[android] Phone number formatting an EditText in Android

I am making a simple Address Book app (targeting 4.2) that takes name, address, city, state, zip and phone.

I want to format the phone number input as a phone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX, but I need to pull the value out as a string so I can store it in my database when I save. How can i do this?? I have the EditText set for "phone number" input but that obviously doesn't do too much.

This question is related to android

The answer is

Follow the instructions in this Answer to format the EditText mask.


And after that, you can catch the original numbers from the masked string with:

String phoneNumbers = maskedString.replaceAll("[^\\d]", "");

You can accept only numbers and phone number type using java code

 EditText number1 = (EditText) layout.findViewById(R.id.edittext); 
      number1.setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new InputFilter.LengthFilter(14)}); // 14 is max digits

This code will avoid lot of validations after reading input

Don't worry. I have make a most of better solution for you. You can see this simple app link below.

private EditText mPasswordField;
public int textLength = 0;

protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mPasswordField = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.password_field);

public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

    String text = mPasswordField.getText().toString();
    textLength = mPasswordField.getText().length();

    if (text.endsWith("-") || text.endsWith(" ") || text.endsWith(" "))

    if (textLength == 1) {
        if (!text.contains("(")) {
            mPasswordField.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "(").toString());

    } else if (textLength == 5) {

        if (!text.contains(")")) {
            mPasswordField.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, ")").toString());

    } else if (textLength == 6) {
            mPasswordField.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, " ").toString());

    } else if (textLength == 10) {
        if (!text.contains("-")) {
            mPasswordField.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "-").toString());
    } else if (textLength == 15) {
        if (text.contains("-")) {
            mPasswordField.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "-").toString());
    }else if (textLength == 18) {
        if (text.contains("-")) {
            mPasswordField.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "-").toString());
    } else if (textLength == 20) {
        Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, Activity2.class);



public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {


Not: Don't forget "implement TextWatcher" with your activity class.

Link :https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-yo9VvU7jyBMjJpT29xc2k5bnc

Hope you are feeling cool for this solution.

More like clean:

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {

String text = etyEditText.getText();
    int textlength = etyEditText.getText().length();

    if (text.endsWith("(") ||text.endsWith(")")|| text.endsWith(" ") || text.endsWith("-")  )

    switch (textlength){
        case 1:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "(").toString());
        case 5:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, ")").toString());
        case 6:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, " ").toString());
        case 10:
            etyEditText.setEditText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "-").toString());


You can use a Regular Expression with pattern matching to extract number from a string.

    String s="";
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+");
    Matcher m = p.matcher("(1111)123-456-789"); //editText.getText().toString()                                      
    while (m.find()) {

    Output : ............1111123456789

If you're only interested in international numbers and you'd like to be able to show the flag of the country that matches the country code in the input, I wrote a small library for that:


Here's how it looks:

library demo

Maybe below sample project helps you;


That project contains a view class call MaskedEditText. As first, you should add it in your project.

Then you add below xml part in res/values/attrs.xml file of project;

    <declare-styleable name="MaskedEditText">
        <attr name="mask" format="string" />
        <attr name="placeholder" format="string" />

Then you will be ready to use MaskedEditText view.

As last, you should add MaskedEditText in your xml file what you want like below;

    app:mask="(999) 999-9999"
    app:placeholder="_" >

Of course that, you can use it programmatically.

After those steps, adding MaskedEditText will appear like below;

enter image description here

As programmatically, if you want to take it's text value as unmasked, you may use below row;


To take masked value, you may send false value instead of true value in the getText method.

You can use spawns to format phone numbers in Android. This solution is better than the others because it does not change input text. Formatting remains purely visual.

implementation 'com.googlecode.libphonenumber:libphonenumber:7.0.4'

Formatter class:

open class PhoneNumberFormatter : TransformationMethod {
private val mFormatter: AsYouTypeFormatter = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance().getAsYouTypeFormatter(Locale.getDefault().country)

override fun getTransformation(source: CharSequence, view: View): CharSequence {
    val formatted = format(source)
    if (source is Spannable) {
        setSpans(source, formatted)
        return source
    return formatted
override fun onFocusChanged(view: View?, sourceText: CharSequence?, focused: Boolean, direction: Int, previouslyFocusedRect: Rect?) = Unit

private fun setSpans(spannable: Spannable, formatted: CharSequence): CharSequence {


    var charterIndex = 0
    var formattedIndex = 0
    var spawn = ""
    val spawns: List<String> = spannable
        .map {
            spawn = ""
            charterIndex = formatted.indexOf(it, formattedIndex)
            if (charterIndex != -1){
                spawn = formatted.substring(formattedIndex, charterIndex-1)
                formattedIndex = charterIndex+1

    spawns.forEachIndexed { index, sequence ->
        spannable.setSpan(CharterSpan(sequence), index, index + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE)

    return formatted

private fun Spannable.clearSpawns() =
        .getSpans(0, this.length, CharterSpan::class.java)
        .forEach { this.removeSpan(it) }

private fun format(spannable: CharSequence): String {
    var formated = ""
    for (i in 0 until spannable.length) {
        formated = mFormatter.inputDigit(spannable[i])
    return formated

private inner class CharterSpan(private val charters: String) : ReplacementSpan() {

    var space = 0

    override fun getSize(paint: Paint, text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int, fm: Paint.FontMetricsInt?): Int {
        space = Math.round(paint.measureText(charters, 0, charters.length))
        return Math.round(paint.measureText(text, start, end)) + space

    override fun draw(canvas: Canvas, text: CharSequence, start: Int, end: Int, x: Float, top: Int, y: Int, bottom: Int, paint: Paint) {
        space = Math.round(paint.measureText(charters, 0, charters.length))
        canvas.drawText(text, start, end, x + space, y.toFloat(), paint)
        canvas.drawText(charters, x, y.toFloat(), paint)



editText.transformationMethod = formatter

//(123) 456 7890  formate set

private int textlength = 0;

public class MyPhoneTextWatcher implements TextWatcher {

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {

        String text = etMobile.getText().toString();
        textlength = etMobile.getText().length();

        if (text.endsWith(" "))

        if (textlength == 1) {
            if (!text.contains("(")) {
                etMobile.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, "(").toString());

        } else if (textlength == 5) {

            if (!text.contains(")")) {
                etMobile.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, ")").toString());

        } else if (textlength == 6 || textlength == 10) {
            etMobile.setText(new StringBuilder(text).insert(text.length() - 1, " ").toString());

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {

Simply Use This :

In Java Code :

editText.addTextChangedListener(new PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher());

In XML Code :


This code work for me. It'll auto format when text changed in edit text.

You need to create a class:

public class PhoneTextFormatter implements TextWatcher {

    private final String TAG = this.getClass().getSimpleName();

    private EditText mEditText;

    private String mPattern;

    public PhoneTextFormatter(EditText editText, String pattern) {
        mEditText = editText;
        mPattern = pattern;
        //set max length of string
        int maxLength = pattern.length();
        mEditText.setFilters(new InputFilter[]{new InputFilter.LengthFilter(maxLength)});

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {


    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
        StringBuilder phone = new StringBuilder(s);

        Log.d(TAG, "join");

        if (count > 0 && !isValid(phone.toString())) {
            for (int i = 0; i < phone.length(); i++) {
                Log.d(TAG, String.format("%s", phone));
                char c = mPattern.charAt(i);

                if ((c != '#') && (c != phone.charAt(i))) {
                    phone.insert(i, c);


    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {


    private boolean isValid(String phone)
        for (int i = 0; i < phone.length(); i++) {
            char c = mPattern.charAt(i);

            if (c == '#') continue;

            if (c != phone.charAt(i)) {
                return false;

        return true;

Use this as follows:

phone = view.findViewById(R.id.phone);
phone.addTextChangedListener(new PhoneTextFormatter(phone, "+7 (###) ###-####"));

I've recently done a similar formatting like 1 (XXX) XXX-XXXX for Android EditText. Please find the code below. Just use the TextWatcher sub-class as the text changed listener : ....

UsPhoneNumberFormatter addLineNumberFormatter = new UsPhoneNumberFormatter(
            new WeakReference<EditText>(mYourEditText));


private class UsPhoneNumberFormatter implements TextWatcher {
    //This TextWatcher sub-class formats entered numbers as 1 (123) 456-7890
    private boolean mFormatting; // this is a flag which prevents the
                                    // stack(onTextChanged)
    private boolean clearFlag;
    private int mLastStartLocation;
    private String mLastBeforeText;
    private WeakReference<EditText> mWeakEditText;

    public UsPhoneNumberFormatter(WeakReference<EditText> weakEditText) {
        this.mWeakEditText = weakEditText;

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
            int after) {
        if (after == 0 && s.toString().equals("1 ")) {
            clearFlag = true;
        mLastStartLocation = start;
        mLastBeforeText = s.toString();

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
            int count) {
        // TODO: Do nothing

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        // Make sure to ignore calls to afterTextChanged caused by the work
        // done below
        if (!mFormatting) {
            mFormatting = true;
            int curPos = mLastStartLocation;
            String beforeValue = mLastBeforeText;
            String currentValue = s.toString();
            String formattedValue = formatUsNumber(s);
            if (currentValue.length() > beforeValue.length()) {
                int setCusorPos = formattedValue.length()
                        - (beforeValue.length() - curPos);
                mWeakEditText.get().setSelection(setCusorPos < 0 ? 0 : setCusorPos);
            } else {
                int setCusorPos = formattedValue.length()
                        - (currentValue.length() - curPos);
                if(setCusorPos > 0 && !Character.isDigit(formattedValue.charAt(setCusorPos -1))){
                mWeakEditText.get().setSelection(setCusorPos < 0 ? 0 : setCusorPos);
            mFormatting = false;

    private String formatUsNumber(Editable text) {
        StringBuilder formattedString = new StringBuilder();
        // Remove everything except digits
        int p = 0;
        while (p < text.length()) {
            char ch = text.charAt(p);
            if (!Character.isDigit(ch)) {
                text.delete(p, p + 1);
            } else {
        // Now only digits are remaining
        String allDigitString = text.toString();

        int totalDigitCount = allDigitString.length();

        if (totalDigitCount == 0
                || (totalDigitCount > 10 && !allDigitString.startsWith("1"))
                || totalDigitCount > 11) {
            // May be the total length of input length is greater than the
            // expected value so we'll remove all formatting
            return allDigitString;
        int alreadyPlacedDigitCount = 0;
        // Only '1' is remaining and user pressed backspace and so we clear
        // the edit text.
        if (allDigitString.equals("1") && clearFlag) {
            clearFlag = false;
            return "";
        if (allDigitString.startsWith("1")) {
            formattedString.append("1 ");
        // The first 3 numbers beyond '1' must be enclosed in brackets "()"
        if (totalDigitCount - alreadyPlacedDigitCount > 3) {
                    + allDigitString.substring(alreadyPlacedDigitCount,
                            alreadyPlacedDigitCount + 3) + ") ");
            alreadyPlacedDigitCount += 3;
        // There must be a '-' inserted after the next 3 numbers
        if (totalDigitCount - alreadyPlacedDigitCount > 3) {
                    alreadyPlacedDigitCount, alreadyPlacedDigitCount + 3)
                    + "-");
            alreadyPlacedDigitCount += 3;
        // All the required formatting is done so we'll just copy the
        // remaining digits.
        if (totalDigitCount > alreadyPlacedDigitCount) {

        return formattedString.toString();


Simply use the PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher, just call:

editText.addTextChangedListener(new PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher());

To be clear, PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher's backbone is the PhoneNumberUtils class. The difference is the TextWatcher maintains the EditText while you must call PhoneNumberUtils.formatNumber() every time you change its contents.