The accepted answer here is correct, but also take note that not only "two dot" references need to be avoided, but also objects that are retrieved via the index. You also do not need to wait until you are finished with the program to clean up these objects, it's best to create functions that will clean them up as soon as you're finished with them, when possible. Here is a function I created that assigns some properties of a Style object called xlStyleHeader
public Excel.Style xlStyleHeader = null;
private void CreateHeaderStyle()
Excel.Styles xlStyles = null;
Excel.Font xlFont = null;
Excel.Interior xlInterior = null;
Excel.Borders xlBorders = null;
Excel.Border xlBorderBottom = null;
xlStyles = xlWorkbook.Styles;
xlStyleHeader = xlStyles.Add("Header", Type.Missing);
// Text Format
xlStyleHeader.NumberFormat = "@";
// Bold
xlFont = xlStyleHeader.Font;
xlFont.Bold = true;
// Light Gray Cell Color
xlInterior = xlStyleHeader.Interior;
xlInterior.Color = 12632256;
// Medium Bottom border
xlBorders = xlStyleHeader.Borders;
xlBorderBottom = xlBorders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom];
xlBorderBottom.Weight = Excel.XlBorderWeight.xlMedium;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
private void Release(object obj)
// Errors are ignored per Microsoft's suggestion for this type of function:
catch { }
Notice that I had to set xlBorders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom]
to a variable in order to clean that up (Not because of the two dots, which refer to an enumeration which does not need to be released, but because the object I'm referring to is actually a Border object that does need to be released).
This sort of thing is not really necessary in standard applications, which do a great job of cleaning up after themselves, but in ASP.NET applications, if you miss even one of these, no matter how often you call the garbage collector, Excel will still be running on your server.
It requires a lot of attention to detail and many test executions while monitoring the Task Manager when writing this code, but doing so saves you the hassle of desperately searching through pages of code to find the one instance you missed. This is especially important when working in loops, where you need to release EACH INSTANCE of an object, even though it uses the same variable name each time it loops.