Programs & Examples On #Unset

Removing the value associated with a variable or property from the current environment.

Unsetting array values in a foreach loop

You can use the index of the array element to remove it from the array, the next time you use the $list variable, you will see that the array is changed.

Try something like this

foreach($list as $itemIndex => &$item) {

   if($item['status'] === false) {


How to delete object from array inside foreach loop?

You can also use references on foreach values:

foreach($array as $elementKey => &$element) {
    // $element is the same than &$array[$elementKey]
    if (isset($element['id']) and $element['id'] == 'searched_value') {

How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary?

del my_dict[key] is slightly faster than my_dict.pop(key) for removing a key from a dictionary when the key exists

>>> import timeit
>>> setup = "d = {i: i for i in range(100000)}"

>>> timeit.timeit("del d[3]", setup=setup, number=1)
>>> timeit.timeit("d.pop(3)", setup=setup, number=1)
>>> timeit.timeit("d2 = {key: val for key, val in d.items() if key != 3}", setup=setup, number=1)

But when the key doesn't exist if key in my_dict: del my_dict[key] is slightly faster than my_dict.pop(key, None). Both are at least three times faster than del in a try/except statement:

>>> timeit.timeit("if 'missing key' in d: del d['missing key']", setup=setup)
>>> timeit.timeit("d.pop('missing key', None)", setup=setup)
>>> try_except = """
... try:
...     del d['missing key']
... except KeyError:
...     pass
... """
>>> timeit.timeit(try_except, setup=setup)

How do I delete an exported environment variable?

Walkthrough of creating and deleting an environment variable in bash:

Test if the DUALCASE variable exists:

el@apollo:~$ env | grep DUALCASE

It does not, so create the variable and export it:

el@apollo:~$ DUALCASE=1
el@apollo:~$ export DUALCASE

Check if it is there:

el@apollo:~$ env | grep DUALCASE

It is there. So get rid of it:

el@apollo:~$ unset DUALCASE

Check if it's still there:

el@apollo:~$ env | grep DUALCASE

The DUALCASE exported environment variable is deleted.

Extra commands to help clear your local and environment variables:

Unset all local variables back to default on login:

el@apollo:~$ CAN="chuck norris"
el@apollo:~$ set | grep CAN
CAN='chuck norris'
el@apollo:~$ env | grep CAN
el@apollo:~$ exec bash
el@apollo:~$ set | grep CAN
el@apollo:~$ env | grep CAN

exec bash command cleared all the local variables but not environment variables.

Unset all environment variables back to default on login:

el@apollo:~$ export DOGE="so wow"
el@apollo:~$ env | grep DOGE
DOGE=so wow
el@apollo:~$ env -i bash
el@apollo:~$ env | grep DOGE

env -i bash command cleared all the environment variables to default on login.

How to unset a JavaScript variable?

I am bit confused. If all you are wanting is for a variables value to not pass to another script then there is no need to delete the variable from the scope. Simply nullify the variable then explicit check if it is or is not null. Why go through the trouble of deleting the variable from scope? What purpose does this server that nullifying can not?

foo = null;
if(foo === null) or if(foo !== null)

Deleting an element from an array in PHP

Suppose you have the following array:

    [user_id] => 193
    [storage] => 5

To delete storage, do:

$attributes = array_filter($attributes);

And you get:

    [user_id] => 193

PHP Unset Array value effect on other indexes

They are as they were. That one key is JUST DELETED

How to detect when an @Input() value changes in Angular?

If you don't want use ngOnChange implement og onChange() method, you can also subscribe to changes of a specific item by valueChanges event, ETC.

myForm = new FormGroup({
  first: new FormControl(),

this.myForm.valueChanges.subscribe((formValue) => {

the markForCheck() writen because of using in this declare:

changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication Maven

Here the packaging is jar type, hence you need to use manifest plugin, in order to add dependencies into the

The problem here is that maven could find the dependencies in pom file and compile the source code and create the output jar. But when executing the jar, file contains no details of dependencies. Hence you got this error. This is a case of classpath errors.

Here you can find the details on how to do it.

Local dependency in package.json

Two steps for a complete local development:

  1. Provide the path to the local directory that contains the package.
  "name": "baz",
  "dependencies": {
    "bar": "file:../foo/bar"
  1. Symlink the package folder

    cd ~/projects/node-redis    # go into the package directory
    npm link                    # creates global link
    cd ~/projects/node-bloggy   # go into some other package directory.
    npm link redis              # link-install the package

How to combine two vectors into a data frame

x <-c(1,2,3)
y <-c(100,200,300)
x_name <- "cond"
y_name <- "rating"

df <- melt(data.frame(x,y))
colnames(df) <- c(x_name, y_name)

UPDATE (2017-02-07): As an answer to @cdaringe comment - there are multiple solutions possible, one of them is below.


x <- c(1, 2, 3)
y <- c(100, 200, 300)
z <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
x_name <- "cond"
y_name <- "rating"

# Helper function to create data.frame for the chunk of the data
prepare <- function(name, value, xname = x_name, yname = y_name) {
  data_frame(rep(name, length(value)), value) %>%
    set_colnames(c(xname, yname))

  prepare("x", x),
  prepare("y", y),
  prepare("z", z)

do { ... } while (0) — what is it good for?

It's the only construct in C that you can use to #define a multistatement operation, put a semicolon after, and still use within an if statement. An example might help:

#define FOO(x) foo(x); bar(x)

if (condition)
else // syntax error here

Even using braces doesn't help:

#define FOO(x) { foo(x); bar(x); }

Using this in an if statement would require that you omit the semicolon, which is counterintuitive:

if (condition)

If you define FOO like this:

#define FOO(x) do { foo(x); bar(x); } while (0)

then the following is syntactically correct:

if (condition)

SELECT data from another schema in oracle

In addition to grants, you can try creating synonyms. It will avoid the need for specifying the table owner schema every time.

From the connecting schema:

CREATE SYNONYM pi_int FOR pct.pi_int;

Then you can query pi_int as:

SELECT * FROM pi_int;

YouTube API to fetch all videos on a channel

To get channels list :

Get Channels list by forUserName:,contentDetails,statistics&forUsername=Apple&key=

Get channels list by channel id:,contentDetails,statistics&id=UCE_M8A5yxnLfW0KghEeajjw&key=

Get Channel sections:,contentDetails&channelId=UCE_M8A5yxnLfW0KghEeajjw&key=

To get Playlists :

Get Playlists by Channel ID:,contentDetails&channelId=UCq-Fj5jknLsUf-MWSy4_brA&maxResults=50&key=

Get Playlists by Channel ID with pageToken:,contentDetails&channelId=UCq-Fj5jknLsUf-MWSy4_brA&maxResults=50&key=&pageToken=CDIQAA

To get PlaylistItems :

Get PlaylistItems list by PlayListId:,contentDetails&maxResults=25&playlistId=PLHFlHpPjgk70Yv3kxQvkDEO5n5tMQia5I&key=

To get videos :

Get videos list by video id:,contentDetails,statistics&id=YxLCwfA1cLw&key=

Get videos list by multiple videos id:,contentDetails,statistics&id=YxLCwfA1cLw,Qgy6LaO3SB0,7yPJXGO2Dcw&key=

Get comments list

Get Comment list by video ID:,replies&videoId=el****kQak&key=A**********k

Get Comment list by channel ID:,replies&channelId=U*****Q&key=AI********k

Get Comment list by allThreadsRelatedToChannelId:,replies&allThreadsRelatedToChannelId=UC*****ntcQ&key=AI*****k

Here all api's are Get approach.

Based on channel id we con't get all videos directly, that's the important point here.

For integration

List of tuples to dictionary

Just call dict() on the list of tuples directly

>>> my_list = [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]
>>> dict(my_list)
{'a': 1, 'b': 2}

How can I get the data type of a variable in C#?

Its Very simple


it will return your datatype of your variable

Video streaming over websockets using JavaScript

The Media Source Extensions has been proposed which would allow for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming implementations.

VBScript to send email without running Outlook

Yes. Blat or any other self contained SMTP mailer. Blat is a fairly full featured SMTP client that runs from command line

Blat is here

Inserting a tab character into text using C#

Try using the \t character in your strings

Getting the "real" Facebook profile picture URL from graph API

For Android:

According to latest Facebook SDK,

First you need to call GraphRequest API for getting all the details of user in which API also gives URL of current Profile Picture.

Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("fields", "id,email,gender,cover,picture.type(large)");
new GraphRequest(token, "me", params, HttpMethod.GET,
        new GraphRequest.Callback() {
            public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
                if (response != null) {
                    try {
                        JSONObject data = response.getJSONObject();
                        if (data.has("picture")) {
                            String profilePicUrl = data.getJSONObject("picture").getJSONObject("data").getString("url");
                    } catch (Exception e) {

What is the difference between exit and return?

In C, there's not much difference when used in the startup function of the program (which can be main(), wmain(), _tmain() or the default name used by your compiler).

If you return in main(), control goes back to the _start() function in the C library which originally started your program, which then calls exit() anyways. So it really doesn't matter which one you use.

IntelliJ does not show project folders

For me in IntelliJ it was showing me a popup to import the existing project as gradle project. I just clicked ok on it and then the folder structure appeared properly.

What does ON [PRIMARY] mean?

It refers to which filegroup the object you are creating resides on. So your Primary filegroup could reside on drive D:\ of your server. you could then create another filegroup called Indexes. This filegroup could reside on drive E:\ of your server.

What does double question mark (??) operator mean in PHP

$x = $y ?? 'dev'

is short hand for x = y if y is set, otherwise x = 'dev'

There is also

$x = $y =="SOMETHING" ? 10 : 20

meaning if y equals 'SOMETHING' then x = 10, otherwise x = 20

Delete a row in DataGridView Control in VB.NET

If dgv(11, dgv.CurrentRow.Index).Selected = True Then
    Exit Sub
End If

Take multiple lists into dataframe

Adding to Aditya Guru's answer here. There is no need of using map. You can do it simply by:

pd.DataFrame(list(zip(lst1, lst2, lst3)))

This will set the column's names as 0,1,2. To set your own column names, you can pass the keyword argument columns to the method above.

pd.DataFrame(list(zip(lst1, lst2, lst3)),
              columns=['lst1_title','lst2_title', 'lst3_title'])

Find most frequent value in SQL column

Try something like:

SELECT       `column`
    FROM     `your_table`
    GROUP BY `column`
    LIMIT    1;

Vim: How to insert in visual block mode?

if you want to add new text before or after the selected colum:

  • press ctrl+v
  • select columns
  • press shift+i
  • write your text
  • press esc
  • press "jj"

Return in Scala

By default the last expression of a function will be returned. In your example there is another expression after the point, where you want your return value. If you want to return anything prior to your last expression, you still have to use return.

You could modify your example like this, to return a Boolean from the first part

def balanceMain(elem: List[Char]): Boolean = {
  if (elem.isEmpty) {
    // == is a Boolean resulting function as well, so your can write it this way
    count == 0
  } else {
    // keep the rest in this block, the last value will be returned as well
    if (elem.head == "(") {
      balanceMain(elem.tail, open, count + 1)
    // some more statements
    // just don't forget your Boolean in the end

Question mark and colon in statement. What does it mean?

In the particular case you've provided, it's a conditional assignment. The part before the question mark (?) is a boolean condition, and the parts either side of the colon (:) are the values to assign based on the result of the condition (left side of the colon is the value for true, right side is the value for false).

Regex for Comma delimited list

I had a slightly different requirement, to parse an encoded dictionary/hashtable with escaped commas, like this:

"1=This is something, 2=This is something,,with an escaped comma, 3=This is something else"

I think this is an elegant solution, with a trick that avoids a lot of regex complexity:

if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encodedValues))
    return null;
    var retVal = new Dictionary<int, string>();
    var reFields = new Regex(@"([0-9]+)\=(([A-Za-z0-9\s]|(,,))+),");
    foreach (Match match in reFields.Matches(encodedValues + ","))
        var id = match.Groups[1].Value;
        var value = match.Groups[2].Value;
        retVal[int.Parse(id)] = value.Replace(",,", ",");
    return retVal;

I think it can be adapted to the original question with an expression like @"([0-9]+),\s?" and parse on Groups[0].

I hope it's helpful to somebody and thanks for the tips on getting it close to there, especially Asaph!

Convert string to Color in C#

System.Drawing.Color myColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("Red");

(Use my method if you want to accept HTML-style hex colors.)

How can I create a "Please Wait, Loading..." animation using jQuery?

I use CSS3 for animation

/************ CSS3 *************/_x000D_
.icon-spin {_x000D_
  font-size: 1.5em;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  animation: spin1 2s infinite linear;_x000D_
@keyframes spin1{_x000D_
/************** CSS3 cross-platform ******************/_x000D_
.icon-spin-cross-platform {_x000D_
  font-size: 1.5em;_x000D_
  display: inline-block;_x000D_
  -moz-animation: spin 2s infinite linear;_x000D_
  -o-animation: spin 2s infinite linear;_x000D_
  -webkit-animation: spin 2s infinite linear;_x000D_
  animation: spin2 2s infinite linear;_x000D_
@keyframes spin2{_x000D_
@-moz-keyframes spin2{_x000D_
@-webkit-keyframes spin2{_x000D_
@-o-keyframes spin2{_x000D_
@-ms-keyframes spin2{_x000D_
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>_x000D_
<div class="row">_x000D_
  <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
    Default CSS3_x000D_
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat icon-spin"></span>_x000D_
  <div class="col-md-6">_x000D_
    Cross-Platform CSS3_x000D_
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-repeat icon-spin-cross-platform"></span>_x000D_

Objective-C: Extract filename from path string

Taken from the NSString reference, you can use :

NSString *theFileName = [[string lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];

The lastPathComponent call will return thefile.ext, and the stringByDeletingPathExtension will remove the extension suffix from the end.

Split and join C# string

You can split and join the string, but why not use substrings? Then you only end up with one split instead of splitting the string into 5 parts and re-joining it. The end result is the same, but the substring is probably a bit faster.

string lcStart = "Some Very Large String Here";
int lnSpace = lcStart.IndexOf(' ');

if (lnSpace > -1)
    string lcFirst = lcStart.Substring(0, lnSpace);
    string lcRest = lcStart.Substring(lnSpace + 1);

PHP is not recognized as an internal or external command in command prompt

enter image description here enter image description here

Here what I DO on MY PC I install all software that i usually used in G: partian not C: if my operating system is fall (win 10) , Do not need to reinstall them again and lost time , Then How windows work it update PATH automatic if you install any new programe or pice of softwore ,


I must update PATH like these HERE! all my software i usually used

%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;G:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin;G:\xampp\php;G:\xampp\mysql\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\heroku\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\composer;G:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs;G:\Program Files (x86)\Sublime Text 3;G:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\bin;G:\Program Files (x86)\cygwin64\bin

enter image description here

Simpler way to check if variable is not equal to multiple string values?

You can make use of in_array() in PHP.

$os = array("uk", "us"); // You can set multiple check conditions here
if (in_array("uk", $os)) //Founds a match !
    echo "Got you"; 

Convert datetime to Unix timestamp and convert it back in python

solution is

import time
import datetime
d =,1,5)

unixtime = time.mktime(d.timetuple())

COUNT / GROUP BY with active record?

I think you should count the results with FOUND_ROWS() and SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. You'll need two queries: select, group_by, etc. You'll add a plus select: SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS user_id. After this query run a query: SELECT FOUND_ROWS(). This will return the desired number.

What does "#include <iostream>" do?

In order to read or write to the standard input/output streams you need to include it.

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

That program will not compile unless you add #include <iostream>

The second line isn't necessary

using namespace std;

What that does is tell the compiler that symbol names defined in the std namespace are to be brought into your program's scope, so you can omit the namespace qualifier, and write for example

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
    return 0;

Notice you no longer need to refer to the output stream with the fully qualified name std::cout and can use the shorter name cout.

I personally don't like bringing in all symbols in the namespace of a header file... I'll individually select the symbols I want to be shorter... so I would do this:

#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
    return 0;

But that is a matter of personal preference.

How to know if two arrays have the same values

Simple solution for shallow equality using ES6:

const arr1test = arr1.slice().sort()
const arr2test = arr2.slice().sort()
const equal = !arr1test.some((val, idx) => val !== arr2test[idx])

Creates shallow copies of each array and sorts them. Then uses some() to loop through arr1test values, checking each value against the value in arr2test with the same index. If all values are equal, some() returns false, and in turn equal evaluates to true.

Could also use every(), but it would have to cycle through every element in the array to satisfy a true result, whereas some() will bail as soon as it finds a value that is not equal:

const equal = arr1test.every((val, idx) => val === arr2test[idx])

Super-simple example of C# observer/observable with delegates

Applying the Observer Pattern with delegates and events in c# is named "Event Pattern" according to MSDN which is a slight variation.

In this Article you will find well structured examples of how to apply the pattern in c# both the classic way and using delegates and events.

Exploring the Observer Design Pattern

public class Stock

    //declare a delegate for the event
    public delegate void AskPriceChangedHandler(object sender,
          AskPriceChangedEventArgs e);
    //declare the event using the delegate
    public event AskPriceChangedHandler AskPriceChanged;

    //instance variable for ask price
    object _askPrice;

    //property for ask price
    public object AskPrice

            //set the instance variable
            _askPrice = value;

            //fire the event

    }//AskPrice property

    //method to fire event delegate with proper name
    protected void OnAskPriceChanged()

        AskPriceChanged(this, new AskPriceChangedEventArgs(_askPrice));


}//Stock class

//specialized event class for the askpricechanged event
public class AskPriceChangedEventArgs : EventArgs

    //instance variable to store the ask price
    private object _askPrice;

    //constructor that sets askprice
    public AskPriceChangedEventArgs(object askPrice) { _askPrice = askPrice; }

    //public property for the ask price
    public object AskPrice { get { return _askPrice; } }


fork: retry: Resource temporarily unavailable

This is commonly caused by running out of file descriptors.

There is the systems total file descriptor limit, what do you get from the command:

sysctl fs.file-nr

This returns counts of file descriptors:

<in_use> <unused_but_allocated> <maximum>

To find out what a users file descriptor limit is run the commands:

sudo su - <username>
ulimit -Hn

To find out how many file descriptors are in use by a user run the command:

sudo lsof -u <username> 2>/dev/null | wc -l

So now if you are having a system file descriptor limit issue you will need to edit your /etc/sysctl.conf file and add, or modify it it already exists, a line with fs.file-max and set it to a value large enough to deal with the number of file descriptors you need and reboot.

fs.file-max = 204708

Angular.js: set element height on page load

It seems you require the following plugin:

It basically gives you the functionality to run your directive code after the your scope or data is loaded i.e. $scope.$whenReady

Browser Caching of CSS files

It's probably worth noting that IE won't cache css files called by other css files using the @import method. So, for example, if your html page links to "master.css" which pulls in "reset.css" via @import, then reset.css will not be cached by IE.

To delay JavaScript function call using jQuery

function sample() {
    alert("This is sample function");

$(function() {
    $("#button").click(function() {
        setTimeout(sample, 2000);



If you want to encapsulate sample() there, wrap the whole thing in a self invoking function (function() { ... })().

Can't accept license agreement Android SDK Platform 24

I had the issue. You do not need to copy or to create any folder, just be careful of your SDK path. It must be the same of the environnement variable (ANDROID_HOME), which wasn't the same for me. I don't know why.

sdk location

How to echo xml file in php

Here's what worked for me:

<pre class="prettyprint linenums">
    <code class="language-xml"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents("example.xml"), ENT_QUOTES); ?></code>

Using htmlspecialchars will prevent tags from being displayed as html and won't break anything. Note that I'm using Prettyprint to highlight the code ;)

Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt passwords?

You should not encrypt passwords, instead you should hash them using an algorithm like bcrypt. This answer explains how to properly implement password hashing in PHP. Still, here is how you would encrypt/decrypt:

$key = 'password to (en/de)crypt';
$string = ' string to be encrypted '; // note the spaces

To Encrypt:

$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(
    mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC),

$encrypted = base64_encode(
    $iv .
        hash('sha256', $key, true),

To Decrypt:

$data = base64_decode($encrypted);
$iv = substr($data, 0, mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC));

$decrypted = rtrim(
        hash('sha256', $key, true),
        substr($data, mcrypt_get_iv_size(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC)),

Warning: The above example encrypts information, but it does not authenticate the ciphertext to prevent tampering. You should not rely on unauthenticated encryption for security, especially since the code as provided is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks.

See also:

Also, don't just use a "password" for an encryption key. Encryption keys are random strings.

Demo at

echo 'Encrypted:' . "\n";
var_dump($encrypted); // "m1DSXVlAKJnLm7k3WrVd51omGL/05JJrPluBonO9W+9ohkNuw8rWdJW6NeLNc688="

echo "\n";

echo 'Decrypted:' . "\n";
var_dump($decrypted); // " string to be encrypted "

Import-CSV and Foreach

$IP_Array = (Get-Content test2.csv)[0].split(",")
foreach ( $IP in $IP_Array){

Get-content Filename returns an array of strings for each line.

On the first string only, I split it based on ",". Dumping it into $IP_Array.

$IP_Array = (Get-Content test2.csv)[0].split(",")
foreach ( $IP in $IP_Array){
  if ($IP -eq "") {
    Write-Host "Found $IP"

/lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory

Missing prerequisites. IBM has the solution below:

yum install gtk2.i686
yum install libXtst.i686

If you received the the missing libstdc++ message above, 
install the libstdc++ library: 
yum install compat-libstdc++

Parse rfc3339 date strings in Python?

You should have a look at moment which is a python port of the excellent js lib momentjs.

One advantage of it is the support of ISO 8601 strings formats, as well as a generic "% format" :

import moment

m =, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
print m.format('YYYY-M-D H:M')
print m.weekday


2012-10-09 19:10

Pentaho Data Integration SQL connection

Above answers were helpful, but for unknown reasons they did not seem to work. So if you have already installed MySql workbench on your system, instead of downloading the jar files and struggling with the correct version just go to

C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\Connector J 8.0

and copy mysql-connector-java-8.0.12 (does not matter what version it is) the jar file in that location and paste it to C:\Program Files\pentaho\design-tools\data-integration\lib

Leverage browser caching, how on apache or .htaccess?

This is what I use to control headers/caching, I'm not an Apache pro, so let me know if there is room for improvement, but I know that this has been working well on all of my sites for some time now.


This module controls the setting of the Expires HTTP header and the max-age directive of the Cache-Control HTTP header in server responses. The expiration date can set to be relative to either the time the source file was last modified, or to the time of the client access.

These HTTP headers are an instruction to the client about the document's validity and persistence. If cached, the document may be fetched from the cache rather than from the source until this time has passed. After that, the cache copy is considered "expired" and invalid, and a new copy must be obtained from the source.

# BEGIN Expires
<ifModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds"
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 2592000 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 2592000 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 2592000 seconds"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 604800 seconds"
ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 216000 seconds"
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 216000 seconds"
# END Expires


This module provides directives to control and modify HTTP request and response headers. Headers can be merged, replaced or removed.

# BEGIN Caching
<ifModule mod_headers.c>
<filesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=2592000, public"
<filesMatch "\.(css)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public"
<filesMatch "\.(js)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=216000, private"
<filesMatch "\.(xml|txt)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=216000, public, must-revalidate"
<filesMatch "\.(html|htm|php)$">
Header set Cache-Control "max-age=1, private, must-revalidate"
# END Caching

clearInterval() not working

The setInterval method returns an interval ID that you need to pass to clearInterval in order to clear the interval. You're passing a function, which won't work. Here's an example of a working setInterval/clearInterval

var interval_id = setInterval(myMethod,500);

How to set $_GET variable

You can use GET variables in the action parameter of your form element. Example:

<form method="post" action="script.php?foo=bar">
    <input name="quu" ... />

This will give you foo as a GET variable and quu as a POST variable.

Setting a max character length in CSS

You can always look at how wide your font is and take the average character pixel size. Then just multiply that by the number of characters you want. It's a bit tacky but it works as a quick fix.

What do I do when my program crashes with exception 0xc0000005 at address 0?

Problems with the stack frames could indicate stack corruption (a truely horrible beast), optimisation, or mixing frameworks such as C/C++/C#/Delphi and other craziness as that - there is no absolute standard with respect to stack frames. (Some languages do not even have them!).

So, I suggest getting slightly annoyed with the stack frame issues, ignoring it, and then just use Remy's answer.

MySQL joins and COUNT(*) from another table

Your groups_main table has a key column named id. I believe you can only use the USING syntax for the join if the groups_fans table has a key column with the same name, which it probably does not. So instead, try this:

LEFT JOIN groups_fans AS m ON m.group_id =

Or replace group_id with whatever the appropriate column name is in the groups_fans table.

Xcode 10.2.1 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

After trying all the solutions, I was missing is to enable this option in:

Targets -> Build Phases -> Embedded pods frameworks

In newer versions it may be listed as:

Targets -> Build Phases -> Bundle React Native code and images

  • Run script only when installing

Build Phases

Difference between "process.stdout.write" and "console.log" in node.js?

One big difference that hasn't been mentioned is that process.stdout only takes strings as arguments (can also be piped streams), while console.log takes any Javascript data type.


// ok

// any other data type passed as param will throw a TypeError

// can also pipe a readable stream (assuming `file.txt` exists)
const fs = require('fs')

Access to build environment variables from a groovy script in a Jenkins build step (Windows)

You might be able to get them like this:

def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def build = thr?.executable
def envVarsMap = build.parent.builds[0].properties.get("envVars")

Simplest way to download and unzip files in Node.js cross-platform?

Another working example:

var zlib = require('zlib');
var tar = require('tar');
var ftp = require('ftp');

var files = [];

var conn = new ftp();
conn.on('connect', function(e) 
        if (e)
            throw e;
        conn.get('/tz/tzdata-latest.tar.gz', function(e, stream) 
            stream.on('success', function() 

                console.log("Processing files ...");

                for (var name in files)
                    var file = files[name];

                    console.log("filename: " + name);
            stream.on('error', function(e) 
                console.log('ERROR during get(): ' + e);

            console.log("Reading ...");

            .on("entry", function (e) 
                var filename = e.props["path"];
                console.log("filename:" + filename);
                if( files[filename] == null )
                    files[filename] = "";
                e.on("data", function (c) 
                    files[filename] += c.toString();
.connect(21, "");

How can I select from list of values in Oracle

Hi it is also possible for Strings with XML-Table

SELECT trim(COLUMN_VALUE) str FROM xmltable(('"'||REPLACE('a1, b2, a2, c1', ',', '","')||'"'));

Jenkins / Hudson environment variables

You can also edit the /etc/sysconfig/jenkins file to make any changes to the environment variables, etc. I simply added source /etc/profile to the end of the file. /etc/profile has all all of the proper PATH variables setup. When you do this, make sure you restart Jenkins

/etc/init.d/jenkins restart

We are running ZendServer CE which installs pear, phing, etc in a different path so this was helpful. Also, we don't get the LD_LIBRARY_PATH errors we used to get with Oracle client and Jenkins.

What is this weird colon-member (" : ") syntax in the constructor?

This is an initialization list. It'll initialize the members before the constructor body is run. Consider

class Foo {
   string str;
   Foo(string &p)
      str = p;


class Foo {
  string str;
  Foo(string &p): str(p) {};

In the first example, str will be initialized by its no-argument constructor


before the body of the Foo constructor. Inside the foo constructor, the

string& operator=( const string& s );

will be called on 'str' as you do str = p;

Wheras in the second example, str will be initialized directly by calling its constructor

string( const string& s );

with 'p' as an argument.

Android device is not connected to USB for debugging (Android studio)

Try a different cable, ideally an official Samsung one.

I had tried a crappy USB cable I had lying around and then tried another which was Samsung and works perfectly now.

Not sure why they would be different though but worked for me.

What is the difference between "is None" and "== None"

In this case, they are the same. None is a singleton object (there only ever exists one None).

is checks to see if the object is the same object, while == just checks if they are equivalent.

For example:

p = [1]
q = [1]
p is q # False because they are not the same actual object
p == q # True because they are equivalent

But since there is only one None, they will always be the same, and is will return True.

p = None
q = None
p is q # True because they are both pointing to the same "None"

Angular/RxJs When should I unsubscribe from `Subscription`

You can use latest Subscription class to unsubscribe for the Observable with not so messy code.

We can do this with normal variable but it will be override the last subscription on every new subscribe so avoid that, and this approach is very much useful when you are dealing with more number of Obseravables, and type of Obeservables like BehavoiurSubject and Subject


Represents a disposable resource, such as the execution of an Observable. A Subscription has one important method, unsubscribe, that takes no argument and just disposes the resource held by the subscription.

you can use this in two ways,

  • you can directly push the subscription to Subscription Array

     subscriptions:Subscription[] = [];
     ngOnInit(): void {
       this.subscription.push(this.dataService.getMessageTracker().subscribe((param: any) => {
       this.subscription.push(this.dataService.getFileTracker().subscribe((param: any) => {
        // prevent memory leak when component destroyed
        this.subscriptions.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe());
  • using add() of Subscription

    subscriptions = new Subscription();
    ngOnDestroy() {

A Subscription can hold child subscriptions and safely unsubscribe them all. This method handles possible errors (e.g. if any child subscriptions are null).

Hope this helps.. :)

"Debug certificate expired" error in Eclipse Android plugins

The Android SDK generates a "debug" signing certificate for you in a keystore called debug.keystore.The Eclipse plug-in uses this certificate to sign each application build that is generated.

Unfortunately a debug certificate is only valid for 365 days. To generate a new one, you must delete the existing debug.keystore file. Its location is platform dependent - you can find it in Preferences -> Android -> Build -> *Default debug keystore.

If you are using Windows, follow the steps below.

DOS: del c:\user\\debug.keystore

Eclipse: In Project, Clean the project. Close Eclipse. Re-open Eclipse.

Eclipse: Start the Emulator. Remove the Application from the emulator.

If you are using Linux or Mac, follow the steps below.

Manually delete debug.keystore from the .android folder.

You can find the .android folder like this: home/username/.android

Note: the default .android file will be hidden.

So click on the places menu. Under select home folder. Under click on view, under click show hidden files and then the .android folder will be visible.

Delete debug.keystore from the .android folder.

Then clean your project. Now Android will generate a new .android folder file.

Parse XML using JavaScript

I'm guessing from your last question, asked 20 minutes before this one, that you are trying to parse (read and convert) the XML found through using GeoNames' FindNearestAddress.

If your XML is in a string variable called txt and looks like this:

  <street>Roble Ave</street>
  <placename>Menlo Park</placename>
  <adminName2>San Mateo</adminName2>

Then you can parse the XML with Javascript DOM like this:

if (window.DOMParser)
    parser = new DOMParser();
    xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");
else // Internet Explorer
    xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
    xmlDoc.async = false;

And get specific values from the nodes like this:

//Gets house address number

//Gets Street name

//Gets Postal Code


Feb. 2019 edit:

In response to @gaugeinvariante's concerns about xml with Namespace prefixes. Should you have a need to parse xml with Namespace prefixes, everything should work almost identically:

NOTE: this will only work in browsers that support xml namespace prefixes such as Microsoft Edge

// XML with namespace prefixes 's', 'sn', and 'p' in a variable called txt_x000D_
txt = `_x000D_
<address xmlns:p='' xmlns:s='' xmlns:sn=''>_x000D_
  <s:street>Roble Ave</s:street>_x000D_
//Everything else the same_x000D_
if (window.DOMParser)_x000D_
    parser = new DOMParser();_x000D_
    xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(txt, "text/xml");_x000D_
else // Internet Explorer_x000D_
    xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");_x000D_
    xmlDoc.async = false;_x000D_
//The prefix should not be included when you request the xml namespace_x000D_
//Gets "streetNumber" (note there is no prefix of "sn"_x000D_
//Gets Street name_x000D_
//Gets Postal Code_x000D_

Java: set timeout on a certain block of code?

If you want a CompletableFuture way you could have a method like

public MyResponseObject retrieveDataFromEndpoint() {

   CompletableFuture<MyResponseObject> endpointCall 
       = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() ->
             yourRestService.callEnpoint(withArg1, withArg2));

   try {
       return endpointCall.get(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES);
   } catch (TimeoutException 
               | InterruptedException 
               | ExecutionException e) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Unable to fetch data", e);

If you're using spring, you could annotate the method with a @Retryable so that it retries the method three times if an exception is thrown.

"While .. End While" doesn't work in VBA?

While constructs are terminated not with an End While but with a Wend.

While counter < 20
    counter = counter + 1

Note that this information is readily available in the documentation; just press F1. The page you link to deals with Visual Basic .NET, not VBA. While (no pun intended) there is some degree of overlap in syntax between VBA and VB.NET, one can't just assume that the documentation for the one can be applied directly to the other.

Also in the VBA help file:

Tip The Do...Loop statement provides a more structured and flexible way to perform looping.

Docker CE on RHEL - Requires: container-selinux >= 2.9

You have already have container-selinux installed for version 3.7 check if the following docker-ce version works for you , it did for me.

sudo yum -y install docker-ce-cli.x86_64 1:19.03.5-3.el7

Java: Check the date format of current string is according to required format or not

Regex can be used for this with some detailed info for validation, for example this code can be used to validate any date in (DD/MM/yyyy) format with proper date and month value and year between (1950-2050)

    public Boolean checkDateformat(String dateToCheck){   
        String rex="([0]{1}[1-9]{1}|[1-2]{1}[0-9]{1}|[3]{1}[0-1]{1})+


creating a new list with subset of list using index in python

The following definition might be more efficient than the first solution proposed

def new_list_from_intervals(original_list, *intervals):
    n = sum(j - i for i, j in intervals)
    new_list = [None] * n
    index = 0
    for i, j in intervals :
        for k in range(i, j) :
            new_list[index] = original_list[k]
            index += 1

    return new_list

then you can use it like below

new_list = new_list_from_intervals(original_list, (0,2), (4,5), (6, len(original_list)))

Can I set max_retries for requests.request?

A cleaner way to gain higher control might be to package the retry stuff into a function and make that function retriable using a decorator and whitelist the exceptions.

I have created the same here:

Reproducing the code in that link :

def retry(exceptions, delay=0, times=2):
A decorator for retrying a function call with a specified delay in case of a set of exceptions

Parameter List
:param exceptions:  A tuple of all exceptions that need to be caught for retry
                                    e.g. retry(exception_list = (Timeout, Readtimeout))
:param delay: Amount of delay (seconds) needed between successive retries.
:param times: no of times the function should be retried

def outer_wrapper(function):
    def inner_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        final_excep = None  
        for counter in xrange(times):
            if counter > 0:
            final_excep = None
                value = function(*args, **kwargs)
                return value
            except (exceptions) as e:
                final_excep = e
                pass #or log it

        if final_excep is not None:
            raise final_excep
    return inner_wrapper

return outer_wrapper

@retry(exceptions=(TimeoutError, ConnectTimeoutError), delay=0, times=3)
def call_api():

How to create a folder with name as current date in batch (.bat) files

this worked better for me,

@echo off    
set temp=%DATE:/=%
set dirname="%temp:~4,4%%temp:~2,2%%temp:~0,2%"
mkdir %dirname%

How to get HQ youtube thumbnails?

Depending on the resolution you need, you can use a different URL:

Default Thumbnail<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/default.jpg

High Quality Thumbnail<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/hqdefault.jpg

Medium Quality<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/mqdefault.jpg

Standard Definition<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/sddefault.jpg

Maximum Resolution<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/maxresdefault.jpg

Note: it's a work-around if you don't want to use the YouTube Data API. Furthermore not all videos have the thumbnail images set, so the above method doesn’t work.

jQuery javascript regex Replace <br> with \n

a cheap and nasty would be:

jQuery("#myDiv").html().replace("<br>", "\n").replace("<br />", "\n")


        .replace(/\<br\>/g, "\n")
        .replace(/\<br \/\>/g, "\n")

Also created a jsfiddle if needed:

How do I configure different environments in Angular.js?

If you're using Brunch, the plugin Constangular helps you to manage variables for different environments.

What is the exact meaning of Git Bash?

I think the question asker is (was) thinking that git bash is a command like git init or git checkout. Git bash is not a command, it is an interface. I will also assume the asker is not a linux user because bash is very popular the unix/linux world. The name "bash" is an acronym for "Bourne Again SHell". Bash is a text-only command interface that has features which allow automated scripts to be run. A good analogy would be to compare bash to the new PowerShell interface in Windows7/8. A poor analogy (but one likely to be more readily understood by more people) is the combination of the command prompt and .BAT (batch) command files from the days of DOS and early versions of Windows.


Setting up Eclipse with JRE Path

If you are using windows 8 or later:

  1. download and install the jdk or jre with all the default settings and options.
  2. Then download and install eclipse.

Everything should work fine. I don't know if it works exactly the same for other OS, but you don't have to set the PATH manually in Windows 8 or later.

Linux / Bash, using ps -o to get process by specific name?

This is a bit old, but I guess what you want is: ps -o pid -C PROCESS_NAME, for example:

ps -o pid -C bash

EDIT: Dependening on the sort of output you expect, pgrep would be more elegant. This, in my knowledge, is Linux specific and result in similar output as above. For example:

pgrep bash

what does mysql_real_escape_string() really do?

The function adds an escape character, the backslash, \, before certain potentially dangerous characters in a string passed in to the function. The characters escaped are

\x00, \n, \r, \, ', " and \x1a.

This can help prevent SQL injection attacks which are often performed by using the ' character to append malicious code to an SQL query.

Create an enum with string values

Faced this issue recently with TypeScript 1.0.1, and solved this way:

enum IEvents {
        /** A click on a product or product link for one or more products. */
        /** A view of product details. */
        /** Adding one or more products to a shopping cart. */
        /** Remove one or more products from a shopping cart. */
        /** Initiating the checkout process for one or more products. */
        /** Sending the option value for a given checkout step. */
        /** The sale of one or more products. */
        /** The refund of one or more products. */
        /** A click on an internal promotion. */

var Events = [

function stuff(event: IEvents):boolean {
        // event can now be only IEvents constants
        Events[event]; // event is actually a number that matches the index of the array
// stuff('click') won't work, it needs to be called using stuff(IEvents.CLICK)

Convert a 1D array to a 2D array in numpy

You want to reshape the array.

B = np.reshape(A, (-1, 2))

where -1 infers the size of the new dimension from the size of the input array.

PHP session handling errors

You can fix the issue with the following steps:

  1. Verify the folder exists with sudo cd /var/lib/php/session. If it does not exist then sudo mkdir /var/lib/php/session or double check the logs to make sure you have the correct path.
  2. Give the folder full read and write permissions with sudo chmod 666 /var/lib/php/session.

Rerun you script and it should be working fine, however, it's not recommended to leave the folder with full permissions. For security, files and folders should only have the minimum permissions required. The following steps will fix that:

  1. You should already be in the session folder so just run sudo ls -l to find out the owner of the session file.
  2. Set the correct owner of the session folder with sudo chown user /var/lib/php/session.
  3. Give just the owner full read and write permissions with sudo chmod 600 /var/lib/php/session.


You might not need to use the sudo command.

How to get the type of T from a member of a generic class or method?

Using 3dGrabber's solution:

public static T GetEnumeratedType<T>(this IEnumerable<T> _)
    return default(T);

//and now 

var list = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var stronglyTypedVar = list.GetEnumeratedType();

Doctrine 2: Update query with query builder

With a small change, it worked fine for me


Entity Framework. Delete all rows in table

For those that are googling this and ended up here like me, this is how you currently do it in EF5 and EF6:

context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("TRUNCATE TABLE [TableName]");

Assuming context is a System.Data.Entity.DbContext

Best timing method in C?

High resolution is relative... I was looking at the examples and they mostly cater for milliseconds. However for me it is important to measure microseconds. I have not seen a platform independant solution for microseconds and thought something like the code below will be usefull. I was timing on windows only for the time being and will most likely add a gettimeofday() implementation when doing the same on AIX/Linux.

    #ifdef WIN32
      #ifndef PERFTIME
        #include <windows.h>
        #include <winbase.h>
        #define PERFTIME_INIT unsigned __int64 freq;  QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&freq); double timerFrequency = (1.0/freq);  unsigned __int64 startTime;  unsigned __int64 endTime;  double timeDifferenceInMilliseconds;
        #define PERFTIME_START QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&startTime);
        #define PERFTIME_END QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&endTime); timeDifferenceInMilliseconds = ((endTime-startTime) * timerFrequency);  printf("Timing %fms\n",timeDifferenceInMilliseconds);
    #define PERFTIME(funct) {unsigned __int64 freq;  QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&freq);  double timerFrequency = (1.0/freq);  unsigned __int64 startTime;  QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&startTime);  unsigned __int64 endTime;  funct; QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER *)&endTime);  double timeDifferenceInMilliseconds = ((endTime-startTime) * timerFrequency);  printf("Timing %fms\n",timeDifferenceInMilliseconds);}
      //AIX/Linux gettimeofday() implementation here





How to create a popup window (PopupWindow) in Android

This an example from my code how to address a widget(button) in popupwindow

View v=LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.popupwindow, null, false);
    final PopupWindow pw = new PopupWindow(v,500,500, true);
    final Button button = rootView.findViewById(;
    button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            pw.showAtLocation(rootView.findViewById(, Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

    final Button popup_btn=v.findViewById(;

    popup_btn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {

Hope this help you

How to fix apt-get: command not found on AWS EC2?

Try replacing apt-get with yum as Amazon Linux based AMI uses the yum command instead of apt-get.

Where can I download an offline installer of Cygwin?

Here are instructions assuming you want to install Cygwin on a computer with no Internet connection. I assume that you have access to another computer with an Internet connection. Start on the connected computer:

  • Get the Cygwin install program ("setup.exe"). Direct download URL: x86 or x86_64.

  • When the setup asks "Choose a download source", choose Download Without Installing

  • Go through the rest of the setup (choose download directory, mirrors, software packages you want, etc)

  • Now you have a Cygwin repository right there on your hard disk. Copy this directory, along with the "setup.exe" program, over to your target computer (it does not need to be on a network).

  • On the target computer, run "setup.exe"

  • When the setup asks "Choose a download source", choose Install From Local Directory

  • Complete setup as usual. No Internet access is required.

Fill remaining vertical space - only CSS

If you can add an extra couple of divs so your html looks like this:

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="first" class="row">
        <div class="cell"></div>
    <div id="second" class="row">
        <div class="cell"></div>

You can make use of the display:table properties:




#first .cell

#second .cell


Converting characters to integers in Java

Try any one of the below. These should work:

int a = Character.getNumericValue('3');
int a = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf('3');

How to select a single child element using jQuery?

Not jQuery, as the question asks for, but natively (i.e., no libraries required) I think the better tool for the job is querySelector to get a single instance of a selector:

let el = document.querySelector('img');

For all matching instances, use document.querySelectorAll(), or for those within another element you can chain as follows:

// Get some wrapper, with class="parentClassName"
let parentEl = document.querySelector('.parentClassName');
// Get all img tags within the parent element by parentEl variable
let childrenEls = parentEl.querySelectorAll('img');

Note the above is equivalent to:

let childrenEls = document.querySelector('.parentClassName').querySelectorAll('img');

jQuery Refresh/Reload Page if Ajax Success after time

if(success == true)
  //For wait 5 seconds
    location.reload();  //Refresh page
  }, 5000);

Understanding Chrome network log "Stalled" state

Google gives a breakdown of these fields in the Evaluating network performance section of their DevTools documentation.

Excerpt from Resource network timing:


Time the request spent waiting before it could be sent. This time is inclusive of any time spent in proxy negotiation. Additionally, this time will include when the browser is waiting for an already established connection to become available for re-use, obeying Chrome's maximum six TCP connection per origin rule.

(If you forget, Chrome has an "Explanation" link in the hover tooltip and under the "Timing" panel.)

Basically, the primary reason you will see this is because Chrome will only download 6 files per-server at a time and other requests will be stalled until a connection slot becomes available.

This isn't necessarily something that needs fixing, but one way to avoid the stalled state would be to distribute the files across multiple domain names and/or servers, keeping CORS in mind if applicable to your needs, however HTTP2 is probably a better option going forward. Resource bundling (like JS and CSS concatenation) can also help to reduce amount of stalled connections.

How to pass credentials to the Send-MailMessage command for sending emails

in addition to UseSsl, you have to include smtp port 587 to make it work.

Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer -Port 587 -Credential $credential -UseSsl -From '[email protected]' -To '[email protected]' -Subject 'TEST'

Detecting touch screen devices with Javascript

If you use Modernizr, it is very easy to use Modernizr.touch as mentioned earlier.

However, I prefer using a combination of Modernizr.touch and user agent testing, just to be safe.

var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

var isTouchDevice = Modernizr.touch || 
(deviceAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad)/) ||
deviceAgent.match(/(android)/)  || 
deviceAgent.match(/(iemobile)/) || 
deviceAgent.match(/iphone/i) || 
deviceAgent.match(/ipad/i) || 
deviceAgent.match(/ipod/i) || 
deviceAgent.match(/blackberry/i) || 

if (isTouchDevice) {
        //Do something touchy
    } else {
        //Can't touch this

If you don't use Modernizr, you can simply replace the Modernizr.touch function above with ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement)

Also note that testing the user agent iemobile will give you broader range of detected Microsoft mobile devices than Windows Phone.

Also see this SO question

Iterating through struct fieldnames in MATLAB

Since fields or fns are cell arrays, you have to index with curly brackets {} in order to access the contents of the cell, i.e. the string.

Note that instead of looping over a number, you can also loop over fields directly, making use of a neat Matlab features that lets you loop through any array. The iteration variable takes on the value of each column of the array.

teststruct = struct('a',3,'b',5,'c',9)

fields = fieldnames(teststruct)

for fn=fields'
  %# since fn is a 1-by-1 cell array, you still need to index into it, unfortunately

boolean in an if statement

If you write: if(x === true) , It will be true for only x = true

If you write: if(x) , it will be true for any x that is not: '' (empty string), false, null, undefined, 0, NaN.

Remove Null Value from String array in java

Quite similar approve as already posted above. However it's easier to read.

 * Remove all empty spaces from array a string array
 * @param arr array
 * @return array without ""
public static String[] removeAllEmpty(String[] arr) {
    if (arr == null)
        return arr;

    String[] result = new String[arr.length];
    int amountOfValidStrings = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (!arr[i].equals(""))
            result[amountOfValidStrings++] = arr[i];

    result = Arrays.copyOf(result, amountOfValidStrings);

    return result;

The first day of the current month in php using date_modify as DateTime object

In php 5.2 you can use:

<? $d = date_create();
print date_create($d->format('Y-m-1'))->format('Y-m-d') ?>

100% width Twitter Bootstrap 3 template

You're right using div.container-fluid and you also need a div.row child. Then, the content must be placed inside without any grid columns. If you have a look at the docs you can find this text:

  • Rows must be placed within a .container (fixed-width) or .container-fluid (full-width) for proper alignment and padding.
  • Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns.

Not using grid columns it's ok as stated here:

  • Content should be placed within columns, and only columns may be immediate children of rows.

And looking at this example, you can read this text:

Full width, single column: No grid classes are necessary for full-width elements.

Here's a live example showing some elements using the correct layout. This way you don't need any custom CSS or hack.

How to exit git log or git diff

In this case, as snarly suggested, typing q is the intended way to quit git log (as with most other pagers or applications that use pagers).

However normally, if you just want to abort a command that is currently executing, you can try ctrl+c (doesn't seem to work for git log, however) or ctrl+z (although in bash, ctrl-z will freeze the currently running foreground process, which can then be thawed as a background process with the bg command).

What is the path that Django uses for locating and loading templates?

For Django 1.6.6:

BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
TEMPLATE_DIRS = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')

Also static and media for debug and production mode:

STATIC_URL = '/static/'
MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
    STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static')
    MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media')

Into you must add:

from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url
from django.contrib import admin
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.conf import settings

from news.views import Index


urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^admin/', include(,

urlpatterns += static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT)

In Django 1.8 you can set template paths, backend and other parameters for templates in one dictionary (

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [
            path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [

Official docs.

How to measure time taken between lines of code in python?

You can also use time library:

import time

start = time.time()

# your code

# end

print(f'Time: {time.time() - start}')

Convert list into a pandas data frame

You need convert list to numpy array and then reshape:

df = pd.DataFrame(np.array(my_list).reshape(3,3), columns = list("abc"))
print (df)
   a  b  c
0  1  2  3
1  4  5  6
2  7  8  9

How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size?

Just give the AlertDialog this theme

<style name="DialogTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light.Dialog.MinWidth">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="android:windowMinWidthMajor">90%</item>
    <item name="android:windowMinWidthMinor">90%</item>

How can I start pagenumbers, where the first section occurs in LaTex?

To suppress the page number on the first page, add \thispagestyle{empty} after the \maketitle command.

The second page of the document will then be numbered "2". If you want this page to be numbered "1", you can add \pagenumbering{arabic} after the \clearpage command, and this will reset the page number.

Here's a complete minimal example:


\title{My Report}
\author{My Name}




\section{First Section}


CSS selector based on element text?

Not with CSS directly, you could set CSS properties via JavaScript based on the internal contents but in the end you would still need to be operating in the definitions of CSS.

Serializing an object as UTF-8 XML in .NET

Your code doesn't get the UTF-8 into memory as you read it back into a string again, so its no longer in UTF-8, but back in UTF-16 (though ideally its best to consider strings at a higher level than any encoding, except when forced to do so).

To get the actual UTF-8 octets you could use:

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SomeSerializableObject));

var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(memoryStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

serializer.Serialize(streamWriter, entry);

byte[] utf8EncodedXml = memoryStream.ToArray();

I've left out the same disposal you've left. I slightly favour the following (with normal disposal left in):

var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SomeSerializableObject));
using(var memStm = new MemoryStream())
using(var  xw = XmlWriter.Create(memStm))
  serializer.Serialize(xw, entry);
  var utf8 = memStm.ToArray();

Which is much the same amount of complexity, but does show that at every stage there is a reasonable choice to do something else, the most pressing of which is to serialise to somewhere other than to memory, such as to a file, TCP/IP stream, database, etc. All in all, it's not really that verbose.

Issue pushing new code in Github

Considering if you haven't committed your changes in a while, maybe doing this will work for you.

git add files
git commit -m "Your Commit"
git push -u origin master

That worked for me, hopefully it does for you too.

Set Memory Limit in htaccess

In your .htaccess you can add:

PHP 5.x

<IfModule mod_php5.c>
    php_value memory_limit 64M

PHP 7.x

<IfModule mod_php7.c>
    php_value memory_limit 64M

If page breaks again, then you are using PHP as mod_php in apache, but error is due to something else.

If page does not break, then you are using PHP as CGI module and therefore cannot use php values - in the link I've provided might be solution but I'm not sure you will be able to apply it.


What are the differences between B trees and B+ trees?

  1. In a B tree search keys and data are stored in internal or leaf nodes. But in a B+-tree data is stored only in leaf nodes.
  2. Full scan of a B+ tree is very easy because all data are found in leaf nodes. Full scan of a B tree requires a full traversal.
  3. In a B tree, data may be found in leaf nodes or internal nodes. Deletion of internal nodes is very complicated. In a B+ tree, data is only found in leaf nodes. Deletion of leaf nodes is easy.
  4. Insertion in B tree is more complicated than B+ tree.
  5. B+ trees store redundant search keys but B tree has no redundant value.
  6. In a B+ tree, leaf node data is ordered as a sequential linked list but in a B tree the leaf node cannot be stored using a linked list. Many database systems' implementations prefer the structural simplicity of a B+ tree.

How to run mysql command on bash?

Use double quotes while using BASH variables.

mysql --user="$user" --password="$password" --database="$database" --execute="DROP DATABASE $user; CREATE DATABASE $database;"

BASH doesn't expand variables in single quotes.

What's Mongoose error Cast to ObjectId failed for value XXX at path "_id"?

Use existing functions for checking ObjectID.

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid('your id here');

How do I set a VB.Net ComboBox default value

You can try this:

Me.cbo1.Text = Me.Cbo1.Items(0).Tostring

How do C++ class members get initialized if I don't do it explicitly?

If you example class is instantiated on the stack, the contents of uninitialized scalar members is random and undefined.

For a global instance, uninitialized scalar members will be zeroed.

For members which are themselves instances of classes, their default constructors will be called, so your string object will get initialized.

  • int *ptr; //uninitialized pointer (or zeroed if global)
  • string name; //constructor called, initialized with empty string
  • string *pname; //uninitialized pointer (or zeroed if global)
  • string &rname; //compilation error if you fail to initialize this
  • const string &crname; //compilation error if you fail to initialize this
  • int age; //scalar value, uninitialized and random (or zeroed if global)

Linux command: How to 'find' only text files?

Here's how I've done it ...

1 . make a small script to test if a file is plain text istext:

[[ "$(file -bi $1)" == *"file"* ]]

2 . use find as before

find . -type f -exec istext {} \; -exec grep -nHi mystring {} \;

How to always show scrollbar

I had the same problem. The bar had the same background color. Try:


SQL select only rows with max value on a column

here is another solution hope it will help someone

Select , a.rev, a.content from Table1 a
inner join 
(SELECT id, max(rev) rev FROM Table1 GROUP BY id) x on and x.rev =a.rev

How to work offline with TFS

If you have a solution open, and TFS is down, you might have trouble going into offline mode. If you close and reopen your solution, a nice little dialog will appear asking you if you want to Go Offline.

Alternatively if you don't want to close/reopen the solution, (as suggested by Bernie) you can install the TFS Go-Offline plugin, then click:

TEAM -> Go Offline

SQL distinct for 2 fields in a database

How about simply:

select distinct c1, c2 from t


select c1, c2, count(*)
from t
group by c1, c2

How to place object files in separate subdirectory

Since you're using GNUmake, use a pattern rule for compiling object files:

$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<

VBA Check if variable is empty

I had a similar issue with an integer that could be legitimately assigned 0 in Access VBA. None of the above solutions worked for me.

At first I just used a boolean var and IF statement:

Dim i as integer, bol as boolean
   If bol = false then
      i = ValueIWantToAssign
      bol = True
   End If

In my case, my integer variable assignment was within a for loop and another IF statement, so I ended up using "Exit For" instead as it was more concise.

Like so:

Dim i as integer
   If ConditionIsMet Then
      i = ValueIWantToAssign
   Exit For
   End If

What is the difference between "screen" and "only screen" in media queries?

Let's break down your examples one by one.

@media (max-width:632px)

This one is saying for a window with a max-width of 632px that you want to apply these styles. At that size you would be talking about anything smaller than a desktop screen in most cases.

@media screen and (max-width:632px)

This one is saying for a device with a screen and a window with max-width of 632px apply the style. This is almost identical to the above except you are specifying screen as opposed to the other available media types the most common other one being print.

@media only screen and (max-width:632px)

Here is a quote straight from W3C to explain this one.

The keyword ‘only’ can also be used to hide style sheets from older user agents. User agents must process media queries starting with ‘only’ as if the ‘only’ keyword was not present.

As there is no such media type as "only", the style sheet should be ignored by older browsers.

Here's the link to that quote that is shown in example 9 on that page.

Hopefully this sheds some light on media queries.


Be sure to check out @hybrids excellent answer on how the only keyword is really handled.

CSS centred header image

If you set the margin to be margin:0 auto the image will be centered.

This will give top + bottom a margin of 0, and left and right a margin of 'auto'. Since the div has a width (200px), the image will be 200px wide and the browser will auto set the left and right margin to half of what is left on the page, which will result in the image being centered.

jQuery object equality

Since jQuery 1.6, you can use .is. Below is the answer from over a year ago...

var a = $('#foo');
var b = a;

if ( {
    // the same object!

If you want to see if two variables are actually the same object, eg:

var a = $('#foo');
var b = a;

...then you can check their unique IDs. Every time you create a new jQuery object it gets an id.

if ($.data(a) == $.data(b)) {
    // the same object!

Though, the same could be achieved with a simple a === b, the above might at least show the next developer exactly what you're testing for.

In any case, that's probably not what you're after. If you wanted to check if two different jQuery objects contain the same set of elements, the you could use this:

$.fn.equals = function(compareTo) {
  if (!compareTo || this.length != compareTo.length) {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
    if (this[i] !== compareTo[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;


var a = $('p');
var b = $('p');
if (a.equals(b)) {
    // same set

How do I exit a while loop in Java?

if you write while(true). its means that loop will not stop in any situation for stop this loop you have to use break statement between while block.


 * @author Ankit Sood Apr 20, 2017
public class Demo {

     * The main method.
     * @param args
     *            the arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        /* Initialize while loop */
        while (true) {
            * You have to declare some condition to stop while loop 

            * In which situation or condition you want to terminate while loop.
            * conditions like: if(condition){break}, if(var==10){break} etc... 

            /* break keyword is for stop while loop */


Converting float to char*

char array[10];
snprintf(array, sizeof(array), "%f", 3.333333);

JavaScript - Use variable in string match

for me anyways, it helps to see it used. just made this using the "re" example:

var analyte_data = 'sample-'+sample_id;
var storage_keys = $.jStorage.index();
var re = new RegExp( analyte_data,'g');  
for(i=0;i<storage_keys.length;i++) { 
    if(storage_keys[i].match(re)) {
        var partnum = storage_keys[i].split('-')[2];

How do I print colored output to the terminal in Python?

Color_Console library is comparatively easier to use. Install this library and the following code would help you.

from Color_Console import *
ctext("This will be printed" , "white" , "blue")
The first argument is the string to be printed, The second argument is the color of 
the text and the last one is the background color.

The latest version of Color_Console allows you to pass a list or dictionary of colors which would change after a specified delay time.

Also, they have good documentation on all of their functions.

Visit to know more.

User Authentication in ASP.NET Web API

If you want to authenticate against a user name and password and without an authorization cookie, the MVC4 Authorize attribute won't work out of the box. However, you can add the following helper method to your controller to accept basic authentication headers. Call it from the beginning of your controller's methods.

void EnsureAuthenticated(string role)
    string[] parts = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(Request.Headers.Authorization.Parameter)).Split(':');
    if (parts.Length != 2 || !Membership.ValidateUser(parts[0], parts[1]))
        throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "No account with that username and password"));
    if (role != null && !Roles.IsUserInRole(parts[0], role))
        throw new HttpResponseException(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "An administrator account is required"));

From the client side, this helper creates a HttpClient with the authentication header in place:

static HttpClient CreateBasicAuthenticationHttpClient(string userName, string password)
    var client = new HttpClient();
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userName + ':' + password)));
    return client;

How to execute function in SQL Server 2008

It looks like there's something else called Afisho_rankimin in your DB so the function is not being created. Try calling your function something else. E.g.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Afisho_rankimin1(@emri_rest int)
       Declare @rankimi int
       Select @rankimi=dbo.RESTORANTET.Rankimi
       Where  dbo.RESTORANTET.ID_Rest=@emri_rest
       RETURN @rankimi

Note that you need to call this only once, not every time you call the function. After that try calling

SELECT dbo.Afisho_rankimin1(5) AS Rankimi 

C# Wait until condition is true

This implementation is totally based on Sinaesthetic's, but adding CancellationToken and keeping the same execution thread and context; that is, delegating the use of Task.Run() up to the caller depending on whether condition needs to be evaluated in the same thread or not.

Also, notice that, if you don't really need to throw a TimeoutException and breaking the loop is enough, you might want to make use of cts.CancelAfter() or new CancellationTokenSource(millisecondsDelay) instead of using timeoutTask with Task.Delay plus Task.WhenAny.

public static class AsyncUtils
    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks while condition is true or task is canceled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     Cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitWhileAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay = 25)
            while (condition())
                await Task.Delay(pollDelay, ct).ConfigureAwait(true);
        catch (TaskCanceledException)
            // ignore: Task.Delay throws this exception when ct.IsCancellationRequested = true
            // In this case, we only want to stop polling and finish this async Task.

    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks until condition is true or task is canceled.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     Cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitUntilAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay = 25)
            while (!condition())
                await Task.Delay(pollDelay, ct).ConfigureAwait(true);
        catch (TaskCanceledException)
            // ignore: Task.Delay throws this exception when ct.IsCancellationRequested = true
            // In this case, we only want to stop polling and finish this async Task.

    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks while condition is true or timeout occurs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     The cancellation token.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="timeout">
    ///     Timeout in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">
    ///     Thrown after timeout milliseconds
    /// </exception>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitWhileAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay, int timeout)
        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

        using (CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ct))
            Task waitTask     = WaitWhileAsync(cts.Token, condition, pollDelay);
            Task timeoutTask  = Task.Delay(timeout, cts.Token);
            Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(waitTask, timeoutTask).ConfigureAwait(true);

            if (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                cts.Cancel();                            // Cancel unfinished task
                await finishedTask.ConfigureAwait(true); // Propagate exceptions
                if (finishedTask == timeoutTask)
                    throw new TimeoutException();

    /// <summary>
    ///     Blocks until condition is true or timeout occurs.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ct">
    ///     Cancellation token
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="condition">
    ///     The condition that will perpetuate the block.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="pollDelay">
    ///     The delay at which the condition will be polled, in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="timeout">
    ///     Timeout in milliseconds.
    /// </param>
    /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">
    ///     Thrown after timeout milliseconds
    /// </exception>
    /// <returns>
    ///     <see cref="Task" />.
    /// </returns>
    public static async Task WaitUntilAsync(CancellationToken ct, Func<bool> condition, int pollDelay, int timeout)
        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)

        using (CancellationTokenSource cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(ct))
            Task waitTask     = WaitUntilAsync(cts.Token, condition, pollDelay);
            Task timeoutTask  = Task.Delay(timeout, cts.Token);
            Task finishedTask = await Task.WhenAny(waitTask, timeoutTask).ConfigureAwait(true);

            if (!ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                cts.Cancel();                            // Cancel unfinished task
                await finishedTask.ConfigureAwait(true); // Propagate exceptions
                if (finishedTask == timeoutTask)
                    throw new TimeoutException();

How to automatically generate getters and setters in Android Studio

Another funny way

Type the parameter name anywhere in the object after definition, you will see setter and getter, Just select and click enter :)

I tried with Android Studio 2.3

How do I create ColorStateList programmatically?

Sometimes this will be enough:

int colorInt = getResources().getColor(R.color.ColorVerificaLunes);
ColorStateList csl = ColorStateList.valueOf(colorInt);

What's the difference between REST & RESTful

REST based Services/Architecture vs. RESTFUL Services/Architecture

To differentiate or compare these 2, you should know what REST is.

REST (REpresentational State Transfer) is basically an architectural style of development having some principles:

  • It should be stateless

  • It should access all the resources from the server using only URI

  • It does not have inbuilt encryption

  • It does not have session

  • It uses one and only one protocol - HTTP

  • For performing CRUD operations, it should use HTTP verbs such as get, post, put and delete

  • It should return the result only in the form of JSON or XML, atom, OData etc. (lightweight data )

REST based services follow some of the above principles and not all

RESTFUL services means it follows all the above principles.

It is similar to the concept of:

Object oriented languages support all the OOP concepts, examples: C++, C#

Object-based languages support some of the OOP features, examples: JavaScript, VB


ASP Dot NET MVC 4 is REST-Based while Microsoft WEB API is RESTFul.

MVC supports only some of the above REST principles whereas WEB API supports all the above REST Principles.

MVC only supports the following from the REST API

  • We can access the resource using URI

  • It supports the HTTP verb to access the resource from server

  • It can return the results in the form of JSON, XML, that is the HTTPResponse.

However, at the same time in MVC

  • We can use the session

  • We can make it stateful

  • We can return video or image from the controller action method which basically violates the REST principles

That is why MVC is REST-Based whereas WEB API supports all the above principles and is RESTFul.

Remove a fixed prefix/suffix from a string in Bash

$ string="hello-world"
$ prefix="hell"
$ suffix="ld"

$ #remove "hell" from "hello-world" if "hell" is found at the beginning.
$ prefix_removed_string=${string/#$prefix}

$ #remove "ld" from "o-world" if "ld" is found at the end.
$ suffix_removed_String=${prefix_removed_string/%$suffix}
$ echo $suffix_removed_String


#$prefix : adding # makes sure that substring "hell" is removed only if it is found in beginning. %$suffix : adding % makes sure that substring "ld" is removed only if it is found in end.

Without these, the substrings "hell" and "ld" will get removed everywhere, even it is found in the middle.

How do I convert Int/Decimal to float in C#?

You don't even need to cast, it is implicit.

int i = 3;

float f = i;

A full list/table of implicit numeric conversions can be seen here

How do you run a .exe with parameters using vba's shell()?

The below code will help you to auto open the .exe file from excel...

Sub Auto_Open()

    Dim x As Variant
    Dim Path As String

    ' Set the Path variable equal to the path of your program's installation
    Path = "C:\Program Files\\Alien Shooter\game.exe"
    x = Shell(Path, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub

AngularJS: How can I pass variables between controllers?

One way to share variables across multiple controllers is to create a service and inject it in any controller where you want to use it.

Simple service example:

angular.module('myApp', [])
    .service('sharedProperties', function () {
        var property = 'First';

        return {
            getProperty: function () {
                return property;
            setProperty: function(value) {
                property = value;

Using the service in a controller:

function Ctrl2($scope, sharedProperties) {
    $scope.prop2 = "Second";
    $scope.both = sharedProperties.getProperty() + $scope.prop2;

This is described very nicely in this blog (Lesson 2 and on in particular).

I've found that if you want to bind to these properties across multiple controllers it works better if you bind to an object's property instead of a primitive type (boolean, string, number) to retain the bound reference.

Example: var property = { Property1: 'First' }; instead of var property = 'First';.

UPDATE: To (hopefully) make things more clear here is a fiddle that shows an example of:

  • Binding to static copies of the shared value (in myController1)
    • Binding to a primitive (string)
    • Binding to an object's property (saved to a scope variable)
  • Binding to shared values that update the UI as the values are updated (in myController2)
    • Binding to a function that returns a primitive (string)
    • Binding to the object's property
    • Two way binding to an object's property

image size (drawable-hdpi/ldpi/mdpi/xhdpi)

Hope this will help...

mdpi is the reference density -- that is, 1 px on an mdpi display is equal to 1 dip. The ratio for asset scaling is:

ldpi | mdpi | hdpi | xhdpi | xxhdpi | xxxhdpi
0.75 | 1    | 1.5  | 2     | 3      | 4

Although you don't really need to worry about tvdpi unless you're developing specifically for Google TV or the original Nexus 7 -- but even Google recommends simply using hdpi assets. You probably don't need to worry about xxhdpi either (although it never hurts, and at least the launcher icon should be provided at xxhdpi), and xxxhdpi is just a constant in the source code right now (no devices use it, nor do I expect any to for a while, if ever), so it's safe to ignore as well.

What this means is if you're doing a 48dip image and plan to support up to xhdpi resolution, you should start with a 96px image (144px if you want native assets for xxhdpi) and make the following images for the densities:

ldpi    | mdpi    | hdpi    | xhdpi     | xxhdpi    | xxxhdpi
36 x 36 | 48 x 48 | 72 x 72 | 96 x 96   | 144 x 144 | 192 x 192

And these should display at roughly the same size on any device, provided you've placed these in density-specific folders (e.g. drawable-xhdpi, drawable-hdpi, etc.)

For reference, the pixel densities for these are:

ldpi  | mdpi  | hdpi  | xhdpi  | xxhdpi  | xxxhdpi
120   | 160   | 240   | 320    | 480     | 640

How to handle onchange event on input type=file in jQuery?

It should work fine, are you wrapping the code in a $(document).ready() call? If not use that or use live i.e.

$('#fileupload1').live('change', function(){ 

Here is a jsFiddle of this working against jQuery 1.4.4

Link to reload current page

I have been using:

<a href=".">link</a>

Have yet to find a case and/or browser where it does not work as intended.

Period means the current path. You can also use .. to refer to the folder above the current path, for instance, if you have this file structure:


You can then in page2.html write:

<a href="../page1.html">link to page 1</a>


I'm not sure if the behaviour has changed or if it was always like this, but Chrome (and maybe others) will treat periods as described above as regarding directories, not files. This means that if you are at you are really in the directory /foo/ and a href value of . in bar.html will refer to /foo/ rather than bar.html

Think of it as navigating the file system in a terminal; you can never cd into a file :)


It seems like the behaviour of using href="." is not as predictable anymore, both Firefox and Chrome might have changed how they handle these. I wouldn't rely entirely on my original answer, but rather try both the empty string and the period in different browsers for your specific use and make sure you get the desired behaviour.

Read and write a text file in typescript

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';

fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "filename.txt"), (err, data) => {
    if (err) throw err;


consider the project structure:

+-- filename.txt
+-- src
    +-- index.js
    +-- index.ts

consider the index.ts:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';

function lookFilesInDirectory(path_directory) {
    fs.stat(path_directory, (err, stat) => {
        if (!err) {
            if (stat.isDirectory()) {
                fs.readdirSync(path_directory).forEach(file => {

let path_view = './';
lookFilesInDirectory(path.join(__dirname, path_view));

if you have in the readfile folder and run tsc src/index.ts && node src/index.js, the output will be:



that is, it depends on where you run the node.

the __dirname is directory name of the current module.

Combining CSS Pseudo-elements, ":after" the ":last-child"

Adding another answer to this question because I needed precisely what @derek was asking for and I'd already gotten a bit further before seeing the answers here. Specifically, I needed CSS that could also account for the case with exactly two list items, where the comma is NOT desired. As an example, some authorship bylines I wanted to produce would look like the following:

One author: By Adam Smith.

Two authors: By Adam Smith and Jane Doe.

Three authors: By Adam Smith, Jane Doe, and Frank Underwood.

The solutions already given here work for one author and for 3 or more authors, but neglect to account for the two author case—where the "Oxford Comma" style (also known as "Harvard Comma" style in some parts) doesn't apply - ie, there should be no comma before the conjunction.

After an afternoon of tinkering, I had come up with the following:

  <style type="text/css">
    .byline-list {
      list-style: none;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .byline-list > li {
      display: inline;
      padding: 0;
      margin: 0;
    .byline-list > li::before {
      content: ", ";
    .byline-list > li:last-child::before {
      content: ", and ";
    .byline-list > li:first-child + li:last-child::before {
      content: " and ";
    .byline-list > li:first-child::before {
      content: "By ";
    .byline-list > li:last-child::after {
      content: ".";
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li>
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li><li>Jane Doe</li>
  <ul class="byline-list">
   <li>Adam Smith</li><li>Jane Doe</li><li>Frank Underwood</li>

It displays the bylines as I've got them above.

In the end, I also had to get rid of any whitespace between li elements, in order to get around an annoyance: the inline-block property would otherwise leave a space before each comma. There's probably an alternative decent hack for it but that isn't the subject of this question so I'll leave that for someone else to answer.

Fiddle here:

Hide all warnings in ipython

For jupyter lab this should work (@Alasja)

from IPython.display import HTML
var code_show_err = false; 
var code_toggle_err = function() {
 var stderrNodes = document.querySelectorAll('[data-mime-type="application/vnd.jupyter.stderr"]')
 var stderr = Array.from(stderrNodes)
 if (code_show_err){
     stderr.forEach(ele => = 'block');
 } else {
     stderr.forEach(ele => = 'none');
 code_show_err = !code_show_err
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', code_toggle_err);
To toggle on/off output_stderr, click <a onclick="javascript:code_toggle_err()">here</a>.''')

How to extract text from the PDF document?

I know that this topic is quite old, but this need is still alive. I read many documents, forum and script and build a new advanced one which supports compressed and uncompressed pdf :

Hope it helps everone

How do you use MySQL's source command to import large files in windows

On my Xampp set-up I was able to use the following to import a database into MySQL:

C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u {username goes here} -p {leave password blank} {database name} < /path/to/file.sql [enter]

My personal experience on my local machine was as follows:
Username: Root
Database Name: testdatabase
SQL File Location: databasebackup.sql is located on my desktop

C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysql -u root -p testdatabase < C:\Users\Juan\Desktop\databasebackup.sql 

That worked for me to import my 1GB+ file into my database.

PHP code to get selected text of a combo box

if you fetching it from database then

<select id="cmbMake" name="Make" >
<option value="">Select Manufacturer</option>
<?php $s2="select * from <tablename>"; 
while($rw2=mysql_fetch_array($q2)) { 
<option value="<?php echo $rw2['id']; ?>"><?php echo $rw2['carname']; ?></option><?php } ?>

The tilde operator in Python

It is a unary operator (taking a single argument) that is borrowed from C, where all data types are just different ways of interpreting bytes. It is the "invert" or "complement" operation, in which all the bits of the input data are reversed.

In Python, for integers, the bits of the twos-complement representation of the integer are reversed (as in b <- b XOR 1 for each individual bit), and the result interpreted again as a twos-complement integer. So for integers, ~x is equivalent to (-x) - 1.

The reified form of the ~ operator is provided as operator.invert. To support this operator in your own class, give it an __invert__(self) method.

>>> import operator
>>> class Foo:
...   def __invert__(self):
...     print 'invert'
>>> x = Foo()
>>> operator.invert(x)
>>> ~x

Any class in which it is meaningful to have a "complement" or "inverse" of an instance that is also an instance of the same class is a possible candidate for the invert operator. However, operator overloading can lead to confusion if misused, so be sure that it really makes sense to do so before supplying an __invert__ method to your class. (Note that byte-strings [ex: '\xff'] do not support this operator, even though it is meaningful to invert all the bits of a byte-string.)

Replace words in the body text

I had the same problem. I wrote my own function using replace on innerHTML, but it would screw up anchor links and such.

To make it work correctly I used a library to get this done.

The library has an awesome API. After including the script I called it like this:

findAndReplaceDOMText(document.body, {
  find: 'texttofind',
  replace: 'texttoreplace'

How to pass a PHP variable using the URL

just put


in your pass.php and you will get your answer and do a double quotation in your link.php:

echo '<a href="pass.php?link=' . $a . '">Link 1</a>';

Open a facebook link by native Facebook app on iOS

swift 3

if let url = URL(string: "fb://profile/<id>") {
        if #available(iOS 10, *) {
  , options: [:],completionHandler: { (success) in
                print("Open fb://profile/<id>: \(success)")
        } else {
            let success = UIApplication.shared.openURL(url)
            print("Open fb://profile/<id>: \(success)")

In C, how should I read a text file and print all strings

You could read the entire file with dynamic memory allocation, but isn't a good idea because if the file is too big, you could have memory problems.

So is better read short parts of the file and print it.

#include <stdio.h>
#define BLOCK   1000

int main() {
    FILE *f=fopen("teste.txt","r");
    int size;
    char buffer[BLOCK];
    // ...
    // ...
    return 0;

What's the best way to parse command line arguments?

I think the best way for larger projects is optparse, but if you are looking for an easy way, maybe is something for you.

from werkzeug import script

# actions go here
def action_foo(name=""):
    """action foo does foo"""

def action_bar(id=0, title="default title"):
    """action bar does bar"""

if __name__ == '__main__':

So basically every function action_* is exposed to the command line and a nice help message is generated for free.

usage: <action> [<options>] --help

    action bar does bar

    --id                          integer   0
    --title                       string    default title

    action foo does foo

    --name                        string

A non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in Python

You can do this really easily in Twisted. Depending upon your existing code base, this might not be that easy to use, but if you are building a twisted application, then things like this become almost trivial. You create a ProcessProtocol class, and override the outReceived() method. Twisted (depending upon the reactor used) is usually just a big select() loop with callbacks installed to handle data from different file descriptors (often network sockets). So the outReceived() method is simply installing a callback for handling data coming from STDOUT. A simple example demonstrating this behavior is as follows:

from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor

class MyProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):

    def outReceived(self, data):
        print data

proc = MyProcessProtocol()
reactor.spawnProcess(proc, './myprogram', ['./myprogram', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'])

The Twisted documentation has some good information on this.

If you build your entire application around Twisted, it makes asynchronous communication with other processes, local or remote, really elegant like this. On the other hand, if your program isn't built on top of Twisted, this isn't really going to be that helpful. Hopefully this can be helpful to other readers, even if it isn't applicable for your particular application.

Pip install Matplotlib error with virtualenv

Building Matplotlib requires libpng (and freetype, as well) which isn't a python library, so pip doesn't handle installing it (or freetype).

You'll need to install something along the lines of libpng-devel and freetype-devel (or whatever the equivalent is for your OS).

See the building requirements/instructions for matplotlib.

How to insert logo with the title of a HTML page?

Are you referring to the favicon?

Upload a 16x16px ico to your site, and link it in your head section.

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />

There are a multitude of sites that help you convert images into .ico format too. This is just the first one I saw on Google.

How to format column to number format in Excel sheet?

Sorry to bump an old question but the answer is to count the character length of the cell and not its value.

CellCount = Cells(Row, 10).Value
If Len(CellCount) <= "13" Then
'do something
End If

hope that helps. Cheers

How to exclude rows that don't join with another table?

   primarytable P
   NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM secondarytable S
         P.PKCol = S.FKCol)

Generally, (NOT) EXISTS is a better choice then (NOT) IN or (LEFT) JOIN

Why is width: 100% not working on div {display: table-cell}?

Your 100% means 100% of the viewport, you can fix that using the vw unit besides the % unit at the width. The problem is that 100vw is related to the viewport, besides % is related to parent tag. Do like that:

.table-cell-wrapper {
    width: 100vw;
    height: 100%;  
    display: table-cell;
    vertical-align: middle;
    text-align: center;

What key in windows registry disables IE connection parameter "Automatically Detect Settings"?

For anyone looking to untick the 'Automatically Detect Settings' box without overwriting the other settings contained in the registry entry, you can use vbscript at logon.

On Error Resume Next

Set oReg   = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
sKeyPath   = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections"
sValueName = "DefaultConnectionSettings"

' Get registry value where each byte is a different setting.
oReg.GetBinaryValue &H80000001, sKeyPath, sValueName, bValue

' Check byte to see if detect is currently on.
If (bValue(8) And 8) = 8 Then

  ' Turn off detect and write back settings value.
  bValue(8) = bValue(8) And Not 8
  oReg.SetBinaryValue &H80000001, sKeyPath, sValueName, bValue

End If

Set oReg = Nothing

What are the differences between git branch, fork, fetch, merge, rebase and clone?

Fork Vs. Clone - two words that both mean copy

Please see this diagram. (Originally from

.-------------------------.     1. Fork     .-------------------------.
| Your GitHub repo        | <-------------- | Joe's GitHub repo       |
| |                 | |
| ----------------------- | 7. Pull Request | ----------------------- |
| master -> c224ff7       | --------------> | master -> c224ff7 (c)   |
| anidea -> 884faa1 (a)   |                 | anidea -> 884faa1 (b)   |
'-------------------------'                 '-------------------------'
    |                 ^
    | 2. Clone        |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 |
    |                 | 6. Push (anidea => origin/anidea)
    v                 |
| Your computer           |  3. Create branch 'anidea'
| $HOME/coolgame          |
| ----------------------- |  4. Update a file
| master -> c224ff7       |
| anidea -> 884faa1       |  5. Commit (to 'anidea')

(a) - after you have pushed it
(b) - after Joe has accepted it
(c) - eventually Joe might merge 'anidea' (make 'master -> 884faa1')


  • A copy to your remote repo (cloud) that links it to Joe's
  • A copy you can then clone to your local repo and F*%$-up
  • When you are done you can push back to your remote
  • You can then ask Joe if he wants to use it in his project by clicking pull-request


  • a copy to your local repo (harddrive)

Basic CSS - how to overlay a DIV with semi-transparent DIV on top

Like the answer previous, but I'd put ::before, just for stacking purposes. If you want to include text over the overlay (a common use case), using ::before will should fix that.

.dimmed {
  position: relative;

.dimmed:before {
  content: " ";
  z-index: 10;
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

What does random.sample() method in python do?

random.sample(population, k)

It is used for randomly sampling a sample of length 'k' from a population. returns a 'k' length list of unique elements chosen from the population sequence or set

it returns a new list and leaves the original population unchanged and the resulting list is in selection order so that all sub-slices will also be valid random samples

I am putting up an example in which I am splitting a dataset randomly. It is basically a function in which you pass x_train(population) as an argument and return indices of 60% of the data as D_test.

import random

def randomly_select_70_percent_of_data_from_1_to_length(x_train):
    return random.sample(range(0, len(x_train)), int(0.6*len(x_train)))

How to Consume WCF Service with Android

Another option might be to avoid WCF all-together and just use a .NET HttpHandler. The HttpHandler can grab the query-string variables from your GET and just write back a response to the Java code.

How to decrypt a password from SQL server?

You shouldn't really be de-encrypting passwords.

You should be encrypting the password entered into your application and comparing against the encrypted password from the database.

Edit - and if this is because the password has been forgotten, then setup a mechanism to create a new password.

Convert month int to month name

    + "-" 
    + Convert.ToDateTime(e.Row.Cells[7].Text).ToString("yyyy");

How can I create C header files

  1. Open your favorite text editor
  2. Create a new file named whatever.h
  3. Put your function prototypes in it


Example whatever.h

int f(int a);

Note: include guards (preprocessor commands) added thanks to luke. They avoid including the same header file twice in the same compilation. Another possibility (also mentioned on the comments) is to add #pragma once but it is not guaranteed to be supported on every compiler.

Example whatever.c

#include "whatever.h"

int f(int a) { return a + 1; }

And then you can include "whatever.h" into any other .c file, and link it with whatever.c's object file.

Like this:


#include "whatever.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf("%d\n", f(2)); /* prints 3 */
    return 0;

To compile it (if you use GCC):

$ gcc -c whatever.c -o whatever.o
$ gcc -c sample.c -o sample.o

To link the files to create an executable file:

$ gcc sample.o whatever.o -o sample

You can test sample:

$ ./sample

An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I had the same issue and managed to resolve it eventually. In my case, the port that the client sends the request to did not have a SSL cert binding to it. So I fixed the issue by binding a SSL cert to the port on the server side. Once that was done, this exception went away.

Increasing nesting function calls limit

Personally I would suggest this is an error as opposed to a setting that needs adjusting. In my code it was because I had a class that had the same name as a library within one of my controllers and it seemed to trip it up.

Output errors and see where this is being triggered.

Checking oracle sid and database name

The V$ views are mainly dynamic views of system metrics. They are used for performance tuning, session monitoring, etc. So access is limited to DBA users by default, which is why you're getting ORA-00942.

The easiest way of finding the database name is:

select * from global_name;

This view is granted to PUBLIC, so anybody can query it.

How to sort pandas data frame using values from several columns?

DataFrame.sort is deprecated; use DataFrame.sort_values.

>>> df.sort_values(['c1','c2'], ascending=[False,True])
   c1   c2
0   3   10
3   2   15
1   2   30
4   2  100
2   1   20
>>> df.sort(['c1','c2'], ascending=[False,True])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/ampawake/anaconda/envs/pseudo/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 3614, in __getattr__
    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'sort'

How to left align a fixed width string?

I definitely prefer the format method more, as it is very flexible and can be easily extended to your custom classes by defining __format__ or the str or repr representations. For the sake of keeping it simple, i am using print in the following examples, which can be replaced by sys.stdout.write.

Simple Examples: alignment / filling

#Justify / ALign (left, mid, right)
print("{0:<10}".format("Guido"))    # 'Guido     '
print("{0:>10}".format("Guido"))    # '     Guido'
print("{0:^10}".format("Guido"))    # '  Guido   '

We can add next to the align specifies which are ^, < and > a fill character to replace the space by any other character

print("{0:.^10}".format("Guido"))    #..Guido...

Multiinput examples: align and fill many inputs

print("{0:.<20} {1:.>20} {2:.^20} ".format("Product", "Price", "Sum"))
#'Product............. ...............Price ........Sum.........'

Advanced Examples

If you have your custom classes, you can define it's str or repr representations as follows:

class foo(object):
    def __str__(self):
        return "...::4::.."

    def __repr__(self):
        return "...::12::.."

Now you can use the !s (str) or !r (repr) to tell python to call those defined methods. If nothing is defined, Python defaults to __format__ which can be overwritten as well. x = foo()

print "{0!r:<10}".format(x)    #'...::12::..'
print "{0!s:<10}".format(x)    #'...::4::..'

Source: Python Essential Reference, David M. Beazley, 4th Edition

javascript getting my textbox to display a variable

function myfunction() {_x000D_
  var first = document.getElementById("textbox1").value;_x000D_
  var second = document.getElementById("textbox2").value;_x000D_
  var answer = parseFloat(first) + parseFloat(second);_x000D_
  var textbox3 = document.getElementById('textbox3');_x000D_
  textbox3.value = answer;_x000D_
<input type="text" name="textbox1" id="textbox1" /> + <input type="text" name="textbox2" id="textbox2" />_x000D_
<input type="submit" name="button" id="button1" onclick="myfunction()" value="=" />_x000D_
<br/> Your answer is:--_x000D_
<input type="text" name="textbox3" id="textbox3" readonly="true" />

Why is my method undefined for the type object?

It should be like that

public static void main(String[] args) {
        EchoServer0 e = new EchoServer0();
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

Your variable of type Object truly doesn't have such a method, but the type EchoServer0 you define above certainly has.

Copy data from one existing row to another existing row in SQL?

Maybe I read the problem wrong, but I believe you already have inserted the course 11 records and simply need to update those that meet the criteria you listed with course 6's data.

If this is the case, you'll want to use an UPDATE...FROM statement:

    complete = 1,
    complete_date = newdata.complete_date,
    post_score = newdata.post_score
    FROM MyTable
        courseID = 6
        AND complete = 1
        AND complete_date > '8/1/2008'
    ) newdata
    CourseID = 11
    AND userID = newdata.userID

See this related SO question for more info

Set opacity of background image without affecting child elements

To really fine-tune things, I recommend placing the appropriate selections in browser-targeting wrappers. This was the only thing that worked for me when I could not get IE7 and IE8 to "play nicely with others" (as I am currently working for a software company who continues to support them).

/* color or background image for all browsers, of course */            
#myBackground {
/* target chrome & safari without disrupting IE7-8 */
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
    #myBackground {
/* target firefox without disrupting IE */
@-moz-document url-prefix() {
    #myBackground {
/* and IE last so it doesn't blow up */
#myBackground {
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0.5);

I may have redundancies in the above code -- if anyone wishes to clean it up further, feel free!

CertPathValidatorException : Trust anchor for certificate path not found - Retrofit Android

 Use the below code to solve the CertPathValidatorException issue.

 Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()

  public static OkHttpClient.Builder getUnsafeOkHttpClient() {

    try {
        // Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
        final TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[]{
                new X509TrustManager() {
                    public void checkClientTrusted([] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

                    public void checkServerTrusted([] chain, String authType) throws CertificateException {

                    public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
                        return new[]{};

        // Install the all-trusting trust manager
        final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
        sslContext.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;

        // Create an ssl socket factory with our all-trusting manager
        final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();

        OkHttpClient.Builder builder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
        builder.sslSocketFactory(sslSocketFactory, (X509TrustManager) trustAllCerts[0]);
        builder.hostnameVerifier(new HostnameVerifier() {
            public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) {
                return true;
        return builder;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

For more details visit

What does LPCWSTR stand for and how should it be handled with?

LPCWSTR stands for "Long Pointer to Constant Wide String". The W stands for Wide and means that the string is stored in a 2 byte character vs. the normal char. Common for any C/C++ code that has to deal with non-ASCII only strings.=

To get a normal C literal string to assign to a LPCWSTR, you need to prefix it with L

LPCWSTR a = L"TestWindow";

iOS detect if user is on an iPad

In Swift 4.2 and Xcode 10

if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .phone {
    //This is iPhone
} else if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .pad { 
    //This is iPad
} else if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .tv {
    //This is Apple TV

If you want to detect specific device

let screenHeight = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height
if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .phone {
    if (screenHeight >= 667) {
        print("iPhone 6 and later")
    } else if (screenHeight == 568) {
        print("SE, 5C, 5S")
    } else if(screenHeight<=480){
} else if UIDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == .pad { 
    //This is iPad

How to compare only date in moment.js

Meanwhile you can use the isSameOrAfter method:

moment('2010-10-20').isSameOrAfter('2010-10-20', 'day');


SQL Server CASE .. WHEN .. IN statement

Thanks for the Answer I have modified the statements to look like below

    WHEN DeviceID IN('7', '10', '62', '58', '60',
            '46', '48', '50', '137', '139',
             '141', '145', '164') THEN '01'
    WHEN DeviceID IN('8', '9', '63', '59', '61',
            '47', '49', '51', '138', '140',
            '142', '146', '165') THEN '02'
             ELSE 'NA' END AS clocking,

Convert an image (selected by path) to base64 string

You can use Server.Map path to give relative path and then you can either create image using base64 conversion or you can just add base64 string to image src.

byte[] imageArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath("~/Images/Upload_Image.png"));

string base64ImageRepresentation = Convert.ToBase64String(imageArray);

Adding css class through aspx code behind

If you're not using the id for anything other than code-behind reference (since .net mangles the ids), you could use a panel control and reference it in your codebehind:

<asp:panel runat="server" id="classMe"></asp:panel>

classMe.cssClass = "someClass"

How to convert string representation of list to a list?

The json module is a better solution whenever there is a stringified list of dictionaries. The json.loads(your_data) function can be used to convert it to a list.

>>> import json
>>> x = '[ "A","B","C" , " D"]'
>>> json.loads(x)
['A', 'B', 'C', ' D']


>>> x = '[ "A","B","C" , {"D":"E"}]'
>>> json.loads(x)
['A', 'B', 'C', {'D': 'E'}]

How to get JSON from webpage into Python script

This gets a dictionary in JSON format from a webpage with Python 2.X and Python 3.X:

#!/usr/bin/env python

    # For Python 3.0 and later
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    # Fall back to Python 2's urllib2
    from urllib2 import urlopen

import json

def get_jsonparsed_data(url):
    Receive the content of ``url``, parse it as JSON and return the object.

    url : str

    response = urlopen(url)
    data ="utf-8")
    return json.loads(data)

url = (""

See also: Read and write example for JSON

How to unescape HTML character entities in Java?

I have used the Apache Commons StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4() for this:

Unescapes a string containing entity escapes to a string containing the actual Unicode characters corresponding to the escapes. Supports HTML 4.0 entities.

Iterating over ResultSet and adding its value in an ArrayList

Just for the fun, I'm offering an alternative solution using jOOQ and Java 8. Instead of using jOOQ, you could be using any other API that maps JDBC ResultSet to List, such as Spring JDBC or Apache DbUtils, or write your own ResultSetIterator:

jOOQ 3.8 or less

List<Object> list =
   .fetch("SELECT col1, col2, col3, ...")
   .flatMap(r ->

jOOQ 3.9

List<Object> list =
   .fetch("SELECT col1, col2, col3, ...")

(Disclaimer, I work for the company behind jOOQ)

How to get the number of columns from a JDBC ResultSet?

After establising the connection and executing the query try this:

 ResultSet resultSet;
 int columnCount = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
 System.out.println("column count : "+columnCount);

How do I use a third-party DLL file in Visual Studio C++?

As everyone else says, LoadLibrary is the hard way to do it, and is hardly ever necessary.

The DLL should have come with a .lib file for linking, and one or more header files to #include into your sources. The header files will define the classes and function prototypes that you can use from the DLL. You will need this even if you use LoadLibrary.

To link with the library, you might have to add the .lib file to the project configuration under Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies.

How to find all occurrences of a substring?

Here's a (very inefficient) way to get all (i.e. even overlapping) matches:

>>> string = "test test test test"
>>> [i for i in range(len(string)) if string.startswith('test', i)]
[0, 5, 10, 15]

What is the simplest way to swap each pair of adjoining chars in a string with Python?


>>> s = 'badcfe'
>>> ''.join([ s[x:x+2][::-1] for x in range(0, len(s), 2) ])
  • s[x:x+2] returns string slice from x to x+2; it is safe for odd len(s).
  • [::-1] reverses the string in Python
  • range(0, len(s), 2) returns 0, 2, 4, 6 ... while x < len(s)

Angular CLI - Please add a @NgModule annotation when using latest

In my case, I created a new ChildComponent in Parentcomponent whereas both in the same module but Parent is registered in a shared module so I created ChildComponent using CLI which registered Child in the current module but my parent was registered in the shared module.

So register the ChildComponent in Shared Module manually.

What's the difference between a null pointer and a void pointer?

Void refers to the type. Basically the type of data that it points to is unknown.

Null refers to the value. It's essentially a pointer to nothing, and is invalid to use.

Global Variable from a different file Python

Just put your globals in the file you are importing.

Negative weights using Dijkstra's Algorithm

TL;DR: The answer depends on your implementation. For the pseudo code you posted, it works with negative weights.

Variants of Dijkstra's Algorithm

The key is there are 3 kinds of implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm, but all the answers under this question ignore the differences among these variants.

  1. Using a nested for-loop to relax vertices. This is the easiest way to implement Dijkstra's algorithm. The time complexity is O(V^2).
  2. Priority-queue/heap based implementation + NO re-entrance allowed, where re-entrance means a relaxed vertex can be pushed into the priority-queue again to be relaxed again later.
  3. Priority-queue/heap based implementation + re-entrance allowed.

Version 1 & 2 will fail on graphs with negative weights (if you get the correct answer in such cases, it is just a coincidence), but version 3 still works.

The pseudo code posted under the original problem is the version 3 above, so it works with negative weights.

Here is a good reference from Algorithm (4th edition), which says (and contains the java implementation of version 2 & 3 I mentioned above):

Q. Does Dijkstra's algorithm work with negative weights?

A. Yes and no. There are two shortest paths algorithms known as Dijkstra's algorithm, depending on whether a vertex can be enqueued on the priority queue more than once. When the weights are nonnegative, the two versions coincide (as no vertex will be enqueued more than once). The version implemented in (which allows a vertex to be enqueued more than once) is correct in the presence of negative edge weights (but no negative cycles) but its running time is exponential in the worst case. (We note that throws an exception if the edge-weighted digraph has an edge with a negative weight, so that a programmer is not surprised by this exponential behavior.) If we modify so that a vertex cannot be enqueued more than once (e.g., using a marked[] array to mark those vertices that have been relaxed), then the algorithm is guaranteed to run in E log V time but it may yield incorrect results when there are edges with negative weights.

For more implementation details and the connection of version 3 with Bellman-Ford algorithm, please see this answer from zhihu. It is also my answer (but in Chinese). Currently I don't have time to translate it into English. I really appreciate it if someone could do this and edit this answer on stackoverflow.