Programs & Examples On #Visualizer

Eclipse error "Could not find or load main class"

Well the following worked for me...

  1. Went into the project folder (inside workspace)
  2. Then, deleted the bin folder
  3. Then, Cleaned project / projects (in Eclipse)
  4. built/run from Eclipse.

newline character in c# string

A great way of handling this is with regular expressions.

string modifiedString = Regex.Replace(originalString, @"(\r\n)|\n|\r", "<br/>");

This will replace any of the 3 legal types of newline with the html tag.

What is the best free SQL GUI for Linux for various DBMS systems

I'm sticking with DbVisualizer Free until something better comes along.

EDIT/UPDATE: been using lately, really enjoying this

compare differences between two tables in mysql

Based on Haim's answer I created a PHP code to test and display all the differences between two databases. This will also display if a table is present in source or test databases. You have to change with your details the <> variables content.


    $User = "<DatabaseUser>";
    $Pass = "<DatabasePassword>";
    $SourceDB = "<SourceDatabase>";
    $TestDB = "<DatabaseToTest>";

    $link = new mysqli( "p:". "localhost", $User, $Pass, "" );

    if ( mysqli_connect_error() ) {

        die('Connect Error ('. mysqli_connect_errno() .') '. mysqli_connect_error());


    mysqli_set_charset( $link, "utf8" );
    mb_language( "uni" );
    mb_internal_encoding( "UTF-8" );


    $SourceDB_Content = query( $link, $sQuery );

    if ( !is_array( $SourceDB_Content) ) {

        echo "Table $SourceDB cannot be accessed";



    $TestDB_Content = query( $link, $sQuery );

    if ( !is_array( $TestDB_Content) ) {

        echo "Table $TestDB cannot be accessed";


    $SourceDB_Tables = array();
    foreach( $SourceDB_Content as $item ) {
        $SourceDB_Tables[] = $item["TABLE_NAME"];

    $TestDB_Tables = array();
    foreach( $TestDB_Content as $item ) {
        $TestDB_Tables[] = $item["TABLE_NAME"];
    //var_dump( $SourceDB_Tables, $TestDB_Tables );
    $LookupTables = array_merge( $SourceDB_Tables, $TestDB_Tables );
    $NoOfDiscrepancies = 0;
    echo "

    <table border='1' width='100%'>
        <td>Found in $SourceDB (". count( $SourceDB_Tables ) .")</td>
        <td>Found in $TestDB (". count( $TestDB_Tables ) .")</td>
        <td>Test result</td>


    foreach( $LookupTables as $table ) {

        $FoundInSourceDB = in_array( $table, $SourceDB_Tables ) ? 1 : 0;
        $FoundInTestDB = in_array( $table, $TestDB_Tables ) ? 1 : 0;
        echo "

        <td><input type='checkbox' ". ($FoundInSourceDB == 1 ? "checked" : "") ."></td> 
        <td><input type='checkbox' ". ($FoundInTestDB == 1 ? "checked" : "") ."></td>   
        <td>". compareTables( $SourceDB, $TestDB, $table ) ."</td>  


    echo "

    No of discrepancies found: $NoOfDiscrepancies

    function query( $link, $q ) {

        $result = mysqli_query( $link, $q );

        $errors = mysqli_error($link);
        if ( $errors > "" ) {

            echo $errors;


        if( $result == false ) return false;
        else if ( $result === true ) return true;
        else {

            $rset = array();

            while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc( $result ) ) {

                $rset[] = $row;


            return $rset;



    function compareTables( $source, $test, $table ) {

        global $link;
        global $NoOfDiscrepancies;

        $sQuery = "

    SELECT column_name,ordinal_position,data_type,column_type FROM
            data_type,column_type,COUNT(1) rowcount
        FROM information_schema.columns
            (table_schema='$source' AND table_name='$table') OR
            (table_schema='$test' AND table_name='$table')
        AND table_name IN ('$table')
        GROUP BY
        HAVING COUNT(1)=1
    ) A;    


        $result = query( $link, $sQuery );

        $data = "";
        if( is_array( $result ) && count( $result ) > 0 ) {

            $data = "<table><tr><td>column_name</td><td>ordinal_position</td><td>data_type</td><td>column_type</td></tr>";

            foreach( $result as $item ) {

                $data .= "<tr><td>". $item["column_name"] ."</td><td>". $item["ordinal_position"] ."</td><td>". $item["data_type"] ."</td><td>". $item["column_type"] ."</td></tr>";


            $data .= "</table>";

            return $data;

        else {

            return "Checked but no discrepancies found!";




What causes a java.lang.StackOverflowError

When a function call is invoked by a Java application, a stack frame is allocated on the call stack. The stack frame contains the parameters of the invoked method, its local parameters, and the return address of the method.

The return address denotes the execution point from which, the program execution shall continue after the invoked method returns. If there is no space for a new stack frame then, the StackOverflowError is thrown by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

The most common case that can possibly exhaust a Java application’s stack is recursion.

Please Have a look

How to solve StackOverflowError

How do you create vectors with specific intervals in R?

In R the equivalent function is seq and you can use it with the option by:

seq(from = 5, to = 100, by = 5)
# [1]   5  10  15  20  25  30  35  40  45  50  55  60  65  70  75  80  85  90  95 100

In addition to by you can also have other options such as length.out and along.with.

length.out: If you want to get a total of 10 numbers between 0 and 1, for example:

seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
# gives 10 equally spaced numbers from 0 to 1

along.with: It takes the length of the vector you supply as input and provides a vector from 1:length(input).

# [1] 1 2 3

Although, instead of using the along.with option, it is recommended to use seq_along in this case. From the documentation for ?seq

seq is generic, and only the default method is described here. Note that it dispatches on the class of the first argument irrespective of argument names. This can have unintended consequences if it is called with just one argument intending this to be taken as along.with: it is much better to use seq_along in that case.

seq_along: Instead of seq(along.with(.))

# [1] 1 2 3

Hope this helps.

Python sys.argv lists and indexes

In a nutshell, sys.argv is a list of the words that appear in the command used to run the program. The first word (first element of the list) is the name of the program, and the rest of the elements of the list are any arguments provided. In most computer languages (including Python), lists are indexed from zero, meaning that the first element in the list (in this case, the program name) is sys.argv[0], and the second element (first argument, if there is one) is sys.argv[1], etc.

The test len(sys.argv) >= 2 simply checks wither the list has a length greater than or equal to 2, which will be the case if there was at least one argument provided to the program.

Simulate user input in bash script

Here is a snippet I wrote; to ask for users' password and set it in /etc/passwd. You can manipulate it a little probably to get what you need:

echo -n " Please enter the password for the given user: "
read userPass
useradd $userAcct && echo -e "$userPass\n$userPass\n" | passwd $userAcct > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo " User account has been created." || echo " ERR -- User account creation failed!"

Show Error on the tip of the Edit Text Android

you could use an onchange event to trigger a validation and then you can display a toast if this is enough for you

How to unmerge a Git merge?

You can reset your branch to the state it was in just before the merge if you find the commit it was on then.

One way is to use git reflog, it will list all the HEADs you've had. I find that git reflog --relative-date is very useful as it shows how long ago each change happened.

Once you find that commit just do a git reset --hard <commit id> and your branch will be as it was before.

If you have SourceTree, you can look up the <commit id> there if git reflog is too overwhelming.

CSS background image to fit width, height should auto-scale in proportion

I had the same issue, unable to resize the image when adjusting browser dimensions.

Bad Code:

html {  
  background-color: white;  
  background-image: url("example.png");  
  background-repeat: no-repeat;  
  background-attachment: scroll;  
  background-position: 0% 0%;

Good Code:

html {  
  background-color: white;  
  background-image: url("example.png");  
  background-repeat: no-repeat;  
  background-attachment: scroll;  
  background-position: 0% 0%;
  background-size: contain;

The key here is the addition of this element -> background-size: contain;

How to add number of days to today's date?

Here is a solution that worked for me.

function calduedate(ndays){

    var newdt = new Date(); var chrday; var chrmnth;
    newdt.setDate(newdt.getDate() + parseInt(ndays));

    var newdate = newdt.getFullYear();
    if(newdt.getMonth() < 10){
        newdate = newdate+'-'+'0'+newdt.getMonth();
        newdate = newdate+'-'+newdt.getMonth();
    if(newdt.getDate() < 10){
        newdate = newdate+'-'+'0'+newdt.getDate();
        newdate = newdate+'-'+newdt.getDate();



How to secure MongoDB with username and password

Wow so many complicated/confusing answers here.

This is as of v3.4.

Short answer.

1) Start MongoDB without access control.

mongod --dbpath /data/db

2) Connect to the instance.


3) Create the user.

use some_db
    user: "myNormalUser",
    pwd: "xyz123",
    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "some_db" },
             { role: "read", db: "some_other_db" } ]

4) Stop the MongoDB instance and start it again with access control.

mongod --auth --dbpath /data/db

5) Connect and authenticate as the user.

use some_db
db.auth("myNormalUser", "xyz123"){x:1})
use some_other_db{})

Long answer: Read this if you want to properly understand.

It's really simple. I'll dumb the following down

If you want to learn more about what the roles actually do read more here:

1) Start MongoDB without access control.

mongod --dbpath /data/db

2) Connect to the instance.


3) Create the user administrator. The following creates a user administrator in the admin authentication database. The user is a dbOwner over the some_db database and NOT over the admin database, this is important to remember.

use admin
    user: "myDbOwner",
    pwd: "abc123",
    roles: [ { role: "dbOwner", db: "some_db" } ]

Or if you want to create an admin which is admin over any database:

use admin
    user: "myUserAdmin",
    pwd: "abc123",
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

4) Stop the MongoDB instance and start it again with access control.

mongod --auth --dbpath /data/db

5) Connect and authenticate as the user administrator towards the admin authentication database, NOT towards the some_db authentication database. The user administrator was created in the admin authentication database, the user does not exist in the some_db authentication database.

use admin
db.auth("myDbOwner", "abc123")

You are now authenticated as a dbOwner over the some_db database. So now if you wish to read/write/do stuff directly towards the some_db database you can change to it.

use some_db
// stuff like{x:1})
// remember that the user administrator had dbOwner rights so the user may write/read, if you create a user with userAdmin they will not be able to read/write for example.

More on roles:

If you wish to make additional users which aren't user administrators and which are just normal users continue reading below.

6) Create a normal user. This user will be created in the some_db authentication database down below.

use some_db
    user: "myNormalUser",
    pwd: "xyz123",
    roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "some_db" },
             { role: "read", db: "some_other_db" } ]

7) Exit the mongo shell, re-connect, authenticate as the user.

use some_db
db.auth("myNormalUser", "xyz123"){x:1})
use some_other_db{})

How to HTML encode/escape a string? Is there a built-in?

Comparaison of the different methods:

> CGI::escapeHTML("quote ' double quotes \"")
=> "quote &#39; double quotes &quot;"

> Rack::Utils.escape_html("quote ' double quotes \"")
=> "quote &#x27; double quotes &quot;"

> ERB::Util.html_escape("quote ' double quotes \"")
=> "quote &#39; double quotes &quot;"

I wrote my own to be compatible with Rails ActiveMailer escaping:

def escape_html(str)
  CGI.escapeHTML(str).gsub("&#39;", "'")

Swift - Split string over multiple lines

Here's a code snippet to split a string by n characters separated over lines:

//: A UIKit based Playground for presenting user interface

import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport

class MyViewController : UIViewController {
    override func loadView() {

        let str = String(charsPerLine: 5, "Hello World!")
        print(str) // "Hello\n Worl\nd!\n"


extension String {

    init(charsPerLine:Int, _ str:String){

        self = ""
        var idx = 0
        for char in str {
            self += "\(char)"
            idx = idx + 1
            if idx == charsPerLine {
                self += "\n"
                idx = 0


Ruby on Rails - Import Data from a CSV file

If you want to Use SmartCSV

all_data = SmarterCSV.process(
               :col_sep => "\t", 
               :row_sep => "\n" 

This represents tab delimited data in each row "\t" with rows separated by new lines "\n"

No Title Bar Android Theme

if you want the original style of your Ui to remain and the title bar to be removed with no effect on that, you have to remove the title bar in your activity rather than the manifest. leave the original theme style that you had in the manifest and in each activity that you want no title bar use this.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); in the oncreate() method before setcontentview() like this:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

ViewPager and fragments — what's the right way to store fragment's state?

What is that BasePagerAdapter? You should use one of the standard pager adapters -- either FragmentPagerAdapter or FragmentStatePagerAdapter, depending on whether you want Fragments that are no longer needed by the ViewPager to either be kept around (the former) or have their state saved (the latter) and re-created if needed again.

Sample code for using ViewPager can be found here

It is true that the management of fragments in a view pager across activity instances is a little complicated, because the FragmentManager in the framework takes care of saving the state and restoring any active fragments that the pager has made. All this really means is that the adapter when initializing needs to make sure it re-connects with whatever restored fragments there are. You can look at the code for FragmentPagerAdapter or FragmentStatePagerAdapter to see how this is done.

MySQL Multiple Left Joins

You're missing a GROUP BY clause:

SELECT, users.username, news.title,, news.body, COUNT(
FROM news
ON news.user_id =
LEFT JOIN comments
ON comments.news_id =

The left join is correct. If you used an INNER or RIGHT JOIN then you wouldn't get news items that didn't have comments.

How to set thousands separator in Java?

try this code to format as used in Brazil:

    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(
      new DecimalFormatSymbols(new Locale("pt", "BR")));

    BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal(123456.00);


    // results: "123.456,00"

Do AJAX requests retain PHP Session info?

One thing to watch out for though, particularly if you are using a framework, is to check if the application is regenerating session ids between requests - anything that depends explicitly on the session id will run into problems, although obviously the rest of the data in the session will unaffected.

If the application is regenerating session ids like this then you can end up with a situation where an ajax request in effect invalidates / replaces the session id in the requesting page.

Lost httpd.conf file located apache

Get the path of running Apache

$ ps -ef | grep apache
apache   12846 14590  0 Oct20 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2

Append -V argument to the path

$ /usr/sbin/apache2 -V | grep SERVER_CONFIG_FILE
-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"


How to open in default browser in C#

Try this , old school way ;)

public static void openit(string x)
        System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("cmd", "/C start" + " " + x);

using : openit("");

Upload artifacts to Nexus, without Maven

You can manually upload the artifact's by clicking on upload artifacts button in the Nexus server and provide the necessary GAV properties for uploading(it's generally the file structure for storing the artifact)

rails + MySQL on OSX: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib

I am using Rails REE (2.3.4) for a legacy system we have. After upgrading to El Capitan, running script/console enerated an error and my app would no longer start (using pow):

$ script/console
Loading development environment (Rails 2.3.4)
/blah-blah/gems/activerecord-2.3.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:76:in establish_connection:RuntimeError: Please install the mysql2 adapter: gem install activerecord-mysql2-adapter (dlopen(/blah-blah/gems/mysql2-0.2.19b4/lib/mysql2/mysql2.bundle, 9): Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib
  Referenced from: /blah-blah/gems/mysql2-0.2.19b4/lib/mysql2/mysql2.bundle
  Reason: image not found - /blah-blah/gems/mysql2-0.2.19b4/lib/mysql2/mysql2.bundle)

From this very thread, above, I determined that I needed to issue this command in terminal:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib
This command produced an error: "ln: /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib: Operation not permitted". I have never seen that error before.

After quite a bit of digging, I found this article: and followed the instructions to turn SIP (El Capitan's new System Integrity Protection) off. After turning SIP off, and after rebooting, the ln command worked fine. Then I turned SIP off. Now all is fine. My app runs again using pow and no error running script/console. I hope this helps you.

select from one table, insert into another table oracle sql query

From the oracle documentation, the below query explains it better

INSERT INTO tbl_temp2 (fld_id)
SELECT tbl_temp1.fld_order_id
FROM tbl_temp1 WHERE tbl_temp1.fld_order_id > 100;

You can read this link

Your query would be as follows

//just the concept    
    INSERT INTO quotedb
    (COLUMN_NAMES) //seperated by comma
    SELECT COLUMN_NAMES FROM tickerdb,quotedb WHERE quotedb.ticker = tickerdb.ticker

Note: Make sure the columns in insert and select are in right position as per your requirement

Hope this helps!

Tool for comparing 2 binary files in Windows

Total Commander also has a binary compare option: go to: File \\Compare by content

ps. I guess some people may alredy be using this tool and may not be aware of the built-in feature.

CSS Select box arrow style

Try to replace the

padding: 2px 30px 2px 2px;


padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;

It should work.

Escaping HTML strings with jQuery

Plain JavaScript escaping example:

function escapeHtml(text) {
    var div = document.createElement('div');
    div.innerText = text;
    return div.innerHTML;

// "&lt;script&gt;alert('hi!');&lt;/script&gt;"

How to start anonymous thread class

Not exactly sure this is what you are asking but you can do something like:

new Thread() {
    public void run() {

Notice the start() method at the end of the anonymous class. You create the thread object but you need to start it to actually get another running thread.

Better than creating an anonymous Thread class is to create an anonymous Runnable class:

new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

Instead overriding the run() method in the Thread you inject a target Runnable to be run by the new thread. This is a better pattern.

How to use classes from .jar files?

Not every jar file is executable.

Now, you need to import the classes, which are there under the jar, in your java file. For example,

import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

If you are working on an IDE, then you should refer its documentation. Or at least specify which one you are using here in this thread. It would definitely enable us to help you further.

And if you are not using any IDE, then please look at javac -cp option. However, it's much better idea to package your program in a jar file, and include all the required jars within that. Then, in order to execute your jar, like,

java -jar my_program.jar

you should have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in your jar. See here, for how-to.

Nested ifelse statement

If the data set contains many rows it might be more efficient to join with a lookup table using data.table instead of nested ifelse().

Provided the lookup table below

     idnat     idbp   idnat2
1:  french mainland mainland
2:  french   colony overseas
3:  french overseas overseas
4: foreign  foreign  foreign

and a sample data set

n_row <- 10L
DT <- data.table(idnat = "french",
                 idbp = sample(c("mainland", "colony", "overseas", "foreign"), n_row, replace = TRUE))
DT[idbp == "foreign", idnat := "foreign"][]
      idnat     idbp
 1:  french   colony
 2:  french   colony
 3:  french overseas
 4: foreign  foreign
 5:  french mainland
 6: foreign  foreign
 7: foreign  foreign
 8:  french overseas
 9:  french overseas
10:  french mainland

then we can do an update while joining:

DT[lookup, on = .(idnat, idbp), idnat2 := i.idnat2][]
      idnat     idbp   idnat2
 1:  french   colony overseas
 2:  french   colony overseas
 3:  french overseas overseas
 4: foreign  foreign  foreign
 5:  french mainland mainland
 6: foreign  foreign  foreign
 7: foreign  foreign  foreign
 8:  french overseas overseas
 9:  french overseas overseas
10:  french mainland mainland

Oracle to_date, from mm/dd/yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy

select to_char(to_date('1/21/2000','mm/dd/yyyy'),'dd-mm-yyyy') from dual

What does android:layout_weight mean?

As the name suggests, Layout weight specifies what amount or percentage of space a particular field or widget should occupy the screen space.
If we specify weight in horizontal orientation, then we must specify layout_width = 0px.
Similarly, If we specify weight in vertical orientation, then we must specify layout_height = 0px.

Can't find android device using "adb devices" command

make sure you have same / higher API level installed on SDK packages with your devices.

example :

I have Android 2.3.4 on my Xperia Play. ADB wouldn't detect my device if theres only API 10 (Android 2.3.3) installed on my Mac. When i installed SDK 11 (Android 3.0) -- since I didn't found any SDK package for 2.3.4, the ADB working fine.

hope this help you.

PHP: Call to undefined function: simplexml_load_string()

If the XML module is not installed, install it.

Current version 5.6 on ubuntu 14.04:

sudo apt-get install php5.6-xml

And don't forget to run sudo service apache2 restart command after it

Zulhilmi Zainudi

Update a submodule to the latest commit

My project should use the 'latest' for the submodule. On Mac OSX 10.11, git version 2.7.1, I did not need to go 'into' my submodule folder in order to collect its commits. I merely did a regular

git pull --rebase 

at the top level, and it correctly updated my submodule.

How npm start runs a server on port 8000

To start the port correctly in your desired port use:

npm start -- --port 8000

docker: "build" requires 1 argument. See 'docker build --help'

From the command run:

sudo docker build -t myrepo/redis

there are no "arguments" passed to the docker build command, only a single flag -t and a value for that flag. After docker parses all of the flags for the command, there should be one argument left when you're running a build.

That argument is the build context. The standard command includes a trailing dot for the context:

sudo docker build -t myrepo/redis .

What's the build context?

Every docker build sends a directory to the build server. Docker is a client/server application, and the build runs on the server which isn't necessarily where the docker command is run. Docker uses the build context as the source for files used in COPY and ADD steps. When you are in the current directory to run the build, you would pass a . for the context, aka the current directory. You could pass a completely different directory, even a git repo, and docker will perform the build using that as the context, e.g.:

docker build -t sudobmitch/base:alpine --target alpine-base \

For more details on these options to the build command, see the docker build documentation.

What if you included an argument?

If you are including the value for the build context (typically the .) and still see this error message, you have likely passed more than one argument. Typically this is from failing to parse a flag, or passing a string with spaces without quotes. Possible causes for docker to see more than one argument include:

  • Missing quotes around a path or argument with spaces (take note using variables that may have spaces in them)

  • Incorrect dashes in the command: make sure to type these manually rather than copy and pasting

  • Incorrect quotes: smart quotes don't work on the command line, type them manually rather than copy and pasting.

  • Whitespace that isn't white space, or that doesn't appear to be a space.

Most all of these come from either a typo or copy and pasting from a source that modified the text to look pretty, breaking it for using as a command.

How do you figure out where the CLI error is?

The easiest way I have to debug this, run the command without any other flags:

docker build .

Once that works, add flags back in until you get the error, and then you'll know what flag is broken and needs the quotes to be fixed/added or dashes corrected, etc.

jQuery & CSS - Remove/Add display:none

jQuery's .show() and .hide() functions are probably your best bet.

Parsing Query String in node.js

There's also the QueryString module's parse() method:

var http = require('http'),
    queryString = require('querystring');

http.createServer(function (oRequest, oResponse) {

    var oQueryParams;

    // get query params as object
    if (oRequest.url.indexOf('?') >= 0) {
        oQueryParams = queryString.parse(oRequest.url.replace(/^.*\?/, ''));

        // do stuff

    oResponse.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    oResponse.end('Hello world.');

}).listen(1337, '');

Sizing elements to percentage of screen width/height

You could build a Column/Row with Flexible or Expanded children that have flex values that add up to the percentages you want.

You may also find the AspectRatio widget useful.

Python - 'ascii' codec can't decode byte

Always encode from unicode to bytes.
In this direction, you get to choose the encoding.

>>> u"??".encode("utf8")
>>> print _

The other way is to decode from bytes to unicode.
In this direction, you have to know what the encoding is.

>>> bytes = '\xe4\xbd\xa0\xe5\xa5\xbd'
>>> print bytes
>>> bytes.decode('utf-8')
>>> print _

This point can't be stressed enough. If you want to avoid playing unicode "whack-a-mole", it's important to understand what's happening at the data level. Here it is explained another way:

  • A unicode object is decoded already, you never want to call decode on it.
  • A bytestring object is encoded already, you never want to call encode on it.

Now, on seeing .encode on a byte string, Python 2 first tries to implicitly convert it to text (a unicode object). Similarly, on seeing .decode on a unicode string, Python 2 implicitly tries to convert it to bytes (a str object).

These implicit conversions are why you can get UnicodeDecodeError when you've called encode. It's because encoding usually accepts a parameter of type unicode; when receiving a str parameter, there's an implicit decoding into an object of type unicode before re-encoding it with another encoding. This conversion chooses a default 'ascii' decoder, giving you the decoding error inside an encoder.

In fact, in Python 3 the methods str.decode and bytes.encode don't even exist. Their removal was a [controversial] attempt to avoid this common confusion.

...or whatever coding sys.getdefaultencoding() mentions; usually this is 'ascii'

Setting PHP tmp dir - PHP upload not working

The problem described here was solved by me quite a long time ago but I don't really remember what was the main reason that uploads weren't working. There were multiple things that needed fixing so the upload could work. I have created checklist that might help others having similar problems and I will edit it to make it as helpful as possible. As I said before on chat, I was working on embedded system, so some points may be skipped on non-embedded systems.

  • Check upload_tmp_dir in php.ini. This is directory where PHP stores temporary files while uploading.

  • Check open_basedir in php.ini. If defined it limits PHP read/write rights to specified path and its subdirectories. Ensure that upload_tmp_dir is inside this path.

  • Check post_max_size in php.ini. If you want to upload 20 Mbyte files, try something a little bigger, like post_max_size = 21M. This defines largest size of POST message which you are probably using during upload.

  • Check upload_max_filesize in php.ini. This specifies biggest file that can be uploaded.

  • Check memory_limit in php.ini. That's the maximum amount of memory a script may consume. It's quite obvious that it can't be lower than upload size (to be honest I'm not quite sure about it-PHP is probably buffering while copying temporary files).

  • Ensure that you're checking the right php.ini file that is one used by PHP on your webserver. The best solution is to execute script with directive described here (php_ini_loaded_file function)

  • Check what user php runs as (See here how to do it: How to check what user php is running as? ). I have worked on different distros and servers. Sometimes it is apache, but sometimes it can be root. Anyway, check that this user has rights for reading and writing in the temporary directory and directory that you're uploading into. Check all directories in the path in case you're uploading into subdirectory (for example /dir1/dir2/-check both dir1 and dir2.

  • On embedded platforms you sometimes need to restrict writing to root filesystem because it is stored on flash card and this helps to extend life of this card. If you are using scripts to enable/disable file writes, ensure that you enable writing before uploading.

  • I had serious problems with PHP >5.4 upload monitoring based on sessions (as described here ) on some platforms. Try something simple at first (like here: ). If it works, you can try more sophisticated mechanisms.

  • If you make any changes in php.ini remember to restart server so the configuration will be reloaded.

Write applications in C or C++ for Android?

Take a look at google ndk group it looks promising, first version of the NDK will be available in 1H2009.

Update: And it is released

Check if cookie exists else set cookie to Expire in 10 days

You need to read and write document.cookie

if (document.cookie.indexOf("visited=") >= 0) {
  // They've been here before.
  alert("hello again");
else {
  // set a new cookie
  expiry = new Date();
  expiry.setTime(expiry.getTime()+(10*60*1000)); // Ten minutes

  // Date()'s toGMTSting() method will format the date correctly for a cookie
  document.cookie = "visited=yes; expires=" + expiry.toGMTString();
  alert("this is your first time");

Adding a favicon to a static HTML page

Most browsers will pick up favicon.ico from the root directory of the site without needing to be told; but they don't always update it with a new one right away.

However, I usually go for the second of your examples:

<link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon' href='/favicon.ico' />

How do I run Java .class files?

  1. Go to the path where you saved the java file you want to compile.
  2. Replace path by typing cmd and press enter.
  3. Command Prompt Directory will pop up containing the path file like C:/blah/blah/foldercontainJava
  4. Enter javac
  5. Press Enter. It will automatically generate java class file

How to add to the end of lines containing a pattern with sed or awk?

You can append the text to $0 in awk if it matches the condition:

awk '/^all:/ {$0=$0" anotherthing"} 1' file


  • /patt/ {...} if the line matches the pattern given by patt, then perform the actions described within {}.
  • In this case: /^all:/ {$0=$0" anotherthing"} if the line starts (represented by ^) with all:, then append anotherthing to the line.
  • 1 as a true condition, triggers the default action of awk: print the current line (print $0). This will happen always, so it will either print the original line or the modified one.


For your given input it returns:

all: thing otherthing anotherthing
some other stuff

Note you could also provide the text to append in a variable:

$ awk -v mytext=" EXTRA TEXT" '/^all:/ {$0=$0mytext} 1' file
all: thing otherthing EXTRA TEXT
some other stuff

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\DB' not found and I also cannot use a new Model

I like to do this witch i think is cleaner :

1 - Add the model to namespace:

use App\Employee;

2 - then you can do :

$employees = Employee::get();

or maybe somthing like this:

$employee = Employee::where('name', 'John')->first();

How to get the selected radio button value using js

If you are using jQuery, following code will work for you.


Changing file extension in Python

Using pathlib and preserving full path:

from pathlib import Path
p = Path('/User/my/path')
new_p = Path(p.parent.as_posix() + '/' + p.stem + '.aln')

Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values

The problem is that you're (probably) trying to plot a vector that consists exclusively of missing (NA) values. Here's an example:

> x=rep(NA,100)
> y=rnorm(100)
> plot(x,y)
Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

In your example this means that in your line plot(costs,pseudor2,type="l"), costs is completely NA. You have to figure out why this is, but that's the explanation of your error.

From comments:

Scott C Wilson: Another possible cause of this message (not in this case, but in others) is attempting to use character values as X or Y data. You can use the class function to check your x and Y values to be sure if you think this might be your issue.

stevec: Here is a quick and easy solution to that problem (basically wrap x in as.factor(x))

Is there a conditional ternary operator in VB.NET?

Just for the record, here is the difference between If and IIf:

IIf(condition, true-part, false-part):

  • This is the old VB6/VBA Function
  • The function always returns an Object type, so if you want to use the methods or properties of the chosen object, you have to re-cast it with DirectCast or CType or the Convert.* Functions to its original type
  • Because of this, if true-part and false-part are of different types there is no matter, the result is just an object anyway

If(condition, true-part, false-part):

  • This is the new VB.NET Function
  • The result type is the type of the chosen part, true-part or false-part
  • This doesn't work, if Strict Mode is switched on and the two parts are of different types. In Strict Mode they have to be of the same type, otherwise you will get an Exception
  • If you really need to have two parts of different types, switch off Strict Mode (or use IIf)
  • I didn't try so far if Strict Mode allows objects of different type but inherited from the same base or implementing the same Interface. The Microsoft documentation isn't quite helpful about this issue. Maybe somebody here knows it.

Count rows with not empty value

It works for me:


Count of all non-empty cells from F2 to the end of the column

Nested JSON: How to add (push) new items to an object?

push is an Array method, for json object you may need to define it

this should do it:

library[title] = {"foregrounds" : foregrounds,"backgrounds" : backgrounds};

How to change color in circular progress bar?

To supplement Muhamed Riyas M's top voted answer:

Faster rotation


Thinner ring


Light white


html vertical align the text inside input type button

I was having a similar issue with my button. I included line-height: 0; and it appears to have worked. Also mentioned by @anddero.

button[type=submit] {
  background-color: #4056A1;
  border-radius: 12px;
  border: 1px solid #4056A1;
  color: white;
  padding: 16px 32px;
  text-decoration: none;
  margin: 2px 1px;
  cursor: pointer;
  display: inline-block;
  font-size: 16px;
  height: 20px;
  line-height: 0;

How can I loop through a C++ map of maps?

use std::map< std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator when map is const.

How to insert selected columns from a CSV file to a MySQL database using LOAD DATA INFILE

Load data into a table in MySQL and specify columns:

(@col1,@col2,@col3,@col4) set name=@col4,id=@col2 ;

@col1,2,3,4 are variables to hold the csv file columns (assume 4 ) name,id are table columns.

Sending HTTP Post request with SOAP action using org.apache.http

It was giving 415 Http response Code as error,

So I added

httppost.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");

Everything alright now, Http: 200

Tell Ruby Program to Wait some amount of time

Like this


Or you may pass other possible arguments like:





Call Javascript function from URL/address bar

About the window.location.hash property:

Return the anchor part of a URL.

Example 1:

//Assume that the current URL is 

var URL = "";

var x = window.location.hash;

//The result of x will be:

x = "#part2"

Exmaple 2:

        var id = document.location.hash;
    }, 200);

Example 3:

var hash = "#search" || window.location.hash;
window.location.hash = hash; 

case "#search":  
case "#advsearch":    

case "#admin":  


How to get the screen width and height in iOS?

The modern answer:

if your app support split view on iPad, this problem becomes a little complicated. You need window's size, not the screen's, which may contain 2 apps. Window's size may also vary while running.

Use app's main window's size:

UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.bounds.size ?? .zero

Note: The method above may get wrong value before window becoming key window when starting up. if you only need width, method below is very recommended:


The old solution using UIScreen.main.bounds will return the device's bounds. If your app running in split view mode, it get the wrong dimensions.

self.view.window in the hottest answer may get wrong size when app contains 2 or more windows and the window have small size.

Converting java date to Sql timestamp

You can cut off the milliseconds using a Calendar:

java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
System.out.println(new java.sql.Timestamp(utilDate.getTime()));
System.out.println(new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()));


2014-04-04 10:10:17.78
2014-04-04 10:10:17.0

How do you get/set media volume (not ringtone volume) in Android?

Instead of AudioManager.STREAM_RING you shoul use AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC This question has already discussed here.

How to insert a newline in front of a pattern?

In my case the below method works.

sed -i 's/playstation/PS4/' input.txt

Can be written as:

sed -i 's/playstation/PS4\nplaystation/' input.txt


Consider using \\n while using it in a string literal.

  • sed : is stream editor

  • -i : Allows to edit the source file

  • +: Is delimiter.

I hope the above information works for you .

foreach with index

I just figured out interesting solution:

public class DepthAware<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    private readonly IEnumerable<T> source;

    public DepthAware(IEnumerable<T> source)
        this.source = source;
        this.Depth = 0;

    public int Depth { get; private set; }

    private IEnumerable<T> GetItems()
        foreach (var item in source)
            yield return item;

    public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
        return GetItems().GetEnumerator();

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

// Generic type leverage and extension invoking
public static class DepthAware
    public static DepthAware<T> AsDepthAware<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
        return new DepthAware<T>(source);

    public static DepthAware<T> New<T>(IEnumerable<T> source)
        return new DepthAware<T>(source);


var chars = new[] {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'}.AsDepthAware();

foreach (var item in chars)
    Console.WriteLine("Char: {0}, depth: {1}", item, chars.Depth);

How to avoid warning when introducing NAs by coercion

suppressWarnings() has already been mentioned. An alternative is to manually convert the problematic characters to NA first. For your particular problem, taRifx::destring does just that. This way if you get some other, unexpected warning out of your function, it won't be suppressed.

> library(taRifx)
> x <- as.numeric(c("1", "2", "X"))
Warning message:
NAs introduced by coercion 
> y <- destring(c("1", "2", "X"))
> y
[1]  1  2 NA
> x
[1]  1  2 NA

PySpark: withColumn() with two conditions and three outcomes

The withColumn function in pyspark enables you to make a new variable with conditions, add in the when and otherwise functions and you have a properly working if then else structure. For all of this you would need to import the sparksql functions, as you will see that the following bit of code will not work without the col() function. In the first bit, we declare a new column -'new column', and then give the condition enclosed in when function (i.e. fruit1==fruit2) then give 1 if the condition is true, if untrue the control goes to the otherwise which then takes care of the second condition (fruit1 or fruit2 is Null) with the isNull() function and if true 3 is returned and if false, the otherwise is checked again giving 0 as the answer.

from pyspark.sql import functions as F
    F.when(F.col('fruit1')==F.col('fruit2'), 1)
    .otherwise(F.when((F.col('fruit1').isNull()) | (F.col('fruit2').isNull()), 3))

Change Toolbar color in Appcompat 21

For people who are using AppCompatActivity with Toolbar as white background. Do use this code.

Updated: December, 2017


        app:title="Edit Your Profile"/>


How to convert characters to HTML entities using plain JavaScript

The he library is the only 100% reliable solution that I know of!

He is written by Mathias Bynens - one of the world's most renowned JavaScript gurus - and has the following features :

Example use

he.encode('foo © bar ? baz  qux'); 
// Output : 'foo &#xA9; bar &#x2260; baz &#x1D306; qux'

he.decode('foo &copy; bar &ne; baz &#x1D306; qux');
// Output : 'foo © bar ? baz  qux'

ASP MVC href to a controller/view

Here '~' refers to the root directory ,where Home is controller and Download_Excel_File is actionmethod

 <a href="~/Home/Download_Excel_File" />

Eclipse - Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

After placing the jar file in desired location, you need to add the jar file by right click on

Project --> properties --> Java Build Path --> Libraries --> Add Jar.

Storing data into list with class

You are attempting to call

. Try this:

lstemail.add(new EmailData{ FirstName="John", LastName="Smith", Location="Los Angeles"});

Index of Currently Selected Row in DataGridView

Try DataGridView.CurrentCellAddress.

Returns: A Point that represents the row and column indexes of the currently active cell.

E.G. Select the first column and the fifth row, and you'll get back: Point( X=1, Y=5 )

Accessing MVC's model property from Javascript

If "ReferenceError: Model is not defined" error is raised, then you might try to use the following method:

$(document).ready(function () {

    @{  var serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
         var json = serializer.Serialize(Model);

    var model = @Html.Raw(json);
    if(model != null && @Html.Raw(json) != "undefined")
        var id= model.Id;
        var mainFloorPlanId = model.MainFloorPlanId ;
        var imageDirectory = model.ImageDirectory ;
        var iconsDirectory = model.IconsDirectory ;

Hope this helps...

Return empty cell from formula in Excel

This answer does not fully deal with the OP, but there are have been several times I have had a similar problem and searched for the answer.

If you can recreate the formula or the data if needed (and from your description it looks as if you can), then when you are ready to run the portion that requires the blank cells to be actually empty, then you can select the region and run the following vba macro.

Sub clearBlanks()
    Dim r As Range
    For Each r In Selection.Cells
        If Len(r.Text) = 0 Then
        End If
    Next r
End Sub

this will wipe out off of the contents of any cell which is currently showing "" or has only a formula

PHP PDO: charset, set names?

This is probably the most elegant way to do it.
Right in the PDO constructor call, but avoiding the buggy charset option (as mentioned above):

$connect = new PDO(

Works great for me.

Git asks for username every time I push

To set the credentials for the entire day that is 24 hours.

git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 86400'

Else for 1 hour replace the 86400 secs to 3600.


all configuration options for the 'cache' authentication helper:

git help credential-cache

Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension

Just for yumers,

yum install php-mcrypt
service httpd restart
chown -R apache:apache apppath

Maybe you need install remi repo

Replace Both Double and Single Quotes in Javascript String

mystring = mystring.replace(/["']/g, "");

Laravel - display a PDF file in storage without forcing download?

As of laravel 5.5 if the file is stored on a remote storage

return Storage::response($path_to_file);

or if it's locally stored you can also use

return response()->file($path_to_file);

I would recommend using the Storage facade.

Import numpy on pycharm

I have encountered problem installing numpy package to pycharm and finally figured out. I hope it would be helpful for someone having the same problem in installing numpy and other packages on pycharm.

Pycharm Setting : Pycharm Setting

Go to File => Setting => Project => Project Interpreter. On this window select the appropriate project interpreter. After this, a list of packages under the selected project interpreter will be shown. From the list select pip and check if the version column and the latest version column are the same. If different upgrade the version to the latest version by selecting the pip and using the upward triangle sign on the right side of the lists. Once the upgrading completed successfully, you can now add new packages from the plus sign.

enter image description here

I hope this would be clear and useful for someone.

Most efficient way to create a zero filled JavaScript array?

Anonymous function:

(function(n) { while(n-- && this.push(0)); return this; }).call([], 5);
// => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

A bit shorter with for-loop:

(function(n) { for(;n--;this.push(0)); return this; }).call([], 5);
// => [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Works with any Object, just change what's inside this.push().

You can even save the function:

function fill(size, content) {
  return this;

Call it using:

var helloArray =[], 5, 'hello');
// => ['hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello']

Adding elements to an already existing array:

var helloWorldArray =, 5, 'world');
// => ['hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'hello', 'world', 'world', 'world', 'world', 'world']


.htaccess mod_rewrite - how to exclude directory from rewrite rule

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^(wordpress)($|/) - [L]

How do I pull from a Git repository through an HTTP proxy?

I had the same problem, with a slightly different fix: REBUILDING GIT WITH HTTP SUPPORT

The git: protocol did not work through my corporate firewall.

For example, this timed out:

git clone git://

curl works just fine, though, so I know my http_proxy environment variable is correct.

I tried using http, like below, but got an immediate error.

git clone

->>>  fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'http' <<<-

I tried recompiling git like so:

./configure  --with-curl --with-expat

but still got the fatal error.

Finally, after several frustrating hours, I read the configure file, and saw this:

# Define CURLDIR=/foo/bar if your curl header and library files are in

# /foo/bar/include and /foo/bar/lib directories.

I remembered then, that I had not complied curl from source, and so went looking for the header files. Sure enough, they were not installed. That was the problem. Make did not complain about the missing header files. So I did not realize that the --with-curl option did nothing (it is, in fact the default in my version of git).

I did the following to fix it:

  1. Added the headers needed for make:

    yum install curl-devel
    (expat-devel-1.95.8-8.3.el5_5.3.i386  was already installed).
  2. Removed git from /usr/local (as I want the new install to live there).

    I simply removed git* from /usr/local/share and /usr/local/libexec

  3. Searched for the include dirs containing the curl and expat header files, and then (because I had read through configure) added these to the environment like so:

    export CURLDIR=/usr/include 
    export EXPATDIR=/usr/include
  4. Ran configure with the following options, which, again, were described in the configure file itself, and were also the defaults but what the heck:

    ./configure  --with-curl --with-expat
  5. And now http works with git through my corporate firewall:

    git clone
    Cloning into 'node-websocket-server'...
    * Couldn't find host in the .netrc file, using defaults
    * About to connect() to proxy port 8080
    *   Trying * connected

Calculating sum of repeated elements in AngularJS ng-repeat

I prefer elegant solutions

In Template

<td>Total: {{ totalSum }}</td>

In Controller

$scope.totalSum = Object.keys(cart.products).map(function(k){
    return +cart.products[k].price;
}).reduce(function(a,b){ return a + b },0);

If you're using ES2015 (aka ES6)

$scope.totalSum = Object.keys(cart.products)
  .map(k => +cart.products[k].price)
  .reduce((a, b) => a + b);

PHP function ssh2_connect is not working

Honestly, I'd recommend using phpseclib, a pure PHP SSH2 implementation. Example:


$ssh = new Net_SSH2('www.domain.tld');
if (!$ssh->login('username', 'password')) {
    exit('Login Failed');

echo $ssh->exec('pwd');
echo $ssh->exec('ls -la');

It's a ton more portable, easier to use and more feature packed too.

Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel, despite setting ServerCertificateValidationCallback

In my case TLS1_2 was enabled both on client and server but the server was using MD5 while client disabled it. So, test both client and server on or test using openssl/s_client to see what's happening. Also, check the selected cipher using Wireshark.

dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required

This error raised up because you trying to update dict object by using a wrong sequence (list or tuple) structure.

cash_id.create(cr, uid, lines,context=None) trying to convert lines into dict object:

(0, 0, {
    'amount': l.amount,
    'type': l.type,
    'ref': l.ref,
    'note': l.note,

Remove the second zero from this tuple to properly convert it into a dict object.

To test it your self, try this into python shell:

>>> l=[(0,0,{'h':88})]
>>> a={}
>>> a.update(l)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#11>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 3; 2 is required

>>> l=[(0,{'h':88})]
>>> a.update(l)

How do I break out of a loop in Scala?

Clever use of find method for collection will do the trick for you.

var largest = 0
lazy val ij =
  for (i <- 999 to 1 by -1; j <- i to 1 by -1) yield (i, j)

val largest_ij = ij.find { case(i,j) =>
  val product = i * j
  if (product.toString == product.toString.reverse)
    largest = largest max product
  largest > product


How to test if string exists in file with Bash?

Simpler way:

if grep "$filename" my_list.txt > /dev/null
   ... found
   ... not found

Tip: send to /dev/null if you want command's exit status, but not outputs.

delete word after or around cursor in VIM

The accepted answer fails when trying to repeat deleting words, try this solution instead:

" delete current word, insert and normal modes
inoremap <C-BS> <C-O>b<C-O>dw
noremap <C-BS> bdw

It maps CTRL-BackSpace, also working in normal mode.

MySQL foreach alternative for procedure

This can be done with MySQL, although it's highly unintuitive:

  SET b = 1;
  OPEN cur_1;
    FETCH cur_1 INTO a;
    UNTIL b = 1
  CLOSE cur_1;
  SET return_val = a;

Check out this guide: mysql-storedprocedures.pdf

Find all zero-byte files in directory and subdirectories

As addition to the answers above:

If you would like to delete those files

find $dir -size 0 -type f -delete

Swift: print() vs println() vs NSLog()

To add to Rob's answer, since iOS 10.0, Apple has introduced an entirely new "Unified Logging" system that supersedes existing logging systems (including ASL and Syslog, NSLog), and also surpasses existing logging approaches in performance, thanks to its new techniques including log data compression and deferred data collection.

From Apple:

The unified logging system provides a single, efficient, performant API for capturing messaging across all levels of the system. This unified system centralizes the storage of log data in memory and in a data store on disk.

Apple highly recommends using os_log going forward to log all kinds of messages, including info, debug, error messages because of its much improved performance compared to previous logging systems, and its centralized data collection allowing convenient log and activity inspection for developers. In fact, the new system is likely so low-footprint that it won't cause the "observer effect" where your bug disappears if you insert a logging command, interfering the timing of the bug to happen.

Performance of Activity Tracing, now part of the new Unified Logging system

You can learn more about this in details here.

To sum it up: use print() for your personal debugging for convenience (but the message won't be logged when deployed on user devices). Then, use Unified Logging (os_log) as much as possible for everything else.

Reading int values from SqlDataReader

This should work:

txtfarmersize = Convert.ToInt32(reader["farmsize"]);

iOS 7: UITableView shows under status bar

I think the approach to using UITableViewController might be a little bit different from what you have done before. It has worked for me, but you might not be a fan of it. What I have done is have a view controller with a container view that points to my UItableViewController. This way I am able to use the TopLayoutGuide provided to my in storyboard. Just add the constraint to the container view and you should be taken care of for both iOS7 and iOS6.

How To Execute SSH Commands Via PHP

For those using the Symfony framework, the phpseclib can also be used to connect via SSH. It can be installed using composer:

composer require phpseclib/phpseclib

Next, simply use it as follows:

use phpseclib\Net\SSH2;

// Within a controller for example:
$ssh = new SSH2('hostname or ip');
if (!$ssh->login('username', 'password')) {
    // Login failed, do something

$return_value = $ssh->exec('command');

Xcode Objective-C | iOS: delay function / NSTimer help?

[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:.06 target:self selector:@selector(goToSecondButton:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];

Is the best one to use. Using sleep(15); will cause the user unable to perform any other actions. With the following function, you would replace goToSecondButton with the appropriate selector or command, which can also be from the frameworks.

How to make RatingBar to show five stars

Additionally, if you set a layout_weight, this supersedes the numStars attribute.

Understanding Bootstrap's clearfix class

The :before pseudo element isn't needed for the clearfix hack itself.

It's just an additional nice feature helping to prevent margin-collapsing of the first child element. Thus the top margin of an child block element of the "clearfixed" element is guaranteed to be positioned below the top border of the clearfixed element.

display:table is being used because display:block doesn't do the trick. Using display:block margins will collapse even with a :before element.

There is one caveat: if vertical-align:baseline is used in table cells with clearfixed <div> elements, Firefox won't align well. Then you might prefer using display:block despite loosing the anti-collapsing feature. In case of further interest read this article: Clearfix interfering with vertical-align.

What difference does .AsNoTracking() make?

see this page Entity Framework and AsNoTracking

What AsNoTracking Does

Entity Framework exposes a number of performance tuning options to help you optimise the performance of your applications. One of these tuning options is .AsNoTracking(). This optimisation allows you to tell Entity Framework not to track the results of a query. This means that Entity Framework performs no additional processing or storage of the entities which are returned by the query. However, it also means that you can't update these entities without reattaching them to the tracking graph.

there are significant performance gains to be had by using AsNoTracking

Inline for loop

What you are using is called a list comprehension in Python, not an inline for-loop (even though it is similar to one). You would write your loop as a list comprehension like so:

p = [q.index(v) if v in q else 99999 for v in vm]

When using a list comprehension, you do not call list.append because the list is being constructed from the comprehension itself. Each item in the list will be what is returned by the expression on the left of the for keyword, which in this case is q.index(v) if v in q else 99999. Incidentially, if you do use list.append inside a comprehension, then you will get a list of None values because that is what the append method always returns.

How to redirect user's browser URL to a different page in Nodejs?

  {Location: 'http://whateverhostthiswillbe:8675/'+newRoom}

What is the difference between null and System.DBNull.Value?

DBNull.Value is what the .NET Database providers return to represent a null entry in the database. DBNull.Value is not null and comparissons to null for column values retrieved from a database row will not work, you should always compare to DBNull.Value.

Importing large sql file to MySql via command line

+1 to @MartinNuc, you can run the mysql client in batch mode and then you won't see the long stream of "OK" lines.

The amount of time it takes to import a given SQL file depends on a lot of things. Not only the size of the file, but the type of statements in it, how powerful your server server is, and how many other things are running at the same time.

@MartinNuc says he can load 4GB of SQL in 4-5 minutes, but I have run 0.5 GB SQL files and had it take 45 minutes on a smaller server.

We can't really guess how long it will take to run your SQL script on your server.

Re your comment,

@MartinNuc is correct you can choose to make the mysql client print every statement. Or you could open a second session and run mysql> SHOW PROCESSLIST to see what's running. But you probably are more interested in a "percentage done" figure or an estimate for how long it will take to complete the remaining statements.

Sorry, there is no such feature. The mysql client doesn't know how long it will take to run later statements, or even how many there are. So it can't give a meaningful estimate for how much time it will take to complete.

Remove all classes that begin with a certain string[email protected]/msg03998.html says:

...and .removeClass() would remove all classes...

It works for me ;)


Uploading files to file server using webclient class

namespace FileUpload
public partial class Form1 : Form
    string fileName = "";
    public Form1()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        string path = "";
        OpenFileDialog fDialog = new OpenFileDialog();
        fDialog.Title = "Attach customer proposal document";
        fDialog.Filter = "Doc Files|*.doc|Docx File|*.docx|PDF doc|*.pdf";
        fDialog.InitialDirectory = @"C:\";
        if (fDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fDialog.FileName);
            path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fDialog.FileName);
            textBox1.Text = path + "\\" + fileName;


    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            WebClient client = new WebClient();

            NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential("erandika1986", "123");

            Uri addy = new Uri(@"\\\UploadDocs\"+fileName);

            client.Credentials = nc;
            byte[] arrReturn = client.UploadFile(addy, textBox1.Text);

        catch (Exception ex1)

How to add a reference programmatically

Browsing the registry for guids or using paths, which method is best. If browsing the registry is no longer necessary, won't it be the better way to use guids? Office is not always installed in the same directory. The installation path can be manually altered. Also the version number is a part of the path. I could have never predicted that Microsoft would ever add '(x86)' to 'Program Files' before the introduction of 64 bits processors. If possible I would try to avoid using a path.

The code below is derived from Siddharth Rout's answer, with an additional function to list all the references that are used in the active workbook. What if I open my workbook in a later version of Excel? Will the workbook still work without adapting the VBA code? I have already checked that the guids for office 2003 and 2010 are identical. Let's hope that Microsoft doesn't change guids in future versions.

The arguments 0,0 (from .AddFromGuid) should use the latest version of a reference (which I have not been able to test).

What are your thoughts? Of course we cannot predict the future but what can we do to make our code version proof?

Sub AddReferences(wbk As Workbook)
    ' Run DebugPrintExistingRefs in the immediate pane, to show guids of existing references
    AddRef wbk, "{00025E01-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", "DAO"
    AddRef wbk, "{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", "Word"
    AddRef wbk, "{91493440-5A91-11CF-8700-00AA0060263B}", "PowerPoint"
End Sub

Sub AddRef(wbk As Workbook, sGuid As String, sRefName As String)
    Dim i As Integer
    On Error GoTo EH
    With wbk.VBProject.References
        For i = 1 To .Count
            If .Item(i).Name = sRefName Then
               Exit For
            End If
        Next i
        If i > .Count Then
           .AddFromGuid sGuid, 0, 0 ' 0,0 should pick the latest version installed on the computer
        End If
    End With
EX: Exit Sub
EH: MsgBox "Error in 'AddRef'" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & err.Description
    Resume EX
    Resume ' debug code
End Sub

Public Sub DebugPrintExistingRefs()
    Dim i As Integer
    With Application.ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References
        For i = 1 To .Count
            Debug.Print "    AddRef wbk, """ & .Item(i).GUID & """, """ & .Item(i).Name & """"
        Next i
    End With
End Sub

The code above does not need the reference to the "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility" object anymore.

How to Set focus to first text input in a bootstrap modal after shown

If you want to just auto focus any modal that was open you can put in you patterns or lib functions this snippet that will focus on the first input:

$('.modal').on('', function () {

Bootstrap 3 navbar active li not changing background-color

in my case just removing background-image from nav-bar item solved the problem

.navbar-default .navbar-nav > .active > a:focus {

    background-image: none;

How do I properly clean up Excel interop objects?

Excel is not designed to be programmed via C++ or C#. The COM API is specifically designed to work with Visual Basic, VB.NET, and VBA.

Also all the code samples on this page are not optimal for the simple reason that each call must cross a managed/unmanaged boundary and further ignore the fact that the Excel COM API is free to fail any call with a cryptic HRESULT indicating the RPC server is busy.

The best way to automate Excel in my opinion is to collect your data into as big an array as possible / feasible and send this across to a VBA function or sub (via Application.Run) which then performs any required processing. Furthermore - when calling Application.Run - be sure to watch for exceptions indicating excel is busy and retry calling Application.Run.


Take a look at this example. This query should work:

var leftFinal = from left in lefts
                join right in rights on left equals right.Left into leftRights
                from leftRight in leftRights.DefaultIfEmpty()
                select new { LeftId = left.Id, RightId = left.Key==leftRight.Key ? leftRight.Id : 0 };

Can I make a phone call from HTML on Android?

Generally on Android, if you simply display the phone number, and the user taps on it, it will pull it up in the dialer. So, you could simply do

For more information, call us at <b>416-555-1234</b>

When the user taps on the bold part, since it's formatted like a phone number, the dialer will pop up, and show 4165551234 in the phone number field. The user then just has to hit the call button.

You might be able to do

For more information, call us at <a href='tel:416-555-1234'>416-555-1234</a>

to cover both devices, but I'm not sure how well this would work. I'll give it a try shortly and let you know.

EDIT: I just gave this a try on my HTC Magic running a rooted Rogers 1.5 with SenseUI:

For more information, call us at <a href='tel:416-555-1234'>416-555-1234</a><br />
<br />
Call at <a href='tel:416-555-1234'>our number</a>
<br />
<br />
<a href='416-555-1234'>Blah</a>
<br />
<br />
For more info, call <b>416-555-1234</b>

The first one, surrounding with the link and printing the phone number, worked perfectly. Pulled up the dialer with the hyphens and all. The second, saying our number with the link, worked exactly the same. This means that using <a href='tel:xxx-xxx-xxxx'> should work across the board, but I wouldn't suggest taking my one test as conclusive.

Linking straight to the number did the expected: Tried to pull up the nonexistent file from the server.

The last one did as I mentioned above, and pulled up the dialer, but without the nice formatting hyphens.

Use the auto keyword in C++ STL

auto keyword is intended to use in such situation, it is absolutely safe. But unfortunately it available only in C++0x so you will have portability issues with it.

Display names of all constraints for a table in Oracle SQL

select constraint_name,constraint_type 
from user_constraints
where table_name = 'YOUR TABLE NAME';

note: table name should be in caps.

In case you don't know the name of the table then,

select constraint_name,constraint_type,table_name 
from user_constraints;

Get environment value in controller

In Controller

$hostname = $_ENV['IMAP_HOSTNAME_TEST']; (or) $hostname = env('IMAP_HOSTNAME_TEST');

In blade.view


How to name an object within a PowerPoint slide?

Yes. Click on the object (textbox, shape, etc.) to select the object and in the Drawing Tools | Format tab, click on Selection Pane in the Arrange group. From there, you'll see names of objects - you can double click (or press F2) on any name and rename it. By deselecting it, it becomes renamed. You can also get to this from the Home tab -> Drawing group -> Arrange drop-down -> Selection pane or by pressing ALT + F10.

creating charts with angularjs

Did you try D3.js? Here is a good example.

Find and replace with a newline in Visual Studio Code

In the local searchbox (ctrl + f) you can insert newlines by pressing ctrl + enter.

Image of multiline search in local search

If you use the global search (ctrl + shift + f) you can insert newlines by pressing shift + enter.

Image of multiline search in global search

If you want to search for multilines by the character literal, remember to check the rightmost regex icon.

Image of regex mode in search replace

In previous versions of Visual Studio code this was difficult or impossible. Older versions require you to use the regex mode, older versions yet did not support newline search whatsoever.

How to measure elapsed time

Per the Android docs SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() is the recommend basis for general purpose interval timing. This is because, per the documentation, elapsedRealtime() is guaranteed to be monotonic, [...], so is the recommend basis for general purpose interval timing.

The SystemClock documentation has a nice overview of the various time methods and the applicable use cases for them.

  • SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() and SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() are the best bet for calculating general purpose elapsed time.
  • SystemClock.uptimeMillis() and System.nanoTime() are another possibility, but unlike the recommended methods, they don't include time in deep sleep. If this is your desired behavior then they are fine to use. Otherwise stick with elapsedRealtime().
  • Stay away from System.currentTimeMillis() as this will return "wall" clock time. Which is unsuitable for calculating elapsed time as the wall clock time may jump forward or backwards. Many things like NTP clients can cause wall clock time to jump and skew. This will cause elapsed time calculations based on currentTimeMillis() to not always be accurate.

When the game starts:

long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();

When the game ends:

long endTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
long elapsedMilliSeconds = endTime - startTime;
double elapsedSeconds = elapsedMilliSeconds / 1000.0;

Also, Timer() is a best effort timer and will not always be accurate. So there will be an accumulation of timing errors over the duration of the game. To more accurately display interim time, use periodic checks to System.currentTimeMillis() as the basis of the time sent to setText(...).

Also, instead of using Timer, you might want to look into using TimerTask, this class is designed for what you want to do. The only problem is that it counts down instead of up, but that can be solved with simple subtraction.

What is simplest way to read a file into String?

This should work for you:

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    String content = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("")));

Create table using Javascript

I hope you find this helpful.


    <link rel = "stylesheet" href = "test.css">

<script src = "test.js"></script>


var tableString = "<table>",
    body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0],
    div = document.createElement('div');

for (row = 1; row < 101; row += 1) {

    tableString += "<tr>";

    for (col = 1; col < 11; col += 1) {

        tableString += "<td>" + "row [" + row + "]" + "col [" + col + "]" + "</td>";
    tableString += "</tr>";

tableString += "</table>";
div.innerHTML = tableString;

Converting char* to float or double

You are missing an include : #include <stdlib.h>, so GCC creates an implicit declaration of atof and atod, leading to garbage values.

And the format specifier for double is %f, not %d (that is for integers).

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
  char *test = "12.11";
  double temp = strtod(test,NULL);
  float ftemp = atof(test);
  printf("price: %f, %f",temp,ftemp);
  return 0;
/* Output */
price: 12.110000, 12.110000

Numpy: find index of the elements within range

You can use np.where to get indices and np.logical_and to set two conditions:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 56])

np.where(np.logical_and(a>=6, a<=10))
# returns (array([3, 4, 5]),)

Javascript get Object property Name

Like the other answers you can do theTypeIs = Object.keys(myVar)[0]; to get the first key. If you are expecting more keys, you can use

Object.keys(myVar).forEach(function(k) {
    if(k === "typeA") {
        // do stuff
    else if (k === "typeB") {
        // do more stuff
    else {
        // do something

Using parameters in batch files at Windows command line

As others have already said, parameters passed through the command line can be accessed in batch files with the notation %1 to %9. There are also two other tokens that you can use:

  • %0 is the executable (batch file) name as specified in the command line.
  • %* is all parameters specified in the command line -- this is very useful if you want to forward the parameters to another program.

There are also lots of important techniques to be aware of in addition to simply how to access the parameters.

Checking if a parameter was passed

This is done with constructs like IF "%~1"=="", which is true if and only if no arguments were passed at all. Note the tilde character which causes any surrounding quotes to be removed from the value of %1; without a tilde you will get unexpected results if that value includes double quotes, including the possibility of syntax errors.

Handling more than 9 arguments (or just making life easier)

If you need to access more than 9 arguments you have to use the command SHIFT. This command shifts the values of all arguments one place, so that %0 takes the value of %1, %1 takes the value of %2, etc. %9 takes the value of the tenth argument (if one is present), which was not available through any variable before calling SHIFT (enter command SHIFT /? for more options).

SHIFT is also useful when you want to easily process parameters without requiring that they are presented in a specific order. For example, a script may recognize the flags -a and -b in any order. A good way to parse the command line in such cases is

IF "%~1"=="" GOTO endparse
IF "%~1"=="-a" REM do something
IF "%~1"=="-b" REM do something else
GOTO parse
REM ready for action!

This scheme allows you to parse pretty complex command lines without going insane.

Substitution of batch parameters

For parameters that represent file names the shell provides lots of functionality related to working with files that is not accessible in any other way. This functionality is accessed with constructs that begin with %~.

For example, to get the size of the file passed in as an argument use

ECHO %~z1

To get the path of the directory where the batch file was launched from (very useful!) you can use

ECHO %~dp0

You can view the full range of these capabilities by typing CALL /? in the command prompt.

How to select the comparison of two columns as one column in Oracle

I stopped using DECODE several years ago because it is non-portable. Also, it is less flexible and less readable than a CASE/WHEN.

However, there is one neat "trick" you can do with decode because of how it deals with NULL. In decode, NULL is equal to NULL. That can be exploited to tell whether two columns are different as below.

select a, b, decode(a, b, 'true', 'false') as same
  from t;

     A       B  SAME
------  ------  -----
     1       1  true
     1       0  false
     1          false
  null    null  true  

pull out p-values and r-squared from a linear regression

x = cumsum(c(0, runif(100, -1, +1)))
y = cumsum(c(0, runif(100, -1, +1)))
fit = lm(y ~ x)
> names(summary(fit))
[1] "call"          "terms"        
 [3] "residuals"     "coefficients" 
 [5] "aliased"       "sigma"        
 [7] "df"            "r.squared"    
 [9] "adj.r.squared" "fstatistic"   
[11] "cov.unscaled" 

Positive Number to Negative Number in JavaScript?

To get a negative version of a number in JavaScript you can always use the ~ bitwise operator.

For example, if you have a = 1000 and you need to convert it to a negative, you could do the following:

a = ~a + 1;

Which would result in a being -1000.

Should you choose the MONEY or DECIMAL(x,y) datatypes in SQL Server?

I want to give a different view of MONEY vs. NUMERICAL, largely based my own expertise and experience... My point of view here is MONEY, because I have worked with it for a considerable long time and never really used NUMERICAL much...


  • Native Data Type. It uses a native data type (integer) as the same as a CPU register (32 or 64 bit), so the calculation doesn't need unnecessary overhead so it's smaller and faster... MONEY needs 8 bytes and NUMERICAL(19, 4) needs 9 bytes (12.5% bigger)...

    MONEY is faster as long as it is used for it was meant to be (as money). How fast? My simple SUM test on 1 million data shows that MONEY is 275 ms and NUMERIC 517 ms... That is almost twice as fast... Why SUM test? See next Pro point

  • Best for Money. MONEY is best for storing money and do operations, for example, in accounting. A single report can run millions of additions (SUM) and a few multiplications after the SUM operation is done. For very big accounting applications it is almost twice as fast, and it is extremely significant...
  • Low Precision of Money. Money in real life doesn't need to be very precise. I mean, many people may care about 1 cent USD, but how about 0.01 cent USD? In fact, in my country, banks no longer care about cents (digit after decimal comma); I don't know about US bank or other country...


  • Limited Precision. MONEY only has four digits (after the comma) precision, so it has to be converted before doing operations such as division... But then again money doesn't need to be so precise and is meant to be used as money, not just a number...

But... Big, but here is even your application involved real-money, but do not use it in lots of SUM operations, like in accounting. If you use lots of divisions and multiplications instead then you should not use MONEY...

Convert a dta file to csv without Stata software

The R method will work reliably, and it requires little knowledge of R. Note that the conversion using the foreign package will preserve data, but may introduce differences. For example, when converting a table without a primary key, the primary key and associated columns will be inserted during the conversion.

From I recommend:

write.table(read.dta(file.choose()), file=file.choose(), quote = FALSE, sep = ",")

Include .so library in apk in android studio

I had the same problem. Check out the comment in

It says:

for gradle android plugin v0.3 use ""

That should fix your problem.

Postgres DB Size Command

Start pgAdmin, connect to the server, click on the database name, and select the statistics tab. You will see the size of the database at the bottom of the list.

Then if you click on another database, it stays on the statistics tab so you can easily see many database sizes without much effort. If you open the table list, it shows all tables and their sizes.

How to initialize a list of strings (List<string>) with many string values

List<string> animals= new List<string>();

How to convert a string of bytes into an int?

import array
integerValue = array.array("I", 'y\xcc\xa6\xbb')[0]

Warning: the above is strongly platform-specific. Both the "I" specifier and the endianness of the string->int conversion are dependent on your particular Python implementation. But if you want to convert many integers/strings at once, then the array module does it quickly.

System.out.println() shortcut on Intellij IDEA

Open up Settings (By default is Alt + Ctrl + S) and search for Live Templates. In the upper part there's an option that says "By default expand with TAB" (TAB is the default), choose "Custom" and then hit "change" and add the keymap "ctrl+spacebar" to the option "Expand Live Template/Emmet Abbreviation".

Now you can hit ctrl + spacebar and expand the live templates. Now, to change it to "syso" instead of "sout", in the Live Templates option, theres a list of tons of options checked, go to "other" and expand it, there you wil find "sout", just rename it to "syso" and hit aply.

Hope this can help you.

How can I install Apache Ant on Mac OS X?

MacPorts will install ant for you in MacOSX 10.9. Just use

$ sudo port install apache-ant

and it will install.

How do I insert an image in an activity with android studio?

since you followed the tutorial, I presume you have a screen that says Hello World.

that means you have some code in your layout xml that looks like this

    android:text="@string/hello_world" />

you want to display an image, so instead of TextView you want to have ImageView. and instead of a text attribute you want an src attribute, that links to your drawable resource


How to install 2 Anacondas (Python 2 and 3) on Mac OS

Edit!: Please be sure that you should have both Python installed on your computer.

Maybe my answer is late for you but I can help someone who has the same problem!

You don't have to download both Anaconda.

If you are using Spyder and Jupyter in Anaconda environmen and,

If you have already Anaconda 2 type in Terminal:

    python3 -m pip install ipykernel

    python3 -m ipykernel install --user

If you have already Anaconda 3 then type in terminal:

    python2 -m pip install ipykernel

    python2 -m ipykernel install --user

Then before use Spyder you can choose Python environment like below! Sometimes only you can see root and your new Python environment, so root is your first anaconda environment!

Anaconda spyder Python 2.7 or 3.5

Also this is Jupyter. You can choose python version like this!

Jupyter Notebook

I hope it will help.

In Java, how to append a string more efficiently?

You can use StringBuffer or StringBuilder for this. Both are for dynamic string manipulation. StringBuffer is thread-safe where as StringBuilder is not.

Use StringBuffer in a multi-thread environment. But if it is single threaded StringBuilder is recommended and it is much faster than StringBuffer.

Should IBOutlets be strong or weak under ARC?

From WWDC 2015 there is a session on Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder. Around the 32min mark he says that you always want to make your @IBOutlet strong.

Java: Casting Object to Array type

What you've got (according to the debug image) is an object array containing a string array. So you need something like:

Object[] objects = (Object[]) values;
String[] strings = (String[]) objects[0];

You haven't shown the type of values - if this is already Object[] then you could just use (String[])values[0].

Of course even with the cast to Object[] you could still do it in one statement, but it's ugly:

String[] strings = (String[]) ((Object[])values)[0];

DateTime.MinValue and SqlDateTime overflow

Well... its quite simple to get a SQL min date

DateTime sqlMinDateAsNetDateTime = System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.MinValue.Value;

Python return statement error " 'return' outside function"

To break a loop, use break instead of return.

Or put the loop or control construct into a function, only functions can return values.

Excel VBA - read cell value from code

I think you need this ..

Dim n as Integer   

For n = 5 to 17
  msgbox cells(n,3) '--> sched waste
  msgbox cells(n,4) '--> type of treatm
  msgbox format(cells(n,5),"dd/MM/yyyy") '--> Lic exp
  msgbox cells(n,6) '--> email col

Angular 2 http post params and body

And it works, thanks @trichetriche. The problem was in my RequestOptions, apparently, you can not pass params or body to the RequestOptions while using the post. Removing one of them gives me an error, removing both and it works. Still no final solution to my problem, but I now have something to work with. Final working code.

public post(cmd: string, data: string): Observable<any> {

    const options = new RequestOptions({
      headers: this.getAuthorizedHeaders(),
      responseType: ResponseContentType.Json,
      withCredentials: false

    console.log('Options: ' + JSON.stringify(options));

    return, JSON.stringify({
      cmd: cmd,
      data: data}), options)

Increment a database field by 1

I not expert in MySQL but you probably should look on triggers e.g. BEFORE INSERT. In the trigger you can run select query on your original table and if it found something just update the row 'logins' instead of inserting new values. But all this depends on version of MySQL you running.

Eclipse EGit Checkout conflict with files: - EGit doesn't want to continue

After you get from Eclipse the ugly CheckoutConflictException, the Eclipse-Merge Tool button is disabled.

Git need alle your files added to the Index for enable Merging.

So, to merge your Changes and commit them you need to add your files first to the index "Add to Index" and "Commit" them without "Push". Then you should see one pending pull and one pending push request in Eclipse. You see that in one up arrow and one down arrow.

If all conflict Files are in the commit, you can "pull" again. Then you will see something like:

\< < < < < < < HEAD Server Version \======= Local Version > > > > > > > branch 'master' of ....git

Then you either change it by the Merge-Tool, which is now enable or just do the merge by hand direct in the file. In the last step, you have to add the modified files again to the index and "Commit and Push" them.

Checking done!

How to run Rake tasks from within Rake tasks?

for example:


How to recover Git objects damaged by hard disk failure?

Banengusk was putting me on the right track. For further reference, I want to post the steps I took to fix my repository corruption. I was lucky enough to find all needed objects either in older packs or in repository backups.

# Unpack last non-corrupted pack
$ mv .git/objects/pack .git/objects/pack.old
$ git unpack-objects -r < .git/objects/pack.old/pack-012066c998b2d171913aeb5bf0719fd4655fa7d0.pack
$ git log
fatal: bad object HEAD

$ cat .git/HEAD 
ref: refs/heads/master

$ ls .git/refs/heads/

$ cat .git/packed-refs 
# pack-refs with: peeled 
aa268a069add6d71e162c4e2455c1b690079c8c1 refs/heads/master

$ git fsck --full 
error: HEAD: invalid sha1 pointer aa268a069add6d71e162c4e2455c1b690079c8c1
error: refs/heads/master does not point to a valid object!
missing blob 75405ef0e6f66e48c1ff836786ff110efa33a919
missing blob 27c4611ffbc3c32712a395910a96052a3de67c9b
dangling tree 30473f109d87f4bcde612a2b9a204c3e322cb0dc

# Copy HEAD object from backup of repository
$ cp repobackup/.git/objects/aa/268a069add6d71e162c4e2455c1b690079c8c1 .git/objects/aa
# Now copy all missing objects from backup of repository and run "git fsck --full" afterwards
# Repeat until git fsck --full only reports dangling objects

# Now garbage collect repo
$ git gc
warning: reflog of 'HEAD' references pruned commits
warning: reflog of 'refs/heads/master' references pruned commits
Counting objects: 3992, done.
Delta compression using 2 threads.
fatal: object bf1c4953c0ea4a045bf0975a916b53d247e7ca94 inconsistent object length (6093 vs 415232)
error: failed to run repack

# Check reflogs...
$ git reflog

# ...then clean
$ git reflog expire --expire=0 --all

# Now garbage collect again
$ git gc       
Counting objects: 3992, done.
Delta compression using 2 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3970/3970), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3992/3992), done.
Total 3992 (delta 2060), reused 0 (delta 0)
Removing duplicate objects: 100% (256/256), done.
# Done!

How to load a UIView using a nib file created with Interface Builder

Thank you all. I did find a way to do what I wanted.

  1. Create your UIView with the IBOutlets you need.
  2. Create the xib in IB, design it to you liking and link it like this: The File's Owner is of class UIViewController (No custom subclass, but the "real" one). The File Owner's view is connected to the main view and its class is declared as the one from step 1).
  3. Connect your controls with the IBOutlets.
  4. The DynamicViewController can run its logic to decide what view/xib to load. Once its made the decission, in the loadView method put something like this:

    NSArray* nibViews = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"QPickOneView"
    QPickOneView* myView = [ nibViews objectAtIndex: 1];
    myView.question = question;

That's it!

The main bundle's loadNibNamed method will take care of initializing the view and creating the connections.

Now the ViewController can display a view or another depending on the data in memory, and the "parent" screen doesn't need to bother with this logic.

babel-loader jsx SyntaxError: Unexpected token

For those who still might be facing issue adding jsx to test fixed it for me

test: /\.jsx?$/,

mysql update query with sub query

You can check your eav_attributes table to find the relevant attribute IDs for each image role, such as; eav_attributes

Then you can use those to set whichever role to any other role for all products like so;

UPDATE catalog_product_entity_varchar AS `v` INNER JOIN (SELECT `value`,`entity_id` FROM `catalog_product_entity_varchar` WHERE `attribute_id`=86) AS `j` ON `j`.`entity_id`=`v`.entity_id SET `v`.`value`=j.`value` WHERE `v`.attribute_id = 85 AND `v`.`entity_id`=`j`.`entity_id`

The above will set all your 'base' roles to the 'small' image of the same product.

How do I revert back to an OpenWrt router configuration?

Those who are facing this problem: Don't panic.

Short answer:

Restart your router, and this problem will be fixed. (But if your restart button is not working, you need to do a nine-step process to do the restart. Hitting the restart button is just one of them.)

Long answer: Let's learn how to restart the router.

  1. Set your PC's IP address: and subnetmask and gateway
  2. Power off the router
  3. Disconnect the WAN cable
  4. Only connect your PC Ethernet cable to ETH0
  5. Power on the router
  6. Wait for the router to start the boot sequence (SYS LED starts blinking)
  7. When the SYS LED is blinking, hit the restart button (the SYS LED will be blinking at a faster rate means your router is in failsafe mode). (You have to hit the button before the router boots.)
  8. telnet
  9. Run these commands:

    mount_root ## this remounts your partitions from read-only to read/write mode
    firstboot  ## This will reset your router after reboot
    reboot -f ## And force reboot
  10. Log in the web interface using web browser.

link to see the official failsafe mode.

TypeError: $ is not a function when calling jQuery function



instead of



Within the function, $ points to jQuery as you would expect

(function ($) {

Mongoose: findOneAndUpdate doesn't return updated document

Mongoose maintainer here. You need to set the new option to true (or, equivalently, returnOriginal to false)

await User.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, { new: true });

// Equivalent
await User.findOneAndUpdate(filter, update, { returnOriginal: false });

See Mongoose findOneAndUpdate() docs and this tutorial on updating documents in Mongoose.

If else in stored procedure sql server

Try this one -


    SELECT TOP 1 @ParLngId = ParLngId
    FROM dbo.T_Param
    WHERE ParStrNom = 'Extranet Client'

    IF (@ParLngId = 0)
        INSERT INTO dbo.T_Param


        RETURN @ParLngId 



Sort a list alphabetically

Another way

_details.Sort((s1, s2) => s1.CompareTo(s2)); 

Hidden features of Python

Getter functions in module operator

The functions attrgetter() and itemgetter() in module operator can be used to generate fast access functions for use in sorting and search objects and dictionaries

Chapter 6.7 in the Python Library Docs

Datagridview full row selection but get single cell value

To get one cell value based on entire row selection:

if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count > 0)
         foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
               TextBox1.Text = row.Cells["ColumnName"].Value.ToString();
        MessageBox.Show("Please select item!");

Full examples of using pySerial package

Blog post Serial RS232 connections in Python

import time
import serial

# configure the serial connections (the parameters differs on the device you are connecting to)
ser = serial.Serial(


print 'Enter your commands below.\r\nInsert "exit" to leave the application.'

while 1 :
    # get keyboard input
    input = raw_input(">> ")
        # Python 3 users
        # input = input(">> ")
    if input == 'exit':
        # send the character to the device
        # (note that I happend a \r\n carriage return and line feed to the characters - this is requested by my device)
        ser.write(input + '\r\n')
        out = ''
        # let's wait one second before reading output (let's give device time to answer)
        while ser.inWaiting() > 0:
            out +=

        if out != '':
            print ">>" + out

I want to delete all bin and obj folders to force all projects to rebuild everything

I use .bat file with this commad to do that.

for /f %%F in ('dir /b /ad /s ^| findstr /iles "Bin"') do RMDIR /s /q "%%F"
for /f %%F in ('dir /b /ad /s ^| findstr /iles "Obj"') do RMDIR /s /q "%%F"

Measuring execution time of a function in C++

Easy way for older C++, or C:

#include <time.h> // includes clock_t and CLOCKS_PER_SEC

int main() {

    clock_t start, end;

    start = clock();
    // ...code to measure...
    end = clock();

    double duration_sec = double(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    return 0;

Timing precision in seconds is 1.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC

Java - ignore exception and continue

Printing the STACK trace, logging it or send message to the user, are very bad ways to process the exceptions. Does any one can describe solutions to fix the exception in proper steps then can trying the broken instruction again?

Regex remove all special characters except numbers?

If you don't mind including the underscore as an allowed character, you could try simply:

result = subject.replace(/\W+/g, "");

If the underscore must be excluded also, then

result = subject.replace(/[^A-Z0-9]+/ig, "");

(Note the case insensitive flag)

Convert string date to timestamp in Python

You can refer this following link for using strptime function from datetime.datetime, to convert date from any format along with time zone.

grep regex whitespace behavior

This looks like a behavior difference in the handling of \s between grep 2.5 and newer versions (a bug in old grep?). I confirm your result with grep 2.5.4, but all four of your greps do work when using grep 2.6.3 (Ubuntu 10.10).


GNU grep 2.5.4
echo "foo bar" | grep "\s"
   (doesn't match)


GNU grep 2.6.3
echo "foo bar" | grep "\s"
foo bar

Probably less trouble (as \s is not documented):

Both GNU greps
echo "foo bar" | grep "[[:space:]]"
foo bar

My advice is to avoid using \s ... use [ \t]* or [[:space:]] or something like it instead.

How to mock void methods with Mockito

In Java 8 this can be made a little cleaner, assuming you have a static import for org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer:

doAnswer(i -> {
  // Do stuff with i.getArguments() here
  return null;

The return null; is important and without it the compile will fail with some fairly obscure errors as it won't be able to find a suitable override for doAnswer.

For example an ExecutorService that just immediately executes any Runnable passed to execute() could be implemented using:

doAnswer(i -> {
  ((Runnable) i.getArguments()[0]).run();
  return null;

Add column in dataframe from list

Old question; but I always try to use fastest code!

I had a huge list with 69 millions of uint64. np.array() was fastest for me.

df['hashes'] = hashes
Time spent: 17.034842014312744

df['hashes'] = pd.Series(hashes).values
Time spent: 17.141014337539673

df['key'] = np.array(hashes)
Time spent: 10.724546194076538

What is the right way to write my script 'src' url for a local development environment?

I believe the browser is looking for those assets FROM the root of the webserver. This is difficult because it is easy to start developing on your machine WITHOUT actually using a webserver ( just by loading local files through your browser)

You could start by packaging your html and css/js together?

a directory structure something like:

  - index.html
  - assets
    - css
    - js
      - myPage.js

Then your script tag (from index.html) could look like

<script src="assets/js/myPage.js"></script>

An added benifit of packaging your html and assets in one directory is that you can copy the directory and give it to someone else or put it on another machine and it will work great.

Difference between declaring variables before or in loop?

I tested for JS with Node 4.0.0 if anyone is interested. Declaring outside the loop resulted in a ~.5 ms performance improvement on average over 1000 trials with 100 million loop iterations per trial. So I'm gonna say go ahead and write it in the most readable / maintainable way which is B, imo. I would put my code in a fiddle, but I used the performance-now Node module. Here's the code:

var now = require("../node_modules/performance-now")

// declare vars inside loop
function varInside(){
    for(var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++){
        var temp = i;
        var temp2 = i + 1;
        var temp3 = i + 2;

// declare vars outside loop
function varOutside(){
    var temp;
    var temp2;
    var temp3;
    for(var i = 0; i < 100000000; i++){
        temp = i
        temp2 = i + 1
        temp3 = i + 2

// for computing average execution times
var insideAvg = 0;
var outsideAvg = 0;

// run varInside a million times and average execution times
for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
    var start = now()
    var end = now()
    insideAvg = (insideAvg + (end-start)) / 2

// run varOutside a million times and average execution times
for(var i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
    var start = now()
    var end = now()
    outsideAvg = (outsideAvg + (end-start)) / 2

console.log('declared inside loop', insideAvg)
console.log('declared outside loop', outsideAvg)

How to create module-wide variables in Python?

Steveha's answer was helpful to me, but omits an important point (one that I think wisty was getting at). The global keyword is not necessary if you only access but do not assign the variable in the function.

If you assign the variable without the global keyword then Python creates a new local var -- the module variable's value will now be hidden inside the function. Use the global keyword to assign the module var inside a function.

Pylint 1.3.1 under Python 2.7 enforces NOT using global if you don't assign the var.

module_var = '/dev/hello'

def readonly_access():

def readwrite_access():
    global module_var
    module_var = '/dev/hello2'

How to run a function when the page is loaded?

window.onload = codeAddress; should work - here's a demo, and the full code:

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />_x000D_
        <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
        function codeAddress() {_x000D_
        window.onload = codeAddress;_x000D_

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />_x000D_
        <script type="text/javascript">_x000D_
        function codeAddress() {_x000D_
    <body onload="codeAddress();">_x000D_

Android Call an method from another class

And, if you don't want to instantiate Class2, declare UpdateEmployee as static and call it like this:


However, you'll normally want to do what @parag said.

How can I use Html.Action?

Another case is http redirection. If your page redirects http requests to https, then may be your partial view tries to redirect by itself.

It causes same problem again. For this problem, you can reorganize your .net error pages or iis error pages configuration.

Just make sure you are redirecting requests to right error or not found page and make sure this error page contains non problematic partial. If your page supports only https, do not forward requests to error page without using https, if error page contains partial, this partials tries to redirect seperately from requested url, it causes problem.

TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not _io.BufferedReader

I think it has to do with your second element in storbinary. You are trying to open file, but it is already a pointer to the file you opened in line file = open(local_path,'rb'). So, try to use ftp.storbinary("STOR " + i, file).

Limit the output of the TOP command to a specific process name

Using the answer from here I was able to create a one liner

top -pid $(pgrep process_name | sed -e ':a' -e 'N' -e '$!ba' -e 's/\n/ -pid /g')

This works for me on MacOS 10.12 (Sierra)

How to convert milliseconds into human readable form?

In java

public static String formatMs(long millis) {
    long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis);
    long mins = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis);
    long secs = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(millis);
    return String.format("%dh %d min, %d sec",
            mins - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(hours),
            secs - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(mins)

Gives something like this:

12h 1 min, 34 sec

How to run php files on my computer

I just put the content in the question in a file called test.php and ran php test.php. (In the folder where the test.php is.)

$ php foo.php                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

What is the meaning of curly braces?

In Python, curly braces are used to define a dictionary.

a={'one':1, 'two':2, 'three':3}

In other languages, { } are used as part of the flow control. Python however used indentation as its flow control because of its focus on readable code.

for entry in entries:

There's a little easter egg in Python when it comes to braces. Try running this on the Python Shell and enjoy.

from __future__ import braces

Python error "ImportError: No module named"

In my case, I was using sys.path.insert() to import a local module and was getting module not found from a different library. I had to put sys.path.insert() below the imports that reported module not found. I guess the best practice is to put sys.path.insert() at the bottom of your imports.

Setting size for icon in CSS

this works for me try it.

font-size: 3.75em;

How to Update Multiple Array Elements in mongodb

The thread is very old, but I came looking for answer here hence providing new solution.

With MongoDB version 3.6+, it is now possible to use the positional operator to update all items in an array. See official documentation here.

Following query would work for the question asked here. I have also verified with Java-MongoDB driver and it works successfully.

.update(   // or updateMany directly, removing the flag for 'multi'
   {$set:{"events.$[].handled":0}},  // notice the empty brackets after '$' opearor

Hope this helps someone like me.

Display List in a View MVC

Your action method considers model type asList<string>. But, in your view you are waiting for IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams>. You can solve this problem with changing the model in your view to List<string>.

But, the best approach would be to return IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams> as a model from your action method. Then you haven't to change model type in your view.

But, in my opinion your models are not correctly implemented. I suggest you to change it as:

public class Team
    public int Position { get; set; }
    public string HomeGround {get; set;}
    public string NickName {get; set;}
    public int Founded { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Then you must change your action method as:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new List<Team>();

    model.Add(new Team { Name = "MU"});
    model.Add(new Team { Name = "Chelsea"});

    return View(model);

And, your view:

@model IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Team>

     ViewBag.Title = "Standings";

@foreach (var item in Model)
        <hr />

Query an object array using linq


using System.Linq;

to the top of your file.

And then:

Car[] carList = ...
var carMake = 
    from item in carList
    where item.Model == "bmw" 
    select item.Make;

or if you prefer the fluent syntax:

var carMake = carList
    .Where(item => item.Model == "bmw")
    .Select(item => item.Make);

Things to pay attention to:

  • The usage of item.Make in the select clause instead if s.Make as in your code.
  • You have a whitespace between item and .Model in your where clause

How to Set RadioButtonFor() in MVC 2 as Checked by default

You can also add labels that are tied to your radio buttons with the same ID, which then allows the user to click the radio button or label to select that item. I'm using constants here for "Male", "Female" and "Unknown", but obviously these could be strings in your model.

<%: Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender, "Male", 
    new Dictionary<string, object> { { "checked", "checked" }, { "id", "Male" } }) %>
<%: Html.Label("Male") %>

<%: Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender, "Female", 
    new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "Female" } }) %>
<%: Html.Label("Female")%>

<%: Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender, "Unknown",
    new Dictionary<string, object> { { "id", "Unknown" } }) %>
<%: Html.Label("Unknown")%>

Change keystore password from no password to a non blank password

Add -storepass to keytool arguments.

keytool -storepasswd -storepass '' -keystore mykeystore.jks

But also notice that -list command does not always require a password. I could execute follow command in both cases: without password or with valid password

$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -list -keystore $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts

builder for HashMap

HashMap is mutable; there's no need for a builder.

Map<String, Integer> map = Maps.newHashMap();
map.put("a", 1);
map.put("b", 2);

How to assign pointer address manually in C programming language?

Like this:

void * p = (void *)0x28ff44;

Or if you want it as a char *:

char * p = (char *)0x28ff44;


If you're pointing to something you really, really aren't meant to change, add a const:

const void * p = (const void *)0x28ff44;
const char * p = (const char *)0x28ff44;

...since I figure this must be some kind of "well-known address" and those are typically (though by no means always) read-only.

How to get Text BOLD in Alert or Confirm box?

Maybe you coul'd use UTF8 bold chars.

For examples:

It works on Chromium 80.0, I don't know on other browsers...

Sorting table rows according to table header column using javascript or jquery

You can use jQuery DataTables plugin for applying column sorting in desired way.

Column Sorting using DataTable

httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Your hosts file does not include a valid FQDN, nor is localhost an FQDN. An FQDN must include a hostname part, as well as a domain name part. For example, the following is a valid FQDN:

Choose an FQDN and include it both in your /etc/hosts file on both the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses you are using (in your case, localhost or, and change your ServerName in your httpd configuration to match.

/etc/hosts:    localhost.localdomain localhost
::1          localhost.localdomain localhost



SQL update statement in C#

command.Text = "UPDATE Student 
  SET Address = @add, City = @cit
  Where FirstName = @fn and LastName = @add";


Create stacked barplot where each stack is scaled to sum to 100%

prop.table is a nice friendly way of obtaining proportions of tables.

m <- matrix(1:4,2)

     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    1    3
[2,]    2    4

Leaving margin blank gives you proportions of the whole table

 prop.table(m, margin=NULL)
     [,1] [,2]
[1,]  0.1  0.3
[2,]  0.2  0.4

Giving it 1 gives you row proportions

 prop.table(m, 1)
      [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 0.2500000 0.7500000
[2,] 0.3333333 0.6666667

And 2 is column proportions

 prop.table(m, 2)
          [,1]      [,2]
[1,] 0.3333333 0.4285714
[2,] 0.6666667 0.5714286

Check if element is clickable in Selenium Java

There are certain things you have to take care:

  • WebDriverWait inconjunction with ExpectedConditions as elementToBeClickable() returns the WebElement once it is located and clickable i.e. visible and enabled.
  • In this process, WebDriverWait will ignore instances of NotFoundException that are encountered by default in the until condition.
  • Once the duration of the wait expires on the desired element not being located and clickable, will throw a timeout exception.
  • The different approach to address this issue are:
    • To invoke click() as soon as the element is returned, you can use:

      new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("(//div[@id='brandSlider']/div[1]/div/div/div/img)[50]"))).click();
    • To simply validate if the element is located and clickable, wrap up the WebDriverWait in a try-catch{} block as follows:

      try {
             new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("(//div[@id='brandSlider']/div[1]/div/div/div/img)[50]")));
             System.out.println("Element is clickable");
      catch(TimeoutException e) {
             System.out.println("Element isn't clickable");
    • If WebDriverWait returns the located and clickable element but the element is still not clickable, you need to invoke executeScript() method as follows:

      WebElement element = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath("(//div[@id='brandSlider']/div[1]/div/div/div/img)[50]"))); 
      ((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);

How to add a vertical Separator?

<Style x:Key="MySeparatorStyle" TargetType="{x:Type Separator}">
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="{DynamicResource {x:Static SystemColors.ControlDarkBrushKey}}"/>
                <Setter Property="Margin" Value="10,0,10,0"/>
                <Setter Property="Focusable" Value="false"/>
                <Setter Property="Template">
                        <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type Separator}">
                                  BorderBrush="{TemplateBinding BorderBrush}" 
                                  BorderThickness="{TemplateBinding BorderThickness}" 
                                  Background="{TemplateBinding Background}" 


<StackPanel  Orientation="Horizontal"  >
           <Separator Style="{StaticResource MySeparatorStyle}" ></Separator>

#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

I fixed this issue with :


replaced with


all the unique or primary varchar keys which have more than 200 replace them with 191 or set them as text.