[android] What is android:weightSum in android, and how does it work?

The documentation says it best and includes an example, (highlighting mine).


Defines the maximum weight sum. If unspecified, the sum is computed by adding the layout_weight of all of the children. This can be used for instance to give a single child 50% of the total available space by giving it a layout_weight of 0.5 and setting the weightSum to 1.0.

So to correct superM's example, suppose you have a LinearLayout with horizontal orientation that contains two ImageViews and a TextView with. You define the TextView to have a fixed size, and you'd like the two ImageViews to take up the remaining space equally.

To accomplish this, you would apply layout_weight 1 to each ImageView, none on the TextView, and a weightSum of 2.0 on the LinearLayout.

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