Programs & Examples On #Effective c++

Tag for implementing and understanding guidelines and recommendations in any of the books "Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs", "More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs", "Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14", or "Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library", by Scott Meyers.

What is ANSI format?

Once upon a time Microsoft, like everyone else, used 7-bit character sets, and they invented their own when it suited them, though they kept ASCII as a core subset. Then they realised the world had moved on to 8-bit encodings and that there were international standards around, such as the ISO-8859 family. In those days, if you wanted to get hold of an international standard and you lived in the US, you bought it from the American National Standards Institute, ANSI, who republished international standards with their own branding and numbers (that's because the US government wants conformance to American standards, not international standards). So Microsoft's copy of ISO-8859 said "ANSI" on the cover. And because Microsoft weren't very used to standards in those days, they didn't realise that ANSI published lots of other standards as well. So they referred to the standards in the ISO-8859 family (and the variants that they invented, because they didn't really understand standards in those days) by the name on the cover, "ANSI", and it found its way into Microsoft user documentation and hence into the user community. That was about 30 years ago, but you still sometimes hear the name today.

Allow anonymous authentication for a single folder in web.config?

To make it work I build my directory like this:

Project Public Restrict

So I edited my webconfig for my public folder:

<location path="Project/Public">
        <allow users="?"/>

And for my Restricted folder:

 <location path="Project/Restricted">
        <allow users="*"/>

See here for the spec of * and ?:

I hope I have helped.

How do I exit a foreach loop in C#?

Use break.

Unrelated to your question, I see in your code the line:

Violated = !(name.firstname == null) ? false : true;

In this line, you take a boolean value (name.firstname == null). Then, you apply the ! operator to it. Then, if the value is true, you set Violated to false; otherwise to true. So basically, Violated is set to the same value as the original expression (name.firstname == null). Why not use that, as in:

Violated = (name.firstname == null);

How to represent the double quotes character (") in regex?

Firstly, double quote character is nothing special in regex - it's just another character, so it doesn't need escaping from the perspective of regex.

However, because java uses double quotes to delimit String constants, if you want to create a string in java with a double quote in it, you must escape them.

This code will test if your String matches:

if (str.matches("\".*\"")) {
    // this string starts and end with a double quote

Note that you don't need to add start and end of input markers (^ and $) in the regex, because matches() requires that the whole input be matched to return true - ^ and $ are implied.

sqlalchemy IS NOT NULL select

In case anyone else is wondering, you can use is_ to generate foo IS NULL:

>>> from sqlalchemy.sql import column
>>> print column('foo').is_(None)
>>> print column('foo').isnot(None)

Clear text in EditText when entered

i don't know what mistakes i did while implementing the above solutions, bt they were unsuccessful for me

txtDeck.setOnFocusChangeListener(new OnFocusChangeListener() {
    public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {

This works for me,

textarea's rows, and cols attribute in CSS

width and height are used when going the css route.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Setting Width and Height on Textareas</title>
            .comments { width: 300px; height: 75px }
        <textarea class="comments"></textarea>

How to change the URL from "localhost" to something else, on a local system using wampserver?

WINDOWS + MAMP solution

Step 1
Go to S:\MAMPenter code here \bin\apache\conf\
open httpd.conf file and change
#Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
i.e. uncomment the line so that it can includes the virtual hosts file.

Step 2
Go to S:\MAMP\bin\apache\conf\extra
and open httpd-vhosts.conf file and add the following code

<VirtualHost myWebsite.local>
    DocumentRoot "S:\MAMP\htdocs/myWebsite/"
    ServerName myWebsite.local
    ServerAlias myWebsite.local
    <Directory "S:\MAMP\htdocsmyWebsite/">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all

change myWebsite.local and S:\MAMP\htdocs/myWebsite/ as per your requirements.

Step 3
Open hosts file in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/ and add the following line ( Don't delete anything ) myWebsite.local

change myWebsite.local as per your name requirements

Step 4
restart your server. That's it

How do I fetch only one branch of a remote Git repository?

One way is the following:

git fetch <remotename> <remote branch>:refs/remotes/<remotename>/<local branch>

This does not set up tracking though.

For more information, see the documentation of git fetch.

EDIT: As @user1338062 notes below: if you don't already have a local clone of the repository where you want to add the new branch, but you want to create a fresh local repository, then the git clone --branch <branch_name> --single-branch <repo_url> provides a shorter solution.

Is a new line = \n OR \r\n?

If you are programming in PHP, it is useful to split lines by \n and then trim() each line (provided you don't care about whitespace) to give you a "clean" line regardless.

foreach($line in explode("\n", $data))
    $line = trim($line);

Making an API call in Python with an API that requires a bearer token

It just means it expects that as a key in your header data

import requests
endpoint = ".../api/ip"
data = {"ip": ""}
headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer MYREALLYLONGTOKENIGOT"}

print(, data=data, headers=headers).json())

Capturing URL parameters in request.GET

To do this, simply type this in javascript:

function getParams(url) {
    var params = {};
    var parser = document.createElement('a');
    parser.href = url;
    var query =;
    var vars = query.split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
        var pair = vars[i].split('=');
        params[pair[0]] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);
    return params;
var url = window.location.href;

How to create custom button in Android using XML Styles

Two things you need to do, if you want to make a custom button design.

1st is: create a xml resource file in drawable folder (Example: btn_shape_rectangle.xml) then copy and paste the code there.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""
<corners android:radius="10dp" />

2nd is go to your layout button where you want to implement this design. just link up it. Example: android:background="@drawable/btn_shape_rectangle"

You can change shape color radius what design you want can do.

Hope it will works and help you. Happy Coding

Create aar file in Android Studio

After following the first and second steps mentioned in the hcpl's answer in the same thread, we added , '*.aar'], dir: 'libs' in the our-android-app-project-based-on-gradle/app/build.gradle file as shown below:


dependencies {
       implementation fileTree(include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'], dir: 'libs')


Our gradle version is

Which characters need to be escaped when using Bash?

Characters that need escaping are different in Bourne or POSIX shell than Bash. Generally (very) Bash is a superset of those shells, so anything you escape in shell should be escaped in Bash.

A nice general rule would be "if in doubt, escape it". But escaping some characters gives them a special meaning, like \n. These are listed in the man bash pages under Quoting and echo.

Other than that, escape any character that is not alphanumeric, it is safer. I don't know of a single definitive list.

The man pages list them all somewhere, but not in one place. Learn the language, that is the way to be sure.

One that has caught me out is !. This is a special character (history expansion) in Bash (and csh) but not in Korn shell. Even echo "Hello world!" gives problems. Using single-quotes, as usual, removes the special meaning.

mysql query result into php array

I think you wanted to do this:

while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result)){
    $new_array[] = $row; // Inside while loop

Or maybe store id as key too

 $new_array[ $row['id']] = $row;

Using the second ways you would be able to address rows directly by their id, such as: $new_array[ 5].

Make a negative number positive

The concept you are describing is called "absolute value", and Java has a function called Math.abs to do it for you. Or you could avoid the function call and do it yourself:

number = (number < 0 ? -number : number);


if (number < 0)
    number = -number;

Java: Finding the highest value in an array

A shorter solution to have the max value of array:

double max =;

Select row and element in awk

To print the columns with a specific string, you use the // search pattern. For example, if you are looking for second columns that contains abc:

awk '$2 ~ /abc/'

... and if you want to print only a particular column:

awk '$2 ~ /abc/ { print $3 }'

... and for a particular line number:

awk '$2 ~ /abc/ && FNR == 5 { print $3 }'

How to loop over files in directory and change path and add suffix to filename

Looks like you're trying to execute a windows file (.exe) Surely you ought to be using powershell. Anyway on a Linux bash shell a simple one-liner will suffice.

[/home/$] for filename in /Data/*.txt; do for i in {0..3}; do ./MyProgam.exe  Data/filenameLogs/$filename_log$i.txt; done done

Or in a bash


for filename in /Data/*.txt; 
     for i in {0..3}; 
       do ./MyProgam.exe Data/filename.txt Logs/$filename_log$i.txt; 

Why is my asynchronous function returning Promise { <pending> } instead of a value?

See the MDN section on Promises. In particular, look at the return type of then().

To log in, the user-agent has to submit a request to the server and wait to receive a response. Since making your application totally stop execution during a request round-trip usually makes for a bad user experience, practically every JS function that logs you in (or performs any other form of server interaction) will use a Promise, or something very much like it, to deliver results asynchronously.

Now, also notice that return statements are always evaluated in the context of the function they appear in. So when you wrote:

let AuthUser = data => {
  return google
    .login(data.username, data.password)
    .then( token => {
      return token;

the statement return token; meant that the anonymous function being passed into then() should return the token, not that the AuthUser function should. What AuthUser returns is the result of calling google.login(username, password).then(callback);, which happens to be a Promise.

Ultimately your callback token => { return token; } does nothing; instead, your input to then() needs to be a function that actually handles the token in some way.

No Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is present on the requested resource

On your servlet simply override the service method of your servlet so that you can add headers for all your http methods (POST, GET, DELETE, PUT, etc...).

    protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {

            res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", req.getHeader("origin"));
            res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Authorization");

        super.service(req, res);

How to print all session variables currently set?

You could use the following code.


concat scope variables into string in angular directive expression

You can just concat the values using +

<a ng-click="$navigate.go('#/path/' + obj.val1 + '/' + obj.val2)">{{obj.val1}}, {{obj.val2}}</a>

Simple example on jsfiddle

I am sure the code you posted is a simplified example, if your path building is more complex I would recommend extracting out a function (or service) that would build your urls so you can effectively write unit test.

Adding System.Web.Script reference in class library

You need to add a reference to System.Web.Extensions.dll in project for System.Web.Script.Serialization error.

Recommended SQL database design for tags or tagging

If you are using a database that supports map-reduce, like couchdb, storing tags in a plain text field or list field is indeed the best way. Example:

tagcloud: {
  map: function(doc){ 
    for(tag in doc.tags){ 
  reduce: function(keys,values){
    return values.length

Running this with group=true will group the results by tag name, and even return a count of the number of times that tag was encountered. It's very similar to counting the occurrences of a word in text.

How can I generate a list or array of sequential integers in Java?

This is the shortest I could get using Core Java.

List<Integer> makeSequence(int begin, int end) {
  List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList(end - begin + 1);

  for(int i = begin; i <= end; i++, ret.add(i));

  return ret;  

How to delete an app from iTunesConnect / App Store Connect

Apps can’t be deleted if they are part of a Game Center group, in an app bundle, or currently displayed on a store. You’ll want to remove the app from sale or from the group if you want to delete it.

Source: iTunes Connect Developer Guide - Transferring and Deleting Apps

Using Service to run background and create notification

The question is relatively old, but I hope this post still might be relevant for others.

TL;DR: use AlarmManager to schedule a task, use IntentService, see the sample code here;

What this test-application(and instruction) is about:

Simple helloworld app, which sends you notification every 2 hours. Clicking on notification - opens secondary Activity in the app; deleting notification tracks.

When should you use it:

Once you need to run some task on a scheduled basis. My own case: once a day, I want to fetch new content from server, compose a notification based on the content I got and show it to user.

What to do:

  1. First, let's create 2 activities: MainActivity, which starts notification-service and NotificationActivity, which will be started by clicking notification:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
            android:text="Start Sending Notifications Every 2 Hours!" />

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        public void onSendNotificationsButtonClick(View view) {

    and NotificationActivity is any random activity you can come up with. NB! Don't forget to add both activities into AndroidManifest.

  2. Then let's create WakefulBroadcastReceiver broadcast receiver, I called NotificationEventReceiver in code above.

    Here, we'll set up AlarmManager to fire PendingIntent every 2 hours (or with any other frequency), and specify the handled actions for this intent in onReceive() method. In our case - wakefully start IntentService, which we'll specify in the later steps. This IntentService would generate notifications for us.

    Also, this receiver would contain some helper-methods like creating PendintIntents, which we'll use later

    NB1! As I'm using WakefulBroadcastReceiver, I need to add extra-permission into my manifest: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />

    NB2! I use it wakeful version of broadcast receiver, as I want to ensure, that the device does not go back to sleep during my IntentService's operation. In the hello-world it's not that important (we have no long-running operation in our service, but imagine, if you have to fetch some relatively huge files from server during this operation). Read more about Device Awake here.

    public class NotificationEventReceiver extends WakefulBroadcastReceiver {
        private static final int NOTIFICATIONS_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS = 2;
        public static void setupAlarm(Context context) {
            AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
            PendingIntent alarmIntent = getStartPendingIntent(context);
                    getTriggerAt(new Date()),
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            String action = intent.getAction();
            Intent serviceIntent = null;
            if (ACTION_START_NOTIFICATION_SERVICE.equals(action)) {
                Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onReceive from alarm, starting notification service");
                serviceIntent = NotificationIntentService.createIntentStartNotificationService(context);
            } else if (ACTION_DELETE_NOTIFICATION.equals(action)) {
                Log.i(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onReceive delete notification action, starting notification service to handle delete");
                serviceIntent = NotificationIntentService.createIntentDeleteNotification(context);
            if (serviceIntent != null) {
                startWakefulService(context, serviceIntent);
        private static long getTriggerAt(Date now) {
            Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            //calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, NOTIFICATIONS_INTERVAL_IN_HOURS);
            return calendar.getTimeInMillis();
        private static PendingIntent getStartPendingIntent(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationEventReceiver.class);
            return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
        public static PendingIntent getDeleteIntent(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationEventReceiver.class);
            return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
  3. Now let's create an IntentService to actually create notifications.

    There, we specify onHandleIntent() which is responses on NotificationEventReceiver's intent we passed in startWakefulService method.

    If it's Delete action - we can log it to our analytics, for example. If it's Start notification intent - then by using NotificationCompat.Builder we're composing new notification and showing it by NotificationManager.notify. While composing notification, we are also setting pending intents for click and remove actions. Fairly Easy.

    public class NotificationIntentService extends IntentService {
        private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1;
        private static final String ACTION_START = "ACTION_START";
        private static final String ACTION_DELETE = "ACTION_DELETE";
        public NotificationIntentService() {
        public static Intent createIntentStartNotificationService(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationIntentService.class);
            return intent;
        public static Intent createIntentDeleteNotification(Context context) {
            Intent intent = new Intent(context, NotificationIntentService.class);
            return intent;
        protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
            Log.d(getClass().getSimpleName(), "onHandleIntent, started handling a notification event");
            try {
                String action = intent.getAction();
                if (ACTION_START.equals(action)) {
                if (ACTION_DELETE.equals(action)) {
            } finally {
        private void processDeleteNotification(Intent intent) {
            // Log something?
        private void processStartNotification() {
            // Do something. For example, fetch fresh data from backend to create a rich notification?
            final NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
            builder.setContentTitle("Scheduled Notification")
                    .setContentText("This notification has been triggered by Notification Service")
            PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this,
                    new Intent(this, NotificationActivity.class),
            final NotificationManager manager = (NotificationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
  4. Almost done. Now I also add broadcast receiver for BOOT_COMPLETED, TIMEZONE_CHANGED, and TIME_SET events to re-setup my AlarmManager, once device has been rebooted or timezone has changed (For example, user flown from USA to Europe and you don't want notification to pop up in the middle of the night, but was sticky to the local time :-) ).

    public final class NotificationServiceStarterReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
  5. We need to also register all our services, broadcast receivers in AndroidManifest:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <manifest xmlns:android=""
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
        <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
            <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                    <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
                android:exported="false" />
            <receiver android:name=".broadcast_receivers.NotificationEventReceiver" />
            <receiver android:name=".broadcast_receivers.NotificationServiceStarterReceiver">
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIMEZONE_CHANGED" />
                    <action android:name="android.intent.action.TIME_SET" />

That's it!

The source code for this project you can find here. I hope, you will find this post helpful.

How to read values from the querystring with ASP.NET Core?

Here is a code sample I've used (with a .NET Core view):

    Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.StringValues queryVal;

    if (Context.Request.Query.TryGetValue("yourKey", out queryVal) &&
        queryVal.FirstOrDefault() == "yourValue")

Origin is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

We also have same problem with phonegap application tested in chrome. One windows machine we use below batch file everyday before Opening Chrome. Remember before running this you need to clean all instance of chrome from task manager or you can select chrome to not to run in background.

BATCH: (use cmd)

cd D:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe --disable-web-security

How to add RSA key to authorized_keys file?

mkdir -p ~/.ssh/

To overwrite authorized_keys

cat your_key > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

To append to the end of authorized_keys

cat your_key >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

JavaScript/jQuery to download file via POST with JSON data

Found it somewhere long time ago and it works perfectly!

let payload = {
  key: "val",
  key2: "val2"

let url = "path/to/api.php";
let form = $('<form>', {'method': 'POST', 'action': url}).hide();
$.each(payload, (k, v) => form.append($('<input>', {'type': 'hidden', 'name': k, 'value': v})) );

problem with <select> and :after with CSS in WebKit

To my experience it simply does not work, unless you are willing to wrap your <select> in some wrapper. But what you can do instead is to use background image SVG. E.g.

    .archive .options select.opt {
    -moz-appearance: none;
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    padding-right: 1.25EM;
    appearance: none;
    position: relative;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,%3Csvg xmlns='' version='1.1' height='10px' width='15px'%3E%3Ctext x='0' y='10' fill='gray'%3E%E2%96%BE%3C/text%3E%3C/svg%3E");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 1.5EM 1EM;
    background-position: right center;
    background-clip: border-box;
    -moz-background-clip: border-box;
    -webkit-background-clip: border-box;

    .archive .options select.opt::-ms-expand {
        display: none;

Just be careful with proper URL-encoding because of IE. You must use charset=utf8 (not just utf8), don't use double-quotes (") to delimit SVG attribute values, use apostrophes (') instead to simplify your life. URL-encode s (%3E). In case you havee to print any non-ASCII characters you have to obtain their UTF-8 representation (e.g. BabelMap can help you with that) and then provide that representation in URL-encoded form - e.g. for ? (U+25BE BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE) UTF-8 representation is \xE2\x96\xBE which is %E2%96%BE when URL-encoded.

Converting date between DD/MM/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD?

you first would need to convert string into datetime tuple, and then convert that datetime tuple to string, it would go like this:

lastconnection = datetime.strptime("21/12/2008", "%d/%m/%Y").strftime('%Y-%m-%d')

The simplest way to comma-delimit a list?

public String toString(List<Item> items)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");

    for (Item item : items)
        sb.append(item).append(", ");

    if (sb.length() >= 2)
        //looks cleaner in C# sb.Length -= 2;
        sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2);


    return sb.toString();

JavaScript variable number of arguments to function

Although I generally agree that the named arguments approach is useful and flexible (unless you care about the order, in which case arguments is easiest), I do have concerns about the cost of the mbeasley approach (using defaults and extends). This is an extreme amount of cost to take for pulling default values. First, the defaults are defined inside the function, so they are repopulated on every call. Second, you can easily read out the named values and set the defaults at the same time using ||. There is no need to create and merge yet another new object to get this information.

function load(context) {
   var parameter1 = context.parameter1 || defaultValue1,
       parameter2 = context.parameter2 || defaultValue2;

   // do stuff

This is roughly the same amount of code (maybe slightly more), but should be a fraction of the runtime cost.

case in sql stored procedure on SQL Server

CASE isn't used for flow control... for this, you would need to use IF...

But, there's a set-based solution to this problem instead of the procedural approach:

UPDATE tblEmployee
  InOffice = CASE WHEN @NewStatus = 'InOffice' THEN -1 ELSE InOffice END,
  OutOffice = CASE WHEN @NewStatus = 'OutOffice' THEN -1 ELSE OutOffice END,
  Home = CASE WHEN @NewStatus = 'Home' THEN -1 ELSE Home END

Note that the ELSE will preserves the original value if the @NewStatus condition isn't met.

log4j vs logback

Not exactly answering your question, but if you could move away from your self-made wrapper then there is Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) which Hibernate has now switched to (instead of commons logging).

SLF4J suffers from none of the class loader problems or memory leaks observed with Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL).

SLF4J supports JDK logging, log4j and logback. So then it should be fairly easy to switch from log4j to logback when the time is right.

Edit: Aplogies that I hadn't made myself clear. I was suggesting using SLF4J to isolate yourself from having to make a hard choice between log4j or logback.

jQuery calculate sum of values in all text fields

This will work 100%:

<script type="text/javascript">  
  function calculate() {
    var result = document.getElementById('result');
    var el, i = 0, total = 0; 
    while(el = document.getElementById('v'+(i++)) ) {
      el.value = el.value.replace(/\\D/,"");
      total = total + Number(el.value);
    result.value = total;
    if(document.getElementById('v0').value =="" &&
      document.getElementById('v1').value =="" &&
      document.getElementById('v2').value =="" ) {
        result.value ="";
Some number:<input type="text" id ="v0" onkeyup="calculate()">
Some number:<input type="text" id ="v1" onkeyup="calculate()">
Some number:<input type="text" id ="v2" onkeyup="calculate()">
Result: <input type="text" id="result" onkeyup="calculate()"  readonly>

htaccess redirect to https://www

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R]

How can I trigger a Bootstrap modal programmatically?

If you are looking for a programmatical modal creation, you might love this:

Even though Bootstrap's modal provides a javascript way for modal creation, you still need to write modal's html markups first.

get keys of json-object in JavaScript

[What you have is just an object, not a "json-object". JSON is a textual notation. What you've quoted is JavaScript code using an array initializer and an object initializer (aka, "object literal syntax").]

If you can rely on having ECMAScript5 features available, you can use the Object.keys function to get an array of the keys (property names) in an object. All modern browsers have Object.keys (including IE9+).

Object.keys(jsonData).forEach(function(key) {
    var value = jsonData[key];
    // ...

The rest of this answer was written in 2011. In today's world, A) You don't need to polyfill this unless you need to support IE8 or earlier (!), and B) If you did, you wouldn't do it with a one-off you wrote yourself or grabbed from an SO answer (and probably shouldn't have in 2011, either). You'd use a curated polyfill, possibly from es5-shim or via a transpiler like Babel that can be configured to include polyfills (which may come from es5-shim).

Here's the rest of the answer from 2011:

Note that older browsers won't have it. If not, this is one of the ones you can supply yourself:

if (typeof Object.keys !== "function") {
    (function() {
        var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
        Object.keys = Object_keys;
        function Object_keys(obj) {
            var keys = [], name;
            for (name in obj) {
                if (, name)) {
            return keys;

That uses a loop (more info here) to loop through all of the property names the object has, and uses Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty to check that the property is owned directly by the object rather than being inherited.

(I could have done it without the self-executing function, but I prefer my functions to have names, and to be compatible with IE you can't use named function expressions [well, not without great care]. So the self-executing function is there to avoid having the function declaration create a global symbol.)

Extract file basename without path and extension in bash

Here is another (more complex) way of getting either the filename or extension, first use the rev command to invert the file path, cut from the first . and then invert the file path again, like this:

filename=`rev <<< "$1" | cut -d"." -f2- | rev`
fileext=`rev <<< "$1" | cut -d"." -f1 | rev`

What are file descriptors, explained in simple terms?

Other answers added great stuff. I will add just my 2 cents.

According to Wikipedia we know for sure: a file descriptor is a non-negative integer. The most important thing I think is missing, would be to say:

File descriptors are bound to a process ID.

We know most famous file descriptors are 0, 1 and 2. 0 corresponds to STDIN, 1 to STDOUT, and 2 to STDERR.

Say, take shell processes as an example and how does it apply for it?

Check out this code

#>sleep 1000 &
[12] 14726

We created a process with the id 14726 (PID). Using the lsof -p 14726 we can get the things like this:

sleep   14726 root  cwd    DIR    8,1     4096 1201140 /home/x
sleep   14726 root  rtd    DIR    8,1     4096       2 /
sleep   14726 root  txt    REG    8,1    35000  786587 /bin/sleep
sleep   14726 root  mem    REG    8,1 11864720 1186503 /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
sleep   14726 root  mem    REG    8,1  2030544  137184 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sleep   14726 root  mem    REG    8,1   170960  137156 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sleep   14726 root    0u   CHR  136,6      0t0       9 /dev/pts/6
sleep   14726 root    1u   CHR  136,6      0t0       9 /dev/pts/6
sleep   14726 root    2u   CHR  136,6      0t0       9 /dev/pts/6

The 4-th column FD and the very next column TYPE correspond to the File Descriptor and the File Descriptor type.

Some of the values for the FD can be:

cwd – Current Working Directory
txt – Text file
mem – Memory mapped file
mmap – Memory mapped device

But the real file descriptor is under:

NUMBER – Represent the actual file descriptor. 

The character after the number i.e "1u", represents the mode in which the file is opened. r for read, w for write, u for read and write.

TYPE specifies the type of the file. Some of the values of TYPEs are:

REG – Regular File
DIR – Directory
FIFO – First In First Out

But all file descriptors are CHR – Character special file (or character device file)

Now, we can identify the File Descriptors for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR easy with lsof -p PID, or we can see the same if we ls /proc/PID/fd.

Note also that file descriptor table that kernel keeps track of is not the same as files table or inodes table. These are separate, as some other answers explained.

fd table

You may ask yourself where are these file descriptors physically and what is stored in /dev/pts/6 for instance

sleep   14726 root    0u   CHR  136,6      0t0       9 /dev/pts/6
sleep   14726 root    1u   CHR  136,6      0t0       9 /dev/pts/6
sleep   14726 root    2u   CHR  136,6      0t0       9 /dev/pts/6

Well, /dev/pts/6 lives purely in memory. These are not regular files, but so called character device files. You can check this with: ls -l /dev/pts/6 and they will start with c, in my case crw--w----.

Just to recall most Linux like OS define seven types of files:

  • Regular files
  • Directories
  • Character device files
  • Block device files
  • Local domain sockets
  • Named pipes (FIFOs) and
  • Symbolic links

android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file: Error inflating class fragment

For some of you that still haven't found a solution for this, in my case it was happening because I had an OOM (Out of Memory) issue. This can happen when you have for example a memory leak in your app when using it for a long time. In my stack trace, this was the main reason.

Multiline TextBox multiple newline

Try this one

textBox1.Text = "Line1" + Environment.NewLine + "Line2";

Working fine for me...

Pandas - Get first row value of a given column

To access a single value you can use the method iat that is much faster than iloc:




PHPExcel - set cell type before writing a value in it

Followed Mark's advise and did this to set the default number formatting to text in the whole workbook:

$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); 

And it works flawlessly. Thank you, Mark Baker.

cin and getline skipping input

Here, the '\n' left by cin, is creating issues.

do {
    cin >> choice;               #This cin is leaving a trailing \n

    switch (choice) {
        case '1':

This \n is being consumed by next getline in createNewCustomer(). You should use getline instead -

do {
    getline(cin, choice)               

    switch (choice) {
        case '1':

I think this would resolve the issue.

How to make cross domain request

Do a cross-domain AJAX call

Your web-service must support method injection in order to do JSONP.

Your code seems fine and it should work if your web services and your web application hosted in the same domain.

When you do a $.ajax with dataType: 'jsonp' meaning that jQuery is actually adding a new parameter to the query URL.

For instance, if your URL is then jQuery will add ?callback={some_random_dynamically_generated_method}.

This method is more kind of a proxy actually attached in window object. This is nothing specific but does look something like this:

window.some_random_dynamically_generated_method = function(actualJsonpData) {
    //here actually has reference to the success function mentioned with $.ajax
    //so it just calls the success method like this: 

Check the following for more information

Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery

IIS URL Rewrite and Web.config

Just tried this rule, and it worked with GoDaddy hosting since they've already have the Microsoft URL Rewriting module installed for every IIS 7 account.

    <rule name="enquiry" stopProcessing="true">
      <match url="^enquiry$" />
      <action type="Rewrite" url="/Enquiry.aspx" />

Batch program to to check if process exists

Try this:

@echo off
set run=
tasklist /fi "imagename eq notepad.exe" | find ":" > nul
if errorlevel 1 set run=yes
if "%run%"=="yes" echo notepad is running
if "%run%"=="" echo notepad is not running

No module named setuptools

For Python Run This Command

apt-get install -y python-setuptools

For Python 3.

apt-get install -y python3-setuptools

CSS scrollbar style cross browser

nanoScrollerJS is simply to use. I always use them...

Browser compatibility:
  • IE7+
  • Firefox 3+
  • Chrome
  • Safari 4+
  • Opera 11.60+
Mobile browsers support:
  • iOS 5+ (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch)
  • iOS 4 (with a polyfill)
  • Android Firefox
  • Android 2.2/2.3 native browser (with a polyfill)
  • Android Opera 11.6 (with a polyfill)

Code example from the Documentation,

  1. Markup - The following type of markup structure is needed to make the plugin work.
<div id="about" class="nano">
    <div class="nano-content"> ... content here ...  </div>

Difference between / and /* in servlet mapping url pattern

I think Candy's answer is mostly correct. There is one small part I think otherwise.

To map host:port/context/hello.jsp

  1. No exact URL servlets installed, next.
  2. Found wildcard paths servlets, return.

I believe that why "/*" does not match host:port/context/hello because it treats "/hello" as a path instead of a file (since it does not have an extension).

Calculate date/time difference in java

This is more of a maths problem than a java problem basically.

The result you receive is correct. This because 225 seconds is 3 minutes (when doing an integral division). What you want is the this:

  • divide by 1000 to get the number of seconds -> rest is milliseconds
  • divide that by 60 to get number of minutes -> rest are seconds
  • divide that by 60 to get number of hours -> rest are minutes

or in java:

int millis = diff % 1000;
int seconds = diff % 60;
int minutes = diff % 60;
hours = diff;

How best to include other scripts?

I tend to make my scripts all be relative to one another. That way I can use dirname:


my_dir="$(dirname "$0")"


Phone number formatting an EditText in Android

You can use a Regular Expression with pattern matching to extract number from a string.

    String s="";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
    Matcher m = p.matcher("(1111)123-456-789"); //editText.getText().toString()                                      
    while (m.find()) {;

    Output : ............1111123456789

display Java.util.Date in a specific format

It makes no sense, but:


SimpleDateFormat.parse() = // parse Date from String
SimpleDateFormat.format() = // format Date into String

Using Caps Lock as Esc in Mac OS X

In case you don't want to install a third-party app and you really only care about vim inside iTerm, the following works:

Remap CapsLock to Help as described here.

Short version: use plutil or similar to edit ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/.GlobalPreferences*.plist, it should look similar to this:


Restart! A simple log-out and log-in did not work for me.

In iTerm, add a new key mapping for Help: send hex code 0x1b, which corresponds to Escape.

I know this is not exactly what was asked for, but I assume the intent of many people looking for a solution like this is actually this more specialized variant.

Automatically add all files in a folder to a target using CMake?

As of CMake 3.1+ the developers strongly discourage users from using file(GLOB or file(GLOB_RECURSE to collect lists of source files.

Note: We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to ask CMake to regenerate. The CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag may not work reliably on all generators, or if a new generator is added in the future that cannot support it, projects using it will be stuck. Even if CONFIGURE_DEPENDS works reliably, there is still a cost to perform the check on every rebuild.

See the documentation here.

There are two goods answers ([1], [2]) here on SO detailing the reasons to manually list source files.

It is possible. E.g. with file(GLOB:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

file(GLOB helloworld_SRC

add_executable(helloworld ${helloworld_SRC})

Note that this requires manual re-running of cmake if a source file is added or removed, since the generated build system does not know when to ask CMake to regenerate, and doing it at every build would increase the build time.

As of CMake 3.12, you can pass the CONFIGURE_DEPENDS flag to file(GLOB to automatically check and reset the file lists any time the build is invoked. You would write:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

file(GLOB helloworld_SRC CONFIGURE_DEPENDS "*.h" "*.cpp")

This at least lets you avoid manually re-running CMake every time a file is added.

Remove the last character in a string in T-SQL?

My answer is similar to the accepted answer, but it also check for Null and Empty String.


SET @String = 'asdfsdf1'

-- If string is null return null, else if string is empty return as it is, else chop off the end character
SET @String = Case @String when null then null else (case LEN(@String) when 0 then @String else LEFT(@String, LEN(@String) - 1) end ) end

SELECT @String

C#: Printing all properties of an object

Regarding TypeDescriptor from Sean's reply (I can't comment because I have a bad reputation)... one advantage to using TypeDescriptor over GetProperties() is that TypeDescriptor has a mechanism for dynamically attaching properties to objects at runtime and normal reflection will miss these.

For example, when working with PowerShell's PSObject, which can have properties and methods added at runtime, they implemented a custom TypeDescriptor which merges these members in with the standard member set. By using TypeDescriptor, your code doesn't need to be aware of that fact.

Components, controls, and I think maybe DataSets also make use of this API.

How to create virtual column using MySQL SELECT?

You can add virtual columns as

SELECT '1' as temp

But if you tries to put where condition to additionally generated column, it wont work and will show an error message as the column doesn't exist.

We can solve this issue by returning sql result as a,

SELECT tb.* from (SELECT 1 as temp) as tb WHERE tb.temp = 1

iOS 7 status bar back to iOS 6 default style in iPhone app?

In order to continue working with setStatusBarHidden: I use this category:

@interface UIApplication (StatusBar)



@implementation UIApplication (StatusBar)

    if (!IOS7) {
        [self setStatusBarHidden:statusBarHidden];

    if ([self isStatusBarHidden] == statusBarHidden) {

    [self setStatusBarHidden:statusBarHidden];
    [self keyWindow].clipsToBounds = YES;
    CGFloat offset = statusBarHidden ? 0 : 20;
    [self keyWindow].frame =  CGRectMake(0,offset,[self keyWindow].frame.size.width,[self keyWindow].frame.size.height-offset);
    [self keyWindow].bounds = CGRectMake(0, offset, [self keyWindow].frame.size.width,[self keyWindow].frame.size.height);


Creating an XmlNode/XmlElement in C# without an XmlDocument?

Why not consider creating your data class(es) as just a subclassed XmlDocument, then you get all of that for free. You don't need to serialize or create any off-doc nodes at all, and you get structure you want.

If you want to make it more sophisticated, write a base class that is a subclass of XmlDocument, then give it basic accessors, and you're set.

Here's a generic type I put together for a project...

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;

namespace FWFWLib {
    public abstract class ContainerDoc : XmlDocument {

        protected XmlElement root = null;
        protected const string XPATH_BASE = "/$DATA_TYPE$";
        protected const string XPATH_SINGLE_FIELD = "/$DATA_TYPE$/$FIELD_NAME$";

        protected const string DOC_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyyMMdd";
        protected const string DOC_TIME_FORMAT = "HHmmssfff";
        protected const string DOC_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = DOC_DATE_FORMAT + DOC_TIME_FORMAT;

        protected readonly string datatypeName = "containerDoc";
        protected readonly string execid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace( "-", "" );

        #region startup and teardown
        public ContainerDoc( string execid, string datatypeName ) {
            root = this.DocumentElement;
            this.datatypeName = datatypeName;
            this.execid = execid;
            if( null == datatypeName || "" == datatypeName.Trim() ) {
                throw new InvalidDataException( "Data type name can not be blank" );

        public ContainerDoc( string datatypeName ) {
            root = this.DocumentElement;
            this.datatypeName = datatypeName;
            if( null == datatypeName || "" == datatypeName.Trim() ) {
                throw new InvalidDataException( "Data type name can not be blank" );

        private ContainerDoc() { /*...*/ }

        protected virtual void Init() {
            string basexpath = XPATH_BASE.Replace( "$DATA_TYPE$", datatypeName );
            root = (XmlElement)this.SelectSingleNode( basexpath );
            if( null == root ) {
                root = this.CreateElement( datatypeName );
                this.AppendChild( root );
            SetFieldValue( "createdate", DateTime.Now.ToString( DOC_DATE_FORMAT ) );
            SetFieldValue( "createtime", DateTime.Now.ToString( DOC_TIME_FORMAT ) );

        #region setting/getting data fields
        public virtual void SetFieldValue( string fieldname, object val ) {
            if( null == fieldname || "" == fieldname.Trim() ) {
            fieldname = fieldname.Replace( " ", "_" ).ToLower();
            string xpath = XPATH_SINGLE_FIELD.Replace( "$FIELD_NAME$", fieldname ).Replace( "$DATA_TYPE$", datatypeName );
            XmlNode node = this.SelectSingleNode( xpath );
            if( null != node ) {
                if( null != val ) {
                    node.InnerText = val.ToString();
            } else {
                node = this.CreateElement( fieldname );
                if( null != val ) {
                    node.InnerText = val.ToString();
                root.AppendChild( node );

        public virtual string FieldValue( string fieldname ) {
            if( null == fieldname ) {
                fieldname = "";
            fieldname = fieldname.ToLower().Trim();
            string rtn = "";
            XmlNode node = this.SelectSingleNode( XPATH_SINGLE_FIELD.Replace( "$FIELD_NAME$", fieldname ).Replace( "$DATA_TYPE$", datatypeName ) );
            if( null != node ) {
                rtn = node.InnerText;
            return rtn.Trim();

        public virtual string ToXml() {
            return this.OuterXml;

        public override string ToString() {
            return ToXml();

        #region io
        public void WriteTo( string filename ) {
            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter( filename );
            tw.WriteLine( this.OuterXml );

        public void WriteTo( Stream strm ) {
            TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter( strm );
            tw.WriteLine( this.OuterXml );

        public void WriteTo( TextWriter writer ) {
            writer.WriteLine( this.OuterXml );


Raise warning in Python without interrupting program

import warnings

See the python documentation: here

What's the difference between "static" and "static inline" function?

In C, static means the function or variable you define can be only used in this file(i.e. the compile unit)

So, static inline means the inline function which can be used in this file only.


The compile unit should be The Translation Unit

iOS 9 not opening Instagram app with URL SCHEME

When I tried to call Facebook from my own app today, I found that there is no a LSApplicationQueriesSchemes key I can add to the Info.plist (Xcode Version 8.2.1 (8C1002)). I opened the Info.plist with Sublime Text and manually added it into the file, then it worked. Just to let you know that if you cannot find the key, simply add it yourself.

Get table column names in MySQL?

$col = $db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM category");

while ($fildss = $col->fetch_array())
    $filds[] = '"{'.$fildss['Field'].'}"';
    $values[] = '$rows->'.$fildss['Field'].'';

if($type == 'value')
    return $values = implode(',', $values);
else {
     return $filds = implode(',', $filds);

pyplot scatter plot marker size

Because other answers here claim that s denotes the area of the marker, I'm adding this answer to clearify that this is not necessarily the case.

Size in points^2

The argument s in plt.scatter denotes the markersize**2. As the documentation says

s : scalar or array_like, shape (n, ), optional
size in points^2. Default is rcParams['lines.markersize'] ** 2.

This can be taken literally. In order to obtain a marker which is x points large, you need to square that number and give it to the s argument.

So the relationship between the markersize of a line plot and the scatter size argument is the square. In order to produce a scatter marker of the same size as a plot marker of size 10 points you would hence call scatter( .., s=100).

enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig,ax = plt.subplots()

ax.plot([0],[0], marker="o",  markersize=10)
ax.plot([0.07,0.93],[0,0],    linewidth=10)
ax.scatter([1],[0],           s=100)

ax.plot([0],[1], marker="o",  markersize=22)
ax.plot([0.14,0.86],[1,1],    linewidth=22)
ax.scatter([1],[1],           s=22**2)

Connection to "area"

So why do other answers and even the documentation speak about "area" when it comes to the s parameter?

Of course the units of points**2 are area units.

  • For the special case of a square marker, marker="s", the area of the marker is indeed directly the value of the s parameter.
  • For a circle, the area of the circle is area = pi/4*s.
  • For other markers there may not even be any obvious relation to the area of the marker.

enter image description here

In all cases however the area of the marker is proportional to the s parameter. This is the motivation to call it "area" even though in most cases it isn't really.

Specifying the size of the scatter markers in terms of some quantity which is proportional to the area of the marker makes in thus far sense as it is the area of the marker that is perceived when comparing different patches rather than its side length or diameter. I.e. doubling the underlying quantity should double the area of the marker.

enter image description here

What are points?

So far the answer to what the size of a scatter marker means is given in units of points. Points are often used in typography, where fonts are specified in points. Also linewidths is often specified in points. The standard size of points in matplotlib is 72 points per inch (ppi) - 1 point is hence 1/72 inches.

It might be useful to be able to specify sizes in pixels instead of points. If the figure dpi is 72 as well, one point is one pixel. If the figure dpi is different (matplotlib default is fig.dpi=100),

1 point == fig.dpi/72. pixels

While the scatter marker's size in points would hence look different for different figure dpi, one could produce a 10 by 10 pixels^2 marker, which would always have the same number of pixels covered:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for dpi in [72,100,144]:

    fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(1.5,2), dpi=dpi)


    ax.scatter([0],[1], s=10**2, 
               marker="s", linewidth=0, label="100 points^2")
    ax.scatter([1],[1], s=(10*72./fig.dpi)**2, 
               marker="s", linewidth=0, label="100 pixels^2")

    ax.legend(loc=8,framealpha=1, fontsize=8)

    fig.savefig("fig{}.png".format(dpi), bbox_inches="tight") 

If you are interested in a scatter in data units, check this answer.

How can I get just the first row in a result set AFTER ordering?

This question is similar to How do I limit the number of rows returned by an Oracle query after ordering?.

It talks about how to implement a MySQL limit on an oracle database which judging by your tags and post is what you are using.

The relevant section is:

select *
  ( select * 
  from emp 
  order by sal desc ) 
  where ROWNUM <= 5;

AssertNull should be used or AssertNotNull

assertNotNull asserts that the object is not null. If it is null the test fails, so you want that.

Why do I get access denied to data folder when using adb?

production builds can't enter /data/app

drwxrwx--- system   cache             1970-01-01 08:00 cache
drwxrwxr-x root     system            1970-01-01 08:00 mnt 
drwxrwx--x system   system            1970-01-01 08:15 data

might need change to right owner to operate it.

How to get MAC address of client using PHP?

Here's a possible way to do it:

$mac=substr($string, 0, 17); 
echo $mac;

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

Posting this in an effort to help others with similar problems. I solved this issue with a five step approach -- save the context, translate the context, rotate the context, draw the text, then restore the context to its saved state.

I think of translations and transforms to the context as manipulating the coordinate grid overlaid on the canvas. By default the origin (0,0) starts in the upper left hand corner of the canvas. X increases from left to right, Y increases from top to bottom. If you make an "L" w/ your index finger and thumb on your left hand and hold it out in front of you with your thumb down, your thumb would point in the direction of increasing Y and your index finger would point in the direction of increasing X. I know it's elementary, but I find it helpful when thinking about translations and rotations. Here's why:

When you translate the context, you move the origin of the coordinate grid to a new location on the canvas. When you rotate the context, think of rotating the "L" you made with your left hand in a clockwise direction the amount indicated by the angle you specify in radians about the origin. When you strokeText or fillText, specify your coordinates in relation to the newly aligned axes. To orient your text so it's readable from bottom to top, you would translate to a position below where you want to start your labels, rotate by -90 degrees and fill or strokeText, offsetting each label along the rotated x axis. Something like this should work:;
 context.translate(newx, newy);
 context.textAlign = "center";
 context.fillText("Your Label Here", labelXposition, 0);

.restore() resets the context back to the state it had when you called .save() -- handy for returning things back to "normal".

Can jQuery check whether input content has changed?

Yes, compare it to the value it was before it changed.

var previousValue = $("#elm").val();
$("#elm").keyup(function(e) {
    var currentValue = $(this).val();
    if(currentValue != previousValue) {
         previousValue = currentValue;
         alert("Value changed!");

Another option is to only trigger your changed function on certain keys. Use e.KeyCode to figure out what key was pressed.

Reading InputStream as UTF-8

Solved my own problem. This line:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()));

needs to be:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8"));

or since Java 7:

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

How can I make a list of installed packages in a certain virtualenv?

why don't you try pip list

Remember I'm using pip version 19.1 on python version 3.7.3

How to create local notifications?

iOS 8 users and above, please include this in App delegate to make it work.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    if ([UIApplication instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(registerUserNotificationSettings:)])
        [application registerUserNotificationSettings:[UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeAlert|UIUserNotificationTypeBadge|UIUserNotificationTypeSound categories:nil]];

    return YES;

And then adding this lines of code would help,

- (void)applicationDidEnterBackground:(UIApplication *)application
    UILocalNotification *notification = [[UILocalNotification alloc]init];
    notification.repeatInterval = NSDayCalendarUnit;
    [notification setAlertBody:@"Hello world"];
    [notification setFireDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1]];
    [notification setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone  defaultTimeZone]];
    [application setScheduledLocalNotifications:[NSArray arrayWithObject:notification]];


How to set base url for rest in spring boot?

A bit late but the same question brought me here before reaching the answer so I post it here. Create (if you still don't have it) an and add


So in the previous example if you have a RestController with @RequestMapping("/test") you will access it like localhost:8080/api/test/{your_rest_method}

question source: how do i choose the url for my spring boot webapp

Grouping into interval of 5 minutes within a time range

How about this one:

    from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(timestamp) - unix_timestamp(timestamp) mod 300) as ts,  
from group_interval 
group by ts 
order by ts

Linker Command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation), Xcode 8, Swift 3

Here is my problem and solution:

I removed two files from the source code using source tree(Version controller). After applying the diff, that contains the two classes I removed, Xcode didn't add it automatically. So I got linker error.

I manually added the files, by right click on group name and select "Add files to ". Now my error got resolved.

If anyone faced the linker error regarding class file, then try to add it manually.

Unicode characters in URLs

Use percent-encoded form. Some (mainly old) computers running Windows XP for example do not support Unicode, but rather ISO encodings. That is the reason percent-encoded URLs were invented. Also, if you give a URL printed on paper to a user, containing characters that cannot be easily typed, that user may have a hard time typing it (or just ignore it). Percent-encoded form can even be used in many of the oldest machines that ever existed (although they don't support internet of course).

There is a downside though, as percent-encoded characters are longer than the original ones, thus possibly resulting in really long URLs. But just try to ignore it, or use a URL shortener (I would recommend in this case, which makes a 13-character long URL). Also, if you don't want to register for a Google account, try ( makes slightly longer URLs, with the length being 14 characters).

How to select an item in a ListView programmatically?

if (listView1.Items.Count > 0)
    listView1.Items[0].Selected = true;

list items do not appear selected unless the control has the focus (or you set the HideSelection property to false)

How do I execute a command and get the output of the command within C++ using POSIX?

I'd use popen() (++waqas).

But sometimes you need reading and writing...

It seems like nobody does things the hard way any more.

(Assuming a Unix/Linux/Mac environment, or perhaps Windows with a POSIX compatibility layer...)

  READ_FD  = 0,
  WRITE_FD = 1


  int       parentToChild[2];
  int       childToParent[2];
  pid_t     pid;
  string    dataReadFromChild;
  char      buffer[BUFFER_SIZE + 1];
  ssize_t   readResult;
  int       status;

  ASSERT_IS(0, pipe(parentToChild));
  ASSERT_IS(0, pipe(childToParent));

  switch (pid = fork())
    case -1:
      FAIL("Fork failed");

    case 0: /* Child */
      ASSERT_NOT(-1, dup2(parentToChild[READ_FD], STDIN_FILENO));
      ASSERT_NOT(-1, dup2(childToParent[WRITE_FD], STDOUT_FILENO));
      ASSERT_NOT(-1, dup2(childToParent[WRITE_FD], STDERR_FILENO));
      ASSERT_IS(0, close(parentToChild [WRITE_FD]));
      ASSERT_IS(0, close(childToParent [READ_FD]));

      /*     file, arg0, arg1,  arg2 */
      execlp("ls", "ls", "-al", "--color");

      FAIL("This line should never be reached!!!");

    default: /* Parent */
      cout << "Child " << pid << " process running..." << endl;

      ASSERT_IS(0, close(parentToChild [READ_FD]));
      ASSERT_IS(0, close(childToParent [WRITE_FD]));

      while (true)
        switch (readResult = read(childToParent[READ_FD],
                                  buffer, BUFFER_SIZE))
          case 0: /* End-of-File, or non-blocking read. */
            cout << "End of file reached..."         << endl
                 << "Data received was ("
                 << dataReadFromChild.size() << "): " << endl
                 << dataReadFromChild                << endl;

            ASSERT_IS(pid, waitpid(pid, & status, 0));

            cout << endl
                 << "Child exit staus is:  " << WEXITSTATUS(status) << endl
                 << endl;


          case -1:
            if ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN))
              errno = 0;
              FAIL("read() failed");

            dataReadFromChild . append(buffer, readResult);
      } /* while (true) */
  } /* switch (pid = fork())*/

You also might want to play around with select() and non-blocking reads.

fd_set          readfds;
struct timeval  timeout;

timeout.tv_sec  = 0;    /* Seconds */
timeout.tv_usec = 1000; /* Microseconds */

FD_SET(childToParent[READ_FD], &readfds);

switch (select (1 + childToParent[READ_FD], &readfds, (fd_set*)NULL, (fd_set*)NULL, & timeout))
  case 0: /* Timeout expired */

  case -1:
    if ((errno == EINTR) || (errno == EAGAIN))
      errno = 0;
      FAIL("Select() Failed");

  case 1:  /* We have input */
    readResult = read(childToParent[READ_FD], buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
    // However you want to handle it...

    FAIL("How did we see input on more than one file descriptor?");

How to determine programmatically the current active profile using Spring boot

It doesn't matter is your app Boot or just raw Spring. There is just enough to inject org.springframework.core.env.Environment to your bean.

private Environment environment;


get all keys set in memcached

Found a way, thanks to the link here (with the original google group discussion here)

First, Telnet to your server:

telnet 11211

Next, list the items to get the slab ids:

stats items
STAT items:3:number 1
STAT items:3:age 498
STAT items:22:number 1
STAT items:22:age 498

The first number after ‘items’ is the slab id. Request a cache dump for each slab id, with a limit for the max number of keys to dump:

stats cachedump 3 100
ITEM views.decorators.cache.cache_header..cc7d9 [6 b; 1256056128 s]

stats cachedump 22 100
ITEM views.decorators.cache.cache_page..8427e [7736 b; 1256056128 s]

A monad is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?

The answers here do an excellent job in defining both monoids and monads, however, they still don't seem to answer the question:

And on a less important note, is this true and if so could you give an explanation (hopefully one that can be understood by someone who doesn't have much Haskell experience)?

The crux of the matter that is missing here, is the different notion of "monoid", the so-called categorification more precisely -- the one of monoid in a monoidal category. Sadly Mac Lane's book itself makes it very confusing:

All told, a monad in X is just a monoid in the category of endofunctors of X, with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor.

Main confusion

Why is this confusing? Because it does not define what is "monoid in the category of endofunctors" of X. Instead, this sentence suggests taking a monoid inside the set of all endofunctors together with the functor composition as binary operation and the identity functor as a monoidal unit. Which works perfectly fine and turns into a monoid any subset of endofunctors that contains the identity functor and is closed under functor composition.

Yet this is not the correct interpretation, which the book fails to make clear at that stage. A Monad f is a fixed endofunctor, not a subset of endofunctors closed under composition. A common construction is to use f to generate a monoid by taking the set of all k-fold compositions f^k = f(f(...)) of f with itself, including k=0 that corresponds to the identity f^0 = id. And now the set S of all these powers for all k>=0 is indeed a monoid "with product × replaced by composition of endofunctors and unit set by the identity endofunctor".

And yet:

  • This monoid S can be defined for any functor f or even literally for any self-map of X. It is the monoid generated by f.
  • The monoidal structure of S given by the functor composition and the identity functor has nothing do with f being or not being a monad.

And to make things more confusing, the definition of "monoid in monoidal category" comes later in the book as you can see from the table of contents. And yet understanding this notion is absolutely critical to understanding the connection with monads.

(Strict) monoidal categories

Going to Chapter VII on Monoids (which comes later than Chapter VI on Monads), we find the definition of the so-called strict monoidal category as triple (B, *, e), where B is a category, *: B x B-> B a bifunctor (functor with respect to each component with other component fixed) and e is a unit object in B, satisfying the associativity and unit laws:

(a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
a * e = e * a = a

for any objects a,b,c of B, and the same identities for any morphisms a,b,c with e replaced by id_e, the identity morphism of e. It is now instructive to observe that in our case of interest, where B is the category of endofunctors of X with natural transformations as morphisms, * the functor composition and e the identity functor, all these laws are satisfied, as can be directly verified.

What comes after in the book is the definition of the "relaxed" monoidal category, where the laws only hold modulo some fixed natural transformations satisfying so-called coherence relations, which is however not important for our cases of the endofunctor categories.

Monoids in monoidal categories

Finally, in section 3 "Monoids" of Chapter VII, the actual definition is given:

A monoid c in a monoidal category (B, *, e) is an object of B with two arrows (morphisms)

mu: c * c -> c
nu: e -> c

making 3 diagrams commutative. Recall that in our case, these are morphisms in the category of endofunctors, which are natural transformations corresponding to precisely join and return for a monad. The connection becomes even clearer when we make the composition * more explicit, replacing c * c by c^2, where c is our monad.

Finally, notice that the 3 commutative diagrams (in the definition of a monoid in monoidal category) are written for general (non-strict) monoidal categories, while in our case all natural transformations arising as part of the monoidal category are actually identities. That will make the diagrams exactly the same as the ones in the definition of a monad, making the correspondence complete.


In summary, any monad is by definition an endofunctor, hence an object in the category of endofunctors, where the monadic join and return operators satisfy the definition of a monoid in that particular (strict) monoidal category. Vice versa, any monoid in the monoidal category of endofunctors is by definition a triple (c, mu, nu) consisting of an object and two arrows, e.g. natural transformations in our case, satisfying the same laws as a monad.

Finally, note the key difference between the (classical) monoids and the more general monoids in monoidal categories. The two arrows mu and nu above are not anymore a binary operation and a unit in a set. Instead, you have one fixed endofunctor c. The functor composition * and the identity functor alone do not provide the complete structure needed for the monad, despite that confusing remark in the book.

Another approach would be to compare with the standard monoid C of all self-maps of a set A, where the binary operation is the composition, that can be seen to map the standard cartesian product C x C into C. Passing to the categorified monoid, we are replacing the cartesian product x with the functor composition *, and the binary operation gets replaced with the natural transformation mu from c * c to c, that is a collection of the join operators

join: c(c(T))->c(T)

for every object T (type in programming). And the identity elements in classical monoids, which can be identified with images of maps from a fixed one-point-set, get replaced with the collection of the return operators

return: T->c(T) 

But now there are no more cartesian products, so no pairs of elements and thus no binary operations.

Javascript string/integer comparisons

The alert() wants to display a string, so it will interpret "2">"10" as a string.

Use the following:

var greater = parseInt("2") > parseInt("10");
alert("Is greater than? " + greater);

var less = parseInt("2") < parseInt("10");
alert("Is less than? " + less);

What is exactly the base pointer and stack pointer? To what do they point?

esp stands for "Extended Stack Pointer".....ebp for "Something Base Pointer"....and eip for "Something Instruction Pointer"...... The stack Pointer points to the offset address of the stack segment. The Base Pointer points to the offset address of the extra segment. The Instruction Pointer points to the offset address of the code segment. Now, about the segments...they are small 64KB divisions of the processors memory area.....This process is known as Memory Segmentation. I hope this post was helpful.

Text-decoration: none not working

I had lots of headache when I tried to customize a WordPress theme and the text-decoration didn't help me. In my case I had to remove the box-shadow as well.

a:hover {
    text-decoration: none;
    box-shadow: none;

Why is it common to put CSRF prevention tokens in cookies?

My best guess as to the answer: Consider these 3 options for how to get the CSRF token down from the server to the browser.

  1. In the request body (not an HTTP header).
  2. In a custom HTTP header, not Set-Cookie.
  3. As a cookie, in a Set-Cookie header.

I think the 1st one, request body (while demonstrated by the Express tutorial I linked in the question), is not as portable to a wide variety of situations; not everyone is generating every HTTP response dynamically; where you end up needing to put the token in the generated response might vary widely (in a hidden form input; in a fragment of JS code or a variable accessible by other JS code; maybe even in a URL though that seems generally a bad place to put CSRF tokens). So while workable with some customization, #1 is a hard place to do a one-size-fits-all approach.

The second one, custom header, is attractive but doesn't actually work, because while JS can get the headers for an XHR it invoked, it can't get the headers for the page it loaded from.

That leaves the third one, a cookie carried by a Set-Cookie header, as an approach that is easy to use in all situations (anyone's server will be able to set per-request cookie headers, and it doesn't matter what kind of data is in the request body). So despite its downsides, it was the easiest method for frameworks to implement widely.

How do I trim leading/trailing whitespace in a standard way?

This one is short and simple, uses for-loops and doesn't overwrite the string boundaries. You can replace the test with isspace() if needed.

void trim (char *s)         // trim leading and trailing spaces+tabs
 int i,j,k, len;

 len = strlen(s);
                    // find start of string
 for (i=0; i<len; i++) if ((s[i]!=32) && (s[i]!=9)) { j=i; break; }
                    // find end of string+1
 for (i=len-1; i>=j; i--) if ((s[i]!=32) && (s[i]!=9)) { k=i+1; break;} 

 if (k<=j) {s[0]=0; return;}        // all whitespace (j==k==0)

 for (i=0; i<len; i++) s[i] = s[j++];   // shift result to start of string
 s[i]=0;                // end the string


Angular window resize event

The correct way to do this is to utilize the EventManager class to bind the event. This allows your code to work in alternative platforms, for example server side rendering with Angular Universal.

import { EventManager } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

export class ResizeService {

  get onResize$(): Observable<Window> {
    return this.resizeSubject.asObservable();

  private resizeSubject: Subject<Window>;

  constructor(private eventManager: EventManager) {
    this.resizeSubject = new Subject();
    this.eventManager.addGlobalEventListener('window', 'resize', this.onResize.bind(this));

  private onResize(event: UIEvent) {<Window>;

Usage in a component is as simple as adding this service as a provider to your app.module and then importing it in the constructor of a component.

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: ``,
  styles: [``]
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {

  private resizeSubscription: Subscription;

  constructor(private resizeService: ResizeService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.resizeSubscription = this.resizeService.onResize$
      .subscribe(size => console.log(size));

  ngOnDestroy() {
    if (this.resizeSubscription) {

PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?

store localy analytics.js, but it is not recommended by google:

it is not recommended cause google can update script when they want, so just do a script that download analytics javascript each week and you will not have trouble !

By the way this solution prevent adblock from blocking google analytics scripts

Set a default parameter value for a JavaScript function

I find something simple like this to be much more concise and readable personally.

function pick(arg, def) {
   return (typeof arg == 'undefined' ? def : arg);

function myFunc(x) {
  x = pick(x, 'my default');

How do I import a .bak file into Microsoft SQL Server 2012?

Using the RESTORE DATABASE command most likely. bak is a common extension used for a database backup file. You'll find documentation for this command on MSDN.

JS regex: replace all digits in string

You need to add the "global" flag to your regex:

s.replace(new RegExp("[0-9]", "g"), "X")

or, perhaps prettier, using the built-in literal regexp syntax:

.replace(/[0-9]/g, "X")

Best Java obfuscator?

If a computer can run it, a suitably motivated human can reverse-engineer it.

How do I get the current date in Cocoa

// you can get current date/time with the following code:

    NSDate* date = [NSDate date];
    NSDateFormatter* formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    NSTimeZone *destinationTimeZone = [NSTimeZone systemTimeZone];
    formatter.timeZone = destinationTimeZone;
    [formatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterLongStyle];
    [formatter setDateFormat:@"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mma"];
    NSString* dateString = [formatter stringFromDate:date];

AngularJS: No "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header is present on the requested resource

CORS is Cross Origin Resource Sharing, you get this error if you are trying to access from one domain to another domain.

Try using JSONP. In your case, JSONP should work fine because it only uses the GET method.

Try something like this:

var url = "";
    method: 'JSONP',
    url: url
success(function(status) {
    //your code when success
error(function(status) {
    //your code when fails

MongoDB query with an 'or' condition

MongoDB query with an 'or' condition


MongoDB query with an 'or', 'and', condition combined.


How to get time difference in minutes in PHP

I think this will help you

function calculate_time_span($date){
    $seconds  = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) - strtotime($date);

        $months = floor($seconds / (3600*24*30));
        $day = floor($seconds / (3600*24));
        $hours = floor($seconds / 3600);
        $mins = floor(($seconds - ($hours*3600)) / 60);
        $secs = floor($seconds % 60);

        if($seconds < 60)
            $time = $secs." seconds ago";
        else if($seconds < 60*60 )
            $time = $mins." min ago";
        else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
            $time = $hours." hours ago";
        else if($seconds < 24*60*60)
            $time = $day." day ago";
            $time = $months." month ago";

        return $time;

How can I escape white space in a bash loop list?



for folder in *
 if [ -d "$folder" ]; then    
    dirtys=("${dirtys[@]}" "$folder")    

for dir in "${dirtys[@]}"    
   for file in "$dir"/\*.mov   # <== *.mov
       #dir_e=`echo "$dir" | sed 's/[[:space:]]/\\\ /g'`   -- This line will replace each space into '\ '   
       out=`echo "$file" | sed 's/\(.*\)\/\(.*\)/\2/'`     # These two line code can be written in one line using multiple sed commands.    
       out=`echo "$out" | sed 's/[[:space:]]/_/g'`    
       #echo "ffmpeg -i $out_e -sameq -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -acodec pcm_u8 $dir_e/${out/%mov/avi}"    
       `ffmpeg -i "$file" -sameq -vcodec msmpeg4v2 -acodec pcm_u8 "$dir"/${out/%mov/avi}`    

The above code will convert .mov files to .avi. The .mov files are in different folders and the folder names have white spaces too. My above script will convert the .mov files to .avi file in the same folder itself. I don't know whether it help you peoples.


[sony@localhost shell_tutorial]$ ls
Chapter 01 - Introduction  Chapter 02 - Your First Shell Script
[sony@localhost shell_tutorial]$ cd Chapter\ 01\ -\ Introduction/
[sony@localhost Chapter 01 - Introduction]$ ls
0101 - About this   0102 - Course
[sony@localhost Chapter 01 - Introduction]$ ./above_script
 ... successfully executed.
[sony@localhost Chapter 01 - Introduction]$ ls
0101_-_About_this_Course.avi  0102_-_Course_Structure.avi
0101 - About this  0102 - Course
[sony@localhost Chapter 01 - Introduction]$ CHEERS!


FIFO based Queue implementations?

Yeah. Queue

LinkedList being the most trivial concrete implementation.

How to access remote server with local phpMyAdmin client?

It is certainly possible to access a remote MySQL server from a local instance of phpMyAdmin, as the other answers have pointed out. And for that to work, you have to configure the remote server's MySQL server to accept remote connections, and allow traffic through the firewall for the port number that MySQL is listening to. I prefer a slightly different solution involving SSH Tunnelling.

The following command will set up an SSH tunnel which will forward all requests made to port 3307 from your local machine to port 3306 on the remote machine:

ssh -NL 3307:localhost:3306 root@REMOTE_HOST

When prompted, you should enter the password for the root user on the remote machine. This will open the tunnel. If you want to run this in the background, you'll need to add the -f argument, and set up Passwordless SSH between your local machine and the remote machine.

After you've got the SSH tunnel working, you can add the remote server to the servers list in your local phpMyAdmin by modifying the /etc/phpmyadmin/ file. Add the following to the end of the file:

$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose']       = 'Remote Server 1'; // Change this to whatever you like.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host']          = '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port']          = '3307';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type']  = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension']     = 'mysqli';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress']      = FALSE;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type']     = 'cookie';

I wrote a more in-depth blog post about exactly this, in case you need additional help.

Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

RRULE standard is built for exactly this requirement i.e. saving and understanding recurrences. Microsoft and google both use it in their calendar events. Please go through this document for more details.

null terminating a string

Be very careful: NULL is a macro used mainly for pointers. The standard way of terminating a string is:

char *buffer;
buffer[end_position] = '\0';

This (below) works also but it is not a big difference between assigning an integer value to a int/short/long array and assigning a character value. This is why the first version is preferred and personally I like it better.

buffer[end_position] = 0; 

How can I test an AngularJS service from the console?

@JustGoscha's answer is spot on, but that's a lot to type when I want access, so I added this to the bottom of my app.js. Then all I have to type is x = getSrv('$http') to get the http service.

// @if DEBUG
function getSrv(name, element) {
    element = element || '*[ng-app]';
    return angular.element(element).injector().get(name);
// @endif

It adds it to the global scope but only in debug mode. I put it inside the @if DEBUG so that I don't end up with it in the production code. I use this method to remove debug code from prouduction builds.

Debug/run standard java in Visual Studio Code IDE and OS X?

I can tell you for Windows.

  1. Install Java Extension Pack and Code Runner Extension from VS Code Extensions.

  2. Edit your java home location in VS Code settings, "java.home": "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-9.0.4".

  3. Check if javac is recognized in VS Code internal terminal. If this check fails, try opening VS Code as administrator.

  4. Create a simple Java program in file as:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello world");     

Note: Do not add package in your main class.

  1. Right click anywhere on the java file and select run code.

  2. Check the output in the console.

Done, hope this helps.

Setting dropdownlist selecteditem programmatically

Here is the code I was looking for :

DDL.SelectedIndex = DDL.Items.IndexOf(DDL.Items.FindByText("PassedValue"));


DDL.SelectedIndex = DDL.Items.IndexOf(DDL.Items.FindByValue("PassedValue"));

Responsive bootstrap 3 timepicker?

This is a slightly modified version of which supports bootstrap 3. You can check it out here. Let me know if it does not work and I will try to find an alternative.

Update. Here is another one based off of the same version, but modified for bootstrap 3.

Update 2. Here is yet another one.

Linq with group by having count

Below solution may help you.

var unmanagedDownloadcountwithfilter = from count in unmanagedDownloadCount.Where(d =>d.downloaddate >= startDate && d.downloaddate <= endDate)
group count by count.unmanagedassetregistryid into grouped
where grouped.Count() > request.Download
select new
   UnmanagedAssetRegistryID = grouped.Key,
   Count = grouped.Count()

Get the key corresponding to the minimum value within a dictionary

Here's an answer that actually gives the solution the OP asked for:

>>> d = {320:1, 321:0, 322:3}
>>> d.items()
[(320, 1), (321, 0), (322, 3)]
>>> # find the minimum by comparing the second element of each tuple
>>> min(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) 
(321, 0)

Using d.iteritems() will be more efficient for larger dictionaries, however.

What is the correct value for the disabled attribute?

From MDN by setAttribute():

To set the value of a Boolean attribute, such as disabled, you can specify any value. An empty string or the name of the attribute are recommended values. All that matters is that if the attribute is present at all, regardless of its actual value, its value is considered to be true. The absence of the attribute means its value is false. By setting the value of the disabled attribute to the empty string (""), we are setting disabled to true, which results in the button being disabled.

Link to MDN


  • I mean that in XHTML Strict is right disabled="disabled",
  • and in HTML5 is only disabled, like <input name="myinput" disabled>
  • In javascript, I set the value to true via e.disabled = true;
    or to "" via setAttribute( "disabled", "" );

Test in Chrome

var f = document.querySelectorAll( "label.disabled input" );
for( var i = 0; i < f.length; i++ )
    // Reference
    var e = f[ i ];

    // Actions
    e.setAttribute( "disabled", false|null|undefined|""|0|"disabled" );
        <input disabled="false"|"null"|"undefined"|empty|"0"|"disabled">
        e.getAttribute( "disabled" ) === "false"|"null"|"undefined"|""|"0"|"disabled"
        e.disabled === true
    e.removeAttribute( "disabled" );
        e.getAttribute( "disabled" ) === null
        e.disabled === false

    e.disabled = false|null|undefined|""|0;
        e.getAttribute( "disabled" ) === null|null|null|null|null
        e.disabled === false

    e.disabled = true|" "|"disabled"|1;
        <input disabled>
        e.getAttribute( "disabled" ) === ""|""|""|""
        e.disabled === true

Wi-Fi Direct and iOS Support

It took me a while to find out what is going on, but here is the summary. I hope this save people a lot of time.

Apple are not playing nice with Wi-Fi Direct, not in the same way that Android is. The Multipeer Connectivity Framework that Apple provides combines both BLE and WiFi Direct together and will only work with Apple devices and not any device that is using Wi-Fi Direct.

It states the following in this documentation - "The Multipeer Connectivity framework provides support for discovering services provided by nearby iOS devices using infrastructure Wi-Fi networks, peer-to-peer Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth personal area networks and subsequently communicating with those services by sending message-based data, streaming data, and resources (such as files)."

Additionally, Wi-Fi direct in this mode between i-Devices will need iPhone 5 and above.

There are apps that use a form of Wi-Fi Direct on the App Store, but these are using their own libraries.

sqlplus error on select from external table: ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEOPEN callout

We had this error on Oracle RAC 11g on Windows, and the solution was to create the same OS directory tree and external file on both nodes.

Validate select box

Just add a class of required to the select

<select id="select" class="required">

Offset a background image from the right using CSS

The CSS3 specification allowing different origins for background-position is now supported in Firefox 14 but still not in Chrome 21 (apparently IE9 partly supports them, but I've not tested it myself)

In addition to the Chrome issue that @MattyF referenced there's a more succinct summary here:

Convert integer to class Date

You can use ymd from lubridate

#[1] "2008-11-01"

Or anytime::anydate

#[1] "2008-11-01"

jQuery: Change button text on click


<button type="button" id="AddButton" onclick="AddButtonClick()" class="btn btn-success btn-block ">Add</button> 

In Jquery write this function:

    function AddButtonClick(){ 
      //change text from add to Update

How to define a two-dimensional array?

You can create an empty two dimensional list by nesting two or more square bracing or third bracket ([], separated by comma) with a square bracing, just like below:

Matrix = [[], []]

Now suppose you want to append 1 to Matrix[0][0] then you type:


Now, type Matrix and hit Enter. The output will be:

[[1], []]

If you entered the following statement instead


then the Matrix would be

[[], [1]]

Using NOT operator in IF conditions

It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. If you have no else clause then if(!doSomething()) seems fine. However, if you have

if(!doSomething()) {
else {
    // do something else

I'd probably reverse that logic to remove the ! operator and make the if clause slightly more clear.

WPF: ItemsControl with scrollbar (ScrollViewer)

Put your ScrollViewer in a DockPanel and set the DockPanel MaxHeight property

<DockPanel MaxHeight="700">
  <ScrollViewer VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
   <ItemsControl ItemSource ="{Binding ...}">

Opening Chrome From Command Line

Answering this for Ubuntu users for reference.

Run command google-chrome --app-url "http://localhost/"

Replace your desired URL in the parameter.

You can get more options like incognito mode etc. Run google-chrome --help to see the options.

Put content in HttpResponseMessage object?

No doubt that you are correct Florin. I was working on this project, and found that this piece of code:

product = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync<Product>();

Could be replaced with:

response.Content = new StringContent(string product);

Best way to find os name and version in Unix/Linux platform

Following command worked out for me nicely. It gives you the OS name and version.

lsb_release -a

Update R using RStudio

If you are using windows, you can use installr. Example usage here

Best way to generate xml?

An optional way if you want to use pure Python:

ElementTree is good for most cases, but it can't CData and pretty print.

So, if you need CData and pretty print you should use minidom:

from xml.dom import minidom

doc = minidom.Document()

root = doc.createElement('root')

leaf = doc.createElement('leaf')
text = doc.createTextNode('Text element with attributes')
leaf.setAttribute('color', 'white')

leaf_cdata = doc.createElement('leaf_cdata')
cdata = doc.createCDATASection('<em>CData</em> can contain <strong>HTML tags</strong> without encoding')

branch = doc.createElement('branch')

mixed = doc.createElement('mixed')
mixed_leaf = leaf.cloneNode(True)
mixed_leaf.setAttribute('color', 'black')
mixed_leaf.setAttribute('state', 'modified')
mixed_text = doc.createTextNode('Do not use mixed elements if it possible.')

xml_str = doc.toprettyxml(indent="  ")
with open("minidom_example.xml", "w") as f:


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <leaf color="white">Text element with attributes</leaf>
<![CDATA[<em>CData</em> can contain <strong>HTML tags</strong> without encoding]]>  </leaf_cdata>
    <leaf color="white">Text element with attributes</leaf>
    <leaf color="black" state="modified">Text element with attributes</leaf>
    Do not use mixed elements if it possible.

Generate sql insert script from excel worksheet

Use the ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert from the ImportExcel in the PowerShell Gallery

    ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert [-TableName] <Object> [-Path] <Object> 
      [[-WorkSheetname] <Object>] [[-HeaderRow] <int>] 
      [[-Header] <string[]>] [-NoHeader] [-DataOnly]  [<CommonParameters>]
    -Header <string[]>
    -HeaderRow <int>
    -Path <Object>
    -TableName <Object>
    -WorkSheetname <Object>
        This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug,
        ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable,
        OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see
        about_CommonParameters (

How to Call VBA Function from Excel Cells?

Here's the answer

Steps to follow:

  1. Open the Visual Basic Editor. In Excel, hit Alt+F11 if on Windows, Fn+Option+F11 if on a Mac.

  2. Insert a new module. From the menu: Insert -> Module (Don't skip this!).

  3. Create a Public function. Example:

    Public Function findArea(ByVal width as Double, _
                             ByVal height as Double) As Double
        ' Return the area
        findArea = width * height
    End Function
  4. Then use it in any cell like you would any other function: =findArea(B12,C12).

SQL Server insert if not exists best practice

Ok, this was asked 7 years ago, but I think the best solution here is to forego the new table entirely and just do this as a custom view. That way you're not duplicating data, there's no worry about unique data, and it doesn't touch the actual database structure. Something like this:

CREATE VIEW vw_competitions
   Id int
   CompetitionName nvarchar(75)
   CompetitionType nvarchar(50)
   OtherField1 int
   OtherField2 nvarchar(64)  --add the fields you want viewed from the Competition table
  FROM Competitions

Other items can be added here like joins on other tables, WHERE clauses, etc. This is most likely the most elegant solution to this problem, as you now can just query the view:

FROM vw_competitions

...and add any WHERE, IN, or EXISTS clauses to the view query.

Maximum number of records in a MySQL database table

I suggest, never delete data. Don't say if the tables is longer than 1000 truncate the end of the table. There needs to be real business logic in your plan like how long has this user been inactive. For example, if it is longer than 1 year then put them in a different table. You would have this happen weekly or monthly in a maintenance script in the middle of a slow time.

When you run into to many rows in your table then you should start sharding the tables or partitioning and put old data in old tables by year such as users_2011_jan, users_2011_feb or use numbers for the month. Then change your programming to work with this model. Maybe make a new table with less information to summarize the data in less columns and then only refer to the bigger partitioned tables when you need more information such as when the user is viewing their profile. All of this should be considered very carefully so in the future it isn't too expensive to re-factor. You could also put only the users which comes to your site all the time in one table and the users that never come in an archived set of tables.

Public free web services for testing soap client

There is a bunch on here:

Just google for "Free WebService" or "Open WebService" and you'll find tons of open SOAP endpoints.

Remember, you can get a WSDL from any ASMX endpoint by adding ?WSDL to the url.

Excel Macro : How can I get the timestamp in "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" format?

Copy and paste this format yyyy-mm-dd hh:MM:ss in format cells by clicking customs category under Type

Android Studio drawable folders

In Android Studio

Just copy the image and paste the image into the app > res > drawable folder and it will shows you "Choose Destination Directory" popup screen as shown below screen

enter image description here

Now you can select option whatever resolution you want to place and if you want to view the those image into the folders then simply right click on the drawable folder > select copy paths option and open it. It will help you.

Excel function to get first word from sentence in other cell

Generic solution extracting the first "n" words of refcell string into a new string of "x" number of characters

=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(***refcell***&" "," ",REPT(" ",***x***),***n***),***x***)

Assuming A1 has text string to extract, the 1st word extracted to a 15 character result

=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A1&" "," ",REPT(" ",15),1),15)

This would result in "Toronto" being returned to a 15 character string. 1st 2 words extracted to a 30 character result

=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A1&" "," ",REPT(" ",30),2),30)

would result in "Toronto is" being returned to a 30 character string

How to invoke function from external .c file in C?

Change your Main.c like so

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ClasseAusiliaria.h"

int main(void)
  int risultato;
  risultato = addizione(5,6);

Create ClasseAusiliaria.h like so

extern int addizione(int a, int b);

I then compiled and ran your code, I got an output of


How to perform string interpolation in TypeScript?

In JavaScript you can use template literals:

let value = 100;
console.log(`The size is ${ value }`);

How to use GROUP_CONCAT in a CONCAT in MySQL

First of all, I don't see the reason for having an ID that's not unique, but I guess it's an ID that connects to another table. Second there is no need for subqueries, which beats up the server. You do this in one query, like this

SELECT id,GROUP_CONCAT(name, ':', value SEPARATOR "|") FROM sample GROUP BY id

You get fast and correct results, and you can split the result by that SEPARATOR "|". I always use this separator, because it's impossible to find it inside a string, therefor it's unique. There is no problem having two A's, you identify only the value. Or you can have one more colum, with the letter, which is even better. Like this :


When should you use 'friend' in C++?

To do TDD many times I've used 'friend' keyword in C++.
Can a friend know everything about me?

No, its only a one way friendship :`(

Twitter Bootstrap tabs not working: when I click on them nothing happens

Since i'm working with Bootstrap Javascript Modules instead of loading the entire Bootstrap Javascript, my tabs were not working because i forgot to load load/include/ the node_modules/bootstrap/js/tab.js file.

enter image description here

After including it, it worked...

Good Luck

Free space in a CMD shell

Using paxdiablo excellent solution I wrote a little bit more sophisticated batch script, which uses drive letter as the incoming argument and checks if drive exists on a tricky (but not beauty) way:

@echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set chkfile=drivechk.tmp
if "%1" == "" goto :usage
set drive=%1
set drive=%drive:\=%
set drive=%drive::=%
dir %drive%:>nul 2>%chkfile%
for %%? in (%chkfile%) do (
  set chksize=%%~z?
if %chksize% neq 0 (
  more %chkfile%
  del %chkfile%
  goto :eof
del %chkfile%
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('dir %drive%:\') do (
  set bytesfree=%%a
set bytesfree=%bytesfree:,=%
echo %bytesfree% byte(s) free on volume %drive%:

goto :eof
  echo   usage: freedisk ^<driveletter^> (eg.: freedisk c)

note1: you may type simple letter (eg. x) or may use x: or x:\ format as drive letter in the argument

note2: script will display stderr from %chkfile% only if the size bigger than 0

note3: I saved this script as freedisk.cmd (see usage)

How do I determine file encoding in OS X?

Just use:

file -I <filename>

That's it.

Comparing the contents of two files in Sublime Text

There's a BeyondCompare plugin as well. It opens the 2 files in a BeyondCompare window. Pretty convenient to open files from the sublime window.

You will need BC3 installation present in the system. After installing the plugin, you will have to provide the path to the installation.


    //Define a custom path to beyond compare
    "beyond_compare_path": "G:/Softwares/Beyond Compare 3/BCompare.exe"

how to use jQuery ajax calls with node.js

Thanks to yojimbo for his answer. To add to his sample, I wanted to use the jquery method $.getJSON which puts a random callback in the query string so I also wanted to parse that out in the Node.js. I also wanted to pass an object back and use the stringify function.

This is my Client Side code.

function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    alert('error ' + textStatus + " " + errorThrown);

This is my Server side Node.js

var http = require('http');
var querystring = require('querystring');
var url = require('url');

http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    //grab the callback from the query string   
    var pquery = querystring.parse(url.parse(req.url).query);   
    var callback = (pquery.callback ? pquery.callback : '');

    //we probably want to send an object back in response to the request
    var returnObject = {message: "Hello World!"};
    var returnObjectString = JSON.stringify(returnObject);

    //push back the response including the callback shenanigans
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    res.end(callback + '(\'' + returnObjectString + '\')');

How to remove indentation from an unordered list item?

Can you provide a link ? thanks I can take a look Most likely your css selector isnt strong enough or can you try


Auto increment in phpmyadmin

There are possible steps to enable auto increment for a column. I guess the phpMyAdmin version is 3.5.5 but not sure.

Click on Table > Structure tab > Under Action Click Primary (set as primary), click on Change on the pop-up window, scroll left and check A_I. Also make sure you have selected None for Defaultenter image description here

Can grep show only words that match search pattern?

You could pipe your grep output into Perl like this:

grep "th" * | perl -n -e'while(/(\w*th\w*)/g) {print "$1\n"}'

How do I convert an ANSI encoded file to UTF-8 with Notepad++?

If you don't have non-ASCII characters (codepoints 128 and above) in your file, UTF-8 without BOM is the same as ASCII, byte for byte - so Notepad++ will guess wrong.

What you need to do is to specify the character encoding when serving the AJAX response - e.g. with PHP, you'd do this:

header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');

The important part is to specify the charset with every JS response - else IE will fall back to user's system default encoding, which is wrong most of the time.

Easier way to create circle div than using an image?

Here's a demo:


.circleBase {
    border-radius: 50%;
    behavior: url(; /* remove if you don't care about IE8 */

.type1 {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background: yellow;
    border: 3px solid red;
.type2 {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    background: #ccc;
    border: 3px solid #000;
.type3 {
    width: 500px;
    height: 500px;
    background: aqua;
    border: 30px solid blue;


<div class="circleBase type1"></div>

<div class="circleBase type2"></div><div class="circleBase type2"></div>

<div class="circleBase type3"></div>

To make this work in IE8 and older, you must download and use CSS3 PIE. My demo above won't work in IE8, but that's only because jsFiddle doesn't host

My demo looks like this:

Click button copy to clipboard using jQuery

jQuery simple solution.

Should be triggered by user's click.

$("<textarea/>").appendTo("body").val(text).select().each(function () {

How to call a stored procedure from Java and JPA

This answer might be helpful if you have entity manager

I had a stored procedure to create next number and on server side I have seam framework.

Client side

 Object on = entityManager.createNativeQuery("EXEC getNextNmber").executeUpdate();"New order id: " + on.toString());

Database Side (SQL server) I have stored procedure named getNextNmber

"No rule to make target 'install'"... But Makefile exists

I was receiving the same error message, and my issue was that I was not in the correct directory when running the command make install. When I changed to the directory that had my makefile it worked.

So possibly you aren't in the right directory.

Sort array of objects by single key with date value

I have created a sorting function in Typescript which we can use to search strings, dates and numbers in array of objects. It can also sort on multiple fields.

export type SortType = 'string' | 'number' | 'date';
export type SortingOrder = 'asc' | 'desc';

export interface SortOptions {
  sortByKey: string;
  sortType?: SortType;
  sortingOrder?: SortingOrder;

class CustomSorting {
    static sortArrayOfObjects(fields: SortOptions[] = [{sortByKey: 'value', sortType: 'string', sortingOrder: 'desc'}]) {
        return (a, b) => fields
          .map((field) => {
            if (!a[field.sortByKey] || !b[field.sortByKey]) {
              return 0;

            const direction = field.sortingOrder === 'asc' ? 1 : -1;

            let firstValue;
            let secondValue;

            if (field.sortType === 'string') {
              firstValue = a[field.sortByKey].toUpperCase();
              secondValue = b[field.sortByKey].toUpperCase();
            } else if (field.sortType === 'number') {
              firstValue = parseInt(a[field.sortByKey], 10);
              secondValue = parseInt(b[field.sortByKey], 10);
            } else if (field.sortType === 'date') {
              firstValue = new Date(a[field.sortByKey]);
              secondValue = new Date(b[field.sortByKey]);
            return firstValue > secondValue ? direction : firstValue < secondValue ? -(direction) : 0;

          .reduce((pos, neg) => pos ? pos : neg, 0);


const sortOptions = [{
      sortByKey: 'anyKey',
      sortType: 'string',
      sortingOrder: 'asc',


Lists in ConfigParser

Coming late to this party, but I recently implemented this with a dedicated section in a config file for a list:

path1           = /some/path/
path2           = /another/path/

and using config.items( "paths" ) to get an iterable list of path items, like so:

path_items = config.items( "paths" )
for key, path in path_items:
    #do something with path

Hope this helps other folk Googling this question ;)

Google Android USB Driver and ADB

Locate the following file

C:\Users\[your name]\.android\adb_usb.ini

And make the following changes:

# USE 'android update adb' TO GENERATE.

I added 0x2207 to the file. This number is part of the hardware id, which can be found under the device's hardware information.

Mine was:


(I tried executing android update adb, but it did nothing.)

How to convert comma separated string into numeric array in javascript

You can split and convert like

 var strVale = "130,235,342,124 ";
 var intValArray=strVale.split(',');
 for(var i=0;i<intValArray.length;i++{

Now you can use intValArray in you logic.

How do I find the duplicates in a list and create another list with them?

list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3]
lset = set()
[(lset.add(item), list2.append(item))
 for item in list2 if item not in lset]
print list(lset)

addClass - can add multiple classes on same div?

You can do

$('.page-address-edit').addClass('test1 test2');

More here:

More than one class may be added at a time, separated by a space, to the set of matched elements, like so:

$("p").addClass("myClass yourClass");

Sql Server string to date conversion

In SQL Server Denali, you will be able to do something that approaches what you're looking for. But you still can't just pass any arbitrarily defined wacky date string and expect SQL Server to accommodate. Here is one example using something you posted in your own answer. The FORMAT() function and can also accept locales as an optional argument - it is based on .Net's format, so most if not all of the token formats you'd expect to see will be there.

DECLARE @d DATETIME = '2008-10-13 18:45:19';

-- returns Oct-13/2008 18:45:19:
SELECT FORMAT(@d, N'MMM-dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss');

-- returns NULL if the conversion fails:

-- returns an error if the conversion fails:

I strongly encourage you to take more control and sanitize your date inputs. The days of letting people type dates using whatever format they want into a freetext form field should be way behind us by now. If someone enters 8/9/2011 is that August 9th or September 8th? If you make them pick a date on a calendar control, then the app can control the format. No matter how much you try to predict your users' behavior, they'll always figure out a dumber way to enter a date that you didn't plan for.

Until Denali, though, I think that @Ovidiu has the best advice so far... this can be made fairly trivial by implementing your own CLR function. Then you can write a case/switch for as many wacky non-standard formats as you want.

UPDATE for @dhergert:

SELECT TRY_PARSE('10/15/2008 10:06:32 PM' AS DATETIME USING 'en-us');
SELECT TRY_PARSE('15/10/2008 10:06:32 PM' AS DATETIME USING 'en-gb');


2008-10-15 22:06:32.000
2008-10-15 22:06:32.000

You still need to have that other crucial piece of information first. You can't use native T-SQL to determine whether 6/9/2012 is June 9th or September 6th.

how to list all sub directories in a directory

FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

        DialogResult result = fbd.ShowDialog();

        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(fbd.SelectedPath);
        string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(fbd.SelectedPath);

        foreach (string item2 in dirs)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(item2);



        foreach (string item in files)
            FileInfo f = new FileInfo(item);



How to print the current Stack Trace in .NET without any exception?

    new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().ToString()

The output will be similar to:

at YourNamespace.Program.executeMethod(String msg)

at YourNamespace.Program.Main(String[] args)

Replace Console.WriteLine with your Log method. Actually, there is no need for .ToString() for the Console.WriteLine case as it accepts object. But you may need that for your Log(string msg) method.

form_for with nested resources

Be sure to have both objects created in controller: @post and @comment for the post, eg:

@post = Post.find params[:post_id]
@comment =>@post)

Then in view:

<%= form_for([@post, @comment]) do |f| %>

Be sure to explicitly define the array in the form_for, not just comma separated like you have above.

How do I find the current executable filename?


Python URLLib / URLLib2 POST

u = urllib2.urlopen('http://myserver/inout-tracker', data)
h.request('POST', '/inout-tracker/index.php', data, headers)

Using the path /inout-tracker without a trailing / doesn't fetch index.php. Instead the server will issue a 302 redirect to the version with the trailing /.

Doing a 302 will typically cause clients to convert a POST to a GET request.

Declaring a python function with an array parameters and passing an array argument to the function call?

What you have is on the right track.

def dosomething( thelist ):
    for element in thelist:
        print element

dosomething( ['1','2','3'] )
alist = ['red','green','blue']
dosomething( alist )  

Produces the output:


A couple of things to note given your comment above: unlike in C-family languages, you often don't need to bother with tracking the index while iterating over a list, unless the index itself is important. If you really do need the index, though, you can use enumerate(list) to get index,element pairs, rather than doing the x in range(len(thelist)) dance.

Setting an HTML text input box's "default" value. Revert the value when clicking ESC

If the question is: "Is it possible to add value on ESC" than the answer is yes. You can do something like that. For example with use of jQuery it would look like below.


<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

<input type="text" value="default!" id="myInput" />


$(document).ready(function (){
    $('#myInput').keyup(function(event) {
        // 27 is key code of ESC
        if (event.keyCode == 27) {
            // Loose focus on input field

Working source can be found here:

Please let me know if you meant something different, I can adjust the code later.

Which HTML elements can receive focus?

The ally.js accessibility library provides an unofficial, test-based list here:

(NB: Their page doesn't say how often tests were performed.)

deny directory listing with htaccess

For showing Forbidden error then include these lines in your .htaccess file:

Options -Indexes 

If we want to index our files and showing them with some information, then use:

IndexOptions -FancyIndexing

If we want for some particular extension not to show, then:

IndexIgnore *.zip *.css

How to have EditText with border in Android Lollipop

For correct work your shape should be with selector and item tags

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<selector xmlns:android="">

        <shape android:shape="rectangle">
            <solid android:color="#ffffff" />
            <stroke android:width="1dp"


How do I create my own URL protocol? (e.g. so://...)

The first section is called a protocol and yes you can register your own. On Windows (where I'm assuming you're doing this given the C# tag - sorry Mono fans), it's done via the registry.

URLEncoder not able to translate space character

This worked for me

org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder ul = new org.apache.catalina.util.URLEncoder().encode("MY URL");

ASP.NET MVC - Find Absolute Path to the App_Data folder from Controller

I try to get in the habit of using HostingEnvironment instead of Server as it works within the context of WCF services too.


How to force a UIViewController to Portrait orientation in iOS 6

Put this in the .m file of each ViewController you don't want to rotate:

- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
    //return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait | UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscapeLeft;
    return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskPortrait;

See here for more information.

how can I check if a file exists?

For anyone who is looking a way to watch a specific file to exist in VBS:

Function bIsFileDownloaded(strPath, timeout)
  Dim FSO, fileIsDownloaded
  set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  fileIsDownloaded = false
  limit = DateAdd("s", timeout, Now)
  Do While Now < limit
    If FSO.FileExists(strPath) Then : fileIsDownloaded = True : Exit Do : End If
    WScript.Sleep 1000      
  Set FSO = Nothing
  bIsFileDownloaded = fileIsDownloaded
End Function


FileName = "C:\test.txt"
fileIsDownloaded = bIsFileDownloaded(FileName, 5) ' keep watching for 5 seconds

If fileIsDownloaded Then
  WScript.Echo Now & " File is Downloaded: " & FileName
  WScript.Echo Now & " Timeout, file not found: " & FileName 
End If

jQuery check/uncheck radio button onclick

I think this is the shortest way. I tested it on Chrome and MS Edge.

$(document).on('click', 'input:radio', function () {
    var check = $(this).attr('checked')
    if (check) $(this).removeAttr('checked').prop('checked',false)
    else $(this).attr('checked', true).prop('checked',true)

This piece of code also works on AJAX loaded contents.

Alternatively, You can also use

$(document).on('click mousedown', 'input:radio', function (e) {
    if ($(this).prop('checked')) $(this).prop('checked', false)
    else $(this).prop('checked', true)

This would work better without any exceptions.

java.util.Date to XMLGregorianCalendar

Assuming you are decoding or encoding xml and using JAXB, then it's possible to replace the dateTime binding entirely and use something else than `XMLGregorianCalendar' for every date in the schema.

In that way you can have JAXB do the repetitive stuff while you can spend the time on writing awesome code that delivers value.

Example for a jodatime DateTime: (Doing this with java.util.Date would also work - but with certain limitations. I prefer jodatime and it's copied from my code so I know it works...)

    <jxb:javaType name="org.joda.time.LocalDateTime" xmlType="xs:dateTime"
        printMethod="se.seb.bis.test.util.JaxbConverter.printDateTime" />
    <jxb:javaType name="org.joda.time.LocalDate" xmlType="xs:date"
        printMethod="test.util.JaxbConverter.printDate" />
    <jxb:javaType name="org.joda.time.LocalTime" xmlType="xs:time"
        printMethod="test.util.JaxbConverter.printTime" />
    <jxb:serializable uid="2" />

And the converter:

public class JaxbConverter {
static final DateTimeFormatter dtf = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis();
static final DateTimeFormatter df =;
static final DateTimeFormatter tf = ISODateTimeFormat.time();

public static LocalDateTime parseDateTime(String s) {
    try {
        if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(s).isEmpty())
            return null;
        LocalDateTime r = dtf.parseLocalDateTime(s);
        return r;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

public static String printDateTime(LocalDateTime d) {
    try {
        if (d == null)
            return null;
        return dtf.print(d);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

public static LocalDate parseDate(String s) {
    try {
        if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(s).isEmpty())
            return null;
        return df.parseLocalDate(s);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

public static String printDate(LocalDate d) {
    try {
        if (d == null)
            return null;
        return df.print(d);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

public static String printTime(LocalTime d) {
    try {
        if (d == null)
            return null;
        return tf.print(d);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

public static LocalTime parseTime(String s) {
    try {
        if (StringUtils.trimToEmpty(s).isEmpty())
            return null;
        return df.parseLocalTime(s);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);

See here: how replace XmlGregorianCalendar by Date?

If you are happy to just map to an instant based on the timezone+timestamp, and the original timezone is not really relevant, then java.util.Date is probably fine too.

Is there a simple, elegant way to define singletons?

class Singeltone(type):
    instances = dict()

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls.__name__ not in Singeltone.instances:            
            Singeltone.instances[cls.__name__] = type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
        return Singeltone.instances[cls.__name__]

class Test(object):
    __metaclass__ = Singeltone

inst0 = Test()
inst1 = Test()
print(id(inst1) == id(inst0))

Where is the IIS Express configuration / metabase file found?

I think all the answers here are relevant however if, like me, you are looking for where Visual Studio takes the template from when it creates a new version of the applicationHost.config then you can look here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express\config\templates\PersonalWebServer

This happens a lot if you are often working on multiple branches of the same project and pressing 'debug' in a lot of them. Making an edit here will ensure that edit propagates to any new project/solution folders that get created.

Answer indirectly came from this answer

pip install failing with: OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied on directory

We should really stop advising the use of sudo with pip install. It's better to first try pip install --user. If this fails then take a look at the top post here.

The reason you shouldn't use sudo is as follows:

When you run pip with sudo, you are running arbitrary Python code from the Internet as a root user, which is quite a big security risk. If someone puts up a malicious project on PyPI and you install it, you give an attacker root access to your machine.

/usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found

I've extracted them from an RPM (RPM for libstdc++) and then:


To set the system to search for the libraries on the current directory. Then just executed my program. But in my case I've received a single executable that I needed, it wasn't a system wide change.

Oracle PL/SQL : remove "space characters" from a string

I'd go for regexp_replace, although I'm not 100% sure this is usable in PL/SQL

my_value := regexp_replace(my_value, '[[:space:]]*',''); 

Truncating a table in a stored procedure

All DDL statements in Oracle PL/SQL should use Execute Immediate before the statement. Hence you should use:

execute immediate 'truncate table schema.tablename';

Makefile ifeq logical or

You can introduce another variable. It doesnt consolidate both checks, but it at least avoids having to put the body in twice:

do_it = 
ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR), 4)
    do_it = yes
ifeq ($(GCC_MINOR), 5)
    do_it = yes
ifdef do_it
    CFLAGS += -fno-strict-overflow

How to get the ActionBar height?

In XML, you should use this attribute:


Show Hide div if, if statement is true

Use show/hide method as below

$("div").show();//To Show

$("div").hide();//To Hide

What is causing "Unable to allocate memory for pool" in PHP?

To resolve this problem set value for apc.shm_size as integer Locate your apc.ini file (In my system apc.ini file location /etc/php5/conf.d/apc.ini) and set: apc.shm_size = 1000

How to get on scroll events?

Listen to window:scroll event for window/document level scrolling and element's scroll event for element level scrolling.


@HostListener('window:scroll', ['$event'])
onWindowScroll($event) {



<div (window:scroll)="onWindowScroll($event)">


@HostListener('scroll', ['$event'])
onElementScroll($event) {



<div (scroll)="onElementScroll($event)">

@HostListener('scroll', ['$event']) won't work if the host element itself is not scroll-able.


CSS: auto height on containing div, 100% height on background div inside containing div

In 2018 a lot of browsers support the Flexbox and Grid which are very powerful CSS display modes that overshine classical methods such as Faux Columns or Tabular Displays (which are treated later in this answer).

In order to implement this with the Grid, it is enough to specify display: grid and grid-template-columns on the container. The grid-template-columns depends on the number of columns you have, in this example I will use 3 columns, hence the property will look: grid-template-columns: auto auto auto, which basically means that each of the columns will have auto width.

Full working example with Grid:

html, body {_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
.grid-container {_x000D_
    display: grid;_x000D_
    grid-template-columns: auto auto auto;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
.grid-item {_x000D_
    padding: 20px;_x000D_
.a {_x000D_
    background-color: DarkTurquoise;_x000D_
.b {_x000D_
    background-color: LightSalmon;_x000D_
.c {_x000D_
    background-color: LightSteelBlue;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <title>Three Columns with Grid</title>_x000D_
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">_x000D_
    <div class="grid-container">_x000D_
        <div class="grid-item a">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id sapien auctor, faucibus felis et, commodo magna. Sed eu molestie nibh, ac tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque accumsan nunc non arcu tincidunt auctor eget ut magna. In vel est egestas, ultricies dui a, gravida diam. Vivamus tempor facilisis lectus nec porta.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="grid-item b">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id sapien auctor, faucibus felis et, commodo magna. Sed eu molestie nibh, ac tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque accumsan nunc non arcu tincidunt auctor eget ut magna. In vel est egestas, ultricies dui a, gravida diam. Vivamus tempor facilisis lectus nec porta. Donec commodo elit mattis, bibendum turpis eu, malesuada nunc. Vestibulum sit amet dui tincidunt, mattis nisl et, tincidunt eros. Vivamus eu ultrices sapien. Integer leo arcu, lobortis sed tellus in, euismod ultricies massa. Mauris gravida quis ligula nec dignissim. Proin elementum mattis fringilla. Donec id malesuada orci, eu aliquam ipsum. Vestibulum fermentum elementum egestas. Quisque sit amet tempor mi.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="grid-item c">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id sapien auctor, faucibus felis et, commodo magna. Sed eu molestie nibh, ac tincidunt turpis.</p>_x000D_

Another way would be to use the Flexbox by specifying display: flex on the container of the columns, and giving the columns a relevant width. In the example that I will be using, which is with 3 columns, you basically need to split 100% in 3, so it's 33.3333% (close enough, who cares about 0.00003333... which isn't visible anyway).

Full working example using Flexbox:

html, body {_x000D_
    padding: 0;_x000D_
    margin: 0;_x000D_
.flex-container {_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    width: 100%;_x000D_
.flex-column {_x000D_
    padding: 20px;_x000D_
    width: 33.3333%;_x000D_
.a {_x000D_
    background-color: DarkTurquoise;_x000D_
.b {_x000D_
    background-color: LightSalmon;_x000D_
.c {_x000D_
    background-color: LightSteelBlue;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
    <title>Three Columns with Flexbox</title>_x000D_
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">_x000D_
    <div class="flex-container">_x000D_
        <div class="flex-column a">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id sapien auctor, faucibus felis et, commodo magna. Sed eu molestie nibh, ac tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque accumsan nunc non arcu tincidunt auctor eget ut magna. In vel est egestas, ultricies dui a, gravida diam. Vivamus tempor facilisis lectus nec porta.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="flex-column b">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id sapien auctor, faucibus felis et, commodo magna. Sed eu molestie nibh, ac tincidunt turpis. Pellentesque accumsan nunc non arcu tincidunt auctor eget ut magna. In vel est egestas, ultricies dui a, gravida diam. Vivamus tempor facilisis lectus nec porta. Donec commodo elit mattis, bibendum turpis eu, malesuada nunc. Vestibulum sit amet dui tincidunt, mattis nisl et, tincidunt eros. Vivamus eu ultrices sapien. Integer leo arcu, lobortis sed tellus in, euismod ultricies massa. Mauris gravida quis ligula nec dignissim. Proin elementum mattis fringilla. Donec id malesuada orci, eu aliquam ipsum. Vestibulum fermentum elementum egestas. Quisque sit amet tempor mi.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="flex-column c">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id sapien auctor, faucibus felis et, commodo magna. Sed eu molestie nibh, ac tincidunt turpis.</p>_x000D_

The Flexbox and Grid are supported by all major browsers since 2017/2018, fact also confirmed by Can I use grid, Can I use flex.

There are also a number of classical solutions, used before the age of Flexbox and Grid, like OneTrueLayout Technique, Faux Columns Technique, CSS Tabular Display Technique and there is also a Layering Technique.

I do not recommend using these methods for they have a hackish nature and are not so elegant in my opinion, but it is good to know them for academic reasons.

A solution for equally height-ed columns is the CSS Tabular Display Technique that means to use the display:table feature. It works for Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+ and IE8.

The code for the CSS Tabular Display:

#container {_x000D_
  display: table;_x000D_
  background-color: #CCC;_x000D_
  margin: 0 auto;_x000D_
.row {_x000D_
  display: table-row;_x000D_
.col {_x000D_
  display: table-cell;_x000D_
#col1 {_x000D_
  background-color: #0CC;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
#col2 {_x000D_
  background-color: #9F9;_x000D_
  width: 300px;_x000D_
#col3 {_x000D_
  background-color: #699;_x000D_
  width: 200px;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
  <div id="rowWraper" class="row">_x000D_
    <div id="col1" class="col">_x000D_
      Column 1<br />Lorem ipsum<br />ipsum lorem_x000D_
    <div id="col2" class="col">_x000D_
      Column 2<br />Eco cologna duo est!_x000D_
    <div id="col3" class="col">_x000D_
      Column 3_x000D_

Even if there is a problem with the auto-expanding of the width of the table-cell it can be resolved easy by inserting another div withing the table-cell and giving it a fixed width. Anyway, the over-expanding of the width happens in the case of using extremely long words (which I doubt anyone would use a, let's say, 600px long word) or some div's who's width is greater than the table-cell's width.

The Faux Column Technique is the most popular classical solution to this problem, but it has some drawbacks such as, you have to resize the background tiled image if you want to resize the columns and it is also not an elegant solution.

The OneTrueLayout Technique consists of creating a padding-bottom of an extreme big height and cut it out by bringing the real border position to the "normal logical position" by applying a negative margin-bottom of the same huge value and hiding the extent created by the padding with overflow: hidden applied to the content wraper. A simplified example would be:

Working example:

.wraper {_x000D_
    overflow: hidden; /* This is important */_x000D_
.floatLeft {_x000D_
    float: left;_x000D_
.block {_x000D_
    padding-left: 20px;_x000D_
    padding-right: 20px;_x000D_
    padding-bottom: 30000px; /* This is important */_x000D_
    margin-bottom: -30000px; /* This is important */_x000D_
    width: 33.3333%;_x000D_
    box-sizing: border-box; /* This is so that the padding right and left does not affect the width */_x000D_
.a {_x000D_
    background-color: DarkTurquoise;_x000D_
.b {_x000D_
    background-color: LightSalmon;_x000D_
.c {_x000D_
    background-color: LightSteelBlue;_x000D_
    <div class="wraper">_x000D_
        <div class="block floatLeft a">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras malesuada ipsum pretium tellus condimentum aliquam. Donec eget tempor mi, a consequat enim. Mauris a massa id nisl sagittis iaculis.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="block floatLeft b">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras malesuada ipsum pretium tellus condimentum aliquam. Donec eget tempor mi, a consequat enim. Mauris a massa id nisl sagittis iaculis. Duis mattis diam vitae tellus ornare, nec vehicula elit luctus. In auctor urna ac ante bibendum, a gravida nunc hendrerit. Praesent sed pellentesque lorem. Nam neque ante, egestas ut felis vel, faucibus tincidunt risus. Maecenas egestas diam massa, id rutrum metus lobortis non. Sed quis tellus sed nulla efficitur pharetra. Fusce semper sapien neque. Donec egestas dolor magna, ut efficitur purus porttitor at. Mauris cursus, leo ac porta consectetur, eros quam aliquet erat, condimentum luctus sapien tellus vel ante. Vivamus vestibulum id lacus vel tristique.</p>_x000D_
        <div class="block floatLeft c">_x000D_
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras malesuada ipsum pretium tellus condimentum aliquam. Donec eget tempor mi, a consequat enim. Mauris a massa id nisl sagittis iaculis. Duis mattis diam vitae tellus ornare, nec vehicula elit luctus. In auctor urna ac ante bibendum, a gravida nunc hendrerit.</p>_x000D_

The Layering Technique must be a very neat solution that involves absolute positioning of div's withing a main relative positioned wrapper div. It basically consists of a number of child divs and the main div. The main div has imperatively position: relative to it's css attribute collection. The children of this div are all imperatively position:absolute. The children must have top and bottom set to 0 and left-right dimensions set to accommodate the columns with each another. For example if we have two columns, one of width 100px and the other one of 200px, considering that we want the 100px in the left side and the 200px in the right side, the left column must have {left: 0; right: 200px} and the right column {left: 100px; right: 0;}

In my opinion the unimplemented 100% height within an automated height container is a major drawback and the W3C should consider revising this attribute (which since 2018 is solvable with Flexbox and Grid).

Other resources: link1, link2, link3, link4, link5 (important)

Execute SQL script from command line

If you want to run the script file then use below in cmd

sqlcmd -U user -P pass  -S servername -d databasename -i "G:\Hiren\Lab_Prodution.sql"

iterating quickly through list of tuples

The question is dead but still knowing one more way doesn't hurt:

my_list = [ (old1, new1), (old2, new2), (old3, new3), ... (oldN, newN)]

for first,*args in my_list:
    if first == Value:
        PAIR_FOUND = True
        MATCHING_VALUE = args

Return JsonResult from web api without its properties

As someone who has worked with ASP.NET API for about 3 years, I'd recommend returning an HttpResponseMessage instead. Don't use the ActionResult or IEnumerable!

ActionResult is bad because as you've discovered.

Return IEnumerable<> is bad because you may want to extend it later and add some headers, etc.

Using JsonResult is bad because you should allow your service to be extendable and support other response formats as well just in case in the future; if you seriously want to limit it you can do so using Action Attributes, not in the action body.

public HttpResponseMessage GetAllNotificationSettings()
    var result = new List<ListItems>();
    // Filling the list with data here...

    // Then I return the list
    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result);

In my tests, I usually use the below helper method to extract my objects from the HttpResponseMessage:

 public class ResponseResultExtractor
        public T Extract<T>(HttpResponseMessage response)
            return response.Content.ReadAsAsync<T>().Result;

var actual = ResponseResultExtractor.Extract<List<ListItems>>(response);

In this way, you've achieved the below:

  • Your Action can also return Error Messages and status codes like 404 not found so in the above way you can easily handle it.
  • Your Action isn't limited to JSON only but supports JSON depending on the client's request preference and the settings in the Formatter.

Look at this:

Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)? - AdMob 6.8.0

It seems many indie developers like me are desperately looking for an answer to these questions for years. Strangely, even after 5 years this question was asked, it seems the answer to this question is still not clear.

As far as I can see, there is not any official statement in Google AdMob documentation or website about how a developer can safely answer these questions. It seems developers are left on their own in the mystery about answering some legally binding questions about the SDK.

In their support forums they can advice questioners to reach out to Apple Support:

Hi there,

I believe it would be best for you to reach out to Apple Support for your concern as it tackles with Apple Submission Guidelines rather than our SDK.

Regards, Joshua Lagonera Mobile Ads SDK Team

Or they can say that it is out of their scope of support:

Hello Robert,

On this forum, we deal with Mobile Ads SDK related technical concerns only. We would not be able to address you question as this is out of scope for our team.

Regards, Deepika Uragayala Mobile Ads SDK Team

The only answer I could find from a "Google person" is about the 4th question. It is not in the AdMob forum but in the "Tag Manager" forum but still related. It is like so:

Hi Jorn,

Apple asks you about your use of IDFA when submitting your application ( For an app that doesn't display advertising, but includes the AdSupport framework for conversion attribution, you would select the appropriate checkbox(es). In respect to the Limit Ad Tracking stipulation, all of GTM's tags that utilize IDFA respect the limit ad tracking stipulations of the SDK.


Eric Burley Google Tag Manager.

Here is an Internet Archive link in case they remove this page.

Lastly, let me mention about AdMob's only statement I've seen about this issue (here is the Internet Archive link):

The Mobile Ads SDK for iOS utilizes Apple's advertising identifier (IDFA). The SDK uses IDFA under the guidelines laid out in the iOS developer program license agreement. You must ensure you are in compliance with the iOS developer program license agreement policies governing the use of this identifier.

In conclusion, it seems most developers using AdMob simply checks 1st and 4th checkmarks and submit their apps without being completely sure about what Google exactly does in its SDK and without any official information about it. I wish good luck to us all.

How can I start pagenumbers, where the first section occurs in LaTex?

You can also reset page number counter:


However, with this technique you get wrong page numbers in Acrobat in the top left page numbers field:

\maketitle: 1
\tableofcontents: 2
\section{Introduction}: 1

How to add buttons like refresh and search in ToolBar in Android?

To control the location of the title you may want to set a custom font as explained here (by twaddington): Link

Then to relocate the position of the text, in updateMeasureState() you would add p.baselineShift += (int) (p.ascent() * R); Similarly in updateDrawState() add tp.baselineShift += (int) (tp.ascent() * R); Where R is double between -1 and 1.

Wrap text in <td> tag

<!DOCTYPE html>
table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;

    <td nowrap>Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything</td>
    <td>Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything</td>

<p>The nowrap attribute is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.</p>
