[excel] Return empty cell from formula in Excel

This is how I did it for the dataset I was using. It seems convoluted and stupid, but it was the only alternative to learning how to use the VB solution mentioned above.

  1. I did a "copy" of all the data, and pasted the data as "values".
  2. Then I highlighted the pasted data and did a "replace" (Ctrl-H) the empty cells with some letter, I chose q since it wasn't anywhere on my data sheet.
  3. Finally, I did another "replace", and replaced q with nothing.

This three step process turned all of the "empty" cells into "blank" cells". I tried merging steps 2 & 3 by simply replacing the blank cell with a blank cell, but that didn't work--I had to replace the blank cell with some kind of actual text, then replace that text with a blank cell.