[javascript] Regex remove all special characters except numbers?

I would like to remove all special characters (except for numbers) from a string. I have been able to get this far

var name = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z ]/, "");

but it seems that it is removing the first number and leaving all of the others.

For example:

name = "collection1234"; //=> collection234


name = "1234567"; //=> 234567

This question is related to javascript regex

The answer is

to remove symbol use tag [ ]



step 2:place what symbol u want to remove eg:@ like [@]


step 3:

var name = name.replace(/[@]/g, "");

thats it

var name="ggggggg@fffff"
var result = name.replace(/[@]/g, "");
console .log(result)

Extra Tips

To remove space (give one space into square bracket like []=>[ ])

[@ ]

It Remove Everything (using except)

[^place u dont want to remove]

eg:i remove everyting except alphabet (small and caps)

[^a-zA-Z ]

var name="ggggg33333@#$%^&**I(((**gg@fffff"
var result = name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z]/g, "");
console .log(result)

If you don't mind including the underscore as an allowed character, you could try simply:

result = subject.replace(/\W+/g, "");

If the underscore must be excluded also, then

result = subject.replace(/[^A-Z0-9]+/ig, "");

(Note the case insensitive flag)

To remove the special characters, try

var name = name.replace(/[!@#$%^&*]/g, "");

This should work as well

text = 'the car? was big and* red!'

newtext = re.sub( '[^a-z0-9]', ' ', text)


the car was big and red