[jquery] Jquery find nearest matching element

I have a series of rows with columns and I want to select the value of an input field that is in a previous column to the input field (price input) that I am calling a function on when a key is released.

I have tried:

quantity = $(this).parent().parent().children().val() ;
quantity = $(this).parent().parent().children().closest('.inputQty', this).val() ;

But neither work.

An example of the DOM:

<div class="row">
    <div class="column"><input class="inputQty" id="quantity0" /></div>
    <div class="column"><input class="someOther" id="Other0" /></div>
    <div class="column">
        <div class="cSelect">
            <select id="currency0"><option>£</option></select>
            <input class="price" id="price0" />

This question is related to jquery dom-traversal

The answer is

closest() only looks for parents, I'm guessing what you really want is .find()


Get the .column parent of the this element, get its previous sibling, then find any input there:


Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/aWhtP/

You could try:
