Following are few key points/differences between RecyclerView & ListView. Take your call wisely.
If ListView works for you, there is no reason to migrate. If you are writing a new UI, you might be better off with RecyclerView.
RecylerView has inbuilt ViewHolder, doesn't need to implement our own like in listView. It support notify at particular index as well
Things like animating the addition or removal of items are already implemented in the RecyclerView without you having to do anything
We can associate a layout manager with a RecyclerView, this can be used for getting random views in recycleview while this was limitation in ListView In a ListView, the only type of view available is the vertical ListView. There is no official way to even implement a horizontal ListView. Now using a RecyclerView, we can have a
i) LinearLayoutManager - which supports both vertical and horizontal lists, ii) StaggeredLayoutManager - which supports Pinterest like staggered lists, iii) GridLayoutManager - which supports displaying grids as seen in Gallery apps.
And the best thing is that we can do all these dynamically as we want.