Programs & Examples On #Base64

Base64 is a set of encoding schemes that represent binary data in an ASCII string format.

Decoding a Base64 string in Java

The following should work with the latest version of Apache common codec

byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode("YWJjZGVmZw==");
System.out.println(new String(decodedBytes));

and for encoding

byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(decodedBytes);
System.out.println(new String(encodedBytes));

Android Bitmap to Base64 String

Try this, first scale your image to required width and height, just pass your original bitmap, required width and required height to the following method and get scaled bitmap in return:

For example: Bitmap scaledBitmap = getScaledBitmap(originalBitmap, 250, 350);

private Bitmap getScaledBitmap(Bitmap b, int reqWidth, int reqHeight)
    int bWidth = b.getWidth();
    int bHeight = b.getHeight();

    int nWidth = bWidth;
    int nHeight = bHeight;

    if(nWidth > reqWidth)
        int ratio = bWidth / reqWidth;
        if(ratio > 0)
            nWidth = reqWidth;
            nHeight = bHeight / ratio;

    if(nHeight > reqHeight)
        int ratio = bHeight / reqHeight;
        if(ratio > 0)
            nHeight = reqHeight;
            nWidth = bWidth / ratio;

    return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(b, nWidth, nHeight, true);

Now just pass your scaled bitmap to the following method and get base64 string in return:

For example: String base64String = getBase64String(scaledBitmap);

private String getBase64String(Bitmap bitmap)
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);

    byte[] imageBytes = baos.toByteArray();

    String base64String = Base64.encodeToString(imageBytes, Base64.NO_WRAP);

    return base64String;

To decode the base64 string back to bitmap image:

byte[] decodedByteArray = Base64.decode(base64String, Base64.NO_WRAP);
Bitmap decodedBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedByteArray, 0, decodedString.length);

Base64 encoding in SQL Server 2005 T-SQL

I know this has already been answered, but I just spent more time than I care to admit coming up with single-line SQL statements to accomplish this, so I'll share them here in case anyone else needs to do the same:

-- Encode the string "TestData" in Base64 to get "VGVzdERhdGE="
    CAST(N'' AS XML).value(
        , 'VARCHAR(MAX)'
    )   Base64Encoding
) AS bin_sql_server_temp;

-- Decode the Base64-encoded string "VGVzdERhdGE=" to get back "TestData"
        CAST(N'' AS XML).value(
          , 'VARBINARY(MAX)'
    )   ASCIIEncoding

I had to use a subquery-generated table in the first (encoding) query because I couldn't find any way to convert the original value ("TestData") to its hex string representation ("5465737444617461") to include as the argument to xs:hexBinary() in the XQuery statement.

I hope this helps someone!

How can I save a base64-encoded image to disk?

You can use a third-party library like base64-img or base64-to-image.

  1. base64-img
const base64Img = require('base64-img');

const data = 'data:image/png;base64,...';
const destpath = 'dir/to/save/image';
const filename = 'some-filename';

base64Img.img(data, destpath, filename, (err, filepath) => {}); // Asynchronous using

const filepath = base64Img.imgSync(data, destpath, filename); // Synchronous using
  1. base64-to-image
const base64ToImage = require('base64-to-image');

const base64Str = 'data:image/png;base64,...';
const path = 'dir/to/save/image/'; // Add trailing slash
const optionalObj = { fileName: 'some-filename', type: 'png' };

const { imageType, fileName } = base64ToImage(base64Str, path, optionalObj); // Only synchronous using

Convert base64 png data to javascript file objects

You can create a Blob from your base64 data, and then read it asDataURL:

var img_b64 = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
var png = img_b64.split(',')[1];

var the_file = new Blob([window.atob(png)],  {type: 'image/png', encoding: 'utf-8'});

var fr = new FileReader();
fr.onload = function ( oFREvent ) {
    var v =',')[1]; // encoding is messed up here, so we fix it
    v = atob(v);
    var good_b64 = btoa(decodeURIComponent(escape(v)));
    document.getElementById("uploadPreview").src = "data:image/png;base64," + good_b64;

Full example (includes junk code and console log):

Alternatively, you can use .readAsText, it works fine, and its more elegant.. but for some reason text does not sound right ;)

fr.onload = function ( oFREvent ) {
    document.getElementById("uploadPreview").src = "data:image/png;base64,"
    + btoa(;
fr.readAsText(the_file, "utf-8"); // its important to specify encoding here

Full example:

Base 64 encode and decode example code

Based on the previous answers I'm using the following utility methods in case anyone would like to use it.

 * @param message the message to be encoded
 * @return the enooded from of the message
public static String toBase64(String message) {
    byte[] data;
    try {
        data = message.getBytes("UTF-8");
        String base64Sms = Base64.encodeToString(data, Base64.DEFAULT);
        return base64Sms;
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    return null;

 * @param message the encoded message
 * @return the decoded message
public static String fromBase64(String message) {
    byte[] data = Base64.decode(message, Base64.DEFAULT);
    try {
        return new String(data, "UTF-8");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

    return null;

Why does a base64 encoded string have an = sign at the end

Its defined in RFC 2045 as a special padding character if fewer than 24 bits are available at the end of the encoded data.

How can you encode a string to Base64 in JavaScript?

if you need to encode HTML image object, you can write simple function like:

function getBase64Image(img) {  
  var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");  
  canvas.width = img.width;  
  canvas.height = img.height;  
  var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");  
  ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);  
  var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");  
  // escape data:image prefix
  return dataURL.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "");  
  // or just return dataURL
  // return dataURL

To get base64 of image by id:

function getBase64ImageById(id){  
  return getBase64Image(document.getElementById(id));  

more here

How to convert base64 string to image?

You can try using open-cv to save the file since it helps with image type conversions internally. The sample code:

import cv2
import numpy as np

def save(encoded_data, filename):
    nparr = np.fromstring(encoded_data.decode('base64'), np.uint8)
    img = cv2.imdecode(nparr, cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR)
    return cv2.imwrite(filename, img)

Then somewhere in your code you can use it like this:

save(base_64_string, 'testfile.png');
save(base_64_string, 'testfile.jpg');
save(base_64_string, 'testfile.bmp');

Base64 Java encode and decode a string

You can use following approach:

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;

// Encode data on your side using BASE64
byte[] bytesEncoded = Base64.encodeBase64(str.getBytes());
System.out.println("encoded value is " + new String(bytesEncoded));

// Decode data on other side, by processing encoded data
byte[] valueDecoded = Base64.decodeBase64(bytesEncoded);
System.out.println("Decoded value is " + new String(valueDecoded));

Hope this answers your doubt.

Is embedding background image data into CSS as Base64 good or bad practice?

I disagree with the recommendation to create separate CSS files for non-editorial images.

Assuming the images are for UI purposes, it's presentation layer styling, and as mentioned above, if you're doing mobile UI's its definitely a good idea to keep all styling in a single file so it can be cached once.

Send a base64 image in HTML email

An alternative approach may be to embed images in the email using the cid method. (Basically including the image as an attachment, and then embedding it). In my experience, this approach seems to be well supported these days.

enter image description here


Passing base64 encoded strings in URL

There are additional base64 specs. (See the table here for specifics ). But essentially you need 65 chars to encode: 26 lowercase + 26 uppercase + 10 digits = 62.

You need two more ['+', '/'] and a padding char '='. But none of them are url friendly, so just use different chars for them and you're set. The standard ones from the chart above are ['-', '_'], but you could use other chars as long as you decoded them the same, and didn't need to share with others.

I'd recommend just writing your own helpers. Like these from the comments on the php manual page for base64_encode:

function base64_url_encode($input) {
 return strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/=', '._-');

function base64_url_decode($input) {
 return base64_decode(strtr($input, '._-', '+/='));

How to convert an Image to base64 string in java?

this did it for me. you can vary the options for the output format to Base64.Default whatsoever.

// encode base64 from image
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
imageBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, baos);
byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
encodedString = Base64.encodeToString(b, Base64.URL_SAFE | Base64.NO_WRAP);

How to get base64 encoded data from html image

You can also use the FileReader class :

    var reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = function (e) {
        var data = this.result;
    reader.readAsDataURL( file );

How can I convert an image into Base64 string using JavaScript?

This snippet can convert your string, image and even video file to Base64 string data.

<input id="inputFileToLoad" type="file" onchange="encodeImageFileAsURL();" />_x000D_
<div id="imgTest"></div>_x000D_
<script type='text/javascript'>_x000D_
  function encodeImageFileAsURL() {_x000D_
    var filesSelected = document.getElementById("inputFileToLoad").files;_x000D_
    if (filesSelected.length > 0) {_x000D_
      var fileToLoad = filesSelected[0];_x000D_
      var fileReader = new FileReader();_x000D_
      fileReader.onload = function(fileLoadedEvent) {_x000D_
        var srcData =; // <--- data: base64_x000D_
        var newImage = document.createElement('img');_x000D_
        newImage.src = srcData;_x000D_
        document.getElementById("imgTest").innerHTML = newImage.outerHTML;_x000D_
        alert("Converted Base64 version is " + document.getElementById("imgTest").innerHTML);_x000D_
        console.log("Converted Base64 version is " + document.getElementById("imgTest").innerHTML);_x000D_

How do I base64 encode a string efficiently using Excel VBA?

This code works very fast. It comes from here

Option Explicit

Private Const clOneMask = 16515072          '000000 111111 111111 111111
Private Const clTwoMask = 258048            '111111 000000 111111 111111
Private Const clThreeMask = 4032            '111111 111111 000000 111111
Private Const clFourMask = 63               '111111 111111 111111 000000

Private Const clHighMask = 16711680         '11111111 00000000 00000000
Private Const clMidMask = 65280             '00000000 11111111 00000000
Private Const clLowMask = 255               '00000000 00000000 11111111

Private Const cl2Exp18 = 262144             '2 to the 18th power
Private Const cl2Exp12 = 4096               '2 to the 12th
Private Const cl2Exp6 = 64                  '2 to the 6th
Private Const cl2Exp8 = 256                 '2 to the 8th
Private Const cl2Exp16 = 65536              '2 to the 16th

Public Function Encode64(sString As String) As String

    Dim bTrans(63) As Byte, lPowers8(255) As Long, lPowers16(255) As Long, bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte
    Dim lChar As Long, lTrip As Long, iPad As Integer, lLen As Long, lTemp As Long, lPos As Long, lOutSize As Long

    For lTemp = 0 To 63                                 'Fill the translation table.
        Select Case lTemp
            Case 0 To 25
                bTrans(lTemp) = 65 + lTemp              'A - Z
            Case 26 To 51
                bTrans(lTemp) = 71 + lTemp              'a - z
            Case 52 To 61
                bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp - 4               '1 - 0
            Case 62
                bTrans(lTemp) = 43                      'Chr(43) = "+"
            Case 63
                bTrans(lTemp) = 47                      'Chr(47) = "/"
        End Select
    Next lTemp

    For lTemp = 0 To 255                                'Fill the 2^8 and 2^16 lookup tables.
        lPowers8(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp8
        lPowers16(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp16
    Next lTemp

    iPad = Len(sString) Mod 3                           'See if the length is divisible by 3
    If iPad Then                                        'If not, figure out the end pad and resize the input.
        iPad = 3 - iPad
        sString = sString & String(iPad, Chr(0))
    End If

    bIn = StrConv(sString, vbFromUnicode)               'Load the input string.
    lLen = ((UBound(bIn) + 1) \ 3) * 4                  'Length of resulting string.
    lTemp = lLen \ 72                                   'Added space for vbCrLfs.
    lOutSize = ((lTemp * 2) + lLen) - 1                 'Calculate the size of the output buffer.
    ReDim bOut(lOutSize)                                'Make the output buffer.

    lLen = 0                                            'Reusing this one, so reset it.

    For lChar = LBound(bIn) To UBound(bIn) Step 3
        lTrip = lPowers16(bIn(lChar)) + lPowers8(bIn(lChar + 1)) + bIn(lChar + 2)    'Combine the 3 bytes
        lTemp = lTrip And clOneMask                     'Mask for the first 6 bits
        bOut(lPos) = bTrans(lTemp \ cl2Exp18)           'Shift it down to the low 6 bits and get the value
        lTemp = lTrip And clTwoMask                     'Mask for the second set.
        bOut(lPos + 1) = bTrans(lTemp \ cl2Exp12)       'Shift it down and translate.
        lTemp = lTrip And clThreeMask                   'Mask for the third set.
        bOut(lPos + 2) = bTrans(lTemp \ cl2Exp6)        'Shift it down and translate.
        bOut(lPos + 3) = bTrans(lTrip And clFourMask)   'Mask for the low set.
        If lLen = 68 Then                               'Ready for a newline
            bOut(lPos + 4) = 13                         'Chr(13) = vbCr
            bOut(lPos + 5) = 10                         'Chr(10) = vbLf
            lLen = 0                                    'Reset the counter
            lPos = lPos + 6
            lLen = lLen + 4
            lPos = lPos + 4
        End If
    Next lChar

    If bOut(lOutSize) = 10 Then lOutSize = lOutSize - 2 'Shift the padding chars down if it ends with CrLf.

    If iPad = 1 Then                                    'Add the padding chars if any.
        bOut(lOutSize) = 61                             'Chr(61) = "="
    ElseIf iPad = 2 Then
        bOut(lOutSize) = 61
        bOut(lOutSize - 1) = 61
    End If

    Encode64 = StrConv(bOut, vbUnicode)                 'Convert back to a string and return it.

End Function

Public Function Decode64(sString As String) As String

    Dim bOut() As Byte, bIn() As Byte, bTrans(255) As Byte, lPowers6(63) As Long, lPowers12(63) As Long
    Dim lPowers18(63) As Long, lQuad As Long, iPad As Integer, lChar As Long, lPos As Long, sOut As String
    Dim lTemp As Long

    sString = Replace(sString, vbCr, vbNullString)      'Get rid of the vbCrLfs.  These could be in...
    sString = Replace(sString, vbLf, vbNullString)      'either order.

    lTemp = Len(sString) Mod 4                          'Test for valid input.
    If lTemp Then
        Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError, "MyDecode", "Input string is not valid Base64.")
    End If

    If InStrRev(sString, "==") Then                     'InStrRev is faster when you know it's at the end.
        iPad = 2                                        'Note:  These translate to 0, so you can leave them...
    ElseIf InStrRev(sString, "=") Then                  'in the string and just resize the output.
        iPad = 1
    End If

    For lTemp = 0 To 255                                'Fill the translation table.
        Select Case lTemp
            Case 65 To 90
                bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp - 65              'A - Z
            Case 97 To 122
                bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp - 71              'a - z
            Case 48 To 57
                bTrans(lTemp) = lTemp + 4               '1 - 0
            Case 43
                bTrans(lTemp) = 62                      'Chr(43) = "+"
            Case 47
                bTrans(lTemp) = 63                      'Chr(47) = "/"
        End Select
    Next lTemp

    For lTemp = 0 To 63                                 'Fill the 2^6, 2^12, and 2^18 lookup tables.
        lPowers6(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp6
        lPowers12(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp12
        lPowers18(lTemp) = lTemp * cl2Exp18
    Next lTemp

    bIn = StrConv(sString, vbFromUnicode)               'Load the input byte array.
    ReDim bOut((((UBound(bIn) + 1) \ 4) * 3) - 1)       'Prepare the output buffer.

    For lChar = 0 To UBound(bIn) Step 4
        lQuad = lPowers18(bTrans(bIn(lChar))) + lPowers12(bTrans(bIn(lChar + 1))) + _
                lPowers6(bTrans(bIn(lChar + 2))) + bTrans(bIn(lChar + 3))           'Rebuild the bits.
        lTemp = lQuad And clHighMask                    'Mask for the first byte
        bOut(lPos) = lTemp \ cl2Exp16                   'Shift it down
        lTemp = lQuad And clMidMask                     'Mask for the second byte
        bOut(lPos + 1) = lTemp \ cl2Exp8                'Shift it down
        bOut(lPos + 2) = lQuad And clLowMask            'Mask for the third byte
        lPos = lPos + 3
    Next lChar

    sOut = StrConv(bOut, vbUnicode)                     'Convert back to a string.
    If iPad Then sOut = Left$(sOut, Len(sOut) - iPad)   'Chop off any extra bytes.
    Decode64 = sOut

End Function

How to save a base64 image to user's disk using JavaScript?

In JavaScript you cannot have the direct access to the filesystem. However, you can make browser to pop up a dialog window allowing the user to pick the save location. In order to do this, use the replace method with your Base64String and replace "image/png" with "image/octet-stream":

"...".replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");

Also, W3C-compliant browsers provide 2 methods to work with base64-encoded and binary data:

Probably, you will find them useful in a way...

Here is a refactored version of what I understand you need:

window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {_x000D_
  const img = document.getElementById('embedImage');_x000D_
  img.src = '' +_x000D_
  img.addEventListener('load', () => button.removeAttribute('disabled'));_x000D_
  const button = document.getElementById('saveImage');_x000D_
  button.addEventListener('click', () => {_x000D_
    window.location.href = img.src.replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream');_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  <img id="embedImage" alt="Red dot" />_x000D_
  <button id="saveImage" disabled="disabled">save image</button>_x000D_

Creating a BLOB from a Base64 string in JavaScript

See this example:

function b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType, sliceSize) {_x000D_
  contentType = contentType || '';_x000D_
  sliceSize = sliceSize || 512;_x000D_
  var byteCharacters = atob(b64Data);_x000D_
  var byteArrays = [];_x000D_
  for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {_x000D_
    var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);_x000D_
    var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);_x000D_
    for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {_x000D_
      byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);_x000D_
    var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);_x000D_
  var blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});_x000D_
  return blob;_x000D_
var contentType = 'image/png';_x000D_
var b64Data = Your Base64 encode;_x000D_
var blob = b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType);_x000D_
var blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);_x000D_
var img = document.createElement('img');_x000D_
img.src = blobUrl;_x000D_

Invalid length for a Base-64 char array

The encrypted string had two special characters, + and =.

'+' sign was giving the error, so below solution worked well:

//replace + sign

encryted_string = encryted_string.Replace("+", "%2b");

//`%2b` is HTTP encoded string for **+** sign


//encode special charactes 

encryted_string = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(encryted_string);

//then pass it to the decryption process

Is there a way to set background-image as a base64 encoded image?

I tried to do the same as you, but apparently the backgroundImage doesn't work with encoded data. As an alternative, I suggest to use CSS classes and the change between those classes.

If you are generating the data "on the fly" you can load the CSS files dynamically.


.backgroundA {
    background-image: url("");

.backgroundB {


<div id="test" height="20px" class="backgroundA"> 
  div test 1
<div id="test2" name="test2" height="20px" class="backgroundB">
  div test2
<input type="button" id="btn" />


function change() {
    if (document.getElementById("test").className =="backgroundA") {
    } else {

btn.onclick= change;

I fiddled it here, press the button and it will switch the divs' backgrounds:

Base64 length calculation?

I believe that this one is an exact answer if n%3 not zero, no ?

    (n + 3-n%3)
4 * ---------

Mathematica version :

SizeB64[n_] := If[Mod[n, 3] == 0, 4 n/3, 4 (n + 3 - Mod[n, 3])/3]

Have fun


Convert base64 string to image

Hi This is my solution

Javascript code

var base64before = document.querySelector('img').src;
var base64 = base64before.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "");
var httpPost = new XMLHttpRequest();
var path = "your url";
var data = JSON.stringify(base64);"POST", path, false);
// Set the content type of the request to json since that's what's being sent
httpPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

This is my Java code.

public void saveImage(InputStream imageStream){
InputStream inStream = imageStream;

try {
    String dataString = convertStreamToString(inStream);

    byte[] imageBytes = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(dataString);
    BufferedImage image = ByteArrayInputStream(imageBytes));
    // write the image to a file
    File outputfile = new File("/Users/paul/Desktop/testkey/myImage.png");
    ImageIO.write(image, "png", outputfile);

    }catch(Exception e) {

static String convertStreamToString( is) {
    java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A");
    return s.hasNext() ? : "";

How to check whether a string is Base64 encoded or not

var base64Rejex = /^(?:[A-Z0-9+\/]{4})*(?:[A-Z0-9+\/]{2}==|[A-Z0-9+\/]{3}=|[A-Z0-9+\/]{4})$/i;
var isBase64Valid = base64Rejex.test(base64Data); // base64Data is the base64 string

if (isBase64Valid) {
    // true if base64 formate
    console.log('It is base64');
} else {
    // false if not in base64 formate
    console.log('it is not in base64');

How to encode text to base64 in python

Remember to import base64 and that b64encode takes bytes as an argument.

import base64
base64.b64encode(bytes('your string', 'utf-8'))

Write Base64-encoded image to file

With Java 8's Base64 API

byte[] decodedImg = Base64.getDecoder()
Path destinationFile = Paths.get("/path/to/imageDir", "myImage.jpg");
Files.write(destinationFile, decodedImg);

If your encoded image starts with something like ..., you'll have to remove the part. See this answer for an easy way to do that.

Can we convert a byte array into an InputStream in Java?

If you use Robert Harder's Base64 utility, then you can do:

InputStream is = new Base64.InputStream(cph);

Or with sun's JRE, you can do:

InputStream is = new

However don't rely on that class continuing to be a part of the JRE, or even continuing to do what it seems to do today. Sun say not to use it.

There are other Stack Overflow questions about Base64 decoding, such as this one.

Embedding Base64 Images

Update: 2017-01-10

Data URIs are now supported by all major browsers. IE supports embedding images since version 8 as well.

Data URIs are now supported by the following web browsers:

  • Gecko-based, such as Firefox, SeaMonkey, XeroBank, Camino, Fennec and K-Meleon
  • Konqueror, via KDE's KIO slaves input/output system
  • Opera (including devices such as the Nintendo DSi or Wii)
  • WebKit-based, such as Safari (including on iOS), Android's browser, Epiphany and Midori (WebKit is a derivative of Konqueror's KHTML engine, but Mac OS X does not share the KIO architecture so the implementations are different), as well as Webkit/Chromium-based, such as Chrome
  • Trident
    • Internet Explorer 8: Microsoft has limited its support to certain "non-navigable" content for security reasons, including concerns that JavaScript embedded in a data URI may not be interpretable by script filters such as those used by web-based email clients. Data URIs must be smaller than 32 KiB in Version 8[3].
    • Data URIs are supported only for the following elements and/or attributes[4]:
      • object (images only)
      • img
      • input type=image
      • link
    • CSS declarations that accept a URL, such as background-image, background, list-style-type, list-style and similar.
    • Internet Explorer 9: Internet Explorer 9 does not have 32KiB limitation and allowed in broader elements.
    • TheWorld Browser: An IE shell browser which has a built-in support for Data URI scheme

The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character

I arranged a similar context as you described and I faced the same error. I managed to get it working by removing the " from the beginning and the end of the content and by replacing \/ with /.

Here is the code snippet:

var result = client.Execute(request);
var response = result.Content
    .Substring(1, result.Content.Length - 2)
byte[] d = Convert.FromBase64String(response);

As an alternative, you might consider using XML for the response format:

[WebGet(UriTemplate = "ReadFile/Convert", ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Xml)]  
public string ExportToExcel() { //... }

On the client side:

request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/xml");
request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/xml");
request.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentType = "application/xml"; };

var result = client.Execute(request);
var doc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
var xml = doc.InnerText;
byte[] d = Convert.FromBase64String(xml);

What is the effect of encoding an image in base64?

Here's a really helpful overview of when to base64 encode and when not to by David Calhoun.

Basic answer = gzipped base64 encoded files will be roughly comparable in file size to standard binary (jpg/png). Gzip'd binary files will have a smaller file size.

Takeaway = There's some advantage to encoding and gzipping your UI icons, etc, but unwise to do this for larger images.

Converting file into Base64String and back again

Another working example in VB.NET:

Public Function base64Encode(ByVal myDataToEncode As String) As String
        Dim myEncodeData_byte As Byte() = New Byte(myDataToEncode.Length - 1) {}
        myEncodeData_byte = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myDataToEncode)
        Dim myEncodedData As String = Convert.ToBase64String(myEncodeData_byte)
        Return myEncodedData
    Catch ex As Exception
        Throw (New Exception("Error in base64Encode" & ex.Message))
    End Try
End Function

How do I base64 encode (decode) in C?

Here is an optimized version of encoder for the accepted answer, that also supports line-breaking for MIME and other protocols (simlar optimization can be applied to the decoder):

 char *base64_encode(const unsigned char *data,
                    size_t input_length,
                    size_t *output_length,
                    bool addLineBreaks)

    *output_length = 4 * ((input_length + 2) / 3);
    if (addLineBreaks) *output_length += *output_length / 38; //  CRLF after each 76 chars

    char *encoded_data = malloc(*output_length);
    if (encoded_data == NULL) return NULL;

    UInt32 octet_a;
    UInt32 octet_b;
    UInt32 octet_c;
    UInt32 triple;
    int lineCount = 0;
    int sizeMod = size - (size % 3); // check if there is a partial triplet
    // adding all octet triplets, before partial last triplet
    for (; offset < sizeMod; ) 
        octet_a = data[offset++];
        octet_b = data[offset++];
        octet_c = data[offset++];

        triple = (octet_a << 0x10) + (octet_b << 0x08) + octet_c;

        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 3 * 6) & 0x3F];
        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 2 * 6) & 0x3F];
        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 1 * 6) & 0x3F];
        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 0 * 6) & 0x3F];
        if (addLineBreaks)
            if (++lineCount == 19)
                encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = 13;
                encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = 10;
                lineCount = 0;

    // last bytes
    if (sizeMod < size)
        octet_a = data[offset++]; // first octect always added
        octet_b = offset < size ? data[offset++] : (UInt32)0; // conditional 2nd octet
        octet_c = (UInt32)0; // last character is definitely padded

        triple = (octet_a << 0x10) + (octet_b << 0x08) + octet_c;

        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 3 * 6) & 0x3F];
        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 2 * 6) & 0x3F];
        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 1 * 6) & 0x3F];
        encoded_data[mBufferPos++] = encoding_table[(triple >> 0 * 6) & 0x3F];

        // add padding '='
        sizeMod = size % 3; 
        // last character is definitely padded
        encoded_data[mBufferPos - 1] = (byte)'=';
        if (sizeMod == 1) encoded_data[mBufferPos - 2] = (byte)'=';

Base64 String throwing invalid character error

You say

The string is exactly what was written to the file (with the addition of a "\0" at the end, but I don't think that even does anything).

In fact, it does do something (it causes your code to throw a FormatException:"Invalid character in a Base-64 string") because the Convert.FromBase64String does not consider "\0" to be a valid Base64 character.

  byte[] data1 = Convert.FromBase64String("AAAA\0"); // Throws exception
  byte[] data2 = Convert.FromBase64String("AAAA");   // Works

Solution: Get rid of the zero termination. (Maybe call .Trim("\0"))


The MSDN docs for Convert.FromBase64String say it will throw a FormatException when

The length of s, ignoring white space characters, is not zero or a multiple of 4.


The format of s is invalid. s contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or a non-white space character among the padding characters.

and that

The base 64 digits in ascending order from zero are the uppercase characters 'A' to 'Z', lowercase characters 'a' to 'z', numerals '0' to '9', and the symbols '+' and '/'.

Get Base64 encode file-data from Input Form

Inspired by @Josef's answer:

const fileToBase64 = async (file) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const reader = new FileReader()
    reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result)
    reader.onerror = (e) => reject(e)

const file = event.srcElement.files[0];
const imageStr = await fileToBase64(file)

Base64 decode snippet in C++

There are several snippets here. However, this one is compact, efficient, and C++11 friendly:

static std::string base64_encode(const std::string &in) {

    std::string out;

    int val = 0, valb = -6;
    for (uchar c : in) {
        val = (val << 8) + c;
        valb += 8;
        while (valb >= 0) {
            valb -= 6;
    if (valb>-6) out.push_back("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"[((val<<8)>>(valb+8))&0x3F]);
    while (out.size()%4) out.push_back('=');
    return out;

static std::string base64_decode(const std::string &in) {

    std::string out;

    std::vector<int> T(256,-1);
    for (int i=0; i<64; i++) T["ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"[i]] = i;

    int val=0, valb=-8;
    for (uchar c : in) {
        if (T[c] == -1) break;
        val = (val << 6) + T[c];
        valb += 6;
        if (valb >= 0) {
            valb -= 8;
    return out;

How to convert Base64 String to javascript file object like as from file input form?

Heads up,


   function readMtlAtClient(){

       mtlFileContent = '';

       var mtlFile = document.getElementById('mtlFileInput').files[0];
       var readerMTL = new FileReader();

       // Closure to capture the file information.
       readerMTL.onload = (function(reader) {
           return function() {
               mtlFileContent = reader.result;
               mtlFileContent = mtlFileContent.replace('data:;base64,', '');
               mtlFileContent = window.atob(mtlFileContent);




    <input class="FullWidth" type="file" name="mtlFileInput" value="" id="mtlFileInput" 
onchange="readMtlAtClient()" accept=".mtl"/>

Then mtlFileContent has your text as a decoded string !

How to display Base64 images in HTML?

First convert your image to Base64 (encode to Base64). You can do it online or with a PHP script.

After converting you will get the result as


Now it's simple to use.

You have to just put it in the src of the image and define there as it is in base64 encoded form.


<img src="">

ArrayBuffer to base64 encoded string

function _arrayBufferToBase64(uarr) {
    var strings = [], chunksize = 0xffff;
    var len = uarr.length;

    for (var i = 0; i * chunksize < len; i++){
        strings.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uarr.subarray(i * chunksize, (i + 1) * chunksize)));

    return strings.join("");

This is better, if you use JSZip for unpack archive from string

How to convert a Base64 string into a Bitmap image to show it in a ImageView?

To check online you can use

You can convert string to image like this way

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Base64;
import android.widget.ImageView;


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ImageView image =(ImageView)findViewById(;

        //encode image to base64 string
        ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.logo);
        bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
        byte[] imageBytes = baos.toByteArray();
        String imageString = Base64.encodeToString(imageBytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

        //decode base64 string to image
        imageBytes = Base64.decode(imageString, Base64.DEFAULT);
        Bitmap decodedImage = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.length);

C# Base64 String to JPEG Image

public Image Base64ToImage(string base64String)
   // Convert Base64 String to byte[]
    byte[] imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64String);
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

    // Convert byte[] to Image
    ms.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);
    Image image = Image.FromStream(ms, true);

    return image;

C# Convert a Base64 -> byte[]

You have to use Convert.FromBase64String to turn a Base64 encoded string into a byte[].

How do I encode and decode a base64 string?

A slight variation on answer, as the string to decode might not be a correct base64 encoded string:

using System;

namespace Service.Support
    public static class Base64
        public static string ToBase64(this System.Text.Encoding encoding, string text)
            if (text == null)
                return null;

            byte[] textAsBytes = encoding.GetBytes(text);
            return Convert.ToBase64String(textAsBytes);

        public static bool TryParseBase64(this System.Text.Encoding encoding, string encodedText, out string decodedText)
            if (encodedText == null)
                decodedText = null;
                return false;

                byte[] textAsBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedText);
                decodedText = encoding.GetString(textAsBytes);
                return true;
            catch (Exception)
                decodedText = null;
                return false;   

Python base64 data decode

base64 encode/decode example:

import base64

mystr = 'O João mordeu o cão!'

# Encode
mystr_encoded = base64.b64encode(mystr.encode('utf-8'))
# b'TyBKb8OjbyBtb3JkZXUgbyBjw6NvIQ=='

# Decode
mystr_encoded = base64.b64decode(mystr_encoded).decode('utf-8')
# 'O João mordeu o cão!'

Encoding an image file with base64

Borrowing from what Ivo van der Wijk and gnibbler have developed earlier, this is a dynamic solution

import cStringIO
import PIL.Image

image_data = None

def imagetopy(image, output_file):
    with open(image, 'rb') as fin:
        image_data =

    with open(output_file, 'w') as fout:
        fout.write('image_data = '+ repr(image_data))

def pytoimage(pyfile):
    pymodule = __import__(pyfile)
    img =

if __name__ == '__main__':
    imagetopy('spot.png', '')

You can then decide to compile the output image file with Cython to make it cool. With this method, you can bundle all your graphics into one module.

Conversion from byte array to base64 and back

The reason the encoded array is longer by about a quarter is that base-64 encoding uses only six bits out of every byte; that is its reason of existence - to encode arbitrary data, possibly with zeros and other non-printable characters, in a way suitable for exchange through ASCII-only channels, such as e-mail.

The way you get your original array back is by using Convert.FromBase64String:

 byte[] temp_backToBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(temp_inBase64);

How do I do base64 encoding on iOS?

iOS includes built in support for base64 encoding and decoding. If you look at resolv.h you should see the two functions b64_ntop and b64_pton . The Square SocketRocket library provides a reasonable example of how to use these functions from objective-c.

These functions are pretty well tested and reliable - unlike many of the implementations you may find in random internet postings. Don't forget to link against libresolv.dylib.

what does this mean ? image/png;base64?

That data:image/png;base64 URL is cool, I’ve never run into it before. The long encrypted link is the actual image, i.e. no image call to the server. See RFC 2397 for details.

Side note: I have had trouble getting larger base64 images to render on IE8. I believe IE8 has a 32K limit that can be problematic for larger files. See this other StackOverflow thread for details.

How to decode a Base64 string?

This page shows up when you google how to convert to base64, so for completeness:

$b  = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("blahblah")

Base64 PNG data to HTML5 canvas

Jerryf's answer is fine, except for one flaw.

The onload event should be set before the src. Sometimes the src can be loaded instantly and never fire the onload event.

(Like Totty.js pointed out.)

var canvas = document.getElementById("c");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");

var image = new Image();
image.onload = function() {
    ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0);

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding

In my case I faced this error, after deleting the venv for the perticular project and it showing error for each fields so I tried by changing the BROWSER(Chrome to Edge), And actually it worked..

Using JavaScript to display a Blob

In your example, you should createElement('img').

In your link, base64blob != Base64.encode(blob).

This works, as long as your data is valid (I didn't have any BMP images so I had to use PNG).

Encoding as Base64 in Java

Eclipse gives you an error/warning because you are trying to use internal classes that are specific to a JDK vendor and not part of the public API. Jakarta Commons provides its own implementation of base64 codecs, which of course reside in a different package. Delete those imports and let Eclipse import the proper Commons classs for you.

Convert between UIImage and Base64 string

Swift iOS8

// prgm mark ---- 

// convert images into base64 and keep them into string

func convertImageToBase64(image: UIImage) -> String {

    var imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)
    let base64String = imageData.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(.allZeros)

    return base64String

}// end convertImageToBase64

// prgm mark ----

// convert images into base64 and keep them into string

func convertBase64ToImage(base64String: String) -> UIImage {

    let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64String, options: NSDataBase64DecodingOptions(rawValue: 0) )

    var decodedimage = UIImage(data: decodedData!)

    return decodedimage!

}// end convertBase64ToImage

RegEx to parse or validate Base64 data

Neither a ":" nor a "." will show up in valid Base64, so I think you can unambiguously throw away the line. In Perl, say, something like

my $sanitized_str = join q{}, grep {!/[^A-Za-z0-9+\/=]/} split /\n/, $str;

say decode_base64($sanitized_str);

might be what you want. It produces

This is simple ASCII Base64 for StackOverflow exmaple.

What is base 64 encoding used for?

To expand a bit on what Brad is saying: many transport mechanisms for email and Usenet and other ways of moving data are not "8 bit clean", which means that characters outside the standard ascii character set might be mangled in transit - for instance, 0x0D might be seen as a carriage return, and turned into a carriage return and line feed. Base 64 maps all the binary characters into several standard ascii letters and numbers and punctuation so they won't be mangled this way.

Why do I need 'b' to encode a string with Base64?

There is all you need:

expected bytes, not str

The leading b makes your string binary.

What version of Python do you use? 2.x or 3.x?

Edit: See for the gory details of strings in Python 3.x

Why do we use Base64?

Encoding binary data in XML

Suppose you want to embed a couple images within an XML document. The images are binary data, while the XML document is text. But XML cannot handle embedded binary data. So how do you do it?

One option is to encode the images in base64, turning the binary data into text that XML can handle.

Instead of:

  <image name="Sally">{binary gibberish that breaks XML parsers}</image>
  <image name="Bobby">{binary gibberish that breaks XML parsers}</image>

you do:

  <image name="Sally" encoding="base64">j23894uaiAJSD3234kljasjkSD...</image>
  <image name="Bobby" encoding="base64">Ja3k23JKasil3452AsdfjlksKsasKD...</image>

And the XML parser will be able to parse the XML document correctly and extract the image data.

base64 encode in MySQL

Yet another custom implementation that doesn't require support table:

drop function if exists base64_encode;
create function base64_encode(_data blob)
returns text
    declare _alphabet char(64) default 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
    declare _lim int unsigned default length(_data);
    declare _i int unsigned default 0;
    declare _chk3 char(6) default '';
    declare _chk3int int default 0;
    declare _enc text default '';

    while _i < _lim do
        set _chk3 = rpad(hex(binary substr(_data, _i + 1, 3)), 6, '0');
        set _chk3int = conv(_chk3, 16, 10);
        set _enc = concat(
            ,                  substr(_alphabet, ((_chk3int >> 18) & 63) + 1, 1)
            , if (_lim-_i > 0, substr(_alphabet, ((_chk3int >> 12) & 63) + 1, 1), '=')
            , if (_lim-_i > 1, substr(_alphabet, ((_chk3int >>  6) & 63) + 1, 1), '=')
            , if (_lim-_i > 2, substr(_alphabet, ((_chk3int >>  0) & 63) + 1, 1), '=')
        set _i = _i + 3;
    end while;

    return _enc;

drop function if exists base64_decode;
create function base64_decode(_enc text)
returns blob
    declare _alphabet char(64) default 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
    declare _lim int unsigned default 0;
    declare _i int unsigned default 0;
    declare _chr1byte tinyint default 0;
    declare _chk4int int default 0;
    declare _chk4int_bits tinyint default 0;
    declare _dec blob default '';
    declare _rem tinyint default 0;
    set _enc = trim(_enc);
    set _rem = if(right(_enc, 3) = '===', 3, if(right(_enc, 2) = '==', 2, if(right(_enc, 1) = '=', 1, 0)));
    set _lim = length(_enc) - _rem;

    while _i < _lim
        set _chr1byte = locate(substr(_enc, _i + 1, 1), binary _alphabet) - 1;
        if (_chr1byte > -1)
            set _chk4int = (_chk4int << 6) | _chr1byte;
            set _chk4int_bits = _chk4int_bits + 6;

            if (_chk4int_bits = 24 or _i = _lim-1)
                if (_i = _lim-1 and _chk4int_bits != 24)
                    set _chk4int = _chk4int << 0;
                end if;

                set _dec = concat(
                    ,                        char((_chk4int >> (_chk4int_bits -  8)) & 0xff)
                    , if(_chk4int_bits >  8, char((_chk4int >> (_chk4int_bits - 16)) & 0xff), '\0')
                    , if(_chk4int_bits > 16, char((_chk4int >> (_chk4int_bits - 24)) & 0xff), '\0')
                set _chk4int = 0;
                set _chk4int_bits = 0;
            end if;
        end if;
        set _i = _i + 1;
    end while;

    return substr(_dec, 1, length(_dec) - _rem);


You should convert charset after decoding: convert(base64_decode(base64_encode('????')) using utf8)

Decoding base64 in batch

Here's a batch file, called base64encode.bat, that encodes base64.

@echo off
if not "%1" == "" goto :arg1exists
echo usage: base64encode input-file [output-file]
goto :eof
set base64out=%2
if "%base64out%" == "" set base64out=con 
  set base64tmp=base64.tmp
  certutil -encode "%1" %base64tmp% > nul
  findstr /v /c:- %base64tmp%
  erase %base64tmp%
) > %base64out%

Convert an image (selected by path) to base64 string

Get the byte array (byte[]) representation of the image, then use Convert.ToBase64String(), st. like this:

byte[] imageArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"image file path");
string base64ImageRepresentation = Convert.ToBase64String(imageArray);

To convert a base64 image back to a System.Drawing.Image:

var img = Image.FromStream(new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(base64String)));

Base64 encoding and decoding in client-side Javascript

Short and fast Base64 JavaScript Decode Function without Failsafe:

function decode_base64 (s)
    var e = {}, i, k, v = [], r = '', w = String.fromCharCode;
    var n = [[65, 91], [97, 123], [48, 58], [43, 44], [47, 48]];

    for (z in n)
        for (i = n[z][0]; i < n[z][1]; i++)
    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
        e[v[i]] = i;

    for (i = 0; i < s.length; i+=72)
        var b = 0, c, x, l = 0, o = s.substring(i, i+72);
        for (x = 0; x < o.length; x++)
            c = e[o.charAt(x)];
            b = (b << 6) + c;
            l += 6;
            while (l >= 8)
                r += w((b >>> (l -= 8)) % 256);
    return r;

How can I encode a string to Base64 in Swift?

After thorough research I found the solution


    let plainData = (plainString as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
    let base64String =plainData.base64EncodedStringWithOptions(NSDataBase64EncodingOptions.fromRaw(0)!)
    println(base64String) // bXkgcGxhbmkgdGV4dA==


    let decodedData = NSData(base64EncodedString: base64String, options:NSDataBase64DecodingOptions.fromRaw(0)!)
    let decodedString = NSString(data: decodedData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)    
    println(decodedString) // my plain data

More on this

Decode Base64 data in Java

Another late answer, but my benchmarking shows that Jetty's implementation of Base64 encoder is pretty fast. Not as fast as MiGBase64 but faster than iHarder Base64.

import org.eclipse.jetty.util.B64Code;

final String decoded = B64Code.decode(encoded, "UTF-8");

I also did some benchmarks:

      library     |    encode    |    decode   
 'MiGBase64'      |  10146001.00 |  6426446.00
 'Jetty B64Code'  |   8846191.00 |  3101361.75
 'iHarder Base64' |   3259590.50 |  2505280.00
 'Commons-Codec'  |    241318.04 |   255179.96

These are runs/sec so higher is better.

How can I set Image source with base64

In case you prefer to use jQuery to set the image from Base64:

$("#img").attr('src', '');

Java - Convert image to Base64

new String(byteArray, 0, bytesRead); does not modify the array. You need to use System.arrayCopy to trim the array to the actual data size. Otherwise you are processing all 102400 bytes most of which are zeros.

How to base64 encode image in linux bash / shell

Base 64 for html:

type=$(identify -format "%m" "$file" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')
echo "data:image/$type;base64,$(base64 -w 0 "$file")"

Storing image in database directly or as base64 data?

Just want to give one example why we decided to store image in DB not files or CDN, it is storing images of signatures.

We have tried to do so via CDN, cloud storage, files, and finally decided to store in DB and happy about the decision as it was proven us right in our subsequent events when we moved, upgraded our scripts and migrated the sites serveral times.

For my case, we wanted the signatures to be with the records that belong to the author of documents.

Storing in files format risks missing them or deleted by accident.

We store it as a blob binary format in MySQL, and later as based64 encoded image in a text field. The decision to change to based64 was due to smaller size as result for some reason, and faster loading. Blob was slowing down the page load for some reason.

In our case, this solution to store signature images in DB, (whether as blob or based64), was driven by:

  1. Most signature images are very small.
  2. We don't need to index the signature images stored in DB.
  3. Index is done on the primary key.
  4. We may have to move or switch servers, moving physical images files to different servers, may cause the images not found due to links change.
  5. it is embarrassed to ask the author to re-sign their signatures.
  6. it is more secured saving in the DB as compared to exposing it as files which can be downloaded if security is compromised. Storing in DB allows us better control over its access.
  7. any future migrations, change of web design, hosting, servers, we have zero worries about reconcilating the signature file names against the physical files, it is all in the DB!


How to convert an image to base64 encoding?

Here is an example using a cURL call.. This is better than the file_get_contents() function. Of course, use base64_encode()

$url = "";

$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$output = curl_exec($ch);

<img src="data:image/png;base64,<?php echo base64_encode($output);?>">  

Get data from file input in JQuery


<input type="file" name="input-file" id="input-file">


var fileToUpload = $('#input-file').prop('files')[0];

We want to get first element only, because prop('files') returns array.

Convert base64 string to ArrayBuffer

Pure JS - no string middlestep (no atob)

I write following function which convert base64 in direct way (without conversion to string at the middlestep). IDEA

  • get 4 base64 characters chunk
  • find index of each character in base64 alphabet
  • convert index to 6-bit number (binary string)
  • join four 6 bit numbers which gives 24-bit numer (stored as binary string)
  • split 24-bit string to three 8-bit and covert each to number and store them in output array
  • corner case: if input base64 string ends with one/two = char, remove one/two numbers from output array

Below solution allows to process large input base64 strings. Similar function for convert bytes to base64 without btoa is HERE

function base64ToBytesArr(str) {
  const abc = [..."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"]; // base64 alphabet
  let result = [];

  for(let i=0; i<str.length/4; i++) {
    let chunk = [...str.slice(4*i,4*i+4)]
    let bin => abc.indexOf(x).toString(2).padStart(6,0)).join(''); 
    let bytes = bin.match(/.{1,8}/g).map(x=> +('0b'+x));
    result.push(...bytes.slice(0,3 - (str[4*i+2]=="=") - (str[4*i+3]=="=")));
  return result;

// --------
// --------

let test = "Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.";  

console.log('test string:', test.length, test);
let b64_btoa = btoa(test);
console.log('encoded string:', b64_btoa);

let decodedBytes = base64ToBytesArr(b64_btoa); // decode base64 to array of bytes
console.log('decoded bytes:', JSON.stringify(decodedBytes));
let decodedTest = => String.fromCharCode(b) ).join``;
console.log('Uint8Array', JSON.stringify(new Uint8Array(decodedBytes)));
console.log('decoded string:', decodedTest.length, decodedTest);

How to Resize a Bitmap in Android?

public Bitmap getResizedBitmap(Bitmap bm, int newWidth, int newHeight) {
    int width = bm.getWidth();
    int height = bm.getHeight();
    float scaleWidth = ((float) newWidth) / width;
    float scaleHeight = ((float) newHeight) / height;
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.postScale(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);

    Bitmap resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(
        bm, 0, 0, width, height, matrix, false);
    return resizedBitmap;

EDIT: as suggested by by @aveschini, I have added bm.recycle(); for memory leaks. Please note that in case if you are using the previous object for some other purposes, then handle accordingly.

How to do Base64 encoding in node.js?

Buffers can be used for taking a string or piece of data and doing base64 encoding of the result. For example:

> console.log(Buffer.from("Hello World").toString('base64'));
> console.log(Buffer.from("SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=", 'base64').toString('ascii'))
Hello World

Buffers are a global object, so no require is needed. Buffers created with strings can take an optional encoding parameter to specify what encoding the string is in. The available toString and Buffer constructor encodings are as follows:

'ascii' - for 7 bit ASCII data only. This encoding method is very fast, and will strip the high bit if set.

'utf8' - Multi byte encoded Unicode characters. Many web pages and other document formats use UTF-8.

'ucs2' - 2-bytes, little endian encoded Unicode characters. It can encode only BMP(Basic Multilingual Plane, U+0000 - U+FFFF).

'base64' - Base64 string encoding.

'binary' - A way of encoding raw binary data into strings by using only the first 8 bits of each character. This encoding method is deprecated and should be avoided in favor of Buffer objects where possible. This encoding will be removed in future versions of Node.

Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript

I know this question is old, but also wanted to accomplish this and came across it while looking. For internet explorer I used code from here to save a Blob. To create a blob from the base64 string there were many results on this site, so its not my code I just can't remember the specific source:

function b64toBlob(b64Data, contentType) {
    contentType = contentType || '';
    var sliceSize = 512;
    b64Data = b64Data.replace(/^[^,]+,/, '');
    b64Data = b64Data.replace(/\s/g, '');
    var byteCharacters = window.atob(b64Data);
    var byteArrays = [];

    for (var offset = 0; offset < byteCharacters.length; offset += sliceSize) {
        var slice = byteCharacters.slice(offset, offset + sliceSize);

        var byteNumbers = new Array(slice.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < slice.length; i++) {
            byteNumbers[i] = slice.charCodeAt(i);

        var byteArray = new Uint8Array(byteNumbers);


    var blob = new Blob(byteArrays, {type: contentType});
    return blob;

Using the linked filesaver:

if (window.saveAs) { window.saveAs(blob, name); }
    else { navigator.saveBlob(blob, name); }

Image convert to Base64

It's useful to work with Deferred Object in this case, and return promise:

function readImage(inputElement) {
    var deferred = $.Deferred();

    var files = inputElement.get(0).files;
    if (files && files[0]) {
        var fr= new FileReader();
        fr.onload = function(e) {
        fr.readAsDataURL( files[0] );
    } else {

    return deferred.promise();

And above function could be used in this way:

var inputElement = $("input[name=file]");

Or in your case:

  readImage($(this)).done(function(base64Data){ alert(base64Data); });

Get image data url in JavaScript?

Use onload event to convert image after loading

function loaded(img) {_x000D_
  let c = document.createElement('canvas')_x000D_
  c.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0)_x000D_
  msg.innerText= c.toDataURL();_x000D_
pre { word-wrap: break-word; width: 500px; white-space: pre-wrap; }
<img onload="loaded(this)" src="" crossorigin="anonymous"/>_x000D_
<pre id="msg"></pre>

How to save a PNG image server-side, from a base64 data string

based on drew010 example I made a working example for easy understanding.

imagesaver(""); //use full base64 data 

function imagesaver($image_data){

    list($type, $data) = explode(';', $image_data); // exploding data for later checking and validating 

    if (preg_match('/^data:image\/(\w+);base64,/', $image_data, $type)) {
        $data = substr($data, strpos($data, ',') + 1);
        $type = strtolower($type[1]); // jpg, png, gif

        if (!in_array($type, [ 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png' ])) {
            throw new \Exception('invalid image type');

        $data = base64_decode($data);

        if ($data === false) {
            throw new \Exception('base64_decode failed');
    } else {
        throw new \Exception('did not match data URI with image data');

    $fullname = time().$type;

    if(file_put_contents($fullname, $data)){
        $result = $fullname;
        $result =  "error";
    /* it will return image name if image is saved successfully 
    or it will return error on failing to save image. */
    return $result; 

Encode a FileStream to base64 with c#

You can also encode bytes to Base64. How to get this from a stream see here: How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#?

Or I think it should be also possible to use the .ToString() method and encode this.

How to convert file to base64 in JavaScript?

Modern ES6 way (async/await)

const toBase64 = file => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const reader = new FileReader();
    reader.onload = () => resolve(reader.result);
    reader.onerror = error => reject(error);

async function Main() {
   const file = document.querySelector('#myfile').files[0];
   console.log(await toBase64(file));



If you want to catch errors

async function Main() {
   const file = document.querySelector('#myfile').files[0];
   const result = await toBase64(file).catch(e => Error(e));
   if(result instanceof Error) {
      console.log('Error: ', result.message);

NodeJS: How to decode base64 encoded string back to binary?

As of Node.js v6.0.0 using the constructor method has been deprecated and the following method should instead be used to construct a new buffer from a base64 encoded string:

var b64string = /* whatever */;
var buf = Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

For Node.js v5.11.1 and below

Construct a new Buffer and pass 'base64' as the second argument:

var b64string = /* whatever */;
var buf = new Buffer(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

If you want to be clean, you can check whether from exists :

if (typeof Buffer.from === "function") {
    // Node 5.10+
    buf = Buffer.from(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da
} else {
    // older Node versions, now deprecated
    buf = new Buffer(b64string, 'base64'); // Ta-da

PHP - get base64 img string decode and save as jpg (resulting empty image )

A minor simplification on the example by @naresh. Should deal with permission issues and offer some clarification.

$data = '<base64_encoded_string>';

$data = base64_decode($data);

$img = imagecreatefromstring($data);

header('Content-Type: image/png');

$file = '<path_to_home_or_user_directory>/decoded_images/test.png';

imagepng($img, $file);


How to check for a valid Base64 encoded string

I prefer this usage:

    public static class StringExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if string is Base64
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="base64"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsBase64String(this string base64)
            Span<byte> buffer = new Span<byte>(new byte[base64.Length]);
            return Convert.TryFromBase64String(base64, buffer, out int _);

Then usage




convert base64 to image in javascript/jquery

You can just create an Image object and put the base64 as its src, including the data:image... part like this:

var image = new Image();
image.src = '...';

It's what they call "Data URIs" and here's the compatibility table for inner peace.

converting a base 64 string to an image and saving it

You can save Base64 directly into file:

string filePath = "MyImage.jpg";
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, Convert.FromBase64String(base64imageString));

Binary Data in JSON String. Something better than Base64

My solution now, XHR2 is using ArrayBuffer. The ArrayBuffer as binary sequence contains multipart-content, video, audio, graphic, text and so on with multiple content-types. All in One Response.

In modern browser, having DataView, StringView and Blob for different Components. See also: for more details.

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64String() in Java EE application

I faced the same problem with JBoss 4.2.3 GA when deploying my web application. I solved the issue by copying my commons-codec 1.6 jar into C:\jboss-4.2.3.GA\server\default\lib

Base64: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal character

I got this error for my Linux Jenkins slave. I fixed it by changing from the node from "Known hosts file Verification Strategy" to "Non verifying Verification Strategy".

How to convert uint8 Array to base64 Encoded String?

Use the following to convert uint8 array to base64 encoded string

function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) {
            var binary = '';
            var bytes = [] Uint8Array(buffer));
            bytes.forEach((b) => binary += String.fromCharCode(b));
            return window.btoa(binary);

Base64 encoding and decoding in oracle

All the previous posts are correct. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Here is another way to do the same thing: (just replace "what_ever_you_want_to_convert" with your string and run it in Oracle:

    set serveroutput on;
    v_str VARCHAR2(1000);
    --Create encoded value
    v_str := utl_encode.text_encode
    ('what_ever_you_want_to_convert','WE8ISO8859P1', UTL_ENCODE.BASE64);
    --Decode the value..
    v_str := utl_encode.text_decode
    (v_str,'WE8ISO8859P1', UTL_ENCODE.BASE64);


Base64 Encoding Image

Check the following example:

// First get your image
$imgPath = 'path-to-your-picture/image.jpg';
$img = base64_encode(file_get_contents($imgPath));
echo '<img width="100" height="100" src="data:image/jpg;base64,'. $img .'" />'

Pdf.js: rendering a pdf file using a base64 file source instead of url

According to the examples base64 encoding is directly supported, although I've not tested it myself. Take your base64 string (derived from a file or loaded with any other method, POST/GET, websockets etc), turn it to a binary with atob, and then parse this to getDocument on the PDFJS API likePDFJS.getDocument({data: base64PdfData}); Codetoffel answer does work just fine for me though.

Convert UTF-8 to base64 string

It's a little difficult to tell what you're trying to achieve, but assuming you're trying to get a Base64 string that when decoded is abcdef==, the following should work:

byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("abcdef==");
string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);

This will output: YWJjZGVmPT0= which is abcdef== encoded in Base64.


To decode a Base64 string, simply use Convert.FromBase64String(). E.g.

string base64 = "YWJjZGVmPT0=";
byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64);

At this point, bytes will be a byte[] (not a string). If we know that the byte array represents a string in UTF8, then it can be converted back to the string form using:

string str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

This will output the original input string, abcdef== in this case.

How do I decode a base64 encoded string?


byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(encodedString);
string decodedString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data);

base64 encoded images in email signatures


My answer below shows how to embed images using data URIs. This is useful for the web, but will not work reliably for most email clients. For email purposes be sure to read Shadow2531's answer.

Base-64 data is legal in an img tag and I believe your question is how to properly insert such an image tag.

You can use an online tool or a few lines of code to generate the base 64 string.

The syntax to source the image from inline data is:

<img src="
9TXL0Y4OHwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==" alt="Red dot">

ReadFile in Base64 Nodejs

Latest and greatest way to do this:

Node supports file and buffer operations with the base64 encoding:

const fs = require('fs');
const contents = fs.readFileSync('/path/to/file.jpg', {encoding: 'base64'});

Or using the new promises API:

const fs = require('fs').promises;
const contents = await fs.readFile('/path/to/file.jpg', {encoding: 'base64'});

How can I convert an image into a Base64 string?

Instead of using Bitmap, you can also do this through a trivial InputStream. Well, I am not sure, but I think it's a bit efficient.

InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName); // You can get an inputStream using any I/O API
byte[] bytes;
byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
int bytesRead;
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

try {
    while ((bytesRead = != -1) {
        output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
catch (IOException e) {

bytes = output.toByteArray();
String encodedString = Base64.encodeToString(bytes, Base64.DEFAULT);

Convert Base64 string to an image file?

This code worked for me.

$decoded = base64_decode($base64);_x000D_
$file = 'invoice.pdf';_x000D_
file_put_contents($file, $decoded);_x000D_
if (file_exists($file)) {_x000D_
    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');_x000D_
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');_x000D_
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');_x000D_
    header('Expires: 0');_x000D_
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');_x000D_
    header('Pragma: public');_x000D_
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));_x000D_

Secure random token in Node.js

Random URL and filename string safe (1 liner)

Crypto.randomBytes(48).toString('base64').replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=/g, '');

Why is the <center> tag deprecated in HTML?

The Least Popular Answer

  1. A deprecated tag is not necessarily a bad tag;
  2. There are tags that deal with presentation logic, center is one of them;
  3. A center tag is not the same as a div with text-align:center;
  4. The fact that you have another way to do something doesn't make it invalid.

Let me explain because there are notorious downvoters here who will think I'm defending oldschool HTML4 or something. No I'm not. But the debate around center is simply a trend war, there is no real reason to ditch a tag that serves a valid purpose well.

So let's see the major arguments against it.

  • "It describes presentation, not semantics!"
    No. It describes a logical arrangement - and yes, it has a default appearance, just as other tags like <p> or <ul> do. But the point is the enclosed part's relation to its surroundings. Center says "this is something we separate by visually different positioning".

  • "It's not valid"
    Yes it is. It's just deprecated, as in, could be removed later. For 15+ years now. And it's not going anywhere, apparently. There are major sites (including that use this tag because it's very readable and to the point - and those are the same reasons we like HTML5 tags for.

  • "It's not supported in HTML5"
    It's one of the most widely supported tags, actually. MDN says "its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time" - good point, but that day may never come, to quote a classic. Center was already deprecated in like 2004 or so - it's still here and still useful.

  • "It's oldschool"
    Shoelaces are oldschool too. New methods don't invalidate the old. You want to feel progressive and modern: fine. But don't make it the law.

  • "It's stupid / awkward / lame / tells a story about you"
    None of these. It's like a hammer: one tool for a specific job. There are other tools for the same job and other jobs for the same tool; but it was created to solve a certain problem and that problem is still around so we might as well just use a dedicated solution.

  • "You shouldn't do this, because, CSS"
    Centering can absolutely be achieved by CSS but that's just one way, not the only one, let alone the only appropriate one. Anything that's supported, working and readable should be ok to use. Also, the same argument happened before flexboxes and CSS grids, which is funny because back then there was no CSS way to achieve what center did. No, text-align:center is not the same. No, margin:auto is not the same. Anyone who argued against center tags before flexbox simply didn't know enough about CSS.


The only reason not to use <center> is because people will hate you.

VB.NET - How to move to next item a For Each Loop?

Only the "Continue For" is an acceptable standard (the rest leads to "spaghetti code").

At least with "continue for" the programmer knows the code goes directly to the top of the loop.

For purists though, something like this is best since it is pure "non-spaghetti" code.

Dim bKeepGoing as Boolean 
For Each I As Item In Items
  bKeepGoing = True
  If I = x Then
    bKeepGoing = False
  End If
  if bKeepGoing then
    ' Do something

For ease of coding though, "Continue For" is OK. (Good idea to comment it though).

Using "Continue For"

For Each I As Item In Items
  If I = x Then
    Continue For   'skip back directly to top of loop
  End If
  ' Do something

Calculate age given the birth date in the format YYYYMMDD

I know this is a very old thread but I wanted to put in this implementation that I wrote for finding the age which I believe is much more accurate.

var getAge = function(year,month,date){
    var today = new Date();
    var dob = new Date();
    var timeDiff = today.valueOf() - dob.valueOf();
    var milliInDay = 24*60*60*1000;
    var noOfDays = timeDiff / milliInDay;
    var daysInYear = 365.242;
    return  ( noOfDays / daysInYear ) ;

Ofcourse you could adapt this to fit in other formats of getting the parameters. Hope this helps someone looking for a better solution.

How to fire an event when v-model changes?

This happens because your click handler fires before the value of the radio button changes. You need to listen to the change event instead:

  v-on:change="foo"> //here

Also, make sure you really want to call foo() on ready... seems like maybe you don't actually want to do that.


How do I find out what version of WordPress is running?

The easiest way would be to use the readme.html file that comes with every WordPress installation (unless you deleted it).

Note: it looks like the readme.html file no longer outputs the current WordPress version. So, there is no way, for now, to see the current WordPress version without logging into the dashboard.

MySQL error - #1062 - Duplicate entry ' ' for key 2

Check out your table index. If that field got index (e.g. B+ tree index.) At that time update or insert query throws these kinds of error.

Remove indexing and then try to fire same query.

Using Mockito, how do I verify a method was a called with a certain argument?

This is the better solution:

verify(mock_contractsDao, times(1)).save(Mockito.eq("Parameter I'm expecting"));

Cannot install node modules that require compilation on Windows 7 x64/VS2012

Thanks to @felixrieseberg, you just need to install windows-build-tools npm package and you are good to go.

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

You won't need to install Visual Studio.

You won't need to install Microsoft Build Tools.

From the repo:

After installation, npm will automatically execute this module, which downloads and installs Visual C++ Build Tools 2015, provided free of charge by Microsoft. These tools are required to compile popular native modules. It will also install Python 2.7, configuring your machine and npm appropriately.

Windows Vista / 7 requires .NET Framework 4.5.1 (Currently not installed automatically by this package)

Both installations are conflict-free, meaning that they do not mess with existing installations of Visual Studio, C++ Build Tools, or Python.

Histogram with Logarithmic Scale and custom breaks

It's not entirely clear from your question whether you want a logged x-axis or a logged y-axis. A logged y-axis is not a good idea when using bars because they are anchored at zero, which becomes negative infinity when logged. You can work around this problem by using a frequency polygon or density plot.

Passing multiple parameters with $.ajax url

why not just pass an data an object with your key/value pairs then you don't have to worry about encoding

    type: "Post",
    url: "getdata.php",
       timestamp: timestamp,
       uid: id,
       uname: name
    async: true,
    cache: false,
    success: function(data) {


How to stop app that node.js express 'npm start'

When I tried the suggested solution I realized that my app name was truncated. I read up on process.title in the nodejs documentation ( and it says

On Linux and OS X, it's limited to the size of the binary name plus the length of the command line arguments because it overwrites the argv memory.

My app does not use any arguments, so I can add this line of code to my app.js

process.title = process.argv[2];

and then add these few lines to my package.json file

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js this-name-can-be-as-long-as-it-needs-to-be",
    "stop": "killall -SIGINT this-name-can-be-as-long-as-it-needs-to-be"

to use really long process names. npm start and npm stop work, of course npm stop will always terminate all running processes, but that is ok for me.

Prompt Dialog in Windows Forms

Based on the work of Bas Brekelmans above, I have also created two derivations -> "input" dialogs that allow you to receive from the user both a text value and a boolean (TextBox and CheckBox):

public static class PromptForTextAndBoolean
    public static string ShowDialog(string caption, string text, string boolStr)
        Form prompt = new Form();
        prompt.Width = 280;
        prompt.Height = 160;
        prompt.Text = caption;
        Label textLabel = new Label() { Left = 16, Top = 20, Width = 240, Text = text };
        TextBox textBox = new TextBox() { Left = 16, Top = 40, Width = 240, TabIndex = 0, TabStop = true };
        CheckBox ckbx = new CheckBox() { Left = 16, Top = 60, Width = 240, Text = boolStr };
        Button confirmation = new Button() { Text = "Okay!", Left = 16, Width = 80, Top = 88, TabIndex = 1, TabStop = true };
        confirmation.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); };
        prompt.AcceptButton = confirmation;
        prompt.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
        return string.Format("{0};{1}", textBox.Text, ckbx.Checked.ToString());

...and text along with a selection of one of multiple options (TextBox and ComboBox):

public static class PromptForTextAndSelection
    public static string ShowDialog(string caption, string text, string selStr)
        Form prompt = new Form();
        prompt.Width = 280;
        prompt.Height = 160;
        prompt.Text = caption;
        Label textLabel = new Label() { Left = 16, Top = 20, Width = 240, Text = text };
        TextBox textBox = new TextBox() { Left = 16, Top = 40, Width = 240, TabIndex = 0, TabStop = true };
        Label selLabel = new Label() { Left = 16, Top = 66, Width = 88, Text = selStr };
        ComboBox cmbx = new ComboBox() { Left = 112, Top = 64, Width = 144 };
        cmbx.Items.Add("Dark Grey");
        Button confirmation = new Button() { Text = "In Ordnung!", Left = 16, Width = 80, Top = 88, TabIndex = 1, TabStop = true };
        confirmation.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); };
        prompt.AcceptButton = confirmation;
        prompt.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
        return string.Format("{0};{1}", textBox.Text, cmbx.SelectedItem.ToString());

Both require the same usings:

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;

Call them like so:

Call them like so:

PromptForTextAndBoolean.ShowDialog("Jazz", "What text should accompany the checkbox?", "Allow Scat Singing"); 

PromptForTextAndSelection.ShowDialog("Rock", "What should the name of the band be?", "Beret color to wear");

Spring .properties file: get element as an Array

With a Spring Boot one can do the following:


Configuration class

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Configuration {

    List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();

    public List<String> getValues() {
        return values;


This is needed, without this class or without the values in class it is not working.

Spring Boot Application class

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

import java.util.List;

public class SpringBootConsoleApplication implements CommandLineRunner {

    private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SpringBootConsoleApplication.class);

    // notice #{} is used instead of ${}
    List<String> values;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public void run(String... args) {"values: {}", values);


How to create a directory in Java?

if you want to be sure its created then this:

final String path = "target/logs/";
final File logsDir = new File(path);
final boolean logsDirCreated = logsDir.mkdir();
if (!logsDirCreated) {
    final boolean logsDirExists = logsDir.exists();

beacuse mkDir() returns a boolean, and findbugs will cry for it if you dont use the variable. Also its not nice...

mkDir() returns only true if mkDir() creates it. If the dir exists, it returns false, so to verify the dir you created, only call exists() if mkDir() return false.

assertThat() will checks the result and fails if exists() returns false. ofc you can use other things to handle the uncreated directory.

C# string reference type?

The reference to the string is passed by value. There's a big difference between passing a reference by value and passing an object by reference. It's unfortunate that the word "reference" is used in both cases.

If you do pass the string reference by reference, it will work as you expect:

using System;

class Test
    public static void Main()
        string test = "before passing";
        TestI(ref test);

    public static void TestI(ref string test)
        test = "after passing";

Now you need to distinguish between making changes to the object which a reference refers to, and making a change to a variable (such as a parameter) to let it refer to a different object. We can't make changes to a string because strings are immutable, but we can demonstrate it with a StringBuilder instead:

using System;
using System.Text;

class Test
    public static void Main()
        StringBuilder test = new StringBuilder();

    public static void TestI(StringBuilder test)
        // Note that we're not changing the value
        // of the "test" parameter - we're changing
        // the data in the object it's referring to

See my article on parameter passing for more details.

Dark color scheme for Eclipse

The best solution I've found is to leave Eclipse in normal bright mode, and use an OS level screen inverter.

On OS X you can do Command + Option + Ctrl + 8, inverts the whole screen.

On Linux with Compiz, it's even better, you can do Windows + N to darken windows selectively (or Windows + M to do the whole screen).

On Windows, the only decent solution I've found is powerstrip, but it's only free for one year... then it's like $30 or something...

Then you can invert the screen, adjust the syntax-level colours to your liking, and you're off to the races, with cool shades on.

How to parse JSON with VBA without external libraries?

There are two issues here. The first is to access fields in the array returned by your JSON parse, the second is to rename collections/fields (like sentences) away from VBA reserved names.

Let's address the second concern first. You were on the right track. First, replace all instances of sentences with jsentences If text within your JSON also contains the word sentences, then figure out a way to make the replacement unique, such as using "sentences":[ as the search string. You can use the VBA Replace method to do this.

Once that's done, so VBA will stop renaming sentences to Sentences, it's just a matter of accessing the array like so:

'first, declare the variables you need:
Dim jsent as Variant

'Get arr all setup, then
For Each jsent in arr.jsentences

How do I push amended commit to the remote Git repository?

If you know nobody has pulled your un-amended commit, use the --force-with-lease option of git push.

In TortoiseGit, you can do the same thing under "Push..." options "Force: May discard" and checking "known changes".

Force (May discard known changes) allows the remote repository to accept a safer non-fast-forward push. This can cause the remote repository to lose commits; use it with care. This can prevent from losing unknown changes from other people on the remote. It checks if the server branch points to the same commit as the remote-tracking branch (known changes). If yes, a force push will be performed. Otherwise it will be rejected. Since git does not have remote-tracking tags, tags cannot be overwritten using this option.

Gson - convert from Json to a typed ArrayList<T>

You may use TypeToken to load the json string into a custom object.

logs = gson.fromJson(br, new TypeToken<List<JsonLog>>(){}.getType());


Represents a generic type T.

Java doesn't yet provide a way to represent generic types, so this class does. Forces clients to create a subclass of this class which enables retrieval the type information even at runtime.

For example, to create a type literal for List<String>, you can create an empty anonymous inner class:

TypeToken<List<String>> list = new TypeToken<List<String>>() {};

This syntax cannot be used to create type literals that have wildcard parameters, such as Class<?> or List<? extends CharSequence>.


If you need to do it in Kotlin you can do it like this:

val myType = object : TypeToken<List<JsonLong>>() {}.type
val logs = gson.fromJson<List<JsonLong>>(br, myType)

Or you can see this answer for various alternatives.

Convert UTC dates to local time in PHP

Here is a straight way to convert the UTC time of the questioner to local time. This is for a stored time in a database etc., i.e. any time. You just have to find the time difference between UTC time and the local time you are interested in and then ajust the stored UTC time adding to it the difference.

$df = "G:i:s";  // Use a simple time format to find the difference
$ts1 = strtotime(date($df));   // Timestamp of current local time
$ts2 = strtotime(gmdate($df)); // Timestamp of current UTC time
$ts3 = $ts1-$ts2;              // Their difference

You can then add this difference to the stored UTC time. (In my place, Athens, the difference is exactly 5:00:00)


$time = time() // Or any other timestamp
$time += $ts3  // Add the difference
$dateInLocal = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $time);

Response.Redirect to new window

You can use this as extension method

public static class ResponseHelper
    public static void Redirect(this HttpResponse response, string url, string target, string windowFeatures) 

        if ((String.IsNullOrEmpty(target) || target.Equals("_self", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(windowFeatures)) 
            Page page = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler; 

            if (page == null) 
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot redirect to new window outside Page context."); 
            url = page.ResolveClientUrl(url); 

            string script; 
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(windowFeatures)) 
                script = @"""{0}"", ""{1}"", ""{2}"");"; 
                script = @"""{0}"", ""{1}"");"; 
            script = String.Format(script, url, target, windowFeatures); 
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, typeof(Page), "Redirect", script, true); 

With this you get nice override on the actual Response object

Response.Redirect(redirectURL, "_blank", "menubar=0,scrollbars=1,width=780,height=900,top=10");

How do I set Java's min and max heap size through environment variables?

You can't do it using environment variables directly. You need to use the set of "non standard" options that are passed to the java command. Run: java -X for details. The options you're looking for are -Xmx and -Xms (this is "initial" heap size, so probably what you're looking for.)

Some products like Ant or Tomcat might come with a batch script that looks for the JAVA_OPTS environment variable, but it's not part of the Java runtime. If you are using one of those products, you may be able to set the variable like:

set JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m"  

You can also take this approach with your own command line like:

set JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx256m"  
java ${JAVA_OPTS} MyClass

Override devise registrations controller

Very simple methods Just go to the terminal and the type following

rails g devise:controllers users //This will create devise controllers in controllers/users folder

Next to use custom views

rails g devise:views users //This will create devise views in views/users folder

now in your route.rb file

devise_for :users, controllers: {
           :sessions => "users/sessions",
           :registrations => "users/registrations" }

You can add other controllers too. This will make devise to use controllers in users folder and views in users folder.

Now you can customize your views as your desire and add your logic to controllers in controllers/users folder. Enjoy !

Sorting by date & time in descending order?

SELECT id, name, form_id, DATE(updated_at) as date
FROM wp_frm_items
WHERE user_id = 11 && form_id=9

"DESC" stands for descending but you need ascending order ("ASC").

How do I copy a version of a single file from one git branch to another?

1) Ensure you're in branch where you need a copy of the file. for eg: i want sub branch file in master so you need to checkout or should be in master git checkout master

2) Now checkout specific file alone you want from sub branch into master,

git checkout sub_branch file_path/my_file.ext

here sub_branch means where you have that file followed by filename you need to copy.

svn over HTTP proxy

svn:// doesn't talk http, therefor there's nothing a http proxy could do.

Any reason why http doesn't work? Have you considered https? If you really need it, you probably have to have port 3690 opened in your firewall.

How do I obtain a list of all schemas in a Sql Server database

SELECT + '.' +
FROM sys.all_objects ao
INNER JOIN sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = ao.schema_id
WHERE ao.type='u';

How can I determine the direction of a jQuery scroll event?

Use this to find the scroll direction. This is only to find the direction of the Vertical Scroll. Supports all cross browsers.

    var scrollableElement = document.getElementById('scrollableElement');

    scrollableElement.addEventListener('wheel', findScrollDirectionOtherBrowsers);

    function findScrollDirectionOtherBrowsers(event){
        var delta;

        if (event.wheelDelta){
            delta = event.wheelDelta;
            delta = -1 * event.deltaY;

        if (delta < 0){
        }else if (delta > 0){



Display image at 50% of its "native" size

The following code works for me:

.half {

<img class="half" src="images/myimage.png">

Ajax passing data to php script

You can also use bellow code for pass data using ajax.

var dataString = "album" + title;
    type: 'POST',  
    url: 'test.php', 
    data: dataString,
    success: function(response) {

Rotating and spacing axis labels in ggplot2

Change the last line to

q + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))

By default, the axes are aligned at the center of the text, even when rotated. When you rotate +/- 90 degrees, you usually want it to be aligned at the edge instead:

alt text

The image above is from this blog post.

Extract data from XML Clob using SQL from Oracle Database

This should work

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(column_name, '/DCResponse/ContextData/Decision') FROM traptabclob;

I have assumed the ** were just for highlighting?

What is $@ in Bash?

Just from reading that i would have never understood that "$@" expands into a list of separate parameters. Whereas, "$*" is one parameter consisting of all the parameters added together.

If it still makes no sense do this.

Shared folder between MacOSX and Windows on Virtual Box

I had the exact same issue, after rightly have configured in Mac OSX host a SharedFolder with Auto-Mount enabled. On the Guest OS, it is also required to install VirtualBox Guest Additions. For the case of Windows, it is:


Right after this installation, i could perfectly view the shared folder content under This PC and Network ("\VBOXSVR\Installers").

What is this date format? 2011-08-12T20:17:46.384Z

If you guys are looking for a solution for Android, you can use the following code to get the epoch seconds from the timestamp string.

public static long timestampToEpochSeconds(String srcTimestamp) {
    long epoch = 0;

    try {
        if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
            Instant instant = Instant.parse(srcTimestamp);
            epoch = instant.getEpochSecond();
        } else {
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSSSSS'Z'", Locale.getDefault());
            Date date = sdf.parse(srcTimestamp);
            if (date != null) {
                epoch = date.getTime() / 1000;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return epoch;

Sample input: 2019-10-15T05:51:31.537979Z

Sample output: 1571128673

How to set xlim and ylim for a subplot in matplotlib

You should use the OO interface to matplotlib, rather than the state machine interface. Almost all of the plt.* function are thin wrappers that basically do gca().*.

plt.subplot returns an axes object. Once you have a reference to the axes object you can plot directly to it, change its limits, etc.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

ax1 = plt.subplot(131)
ax1.scatter([1, 2], [3, 4])
ax1.set_xlim([0, 5])
ax1.set_ylim([0, 5])

ax2 = plt.subplot(132)
ax2.scatter([1, 2],[3, 4])
ax2.set_xlim([0, 5])
ax2.set_ylim([0, 5])

and so on for as many axes as you want.

or better, wrap it all up in a loop:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

DATA_x = ([1, 2],
          [2, 3],
          [3, 4])

DATA_y = DATA_x[::-1]

XLIMS = [[0, 10]] * 3
YLIMS = [[0, 10]] * 3

for j, (x, y, xlim, ylim) in enumerate(zip(DATA_x, DATA_y, XLIMS, YLIMS)):
    ax = plt.subplot(1, 3, j + 1)
    ax.scatter(x, y)

Change multiple files

u can make

'xxxx' text u search and will replace it with 'yyyy'

grep -Rn '**xxxx**' /path | awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs sed -i 's/**xxxx**/**yyyy**/'

Find column whose name contains a specific string

You also can use this code:

spike_cols =[x for x in df.columns[df.columns.str.contains('spike')]]

Remove leading comma from a string

var s = ",'first string','more','even more'";  
s.split(/'?,'?/).filter(function(v) { return v; });

Results in:

["first string", "more", "even more'"]

First split with commas possibly surrounded by single quotes,
then filter the non-truthy (empty) parts out.

Bash: Syntax error: redirection unexpected

Does your script reference /bin/bash or /bin/sh in its hash bang line? The default system shell in Ubuntu is dash, not bash, so if you have #!/bin/sh then your script will be using a different shell than you expect. Dash does not have the <<< redirection operator.

Downloading a large file using curl

//This is the file where we save the    information
$fp = fopen (dirname(__FILE__) . '/localfile.tmp', 'w+');
//Here is the file we are downloading, replace spaces with %20
$ch = curl_init(str_replace(" ","%20",$url));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50);
// write curl response to file
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
// get curl response

python for increment inner loop

In python, for loops iterate over iterables, instead of incrementing a counter, so you have a couple choices. Using a skip flag like Artsiom recommended is one way to do it. Another option is to make a generator from your range and manually advance it by discarding an element using next().

iGen = (i for i in range(0, 6))
for i in iGen:
    print i
    if not i % 2:

But this isn't quite complete because next() might throw a StopIteration if it reaches the end of the range, so you have to add some logic to detect that and break out of the outer loop if that happens.

In the end, I'd probably go with aw4ully's solution with the while loops.

How to Truncate a string in PHP to the word closest to a certain number of characters?

Here you can try this

substr( $str, 0, strpos($str, ' ', 200) ); 

using setTimeout on promise chain

.then(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 15000)))


when I need sleep in async function I throw in

await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))

Getting the name of a variable as a string

If the goal is to help you keep track of your variables, you can write a simple function that labels the variable and returns its value and type. For example, suppose i_f=3.01 and you round it to an integer called i_n to use in a code, and then need a string i_s that will go into a report.

def whatis(string, x):
    print(string+' value=',repr(x),type(x))
    return string+' value='+repr(x)+repr(type(x))
i_l=[i_f, i_n, i_s]
i_u=(i_f, i_n, i_s)

## make report that identifies all types
report='\n'+20*'#'+'\nThis is the report:\n'
report+= whatis('i_f ',i_f)+'\n'
report+=whatis('i_n ',i_n)+'\n'
report+=whatis('i_s ',i_s)+'\n'
report+=whatis('i_l ',i_l)+'\n'
report+=whatis('i_u ',i_u)+'\n'

This prints to the window at each call for debugging purposes and also yields a string for the written report. The only downside is that you have to type the variable twice each time you call the function.

I am a Python newbie and found this very useful way to log my efforts as I program and try to cope with all the objects in Python. One flaw is that whatis() fails if it calls a function described outside the procedure where it is used. For example, int(i_f) was a valid function call only because the int function is known to Python. You could call whatis() using int(i_f**2), but if for some strange reason you choose to define a function called int_squared it must be declared inside the procedure where whatis() is used.

How to fix "Incorrect string value" errors?

If you happen to process the value with some string function before saving, make sure the function can properly handle multibyte characters. String functions that cannot do that and are, say, attempting to truncate might split one of the single multibyte characters in the middle, and that can cause such string error situations.

In PHP for instance, you would need to switch from substr to mb_substr.

How do I position a div at the bottom center of the screen

If you aren't comfortable with using negative margins, check this out.

div {
  position: fixed;
  left: 50%;
  bottom: 20px;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  margin: 0 auto;
  Your Text

Especially useful when you don't know the width of the div.

align="center" has no effect.

Since you have position:absolute, I would recommend positioning it 50% from the left and then subtracting half of its width from its left margin.

#manipulate {

Capturing window.onbeforeunload

you just cant do alert() in onbeforeunload, anything else works

How do I decrease the size of my sql server log file?

  1. Ensure the database's backup mode is set to Simple (see here for an overview of the different modes). This will avoid SQL Server waiting for a transaction log backup before reusing space.

  2. Use dbcc shrinkfile or Management Studio to shrink the log files.

Step #2 will do nothing until the backup mode is set.

Using sessions & session variables in a PHP Login Script


//extract data from submit post 


if($user=="user" && $pass=="pass")


$_SESSION['user']= $user;   

//if correct password and name store in session 

else {

echo "Invalid user and password";





//your home page code here


php date validation

REGEX should be a last resort. PHP has a few functions that will validate for you. In your case, checkdate is the best option.

Warnings Your Apk Is Using Permissions That Require A Privacy Policy: (android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE)

If you are using the package device_id to get the unique device id then that will add an android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE without your knowledge which eventually will lead to the Play Store warning.

Instead you can use the device_info package for the same purpose without the need of the extra permission. Check this SO thread

Jquery checking success of ajax post

The documentation is here:

But, to summarize, the ajax call takes a bunch of options. the ones you are looking for are error and success.

You would call it like this:

  url: 'mypage.html',
  success: function(){
  error: function(){

I have shown the success and error function taking no arguments, but they can receive arguments.

The error function can take three arguments: XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, and errorThrown.

The success function can take two arguments: data and textStatus. The page you requested will be in the data argument.

What is the => assignment in C# in a property signature

You can even write this:

    private string foo = "foo";

    private string bar
        get => $"{foo}bar";
            foo = value;

Why doesn't Console.Writeline, Console.Write work in Visual Studio Express?

Go to the Debug menu and select Options and uncheck "Redirect all Output Window text to Immediate Window"

How to getText on an input in protractor

getText() function won't work like the way it used to be for webdriver, in order to get it work for protractor you will need to wrap it in a function and return the text something like we did for our protractor framework we have kept it in a common function like -

getText : function(element, callback) {
        element.getText().then (function(text){             


By this you can have the text of an element.

Let me know if it is still unclear.

How to append something to an array?

We don't have append function for Array in javascript, but we have push and unshift, imagine you have the array below:

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

and we like append a value to this array, we can do, arr.push(6) and it will add 6 to the end of the array:

arr.push(6); // return [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];

also we can use unshift, look at how we can apply this:

arr.unshift(0); //return [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

They are main functions to add or append new values to the arrays.

"Fade" borders in CSS

Add this class css to your style sheet

.border_gradient {
border: 8px solid #000;
-moz-border-bottom-colors:#897048 #917953 #a18a66 #b6a488 #c5b59b #d4c5ae #e2d6c4 #eae1d2;
-moz-border-top-colors:#897048 #917953 #a18a66 #b6a488 #c5b59b #d4c5ae #e2d6c4 #eae1d2;
-moz-border-left-colors:#897048 #917953 #a18a66 #b6a488 #c5b59b #d4c5ae #e2d6c4 #eae1d2;
-moz-border-right-colors:#897048 #917953 #a18a66 #b6a488 #c5b59b #d4c5ae #e2d6c4 #eae1d2;
padding: 5px 5px 5px 15px;
width: 300px;

set width to the width of your image. and use this html for image

<div class="border_gradient">
        <img src="image.png" />

though it may not give the same exact border, it will some gradient looks on the border.

source: CSS3 Borders

gem install: Failed to build gem native extension (can't find header files)

Just to add path to ruby.h file in my PATH
for example:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/src/ruby-xxxxxx

How to display a range input slider vertically

Its very simple. I had implemented using -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical, It worked in chorme, Firefox, Edge

<input type="range">
    writing-mode: bt-lr; /* IE */
    -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical; /* WebKit */
    width: 50px;
    height: 200px;
    padding: 0 24px;
    outline: none;

Table Naming Dilemma: Singular vs. Plural Names

Singular. I'd call an array containing a bunch of user row representation objects 'users', but the table is 'the user table'. Thinking of the table as being nothing but the set of the rows it contains is wrong, IMO; the table is the metadata, and the set of rows is hierarchically attached to the table, it is not the table itself.

I use ORMs all the time, of course, and it helps that ORM code written with plural table names looks stupid.

Clone contents of a GitHub repository (without the folder itself)

If the folder is not empty, a slightly modified version of @JohnLittle's answer worked for me:

git init
git remote add origin
git pull origin master

As @peter-cordes pointed out, the only difference is using https protocol instead of git, for which you need to have SSH keys configured.

MySQL error #1054 - Unknown column in 'Field List'

You have an error in your OrderQuantity column. It is named "OrderQuantity" in the INSERT statement and "OrderQantity" in the table definition.

Also, I don't think you can use NOW() as default value in OrderDate. Try to use the following:


Example Fiddle

How to calculate the sum of the datatable column in

If you have a ADO.Net DataTable you could do

int sum = 0;
foreach(DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)
   sum += Convert.ToInt32(dr["Amount"]);

If you want to query the database table, you could use

Select Sum(Amount) From DataTable

How to render a DateTime in a specific format in ASP.NET MVC 3?

Had the same problem recently.

I discovered that simply defining DataType as Date in the model works as well (using Code First approach)

public DateTime Added { get; set; }

Where to find Application Loader app in Mac?

You can also upload an app using the Application Loader tool by using it from the terminal:

MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ altool --upload-app -f "ios-app.ipa" -u "[email protected]" -p "yourpassword"

To use altool from anywhere in the terminal you could add it to your PATH env variable by typing in terminal:

MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/\
MacBook-Pro:~ denis$ source ~/.bash_profile

Moving average or running mean

Another solution just using a standard library and deque:

from collections import deque
import itertools

def moving_average(iterable, n=3):
    it = iter(iterable) 
    # create an iterable object from input argument
    d = deque(itertools.islice(it, n-1))  
    # create deque object by slicing iterable
    s = sum(d)
    for elem in it:
        s += elem - d.popleft()
        yield s / n

# example on how to use it
for i in  moving_average([40, 30, 50, 46, 39, 44]):

# 40.0
# 42.0
# 45.0
# 43.0

Your project contains error(s), please fix it before running it

I had this exact problem when trying to run the Doodlz app, from the book Android for Programmers, on Mac OS X with Eclipse Juno.

After downloading and unzipping the demos from the book, I forgot to change the permission of the files. They were read-only on my system so this was the first issue.

The second issue was solved by selecting a build target on Eclipse. This was fixed by going to: Project > Properties , and clicking the Android field on the left panel to be able to select one option as the Project Build Target, which in my case was:

  Target Name     Vendor         Platform    API Level
> Google APIs     Google Inc.    4.0.3       15

Then cleaning and rebuilding the project showed no errors.

Finally, to run the app right-click the package (at the Package Explorer tab) and then select: Run As > Android Application

ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on localhost (10061)

Though it is an old question, I am adding my answer in it, because the solution that worked for me on Windows 7 as an admin user, is missing in the answers' list. Though my solution is for installed MySQL, I am putting it for those who search for a solution for this error message. Here it is:

  1. Click on the Windows 7 start button and type taskmgr in the search bar
  2. Right click on the taskmgr program icon and select Run as administrator
  3. In the Task Manager window, go to the Services tab
  4. Right click on the MySQL service and click Start Service
Step 1 and 2Step 3 and 4

ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number when running query through C#

You defined one oracleCommand but used it in 'for'. it means you are adding parameter with the same name to one OracleCommand. you should use cmd.Parameters.clear() to refresh your parameters.

for(int i=0;i<usersList.Count;i++)
            if (!(selectedUsersArray[i].Equals("")) && !passwordArray[i].Equals(""))
                cmd.Parameters.clear();//Add this line
                OracleParameter userName = new OracleParameter();
                userName.ParameterName = "user";
                userName.Value = selectedUsersArray[i];

                OracleParameter passwd = new OracleParameter();
                passwd.ParameterName = "password";
                passwd.Value = passwordArray[i];




Onclick event to remove default value in a text input field

As stated before I even saw this question placeholder is the answer. HTML5 for the win! But for those poor unfortunate souls that cannot rely on that functionality take a look at the jquery plugin as an augmentation as well. HTML5 Placeholder jQuery Plugin

<input name="Name" placeholder="Enter Your Name">

Is it possible to run CUDA on AMD GPUs?

You can run NVIDIA® CUDA™ code on Mac, and indeed on OpenCL 1.2 GPUs in general, using Coriander . Disclosure: I'm the author. Example usage:


Result: enter image description here

jQuery changing font family and font size

In some browsers, fonts are set explicit for textareas and inputs, so they don’t inherit the fonts from higher elements. So, I think you need to apply the font styles for each textarea and input in the document as well (not just the body).

One idea might be to add clases to the body, then use CSS to style the document accordingly.

How to give a pattern for new line in grep?

just found

grep $'\r'

It's using $'\r' for c-style escape in Bash.

in this article

How can one grab a stack trace in C?

Solaris has the pstack command, which was also copied into Linux.

Detecting when Iframe content has loaded (Cross browser)

For anyone using Ember, this should work as expected:

<iframe onLoad={{action 'actionName'}}  frameborder='0' src={{iframeSrc}} />

Error message: (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.)

I had this same error message, turns out it was because I didn't have mixed mode auth enabled. I was on Windows Auth only. This is common in default MSSQL deployments for vSphere, and becomes an issue when upgrading to vSphere 5.1.

To change to mixed mode auth you can follow the instructions at

Best way to move files between S3 buckets?

For new version aws2.


Undefined reference to 'vtable for xxx'

The first set of errors, for the missing vtable, are caused because you do not implement takeaway::textualGame(); instead you implement a non-member function, textualGame(). I think that adding the missing takeaway:: will fix that.

The cause of the last error is that you're calling a virtual function, initialData(), from the constructor of gameCore. At this stage, virtual functions are dispatched according to the type currently being constructed (gameCore), not the most derived class (takeaway). This particular function is pure virtual, and so calling it here gives undefined behaviour.

Two possible solutions:

  • Move the initialisation code for gameCore out of the constructor and into a separate initialisation function, which must be called after the object is fully constructed; or
  • Separate gameCore into two classes: an abstract interface to be implemented by takeaway, and a concrete class containing the state. Construct takeaway first, and then pass it (via a reference to the interface class) to the constructor of the concrete class.

I would recommend the second, as it is a move towards smaller classes and looser coupling, and it will be harder to use the classes incorrectly. The first is more error-prone, as there is no way be sure that the initialisation function is called correctly.

One final point: the destructor of a base class should usually either be virtual (to allow polymorphic deletion) or protected (to prevent invalid polymorphic deletion).

Recommendation for compressing JPG files with ImageMagick

If the image has big dimenssions is hard to get good results without resizing, below is a 60 percent resizing which for most of the purposes doesn't destroys too much of the image.

I use this with good result for gray-scale images (I convert from PNG):

ls ./*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -strip -interlace JPEG -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -adaptive-resize 60%   -gaussian-blur 0.05 -colorspace Gray -quality 20  {}.jpg

I use this for scanned B&W pages get them to gray-scale images (the extra arguments cleans shadows from previous pages):

ls ./*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -strip -interlace JPEG -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -adaptive-resize 60%   -gaussian-blur 0.05 -colorspace Gray -quality 20 -density 300 -fill white -fuzz 40% +opaque "#000000" -density 300 {}.jpg 

I use this for color images:

ls ./*.png | xargs -L1 -I {} convert {} -strip -interlace JPEG -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -adaptive-resize 60%   -gaussian-blur 0.05 -colorspace RGB -quality 20  {}.jpg 

String representation of an Enum

Enum.GetName(typeof(MyEnum), (int)MyEnum.FORMS)
Enum.GetName(typeof(MyEnum), (int)MyEnum.WINDOWSAUTHENTICATION)
Enum.GetName(typeof(MyEnum), (int)MyEnum.SINGLESIGNON)

outputs are:




Change UITextField and UITextView Cursor / Caret Color

I think If you want some custom colors you can go to Assets.xcassets folder, right click and select New Color Set, once you created you color you set, give it a name to reuse it.

And you can use it just like this :

import UIKit 

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        UITextField.appearance().tintColor = UIColor(named: "YOUR-COLOR-NAME")  #here

Tested on macOS 10.15 / iOS 13 / Swift 5

ElasticSearch: Unassigned Shards, how to fix?

I've stuck today with the same issue of shards allocation. The script that W. Andrew Loe III has proposed in his answer didn't work for me, so I modified it a little and it finally worked:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# The script performs force relocation of all unassigned shards, 
# of all indices to a specified node (NODE variable)

ES_HOST="<elasticsearch host>"
NODE="<node name>"

curl ${ES_HOST}:9200/_cat/shards > shards
grep "UNASSIGNED" shards > unassigned_shards

while read LINE; do
  IFS=" " read -r -a ARRAY <<< "$LINE"

  echo "Relocating:"
  echo "Index: ${INDEX}"
  echo "Shard: ${SHARD}"
  echo "To node: ${NODE}"

  curl -s -XPOST "${ES_HOST}:9200/_cluster/reroute" -d "{
    \"commands\": [
         \"allocate\": {
           \"index\": \"${INDEX}\",
           \"shard\": ${SHARD},
           \"node\": \"${NODE}\",
           \"allow_primary\": true
  }"; echo
  echo "------------------------------"
done <unassigned_shards

rm shards
rm unassigned_shards

exit 0

Now, I'm not kind of a Bash guru, but the script really worked for my case. Note, that you'll need to specify appropriate values for "ES_HOST" and "NODE" variables.

How to check all checkboxes using jQuery?

function chek_al_indi(id)
    var k = id;
    var cnt_descriptiv_indictr = eval($('#cnt_descriptiv_indictr').val());
    var std_cnt = 10;

    if ($('#'+ k).is(":checked"))
        for (var i = 1; i <= std_cnt; i++)  
            $("#chk"+ k).attr('checked',true);  
            k = k + cnt_descriptiv_indictr;

    if ($('#'+ k).is(":not(:checked)"))
        for (var i = 1; i <= std_cnt; i++)  
            $("#chk"+ k).attr('checked',false);     
            k = k + cnt_descriptiv_indictr;

How to center a window on the screen in Tkinter?

I use frame and expand option. Very simple. I want some buttons in the middle of screen. Resize window and button stay in the middle. This is my solution.

frame = Frame(parent_window)
Button(frame, text='button1', command=command_1).pack(fill=X)
Button(frame, text='button2', command=command_2).pack(fill=X)
Button(frame, text='button3', command=command_3).pack(fill=X)
frame.pack(anchor=CENTER, expand=1)

Code signing is required for product type Unit Test Bundle in SDK iOS 8.0

Sometimes this happens when you download a project from github or other third party tutorial sites.These apps are usually signed with a different identity or company/name.When this happens,if you can't solve the solution,simply create a new xcode project and copy all the header and implementation files into your new project.Also don't forget the dependency files..such as the framework files.This works for me.

JPA Query selecting only specific columns without using Criteria Query?

Projections can be used to select only specific properties(columns) of an entity object.

From the docs

Spring Data Repositories usually return the domain model when using query methods. However, sometimes, you may need to alter the view of that model for various reasons. In this section, you will learn how to define projections to serve up simplified and reduced views of resources.

Define an interface with only the getters you want.

interface CustomObject {  
    String getA(); // Actual property name is A
    String getB(); // Actual property name is B 

Now return CustomObject from your repository like so :

public interface YOU_REPOSITORY_NAME extends JpaRepository<YOUR_ENTITY, Long> {
    CustomObject findByObjectName(String name);

Can anonymous class implement interface?

Using Roslyn, you can dynamically create a class which inherits from an interface (or abstract class).

I use the following to create concrete classes from abstract classes.

In this example, AAnimal is an abstract class.

var personClass = typeof(AAnimal).CreateSubclass("Person");

Then you can instantiate some objects:

var person1 = Activator.CreateInstance(personClass);
var person2 = Activator.CreateInstance(personClass);

Without a doubt this won't work for every case, but it should be enough to get you started:

using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;

namespace Publisher
    public static class Extensions
        public static Type CreateSubclass(this Type baseType, string newClassName, string newNamespace = "Magic")
            //todo: handle ref, out etc.
            var concreteMethods = baseType
                                    .Where(method => method.IsAbstract)
                                    .Select(method =>
                                        var parameters = method
                                                            .Select(param => $"{param.ParameterType.FullName} {param.Name}")
                                                            .ToString(", ");

                                        var returnTypeStr = method.ReturnParameter.ParameterType.Name;
                                        if (returnTypeStr.Equals("Void")) returnTypeStr = "void";

                                        var methodString = @$"
                                        public override {returnTypeStr} {method.Name}({parameters})
                                            Console.WriteLine(""{newNamespace}.{newClassName}.{method.Name}() was called"");

                                        return methodString.Trim();

            var concreteMethodsString = concreteMethods
                                        .ToString(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

            var classCode = @$"
            using System;

            namespace {newNamespace}
                public class {newClassName}: {baseType.FullName}
                    public {newClassName}()


            classCode = FormatUsingRoslyn(classCode);

            var assemblies = new[]

            var assemblies = AppDomain
                        .Where(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Location))
                        .Select(a => MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(a.Location))

            var syntaxTree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(classCode);

            var compilation = CSharpCompilation
                                .WithOptions(new CSharpCompilationOptions(OutputKind.DynamicallyLinkedLibrary));

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var result = compilation.Emit(ms);

                if (result.Success)
                    ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.Load(ms.ToArray());

                    var newTypeFullName = $"{newNamespace}.{newClassName}";

                    var type = assembly.GetType(newTypeFullName);
                    return type;
                    IEnumerable<Diagnostic> failures = result.Diagnostics.Where(diagnostic =>
                        diagnostic.IsWarningAsError ||
                        diagnostic.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error);

                    foreach (Diagnostic diagnostic in failures)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", diagnostic.Id, diagnostic.GetMessage());

                    return null;

        public static string ToString(this IEnumerable<string> list, string separator)
            string result = string.Join(separator, list);
            return result;

        public static string FormatUsingRoslyn(string csCode)
            var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(csCode);
            var root = tree.GetRoot().NormalizeWhitespace();
            var result = root.ToFullString();
            return result;

Is there a maximum number you can set Xmx to when trying to increase jvm memory?

I think a 32 bit JVM has a maximum of 2GB memory.This might be out of date though. If I understood correctly, you set the -Xmx on Eclipse launcher. If you want to increase the memory for the program you run from Eclipse, you should define -Xmx in the "Run->Run configurations..."(select your class and open the Arguments tab put it in the VM arguments area) menu, and NOT on Eclipse startup

Edit: details you asked for. in Eclipse 3.4

  1. Run->Run Configurations...

  2. if your class is not listed in the list on the left in the "Java Application" subtree, click on "New Launch configuration" in the upper left corner

  3. on the right, "Main" tab make sure the project and the class are the right ones

  4. select the "Arguments" tab on the right. this one has two text areas. one is for the program arguments that get in to the args[] array supplied to your main method. the other one is for the VM arguments. put into the one with the VM arguments(lower one iirc) the following:

    I think that 1024m should more than enough for what you need though!

  5. Click Apply, then Click Run

  6. Should work :)

How to detect if a browser is Chrome using jQuery?

This question was already discussed here: JavaScript: How to find out if the user browser is Chrome?

Please try this:

var isChromium =;
    // is Google chrome 
} else {
    // not Google chrome 

But a more complete and accurate answer would be this since IE11, IE Edge, and Opera will also return true for

So use the below:

// please note, 
// that IE11 now returns undefined again for
// and new Opera 30 outputs true for
// but needs to check if window.opr is not undefined
// and new IE Edge outputs to true now for
// and if not iOS Chrome check
// so use the below updated condition
var isChromium =;
var winNav = window.navigator;
var vendorName = winNav.vendor;
var isOpera = typeof window.opr !== "undefined";
var isIEedge = winNav.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1;
var isIOSChrome = winNav.userAgent.match("CriOS");

if (isIOSChrome) {
   // is Google Chrome on IOS
} else if(
  isChromium !== null &&
  typeof isChromium !== "undefined" &&
  vendorName === "Google Inc." &&
  isOpera === false &&
  isIEedge === false
) {
   // is Google Chrome
} else { 
   // not Google Chrome 

Above posts advise to use jQuery.browser. But the jQuery API recommends against using this method.. (see DOCS in API). And states its functionality may be moved to a team-supported plugin in a future release of jQuery.

The jQuery API recommends to use

The reason being is that 'jQuery.browser' uses the user agent which can be spoofed and it is actually deprecated in later versions of jQuery. If you really want to use $.browser.. Here is the link to the standalone jQuery plugin, since it has been removed from jQuery version 1.9.1.

It's better to use feature object detection instead of browser detection.

Also if you use the Google Chrome inspector and go to the console tab. Type 'window' and press enter. Then you be able to view the DOM properties for the 'window object'. When you collapse the object you can view all the properties, including the 'chrome' property.

I hope this helps, even though the question was how to do with with jQuery. But sometimes straight javascript is more simple!

Python main call within class

Well, first, you need to actually define a function before you can run it (and it doesn't need to be called main). For instance:

class Example(object):
    def run(self):
        print "Hello, world!"

if __name__ == '__main__':

You don't need to use a class, though - if all you want to do is run some code, just put it inside a function and call the function, or just put it in the if block:

def main():
    print "Hello, world!"

if __name__ == '__main__':


if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Hello, world!"

How to install SQL Server Management Studio 2012 (SSMS) Express?

You need to install ENU\x64\SQLEXPRWT_x64_ENU.exe which is Express with Tools (RTM release. SP1 release can be found here).

As the page states

Express with Tools (with LocalDB) Includes the database engine and SQL Server Management Studio Express) This package contains everything needed to install and configure SQL Server as a database server. Choose either LocalDB or Express depending on your needs above.

So install this and use the management studio included with it.

In PHP with PDO, how to check the final SQL parametrized query?

I don't believe you can, though I hope that someone will prove me wrong.

I know you can print the query and its toString method will show you the sql without the replacements. That can be handy if you're building complex query strings, but it doesn't give you the full query with values.

Add or change a value of JSON key with jquery or javascript

var y_axis_name=[];

 for(var point in jsonData[0].data)


y_axis_name is having all the key name

try on jsfiddle

Java Date - Insert into database


You should definitely use a PreparedStatement. (Tutorial)

That way you can invoke:

pstmt.setDate( 1, aDate );

The JDBC driver will do date-time handling appropriate for your particular database.

Also, a PreparedStatement stops any SQL injection hacking attempts – very important! (humor)

It should look like this:

SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM/dd/yyyy" );  // United States style of format.
java.util.Date myDate = format.parse( "10/10/2009" );  // Notice the ".util." of package name.

PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(
" values (?, ?, ?, ?, ? )");

pstmt.setString( 1, userId );
pstmt.setString( 3, myUser.getLastName() ); 
pstmt.setString( 2, myUser.getFirstName() ); // please use "getFir…" instead of "GetFir…", per Java conventions.
pstmt.setString( 4, myUser.getSex() );
java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date( myDate.getTime() ); // Notice the ".sql." (not "util") in package name.
pstmt.setDate( 5, sqlDate ); 

And that's it, the JDBC driver will create the right SQL syntax for you.


When retrieving a Date object, you can use a SimpleDateFormat to create a formatted string representation of the date-time value.

Here is one quick example line, but search StackOverflow for many more.

String s = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy").format( aDate ); 

Set the default value in dropdownlist using jQuery

jQuery("select#cboDays option[value='Wednesday']").attr("selected", "selected");

Html Agility Pack get all elements by class

I used this extension method a lot in my project. Hope it will help one of you guys.

public static bool HasClass(this HtmlNode node, params string[] classValueArray)
        var classValue = node.GetAttributeValue("class", "");
        var classValues = classValue.Split(' ');
        return classValueArray.All(c => classValues.Contains(c));

How can I pause setInterval() functions?

I know this thread is old, but this could be another solution:

var do_this = null;

function y(){
   // what you wanna do

do_this = setInterval(y, 1000);

function y_start(){
    do_this = setInterval(y, 1000);
function y_stop(){
    do_this = clearInterval(do_this);

'setInterval' vs 'setTimeout'

setInterval fires again and again in intervals, while setTimeout only fires once.

See reference at MDN.

How to deal with floating point number precision in JavaScript?

Solved it by first making both numbers integers, executing the expression and afterwards dividing the result to get the decimal places back:

function evalMathematicalExpression(a, b, op) {
    const smallest = String(a < b ? a : b);
    const factor = smallest.length - smallest.indexOf('.');

    for (let i = 0; i < factor; i++) {
        b *= 10;
        a *= 10;

    a = Math.round(a);
    b = Math.round(b);
    const m = 10 ** factor;
    switch (op) {
        case '+':
            return (a + b) / m;
        case '-':
            return (a - b) / m;
        case '*':
            return (a * b) / (m ** 2);
        case '/':
            return a / b;

    throw `Unknown operator ${op}`;

Results for several operations (the excluded numbers are results from eval):

0.1 + 0.002   = 0.102 (0.10200000000000001)
53 + 1000     = 1053 (1053)
0.1 - 0.3     = -0.2 (-0.19999999999999998)
53 - -1000    = 1053 (1053)
0.3 * 0.0003  = 0.00009 (0.00008999999999999999)
100 * 25      = 2500 (2500)
0.9 / 0.03    = 30 (30.000000000000004)
100 / 50      = 2 (2)

Java 8 stream map to list of keys sorted by values

You say you want to sort by value, but you don't have that in your code. Pass a lambda (or method reference) to sorted to tell it how you want to sort.

And you want to get the keys; use map to transform entries to keys.

List<Type> types = countByType.entrySet().stream()

What's the difference between a Future and a Promise?

For client code, Promise is for observing or attaching callback when a result is available, whereas Future is to wait for result and then continue. Theoretically anything which is possible to do with futures what can done with promises, but due to the style difference, the resultant API for promises in different languages make chaining easier.

How to deal with "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error?

Run Java with the command-line option -Xmx, which sets the maximum size of the heap.

See here for details.

How to use a Bootstrap 3 glyphicon in an html select

I ended up using the bootstrap 3 dropdown button, I'm posting my solution here in case it helps someone in future. Adding the bootstrap 3 list-inline to the class for the ul causes it to display in a nicely compact format as well.

<div class="btn-group">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
        Select icon <span class="caret"></span>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu list-inline" role="menu">
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-cutlery"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fire"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-glass"></span></li>
        <li><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></span></li>          

I'm using Angular.js so this is the actual code I used:

<div class="btn-group">
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
                Avatar <span class="caret"></span>
            <ul class="dropdown-menu list-inline" role="menu">
                <li ng-repeat="avatar in avatars" ng-click="avatarSelected(avatar)">
                    <span ng-class="getAvatar(avatar)"></span>

And in my controller:


     return 'glyphicon glyphicon-'+avatar;

How to get the anchor from the URL using jQuery?

jQuery style:


Best way to stress test a website

Maybe grinder will help? You can simulate concurrent request by threads and lightweight processes or distribute test over several machines. I'm using it extensively with success every time.

Looping over a list in Python

Try this,

x in mylist is better and more readable than x in mylist[:] and your len(x) should be equal to 3.

>>> mylist = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7],[8,9,10]]
>>> for x in mylist:
...      if len(x)==3:
...        print x
[1, 2, 3]
[8, 9, 10]

or if you need more pythonic use list-comprehensions

>>> [x for x in mylist if len(x)==3]
[[1, 2, 3], [8, 9, 10]]

Display List in a View MVC

Your action method considers model type asList<string>. But, in your view you are waiting for IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams>. You can solve this problem with changing the model in your view to List<string>.

But, the best approach would be to return IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Teams> as a model from your action method. Then you haven't to change model type in your view.

But, in my opinion your models are not correctly implemented. I suggest you to change it as:

public class Team
    public int Position { get; set; }
    public string HomeGround {get; set;}
    public string NickName {get; set;}
    public int Founded { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

Then you must change your action method as:

public ActionResult Index()
    var model = new List<Team>();

    model.Add(new Team { Name = "MU"});
    model.Add(new Team { Name = "Chelsea"});

    return View(model);

And, your view:

@model IEnumerable<Standings.Models.Team>

     ViewBag.Title = "Standings";

@foreach (var item in Model)
        <hr />

What's the "average" requests per second for a production web application?

You can search "slashdot effect analysis" for graphs of what you would see if some aspect of the site suddenly became popular in the news, e.g. this graph on wiki.

Web-applications that survive tend to be the ones which can generate static pages instead of putting every request through a processing language.

There was an excellent video (I think it might have been on I think it might have been by flickr web team? Does someone know the link?) with ideas on how to scale websites beyond the single server, e.g. how to allocate connections amongst the mix of read-only and read-write servers to get best effect for various types of users.

Apache 2.4 - Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error

This problem can be caused by requests for certain files that don't exist. For example, requests for files in wp-content/uploads/ where the file does not exist.

If this is the situation you're seeing, you can solve the problem by going to .htaccess and changing this line:

RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]


RewriteRule ^(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) - [L]

The underlying issue is that the rule above triggers a rewrite to the exact same url with a slash in front and because there was a rewrite, the newly rewritten request goes back through the rules again and the same rule is triggered. By changing that line's "$1" to "-", no rewrite happens and so the rewriting process does not start over again with the same URL.

It's possible that there's a difference in how apache 2.2 and 2.4 handle this situation of only-difference-is-a-slash-in-front and that's why the default rules provided by WordPress aren't working perfectly.

What's the difference between JavaScript and JScript?

JScript is Microsoft's equivalent of JavaScript.
Java is an Oracle product and used to be a Sun product.

Oracle bought Sun.

JavaScript + Microsoft = JScript

How to find the first and second maximum number?

OK I found it.


=large(array, k)

Array Required. The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value.

K Required. The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return.

TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in ambient context


ng update @angular/core @angular/cli

Then, just to sync material, run:

ng update @angular/material

How do I get the time of day in javascript/Node.js?

You should checkout the Date object.

In particular, you can look at the getHours() method for the Date object.

getHours() return the time from 0 - 23, so make sure to deal with it accordingly. I think 0-23 is a bit more intuitive since military time runs from 0 - 23, but it's up to you.

With that in mind, the code would be something along the lines of:

var date = new Date();
var current_hour = date.getHours();

Horizontal Scroll Table in Bootstrap/CSS

You can also check for bootstrap datatable plugin as well for above issue.

It will have a large column table scrollable feature with lot of other options

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example').dataTable( {
        "scrollX": true
    } );
} );

for more info with example please check out this link

Django Multiple Choice Field / Checkbox Select Multiple

The easiest way I found (just I use eval() to convert string gotten from input to tuple to read again for form instance or other place)

This trick works very well
class ClassName(models.Model):
    field_name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if self.field_name:
            self.field_name= eval(self.field_name)
CHOICES = [('pi', 'PI'), ('ci', 'CI')]

class ClassNameForm(forms.ModelForm):
    field_name = forms.MultipleChoiceField(choices=CHOICES)

    class Meta:
        model = ClassName
        fields = ['field_name',]

Does Spring Data JPA have any way to count entites using method name resolving?

If anyone wants to get the count with based on multiple conditions than here is a sample custom query

@Query("select count(sl) from SlUrl sl where sl.user =?1 And sl.creationDate between ?2 And ?3")
    long countUrlsBetweenDates(User user, Date date1, Date date2);

Instantiating a generic class in Java

For Java 8 ....

There is a good solution at post.

This uses Java 8 Supplier functional interface

SQL LEFT-JOIN on 2 fields for MySQL

Let's try this way:

from a
left join b 
    on a.ip = b.ip 
        and a.port = b.port /*if you has to filter by columns from right table , then add this condition in ON clause*/
where a.somecolumn = somevalue /*if you have to filter by some column from left table, then add it to where condition*/

So, in where clause you can filter result set by column from right table only on this way:

where b.somecolumn <> (=) null

Removing legend on charts with chart.js v2

You simply need to add that line legend: { display: false }

Nested select statement in SQL Server

You need to alias the subquery.

SELECT name FROM (SELECT name FROM agentinformation) a  

or to be more explicit

SELECT FROM (SELECT name FROM agentinformation) a  

ApplicationContextException: Unable to start ServletWebServerApplicationContext due to missing ServletWebServerFactory bean

I did right click on my project in IntelliJ IDEA then Maven -> Reload project, problem solved.

is the + operator less performant than StringBuffer.append()

Like already some users have noted: This is irrelevant for small strings.

And new JavaScript engines in Firefox, Safari or Google Chrome optimize so

"<a href='" + url + "'>click here</a>";

is as fast as

["<a href='", url, "'>click here</a>"].join("");

Faster way to zero memory than with memset?

x86 is rather broad range of devices.

For totally generic x86 target, an assembly block with "rep movsd" could blast out zeros to memory 32-bits at time. Try to make sure the bulk of this work is DWORD aligned.

For chips with mmx, an assembly loop with movq could hit 64bits at a time.

You might be able to get a C/C++ compiler to use a 64-bit write with a pointer to a long long or _m64. Target must be 8 byte aligned for the best performance.

for chips with sse, movaps is fast, but only if the address is 16 byte aligned, so use a movsb until aligned, and then complete your clear with a loop of movaps

Win32 has "ZeroMemory()", but I forget if thats a macro to memset, or an actual 'good' implementation.

I do not want to inherit the child opacity from the parent in CSS

My answer is not about static parent-child layout, its about animations.

I was doing an svg demo today, and i needed svg to be inside div (because svg is created with parent's div width and height, to animate the path around), and this parent div needed to be invisible during svg path animation (and then this div was supposed to animate opacity from 0 to 1, it's the most important part). And because parent div with opacity: 0 was hiding my svg, i came across this hack with visibility option (child with visibility: visible can be seen inside parent with visibility: hidden):

.main.invisible .test {
  visibility: hidden;
.main.opacity-zero .test {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0s !important;
.test { // parent div
  transition: opacity 1s;
.test-svg { // child svg
  visibility: visible;

And then, in js, you removing .invisible class with timeout function, adding .opacity-zero class, trigger layout with something like; and removing .opacity-zero class.

var $main = $(".main");
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 3000);

Better to check this demo

XSLT equivalent for JSON

it is very possible to convert JSON using XSLT: you need JSON2SAX deserializer and SAX2JSON serializer.

Sample code in Java:

Remote origin already exists on 'git push' to a new repository

You don't have to remove your existing "origin" remote, just use a name other than "origin" for your remote add, e.g.

git remote add github [email protected]:myname/oldrep.git

passing 2 $index values within nested ng-repeat

Just to help someone who get here... You should not use $parent.$index as it's not really safe. If you add an ng-if inside the loop, you get the $index messed!

Right way

    <tr ng-repeat="row in rows track by $index" ng-init="rowIndex = $index">
        <td ng-repeat="column in columns track by $index" ng-init="columnIndex = $index">

          <b ng-if="rowIndex == columnIndex">[{{rowIndex}} - {{columnIndex}}]</b>
          <small ng-if="rowIndex != columnIndex">[{{rowIndex}} - {{columnIndex}}]</small>



Selecting the first "n" items with jQuery

I found this note in the end of the lt() docs:

Additional Notes:
Because :lt() is a jQuery extension and not part of the CSS specification, queries using :lt() cannot take advantage of the performance boost provided by the native DOM querySelectorAll() method. For better performance in modern browsers, use $("your-pure-css-selector").slice(0, index) instead.

So use $("selector").slice(from, to) for better performances.

Determine if variable is defined in Python

    a # does a exist in the current namespace
except NameError:
    a = 10 # nope

Initialising mock objects - MockIto

A little example for JUnit 5 Jupiter, the "RunWith" was removed you now need to use the Extensions using the "@ExtendWith" Annotation.

class FooTest {

  ClassUnderTest test = new ClassUnderTest();

  SomeInject bla = new SomeInject();

How to set environment variables in Jenkins?

Try Environment Script Plugin (GitHub) which is very similar to EnvInject. It allows you to run a script before the build (after SCM checkout) that generates environment variables for it. E.g.

Jenkins Build - Regular job - Build Environment

and in your script, you can print e.g. FOO=bar to the standard output to set that variable.

Example to append to an existing PATH-style variable:

echo PATH+unique_identifier=/usr/local/bin

So you're free to do whatever you need in the script - either cat a file, or run a script in some other language from your project's source tree, etc.

Safely remove migration In Laravel

I will rather do it manually

  1. Delete the model first (if you don't) need the model any longer
  2. Delete the migration from ...database/migrations folder
  3. If you have already migrated i.e if you have already run php artisan migrate, log into your phpmyadmin or SQL(whichever the case is) and in your database, delete the table created by the migration
  4. Still within your database, in the migrations folder, locate the row with that migration file name and delete the row.

Works for me, hope it helps!

How to set MouseOver event/trigger for border in XAML?

Yes, this is confusing...

According to this blog post, it looks like this is an omission from WPF.

To make it work you need to use a style:

    <Border Name="ClearButtonBorder" Grid.Column="1" CornerRadius="0,3,3,0">
                <Setter Property="Border.Background" Value="Blue"/>
                    <Trigger Property="Border.IsMouseOver" Value="True">
                        <Setter Property="Border.Background" Value="Green" />
        <TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Text="X" />

I guess this problem isn't that common as most people tend to factor out this sort of thing into a style, so it can be used on multiple controls.

Div width 100% minus fixed amount of pixels

In some contexts, you can leverage margin settings to effectively specify "100% width minus N pixels". See the accepted answer to this question.

Set keyboard caret position in html textbox

I would fix the conditions like below:

function setCaretPosition(elemId, caretPos)
 var elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
 if (elem)
  if (typeof elem.createTextRange != 'undefined')
   var range = elem.createTextRange();
   range.move('character', caretPos);;
   if (typeof elem.selectionStart != 'undefined')
    elem.selectionStart = caretPos;

Google Maps how to Show city or an Area outline

From what I searched, at this moment there is no option from Google in the Maps API v3 and there is an issue on the Google Maps API going back to 2008. There are some older questions - Add "Search Area" outline onto google maps result , Google has started highlighting search areas in Pink color. Is this feature available in Google Maps API 3? and you might find some newer answers here with updated information, but this is not a feature.

What you can do is draw shapes on your map - but for this you need to have the coordinates of the borders of your region.

Now, in order to get the administrative area boundaries, you will have to do a little work: (if you are lucky and there is enough level of detail available there).

On this website you can locally download a file (there are many formats available) with the .kmz extension. Unzip it and you will have a .kml file which contains most administrative areas (cities, villages).

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Document id="root_doc">
<Schema name="x" id="x">
    <SimpleField name="ID_0" type="int"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ISO" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NAME_0" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ID_1" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NAME_1" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ID_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="TYPE_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="ENGTYPE_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="NL_NAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="VARNAME_2" type="string"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="Shape_Length" type="float"></SimpleField>
    <SimpleField name="Shape_Area" type="float"></SimpleField>
    <ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#x">
        <SimpleData name="ID_0">186</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ISO">ROU</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="NAME_0">Romania</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ID_1">1</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="NAME_1">Alba</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ID_2">1</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="NAME_2">Abrud</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="TYPE_2">Comune</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="ENGTYPE_2">Commune</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="VARNAME_2">Oras Abrud</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="Shape_Length">0.2792904164402</SimpleData>
        <SimpleData name="Shape_Area">0.00302673357146115</SimpleData>
      <MultiGeometry><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>23.117561340332031,46.269237518310547 23.108898162841797,46.265365600585937 23.107486724853629,46.264305114746207 23.104681015014762,46.260105133056641 23.101633071899471,46.250000000000114 23.100803375244254,46.249053955078239 23.097520828247184,46.246582031250114 23.0965576171875,46.245487213134822 23.095674514770508,46.244930267334098 23.092174530029354,46.243438720703182 23.088010787963924,46.240383148193473 23.083366394043082,46.238204956054801 23.075212478637809,46.234935760498047 23.071325302123967,46.239696502685547 23.070602416992131,46.241668701171875 23.069700241088924,46.242824554443416 23.068435668945369,46.243541717529354 23.066627502441406,46.244037628173771 23.064964294433651,46.246234893798885 23.062850952148437,46.247486114501953 23.0626220703125,46.248153686523438 23.062761306762752,46.250873565673942 23.061862945556697,46.255172729492301 23.061449050903434,46.256267547607422 23.05998420715332,46.258060455322322 23.057676315307674,46.259838104248161 23.055141448974666,46.262714385986442 23.053401947021484,46.264244079589901 23.049621582031193,46.266674041748161 23.043565750122013,46.268516540527457 23.041521072387695,46.269458770751953 23.034791946411076,46.270542144775334 23.027051925659293,46.27105712890625 23.025453567504826,46.271255493164063 23.022710800170898,46.272083282470703 23.020351409912053,46.271331787109432 23.018688201904297,46.270687103271598 23.015596389770508,46.270793914794922 23.014116287231502,46.271579742431697 23.009817123413143,46.275333404541016 23.006668090820426,46.277061462402401 23.004106521606445,46.279254913330135 23.001775741577205,46.282882690429688 23.005559921264648,46.283077239990348 23.009967803955135,46.28415679931652 23.014947891235465,46.286224365234489 23.019996643066463,46.28900146484375 23.024263381958121,46.292709350586051 23.027633666992301,46.295299530029411 23.028041839599609,46.295692443847656 23.032444000244197,46.294342041015625 23.03491401672369,46.293315887451229 23.044847488403434,46.290401458740234 23.047790527343807,46.28928375244152 23.053009033203239,46.288627624511719 23.057231903076229,46.288341522216797 23.064565658569393,46.287548065185547 23.070388793945426,46.286254882812614 23.075139999389592,46.284847259521428 23.075983047485465,46.284801483154411 23.085800170898494,46.28253173828125 23.098115921020451,46.280982971191406 23.099718093872127,46.280590057373104 23.105833053588981,46.278388977050838 23.112155914306641,46.274082183837947 23.116207122802791,46.270610809326172 23.117561340332031,46.269237518310547</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></MultiGeometry>

From this point on, when the user searches for a city/village, you simply retrieve the boundaries and draw around those coordinates on the map -

I hope this helps you! Good luck!

border on Google Map using the above coordinates UPDATE: I made the borders of this city using the coordinates above

                   var ctaLayer = new google.maps.KmlLayer({
                       url: ''

(I put a small kml file on my Dropbox containing the borders of a single city)

Note that this uses the Google built in KML system, in which it their server gets the file, computes the view and spits it back to you - it has limited usage and I used it to show you how the borders look. In your application you should be able to parse the coordinates from the kml file, put them in an array (as the polygon documentation tells you - ) and display them.

Note that there will be differences between the borders that Google sets on and the borders that you will get with this data.

Good luck! enter image description here

UPDATE: , These are the javascript files (they were minified, so I used an online tool to make them readable) from the website. If you are not fully satisfied with this my solution, feel free to study them.

Best of luck!

How do I get a reference to the app delegate in Swift?

Here is the Swift 5 version:

let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate

And to access the managed object context:

    if let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate {

        let moc = delegate.managedObjectContext
        // your code here

or, using guard:

    guard let delegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate  else {

    let moc = delegate.managedObjectContext
    // your code here

PHP list of specific files in a directory

you can mix between glob() function & pathinfo() function like below.

the below code will show files information for specific extension "pdf"

foreach ( glob("*.pdf") as $file ) {

    $file_info = pathinfo( getcwd().'/'.$file );

    echo $file_info['dirname'], "<br>";
    echo $file_info['basename'], "<br>";
    echo $file_info['extension'], "<br>";
    echo $file_info['filename'], "<br>"; 
    echo '<hr>';

how to save and read array of array in NSUserdefaults in swift?

Here is:

var array : [String] = ["One", "Two", "Three"]
let userDefault = UserDefaults.standard
// set
userDefault.set(array, forKey: "array")
// retrieve 
if let fetchArray = userDefault.array(forKey: "array") as? [String] {
    // code 

How to turn on front flash light programmatically in Android?

In API 23 or Higher (Android M, 6.0)

Turn On code

    CameraManager camManager = (CameraManager) getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
    String cameraId = null; 
    try {
        cameraId = camManager.getCameraIdList()[0];
        camManager.setTorchMode(cameraId, true);   //Turn ON
    } catch (CameraAccessException e) {

Turn OFF code

camManager.setTorchMode(cameraId, false);

And Permissions

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT"/>


People still upvoting my answer so I decided to post additional code This was my solution for the problem back in the day:

public class FlashlightProvider {

private static final String TAG = FlashlightProvider.class.getSimpleName();
private Camera mCamera;
private Camera.Parameters parameters;
private CameraManager camManager;
private Context context;

public FlashlightProvider(Context context) {
    this.context = context;

private void turnFlashlightOn() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        try {
            camManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
            String cameraId = null; 
            if (camManager != null) {
                cameraId = camManager.getCameraIdList()[0];
                camManager.setTorchMode(cameraId, true);
        } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, e.toString());
    } else {
        mCamera =;
        parameters = mCamera.getParameters();

private void turnFlashlightOff() {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        try {
            String cameraId;
            camManager = (CameraManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CAMERA_SERVICE);
            if (camManager != null) {
                cameraId = camManager.getCameraIdList()[0]; // Usually front camera is at 0 position.
                camManager.setTorchMode(cameraId, false);
        } catch (CameraAccessException e) {
    } else {
        mCamera =;
        parameters = mCamera.getParameters();

What is external linkage and internal linkage?

In terms of 'C' (Because static keyword has different meaning between 'C' & 'C++')

Lets talk about different scope in 'C'

SCOPE: It is basically how long can I see something and how far.

  1. Local variable : Scope is only inside a function. It resides in the STACK area of RAM. Which means that every time a function gets called all the variables that are the part of that function, including function arguments are freshly created and are destroyed once the control goes out of the function. (Because the stack is flushed every time function returns)

  2. Static variable: Scope of this is for a file. It is accessible every where in the file
    in which it is declared. It resides in the DATA segment of RAM. Since this can only be accessed inside a file and hence INTERNAL linkage. Any
    other files cannot see this variable. In fact STATIC keyword is the only way in which we can introduce some level of data or function
    hiding in 'C'

  3. Global variable: Scope of this is for an entire application. It is accessible form every where of the application. Global variables also resides in DATA segment Since it can be accessed every where in the application and hence EXTERNAL Linkage

By default all functions are global. In case, if you need to hide some functions in a file from outside, you can prefix the static keyword to the function. :-)

How do you install GLUT and OpenGL in Visual Studio 2012?

Download the GLUT library. At first step Copy the glut32.dll and paste it in C:\Windows\System32 folder.Second step copy glut.h file and paste it in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC\include folder and third step copy glut32.lib and paste it in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC\lib folder. Now you can create visual c++ console application project and include glut.h header file then you can write code for GLUT project. If you are using 64 bit windows machine then path and glut library may be different but process is similar.

How to install an npm package from GitHub directly?

You could also do

npm i alex-cory/fasthacks


npm i github:alex-cory/fasthacks


npm i user_or_org/repo_name

How do I retrieve query parameters in Spring Boot?

To accept both @PathVariable and @RequestParam in the same /user endpoint:

@GetMapping(path = {"/user", "/user/{data}"})
public void user(@PathVariable(required=false,name="data") String data,
                 @RequestParam(required=false) Map<String,String> qparams) {
    qparams.forEach((a,b) -> {
        System.out.println(String.format("%s -> %s",a,b));
    if (data != null) {

Testing with curl:

  • curl 'http://localhost:8080/user/books'
  • curl 'http://localhost:8080/user?book=ofdreams&name=nietzsche'

Axios Delete request with body and headers?

I had the same issue I solved it like that:

axios.delete(url, {data:{username:"user", password:"pass"}, headers:{Authorization: "token"}})

Removing all non-numeric characters from string in Python

>>> import re
>>> re.sub("[^0-9]", "", "sdkjh987978asd098as0980a98sd")

What exactly does += do in python?

As others also said, the += operator is a shortcut. An example:

var = 1;
var = var + 1;
#var = 2

It could also be written like so:

var = 1;
var += 1;
#var = 2

So instead of writing the first example, you can just write the second one, which would work just fine.

Why Python 3.6.1 throws AttributeError: module 'enum' has no attribute 'IntFlag'?

Not sure whether you still have this issue. I had a similar issue and I was able to resolve it simply by unsetting PYTHONPATH


Android Center text on canvas

works for me to use: textPaint.textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER with textPaint.getTextBounds

private fun drawNumber(i: Int, canvas: Canvas, translate: Float) {
            val text = "$i"
            textPaint.textAlign = Paint.Align.CENTER
            textPaint.getTextBounds(text, 0, text.length, textBound)

                    translate + circleRadius,
                    (height / 2 + textBound.height() / 2).toFloat(),

result is:

enter image description here

Disable keyboard on EditText

To add to Alex Kucherenko solution: the issue with the cursor getting disappearing after calling setInputType(0) is due to a framework bug on ICS (and JB).

The bug is documented here:

To workaround this, call setRawInputType(InputType.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) right after the setInputType call.

To stop the keyboard from appearing, just override OnTouchListener of the EditText and return true (swallowing the touch event):

ed.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {

            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {

                return true;

The reasons for the cursor appearing on GB devices and not on ICS+ had me tearing my hair out for a couple of hours, so I hope this saves someone's time.

LINQ orderby on date field in descending order

I don't believe that Distinct() is guaranteed to maintain the order of the set.

Try pulling out an anonymous type first and distinct/sort on that before you convert to string:

var ud = env.Select(d => new 
                             FormattedDate = d.ReportDate.ToString("yyyy-MMM")
            .OrderByDescending(d => d.Year)
            .ThenByDescending(d => d.Month)
            .Select(d => d.FormattedDate);

Preloading images with JavaScript

const preloadImage = src => 
  new Promise(r => {
    const image = new Image()
    image.onload = r
    image.onerror = r
    image.src = src

// Preload an image
await preloadImage('')

// Preload a bunch of images in parallel 
await Promise.all( => preloadImage(x.src)))

How to get the full url in Express?

You can use this function in the route like this

app.get('/one/two', function (req, res) {
    const url = getFullUrl(req);

 * Gets the self full URL from the request
 * @param {object} req Request
 * @returns {string} URL
const getFullUrl = (req) => `${req.protocol}://${}${req.originalUrl}`;

req.protocol will give you http or https, will give you the full host name like, req.originalUrl will give the rest pathName(in your case /one/two)

Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$'

NETWORK SERVICE and LocalSystem will authenticate themselves always as the correpsonding account locally (builtin\network service and builtin\system) but both will authenticate as the machine account remotely.

If you see a failure like Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$' it means that a process running as NETWORK SERVICE or as LocalSystem has accessed a remote resource, has authenticated itself as the machine account and was denied authorization.

Typical example would be an ASP application running in an app pool set to use NETWORK SERVICE credential and connecting to a remote SQL Server: the app pool will authenticate as the machine running the app pool, and is this machine account that needs to be granted access.

When access is denied to a machine account, then access must be granted to the machine account. If the server refuses to login 'DOMAIN\MACHINE$', then you must grant login rights to 'DOMAIN\MACHINE$' not to NETWORK SERVICE. Granting access to NETWORK SERVICE would allow a local process running as NETWORK SERVICE to connect, not a remote one, since the remote one will authenticate as, you guessed, DOMAIN\MACHINE$.

If you expect the asp application to connect to the remote SQL Server as a SQL login and you get exceptions about DOMAIN\MACHINE$ it means you use Integrated Security in the connection string. If this is unexpected, it means you screwed up the connection strings you use.

How to bind WPF button to a command in ViewModelBase?

 <Grid >
        <ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
    <Button Command="{Binding ClickCommand}" Width="100" Height="100" Content="wefwfwef"/>

the code behind for the window:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()
        DataContext = new ViewModelBase();

The ViewModel:

public class ViewModelBase
    private ICommand _clickCommand;
    public ICommand ClickCommand
            return _clickCommand ?? (_clickCommand = new CommandHandler(() => MyAction(), ()=> CanExecute));
     public bool CanExecute
            // check if executing is allowed, i.e., validate, check if a process is running, etc. 
            return true/false;

    public void MyAction()


Command Handler:

 public class CommandHandler : ICommand
    private Action _action;
    private Func<bool> _canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates instance of the command handler
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">Action to be executed by the command</param>
    /// <param name="canExecute">A bolean property to containing current permissions to execute the command</param>
    public CommandHandler(Action action, Func<bool> canExecute)
        _action = action;
        _canExecute = canExecute;

    /// <summary>
    /// Wires CanExecuteChanged event 
    /// </summary>
    public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
        add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
        remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Forcess checking if execute is allowed
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameter"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
        return _canExecute.Invoke();

    public void Execute(object parameter)

I hope this will give you the idea.

How to include file in a bash shell script

Syntax is source <file-name>

ex. source

script -

EMAIL="[email protected]"

calling script -

echo Welcome ${USERNAME}!
echo Your email is ${EMAIL}.

You can learn to include a bash script in another bash script here.

Convert from to JodaTime

java.util.Date date = ...
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(date);

Make sure date isn't null, though, otherwise it acts like new DateTime() - I really don't like that.

React JS Error: is not defined react/jsx-no-undef

Here you have not specified class name to be imported from Map.js file. If Map is class exportable class name exist in the Map.js file, your code should be as follow.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Map from  './Map';
class App extends Component {
   render() {
     return (
         <div className="App">
export default App;

Android Relative Layout Align Center

I hope this will work


  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""
    android:paddingRight="15dp" >

        android:src="@drawable/ic_launcher" />

        android:text="320" />

        android:text="Place Name"
        android:textStyle="bold" />


Checking from shell script if a directory contains files

The solutions so far use ls. Here's an all bash solution:

shopt -s nullglob dotglob     # To include hidden files
if [ ${#files[@]} -gt 0 ]; then echo "huzzah"; fi

Maven Unable to locate the Javac Compiler in:

I had the same Error, because of JUNIT version, I had 3 3.8.1 and I have changed to 4.8.1.

so the solution is

you have to go to POM, and make sure that you dependency looks like this


How can I change the default Mysql connection timeout when connecting through python?

MAX_EXECUTION_TIME is also an important parameter for long running queries.Will work for MySQL 5.7 or later.

Check the current value


Then set it according to your needs.


Round button with text and icon in flutter


enter image description here

  size: Size(56, 56), // button width and height
  child: ClipOval(
    child: Material(
      color:, // button color
      child: InkWell(
        splashColor:, // splash color
        onTap: () {}, // button pressed
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
            Icon(, // icon
            Text("Call"), // text

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date

This should work. I converted the date to unix time via strtotime.

  foreach ($originalArray as $key => $part) {
       $sort[$key] = strtotime($part['datetime']);
  array_multisort($sort, SORT_DESC, $originalArray);

One-liner version would be using multiple array methods:


Responsive Bootstrap Jumbotron Background Image

This is what I did.
First, just override the jumbotron class, and do the following:

    background: url("bg.jpg") no-repeat center center; 
    -webkit-background-size: 100% 100%;
    -moz-background-size: 100% 100%;
    -o-background-size: 100% 100%;
    background-size: 100% 100%;

So, now you have a jumbotron with responsive background in place. However, as Irvin Zhan already answered, the height of the background still not showing correctly.

One thing you can do is fill your div with some spaces such as this:

<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container">
        <br><br><br> <!--keep filling br until the height is to your liking-->

Or, more elegantly, you can set the height of the container. You might want to add another class so that you don't override Bootstrap container class.

<div class="jumbotron">
    <div class="container push-spaces">

    height: 100px;

How do I use this JavaScript variable in HTML?

You can create a <p> element:

<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
  var name = prompt("What's your name?");_x000D_
  var lengthOfName = name.length_x000D_
  p = document.createElement("p");_x000D_
  p.innerHTML = "Your name is "+lengthOfName+" characters long.";_x000D_

Is there a good Valgrind substitute for Windows?

Definitely Purify! I've used that to analyze some massive code bases (>3,000 kSLOC) and found it to be excellent.

You might like to look at this list at Wikipedia.

By the way, I've found memwatch to be useful. Thanks Johan!

How can I clear the input text after clicking

    enter code here<form id="form">
<input type="text"><input type="text"><input type="text">

<input type="button" id="new">
<form id="form1">
<input type="text"><input type="text"><input type="text">

<input type="button" id="new1">
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
    $("#new").click( function(){
    $("#form input").val('');

      $("#new1").click( function(){
    $("#form1 input").val('');

How to split page into 4 equal parts?

Demo at

body {
  height: 100%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

div {
  width: 50%;
  height: 50%;
  float: left;

#div1 {
  background: #DDD;

#div2 {
  background: #AAA;

#div3 {
  background: #777;

#div4 {
  background: #444;
<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>
<div id="div3"></div>
<div id="div4"></div>

How to force deletion of a python object?

  1. Add an exit handler that closes all the bars.
  2. __del__() gets called when the number of references to an object hits 0 while the VM is still running. This may be caused by the GC.
  3. If __init__() raises an exception then the object is assumed to be incomplete and __del__() won't be invoked.

SQL Server add auto increment primary key to existing table


Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive

Follow these two steps:

Register the .net framework version version 4.0 (if it is not registered)

  1. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i

  2. In the app pool change the .net framework to v4.0

Maximum concurrent connections to MySQL

You might have 10,000 users total, but that's not the same as concurrent users. In this context, concurrent scripts being run.

For example, if your visitor visits index.php, and it makes a database query to get some user details, that request might live for 250ms. You can limit how long those MySQL connections live even further by opening and closing them only when you are querying, instead of leaving it open for the duration of the script.

While it is hard to make any type of formula to predict how many connections would be open at a time, I'd venture the following:

You probably won't have more than 500 active users at any given time with a user base of 10,000 users. Of those 500 concurrent users, there will probably at most be 10-20 concurrent requests being made at a time.

That means, you are really only establishing about 10-20 concurrent requests.

As others mentioned, you have nothing to worry about in that department.

Break when a value changes using the Visual Studio debugger

Imagine you have a class called A with the following declaration.

class A  

        int m_value;

You want the program to stop when someone modifies the value of "m_value".

Go to the class definition and put a breakpoint in the constructor of A.

    ... // set breakpoint here

Once we stopped the program:

Debug -> New Breakpoint -> New Data Breakpoint ...

Address: &(this->m_value)
Byte Count: 4 (Because int has 4 bytes)

Now, we can resume the program. The debugger will stop when the value is changed.

You can do the same with inherited classes or compound classes.

class B
       A m_a;

Address: &(this->m_a.m_value)

If you don't know the number of bytes of the variable you want to inspect, you can use the sizeof operator.

For example:

// to know the size of the word processor,  
// if you want to inspect a pointer.
int wordTam = sizeof (void* ); 

If you look at the "Call stack" you can see the function that changed the value of the variable.

Using margin / padding to space <span> from the rest of the <p>

Try in html:

style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 50px;"

or in css:

display: inline-block;
margin-top: 50px;

How to update RecyclerView Adapter Data?

you have 2 options to do this: refresh UI from the adapter:


or refresh it from recyclerView itself:


Changing the color of a clicked table row using jQuery

Create a css class that applies the row color, and use jQuery to toggle the class on/off:


.selected {
    background-color: blue;


$('#data tr').on('click', function() {

The first click will add the class (making the background color blue), and the next click will remove the class, reverting it to whatever it was before. Repeat!

In terms of the two CSS classes you already have, I would change the .nonhighlighted class to apply to all rows of the table by default, then toggle the .highlighted on and off:

<style type="text/css">

.highlighted {
    background: red;

#data tr {
    background: white;


$('#data tr').on('click', function() {

SSRS Expression for IF, THEN ELSE

You should be able to use

IIF(Fields!ExitReason.Value = 7, 1, 0)

AngularJS : ng-click not working

Have a look at this plunker


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="app">

    <script data-require="[email protected]" data-semver="1.3.0-beta.16" src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
    <script src="script.js"></script>

  <body ng-controller="FollowsController">
    <div class="row" ng:repeat="follower in myform.all_followers">
      <ons-col class="views-row" size="50" ng-repeat="data in follower">
        <img ng-src="{{data.token}}/thumbnail/{{data.Path}}" alt="{{data.fname}}" ng-click="showDetail2(data.token)" />
        <h3 class="title" ng-click="showDetail2('ss')">{{data.fname}}</h3>



var app = angular.module('app', []);
//Follows Controller
app.controller('FollowsController', function($scope, $http) {
    var ukey = window.localStorage.ukey;
    $scope.showDetail = function(index) {
        profileusertoken =  index;

    function showDetail2(index) {

    $scope.showDetail2 = showDetail2;
    $scope.myform ={};
    $scope.myform.reports ="";
    $["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    var dataObject = "usertoken="+ukey;
    //var responsePromise = $"follows/", dataObject,{});
    //responsePromise.success(function(dataFromServer, status,    headers, config) {

    $scope.myform.all_followers = [[{fname: "blah"}, {fname: "blah"}, {fname: "blah"}, {fname: "blah"}]];

SELECT * FROM multiple tables. MySQL

You will have the duplicate values for name and price here. And ids are duplicate in the drinks_photos table.There is no way you can avoid them.Also what exactly you want the output ?

What's the difference between Unicode and UTF-8?

It's weird. Unicode is a standard, not an encoding. As it is possible to specify the endianness I guess it's effectively UTF-16 or maybe 32.

Where does this menu provide from?

Prevent flicker on webkit-transition of webkit-transform

Add this css property to the element being flickered:

-webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d;

(And a big thanks to Nathan Hoad:

Trim leading and trailing spaces from a string in awk

just use a regex as a separator:

', *' - for leading spaces

' *,' - for trailing spaces

for both leading and trailing:

awk -F' *,? *' '{print $1","$2}' input.txt

Get full path of the files in PowerShell

[alternative syntax]

For some people, directional pipe operators are not their taste, but they rather prefer chaining. See some interesting opinions on this topic shared in roslyn issue tracker: dotnet/roslyn#5445.

Based on the case and the context, one of this approach can be considered implicit (or indirect). For example, in this case using pipe against enumerable requires special token $_ (aka PowerShell's "THIS" token) might appear distasteful to some.

For such fellas, here is a more concise, straight-forward way of doing it with dot chaining:

(gci . -re -fi *.txt).FullName

(<rant> Note that PowerShell's command arguments parser accepts the partial parameter names. So in addition to -recursive; -recursiv, -recursi, -recurs, -recur, -recu, -rec and -re are accepted, but unfortunately not -r .. which is the only correct choice that makes sense with single - character (if we go by POSIXy UNIXy conventions)! </rant>)

Why do I get an error instantiating an interface?

Imagine if one went into a store and asked for a device with a power switch. You didn't say whether you wanted a copier, television, vacuum cleaner, desk lamp, waffle maker, or anything. You asked for a device with a power switch. Would you expect the clerk to offer you something that could only be described as "a device with a power switch"?

A typical interface would be analogous to the description "a device with a power switch". Knowing that a piece of equipment is " a device with a power switch" would allow one to do some operations with it (i.e. turn it on and off), and one might plausibly want a list of e.g. "devices with power switches that will need to be turned off at the end of the day", without the devices having to share any characteristic beyond having a power switch, but such situations generally only apply when applying some common operation to devices that were created for some more specific purpose. When creating something from scratch, one would more likely wand a "copier", "television", "vacuum cleaner", or other particular type of device, than some random "device with a power switch".

There are some circumstances where one may want a vaguely-defined object, and really not care about what exactly it is. "Give me your cheapest device that can boil water". It would be nice if one could specify that when someone asks for an arbitrary object with "water boiling" ability, they should be offered an Acme 359 Electric Teakettle, and indeed when using classes it's possible to do that. Note, however, that someone who asks for a "device to boil water" would not be given a "device to boil water", but an "Acme 359 Electric Teakettle".

How do you install an APK file in the Android emulator?


The first step is to run the emulator

emulator -avd < avd_name>

then use adb to install the .apk

adb install < path to .apk file>

If adb throws error like APK already exists or something alike. Run the adb shell while emulator is running

adb shell

cd data/app

adb uninstall < apk file without using .apk>

If adb and emulator are commands not found do following

export PATH=$PATH://android-sdk-macosx/platform-tools://android-sdk-macosx/android-sdk-macosx/tools:

For future use put the above line at the end of .bash_profile

vi ~/.bash_profile

ASP.NET MVC Yes/No Radio Buttons with Strongly Bound Model MVC

If I can throw my hat into the ring, I think there is a cleaner way than the existing answers to reuse the radio button functionality.

Let's say you have the following property in your ViewModel:

Public Class ViewModel
    <Display(Name:="Do you like Cats?")>
    Public Property LikesCats As Boolean
End Class

You can expose that property through a reusable editor template:

First, create the file Views/Shared/EditorTemplates/YesNoRadio.vbhtml

Then add the following code to YesNoRadio.vbhtml:

@ModelType Boolean?

        @Html.LabelFor(Function(model) model)

        @Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(model) model, True) Yes
        @Html.RadioButtonFor(Function(model) model, False) No

You can call the editor for the property by manually specifying the template name in your View:

@Html.EditorFor(Function(model) model.LikesCats, "YesNoRadio")


  • Get to write HTML in an HTML editor instead of appending strings in code behind.
  • Preserves the DisplayName DataAnnotation
  • Allows clicks on Label to toggle radio button
  • Least possible code to maintain in form (1 line). If something is wrong with the way it is rending, take it up with the template.

How to get the sizes of the tables of a MySQL database?

  • Size of all tables:

    Suppose your database or TABLE_SCHEMA name is "news_alert". Then this query will show the size of all tables in the database.

      TABLE_NAME AS `Table`,
      ROUND(((DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024),2) AS `Size (MB)`
      TABLE_SCHEMA = "news_alert"


        | Table   | Size (MB) |
        | news    |      0.08 |
        | keyword |      0.02 |
        2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
  • For the specific table:

    Suppose your TABLE_NAME is "news". Then SQL query will be-

      TABLE_NAME AS `Table`,
      ROUND(((DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024 / 1024),2) AS `Size (MB)`
        TABLE_SCHEMA = "news_alert"
        TABLE_NAME = "news"


    | Table | Size (MB) |
    | news  |      0.08 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

how to convert date to a format `mm/dd/yyyy`

Are you looking for something like this?

SELECT CASE WHEN LEFT(created_ts, 1) LIKE '[0-9]' 
            THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, created_ts,   1), 101)
            ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CONVERT(datetime, created_ts, 109), 101)
      END created_ts
  FROM table1


| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |
| 11/16/2011 |
| 02/20/2012 |
| 11/29/2012 |

Here is SQLFiddle demo

rewrite a folder name using .htaccess

mod_rewrite can only rewrite/redirect requested URIs. So you would need to request /apple/… to get it rewritten to a corresponding /folder1/….

Try this:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^apple/(.*) folder1/$1

This rule will rewrite every request that starts with the URI path /apple/… internally to /folder1/….

Edit    As you are actually looking for the other way round:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET\ /folder1/
RewriteRule ^folder1/(.*) /apple/$1 [L,R=301]

This rule is designed to work together with the other rule above. Requests of /folder1/… will be redirected externally to /apple/… and requests of /apple/… will then be rewritten internally back to /folder1/….

JAXB :Need Namespace Prefix to all the elements


Have you tried setting a namespace declaration to your member variables like this? :

@XmlElement(required = true, namespace = "")
protected String username;

@XmlElement(required = true, namespace = "")
protected String password;

For our project, it solved namespace issues. We also had to create NameSpacePrefixMappers.

Sequence contains no elements?

Reason for error:

  1. The query from p in dc.BlogPosts where p.BlogPostID == ID select p returns a sequence.

  2. Single() tries to retrieve an element from the sequence returned in step1.

  3. As per the exception - The sequence returned in step1 contains no elements.

  4. Single() tries to retrieve an element from the sequence returned in step1 which contains no elements.

  5. Since Single() is not able to fetch a single element from the sequence returned in step1, it throws an error.


Make sure the query (from p in dc.BlogPosts where p.BlogPostID == ID select p)

returns a sequence with at least one element.

How to select last child element in jQuery?

If you want to select the last child and need to be specific on the element type you can use the selector last-of-type

Here is an example:

$("div p:last-of-type").css("border", "3px solid red");
$("div span:last-of-type").css("border", "3px solid red");

<div id="example">
            <p>This is paragraph 1</p>
            <p>This is paragraph 2</p>
            <span>This is paragraph 3</span>
            <span>This is paragraph 4</span>
            <p>This is paragraph 5</p>

In the example above both Paragraph 4 and Paragraph 5 will have a red border since Paragraph 5 is the last element of "p" type in the div and Paragraph 4 is the last "span" in the div.

How can I start an interactive console for Perl?

Perl doesn't have a console but the debugger can be used as one. At a command prompt, type perl -de 1. (The value "1" doesn't matter, it's just a valid statement that does nothing.)

There are also a couple of options for a Perl shell.

For more information read perlfaq3.

Number prime test in JavaScript

Prime numbers are of the form 6f ± 1, excluding 2 and 3 where f is any integer

 function isPrime(number)
   if (number <= 1)
   return false;

   // The check for the number 2 and 3
   if (number <= 3)
   return true;

   if (number%2 == 0 || number%3 == 0)
   return false;

   for (var i=5; i*i<=number; i=i+6)
      if (number%i == 0 || number%(i+2) == 0)
      return false;

   return true;

Time Complexity of the solution: O(sqrt(n))

Time complexity of nested for-loop

A quick way to explain this is to visualize it.

if both i and j are from 0 to N, it's easy to see O(N^2)


in this case, it's:


This comes out to be 1/2 of N^2, which is still O(N^2)

Create a new cmd.exe window from within another cmd.exe prompt

START "notepad.exe"
echo Will launch the notepad.exe application

To make any cmd file type, all you have to do is save the contents as .bat, i.e.

TITLE example.bat
taskkill/IM cmd.exe

Make that into an "example.bat" file, save it, then open it and run.