[ruby] Tell Ruby Program to Wait some amount of time

Implementation of seconds/minutes/hours, which are rails methods. Note that implicit returns aren't needed, but they look cleaner, so I prefer them. I'm not sure Rails even has .days or if it goes further, but these are the ones I need.

class Integer
   def seconds
      return self
   def minutes
      return self * 60
   def hours
      return self * 3600
   def days
      return self * 86400

After this, you can do: sleep 5.seconds to sleep for 5 seconds. You can do sleep 5.minutes to sleep for 5 min. You can do sleep 5.hours to sleep for 5 hours. And finally, you can do sleep 5.days to sleep for 5 days... You can add any method that return the value of self * (amount of seconds in that timeframe). As an exercise, try implementing it for months!