Programs & Examples On #Google api java client

The Google APIs Client Library for Java is a flexible, efficient, and powerful Java client library for accessing any HTTP-based API on the web, not just Google APIs.

OAuth2 and Google API: access token expiration time?

The default expiry_date for google oauth2 access token is 1 hour. The expiry_date is in the Unix epoch time in milliseconds. If you want to read this in human readable format then you can simply check it here..Unix timestamp to human readable time

What is the difference between 'protected' and 'protected internal'?

This table shows the difference. protected internal is the same as protected, except it also allows access from other classes in the same assembly.

Comparison of C# modifiers

How do I manage MongoDB connections in a Node.js web application?

Best approach to implement connection pooling is you should create one global array variable which hold db name with connection object returned by MongoClient and then reuse that connection whenever you need to contact Database.

  1. In your Server.js define var global.dbconnections = [];

  2. Create a Service naming connectionService.js. It will have 2 methods getConnection and createConnection. So when user will call getConnection(), it will find detail in global connection variable and return connection details if already exists else it will call createConnection() and return connection Details.

  3. Call this service using db_name and it will return connection object if it already have else it will create new connection and return it to you.

Hope it helps :)

Here is the connectionService.js code:

var mongo = require('mongoskin');
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
var Q = require('q');
var service = {};
service.getConnection = getConnection ;
module.exports = service;

function getConnection(appDB){
    var deferred = Q.defer();
    var connectionDetails=global.dbconnections.find(item=>item.appDB==appDB)

    return deferred.promise;

function createConnection(appDB){
    var deferred = Q.defer();
    mongodb.MongoClient.connect(connectionServer + appDB, (err,database)=> 
        if(err) deferred.reject( + ': ' + err.message);
        global.dbconnections.push({appDB: appDB,  connection: database});
     return deferred.promise;

htaccess redirect if URL contains a certain string

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^/foobar/i$ index.php [NE,L]

How to create a fixed sidebar layout with Bootstrap 4?

My version:

div#dashmain { margin-left:150px; }
div#dashside {position:fixed; width:150px; height:100%; }
<div id="dashside"></div>
<div id="dashmain">                        
    <div class="container-fluid">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">Content</div>

Check for special characters in string

Remove the characters ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string) from the regular expression.

var format = /[!@#$%^&*()_+\-=\[\]{};':"\\|,.<>\/?]/;

Stream file using ASP.NET MVC FileContentResult in a browser with a name?

public ActionResult Index()
    byte[] contents = FetchPdfBytes();
    return File(contents, "application/pdf", "test.pdf");

and for opening the PDF inside the browser you will need to set the Content-Disposition header:

public ActionResult Index()
    byte[] contents = FetchPdfBytes();
    Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=test.pdf");
    return File(contents, "application/pdf");

How to convert 1 to true or 0 to false upon model fetch

Use a double not:

!!1 = true;

!!0 = false;

obj.isChecked = !!parseInt(obj.isChecked);

How do you implement a class in C?

Also see this answer and this one

It is possible. It always seems like a good idea at the time but afterwards it becomes a maintenance nightmare. Your code become littered with pieces of code tying everything together. A new programmer will have lots of problems reading and understanding the code if you use function pointers since it will not be obvious what functions is called.

Data hiding with get/set functions is easy to implement in C but stop there. I have seen multiple attempts at this in the embedded environment and in the end it is always a maintenance problem.

Since you all ready have maintenance issues I would steer clear.

How to debug an apache virtual host configuration?

First check out config files for syntax errors with apachectl configtest and then look into apache error logs.

Convert a bitmap into a byte array

I believe you may simply do:

ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter();
var bytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(img, typeof(byte[]));

HTML5 phone number validation with pattern

enter image description here


  • Minimum digits 10
  • Maximum digits 10
  • number starts with 7,8,9

How to send Request payload to REST API in java?

The following code works for me.

//escape the double quotes in json string
String payload="{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"changeDetail\",\"params\":[{\"id\":11376}],\"id\":2}";
String requestUrl="";
sendPostRequest(requestUrl, payload);

method implementation:

public static String sendPostRequest(String requestUrl, String payload) {
    try {
        URL url = new URL(requestUrl);
        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

        connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
        connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8");
        OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
        StringBuffer jsonString = new StringBuffer();
        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
        return jsonString.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());


multiple plot in one figure in Python

The OP states that each plot element overwrites the previous one rather than being combined into a single plot. This can happen even with one of the many suggestions made by other answers. If you select several lines and run them together, say:

plt.plot(<X>, <Y>)
plt.plot(<X>, <Z>)

the plot elements will typically be rendered together, one layer on top of the other. But if you execute the code line-by-line, each plot will overwrite the previous one.

This perhaps is what happened to the OP. It just happened to me: I had set up a new key binding to execute code by a single key press (on spyder), but my key binding was executing only the current line. The solution was to select lines by whole blocks or to run the whole file.

Counting no of rows returned by a select query

SQL Server requires subqueries that you SELECT FROM or JOIN to have an alias.

Add an alias to your subquery (in this case x):

select COUNT(*) from
select m.Company_id
from Monitor as m
    inner join Monitor_Request as mr on mr.Company_ID=m.Company_id
    group by m.Company_id
    having COUNT(m.Monitor_id)>=5)  x

How to increase the gap between text and underlining in CSS

just use

   text-decoration-line: underline;
   text-underline-offset: 2px;

How to delete a remote tag?

Just wanted to share an alias I created which does the same thing:

Add the following to your ~/.gitconfig

    delete-tag = "!f() { \
            echo 'deleting tag' $1 'from remote/origin ausing command: git push --delete origin tagName;'; \
            git push --delete origin $1; \
            echo 'deleting tag' $1 'from local using command: git tag -d tagName;'; \
            git tag -d $1; \
        }; f"

The usage looks like:

-->git delete-tag v1.0-DeleteMe
deleting tag v1.0-DeleteMe from remote/origin ausing command: git push --delete origin tagName;
 - [deleted]             v1.0-DeleteMe
deleting tag v1.0-DeleteMe from local using command: git tag -d tagName;
Deleted tag 'v1.0-DeleteMe' (was 300d3ef22)

Sort Dictionary by keys

"sorted" in iOS 9 & xcode 7.3, swift 2.2 is impossible, change "sorted" to "sort", like this:

let dictionary = ["main course": 10.99, "dessert": 2.99, "salad": 5.99]
let sortedKeysAndValues = Array(dictionary).sort({ $0.0 < $1.0 })

//sortedKeysAndValues = ["desert": 2.99, "main course": 10.99, "salad": 5.99]

Passing route control with optional parameter after root in express?

That would work depending on what client.get does when passed undefined as its first parameter.

Something like this would be safer:

app.get('/:key?', function(req, res, next) {
    var key = req.params.key;
    if (!key) {
    client.get(key, function(err, reply) {
        if(client.get(reply)) {
        else {
            res.render('index', {
                link: null

There's no problem in calling next() inside the callback.

According to this, handlers are invoked in the order that they are added, so as long as your next route is app.get('/', ...) it will be called if there is no key.

Setting Short Value Java

In Java, integer literals are of type int by default. For some other types, you may suffix the literal with a case-insensitive letter like L, D, F to specify a long, double, or float, respectively. Note it is common practice to use uppercase letters for better readability.

The Java Language Specification does not provide the same syntactic sugar for byte or short types. Instead, you may declare it as such using explicit casting:

byte foo = (byte)0;
short bar = (short)0;

In your setLongValue(100L) method call, you don't have to necessarily include the L suffix because in this case the int literal is automatically widened to a long. This is called widening primitive conversion in the Java Language Specification.

What are the benefits to marking a field as `readonly` in C#?

The readonly keyword is used to declare a member variable a constant, but allows the value to be calculated at runtime. This differs from a constant declared with the const modifier, which must have its value set at compile time. Using readonly you can set the value of the field either in the declaration, or in the constructor of the object that the field is a member of.

Also use it if you don't want to have to recompile external DLLs that reference the constant (since it gets replaced at compile time).

Using BETWEEN in CASE SQL statement

Take out the MONTHS from your case, and remove the brackets... like this:

    WHEN RATE_DATE BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-31' THEN 'JANUARY'

You can think of this as being equivalent to:

    WHEN RATE_DATE BETWEEN '2010-01-01' AND '2010-01-31' THEN 'JANUARY'

Error while retrieving information from the server RPC:s-7:AEC-0 in Google play?

This worked for me when I encountered the same issue on my KitKat. Remove your account from the device (Settings > Accounts > Google > Remove Account)

Remove the following data: Settings> Applications > All> Downloads > delete data. Settings> Applications > All> Play Store> delete data. Settings> Apps > All> Google Services Framework (or if they have it in English: Google Service Framework) > delete data.

Log in again and it was fixed for me.

LaTeX: remove blank page after a \part or \chapter

You don't say what class you are using, but I'm guessing it is the standard book. In which case the page clearing is a feature of he class which you can override as Mica suggests, or solve by switching to another class. The standard report class is similar to book, or the memoir class is an improved book and is very flexible indeed.

How to call getClass() from a static method in Java?

In Java7+ you can do this in static methods/fields:


How to display a list of images in a ListView in Android?

I came up with a solution that I call “BatchImageDownloader” that has served well. Here’s a quick summary of how it is used:

  • Keep a global HashMap (ideally in your Application object) that serves as a cache of drawable objects

  • In the getView() method of your List Adapter, use the drawable from the cache for populating the ImageView in your list item.

  • Create an instance of BatchImageDownloader, passing in your ListView Adapter

  • Call addUrl() for each image that needs to be fetched/displayed

  • When done, call execute(). This fires an AsyncTask that fetches all images, and as each image is fetched and added to the cache, it refreshes your ListView (by calling notifyDataSetChanged())

The approach has the following advantages:

  • A single worker thread is used to fetch all images, rather than a separate thread for each image/view
  • Once an image is fetched, all list items that use it are instantly updated
  • The code does not access the Image View in your List Item directly – instead it triggers a listview refresh by calling notifyDataSetChanged() on your List Adapter, and the getView() implementation simply pulls the drawable from the cache and displays it. This avoids the problems associated with recycled View objects used in ListViews.

Here is the source code of BatchImageDownloader:

package com.mobrite.androidutils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;

import android.os.AsyncTask;
import android.widget.BaseAdapter;

public class BatchImageDownloader extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

    List<String> imgUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
    BaseAdapter adapter;
    HashMap<String, Drawable> imageCache;

    public BatchImageDownloader(BaseAdapter adapter,
            HashMap<String, Drawable> imageCache) {
        this.adapter = adapter;
        this.imageCache = imageCache;

    public void addUrl(String url) {

    protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
        for (String url : imgUrls) {
            if (!imageCache.containsKey(url)) {
                Drawable bm = downloadImage(url);
                if (null != bm) {
                    imageCache.put(url, bm);
        return null;

    protected void onProgressUpdate(Void... values) {

    protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {

    public Drawable downloadImage(String url) {

        DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url);
        try {
            HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
            InputStream stream = response.getEntity().getContent();
            Drawable drawable = Drawable.createFromStream(stream, "src");
            return drawable;
        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            return null;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;



Play audio file from the assets directory

enter image description here

start sound



private void startSound(String filename) {
    AssetFileDescriptor afd = null;
    try {
        afd = getResources().getAssets().openFd(filename);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    MediaPlayer player = new MediaPlayer();
    try {
        assert afd != null;
        player.setDataSource(afd.getFileDescriptor(), afd.getStartOffset(), afd.getLength());
    } catch (IOException e) {
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {

How to make the HTML link activated by clicking on the <li>?

jqyery this is another version with jquery a little less shorter. assuming that the <a> element is inside de <li> element


Objective-C: Calling selectors with multiple arguments

In Objective-C, a selector's signature consists of:

  1. The name of the method (in this case it would be 'myTest') (required)
  2. A ':' (colon) following the method name if the method has an input.
  3. A name and ':' for every additional input.

Selectors have no knowledge of:

  1. The input types
  2. The method's return type.

Here's a class implementation where performMethodsViaSelectors method performs the other class methods by way of selectors:

@implementation ClassForSelectors
- (void) fooNoInputs {
    NSLog(@"Does nothing");
- (void) fooOneIput:(NSString*) first {
    NSLog(@"Logs %@", first);
- (void) fooFirstInput:(NSString*) first secondInput:(NSString*) second {
    NSLog(@"Logs %@ then %@", first, second);
- (void) performMethodsViaSelectors {
    [self performSelector:@selector(fooNoInputs)];
    [self performSelector:@selector(fooOneInput:) withObject:@"first"];
    [self performSelector:@selector(fooFirstInput:secondInput:) withObject:@"first" withObject:@"second"];

The method you want to create a selector for has a single input, so you would create a selector for it like so:

SEL myTestSelector = @selector(myTest:);

Angular: How to download a file from HttpClient?

It took me a while to implement the other responses, as I'm using Angular 8 (tested up to 10). I ended up with the following code (heavily inspired by Hasan).

Note that for the name to be set, the header Access-Control-Expose-Headers MUST include Content-Disposition. To set this in django RF:

http_response = HttpResponse(package, content_type='application/javascript')
http_response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(filename)
http_response['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = "Content-Disposition"

In angular:

  // component.ts
  // getFileName not necessary, you can just set this as a string if you wish
  getFileName(response: HttpResponse<Blob>) {
    let filename: string;
    try {
      const contentDisposition: string = response.headers.get('content-disposition');
      const r = /(?:filename=")(.+)(?:")/
      filename = r.exec(contentDisposition)[1];
    catch (e) {
      filename = 'myfile.txt'
    return filename

  downloadFile() {
        (response: HttpResponse<Blob>) => {
          let filename: string = this.getFileName(response)
          let binaryData = [];
          let downloadLink = document.createElement('a');
          downloadLink.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(binaryData, { type: 'blob' }));
          downloadLink.setAttribute('download', filename);

  // service.ts
  downloadFile(uuid: string) {
    return this._http.get<Blob>(`${environment.apiUrl}/api/v1/file/${uuid}/package/`, { observe: 'response', responseType: 'blob' as 'json' })

How can I create a dynamically sized array of structs?

If you want to grow the array dynamically, you should use malloc() to dynamically allocate some fixed amount of memory, and then use realloc() whenever you run out. A common technique is to use an exponential growth function such that you allocate some small fixed amount and then make the array grow by duplicating the allocated amount.

Some example code would be:

size = 64; i = 0;
x = malloc(sizeof(words)*size); /* enough space for 64 words */
while (read_words()) {
    if (++i > size) {
        size *= 2;
        x = realloc(sizeof(words) * size);
/* done with x */

MySQL dump by query

not mysqldump, but mysql cli...

mysql -e "select * from myTable" -u myuser -pxxxxxxxxx mydatabase

you can redirect it out to a file if you want :

mysql -e "select * from myTable" -u myuser -pxxxxxxxx mydatabase > mydumpfile.txt

Update: Original post asked if he could dump from the database by query. What he asked and what he meant were different. He really wanted to just mysqldump all tables.

mysqldump --tables myTable --where="id < 1000"

How to make System.out.println() shorter

Using System.out.println() is bad practice (better use logging framework) -> you should not have many occurences in your code base. Using another method to simply shorten it does not seem a good option.

Inheritance with base class constructor with parameters

The problem is that the base class foo has no parameterless constructor. So you must call constructor of the base class with parameters from constructor of the derived class:

public bar(int a, int b) : base(a, b)
    c = a * b;

Javascript - Regex to validate date format

Format, days, months and year:

var regex = /^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$/;

What's the difference between identifying and non-identifying relationships?

A complement to Daniel Dinnyes' answer:

On a non-identifying relationship, you can't have the same Primary Key column (let's say, "ID") twice with the same value.

However, with an identifyinig relationship, you can have the same value show up twice for the "ID" column, as long as it has a different "otherColumn_ID" Foreign Key value, because the primary key is the combination of both columns.

Note that it doesn't matter if the FK is "non-null" or not! ;-)

Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by constant reference?

Depends on the type. You are adding the small overhead of having to make a reference and dereference. For types with a size equal or smaller than pointers that are using the default copy ctor, it would probably be faster to pass by value.

Setting timezone to UTC (0) in PHP

In PHP DateTime (PHP >= 5.3)

$dt = new DateTime();
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
echo $dt->getTimestamp();

SelectSingleNode returning null for known good xml node path using XPath

If you want to ignore namespaces completely, you can use this:

static void Main(string[] args)
    string xml =
        "<My_RootNode xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns=\"\">\n" +
        "    <id root=\"2.16.840.1.113883.\" extension=\"someIdentifier\" xmlns=\"urn:hl7-org:v3\" />\n" +
        "    <creationTime xsi:nil=\"true\" xmlns=\"urn:hl7-org:v3\" />\n" +

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

    XmlNode idNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("/*[local-name()='My_RootNode']/*[local-name()='id']");

What is a None value?

Other answers have already explained meaning of None beautifully. However, I would still like to throw more light on this using an example.


def extendList(val, list=[]):
    return list

list1 = extendList(10)
list2 = extendList(123,[])
list3 = extendList('a')

print "list1 = %s" % list1
print "list2 = %s" % list2
print "list3 = %s" % list3

Now try to guess output of above list. Well, the answer is surprisingly as below:

list1 = [10, 'a']
list2 = [123]
list3 = [10, 'a']

But Why?

Many will mistakenly expect list1 to be equal to [10] and list3 to be equal to ['a'], thinking that the list argument will be set to its default value of [] each time extendList is called.

However, what actually happens is that the new default list is created only once when the function is defined, and that same list is then used subsequently whenever extendList is invoked without a list argument being specified. This is because expressions in default arguments are calculated when the function is defined, not when it’s called.

list1 and list3 are therefore operating on the same default list, whereas list2 is operating on a separate list that it created (by passing its own empty list as the value for the list parameter).

'None' the savior: (Modify example above to produce desired behavior)

def extendList(val, list=None):
    if list is None:
       list = []
    return list

list1 = extendList(10)
list2 = extendList(123,[])
list3 = extendList('a')

print "list1 = %s" % list1
print "list2 = %s" % list2
print "list3 = %s" % list3

With this revised implementation, the output would be:

list1 = [10]
list2 = [123]
list3 = ['a']

Note - Example credit to

Load and execute external js file in node.js with access to local variables?

Expanding on @Shripad's and @Ivan's answer, I would recommend that you use Node.js's standard module.export functionality.

In your file for constants (e.g. constants.js), you'd write constants like this:

const CONST1 = 1;
module.exports.CONST1 = CONST1;

const CONST2 = 2;
module.exports.CONST2 = CONST2;

Then in the file in which you want to use those constants, write the following code:

const {CONST1 , CONST2} = require('./constants.js');

If you've never seen the const { ... } syntax before: that's destructuring assignment.

Build an iOS app without owning a mac?

Let me tell you step by step few years back I was in same situation.

So We have two Phases

  1. iPhone/iPad (iOS) app development
  2. iPhone/iPad (iOS) app development and Publish to iTunes Store

1. iPhone/iPad (iOS) app development

So If you just want to develop iOS apps you don't want to pay anything,

You just need Mac + XCode IDE

  1. Get Mac Mini or Mac Machine
  2. Create Developer Account on Apple its free
  3. After login developer account you can download Xcode IDE's .dmg file
  4. That's all.

Now you just install Xcode and start developing iOS apps and test/debug with Simulator..

2. iPhone/iPad (iOS) app development and Publish to iTunes Store

for publishing your app on iTunes store you need to pay (example $99 / year) .

So For complete iOS Development Setup you need

  1. Get Mac Mini or Mac Machine
  2. Create Developer Account on Apple its free
  3. After login developer account you can download Xcode IDE's .dmg file
  4. pay $99 for publish apps on iTunes
  5. create your certificates for development/distribution on your apple account
  6. download all certificate on mac machine and install into XCode using Keychain tool
  7. Get at least one iOS Device
  8. Register you device on your apple account
  9. Now you can develop iOS app, test on Real Device and also publish on iTunes Store

pip install from git repo branch

Using pip with git+ to clone a repository can be extremely slow (test with for example, it will take a few minutes). The fastest thing I've found, which works with GitHub and BitBucket, is:

pip install

which becomes for Django master:

pip install

for Django stable/1.7.x:

pip install

With BitBucket it's about the same predictable pattern:

pip install

Here, the master branch is generally named default. This will make your requirements.txt installing much faster.

Some other answers mention variations required when placing the package to be installed into your requirements.txt. Note that with this archive syntax, the leading -e and trailing #egg=blah-blah are not required, and you can just simply paste the URL, so your requirements.txt looks like:

Why is char[] preferred over String for passwords?

Strings are immutable. That means once you've created the String, if another process can dump memory, there's no way (aside from reflection) you can get rid of the data before garbage collection kicks in.

With an array, you can explicitly wipe the data after you're done with it. You can overwrite the array with anything you like, and the password won't be present anywhere in the system, even before garbage collection.

So yes, this is a security concern - but even using char[] only reduces the window of opportunity for an attacker, and it's only for this specific type of attack.

As noted in the comments, it's possible that arrays being moved by the garbage collector will leave stray copies of the data in memory. I believe this is implementation-specific - the garbage collector may clear all memory as it goes, to avoid this sort of thing. Even if it does, there's still the time during which the char[] contains the actual characters as an attack window.

How to install a specific version of a package with pip?

Use ==:

pip install django_modeltranslation==0.4.0-beta2

Indirectly referenced from required .class file

How are you adding your Weblogic classes to the classpath in Eclipse? Are you using WTP, and a server runtime? If so, is your server runtime associated with your project?

If you right click on your project and choose build path->configure build path and then choose the libraries tab. You should see the weblogic libraries associated here. If you do not you can click Add Library->Server Runtime. If the library is not there, then you first need to configure it. Windows->Preferences->Server->Installed runtimes

Read file data without saving it in Flask

I was trying to do the exact same thing, open a text file (a CSV for Pandas actually). Don't want to make a copy of it, just want to open it. The form-WTF has a nice file browser, but then it opens the file and makes a temporary file, which it presents as a memory stream. With a little work under the hood,

form = UploadForm() 
 if form.validate_on_submit(): 
      filename = secure_filename(  
      filestream =
      ef = pd.read_csv( filestream  )
      sr = pd.DataFrame(ef)  
      return render_template('dataframe.html',tables=[sr.to_html(justify='center, classes='table table-bordered table-hover')],titles = [filename], form=form) 

CSS: Set Div height to 100% - Pixels

100vh works for me, but at first I had used javascript (actually jQuery, but you can adapt it), to tackle a similar problw.


  <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="header">header</div>
    <div id="content">content</div>


var innerWindowHeight = $(window).height();
var headerHeight = $("#header").height();
var contentHeight = innerWindowHeight - headerHeight;
$(".content").height(contentHeight + "px");

Alternately, you can just use 111px if you don't want to calculate headerHeight.

Also, you may want to put this in a window resize event, to rerun the script if the window height increases for example.

Python: converting a list of dictionaries to json

To convert it to a single dictionary with some decided keys value, you can use the code below.

data = ListOfDict.copy()
PrecedingText = "Obs_"
ListOfDictAsDict = {}
for i in range(len(data)):
    ListOfDictAsDict[PrecedingText + str(i)] = data[i]

How to search all loaded scripts in Chrome Developer Tools?

Search All Files with Control+Shift+F or Console->[Search tab]

enter image description here

NOTE: Global Search shows up next to the CONSOLE menu

Select first occurring element after another element

#many .more.selectors h4 + p { ... }

This is called the adjacent sibling selector.

Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed

Only call time pass-by-reference is removed. So change:

call_user_func($func, &$this, &$client ...

To this:

call_user_func($func, $this, $client ...

&$this should never be needed after PHP4 anyway period.

If you absolutely need $client to be passed by reference, update the function ($func) signature instead (function func(&$client) {) cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

For Red Hat :

sudo yum install libstdc++.i686
sudo yum install libstdc++-devel.i686

How can I analyze a heap dump in IntelliJ? (memory leak)

I would like to update the answers above to 2018 and say to use both VisualVM and Eclipse MAT.

How to use:

VisualVM is used for live monitoring and dump heap. You can also analyze the heap dumps there with great power, however MAT have more capabilities (such as automatic analysis to find leaks) and therefore, I read the VisualVM dump output (.hprof file) into MAT.

Get VisualVM:

Download VisualVM here:

You also need to download the plugin for Intellij: enter image description here

Then you'll see in intellij another 2 new orange icons: enter image description here

Once you run your app with an orange one, in VisualVM you'll see your process on the left, and data on the right. Sit some time and learn this tool, it is very powerful: enter image description here

Get Eclipse's Memory Analysis Tool (MAT) as a standalone:

Download here:

And this is how it looks: enter image description here enter image description here

Hope it helps!

Excel VBA Open workbook, perform actions, save as, close

I'll try and answer several different things, however my contribution may not cover all of your questions. Maybe several of us can take different chunks out of this. However, this info should be helpful for you. Here we go..

Opening A Seperate File:

ChDir "[Path here]"                          'get into the right folder here
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'include the filename in this path

'copy data into current workbook or whatever you want here

ActiveWindow.Close                          'closes out the file

Opening A File With Specified Date If It Exists:

I'm not sure how to search your directory to see if a file exists, but in my case I wouldn't bother to search for it, I'd just try to open it and put in some error checking so that if it doesn't exist then display this message or do xyz.

Some common error checking statements:

On Error Resume Next   'if error occurs continues on to the next line (ignores it)

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

Or (better option):

if one doesn't exist then bring up either a message box or dialogue box to say "the file does not exist, would you like to create a new one?

you would most likely want to use the GoTo ErrorHandler shown below to achieve this

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

ChDir "[Path here]"                         
Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

Much more info on Error handling here:

Also if you want to learn more or need to know more generally in VBA I would recommend Siddharth Rout's site, he has lots of tutorials and example code here:

Hope this helps!

Example on how to ensure error code doesn't run EVERYtime:

if you debug through the code without the Exit Sub BEFORE the error handler you'll soon realize the error handler will be run everytime regarldess of if there is an error or not. The link below the code example shows a previous answer to this question.

  Sub Macro

    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:

    ChDir "[Path here]"                         
    Workbooks.Open Filename:= "[Path here]"      'try to open file here

    Exit Sub      'Code will exit BEFORE ErrorHandler if everything goes smoothly
                  'Otherwise, on error, ErrorHandler will be run

    'Display error message or any code you want to run on error here

  End Sub

Also, look at this other question in you need more reference to how this works: goto block not working VBA

Get product id and product type in magento?

<?php if( $_product->getTypeId() == 'simple' ): ?>
//your code for simple products only
<?php endif; ?>

<?php if( $_product->getTypeId() == 'grouped' ): ?>
//your code for grouped products only
<?php endif; ?>

So on. It works! Magento 1.6.1, place in the view.phtml

On Windows, running "import tensorflow" generates No module named "_pywrap_tensorflow" error

The problem was the cuDNN Library for me. I was able to run the test code after adding the directory (possibly bin folder) of the cuDNN DLL (not LIB file) in the Windows PATH.

For the reference, I installed TensorFlow from the source using PIP and my OS: Windows 7 and IDE: Visual Studio 2015.

How do I make jQuery wait for an Ajax call to finish before it returns?

I am not using $.ajax but the $.post and $.get functions, so if I need to wait for the response, I use this:

$.ajaxSetup({async: false});

jQuery 'input' event

$("input#myId").bind('keyup', function (e) {    
    // Do Stuff

working in both IE and chrome

Copy text from nano editor to shell

Nano to Shell:

1. Using mouse to mark the text.

2. Right-Click the mouse in the Shell.

Within Nano:

1. CTRL+6 (or hold Shift and move cursor) for Mark Set and mark what you want (the end could do some extra help).

2. ALT+6 for copying the marked text.

3. CTRL+u at the place you want to paste.


1. CTRL+6 (or hold Shift and move cursor) for Mark Set and mark what you want (the end could do some extra help).

2. CTRL+k for cutting what you want to copy

3. CTRL+u for pasting what you have just cut because you just want to copy.

4. CTRL+u at the place you want to paste.

HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents

I have encountered similar myself before for 2 reasons; 1. MVC is not installed. 2. The url routing module is not registered (this varies by machine in my workplace for a reason I cannot fully explain - it is not always registered at a system level ), try registering it in the application web.config:

         <add name="UrlRoutingModule" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule, System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" /> 

Edit: I forgot to add the location for iis 7+:


         <add name="UrlRoutingModule" type="System.Web.Routing.UrlRoutingModule, System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35" /> 

Breaking a list into multiple columns in Latex

Using the multicol package and embedding your list in a multicols environment does what you want:


    \item a
    \item b
    \item c
    \item d
    \item e
    \item f

Disable SSL fallback and use only TLS for outbound connections in .NET? (Poodle mitigation)

We are doing the same thing. To support only TLS 1.2 and no SSL protocols, you can do this:

System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

SecurityProtocolType.Tls is only TLS 1.0, not all TLS versions.

As a side: If you want to check that your site does not allow SSL connections, you can do so here (I don't think this will be affected by the above setting, we had to edit the registry to force IIS to use TLS for incoming connections):

To disable SSL 2.0 and 3.0 in IIS, see this page:

Python script to copy text to clipboard

I try this clipboard 0.0.4 and it works well.

import clipboard
clipboard.copy("abc")  # now the clipboard content will be string "abc"
text = clipboard.paste()  # text will have the content of clipboard

What does the construct x = x || y mean?

Quote: "What does the construct x = x || y mean?"

Assigning a default value.

This means providing a default value of y to x, in case x is still waiting for its value but hasn't received it yet or was deliberately omitted in order to fall back to a default.

Find an item in List by LINQ?

Try this code :

return context.EntitytableName.AsEnumerable().Find(p => p.LoginID.Equals(loginID) && p.Password.Equals(password)).Select(p => new ModelTableName{ FirstName = p.FirstName, UserID = p.UserID });

Trying to retrieve first 5 characters from string in bash error?

Works in most shells


How to copy a file along with directory structure/path using python?

To create all intermediate-level destination directories you could use os.makedirs() before copying:

import os
import shutil

srcfile = 'a/long/long/path/to/'
dstroot = '/home/myhome/new_folder'

assert not os.path.isabs(srcfile)
dstdir =  os.path.join(dstroot, os.path.dirname(srcfile))

os.makedirs(dstdir) # create all directories, raise an error if it already exists
shutil.copy(srcfile, dstdir)

How to add time to DateTime in SQL

The following is simple and works on SQL Server 2008 (SP3) and up:

PRINT GETDATE() + '01:00:00'
PRINT CONVERT(datetime,FLOOR(CONVERT(float,GETDATE()))) + '01:00:00'

With output:

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP3) - 10.0.5500.0 (X64) 
Mar 15 2017  6:17PM
Mar 15 2017  7:17PM
Mar 15 2017  1:00AM

How to pass the button value into my onclick event function?

Maybe you can take a look at closure in JavaScript. Here is a working solution:

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
        <meta charset="utf-8" />_x000D_
        <p class="button">Button 0</p>_x000D_
        <p class="button">Button 1</p>_x000D_
        <p class="button">Button 2</p>_x000D_
            var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('button');_x000D_
            for (var i=0 ; i < buttons.length ; i++){_x000D_
                buttons[index].onclick = function(){_x000D_
                  alert("I am button " + index);_x000D_

How can I convert String[] to ArrayList<String>

You can do something like

MyClass[] arr = myList.toArray(new MyClass[myList.size()]);

Connecting to a network folder with username/password in Powershell

PowerShell 3 supports this out of the box now.

If you're stuck on PowerShell 2, you basically have to use the legacy net use command (as suggested earlier).

How to detect if URL has changed after hash in JavaScript

I created this, just add the function as an argument and whenever the link has any changes it will run the function returning the old and new url

I created this, just add the function as an argument and whenever the link has any changes it will run the function returning the old and new url

// on-url-change.js v1 (manual verification)
let onUrlChangeCallbacks = [];
let onUrlChangeTimestamp = new Date() * 1;
function onUrlChange(callback){
function onUrlChangeAutorun(){
    let oldURL = window.location.href;
        let newURL = window.location.href;
        if(oldURL !== newURL){
            let event = {
                oldURL: oldURL,
                newURL: newURL,
                type: 'urlchange',
                timestamp: new Date() * 1 - onUrlChangeTimestamp
            oldURL = newURL;
            for(let i = 0; i < onUrlChangeCallbacks.length; i++){
    }, 25);

Check that a variable is a number in UNIX shell

if echo $var | egrep -q '^[0-9]+$'

Actually this does not work if var is multiline.



Especially if var comes from a file :

var=`cat var.txt`

This is the simplest :

if [ "$var" -eq "$var" ] 2> /dev/null
then echo yes
else echo no

Laravel blade check empty foreach

You should use empty()

@if (!empty($status->replies)) 

<div class="media-body reply-body">
    @foreach ($status->replies as $reply)
        <p>{{ $reply->body }}</p>


You can use count, but if the array is larger it takes longer, if you only need to know if its empty, empty is the better one to use.

Getting a browser's name client-side

It's all about what you really want to do, but in times to come and right now, the best way is avoid browser detection and check for features. like Canvas, Audio, WebSockets, etc through simple javascript calls or in your CSS, for me your best approach is use a tool like ModernizR:

Unlike with the traditional—but highly unreliable—method of doing “UA sniffing,” which is detecting a browser by its (user-configurable) navigator.userAgent property, Modernizr does actual feature detection to reliably discern what the various browsers can and cannot do.

If using CSS, you can do this:

.no-js .glossy,
.no-cssgradients .glossy {
    background: url("images/glossybutton.png");

.cssgradients .glossy {
    background-image: linear-gradient(top, #555, #333);

as it will load and append all features as a class name in the <html> element and you will be able to do as you wish in terms of CSS.

And you can even load files upon features, for example, load a polyfill js and css if the browser does not have native support

  // Presentational polyfills
    // Logical list of things we would normally need
    test : Modernizr.fontface && Modernizr.canvas && Modernizr.cssgradients,
    // Modernizr.load loads css and javascript by default
    nope : ['presentational-polyfill.js', 'presentational.css']
  // Functional polyfills
    // This just has to be truthy
    test : Modernizr.websockets && window.JSON,
    // socket-io.js and json2.js
    nope : 'functional-polyfills.js',
    // You can also give arrays of resources to load.
    both : [ 'app.js', 'extra.js' ],
    complete : function () {
      // Run this after everything in this group has downloaded
      // and executed, as well everything in all previous groups
  // Run your analytics after you've already kicked off all the rest
  // of your app.

a simple example of requesting features from javascript:

How to completely hide the navigation bar in iPhone / HTML5

Simple javascript document navigation to "#" will do it.

window.onload = function()
document.location.href = "#";

This will force the navigation bar to remove itself on load.

Compare 2 JSON objects

Simply parsing the JSON and comparing the two objects is not enough because it wouldn't be the exact same object references (but might be the same values).

You need to do a deep equals.

From - which seems the use jQuery.

Object.extend(Object, {
   deepEquals: function(o1, o2) {
     var k1 = Object.keys(o1).sort();
     var k2 = Object.keys(o2).sort();
     if (k1.length != k2.length) return false;
     return, function(keyPair) {
       if(typeof o1[keyPair[0]] == typeof o2[keyPair[1]] == "object"){
         return deepEquals(o1[keyPair[0]], o2[keyPair[1]])
       } else {
         return o1[keyPair[0]] == o2[keyPair[1]];


var anObj = JSON.parse(jsonString1);
var anotherObj= JSON.parse(jsonString2);

if (Object.deepEquals(anObj, anotherObj))

Using the Jersey client to do a POST operation

If you need to do a file upload, you'll need to use MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE. Looks like MultivaluedMap cannot be used with that so here's a solution with FormDataMultiPart.

InputStream stream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileNameToUpload);

FormDataMultiPart part = new FormDataMultiPart();
part.field("String_key", "String_value");
part.field("fileToUpload", stream, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE);
String response = WebResource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE).post(String.class, part);

How to type ":" ("colon") in regexp?

In most regex implementations (including Java's), : has no special meaning, neither inside nor outside a character class.

Your problem is most likely due to the fact the - acts as a range operator in your class:


where ,-: matches all ascii characters between ',' and ':'. Note that it still matches the literal ':' however!

Try this instead:


By placing - at the start or the end of the class, it matches the literal "-". As mentioned in the comments by Keoki Zee, you can also escape the - inside the class, but most people simply add it at the end.

A demo:

public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("8:".matches("[,-:]+"));      // true: '8' is in the range ','..':'
        System.out.println("8:".matches("[,:-]+"));      // false: '8' does not match ',' or ':' or '-'
        System.out.println(",,-,:,:".matches("[,:-]+")); // true: all chars match ',' or ':' or '-'

How do I change tab size in Vim?

To make the change for one session, use this command:

:set tabstop=4

To make the change permanent, add it to ~/.vimrc or ~/.vim/vimrc:

set tabstop=4

This will affect all files, not just css. To only affect css files:

autocmd Filetype css setlocal tabstop=4

as stated in Michal's answer.

Dynamically Add C# Properties at Runtime

Thanks @Clint for the great answer:

Just wanted to highlight how easy it was to solve this using the Expando Object:

    var dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject() as IDictionary<string, Object>;
    foreach (var property in properties) {

Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files, git stash doesn't work. Don't want to commit

I've had the same error and I solve it with: git merge -s recursive -X theirs origin/master

How do I get a UTC Timestamp in JavaScript?

  1. Dates constructed that way use the local timezone, making the constructed date incorrect. To set the timezone of a certain date object is to construct it from a date string that includes the timezone. (I had problems getting that to work in an older Android browser.)

  2. Note that getTime() returns milliseconds, not plain seconds.

For a UTC/Unix timestamp, the following should suffice:

Math.floor((new Date()).getTime() / 1000)

It will factor the current timezone offset into the result. For a string representation, David Ellis' answer works.

To clarify:

new Date(Y, M, D, h, m, s)

That input is treated as local time. If UTC time is passed in, the results will differ. Observe (I'm in GMT +02:00 right now, and it's 07:50):

> var d1 = new Date();
> d1.toUTCString();
"Sun, 18 Mar 2012 05:50:34 GMT" // two hours less than my local time
> Math.floor(d1.getTime()/ 1000)

> var d2 = new Date( d1.getUTCFullYear(), d1.getUTCMonth(), d1.getUTCDate(), d1.getUTCHours(), d1.getUTCMinutes(), d1.getUTCSeconds() );
> d2.toUTCString();
"Sun, 18 Mar 2012 03:50:34 GMT" // four hours less than my local time, and two hours less than the original time - because my GMT+2 input was interpreted as GMT+0!
> Math.floor(d2.getTime()/ 1000)

Also note that getUTCDate() cannot be substituted for getUTCDay(). This is because getUTCDate() returns the day of the month; whereas, getUTCDay() returns the day of the week.

Self-references in object literals / initializers

The key to all this is SCOPE.

You need to encapsulate the "parent" (parent object) of the property you want to define as it's own instantiated object, and then you can make references to sibling properties using the key word this

It's very, very important to remember that if you refer to this without first so doing, then this will refer to the outer scope... which will be the window object.

var x = 9   //this is really window.x
var bar = {
  x: 1,
  y: 2,
  foo: new function(){
    this.a = 5, //assign value
    this.b = 6,
    this.c = this.a + this.b;  // 11
  z: this.x   // 9 (not 1 as you might expect, b/c *this* refers `window` object)

Why is volatile needed in C?

volatile in C actually came into existence for the purpose of not caching the values of the variable automatically. It will tell the compiler not to cache the value of this variable. So it will generate code to take the value of the given volatile variable from the main memory every time it encounters it. This mechanism is used because at any time the value can be modified by the OS or any interrupt. So using volatile will help us accessing the value afresh every time.

How to set the max value and min value of <input> in html5 by javascript or jquery?

Try this



Javascript split regex question

or just use for date strings 2015-05-20 or 2015.05.20


Java method: Finding object in array list given a known attribute value

If you have to get an attribute that is not the ID. I would use CollectionUtils.

Dog someDog = new Dog();
Dog dog = CollectionUtils(dogList, new Predicate() {

public boolean evaluate(Object o)
    Dog d = (Dog)o;
    return someDog.getName().equals(d.getName());

Using multiple delimiters in awk

Another one is to use the -F option but pass it regex to print the text between left and or right parenthesis ().

The file content:


The command:

awk -F"[()]" '{print $2}' filename



Using awk to just print the text between []:

Use awk -F'[][]' but awk -F'[[]]' will not work.

How do I encrypt and decrypt a string in python?

I had troubles compiling all the most commonly mentioned cryptography libraries on my Windows 7 system and for Python 3.5.

This is the solution that finally worked for me.

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key() #this is your "password"
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)
encoded_text = cipher_suite.encrypt(b"Hello stackoverflow!")
decoded_text = cipher_suite.decrypt(encoded_text)

How do I send a file in Android from a mobile device to server using http?

the most effective method is to use org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity;

see this code from the link using org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntity;

public class SimplePostRequestTest3 {

   * @param args
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost("http://localhost:8080/HTTP_TEST_APP/index.jsp");

    try {
      FileBody bin = new FileBody(new File("C:/ABC.txt"));
      StringBody comment = new StringBody("BETHECODER HttpClient Tutorials");

      MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity();
      reqEntity.addPart("fileup0", bin);
      reqEntity.addPart("fileup1", comment);

      reqEntity.addPart("ONE", new StringBody("11111111"));
      reqEntity.addPart("TWO", new StringBody("222222222"));

      System.out.println("Requesting : " + httppost.getRequestLine());
      ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
      String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httppost, responseHandler);

      System.out.println("responseBody : " + responseBody);

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
    } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } finally {



Example Link

How to use sed to replace only the first occurrence in a file?

You could use awk to do something similar..

awk '/#include/ && !done { print "#include \"newfile.h\""; done=1;}; 1;' file.c


/#include/ && !done

Runs the action statement between {} when the line matches "#include" and we haven't already processed it.

{print "#include \"newfile.h\""; done=1;}

This prints #include "newfile.h", we need to escape the quotes. Then we set the done variable to 1, so we don't add more includes.


This means "print out the line" - an empty action defaults to print $0, which prints out the whole line. A one liner and easier to understand than sed IMO :-)

Adding data attribute to DOM

Using .data() will only add data to the jQuery object for that element. In order to add the information to the element itself you need to access that element using jQuery's .attr or native .setAttribute

$('div').attr('data-info', 1);

In order to access an element with the attribute set, you can simply select based on that attribute as you note in your post ($('div[data-info="1"]')), but when you use .data() you cannot. In order to select based on the .data() setting, you would need to use jQuery's filter function.

jsFiddle Demo

$('div').data('info', 1);_x000D_
   return $(this).data('info') == 1; _x000D_
<script src=""></script>_x000D_

HTTP POST Returns Error: 417 "Expectation Failed."

Does the form you are trying to emulate have two fields, username and password?

If so, this line:

 postData.Add("username", "password");

is not correct.

you would need two lines like:

 postData.Add("username", "Moose");
postData.Add("password", "NotMoosespasswordreally");


Okay, since that is not the problem, one way to tackle this is to use something like Fiddler or Wireshark to watch what is being sent to the web server from the browser successfully, then compare that to what is being sent from your code. If you are going to a normal port 80 from .Net, Fiddler will still capture this traffic.

There is probably some other hidden field on the form that the web server is expecting that you are not sending.

Ignore Duplicates and Create New List of Unique Values in Excel

On a sorted column, you can also try this idea:


B3 can be pasted down. It will result 0, after the last unique match. If this is unwanted, put some IF statement around to exclude this.


Easier than an IF statement, at least for text-values:


What is the point of "final class" in Java?

Relevant reading: The Open-Closed Principle by Bob Martin.

Key quote:

Software Entities (Classes, Modules, Functions, etc.) should be open for Extension, but closed for Modification.

The final keyword is the means to enforce this in Java, whether it's used on methods or on classes.

How to use Console.WriteLine in ASP.NET (C#) during debug?

If for whatever reason you'd like to catch the output of Console.WriteLine, you CAN do this:

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var writer = new LogWriter();

public class LogWriter : TextWriter
    public override void WriteLine(string value)
        //do whatever with value

    public override Encoding Encoding
        get { return Encoding.Default; }

How can I check if the current date/time is past a set date/time?

Since PHP >= 5.2.2 you can use the DateTime class as such:

if (new DateTime() > new DateTime("2010-05-15 16:00:00")) {
    # current time is greater than 2010-05-15 16:00:00
    # in other words, 2010-05-15 16:00:00 has passed

The string passed to the DateTime constructor is parsed according to these rules.

Note that it is also possible to use time and strtotime functions. See original answer.

Differences between strong and weak in Objective-C

strong: assigns the incoming value to it, it will retain the incoming value and release the existing value of the instance variable

weak: will assign the incoming value to it without retaining it.

So the basic difference is the retaining of the new variable. Generaly you want to retain it but there are situations where you don't want to have it otherwise you will get a retain cycle and can not free the memory the objects. Eg. obj1 retains obj2 and obj2 retains obj1. To solve this kind of situation you use weak references.

Launch an app on OS X with command line

You can launch apps using open:

open -a APP_YOU_WANT

This should open the application that you want.

ASP.NET MVC Bundle not rendering script files on staging server. It works on development server

Based on your comments, we need to go over how the Bundling mechanism works in MVC.

Edit: Based on the comment below by VSDev, you need to ensure WebGrease is installed into your project. NuGet would be the easiest was to install this package.

When you set a bundle configuration (Example not from above to illustrate)

bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/mainJs")

You then, in your views, call something like @Scripts.Render("~/bundles/mainJs"). When your web.config is set into a debug compilation OR you explicitly turn off bundling using the following line in your BundleConfig.cs file

BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;

Then, in your view, you will see the following rendered out

<script src="/Scripts/mainSite.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/Scripts/helperStuff.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

These are the individual items that made up our bundle, uncompressed and listed individually. The reason these list out individually in debug mode is so that you can debug your scripts and see them as you wrote them (actual variable names, etc).

Now, when we are not in a debug compilation and have not turned off the EnableOptimizations feature, MVC will combine those files in our bundles, compress (minify) them and output only a single script tag.

<script src="/bundles/mainJs?v=someBigLongNumber" type="text/javascript"></script>

Notice that the source is the same as the name of the bundle from the bundle configurations. Also, the number after the ?v= will change anytime you change a file in that bundle. This is to help prevent caching of old js and css files by the client browsers.

Your scripts are still there and being outputted, but they are being compressed and combined into a single file called /bundles/mainJs. This feature is present to

A) compress the files and reduce information being transmitted and,

B) reduce the number of calls to a website to retrieve the necessary content to render the page.

Nothing is missing, it sounds like everything is working as intended. In a production site, the minification makes these files almost impossible to read, thus why the minification does not take affect while debugging.

As to why the jQuery UI is still being a single JS file, ensure someone didn't hard code that into your layout view. As for the JS errors, it could be errors that are present on your development box or perhaps something did not compress correctly (however, in all of my MVC development, I have not seen a JS error because of bad minification).

Accuracy Score ValueError: Can't Handle mix of binary and continuous target

Just use

y_pred = (y_pred > 0.5)
accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred, normalize=False)

SQL How to replace values of select return?

If you want the column as string values, then:

SELECT id, name, CASE WHEN hide = 0 THEN 'false' ELSE 'true' END AS hide
  FROM anonymous_table

If the DBMS supports BOOLEAN, you can use instead:

SELECT id, name, CASE WHEN hide = 0 THEN false ELSE true END AS hide
  FROM anonymous_table

That's the same except that the quotes around the names false and true were removed.

The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'Users', database 'XXX', schema 'dbo'

Check space of your database.this error comes when space increased compare to space given to database.

How do I check that multiple keys are in a dict in a single pass?

Alex Martelli's solution set(queries) <= set(my_dict) is the shortest code but may not be the fastest. Assume Q = len(queries) and D = len(my_dict).

This takes O(Q) + O(D) to make the two sets, and then (one hopes!) only O(min(Q,D)) to do the subset test -- assuming of course that Python set look-up is O(1) -- this is worst case (when the answer is True).

The generator solution of hughdbrown (et al?) all(k in my_dict for k in queries) is worst-case O(Q).

Complicating factors:
(1) the loops in the set-based gadget are all done at C-speed whereas the any-based gadget is looping over bytecode.
(2) The caller of the any-based gadget may be able to use any knowledge of probability of failure to order the query items accordingly whereas the set-based gadget allows no such control.

As always, if speed is important, benchmarking under operational conditions is a good idea.

How to add new column to an dataframe (to the front not end)?

If you want to do it in a tidyverse manner, try add_column from tibble, which allows you to specifiy where to place the new column with .before or .after parameter:


df <- data.frame(b = c(1, 1, 1), c = c(2, 2, 2), d = c(3, 3, 3))
add_column(df, a = 0, .before = 1)

#   a b c d
# 1 0 1 2 3
# 2 0 1 2 3
# 3 0 1 2 3

Bridged networking not working in Virtualbox under Windows 10

As of now (5.2.20) bug is fixed. The only action required is to download the latest version and bridge mod should function normally.

How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)

If your using ng-repeat $index works like this



       <input ng-model="r.QTY" class="span1" name="QTY{{$index}}" ng-            
        pattern="/^[\d]*\.?[\d]*$/" required/>
        <span class="alert-error" ng-show="form['QTY' + $index].$error.pattern">
        <strong>Requires a number.</strong></span>
        <span class="alert-error" ng-show="form['QTY' + $index].$error.required">

we have to show the ng-show in ng-pattern

   <span class="alert-error" ng-show="form['QTY' + $index].$error.pattern">
   <span class="alert-error" ng-show="form['QTY' + $index].$error.required">

How to insert a SQLite record with a datetime set to 'now' in Android application?

You cannot use the datetime function using the Java wrapper "ContentValues". Either you can use :

  • SQLiteDatabase.execSQL so you can enter a raw SQL query.

    mDb.execSQL("INSERT INTO "+DATABASE_TABLE+" VALUES (null, datetime()) ");
  • Or the java date time capabilities :

    // set the format to sql date time
    SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); 
    Date date = new Date();
    ContentValues initialValues = new ContentValues(); 
    initialValues.put("date_created", dateFormat.format(date));
    long rowId = mDb.insert(DATABASE_TABLE, null, initialValues);

Java; String replace (using regular expressions)?

str.replaceAll("\\^([0-9]+)", "<sup>$1</sup>");

how to remove the first two columns in a file using shell (awk, sed, whatever)

You can use sed:

sed 's/^[^ ][^ ]* [^ ][^ ]* //'

This looks for lines starting with one-or-more non-blanks, a blank, another set of one-or-more non-blanks and another blank, and deletes the matched material, aka the first two fields. The [^ ][^ ]* is marginally shorter than the equivalent but more explicit [^ ]\{1,\} notation, and the second might run into issues with GNU sed (though if you use --posix as an option, even GNU sed can't screw it up). OTOH, if the character class to be repeated was more complex, the numbered notation wins for brevity. It is easy to extend this to handle 'blank or tab' as separator, or 'multiple blanks' or 'multiple blanks or tabs'. It could also be modified to handle optional leading blanks (or tabs) before the first field, etc.

For awk and cut, see Sampson-Chen's answer. There are other ways to write the awk script, but they're not materially better than the answer given. Note that you might need to set the field separator explicitly (-F" ") in awk if you do not want tabs treated as separators, or you might have multiple blanks between fields. The POSIX standard cut does not support multiple separators between fields; GNU cut has the useful but non-standard -i option to allow for multiple separators between fields.

You can also do it in pure shell:

while read junk1 junk2 residue
do echo "$residue"
done < in-file > out-file

Explode PHP string by new line

If anyone else tried this but it wasn't working, this is a reminder that you might have done the same brain fart as I.

Have you mysql escaped the string first? In this case newline character is no longer a newline character.

I didn't do anything to avoid parsing it, just adapted and exploded by '\n' (literally backslash and n rather than actual newline character.

Go to Matching Brace in Visual Studio?

On my pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese) keyboard it is actually CTRL + [.

MySQL - Make an existing Field Unique

Just write this query in your db phpmyadmin.



Why can't static methods be abstract in Java?

I also asked the same question , here is why

Since Abstract class says, it will not give implementation and allow subclass to give it

so Subclass has to override the methods of Superclass ,

RULE NO 1 - A static method cannot be overridden

Because static members and methods are compile time elements , that is why Overloading(Compile time Polymorphism) of static methods are allowed rather then Overriding (Runtime Polymorphism)

So , they cant be Abstract .

There is no thing like abstract static <--- Not allowed in Java Universe

Rails: Check output of path helper from console

you can also

include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers

from inside a console sessions to access the helpers:

url_for controller: :users, only_path: true
# => '/users'



go to link on button click - jquery

You need to specify the domain:

 $('.button1').click(function() {
   window.location = '' +;

Is there a list of screen resolutions for all Android based phones and tablets?

These are the sizes. Try to take a look in Supporting Mutiple Screens

320dp: a typical phone screen (240x320 ldpi, 320x480 mdpi, 480x800 hdpi, etc).
480dp: a tweener tablet like the Streak (480x800 mdpi).
600dp: a 7” tablet (600x1024 mdpi).
720dp: a 10” tablet (720x1280 mdpi, 800x1280 mdpi, etc).

I use this to make more than one layout:

res/layout/main_activity.xml           # For handsets (smaller than 600dp available width)
res/layout-sw600dp/main_activity.xml   # For 7” tablets (600dp wide and bigger)
res/layout-sw720dp/main_activity.xml   # For 10” tablets (720dp wide and bigger)

How to put Google Maps V2 on a Fragment using ViewPager

The following approach works for me.

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;


 * A fragment that launches other parts of the demo application.
public class MapFragment extends Fragment {

MapView mMapView;
private GoogleMap googleMap;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // inflat and return the layout
    View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_location_info, container,
    mMapView = (MapView) v.findViewById(;

    mMapView.onResume();// needed to get the map to display immediately

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

    googleMap = mMapView.getMap();
    // latitude and longitude
    double latitude = 17.385044;
    double longitude = 78.486671;

    // create marker
    MarkerOptions marker = new MarkerOptions().position(
            new LatLng(latitude, longitude)).title("Hello Maps");

    // Changing marker icon

    // adding marker
    CameraPosition cameraPosition = new CameraPosition.Builder()
            .target(new LatLng(17.385044, 78.486671)).zoom(12).build();

    // Perform any camera updates here
    return v;

public void onResume() {

public void onPause() {

public void onDestroy() {

public void onLowMemory() {


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Opening database file from within SQLite command-line shell

You can attach one and even more databases and work with it in the same way like using sqlite dbname.db

sqlite> attach "mydb.sqlite" as db1;

and u can see all attached databases with .databases

where in normal way the main is used for the command-line db

seq  name             file                                                      
---  ---------------  ----------------------------------------------------------
0    main                                                                       
1    temp                                                                       
2    ttt              c:\home\user\gg.ite                                   

How can I apply a border only inside a table?

Due to mantain compatibility with ie7, ie8 I suggest using first-child and not last-child to doing this:

table tr td{border-top:1px solid #ffffff;border-left:1px solid #ffffff;}

table tr td:first-child{border-left:0;}

table tr:first-child td{border-top:0;}

You can learn about CSS 2.1 Pseudo-classes at:

How do I customize Facebook's sharer.php

Facebook sharer.php parameters for sharing posts.

<a href="javascript: void(0);"
   onclick="'', 'ventanacompartir', 'toolbar=0, status=0, width=650, height=450');"> Share </a>

Don't use spaces, use &nbsp.

Is it possible to have a default parameter for a mysql stored procedure?

No, this is not supported in MySQL stored routine syntax.

Feel free to submit a feature request at

ImageButton in Android


works automatically.


was what I used with all the problems of resizing the image the the width and height of the button...

TypeScript enum to object array

Enums are real objects that exist at runtime. So you are able to reverse the mapping doing something like this:

let value = GoalProgressMeasurements.Not_Measured;
// => Not_Measured

Based on that you can use the following code:

export enum GoalProgressMeasurements {
    Percentage = 1,
    Numeric_Target = 2,
    Completed_Tasks = 3,
    Average_Milestone_Progress = 4,
    Not_Measured = 5

let map: {id: number; name: string}[] = [];

for(var n in GoalProgressMeasurements) {
    if (typeof GoalProgressMeasurements[n] === 'number') {
        map.push({id: <any>GoalProgressMeasurements[n], name: n});



C# Lambda expressions: Why should I use them?

Microsoft has given us a cleaner, more convenient way of creating anonymous delegates called Lambda expressions. However, there is not a lot of attention being paid to the expressions portion of this statement. Microsoft released a entire namespace, System.Linq.Expressions, which contains classes to create expression trees based on lambda expressions. Expression trees are made up of objects that represent logic. For example, x = y + z is an expression that might be part of an expression tree in .Net. Consider the following (simple) example:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;

namespace ExpressionTreeThingy
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Expression<Func<int, int>> expr = (x) => x + 1; //this is not a delegate, but an object
            var del = expr.Compile(); //compiles the object to a CLR delegate, at runtime
            Console.WriteLine(del(5)); //we are just invoking a delegate at this point

This example is trivial. And I am sure you are thinking, "This is useless as I could have directly created the delegate instead of creating an expression and compiling it at runtime". And you would be right. But this provides the foundation for expression trees. There are a number of expressions available in the Expressions namespaces, and you can build your own. I think you can see that this might be useful when you don't know exactly what the algorithm should be at design or compile time. I saw an example somewhere for using this to write a scientific calculator. You could also use it for Bayesian systems, or for genetic programming (AI). A few times in my career I have had to write Excel-like functionality that allowed users to enter simple expressions (addition, subtrations, etc) to operate on available data. In pre-.Net 3.5 I have had to resort to some scripting language external to C#, or had to use the code-emitting functionality in reflection to create .Net code on the fly. Now I would use expression trees.

Converting a string to JSON object

You can use the JSON.parse() for that.

See docs at MDN


var myObj = JSON.parse('{"p": 5}');

How to run a specific Android app using Terminal?

Use the cmd activity start-activity (or the alternative am start) command, which is a command-line interface to the ActivityManager. Use am to start activities as shown in this help:

$ adb shell am
usage: am [start|instrument]
       am start [-a <ACTION>] [-d <DATA_URI>] [-t <MIME_TYPE>]
                [-c <CATEGORY> [-c <CATEGORY>] ...]
                [-e <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_VALUE> [-e <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_VALUE> ...]
                [-n <COMPONENT>] [-D] [<URI>]

For example, to start the Contacts application, and supposing you know only the package name but not the Activity, you can use

$ comp=$(adb shell cmd package resolve-activity --brief -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER $pkg | tail -1)
$ adb shell cmd activity start-activity $comp

or the alternative

$ adb shell am start -n $comp

See also (may be a copy of obsolete url : ) for other details.

To terminate the application you can use

$ adb shell am kill

or the more drastic

$ adb shell am force-stop

What does "control reaches end of non-void function" mean?

Make sure that your code is returning a value of given return-type irrespective of conditional statements

This code snippet was showing the same error

int search(char arr[], int start, int end, char value)
    int i;
    for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
        if(arr[i] == value)
            return i;

This is the working code after little changes

int search(char arr[], int start, int end, char value)
    int i;
    int index=-1;
    for(i=start; i<=end; i++)
        if(arr[i] == value)
    return index;

Should I use encodeURI or encodeURIComponent for encoding URLs?

As a general rule use encodeURIComponent. Don't be scared of the long name thinking it's more specific in it's use, to me it's the more commonly used method. Also don't be suckered into using encodeURI because you tested it and it appears to be encoding properly, it's probably not what you meant to use and even though your simple test using "Fred" in a first name field worked, you'll find later when you use more advanced text like adding an ampersand or a hashtag it will fail. You can look at the other answers for the reasons why this is.

What is an alternative to execfile in Python 3?

According to the documentation, instead of





How to create a JPA query with LEFT OUTER JOIN

Write this;

 SELECT f from Student f LEFT JOIN f.classTbls s WHERE s.ClassName = 'abc'

Because your Student entity has One To Many relationship with ClassTbl entity.

Play audio as microphone input

Just as there are printer drivers that do not connect to a printer at all but rather write to a PDF file, analogously there are virtual audio drivers available that do not connect to a physical microphone at all but can pipe input from other sources such as files or other programs.

I hope I'm not breaking any rules by recommending free/donation software, but VB-Audio Virtual Cable should let you create a pair of virtual input and output audio devices. Then you could play an MP3 into the virtual output device and then set the virtual input device as your "microphone". In theory I think that should work.

If all else fails, you could always roll your own virtual audio driver. Microsoft provides some sample code but unfortunately it is not applicable to the older Windows XP audio model. There is probably sample code available for XP too.

Class 'App\Http\Controllers\DB' not found and I also cannot use a new Model

Try Like this:


    namespace App\Http\Controllers;

    use Illuminate\Http\Request;

    use DB;

    class UserController extends Controller

    function  index(){

    $users = DB::table('users')->get();

    foreach ($users as $user)



Get int from String, also containing letters, in Java

Unless you're talking about base 16 numbers (for which there's a method to parse as Hex), you need to explicitly separate out the part that you are interested in, and then convert it. After all, what would be the semantics of something like 23e44e11d in base 10?

Regular expressions could do the trick if you know for sure that you only have one number. Java has a built in regular expression parser.

If, on the other hands, your goal is to concatenate all the digits and dump the alphas, then that is fairly straightforward to do by iterating character by character to build a string with StringBuilder, and then parsing that one.

Mark error in form using Bootstrap

Can use CSS to show error message only on error.

.form-group.has-error .help-block {
    display: block;

.form-group .help-block {
    display: none;

<div class="form-group has-error">
  <label class="control-label" for="inputError">Input with error</label>
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputError">
  <span class="help-block">Please correct the error</span>

MD5 is 128 bits but why is it 32 characters?

Those are hexidecimal digits, not characters. One digit = 4 bits.

Error: "Adb connection Error:An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host"

In my case, resetting ADB didn't make a difference. I also needed to delete my existing virtual devices, which were pretty old, and create new ones.

What is this date format? 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z

There are other ways to parse it rather than the first answer. To parse it:

(1) If you want to grab information about date and time, you can parse it to a ZonedDatetime(since Java 8) or Date(old) object:

// ZonedDateTime's default format requires a zone ID(like [Australia/Sydney]) in the end.
// Here, we provide a format which can parse the string correctly.
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME;
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.parse("2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z", dtf);


// 'T' is a literal.
// 'X' is ISO Zone Offset[like +01, -08]; For UTC, it is interpreted as 'Z'(Zero) literal.
String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSX";

// since no built-in format, we provides pattern directly.
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);

Date myDate = df.parse("2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z");

(2) If you don't care the date and time and just want to treat the information as a moment in nanoseconds, then you can use Instant:

// The ISO format without zone ID is Instant's default.
// There is no need to pass any format.
Instant ins = Instant.parse("2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z");

html/css buttons that scroll down to different div sections on a webpage

For something really basic use this:

<a href="#middle">Go To Middle</a>

Or for something simple in javascript check out this jQuery plugin ScrollTo. Quite useful for scrolling smoothly.

How do I include image files in Django templates?

Try this,

# typically, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'media')
MEDIA_ROOT = '<your_path>/media'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'

urlpatterns = patterns('',
               (r'^media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',
                 {'document_root': settings.MEDIA_ROOT}),


<img src="{{ MEDIA_URL }}<sub-dir-under-media-if-any>/<image-name.ext>" />


Beware! using Context() will yield you an empty value for {{MEDIA_URL}}. You must use RequestContext(), instead.

I hope, this will help.

Java: Get month Integer from Date


Alternatively, with the Joda-Time DateTime class.

//convert date to datetime
DateTime datetime = new DateTime(date);
int month = Integer.parseInt(datetime.toString("MM"))


int month = dateTime.getMonthOfYear();

android TextView: setting the background color dynamically doesn't work

Jut use

ArrayAdapter<String> adaptername = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
            android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, your array list);

How to determine one year from now in Javascript

Use this:

var startDate = new Date();
    startDate.setFullYear(startDate.getFullYear() - 1);

Saving Excel workbook to constant path with filename from two fields

Ok, at that time got it done with the help of a friend and the code looks like this.

Sub Saving()

Dim part1 As String

Dim part2 As String

part1 = Range("C5").Value

part2 = Range("C8").Value

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _

"C:\-docs\cmat\Desktop\pieteikumi\" & part1 & " " & part2 & ".xlsm", FileFormat:= _
xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False

End Sub

How do I edit this part (FileFormat:= _ xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled) for it to save as Excel 97-2013 Workbook, have tried several variations with no success. Thankyou

Seems, that I found the solution, but my idea is flawed. By doing this FileFormat:= _ xlOpenXMLWorkbook, it drops out a popup saying, the you cannot save this workbook as a file without Macro enabled. So, is this impossible?

How to create JSON object Node.js

The JavaScript Object() constructor makes an Object that you can assign members to.

myObj = new Object()
myObj.key = value;
myObj[key2] = value2;   // Alternative

disable editing default value of text input

You can either use the readonly or the disabled attribute. Note that when disabled, the input's value will not be submitted when submitting the form.

<input id="price_to" value="price to" readonly="readonly">
<input id="price_to" value="price to" disabled="disabled">

How to print a list in Python "nicely"

As other answers have mentioned, pprint is a great module that will do what you want. However if you don't want to import it and just want to print debugging output during development, you can approximate its output.

Some of the other answers work fine for strings, but if you try them with a class object it will give you the error TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, instance found.

For more complex objects, make sure the class has a __repr__ method that prints the property information you want:

class Foo(object):
    def __init__(self, bar): = bar

    def __repr__(self):
        return "Foo - (%r)" %

And then when you want to print the output, simply map your list to the str function like this:

l = [Foo(10), Foo(20), Foo("A string"), Foo(2.4)]
print "[%s]" % ",\n ".join(map(str,l))


 [Foo - (10),
  Foo - (20),
  Foo - ('A string'),
  Foo - (2.4)]

You can also do things like override the __repr__ method of list to get a form of nested pretty printing:

class my_list(list):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "[%s]" % ",\n ".join(map(str, self))

a = my_list(["first", 2, my_list(["another", "list", "here"]), "last"])
print a



Unfortunately no second-level indentation but for a quick debug it can be useful.

get the value of input type file , and alert if empty


<input type="file" name="image" id="uploadImage" size="30" />
<input type="submit" name="upload"  class="send_upload" value="upload" />

jQuery Code using bind method

$(document).ready(function() {
    { if(!$('#uploadImage').val()){
                return false;} });  });

Get List of connected USB Devices

Add a reference to System.Management for your project, then try something like this:

namespace ConsoleApplication1
  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Management; // need to add System.Management to your project references.

  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      var usbDevices = GetUSBDevices();

      foreach (var usbDevice in usbDevices)
        Console.WriteLine("Device ID: {0}, PNP Device ID: {1}, Description: {2}",
            usbDevice.DeviceID, usbDevice.PnpDeviceID, usbDevice.Description);


    static List<USBDeviceInfo> GetUSBDevices()
      List<USBDeviceInfo> devices = new List<USBDeviceInfo>();

      ManagementObjectCollection collection;
      using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(@"Select * From Win32_USBHub"))
        collection = searcher.Get();      

      foreach (var device in collection)
        devices.Add(new USBDeviceInfo(

      return devices;

  class USBDeviceInfo
    public USBDeviceInfo(string deviceID, string pnpDeviceID, string description)
      this.DeviceID = deviceID;
      this.PnpDeviceID = pnpDeviceID;
      this.Description = description;
    public string DeviceID { get; private set; }
    public string PnpDeviceID { get; private set; }
    public string Description { get; private set; }

How do I make a WinForms app go Full Screen

To the base question, the following will do the trick (hiding the taskbar)

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.TopMost = true;
    this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
    this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

But, interestingly, if you swap those last two lines the Taskbar remains visible. I think the sequence of these actions will be hard to control with the properties window.

Socket File "/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432" Missing In Mountain Lion (OS X Server)

apt-get install postgres-xc-client
apt-get install postgres-xc

Getting the name / key of a JToken with

The default iterator for the JObject is as a dictionary iterating over key/value pairs.

JObject obj = JObject.Parse(response);
foreach (var pair in obj) {
    Console.WriteLine (pair.Key);

Change a Git remote HEAD to point to something besides master

For gitolite people, gitolite supports a command called -- wait for it -- symbolic-ref. It allows you to run that command remotely if you have W (write) permission to the repo.

add title attribute from css

Quentin is correct, it can't be done with CSS. If you want to add a title attribute, you can do it with JavaScript. Here's an example using jQuery:


How to create a service running a .exe file on Windows 2012 Server?

You can just do that too, it seems to work well too. sc create "Servicename" binPath= "Path\To\your\App.exe" DisplayName= "My Custom Service"

You can open the registry and add a string named Description in your service's registry key to add a little more descriptive information about it. It will be shown in services.msc.

Test iOS app on device without apple developer program or jailbreak

The JailCoder references above point to a site that does not exist any more. Looks like you should use or

How to encode the filename parameter of Content-Disposition header in HTTP?

If you are using a nodejs backend you can use the following code I found here

var fileName = 'my file(2).txt';
var header = "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''" 
             + encodeRFC5987ValueChars(fileName);

function encodeRFC5987ValueChars (str) {
    return encodeURIComponent(str).
        // Note that although RFC3986 reserves "!", RFC5987 does not,
        // so we do not need to escape it
        replace(/['()]/g, escape). // i.e., %27 %28 %29
        replace(/\*/g, '%2A').
            // The following are not required for percent-encoding per RFC5987, 
            // so we can allow for a little better readability over the wire: |`^
            replace(/%(?:7C|60|5E)/g, unescape);

How to remove line breaks (no characters!) from the string?

Alternative built-in: trim()

trim — Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string
Description ¶
trim ( string $str [, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B" ] ) : string

This function returns a string with whitespace stripped from the beginning and end of str.
Without the second parameter, trim() will strip these characters:

    " " (ASCII 32 (0x20)), an ordinary space.
    "\t" (ASCII 9 (0x09)), a tab.
    "\n" (ASCII 10 (0x0A)), a new line (line feed).
    "\r" (ASCII 13 (0x0D)), a carriage return.
    "\0" (ASCII 0 (0x00)), the NUL-byte.
    "\x0B" (ASCII 11 (0x0B)), a vertical tab.

It's there to remove line breaks from different kinds of text files, but does not handle html.

Check if checkbox is NOT checked on click - jQuery

$(document).ready(function() {
        $("#check1").click(function() {
            var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
            if (checked) {
            } else {

How to find the path of Flutter SDK

The Flutter SDK path is certainly defined in a place where you can check it or change it, whether you created the project or not. Under Settings > Languages & Frameworks there should be a Flutter section. I found it by using the handy search bar in the Settings menu.

At the top of the Languages & Frameworks > Flutter is the Flutter SDK Path.

This is assuming that Flutter/Dart have already been installed under Plugins.

C# - Winforms - Global Variables

If you're using Visual C#, all you need to do is add a class in Program.cs inheriting Form and change all the inherited class from Form to your class in every Form*.cs.

public class Forms : Form
    //Declare your global valuables here.

public partial class Form1 : Forms    //Change from Form to Forms

Of course, there might be a way to extending the class Form without modifying it. If that's the case, all you need to do is extending it! Since all the forms are inheriting it by default, so all the valuables declared in it will become global automatically! Good luck!!!

Check if URL has certain string with PHP

Starting with PHP 8 (2020-11-24), you can use str_contains:

if (str_contains('', 'car')) {
   echo 'car is exist';
} else {
   echo 'no cars';

How can I solve the error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol - function?

In Visual Studio 2017 if you want to test public members, simply put your real project and test project in the same solution, and add a reference to your real project in the test project.

See C++ Unit Testing in Visual Studio from the MSDN blog for more details. You can also check Write unit tests for C/C++ in Visual Studio as well as Use the Microsoft Unit Testing Framework for C++ in Visual Studio, the latter being if you need to test non public members and need to put the tests in the same project as your real code.

Note that things you want to test will need to be exported using __declspec(dllexport). See Exporting from a DLL Using __declspec(dllexport) for more details.

How to get old Value with onchange() event in text box

element.defaultValue will give you the original value.

Please note that this only works on the initial value.

If you are needing this to persist the "old" value every time it changes, an expando property or similar method will meet your needs

How do I select which GPU to run a job on?

Set the following two environment variables:


where gpu_id is the ID of your selected GPU, as seen in the host system's nvidia-smi (a 0-based integer) that will be made available to the guest system (e.g. to the Docker container environment).

You can verify that a different card is selected for each value of gpu_id by inspecting Bus-Id parameter in nvidia-smi run in a terminal in the guest system).

More info

This method based on NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES exposes only a single card to the system (with local ID zero), hence we also hard-code the other variable, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to 0 (mainly to prevent it from defaulting to an empty string that would indicate no GPU).

Note that the environmental variable should be set before the guest system is started (so no chances of doing it in your Jupyter Notebook's terminal), for instance using docker run -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 or env in Kubernetes or Openshift.

If you want GPU load-balancing, make gpu_id random at each guest system start.

If setting this with python, make sure you are using strings for all environment variables, including numerical ones.

You can verify that a different card is selected for each value of gpu_id by inspecting nvidia-smi's Bus-Id parameter (in a terminal run in the guest system).

The accepted solution based on CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES alone does not hide other cards (different from the pinned one), and thus causes access errors if you try to use them in your GPU-enabled python packages. With this solution, other cards are not visible to the guest system, but other users still can access them and share their computing power on an equal basis, just like with CPU's (verified).

This is also preferable to solutions using Kubernetes / Openshift controlers (, that would impose a lock on the allocated card, removing it from the pool of available resources (so the number of containers with GPU access could not exceed the number of physical cards).

This has been tested under CUDA 8.0, 9.0 and 10.1 in docker containers running Ubuntu 18.04 orchestrated by Openshift 3.11.

Uploading Images to Server android

Try this method for uploading Image file from camera

package com.example.imageupload;


import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;

public class MultipartEntity implements HttpEntity {

private String boundary = null;

ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
boolean isSetLast = false;
boolean isSetFirst = false;

public MultipartEntity() {
    this.boundary = System.currentTimeMillis() + "";

public void writeFirstBoundaryIfNeeds() {
    if (!isSetFirst) {
        try {
            out.write(("--" + boundary + "\r\n").getBytes());
        } catch (final IOException e) {

    isSetFirst = true;

public void writeLastBoundaryIfNeeds() {
    if (isSetLast) {
    try {
        out.write(("\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n").getBytes());
    } catch (final IOException e) {

    isSetLast = true;

public void addPart(final String key, final String value) {
    try {
        out.write(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + key + "\"\r\n")
        out.write("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n".getBytes());
        out.write("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n".getBytes());
        out.write(("\r\n--" + boundary + "\r\n").getBytes());
    } catch (final IOException e) {


public void addPart(final String key, final String fileName,
        final InputStream fin) {
    addPart(key, fileName, fin, "application/octet-stream");

public void addPart(final String key, final String fileName,
        final InputStream fin, String type) {
    try {
        type = "Content-Type: " + type + "\r\n";
        out.write(("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + key
                + "\"; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"\r\n").getBytes());
        out.write("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n".getBytes());

        final byte[] tmp = new byte[4096];
        int l = 0;
        while ((l = != -1) {
            out.write(tmp, 0, l);
    } catch (final IOException e) {

    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {


public void addPart(final String key, final File value) {
    try {
        addPart(key, value.getName(), new FileInputStream(value));
    } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {


public long getContentLength() {
    return out.toByteArray().length;

public Header getContentType() {
    return new BasicHeader("Content-Type", "multipart/form-data; boundary="
            + boundary);

public boolean isChunked() {
    return false;

public boolean isRepeatable() {
    return false;

public boolean isStreaming() {
    return false;

public void writeTo(final OutputStream outstream) throws IOException {

public Header getContentEncoding() {
    return null;

public void consumeContent() throws IOException,
        UnsupportedOperationException {
    if (isStreaming()) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Streaming entity does not implement #consumeContent()");

public InputStream getContent() throws IOException,
        UnsupportedOperationException {
    return new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());


Use of class for uploading

private void doFileUpload(File file_path) {

    Log.d("Uri", "Do file path" + file_path);

    try {

        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
        //use your server path of php file
        HttpPost post = new HttpPost(ServerUploadPath);

        Log.d("ServerPath", "Path" + ServerUploadPath);

        FileBody bin1 = new FileBody(file_path);
        Log.d("Enter", "Filebody complete " + bin1);

        MultipartEntity reqEntity = new MultipartEntity();
        reqEntity.addPart("uploaded_file", bin1);
        reqEntity.addPart("email", new StringBody(useremail));

        Log.d("Enter", "Image send complete");

        HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
        resEntity = response.getEntity();
        Log.d("Enter", "Get Response");
        try {

            final String response_str = EntityUtils.toString(resEntity);
            if (resEntity != null) {
                Log.i("RESPONSE", response_str);
                JSONObject jobj = new JSONObject(response_str);
                result = jobj.getString("ResponseCode");
                Log.e("Result", "...." + result);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Log.e("Debug", "error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e("Upload Exception", "");

Service for uploading

$image_name = $_FILES["uploaded_file"]["name"]; 
$tmp_arr = explode(".",$image_name);
$img_extn = end($tmp_arr);
$new_image_name = 'image_'. uniqid() .'.'.$img_extn;    

if (file_exists("Images/".$new_image_name))
           $msg=$new_image_name . " already exists."
           header('Content-type: application/json');        
           echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"2","ResponseMsg"=>$msg));        
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["uploaded_file"]["tmp_name"],"Images/". $new_image_name);
                   $flag = 1;

if($flag == 1){                    
            require 'db.php';   
            $static_url =$new_image_name;
            $conn=mysql_connect($db_host,$db_username,$db_password) or die("unable to connect localhost".mysql_error());
            $db=mysql_select_db($db_database,$conn) or die("unable to select message_app"); 
            $email = "";
                     $email = $_REQUEST['email'];

    $sql ="insert into alert(images) values('$static_url')";


    echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"1","ResponseMsg"=> "Insert data successfully.","Result"=>"True","ImageName"=>$static_url,"email"=>$email));
       } else

         echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"2","ResponseMsg"=> "Could not insert data.","Result"=>"False","email"=>$email));
    echo json_encode(array("ResponseCode"=>"2","ResponseMsg"=> "Erroe While Inserting Image.","Result"=>"False"));

Java - Convert integer to string

This is the method which i used to convert the integer to string.Correct me if i did wrong.

 * @param a
 * @return
private String convertToString(int a) {

    int c;
    char m;
    StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder();
    // convert the String to int
    while (a > 0) {
        c = a % 10;
        a = a / 10;
        m = (char) ('0' + c);
    return ans.reverse().toString();

Can you Run Xcode in Linux?

Nope, you've heard of MonoTouch which is a .NET/mono environment for iPhone development. But you still need a Mac and the official iPhone SDK. And the emulator is the official apple one, this acts as a separate IDE and allows you to not have to code in Objective C, rather you code in c#

It's an interesting project to say the least....

EDIT: apparently, you can distribute on the app store now, early on that was a no go....

How to use executeReader() method to retrieve the value of just one cell

It is not recommended to use DataReader and Command.ExecuteReader to get just one value from the database. Instead, you should use Command.ExecuteScalar as following:

String sql = "SELECT ColumnNumber FROM learer WHERE = " + index;
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql,conn);
learerLabel.Text = (String) cmd.ExecuteScalar();

Here is more information about Connecting to database and managing data.

Running stages in parallel with Jenkins workflow / pipeline

I have just tested the following pipeline and it works

parallel firstBranch: {
    stage ('Starting Test') 
        build job: 'test1', parameters: [string(name: 'Environment', value: "$env.Environment")]
}, secondBranch: {
    stage ('Starting Test2') 
        build job: 'test2', parameters: [string(name: 'Environment', value: "$env.Environment")]

This Job named 'trigger-test' accepts one parameter named 'Environment'

Job 'test1' and 'test2' are simple jobs:

Example for 'test1'

  • One parameter named 'Environment'
  • Pipeline : echo "$env.Environment-TEST1"

On execution, I am able to see both stages running in the same time

Java serialization - local class incompatible

@DanielChapman gives a good explanation of serialVersionUID, but no solution. the solution is this: run the serialver program on all your old classes. put these serialVersionUID values in your current versions of the classes. as long as the current classes are serial compatible with the old versions, you should be fine. (note for future code: you should always have a serialVersionUID on all Serializable classes)

if the new versions are not serial compatible, then you need to do some magic with a custom readObject implementation (you would only need a custom writeObject if you were trying to write new class data which would be compatible with old code). generally speaking adding or removing class fields does not make a class serial incompatible. changing the type of existing fields usually will.

Of course, even if the new class is serial compatible, you may still want a custom readObject implementation. you may want this if you want to fill in any new fields which are missing from data saved from old versions of the class (e.g. you have a new List field which you want to initialize to an empty list when loading old class data).

Received fatal alert: handshake_failure through SSLHandshakeException

This can also happend when the client needs to present a certificate. After the server lists the certificate chain, the following can happen:

3. Certificate Request The server will issue a certificate request from the client. The request will list all of the certificates the server accepts.

*** CertificateRequest
Cert Types: RSA
Cert Authorities:
<CN=blah, OU=blah, O=blah, L=blah, ST=blah, C=blah>
<CN=yadda, DC=yadda, DC=yadda>
<CN=moreblah, OU=moreblah, O=moreblah, C=moreblah>
<CN=moreyada, OU=moreyada, O=moreyada, C=moreyada>
... the rest of the request
*** ServerHelloDone

4. Client Certificate Chain This is the certificate the client is sending to the server.

*** Certificate chain
chain [0] = [
  Version: V3
  Subject: EMAILADDRESS=client's email, CN=client, OU=client's ou, O=client's Org, L=client's location, ST=client's state, C=client's Country
  Signature Algorithm: SHA1withRSA, OID = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
  ... the rest of the certificate
*** ClientKeyExchange, RSA PreMasterSecret, TLSv1    
... key exchange info 

If there isn't a certificate in the chain and the server requires one, you'll get the handshake error here. A likely cause is the path to your certificate wasn't found.

5. Certificate Verify The client asks the server to verify the certificate

*** CertificateVerify
... payload of verify check

This step will only happen if you are sending a certificate.

6. Finished The server will respond with a verify response

*** Finished
verify_data:  { 345, ... }

How can I exclude all "permission denied" messages from "find"?

Those errors are printed out to the standard error output (fd 2). To filter them out, simply redirect all errors to /dev/null:

find . 2>/dev/null > some_file

or first join stderr and stdout and then grep out those specific errors:

find . 2>&1 | grep -v 'Permission denied' > some_file

Warning: require_once(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_include=0

WORDPRESS is having this error mostly:
Locate your PHP installed directory on Remote live hosting SERVER or "Local Server"
In case of Windows os
for example if you using xampp or wamp webserver. it will be in xammp directory 'c:\xammp\php'
Note: For Unix/Linux OS, locate your PHP directory in Webserver

Find & Edit PHP.INI file
Find 'allow_url_include'
replace it with value 'on'
Save you php.ini & RESTART you web-server.

Random word generator- Python

There are a number of dictionary files available online - if you're on linux, a lot of (all?) distros come with an /etc/dictionaries-common/words file, which you can easily parse (words = open('/etc/dictionaries-common/words').readlines(), eg) for use.

How does Zalgo text work?

The text uses combining characters, also known as combining marks. See section 2.11 of Combining Characters in the Unicode Standard (PDF).

In Unicode, character rendering does not use a simple character cell model where each glyph fits into a box with given height. Combining marks may be rendered above, below, or inside a base character

So you can easily construct a character sequence, consisting of a base character and “combining above” marks, of any length, to reach any desired visual height, assuming that the rendering software conforms to the Unicode rendering model. Such a sequence has no meaning of course, and even a monkey could produce it (e.g., given a keyboard with suitable driver).

And you can mix “combining above” and “combining below” marks.

The sample text in the question starts with:

How do I check the operating system in Python?

You can use sys.platform:

from sys import platform
if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2":
    # linux
elif platform == "darwin":
    # OS X
elif platform == "win32":
    # Windows...

sys.platform has finer granularity than

For the valid values, consult the documentation.

See also the answer to “What OS am I running on?”

Converting any object to a byte array in java

To convert the object to a byte array use the concept of Serialization and De-serialization.

The complete conversion from object to byte array explained in is tutorial.

Q. How can we convert object into byte array?

Q. How can we serialize a object?

Q. How can we De-serialize a object?

Q. What is the need of serialization and de-serialization?

Including another class in SCSS

@extend .myclass;
@extend #{'.my-class'};

Creating a JSON Array in node js

Build up a JavaScript data structure with the required information, then turn it into the json string at the end.

Based on what I think you're doing, try something like this:

var result = [];
for (var name in goals) {
  if (goals.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
    result.push({name: name, goals: goals[name]});


or something along those lines.

Event on a disabled input

Disabled elements don't fire mouse events. Most browsers will propagate an event originating from the disabled element up the DOM tree, so event handlers could be placed on container elements. However, Firefox doesn't exhibit this behaviour, it just does nothing at all when you click on a disabled element.

I can't think of a better solution but, for complete cross browser compatibility, you could place an element in front of the disabled input and catch the click on that element. Here's an example of what I mean:

<div style="display:inline-block; position:relative;">
  <input type="text" disabled />
  <div style="position:absolute; left:0; right:0; top:0; bottom:0;"></div>


$("div > div").click(function (evt) {
    $(this).hide().prev("input[disabled]").prop("disabled", false).focus();

Example: (updated to use jQuery 1.7 with prop instead of attr).

CORS: credentials mode is 'include'

If you're using .NET Core, you will have to .AllowCredentials() when configuring CORS in Startup.CS.

Inside of ConfigureServices

services.AddCors(o => {
    o.AddPolicy("AllowSetOrigins", options =>


Then inside of Configure:

app.UseMvc(routes =>
        // Routing code here

For me, it was specifically just missing options.AllowCredentials() that caused the error you mentioned. As a side note in general for others having CORS issues as well, the order matters and AddCors() must be registered before AddMVC() inside of your Startup class.

Using the rJava package on Win7 64 bit with R

Sorry for necro. I have too run into the same issue and found out that rJava expects JAVA_HOME to point to JRE. If you have JDK installed, most probably your JAVA_HOME points to JDK. My quick solution:

Sys.setenv(JAVA_HOME=paste(Sys.getenv("JAVA_HOME"), "jre", sep="\\"))

How to use breakpoints in Eclipse

Put breakpoints - double click on the margin. Run > Debug > Yes (if dialog appears), then use commands from Run menu or shortcuts - F5, F6, F7, F8.

Using success/error/finally/catch with Promises in AngularJS

I think the previous answers are correct, but here is another example (just a f.y.i, success() and error() are deprecated according to AngularJS Main page:

    .then(function(response) {
    }).catch(function(e) {
        console.log('Error: ', e);
        throw e;
    }).finally(function() {
        console.log('This finally block');

Iterate over a Javascript associative array in sorted order

You cannot iterate over them directly, but you can find all the keys and then just sort them.

var a = new Array();
a['b'] = 1;
a['z'] = 1;
a['a'] = 1;    

function keys(obj)
    var keys = [];

    for(var key in obj)

    return keys;

keys(a).sort(); // ["a", "b", "z"]

However there is no need to make the variable 'a' an array. You are really just using it as an object and should create it like this:

var a = {};
a["key"] = "value";

Calling Java from Python

I'm on OSX 10.10.2, and succeeded in using JPype.

Ran into installation problems with Jnius (others have too), Javabridge installed but gave mysterious errors when I tried to use it, PyJ4 has this inconvenience of having to start a Gateway server in Java first, JCC wouldn't install. Finally, JPype ended up working. There's a maintained fork of JPype on Github. It has the major advantages that (a) it installs properly and (b) it can very efficiently convert java arrays to numpy array (np_arr = java_arr[:])

The installation process was:

git clone
cd jpype
python install

And you should be able to import jpype

The following demo worked:

import jpype as jp
jp.startJVM(jp.getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea")"hello world")

When I tried calling my own java code, I had to first compile (javac ./blah/, and I had to change the JVM path from the default (otherwise you'll get inexplicable "class not found" errors). For me, this meant changing the startJVM command to:

jp.startJVM('/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/MacOS/libjli.dylib', "-ea")
c = jp.JClass('blah.HelloWorldJPype')  
# Where my java class file is in ./blah/HelloWorldJPype.class

How to import a Python class that is in a directory above?

Here's a three-step, somewhat minimalist version of ThorSummoner's answer for the sake of clarity. It doesn't quite do what I want (I'll explain at the bottom), but it works okay.

Step 1: Make directory and


In, write:

import setuptools


Step 2: Install this directory as a package

Run this code in console:

python -m pip install --editable filepath_to/project_name

Instead of python, you may need to use python3 or something, depending on how your python is installed. Also, you can use -e instead of --editable.

Now, your directory will look more or less like this. I don't know what the egg stuff is.


This folder is considered a python package and you can import from files in this parent directory even if you're writing a script anywhere else on your computer.

Step 3. Import from above

Let's say you make two files, one in your project's main directory and another in a sub directory. It'll look like this:

    subdirectory/          |
    test_3.egg-info/  |----- Ignore these guys
        ...           |

Now, if looks like this:

x = 1

Then I can import it from, or really any other file anywhere else on your computer.

#  OR

import random # This is a standard package that can be imported anywhere.
import top_level_file # Now, works similarly.


This is different than what I was looking for: I hoped python had a one-line way to import from a file above. Instead, I have to treat the script like a module, do a bunch of boilerplate, and install it globally for the entire python installation to have access to it. It's overkill. If anyone has a simpler method than doesn't involve the above process or importlib shenanigans, please let me know.

how to open .mat file without using MATLAB?

A .mat-file is a compressed binary file. It is not possible to open it with a text editor (except you have a special plugin as Dennis Jaheruddin says). Otherwise you will have to convert it into a text file (csv for example) with a script. This could be done by python for example: Read .mat files in Python.

How to get the title of HTML page with JavaScript?

Put in the URL bar and then click enter:


You can select and copy the text from the alert depending on the website and the web browser you are using.

angularjs ng-style: background-image isn't working

It is possible to parse dynamic values in a couple of way.

Interpolation with double-curly braces:


String concatenation:

ng-style="{'background-image': 'url(' + myBackgroundUrl + ')'}"

ES6 template literals:

ng-style="{'background-image': `url(${myBackgroundUrl})`}"

What is the easiest way to initialize a std::vector with hardcoded elements?

The easiest way to do it is:

vector<int> ints = {10, 20, 30};

How can I define colors as variables in CSS?

You can try CSS3 variables:

body {
  --fontColor: red;
  color: var(--fontColor);

conflicting types error when compiling c program using gcc

You have to declare your functions before main()

(or declare the function prototypes before main())

As it is, the compiler sees my_print (my_string); in main() as a function declaration.

Move your functions above main() in the file, or put:

void my_print (char *);
void my_print2 (char *);

Above main() in the file.

Convert a list of objects to an array of one of the object's properties

I am fairly sure that Linq can do this.... but MyList does not have a select method on it (which is what I would have used).

Yes, LINQ can do this. It's simply:

MyList.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

Most likely the issue is that you either don't have a reference to System.Core, or you are missing an using directive for System.Linq.

How to populate options of h:selectOneMenu from database?


<h:selectOneMenu id="selectOneCB" value="#{page.selectedName}">
     <f:selectItems value="#{page.names}"/>


   List<SelectItem> names = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();

   //-- Populate list from database

   names.add(new SelectItem(valueObject,"label"));

   //-- setter/getter accessor methods for list

To display particular selected record, it must be one of the values in the list.