-This is for Mysql version 5.5,if your version is different ,please change the first line accordingly

sudo apt-get purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common mysql-server-core-5.5 mysql-client-core-5.5
sudo rm -rf /etc/mysql /var/lib/mysql
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

And Install Again But this time set a root password yourself. This will save a lot of effort.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Animation fade in and out

FOR FADE add this first line with your animation's object.



Remove the legend on a matplotlib figure

I made a legend by adding it to the figure, not to an axis (matplotlib 2.2.2). To remove it, I set the legends attribute of the figure to an empty list:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()

ax1.plot(range(10), range(10, 20), label='line 1')
ax2.plot(range(10), range(30, 20, -1), label='line 2')


fig.legends = []

MongoDB inserts float when trying to insert integer

If the value type is already double, then update the value with $set command can not change the value type double to int when using NumberInt() or NumberLong() function. So, to Change the value type, it must update the whole record.

var re ={"name": "zero"})
re['value']=NumberInt(0){"name": "zero"}, re)

How to use Console.WriteLine in ASP.NET (C#) during debug?

Make sure you start your application in Debug mode (F5), not without debugging (Ctrl+F5) and then select "Show output from: Debug" in the Output panel in Visual Studio.

Convert double to Int, rounded down

If the double is a Double with capital D (a boxed primitive value):

Double d = 4.97542;
int i = (int) d.doubleValue();

// or directly:
int i2 = d.intValue();

If the double is already a primitive double, then you simply cast it:

double d = 4.97542;
int i = (int) d;

Navigation bar with UIImage for title

this worked for me in Sept 2015 - Hope this helps someone out there.

// 1
    var nav = self.navigationController?.navigationBar
    // 2 set the style 
    nav?.barStyle = UIBarStyle.Black
    nav?.tintColor = UIColor.yellowColor()
    // 3
    let imageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 40, height: 40))
    imageView.contentMode = .ScaleAspectFit
    // 4
    let image = UIImage(named: "logo.png")
    imageView.image = image
    // 5
    navigationItem.titleView = imageView

Check if date is a valid one

Was able to find the solution. Since the date I am getting is in ISO format, only providing date to moment will validate it, no need to pass the dateFormat.

var date = moment("2016-10-19");

And then date.isValid() gives desired result.

SimpleDateFormat and locale based format string


 import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;         
 myDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MMM-YYYY",new Locale("ar")))

Roblox Admin Command Script

for i=1,#target do[i].Character:BreakJoints()

Is incorrect, if "target" contains "FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers" then the run code would be:

Which is completely incorrect.

c = game.Players:GetChildren()

Never use "Players:GetChildren()", it is not guaranteed to return only players.

Instead use:

c = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

if msg:lower()=="me" then
    table.insert(people, source)
    return people

Here you add the player's name in the list "people", where you in the other places adds the player object.

Fixed code:

local Admins = {"FakeNameHereSoNoStalkers"}

function Kill(Players)
    for i,Player in ipairs(Players) do
        if Player.Character then

function IsAdmin(Player)
    for i,AdminName in ipairs(Admins) do
        if Player.Name:lower() == AdminName:lower() then return true end
    return false

function GetPlayers(Player,Msg)
    local Targets = {}
    local Players = Game.Players:GetPlayers()

    if Msg:lower() == "me" then
        Targets = { Player }
    elseif Msg:lower() == "all" then
        Targets = Players
    elseif Msg:lower() == "others" then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr ~= Player then
        for i,Plr in ipairs(Players) do
            if Plr.Name:lower():sub(1,Msg:len()) == Msg then
    return Targets

    if IsAdmin(Player) then
            if Msg:lower():sub(1,6) == ":kill " then

Underscore prefix for property and method names in JavaScript

"Only conventions? Or is there more behind the underscore prefix?"

Apart from privacy conventions, I also wanted to help bring awareness that the underscore prefix is also used for arguments that are dependent on independent arguments, specifically in URI anchor maps. Dependent keys always point to a map.

Example ( from ) :

  page   : 'profile',
  _page  : {
    uname   : 'wendy',
    online  : 'today'

The URI anchor on the browser search field is changed to:


This is a convention used to drive an application state based on hash changes.

Is it possible to get multiple values from a subquery?

A Subquery in the Select clause, as in your case, is also known as a Scalar Subquery, which means that it's a form of expression. Meaning that it can only return one value.

I'm afraid you can't return multiple columns from a single Scalar Subquery, no.

Here's more about Oracle Scalar Subqueries:

How to split a string in two and store it in a field

I would suggest the following:

String[] parsedInput = str.split("\n"); String firstName = parsedInput[0].split(": ")[1]; String lastName = parsedInput[1].split(": ")[1]; myMap.put(firstName,lastName); 

a page can have only one server-side form tag

please remove " runat="server" " from "form" tag then it will definetly works.

XPath test if node value is number

The one I found very useful is the following:

  <xsl:when test="not(number(myNode))">
      <!-- myNode is a not a number or empty(NaN) or zero -->      
      <!-- myNode is a number (!= zero) -->        

Facebook development in localhost

You have to choose Facebook product 'facebook login' and enable Client OAuth Login , 'Web OAuth Login' and 'Embedded Browser OAuth Login' then even if you give localhost url It will work enter image description here

Read values into a shell variable from a pipe

The first attempt was pretty close. This variation should work:

echo "hello world" | { test=$(< /dev/stdin); echo "test=$test"; };

and the output is:

test=hello world

You need braces after the pipe to enclose the assignment to test and the echo.

Without the braces, the assignment to test (after the pipe) is in one shell, and the echo "test=$test" is in a separate shell which doesn't know about that assignment. That's why you were getting "test=" in the output instead of "test=hello world".

Trim characters in Java

Hand made for the first option:

public class Rep {
    public static void main( String [] args ) {
       System.out.println( trimChar( '\\' , "\\\\\\joe\\jill\\\\\\\\" )  ) ;
       System.out.println( trimChar( '\\' , "joe\\jill" )  ) ;
    private static String trimChar( char toTrim, String inString ) { 
        int from = 0;
        int to = inString.length();

        for( int i = 0 ; i < inString.length() ; i++ ) {
            if( inString.charAt( i ) != toTrim) {
                from = i;
        for( int i = inString.length()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ){ 
            if( inString.charAt( i ) != toTrim ){
                to = i;
        return inString.substring( from , to );




Using HttpClient and HttpPost in Android with post parameters

public class GetUsers extends AsyncTask {

    protected void onPreExecute() {


    private String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) {
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        String line = null;
        try {
            while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                sb.append(line + "\n");
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        return sb.toString();

    public String connect()
        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

        // Prepare a request object
        HttpPost htopost = new HttpPost("URL");
        htopost.setHeader(new BasicHeader("Authorization","Basic Og=="));

        try {

            JSONObject param = new JSONObject();

            htopost.setEntity(new StringEntity(param.toString()));

            // Execute the request
            HttpResponse response;

            response = httpclient.execute(htopost);
            // Examine the response status
            // Get hold of the response entity
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

            if (entity != null) {

                // A Simple JSON Response Read
                InputStream instream = entity.getContent();
                String result = convertStreamToString(instream);

                // A Simple JSONObject Creation
                json = new JSONArray(result);

                // Closing the input stream will trigger connection release
                return ""+response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return null;

    protected String doInBackground(String... urls) {
        return connect();

    protected void onPostExecute(String status){
        try {



                    for (int i = 0; i < json.length(); i++) {
                        JSONObject ojb = json.getJSONObject(i);
                        UserMomentModel u = new UserMomentModel();


                            userAdapter = new UserAdapter(getActivity(), Global.defaultMoemntLsit);

        catch (Exception e)


Int to Decimal Conversion - Insert decimal point at specified location

Declare it as a decimal which uses the int variable and divide this by 100

int number = 700
decimal correctNumber = (decimal)number / 100;

Edit: Bala was faster with his reaction

Jquery find nearest matching element

var otherInput = $(this).closest('.row').find('.inputQty');

That goes up to a row level, then back down to .inputQty.

Tools to search for strings inside files without indexing

I'm a fan of the Find-In-Files dialog in Notepad++. Bonus: It's free.

enter image description here

jquery-ui-dialog - How to hook into dialog close event

$( "#dialogueForm" ).dialog({
              autoOpen: false,
              height: "auto",
              width: "auto",
              modal: true,
                my: "center",
                at: "center",
                of: window,
              close : function(){
                  // functionality goes here

"close" property of dialog gives the close event for the same.

How do you add multi-line text to a UIButton?

You have to add this code:

buttonLabel.titleLabel.numberOfLines = 0;

How to succinctly write a formula with many variables from a data frame?

You can check the package leaps and in particular the function regsubsets() functions for model selection. As stated in the documentation:

Model selection by exhaustive search, forward or backward stepwise, or sequential replacement

Pushing from local repository to GitHub hosted remote

You push your local repository to the remote repository using the git push command after first establishing a relationship between the two with the git remote add [alias] [url] command. If you visit your Github repository, it will show you the URL to use for pushing. You'll first enter something like:

git remote add origin [email protected]:username/reponame.git

Unless you started by running git clone against the remote repository, in which case this step has been done for you already.

And after that, you'll type:

git push origin master

After your first push, you can simply type:

git push

when you want to update the remote repository in the future.


Try this

UPDATE `table` SET `uid` = CASE
    WHEN id = 1 THEN 2952
    WHEN id = 2 THEN 4925
    WHEN id = 3 THEN 1592
    ELSE `uid`
WHERE id  in (1,2,3)

ClassNotFoundException: org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

Try downloading jar from here

You can find, it holds the class you need.


Seems like the website has changed its structure. You need to choose which jar file you need for your project.

For slf4j-api jar file for latest version as of now, please visit this link

For slf4j-simple jar file for latest version as of now, please visit this link

Auto-loading lib files in Rails 4

Though this does not directly answer the question, but I think it is a good alternative to avoid the question altogether.

To avoid all the autoload_paths or eager_load_paths hassle, create a "lib" or a "misc" directory under "app" directory. Place codes as you would normally do in there, and Rails will load files just like how it will load (and reload) model files.

Linux command for extracting war file?

Using unzip

unzip -c whatever.war META-INF/MANIFEST.MF  

It will print the output in terminal.

And for extracting all the files,

 unzip whatever.war

Using jar

jar xvf test.war

Note! The jar command will extract war contents to current directory. Not to a subdirectory (like Tomcat does).

How to read file with space separated values in pandas

add delim_whitespace=True argument, it's faster than regex.

Creating a .dll file in C#.Net

You need to change project settings. Right click your project, go to properites. In Application tab change output type to class library instead of Windows application.

HTML input type=file, get the image before submitting the form

Here is the complete example for previewing image before it gets upload.


<link class="jsbin" href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>
<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>JS Bin</title>
<!--[if IE]>
<script src=""></script>
<input type='file' onchange="readURL(this);" />
<img id="blah" src="#" alt="your image" />

JavaScript :

function readURL(input) {
  if (input.files && input.files[0]) {
    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function (e) {

How to use HTTP.GET in AngularJS correctly? In specific, for an external API call?

Try this

myApp.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
        $httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
        delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];

Just setting useXDomain = true is not enough. AJAX request are also send with the X-Requested-With header, which indicate them as being AJAX. Removing the header is necessary, so the server is not rejecting the incoming request.

Get width height of remote image from url

The w and h variables in img.onload function are not in the same scope with those in the getMeta() function. One way to do it, is as follows:


function getMeta(varA, varB) {
    if (typeof varB !== 'undefined') {
       alert(varA + ' width ' + varB + ' height');
    } else {
       var img = new Image();
       img.src = varA;
       img.onload = getMeta(this.width, this.height);


JQuery add class to parent element

Specify the optional selector to target what you want:




redistributable offline .NET Framework 3.5 installer for Windows 8

You don't have to copy everything to C:\dotnet35. Usually all the files are already copied to the folder C:\Windows\WinSxS. Then the command becomes (assuming Windows was installed to C:): "Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:C:\Windows\WinSxS /LimitAccess" If not you can also point the command to the DVD directly. Then the command becomes (assuming DVD is mounted to D:): "Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /All /Source:D:\sources\sxs /LimitAccess".

Spring Data JPA - "No Property Found for Type" Exception

Fixed, While using CrudRepository of Spring , we have to append the propertyname correctly after findBy otherwise it will give you exception "No Property Found for Type”

I was getting this exception as. because property name and method name were not in sync.

I have used below code for DB Access.

public interface UserDao extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
    User findByUsername(String username);

and my Domain User has property.

public class User implements UserDetails {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    @Column(name = "userId", nullable = false, updatable = false)
    private Long userId;
    private String username;

Redirecting to authentication dialog - "An error occurred. Please try again later"

I had this error because I was using redirect_url as a parameter instead of redirect_uri.

The Server-Side Authentication doc page says to use redirect_url:

But this is incorrect. The OAuth Dialog doc says to use redirect_uri instead, which works, so I'm assuming that you can only use one and not the other:

send/post xml file using curl command line

If you are using curl on Windows:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version="""1.0""" encoding="""UTF-8""" standalone="""yes"""?><message><sender>Me</sender><content>Hello!</content></message>" http://localhost:8080/webapp/rest/hello

keycode and charcode

It is a conditional statement.

If browser supprts e.keyCode then take e.keyCode else e.charCode.

It is similar to

var code = event.keyCode || event.charCode

event.keyCode: Returns the Unicode value of a non-character key in a keypress event or any key in any other type of keyboard event.

event.charCode: Returns the Unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event.

jQuery get values of checked checkboxes into array

Call .get() at the very end to turn the resulting jQuery object into a true array.

    var searchIDs = $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){
      return $(this).val();
    }).get(); // <----

Per the documentation:

As the return value is a jQuery object, which contains an array, it's very common to call .get() on the result to work with a basic array.

What is the difference between git clone and checkout?

checkout can be use for many case :

1st case : switch between branch in local repository For instance : git checkout exists_branch_to_switch

You can also create new branch and switch out in throught this case with -b

git checkout -b new_branch_to_switch

2nd case : restore file from x rev

git checkout rev file_to_restore ...

Turn a single number into single digits Python

If you want to change your number into a list of those numbers, I would first cast it to a string, then casting it to a list will naturally break on each character:

[int(x) for x in str(n)]

ASP.NET: HTTP Error 500.19 – Internal Server Error 0x8007000d

I had this problem with a brand new web service. Solved it by adding read-only access for Everyone on Properties->Security for the folder that the service was in.

Why an inline "background-image" style doesn't work in Chrome 10 and Internet Explorer 8?

it is working in my google chrome browser version 11.0.696.60

I created a simple page with no other items just basic tags and no separate CSS file and got an image

this is what i setup:

<div id="placeholder" style="width: 60px; height: 60px; border: 1px solid black; background-image: url('')"></div>

I put an id just in case there was a hidden id tag and it works

SSL certificate rejected trying to access GitHub over HTTPS behind firewall

I recently (Jul 2014) had a similar issue and found on OS X (10.9.4) that there was a "DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA" certificate had expired (although I had another unexpired one as well).

  1. Open Keychain Access
  2. search Certificates for "DigiCert"
  3. View menu > Show Expired Certificates

I found two certificates named "DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA", one expiring Nov 2031 and the expired one at July 2014 (a few of days previously). Deleting the expired certificate resolved the issue for me.

Hope this helps.

jquery getting post action url

$('#signup').on("submit", function(event) {
    $form = $(this); //wrap this in jQuery

    alert('the action is: ' + $form.attr('action'));

What is the best project structure for a Python application?

Non-python data is best bundled inside your Python modules using the package_data support in setuptools. One thing I strongly recommend is using namespace packages to create shared namespaces which multiple projects can use -- much like the Java convention of putting packages in com.yourcompany.yourproject (and being able to have a shared com.yourcompany.utils namespace).

Re branching and merging, if you use a good enough source control system it will handle merges even through renames; Bazaar is particularly good at this.

Contrary to some other answers here, I'm +1 on having a src directory top-level (with doc and test directories alongside). Specific conventions for documentation directory trees will vary depending on what you're using; Sphinx, for instance, has its own conventions which its quickstart tool supports.

Please, please leverage setuptools and pkg_resources; this makes it much easier for other projects to rely on specific versions of your code (and for multiple versions to be simultaneously installed with different non-code files, if you're using package_data).

What exactly is nullptr?

When you have a function that can receive pointers to more than one type, calling it with NULL is ambiguous. The way this is worked around now is very hacky by accepting an int and assuming it's NULL.

template <class T>
class ptr {
    T* p_;
        ptr(T* p) : p_(p) {}

        template <class U>
        ptr(U* u) : p_(dynamic_cast<T*>(u)) { }

        // Without this ptr<T> p(NULL) would be ambiguous
        ptr(int null) : p_(NULL)  { assert(null == NULL); }

In C++11 you would be able to overload on nullptr_t so that ptr<T> p(42); would be a compile-time error rather than a run-time assert.

ptr(std::nullptr_t) : p_(nullptr)  {  }

How to replace all occurrences of a character in string?

If you're willing to use std::strings, you can use this sample-app's strsub function as-is, or update it if you want it to take a different type or set of parameters to achieve roughly the same goal. Basically, it uses the properties and functionalities of std::string to quickly erase the matching set of characters, and insert the desired characters directly within the std::string. Every time it does this replacement operation, the offset updates if it can still find matching chars to replace, and if it can't due to nothing more to replace, it returns the string in its state from the last update.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

std::string strsub(std::string stringToModify,
                   std::string charsToReplace,
                   std::string replacementChars);

int main()
    std::string silly_typos = "annoiiyyyng syyyllii tiipos.";

    std::cout << "Look at these " << silly_typos << std::endl;
    silly_typos = strsub(silly_typos, "yyy", "i");
    std::cout << "After a little elbow-grease, a few less " << silly_typos << std::endl;
    silly_typos = strsub(silly_typos, "ii", "y");

    std::cout << "There, no more " << silly_typos << std::endl;
    return 0;

std::string strsub(std::string stringToModify,
                   std::string charsToReplace,
                   std::string replacementChars)
    std::string this_string = stringToModify;

    std::size_t this_occurrence = this_string.find(charsToReplace);
    while (this_occurrence != std::string::npos)
        this_string.erase(this_occurrence, charsToReplace.size());
        this_string.insert(this_occurrence, replacementChars);
        this_occurrence = this_string.find(charsToReplace,
                                           this_occurrence + replacementChars.size());

    return this_string;

If you don't want to rely on using std::strings as your parameters so you can pass in C-style strings instead, you can see the updated sample below:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

std::string strsub(const char * stringToModify,
                   const char * charsToReplace,
                   const char * replacementChars,
                   uint64_t sizeOfCharsToReplace,
                   uint64_t sizeOfReplacementChars);

int main()
    std::string silly_typos = "annoiiyyyng syyyllii tiipos.";

    std::cout << "Look at these " << silly_typos << std::endl;
    silly_typos = strsub(silly_typos.c_str(), "yyy", "i", 3, 1);
    std::cout << "After a little elbow-grease, a few less " << silly_typos << std::endl;
    silly_typos = strsub(silly_typos.c_str(), "ii", "y", 2, 1);

    std::cout << "There, no more " << silly_typos << std::endl;
    return 0;

std::string strsub(const char * stringToModify,
                   const char * charsToReplace,
                   const char * replacementChars,
                   uint64_t sizeOfCharsToReplace,
                   uint64_t sizeOfReplacementChars)
    std::string this_string = stringToModify;

    std::size_t this_occurrence = this_string.find(charsToReplace);
    while (this_occurrence != std::string::npos)
        this_string.erase(this_occurrence, sizeOfCharsToReplace);
        this_string.insert(this_occurrence, replacementChars);
        this_occurrence = this_string.find(charsToReplace,
            this_occurrence + sizeOfReplacementChars);

    return this_string;

C# catch a stack overflow exception

Yes from CLR 2.0 stack overflow is considered a non-recoverable situation. So the runtime still shut down the process.

For details please see the documentation

Executing command line programs from within python

If you're concerned about server performance then look at capping the number of running sox processes. If the cap has been hit you can always cache the request and inform the user when it's finished in whichever way suits your application.

Alternatively, have the n worker scripts on other machines that pull requests from the db and call sox, and then push the resulting output file to where it needs to be.

WooCommerce return product object by id

Alright, I deserve to be throttled. definitely an RTM but not for WooCommerce, for Wordpress. Solution found due to a JOLT cola (all hail JOLT cola).

TASK: Field named 'related_product_ids' added to a custom post type. So when that post is displayed mini product displays can be displayed with it.

PROBLEM: Was having a problem getting the multiple ids returned via WP_Query.


$related_id_list          = get_post_custom_values('related_product_ids');
    // Get comma delimited list from current post
$related_product_ids      = explode(",", trim($related_id_list[0],','));
    // Return an array of the IDs ensure no empty array elements from extra commas
$related_product_post_ids = array( 'post_type' => 'product', 
                                   'post__in'  => $related_product_ids,
                                   'meta_query'=> array( 
                                        array( 'key'    => '_visibility',
                                               'value'  => array('catalog', 'visible'),'compare' => 'IN'
    // Query to get all product posts matching given IDs provided it is a published post
$loop = new WP_Query( $related_posts );
    // Execute query
while ( $loop->have_posts() ) : $loop->the_post(); $_product = get_product( $loop->post->ID );
    // Do stuff here to display your products 

Thank you for anyone who may have spent some time on this.


how to convert string into time format and add two hours

This example is a Sum for Date time and Time Zone(String Values)

String DateVal = "2015-03-26 12:00:00";
String TimeVal = "02:00:00";

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
SimpleDateFormat sdf2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");

Date reslt = sdf.parse( DateVal );
Date timeZ = sdf2.parse( TimeVal );
//Increase Date Time
reslt.setHours( reslt.getHours() + timeZ.getHours());
reslt.setMinutes( reslt.getMinutes() + timeZ.getMinutes());
reslt.setSeconds( reslt.getSeconds() + timeZ.getSeconds());

System.printLn.out( sdf.format(reslt) );//Result(+2 Hours):  2015-03-26 14:00:00 

Thanks :)

How to get column values in one comma separated value

In Sql Server you can use it.



    UserName varchar(30) NOT NULL 


INSERT INTO @UserMaster VALUES (1,'Rakesh')

INSERT INTO @UserMaster VALUES (2,'Ashish')

INSERT INTO @UserMaster VALUES (3,'Sagar')

SELECT * FROM @UserMaster


SELECT @CSV = COALESCE(@CSV + ', ', '') + UserName from @UserMaster 


Upgrading PHP on CentOS 6.5 (Final)

IUS offers an installation script for subscribing to their repository and importing associated GPG keys. Make sure you’re in your home directory, and retrieve the script using curl:

curl '' -o
sudo bash

Install Required Packages-:

sudo yum install -y mod_php70u php70u-cli php70u-mysqlnd php70u-json php70u-gd php70u-dom php70u-simplexml php70u-mcrypt php70u-intl

Is there a way to pass jvm args via command line to maven?

I think MAVEN_OPTS would be most appropriate for you. See here:

In Unix:

Add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable to specify JVM properties, e.g. export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m". This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

In Win, you need to set environment variable via the dialogue box

Add ... environment variable by opening up the system properties (WinKey + Pause),... In the same dialog, add the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable in the user variables to specify JVM properties, e.g. the value -Xms256m -Xmx512m. This environment variable can be used to supply extra options to Maven.

How to abort makefile if variable not set?

You can use an IF to test:

        @[ "${var}" ] || ( echo ">> var is not set"; exit 1 )


$ make check
>> var is not set
Makefile:2: recipe for target 'check' failed
make: *** [check] Error 1

How do you use script variables in psql?

FWIW, the real problem was that I had included a semicolon at the end of my \set command:

\set owner_password 'thepassword';

The semicolon was interpreted as an actual character in the variable:

\echo :owner_password thepassword;

So when I tried to use it:


...I got this:


That not only failed to set the quotes around the literal, but split the command into 2 parts (the second of which was invalid as it started with "NOINHERIT").

The moral of this story: PostgreSQL "variables" are really macros used in text expansion, not true values. I'm sure that comes in handy, but it's tricky at first.

How do I merge a git tag onto a branch

Just complementing the answer.

Merging the last tag on a branch:

git checkout my-branch
git merge $(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1))

Inspired by

boolean in an if statement

In Javascript the idea of boolean is fairly ambiguous. Consider this:

 var bool = 0 
 if(bool){..} //evaluates to false

 if(//uninitialized var) //evaluates to false

So when you're using an if statement, (or any other control statement), one does not have to use a "boolean" type var. Therefore, in my opinion, the "=== true" part of your statement is unnecessary if you know it is a boolean, but absolutely necessary if your value is an ambiguous "truthy" var. More on booleans in javscript can be found here.

How to color System.out.println output?

System.err.println("Errorrrrrr") it will print text in Red color on console.

How to format date in angularjs

After looking at all the above solutions, the following was the quickest solution for me. If you are using angular-material:

 <md-datepicker ng-model="member.reg_date" md-placeholder="Enter date"></md-datepicker>

To set the format:

app.config(function($mdDateLocaleProvider) {
    $mdDateLocaleProvider.formatDate = function(date) {
        // Requires Moment.js OR enter your own formatting code here....
        return moment(date).format('DD-MM-YYYY');

Edit: You also need to set the parseDate for typing in a date (from this answer Change format of md-datepicker in Angular Material)

$mdDateLocaleProvider.parseDate = function(dateString) {
    var m = moment(dateString, 'DD/MM/YYYY', true);
    return m.isValid() ? m.toDate() : new Date(NaN);

How to generate a number of most distinctive colors in R?

You can also try the randomcoloR package:

n <- 20
palette <- distinctColorPalette(n)

You can see that a set of highly distinct colors are chosen when visualizing in a pie chart (as suggested by other answers here):

pie(rep(1, n), col=palette)

enter image description here

Shown in a pie chart with 50 colors:

n <- 50
palette <- distinctColorPalette(n)
pie(rep(1, n), col=palette)

enter image description here

How can I run a function from a script in command line?

Solved post but I'd like to mention my preferred solution. Namely, define a generic one-liner script

source $1 && shift && "@a"

Then call any function within any script via:

./ <any script> <any function> <any args>...

An issue I ran into with the accepted solution is that when sourcing my function-containing script within another script, the arguments of the latter would be evaluated by the former, causing an error.

TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len() error assistance needed

May be it is the problem of using len() for an integer value. does not posses the len attribute in Python.

Error as:I will give u an example:

number= 1

Instead of use ths,

data = [1,2,3,4]

Bootstrap close responsive menu "on click"

I'm using the mollwe function, although I added 2 improvements:

a) Avoid the dropdown closing if the link clicked is collapsed (including other links)

b) Hide the dropdown too, if you are clicking the visible web content.

jQuery.fn.exists = function() {
                  return this.length > 0;

    $(function() {
                var navMain = $(".navbar-collapse");
                navMain.on("click", "a", null, function() {
                    if ($(this).attr("href") !== "#") {

                $("#content").bind("click", function() {
                     if ($("").exists()) {


Find first element in a sequence that matches a predicate

J.F. Sebastian's answer is most elegant but requires python 2.6 as fortran pointed out.

For Python version < 2.6, here's the best I can come up with:

from itertools import repeat,ifilter,chain

Alternatively if you needed a list later (list handles the StopIteration), or you needed more than just the first but still not all, you can do it with islice:

from itertools import islice,ifilter

UPDATE: Although I am personally using a predefined function called first() that catches a StopIteration and returns None, Here's a possible improvement over the above example: avoid using filter / ifilter:

from itertools import islice,chain
chain((x for x in seq if predicate(x)),repeat(None)).next()

Laravel Check If Related Model Exists

A Relation object passes unknown method calls through to an Eloquent query Builder, which is set up to only select the related objects. That Builder in turn passes unknown method calls through to its underlying query Builder.

This means you can use the exists() or count() methods directly from a relation object:

$model->relation()->exists(); // bool: true if there is at least one row
$model->relation()->count(); // int: number of related rows

Note the parentheses after relation: ->relation() is a function call (getting the relation object), as opposed to ->relation which a magic property getter set up for you by Laravel (getting the related object/objects).

Using the count method on the relation object (that is, using the parentheses) will be much faster than doing $model->relation->count() or count($model->relation) (unless the relation has already been eager-loaded) since it runs a count query rather than pulling all of the data for any related objects from the database, just to count them. Likewise, using exists doesn't need to pull model data either.

Both exists() and count() work on all relation types I've tried, so at least belongsTo, hasOne, hasMany, and belongsToMany.

Creating a JavaScript cookie on a domain and reading it across sub domains

Just set the domain and path attributes on your cookie, like:

<script type="text/javascript">
var cookieName = 'HelloWorld';
var cookieValue = 'HelloWorld';
var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setMonth(myDate.getMonth() + 12);
document.cookie = cookieName +"=" + cookieValue + ";expires=" + myDate 
                  + ";;path=/";

Spring Boot Configure and Use Two DataSources

# Here '1stDB' is the database name

# Here '2ndDB' is the database name

    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.datasource")
    public DataSource firstDataSource() {
        return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

    @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.second-datasource")
    public DataSource secondDataSource() {
       return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();

PHP: convert spaces in string into %20?

The plus sign is the historic encoding for a space character in URL parameters, as documented in the help for the urlencode() function.

That same page contains the answer you need - use rawurlencode() instead to get RFC 3986 compatible encoding.

How to install the current version of Go in Ubuntu Precise

If someone is looking for installing Go 1.8 the follow this:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install golang-go

And then install go

sudo apt-get install golang-1.8-go

How to add element to C++ array?

Use a vector:

#include <vector>

void foo() {
    std::vector <int> v;
    v.push_back( 1 );       // equivalent to v[0] = 1

How to set layout_gravity programmatically?

layoutParams2.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT|Gravity.BOTTOM;

use this to add mor than one gravity

How do I update an entity using spring-data-jpa?

This is how I solved the problem:

User inbound = ...
User existing = userRepository.findByFirstname(inbound.getFirstname());
if(existing != null) inbound.setId(existing.getId());;

How can I get city name from a latitude and longitude point?

In case if you don't want to use google geocoding API than you can refer to few other Free APIs for the development purpose. for example i used [mapquest] API in order to get the location name.

you can fetch location name easily by implementing this following function

 const fetchLocationName = async (lat,lng) => {
    await fetch(
      .then((response) => response.json())
      .then((responseJson) => {
          'ADDRESS GEOCODE is BACK!! => ' + JSON.stringify(responseJson),

Lowercase and Uppercase with jQuery

Try this:

var jIsHasKids = $('#chkIsHasKids').attr('checked');
jIsHasKids = jIsHasKids.toString().toLowerCase();
jIsHasKids = jIsHasKids.val().toLowerCase();

Possible duplicate with: How do I use jQuery to ignore case when selecting

reCAPTCHA ERROR: Invalid domain for site key

You may have inadvertently used a private key for a public key.

How to troubleshoot an "AttributeError: __exit__" in multiproccesing in Python?

The problem is in this line:

with pattern.findall(row) as f:

You are using the with statement. It requires an object with __enter__ and __exit__ methods. But pattern.findall returns a list, with tries to store the __exit__ method, but it can't find it, and raises an error. Just use

f = pattern.findall(row)


Should I use JSLint or JSHint JavaScript validation?

This answer has been edited. I'm leaving the original answer below for context (otherwise the comments wouldn't make sense).

When this question was originally asked, JSLint was the main linting tool for JavaScript. JSHint was a new fork of JSLint, but had not yet diverged much from the original.

Since then, JSLint has remained pretty much static, while JSHint has changed a great deal - it has thrown away many of JSLint's more antagonistic rules, has added a whole load of new rules, and has generally become more flexible. Also, another tool ESLint is now available, which is even more flexible and has more rule options.

In my original answer, I said that you should not force yourself to stick to JSLint's rules; as long as you understood why it was throwing a warning, you could make a judgement for yourself about whether to change the code to resolve the warning or not.

With the ultra-strict ruleset of JSLint from 2011, this was reasonable advice -- I've seen very few JavaScript codesets that could pass a JSLint test. However with the more pragmatic rules available in today's JSHint and ESLint tools, it is a much more realistic proposition to try to get your code passing through them with zero warnings.

There may still occasionally be cases where a linter will complain about something that you've done intentionally -- for example, you know that you should always use === but just this one time you have a good reason to use ==. But even then, with ESLint you have the option to specify eslint-disable around the line in question so you can still have a passing lint test with zero warnings, with the rest of your code obeying the rule. (just don't do that kind of thing too often!)


By all means use JSLint. But don't get hung up on the results and on fixing everything that it warns about. It will help you improve your code, and it will help you find potential bugs, but not everything that JSLint complains about turns out to be a real problem, so don't feel like you have to complete the process with zero warnings.

Pretty much any Javascript code with any significant length or complexity will produce warnings in JSLint, no matter how well written it is. If you don't believe me, try running some popular libraries like JQuery through it.

Some JSLint warnings are more valuable than others: learn which ones to watch out for, and which ones are less important. Every warning should be considered, but don't feel obliged to fix your code to clear any given warning; it's perfectly okay to look at the code and decide you're happy with it; there are times when things that JSlint doesn't like are actually the right thing to do.

How do I put a clear button inside my HTML text input box like the iPhone does?

@thebluefox has summarized the most of all. You're only also forced to use JavaScript to make that button to work anyway. Here's an SSCCE, you can copy'n'paste'n'run it:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>SO question 2803532</title>
        <script src=""></script>
            $(document).ready(function() {
                $('input.deletable').wrap('<span class="deleteicon" />').after($('<span/>').click(function() {
            span.deleteicon {
                position: relative;
            span.deleteicon span {
                position: absolute;
                display: block;
                top: 5px;
                right: 0px;
                width: 16px;
                height: 16px;
                background: url('') 0 -690px;
                cursor: pointer;
            span.deleteicon input {
                padding-right: 16px;
                box-sizing: border-box;
        <input type="text" class="deletable">


jQuery is by the way not necessary, it just nicely separates the logic needed for progressive enhancement from the source, you can of course also go ahead with plain HTML/CSS/JS:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>SO question 2803532, with "plain" HTML/CSS/JS</title>
            span.deleteicon {
                position: relative;
            span.deleteicon span {
                position: absolute;
                display: block;
                top: 5px;
                right: 0px;
                width: 16px;
                height: 16px;
                background: url('') 0 -690px;
                cursor: pointer;
            span.deleteicon input {
                padding-right: 16px;
                box-sizing: border-box;
        <span class="deleteicon">
            <input type="text">
            <span onclick="var input = this.previousSibling; input.value = ''; input.focus();"></span>

You only ends up with uglier HTML (and non-crossbrowser compatible JS ;) ).

Note that when the UI look'n'feel isn't your biggest concern, but the functionality is, then just use <input type="search"> instead of <input type="text">. It'll show the (browser-specific) clear button on HTML5 capable browsers.

How often should you use git-gc?

If you're using Git-Gui, it tells you when you should worry:

This repository currently has approximately 1500 loose objects.

The following command will bring a similar number:

$ git count-objects

Except, from its source, git-gui will do the math by itself, actually counting something at .git/objects folder and probably brings an approximation (I don't know tcl to properly read that!).

In any case, it seems to give the warning based on an arbitrary number around 300 loose objects.

Git Extensions: Win32 error 487: Couldn't reserve space for cygwin's heap, Win32 error 0

I ran into this today. Led by Greg Hewgill's answer, I looked at running processes on my system to see if anything was "stuck" or if other users were logged into the machine doing anything with git. I then launched cygwin (installed separately) on this particular machine. It launched ok. I closed it and then tried the Git Extensions again (I was trying a pull operation) and it worked. Not sure if the launching of cygwin cleared something that was shared but this is the first time I ran into this error and this seemed to fix it for me.

Convert a list of characters into a string

Use the join method of the empty string to join all of the strings together with the empty string in between, like so:

>>> a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
>>> ''.join(a)

MySQL "NOT IN" query

Be carefull NOT IN is not an alias for <> ANY, but for <> ALL!


cant' be replaced by


You must use


C++ Get name of type in template

As mentioned by Bunkar typeid(T).name is implementation defined.

To avoid this issue you can use Boost.TypeIndex library.

For example:

boost::typeindex::type_id<T>().pretty_name() // human readable

How do I set vertical space between list items?

You can use margin. See the example:

  margin: 10px 0;

I want to align the text in a <td> to the top

you can use valign="top" on the td tag it is working perfectly for me.

How to install Android SDK on Ubuntu?

Android SDK Manager

Get it from the Snap Store

sudo snap install androidsdk


You can use the sdkmanager to perform the following tasks.

List installed and available packages

androidsdk --list [options]

Install packages

androidsdk packages [options]

The packages argument is an SDK-style path as shown with the --list command, wrapped in quotes (for example, "build-tools;29.0.0" or "platforms;android-28"). You can pass multiple package paths, separated with a space, but they must each be wrapped in their own set of quotes.

For example, here's how to install the latest platform tools (which includes adb and fastboot) and the SDK tools for API level 28:

androidsdk "platform-tools" "platforms;android-28"

Alternatively, you can pass a text file that specifies all packages:

androidsdk --package_file=package_file [options]

The package_file argument is the location of a text file in which each line is an SDK-style path of a package to install (without quotes).

To uninstall, simply add the --uninstall flag:

androidsdk --uninstall packages [options]
androidsdk --uninstall --package_file=package_file [options]

Update all installed packages

androidsdk --update [options]


androidsdk it is snap wraper of sdkmanager all options of sdkmanager work with androidsdk

Location of installed android sdk files : /home/user/AndroidSDK

See all sdkmanager options in google documentation

Android - Pulling SQlite database android device

A common way to achieve what you desire is to use the ADB pull command.

Another way I prefer in most cases is to copy the database by code to SD card:

try {
    File sd = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();

    if (sd.canWrite()) {
        String currentDBPath = "/data/data/" + getPackageName() + "/databases/yourdatabasename";
        String backupDBPath = "backupname.db";
        File currentDB = new File(currentDBPath);
        File backupDB = new File(sd, backupDBPath);

        if (currentDB.exists()) {
            FileChannel src = new FileInputStream(currentDB).getChannel();
            FileChannel dst = new FileOutputStream(backupDB).getChannel();
            dst.transferFrom(src, 0, src.size());
} catch (Exception e) {


Don't forget to set the permission to write on SD in your manifest, like below.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

How to See the Contents of Windows library (*.lib)

I wanted a tool like ar t libfile.a in unix.
The windows equivalent is lib.exe /list libfile.lib.

Create a table without a header in Markdown

$ cat
Key 1 | Value 1
Key 2 | Value 2
$ kramdown
      <td>Key 1</td>
      <td>Value 1</td>
      <td>Key 2</td>
      <td>Value 2</td>

jQueryUI modal dialog does not show close button (x)

In the upper right corner of the dialog, mouse over where the button should be, and see rather or not you get some effect (the button hover). Try clicking it and seeing if it closes. If it does close, then you're just missing your image sprites that came with your package download.

Difference between links and depends_on in docker_compose.yml

This answer is for docker-compose version 2 and it also works on version 3

You can still access the data when you use depends_on.

If you look at docker docs Docker Compose and Django, you still can access the database like this:

version: '2'
    image: postgres
    build: .
    command: python runserver
      - .:/code
      - "8000:8000"
      - db

What is the difference between links and depends_on?


When you create a container for a database, for example:

docker run -d --name=test-mysql --env="MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypassword" -P mysql

docker inspect d54cf8a0fb98 |grep HostPort

And you may find

"HostPort": "32777"

This means you can connect the database from your localhost port 32777 (3306 in container) but this port will change every time you restart or remove the container. So you can use links to make sure you will always connect to the database and don't have to know which port it is.

   - db


I found a nice blog from Giorgio Ferraris Docker-compose.yml: from V1 to V2

When docker-compose executes V2 files, it will automatically build a network between all of the containers defined in the file, and every container will be immediately able to refer to the others just using the names defined in the docker-compose.yml file.


So we don’t need links anymore; links were used to start a network communication between our db container and our web-server container, but this is already done by docker-compose



Express dependency between services, which has two effects:

  • docker-compose up will start services in dependency order. In the following example, db and redis will be started before web.
  • docker-compose up SERVICE will automatically include SERVICE’s dependencies. In the following example, docker-compose up web will also create and start db and redis.

Simple example:

version: '2'
    build: .
      - db
      - redis
    image: redis
    image: postgres

Note: depends_on will not wait for db and redis to be “ready” before starting web - only until they have been started. If you need to wait for a service to be ready, see Controlling startup order for more on this problem and strategies for solving it.

How to convert column with dtype as object to string in Pandas Dataframe

Did you try assigning it back to the column?

df['column'] = df['column'].astype('str') 

Referring to this question, the pandas dataframe stores the pointers to the strings and hence it is of type 'object'. As per the docs ,You could try:

df['column_new'] = df['column'].str.split(',') 

Table border left and bottom

You need to use the border property as seen here: jsFiddle


<table width="770">
        <td class="border-left-bottom">picture (border only to the left and bottom ) </td>
        <td class="border-left-bottom">picture (border only to the left and bottom) </td>


    border-left: solid 1px #000;
    border-bottom: solid 1px #000;

Confirmation dialog on ng-click - AngularJS

ng-click return confirm 100% works

in html file call delete_plot() function

<i class="fa fa-trash delete-plot" ng-click="delete_plot()"></i> 

Add this to your controller

    $scope.delete_plot = function(){
        check = confirm("Are you sure to delete this plot?")
            console.log("yes, OK pressed")
            console.log("No, cancel pressed")


How to run Spring Boot web application in Eclipse itself?

First Method:(if STS is available in eclipse)
1.right click on project->run as ->Spring Boot app.

Second Method:
1.right click on project->run as ->run configuration
2. set base directory of you project ie.${workspace_loc:/first}
3. set goal spring-boot:run
4. Run

Third Method:
1.Right click on @SpringBootApplication annotation class ->Run as ->Java Application

How to enable bulk permission in SQL Server

SQL Server may also return this error if the service account does not have permission to read the file being imported. Ensure that the service account has read access to the file location. For example:

icacls D:\ImportFiles /Grant "NT Service\MSSQLServer":(OI)(CI)R

How do you input command line arguments in IntelliJ IDEA?

As @EastOcean said, We can add it by choosing Run/Debug configurations option. In my case, I have to set configuration for junit. So on clicking Edit configurations option, a pop up window is displayed. Then followed the below steps:

  1. Click on + icon
  2. Choose junit from the list
  3. Then we can see Configuration tab in the right hand side
  4. Select test kind, in my case Its a Class
  5. Next step browse through the location of the class which needs to be executed/run
  6. Next to that, choose VM Option, click on expand arrow icons
  7. Set required arguments for an example (-Durl="" -Dsourcename="API" -Dbrowsername="chrome")
  8. Set jre path.

Save and run.

Thank you.

Order by in Inner Join

Add an ORDER BY ONE.ID ASC at the end of your first query.

By default there is no ordering.

How to add,set and get Header in request of HttpClient?

You can use HttpPost, there are methods to add Header to the Request.

DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
String url = "http://localhost";
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url);

httpPost.addHeader("header-name" , "header-value");

HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost);

How to define global variable in Google Apps Script

I use this: if you declare var x = 0; before the functions declarations, the variable works for all the code files, but the variable will be declare every time that you edit a cell in the spreadsheet

How to play ringtone/alarm sound in Android

public class AlarmReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {

    public void onReceive(final Context context, Intent intent) {
        //this will update the UI with message
        Reminder inst = Reminder.instance();

        //this will sound the alarm tone
        //this will sound the alarm once, if you wish to
        //raise alarm in loop continuously then use MediaPlayer and setLooping(true)
        Uri alarmUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_ALARM);
        if (alarmUri == null) {
            alarmUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_RINGTONE);
        Ringtone ringtone = RingtoneManager.getRingtone(context, alarmUri);;

        //this will send a notification message
        ComponentName comp = new ComponentName(context.getPackageName(),
        startWakefulService(context, (intent.setComponent(comp)));

How to know/change current directory in Python shell?

you want

import os

How to select clear table contents without destroying the table?

I reworked Doug Glancy's solution to avoid rows deletion, which can lead to #Ref issue in formulae.

Sub ListReset(lst As ListObject)
'clears a listObject while leaving row 1 empty, with formulae
    With lst
        If .ShowAutoFilter Then .AutoFilter.ShowAllData
        On Error Resume Next
        With .DataBodyRange
        End With
        On Error GoTo 0
        .Resize .Range.Rows("1:2")
    End With
End Sub

Ways to circumvent the same-origin policy

The JSONP comes to mind:

JSONP or "JSON with padding" is a complement to the base JSON data format, a usage pattern that allows a page to request and more meaningfully use JSON from a server other than the primary server. JSONP is an alternative to a more recent method called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

How to Delete a directory from Hadoop cluster which is having comma(,) in its name?

In hadoop1.0:

hadoop fs -rmr /PATH/ON/HDFS

In hadoop2.0:

hdfs dfs -rm -R /PATH/ON/HDFS

Use \ to escape , in path

Solutions for INSERT OR UPDATE on SQL Server

If you want to UPSERT more than one record at a time you can use the ANSI SQL:2003 DML statement MERGE.

MERGE INTO table_name WITH (HOLDLOCK) USING table_name ON (condition)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET column1 = value1 [, column2 = value2 ...]
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (column1 [, column2 ...]) VALUES (value1 [, value2 ...])

Check out Mimicking MERGE Statement in SQL Server 2005.

Border around tr element doesn't show?

Add this to the stylesheet:

table {
  border-collapse: collapse;


The reason why it behaves this way is actually described pretty well in the specification:

There are two distinct models for setting borders on table cells in CSS. One is most suitable for so-called separated borders around individual cells, the other is suitable for borders that are continuous from one end of the table to the other.

... and later, for collapse setting:

In the collapsing border model, it is possible to specify borders that surround all or part of a cell, row, row group, column, and column group.

How can I check the system version of Android?

You can find out the Android version looking at Build.VERSION.

The documentation recommends you check Build.VERSION.SDK_INT against the values in Build.VERSION_CODES.

This is fine as long as you realise that Build.VERSION.SDK_INT was only introduced in API Level 4, which is to say Android 1.6 (Donut). So this won't affect you, but if you did want your app to run on Android 1.5 or earlier then you would have to use the deprecated Build.VERSION.SDK instead.

Switch statement equivalent in Windows batch file

It might be a bit late, but this does it:

set "case1=operation1"
set "case2=operation2"
set "case3=operation3"

setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

%switch% gets replaced before line execution. Serious downsides:

  • You override the case variables
  • It needs DelayedExpansion

Might eventually be usefull in some cases.

how to check the dtype of a column in python pandas

In pandas 0.20.2 you can do:

from pandas.api.types import is_string_dtype
from pandas.api.types import is_numeric_dtype

>>>> True

>>>> True

So your code becomes:

for y in agg.columns:
    if (is_string_dtype(agg[y])):
    elif (is_numeric_dtype(agg[y])):

How to display Oracle schema size with SQL query?

If you just want to calculate the schema size without tablespace free space and indexes :

   sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as size_in_mega,
   owner='<schema's owner>'
group by

For all schemas

   sum(bytes)/1024/1024 as size_in_mega, owner
group by

How can I declare optional function parameters in JavaScript?


With ES6, this is possible in exactly the manner you have described; a detailed description can be found in the documentation.

Old answer

Default parameters in JavaScript can be implemented in mainly two ways:

function myfunc(a, b)
    // use this if you specifically want to know if b was passed
    if (b === undefined) {
        // b was not passed
    // use this if you know that a truthy value comparison will be enough
    if (b) {
        // b was passed and has truthy value
    } else {
        // b was not passed or has falsy value
    // use this to set b to a default value (using truthy comparison)
    b = b || "default value";

The expression b || "default value" evaluates the value AND existence of b and returns the value of "default value" if b either doesn't exist or is falsy.

Alternative declaration:

function myfunc(a)
    var b;

    // use this to determine whether b was passed or not
    if (arguments.length == 1) {
        // b was not passed
    } else {
        b = arguments[1]; // take second argument

The special "array" arguments is available inside the function; it contains all the arguments, starting from index 0 to N - 1 (where N is the number of arguments passed).

This is typically used to support an unknown number of optional parameters (of the same type); however, stating the expected arguments is preferred!

Further considerations

Although undefined is not writable since ES5, some browsers are known to not enforce this. There are two alternatives you could use if you're worried about this:

b === void 0;
typeof b === 'undefined'; // also works for undeclared variables

SecurityException during executing jnlp file (Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar)

If you'd like to set this globally for all users of a machine, you can create the following directory and file structures:

mkdir %windir%\Sun\Java\Deployment

Create a file deployment.config with the content:


Create a file\:/WINDOWS/Sun/Java/Deployment/exception.sites

Create a file exception.sites


Python convert decimal to hex

If you need even numbers of chars to be returned, you can use:

def int_to_hex(nr):
  h = format(int(nr), 'x')
  return '0' + h if len(h) % 2 else h


int_to_hex(10) # returns: '0a'


int_to_hex(1000) # returns: '03e8'

Command-line svn for Windows?

Install MSYS2, it has svn in its repository (besides lots of other Unix goodies). MSYS2 installs without Windows Admin rights.

$ pacman -S svn

The tools can be used from cmd, too:

C:\>C:\msys64\usr\bin\svn.exe co http://somehost/somerepo/

Insert data using Entity Framework model

I'm using EF6, and I find something strange,

Suppose Customer has constructor with parameter ,

if I use new Customer(id, "name"), and do

 using (var db = new EfContext("name=EfSample"))
    db.Customers.Add( new Customer(id, "name") );

It run through without error, but when I look into the DataBase, I find in fact that the data Is NOT be Inserted,

But if I add the curly brackets, use new Customer(id, "name"){} and do

 using (var db = new EfContext("name=EfSample"))
    db.Customers.Add( new Customer(id, "name"){} );

the data will then actually BE Inserted,

seems the Curly Brackets make the difference, I guess that only when add Curly Brackets, entity framework will recognize this is a real concrete data.

How to add a href link in PHP?

There is no need to invoke PHP for this. Just put it directly into the HTML:

<a href="">...

Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

If you don't have control of the server, you can simply add this argument to your Chrome launcher: --disable-web-security.

Note that I wouldn't use this for normal "web surfing". For reference, see this post: Disable same origin policy in Chrome.

One you use Phonegap to actually build the application and load it onto the device, this won't be an issue.

Xcode error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

Recently had the issue on Xcode 11 beta 2:

  1. Select your project on the left side panel
  2. Find the "Signing & Capabilities" tab for your target

If your target doesn't have the "Signing & Capabilities" tab (in my case only the test target had it), open the build settings for your project and click "All" instead of "Basic"/"Customised". Find signing under the settings and make sure you've got a Development team set up.

  1. Repeat the same step for your test target if needed

How should I edit an Entity Framework connection string?

If you remove the connection string from the app.config file, re-running the entity Data Model wizard will guide you to build a new connection.

Node package ( Grunt ) installed but not available

On Windows, part of the mystery appears to be where npm installs the Grunt.cmd file. While on my Linux box, I just had to run sudo npm install -g grunt-cli, on my Windows 8 work laptop, Grunt was placed in the '.npm-global' directory: %USER_HOME%\.npm-global and I had to add that to the Path.

So on Windows my steps were:

  • npm install -g grunt-cli

  • figure out where the heck grunt.cmd was (I guess for some it is in %USER_HOME%\App_Data\Roaming)

  • Added the location to my Path environment variable. Opened a new cmd prompt and the grunt command ran fine.

How does the modulus operator work?

It gives you the remainder of a division.

int c=11, d=5;
cout << (c/d) * d + c % d; // gives you the value of c

Convert xlsx file to csv using batch

Needs installed excel as it uses the Excel.Application com object.Save this as .bat file:

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* JScript comment
    @echo off

    cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*

    exit /b %errorlevel%

@if (@X)==(@Y) @end JScript comment */

var ARGS = WScript.Arguments;

var xlCSV = 6;

var objExcel = WScript.CreateObject("Excel.Application");
var objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(ARGS.Item(0));
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = false;
objExcel.Visible = false;

var objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets(ARGS.Item(1))
objWorksheet.SaveAs( ARGS.Item(2), xlCSV);


It accepts three arguments - the absolute path to the xlsx file, the sheet name and the absolute path to the target csv file:

call toCsv.bat "%cd%\Book1.xlsx" Sheet1 "%cd%\csv.csv"

no module named zlib

The easiest solution I found, is given on devguide:

sudo apt-get build-dep python3.6

If that package is not available for your system, try reducing the minor version until you find a package that is available in your system’s package manager.

I tried explaining details, on my blog.

Is there a library function for Root mean square error (RMSE) in python?

This is probably faster?:

n = len(predictions)
rmse = np.linalg.norm(predictions - targets) / np.sqrt(n)

WCF - How to Increase Message Size Quota

For me, all I had to do is add maxReceivedMessageSize="2147483647" to the client app.config. The server left untouched.

AngularJS - How to use $routeParams in generating the templateUrl?


.when('/enquiry/:page', {
    template: '<div ng-include src="templateUrl" onload="onLoad()"></div>',
    controller: 'enquiryCtrl'


// template onload event
$scope.onLoad = function() {
    f_tcalInit();  // or other onload stuff

// initialize
$scope.templateUrl = 'ci_index.php/adminctrl/enquiry/'+$;

I believe it is a weakness in angularjs that $routeParams is NOT visible inside the router. A tiny enhancement would make a world of difference during implementation.

Web API Put Request generates an Http 405 Method Not Allowed error

So, I checked Windows Features to make sure I didn't have this thing called WebDAV installed, and it said I didn't. Anyways, I went ahead and placed the following in my web.config (both front end and WebAPI, just to be sure), and it works now. I placed this inside <system.webServer>.

<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true">
    <remove name="WebDAVModule"/> <!-- add this -->

Additionally, it is often required to add the following to web.config in the handlers. Thanks to Babak

    <remove name="WebDAV" />

Get week of year in JavaScript like in PHP

This adds "getWeek" method to Date.prototype which returns number of week from the beginning of the year. The argument defines which day of the week to consider the first. If no argument passed, first day is assumed Sunday.

 * Get week number in the year.
 * @param  {Integer} [weekStart=0]  First day of the week. 0-based. 0 for Sunday, 6 for Saturday.
 * @return {Integer}                0-based number of week.
Date.prototype.getWeek = function(weekStart) {
    var januaryFirst = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
    if(weekStart !== undefined && (typeof weekStart !== 'number' || weekStart % 1 !== 0 || weekStart < 0 || weekStart > 6)) {
      throw new Error('Wrong argument. Must be an integer between 0 and 6.');
    weekStart = weekStart || 0;
    return Math.floor((((this - januaryFirst) / 86400000) + januaryFirst.getDay() - weekStart) / 7);

c++ string array initialization

In C++11 you can. A note beforehand: Don't new the array, there's no need for that.

First, string[] strArray is a syntax error, that should either be string* strArray or string strArray[]. And I assume that it's just for the sake of the example that you don't pass any size parameter.

#include <string>

void foo(std::string* strArray, unsigned size){
  // do stuff...

template<class T>
using alias = T;

int main(){
  foo(alias<std::string[]>{"hi", "there"}, 2);

Note that it would be better if you didn't need to pass the array size as an extra parameter, and thankfully there is a way: Templates!

template<unsigned N>
void foo(int const (&arr)[N]){
  // ...

Note that this will only match stack arrays, like int x[5] = .... Or temporary ones, created by the use of alias above.

int main(){
  foo(alias<int[]>{1, 2, 3});

An error when I add a variable to a string

You're missing your database name:

$sql = "SELECT ID, ListStID, ListEmail, Title FROM ".$entry_database." WHERE ID = ". $ReqBookID .";

And make sure that $entry_database isn't null or empty:


Also notice that you don't need to have $ReqBookID in '' as if it's an Int.

How To Launch Git Bash from DOS Command Line?

I prefer to use git-bash.exe instead of sh.exe.

start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\git-bash.exe" -c "tail -f /c/Windows/win.ini"

You can stop closing the window when call /usr/bin/bash --login -i in the end;

start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Git\git-bash.exe" -c "echo 1 && echo 2 && /usr/bin/bash --login -i"

Note: I'm not sure this is a good way :)

Configuring ObjectMapper in Spring

There is org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperFactoryBean for a long time. Starting from 1.2 release of Spring Boot there is org.springframework.http.converter.json.Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder for Java Config.

In String Boot configuration can be as simple as:


in or some Java code in @Configuration class:

public Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder jacksonBuilder() {
    Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder builder = new Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder();
    builder.indentOutput(true).dateFormat(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"));
    return builder;


Facebook Access Token for Pages

  1. Go to the Graph API Explorer
  2. Choose your app from the dropdown menu
  3. Click "Get Access Token"
  4. Choose the manage_pages permission (you may need the user_events permission too, not sure)
  5. Now access the me/accounts connection and copy your page's access_token
  6. Click on your page's id
  7. Add the page's access_token to the GET fields
  8. Call the connection you want (e.g.: PAGE_ID/events)

Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells

Use the border-spacing property on the table element to set the spacing between cells.

Make sure border-collapse is set to separate (or there will be a single border between each cell instead of a separate border around each one that can have spacing between them).

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax — PHP — PDO

ALTER TABLE `{$installer->getTable('sales/quote_payment')}`
ADD `custom_field_one` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL,
    ADD `custom_field_two` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL;

Add backtick i.e. " ` " properly. Write your getTable name and column name between backtick.

Exception.Message vs Exception.ToString()

Well, I'd say it depends what you want to see in the logs, doesn't it? If you're happy with what ex.Message provides, use that. Otherwise, use ex.toString() or even log the stack trace.

What is android:weightSum in android, and how does it work?

Per documentation, android:weightSum defines the maximum weight sum, and is calculated as the sum of the layout_weight of all the children if not specified explicitly.

Let's consider an example with a LinearLayout with horizontal orientation and 3 ImageViews inside it. Now we want these ImageViews always to take equal space. To acheive this, you can set the layout_weight of each ImageView to 1 and the weightSum will be calculated to be equal to 3 as shown in the comment.

    <!-- android:weightSum="3" -->


weightSum is useful for having the layout rendered correctly for any device, which will not happen if you set width and height directly.

Pygame mouse clicking detection

The MOUSEBUTTONDOWN event occurs once when you click the mouse button and the MOUSEBUTTONUP event occurs once when the mouse button is released. The pygame.event.Event() object has two attributes that provide information about the mouse event. pos is a tuple that stores the position that was clicked. button stores the button that was clicked. Each mouse button is associated a value. For instance the value of the attributes is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 for the left mouse button, middle mouse button, right mouse button, mouse wheel up respectively mouse wheel down. When multiple keys are pressed, multiple mouse button events occur. Further explanations can be found in the documentation of the module pygame.event.

Use the rect attribute of the pygame.sprite.Sprite object and the collidepoint method to see if the Sprite was clicked. Pass the list of events to the update method of the pygame.sprite.Group so that you can process the events in the Sprite class:

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    # [...]

    def update(self, event_list):

        for event in event_list:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
                    # [...]

my_sprite = SpriteObject()
group = pygame.sprite.Group(my_sprite)

# [...]

run = True
while run:
    event_list = pygame.event.get()
    for event in event_list:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False 


    # [...]

Minimal example:

import pygame

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y, color):
        self.original_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25)
        self.click_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25), (255, 255, 255), (25, 25), 25, 4)
        self.image = self.original_image 
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = (x, y))
        self.clicked = False

    def update(self, event_list):
        for event in event_list:
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if self.rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
                    self.clicked = not self.clicked

        self.image = self.click_image if self.clicked else self.original_image

window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

sprite_object = SpriteObject(*window.get_rect().center, (128, 128, 0))
group = pygame.sprite.Group([
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (128, 0, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2 // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (0, 128, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (0, 0, 128)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2// 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (128, 128, 0)),

run = True
while run:
    event_list = pygame.event.get()
    for event in event_list:
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False 




See further Creating multiple sprites with different update()'s from the same sprite class in Pygame

The current position of the mouse can be determined via pygame.mouse.get_pos(). The return value is a tuple that represents the x and y coordinates of the mouse cursor. pygame.mouse.get_pressed() returns a list of Boolean values ??that represent the state (True or False) of all mouse buttons. The state of a button is True as long as a button is held down. When multiple buttons are pressed, multiple items in the list are True. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd elements in the list represent the left, middle and right mouse buttons.

Detect evaluate the mouse states in the Update method of the pygame.sprite.Sprite object:

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    # [...]

    def update(self, event_list):

        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        mouse_buttons = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        if  self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos) and any(mouse_buttons):
            # [...]

my_sprite = SpriteObject()
group = pygame.sprite.Group(my_sprite)

# [...]

run = True
while run:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False


    # [...]

Minimal example:

import pygame

class SpriteObject(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
    def __init__(self, x, y, color):
        self.original_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25)
        self.hover_image = pygame.Surface((50, 50), pygame.SRCALPHA), color, (25, 25), 25), (255, 255, 255), (25, 25), 25, 4)
        self.image = self.original_image 
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center = (x, y))
        self.hover = False

    def update(self):
        mouse_pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        mouse_buttons = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()

        #self.hover = self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos)
        self.hover = self.rect.collidepoint(mouse_pos) and any(mouse_buttons)

        self.image = self.hover_image if self.hover else self.original_image

window = pygame.display.set_mode((300, 300))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

sprite_object = SpriteObject(*window.get_rect().center, (128, 128, 0))
group = pygame.sprite.Group([
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (128, 0, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2 // 3, window.get_height() // 3, (0, 128, 0)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() // 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (0, 0, 128)),
    SpriteObject(window.get_width() * 2// 3, window.get_height() * 2 // 3, (128, 128, 0)),

run = True
while run:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            run = False 




Laravel 4 Eloquent Query Using WHERE with OR AND OR?

You can also use query scopes to make things a bit tidier, so you can do something like:

Invoice::where('account', 27)->notPaidAt($date)->get();

Then in your model

public function scopeNotPaidAt($query, $asAt)
    $query = $query->where(function ($query) use ($asAt) { 
        $query->where('paid', '=', '0000-00-00')->orWhere('paid', '>=', $asAt); 
    return $query;    

Is there a WebSocket client implemented for Python?

Since I have been doing a bit of research in that field lately (Jan, '12), the most promising client is actually : WebSocket for Python. It support a normal socket that you can call like this :

ws = EchoClient('http://localhost:9000/ws')

The client can be Threaded or based on IOLoop from Tornado project. This will allow you to create a multi concurrent connection client. Useful if you want to run stress tests.

The client also exposes the onmessage, opened and closed methods. (WebSocket style).

Javascript callback when IFRAME is finished loading?

I had a similar problem as you. What I did is that I use something called jQuery. What you then do in the javascript code is this:

$(function(){ //this is regular jQuery code. It waits for the dom to load fully the first time you open the page.




It seems as you delete you iFrame before you grab the html from it. Now, I do see a problem with that :p

Hope this helps :).

jQuery onclick toggle class name

jQuery has a toggleClass function:

<button class="switch">Click me</button>

<div class="text-block collapsed pressed">some text</div>

    $('.switch').on('click', function(e) {
      $('.text-block').toggleClass("collapsed pressed"); //you can list several class names 

PHP & localStorage;

localStorage is something that is kept on the client side. There is no data transmitted to the server side.

You can only get the data with JavaScript and you can send it to the server side with Ajax.

Drawing a dot on HTML5 canvas

It seems strange, but nonetheless HTML5 supports drawing lines, circles, rectangles and many other basic shapes, it does not have anything suitable for drawing the basic point. The only way to do so is to simulate a point with whatever you have.

So basically there are 3 possible solutions:

  • draw point as a line
  • draw point as a polygon
  • draw point as a circle

Each of them has their drawbacks.


function point(x, y, canvas){
  canvas.moveTo(x, y);
  canvas.lineTo(x+1, y+1);

Keep in mind that we are drawing to South-East direction, and if this is the edge, there can be a problem. But you can also draw in any other direction.


function point(x, y, canvas){

or in a faster way using fillRect because render engine will just fill one pixel.

function point(x, y, canvas){


One of the problems with circles is that it is harder for an engine to render them

function point(x, y, canvas){
  canvas.arc(x, y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

the same idea as with rectangle you can achieve with fill.

function point(x, y, canvas){
  canvas.arc(x, y, 1, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true);

Problems with all these solutions:

  • it is hard to keep track of all the points you are going to draw.
  • when you zoom in, it looks ugly

If you are wondering, what is the best way to draw a point, I would go with filled rectangle. You can see my jsperf here with comparison tests

How to get a MemoryStream from a Stream in .NET?

I use this combination of extension methods:

    public static Stream Copy(this Stream source)
        if (source == null)
            return null;

        long originalPosition = -1;

        if (source.CanSeek)
            originalPosition = source.Position;

        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            Copy(source, ms);

            if (originalPosition > -1)
                ms.Seek(originalPosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            return ms;

    public static void Copy(this Stream source, Stream target)
        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("source");
        if (target == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

        long originalSourcePosition = -1;
        int count = 0;
        byte[] buffer = new byte[0x1000];

        if (source.CanSeek)
            originalSourcePosition = source.Position;
            source.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

        while ((count = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
            target.Write(buffer, 0, count);

        if (originalSourcePosition > -1)
            source.Seek(originalSourcePosition, SeekOrigin.Begin);

how do I strip white space when grabbing text with jQuery?

Javascript has built in trim:


It doesn't work in IE8. If you have to support older browsers, use Tuxmentat's or Paul's answer.

How do I dynamically assign properties to an object in TypeScript?

One more option do to that is to access the property as a collection:

var obj = {};_x000D_
obj['prop'] = "value";

cannot resolve symbol javafx.application in IntelliJ Idea IDE

Sample Java application:

I'm crossposting my answer from another question here since it is related and also seems to solve the problem in the question.

Here is my example project with OpenJDK 12, JavaFX 12 and Gradle 5.4

  • Opens a JavaFX window with the title "Hello World!"
  • Able to build a working runnable distribution zip file (Windows to be tested)
  • Able to open and run in IntelliJ without additional configuration
  • Able to run from the command line

I hope somebody finds the Github project useful.

Instructions for the Scala case:

Additionally below are instructions that work with the Gradle Scala plugin, but don't seem work with Java. I'm leaving this here in case somebody else is also using Scala, Gradle and JavaFX.

1) As mentioned in the question, the JavaFX Gradle plugin needs to be set up. Open JavaFX has detailed documentation on this

2) Additionally you need the the JavaFX SDK for your platform unzipped somewhere. NOTE: Be sure to scroll down to Latest releases section where JavaFX 12 is (LTS 11 is first for some reason.)

3) Then, in IntelliJ you go to the File -> Project Structure -> Libraries, hit the ?-button and add the lib folder from the unzipped JavaFX SDK.

For longer instructions with screenshots, check out the excellent Open JavaFX docs for IntelliJ I can't get a deep link working, so select JavaFX and IntelliJ and then Modular from IDE from the docs nav. Then scroll down to step 3. Create a library. Consider checking the other steps too if you are having trouble.

It is difficult to say if this is exactly the same situation as in the original question, but it looked similar enough that I landed here, so I'm adding my experience here to help others.

TCP: can two different sockets share a port?

Theoretically, yes. Practice, not. Most kernels (incl. linux) doesn't allow you a second bind() to an already allocated port. It weren't a really big patch to make this allowed.

Conceptionally, we should differentiate between socket and port. Sockets are bidirectional communication endpoints, i.e. "things" where we can send and receive bytes. It is a conceptional thing, there is no such field in a packet header named "socket".

Port is an identifier which is capable to identify a socket. In case of the TCP, a port is a 16 bit integer, but there are other protocols as well (for example, on unix sockets, a "port" is essentially a string).

The main problem is the following: if an incoming packet arrives, the kernel can identify its socket by its destination port number. It is a most common way, but it is not the only possibility:

  • Sockets can be identified by the destination IP of the incoming packets. This is the case, for example, if we have a server using two IPs simultanously. Then we can run, for example, different webservers on the same ports, but on the different IPs.
  • Sockets can be identified by their source port and ip as well. This is the case in many load balancing configurations.

Because you are working on an application server, it will be able to do that.

How to execute logic on Optional if not present?

For those of you who want to execute a side-effect only if an optional is absent

i.e. an equivalent of ifAbsent() or ifNotPresent() here is a slight modification to the great answers already provided.

myOptional.ifPresentOrElse(x -> {}, () -> {
  // logic goes here

Best way to detect when a user leaves a web page?

I know this question has been answered, but in case you only want something to trigger when the actual BROWSER is closed, and not just when a pageload occurs, you can use this code:

window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
        if ((window.event.clientY < 0)) {
            //alert("Y coords: " + window.event.clientY)

In my example, I am clearing local storage and alerting the user with the mouses y coords, only when the browser is closed, this will be ignored on all page loads from within the program.

Maven: how to override the dependency added by a library

Alternatively, you can just exclude the dependency that you don't want. STAX is included in JDK 1.6, so if you're using 1.6 you can just exclude it entirely.

My example below is slightly wrong for you - you only need one of the two exclusions but I'm not quite sure which one. There are other versions of Stax floating about, in my example below I was importing A which imported B which imported C & D which each (through yet more transitive dependencies) imported different versions of Stax. So in my dependency on 'A', I excluded both versions of Stax.

    <!--  STAX comes with Java 1.6 -->

How can I inject a property value into a Spring Bean which was configured using annotations?

I think it's most convenient way to inject properties into bean is setter method.


package org.some.beans;

public class MyBean {
    Long id;
    String name;

    public void setId(Long id) { = id;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

Bean xml definition:

<bean id="Bean1" class="org.some.beans.MyBean">
    <property name="id" value="1"/>
    <property name="name" value="MyBean"/>

For every named property method setProperty(value) will be invoked.

This way is especially helpful if you need more than one bean based on one implementation.

For example, if we define one more bean in xml:

<bean id="Bean2" class="org.some.beans.MyBean">
    <property name="id" value="2"/>
    <property name="name" value="EnotherBean"/>

Then code like this:

MyBean b1 = appContext.getBean("Bean1");
System.out.println("Bean id = " + b1.getId() + " name = " + b1.getName());
MyBean b2 = appContext.getBean("Bean2");
System.out.println("Bean id = " + b2.getId() + " name = " + b2.getName());

Will print

Bean id = 1 name = MyBean
Bean id = 2 name = AnotherBean

So, in your case it should look like this:

public class PersonDaoImpl extends AbstractDaoImpl implements PersonDao {

    Long maxResults;

    public void setMaxResults(Long maxResults) {
        this.maxResults = maxResults;

    // Now use maxResults value in your code, it will be injected on Bean creation
    public void someMethod(Long results) {
        if (results < maxResults) {

posting hidden value

I'm not sure what you just did there, but from what I can tell this is what you're asking for:


<form action="successfulbooking.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="date" value="<?php echo $date; ?>">  
    <input type="submit" value="Submit Form">


    $date = $_POST['date'];
    // add code here

Not sure what you want to do with that third page(booking_now.php) too.

Postgres manually alter sequence

setval('sequence_name', sequence_value)

How to get the latest file in a folder?

max(files, key = os.path.getctime)

is quite incomplete code. What is files? It probably is a list of file names, coming out of os.listdir().

But this list lists only the filename parts (a. k. a. "basenames"), because their path is common. In order to use it correctly, you have to combine it with the path leading to it (and used to obtain it).

Such as (untested):

def newest(path):
    files = os.listdir(path)
    paths = [os.path.join(path, basename) for basename in files]
    return max(paths, key=os.path.getctime)

Rename a dictionary key

In case of renaming all dictionary keys:

target_dict = {'k1':'v1', 'k2':'v2', 'k3':'v3'}
new_keys = ['k4','k5','k6']

for key,n_key in zip(target_dict.keys(), new_keys):
    target_dict[n_key] = target_dict.pop(key)

What are the differences among grep, awk & sed?

Short definition:

grep: search for specific terms in a file

$ grep This file.txt
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"

$ cat file.txt
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "That"
Every line containing "This"
Every line containing "This"

Now awk and sed are completly different than grep. awk and sed are text processors. Not only do they have the ability to find what you are looking for in text, they have the ability to remove, add and modify the text as well (and much more).

awk is mostly used for data extraction and reporting. sed is a stream editor
Each one of them has its own functionality and specialties.


$ sed -i 's/cat/dog/' file.txt
# this will replace any occurrence of the characters 'cat' by 'dog'


$ awk '{print $2}' file.txt
# this will print the second column of file.txt

Basic awk usage:
Compute sum/average/max/min/etc. what ever you may need.

$ cat file.txt
A 10
B 20
C 60
$ awk 'BEGIN {sum=0; count=0; OFS="\t"} {sum+=$2; count++} END {print "Average:", sum/count}' file.txt
Average:    30

I recommend that you read this book: Sed & Awk: 2nd Ed.

It will help you become a proficient sed/awk user on any unix-like environment.

How to redirect 404 errors to a page in ExpressJS?

There are some cases where 404 page cannot be written to be executed as the last route, especially if you have an asynchronous routing function that brings in a /route late to the party. The pattern below might be adopted in those cases.

var express = require(""),
    app = express(),
    router = express.Router();

router.get("/hello", function (req, res) {
    res.send("Hello World");

// Router is up here.

app.use(function(req, res) {
    res.send("Crime Scene 404. Do not repeat");

router.get("/late", function (req, res) {
    res.send("Its OK to come late");

app.listen(8080, function (){

String comparison: InvariantCultureIgnoreCase vs OrdinalIgnoreCase?

FXCop typically prefers OrdinalIgnoreCase. But your requirements may vary.

For English there is very little difference. It is when you wander into languages that have different written language constructs that this becomes an issue. I am not experienced enough to give you more than that.


The StringComparer returned by the OrdinalIgnoreCase property treats the characters in the strings to compare as if they were converted to uppercase using the conventions of the invariant culture, and then performs a simple byte comparison that is independent of language. This is most appropriate when comparing strings that are generated programmatically or when comparing case-insensitive resources such as paths and filenames.


The StringComparer returned by the InvariantCultureIgnoreCase property compares strings in a linguistically relevant manner that ignores case, but it is not suitable for display in any particular culture. Its major application is to order strings in a way that will be identical across cultures.

The invariant culture is the CultureInfo object returned by the InvariantCulture property.

The InvariantCultureIgnoreCase property actually returns an instance of an anonymous class derived from the StringComparer class.

Datatable select method ORDER BY clause

Use"col1='test'","col1 ASC")

Then before binding your data to the grid or repeater etc, use this


That will solve your problem.

How do I POST XML data to a webservice with Postman?

Send XML requests with the raw data type, then set the Content-Type to text/xml.

  1. After creating a request, use the dropdown to change the request type to POST.

    Set request type to POST

  2. Open the Body tab and check the data type for raw.

    Setting data type to raw

  3. Open the Content-Type selection box that appears to the right and select either XML (application/xml) or XML (text/xml)

    Selecting content-type text/xml

  4. Enter your raw XML data into the input field below

    Example of XML request in Postman

  5. Click Send to submit your XML Request to the specified server.

    Clicking the Send button

How do I exit from the text window in Git?

On windows, simply pressing 'q' on the keyboard quits this screen. I got it when I was reading help using '!help' or simply 'help' and 'enter', from the DOS prompt.

Happy Coding :-)

What is the best way to filter a Java Collection?

With the ForEach DSL you may write

import static;
import static ch.akuhn.util.query.Query.$result;
import ch.akuhn.util.query.Select;

Collection<String> collection = ...

for (Select<String> each : select(collection)) {
    each.yield = each.value.length() > 3;

Collection<String> result = $result();

Given a collection of [The, quick, brown, fox, jumps, over, the, lazy, dog] this results in [quick, brown, jumps, over, lazy], ie all strings longer than three characters.

All iteration styles supported by the ForEach DSL are

  • AllSatisfy
  • AnySatisfy
  • Collect
  • Counnt
  • CutPieces
  • Detect
  • GroupedBy
  • IndexOf
  • InjectInto
  • Reject
  • Select

For more details, please refer to

Is it possible to overwrite a function in PHP

You could use the PECL extension

but that is bad practise in my opinion. You are using functions, but check out the Decorator design pattern. Can borrow the basic idea from it.

How to Import 1GB .sql file to WAMP/phpmyadmin

Before importing just make sure you have max_allowed_pack value set some thing large else you will get an error: Error 2006 MySQL server gone away.

Then try the command: mysql -u root -p database_name < file.sql

Set a DateTime database field to "Now"


Returns the current database system timestamp as a datetime value without the database time zone offset. This value is derived from the operating system of the computer on which the instance of SQL Server is running.

UPDATE table SET date = GETDATE()

Setting log level of message at runtime in slf4j

You can implement this using Java 8 lambdas.

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.event.Level;

public class LevelLogger {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LevelLogger.class);
    private static final Map<Level, LoggingFunction> map;

    static {
        map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put(Level.TRACE, (o) -> LOGGER.trace(o));
        map.put(Level.DEBUG, (o) -> LOGGER.debug(o));
        map.put(Level.INFO, (o) ->;
        map.put(Level.WARN, (o) -> LOGGER.warn(o));
        map.put(Level.ERROR, (o) -> LOGGER.error(o));

    public static void log(Level level, String s) {

    private interface LoggingFunction {
        public void log(String arg);

Advantage of switch over if-else statement

They work equally well. Performance is about the same given a modern compiler.

I prefer if statements over case statements because they are more readable, and more flexible -- you can add other conditions not based on numeric equality, like " || max < min ". But for the simple case you posted here, it doesn't really matter, just do what's most readable to you.

Add to python path mac os x

Not sure why Matthew's solution didn't work for me (could be that I'm using OSX10.8 or perhaps something to do with macports). But I added the following to the end of the file at ~/.profile

export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/dir:$PYTHONPATH

my directory is now on the pythonpath -

my-macbook:~ aidan$ python
Python 2.7.2 (default, Jun 20 2012, 16:23:33) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple Clang 4.0 (tags/Apple/clang-418.0.60)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path
['', '/path/to/dir', ...  

and I can import modules from that directory.

Using Java to find substring of a bigger string using Regular Expression

the non-regex way:

String input = "FOO[BAR]", extracted;
extracted = input.substring(input.indexOf("["),input.indexOf("]"));

alternatively, for slightly better performance/memory usage (thanks Hosam):

String input = "FOO[BAR]", extracted;
extracted = input.substring(input.indexOf('['),input.lastIndexOf(']'));

How to check if $_GET is empty?


if (empty($_GET)) {
    // $_GET is empty

Python find min max and average of a list (array)

Return min and max value in tuple:

def side_values(num_list):
    results_list = sorted(num_list)
    return results_list[0], results_list[-1]

somelist = side_values([1,12,2,53,23,6,17])