[javascript] iOS 7's blurred overlay effect using CSS?

  • clone the element you want to blur
  • append it to the element you want to be on top (the frosted window)
  • blur cloned element with webkit-filter
  • make sure cloned element is positioned absolute
  • when scrolling the original element's parent, catch scrollTop and scrollLeft
  • using requestAnimationFrame, now set the webkit-transform dynamically to translate3d with x and y values to scrollTop and scrollLeft

Example is here:

  • make sure to open in webkit-browser
  • scroll inside phone view (best with apple mouse...)
  • see blurring footer in action


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Examples related to blur

How can I make a CSS glass/blur effect work for an overlay? Can you blur the content beneath/behind a div? CSS blur on background image but not on content iOS 7's blurred overlay effect using CSS? Blur effect on a div element