Programs & Examples On #Linker

The linker is part of the toolchain for producing executables from source code written in compiled programming languages. It takes compiled object code in multiple files and produces a single, "linked", executable file from them.

Multiple definition of ... linker error

Declarations of public functions go in header files, yes, but definitions are absolutely valid in headers as well! You may declare the definition as static (only 1 copy allowed for the entire program) if you are defining things in a header for utility functions that you don't want to have to define again in each c file. I.E. defining an enum and a static function to translate the enum to a string. Then you won't have to rewrite the enum to string translator for each .c file that includes the header. :)

Resolving LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with

IMO this link from Yochai Timmer was very good and relevant but painful to read. I wrote a summary.

Yochai, if you ever read this, please see the note at the end.

For the original post read : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs


LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "LIBCD" conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library


one part of the system was compiled to use a single threaded standard (libc) library with debug information (libcd) which is statically linked

while another part of the system was compiled to use a multi-threaded standard library without debug information which resides in a DLL and uses dynamic linking

How to resolve

  • Ignore the warning, after all it is only a warning. However, your program now contains multiple instances of the same functions.

  • Use the linker option /NODEFAULTLIB:lib. This is not a complete solution, even if you can get your program to link this way you are ignoring a warning sign: the code has been compiled for different environments, some of your code may be compiled for a single threaded model while other code is multi-threaded.

  • [...] trawl through all your libraries and ensure they have the correct link settings

In the latter, as it in mentioned in the original post, two common problems can arise :

  • You have a third party library which is linked differently to your application.

  • You have other directives embedded in your code: normally this is the MFC. If any modules in your system link against MFC all your modules must nominally link against the same version of MFC.

For those cases, ensure you understand the problem and decide among the solutions.

Note : I wanted to include that summary of Yochai Timmer's link into his own answer but since some people have trouble to review edits properly I had to write it in a separate answer. Sorry

Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'

One or more of your .cpp files is not being linked in, or some non-inline functions in some class are not defined. In particular, takeaway::textualGame()'s implementation can't be found. Note that you've defined a textualGame() at toplevel, but this is distinct from a takeaway::textualGame() implementation - probably you just forgot the takeaway:: there.

What the error means is that the linker can't find the "vtable" for a class - every class with virtual functions has a "vtable" data structure associated with it. In GCC, this vtable is generated in the same .cpp file as the first listed non-inline member of the class; if there's no non-inline members, it will be generated wherever you instantiate the class, I believe. So you're probably failing to link the .cpp file with that first-listed non-inline member, or never defining that member in the first place.

Visual C++: How to disable specific linker warnings?

For the benefit of others, I though I'd include what I did.

Since you cannot get Visual Studio (2010 in my case) to ignore the LNK4204 warnings, my approach was to give it what it wanted: the pdb files. As I was using open source libraries in my case, I have the code building the pdb files already.

BUT, the default is to name all of the PDF files the same thing: vc100.pdb in my case. As you need a .pdb for each and every .lib, this creates a problem, especially if you are using something like ImageMagik, which creates about 20 static .lib files. You cannot have 20 lib files in one directory (which your application's linker references to link in the libraries from) and have all the 20 .pdb files called the same thing.

My solution was to go and rebuild my static library files, and configure VS2010 to name the .pdb file with respect to the PROJECT. This way, each .lib gets a similarly named .pdb, and you can put all of the LIBs and PDBs in one directory for your project to use.

So for the "Debug" configuraton, I edited:

Properties->Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> Output Files -> Program Database File Name from


to be the following value:


Now rather than somewhere in the intermediate directory, the .pdb files are written to the output directory, where the .lib files are also being written, AND most importantly, they are named with a suffix of D+project name. This means each library project produduces a project .lib and a project specific .pdb.

I'm now able to copy all of my release .lib files, my debug .lib files and the debug .pdb files into one place on my development system, and the project that uses that 3rd party library in debug mode, has the pdb files it needs in debug mode.

error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup

You appear to have no main function, which is supposed to be the entry-point for your program.

What does the "no version information available" error from linux dynamic linker mean?

Have you seen this already? The cause seems to be a very old libpam on one of the sides, probably on that customer.

Or the links for the version might be missing :

How to specify non-default shared-library path in GCC Linux? Getting "error while loading shared libraries" when running

Should it be LIBRARY_PATH instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. gcc checks for LIBRARY_PATH which can be seen with -v option

Why does the order in which libraries are linked sometimes cause errors in GCC?

Here's an example to make it clear how things work with GCC when static libraries are involved. So let's assume we have the following scenario:

  • myprog.o - containing main() function, dependent on libmysqlclient
  • libmysqlclient - static, for the sake of the example (you'd prefer the shared library, of course, as the libmysqlclient is huge); in /usr/local/lib; and dependent on stuff from libz
  • libz (dynamic)

How do we link this? (Note: examples from compiling on Cygwin using gcc 4.3.4)

gcc -L/usr/local/lib -lmysqlclient myprog.o
# undefined reference to `_mysql_init'
# myprog depends on libmysqlclient
# so myprog has to come earlier on the command line

gcc myprog.o -L/usr/local/lib -lmysqlclient
# undefined reference to `_uncompress'
# we have to link with libz, too

gcc myprog.o -lz -L/usr/local/lib -lmysqlclient
# undefined reference to `_uncompress'
# libz is needed by libmysqlclient
# so it has to appear *after* it on the command line

gcc myprog.o -L/usr/local/lib -lmysqlclient -lz
# this works

What's an object file in C?

There are 3 kind of object files.

Relocatable object files

Contain machine code in a form that can be combined with other relocatable object files at link time, in order to form an executable object file.

If you have an a.c source file, to create its object file with GCC you should run: gcc a.c -c

The full process would be: preprocessor (cpp) would run over a.c. Its output (still source) will feed into the compiler (cc1). Its output (assembly) will feed into the assembler (as), which will produce the relocatable object file. That file contains object code and linking (and debugging if -g was used) metadata, and is not directly executable.

Shared object files

Special type of relocatable object file that can be loaded dynamically, either at load time, or at run time. Shared libraries are an example of these kinds of objects.

Executable object files

Contain machine code that can be directly loaded into memory (by the loader, e.g execve) and subsequently executed.

The result of running the linker over multiple relocatable object files is an executable object file. The linker merges all the input object files from the command line, from left-to-right, by merging all the same-type input sections (e.g. .data) to the same-type output section. It uses symbol resolution and relocation.

Bonus read:

When linking against a static library the functions that are referenced in the input objects are copied to the final executable. With dynamic libraries a symbol table is created instead that will enable a dynamic linking with the library's functions/globals. Thus, the result is a partially executable object file, as it depends on the library. If the library doesn't exist, the file can no longer execute).

The linking process can be done as follows: ld a.o -o myexecutable

The command: gcc a.c -o myexecutable will invoke all the commands mentioned at point 1 and at point 3 (cpp -> cc1 -> as -> ld1)

1: actually is collect2, which is a wrapper over ld.

Difference between shared objects (.so), static libraries (.a), and DLL's (.so)?

You are correct in that static files are copied to the application at link-time, and that shared files are just verified at link time and loaded at runtime.

The dlopen call is not only for shared objects, if the application wishes to do so at runtime on its behalf, otherwise the shared objects are loaded automatically when the application starts. DLLS and .so are the same thing. the dlopen exists to add even more fine-grained dynamic loading abilities for processes. You dont have to use dlopen yourself to open/use the DLLs, that happens too at application startup. error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line

The same thing happened to me as I was installing the HPCC benchmark (includes HPL and a few other benchmarks). I added -lm to the compiler flags in my build script and then it successfully compiled.

How can I link to a specific glibc version?

You are correct in that glibc uses symbol versioning. If you are curious, the symbol versioning implementation introduced in glibc 2.1 is described here and is an extension of Sun's symbol versioning scheme described here.

One option is to statically link your binary. This is probably the easiest option.

You could also build your binary in a chroot build environment, or using a glibc-new => glibc-old cross-compiler.

According to the blog post Linking to Older Versioned Symbols (glibc), it is possible to to force any symbol to be linked against an older one so long as it is valid by using the same .symver pseudo-op that is used for defining versioned symbols in the first place. The following example is excerpted from the blog post.

The following example makes use of glibc’s realpath, but makes sure it is linked against an older 2.2.5 version.

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

__asm__(".symver realpath,realpath@GLIBC_2.2.5");
int main()
    const char* unresolved = "/lib64";
    char resolved[PATH_MAX+1];

    if(!realpath(unresolved, resolved))
        { return 1; }

    printf("%s\n", resolved);

    return 0;

Why am I getting "undefined reference to sqrt" error even though I include math.h header?

Add header:


Note: use abs(), sometimes at the time of evaluation sqrt() can take negative values which leave to domain error.

abs()- provides absolute values;

example, abs(-3) =3

Include -lm at the end of your command during compilation time:

gcc <filename.extension> -lm

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find

You need to add -L/opt/lib to tell ld to look there for shared objects.

GCC C++ Linker errors: Undefined reference to 'vtable for XXX', Undefined reference to 'ClassName::ClassName()'

Qt C++ will show this error when you change a class such that it now inherits from QObject (ie so that it can now use signals/slots). Running qmake -r will call moc and fix this problem.

If you are working with others via some sort of version control, you will want to make some change to your .pro file (ie add/remove a blank line). When everyone else gets your changes and runs make, make will see that the .pro file has changed and automatically run qmake. This will save your teammates from repeating your frustration.

Embedding DLLs in a compiled executable

I highly recommend to use Costura.Fody - by far the best and easiest way to embed resources in your assembly. It's available as NuGet package.

Install-Package Costura.Fody

After adding it to the project, it will automatically embed all references that are copied to the output directory into your main assembly. You might want to clean the embedded files by adding a target to your project:


You'll also be able to specify whether to include the pdb's, exclude certain assemblies, or extracting the assemblies on the fly. As far as I know, also unmanaged assemblies are supported.


Currently, some people are trying to add support for DNX.

Update 2

For the lastest Fody version, you will need to have MSBuild 16 (so Visual Studio 2019). Fody version 4.2.1 will do MSBuild 15. (reference: Fody is only supported on MSBuild 16 and above. Current version: 15)

C compile : collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Your problem is the typo in the function CreateDectionary().You should change it to CreateDictionary(). collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status is the same problem in both C and C++, usually it means that you have unresolved symbols. In your case is the typo that i mentioned before.

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL': value '0' doesn't match value '2' in main.obj

I also had this issue and it arose because I re-made the project and then forgot to re-link it by reference in a dependent project.

Thus it was linking by reference to the old project instead of the new one.

It is important to know that there is a bug in re-adding a previously linked project by reference. You've got to manually delete the reference in the vcxproj and only then can you re-add it. This is a known issue in Visual studio according to msdn.

What is __gxx_personality_v0 for?

It's part of the exception handling. The gcc EH mechanism allows to mix various EH models, and a personality routine is invoked to determine if an exception match, what finalization to invoke, etc. This specific personality routine is for C++ exception handling (as opposed to, say, gcj/Java exception handling).

shared global variables in C

In one header file (shared.h):

extern int this_is_global;

In every file that you want to use this global symbol, include header containing the extern declaration:

#include "shared.h"

To avoid multiple linker definitions, just one declaration of your global symbol must be present across your compilation units (e.g: shared.cpp) :

/* shared.cpp */
#include "shared.h"
int this_is_global;

g++ undefined reference to typeinfo

Quoting from the gcc manual:

For polymorphic classes (classes with virtual functions), the type_info object is written out along with the vtable [...] For all other types, we write out the type_info object when it is used: when applying `typeid' to an expression, throwing an object, or referring to a type in a catch clause or exception specification.

And a bit earlier on the same page:

If the class declares any non-inline, non-pure virtual functions, the first one is chosen as the “key method” for the class, and the vtable is only emitted in the translation unit where the key method is defined.

So, this error happens when the "key method" is missing its definition, as other answers already mentioned.

Telling gcc directly to link a library statically

It is possible of course, use -l: instead of -l. For example -l:libXYZ.a to link with libXYZ.a. Notice the lib written out, as opposed to -lXYZ which would auto expand to libXYZ.

Linking static libraries to other static libraries

On Linux or MingW, with GNU toolchain:

ar -M <<EOM
    CREATE libab.a
    ADDLIB liba.a
    ADDLIB libb.a
ranlib libab.a

Of if you do not delete liba.a and libb.a, you can make a "thin archive":

ar crsT libab.a liba.a libb.a

On Windows, with MSVC toolchain:

lib.exe /OUT:libab.lib liba.lib libb.lib

Compilation fails with "relocation R_X86_64_32 against `.rodata.str1.8' can not be used when making a shared object"

I'm getting the same solution as @camino's comment on and XavierStuvw's reply.

I got it to work (for installing ffmpeg) by simply reinstalling the whole thing from the beginning with all instances of $ ./configure replaced by $ ./configure --enable-shared (first make sure to delete all the folders and files including the .so files from the previous attempt).

Apparently this works because

How to add include and lib paths to configure/make cycle?

Set LDFLAGS and CFLAGS when you run make:

$ LDFLAGS="-L/home/me/local/lib" CFLAGS="-I/home/me/local/include" make

If you don't want to do that a gazillion times, export these in your .bashrc (or your shell equivalent). Also set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include /home/me/local/lib:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/me/local/lib

C Linking Error: undefined reference to 'main'

Generally you compile most .c files in the following way:

gcc foo.c -o foo. It might vary depending on what #includes you used or if you have any external .h files. Generally, when you have a C file, it looks somewhat like the following:

#include <stdio.h>
    /* any other includes, prototypes, struct delcarations... */
    int main(){
    */ code */

When I get an 'undefined reference to main', it usually means that I have a .c file that does not have int main() in the file. If you first learned java, this is an understandable manner of confusion since in Java, your code usually looks like the following:

//any import statements you have
public class Foo{
    int main(){}

I would advise looking to see if you have int main() at the top.

How do I make a fully statically linked .exe with Visual Studio Express 2005?

For the C-runtime go to the project settings, choose C/C++ then 'Code Generation'. Change the 'runtime library' setting to 'multithreaded' instead of 'multithreaded dll'.

If you are using any other libraries you may need to tell the linker to ignore the dynamically linked CRT explicitly.

How to print the ld(linker) search path

I'm not sure that there is any option for simply printing the full effective search path.

But: the search path consists of directories specified by -L options on the command line, followed by directories added to the search path by SEARCH_DIR("...") directives in the linker script(s). So you can work it out if you can see both of those, which you can do as follows:

If you're invoking ld directly:

  • The -L options are whatever you've said they are.
  • To see the linker script, add the --verbose option. Look for the SEARCH_DIR("...") directives, usually near the top of the output. (Note that these are not necessarily the same for every invocation of ld -- the linker has a number of different built-in default linker scripts, and chooses between them based on various other linker options.)

If you're linking via gcc:

  • You can pass the -v option to gcc so that it shows you how it invokes the linker. In fact, it normally does not invoke ld directly, but indirectly via a tool called collect2 (which lives in one of its internal directories), which in turn invokes ld. That will show you what -L options are being used.
  • You can add -Wl,--verbose to the gcc options to make it pass --verbose through to the linker, to see the linker script as described above.

What is compiler, linker, loader?

  • Compiler : Which convert Human understandable format into machine understandable format
  • Linker : Which convert machine understandable format into Operating system understandable format
  • Loader : is entity which actually load and runs the program into RAM

Linker & Interpreter are mutually exclusive Interpreter getting code line by line and execute line by line.

"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz"

Try one of those three solution. It must work :) :

  1. sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
  2. sudo apt-get install libz-dev
  3. sudo apt-get install lib32z1-dev

In fact what is missing is not the lz command, but the development files for the zlib library.So you should install zlib1g-devlib for ex to get it.

For rhel7 like systems the package is zlib-devel

Why does fatal error "LNK1104: cannot open file 'C:\Program.obj'" occur when I compile a C++ project in Visual Studio?

I'm answering because I don't see this particular solution listed by anyone else.

Apparently my antivirus (Ad-Aware) was flagging a DLL one of my projects depends on, and deleting it. Even after excluding the directory where the DLL lives, the same behaviour continued until I restarted my computer.

ld cannot find -l<library>

you can add the Path to coinhsl lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable. May be that will help.


where /xx/yy/zz represent the path to coinhsl lib.

error LNK2005: xxx already defined in MSVCRT.lib(MSVCR100.dll) C:\something\LIBCMT.lib(setlocal.obj)

Some readers will have another issue and need this fix. read the links below. the same problem occured with visual studio 2015 with the advent of windows sdk 10 which brings up libucrt. ucrt is the windows implementation of C Runtime (CRT) aka the posix runtime library. You most likely have code that was ported from unix... Welcome to the drawback

ld cannot find an existing library

The problem is the linker is looking for but you only have

A quick hack is to symlink to

How does the compilation/linking process work?

GCC compiles a C/C++ program into executable in 4 steps.

For example, gcc -o hello hello.c is carried out as follows:

1. Pre-processing

Preprocessing via the GNU C Preprocessor (cpp.exe), which includes the headers (#include) and expands the macros (#define).

cpp hello.c > hello.i

The resultant intermediate file "hello.i" contains the expanded source code.

2. Compilation

The compiler compiles the pre-processed source code into assembly code for a specific processor.

gcc -S hello.i

The -S option specifies to produce assembly code, instead of object code. The resultant assembly file is "hello.s".

3. Assembly

The assembler (as.exe) converts the assembly code into machine code in the object file "hello.o".

as -o hello.o hello.s

4. Linker

Finally, the linker (ld.exe) links the object code with the library code to produce an executable file "hello".

    ld -o hello hello.o ...libraries...

Splitting templated C++ classes into .hpp/.cpp files--is it possible?

The place where you might want to do this is when you create a library and header combination, and hide the implementation to the user. Therefore, the suggested approach is to use explicit instantiation, because you know what your software is expected to deliver, and you can hide the implementations.

Some useful information is here:

For your same example: Stack.hpp

template <class T>
class Stack {

    void Push(T val);
    T Pop();
    T val;

template class Stack<int>;


#include <iostream>
#include "Stack.hpp"
using namespace std;

template<class T>
void Stack<T>::Push(T val) {
    cout << "Pushing Value " << endl;
    this->val = val;

template<class T>
T Stack<T>::Pop() {
    cout << "Popping Value " << endl;
    return this->val;

template <class T> Stack<T>::Stack() {
    cout << "Construct Stack " << this << endl;

template <class T> Stack<T>::~Stack() {
    cout << "Destruct Stack " << this << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "Stack.hpp"

int main() {
    Stack<int> s;
    cout << s.Pop() << endl;
    return 0;


> Construct Stack 000000AAC012F8B4
> Pushing Value
> Popping Value
> 10
> Destruct Stack 000000AAC012F8B4

I however don't entirely like this approach, because this allows the application to shoot itself in the foot, by passing incorrect datatypes to the templated class. For instance, in the main function, you can pass other types that can be implicitly converted to int like s.Push(1.2); and that is just bad in my opinion.

static linking only some libraries

gcc objectfiles -o program -Wl,-Bstatic -ls1 -ls2 -Wl,-Bdynamic -ld1 -ld2

you can also use: -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ flags for gcc libraries

keep in mind that if and libs1.a both exists, the linker will pick if it's before -Wl,-Bstatic or after -Wl,-Bdynamic. Don't forget to pass -L/libs1-library-location/ before calling -ls1.

gcc: undefined reference to

However, avpicture_get_size is defined.

No, as the header (<libavcodec/avcodec.h>) just declares it.

The definition is in the library itself.

So you might like to add the linker option to link libavcodec when invoking gcc:


Please also note that libraries need to be specified on the command line after the files needing them:

gcc -I$HOME/ffmpeg/include program.c -lavcodec

Not like this:

gcc -lavcodec -I$HOME/ffmpeg/include program.c

Referring to Wyzard's comment, the complete command might look like this:

gcc -I$HOME/ffmpeg/include program.c -L$HOME/ffmpeg/lib -lavcodec

For libraries not stored in the linkers standard location the option -L specifies an additional search path to lookup libraries specified using the -l option, that is libavcodec.x.y.z in this case.

For a detailed reference on GCC's linker option, please read here.

ldconfig error: is not a symbolic link

I have also faced the same issue, The solution for it is : the file for which you are getting the error is probably a duplicated file of the actual file with another version. So just the removal of a particular file on which errors are thrown can resolve the issue.

linking problem: fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'X86'

In my case it appears it was because I had "copied settings" from a 32-bit to a new configuration (64 bit) and it hadn't updated the libraries. Odd.

1>MSVCRTD.lib(ti_inst.obj) : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type ‘X86’ conflicts with target machine type ‘x64’

this meant “your properties -> VC++ Directories -> Library Directories” is pointing to a directory that has 32 bit libs built in it. Fix somehow!

In my case


How to specify preference of library path?

Specifying the absolute path to the library should work fine:

g++ /my/dir/  ...

Did you remember to remove the -lfoo once you added the absolute path?

How to fix symbol lookup error: undefined symbol errors in a cluster environment

yum update

helped me out. After I had

wget: symbol lookup error: wget: undefined symbol: psl_latest

Find child element in AngularJS directive

In your link function, do this:

// link function
function (scope, element, attrs) {
  var myEl = angular.element(element[0].querySelector('.list-scrollable'));

Also, in your link function, don't name your scope variable using a $. That is an angular convention that is specific to built in angular services, and is not something that you want to use for your own variables.

Find the maximum value in a list of tuples in Python

Use max():

Using itemgetter():

In [53]: lis=[(101, 153), (255, 827), (361, 961)]

In [81]: from operator import itemgetter

In [82]: max(lis,key=itemgetter(1))[0]    #faster solution
Out[82]: 361

using lambda:

In [54]: max(lis,key=lambda item:item[1])
Out[54]: (361, 961)

In [55]: max(lis,key=lambda item:item[1])[0]
Out[55]: 361

timeit comparison:

In [30]: %timeit max(lis,key=itemgetter(1))
1000 loops, best of 3: 232 us per loop

In [31]: %timeit max(lis,key=lambda item:item[1])
1000 loops, best of 3: 556 us per loop

How to convert enum names to string in c

There is no simple way to achieves this directly. But P99 has macros that allow you to create such type of function automatically:

 P99_DECLARE_ENUM(color, red, green, blue);

in a header file, and


in one compilation unit (.c file) should then do the trick, in that example the function then would be called color_getname.

Java: Static Class?

Just to swim upstream, static members and classes do not participate in OO and are therefore evil. No, not evil, but seriously, I would recommend a regular class with a singleton pattern for access. This way if you need to override behavior in any cases down the road, it isn't a major retooling. OO is your friend :-)

My $.02

Permissions for /var/www/html

I have just been in a similar position with regards to setting the 777 permissions on the apache website hosting directory. After a little bit of tinkering it seems that changing the group ownership of the folder to the "apache" group allowed access to the folder based on the user group.

1) make sure that the group ownership of the folder is set to the group apache used / generates for use. (check /etc/groups, mine was www-data on Ubuntu)

2) set the folder permissions to 774 to stop "everyone" from having any change access, but allowing the owner and group permissions required.

3) add your user account to the group that has permission on the folder (mine was www-data).

List comprehension vs map

map may be microscopically faster in some cases (when you're NOT making a lambda for the purpose, but using the same function in map and a listcomp). List comprehensions may be faster in other cases and most (not all) pythonistas consider them more direct and clearer.

An example of the tiny speed advantage of map when using exactly the same function:

$ python -mtimeit -s'xs=range(10)' 'map(hex, xs)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.86 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s'xs=range(10)' '[hex(x) for x in xs]'
100000 loops, best of 3: 5.58 usec per loop

An example of how performance comparison gets completely reversed when map needs a lambda:

$ python -mtimeit -s'xs=range(10)' 'map(lambda x: x+2, xs)'
100000 loops, best of 3: 4.24 usec per loop
$ python -mtimeit -s'xs=range(10)' '[x+2 for x in xs]'
100000 loops, best of 3: 2.32 usec per loop

Remove duplicates from dataframe, based on two columns A,B, keeping row with max value in another column C

You can do it with drop_duplicates as you wanted

# initialisation
d = pd.DataFrame({'A' : [1,1,2,3,3], 'B' : [2,2,7,4,4],  'C' : [1,4,1,0,8]})

d = d.sort_values("C", ascending=False)
d = d.drop_duplicates(["A","B"])

If it's important to get the same order

d = d.sort_index()

Get button click inside UITableViewCell

Swift 3 with a Closure

A nice solution is using a closure in a custom UITableViewCell to callback to the viewController for an action.

In cell:

final class YourCustomCell: UITableViewCell {

    var callbackClosure: (() -> Void)?

    // Configure the cell here
    func configure(object: Object, callbackClosure: (() -> Void)?) {
       self.callbackClosure = callbackClosure

// MARK: - IBAction
extension YourCustomCell {
    @IBAction fileprivate func actionPressed(_ sender: Any) {
        guard let closure = callbackClosure else { return }

In View Controller: Tableview Delegate

extension YourViewController: UITableViewDelegate {

    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        guard let cell: YourCustomCell = cell as? YourCustomCell else { return }
        cell.configure(object: object, callbackClosure: { [weak self] in

fileprivate extension YourViewController {

    func buttonAction() {
        // do your actions here 

Selenium and xPath - locating a link by containing text

Use this

//*[@id='popover-search']/div/div/ul/li[1]/a/span[contains(text(),'Some text')]


//*[@id='popover-search']/div/div/ul/li[1]/a/span[contains(.,'Some text')]

post checkbox value

In your form tag, rather than




And then, in booking.php use

$checkValue = $_POST['booking-check'];

Also, you'll need a submit button in there

<input type='submit'>

How do I use typedef and typedef enum in C?

typedef defines a new data type. So you can have:

typedef char* my_string;
typedef struct{
  int member1;
  int member2;
} my_struct;

So now you can declare variables with these new data types

my_string s;
my_struct x;

s = "welcome";
x.member1 = 10;

For enum, things are a bit different - consider the following examples:

enum Ranks {FIRST, SECOND};
int main()
   int data = 20;
   if (data == FIRST)
      //do something

using typedef enum creates an alias for a type:

typedef enum Ranks {FIRST, SECOND} Order;
int main()
   Order data = (Order)20;  // Must cast to defined type to prevent error

   if (data == FIRST)
      //do something

How to unzip files programmatically in Android?

The Kotlin way


data class ZipIO (val entry: ZipEntry, val output: File)

fun File.unzip(unzipLocationRoot: File? = null) {

    val rootFolder = unzipLocationRoot ?: File(parentFile.absolutePath + File.separator + nameWithoutExtension)
    if (!rootFolder.exists()) {

    ZipFile(this).use { zip ->
        .map {
            val outputFile = File(rootFolder.absolutePath + File.separator +
            ZipIO(it, outputFile)
        .map {
                if (!exists()) mkdirs()
        .filter { !it.entry.isDirectory }
        .forEach { (entry, output) ->
            zip.getInputStream(entry).use { input ->
                output.outputStream().use { output ->



val zipFile = File("path_to_your_zip_file")

How to specify the default error page in web.xml?

You can also do something like that:



For error code 403 it will return the page 403.html, and for any other error code it will return the page error.html.

How to sort a List of objects by their date (java collections, List<Object>)

Do not access or modify the collection in the Comparator. The comparator should be used only to determine which object is comes before another. The two objects that are to be compared are supplied as arguments.

Date itself is comparable, so, using generics:

class MovieComparator implements Comparator<Movie> {
    public int compare(Movie m1, Movie m2) {
       //possibly check for nulls to avoid NullPointerException
       return m1.getDate().compareTo(m2.getDate());

And do not instantiate the comparator on each sort. Use:

private static final MovieComparator comparator = new MovieComparator();

Get the Id of current table row with Jquery

$('input[type=button]' ).click(function() {
   var bid = jQuery(this).attr('id'); // button ID 
   var trid = $(this).parents('tr:first').attr('id'); // table row ID 

How to import popper.js?

You can download and import all of Bootstrap, and Popper, with a single command using Fetch Injection:

  '[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js',
], fetchInject([
  '[email protected]/dist/js/tether.min.js'

Add CSS files if you need those too. Adjust versions and external sources to meet your needs and consider using sub-resource integrity checking if you're not hosting the files on your own domain or don't trust the source.

jQuery to remove an option from drop down list, given option's text/value


or better (if you have few selects in the page):

$("#select_id option[value='foo']").remove();

Convert timestamp to date in MySQL query

If you are getting the query in your output you need to show us the code that actually echos the result. Can you post the code that calls requeteSQL?

For example, if you have used single quotes in php, it will print the variable name, not the value

echo 'foo is $foo'; // foo is $foo

This sounds exactly like your problem and I am positive this is the cause.

Also, try removing the @ symbol to see if that helps by giving you more infromation.

so that

$SQL_result = @mysql_query($SQL_requete); // run the query


  $SQL_result = mysql_query($SQL_requete); // run the query

This will stop any error suppression if the query is throwing an error.

What does the [Flags] Enum Attribute mean in C#?


To add another flag to an existing set of values, use the OR assignment operator.

Mode = Mode.Read;
//Add Mode.Write
Mode |= Mode.Write;
Assert.True(((Mode & Mode.Write) == Mode.Write)
  && ((Mode & Mode.Read) == Mode.Read)));

How to add white spaces in HTML paragraph

If you really need then you can use i.e. &nbsp; entity to do that, but remember that fonts used to render your page are usually proportional, so "aligning" with spaces does not really work and looks ugly.

Driver executable must be set by the system property

The error message says

"The path to the driver executable must be set by the system property;"

You are setting the path for the Chrome Driver with "" property. You are not setting the file location when for InternetExplorerDriver, to do that you must set "" property.

You can set these properties in your shell, via maven, or your IDE with the -DpropertyName=Value"C:/.../IEDriverServer.exe" 

You need to use quotes because of spaces or slashes in your path on windows machines, or alternatively reverse the slashes other wise they are the string string escape prefix.

You could also use


inside your code.

Swift: Reload a View Controller

This might be a little late, but did you try calling loadView()?

Executing "SELECT ... WHERE ... IN ..." using MySQLdb

this works for me:

myTuple= tuple(myList)
sql="select fooid from foo where bar in "+str(myTuple)

Test or check if sheet exists

I came up with an easy way to do it, but I didn't create a new sub for it. Instead, I just "ran a check" within the sub I was working on. Assuming the sheet name we're looking for is "Sheet_Exist" and we just want to activate it if found:

Dim SheetCounter As Integer

SheetCounter = 1

Do Until Sheets(SheetCounter).Name = "Sheet_Exist" Or SheetCounter = Sheets.Count + 1
 SheetCounter = SheetCounter +1
If SheetCounter < Sheets.Count + 1 Then
 MsgBox("Worksheet ""Sheet_Exist"" was NOT found")
End If

I also added a pop-up for when the sheet doesn't exist.

ImageView rounded corners

I use Universal Image loader library to download and round the corners of image, and it worked for me.

ImageLoaderConfiguration config = new ImageLoaderConfiguration.Builder(thisContext)
            // You can pass your own memory cache implementation
           .discCacheFileNameGenerator(new HashCodeFileNameGenerator())

DisplayImageOptions options = new DisplayImageOptions.Builder()
            .displayer(new RoundedBitmapDisplayer(10)) //rounded corner bitmap

ImageLoader imageLoader = ImageLoader.getInstance();
imageLoader.displayImage(image_url,image_view, options );

JavaScript: Class.method vs. Class.prototype.method

When you create more than one instance of MyClass , you will still only have only one instance of publicMethod in memory but in case of privilegedMethod you will end up creating lots of instances and staticMethod has no relationship with an object instance.

That's why prototypes save memory.

Also, if you change the parent object's properties, is the child's corresponding property hasn't been changed, it'll be updated.

How to resolve the "EVP_DecryptFInal_ex: bad decrypt" during file decryption

This message can also occur when you specify the incorrect decryption password (yeah, lame, but not quite obvious to realize this from the error message, huh?).

I was using the command line to decrypt the recent DataBase backup for my auxiliary tool and suddenly faced this issue.

Finally, after 10 mins of grief and plus reading through this question/answers I have remembered that the password is different and everything worked just fine with the correct password.

How to create multiple page app using react


This answer uses the dynamic routing approach embraced in react-router v4+. Other answers may reference the previously-used "static routing" approach that has been abandoned by react-router.


react-router is a great solution. You create your pages as Components and the router swaps out the pages according to the current URL. In other words, it replaces your original page with your new page dynamically instead of asking the server for a new page.

For web apps I recommend you read these two things first:

Summary of the general approach:

1 - Add react-router-dom to your project:


yarn add react-router-dom

or NPM

npm install react-router-dom

2 - Update your index.js file to something like:

import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

    <App /> {/* The various pages will be displayed by the `Main` component. */}
  ), document.getElementById('root')

3 - Create a Main component that will show your pages according to the current URL:

import React from 'react';
import { Switch, Route } from 'react-router-dom';

import Home from '../pages/Home';
import Signup from '../pages/Signup';

const Main = () => {
  return (
    <Switch> {/* The Switch decides which component to show based on the current URL.*/}
      <Route exact path='/' component={Home}></Route>
      <Route exact path='/signup' component={Signup}></Route>

export default Main;

4 - Add the Main component inside of the App.js file:

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Navbar />
      <Main />

5 - Add Links to your pages.

(You must use Link from react-router-dom instead of just a plain old <a> in order for the router to work properly.)

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
<Link to="/signup">
  <button variant="outlined">
    Sign up

Convert String (UTF-16) to UTF-8 in C#

Check the Jon Skeet answer to this other question: UTF-16 to UTF-8 conversion (for scripting in Windows)

It contains the source code that you need.

Hope it helps.

CSS transition with visibility not working

Visibility is an animatable property according to the spec, but transitions on visibility do not work gradually, as one might expect. Instead transitions on visibility delay hiding an element. On the other hand making an element visible works immediately. This is as it is defined by the spec (in the case of the default timing function) and as it is implemented in the browsers.

This also is a useful behavior, since in fact one can imagine various visual effects to hide an element. Fading out an element is just one kind of visual effect that is specified using opacity. Other visual effects might move away the element using e.g. the transform property, also see

It is often useful to combine the opacity transition with a visibility transition! Although opacity appears to do the right thing, fully transparent elements (with opacity:0) still receive mouse events. So e.g. links on an element that was faded out with an opacity transition alone, still respond to clicks (although not visible) and links behind the faded element do not work (although being visible through the faded element). See

This strange behavior can be avoided by just using both transitions, the transition on visibility and the transition on opacity. Thereby the visibility property is used to disable mouse events for the element while opacity is used for the visual effect. However care must be taken not to hide the element while the visual effect is playing, which would otherwise not be visible. Here the special semantics of the visibility transition becomes handy. When hiding an element the element stays visible while playing the visual effect and is hidden afterwards. On the other hand when revealing an element, the visibility transition makes the element visible immediately, i.e. before playing the visual effect.

Gulp command not found after install

You need to do this npm install --global gulp. It works for me and i also had this problem. It because you didn't install globally this package.

How do I calculate someone's age in Java?

String dateofbirth has the date of birth. and format is whatever (defined in the following line):

org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter formatter =  org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat.forPattern("mm/dd/yyyy");

Here is how to format:

org.joda.time.DateTime birthdateDate = formatter.parseDateTime(dateofbirth );
org.joda.time.DateMidnight birthdate = new         org.joda.time.DateMidnight(birthdateDate.getYear(), birthdateDate.getMonthOfYear(), birthdateDate.getDayOfMonth() );
org.joda.time.DateTime now = new org.joda.time.DateTime();
org.joda.time.Years age = org.joda.time.Years.yearsBetween(birthdate, now);
java.lang.String ageStr = java.lang.String.valueOf (age.getYears());

Variable ageStr will have the years.

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute in ArrayList

I agree with several of the points I've read in this post and I've incorporated them into my solution to solve the exact same issue as the original posting.

That said, the comments I appreciated are:

  • "unless you are using .NET 1.0 or 1.1, use List<T> instead of ArrayList. "

  • "Also, add the item(s) to be deleted to a new list. Then go through and delete those items." .. in my case I just created a new List and the populated it with the valid data values.


private List<string> managedLocationIDList = new List<string>();
string managedLocationIDs = ";1321;1235;;" // user input, should be semicolon seperated list of values

managedLocationIDList.AddRange(managedLocationIDs.Split(new char[] { ';' }));
List<string> checkLocationIDs = new List<string>();

// Remove any duplicate ID's and cleanup the string holding the list if ID's
Functions helper = new Functions();
checkLocationIDs = helper.ParseList(managedLocationIDList);

public List<string> ParseList(List<string> checkList)
    List<string> verifiedList = new List<string>();

    foreach (string listItem in checkList)
    if (!verifiedList.Contains(listItem.Trim()) && listItem != string.Empty)

    return verifiedList;

Replace negative values in an numpy array

And yet another possibility:

In [2]: a = array([1, 2, 3, -4, 5])

In [3]: where(a<0, 0, a)
Out[3]: array([1, 2, 3, 0, 5])

Java AES and using my own Key


As written in the comments the old code is not "best practice". You should use a keygeneration algorithm like PBKDF2 with a high iteration count. You also should use at least partly a non static (meaning for each "identity" exclusive) salt. If possible randomly generated and stored together with the ciphertext.

    SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong();
    byte[] salt = new byte[16];

    PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(password.toCharArray(), salt, 1000, 128 * 8);
    SecretKey key = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1").generateSecret(spec);
    Cipher aes = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
    aes.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);


Old Answer

You should use SHA-1 to generate a hash from your key and trim the result to 128 bit (16 bytes).

Additionally don't generate byte arrays from Strings through getBytes() it uses the platform default Charset. So the password "blaöä" results in different byte array on different platforms.

byte[] key = (SALT2 + username + password).getBytes("UTF-8");
MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
key = sha.digest(key);
key = Arrays.copyOf(key, 16); // use only first 128 bit

SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES");

Edit: If you need 256 bit as key sizes you need to download the "Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files" Oracle download link, use SHA-256 as hash and remove the Arrays.copyOf line. "ECB" is the default Cipher Mode and "PKCS5Padding" the default padding. You could use different Cipher Modes and Padding Modes through the Cipher.getInstance string using following format: "Cipher/Mode/Padding"

For AES using CTS and PKCS5Padding the string is: "AES/CTS/PKCS5Padding"

difference between variables inside and outside of __init__()

class foo(object):
    mStatic = 12

    def __init__(self):
        self.x = "OBj"

Considering that foo has no access to x at all (FACT)

the conflict now is in accessing mStatic by an instance or directly by the class .

think of it in the terms of Python's memory management :

12 value is on the memory and the name mStatic (which accessible from the class)

points to it .

c1, c2 = foo(), foo() 

this line makes two instances , which includes the name mStatic that points to the value 12 (till now) .

foo.mStatic = 99 

this makes mStatic name pointing to a new place in the memory which has the value 99 inside it .

and because the (babies) c1 , c2 are still following (daddy) foo , they has the same name (c1.mStatic & c2.mStatic ) pointing to the same new value .

but once each baby decides to walk alone , things differs :

c1.mStatic ="c1 Control"
c2.mStatic ="c2 Control"

from now and later , each one in that family (c1,c2,foo) has its mStatica pointing to different value .

[Please, try use id() function for all of(c1,c2,foo) in different sates that we talked about , i think it will make things better ]

and this is how our real life goes . sons inherit some beliefs from their father and these beliefs still identical to father's ones until sons decide to change it .


Laravel Eloquent compare date from datetime field

Laravel 4+ offers you these methods: whereDay(), whereMonth(), whereYear() (#3946) and whereDate() (#6879).

They do the SQL DATE() work for you, and manage the differences of SQLite.

Your result can be achieved as so:

->whereDate('date', '<=', '2014-07-10')

For more examples, see first message of #3946 and this Laravel Daily article.

Update: Though the above method is convenient, as noted by Arth it is inefficient on large datasets, because the DATE() SQL function has to be applied on each record, thus discarding the possible index.

Here are some ways to make the comparison (but please read notes below):

->where('date', '<=', '2014-07-10 23:59:59')

->where('date', '<', '2014-07-11')

// '2014-07-11'
$dayAfter = (new DateTime('2014-07-10'))->modify('+1 day')->format('Y-m-d');

->where('date', '<', $dayAfter)


  • 23:59:59 is okay (for now) because of the 1-second precision, but have a look at this article: 23:59:59 is not the end of the day. No, really!
  • Keep in mind the "zero date" case ("0000-00-00 00:00:00"). Though, these "zero dates" should be avoided, they are source of so many problems. Better make the field nullable if needed.

How do I create a new branch?

Right click and open SVN Repo-browser:

Enter image description here

Right click on Trunk (working copy) and choose Copy to...:

Enter image description here

Input the respective branch's name/path:

Enter image description here

Click OK, type the respective log message, and click OK.

SQL Left Join first match only

After careful consideration this dillema has a few different solutions:

Aggregate Everything Use an aggregate on each column to get the biggest or smallest field value. This is what I am doing since it takes 2 partially filled out records and "merges" the data.!3/59cde/1

  UPPER(IDNo) AS user_id
, MAX(FirstName) AS name_first
, MAX(LastName) AS name_last
, MAX(entry) AS row_num
FROM people P

Get First (or Last record)!3/59cde/23

-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Notes
-- entry: Auto-Number primary key some sort of unique PK is required for this method
-- IDNo:  Should be primary key in feed, but is not, we are making an upper case version
-- This gets the first entry to get last entry, change MIN() to MAX()
-- ------------------------------------------------------

     ,MIN(P2.entry) AS rownum
  FROM (
        UPPER(P.IDNo) AS user_id 
      , P.entry 
    FROM people P
  ) AS P2
LEFT JOIN people PData
ON PData.entry = PC.rownum

Python if not == vs if !=

It's about your way of reading it. not operator is dynamic, that's why you are able to apply it in

if not x == 'val':

But != could be read in a better context as an operator which does the opposite of what == does.

How to sort the letters in a string alphabetically in Python

You can use reduce

>>> a = 'ZENOVW'
>>> reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, sorted(a))

sklearn: Found arrays with inconsistent numbers of samples when calling

I think the "X" argument of needs to be a matrix, so the following should work.

regr = LinearRegression()[1:1000, [5]].values, df2.iloc[1:1000, 2].values)

What is the maximum length of a URL in different browsers?

Just remove or comment the following lines

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { /Identity/ services.AddDbContext(options => options.UseSqlServer(Configuration["ConnectionStrings:IdentityConnection"])); services.AddIdentity<AppUser, IdentityRole>().AddEntityFrameworkStores().AddDefaultTokenProviders(); /End/

        /*Identity Login Url */
        services.ConfigureApplicationCookie(opts => opts.LoginPath = "/Login");

        //services.AddMvc(config =>
        //    var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()
        //                    .RequireAuthenticatedUser()
        //                    .Build();
        //    config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));

Best design for a changelog / auditing database table?

What we have in our table:-

Primary Key
Event type (e.g. "UPDATED", "APPROVED")
Description ("Frisbar was added to blong")
User Id
User Id of second authoriser
Generic Id
Table Name

The generic id points at a row in the table that was updated and the table name is the name of that table as a string. Not a good DB design, but very usable. All our tables have a single surrogate key column so this works well.

Static class initializer in PHP

// file Foo.php
class Foo
  static function init() { /* ... */ }


This way, the initialization happens when the class file is included. You can make sure this only happens when necessary (and only once) by using autoloading.

Apache server keeps crashing, "caught SIGTERM, shutting down"

Apache is not running

It could also be something as simple as Apache not being configured to start automatically on boot. Assuming you are on a Red Hat-like system such as CentOS or Fedora, the chkconfig –list command will show you which services are set to start for each runlevel. You should see a line like

    httpd           0:off   1:off   2:on    3:on    4:on    5:on    6:off

If instead it says "off" all the way across, you can activate it with chkconfig httpd on. OR you can start apache manually from your panel.

Remove specific characters from a string in Javascript

if it is not the first two chars and you wanna remove F0 from the whole string then you gotta use this regex

   let string = 'F0123F0456F0';_x000D_
   let result = string.replace(/F0/ig, '');_x000D_

How to set default value for column of new created table from select statement in 11g

new table inherits only "not null" constraint and no other constraint. Thus you can alter the table after creating it with "create table as" command or you can define all constraint that you need by following the

create table t1 (id number default 1 not null);
insert into t1 (id) values (2);

create table t2 as select * from t1;

This will create table t2 with not null constraint. But for some other constraint except "not null" you should use the following syntax

create table t1 (id number default 1 unique);
insert into t1 (id) values (2);

create table t2 (id default 1 unique)
as select * from t1;

How to fill a Javascript object literal with many static key/value pairs efficiently?

Give this a try:

var map = {"aaa": "rrr", "bbb": "ppp"}; serialize/deserialize derived types?

Since the question is so popular, it may be useful to add on what to do if you want to control the type property name and its value.

The long way is to write custom JsonConverters to handle (de)serialization by manually checking and setting the type property.

A simpler way is to use JsonSubTypes, which handles all the boilerplate via attributes:

[JsonConverter(typeof(JsonSubtypes), "Sound")]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(Dog), "Bark")]
[JsonSubtypes.KnownSubType(typeof(Cat), "Meow")]
public class Animal
    public virtual string Sound { get; }
    public string Color { get; set; }

public class Dog : Animal
    public override string Sound { get; } = "Bark";
    public string Breed { get; set; }

public class Cat : Animal
    public override string Sound { get; } = "Meow";
    public bool Declawed { get; set; }

Adding a module (Specifically pymorph) to Spyder (Python IDE)

just use '!' before the pip command in spyder terminal and it will be fine


!pip install imutils

Monitoring the Full Disclosure mailinglist

Two generic ways to do the same thing... I'm not aware of any specific open solutions to do this, but it'd be rather trivial to do.

You could write a daily or weekly cron/jenkins job to scrape the previous time period's email from the archive looking for your keyworkds/combinations. Sending a batch digest with what it finds, if anything.

But personally, I'd Setup a specific email account to subscribe to the various security lists you're interested in. Add a simple automated script to parse the new emails for various keywords or combinations of keywords, when it finds a match forward that email on to you/your team. Just be sure to keep the keywords list updated with new products you're using.

You could even do this with a gmail account and custom rules, which is what I currently do, but I have setup an internal inbox in the past with a simple python script to forward emails that were of interest.

Best way to move files between S3 buckets?

Actually as of recently I just use the copy+paste action in the AWS s3 interface. Just navigate to the files you want to copy, click on "Actions" -> "Copy" then navigate to the destination bucket and "Actions" -> "Paste"

It transfers the files pretty quick and it seems like a less convoluted solution that doesn't require any programming, or over the top solutions like that.

error: strcpy was not declared in this scope

This error sometimes occurs in a situation like this:

#ifndef NAN
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NAN (strtod("NAN",NULL))

static void init_random(uint32_t initseed=0)
    if (initseed==0)
        struct timeval tv;
        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
        seed=(uint32_t) (4223517*getpid()*tv.tv_sec*tv.tv_usec);
#if !defined(CYGWIN) && !defined(__INTERIX)
    //SG_SPRINT("initializing random number generator with %d (seed size %d)\n", seed, RNG_SEED_SIZE)
    initstate(seed, CMath::rand_state, RNG_SEED_SIZE);

If the following code lines not run in the run-time:

#ifndef NAN
#include <stdlib.h>
#define NAN (strtod("NAN",NULL))

you will face with an error in your code like something as follows; because initstate is placed in the stdlib.h file and it's not included:

In file included from ../../shogun/features/SubsetStack.h:14:0, 
                 from ../../shogun/features/Features.h:21, 
                 from ../../shogun/ui/SGInterface.h:7, 
                 from MatlabInterface.h:15, 
                 from matlabInterface.cpp:7: 
../../shogun/mathematics/Math.h: In static member function 'static void shogun::CMath::init_random(uint32_t)': 
../../shogun/mathematics/Math.h:459:52: error: 'initstate' was not declared in this scope

Get value from hidden field using jQuery

If you don't want to assign identifier to the hidden field; you can use name or class with selector like:


or with assigned class:


The model backing the <Database> context has changed since the database was created

I had the same problem when we used one database for two applications. Setting disableDatabaseInitialization="true" in context type section works for me.

  <provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
  <context type="PreferencesContext, Preferences" disableDatabaseInitialization="true">
    <databaseInitializer type="System.Data.Entity.MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion`2[[PreferencesContext, Preferences], [Migrations.Configuration, Preferences]], EntityFramework" />

See more details

How to vertically center content with variable height within a div?

you can use flex display such as below code:

  align-items:center; /*for vertically center*/_x000D_
  justify-content:center; /*for horizontally center*/_x000D_
<div class="example">_x000D_
    <h6>Some text</h6>_x000D_

Set a form's action attribute when submitting?

<input type='submit' value='Submit' onclick='this.form.action="somethingelse";' />

Or you can modify it from outside the form, with javascript the normal way:

 document.getElementById('form_id').action = 'somethingelse';

how to delete all commit history in github?

Deleting the .git folder may cause problems in your git repository. If you want to delete all your commit history but keep the code in its current state, it is very safe to do it as in the following:

  1. Checkout

    git checkout --orphan latest_branch

  2. Add all the files

    git add -A

  3. Commit the changes

    git commit -am "commit message"

  4. Delete the branch

    git branch -D main

  5. Rename the current branch to main

    git branch -m main

  6. Finally, force update your repository

    git push -f origin main

PS: this will not keep your old commit history around

Add image in title bar

You'll have to use a favicon for your page. put this in the head-tag: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.png" type="image/png">

where favicon.png is preferably a 16x16 png image.

source: Adding a favicon to a static HTML page

Apache Server (xampp) doesn't run on Windows 10 (Port 80)

First, open regedit run as administrator see image open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentCurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP open Start, change value from 3 to 4 see image then restart your computer

Convert .cer certificate to .jks

Use the following will help

keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias keyAlias -file server.cer -keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit

Printing with "\t" (tabs) does not result in aligned columns

The length of the text that you are providing in each line is different, this is the problem, so if the second word is too long (see2.txt is long 8 char which corresponds to a single tab lenght) it prints out a tab which goes to the next tabulation point. One way to solve it is to programmatically add a pad to the f.getName() text so each text generated: see.txt or see2.txt has the same lenght (for example see.txt_ and see2.txt) so each tab automatically goes to the same tabulation point.

If you are developing with JDK 1.5 you can solve this using java.util.Formatter:

String format = "%-20s %5d\n";
System.out.format(format, "test", 1);
System.out.format(format, "test2", 20);
System.out.format(format, "test3", 5000);

this example will give you this print:

test                     1
test2                   20
test3                 5000

Access Session attribute on jstl

You should definitely avoid using <jsp:...> tags. They're relics from the past and should always be avoided now.

Use the JSTL.

Now, wether you use the JSTL or any other tag library, accessing to a bean property needs your bean to have this property. A property is not a private instance variable. It's an information accessible via a public getter (and setter, if the property is writable). To access the questionPaperID property, you thus need to have a

public SomeType getQuestionPaperID() {

method in your bean.

Once you have that, you can display the value of this property using this code :

<c:out value="${Questions.questionPaperID}" />

or, to specifically target the session scoped attributes (in case of conflicts between scopes) :

<c:out value="${sessionScope.Questions.questionPaperID}" />

Finally, I encourage you to name scope attributes as Java variables : starting with a lowercase letter.

How do you get the current page number of a ViewPager for Android?

There is no any method getCurrentItem() in viewpager.i already checked the API

Should C# or C++ be chosen for learning Games Programming (consoles)?

Ok here is my two cents.

If you are planning to seriously get into the game industry I recommend you learn both languages. Starting off with C++ then moving into a managed language like C#. C++ has it's advantages over C#, but C# also has advantages over C++.

Personally I prefer C# over C++ any day. This is because many reasons:, just a few:

  1. C# makes programming fun again ;).
  2. It's managed code helps me complete complex tasks easily and not forget safety.
  3. C#s' is pure OOP, forcing rules in your code that helps keep your code more readable, 'maintainable' and execution is more stable. Productivity rate surpasses C++ by at least 10%, the best C++ programmer could be an even better C# programmer.
  4. This isn't really a reason, more like something 'I' like about C#: LINQ.

Now...there are many things that I miss about C++. I miss being able to (completely) manage my own memory. I can't tell you how many times I caught myself trying to 'delete' an instance/reference. Another thing I dislike about C# is the inability to use multiple-inheritance, but then again it has forced me to think more about how to structure my code.

There has been more discussions on this topic than there are stars in the known universe and they all close at a dead end. Neither language is better than the other and refusing either one for the other will just hurt you in the long run. Times change and so do the standards for computer programming.

Whatever language you choose to keep at the top of your list, always keep your options open and don't set your mind to any one single language. You say you already know C++, why not learn C#, it can't hurt and I 'promise' you, it will make you a better C++ programmer.

setTimeout or setInterval?

If you set the interval in setInterval too short, it may fire before the previous call to the function has been completed. I ran into this problem with a recent browser (Firefox 78). It resulted in the garbage collection not being able to free memory fast enough and built up a huge memory leak. Using setTimeout(function, 500); gave the garbage collection enough time to clean up and keep the memory stable over time.

Serg Hospodarets mentioned the problem in his answer and I fully agree with his remarks, but he didn't include the memory leak/garbage collection-problem. I experienced some freezing, too, but the memory usage ran up to 4 GB in no time for some minuscule task, which was the real bummer for me. Thus, I think this answer is still beneficial to others in my situation. I would have put it in a comment, but lack the reputation to do so. I hope you don't mind.

Concatenate two PySpark dataframes

Here is one way to do it, in case it is still useful: I ran this in pyspark shell, Python version 2.7.12 and my Spark install was version 2.0.1.

PS: I guess you meant to use different seeds for the df_1 df_2 and the code below reflects that.

from pyspark.sql.types import FloatType
from pyspark.sql.functions import randn, rand
import pyspark.sql.functions as F

df_1 = sqlContext.range(0, 10)
df_2 = sqlContext.range(11, 20)
df_1 ="id", rand(seed=10).alias("uniform"), randn(seed=27).alias("normal"))
df_2 ="id", rand(seed=11).alias("uniform"), randn(seed=28).alias("normal_2"))

def get_uniform(df1_uniform, df2_uniform):
    if df1_uniform:
        return df1_uniform
    if df2_uniform:
        return df2_uniform

u_get_uniform = F.udf(get_uniform, FloatType())

df_3 = df_1.join(df_2, on = "id", how = 'outer').select("id", u_get_uniform(df_1["uniform"], df_2["uniform"]).alias("uniform"), "normal", "normal_2").orderBy(F.col("id"))

Here are the outputs I get:
| id|            uniform|              normal|
|  0|0.41371264720975787|  0.5888539012978773|
|  1| 0.7311719281896606|  0.8645537008427937|
|  2| 0.1982919638208397| 0.06157382353970104|
|  3|0.12714181165849525|  0.3623040918178586|
|  4| 0.7604318153406678|-0.49575204523675975|
|  5|0.12030715258495939|  1.0854146699817222|
|  6|0.12131363910425985| -0.5284523629183004|
|  7|0.44292918521277047| -0.4798519469521663|
|  8| 0.8898784253886249| -0.8820294772950535|
|  9|0.03650707717266999| -2.1591956435415334|
| id|            uniform|            normal_2|
| 11| 0.1982919638208397| 0.06157382353970104|
| 12|0.12714181165849525|  0.3623040918178586|
| 13|0.12030715258495939|  1.0854146699817222|
| 14|0.12131363910425985| -0.5284523629183004|
| 15|0.44292918521277047| -0.4798519469521663|
| 16| 0.8898784253886249| -0.8820294772950535|
| 17| 0.2731073068483362|-0.15116027592854422|
| 18| 0.7784518091224375| -0.3785563841011868|
| 19|0.43776394586845413| 0.47700719174464357|
| id|    uniform|              normal|            normal_2|
|  0| 0.41371265|  0.5888539012978773|                null|
|  1|  0.7311719|  0.8645537008427937|                null|
|  2| 0.19829196| 0.06157382353970104|                null|
|  3| 0.12714182|  0.3623040918178586|                null|
|  4|  0.7604318|-0.49575204523675975|                null|
|  5|0.120307155|  1.0854146699817222|                null|
|  6| 0.12131364| -0.5284523629183004|                null|
|  7| 0.44292918| -0.4798519469521663|                null|
|  8| 0.88987845| -0.8820294772950535|                null|
|  9|0.036507078| -2.1591956435415334|                null|
| 11| 0.19829196|                null| 0.06157382353970104|
| 12| 0.12714182|                null|  0.3623040918178586|
| 13|0.120307155|                null|  1.0854146699817222|
| 14| 0.12131364|                null| -0.5284523629183004|
| 15| 0.44292918|                null| -0.4798519469521663|
| 16| 0.88987845|                null| -0.8820294772950535|
| 17| 0.27310732|                null|-0.15116027592854422|
| 18|  0.7784518|                null| -0.3785563841011868|
| 19| 0.43776396|                null| 0.47700719174464357|

Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority '*'

Here is what fixed for me:

1) Make sure you are running Visual Studio as Administrator

2) Install and run winhttpcertcfg.exe to grant access

The command is similar to below: (enter your certificate subject and service name)

winhttpcertcfg -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\MY -s "certificate subject" -a "NetworkService"
winhttpcertcfg -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\MY -s "certificate subject" -a "LOCAL SERVICE"
winhttpcertcfg -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\MY -s "certificate subject" -a "My Apps Service Account"

Android - save/restore fragment state

Try this :

protected void onPause() {
    if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("MyFragment") != null)

protected void onResume() {
    if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("MyFragment") != null)

Hope this will help.

Also you can write this to activity tag in menifest file :


Good luck !!!

String in function parameter


is similar to

char *s = "MyString";

"MyString" is in both cases a string literal and in both cases the string is unmodifiable.


passes the address of a string literal to function as an argument.

C++ - how to find the length of an integer

Being a computer nerd and not a maths nerd I'd do:

char buffer[64];
int len = sprintf(buffer, "%d", theNum);

How do we change the URL of a working GitLab install?

You did everything correctly!

You might also change the email configuration, depending on if the email server is also the same server. The email configuration is in gitlab.yml for the mails sent by GitLab and also the admin-email.

How do I access my webcam in Python?

John Montgomery's, answer is great, but at least on Windows, it is missing the line




Without it, the camera resource is locked, and can not be captured again before the python console is killed.

Simple way to read single record from MySQL

$id = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM games LIMIT 1"),0);

Cannot hide status bar in iOS7

The only thing that worked for me is to add the following in your plist


jQuery: what is the best way to restrict "number"-only input for textboxes? (allow decimal points)

I first tried solving this using jQuery, but I wasn't happy about unwanted characters (non-digits) actually appearing in the input field just before being removed on keyup.

Looking for other solutions I found this:

Integers (non-negative)

  function numbersOnly(oToCheckField, oKeyEvent) {
    return oKeyEvent.charCode === 0 ||

<form name="myForm">
<p>Enter numbers only: <input type="text" name="myInput" 
    onkeypress="return numbersOnly(this, event);" 
    onpaste="return false;" /></p>

Source: Live example:

Decimal points (non-negative)

To allow a single decimal point you could do something like this:

  function numbersOnly(oToCheckField, oKeyEvent) {        
    var s = String.fromCharCode(oKeyEvent.charCode);
    var containsDecimalPoint = /\./.test(oToCheckField.value);
    return oKeyEvent.charCode === 0 || /\d/.test(s) || 
        /\./.test(s) && !containsDecimalPoint;

Source: Just wrote this. Seems to be working. Live example:

Other customizations

  • To allow more symbols to be typed just add those to the regular expression that is acting as the basic char code filter.
  • To implement simple contextual restrictions, look at the current content (state) of the input field (oToCheckField.value)

Some things you could be interested in doing:

  • Only one decimal point allowed
  • Allow minus sign only if positioned at the start of the string. This would allow for negative numbers.


  • The caret position is not available inside the function. This greatly reduced the contextual restrictions you can implement (e.g. no two equal consecutive symbols). Not sure what the best way to access it is.

I know the title asks for jQuery solutions, but hopefully someone will find this useful anyway.

Broadcast receiver for checking internet connection in android app

public static boolean isNetworkAvailable(Context context) {
        boolean isMobile = false, isWifi = false;

        NetworkInfo[] infoAvailableNetworks = getConnectivityManagerInstance(

        if (infoAvailableNetworks != null) {
            for (NetworkInfo network : infoAvailableNetworks) {

                if (network.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
                    if (network.isConnected() && network.isAvailable())
                        isWifi = true;
                if (network.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
                    if (network.isConnected() && network.isAvailable())
                        isMobile = true;

        return isMobile || isWifi;

/* You can write such method somewhere in utility class and call it NetworkChangeReceiver like below */
public class NetworkChangedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver 
    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

        if (isNetworkAvailable(context)) 
             Toast.makeText(context, "Network Available Do operations",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 


This above broadcast receiver will be called only when Network state change to connected and not on disconnected.

JavaScript hard refresh of current page

window.location.href = window.location.href

CMake output/build directory

Turning my comment into an answer:

In case anyone did what I did, which was start by putting all the build files in the source directory:

cd src
cmake .

cmake will put a bunch of build files and cache files (CMakeCache.txt, CMakeFiles, cmake_install.cmake, etc) in the src dir.

To change to an out of source build, I had to remove all of those files. Then I could do what @Angew recommended in his answer:

mkdir -p src/build
cd src/build
cmake ..

Frame Buster Buster ... buster code needed

Use htaccess to avoid high-jacking frameset, iframe and any content like images.

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.yoursite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /copyrights.html [L]

This will show a copyright page instead of the expected.

C# - Simplest way to remove first occurrence of a substring from another string

I definitely agree that this is perfect for an extension method, but I think it can be improved a bit.

public static string Remove(this string source, string remove,  int firstN)
        if(firstN <= 0 || string.IsNullOrEmpty(source) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(remove))
            return source;
        int index = source.IndexOf(remove);
        return index < 0 ? source : source.Remove(index, remove.Length).Remove(remove, --firstN);

This does a bit of recursion which is always fun.

Here is a simple unit test as well:

    public void RemoveTwiceTest()
        string source = "look up look up look it up";
        string remove = "look";
        int firstN = 2;
        string expected = " up  up look it up";
        string actual;
        actual = source.Remove(remove, firstN);
        Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);


Managing SSH keys within Jenkins for Git

According to this article, you may try following command:

   ssh-add -l

If your key isn't in the list, then

   ssh-add /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa_project

Why Choose Struct Over Class?

Similarities between structs and classes.

I created gist for this with simple examples.

And differences

1. Inheritance.

structures can't inherit in swift. If you want

class Vehicle{

class Car : Vehicle{

Go for an class.

2. Pass By

Swift structures pass by value and class instances pass by reference.

Contextual Differences

Struct constant and variables

Example (Used at WWDC 2014)

struct Point{
   var x = 0.0;
   var y = 0.0;


Defines a struct called Point.

var point = Point(x:0.0,y:2.0)

Now if I try to change the x. Its a valid expression.

point.x = 5

But if I defined a point as constant.

let point = Point(x:0.0,y:2.0)
point.x = 5 //This will give compile time error.

In this case entire point is immutable constant.

If I used a class Point instead this is a valid expression. Because in a class immutable constant is the reference to the class itself not its instance variables (Unless those variables defined as constants)

Why should a Java class implement comparable?

The fact that a class implements Comparable means that you can take two objects from that class and compare them. Some classes, like certain collections (sort function in a collection) that keep objects in order rely on them being comparable (in order to sort you need to know which object is the "biggest" and so forth).

What's the fastest way to read a text file line-by-line?

If the file size is not big, then it is faster to read the entire file and split it afterwards

var filestreams = sr.ReadToEnd().Split(Environment.NewLine, 

JavaScript regex for alphanumeric string with length of 3-5 chars

You'd have to define alphanumerics exactly, but


Should match any digit/character/_ combination of length 3-5.

If you also need the dash, make sure to escape it (\-) add it, like this: :


Also: the ^ anchor means that the sequence has to start at the beginning of the line (character string), and the $ that it ends at the end of the line (character string). So your value string mustn't contain anything else, or it won't match.

How do I use .woff fonts for my website?

You need to declare @font-face like this in your stylesheet

@font-face {
  font-family: 'Awesome-Font';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: local('Awesome-Font'), local('Awesome-Font-Regular'), url(path/Awesome-Font.woff) format('woff');

Now if you want to apply this font to a paragraph simply use it like this..

p {
font-family: 'Awesome-Font', Arial;

More Reference

javascript: get a function's variable's value within another function

the OOP way to do this in ES5 is to make that variable into a property using the this keyword.

function first(){

function second() {
    y=new first();

How can I concatenate strings in VBA?

& is always evaluated in a string context, while + may not concatenate if one of the operands is no string:

"1" + "2" => "12"
"1" + 2   => 3
1 + "2"   => 3
"a" + 2   => type mismatch

This is simply a subtle source of potential bugs and therefore should be avoided. & always means "string concatenation", even if its arguments are non-strings:

"1" & "2" => "12"
"1" &  2  => "12"
 1  & "2" => "12"
 1  &  2  => "12"
"a" &  2  => "a2"

Maven2 property that indicates the parent directory

Did you try ../../env_${env}.properties ?

Normally we do the following when module2 is on the same level as the sub-modules


I would think the ../.. would let you jump up two levels. If not, you might want to contact the plug in authors and see if this is a known issue.

How to iterate a loop with index and element in Swift

Swift 5.x:

I personally prefer using the forEach method:

list.enumerated().forEach { (index, element) in

You can also use the short version:

list.enumerated().forEach { print("index: \($0.0), value: \($0.1)") }

An exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll

I think your EmpID column is string and you forget to use ' ' in your value.

Because when you write EmpID=" + id.Text, your command looks like EmpID = 12345 instead of EmpID = '12345'

Change your SqlCommand to

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT EmpName FROM Employee WHERE EmpID='" + id.Text +"'", con);

Or as a better way you can (and should) always use parameterized queries. This kind of string concatenations are open for SQL Injection attacks.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT EmpName FROM Employee WHERE EmpID = @id", con);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id.Text);

I think your EmpID column keeps your employee id's, so it's type should some numerical type instead of character.

How to create JNDI context in Spring Boot with Embedded Tomcat Container

After all i got the answer thanks to wikisona, first the beans:

public TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory tomcatFactory() {
    return new TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory() {

        protected TomcatEmbeddedServletContainer getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(
                Tomcat tomcat) {
            return super.getTomcatEmbeddedServletContainer(tomcat);

        protected void postProcessContext(Context context) {
            ContextResource resource = new ContextResource();
            resource.setProperty("driverClassName", "your.db.Driver");
            resource.setProperty("url", "jdbc:yourDb");


public DataSource jndiDataSource() throws IllegalArgumentException, NamingException {
    JndiObjectFactoryBean bean = new JndiObjectFactoryBean();
    return (DataSource)bean.getObject();

the full code it's here:

Created Button Click Event c#

You need an event handler which will fire when the button is clicked. Here is a quick way -

  var button = new Button();
  button.Text = "my button";


  button.Click += (sender, args) =>
                           MessageBox.Show("Some stuff");

But it would be better to understand a bit more about buttons, events, etc.

If you use the visual studio UI to create a button and double click the button in design mode, this will create your event and hook it up for you. You can then go to the designer code (the default will be Form1.Designer.cs) where you will find the event:

 this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);

You will also see a LOT of other information setup for the button, such as location, etc. - which will help you create one the way you want and will improve your understanding of creating UI elements. E.g. a default button gives this on my 2012 machine:

        this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(128, 214);
        this.button1.Name = "button1";
        this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
        this.button1.TabIndex = 1;
        this.button1.Text = "button1";
        this.button1.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

As for closing the Form, it is as easy as putting Close(); within your event handler:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
       MessageBox.Show("some text");

C# - How to get Program Files (x86) on Windows 64 bit

The function below will return the x86 Program Files directory in all of these three Windows configurations:

  • 32 bit Windows
  • 32 bit program running on 64 bit Windows
  • 64 bit program running on 64 bit windows


static string ProgramFilesx86()
    if( 8 == IntPtr.Size 
        || (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432"))))
        return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles(x86)");

    return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ProgramFiles");

How can I dynamically set the position of view in Android?

For anything below Honeycomb (API Level 11) you'll have to use setLayoutParams(...).

If you can limit your support to Honeycomb and up you can use the setX(...), setY(...), setLeft(...), setTop(...), etc.

Understanding the grid classes ( col-sm-# and col-lg-# ) in Bootstrap 3


I took another look at the docs and it appears I overlooked a section which talks specifically about this.

The answers to my questions:

  1. Yes, they are meant to apply only to specific ranges, rather than everything above a certain width.

  2. Yes, the classes are meant to be combined.

  3. It appears that this is appropriate in certain cases but not others because the col-# classes are basically equivalent to col-xsm-# or, widths above 0px (all widths).

Other than reading the docs too quickly, I think I was confused because I came into Bootstrap 3 with a "Bootstrap 2 mentality". Specifically, I was using the (optional) responsive styles (bootstrap-responsive.css) in v2 and v3 is quite different (for the better IMO).

UPDATE for stable release:

This question was originally written when RC1 was out. They made some major changes in RC2 so for anyone reading this now, not everything mentioned above still applies.

As of when I'm currently writing this, the col-*-# classes DO seem to apply upwards. So for example, if you want an element to be 12 columns (full width) for phones, but two 6 columns (half page) for tablets and up, you would do something like this:

<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"> ... //NO NEED FOR col-md-6 or col-lg-6

(They also added an additional xs break point after this question was written.)

Check if a string is html or not

My solution is

const element = document.querySelector('.test_element');

const setHtml = elem =>{
    let getElemContent = elem.innerHTML;

    // Clean Up whitespace in the element
    // If you don't want to remove whitespace, then you can skip this line
    let newHtml = getElemContent.replace(/[\n\t ]+/g, " ");

    //RegEX to check HTML
    let checkHtml = /<([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\/\1>/.test(getElemContent);

    //Check it is html or not
    if (checkHtml){
        console.log('This is an HTML');
        console.log('This is a TEXT');


JSON.stringify doesn't work with normal Javascript array

Nice explanation and example above. I found this (JSON.stringify() array bizarreness with Prototype.js) to complete the answer. Some sites implements its own toJSON with JSONFilters, so delete it.

if(window.Prototype) {
    delete Object.prototype.toJSON;
    delete Array.prototype.toJSON;
    delete Hash.prototype.toJSON;
    delete String.prototype.toJSON;

it works fine and the output of the test:




Google Authenticator available as a public service?

The project is open source. I have not used it. But it's using a documented algorithm (noted in the RFC listed on the open source project page), and the authenticator implementations support multiple accounts.

The actual process is straightforward. The one time code is, essentially, a pseudo random number generator. A random number generator is a formula that once given a seed, or starting number, continues to create a stream of random numbers. Given a seed, while the numbers may be random to each other, the sequence itself is deterministic. So, once you have your device and the server "in sync" then the random numbers that the device creates, each time you hit the "next number button", will be the same, random, numbers the server expects.

A secure one time password system is more sophisticated than a random number generator, but the concept is similar. There are also other details to help keep the device and server in sync.

So, there's no need for someone else to host the authentication, like, say OAuth. Instead you need to implement that algorithm that is compatible with the apps that Google provides for the mobile devices. That software is (should be) available on the open source project.

Depending on your sophistication, you should have all you need to implement the server side of this process give the OSS project and the RFC. I do not know if there is a specific implementation for your server software (PHP, Java, .NET, etc.)

But, specifically, you don't need an offsite service to handle this.

Resize command prompt through commands

Simply type

MODE [width],[height]


MODE 14,1

That is the smallest size possible.

MODE 1000,1000

is the largest possible, although it probably won't even fit your screen. If you want to minimize it, type

start /min [yourbatchfile/cmd]

and of course, to maximaze,

start /max [yourbatchfile/cmd]

I am currently working on doing this from the same batch files so that you don't have to have two or start it with cmd. of course, there are shortcuts, but I'm gonna try to figure it out.

Matplotlib-Animation "No MovieWriters Available"

I had the following error while running the cell. enter image description here

This may be due to not having ffmpeg in your system. Try the following command in your terminal.

sudo apt install ffmpeg

This works for me. I hope it will work out for you too.

Drawing rotated text on a HTML5 canvas

Funkodebat posted a great solution which I have referenced many times. Still, I find myself writing my own working model each time I need this. So, here is my working model... with some added clarity.

First of all, the height of the text is equal to the pixel font size. Now, this was something I read a while ago, and it has worked out in my calculations. I'm not sure if this works with all fonts, but it seems to work with Arial, sans-serif.

Also, to make sure that you fit all of the text in your canvas (and don't trim the tails off of your "p"'s) you need to set context.textBaseline*.

You will see in the code that we are rotating the text about its center. To do this, we need to set context.textAlign = "center" and the context.textBaseline to bottom, otherwise, we trim off parts of our text.

Why resize the canvas? I usually have a canvas that isn't appended to the page. I use it to draw all of my rotated text, then I draw it onto another canvas which I display. For example, you can use this canvas to draw all of the labels for a chart (one by one) and draw the hidden canvas onto the chart canvas where you need the label (context.drawImage(hiddenCanvas, 0, 0);).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Set your font before measuring your text, and re-apply all of your styling to the context after resizing your canvas. A canvas's context is completely reset when the canvas is resized.

Hope this helps!

var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");_x000D_
var ctx = c.getContext("2d");_x000D_
var font, text, x, y;_x000D_
text = "Mississippi";_x000D_
//Set font size before measuring_x000D_
font = 20;_x000D_
ctx.font = font + 'px Arial, sans-serif';_x000D_
//Get width of text_x000D_
var metrics = ctx.measureText(text);_x000D_
//Set canvas dimensions_x000D_
c.width = font;//The height of the text. The text will be sideways._x000D_
c.height = metrics.width;//The measured width of the text_x000D_
//After a canvas resize, the context is reset. Set the font size again_x000D_
ctx.font = font + 'px Arial';_x000D_
//Set the drawing coordinates_x000D_
x = font/2;_x000D_
y = metrics.width/2;_x000D_
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';_x000D_
ctx.textAlign = 'center';_x000D_
ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";_x000D_
//Rotate the context and draw the text_x000D_;_x000D_
ctx.translate(x, y);_x000D_
ctx.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);_x000D_
ctx.fillText(text, 0, font / 2);_x000D_
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="300" height="150" style="border:1px solid #d3d3d3;">

an attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbbiden by its access permissions. why?

Well I don't even understand the culprit of this problem. But in my case the problem is totally different. I've tried running netstat -o or netstat -ab, both show that there is not any app currently listening on port 62434 which is the one my app tries to listen on. So it's really confusing to me.

I just tried thinking of what I had made so that it stopped working (it did work before). Well then I thought of the Internet sharing I made on my Ethernet adapter with a private virtual LAN (using Hyper-v in Windows 10). I just needed to turn off the sharing and it worked just fine again.

Hope this helps someone else having the same issue. And of course if someone could explain this, please add more detail in your own answer or maybe as some comment to my answer.

Pass object to javascript function

when you pass an object within curly braces as an argument to a function with one parameter , you're assigning this object to a variable which is the parameter in this case

How to convert a String to JsonObject using gson library

You don't need to use JsonObject. You should be using Gson to convert to/from JSON strings and your own Java objects.

See the Gson User Guide:


Gson gson = new Gson();
gson.toJson(1);                   // prints 1
gson.toJson("abcd");              // prints "abcd"
gson.toJson(new Long(10));        // prints 10
int[] values = { 1 };
gson.toJson(values);              // prints [1]


int one = gson.fromJson("1", int.class);
Integer one = gson.fromJson("1", Integer.class);
Long one = gson.fromJson("1", Long.class);
Boolean false = gson.fromJson("false", Boolean.class);
String str = gson.fromJson("\"abc\"", String.class);
String anotherStr = gson.fromJson("[\"abc\"]", String.class)

Calling a Function defined inside another function in Javascript

Again, not a direct answer to the question, but was led here by a web search. Ended up exposing the inner function without using return, etc. by simply assigning it to a global variable.

var fname;

function outer() {
    function inner() {
    fname = inner;

Now just


Inserting a value into all possible locations in a list

Use insert() to insert an element before a given position.

For instance, with

arr = ['A','B','C']

arr becomes ['D','A','B','C'] because D is inserted before the element at index 0.

Now, for

arr = ['A','B','C']

arr becomes ['A','B','C','D'] because D is inserted before the element at index 4 (which is 1 beyond the end of the array).

However, if you are looking to generate all permutations of an array, there are ways to do this already built into Python. The itertools package has a permutation generator.

Here's some example code:

import itertools
arr = ['A','B','C']
perms = itertools.permutations(arr)
for perm in perms:
    print perm

will print out

('A', 'B', 'C')
('A', 'C', 'B')
('B', 'A', 'C')
('B', 'C', 'A')
('C', 'A', 'B')
('C', 'B', 'A')

Short rot13 function - Python

You can also use this also

def n3bu1A(n):
    key = {
       'a':'n', 'b':'o', 'c':'p', 'd':'q', 'e':'r', 'f':'s', 'g':'t', 'h':'u', 
       'i':'v', 'j':'w', 'k':'x', 'l':'y', 'm':'z', 'n':'a', 'o':'b', 'p':'c', 
       'q':'d', 'r':'e', 's':'f', 't':'g', 'u':'h', 'v':'i', 'w':'j', 'x':'k',
       'y':'l', 'z':'m', 'A':'N', 'B':'O', 'C':'P', 'D':'Q', 'E':'R', 'F':'S', 
       'G':'T', 'H':'U', 'I':'V', 'J':'W', 'K':'X', 'L':'Y', 'M':'Z', 'N':'A', 
       'O':'B', 'P':'C', 'Q':'D', 'R':'E', 'S':'F', 'T':'G', 'U':'H', 'V':'I', 
       'W':'J', 'X':'K', 'Y':'L', 'Z':'M'}
    for x in n:
        v = x in key.keys()
        if v == True:
            o += (key[x])   
            o += x
    return o

Yes = n3bu1A("N zhpu fvzcyre jnl gb fnl Guvf vf zl Zragbe!!")

How do you stretch an image to fill a <div> while keeping the image's aspect-ratio?

if you working with IMG tag, it's easy.

I made this:

            height: 400px;
            width: 400px;
        #pic img{
            height: 225px;               
            position: relative;
            margin: 0 auto;

<div id="pic"><img src="images/menu.png"></div>

            $('#pic img').attr({ 'style':'height:25%; display:none; left:100px; top:100px;' })

but i didn't find how to make it work with #pic { background:url(img/menu.png)} Enyone? Thanks

NSDate get year/month/day

In Swift 2.0:

    let date = NSDate()
    let calendar = NSCalendar(identifier: NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian)!
    let components = calendar.components([.Month, .Day], fromDate: date)

    let (month, day) = (components.month,

Find all zero-byte files in directory and subdirectories

No, you don't have to bother grep.

find $dir -size 0 ! -name "*.xml"

Replacing spaces with underscores in JavaScript?

Just using replace:

var text = 'Hello World';_x000D_
new_text = text.replace(' ', '_');_x000D_

Convert pandas DataFrame into list of lists

There is a built in method which would be the fastest method also, calling tolist on the .values np array:


[[0.0, 3.61, 380.0, 3.0],
 [1.0, 3.67, 660.0, 3.0],
 [1.0, 3.19, 640.0, 4.0],
 [0.0, 2.93, 520.0, 4.0]]

What is the most useful script you've written for everyday life?

Wrote a script to click my start button, then click it again in half a second, and repeat every 30 seconds.

Keeps me marked Online while at work, and I can get the real work done on my personal laptop right next to it. Not bogged down by work software.

Don't tell the boss :)

Embedding a media player in a website using HTML

You can use plenty of things.

  • If you're a standards junkie, you can use the HTML5 <audio> tag:

Here is the official W3C specification for the audio tag.


<audio controls>
 <source src=""
 <!-- The next two lines are only executed if the browser doesn't support MP4 files -->
 <source src=""
         type='audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'>
 <!-- The next line will only be executed if the browser doesn't support the <audio> tag-->
 <p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p>

jsFiddle here.

Note: I'm not sure which are the best ones, as I have never used one (yet).

UPDATE: As mentioned in another answer's comment, you are using XHTML 1.0 Transitional. You might be able to get <audio> to work with some hack.

UPDATE 2: I just remembered another way to do play audio. This will work in XHTML!!! This is fully standards-compliant.

You use this JavaScript:

var aud = document.createElement("iframe");
aud.setAttribute('src', ""); // replace with actual file path
aud.setAttribute('width', '1px');
aud.setAttribute('height', '1px');
aud.setAttribute('scrolling', 'no'); = "0px";

This is my answer to another question.

UPDATE 3: To customise the controls, you can use something like this.

What are the differences between a program and an application?

A "program" can be as simple as a "set of instructions" to implement a logic.

It can be part of an "application", "component", "service" or another "program".

Application is a possibly a collection of coordinating program instances to solve a user's purpose.

How to read the post request parameters using JavaScript

function getParameterByName(name, url) {
            if (!url) url = window.location.href;
            name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&");
            var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),
                results = regex.exec(url);
            if (!results) return null;
            if (!results[2]) return '';
            return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " "));
var formObj = document.getElementById("pageID");
formObj.response_order_id.value = getParameterByName("name");

Syntax for if/else condition in SCSS mixin

You could default the parameter to null or false.
This way, it would be shorter to test if a value has been passed as parameter.

@mixin clearfix($width: null) {

  @if not ($width) {

    // if width is not passed, or empty do this

  } @else {

    display: inline-block;
    width: $width;


Is there anything like .NET's NotImplementedException in Java?

You could do it yourself (thats what I did) - in order to not be bothered with exception handling, you simply extend the RuntimeException, your class could look something like this:

public class NotImplementedException extends RuntimeException {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public NotImplementedException(){}

You could extend it to take a message - but if you use the method as I do (that is, as a reminder, that there is still something to be implemented), then usually there is no need for additional messages.

I dare say, that I only use this method, while I am in the process of developing a system, makes it easier for me to not lose track of which methods are still not implemented properly :)

What can <f:metadata>, <f:viewParam> and <f:viewAction> be used for?

Process GET parameters

The <f:viewParam> manages the setting, conversion and validation of GET parameters. It's like the <h:inputText>, but then for GET parameters.

The following example

    <f:viewParam name="id" value="#{}" />

does basically the following:

  • Get the request parameter value by name id.
  • Convert and validate it if necessary (you can use required, validator and converter attributes and nest a <f:converter> and <f:validator> in it like as with <h:inputText>)
  • If conversion and validation succeeds, then set it as a bean property represented by #{} value, or if the value attribute is absent, then set it as request attribtue on name id so that it's available by #{id} in the view.

So when you open the page as foo.xhtml?id=10 then the parameter value 10 get set in the bean this way, right before the view is rendered.

As to validation, the following example sets the param to required="true" and allows only values between 10 and 20. Any validation failure will result in a message being displayed.

    <f:viewParam id="id" name="id" value="#{}" required="true">
        <f:validateLongRange minimum="10" maximum="20" />
<h:message for="id" />

Performing business action on GET parameters

You can use the <f:viewAction> for this.

    <f:viewParam id="id" name="id" value="#{}" required="true">
        <f:validateLongRange minimum="10" maximum="20" />
    <f:viewAction action="#{bean.onload}" />
<h:message for="id" />


public void onload() {
    // ...

The <f:viewAction> is however new since JSF 2.2 (the <f:viewParam> already exists since JSF 2.0). If you can't upgrade, then your best bet is using <f:event> instead.

<f:event type="preRenderView" listener="#{bean.onload}" />

This is however invoked on every request. You need to explicitly check if the request isn't a postback:

public void onload() {
    if (!FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().isPostback()) {
        // ...

When you would like to skip "Conversion/Validation failed" cases as well, then do as follows:

public void onload() {
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if (!facesContext.isPostback() && !facesContext.isValidationFailed()) {
        // ...

Using <f:event> this way is in essence a workaround/hack, that's exactly why the <f:viewAction> was introduced in JSF 2.2.

Pass view parameters to next view

You can "pass-through" the view parameters in navigation links by setting includeViewParams attribute to true or by adding includeViewParams=true request parameter.

<h:link outcome="next" includeViewParams="true">
<!-- Or -->
<h:link outcome="next?includeViewParams=true">

which generates with the above <f:metadata> example basically the following link

<a href="next.xhtml?id=10">

with the original parameter value.

This approach only requires that next.xhtml has also a <f:viewParam> on the very same parameter, otherwise it won't be passed through.

Use GET forms in JSF

The <f:viewParam> can also be used in combination with "plain HTML" GET forms.

    <f:viewParam id="query" name="query" value="#{bean.query}" />
    <f:viewAction action="#{}" />
    <label for="query">Query</label>
    <input type="text" name="query" value="#{empty bean.query ? param.query : bean.query}" />
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />
    <h:message for="query" />
<h:dataTable value="#{bean.results}" var="result" rendered="#{not empty bean.results}">

With basically this @RequestScoped bean:

private String query;
private List<Result> results;

public void search() {
    results =;

Note that the <h:message> is for the <f:viewParam>, not the plain HTML <input type="text">! Also note that the input value displays #{param.query} when #{bean.query} is empty, because the submitted value would otherwise not show up at all when there's a validation or conversion error. Please note that this construct is invalid for JSF input components (it is doing that "under the covers" already).

See also:

SELECT with a Replace()

if you want any hope of ever using an index, store the data in a consistent manner (with the spaces removed). Either just remove the spaces or add a persisted computed column, Then you can just select from that column and not have to add all the space removing overhead every time you run your query.

add a PERSISTED computed column:

ALTER TABLE Contacts ADD PostcodeSpaceFree AS Replace(Postcode, ' ', '') PERSISTED 
ON Contacts (PostcodeSpaceFree) --INCLUDE (covered columns here!!)

to just fix the column by removing the spaces use:

UPDATE Contacts
    SET Postcode=Replace(Postcode, ' ', '')

now you can search like this, either select can use an index:

--search the PERSISTED computed column
    FROM Contacts
    WHERE PostcodeSpaceFree  LIKE 'NW101%'


--search the fixed (spaces removed column)
    FROM Contacts
    WHERE PostcodeLIKE 'NW101%'

How do I capture all of my compiler's output to a file?

In a bourne shell:

make > my.log 2>&1

I.e. > redirects stdout, 2>&1 redirects stderr to the same place as stdout

Chart.js v2 hide dataset labels

add: = false;

in the starting of your script code;

How can I ssh directly to a particular directory?

You can do the following:

ssh -t "cd /directory_wanted ; bash --login"

This way, you will get a login shell right on the directory_wanted.


-t Force pseudo-terminal allocation. This can be used to execute arbitrary screen-based programs on a remote machine, which can be very useful, e.g. when implementing menu services.

Multiple -t options force tty allocation, even if ssh has no local tty.

  • If you don't use -t then no prompt will appear.
  • If you don't add ; bash then the connection will get closed and return control to your local machine
  • If you don't add bash --login then it will not use your configs because its not a login shell

PHP foreach with Nested Array?

If you know the number of levels in nested arrays you can simply do nested loops. Like so:

//  Scan through outer loop
foreach ($tmpArray as $innerArray) {
    //  Check type
    if (is_array($innerArray)){
        //  Scan through inner loop
        foreach ($innerArray as $value) {
            echo $value;
        // one, two, three
        echo $innerArray;

if you do not know the depth of array you need to use recursion. See example below:

//  Multi-dementional Source Array
$tmpArray = array(
    array("one", array(1, 2, 3)),
    array("two", array(4, 5, 6)),
    array("three", array(
            array("four", 9, 10)

//  Output array

 * Recursive function to display members of array with indentation
 * @param array $arr Array to process
 * @param string $indent indentation string
function displayArrayRecursively($arr, $indent='') {
    if ($arr) {
        foreach ($arr as $value) {
            if (is_array($value)) {
                displayArrayRecursively($value, $indent . '--');
            } else {
                //  Output
                echo "$indent $value \n";

The code below with display only nested array with values for your specific case (3rd level only)

$tmpArray = array(
    array("one", array(1, 2, 3)),
    array("two", array(4, 5, 6)),
    array("three", array(7, 8, 9))

//  Scan through outer loop
foreach ($tmpArray as $inner) {

    //  Check type
    if (is_array($inner)) {
        //  Scan through inner loop
        foreach ($inner[1] as $value) {
           echo "$value \n";

How to update value of a key in dictionary in c#?

Have you tried just

dictionary["cat"] = 5;



dictionary["cat"] = 5+2;
dictionary["cat"] = dictionary["cat"]+2;
dictionary["cat"] += 2;

Beware of non-existing keys :)

JAVA Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

This is because of a higher JDK during compile time and lower JDK during runtime. So you just need to update your JDK version, possible to JDK 7

You may also check Unsupported major.minor version 51.0

How to make a script wait for a pressed key?

Cross Platform, Python 2/3 code:

# import sys, os

def wait_key():
    ''' Wait for a key press on the console and return it. '''
    result = None
    if == 'nt':
        import msvcrt
        result = msvcrt.getch()
        import termios
        fd = sys.stdin.fileno()

        oldterm = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
        newattr = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
        newattr[3] = newattr[3] & ~termios.ICANON & ~termios.ECHO
        termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, newattr)

            result =
        except IOError:
            termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, oldterm)

    return result

I removed the fctl/non-blocking stuff because it was giving IOErrors and I didn't need it. I'm using this code specifically because I want it to block. ;)


I implemented this in a package on PyPI with a lot of other goodies called console:

>>> from console.utils import wait_key

>>> wait_key()

Move layouts up when soft keyboard is shown?

I just added the following line to the top level layout and everything worked:


How to update SQLAlchemy row entry?

With the help of user=User.query.filter_by( statement you will get the specified user in user variable.

Now you can change the value of the new object variable like user.no_of_logins += 1 and save the changes with the session's commit method.

How to get domain URL and application name?

Take a look at the documentation for HttpServletRequest.
In order to build the URL in your example you will need to use:

  • getScheme()
  • getServerName()
  • getServerPort()
  • getContextPath()

Here is a method that will return your example:

public static String getURLWithContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
   return request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() + request.getContextPath();

How to change Android version and code version number?

Open your build.gradle file and make sure you have versionCode and versionName inside defaultConfig element. If not, add them. Refer to this link for more details.

How to open local files in Swagger-UI

I managed to load the local swagger.json specification using the following tools for Node.js and this will take hardly 5 minutes to finish



Follow below steps

  1. Create a folder as per your choice and copy your specification swagger.json to the newly created folder
  2. Create a file with the extension .js in my case swagger-ui.js in the same newly created folder and copy and save the following content in the file swagger-ui.js
const express = require('express')
const pathToSwaggerUi = require('swagger-ui-dist').absolutePath()
const app = express()

// this is will load swagger ui

// this will serve your swagger.json file using express

// use port of your choice
  1. Install dependencies as npm install express and npm install swagger-ui-dist
  2. Run the express application using the command node swagger-ui.js
  3. Open browser and hit http://localhost/5000, this will load swagger ui with default URL as
  4. Now replace the default URL mentioned above with http://localhost:5000/swagger.json and click on the Explore button, this will load swagger specification from a local JSON file

You can use folder name, JSON file name, static public folder to serve swagger.json, port to serve as per your convenience

jQuery: how do I animate a div rotation?

If you're designing for an iOS device or just webkit, you can do it with no JS whatsoever:


@-webkit-keyframes spin {  
from {  
    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);  
to {  
    -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);  

.wheel {
    -webkit-animation-name: spin; 
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; 
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 3s; 

This would trigger the animation on load. If you wanted to trigger it on hover, it might look like this:

.wheel {

.wheel:hover {
    -webkit-animation-name: spin; 
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; 
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 3s; 

What does -> mean in Python function definitions?

As other answers have stated, the -> symbol is used as part of function annotations. In more recent versions of Python >= 3.5, though, it has a defined meaning.

PEP 3107 -- Function Annotations described the specification, defining the grammar changes, the existence of func.__annotations__ in which they are stored and, the fact that it's use case is still open.

In Python 3.5 though, PEP 484 -- Type Hints attaches a single meaning to this: -> is used to indicate the type that the function returns. It also seems like this will be enforced in future versions as described in What about existing uses of annotations:

The fastest conceivable scheme would introduce silent deprecation of non-type-hint annotations in 3.6, full deprecation in 3.7, and declare type hints as the only allowed use of annotations in Python 3.8.

(Emphasis mine)

This hasn't been actually implemented as of 3.6 as far as I can tell so it might get bumped to future versions.

According to this, the example you've supplied:

def f(x) -> 123:
    return x

will be forbidden in the future (and in current versions will be confusing), it would need to be changed to:

def f(x) -> int:
    return x

for it to effectively describe that function f returns an object of type int.

The annotations are not used in any way by Python itself, it pretty much populates and ignores them. It's up to 3rd party libraries to work with them.

Php multiple delimiters in explode

You can try this solution.... It works great

function explodeX( $delimiters, $string )
    return explode( chr( 1 ), str_replace( $delimiters, chr( 1 ), $string ) );
$list = 'Thing 1&Thing 2,Thing 3|Thing 4';

$exploded = explodeX( array('&', ',', '|' ), $list );

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';

Source :

How to access a value defined in the file in Spring Boot

You can use the @Value to load variables from the if you will use this value in one place, but if you need a more centralized way to load this variables @ConfigurationProperties is a better approach.

Additionally you can load variables and cast it automatically if you need different data types to perform your validations and business logic.
custom-app.enable-mocks = false

private boolean enableMocks;

Mockito match any class argument

How about:




Javascript window.print() in chrome, closing new window or tab instead of cancelling print leaves javascript blocked in parent window

If the setTimeout function does not work for you either, then do the following:

//Create an iframe
iframe = $('body').append($('<iframe id="documentToPrint" name="documentToPrint" src="about:blank"/>'));
iframeElement = $('#documentToPrint')[0].contentWindow.document;

//Open the iframe;

//Write your content to the iframe

//This is the important bit.
//Wait for the iframe window to load, then print it.
$('#documentToPrint')[0].contentWindow.onload = function () {

Warning :-Presenting view controllers on detached view controllers is discouraged

To avoid getting the warning in a push navigation, you can directly use :

[self.view.window.rootViewController presentViewController:viewController animated:YES completion:nil];

And then in your modal view controller, when everything is finished, you can just call :

[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

Count number of occurences for each unique value

If you have multiple factors (= a multi-dimensional data frame), you can use the dplyr package to count unique values in each combination of factors:

data %>% group_by(factor1, factor2) %>% summarize(count=n())

It uses the pipe operator %>% to chain method calls on the data frame data.

A Generic error occurred in GDI+ in Bitmap.Save method

I had a different issue with the same exception.

In short:

Make sure that the Bitmap's object Stream is not being disposed before calling .Save .

Full story:

There was a method that returned a Bitmap object, built from a MemoryStream in the following way:

private Bitmap getImage(byte[] imageBinaryData){
    Bitmap image;
    using (var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBinaryData))
        image = new Bitmap(stream);
    return image;

then someone used the returned image to save it as a file


The problem was that the original stream was already disposed when trying to save the image, throwing the GDI+ exeption.

A fix to this problem was to return the Bitmap without disposing the stream itself but the returned Bitmap object.

private Bitmap getImage(byte[] imageBinaryData){
   Bitmap image;
   var stream = new MemoryStream(imageBinaryData))
   image = new Bitmap(stream);

   return image;


using (var image = getImage(binData))

.datepicker('setdate') issues, in jQuery

As Scobal's post implies, the datepicker is looking for a Date object - not just a string! So, to modify your example code to do what you want:

var queryDate = new Date('2009/11/01'); // Dashes won't work
$('#datePicker').datepicker('setDate', queryDate);

Android Overriding onBackPressed()

Override the onBackPressed() method as per the example by codeMagic, and remove the call to super.onBackPressed(); if you do not want the default action (finishing the current activity) to be executed.

How can I fetch all items from a DynamoDB table without specifying the primary key?

I figured you are using PHP but not mentioned (edited). I found this question by searching internet and since I got solution working , for those who use nodejs here is a simple solution using scan :

  var dynamoClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
  var params = {
    TableName: config.dynamoClient.tableName, // give it your table name 
    Select: "ALL_ATTRIBUTES"

  dynamoClient.scan(params, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
       console.error("Unable to read item. Error JSON:", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2));
    } else {
       console.log("GetItem succeeded:", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));

I assume same code can be translated to PHP too using different AWS SDK

How can I convert an Int to a CString?

If you want something more similar to your example try _itot_s. On Microsoft compilers _itot_s points to _itoa_s or _itow_s depending on your Unicode setting:

CString str;
_itot_s( 15, str.GetBufferSetLength( 40 ), 40, 10 );

it should be slightly faster since it doesn't need to parse an input format.

On duplicate key ignore?

Mysql has this handy UPDATE INTO command ;)

edit Looks like they renamed it to REPLACE

REPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the table has the same value as a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted

What is AndroidX?

This article Android Jetpack: What do the recent announcements mean for Android’s Support Library? explains it well

Today, many consider the Support Library an essential part of Android app development, to the point where it’s used by 99 percent of apps in the Google Play store. However, as the Support Library has grown, inconsistencies have crept in surrounding the library’s naming convention.

Initially, the name of each package indicated the minimum API level supported by that package, for example, support-v4. However, version 26.0.0 of the Support Library increased the minimum API to 14, so today many of the package names have nothing to do with the minimum supported API level. When support-v4 and the support-v7 packages both have a minimum API of 14, it’s easy to see why people get confused!

To clear up this confusion, Google is currently refactoring the Support Library into a new Android extension library (AndroidX) package structure. AndroidX will feature simplified package names, as well as Maven groupIds and artifactIds that better reflect each package’s content and its supported API levels.

With the current naming convention, it also isn’t clear which packages are bundled with the Android operating system, and which are packaged with your application’s APK (Android Package Kit). To clear up this confusion, all the unbundled libraries will be moved to AndroidX’s androidx.* namespace, while the android.* package hierarchy will be reserved for packages that ship with the Android operating system.

Function names in C++: Capitalize or not?

Do as you wish, as long as your are consistent among your dev. group. every few years the conventions changes..... (remmeber nIntVAr)...

How to add a TextView to a LinearLayout dynamically in Android?

I customized more @Suragch code. My output looks

enter image description here

I wrote a method to stop code redundancy.

public TextView createATextView(int layout_widh, int layout_height, int align,
        String text, int fontSize, int margin, int padding) {

    TextView textView_item_name = new TextView(this);

    // LayoutParams layoutParams = new LayoutParams(
    // LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    // layoutParams.gravity = Gravity.LEFT;
    RelativeLayout.LayoutParams _params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(
            layout_widh, layout_height);

    _params.setMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin);

    textView_item_name.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, fontSize);
    // textView1.setBackgroundColor(0xff66ff66); // hex color 0xAARRGGBB
    textView_item_name.setPadding(padding, padding, padding, padding);

    return textView_item_name;


It can be called like

            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT,
            subTotal.toString(), 20, 10, 20);

Now you can add this to a RelativeLayout dynamically. LinearLayout is also same, just add a orientation.

    RelativeLayout primary_layout = new RelativeLayout(this);

    LayoutParams layoutParam = new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT,


    // primary_layout.setOrientation(LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL);


            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_LEFT, list[i],
            20, 10, 20));
            LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, RelativeLayout.ALIGN_PARENT_RIGHT,
            subTotal.toString(), 20, 10, 20));

setting the id attribute of an input element dynamically in IE: alternative for setAttribute method

Use jquery attr method. It works in all browsers.

var hiddenInput = document.createElement("input");
    'type': 'hidden',
    'value': ID,
    'class': 'ListItem'

Or you could use folowing code:

var e = $('<input id = "uniqueIdentifier" type="hidden" value="' + ID + '" class="ListItem" />');

A select query selecting a select statement

I was over-complicating myself. After taking a long break and coming back, the desired output could be accomplished by this simple query:

SELECT Sandwiches.[Sandwich Type], Sandwich.Bread, Count(Sandwiches.[SandwichID]) AS [Total Sandwiches]
FROM Sandwiches
GROUP BY Sandwiches.[Sandwiches Type], Sandwiches.Bread;

Thanks for answering, it helped my train of thought.

Android Canvas.drawText

Worked this out, turns out that is not the same as Color.BLACK. Changed the code to:

Paint paint = new Paint(); 

canvas.drawText("Some Text", 10, 25, paint); 

and it all works fine now!!

php stdClass to array

Just googled it, and found here a handy function that is useful for converting stdClass object to array recursively.

function object_to_array($object) {
 if (is_object($object)) {
  return array_map(__FUNCTION__, get_object_vars($object));
 } else if (is_array($object)) {
  return array_map(__FUNCTION__, $object);
 } else {
  return $object;

EDIT: I updated this answer with content from linked source (which is also changed now), thanks to mason81 for suggesting me.

Firing events on CSS class changes in jQuery

var timeout_check_change_class;

function check_change_class( selector )
    $(selector).each(function(index, el) {
        var data_old_class = $(el).attr('data-old-class');
        if (typeof data_old_class !== typeof undefined && data_old_class !== false) 

            if( data_old_class != $(el).attr('class') )

        $(el).attr('data-old-class', $(el).attr('class') );


    clearTimeout( timeout_check_change_class );
    timeout_check_change_class = setTimeout(check_change_class, 10, selector);
check_change_class( '.breakpoint' );

$('.breakpoint').on('change_class', function(event) {

Oracle Trigger ORA-04098: trigger is invalid and failed re-validation

in my case, this error is raised due to sequence was not created..


Query to list all stored procedures

Unfortunately INFORMATION_SCHEMA doesn't contain info about the system procs.

  FROM sys.objects
 WHERE objectproperty(object_id, N'IsMSShipped') = 0
   AND objectproperty(object_id, N'IsProcedure') = 1

How to return JSON data from spring Controller using @ResponseBody

Yes just add the setters/getters with public modifier ;)

Control flow in T-SQL SP using IF..ELSE IF - are there other ways?

CASE expression
      WHEN value1 THEN result1
      WHEN value2 THEN result2
      WHEN valueN THEN resultN

        ELSE elseResult
END For more information.

Any way to write a Windows .bat file to kill processes?

Please find the below logic where it works on the condition.

If we simply call taskkill /im applicationname.exe, it will kill only if this process is running. If this process is not running, it will throw an error.

So as to check before takskill is called, a check can be done to make sure execute taskkill will be executed only if the process is running, so that it won't throw error.

tasklist /fi "imagename eq applicationname.exe" |find ":" > nul

if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "applicationname.exe"

Resolving PKIX path building failed Error?

Another reason could be an outdated version of JDK. I was using jdk version 1.8.0_60, simply updating to the latest version solved the certificate issue.

What is the { get; set; } syntax in C#?

Such { get; set; } syntax is called automatic properties, C# 3.0 syntax

You must use Visual C# 2008 / csc v3.5 or above to compile. But you can compile output that targets as low as .NET Framework 2.0 (no runtime or classes required to support this feature).

How to force an entire layout View refresh?

Try this


Finding longest string in array

With ES6 supported also duplicate string

var allLongestStrings = arrayOfStrings => {
  let maxLng = Math.max( elem => elem.length))
  return arrayOfStrings.filter(elem => elem.length === maxLng)

let arrayOfStrings = ["aba", "aa", "ad", "vcd","aba"]


Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux after installing it?

on OpenSUSE 13.1/13.2 its: /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.6.0-openjdk-(version-number)
version-number can be 1.7.x 1.8.x etc. check software manager witch version you have installed...


how to put image in center of html page?


X is image width,
Y is image height,


img {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    margin-left: -(X/2)px;
    margin-top: -(Y/2)px;

But keep in mind this solution is valid only if the only element on your site will be this image. I suppose that's the case here.

Using this method gives you the benefit of fluidity. It won't matter how big (or small) someone's screen is. The image will always stay in the middle.

How to display list items as columns?

Thank you for this example, SPRBRN. It helped me. And I can suggest the mixin, which I've used based on the code given above:

//multi-column-list( fixed columns width)
  @mixin multi-column-list($column-width, $column-rule-style) {
  -webkit-column-width: $column-width;
  -moz-column-width: $column-width;
  -o-column-width: $column-width;
  -ms-column-width: $column-width;
  column-width: $column-width;

  -webkit-column-rule-style: $column-rule-style;
  -moz-column-rule-style: $column-rule-style;
  -o-column-rule-style: $column-rule-style;
  -ms-column-rule-style: $column-rule-style;
  column-rule-style: $column-rule-style;


   @include multi-column-list(250px, solid);

Case insensitive searching in Oracle

you can do something like that:

where regexp_like(name, 'string$', 'i');

What are .NET Assemblies?

In addition to the accepted answer, I want to give you an example!

For instance, we all use


But Where is the code for System.Console.WriteLine!?
which is the code that actually puts the text on the console?

If you look at the first page of the documentation for the Console class, you‘ll see near the top the following: Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll) This indicates that the code for the Console class is located in an assem-bly named mscorlib. An assembly can consist of multiple files, but in this case it‘s only one file, which is the dynamic link library mscorlib.dll.

The mscorlib.dll file is very important in .NET, It is the main DLL for class libraries in .NET, and it contains all the basic .NET classes and structures.

if you know C or C++, generally you need a #include directive at the top that references a header file. The include file provides function prototypes to the compiler. on the contrast The C# compiler does not need header files. During compilation, the C# compiler access the mscorlib.dll file directly and obtains information from metadata in that file concerning all the classes and other types defined therein.

The C# compiler is able to establish that mscorlib.dll does indeed contain a class named Console in a namespace named System with a method named WriteLine that accepts a single argument of type string.

The C# compiler can determine that the WriteLine call is valid, and the compiler establishes a reference to the mscorlib assembly in the executable.

by default The C# compiler will access mscorlib.dll, but for other DLLs, you‘ll need to tell the compiler the assembly in which the classes are located. These are known as references.

I hope that it's clear now!

From DotNetBookZero Charles pitzold

BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup

In case the problem still exists go to Restoration Database page and Check "Restore all files to folder" in "Files" tab This might help

How do I make a request using HTTP basic authentication with PHP curl?

Other way with Basic method is:

$curl = curl_init();

$public_key = "public_key";
$private_key = "private_key";

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
"Content-Type: application/json",
"Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode($public_key.":".$private_key)
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;

Check if bash variable equals 0

Double parenthesis (( ... )) is used for arithmetic operations.

Double square brackets [[ ... ]] can be used to compare and examine numbers (only integers are supported), with the following operators:

· NUM1 -eq NUM2 returns true if NUM1 and NUM2 are numerically equal.

· NUM1 -ne NUM2 returns true if NUM1 and NUM2 are not numerically equal.

· NUM1 -gt NUM2 returns true if NUM1 is greater than NUM2.

· NUM1 -ge NUM2 returns true if NUM1 is greater than or equal to NUM2.

· NUM1 -lt NUM2 returns true if NUM1 is less than NUM2.

· NUM1 -le NUM2 returns true if NUM1 is less than or equal to NUM2.

For example

if [[ $age > 21 ]] # bad, > is a string comparison operator

if [ $age > 21 ] # bad, > is a redirection operator

if [[ $age -gt 21 ]] # okay, but fails if $age is not numeric

if (( $age > 21 )) # best, $ on age is optional

Format a message using MessageFormat.format() in Java

Here is a method that does not require editing the code and works regardless of the number of characters.

String text = 
    "You're about to delete {0} rows.".replaceAll("'", "''"), 5);

Checking if an input field is required using jQuery

The below code works fine but I am not sure about the radio button and dropdown list

$( '#form_id' ).submit( function( event ) {

    //validate fields
    var fail = false;
    var fail_log = '';
    var name;
    $( '#form_id' ).find( 'select, textarea, input' ).each(function(){
        if( ! $( this ).prop( 'required' )){

        } else {
            if ( ! $( this ).val() ) {
                fail = true;
                name = $( this ).attr( 'name' );
                fail_log += name + " is required \n";


    //submit if fail never got set to true
    if ( ! fail ) {
        //process form here.
    } else {
        alert( fail_log );


changing iframe source with jquery

Using attr() pointing to an external domain may trigger an error like this in Chrome: "Refused to display document because display forbidden by X-Frame-Options". The workaround to this can be to move the whole iframe HTML code into the script (eg. using .html() in jQuery).


var divMapLoaded = false;
$("#container").scroll(function() {
    if ((!divMapLoaded) && ($("#map").position().left <= $("#map").width())) {
    $("#map-iframe").html("<iframe id=\"map-iframe\" " +
        "width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" " +
        "marginheight=\"0\" marginwidth=\"0\" " +
        "src=\";cid=0x3e589d98063177ab&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;iwloc=A&amp;brcurrent=5,0,1&amp;ll=41.123115,16.853177&amp;spn=0.005617,0.009943&amp;output=embed\"" +
    divMapLoaded = true;

$on and $broadcast in angular

If you want to $broadcast use the $rootScope:

$scope.startScanner = function() {


And then to receive, use the $scope of your controller:

$scope.$on('scanner-started', function(event, args) {

    // do what you want to do

If you want you can pass arguments when you $broadcast:

$rootScope.$broadcast('scanner-started', { any: {} });

And then receive them:

$scope.$on('scanner-started', function(event, args) {

    var anyThing = args.any;
    // do what you want to do

Documentation for this inside the Scope docs.

set default schema for a sql query

SETUSER could work, having a user, even an orphaned user in the DB with the default schema needed. But SETUSER is on the legacy not supported for ever list. So a similar alternative would be to setup an application role with the needed default schema, as long as no cross DB access is needed, this should work like a treat.

Set content of HTML <span> with Javascript

The Maximally Standards Compliant way to do it is to create a text node containing the text you want and append it to the span (removing any currently extant text nodes).

The way I would actually do it is to use jQuery's .text().

How to use the "required" attribute with a "radio" input field

TL;DR: Set the required attribute for at least one input of the radio group.

Setting required for all inputs is more clear, but not necessary (unless dynamically generating radio-buttons).

To group radio buttons they must all have the same name value. This allows only one to be selected at a time and applies required to the whole group.

  Select Gender:<br>_x000D_
    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="male" required>_x000D_
    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="female">_x000D_
    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="other">_x000D_
  <input type="submit">_x000D_

Also take note of:

To avoid confusion as to whether a radio button group is required or not, authors are encouraged to specify the attribute on all the radio buttons in a group. Indeed, in general, authors are encouraged to avoid having radio button groups that do not have any initially checked controls in the first place, as this is a state that the user cannot return to, and is therefore generally considered a poor user interface.


How to show the Project Explorer window in Eclipse

Using the latest Luna upgrade. The only solution that worked was Window >> New Window. It's very easy to lose that critical bar.

PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?

Use this code :

$url = ""; 
$parse = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); 
parse_str($parse, $output); 
echo $output['watch'];

result : C4kxS1ksqtw

Reading Space separated input in python

If you have it in a string, you can use .split() to separate them.

>>> for string in ('Mike 18', 'Kevin 35', 'Angel 56'):
...   l = string.split()
...   print repr(l[0]), repr(int(l[1]))
'Mike' 18
'Kevin' 35
'Angel' 56

fail to change placeholder color with Bootstrap 3

The others did not work in my case (Bootstrap 4). Here is the solution I used.

html .form-control::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:white; }
html .form-control:-moz-placeholder { color:white; }
html .form-control::-moz-placeholder { color:white; }
html .form-control:-ms-input-placeholder { color:white; }

If we use a stronger selector (html first), we don't need to use the hacky value !important.

This overrides bootstraps CSS as we use a higher level of specificity to target .form-control elements (html first instead of .form-control first).

Delete directories recursively in Java

Maybe a solution for this problem might be to reimplement the delete method of the File class using the code from erickson's answer:

public class MyFile extends File {

  ... <- copy constructor

  public boolean delete() {
    if (f.isDirectory()) {
      for (File c : f.listFiles()) {
        return new MyFile(c).delete();
    } else {
        return f.delete();

How to save an activity state using save instance state?

Here is a comment from Steve Moseley's answer (by ToolmakerSteve) that puts things into perspective (in the whole onSaveInstanceState vs onPause, east cost vs west cost saga)

@VVK - I partially disagree. Some ways of exiting an app don't trigger onSaveInstanceState (oSIS). This limits the usefulness of oSIS. Its worth supporting, for minimal OS resources, but if an app wants to return the user to the state they were in, no matter how the app was exited, it is necessary to use a persistent storage approach instead. I use onCreate to check for bundle, and if it is missing, then check persistent storage. This centralizes the decision making. I can recover from a crash, or back button exit or custom menu item Exit, or get back to screen user was on many days later. – ToolmakerSteve Sep 19 '15 at 10:38

How do I load a file from resource folder?

My file in the test folder could not be found even though I followed the answers. It got resolved by rebuilding the project. It seems IntelliJ did not recognize the new file automatically. Pretty nasty to find out.

Unfortunately Launcher3 has stopped working error in android studio?

It appears to be relate to the graphics driver. In the emulator configuration, changing Emulated Graphics to Software - GLES 2.0 caused the crashes to stop.

Minimum 6 characters regex expression

Something along the lines of this?

<asp:TextBox id="txtUsername" runat="server" />

    ErrorMessage="Field not valid!"
    ValidationExpression="[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,}" />

Android XML Percent Symbol

Suppose you want to show (50% OFF) and enter 50 at runtime. Here is the code:

<string name="format_discount"> (
<xliff:g id="discount">%1$s</xliff:g>
<xliff:g id="percentage_sign">%2$s</xliff:g>

In the java class use this code:

String formattedString=String.format(context.getString(R.string.format_discount),discountString,"%");

Handlebars.js Else If

Handlebars now supports {{else if}} as of 3.0.0. Therefore, your code should now work.

You can see an example under "conditionals" (slightly revised here with an added {{else}}:

    {{#if isActive}}
      <img src="star.gif" alt="Active">
    {{else if isInactive}}
      <img src="cry.gif" alt="Inactive">
      <img src="default.gif" alt="default">

Clean out Eclipse workspace metadata

In some cases, I could prevent Eclipse from crashing during startup by deleting a .snap file in your workspace meta-data (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.snap).

See also (the bug has been closed, but happened to me recently)