Here's a function that will measure the execution time of any function passed as argument:
#include <chrono>
#include <utility>
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point TimeVar;
#define duration(a) std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(a).count()
#define timeNow() std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()
template<typename F, typename... Args>
double funcTime(F func, Args&&... args){
TimeVar t1=timeNow();
return duration(timeNow()-t1);
Example usage:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
typedef std::string String;
//first test function doing something
int countCharInString(String s, char delim){
int count=0;
String::size_type pos = s.find_first_of(delim);
while ((pos = s.find_first_of(delim, pos)) != String::npos){
return count;
//second test function doing the same thing in different way
int countWithAlgorithm(String s, char delim){
return std::count(s.begin(),s.end(),delim);
int main(){
std::cout<<"norm: "<<funcTime(countCharInString,"precision=10",'=')<<"\n";
std::cout<<"algo: "<<funcTime(countWithAlgorithm,"precision=10",'=');
return 0;
norm: 15555
algo: 2976