I think that forcing a class or an instance to be a singleton is overkill. Personally, I like to define a normal instantiable class, a semi-private reference, and a simple factory function.
class NothingSpecial:
_the_one_and_only = None
def TheOneAndOnly():
global _the_one_and_only
if not _the_one_and_only:
_the_one_and_only = NothingSpecial()
return _the_one_and_only
Or if there is no issue with instantiating when the module is first imported:
class NothingSpecial:
THE_ONE_AND_ONLY = NothingSpecial()
That way you can write tests against fresh instances without side effects, and there is no need for sprinkling the module with global statements, and if needed you can derive variants in the future.