Programs & Examples On #Iprincipal

The System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal interface defines the basic functionality of a security object. It is most commonly used by applications written for the Microsoft.NET framework.

ASP.NET MVC - Set custom IIdentity or IPrincipal

I tried the solution suggested by LukeP and found that it doesn't support the Authorize attribute. So, I modified it a bit.

public class UserExBusinessInfo
    public int BusinessID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class UserExInfo
    public IEnumerable<UserExBusinessInfo> BusinessInfo { get; set; }
    public int? CurrentBusinessID { get; set; }

public class PrincipalEx : ClaimsPrincipal
    private readonly UserExInfo userExInfo;
    public UserExInfo UserExInfo => userExInfo;

    public PrincipalEx(IPrincipal baseModel, UserExInfo userExInfo)
        : base(baseModel)
        this.userExInfo = userExInfo;

public class PrincipalExSerializeModel
    public UserExInfo UserExInfo { get; set; }

public static class IPrincipalHelpers
    public static UserExInfo ExInfo(this IPrincipal @this) => (@this as PrincipalEx)?.UserExInfo;

    public async Task<ActionResult> Login(LoginModel details, string returnUrl)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
            AppUser user = await UserManager.FindAsync(details.Name, details.Password);

            if (user == null)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid name or password.");
                ClaimsIdentity ident = await UserManager.CreateIdentityAsync(user, DefaultAuthenticationTypes.ApplicationCookie);
                AuthManager.SignIn(new AuthenticationProperties { IsPersistent = false }, ident);

                user.LastLoginDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
                await UserManager.UpdateAsync(user);

                PrincipalExSerializeModel serializeModel = new PrincipalExSerializeModel();
                serializeModel.UserExInfo = new UserExInfo()
                    BusinessInfo = await
                        .Where(b => user.Id.Equals(b.AspNetUserID))
                        .Select(b => new UserExBusinessInfo { BusinessID = b.BusinessID, Name = b.Name })

                JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();

                string userData = serializer.Serialize(serializeModel);

                FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(

                string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
                HttpCookie faCookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket);

                return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl);
        return View(details);

And finally in Global.asax.cs

    protected void Application_PostAuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        HttpCookie authCookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];

        if (authCookie != null)
            FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            PrincipalExSerializeModel serializeModel = serializer.Deserialize<PrincipalExSerializeModel>(authTicket.UserData);
            PrincipalEx newUser = new PrincipalEx(HttpContext.Current.User, serializeModel.UserExInfo);
            HttpContext.Current.User = newUser;

Now I can access the data in views and controllers simply by calling


To log out I just call


where AuthManager is


Connect to mysql on Amazon EC2 from a remote server

A helpful step in tracking down this problem is to identify which bind-address MySQL is actually set to. You can do this with netstat:

netstat -nat |grep :3306

This helped me zero in on my problem, because there are multiple mysql config files, and I had edited the wrong one. Netstat showed mysql was still using the wrong config:

ubuntu@myhost:~$  netstat -nat |grep :3306
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN

So I grepped the config directories for any other files which might be overriding my setting and found:

ubuntu@myhost:~$  sudo grep -R bind /etc/mysql
/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf:bind-address         =
/etc/mysql/mysql.cnf:bind-address =
/etc/mysql/my.cnf:bind-address =

D'oh! This showed me the setting I had adjusted was the wrong config file, so I edited the RIGHT file this time, confirmed it with netstat, and was in business.

Aligning two divs side-by-side

If you wrapped your divs, like this:

<div id="main">
  <div id="sidebar"></div>
  <div id="page-wrap"></div>

You could use this styling:

#main { 
    width: 800px;
    margin: 0 auto;
#sidebar    {
    width: 200px;
    height: 400px;
    background: red;
    float: left;

#page-wrap  {
    width: 600px;
    background: #ffffff;
    height: 400px;
    margin-left: 200px;

This is a slightly different look though, so I'm not sure it's what you're after. This would center all 800px as a unit, not the 600px centered with the 200px on the left side. The basic approach is your sidebar floats left, but inside the main div, and the #page-wrap has the width of your sidebar as it's left margin to move that far over.

Update based on comments: For this off-centered look, you can do this:

<div id="page-wrap">
  <div id="sidebar"></div>

With this styling:

#sidebar    {
    position: absolute;
    left: -200px;
    width: 200px;
    height: 400px;
    background: red;    

#page-wrap  {
    position: relative;
    width: 600px;
    background: #ffffff;
    height: 400px;
    margin: 0 auto;

java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbname

You might have not copied the MySQL connector/J jar file into the lib folder and then this file has to be there in the classpath.

If you have not done so, please let me know I shall elaborate the answer

Youtube - How to force 480p video quality in embed link / <iframe>

You can also use for 1080 hd values:

240p: &vq=small , 360p: &vq=medium , 480p: &vq=large , 720p: &vq=hd720 , &vq=hd1080

JS map return object

Use .map without return in simple way. Also start using let and const instead of var because let and const is more recommended

const rockets = [_x000D_
    { country:'Russia', launches:32 },_x000D_
    { country:'US', launches:23 },_x000D_
    { country:'China', launches:16 },_x000D_
    { country:'Europe(ESA)', launches:7 },_x000D_
    { country:'India', launches:4 },_x000D_
    { country:'Japan', launches:3 }_x000D_
const launchOptimistic = => (_x000D_
    launches: elem.launches+10_x000D_
  } _x000D_

How to add icon to mat-icon-button

My preference is to utilize the inline attribute. This will cause the icon to correctly scale with the size of the button.

    <button mat-button>
      <mat-icon inline=true>local_movies</mat-icon>

    <!-- Link button -->
    <a mat-flat-button color="accent" routerLink="/create"><mat-icon inline=true>add</mat-icon> Create</a>

I add this to my styles.css to:

  • solve the vertical alignment problem of the icon inside the button
  • material icon fonts are always a little too small compared to button text
button.mat-button .mat-icon,
a.mat-button .mat-icon,
a.mat-raised-button .mat-icon,
a.mat-flat-button .mat-icon,
a.mat-stroked-button .mat-icon {
  vertical-align: top;
  font-size: 1.25em;

Get ASCII value at input word

simply do

int a = ch

(also this has nothing to do with android)

What is the regex pattern for datetime (2008-09-01 12:35:45 )?

A simple version that will work for the format mentioned, but not all the others as per @Espos:

(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}) 

C# getting the path of %AppData%

This is working for me in a console application -

string appData = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("APPDATA");

Caused By: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Logger

I had the same issue, for me this fixed the issue:
right click on the project ->maven -> update project

maven -> update project

Move layouts up when soft keyboard is shown?

I have found a solution to my problems that it's pretty same as yours.

First of all, I only have a LinearLayout with 2 elements, an ImageView and a LinearLayout wich contains 2 EditText and one Button, so I needed to keep them separate in full screen without keyboard, and when the keyboard appears they should look closer.

So I added the view between them with the height attribute in 0dp and weight 1, that let me keep my views separate one form each other. and when the keyboard appers, as they don't have a fix height, they just resize and keep the aspect.

Voila! The layout resize and the distance between my views is the same when the keyboard is or not present.

Valid characters in a Java class name

Class names should be nouns in UpperCamelCase, with the first letter of every word capitalised. Use whole words — avoid acronyms and abbreviations (unless the abbreviation is much more widely used than the long form, such as URL or HTML). The naming conventions can be read over here:

How to POST the data from a modal form of Bootstrap?

I was facing same issue not able to post form without ajax. but found solution , hope it can help and someones time.

<form name="paymentitrform" id="paymentitrform" class="payment"
          <input name="email" value="" placeholder="email" />
          <input type="hidden" name="planamount" id="planamount" value="0">
                                <input type="submit" onclick="form_submit() " value="Continue Payment" class="action"


You can submit post form, from bootstrap modal using below javascript/jquery code : call the below function onclick of input submit button

    function form_submit() {

Move cursor to end of file in vim

  • Ctrl + Home = Jump to start of file
  • Ctrl + End = Jump to end of file

Convert NSDate to String in iOS Swift

You can use this extension:

extension Date {

    func toString(withFormat format: String) -> String {
        let formatter = DateFormatter()
        formatter.dateFormat = format
        let myString = formatter.string(from: self)
        let yourDate = myString)
        formatter.dateFormat = format

        return formatter.string(from: yourDate!)

And use it in your view controller like this (replace <"yyyy"> with your format):

yourString = yourDate.toString(withFormat: "yyyy")

Laravel 5 error SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'homestead'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Try to checkout the ".env" file in your root directory. It will be a hidden file. Correct these values.


How to add buttons at top of map fragment API v2 layout

Button Above The Map

If this is what you want ...simply add button inside the Fragment.

<fragment xmlns:android=""

        android:text="Demo Button" 


Count the number occurrences of a character in a string

Regular expressions maybe?

import re
my_string = "Mary had a little lamb"
len(re.findall("a", my_string))

Creating SVG elements dynamically with javascript inside HTML

To facilitate svg editing you can use an intermediate function:

function getNode(n, v) {
  n = document.createElementNS("", n);
  for (var p in v)
    n.setAttributeNS(null, p, v[p]);
  return n

Now you can write:

svg.appendChild( getNode('rect', { width:200, height:20, fill:'#ff0000' }) );

Example (with an improved getNode function allowing camelcase for property with dash, eg strokeWidth > stroke-width):

function getNode(n, v) {_x000D_
  n = document.createElementNS("", n);_x000D_
  for (var p in v)_x000D_
    n.setAttributeNS(null, p.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(m, p, o, s) { return "-" + m.toLowerCase(); }), v[p]);_x000D_
  return n_x000D_
var svg = getNode("svg");_x000D_
var r = getNode('rect', { x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 20, fill:'#ff00ff' });_x000D_
var r = getNode('rect', { x: 20, y: 40, width: 100, height: 40, rx: 8, ry: 8, fill: 'pink', stroke:'purple', strokeWidth:7 });_x000D_

Undefined Symbols for architecture x86_64: Compiling problems

There's no mystery here, the linker is telling you that you haven't defined the missing symbols, and you haven't.

Similarity::Similarity() or Similarity::~Similarity() are just missing and you have defined the others incorrectly,

void Similarity::readData(Scanner& inStream){


void readData(Scanner& inStream){

etc. etc.

The second one is a function called readData, only the first is the readData method of the Similarity class.

To be clear about this, in Similarity.h

void readData(Scanner& inStream);

but in Similarity.cpp

void Similarity::readData(Scanner& inStream){

C#: New line and tab characters in strings



sb.Append( "\n" );


sb.Append( "\t" );

How to count how many values per level in a given factor?

Using plyr package:



It will return you a frequency of each value.

how to check if a datareader is null or empty

Try this simpler equivalent syntax:

ltlAdditional.Text = (myReader["Additional"] == DBNull.Value) ? "is null" : "contains data";

How to hide close button in WPF window?

Use this, modified from :

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;

namespace Whatever
    public partial class MainMenu : Window
        private const int GWL_STYLE = -16;
        private const int WS_SYSMENU = 0x00080000;

        [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern int GetWindowLongPtr(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex);

        private static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong);

        public MainMenu()
             this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Window_Loaded);

        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle;
            SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_SYSMENU);


How to install an APK file on an Android phone?

If you have access to a Gmail account on the phone then an easy way (in terms of minimal set up effort) is to mail the .apk file to that Gmail account.

If you then access that account from the native Gmail app on the phone it recognises that the attachment is an app and offers an "Install" button.

As per other responses this approach also requires that you have selected USB debugging on the device.

Try this - it is remarkably easy ;-)

How to give a time delay of less than one second in excel vba?

Public Function CheckWholeNumber(Number As Double) As Boolean
    If Number - Fix(Number) = 0 Then
        CheckWholeNumber = True
    End If
End Function

Public Sub TimeDelay(Days As Double, Hours As Double, Minutes As Double, Seconds As Double)
    If CheckWholeNumber(Days) = False Then
        Hours = Hours + (Days - Fix(Days)) * 24
        Days = Fix(Days)
    End If
    If CheckWholeNumber(Hours) = False Then
        Minutes = Minutes + (Hours - Fix(Hours)) * 60
        Hours = Fix(Hours)
    End If
    If CheckWholeNumber(Minutes) = False Then
        Seconds = Seconds + (Minutes - Fix(Minutes)) * 60
        Minutes = Fix(Minutes)
    End If
    If Seconds >= 60 Then
        Seconds = Seconds - 60
        Minutes = Minutes + 1
    End If
    If Minutes >= 60 Then
        Minutes = Minutes - 60
        Hours = Hours + 1
    End If
    If Hours >= 24 Then
        Hours = Hours - 24
        Days = Days + 1
    End If
    Application.Wait _
    ( _
        Now + _
        TimeSerial(Hours + Days * 24, Minutes, 0) + _
        Seconds * TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) _
End Sub


call TimeDelay(1.9,23.9,59.9,59.9999999)

hopy you enjoy.


here's one without any additional functions, for people who like it being faster

Public Sub WaitTime(Days As Double, Hours As Double, Minutes As Double, Seconds As Double)
    If Days - Fix(Days) > 0 Then
        Hours = Hours + (Days - Fix(Days)) * 24
        Days = Fix(Days)
    End If
    If Hours - Fix(Hours) > 0 Then
        Minutes = Minutes + (Hours - Fix(Hours)) * 60
        Hours = Fix(Hours)
    End If
    If Minutes - Fix(Minutes) > 0 Then
        Seconds = Seconds + (Minutes - Fix(Minutes)) * 60
        Minutes = Fix(Minutes)
    End If
    If Seconds >= 60 Then
        Seconds = Seconds - 60
        Minutes = Minutes + 1
    End If
    If Minutes >= 60 Then
        Minutes = Minutes - 60
        Hours = Hours + 1
    End If
    If Hours >= 24 Then
        Hours = Hours - 24
        Days = Days + 1
    End If
    Application.Wait _
    ( _
        Now + _
        TimeSerial(Hours + Days * 24, Minutes, 0) + _
        Seconds * TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) _
End Sub

Python Pandas iterate over rows and access column names

The item from iterrows() is not a Series, but a tuple of (index, Series), so you can unpack the tuple in the for loop like so:

for (idx, row) in df.iterrows():

#Index(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], dtype='object')

Node.js Logging

Winston is a pretty good logging library. You can write logs out to a file using it.

Code would look something like:

var winston = require('winston');

var logger = new (winston.Logger)({
  transports: [
    new (winston.transports.Console)({ json: false, timestamp: true }),
    new winston.transports.File({ filename: __dirname + '/debug.log', json: false })
  exceptionHandlers: [
    new (winston.transports.Console)({ json: false, timestamp: true }),
    new winston.transports.File({ filename: __dirname + '/exceptions.log', json: false })
  exitOnError: false

module.exports = logger;

You can then use this like:

var logger = require('./log');'log to file');

Convert List into Comma-Separated String

You can refer below example for getting a comma separated string array from list.


List<string> testList= new List<string>();
testList.Add("Apple"); // Add string 1
testList.Add("Banana"); // 2
testList.Add("Mango"); // 3
testList.Add("Blue Berry"); // 4
testList.Add("Water Melon"); // 5

string JoinDataString = string.Join(",", testList.ToArray());

No appenders could be found for logger(log4j)?

I faced the same problem when I use log4j2. My problem is caused by using wrong dependent library:


Instead, I should use:


In my case, I have a log4j2.xml defined in my "resources" directory, and specified to use it by:

System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "log4j2.xml");

How to get list of all installed packages along with version in composer?

If you only want to check version for only one, you can do

composer show -- twig/twig

Note that only installed packages are shown by default now, and installed option is now deprecated.

How do I vertically align text in a paragraph?

Below styles will vertically center it for you.

p.event_desc {
 font: bold 12px "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
 line-height: 14px;
 height: 35px;
 display: table-cell;
 vertical-align: middle;
 margin: 0px;

How can I change the color of my prompt in zsh (different from normal text)?

Try my favorite: put in


this line:

PROMPT='%F{240}%n%F{red}@%F{green}%m:%F{141}%d$ %F{reset}'

don't forget

source ~/.zshrc

to test the changes

you can change the colors/color codes, of course :-)

What are the Android SDK build-tools, platform-tools and tools? And which version should be used?

The right answer is

Decoupled the build-specific components of the Android SDK from the platform-tools component, so that the build tools can be updated independently of the integrated development environment (IDE) components.

link (expand Revision 17)

How to correctly iterate through getElementsByClassName

I followed Alohci's recommendation of looping in reverse because it's a live nodeList. Here's what I did for those who are curious...

  var activeObjects = documents.getElementsByClassName('active'); // a live nodeList

  //Use a reverse-loop because the array is an active NodeList
  while(activeObjects.length > 0) {
    var lastElem = activePaths[activePaths.length-1]; //select the last element

    //Remove the 'active' class from the element.  
    //This will automatically update the nodeList's length too.
    var className = lastElem.getAttribute('class').replace('active','');
    lastElem.setAttribute('class', className);

How to get href value using jQuery?

**Replacing  href attribut value to other** 
 <div class="cpt">
   <a href="/ref/ref/testone.html">testoneLink</a>

  <div class="test" >
      <a href="/ref/ref/testtwo.html">testtwoLInk</a>

 <!--Remove first default Link from href attribut -->
     Remove first default Link from href attribut
    $(".cpt a").removeAttr("href");
    Add  Link to same href attribut
    var testurl= $(".test").find("a").attr("href");
    $(".test a").attr('href', testurl);

How to run SQL script in MySQL?

Very likely, you just need to change the slash/blackslash: from




So the command would be:

source /home/sivakumar/Desktop/test.sql

Why doesn't git recognize that my file has been changed, therefore git add not working

Like it was already discussed, the files were probably flagged with "assume-unchanged", which basicly tells git that you will not modify the files, so it doesnt need to track changes with them. However this may be affecting multiple files, and if its a large workspace you might not want to check them all one by one. In that case you can try: git update-index --really-refresh

according to the docs:

Like --refresh, but checks stat information unconditionally, without regard to the "assume unchanged" setting.

It will basicly force git to track changes of all files regardless of the "assume-unchanged" flags.

if (select count(column) from table) > 0 then

You cannot directly use a SQL statement in a PL/SQL expression:

SQL> begin
  2     if (select count(*) from dual) >= 1 then
  3        null;
  4     end if;
  5  end;
  6  /
        if (select count(*) from dual) >= 1 then
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-06550: line 2, column 6:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "SELECT" when expecting one of the following:

You must use a variable instead:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> declare
  2     v_count number;
  3  begin
  4     select count(*) into v_count from dual;
  6     if v_count >= 1 then
  7             dbms_output.put_line('Pass');
  8     end if;
  9  end;
 10  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Of course, you may be able to do the whole thing in SQL:

update my_table
set x = y
where (select count(*) from other_table) >= 1;

It's difficult to prove that something is not possible. Other than the simple test case above, you can look at the syntax diagram for the IF statement; you won't see a SELECT statement in any of the branches.

YouTube embedded video: set different thumbnail

Just copy and paste the code in HTML file. and enjoy the happy coding. Using Youtube api to manage the thumbnail of youtube embedded video.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
        var tag = document.createElement('script');

        tag.src = "";
        var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
        firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);

        var player;
        function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
            player = new YT.Player('player', {
                height: '390',
                width: '640',
                videoId: 'M7lc1UVf-VE',
                events: {
                    'onReady': onPlayerReady,

        function onPlayerReady(event) {
            $('#play_vid').click(function() {

        $(document).ready(function() {
            $('#play_vid').click(function() {

    <div id="player"></div>
    <img id="play_vid" src="YOUR_IMAGE_PATH" />

How do I add multiple conditions to "ng-disabled"?

There is maybe a bit of a gotcha in the phrasing of the original question:

I need to check that two conditions are both true before enabling a button

The first thing to remember that the ng-disabled directive is evaluating a condition under which the button should be, well, disabled, but the original question is referring to the conditions under which it should en enabled. It will be enabled under any circumstances where the ng-disabled expression is not "truthy".

So, the first consideration is how to rephrase the logic of the question to be closer to the logical requirements of ng-disabled. The logical inverse of checking that two conditions are true in order to enable a button is that if either condition is false then the button should be disabled.

Thus, in the case of the original question, the pseudo-expression for ng-disabled is "disable the button if condition1 is false or condition2 is false". Translating into the Javascript-like code snippet required by Angular (, we get:

!condition1 || !condition2

Zoomlar has it right!

Clear input fields on form submit

Use the reset function, which is available on the form element.

var form = document.getElementById("myForm");

When do I need to use a semicolon vs a slash in Oracle SQL?

I only use the forward slash once at the end of each script, to tell sqlplus that there is not more lines of code. In the middle of a script, I do not use a slash.

How to set user environment variables in Windows Server 2008 R2 as a normal user?

I created a godmode folder on the desktop. just create a new folder on the desktop and call it GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} it will name the folder as godmode and populate the content with various config options, you can then just type in ENVIRO in the search to find the relevant config option, open it and it opens sysdm.cpl in the advanced tab, you can change the environment variables from there.

How to run a python script from IDLE interactive shell?

I tested this and it kinda works out :

exec(open('filename').read())  # Don't forget to put the filename between ' '

TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not int

You simply need to make cab a string:

cab = '6176'

As the error message states, you cannot do <int> in <string>:

>>> 1 in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not int

because integers and strings are two totally different things and Python does not embrace implicit type conversion ("Explicit is better than implicit.").

In fact, Python only allows you to use the in operator with a right operand of type string if the left operand is also of type string:

>>> '1' in '123'  # Works!
>>> [] in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not list
>>> 1.0 in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not float
>>> {} in '123'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not dict

Error in styles_base.xml file - android app - No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.ActionButton'

Download the latest "sdk platform" and "sdk build tools" of same version like 23.* for 
both from "sdk Managar".

(for reference see above hosted image from back track). Then right click on your project -> properties -> Android -> in "project build properties" select "API level" 23 or the latest one which you updated. Then clean your project once.

Note: But all three should be in same version.

How to change the text of a button in jQuery?

You need to do .button("refresh")


<button id='btnviewdetails' type='button'>SET</button>

JS :


Windows batch file file download from a URL

This question has very good answer in here. My code is purely based on that answer with some modifications.

Save below snippet as wget.bat and put it in your system path (e.g. Put it in a directory and add this directory to system path.)

You can use it in your cli as follows:

wget url/to/file [?custom_name]

where url_to_file is compulsory and custom_name is optional

  1. If name is not provided, then downloaded file will be saved by its own name from the url.
  2. If the name is supplied, then the file will be saved by the new name.

The file url and saved filenames are displayed in ansi colored text. If that is causing problem for you, then check this github project.

@echo OFF
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set Url=%1
set Url=!Url:http://=!
set Url=!Url:/=,!
set Url=!Url:%%20=?!
set Url=!Url: =?!

call :LOOP !Url!

set FileName=%2
if "%2"=="" set FileName=!FN!

echo.Downloading: [1;33m%1[0m to [1;33m\!FileName![0m

powershell.exe -Command wget %1 -OutFile !FileName!

goto :EOF
if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
set FN=%1
set FN=!FN:?= !
goto :LOOP

P.S. This code requires you to have PowerShell installed.

How do I check CPU and Memory Usage in Java?

If you are looking specifically for memory in JVM:

Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();

NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory();
long allocatedMemory = runtime.totalMemory();
long freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory();

sb.append("free memory: " + format.format(freeMemory / 1024) + "<br/>");
sb.append("allocated memory: " + format.format(allocatedMemory / 1024) + "<br/>");
sb.append("max memory: " + format.format(maxMemory / 1024) + "<br/>");
sb.append("total free memory: " + format.format((freeMemory + (maxMemory - allocatedMemory)) / 1024) + "<br/>");

However, these should be taken only as an estimate...

How to create a popup windows in javafx

Take a look at jfxmessagebox ( if you are looking for very simple dialog popups.

Store a closure as a variable in Swift

I've provide an example not sure if this is what you're after.

var completionHandler: (_ value: Float) -> ()

func printFloat(value: Float) {

completionHandler = printFloat


It simply prints 5 using the completionHandler variable declared.

What is the standard exception to throw in Java for not supported/implemented operations?

Differentiate between the two cases you named:

Git Ignores and Maven targets

As already pointed out in comments by Abhijeet you can just add line like:


to exclude file in \.git\info\ folder.

Then if you want to get rid of that target folder in your remote repo you will need to first manually delete this folder from your local repository, commit and then push it. Thats because git will show you content of a target folder as modified at first.

How can I download HTML source in C#

The newest, most recent, up to date answer
This post is really old (it's 7 years old when I answered it), so no one of the other answers used the new and recommended way, which is HttpClient class.

HttpClient is considered the new API and it should replace the old ones (WebClient and WebRequest)

string url = "page url";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
using (HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(url).Result)
   using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
      string result = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

for more information about how to use the HttpClient class (especially in async cases), you can refer this question

NOTE 1: If you want to use async/await

string url = "page url";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();   // actually only one object should be created by Application
using (HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url))
   using (HttpContent content = response.Content)
      string result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();

NOTE 2: If use C# 8 features

string url = "page url";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
using HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(url);
using HttpContent content = response.Content;
string result = await content.ReadAsStringAsync();

Remove Duplicates from range of cells in excel vba

You need to tell the Range.RemoveDuplicates method what column to use. Additionally, since you have expressed that you have a header row, you should tell the .RemoveDuplicates method that.

Sub dedupe_abcd()
    Dim icol As Long

    With Sheets("Sheet1")   '<-set this worksheet reference properly!
        icol = Application.Match("abcd", .Rows(1), 0)
        With .Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion
            .RemoveDuplicates Columns:=icol, Header:=xlYes
        End With
    End With
End Sub

Your original code seemed to want to remove duplicates from a single column while ignoring surrounding data. That scenario is atypical and I've included the surrounding data so that the .RemoveDuplicates process does not scramble your data. Post back a comment if you truly wanted to isolate the RemoveDuplicates process to a single column.

Selecting default item from Combobox C#

    ComboBox1.Text = ComboBox1.Items(0).ToString

This code is show you Combobox1 first item in

How do I install jmeter on a Mac?

The easiest way to install it is using Homebrew:

brew install jmeter

Or if you need plugins also:

brew install jmeter --with-plugins

And to open it, use the following command (since it doesn't appear in your Applications):

open /usr/local/bin/jmeter

Jquery split function

Javascript String objects have a split function, doesn't really need to be jQuery specific

 var str = "nice.test"
 var strs = str.split(".")

strs would be

 ["nice", "test"]

I'd be tempted to use JSON in your example though. The php could return the JSON which could easily be parsed

 success: function(data) {
   var items = JSON.parse(data)

SQL query for a carriage return in a string and ultimately removing carriage return

This also works


Chrome says "Resource interpreted as script but transferred with MIME type text/plain.", what gives?

I had the same error and finally (in my particular case) I found a problem in the deployment descriptor (web.xml)

The problem:


the solution:


The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process (File is created but contains nothing)

You are writing to the file prior to closing your filestream:

using(FileStream fs=new FileStream(path,FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
using (StreamWriter str=new StreamWriter(fs))
   str.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()+" "+DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString());
   string addtext="this line is added"+Environment.NewLine;



File.AppendAllText(path,addtext);  //Exception occurrs ??????????
string readtext=File.ReadAllText(path);

The above code should work, using the methods you are currently using. You should also look into the using statement and wrap your streams in a using block.

“Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store” - even when add new key

Assuming this is a personal certificate created by windows on the system you copied your project from, you can use the certificate manager on the system where the project is now and import the certificate. Start the certificate manager (certmgr) and select the personal certificates then right click below the list of existing certificates and select import from the tasks. Use the browse to find the .pfx in the project (the .pfx from the previous system that you copied over with the project). It should be in the sub-directory with the same name as the project directory. I am familiar with C# and VS, so if that is not your environment maybe the .pfx will be elsewhere or maybe this suggestion does not apply. After the import you should get a status message. If you succeeded, the compile certificate error should be gone.certmgr screen

Django Template Variables and Javascript

new docs says use {{ mydata|json_script:"mydata" }} to prevent code injection.

a good exmple is given here:

{{ mydata|json_script:"mydata" }}
    const mydata = JSON.parse(document.getElementById('mydata').textContent);

What is *.o file?

You've gotten some answers, and most of them are correct, but miss what (I think) is probably the point here.

My guess is that you have a makefile you're trying to use to create an executable. In case you're not familiar with them, makefiles list dependencies between files. For a really simple case, it might have something like:

myprogram.exe: myprogram.o
    $(CC) -o myprogram.exe myprogram.o

myprogram.o: myprogram.cpp
    $(CC) -c myprogram.cpp

The first line says that myprogram.exe depends on myprogram.o. The second line tells how to create myprogram.exe from myprogram.o. The third and fourth lines say myprogram.o depends on myprogram.cpp, and how to create myprogram.o from myprogram.cpp` respectively.

My guess is that in your case, you have a makefile like the one above that was created for gcc. The problem you're running into is that you're using it with MS VC instead of gcc. As it happens, MS VC uses ".obj" as the extension for its object files instead of ".o".

That means when make (or its equivalent built into the IDE in your case) tries to build the program, it looks at those lines to try to figure out how to build myprogram.exe. To do that, it sees that it needs to build myprogram.o, so it looks for the rule that tells it how to build myprogram.o. That says it should compile the .cpp file, so it does that.

Then things break down -- the VC++ compiler produces myprogram.obj instead of myprogram.o as the object file, so when it tries to go to the next step to produce myprogram.exe from myprogram.o, it finds that its attempt at creating myprogram.o simply failed. It did what the rule said to do, but that didn't produce myprogram.o as promised. It doesn't know what to do, so it quits and give you an error message.

The cure for that specific problem is probably pretty simple: edit the make file so all the object files have an extension of .obj instead of .o. There's room for a lot of question whether that will fix everything though -- that may be all you need, or it may simply lead to other (probably more difficult) problems.

How can I exclude directories from grep -R?

If you want to exclude multiple directories:

"r" for recursive, "l" to print only names of files containing matches and "i" to ignore case distinctions :

grep -rli --exclude-dir={dir1,dir2,dir3} keyword /path/to/search

Example : I want to find files that contain the word 'hello'. I want to search in all my linux directories except proc directory, boot directory, sys directory and root directory :

grep -rli --exclude-dir={proc,boot,root,sys} hello /

Note : The example above needs to be root

Note 2 (according to @skplunkerin) : do not add spaces after the commas in {dir1,dir2,dir3}

Maximum concurrent Socket.IO connections

After making configurations, you can check by writing this command on terminal

sysctl -a | grep file

How to run single test method with phpunit?

You must use --filter to run a single test method php phpunit --filter "/::testMethod( .*)?$/" ClassTest ClassTest.php

The above filter will run testMethod alone.

How to make a background 20% transparent on Android

There is an XML value alpha that takes double values.

Since API 11+ the range is from 0f to 1f (inclusive), 0f being transparent and 1f being opaque:

  • android:alpha="0.0" thats invisible

  • android:alpha="0.5" see-through

  • android:alpha="1.0" full visible

That's how it works.

The property 'Id' is part of the object's key information and cannot be modified


contact.ContactType = differentContactType;


contact.ContactTypeId = 3;

You are trying to set the Id of the ContactType (of the Contact) to 3.

Secure Web Services: REST over HTTPS vs SOAP + WS-Security. Which is better?

If your RESTFul call sends XML Messages back and forth embedded in the Html Body of the HTTP request, you should be able to have all the benefits of WS-Security such as XML encryption, Cerificates, etc in your XML messages while using whatever security features are available from http such as SSL/TLS encryption.

How to add a WiX custom action that happens only on uninstall (via MSI)?

You can do this with a custom action. You can add a refrence to your custom action under <InstallExecuteSequence>:

  <Custom Action="FileCleaner" After='InstallFinalize'>
          Installed AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE</Custom>

Then you will also have to define your Action under <Product>:

  <CustomAction Id='FileCleaner' BinaryKey='FileCleanerEXE' 
                ExeCommand='' Return='asyncNoWait'  />

Where FileCleanerEXE is a binary (in my case a little c++ program that does the custom action) which is also defined under <Product>:

  <Binary Id="FileCleanerEXE" SourceFile="path\to\fileCleaner.exe" />

The real trick to this is the Installed AND NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE condition on the Custom Action, with out that your action will get run on every upgrade (since an upgrade is really an uninstall then reinstall). Which if you are deleting files is probably not want you want during upgrading.

On a side note: I recommend going through the trouble of using something like C++ program to do the action, instead of a batch script because of the power and control it provides -- and you can prevent the "cmd prompt" window from flashing while your installer runs.

WPF MVVM: How to close a window

In your current window xaml.cs file, call the below code:

var curWnd = Window.GetWindow(this); // passing current window context

This should do the thing.
It worked for me, hope will do the same for you )

Simple URL GET/POST function in Python


Here's a few common ways to use it:

import requests
url = 'https://...'
payload = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}

r = requests.get(url)

# GET with params in URL
r = requests.get(url, params=payload)

# POST with form-encoded data
r =, data=payload)

# POST with JSON 
import json
r =, data=json.dumps(payload))

# Response, status etc


>>> from httplib2 import Http
>>> from urllib import urlencode
>>> h = Http()
>>> data = dict(name="Joe", comment="A test comment")
>>> resp, content = h.request("", "POST", urlencode(data))
>>> resp
{'status': '200', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding,User-Agent',
 'server': 'Apache', 'connection': 'close', 'date': 'Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:29:52 GMT', 
 'content-type': 'text/html'}

How do you do block comments in YAML?

For Ruby Mine users on Windows:

Open file in editor Select the block and press Ctrl+forward slash, you will have selected block starting with #.

Now if you want to un-comment the commented block, press same key combination Ctrl+forward slash again

AngularJS : Prevent error $digest already in progress when calling $scope.$apply()

Don't use this pattern - This will end up causing more errors than it solves. Even though you think it fixed something, it didn't.

You can check if a $digest is already in progress by checking $scope.$$phase.

if(!$scope.$$phase) {
  //$digest or $apply

$scope.$$phase will return "$digest" or "$apply" if a $digest or $apply is in progress. I believe the difference between these states is that $digest will process the watches of the current scope and its children, and $apply will process the watchers of all scopes.

To @dnc253's point, if you find yourself calling $digest or $apply frequently, you may be doing it wrong. I generally find I need to digest when I need to update the scope's state as a result of a DOM event firing outside the reach of Angular. For example, when a twitter bootstrap modal becomes hidden. Sometimes the DOM event fires when a $digest is in progress, sometimes not. That's why I use this check.

I would love to know a better way if anyone knows one.

From comments: by @anddoutoi

angular.js Anti Patterns

  1. Don't do if (!$scope.$$phase) $scope.$apply(), it means your $scope.$apply() isn't high enough in the call stack.

Use of "this" keyword in C++

this points to the object in whose member function it is reffered, so it is optional.

How do I do a simple 'Find and Replace" in MsSQL?

The following will find and replace a string in every database (excluding system databases) on every table on the instance you are connected to:

Simply change 'Search String' to whatever you seek and 'Replace String' with whatever you want to replace it with.

--Getting all the databases and making a cursor
SELECT name 
FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases 
WHERE name NOT IN ('master','model','msdb','tempdb')  -- exclude these databases

DECLARE @databaseName nvarchar(1000)
--opening the cursor to move over the databases in this instance
OPEN db_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @databaseName   

    PRINT @databaseName
    --Setting up temp table for the results of our search
    DECLARE @Results TABLE(TableName nvarchar(370), RealColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnName nvarchar(370), ColumnValue nvarchar(3630))


    DECLARE @SearchStr nvarchar(100), @ReplaceStr nvarchar(100), @SearchStr2 nvarchar(110)
    SET @SearchStr = 'Search String'
    SET @ReplaceStr = 'Replace String'
    SET @SearchStr2 = QUOTENAME('%' + @SearchStr + '%','''')

    DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(256), @ColumnName nvarchar(128)
    SET  @TableName = ''

    --Looping over all the tables in the database
    WHILE @TableName IS NOT NULL
        DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(2000)
        SET @ColumnName = ''
        DECLARE @result NVARCHAR(256)
        SET @SQL = 'USE ' + @databaseName + '
            FROM    [' + @databaseName + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
            WHERE       TABLE_TYPE = ''BASE TABLE'' AND TABLE_CATALOG = ''' + @databaseName + '''
                AND QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME) > ''' + @TableName + '''
                AND OBJECTPROPERTY(
                            QUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA) + ''.'' + QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME)
                                ), ''IsMSShipped''
                                ) = 0'
        EXEC master..sp_executesql @SQL, N'@result nvarchar(256) out', @result out

        SET @TableName = @result
        PRINT @TableName

        WHILE (@TableName IS NOT NULL) AND (@ColumnName IS NOT NULL)
            DECLARE @ColumnResult NVARCHAR(256)
            SET @SQL = '
                SELECT @ColumnResult = MIN(QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME))
                FROM    [' + @databaseName + '].INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
                WHERE       TABLE_SCHEMA    = PARSENAME(''[' + @databaseName + '].' + @TableName + ''', 2)
                    AND TABLE_NAME  = PARSENAME(''[' + @databaseName + '].' + @TableName + ''', 1)
                    AND DATA_TYPE IN (''char'', ''varchar'', ''nchar'', ''nvarchar'')
                    AND TABLE_CATALOG = ''' + @databaseName + '''
                    AND QUOTENAME(COLUMN_NAME) > ''' + @ColumnName + ''''
            PRINT @SQL
            EXEC master..sp_executesql @SQL, N'@ColumnResult nvarchar(256) out', @ColumnResult out
            SET @ColumnName = @ColumnResult 

            PRINT @ColumnName

            IF @ColumnName IS NOT NULL
                INSERT INTO @Results
                    'USE ' + @databaseName + '
                    SELECT ''' + @TableName + ''',''' + @ColumnName + ''',''' + @TableName + '.' + @ColumnName + ''', LEFT(' + @ColumnName + ', 3630) 
                    FROM ' + @TableName + ' (NOLOCK) ' +
                    ' WHERE ' + @ColumnName + ' LIKE ' + @SearchStr2

    --Declaring another temporary table
    DECLARE @time_to_update TABLE(TableName nvarchar(370), RealColumnName nvarchar(370))

    INSERT INTO @time_to_update
    SELECT TableName, RealColumnName FROM @Results GROUP BY TableName, RealColumnName

        DECLARE @t nvarchar(370)
        DECLARE @c nvarchar(370)
        --Looping over the search results   
        SET @MyCursor = CURSOR FOR
        SELECT TableName, RealColumnName FROM @time_to_update GROUP BY TableName, RealColumnName

        --Getting my variables from the first item
        OPEN @MyCursor 
        FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor 
        INTO @t, @c

        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            -- Updating the old values with the new value
            DECLARE @sqlCommand varchar(1000)
            SET @sqlCommand = '
                USE ' + @databaseName + '
                UPDATE [' + @databaseName + '].' + @t + ' SET ' + @c + ' = REPLACE(' + @c + ', ''' + @SearchStr + ''', ''' + @ReplaceStr + ''') 
                WHERE ' + @c + ' LIKE ''' + @SearchStr2 + ''''
            PRINT @sqlCommand
            BEGIN TRY
                EXEC (@sqlCommand)
            END TRY
            BEGIN CATCH
                PRINT ERROR_MESSAGE()
            END CATCH

            --Getting next row values
            FETCH NEXT FROM @MyCursor 
            INTO @t, @c 

        CLOSE @MyCursor ;
        DEALLOCATE @MyCursor;

    DELETE FROM @time_to_update
    DELETE FROM @Results

    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @databaseName

CLOSE db_cursor   
DEALLOCATE db_cursor

Note: this isn't ideal, nor is it optimized

Select a Column in SQL not in Group By

What you are asking, Sir, is as the answer of RedFilter. This answer as well helps in understanding why group by is somehow a simpler version or partition over: SQL Server: Difference between PARTITION BY and GROUP BY since it changes the way the returned value is calculated and therefore you could (somehow) return columns group by can not return.

What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

N+1 SELECT problem is really hard to spot, especially in projects with large domain, to the moment when it starts degrading the performance. Even if the problem is fixed i.e. by adding eager loading, a further development may break the solution and/or introduce N+1 SELECT problem again in other places.

I've created open source library jplusone to address those problems in JPA based Spring Boot Java applications. The library provides two major features:

  1. Generates reports correlating SQL statements with executions of JPA operations which triggered them and places in source code of your application which were involved in it
2020-10-22 18:41:43.236 DEBUG 14913 --- [           main]        :
        com.adgadev.jplusone.test.domain.bookshop.BookshopService.getSampleBookDetailsUsingLazyLoading [PROXY]
                OPERATION [IMPLICIT]
                    com.adgadev.jplusone.test.domain.bookshop.Author.getName [PROXY]
                    com.adgadev.jplusone.test.domain.bookshop.Author [FETCHING ENTITY]
                        STATEMENT [READ]
                            select [...] from
                                author author0_
                                left outer join genre genre1_ on
                OPERATION [IMPLICIT]
                    com.adgadev.jplusone.test.domain.bookshop.Author.books [FETCHING COLLECTION]
                        STATEMENT [READ]
                            select [...] from
                                book books0_
  1. Provides API which allows to write tests checking how effectively your application is using JPA (i.e. assert amount of lazy loading operations )
class LazyLoadingTest {

    private JPlusOneAssertionContext assertionContext;

    private SampleService sampleService;

    public void shouldBusinessCheckOperationAgainstJPlusOneAssertionRule() {
        JPlusOneAssertionRule rule = JPlusOneAssertionRule
                .shouldBe().noImplicitOperations().exceptAnyOf(exclusions -> exclusions
                        .loadingCollection(Author.class, "books")

        // trigger business operation which you wish to be asserted against the rule,
        // i.e. calling a service or sending request to your API controller


Internet Explorer cache location

If it's been moved you can also (in IE 11, and I'm pretty sure this translates back to at least 10):

  • Tools - Internet Options
  • Under Browsing history click Settings
  • Under Current location it shows the directory name

Note: The View files button will open a Windows Explorer window there.

For example, mine shows C:\BrowserCache\IE\Temporary Internet Files

Creating object with dynamic keys

In the new ES2015 standard for JavaScript (formerly called ES6), objects can be created with computed keys: Object Initializer spec.

The syntax is:

var obj = {
  [myKey]: value,

If applied to the OP's scenario, it would turn into:

stuff = function (thing, callback) {
  var inputs  = $('div.quantity > input').map(function(){
    return {
      [this.attr('name')]: this.attr('value'),

  callback(null, inputs);

Note: A transpiler is still required for browser compatiblity.

Using Babel or Google's traceur, it is possible to use this syntax today.

In earlier JavaScript specifications (ES5 and below), the key in an object literal is always interpreted literally, as a string.

To use a "dynamic" key, you have to use bracket notation:

var obj = {};
obj[myKey] = value;

In your case:

stuff = function (thing, callback) {
  var inputs  = $('div.quantity > input').map(function(){
    var key   = this.attr('name')
     ,  value = this.attr('value')
     ,  ret   = {};

     ret[key] = value;
     return ret;

  callback(null, inputs);

QtCreator: No valid kits found

Though OP is asking about Windows, this error also occurs on Ubuntu Linux and Google lists this result first when you search for the error"QtCreator: No valid kits found".

On Ubuntu this is solved by running:

For Qt5:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default

For Qt4:

sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui

This question is answered here and here, though those entries are less SEO-friendly...

How to get a cookie from an AJAX response?

Similar to yebmouxing I could not the


method to work. It would only return null even if I had set HTTPOnly to false on my server.

I too wrote a simple js helper function to grab the cookies from the document. This function is very basic and only works if you know the additional info (lifespan, domain, path, etc. etc.) to add yourself:

function getCookie(cookieName){
  var cookieArray = document.cookie.split(';');
  for(var i=0; i<cookieArray.length; i++){
    var cookie = cookieArray[i];
    while (cookie.charAt(0)==' '){
      cookie = cookie.substring(1);
    cookieHalves = cookie.split('=');
    if(cookieHalves[0]== cookieName){
      return cookieHalves[1];
  return "";

Java Does Not Equal (!=) Not Working?

== and != work on object identity. While the two Strings have the same value, they are actually two different objects.

use !"success".equals(statusCheck) instead.

PHP read and write JSON from file

This should work for you to get the contents of list.txt file

$headers = array('http'=>array('method'=>'GET','header'=>'Content: type=application/json \r\n'.'$agent \r\n'.'$hash'));


$str = file_get_contents("list.txt",FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH,$context);




Calendar Recurring/Repeating Events - Best Storage Method

Enhancement: replace timestamp with date

As a small enhancement to the accepted answer that was subsequently refined by ahoffner - it is possible to use a date format rather than timestamp. The advantages are:

  1. readable dates in the database
  2. no issue with the years > 2038 and timestamp
  3. removes need to be careful with timestamps that are based on seasonally adjusted dates i.e. in the UK 28th June starts one hour earlier than 28th December so deriving a timestamp from a date can break the recursion algorithm.

to do this, change the DB repeat_start to be stored as type 'date' and repeat_interval now hold days rather than seconds. i.e. 7 for a repeat of 7 days.

change the sql line:

WHERE (( 1370563200 - repeat_start) % repeat_interval = 0 )


WHERE ( DATEDIFF( '2013-6-7', repeat_start ) % repeat_interval = 0)

everything else remains the same. Simples!

ES6 modules implementation, how to load a json file

First of all you need to install json-loader:

npm i json-loader --save-dev

Then, there are two ways how you can use it:

  1. In order to avoid adding json-loader in each import you can add to webpack.config this line:

    loaders: [
      { test: /\.json$/, loader: 'json-loader' },
      // other loaders 

    Then import json files like this

    import suburbs from '../suburbs.json';
  2. Use json-loader directly in your import, as in your example:

    import suburbs from 'json!../suburbs.json';

Note: In webpack 2.* instead of keyword loaders need to use rules.,

also webpack 2.* uses json-loader by default

*.json files are now supported without the json-loader. You may still use it. It's not a breaking change.


Using Switch Statement to Handle Button Clicks

One way of achieving this is to make your class implement OnClickListener and then add it to your buttons like this:


//make your class implement OnClickListener
public class MyClass implements OnClickListener{


        //Create your buttons and set their onClickListener to "this"
        Button b1 = (Button) findViewById(;   

        Button b2 = (Button) findViewById(;   


        //implement the onClick method here
        public void onClick(View v) {
           // Perform action on click
          switch(v.getId()) {
              //Play voicefile
              MediaPlayer.create(getBaseContext(), R.raw.voicefile).start();
              //Stop MediaPlayer
              MediaPlayer.create(getBaseContext(), R.raw.voicefile).stop();

For more information see Android Developers > Handling UI Events.

Sorting an ArrayList of objects using a custom sorting order

Here's a tutorial about ordering objects:

Although I will give some examples, I would recommend to read it anyway.

There are various way to sort an ArrayList. If you want to define a natural (default) ordering, then you need to let Contact implement Comparable. Assuming that you want to sort by default on name, then do (nullchecks omitted for simplicity):

public class Contact implements Comparable<Contact> {

    private String name;
    private String phone;
    private Address address;

    public int compareTo(Contact other) {
        return name.compareTo(;

    // Add/generate getters/setters and other boilerplate.

so that you can just do

List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
// Fill it.


If you want to define an external controllable ordering (which overrides the natural ordering), then you need to create a Comparator:

List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
// Fill it.

// Now sort by address instead of name (default).
Collections.sort(contacts, new Comparator<Contact>() {
    public int compare(Contact one, Contact other) {
        return one.getAddress().compareTo(other.getAddress());

You can even define the Comparators in the Contact itself so that you can reuse them instead of recreating them everytime:

public class Contact {

    private String name;
    private String phone;
    private Address address;

    // ...

    public static Comparator<Contact> COMPARE_BY_PHONE = new Comparator<Contact>() {
        public int compare(Contact one, Contact other) {

    public static Comparator<Contact> COMPARE_BY_ADDRESS = new Comparator<Contact>() {
        public int compare(Contact one, Contact other) {
            return one.address.compareTo(other.address);


which can be used as follows:

List<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<Contact>();
// Fill it.

// Sort by address.
Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.COMPARE_BY_ADDRESS);

// Sort later by phone.
Collections.sort(contacts, Contact.COMPARE_BY_PHONE);

And to cream the top off, you could consider to use a generic javabean comparator:

public class BeanComparator implements Comparator<Object> {

    private String getter;

    public BeanComparator(String field) {
        this.getter = "get" + field.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + field.substring(1);

    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
        try {
            if (o1 != null && o2 != null) {
                o1 = o1.getClass().getMethod(getter, new Class[0]).invoke(o1, new Object[0]);
                o2 = o2.getClass().getMethod(getter, new Class[0]).invoke(o2, new Object[0]);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // If this exception occurs, then it is usually a fault of the developer.
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot compare " + o1 + " with " + o2 + " on " + getter, e);

        return (o1 == null) ? -1 : ((o2 == null) ? 1 : ((Comparable<Object>) o1).compareTo(o2));


which you can use as follows:

// Sort on "phone" field of the Contact bean.
Collections.sort(contacts, new BeanComparator("phone"));

(as you see in the code, possibly null fields are already covered to avoid NPE's during sort)

eclipse won't start - no java virtual machine was found


check if you have both java 32 and 64 bit install then

Setting Path on Windows

Windows 8

Drag the Mouse pointer to the Right bottom corner of the screen

Click on the Search icon and type: Control Panel

Click on -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced

Click on Environment Variables, under System Variables, find PATH, and click on it.

In the Edit windows, modify PATH by adding the location of the class to the value for PATH, Or simply make sure that the variable name is in ALL CAPS

If you do not have the item PATH, you may select to add a new variable and add PATH as the name and the location of the class as the value.

Close the window.

Reopen Command prompt window, and run your java code.

Cannot read property 'length' of null (javascript)

From the code that you have provided, not knowing the language that you are programming in. The variable capital is null. When you are trying to read the property length, the system cant as it is trying to deference a null variable. You need to define capital.

Getting "type or namespace name could not be found" but everything seems ok?

My case was same as discussed here but nothing solved it until I've removed the System.Core reference from the references list (Everything worked fine without it)

hope it will help someone because this issue is quite frustrating

php random x digit number

you can generate any x-digit random number with mt_rand() function. mt_rand() much faster with rand() function syntax : mt_rand() or mt_rand($min , $max).

read more

example : <?php echo mt_rand(); ?>

How can I get the current page name in WordPress?

This seems to be the easiest to use:

<?php single_post_title(); ?>

Objective-C ARC: strong vs retain and weak vs assign

To understand Strong and Weak reference consider below example, suppose we have method named as displayLocalVariable.

     NSString myName = @"ABC";
     NSLog(@"My name is = %@", myName);

In above method scope of myName variable is limited to displayLocalVariable method, once the method gets finished myName variable which is holding the string "ABC" will get deallocated from the memory.

Now what if we want to hold the myName variable value throughout our view controller life cycle. For this we can create the property named as username which will have Strong reference to the variable myName(see self.username = myName; in below code), as below,

@interface LoginViewController ()

@property(nonatomic,strong) NSString* username;
@property(nonatomic,weak) NSString* dummyName;

- (void)displayLocalVariable;


@implementation LoginViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];


     [self displayLocalVariable];

- (void)displayLocalVariable
   NSString myName = @"ABC";
   NSLog(@"My name is = %@", myName);
   self.username = myName;

- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];


Now in above code you can see myName has been assigned to self.username and self.username is having a strong reference(as we declared in interface using @property) to myName(indirectly it's having Strong reference to "ABC" string). Hence String myName will not get deallocated from memory till self.username is alive.

  • Weak reference

Now consider assigning myName to dummyName which is a Weak reference, self.dummyName = myName; Unlike Strong reference Weak will hold the myName only till there is Strong reference to myName. See below code to understand Weak reference,

     NSString myName = @"ABC";
     NSLog(@"My name is = %@", myName);
     self.dummyName = myName;

In above code there is Weak reference to myName(i.e. self.dummyName is having Weak reference to myName) but there is no Strong reference to myName, hence self.dummyName will not be able to hold the myName value.

Now again consider the below code,

         NSString myName = @"ABC";
         NSLog(@"My name is = %@", myName);
         self.username = myName;
         self.dummyName = myName;

In above code self.username has a Strong reference to myName, hence self.dummyName will now have a value of myName even after method ends since myName has a Strong reference associated with it.

Now whenever we make a Strong reference to a variable it's retain count get increased by one and the variable will not get deallocated retain count reaches to 0.

Hope this helps.

Drag and drop elements from list into separate blocks

Dragging an object and placing in a different location is part of the standard of HTML5. All the objects can be draggable. But the Specifications of below web browser should be followed. API Chrome Internet Explorer Firefox Safari Opera Version 4.0 9.0 3.5 6.0 12.0

You can find example from below: Invalid Keystore format

I ran into the problem with openJDK on ubuntu, had to install Oracle JDK to get it working.

You can follow this guide on google sites to do that.

When is assembly faster than C?

It all depends on your workload.

For day-to-day operations, C and C++ are just fine, but there are certain workloads (any transforms involving video (compression, decompression, image effects, etc)) that pretty much require assembly to be performant.

They also usually involve using CPU specific chipset extensions (MME/MMX/SSE/whatever) that are tuned for those kinds of operation. how to deserialize without using the default constructor?


public Response Get(string jsonData) {
    var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<modelname>(jsonData);
    var data = StoredProcedure.procedureName(json.Parameter, json.Parameter, json.Parameter, json.Parameter);
    return data;


public class modelname {
    public long parameter{ get; set; }
    public int parameter{ get; set; }
    public int parameter{ get; set; }
    public string parameter{ get; set; }

Java 'file.delete()' Is not Deleting Specified File

Try closing all the FileOutputStream/FileInputStream you've opened earlier in other methods ,then try deleting ,worked like a charm.

"string could not resolved" error in Eclipse for C++ (Eclipse can't resolve standard library)

Hello here is a simple solution,

Just go to File -> Convert to a C/C++ Autotools Project Select your project files appropriately.

Inclusions will be added to your project file

Confirm deletion in modal / dialog using Twitter Bootstrap?

I can easily handle this type of task using bootbox.js library. At first you need to include bootbox JS file. Then in your event handler function simply write following code:

    bootbox.confirm("Are you sure to want to delete , function(result) {

    //here result will be true
    // delete process code goes here


Offical bootboxjs site

Timestamp conversion in Oracle for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format

Use TO_TIMESTAMP function



The example from MySQL documentation (i shrink it, documentation for this section is the same for 5.5)

mysql> create table t1 (i int, d1 double, d2 double);

mysql> insert into t1 values (2, 0.00  , 0.00),
                             (2, -13.20, 0.00),
                             (2, 59.60 , 46.40),
                             (2, 30.40 , 30.40);

mysql> select
         sum(d1) as a,
         sum(d2) as b
       group by
       having a <> b; -- a != b

| i    | a                 | b    |
|    2 | 76.80000000000001 | 76.8 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Basically if you sum a you get 0-13.2+59.6+30.4 = 76.8. If we sum up b we get 0+0+46.4+30.4=76.8. The sum of a and b is the same but MySQL documentation says:

A floating-point value as written in an SQL statement may not be the same as the value represented internally.

If we repeat the same with decimal:

mysql> create table t2 (i int, d1 decimal(60,30), d2 decimal(60,30));
Query OK, 0 rows  affected (0.09 sec)

mysql> insert into t2 values (2, 0.00  , 0.00),
                             (2, -13.20, 0.00),
                             (2, 59.60 , 46.40),
                             (2, 30.40 , 30.40);
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.07 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select
         sum(d1) as a,
         sum(d2) as b
       group by
       having a <> b;

Empty set (0.00 sec)

The result as expected is empty set.

So as long you do not perform any SQL arithemetic operations you can use DOUBLE, but I would still prefer DECIMAL.

Another thing to note about DECIMAL is rounding if fractional part is too large. Example:

mysql> create table t3 (d decimal(5,2));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

mysql> insert into t3 (d) values(34.432);
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.10 sec)

mysql> show warnings;
| Level | Code | Message                                |
| Note  | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'd' at row 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from t3;
| d     |
| 34.43 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Is it possible to 'prefill' a google form using data from a google spreadsheet?

You can create a pre-filled form URL from within the Form Editor, as described in the documentation for Drive Forms. You'll end up with a URL like this, for example:


In this example, question 1, "Name", has an ID of 726721210, while question 2, "Birthday" is 787184751. Questions 3 and 4 are blank.

You could generate the pre-filled URL by adapting the one provided through the UI to be a template, like this:

function buildUrls() {
  var template = "";
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet1");  // Email, Name, Birthday
  var data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();

  // Skip headers, then build URLs for each row in Sheet1.
  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++ ) {
    var url = template.replace('##Name##',escape(data[i][1]))
                      .replace('##Birthday##',data[i][2].yyyymmdd());  // see yyyymmdd below
    Logger.log(url);  // You could do something more useful here.

This is effective enough - you could email the pre-filled URL to each person, and they'd have some questions already filled in.


Instead of creating our template using brute force, we can piece it together programmatically. This will have the advantage that we can re-use the code without needing to remember to change the template.

Each question in a form is an item. For this example, let's assume the form has only 4 questions, as you've described them. Item [0] is "Name", [1] is "Birthday", and so on.

We can create a form response, which we won't submit - instead, we'll partially complete the form, only to get the pre-filled form URL. Since the Forms API understands the data types of each item, we can avoid manipulating the string format of dates and other types, which simplifies our code somewhat.

(EDIT: There's a more general version of this in How to prefill Google form checkboxes?)

 * Use Form API to generate pre-filled form URLs
function betterBuildUrls() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
  var data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();  // Data for pre-fill

  var formUrl = ss.getFormUrl();             // Use form attached to sheet
  var form = FormApp.openByUrl(formUrl);
  var items = form.getItems();

  // Skip headers, then build URLs for each row in Sheet1.
  for (var i = 1; i < data.length; i++ ) {
    // Create a form response object, and prefill it
    var formResponse = form.createResponse();

    // Prefill Name
    var formItem = items[0].asTextItem();
    var response = formItem.createResponse(data[i][1]);

    // Prefill Birthday
    formItem = items[1].asDateItem();
    response = formItem.createResponse(data[i][2]);

    // Get prefilled form URL
    var url = formResponse.toPrefilledUrl();
    Logger.log(url);  // You could do something more useful here.

yymmdd Function

Any date item in the pre-filled form URL is expected to be in this format: yyyy-mm-dd. This helper function extends the Date object with a new method to handle the conversion.

When reading dates from a spreadsheet, you'll end up with a javascript Date object, as long as the format of the data is recognizable as a date. (Your example is not recognizable, so instead of May 9th 1975 you could use 5/9/1975.)

// From
Date.prototype.yyyymmdd = function() {
  var yyyy = this.getFullYear().toString();                                    
  var mm = (this.getMonth()+1).toString(); // getMonth() is zero-based         
  var dd  = this.getDate().toString();             

  return yyyy + '-' + (mm[1]?mm:"0"+mm[0]) + '-' + (dd[1]?dd:"0"+dd[0]);

XSS prevention in JSP/Servlet web application

My personal opinion is that you should avoid using JSP/ASP/PHP/etc pages. Instead output to an API similar to SAX (only designed for calling rather than handling). That way there is a single layer that has to create well formed output.

Getting Image from API in Angular 4/5+?

There is no need to use angular http, you can get with js native functions

// you will ned this function to fetch the image blob._x000D_
async function getImage(url, fileName) {_x000D_
     // on the first then you will return blob from response_x000D_
    return await fetch(url).then(r => r.blob())_x000D_
    .then((blob) => { // on the second, you just create a file from that blob, getting the type and name that intend to inform_x000D_
        return new File([blob], fileName+'.'+   blob.type.split('/')[1]) ;_x000D_
// example url_x000D_
var url = '';_x000D_
// calling the function_x000D_
getImage(url, 'your-name-image').then(function(file) {_x000D_
    // with file reader you will transform the file in a data url file;_x000D_
    var reader = new FileReader();_x000D_
    reader.onloadend = () => {_x000D_
    // just putting the data url to img element_x000D_
        document.querySelector('#image').src = reader.result ;_x000D_
<img src="" id="image"/>

What is the default value for Guid?

You can use these methods to get an empty guid. The result will be a guid with all it's digits being 0's - "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000".

new Guid()



Pandas: Subtracting two date columns and the result being an integer

You can use datetime module to help here. Also, as a side note, a simple date subtraction should work as below:

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

#Assume we have df_test:
In [222]: df_test
   first_date second_date
0  2016-01-31  2015-11-19
1  2016-02-29  2015-11-20
2  2016-03-31  2015-11-21
3  2016-04-30  2015-11-22
4  2016-05-31  2015-11-23
5  2016-06-30  2015-11-24
6         NaT  2015-11-25
7         NaT  2015-11-26
8  2016-01-31  2015-11-27
9         NaT  2015-11-28
10        NaT  2015-11-29
11        NaT  2015-11-30
12 2016-04-30  2015-12-01
13        NaT  2015-12-02
14        NaT  2015-12-03
15 2016-04-30  2015-12-04
16        NaT  2015-12-05
17        NaT  2015-12-06

In [223]: df_test['Difference'] = df_test['first_date'] - df_test['second_date'] 

In [224]: df_test
   first_date second_date  Difference
0  2016-01-31  2015-11-19     73 days
1  2016-02-29  2015-11-20    101 days
2  2016-03-31  2015-11-21    131 days
3  2016-04-30  2015-11-22    160 days
4  2016-05-31  2015-11-23    190 days
5  2016-06-30  2015-11-24    219 days
6         NaT  2015-11-25         NaT
7         NaT  2015-11-26         NaT
8  2016-01-31  2015-11-27     65 days
9         NaT  2015-11-28         NaT
10        NaT  2015-11-29         NaT
11        NaT  2015-11-30         NaT
12 2016-04-30  2015-12-01    151 days
13        NaT  2015-12-02         NaT
14        NaT  2015-12-03         NaT
15 2016-04-30  2015-12-04    148 days
16        NaT  2015-12-05         NaT
17        NaT  2015-12-06         NaT

Now, change type to datetime.timedelta, and then use the .days method on valid timedelta objects.

In [226]: df_test['Diffference'] = df_test['Difference'].astype(dt.timedelta).map(lambda x: np.nan if pd.isnull(x) else x.days)

In [227]: df_test
   first_date second_date  Difference  Diffference
0  2016-01-31  2015-11-19     73 days           73
1  2016-02-29  2015-11-20    101 days          101
2  2016-03-31  2015-11-21    131 days          131
3  2016-04-30  2015-11-22    160 days          160
4  2016-05-31  2015-11-23    190 days          190
5  2016-06-30  2015-11-24    219 days          219
6         NaT  2015-11-25         NaT          NaN
7         NaT  2015-11-26         NaT          NaN
8  2016-01-31  2015-11-27     65 days           65
9         NaT  2015-11-28         NaT          NaN
10        NaT  2015-11-29         NaT          NaN
11        NaT  2015-11-30         NaT          NaN
12 2016-04-30  2015-12-01    151 days          151
13        NaT  2015-12-02         NaT          NaN
14        NaT  2015-12-03         NaT          NaN
15 2016-04-30  2015-12-04    148 days          148
16        NaT  2015-12-05         NaT          NaN
17        NaT  2015-12-06         NaT          NaN

Hope that helps.

How do you normalize a file path in Bash?

The problem with realpath is that it is not available on BSD (or OSX for that matter). Here is a simple recipe extracted from a rather old (2009) article from Linux Journal, that is quite portable:

function normpath() {
  # Remove all /./ sequences.
  local path=${1//\/.\//\/}

  # Remove dir/.. sequences.
  while [[ $path =~ ([^/][^/]*/\.\./) ]]; do
  echo $path

Notice this variant also does not require the path to exist.

What is the difference between FragmentPagerAdapter and FragmentStatePagerAdapter?

FragmentPagerAdapter stores the previous data which is fetched from the adapter while FragmentStatePagerAdapter takes the new value from the adapter everytime it is executed.

html5 input for money/currency

I stumbled across this article looking for a similar answer. I read @vsync example Using javascript's Number.prototype.toLocaleString: and it appeared to work well. The only complaint I had was that if you had more than a single input type="currency" within your page it would only modify the first instance of it.

As he mentions in his comments it was only designed as an example for stackoverflow.

However, the example worked well for me and although I have little experience with JS I figured out how to modify it so that it will work with multiple input type="currency" on the page using the document.querySelectorAll rather than document.querySelector and adding a for loop.

I hope this can be useful for someone else. ( Credit for the bulk of the code is @vsync )

var currencyInput = document.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="currency"]' );

for ( var i = 0; i < currencyInput.length; i++ ) {

    var currency = 'GBP'
    onBlur( {
        target: currencyInput[ i ]
    } )

    currencyInput[ i ].addEventListener( 'focus', onFocus )
    currencyInput[ i ].addEventListener( 'blur', onBlur )

    function localStringToNumber( s ) {
        return Number( String( s ).replace( /[^0-9.-]+/g, "" ) )

    function onFocus( e ) {
        var value =; = value ? localStringToNumber( value ) : ''

    function onBlur( e ) {
        var value =

        var options = {
            maximumFractionDigits: 2,
            currency: currency,
            style: "currency",
            currencyDisplay: "symbol"
        } = ( value || value === 0 ) ?
            localStringToNumber( value ).toLocaleString( undefined, options ) :

    var currencyInput = document.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="currency"]' );

    for ( var i = 0; i < currencyInput.length; i++ ) {

        var currency = 'GBP'
        onBlur( {
            target: currencyInput[ i ]
        } )

        currencyInput[ i ].addEventListener( 'focus', onFocus )
        currencyInput[ i ].addEventListener( 'blur', onBlur )

        function localStringToNumber( s ) {
            return Number( String( s ).replace( /[^0-9.-]+/g, "" ) )

        function onFocus( e ) {
            var value =;
   = value ? localStringToNumber( value ) : ''

        function onBlur( e ) {
            var value =

            var options = {
                maximumFractionDigits: 2,
                currency: currency,
                style: "currency",
                currencyDisplay: "symbol"

   = ( value || value === 0 ) ?
                localStringToNumber( value ).toLocaleString( undefined, options ) :
.input_date {
    margin:1px 0px 50px 0px;
    font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
    font-size: 18px;
    line-height: 1.5;
    color: #111;
    display: block;
    background: #ddd;
    height: 50px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    border: 2px solid #111111;
    padding: 0 20px 0 20px;
    width: 100px;
    <label for="cost_of_sale">Cost of Sale</label>
    <input class="input_date" type="currency" name="cost_of_sale" id="cost_of_sale" value="0.00">

    <label for="sales">Sales</label>
    <input class="input_date" type="currency" name="sales" id="sales" value="0.00">

     <label for="gm_pounds">GM Pounds</label>
     <input class="input_date" type="currency" name="gm_pounds" id="gm_pounds" value="0.00">

How to compare two columns in Excel and if match, then copy the cell next to it

try this formula in column E:

=IF( AND( ISNUMBER(D2), D2=G2), H2, "")

your error is the number test, ISNUMBER( ISMATCH(D2,G:G,0) )

you do check if ismatch is-a-number, (i.e. isNumber("true") or isNumber("false"), which is not!.

I hope you understand my explanation.

How to get the IP address of the docker host from inside a docker container

In linux you can run

HOST_IP=`hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'`

In macOS your host machine is not the Docker host. Docker will install it's host OS in VirtualBox.

HOST_IP=`docker run busybox ping -c 1 docker.for.mac.localhost | awk 'FNR==2 {print $4}' | sed s'/.$//'`

What's the difference between INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN and FULL JOIN?

INNER JOIN gets all records that are common between both tables based on the supplied ON clause.

LEFT JOIN gets all records from the LEFT linked and the related record from the right table ,but if you have selected some columns from the RIGHT table, if there is no related records, these columns will contain NULL.

RIGHT JOIN is like the above but gets all records in the RIGHT table.

FULL JOIN gets all records from both tables and puts NULL in the columns where related records do not exist in the opposite table.

php is null or empty?

check == vs ===

'' == NULL would return true
0 == NULL would return true
false == null would return true

where as

'' === NULL would return false
0 === NULL would return false
false === NULL would return false

#1025 - Error on rename of './database/#sql-2e0f_1254ba7' to './database/table' (errno: 150)

If you are trying to delete a column which is a FOREIGN KEY, you must find the correct name which is not the column name. Eg: If I am trying to delete the server field in the Alarms table which is a foreign key to the servers table.

  1. SHOW CREATE TABLE alarm; Look for the CONSTRAINT `server_id_refs_id_34554433` FORIEGN KEY (`server_id`) REFERENCES `server` (`id`) line.
  2. ALTER TABLE `alarm` DROP FOREIGN KEY `server_id_refs_id_34554433`;
  3. ALTER TABLE `alarm` DROP `server_id`

This will delete the foreign key server from the Alarms table.

npm global path prefix

Extending your PATH with:

export PATH=/usr/local/share/npm/bin:$PATH

isn't a terrible idea. Having said that, you shouldn't have to do it.

Run this:

npm config get prefix

The default on OS X is /usr/local, which means that npm will symlink binaries into /usr/local/bin, which should already be on your PATH (especially if you're using Homebrew).


  1. npm config set prefix /usr/local if it's something else, and
  2. Don't use sudo with npm! According to the jslint docs, you should just be able to npm install it.

If you installed npm as sudo (sudo brew install), try reinstalling it with plain ol' brew install. Homebrew is supposed to help keep you sudo-free.

Why is using "" for array iteration a bad idea?

The for/in works with two types of variables: hashtables (associative arrays) and array (non-associative).

JavaScript will automatically determine the way its passes through the items. So if you know that your array is really non-associative you can use for (var i=0; i<=arrayLen; i++), and skip the auto-detection iteration.

But in my opinion, it's better to use for/in, the process required for that auto-detection is very small.

A real answer for this will depend on how the browser parsers/interpret the JavaScript code. It can change between browsers.

I can't think of other purposes to not using for/in;

var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
for (var i in arr)

var arr = {
   item1 : 'a',
   item2 : 'b',
   item3 : 'c'

for (var i in arr)

How to fix Warning Illegal string offset in PHP

Magic word is: isset

Validate the entry:

if(isset($manta_option['iso_format_recent_works']) && $manta_option['iso_format_recent_works'] == 1){
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_thumbnail';
} else {
    $theme_img = 'recent_works_iso_thumbnail';

How to pass the -D System properties while testing on Eclipse?

run configuration -> arguments -> vm arguments

(can also be placed in the debug configuration under Debug Configuration->Arguments->VM Arguments)

How does EL empty operator work in JSF?

From EL 2.2 specification (get the one below "Click here to download the spec for evaluation"):

1.10 Empty Operator - empty A

The empty operator is a prefix operator that can be used to determine if a value is null or empty.

To evaluate empty A

  • If A is null, return true
  • Otherwise, if A is the empty string, then return true
  • Otherwise, if A is an empty array, then return true
  • Otherwise, if A is an empty Map, return true
  • Otherwise, if A is an empty Collection, return true
  • Otherwise return false

So, considering the interfaces, it works on Collection and Map only. In your case, I think Collection is the best option. Or, if it's a Javabean-like object, then Map. Either way, under the covers, the isEmpty() method is used for the actual check. On interface methods which you can't or don't want to implement, you could throw UnsupportedOperationException.

Reset git proxy to default configuration

You can remove that configuration with:

git config --global --unset core.gitproxy

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

C99 is available online. Quoted from

The lastest publically available version of the standard is the combined C99 + TC1 + TC2 + TC3, WG14 N1256, dated 2007-09-07. This is a WG14 working paper, but it reflects the consolidated standard at the time of issue.

MySQL select rows where left join is null

You could use the following query:

FROM    table1 
        LEFT JOIN table2 
            ON IN (table2.user_one, table2.user_two)
WHERE   table2.user_one IS NULL;

Although, depending on your indexes on table2 you may find that two joins performs better:

FROM    table1 
        LEFT JOIN table2 AS t1
            ON = t1.user_one
        LEFT JOIN table2 AS t2
            ON = t2.user_two
WHERE   t1.user_one IS NULL
AND     t2.user_two IS NULL;

Get exit code for command in bash/ksh

The normal idea would be to run the command and then use $? to get the exit code. However, some times you have multiple cases in which you need to get the exit code. For example, you might need to hide it's output but still return the exit code, or print both the exit code and the output.

ec() { [[ "$1" == "-h" ]] && { shift && eval $* > /dev/null 2>&1; ec=$?; echo $ec; } || eval $*; ec=$?; }

This will give you the option to suppress the output of the command you want the exit code for. When the output is suppressed for the command, the exit code will directly be returned by the function.

I personally like to put this function in my .bashrc file

Below I demonstrate a few ways in which you can use this:

# In this example, the output for the command will be
# normally displayed, and the exit code will be stored
# in the variable $ec.

$ ec echo test
$ echo $ec

# In this example, the exit code is output
# and the output of the command passed
# to the `ec` function is suppressed.

$ echo "Exit Code: $(ec -h echo test)"
Exit Code: 0

# In this example, the output of the command
# passed to the `ec` function is suppressed
# and the exit code is stored in `$ec`

$ ec -h echo test
$ echo $ec

Solution to your code using this function

if [[ "$(ec -h 'ls -l | grep p')" != "0" ]]; then
    echo "Error when executing command: 'grep p' [$ec]"
    exit $ec;

You should also note that the exit code you will be seeing will be for the grep command that's being run, as it is the last command being executed. Not the ls.

What integer hash function are good that accepts an integer hash key?

There's a nice overview over some hash algorithms at Eternally Confuzzled. I'd recommend Bob Jenkins' one-at-a-time hash which quickly reaches avalanche and therefore can be used for efficient hash table lookup.

How to check if a view controller is presented modally or pushed on a navigation stack?

To detect your controller is pushed or not just use below code in anywhere you want:

if ([[[self.parentViewController childViewControllers] firstObject] isKindOfClass:[self class]]) {

    // Not pushed
else {

    // Pushed

I hope this code can help anyone...

What does the C++ standard state the size of int, long type to be?

As you mentioned - it largely depends upon the compiler and the platform. For this, check the ANSI standard,

Here is the one for the Microsoft compiler: Data Type Ranges.

Javascript get the text value of a column from a particular row of an html table

in case if your table has tbody

let tbl = document.getElementById("tbl").getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];

jQuery .live() vs .on() method for adding a click event after loading dynamic html

I know it's a little late for an answer, but I've created a polyfill for the .live() method. I've tested it in jQuery 1.11, and it seems to work pretty well. I know that we're supposed to implement the .on() method wherever possible, but in big projects, where it's not possible to convert all .live() calls to the equivalent .on() calls for whatever reason, the following might work:

if(jQuery && ! { = function(evt, func) {
        $('body').on(evt, this.selector, func);

Just include it after you load jQuery and before you call live().

How to send email using simple SMTP commands via Gmail?

Unfortunately as I am forced to use a windows server I have been unable to get openssl working in the way the above answer suggests.

However I was able to get a similar program called stunnel (which can be downloaded from here) to work. I got the idea from but I had to change the instructions slightly. Here is what I did:

  1. Install telnet client on the windows box.
  2. Download stunnel. (I downloaded and installed a file called stunnel-4.56-installer.exe).
  3. Once installed you then needed to locate the stunnel.conf config file, which in my case I installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\stunnel
  4. Then, you need to open this file in a text viewer such as notepad. Look for [gmail-smtp] and remove the semicolon on the client line below (in the stunnel.conf file, every line that starts with a semicolon is a comment). You should end up with something like:

    client = yes
    accept =
    connect =

    Once you have done this save the stunnel.conf file and reload the config (to do this use the stunnel GUI program, and click on configuration=>Reload).

Now you should be ready to send email in the windows telnet client!
Go to Start=>run=>cmd.

Once cmd is open type in the following and press Enter:

telnet localhost 25

You should then see something similar to the following:

220 ESMTP f14sm1400408wbe.2

You will then need to reply by typing the following and pressing enter:

helo google

This should give you the following response:

250 at your service

If you get this you then need to type the following and press enter:

ehlo google

This should then give you the following response: at your service, []
250-SIZE 35651584

Now you should be ready to authenticate with your Gmail details. To do this type the following and press enter:


This should then give you the following response:

334 VXNlcm5hbWU6

This means that we are ready to authenticate by using our gmail address and password.

However since this is an encrypted session, we're going to have to send the email and password encoded in base64. To encode your email and password, you can use a converter program or an online website to encode it (for example base64 or search on google for ’base64 online encoding’). I reccomend you do not touch the cmd/telnet session again until you have done this.

For example [email protected] would become dGVzdEBnbWFpbC5jb20= and password would become cGFzc3dvcmQ=

Once you have done this copy and paste your converted base64 username into the cmd/telnet session and press enter. This should give you following response:

334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6

Now copy and paste your converted base64 password into the cmd/telnet session and press enter. This should give you following response if both login credentials are correct:

235 2.7.0 Accepted

You should now enter the sender email (should be the same as the username) in the following format and press enter:

MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>

This should give you the following response:

250 2.1.0 OK x23sm1104292weq.10

You can now enter the recipient email address in a similar format and press enter:

RCPT TO:<[email protected]>

This should give you the following response:

250 2.1.5 OK x23sm1104292weq.10

Now you will need to type the following and press enter:


Which should give you the following response:

354  Go ahead x23sm1104292weq.10

Now we can start to compose the message! To do this enter your message in the following format (Tip: do this in notepad and copy the entire message into the cmd/telnet session):

From: Test <[email protected]>
To: Me <[email protected]>
Subject: Testing email from telnet
This is the body

Adding more lines to the body message.

When you have finished the email enter a dot:


This should give you the following response:

250 2.0.0 OK 1288307376 x23sm1104292weq.10

And now you need to end your session by typing the following and pressing enter:


This should give you the following response:

221 2.0.0 closing connection x23sm1104292weq.10
Connection to host lost.

And your email should now be in the recipient’s mailbox!

Omitting all xsi and xsd namespaces when serializing an object in .NET?

This is the first of my two answers to the question.

If you want fine control over the namespaces - for example if you want to omit some of them but not others, or if you want to replace one namespace with another, you can do this using XmlAttributeOverrides.

Suppose you have this type definition:

// explicitly specify a namespace for this type,
// to be used during XML serialization.
public class MyTypeWithNamespaces
    // private fields backing the properties
    private int _Epoch;
    private string _Label;

    // explicitly define a distinct namespace for this element
    public string Label
        set {  _Label= value; } 
        get { return _Label; } 

    // this property will be implicitly serialized to XML using the
    // member name for the element name, and inheriting the namespace from
    // the type.
    public int Epoch
        set {  _Epoch= value; } 
        get { return _Epoch; } 

And this serialization pseudo-code:

        var o2= new MyTypeWithNamespaces() { ..initializers...};
        ns.Add( "", "urn:Abracadabra" );
        XmlSerializer s2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces));
        s2.Serialize(System.Console.Out, o2, ns);

You would get something like this XML:

<MyTypeWithNamespaces xmlns="urn:Abracadabra">
  <Label xmlns="urn:Whoohoo">Cimsswybclaeqjh</Label>

Notice that there is a default namespace on the root element, and there is also a distinct namespace on the "Label" element. These namespaces were dictated by the attributes decorating the type, in the code above.

The Xml Serialization framework in .NET includes the possibility to explicitly override the attributes that decorate the actual code. You do this with the XmlAttributesOverrides class and friends. Suppose I have the same type, and I serialize it this way:

        // instantiate the container for all attribute overrides
        XmlAttributeOverrides xOver = new XmlAttributeOverrides();

        // define a set of XML attributes to apply to the root element
        XmlAttributes xAttrs1 = new XmlAttributes();

        // define an XmlRoot element (as if [XmlRoot] had decorated the type)
        // The namespace in the attribute override is the empty string. 
        XmlRootAttribute xRoot = new XmlRootAttribute() { Namespace = ""};

        // add that XmlRoot element to the container of attributes
        xAttrs1.XmlRoot= xRoot;

        // add that bunch of attributes to the container holding all overrides
        xOver.Add(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces), xAttrs1);

        // create another set of XML Attributes
        XmlAttributes xAttrs2 = new XmlAttributes();

        // define an XmlElement attribute, for a type of "String", with no namespace
        var xElt = new XmlElementAttribute(typeof(String)) { Namespace = ""};

        // add that XmlElement attribute to the 2nd bunch of attributes

        // add that bunch of attributes to the container for the type, and
        // specifically apply that bunch to the "Label" property on the type.
        xOver.Add(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces), "Label", xAttrs2);

        // instantiate a serializer with the overrides 
        XmlSerializer s3 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(MyTypeWithNamespaces), xOver);

        // serialize
        s3.Serialize(System.Console.Out, o2, ns2);

The result looks like this;


You have stripped the namespaces.

A logical question is, can you strip all namespaces from arbitrary types during serialization, without going through the explicit overrides? The answer is YES, and how to do it is in my next response.

Set height of chart in Chart.js

If you disable the maintain aspect ratio in options then it uses the available height:

var chart = new Chart('blabla', {
                type: 'bar',
                data: {
                options: {
                    maintainAspectRatio: false,

How do I write a SQL query for a specific date range and date time using SQL Server 2008?

use DBName

select * from TABLE_NAME A

where >= '2018-06-26 21:24' and <= '2018-06-26 21:28';

Oracle Date TO_CHAR('Month DD, YYYY') has extra spaces in it

SQL> -- original . . .
SQL> select
  2  to_char( sysdate, 'Day "the" Ddth "of" Month, yyyy' ) dt
  3  from dual;

Friday    the 13th of May      , 2016

SQL> -- collapse repeated spaces . . .
SQL> select
  2  regexp_replace(
  3      to_char( sysdate, 'Day "the" Ddth "of" Month, yyyy' ),
  4      '  * *', ' ') datesp
  5  from dual;

Friday the 13th of May , 2016

SQL> -- and space before commma . . .
SQL> select
  2  regexp_replace(
  3      to_char( sysdate, 'Day "the" Ddth "of" Month, yyyy' ),
  4      '  *(,*) *', '\1 ') datesp
  5  from dual;

Friday the 13th of May, 2016

SQL> -- space before punctuation . . .
SQL> select
  2  regexp_replace(
  3      to_char( sysdate, 'Day "the" Ddth "of" Month, yyyy' ),
  4      '  *([.,/:;]*) *', '\1 ') datesp
  5  from dual;

Friday the 13th of May, 2016

Bootstrap date and time picker

If you are still interested in a javascript api to select both date and time data, have a look at these projects which are forks of bootstrap datepicker:

The first fork is a big refactor on the parsing/formatting codebase and besides providing all views to select date/time using mouse/touch, it also has a mask option (by default) which lets the user to quickly type the date/time based on a pre-specified format.

SQL Server query - Selecting COUNT(*) with DISTINCT

This is a good example where you want to get count of Pincode which stored in the last of address field

    RIGHT (address, 6),
    count(*) AS count
    address IS NOT NULL
    RIGHT (address, 6)

Compare two files line by line and generate the difference in another file

Use the Diff utility and extract only the lines starting with < in the output

Built in Python hash() function

At a guess, AppEngine is using a 64-bit implementation of Python (-5768830964305142685 won't fit in 32 bits) and your implementation of Python is 32 bits. You can't rely on object hashes being meaningfully comparable between different implementations.

How to prune local tracking branches that do not exist on remote anymore

Following is an adaptation of @wisbucky's answer for Windows users:

for /f "tokens=1" %i in ('git branch -vv ^| findstr ": gone]"') DO git branch %i -d

I use posh-git and unfortunately PS doesn't like the naked for, so I created a plain 'ol command script named PruneOrphanBranches.cmd:

for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('git branch -vv ^| findstr ": gone]"') DO CALL :ProcessBranch %%i %1


IF /I "%2%"=="-d" (
    git branch %1 %2
) ELSE (
    CALL :OutputMessage %1

ECHO Will delete branch [%1] 


Call it with no parameters to see a list, and then call it with "-d" to perform the actual deletion or "-D" for any branches that are not fully merged but which you want to delete anyway.

How to create a signed APK file using Cordova command line interface?

An update to @malcubierre for Cordova 4 (and later)-

Create a file called and put in APPFOLDER\platforms\android folder

Contents of the file: edit after = for all except 2nd line


Then this command should build a release version:

cordova build android --release

UPDATE - This was not working for me Cordova 10 with android 9 - The build was replacing the file. I had to make a build.json file and drop it in the appfolder, same as root. And this is the contents - replace as above:

"android": {
    "release": {
       "keystore": "C:/yourlocation/app.keystore",
        "storePassword": "password",
        "alias": "aliasname",
        "password" : "aliaspass",
        "keystoreType": ""

Run it and it will generate one of those in the android folder

Simple WPF RadioButton Binding?

I've come up with solution using Binding.DoNothing returned from converter which doesn't break two-way binding.

public class EnumToCheckedConverter : IValueConverter
    public Type Type { get; set; }

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value != null && value.GetType() == Type)
                var parameterFlag = Enum.Parse(Type, parameter as string);

                if (Equals(parameterFlag, value))
                    return true;
            catch (ArgumentNullException)
                return false;
            catch (ArgumentException)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            return false;
        else if (value == null)
            return false;

        throw new NotSupportedException();

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (value != null && value is bool check)
            if (check)
                    return Enum.Parse(Type, parameter as string);
                    return Binding.DoNothing;
                    return Binding.DoNothing;

            return Binding.DoNothing;

        throw new NotSupportedException();


<converters:EnumToCheckedConverter x:Key="SourceConverter" Type="{x:Type monitor:VariableValueSource}" />

Radio button bindings:

<RadioButton GroupName="ValueSource" 
             IsChecked="{Binding Source, Converter={StaticResource SourceConverter}, ConverterParameter=Function}">Function</RadioButton>

Append date to filename in linux

You can use backticks.

$ echo myfilename-"`date +"%d-%m-%Y"`"



Get Enum from Description attribute

rather than extension methods, just try a couple of static methods

public static class Utility
    public static string GetDescriptionFromEnumValue(Enum value)
        DescriptionAttribute attribute = value.GetType()
            .GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false)
            .SingleOrDefault() as DescriptionAttribute;
        return attribute == null ? value.ToString() : attribute.Description;

    public static T GetEnumValueFromDescription<T>(string description)
        var type = typeof(T);
        if (!type.IsEnum)
            throw new ArgumentException();
        FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields();
        var field = fields
                        .SelectMany(f => f.GetCustomAttributes(
                            typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false), (
                                f, a) => new { Field = f, Att = a })
                        .Where(a => ((DescriptionAttribute)a.Att)
                            .Description == description).SingleOrDefault();
        return field == null ? default(T) : (T)field.Field.GetRawConstantValue();

and use here

var result1 = Utility.GetDescriptionFromEnumValue(
var result2 = Utility.GetEnumValueFromDescription<Animal>(
    "Lesser Spotted Anteater");

How can I convert a string to a float in mysql?

This will convert to a numeric value without the need to cast or specify length or digits:


If your column is an INT, can leave off the .0 to avoid decimals:


How to solve the (0x80131904) error

The datasource is by default .\SQLEXPRESS (its the instance where databases are placed by default) or if u changed the name of the instance during installation of sql server so i advise you to do this :

connectionString="Data Source=.\\yourInstance(defaulT Data source is SQLEXPRESS);
       Initial Catalog=databaseName;
       User ID=theuser if u use it;
       Password=thepassword if u use it;
       integrated security=true(if u don t use user and pass; else change it false)"

Without to knowing your instance, I could help with this one. Hope it helped

Delete item from state array in react

const array = [...this.state.people];
array.splice(i, 1);
this.setState({people: array});         

How to convert int to string on Arduino?

use the itoa() function included in stdlib.h

char buffer[7];         //the ASCII of the integer will be stored in this char array
itoa(-31596,buffer,10); //(integer, yourBuffer, base)

Which are more performant, CTE or temporary tables?

CTE won't take any physical space. It is just a result set we can use join.

Temp tables are temporary. We can create indexes, constrains as like normal tables for that we need to define all variables.

Temp table's scope only within the session. EX: Open two SQL query window

create table #temp(empid int,empname varchar)
insert into #temp 
select 101,'xxx'

select * from #temp

Run this query in first window then run the below query in second window you can find the difference.

select * from #temp

How can I extract the folder path from file path in Python?

You were almost there with your use of the split function. You just needed to join the strings, like follows.

>>> import os
>>> '\\'.join(existGDBPath.split('\\')[0:-1])

Although, I would recommend using the os.path.dirname function to do this, you just need to pass the string, and it'll do the work for you. Since, you seem to be on windows, consider using the abspath function too. An example:

>>> import os
>>> os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(existGDBPath))

If you want both the file name and the directory path after being split, you can use the os.path.split function which returns a tuple, as follows.

>>> import os
>>> os.path.split(os.path.abspath(existGDBPath))
('T:\\Data\\DBDesign', 'DBDesign_93_v141b.mdb')

Save matplotlib file to a directory

Here's the piece of code that saves plot to the selected directory. If the directory does not exist, it is created.

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

script_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
results_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, 'Results/')
sample_file_name = "sample"

if not os.path.isdir(results_dir):

plt.ylabel('some numbers')
plt.savefig(results_dir + sample_file_name)

"Cannot evaluate expression because the code of the current method is optimized" in Visual Studio 2010

For me it was happening in VS2017 and VS2019. It stopped happening after I selected the option "Suppressed JIT optimization on module load".

enter image description here

"pip install unroll": "python egg_info" failed with error code 1

I faced the same problem with the same error message but on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) instead:

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-w71uo1rg/poster/

I tested all the solutions provided above and none of them worked for me. I read the full TraceBack and found out I had to create the virtual environment with Python version 2.7 instead (the default one uses Python 3.5 instead):

virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 my_venv

Once I activated it, I run pip install unirest successfully.

How can I know if a process is running?

Synchronous solution :

void DisplayProcessStatus(Process process)
    process.Refresh();  // Important


Asynchronous solution:

void RegisterProcessExit(Process process)
    // NOTE there will be a race condition with the caller here
    //   how to fix it is left as an exercise
    process.Exited += process_Exited;

static void process_Exited(object sender, EventArgs e)
   Console.WriteLine("Process has exited.");

Where can I find the Java SDK in Linux after installing it?

Simple, try it:

It's /usr/local/java/jdk[version]

ImageView in circular through xml

This is a relatively old question, but you can just make a circle border in the drawable folder (let's assume the xml file will be called circle_border)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns=""

    <solid android:color="@android:color/transparent" />

    <!-- If you want a padding -->
    <padding android:top="4dp" android:left="4dp" android:right="4dp" android:bottom="4dp" />

    <!-- If you want the circle border to have a color -->
    <strong android:width="1dp" android:color="#FFFFFF" />


Then you can use it as the background of the ImageView

    <!-- other attributes here -->

sizing div based on window width

A good trick is to use inner box-shadow, and let it do all the fading for you rather than applying it to the image.

How can I find an element by CSS class with XPath?

Most easy way..


Assuming you want to find <div class="Test"> as described.

Table row and column number in jQuery

Off the top of my head, one way would be to grab all previous elements and count them.

    var colIndex = $(this).prevAll().length;
    var rowIndex = $(this).parent('tr').prevAll().length;

PowerShell on Windows 7: Set-ExecutionPolicy for regular users

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

This will set the execution policy for the current user (stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER) rather than the local machine (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). This is useful if you don't have administrative control over the computer.

How to get a string between two characters?

A very useful solution to this issue which doesn't require from you to do the indexOf is using Apache Commons libraries.

 StringUtils.substringBetween(s, "(", ")");

This method will allow you even handle even if there multiple occurrences of the closing string which wont be easy by looking for indexOf closing string.

You can download this library from here:

Access a function variable outside the function without using "global"

I've experienced the same problem. One of the responds to your question led me to the following idea (which worked eventually). I use Python 3.7.

    # just an example 
    def func(): # define a function
       func.y = 4 # here y is a local variable, which I want to access; func.y defines 
                  # a method for my example function which will allow me to access 
                  # function's local variable y
       x = func.y + 8 # this is the main task for the function: what it should do
       return x

    func() # now I'm calling the function
    a = func.y # I put it's local variable into my new variable
    print(a) # and print my new variable

Then I launch this program in Windows PowerShell and get the answer 4. Conclusion: to be able to access a local function's variable one might add the name of the function and a dot before the name of the local variable (and then, of course, use this construction for calling the variable both in the function's body and outside of it). I hope this will help.

Error running android: Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

  1. Download the latest Gradle package distribution for example (
  2. Extract this zip file in a folder as for example (D://Gradle)
  3. Load your project in Android Studio and go to File->Settings->Gradle. Click on Use local Gradle distribution and point it to the folder where you unzipped the latest Gradle project.
  4. Restart your project

"The semaphore timeout period has expired" error for USB connection

I had this problem as well on two different Windows computers when communicating with a Arduino Leonardo. The reliable solution was:

  • Find the COM port in device manager and open the device properties.
  • Open the "Port Settings" tab, and click the advanced button.
  • There, uncheck the box "Use FIFO buffers (required 16550 compatible UART), and press OK.

Unfortunately, I don't know what this feature does, or how it affects this issue. After several PC restarts and a dozen device connection cycles, this is the only thing that reliably fixed the issue.

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname IIS7

Did you check the binding is IIS? (inetmgr.exe) It may not be registered to accept all hostnames on 8080.

For example, if you set it up for and hit it at localhost:8080, IIS will get the request but not have a hostname binding to match so it rejects.

Outside of that, you should check the IIS logs (C:\inetpub\logs\wmsvc#) on the server and see if you are seeing your request. Then you'll know if its a problem on your client or on the server itself.

How to convert column with dtype as object to string in Pandas Dataframe

You could try using df['column'].str. and then use any string function. Pandas documentation includes those like split

How can I convert a string to a number in Perl?

Perl really only has three types: scalars, arrays, and hashes. And even that distinction is arguable. ;) The way each variable is treated depends on what you do with it:

% perl -e "print 5.4 . 3.4;"

% perl -e "print '5.4' + '3.4';"

How to convert Java String to JSON Object

The string that you pass to the constructor JSONObject has to be escaped with quote():

public static java.lang.String quote(java.lang.String string)

Your code would now be:

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject.quote(jsonString.toString());

How to store a datetime in MySQL with timezone info

None of the answers here quite hit the nail on the head.

How to store a datetime in MySQL with timezone info

Use two columns: DATETIME, and a VARCHAR to hold the time zone information, which may be in several forms:

A timezone or location such as America/New_York is the highest data fidelity.

A timezone abbreviation such as PST is the next highest fidelity.

A time offset such as -2:00 is the smallest amount of data in this regard.

Some key points:

  • Avoid TIMESTAMP because it's limited to the year 2038, and MySQL relates it to the server timezone, which is probably undesired.
  • A time offset should not be stored naively in an INT field, because there are half-hour and quarter-hour offsets.

If it's important for your use case to have MySQL compare or sort these dates chronologically, DATETIME has a problem:

'2009-11-10 11:00:00 -0500' is before '2009-11-10 10:00:00 -0700' in terms of "instant in time", but they would sort the other way when inserted into a DATETIME.

You can do your own conversion to UTC. In the above example, you would then have
'2009-11-10 16:00:00' and '2009-11-10 17:00:00' respectively, which would sort correctly. When retrieving the data, you would then use the timezone info to revert it to its original form.

One recommendation which I quite like is to have three columns:

  • local_time DATETIME
  • utc_time DATETIME
  • time_zone VARCHAR(X) where X is appropriate for what kind of data you're storing there. (I would choose 64 characters for timezone/location.)

An advantage to the 3-column approach is that it's explicit: with a single DATETIME column, you can't tell at a glance if it's been converted to UTC before insertion.

Regarding the descent of accuracy through timezone/abbreviation/offset:

  • If you have the user's timezone/location such as America/Juneau, you can know accurately what the wall clock time is for them at any point in the past or future (barring changes to the way Daylight Savings is handled in that location). The start/end points of DST, and whether it's used at all, are dependent upon location, so this is the only reliable way.
  • If you have a timezone abbreviation such as MST, (Mountain Standard Time) or a plain offset such as -0700, you will be unable to predict a wall clock time in the past or future. For example, in the United States, Colorado and Arizona both use MST, but Arizona doesn't observe DST. So if the user uploads his cat photo at 14:00 -0700 during the winter months, was he in Arizona or California? If you added six months exactly to that date, would it be 14:00 or 13:00 for the user?

These things are important to consider when your application has time, dates, or scheduling as core function.


Is null reference possible?

The answer depends on your view point:

If you judge by the C++ standard, you cannot get a null reference because you get undefined behavior first. After that first incidence of undefined behavior, the standard allows anything to happen. So, if you write *(int*)0, you already have undefined behavior as you are, from a language standard point of view, dereferencing a null pointer. The rest of the program is irrelevant, once this expression is executed, you are out of the game.

However, in practice, null references can easily be created from null pointers, and you won't notice until you actually try to access the value behind the null reference. Your example may be a bit too simple, as any good optimizing compiler will see the undefined behavior, and simply optimize away anything that depends on it (the null reference won't even be created, it will be optimized away).

Yet, that optimizing away depends on the compiler to prove the undefined behavior, which may not be possible to do. Consider this simple function inside a file converter.cpp:

int& toReference(int* pointer) {
    return *pointer;

When the compiler sees this function, it does not know whether the pointer is a null pointer or not. So it just generates code that turns any pointer into the corresponding reference. (Btw: This is a noop since pointers and references are the exact same beast in assembler.) Now, if you have another file user.cpp with the code

#include "converter.h"

void foo() {
    int& nullRef = toReference(nullptr);
    cout << nullRef;    //crash happens here

the compiler does not know that toReference() will dereference the passed pointer, and assume that it returns a valid reference, which will happen to be a null reference in practice. The call succeeds, but when you try to use the reference, the program crashes. Hopefully. The standard allows for anything to happen, including the appearance of pink elephants.

You may ask why this is relevant, after all, the undefined behavior was already triggered inside toReference(). The answer is debugging: Null references may propagate and proliferate just as null pointers do. If you are not aware that null references can exist, and learn to avoid creating them, you may spend quite some time trying to figure out why your member function seems to crash when it's just trying to read a plain old int member (answer: the instance in the call of the member was a null reference, so this is a null pointer, and your member is computed to be located as address 8).

So how about checking for null references? You gave the line

if( & nullReference == 0 ) // null reference

in your question. Well, that won't work: According to the standard, you have undefined behavior if you dereference a null pointer, and you cannot create a null reference without dereferencing a null pointer, so null references exist only inside the realm of undefined behavior. Since your compiler may assume that you are not triggering undefined behavior, it can assume that there is no such thing as a null reference (even though it will readily emit code that generates null references!). As such, it sees the if() condition, concludes that it cannot be true, and just throw away the entire if() statement. With the introduction of link time optimizations, it has become plain impossible to check for null references in a robust way.


Null references are somewhat of a ghastly existence:

Their existence seems impossible (= by the standard),
but they exist (= by the generated machine code),
but you cannot see them if they exist (= your attempts will be optimized away),
but they may kill you unaware anyway (= your program crashes at weird points, or worse).
Your only hope is that they don't exist (= write your program to not create them).

I do hope that will not come to haunt you!

python's re: return True if string contains regex pattern

The best one by far is

bool('ba[rzd]', 'foobarrrr'))

Returns True

Convert a JSON String to a HashMap

Imagine u have a list of email like below. not constrained to any programming language,

emailsList = ["[email protected]","[email protected]","[email protected]"]

Now following is JAVA code - for converting json to map

JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject().put("name","abc").put("email id",emailsList);
Map<String, Object> s = jsonObj.getMap();

Fixed page header overlaps in-page anchors

I use this method because for some reason, none of the other solutions proposed actually worked for me. I promise I tried.

section {
   position: relative;
   border-top: 52px solid transparent; /* navbar height +2 */
   margin: -30px 0 0;
   -webkit-background-clip: padding-box;
   -moz-background-clip: padding;
   background-clip: padding-box;

section:before {
   content: "";
   position: absolute;
   top: -2px;
   left: 0;
   right: 0;
   border-top: 2px solid transparent;

Replace section by a class if you prefer.

source: Jump links and viewport positioning

  • Tested on Firefox 45 and Chrome 52.
  • bootstrap version: 3.3.7

For those who do not believe me I kindly prepared a jsfiddle with the solution in it: SOLUTION

C# listView, how do I add items to columns 2, 3 and 4 etc?

There are several ways to do it, but here is one solution (for 4 columns).

string[] row1 = { "s1", "s2", "s3" };

And a more verbose way is here:

ListViewItem item1 = new ListViewItem("Something");

ListViewItem item2 = new ListViewItem("Something2");

ListViewItem item3 = new ListViewItem("Something3");

ListView1.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] {item1,item2,item3});

What is the correct way to create a single-instance WPF application?

Here is a very good article regarding the Mutex solution. The approach described by the article is advantageous for two reasons.

First, it does not require a dependency on the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly. If my project already had a dependency on that assembly, I would probably advocate using the approach shown in another answer. But as it is, I do not use the Microsoft.VisualBasic assembly, and I'd rather not add an unnecessary dependency to my project.

Second, the article shows how to bring the existing instance of the application to the foreground when the user tries to start another instance. That's a very nice touch that the other Mutex solutions described here do not address.


As of 8/1/2014, the article I linked to above is still active, but the blog hasn't been updated in a while. That makes me worry that eventually it might disappear, and with it, the advocated solution. I'm reproducing the content of the article here for posterity. The words belong solely to the blog owner at Sanity Free Coding.

Today I wanted to refactor some code that prohibited my application from running multiple instances of itself.

Previously I had use System.Diagnostics.Process to search for an instance of my myapp.exe in the process list. While this works, it brings on a lot of overhead, and I wanted something cleaner.

Knowing that I could use a mutex for this (but never having done it before) I set out to cut down my code and simplify my life.

In the class of my application main I created a static named Mutex:

static class Program
    static Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "{8F6F0AC4-B9A1-45fd-A8CF-72F04E6BDE8F}");

Having a named mutex allows us to stack synchronization across multiple threads and processes which is just the magic I'm looking for.

Mutex.WaitOne has an overload that specifies an amount of time for us to wait. Since we're not actually wanting to synchronizing our code (more just check if it is currently in use) we use the overload with two parameters: Mutex.WaitOne(Timespan timeout, bool exitContext). Wait one returns true if it is able to enter, and false if it wasn't. In this case, we don't want to wait at all; If our mutex is being used, skip it, and move on, so we pass in TimeSpan.Zero (wait 0 milliseconds), and set the exitContext to true so we can exit the synchronization context before we try to aquire a lock on it. Using this, we wrap our Application.Run code inside something like this:

static class Program
    static Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "{8F6F0AC4-B9A1-45fd-A8CF-72F04E6BDE8F}");
    static void Main() {
        if(mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero, true)) {
            Application.Run(new Form1());
        } else {
            MessageBox.Show("only one instance at a time");

So, if our app is running, WaitOne will return false, and we'll get a message box.

Instead of showing a message box, I opted to utilize a little Win32 to notify my running instance that someone forgot that it was already running (by bringing itself to the top of all the other windows). To achieve this I used PostMessage to broadcast a custom message to every window (the custom message was registered with RegisterWindowMessage by my running application, which means only my application knows what it is) then my second instance exits. The running application instance would receive that notification and process it. In order to do that, I overrode WndProc in my main form and listened for my custom notification. When I received that notification I set the form's TopMost property to true to bring it up on top.

Here is what I ended up with:

  • Program.cs
static class Program
    static Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "{8F6F0AC4-B9A1-45fd-A8CF-72F04E6BDE8F}");
    static void Main() {
        if(mutex.WaitOne(TimeSpan.Zero, true)) {
            Application.Run(new Form1());
        } else {
            // send our Win32 message to make the currently running instance
            // jump on top of all the other windows
  • NativeMethods.cs
// this class just wraps some Win32 stuff that we're going to use
internal class NativeMethods
    public const int HWND_BROADCAST = 0xffff;
    public static readonly int WM_SHOWME = RegisterWindowMessage("WM_SHOWME");
    public static extern bool PostMessage(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam);
    public static extern int RegisterWindowMessage(string message);
  • Form1.cs (front side partial)
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
    protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
        if(m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_SHOWME) {
        base.WndProc(ref m);
    private void ShowMe()
        if(WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) {
            WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
        // get our current "TopMost" value (ours will always be false though)
        bool top = TopMost;
        // make our form jump to the top of everything
        TopMost = true;
        // set it back to whatever it was
        TopMost = top;

Check if a list contains an item in Ansible

You do not need {{}} in when conditions. What you are searching for is:

- fail: msg="unsupported version"
  when: version not in acceptable_versions

Spring @PropertySource using YAML

Loading custom yml file with multiple profile config in Spring Boot.

1) Add the property bean with SpringBootApplication start up as follows

public class TestApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertiesStage() {
        return properties("dev");

    public PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertiesDev() {
        return properties("stage");

    public PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertiesDefault() {
        return properties("default");

    * Update custom specific yml file with profile configuration.
    * @param profile
    * @return
    public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer properties(String profile) {
       PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertyConfig = null;
       YamlPropertiesFactoryBean yaml  = null;

       propertyConfig  = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
       yaml = new YamlPropertiesFactoryBean();
       yaml.setDocumentMatchers(new SpringProfileDocumentMatcher(profile));// load profile filter.
       yaml.setResources(new ClassPathResource("env_config/test-service-config.yml"));
       return propertyConfig;

2) Config the Java pojo object as follows

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "test-service")
public class TestConfig {

    private  String id;

    private String name;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) { = id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;


3) Create the custom yml (and place it under resource path as follows, YML File name : test-service-config.yml

Eg Config in the yml file.

    id: default_id
    name: Default application config
  profiles: dev

  id: dev_id
  name: dev application config

  profiles: stage

  id: stage_id
  name: stage application config

Organizing a multiple-file Go project

Keep the files in the same directory and use package main in all files.


Then run:

~/myproj/your-program$ go build && ./your-program

Should I use scipy.pi, numpy.pi, or math.pi?

One thing to note is that not all libraries will use the same meaning for pi, of course, so it never hurts to know what you're using. For example, the symbolic math library Sympy's representation of pi is not the same as math and numpy:

import math
import numpy
import scipy
import sympy

print(math.pi == numpy.pi)
> True
print(math.pi == scipy.pi)
> True
print(math.pi == sympy.pi)
> False

Reading a huge .csv file

For someone who lands to this question. Using pandas with ‘chunksize’ and ‘usecols’ helped me to read a huge zip file faster than the other proposed options.

import pandas as pd

sample_cols_to_keep =['col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3', 'col_4','col_5']

# First setup dataframe iterator, ‘usecols’ parameter filters the columns, and 'chunksize' sets the number of rows per chunk in the csv. (you can change these parameters as you wish)
df_iter = pd.read_csv('../data/huge_csv_file.csv.gz', compression='gzip', chunksize=20000, usecols=sample_cols_to_keep) 

# this list will store the filtered dataframes for later concatenation 
df_lst = [] 

# Iterate over the file based on the criteria and append to the list
for df_ in df_iter: 
        tmp_df = (df_.rename(columns={col: col.lower() for col in df_.columns}) # filter eg. rows where 'col_1' value grater than one
                                  .pipe(lambda x:  x[x.col_1 > 0] ))
        df_lst += [tmp_df.copy()] 

# And finally combine filtered df_lst into the final lareger output say 'df_final' dataframe 
df_final = pd.concat(df_lst)

ORA-01882: timezone region not found

  1. in eclipse go run - > run configuration

  2. in there go to JRE tab in right side panels

  3. in VM Arguments section paste this


  4. then Apply - > Run

How to strip comma in Python string

unicode('foo,bar').translate(dict([[ord(char), u''] for char in u',']))

referenced before assignment error in python

My Scenario

def example():
    cl = [0, 1]
    def inner():
        #cl = [1, 2] # access this way will throw `reference before assignment`
        cl[0] = 1 
        cl[1] = 2   # these won't


How to zero pad a sequence of integers in bash so that all have the same width?

This will work also:

for i in {0..9}{0..9}{0..9}{0..9}
  echo "$i"

Jmeter - get current date and time

it seems to be the java SimpleDateFormat :

here are some tests i did around 11:30pm on the 20th of May 2015

${__time(dd-mmm-yyyy HHmmss)} 20-032-2015 233224
${__time(d-MMM-yyyy hhmmss)}  20-May-2015 113224
${__time(dd-m-yyyy hhmmss)}   20-32-2015 113224
${__time(D-M-yyyy hhmmss)}    140-5-2015 113224
${__time(DD-MM-yyyy)}         140-05-2015

What is a wrapper class?

I currently used a wrapper class for my project and the main benefits I get (just a single benefit to widen the topic explanation):

Exception handling: My main class ,that another class wraps, has methods that are throwing exceptions if occurs any, so I created a wrapper class that handles the exceptions and logs them immediately. So, in my main scope, there is no exception handling. I just call a method and do something.

Easy Usage: I can easily initiate the object. Normally initiating phase is constructed of a lot of steps.

Code Readability: When another programmer opens my code, the code will seem very clear and easy to manipulate.

Hiding the Details: If you are generating a class that another programmer is going to use, then you can wrap the details like "error handling, exception handling, logging messages and etc..." so that the programmer will not be have to handle the chaos, just simply uses the methods.

unknown error: Chrome failed to start: exited abnormally (Driver info: chromedriver=2.9

I've been fighting with this issue for a long time, and just y'day I figure out how to make it gone and today I can run a 50 threads process calling selenium without seen this issue anymore and also stop crashing my machine with outofmemory issue with too many open chromedriver processes.

  1. I am using selenium 3.7.1, chromedrive 2.33, java.version: '1.8.0', redhat ver '3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64', chrome browser version: 60.0.3112.90;
  2. running an open session with screen, to be sure my session never dies,
  3. running Xvfb : nohup Xvfb -ac :15 -screen 0 1280x1024x16 &
  4. export DISPLAY:15 from .bashsh/.profile

these 4 items are the basic setting everyone would already know, now comes the code, where all made a lot of difference to achieve the success:

public class HttpWebClient {
    public static ChromeDriverService service;
    public ThreadLocal<WebDriver> threadWebDriver = new ThreadLocal<WebDriver>(){
    protected WebDriver initialValue() {
        FirefoxProfile profile = new FirefoxProfile();
        profile.setPreference("permissions.default.stylesheet", 2);
        profile.setPreference("permissions.default.image", 2);
        profile.setPreference("", "false");
        profile.setPreference(FirefoxProfile.ALLOWED_HOSTS_PREFERENCE, "localhost");
        WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(profile);
        return driver;

public HttpWebClient(){
    // fix for headless systems:
    // start service first, this will create an instance at system and every time you call the 
    // browser will be used
    // be sure you start the service only if there are no alive instances, that will prevent you to have 
    // multiples chromedrive instances causing it to crash
        if (service==null){
            service = new ChromeDriverService.Builder()
            .usingDriverExecutable(new File(conf.get(""))) // set the chromedriver path at your system
            .withEnvironment(ImmutableMap.of("DISPLAY", ":15"))
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

// my Configuration class is for good and easy setting, you can replace it by using values instead.
public WebDriver getDriverForPage(String url, Configuration conf) {
    WebDriver driver = null;
    DesiredCapabilities capabilities = null;
    long pageLoadWait = conf.getLong("page.load.delay", 60);

    try {
            System.setProperty("", conf.get(""));
            String driverType = conf.get("selenium.driver", "chrome");

        capabilities =;
        String[] options = new String[] { "--start-maximized", "--headless" };
        capabilities.setCapability("chrome.switches", options);

                    // here is where your chromedriver will call the browser
                    // I used to call the class ChromeDriver directly, which was causing too much problems 
                    // when you have multiple calls
        driver = new RemoteWebDriver(service.getUrl(), capabilities);

        driver.manage().timeouts().pageLoadTimeout(pageLoadWait, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

                    // never look back

    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (e instanceof TimeoutException) {
            LOG.debug("Crawling URL : "+url);
            LOG.debug("Selenium WebDriver: Timeout Exception: Capturing whatever loaded so far...");
            return driver;
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return driver;

public void cleanUpDriver(WebDriver driver) {
    if (driver != null) {
        try {
                            // be sure to close every driver you opened
            //service.stop(); do not stop the service, bcz it is needed
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


Good luck and I hope you don't see that crash issue anymore

Please comment your success

Best regards,

Specifing width of a flexbox flex item: width or basis?

The bottom statement is equivalent to:

.half {
   flex-grow: 0;
   flex-shrink: 0;
   flex-basis: 50%;

Which, in this case, would be equivalent as the box is not allowed to flex and therefore retains the initial width set by flex-basis.

Flex-basis defines the default size of an element before the remaining space is distributed so if the element were allowed to flex (grow/shrink) it may not be 50% of the width of the page.

I've found that I regularly return to for help regarding flexbox :)

How to detect when a UIScrollView has finished scrolling

I had a case of tapping and dragging actions and I found out that the dragging was calling scrollViewDidEndDecelerating

And the change offset manually with code ([_scrollView setContentOffset:contentOffset animated:YES];) was calling scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation.

//This delegate method is called when the dragging scrolling happens, but no when the     tapping
- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
    //do whatever you want to happen when the scroll is done

//This delegate method is called when the tapping scrolling happens, but no when the  dragging
-(void)scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
     //do whatever you want to happen when the scroll is done

How to use XMLReader in PHP?

Most of my XML parsing life is spent extracting nuggets of useful information out of truckloads of XML (Amazon MWS). As such, my answer assumes you want only specific information and you know where it is located.

I find the easiest way to use XMLReader is to know which tags I want the information out of and use them. If you know the structure of the XML and it has lots of unique tags, I find that using the first case is the easy. Cases 2 and 3 are just to show you how it can be done for more complex tags. This is extremely fast; I have a discussion of speed over on What is the fastest XML parser in PHP?

The most important thing to remember when doing tag-based parsing like this is to use if ($myXML->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) {... - which checks to be sure we're only dealing with opening nodes and not whitespace or closing nodes or whatever.

function parseMyXML ($xml) { //pass in an XML string
    $myXML = new XMLReader();

    while ($myXML->read()) { //start reading.
        if ($myXML->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT) { //only opening tags.
            $tag = $myXML->name; //make $tag contain the name of the tag
            switch ($tag) {
                case 'Tag1': //this tag contains no child elements, only the content we need. And it's unique.
                    $variable = $myXML->readInnerXML(); //now variable contains the contents of tag1

                case 'Tag2': //this tag contains child elements, of which we only want one.
                    while($myXML->read()) { //so we tell it to keep reading
                        if ($myXML->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $myXML->name === 'Amount') { // and when it finds the amount tag...
                            $variable2 = $myXML->readInnerXML(); //...put it in $variable2. 

                case 'Tag3': //tag3 also has children, which are not unique, but we need two of the children this time.
                    while($myXML->read()) {
                        if ($myXML->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $myXML->name === 'Amount') {
                            $variable3 = $myXML->readInnerXML();
                        } else if ($myXML->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $myXML->name === 'Currency') {
                            $variable4 = $myXML->readInnerXML();


What is a "cache-friendly" code?

Be aware that caches do not just cache continuous memory. They have multiple lines (at least 4) so discontinous and overlapping memory can often be stored just as efficiently.

What is missing from all the above examples is measured benchmarks. There are many myths about performance. Unless you measure it you do not know. Do not complicate your code unless you have a measured improvement.

IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity

Part A: Configuring your Application Pool

Suppose the Application Pool is named 'MyPool' Go to 'Advanced Settings' of the Application Pool from the IIS Manager

  1. Scroll down to 'Identity'. Trying to edit the value will bring up a dialog box. Select 'Built-In account' and under it, select 'ApplicationPoolIdentity'.

  2. A few lines below 'Identity', you should find 'Load User Profile'. This value should be set to 'True'.

Part B: Configuring your website

  1. Website Name: SiteName (just an example)
  2. Physical Path: C:\Whatever (just an example)
  3. Connect as... : Application User (pass-through authentication) (The above settings can be found in 'Basic Settings' of the site in the IIS Manager)
  4. After configuring the basic settings, look for the 'Authentication' configuration under 'IIS' in the main console of the site. Open it. You should see an option for 'Anonymous Authentication'. Make sure it is enabled. Then right click and 'Edit...' it. Select 'Application Pool Identity'.

Part C: Configuring your folder

The folder in question is C:\Whatever

  1. Go to Properties - Sharing - Advanced Sharing - Permissions, and tick 'Share this folder'
  2. In the same dialog box, you will find a button 'Permissions'. Click it.
  3. A new dialog box will open. Click 'Add'.
  4. A new dialog box 'Select Users or Groups' will open. Under 'From this location' make sure the name is the same as your local host computer. Then, under 'Enter the object names', type 'IIS AppPool\MyPool' and click 'Check Names' and then 'Ok'
  5. Give full sharing permissions for 'MyPool' user. Apply it and close the folder properties
  6. Open folder properties again. This time, go to Security - Advanced - Permission, and click Add. There will be an option 'Select a Principal' at the top, or some other option to choose a user. Click it.
  7. The 'Select Users or Groups' dialog box will open again. Repeat step 4.
  8. Give all or as many permissions you need to the 'MyPool' user.
  9. Check 'Replace all child object permissions..." and Apply and close.

You should now be able to use the browse the website

How do I make a dictionary with multiple keys to one value?

It is simple. The first thing that you have to understand the design of the Python interpreter. It doesn't allocate memory for all the variables basically if any two or more variable has the same value it just map to that value.

let's go to the code example,

In [6]: a = 10

In [7]: id(a)
Out[7]: 10914656

In [8]: b = 10

In [9]: id(b)
Out[9]: 10914656

In [10]: c = 11

In [11]: id(c)
Out[11]: 10914688

In [12]: d = 21

In [13]: id(d)
Out[13]: 10915008

In [14]: e = 11

In [15]: id(e)
Out[15]: 10914688

In [16]: e = 21

In [17]: id(e)
Out[17]: 10915008

In [18]: e is d
Out[18]: True
In [19]: e = 30

In [20]: id(e)
Out[20]: 10915296

From the above output, variables a and b shares the same memory, c and d has different memory when I create a new variable e and store a value (11) which is already present in the variable c so it mapped to that memory location and doesn't create a new memory when I change the value present in the variable e to 21 which is already present in the variable d so now variables d and e share the same memory location. At last, I change the value in the variable e to 30 which is not stored in any other variable so it creates a new memory for e.

so any variable which is having same value shares the memory.

Not for list and dictionary objects

let's come to your question.

when multiple keys have same value then all shares same memory so the thing that you expect is already there in python.

you can simply use it like this

In [49]: dictionary = {
    ...:     'k1':1,
    ...:     'k2':1,
    ...:     'k3':2,
    ...:     'k4':2}

In [50]: id(dictionary['k1'])
Out[50]: 10914368

In [51]: id(dictionary['k2'])
Out[51]: 10914368

In [52]: id(dictionary['k3'])
Out[52]: 10914400

In [53]: id(dictionary['k4'])
Out[53]: 10914400

From the above output, the key k1 and k2 mapped to the same address which means value one stored only once in the memory which is multiple key single value dictionary this is the thing you want. :P