Programs & Examples On #Cbc mac

CBC-MAC is a chaining mode to compute a signature using a secret key with a cblock cipher.

How can I show a message box with two buttons?

Remember - if you set the buttons to vbOkOnly - it will always return 1.

So you can't decide if a user clicked on the close or the OK button. You just have to add a vbOk option.

How to delete from multiple tables in MySQL?

The syntax looks right to me ... try to change it to use INNER JOIN ...

Have a look at this.

How do I clear all variables in the middle of a Python script?

In Spyder one can configure the IPython console for each Python file to clear all variables before each execution in the Menu Run -> Configuration -> General settings -> Remove all variables before execution.

Error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

In my case I imported pyxlsd module before module wich works with db Mysql. After I did put Mysql module first(upper in code) it became to work like a clock. Think there was some namespace issue.

.NET String.Format() to add commas in thousands place for a number

int number = 1000000000;
string whatYouWant = number.ToString("#,##0");
//You get: 1,000,000,000

How to dump a dict to a json file?

Combine the answer of @mgilson and @gnibbler, I found what I need was this:

d = {"name":"interpolator",
     "children":[{'name':key,"size":value} for key,value in sample.items()]}
j = json.dumps(d, indent=4)
f = open('sample.json', 'w')
print >> f, j

It this way, I got a pretty-print json file. The tricks print >> f, j is found from here:

How do detect Android Tablets in general. Useragent?

The 51Degrees beta, and the latest stable release (4/28/2011) now have the ability to sniff for tablet. Basically along the lines of:

string capability = Request.Browser["is_tablet"];

Hope this helps you.

How can I check file size in Python?

You can check a file size by using

import sys

For example,

nums = range(10000)
squares = [i**2 for i in nums]

z-index issue with twitter bootstrap dropdown menu

Just give

position: relative; 
z-index: 999;

to the navbar

jQuery - how can I find the element with a certain id?

If you're trying to find an element by id, you don't need to search the table only - it should be unique on the page, and so you should be able to use:

var verificaHorario = $('#' + horaInicial);

If you need to search only in the table for whatever reason, you can use:

var verificaHorario = $("#tbIntervalos").find("td#" + horaInicial)

How can I install a CPAN module into a local directory?

local::lib will help you. It will convince "make install" (and "Build install") to install to a directory you can write to, and it will tell perl how to get at those modules.

In general, if you want to use a module that is in a blib/ directory, you want to say perl -Mblib ... where ... is how you would normally invoke your script.

Android - Activity vs FragmentActivity?

FragmentActivity gives you all of the functionality of Activity plus the ability to use Fragments which are very useful in many cases, particularly when working with the ActionBar, which is the best way to use Tabs in Android.

If you are only targeting Honeycomb (v11) or greater devices, then you can use Activity and use the native Fragments introduced in v11 without issue. FragmentActivity was built specifically as part of the Support Library to back port some of those useful features (such as Fragments) back to older devices.

I should also note that you'll probably find the Backward Compatibility - Implementing Tabs training very helpful going forward.

Checking if float is an integer

if (f <= LONG_MIN || f >= LONG_MAX || f == (long)f) /* it's an integer */

Java NIO FileChannel versus FileOutputstream performance / usefulness

My experience with larger files sizes has been that java.nio is faster than Solidly faster. Like in the >250% range. That said, I am eliminating obvious bottlenecks, which I suggest your micro-benchmark might suffer from. Potential areas for investigating:

The buffer size. The algorithm you basically have is

  • copy from disk to buffer
  • copy from buffer to disk

My own experience has been that this buffer size is ripe for tuning. I've settled on 4KB for one part of my application, 256KB for another. I suspect your code is suffering with such a large buffer. Run some benchmarks with buffers of 1KB, 2KB, 4KB, 8KB, 16KB, 32KB and 64KB to prove it to yourself.

Don't perform java benchmarks that read and write to the same disk.

If you do, then you are really benchmarking the disk, and not Java. I would also suggest that if your CPU is not busy, then you are probably experiencing some other bottleneck.

Don't use a buffer if you don't need to.

Why copy to memory if your target is another disk or a NIC? With larger files, the latency incured is non-trivial.

Like other have said, use FileChannel.transferTo() or FileChannel.transferFrom(). The key advantage here is that the JVM uses the OS's access to DMA (Direct Memory Access), if present. (This is implementation dependent, but modern Sun and IBM versions on general purpose CPUs are good to go.) What happens is the data goes straight to/from disc, to the bus, and then to the destination... bypassing any circuit through RAM or the CPU.

The web app I spent my days and night working on is very IO heavy. I've done micro benchmarks and real-world benchmarks too. And the results are up on my blog, have a look-see:

Use production data and environments

Micro-benchmarks are prone to distortion. If you can, make the effort to gather data from exactly what you plan to do, with the load you expect, on the hardware you expect.

My benchmarks are solid and reliable because they took place on a production system, a beefy system, a system under load, gathered in logs. Not my notebook's 7200 RPM 2.5" SATA drive while I watched intensely as the JVM work my hard disc.

What are you running on? It matters.

how to use "tab space" while writing in text file

You can use \t to create a tab in a file.

C# Test if user has write access to a folder

I tried most of these, but they give false positives, all for the same reason.. It is not enough to test the directory for an available permission, you have to check that the logged in user is a member of a group that has that permission. To do this you get the users identity, and check if it is a member of a group that contains the FileSystemAccessRule IdentityReference. I have tested this, works flawlessly..

    /// <summary>
    /// Test a directory for create file access permissions
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="DirectoryPath">Full path to directory </param>
    /// <param name="AccessRight">File System right tested</param>
    /// <returns>State [bool]</returns>
    public static bool DirectoryHasPermission(string DirectoryPath, FileSystemRights AccessRight)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DirectoryPath)) return false;

            AuthorizationRuleCollection rules = Directory.GetAccessControl(DirectoryPath).GetAccessRules(true, true, typeof(System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier));
            WindowsIdentity identity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();

            foreach (FileSystemAccessRule rule in rules)
                if (identity.Groups.Contains(rule.IdentityReference))
                    if ((AccessRight & rule.FileSystemRights) == AccessRight)
                        if (rule.AccessControlType == AccessControlType.Allow)
                            return true;
        catch { }
        return false;

Error: 0xC0202009 at Data Flow Task, OLE DB Destination [43]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21

This is usually caused by truncation (the incoming value is too large to fit in the destination column). Unfortunately SSIS will not tell you the name of the offending column. I use a third-party component to get this information:

Visual Studio setup problem - 'A problem has been encountered while loading the setup components. Canceling setup.'

Okay I had the same issues first my VS2008 was acting up so i tried to uninstall it and it didn't work...I read online that using an AutoUninstall by MS will do the trick it did just that , but left a lot of nasty files behind..

So i used "Windows Install Clean Up" and cleaned up more stuff that had to do with VS.. then went back into Add and remove in control panel Removed the KB952241... then opened up Ccleaner and scanned the registry found a lot of left behind crap from VB2008 removed all that once that was done.

I went ahead and launch the installed back from the CD again and BAM its working.

I did all this without having to restart my PC..

Hope this helps people who are i was

span with onclick event inside a tag

I would use jQuery to get the results that you're looking for. You wouldn't need to use an anchor tag at that point but if you did it would look like:

<a href="page" style="text-decoration:none;display:block;">

<span onclick="hide()">Hide me</span>


<script type='text/javascript' src='' /
<script type='text/javascript'>

youtube: link to display HD video by default

via Is there a way to link someone to a YouTube Video in HD 1080p quality?

Yes there is:

options are:

default|none: vq=auto;
Code for auto: vq=auto;
Code for 2160p: vq=hd2160;
Code for 1440p: vq=hd1440;
Code for 1080p: vq=hd1080;
Code for 720p: vq=hd720;
Code for 480p: vq=large;
Code for 360p: vq=medium;
Code for 240p: vq=small;

As mentioned, you have to use the /embed/ or /v/ URL.

Note: Some copyrighted content doesn't support be played in this way

import dat file into R

The dat file has some lines of extra information before the actual data. Skip them with the skip argument:

           header=TRUE, skip=3)

An easy way to check this if you are unfamiliar with the dataset is to first use readLines to check a few lines, as below:

# [1] "Ozone data from CZ03 2009"   "Local time: GMT + 0"        
# [3] ""                            "Date        Hour      Value"
# [5] "01.01.2009 00:00       34.3" "01.01.2009 01:00       31.9"
# [7] "01.01.2009 02:00       29.9" "01.01.2009 03:00       28.5"
# [9] "01.01.2009 04:00       32.9" "01.01.2009 05:00       20.5"

Here, we can see that the actual data starts at [4], so we know to skip the first three lines.


If you really only wanted the Value column, you could do that by:

               header=TRUE, skip=3)$Value)

Again, readLines is useful for helping us figure out the actual name of the columns we will be importing.

But I don't see much advantage to doing that over reading the whole dataset in and extracting later.

JavaScript .replace only replaces first Match

textTitle.replace(/ /g, '%20');

How to switch to new window in Selenium for Python?

On top of the answers already given, to open a new tab the javascript command can be used.

For example:

# Opens a new tab

# Switch to the newly opened tab

# Navigate to new URL in new tab
# Run other commands in the new tab here

You're then able to close the original tab as follows

# Switch to original tab

# Close original tab

# Switch back to newly opened tab, which is now in position 0

Or close the newly opened tab

# Close current tab

# Switch back to original tab

Hope this helps.

Expanding tuples into arguments

myfun(*some_tuple) does exactly what you request. The * operator simply unpacks the tuple (or any iterable) and passes them as the positional arguments to the function. Read more about unpacking arguments.

Number format in excel: Showing % value without multiplying with 100

In Excel workbook - Select the Cell-goto Format Cells - Number - Custom - in the Type box type as shows (0.00%)

How do I address unchecked cast warnings?

In this particular case, I would not store Maps into the HttpSession directly, but instead an instance of my own class, which in turn contains a Map (an implementation detail of the class). Then you can be sure that the elements in the map are of the right type.

But if you anyways want to check that the contents of the Map are of right type, you could use a code like this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    map.put("a", 1);
    map.put("b", 2);
    Object obj = map;

    Map<String, Integer> ok = safeCastMap(obj, String.class, Integer.class);
    Map<String, String> error = safeCastMap(obj, String.class, String.class);

public static <K, V> Map<K, V> safeCastMap(Object map, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType) {
    checkMapContents(keyType, valueType, (Map<?, ?>) map);
    return (Map<K, V>) map;

private static void checkMap(Object map) {
    checkType(Map.class, map);

private static <K, V> void checkMapContents(Class<K> keyType, Class<V> valueType, Map<?, ?> map) {
    for (Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
        checkType(keyType, entry.getKey());
        checkType(valueType, entry.getValue());

private static <K> void checkType(Class<K> expectedType, Object obj) {
    if (!expectedType.isInstance(obj)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected " + expectedType + " but was " + obj.getClass() + ": " + obj);

How to close existing connections to a DB

Perfect solution provided by

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[KillConnectionsHost]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[KillConnectionsHost]

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[KillConnectionsHost]    Script Date: 10/26/2012 13:59:39 ******/



CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[KillConnectionsHost] @hostname varchar(MAX)
    DECLARE @spid int
    DECLARE @sql varchar(MAX)

        SELECT spid FROM sys.sysprocesses P
            JOIN sys.sysdatabases D ON (D.dbid = P.dbid)
            JOIN sys.sysusers U ON (P.uid = U.uid)
            WHERE hostname = @hostname AND hostname != ''
            AND P.spid != @@SPID

    OPEN cur

        INTO @spid

        PRINT CONVERT(varchar, @spid)

        SET @sql = 'KILL ' + RTRIM(@spid)
        PRINT @sql

        FETCH NEXT FROM cur
            INTO @spid

    CLOSE cur

Automated way to convert XML files to SQL database?

For Mysql please see the LOAD XML SyntaxDocs.

It should work without any additional XML transformation for the XML you've provided, just specify the format and define the table inside the database firsthand with matching column names:

    INTO TABLE table1
    ROWS IDENTIFIED BY '<table1>';

There is also a related question:

For Postgresql I do not know.

Dynamically set value of a file input

I am working on an angular js app, andhavecome across a similar issue. What i did was display the image from the db, then created a button to remove or keep the current image. If the user decided to keep the current image, i changed the ng-submit attribute to another function whihc doesnt require image validation, and updated the record in the db without touching the original image path name. The remove image function also changed the ng-submit attribute value back to a function that submits the form and includes image validation and upload. Also a bit of javascript to slide the into view to upload a new image.

What is the error "Every derived table must have its own alias" in MySQL?

I think it's asking you to do this:

      FROM (SELECT * FROM TT2) as myalias
     ) as anotheralias;

But why would you write this query in the first place?

Free c# QR-Code generator

You can look at Open Source QR Code Library or messagingtoolkit-qrcode. I have not used either of them so I can not speak of their ease to use.

Excel - match data from one range to another and get the value from the cell to the right of the matched data

Thanks a bundle, guys. You are great.

I used Chuff's answer and modified it a little to do what I wanted.

I have 2 worksheets in the same workbook.

On 1st worksheet I have a list of SMS in 3 columns: phone number, date & time, message

Then I inserted a new blank column next to the phone number

On worksheet 2 I have two columns: phone number, name of person

Used the formula to check the cell on the left, and match against the range in worksheet 2, pick the name corresponding to the number and input it into the blank cell in worksheet 1.

Then just copy the formula down the whole column until last sms It worked beautifully.


how to get bounding box for div element in jquery

As this is specifically tagged for jQuery -




(These are functionally identical, in some older browsers .get() was slightly faster)

Note that if you try to get the values via jQuery calls then it will not take into account any css transform values, which can give unexpected results...

Note 2: In jQuery 3.0 it has changed to using the proper getBoundingClientRect() calls for its own dimension calls (see the jQuery Core 3.0 Upgrade Guide) - which means that the other jQuery answers will finally always be correct - but only when using the new jQuery version - hence why it's called a breaking change...

Overloading and overriding

As Michael said:

  • Overloading = Multiple method signatures, same method name
  • Overriding = Same method signature (declared virtual), implemented in sub classes


  • Shadowing = If treated as DerivedClass it used derived method, if as BaseClass it uses base method.

addID in jQuery?

do you mean a method?

$('').attr('id', 'foo123');

Just be careful that you don't set multiple elements to the same ID.

JavaScript - cannot set property of undefined

You have to set d[a] to either an associative array, or an object:

  • d[a] = [];
  • d[a] = {};

Without setting, this is what's happening:

d[a] == undefined, so you're doing undefined['greeting']=b; and by definition, undefined has no properties. Thus, the error you received.

Rounded table corners CSS only

Through personal expeirence I've found that it's not possible to round corners of an HTML table cell with pure CSS. Rounding a table's outermost border is possible.

You will have to resort to using images as described in this tutorial, or any similar :)

Update records in table from CTE

WITH CTE_DocTotal (DocTotal, InvoiceNumber)
    SELECT  InvoiceNumber,
            SUM(Sale + VAT) AS DocTotal
    FROM    PEDI_InvoiceDetail
    GROUP BY InvoiceNumber
UPDATE PEDI_InvoiceDetail
SET PEDI_InvoiceDetail.DocTotal = CTE_DocTotal.DocTotal
INNER JOIN PEDI_InvoiceDetail ON ...

Sorting a Dictionary in place with respect to keys

The correct answer is already stated (just use SortedDictionary).

However, if by chance you have some need to retain your collection as Dictionary, it is possible to access the Dictionary keys in an ordered way, by, for example, ordering the keys in a List, then using this list to access the Dictionary. An example...

Dictionary<string, int> dupcheck = new Dictionary<string, int>();

...some code that fills in "dupcheck", then...

if (dupcheck.Count > 0) {
  Console.WriteLine("\ndupcheck (count: {0})\n----", dupcheck.Count);
  var keys_sorted = dupcheck.Keys.ToList();
  foreach (var k in keys_sorted) {
    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", k, dupcheck[k]);

Don't forget using System.Linq; for this.

Connect with SSH through a proxy

If your SSH proxy connection is going to be used often, you don't have to pass them as parameters each time. you can add the following lines to ~/.ssh/config

    ProxyCommand          nc -X connect -x proxyhost:proxyport %h %p
    ServerAliveInterval   10

then to connect use



Read remote file with node.js (http.get)

    request(url).on('data',(data) => {
            var json = JSON.parse(data);    

You can also use this. This is to async flow. The error comes when the response is not a JSON. Also in 404 status code .

Plot two graphs in same plot in R

Idiomatic Matlab plot(x1,y1,x2,y2) can be translated in R with ggplot2 for example in this way:

x1 <- seq(1,10,.2)
df1 <- data.frame(x=x1,y=log(x1),type="Log")
x2 <- seq(1,10)
df2 <- data.frame(x=x2,y=cumsum(1/x2),type="Harmonic")

df <- rbind(df1,df2)


enter image description here

Inspired by Tingting Zhao's Dual line plots with different range of x-axis Using ggplot2.

PDOException SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory

Add mysql.sock path in database.php file like below example

'unix_socket' => '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',


'mysql' => [
        'driver' => 'mysql',
        'unix_socket' => '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock',
        'host' => env('DB_HOST', 'localhost'),
        'port' => env('DB_PORT', '8889'),

How to get param from url in angular 4?

In angular, They separate it into 2 kind of url.

  1. URL pattern /heroes/:limit. Example: /heroes/20

    • You can get raw value by using route.snapshot.paramMap.get.
    • Subscribe from route.paramMap to get params
  2. URL pattern /heroes. Example: /heroes?limit=20

    • You can get raw value by using route.snapshot.queryParamMap

Reference: All you need to know about Angular parameters

Find size of Git repository

If you use git LFS, git count-objects does not count your binaries, but only the pointers to them.

If your LFS files are managed by Artifactorys, you should use the REST API:

  • Get the API from any search engine
  • Look at Get Storage Summary Info

How to obtain a Thread id in Python?

Similarly to @brucexin I needed to get OS-level thread identifier (which != thread.get_ident()) and use something like below not to depend on particular numbers and being amd64-only:

---- 8< ---- (xos.pyx)
"""module xos complements standard module os""" 

cdef extern from "<sys/syscall.h>":                                                             
    long syscall(long number, ...)                                                              
    const int SYS_gettid                                                                        

# gettid returns current OS thread identifier.                                                  
def gettid():                                                                                   
    return syscall(SYS_gettid)                                                                  


---- 8< ---- (
import pyximport; pyximport.install()
import xos


print 'my tid: %d' % xos.gettid()

this depends on Cython though.

Rails: Missing host to link to! Please provide :host parameter or set default_url_options[:host]

go to config/environments/test.rb

Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host] = 'localhost:3000'

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext.getContextPath()Ljava/lang/String;

That method was added in Servlet 2.5.

So this problem can have at least 3 causes:

  1. The servlet container does not support Servlet 2.5.
  2. The web.xml is not declared conform Servlet 2.5 or newer.
  3. The webapp's runtime classpath is littered with servlet container specific JAR files of a different servlet container make/version which does not support Servlet 2.5.

To solve it,

  1. Make sure that your servlet container supports at least Servlet 2.5. That are at least Tomcat 6, Glassfish 2, JBoss AS 4.1, etcetera. Tomcat 5.5 for example supports at highest Servlet 2.4. If you can't upgrade Tomcat, then you'd need to downgrade Spring to a Servlet 2.4 compatible version.
  2. Make sure that the root declaration of web.xml complies Servlet 2.5 (or newer, at least the highest whatever your target runtime supports). For an example, see also somewhere halfway our servlets wiki page.
  3. Make sure that you don't have any servlet container specific libraries like servlet-api.jar or j2ee.jar in /WEB-INF/lib or even worse, the JRE/lib or JRE/lib/ext. They do not belong there. This is a pretty common beginner's mistake in an attempt to circumvent compilation errors in an IDE, see also How do I import the javax.servlet API in my Eclipse project?.

Javascript: How to loop through ALL DOM elements on a page?

Here is another example on how you can loop through a document or an element:

function getNodeList(elem){
var l=new Array(elem),c=1,ret=new Array();
//This first loop will loop until the count var is stable//
for(var r=0;r<c;r++){
    //This loop will loop thru the child element list//
    for(var z=0;z<l[r].childNodes.length;z++){

         //Push the element to the return array.

return ret;

Angular 1 - get current URL parameters

In your route configuration you typically define a route like,


You can then either get the route in the resolve object by using $route.current.params or in a controller, $routeParams. In either case the parameters is extracted using the mapping of the route, so param1 can be accessed by $routeParams.param1 in the controller.

Edit: Also note that the mapping has to be exact


Will only match a single parameter.


Will only match two parameters.

This is a bit different then most dynamic server side routes. For example NodeJS (Express) route mapping where you can supply only a single route with X number of parameters.

C++ IDE for Macs

Xcode which is part of the MacOS Developer Tools is a great IDE. There's also NetBeans and Eclipse that can be configured to build and compile C++ projects.

Clion from JetBrains, also is available now, and uses Cmake as project model.

Redirect to Action by parameter mvc

return RedirectToAction("ProductImageManager","Index", new   { id=id   });

Here is an invalid parameters order, should be an action first
ensure your routing table is correct

Check that Field Exists with MongoDB

db.<COLLECTION NAME>.find({ "<FIELD NAME>": { $exists: true, $ne: null } })

How to delete the top 1000 rows from a table using Sql Server 2008?

As defined in the link below, you can delete in a straight forward manner

USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail
WHERE DueDate < '20020701';

how to create inline style with :before and :after

If you really need it inline, for example because you are loading some user-defined colors dynamically, you can always add a <style> element right before your content.

<style>#project-slide-1:before { color: #ff0000; }</style>
<div id="project-slide-1" class="project-slide"> ... </div>

Example use case with PHP and some (wordpress inspired) dummy functions:

<style>#project-slide-<?php the_ID() ?>:before { color: <?php the_field('color') ?>; }</style>
<div id="project-slide-<?php the_ID() ?>" class="project-slide"> ... </div>

Since HTML 5.2 it is valid to place style elements inside the body, although it is still recommend to place style elements in the head.


Double vs. BigDecimal?

If you write down a fractional value like 1 / 7 as decimal value you get

1/7 = 0.142857142857142857142857142857142857142857...

with an infinite sequence of 142857. Since you can only write a finite number of digits you will inevitably introduce a rounding (or truncation) error.

Numbers like 1/10 or 1/100 expressed as binary numbers with a fractional part also have an infinite number of digits after the decimal point:

1/10 = binary 0.0001100110011001100110011001100110...

Doubles store values as binary and therefore might introduce an error solely by converting a decimal number to a binary number, without even doing any arithmetic.

Decimal numbers (like BigDecimal), on the other hand, store each decimal digit as is (binary coded, but each decimal on its own). This means that a decimal type is not more precise than a binary floating point or fixed point type in a general sense (i.e. it cannot store 1/7 without loss of precision), but it is more accurate for numbers that have a finite number of decimal digits as is often the case for money calculations.

Java's BigDecimal has the additional advantage that it can have an arbitrary (but finite) number of digits on both sides of the decimal point, limited only by the available memory.

How to add jQuery to an HTML page?

Include javascript using script tags just before your ending body tag. Preferably you will want to put it in a separate file and link to it to keep things a little more organized and easier to read. Theres a simple article here that will show you how

How to move all files including hidden files into parent directory via *

By using the find command in conjunction with the mv command, you can prevent the mv command from trying to move directories (e.g. .. and .) and subdirectories. Here's one option:

find /path/subfolder -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*' -exec mv -n {} /path \;

There are problems with some of the other answers provided. For example, each of the following will try to move subdirectories from the source path:

1) mv /path/subfolder/* /path/ ; mv /path/subfolder/.* /path/
2) mv /path/subfolder/{.,}* /path/ 
3) mv /source/path/{.[!.],}* /destination/path

Also, 2) includes the . and .. files and 3) misses files like ..foobar, ...barfoo, etc.

You could use, mv /source/path/{.[!.],..?,}* /destination/path, which would include the files missed by 3), but it would still try to move subdirectories. Using the find command with the mv command as I describe above eliminates all these problems.

What are named pipes?

Pipes are a way of streaming data between applications. Under Linux I use this all the time to stream the output of one process into another. This is anonymous because the destination app has no idea where that input-stream comes from. It doesn't need to.

A named pipe is just a way of actively hooking onto an existing pipe and hoovering-up its data. It's for situations where the provider doesn't know what clients will be eating the data.

Angular cookies

I ended creating my own functions:

    selector: 'cookie-consent',
    template: cookieconsent_html,
    styles: [cookieconsent_css]
export class CookieConsent {
    private isConsented: boolean = false;

    constructor() {
        this.isConsented = this.getCookie(COOKIE_CONSENT) === '1';

    private getCookie(name: string) {
        let ca: Array<string> = document.cookie.split(';');
        let caLen: number = ca.length;
        let cookieName = `${name}=`;
        let c: string;

        for (let i: number = 0; i < caLen; i += 1) {
            c = ca[i].replace(/^\s+/g, '');
            if (c.indexOf(cookieName) == 0) {
                return c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length);
        return '';

    private deleteCookie(name) {
        this.setCookie(name, '', -1);

    private setCookie(name: string, value: string, expireDays: number, path: string = '') {
        let d:Date = new Date();
        d.setTime(d.getTime() + expireDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
        let expires:string = `expires=${d.toUTCString()}`;
        let cpath:string = path ? `; path=${path}` : '';
        document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; ${expires}${cpath}`;

    private consent(isConsent: boolean, e: any) {
        if (!isConsent) {
            return this.isConsented;
        } else if (isConsent) {
            this.setCookie(COOKIE_CONSENT, '1', COOKIE_CONSENT_EXPIRE_DAYS);
            this.isConsented = true;

Group By Multiple Columns

For VB and anonymous/lambda:

query.GroupBy(Function(x) New With {Key x.Field1, Key x.Field2, Key x.FieldN })

How to create a connection string in c#

Demo :

<add name="myConnectionString" connectionString="server=localhost;database=myDb;uid=myUser;password=myPass;" />

Based on your question:

    <add name="itmall" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:\19-02\ABCC\App_Data\abcc.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" />

Refer links:

Retrive connection string from web.config file:

write the below code in your file where you want;

string connstring=ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["itmall"].ConnectionString;

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connstring);

or you can go in your way like

SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["itmall"].ConnectionString);


The "name" which you gave in web.config file and name which you used in connection string must be same(like "itmall" in this solution.)

How to remove all options from a dropdown using jQuery / JavaScript

Anyone using JavaScript (as opposed to JQuery), might like to try this solution, where 'models' is the ID of the select field containing the list :-

var DDlist = document.getElementById("models");

What is the difference between iterator and iterable and how to use them?

Implementing Iterable interface allows an object to be the target of the "foreach" statement.

class SomeClass implements Iterable<String> {}

class Main 
  public void method()
     SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass();

    for(String s : someClass) {
     //do something

Iterator is an interface, which has implementation for iterate over elements. Iterable is an interface which provides Iterator.

How do I restart nginx only after the configuration test was successful on Ubuntu?

I use the following command to reload Nginx (version 1.5.9) only if a configuration test was successful:

/etc/init.d/nginx configtest && sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload

If you need to do this often, you may want to use an alias. I use the following:

alias n='/etc/init.d/nginx configtest && sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload'

The trick here is done by the "&&" which only executes the second command if the first was successful. You can see here a more detailed explanation of the use of the "&&" operator.

You can use "restart" instead of "reload" if you really want to restart the server.

How do I replace text in a selection?

First, select the portion of the text containing the bits you want to change. On Windows (sorry) it's Ctrl + H or Find > Replace... This opens up the Find/Replace boxes at the bottom of the file. Enter your details then click Replace All (or Ctrl + Alt + Enter)

how to compare two string dates in javascript?

If your date is not in format standar yyyy-mm-dd (2017-02-06) for example 20/06/2016. You can use this code

var parts ='01/07/2016'.val().split('/');
var d1 = Number(parts[2] + parts[1] + parts[0]);
parts ='20/06/2016'.val().split('/');
var d2 = Number(parts[2] + parts[1] + parts[0]);
return d1 > d2

SQL Server insert if not exists best practice

The answers above which talk about normalizing are great! But what if you find yourself in a position like me where you're not allowed to touch the database schema or structure as it stands? Eg, the DBA's are 'gods' and all suggested revisions go to /dev/null?

In that respect, I feel like this has been answered with this Stack Overflow posting too in regards to all the users above giving code samples.

I'm reposting the code from INSERT VALUES WHERE NOT EXISTS which helped me the most since I can't alter any underlying database tables:

INSERT INTO #table1 (Id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
SELECT Id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData
FROM #table2
WHERE NOT EXISTS (Select Id, guidd From #table1 WHERE =
MERGE #table1 as [Target]
USING  (select Id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData from #table2) as [Source]
(id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
    on [Target].id =[Source].id
    INSERT (id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
    VALUES ([Source].id, [Source].guidd, [Source].TimeAdded, [Source].ExtraData);
INSERT INTO #table1 (id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
SELECT id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData from #table2
SELECT id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData from #table1
INSERT INTO #table1 (id, guidd, TimeAdded, ExtraData)
SELECT, #table2.guidd, #table2.TimeAdded, #table2.ExtraData
FROM #table2
LEFT JOIN #table1 on =
WHERE is null

The above code uses different fields than what you have, but you get the general gist with the various techniques.

Note that as per the original answer on Stack Overflow, this code was copied from here.

Anyway my point is "best practice" often comes down to what you can and can't do as well as theory.

  • If you're able to normalize and generate indexes/keys -- great!
  • If not and you have the resort to code hacks like me, hopefully the above helps.

Good luck!

What is the difference between Cloud, Grid and Cluster?

my two cents worth ~

Cloud refers to an (imaginary/easily scalable) unlimited space and processing power. The term shields the underlying technologies and highlights solely its unlimited storage-space and power.

Grid is a group of physically close-by machines setup. Term usually imply the processing power (ie:MFLOPS/GFLOPS), referred by engineers

Cluster is a set of logically connected machines/device (like a clusters of harddisk, cluster of database). Term highlights how devices are able to connect together and operate as a unit, referred by engineers

How can I read inputs as numbers?

I encountered a problem of taking integer input while solving a problem on CodeChef, where two integers - separated by space - should be read from one line.

While int(input()) is sufficient for a single integer, I did not find a direct way to input two integers. I tried this:

num = input()
num1 = 0
num2 = 0

for i in range(len(num)):
    if num[i] == ' ':

num1 = int(num[:i])
num2 = int(num[i+1:])

Now I use num1 and num2 as integers. Hope this helps.

How to display loading image while actual image is downloading

You can do something like this:

// show loading image

// main image loaded ?
$('#main_img').on('load', function(){
  // hide/remove the loading image

You assign load event to the image which fires when image has finished loading. Before that, you can show your loader image.

MySQL INNER JOIN select only one row from second table

This is quite simple do The inner join and then group by user_id and use max aggregate function in payment_id assuming your table being user and payment query can be

select, max( from user inner join payment on ( = payment.user_id) group by

How to use Comparator in Java to sort

Here is my answer for a simple comparator tool

public class Comparator {
public boolean isComparatorRunning  = false;
public void compareTableColumns(List<String> tableNames) {
    if(!isComparatorRunning) {
        isComparatorRunning = true;
        try {
            for (String schTableName : tableNames) {
                Map<String, String> schemaTableMap = ComparatorUtil.getSchemaTableMap(schTableName); 
                Map<String, ColumnInfo> primaryColMap = ComparatorUtil.getColumnMetadataMap(DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionOne(), schemaTableMap);
                Map<String, ColumnInfo> secondaryColMap = ComparatorUtil.getColumnMetadataMap(DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionTwo(), schemaTableMap);
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("Comparing table : "+ schemaTableMap.get(CompConstants.TABLE_NAME));
                compareColumns(primaryColMap, secondaryColMap);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        isComparatorRunning = false;

public void compareColumns(Map<String, ColumnInfo> primaryColMap, Map<String, ColumnInfo> secondaryColMap) {
    try {
        boolean isEqual = true;
        for(Map.Entry<String, ColumnInfo> entry : primaryColMap.entrySet()) {
            String columnName = entry.getKey();
            ColumnInfo primaryColInfo = entry.getValue();
            ColumnInfo secondaryColInfo = secondaryColMap.remove(columnName);
            if(secondaryColInfo == null) {
                // column is not present in Secondary Environment
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("ALTER", primaryColInfo);
                isEqual = false;
            if(!primaryColInfo.equals(secondaryColInfo)) {
                isEqual = false;
                // Column not equal in secondary env
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("MODIFY", primaryColInfo);
        if(!secondaryColMap.isEmpty()) {
            isEqual = false;
            for(Map.Entry<String, ColumnInfo> entry : secondaryColMap.entrySet()) {
                // column is not present in Primary Environment
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("DROP", entry.getValue());

        if(isEqual) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnInfoOutput("--Exact Match");
    } catch (Exception e) {

public void compareTableColumnsValues(String primaryTableName, String primaryColumnNames, String primaryCondition, String primaryKeyColumn, 
        String secTableName, String secColumnNames, String secCondition, String secKeyColumn) {
    if(!isComparatorRunning) {
        isComparatorRunning = true;
        Connection conn1 = DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionOne();
        Connection conn2 = DbConnectionRepository.getConnectionTwo();

        String query1 = buildQuery(primaryTableName, primaryColumnNames, primaryCondition, primaryKeyColumn);
        String query2 = buildQuery(secTableName, secColumnNames, secCondition, secKeyColumn);
        try {
            Map<String,Map<String, Object>> query1Data = executeAndRefactorData(conn1, query1, primaryKeyColumn);
            Map<String,Map<String, Object>> query2Data = executeAndRefactorData(conn2, query2, secKeyColumn);

            for(Map.Entry<String,Map<String, Object>> entry : query1Data.entrySet()) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                Map<String, Object> value = entry.getValue();
                Map<String, Object> secondaryValue = query2Data.remove(key);
                if(secondaryValue == null) {
                    ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput("NO SUCH VALUE AVAILABLE IN SECONDARY DB "+ value.toString());
                compareMap(value, secondaryValue, key);

            if(!query2Data.isEmpty()) {
                ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput("Extra Values in Secondary table "+ ((Map)query2Data.values()).values().toString());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        isComparatorRunning = false;

private void compareMap(Map<String, Object> primaryValues, Map<String, Object> secondaryValues, String columnIdentification) {
    for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : primaryValues.entrySet()) {
        String key = entry.getKey();
        Object value = entry.getValue();
        Object secValue = secondaryValues.get(key);
        if(value!=null && secValue!=null && !String.valueOf(value).equalsIgnoreCase(String.valueOf(secValue))) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput(columnIdentification+" : Secondary Table does not match value ("+ value +") for column ("+ key+")");
        if(value==null && secValue!=null) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput(columnIdentification+" : Values not available in primary table for column "+ key);
        if(value!=null && secValue==null) {
            ComparatorUtil.publishColumnValuesInfoOutput(columnIdentification+" : Values not available in Secondary table for column "+ key);

private String buildQuery(String tableName, String column, String condition, String keyCol) {
    if(!"*".equalsIgnoreCase(column)) {
        String[] keyColArr = keyCol.split(",");
        for(String key: keyColArr) {
            if(!column.contains(key.trim())) {
    StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    queryBuilder.append("select "+column+" from "+ tableName);
    if(!ComparatorUtil.isNullorEmpty(condition)) {
        queryBuilder.append(" where 1=1 and "+condition);
    return queryBuilder.toString();

private Map<String,Map<String, Object>> executeAndRefactorData(Connection connection, String query, String keyColumn) {
    Map<String,Map<String, Object>> result = new HashMap<String, Map<String,Object>>();
    try {
        PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(query);
        ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
        if (resultSet != null && !resultSet.isClosed()) {
            while ( {
                Map<String, Object> columnValueDetails = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                int columnCount = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
                for (int i=1; i<=columnCount; i++) {
                    String columnName = String.valueOf(resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnName(i));
                    Object columnValue = resultSet.getObject(columnName);
                    columnValueDetails.put(columnName, columnValue);
                String[] keys = keyColumn.split(",");
                String newKey = "";
                for(int j=0; j<keys.length; j++) {
                    newKey += String.valueOf(columnValueDetails.get(keys[j]));
                result.put(newKey , columnValueDetails);

    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return result;


Utility Tool for the same

public class ComparatorUtil {

public static Map<String, String> getSchemaTableMap(String tableNameWithSchema) {
    if(isNullorEmpty(tableNameWithSchema)) {
        return null;
    Map<String, String> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    int index = tableNameWithSchema.indexOf(".");
    String schemaName = tableNameWithSchema.substring(0, index);
    String tableName = tableNameWithSchema.substring(index+1);
    result.put(CompConstants.SCHEMA_NAME, schemaName);
    result.put(CompConstants.TABLE_NAME, tableName);
    return result;

public static Map<String, ColumnInfo> getColumnMetadataMap(Connection conn, Map<String, String> schemaTableMap) {
    try {
        String schemaName = schemaTableMap.get(CompConstants.SCHEMA_NAME);
        String tableName = schemaTableMap.get(CompConstants.TABLE_NAME);
        ResultSet resultSetConnOne = conn.getMetaData().getColumns(null, schemaName, tableName, null);
        Map<String, ColumnInfo> resultSetTwoColInfo = getColumnInfo(schemaName, tableName, resultSetConnOne);
        return resultSetTwoColInfo;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    return null;

/* Number Type mapping
 * 12-----VARCHAR
 * 3-----DECIMAL
 * 93-----TIMESTAMP
 * 1111-----OTHER
public static Map<String, ColumnInfo> getColumnInfo(String schemaName, String tableName, ResultSet columns) {
    try {
        Map<String, ColumnInfo> tableColumnInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, ColumnInfo>();
        while ( {
            ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo();
            tableColumnInfo.put(columnInfo.getColumnName(), columnInfo);
        return tableColumnInfo;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;

public static boolean isNullOrEmpty(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null)
        return true;
    if (String.valueOf(obj).equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")) 
        return true;
    if (obj.toString().trim().length() == 0)
        return true;
    return false;

public static boolean isNullorEmpty(String str) {
    if(str == null)
        return true;
    if(str.trim().length() == 0) 
        return true;
    return false;

public static void publishColumnInfoOutput(String type, ColumnInfo columnInfo) {
    String str = "ALTER TABLE "+columnInfo.getSchemaName()+"."+columnInfo.getTableName();
    switch(type.toUpperCase()) {
        case "ALTER":
            if("NUMBER".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype()) || "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype())) {
                str += " ADD ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype()+");";
            } else {
                str += " ADD ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype() +"("+columnInfo.getColumnsize()+"));";
        case "DROP":
            str += " DROP ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+");";
        case "MODIFY":
            if("NUMBER".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype()) || "DATE".equalsIgnoreCase(columnInfo.getDatatype())) {
                str += " MODIFY ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype()+");";
            } else {
                str += " MODIFY ("+columnInfo.getColumnName()+" "+ columnInfo.getDatatype() +"("+columnInfo.getColumnsize()+"));";

public static Map<Integer, String> allJdbcTypeName = null;

public static Map<Integer, String> getAllJdbcTypeNames() {
    Map<Integer, String> result = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    if(allJdbcTypeName != null)
        return allJdbcTypeName;
    try {
        for (Field field : java.sql.Types.class.getFields()) {
            result.put((Integer) field.get(null), field.getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return allJdbcTypeName=result;

public static String getStringPlaces(String[] attribs) {
    String params = "";
    for(int i=0; i<attribs.length; i++) { params += "?,"; }
    return params.substring(0, params.length()-1);


Column Info Class

public class ColumnInfo {
private String schemaName;
private String tableName;
private String columnName;
private String datatype;
private String columnsize;
private String decimaldigits;
private String isNullable;

Disabling SSL Certificate Validation in Spring RestTemplate

To overrule the default strategy you can create a simple method in the class where you are wired your restTemplate:

 protected void acceptEveryCertificate() throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException {

    TrustStrategy acceptingTrustStrategy = new TrustStrategy() {
        public boolean isTrusted(X509Certificate[] x509Certificates, String s) throws CertificateException {
            return true;

    restTemplate.setRequestFactory(new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(
                    .setSSLContext(SSLContexts.custom().loadTrustMaterial(null, acceptingTrustStrategy).build())

Note: Surely you need to handle exceptions since this method only throws them further!

download a file from Spring boot rest service

public ResponseEntity<Resource> downloadFile(@PathVariable(value = "productId") String productId,
        @PathVariable String fileName, HttpServletRequest request) {
    // Load file as Resource
    Resource resource;

    String fileBasePath = "C:\\Users\\v_fzhang\\mobileid\\src\\main\\resources\\data\\Filesdown\\" + productId
            + "\\";
    Path path = Paths.get(fileBasePath + fileName);
    try {
        resource = new UrlResource(path.toUri());
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        return null;

    // Try to determine file's content type
    String contentType = null;
    try {
        contentType = request.getServletContext().getMimeType(resource.getFile().getAbsolutePath());
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        System.out.println("Could not determine file type.");

    // Fallback to the default content type if type could not be determined
    if (contentType == null) {
        contentType = "application/octet-stream";

    return ResponseEntity.ok().contentType(MediaType.parseMediaType(contentType))
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"" + resource.getFilename() + "\"")

To test it, use postman


Rails DB Migration - How To Drop a Table?

Alternative to raising exception or attempting to recreate a now empty table - while still enabling migration rollback, redo etc -

def change
  drop_table(:users, force: true) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables.include?('users')

Convert a dta file to csv without Stata software

StatTransfer is a program that moves data easily between Stata, Excel (or csv), SAS, etc. It is very user friendly (requires no programming skills). See

If you use the program just note that you will have to choose "ASCII/Text - Delimited" to work with .csv files rather than .xls

Importing the private-key/public-certificate pair in the Java KeyStore

With your private key and public certificate, you need to create a PKCS12 keystore first, then convert it into a JKS.

# Create PKCS12 keystore from private key and public certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -export -name myservercert -in selfsigned.crt -inkey server.key -out keystore.p12

# Convert PKCS12 keystore into a JKS keystore
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore mykeystore.jks -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -alias myservercert

To verify the contents of the JKS, you can use this command:

keytool -list -v -keystore mykeystore.jks

If this was not a self-signed certificate, you would probably want to follow this step with importing the certificate chain leading up to the trusted CA cert.

Android: How can I validate EditText input?

In order to reduce the verbosity of the validation logic I have authored a library for Android. It takes care of most of the day to day validations using Annotations and built-in rules. There are constraints such as @TextRule, @NumberRule, @Required, @Regex, @Email, @IpAddress, @Password, etc.,

You can add these annotations to your UI widget references and perform validations. It also allows you to perform validations asynchronously which is ideal for situations such as checking for unique username from a remote server.

There is a example on the project home page on how to use annotations. You can also read the associated blog post where I have written sample codes on how to write custom rules for validations.

Here is a simple example that depicts the usage of the library.

@Required(order = 1)
@Email(order = 2)
private EditText emailEditText;

@Password(order = 3)
@TextRule(order = 4, minLength = 6, message = "Enter at least 6 characters.")
private EditText passwordEditText;

@ConfirmPassword(order = 5)
private EditText confirmPasswordEditText;

@Checked(order = 6, message = "You must agree to the terms.")
private CheckBox iAgreeCheckBox;

The library is extendable, you can write your own rules by extending the Rule class.

close vs shutdown socket?

I've also had success under linux using shutdown() from one pthread to force another pthread currently blocked in connect() to abort early.

Under other OSes (OSX at least), I found calling close() was enough to get connect() fail.

how to calculate percentage in python

This is because (100/500) is an integer expression yielding 0.


per = 100.0 * tota / 500

there's no need for the float() call, since using a floating-point literal (100.0) will make the entire expression floating-point anyway.

find filenames NOT ending in specific extensions on Unix?

one more :-)

$ ls -ltr
total 10
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb         47 Dec 23 14:46 test1
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:40 test4
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:40 test3
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:40 test2
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:41 file5
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:41 file4
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:41 file3
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:41 file2
-rw-r--r--    1 scripter     linuxdumb          0 Jan  4 23:41 file1
$ find . -type f ! -name "*1" ! -name "*2" -print

Unix find command reference

PostgreSQL: Modify OWNER on all tables simultaneously in PostgreSQL

The answer by @Alex Soto is the right one and the gist uploaded by @Yoav Aner also works provided there are no special characters in the table/view names (which are legal in postgres).

You need to escape them to work and I have uploaded a gist for that:

Angular2 - Http POST request parameters

Update for Angualar 4.3+

Now we can use HttpClient instead of Http

Guide is here

Sample code

const myheader = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
let body = new HttpParams();
body = body.set('username', USERNAME);
body = body.set('password', PASSWORD);
  .post('/api', body, {
    headers: myheader),


Or you can do like this:

let urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams();
urlSearchParams.append('username', username);
urlSearchParams.append('password', password);
let body = urlSearchParams.toString()

Update Oct/2017

From angular4+, we don't need headers, or .toString() stuffs. Instead, you can do like below example

import { URLSearchParams } from '@angular/http';

POST/PUT method

let urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams();
urlSearchParams.append('username', username);
urlSearchParams.append('password', password);'/api', urlSearchParams).subscribe(
      data => {
      error => {


    let urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams();
    urlSearchParams.append('username', username);
    urlSearchParams.append('password', password);
    this.http.get('/api', { search: urlSearchParams }).subscribe(
      data => {
      error => {

For JSON application/json Content-Type'/api',
        username: username,
        password: password,
      data => {
      error => {

How to copy from CSV file to PostgreSQL table with headers in CSV file?

You can use d6tstack which creates the table for you and is faster than pd.to_sql() because it uses native DB import commands. It supports Postgres as well as MYSQL and MS SQL.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('table.csv')
uri_psql = 'postgresql+psycopg2://usr:pwd@localhost/db'
d6tstack.utils.pd_to_psql(df, uri_psql, 'table')

It is also useful for importing multiple CSVs, solving data schema changes and/or preprocess with pandas (eg for dates) before writing to db, see further down in examples notebook

    apply_after_read=apply_fun).to_psql_combine(uri_psql, 'table')

Checking if form has been submitted - PHP


Can you animate a height change on a UITableViewCell when selected?

Swift 4 and Above

add below code into you tableview's didselect row delegate method


Rails Object to hash

My solution:

Hash[{ |a| [a, post[a]] } ]

How to retrieve a recursive directory and file list from PowerShell excluding some files and folders?

Here's another option, which is less efficient but more concise. It's how I generally handle this sort of problem:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse .\targetdir -Exclude *.log |
  Where-Object { $_.FullName -notmatch '\\excludedir($|\\)' }

The \\excludedir($|\\)' expression allows you to exclude the directory and its contents at the same time.

Update: Please check the excellent answer from msorens for an edge case flaw with this approach, and a much more fleshed out solution overall.

jQuery .slideRight effect

Another solution is by using .animate() and appropriate CSS.


   $('#mydiv').animate({ marginLeft: "100%"} , 4000);

JS Fiddle

Xcode warning: "Multiple build commands for output file"

Actually, the answer to this is quite simple.

In your Xcode project search for the files which raise the warning, and just delete one of them.

Xcode will show only one reference of that file in the search results, but don't stop there, go ahead and delete it. (it's better to make a backup of your project file before deleting it)

Now build the project again. The warning should disappear now. (this answer is for a previous version of xcode)

C# string reference type?

"A picture is worth a thousand words".

I have a simple example here, it's similar to your case.

string s1 = "abc";
string s2 = s1;
s1 = "def";
// Output: abc

This is what happened:

enter image description here

  • Line 1 and 2: s1 and s2 variables reference to the same "abc" string object.
  • Line 3: Because strings are immutable, so the "abc" string object do not modify itself (to "def"), but a new "def" string object is created instead, and then s1 references to it.
  • Line 4: s2 still references to "abc" string object, so that's the output.

Limit the output of the TOP command to a specific process name

get pid of process:

# pidof <process>

tell top what process pid(s) to display

# top -p <pid1>,<pid2>, etc


landis@linux-e6510:~>pidof konsole
1841 1709
landis@linux-e6510:~>top -p 1841,1709

Top will only display the 2 'konsole' processes. This is useful on a busy server via ssh, not having to pipe thru grep.

[INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]

I faced same problem in emulator, but I solved it like this:

Create new emulator with x86_64 system image(ABI)

select device

select x86_64

That's it.

This error indicates the system(Device) not capable for run the application.

I hope this is helpful to someone.

Http Servlet request lose params from POST body after read it once

Spring has built-in support for this with an AbstractRequestLoggingFilter:

public Filter loggingFilter(){
    final AbstractRequestLoggingFilter filter = new AbstractRequestLoggingFilter() {
        protected void beforeRequest(final HttpServletRequest request, final String message) {


        protected void afterRequest(final HttpServletRequest request, final String message) {



    return filter;

Unfortunately you still won't be able to read the payload directly off the request, but the String message parameter will include the payload so you can grab it from there as follows:

String body = message.substring(message.indexOf("{"), message.lastIndexOf("]"));

Passing references to pointers in C++


void myfunc(string& val)
    // Do stuff to the string pointer

// sometime later 
    // ...
    string s;
    // ...


void myfunc(string* val)
    // Do stuff to the string pointer

// sometime later 
    // ...
    string s;
    // ...

How to read data from java properties file using Spring Boot

i would suggest the following way:

@PropertySource(ignoreResourceNotFound = true, value = "")
public class ClassA {
    private String name;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/xyz")
    public void getName(){

Here your new properties file name is "" and the property name is "myName". This is the simplest implementation to access properties file in spring boot version 1.5.8.

How to set default values for Angular 2 component properties?

Here is the best solution for this. (ANGULAR All Version)

Addressing solution: To set a default value for @Input variable. If no value passed to that input variable then It will take the default value.

I have provided solution for this kind of similar question. You can find the full solution from here

export class CarComponent implements OnInit {
  private _defaultCar: car = {
    // default isCar is true
    isCar: true,
    // default wheels  will be 4
    wheels: 4

  @Input() newCar: car = {};

  constructor() {}

  ngOnInit(): void {

   // this will concate both the objects and the object declared later (ie.. ...this.newCar )
   // will overwrite the default value. ONLY AND ONLY IF DEFAULT VALUE IS PRESENT

    this.newCar = { ...this._defaultCar, ...this.newCar };
   //  console.log(this.newCar);

Return value in a Bash function

Functions in Bash are not functions like in other language; they're actually commands. So functions are used as if they were binaries or scripts fetched from your path. From the perspective of your program logic there should be really no difference.

Shell commands are connected by pipes (aka streams), and not fundamental or user-defined data types, as in "real" programming languages. There is no such thing like a return value for a command, maybe mostly because there's no real way to declare it. It could occur on the man-page, or the --help output of the command, but both are only human-readable and hence are written to the wind.

When a command wants to get input it reads it from its input stream, or the argument list. In both cases text strings have to be parsed.

When a command wants to return something it has to echo it to its output stream. Another oftenly practiced way is to store the return value in dedicated, global variables. Writing to the output stream is clearer and more flexible, because it can take also binary data. For example, you can return a BLOB easily:

encrypt() {
    gpg -c -o- $1 # encrypt data in filename to stdout (asks for a passphrase)

encrypt public.dat > private.dat # write function result to file

As others have written in this thread, the caller can also use command substitution $() to capture the output.

Parallely, the function would "return" the exit code of gpg (GnuPG). Think of the exit code as a bonus that other languages don't have, or, depending on your temperament, as a "Schmutzeffekt" of shell functions. This status is, by convention, 0 on success or an integer in the range 1-255 for something else. To make this clear: return (like exit) can only take a value from 0-255, and values other than 0 are not necessarily errors, as is often asserted.

When you don't provide an explicit value with return the status is taken from the last command in a Bash statement/function/command and so forth. So there is always a status, and return is just an easy way to provide it.

Django CSRF Cookie Not Set

Method 1:

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
return render_to_response(
    RequestContext(request, {
        'account_form': form,

Method 2 :

from django.shortcuts import render
return render(request, 'history.html', {
    'account_form': form,

Because render_to_response method may case some problem of response cookies.

Can't use SURF, SIFT in OpenCV

try this

!pip install opencv-contrib-python== sift = cv2.SIFT_create()

Conditional Formatting (IF not empty)

In Excel 2003 you should be able to create a formatting rule like:

=A1<>"" and then drag/copy this to other cells as needed.

If that doesn't work, try =Len(A1)>0.

If there may be spaces in the cell which you will consider blank, then do:


Let me know if you can't get any of these to work. I have an old machine running XP and Office 2003, I can fire it up to troubleshoot if needed.

Rails 4 image-path, image-url and asset-url no longer work in SCSS files

I just had this issue myself. 3 points that will hopefully help:

  • If you place images in your app/assets/images directory, then you should be able to call the image directly with no prefix in the path. ie. image_url('logo.png')
  • Depending on where you use the asset will depend on the method. If you are using it as a background-image: property, then your line of code should be background-image: image-url('logo.png'). This works for both less and sass stylesheets. If you are using it inline in the view, then you will need to use the built in image_tag helper in rails to output your image. Once again, no prefixing <%= image_tag 'logo.png' %>
  • Lastly, if you are precompiling your assets, run rake assets:precompile to generate your assets, or rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production for production, otherwise, your production environment will not have the fingerprinted assets when loading the page.

Also for those commands in point 3 you will need to prefix them with bundle exec if you are running bundler.

Select top 1 result using JPA

The easiest way is by using @Query with NativeQuery option like below:

@Query(value="SELECT 1 * FROM table ORDER BY anyField DESC LIMIT 1", nativeQuery = true)

How to replace four spaces with a tab in Sublime Text 2?

On main menu;

View -> Indentation -> Convert Indentation to Tabs / Spaces

Remove an onclick listener

Just put,it has worked for me


Display Adobe pdf inside a div

You could create an image thumbnail, and link it to the actual pdf as an inline popup using something like

Resize image in PHP

private function getTempImage($url, $tempName){
  $tempPath = 'tempFilePath' . $tempName . '.png';
  $source_image = imagecreatefrompng($url); // check type depending on your necessities.
  $source_imagex = imagesx($source_image);
  $source_imagey = imagesy($source_image);
  $dest_imagex = 861; // My default value
  $dest_imagey = 96;  // My default value

  $dest_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_imagex, $dest_imagey);

  imagecopyresampled($dest_image, $source_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dest_imagex, $dest_imagey, $source_imagex, $source_imagey);

  imagejpeg($dest_image, $tempPath, 100);

  return $tempPath;


This is an adapted solution based on this great explanation. This guy made a step by step explanation. Hope all enjoy it.

Get Country of IP Address with PHP

Install and use PHP's GeoIP extension if you can. On debian lenny:

sudo wget
sudo gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
sudo mkdir -v /usr/share/GeoIP
sudo mv -v GeoLiteCity.dat /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat

sudo apt-get install php5-geoip
# or sudo apt-get install php-geoip for PHP7

and then try it in PHP:

$country = geoip_country_name_by_name($ip);
echo 'The current user is located in: ' . $country;


The current user is located in: Cameroon

Hide Show content-list with only CSS, no javascript used

The answer below includes changing text for "show/hide", and uses a single checkbox, two labels, a total of four lines of html and five lines of css. It also starts out with the content hidden.

Try it in JSFiddle


<input id="display-toggle" type=checkbox>
<label id="display-button" for="display-toggle"><span>Display Content</span></label>
<label id="hide-button" for="display-toggle"><span>Hide Content</span></label>    
<div id="hidden-content"><br />Hidden Content</div>


label {
  background-color: #ccc;
  color: brown;
  padding: 15px;
  text-decoration: none;
  font-size: 16px;
  border: 2px solid brown;
  border-radius: 5px;
  display: block;
  width: 200px;
  text-align: center;

#hidden-content {
  display: none;

input#display-toggle:checked ~ label#display-button {
  display: none;

input#display-toggle:checked ~ label#hide-button {
  display: block;
  background-color: #aaa;
  color: #333

input#display-toggle:checked ~ #hidden-content {
  display: block;

Can Windows' built-in ZIP compression be scripted?

There are both zip and unzip executables (as well as a boat load of other useful applications) in the UnxUtils package available on SourceForge ( Copy them to a location in your PATH, such as 'c:\windows', and you will be able to include them in your scripts.

This is not the perfect solution (or the one you asked for) but a decent work-a-round.

How to change UINavigationBar background color from the AppDelegate

You can use [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTintColor:myColor];

Since iOS 7 you need to set [[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:myColor]; and also [[UINavigationBar appearance] setTranslucent:NO].

[[UINavigationBar appearance] setBarTintColor:myColor];
[[UINavigationBar appearance] setTranslucent:NO];

How do I install ASP.NET MVC 5 in Visual Studio 2012?

Microsoft has provided for you on their MSDN blogs: MVC 5 for VS2012. From that blog:

We have released ASP.NET and Web Tools 2013.1 for Visual Studio 2012. This release brings a ton of great improvements, and include some fantastic enhancements to ASP.NET MVC 5, Web API 2, Scaffolding and Entity Framework to users of Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web.

You can download and start using these features now.

The download link is to a Web Platform Installer that will allow you to start a new MVC5 project from VS2012.

How do I tokenize a string in C++?

If you're using C++ ranges - the full ranges-v3 library, not the limited functionality accepted into C++20 - you could do it this way:

auto results = str | ranges::views::tokenize(" ",1);

... and this is lazily-evaluated, i.e. O(1) time and space. You can alternatively set a vector to this range:

auto results = str | ranges::views::tokenize(" ",1) | to<std::vector>();

this will take O(m) space and O(n) time if str has n characters making up m words.

See also the library's own tokenization example, here.

DataTable: Hide the Show Entries dropdown but keep the Search box

To disable the "Show Entries" label, add the code dom: 'Bfrtip' or you can add "bInfo": false

    dom: 'Bfrtip'

How to run certain task every day at a particular time using ScheduledExecutorService?

The following example work for me

public class DemoScheduler {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Create a calendar instance
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

        // Set time of execution. Here, we have to run every day 4:20 PM; so,
        // setting all parameters.
        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 8);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.AM);

        Long currentTime = new Date().getTime();

        // Check if current time is greater than our calendar's time. If So,
        // then change date to one day plus. As the time already pass for
        // execution.
        if (calendar.getTime().getTime() < currentTime) {
            calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);

        // Calendar is scheduled for future; so, it's time is higher than
        // current time.
        long startScheduler = calendar.getTime().getTime() - currentTime;

        // Setting stop scheduler at 4:21 PM. Over here, we are using current
        // calendar's object; so, date and AM_PM is not needed to set
        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 5);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.AM_PM, Calendar.PM);

        // Calculation stop scheduler
        long stopScheduler = calendar.getTime().getTime() - currentTime;

        // Executor is Runnable. The code which you want to run periodically.
        Runnable task = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {


        // Get an instance of scheduler
        final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
        // execute scheduler at fixed time.
        scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, startScheduler, stopScheduler, MILLISECONDS);


Controlling Spacing Between Table Cells

table.test td {
    background-color: lime;
    padding: 12px;
    border:2px solid #fff;border-collapse:separate;

PHP Sort a multidimensional array by element containing date

Use usort() and a custom comparison function:

function date_compare($a, $b)
    $t1 = strtotime($a['datetime']);
    $t2 = strtotime($b['datetime']);
    return $t1 - $t2;
usort($array, 'date_compare');

EDIT: Your data is organized in an array of arrays. To better distinguish those, let's call the inner arrays (data) records, so that your data really is an array of records.

usort will pass two of these records to the given comparison function date_compare() at a a time. date_compare then extracts the "datetime" field of each record as a UNIX timestamp (an integer), and returns the difference, so that the result will be 0 if both dates are equal, a positive number if the first one ($a) is larger or a negative value if the second argument ($b) is larger. usort() uses this information to sort the array.

How can I echo the whole content of a .html file in PHP?

If you want to make sure the HTML file doesn't contain any PHP code and will not be executed as PHP, do not use include or require. Simply do:

echo file_get_contents("/path/to/file.html");

How to find array / dictionary value using key?

It looks like you're writing PHP, in which case you want:

$arr=array('us'=>'United', 'ca'=>'canada');
echo $arr[$key];

Notice that the ('us'=>'United', 'ca'=>'canada') needs to be a parameter to the array function in PHP.

Most programming languages that support associative arrays or dictionaries use arr['key'] to retrieve the item specified by 'key'

For instance:


ruby-1.9.1-p378 > h = {'us' => 'USA', 'ca' => 'Canada' }
 => {"us"=>"USA", "ca"=>"Canada"} 
ruby-1.9.1-p378 > h['ca']
 => "Canada" 


>>> h = {'us':'USA', 'ca':'Canada'}
>>> h['ca']


class P
    static void Main()
        var d = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> { {"us", "USA"}, {"ca", "Canada"}};


t = {us='USA', ca='Canada'}
print( -- Lua's a little different with tables

Use jquery to set value of div tag

You have referenced the jQuery JS file haven't you? There's no reason why farzad's answer shouldn't work.

How to set UTF-8 encoding for a PHP file

header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');

is the + operator less performant than StringBuffer.append()

Your example is not a good one in that it is very unlikely that the performance will be signficantly different. In your example readability should trump performance because the performance gain of one vs the other is negligable. The benefits of an array (StringBuffer) are only apparent when you are doing many concatentations. Even then your mileage can very depending on your browser.

Here is a detailed performance analysis that shows performance using all the different JavaScript concatenation methods across many different browsers; String Performance an Analysis

join() once, concat() once, join() for, += for, concat() for

Ajaxian >> String Performance in IE: Array.join vs += continued

Webfont Smoothing and Antialiasing in Firefox and Opera

... in the body tag and these from the content and the typeface looks better in general...

body, html {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
text-rendering: geometricPrecision;
font-smooth: always;

font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;

#content {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;


jQuery checkbox change and click event

Most of the answers won't catch it (presumably) if you use <label for="cbId">cb name</label>. This means when you click the label it will check the box instead of directly clicking on the checkbox. (Not exactly the question, but various search results tend to come here)

<div id="OuterDivOrBody">
    <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" />
    <label for="checkbox1">Checkbox label</label>
    <br />
    <br />
    The confirm result:
    <input type="text" id="textbox1" />

In which case you could use:

Earlier versions of jQuery:

$('#OuterDivOrBody').delegate('#checkbox1', 'change', function () {
    // From the other examples
    if (!this.checked) {
        var sure = confirm("Are you sure?");
        this.checked = !sure;

JSFiddle example with jQuery 1.6.4

jQuery 1.7+

$('#checkbox1').on('change', function() { 
    // From the other examples
    if (!this.checked) {
        var sure = confirm("Are you sure?");
        this.checked = !sure;

JSFiddle example with the latest jQuery 2.x

  • Added jsfiddle examples and the html with the clickable checkbox label

Git clone without .git directory


git clone --depth=1 --branch=master git://someserver/somerepo dirformynewrepo
rm -rf ./dirformynewrepo/.git
  • The depth option will make sure to copy the least bit of history possible to get that repo.
  • The branch option is optional and if not specified would get master.
  • The second line will make your directory dirformynewrepo not a Git repository any more.
  • If you're doing recursive submodule clone, the depth and branch parameter don't apply to the submodules.

How to add certificate chain to keystore?

I solved the problem by cat'ing all the pems together:

cat cert.pem chain.pem fullchain.pem >all.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in all.pem -inkey privkey.pem -out cert_and_key.p12 -name tomcat -CAfile chain.pem -caname root -password MYPASSWORD
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass MYPASSWORD -destkeypass MYPASSWORD -destkeystore MyDSKeyStore.jks -srckeystore cert_and_key.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass MYPASSWORD -alias tomcat
keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias root -file chain.pem -keystore MyDSKeyStore.jks -storepass MYPASSWORD

(keytool didn't know what to do with a PKCS7 formatted key)

I got all the pems from letsencrypt

Multiple simultaneous downloads using Wget?

try pcurl

uses curl instead of wget, downloads in 10 segments in parallel.

OnChange event using React JS for drop down

import React, { PureComponent, Fragment } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

class Select extends PureComponent {
  state = {
    options: [
        name: 'Select…',
        value: null,
        name: 'A',
        value: 'a',
        name: 'B',
        value: 'b',
        name: 'C',
        value: 'c',
    value: '?',

  handleChange = (event) => {
    this.setState({ value: });

  render() {
    const { options, value } = this.state;

    return (
        <select onChange={this.handleChange} value={value}>
          { => (
            <option key={item.value} value={item.value}>
        <h1>Favorite letter: {value}</h1>

ReactDOM.render(<Select />, window.document.body);

When to throw an exception?

I have philosophical problems with the use of exceptions. Basically, you are expecting a specific scenario to occur, but rather than handling it explicitly you are pushing the problem off to be handled "elsewhere." And where that "elsewhere" is can be anyone's guess.

How to add SHA-1 to android application

when I generate sha1 key using android studio

Gradle -> Tasks -> android-> signingReport and double click

That sha1 key is worked in debug mode but not worked when i build singed APK

so I generated sha 1 key using cmd it work

  • go to java\jdk version\ bin folder


C:\>cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_121\bin

and type

keytool -exportcert  -keystore {path of sign jks key } -list -v


keytool -exportcert  -keystore F:\testkey\damithk.jks -list -v

How can I implement prepend and append with regular JavaScript?

Here's an example of using prepend to add a paragraph to the document.

var element = document.createElement("p");
var text = document.createTextNode("Example text");


<p>Example text</p>

JPQL IN clause: Java-Arrays (or Lists, Sets...)?

I had a problem with this kind of sql, I was giving empty list in IN clause(always check the list if it is not empty). Maybe my practice will help somebody.

com.sun.jdi.InvocationException occurred invoking method

This was my case

I had a entity Student which was having many-to-one relation with another entity Classes (the classes which he studied).

I wanted to save the data into another table, which was having foreign keys of both Student and Classes. At some instance of execution, I was bringing a List of Students under some conditions, and each Student will have a reference of Classes class.

Sample code :-

Iterator<Student> itr = studentId.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) 
    Student student = (Student);
    MarksCardSiNoGen bo = new MarksCardSiNoGen();


    Classes classBo = student.getClasses();


Here you can see that, I'm setting both Student and Classes reference to the BO I want to save. But while debugging when I inspected student.getClasses() it was showing this exception(com.sun.jdi.InvocationException).

The problem I found was that, after fetching the Student list using HQL query, I was flushing and closing the session. When I removed that session.close(); statement the problem was solved.

The session was closed when I finally saved all the data into table(MarksCardSiNoGen).

Hope this helps.

Simplest/cleanest way to implement a singleton in JavaScript

Module pattern: in "more readable style". You can see easily which methods are public and which ones are private

var module = (function(_name){
   /* Local Methods & Values */
   var _local = {
      name : _name,
      flags : {
        init : false

   function init(){
     _local.flags.init = true;

   function imaprivatemethod(){
     alert("Hi, I'm a private method");

   /* Public Methods & variables */

   var $r = {}; // This object will hold all public methods.

   $r.methdo1 = function(){
       console.log("method1 calls it");

   $r.method2 = function(){
      imaprivatemethod(); // Calling private method

   $r.init = function(){
      inti(); // Making 'init' public in case you want to init manually and not automatically

   init(); // Automatically calling the init method

   return $r; // Returning all public methods


Now you can use public methods like

module.method2(); // -> I'm calling a private method over a public method alert("Hi, I'm a private method")

PHP $_POST not working?

I had something similar this evening which was driving me batty. Submitting a form was giving me the values in $_REQUEST but not in $_POST.

Eventually I noticed that there were actually two requests going through on the network tab in firebug; first a POST with a 301 response, then a GET with a 200 response.

Hunting about the interwebs it sounded like most people thought this was to do with mod_rewrite causing the POST request to redirect and thus change to a GET.

In my case it wasn't mod_rewrite to blame, it was something far simpler... my URL for the POST also contained a GET query string which was starting without a trailing slash on the URL. It was this causing apache to redirect.

Spot the difference...


The bottom one doesn't cause a redirect and gives me $_POST!

Align Div at bottom on main Div

Give your parent div position: relative, then give your child div position: absolute, this will absolute position the div inside of its parent, then you can give the child bottom: 0px;

See example here:

How can I export Excel files using JavaScript?

Create an AJAX postback method which writes a CSV file to your webserver and returns the url.. Set a hidden IFrame in the browser to the location of the CSV file on the server.

Your user will then be presented with the CSV download link.

MVVM Passing EventArgs As Command Parameter

With Behaviors and Actions in Blend for Visual Studio 2013 you can use the InvokeCommandAction. I tried this with the Drop event and although no CommandParameter was specified in the XAML, to my surprise, the Execute Action parameter contained the DragEventArgs. I presume this would happen for other events but have not tested them.

Using $_POST to get select option value from HTML

Use this way:

$selectOption = $_POST['taskOption'];

But it is always better to give values to your <option> tags.

<select name="taskOption">
  <option value="1">First</option>
  <option value="2">Second</option>
  <option value="3">Third</option>

Bootstrap dropdown sub menu missing

Until today (9 jan 2014) the Bootstrap 3 still not support sub menu dropdown.

I searched Google about responsive navigation menu and found this is the best i though.

It is Smart menus

I hope this is the way out for anyone who want navigation menu with multilevel sub menu.

update 2015-02-17 Smart menus are now fully support Bootstrap element style for submenu. For more information please look at Smart menus website.

Replace special characters in a string with _ (underscore)

string = string.replace(/[&\/\\#,+()$~%.'":*?<>{}]/g,'_');

Alternatively, to change all characters except numbers and letters, try:

string = string.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g,'_');

How do I read any request header in PHP

You should find all HTTP headers in the $_SERVER global variable prefixed with HTTP_ uppercased and with dashes (-) replaced by underscores (_).

For instance your X-Requested-With can be found in:


It might be convenient to create an associative array from the $_SERVER variable. This can be done in several styles, but here's a function that outputs camelcased keys:

$headers = array();
foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $value) {
    if (strpos($key, 'HTTP_') === 0) {
        $headers[str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower(substr($key, 5)))))] = $value;

Now just use $headers['XRequestedWith'] to retrieve the desired header.

PHP manual on $_SERVER:

How to change legend size with matplotlib.pyplot

using import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Method 1: specify the fontsize when calling legend (repetitive)

plt.legend(fontsize=20) # using a size in points
plt.legend(fontsize="x-large") # using a named size

With this method you can set the fontsize for each legend at creation (allowing you to have multiple legends with different fontsizes). However, you will have to type everything manually each time you create a legend.

(Note: @Mathias711 listed the available named fontsizes in his answer)

Method 2: specify the fontsize in rcParams (convenient)

plt.rc('legend',fontsize=20) # using a size in points
plt.rc('legend',fontsize='medium') # using a named size

With this method you set the default legend fontsize, and all legends will automatically use that unless you specify otherwise using method 1. This means you can set your legend fontsize at the beginning of your code, and not worry about setting it for each individual legend.

If you use a named size e.g. 'medium', then the legend text will scale with the global font.size in rcParams. To change font.size use plt.rc(font.size='medium')

How do I get NuGet to install/update all the packages in the packages.config?

For those arriving here due to the build server falling foul of this, you can create an MSBuild target running the exec command to run the nuget restore command, as below (in this case nuget.exe is in the .nuget folder, rather than on the path), which can then be run in a TeamCity build step immediately prior to building the solution

<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
  <Exec Command="..\.nuget\nuget restore ..\MySolution.sln"/>

Is there a way to add a gif to a Markdown file?

Showing gifs need two things

1- Use this syntax as in these examples

![Alt Text](


Alt Text

2- The image url must end with gif

3- For posterity: if the .gif link above ever goes bad, you will not see the image and instead see the alt-text and URL, like this:

Alt Text

4- for resizing the gif you can use this syntax as in this Github tutorial link

<img src="" width="40" height="40" />


Java: how to represent graphs?

Time ago I had the same problem and did my own implementation. What I suggest you is to implement another class: Edge. Then, a Vertex will have a List of Edge.

public class Edge {
    private Node a, b;
    private directionEnum direction;     // AB, BA or both
    private int weight;

It worked for me. But maybe is so simple. There is this library that maybe can help you if you look into its code:

pass array to method Java

There is an important point of arrays that is often not taught or missed in java classes. When arrays are passed to a function, then another pointer is created to the same array ( the same pointer is never passed ). You can manipulate the array using both the pointers, but once you assign the second pointer to a new array in the called method and return back by void to calling function, then the original pointer still remains unchanged.

You can directly run the code here :

import java.util.Arrays;

public class HelloWorld
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int Main_Array[] = {20,19,18,4,16,15,14,4,12,11,9};
        // THE POINTER Main_Array IS NOT PASSED TO Demo1

        System.out.println("Main_Array = "+Arrays.toString(Main_Array));
        // outputs : Main_Array = [20, 19, 18, 4, 16, 15, 14, 4, 12, 11, 9]
        // Since Main_Array points to the original location,
        // I cannot access the results of Demo1 , Demo2 when they are void.
        // I can use array clone method in Demo1 to get the required result,
        // but it would be faster if Demo1 returned the result to main

public class Demo1
    public static void Demo1(int A[])
        int B[] = new int[A.length];
        System.out.println("B = "+Arrays.toString(B)); // output : B = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        System.out.println("B = "+Arrays.toString(B)); // output : B = [9999, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        System.out.println("A = "+Arrays.toString(A)); // output : A = [20, 19, 18, 4, 16, 15, 14, 4, 12, 11, 9]

        A = B;
        // A was pointing to location of Main_Array, now it points to location of B
        // Main_Array pointer still keeps pointing to the original location in void main

        System.out.println("A = "+Arrays.toString(A)); // output : A = [9999, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
        // Hence to access this result from main, I have to return it to main
public class Demo2
    public static void Demo2(int AAA[],int BBB[])
        BBB[0] = 9999;
        // BBB points to the same location as B in Demo1, so whatever I do
        // with BBB, I am manipulating the location. Since B points to the
        // same location, I can access the results from B

Tab space instead of multiple non-breaking spaces ("nbsp")?

If you're looking to just indent the first sentence in a paragraph, you could do that with a small CSS trick:

p:first-letter {
    margin-left: 5em;

Sql Server string to date conversion

Run this through your query processor. It formats dates and/or times like so and one of these should give you what you're looking for. It wont be hard to adapt:

Declare @d datetime
select @d = getdate()

select @d as OriginalDate,
convert(varchar,@d,100) as ConvertedDate,
100 as FormatValue,
'mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM)' as OutputFormat
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,101),101,'mm/dd/yy'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,102),102,''
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,103),103,'dd/mm/yy'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,104),104,''
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,105),105,'dd-mm-yy'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,106),106,'dd mon yy'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,107),107,'Mon dd, yy'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,108),108,'hh:mm:ss'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,109),109,'mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM)'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,110),110,'mm-dd-yy'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,111),111,'yy/mm/dd'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,12),12,'yymmdd'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,112),112,'yyyymmdd'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,113),113,'dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h)'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,114),114,'hh:mi:ss:mmm(24h)'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,120),120,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h)'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,121),121,'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h)'
union all
select @d,convert(varchar,@d,126),126,'yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss:mmm(no spaces)'

Can you set a border opacity in CSS?

It's easy, use a solid shadow with 0 offset:

#foo {
  border-radius: 1px;
  box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);       

Also, if you set a border-radius to the element, it gives you pretty rounded borders

jsFiddle Demo

enter image description here

How to manually trigger click event in ReactJS?

You can use ref callback which will return the node. Call click() on that node to do a programmatic click.

Getting the div node

clickDiv(el) {

Setting a ref to the div node


Check the fiddle

Hope it helps!

Process escape sequences in a string in Python

Below code should work for \n is required to be displayed on the string.

import string

our_str = 'The String is \\n, \\n and \\n!'
new_str = string.replace(our_str, '/\\n', '/\n', 1)

What command means "do nothing" in a conditional in Bash?

You can probably just use the true command:

if [ "$a" -ge 10 ]; then
elif [ "$a" -le 5 ]; then
    echo "1"
    echo "2"

An alternative, in your example case (but not necessarily everywhere) is to re-order your if/else:

if [ "$a" -le 5 ]; then
    echo "1"
elif [ "$a" -lt 10 ]; then
    echo "2"

How to align flexbox columns left and right?

You could add justify-content: space-between to the parent element. In doing so, the children flexbox items will be aligned to opposite sides with space between them.

Updated Example

#container {
    width: 500px;
    border: solid 1px #000;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;

#container {_x000D_
    width: 500px;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
    justify-content: space-between;_x000D_
#a {_x000D_
    width: 20%;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
#b {_x000D_
    width: 20%;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
    <div id="a">_x000D_
    <div id="b">_x000D_

You could also add margin-left: auto to the second element in order to align it to the right.

Updated Example

#b {
    width: 20%;
    border: solid 1px #000;
    height: 200px;
    margin-left: auto;

#container {_x000D_
    width: 500px;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
    display: flex;_x000D_
#a {_x000D_
    width: 20%;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
    margin-right: auto;_x000D_
#b {_x000D_
    width: 20%;_x000D_
    border: solid 1px #000;_x000D_
    height: 200px;_x000D_
    margin-left: auto;_x000D_
<div id="container">_x000D_
    <div id="a">_x000D_
    <div id="b">_x000D_

How do I tokenize a string sentence in NLTK?

As @PavelAnossov answered, the canonical answer, use the word_tokenize function in nltk:

from nltk import word_tokenize
sent = "This is my text, this is a nice way to input text."

If your sentence is truly simple enough:

Using the string.punctuation set, remove punctuation then split using the whitespace delimiter:

import string
x = "This is my text, this is a nice way to input text."
y = "".join([i for i in x if not in string.punctuation]).split(" ")
print y

Vuejs and Vue.set(), update array

One alternative - and more lightweight approach to your problem - might be, just editing the array temporarily and then assigning the whole array back to your variable. Because as Vue does not watch individual items it will watch the whole variable being updated.

So you this should work as well:

var tempArray[];

tempArray = this.items;

tempArray[targetPosition]  = value;

this.items = tempArray;

This then should also update your DOM.

The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context

There's a very specific reason for this, and it's in the project settings. This usually happens whenever you try to add a WPF control/window to a .NET 2.0 class library or project. The reason for this error is that the project does not know it's building a WPF control or window and therefore tries to build it as a C# 2.0 project.

The solution involves editing the .csproj file. Right click on the project causing the problem and select “Unload Project”. Right click the unloaded project and select “Edit .csproj”. The .csproj file will open and you can see the XML. look for the following line:

<Import Project=…..

It's near the end of the file, and the only line that you have is probably

<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

This tells Visual Studio to build the project as a .NET 2.0 project. What we want to do is to tell Visual Studio that this is actually a WPF project, so we have to add the following line:

<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.WinFX.targets" />

This line will tell Visual Studio to build the project as a WPF project. Now your .csproj file bottom should look like this:

<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.WinFX.targets" />

Save the .csproj file, right click it in Solution Explorer and select “Reload Project” compile and that's it, you're all done!

PHP - Fatal error: Unsupported operand types

I had a similar error with the following code:-

foreach($myvar as $key => $value){
    $query = "SELECT stuff
            FROM table
            WHERE col1 = '$criteria1'
            AND col2 = '$criteria2'";

    $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Could not execute query - '.mysql_error(). __FILE__. __LINE__. $query);               
    $point_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $top_five_actions[$key] += $point_values; //<--- Problem Line       

It turned out that my $point_values variable was occasionally returning false which caused the problem so I fixed it by wrapping it in mysql_num_rows check:-

if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        $point_values = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $top_five_actions[$key] += $point_values;

Not sure if this helps though?


Check If only numeric values were entered in input. (jQuery)

for future visitors, you can add this functon that allow user to enter only numbers: you will only have to add jquery and the class name to the input check that into

var numero= String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
 var myArray = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9',0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
index = myArray.indexOf(numero);// 1
var longeur= $('.phone_number').val().length;
 text = window.getSelection().toString();
 } if(index>=0&text.length>0){
  }else if(index>=0&longeur<10){
    }else {return false;} });

differences in application/json and application/x-www-form-urlencoded

The first case is telling the web server that you are posting JSON data as in:

{ Name : 'John Smith', Age: 23}

The second option is telling the web server that you will be encoding the parameters in the URL as in:


How to iterate over the files of a certain directory, in Java?

Here is an example that lists all the files on my desktop. you should change the path variable to your path.

Instead of printing the file's name with System.out.println, you should place your own code to operate on the file.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    File path = new File("c:/documents and settings/Zachary/desktop");

    File [] files = path.listFiles();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++){
        if (files[i].isFile()){ //this line weeds out other directories/folders

Git merge develop into feature branch outputs "Already up-to-date" while it's not

Initially my repo said "Already up to date."

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123) 
$ git merge develop


Already up to date.

But the code is not up to date & it is showing some differences in some files.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git diff develop


diff --git 
index ba2a257..1c219bb 100644
--- a/src/main/database/sql/additional/pkg_etl.sql
+++ b/src/main/database/sql/additional/pkg_etl.sql

However, merging fixes it.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git merge origin/develop


Updating c7c0ac9..09959e3
3 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

Again I have confirmed this by using diff command.

MINGW64 (feature/Issue_123)
$ git diff develop

No differences in the code now!

What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__?

One important thing to keep in mind is that container's __str__ uses contained objects' __repr__.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from decimal import Decimal
>>> print (Decimal('52'),
(Decimal('52'), datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 16, 10, 51, 26, 185000))
>>> str((Decimal('52'),
"(Decimal('52'), datetime.datetime(2015, 11, 16, 10, 52, 22, 176000))"

Python favors unambiguity over readability, the __str__ call of a tuple calls the contained objects' __repr__, the "formal" representation of an object. Although the formal representation is harder to read than an informal one, it is unambiguous and more robust against bugs.

Eclipse No tests found using JUnit 5 caused by NoClassDefFoundError for LauncherFactory

I copied some code and created a TC. Basically converted a normal java class to JUnit TC. I was gettgig error. Later I created a new JUnit Class from New -> Junit TC. Copied the same code. It works fine and error vanished.

preg_match in JavaScript?

var myregexp = /\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]/;
var match = myregexp.exec(text);
if (match != null) {
    var productId = match[1];
    var shopId = match[2];
} else {
    // no match

Difference between .on('click') vs .click()

I think, the difference is in usage patterns.

I would prefer .on over .click because the former can use less memory and work for dynamically added elements.

Consider the following html:

    <button id="add">Add new</button>
    <div id="container">
        <button class="alert">alert!</button>

where we add new buttons via

$("button#add").click(function() {
    var html = "<button class='alert'>Alert!</button>";

and want "Alert!" to show an alert. We can use either "click" or "on" for that.

When we use click

$("button.alert").click(function() {

with the above, a separate handler gets created for every single element that matches the selector. That means

  1. many matching elements would create many identical handlers and thus increase memory footprint
  2. dynamically added items won't have the handler - ie, in the above html the newly added "Alert!" buttons won't work unless you rebind the handler.

When we use .on

$("div#container").on('click', 'button.alert', function() {

with the above, a single handler for all elements that match your selector, including the ones created dynamically.

...another reason to use .on

As Adrien commented below, another reason to use .on is namespaced events.

If you add a handler with .on("click", handler) you normally remove it with .off("click", handler) which will remove that very handler. Obviously this works only if you have a reference to the function, so what if you don't ? You use namespaces:

$("#element").on("click.someNamespace", function() { console.log("anonymous!"); });

with unbinding via


Why is Visual Studio 2010 not able to find/open PDB files?

I've found that these errors sometimes are from lack of permissions when compiling a project - so I run as administrator to get it to work properly.

How do I do an OR filter in a Django query?

You want to make filter dynamic then you have to use Lambda like

from django.db.models import Q

brands = ['ABC','DEF' , 'GHI']

queryset = Product.objects.filter(reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(brand=item) for item in brands]))

reduce(lambda x, y: x | y, [Q(brand=item) for item in brands]) is equivalent to

Q(brand=brands[0]) | Q(brand=brands[1]) | Q(brand=brands[2]) | .....

Pass connection string to code-first DbContext

If you are constructing the connection string within the app then you would use your command of connString. If you are using a connection string in the web config. Then you use the "name" of that string.

Sleep function Visual Basic

This one is much easie.


How do I run a Python program in the Command Prompt in Windows 7?

Use this PATH in Windows 7:


How to return temporary table from stored procedure


In your stored procedure, you fill the table @tbRetour.

At the very end of your stored procedure, you write:

SELECT * FROM @tbRetour 

To execute the stored procedure, you write:

USE [...]

DECLARE @return_value int

EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[getEnregistrementWithDetails]
@id_enregistrement_entete = '(guid)'


Save base64 string as PDF at client side with JavaScript

You should be able to download the file using"data:application/pdf;base64," + Base64.encode(out));

How can I set multiple CSS styles in JavaScript?

Simplest way for me was just using a string/template litteral: = `
                                margin: 2vh auto;
                                background-color: rgba(5,5,5,0.9);
                                box-shadow: 15px 15px 200px black; `;

Great option cause you can use multiple line strings making life easy.

Check out string/template litterals here:

How to test the `Mosquitto` server?

In separate terminal windows do the following:

  1. Start the broker:

  2. Start the command line subscriber:

    mosquitto_sub -v -t 'test/topic'
  3. Publish test message with the command line publisher:

    mosquitto_pub -t 'test/topic' -m 'helloWorld'

As well as seeing both the subscriber and publisher connection messages in the broker terminal the following should be printed in the subscriber terminal:

test/topic helloWorld


The accepted answer helped me but I got tripped up while doing concatenation of varchars involving case statements. I know the OP's question does not involve case statements but I thought this would be helpful to post here for others like me who ended up here while struggling to build long dynamic SQL statements involving case statements.

When using case statements with string concatenation the rules mentioned in the accepted answer apply to each section of the case statement independently.

declare @l_sql varchar(max) = ''

set @l_sql = @l_sql +
case when 1=1 then
    --without this correction the result is truncated
 +REPLICATE('1', 8000)
 +REPLICATE('1', 8000)

print len(@l_sql)

How to find out if an installed Eclipse is 32 or 64 bit version?

Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to open the Windows Task manager and switch to the processes tab.

32-bit programs should be marked with *32.

When should an Excel VBA variable be killed or set to Nothing?

I have at least one situation where the data is not automatically cleaned up, which would eventually lead to "Out of Memory" errors. In a UserForm I had:

Public mainPicture As StdPicture
mainPicture = LoadPicture(PAGE_FILE)

When UserForm was destroyed (after Unload Me) the memory allocated for the data loaded in the mainPicture was not being de-allocated. I had to add an explicit

mainPicture = Nothing

in the terminate event.

How to update a pull request from forked repo?

If using GitHub on Windows:

  1. Make changes locally.
  2. Open GitHub, switch to local repositories, double click repository.
  3. Switch the branch(near top of window) to the branch that you created the pull request from(i.e. the branch on your fork side of the compare)
  4. Should see option to enter commit comment on right and commit changes to your local repo.
  5. Click sync on top, which among other things, pushes your commit from local to your remote fork on GitHub.
  6. The pull request will be updated automatically with the additional commits. This is because the pulled request represents a diff with your fork's branch. If you go to the pull request page(the one where you and others can comment on your pull request) then the Commits tab should have your additional commit(s).

This is why, before you start making changes of your own, that you should create a branch for each set of changes you plan to put into a pull request. That way, once you make the pull request, you can then make another branch and continue work on some other task/feature/bugfix without affecting the previous pull request.

release Selenium chromedriver.exe from memory

This answer is how to properly dispose of the driver in C#

If you want to use a 'proper' mechanism that should be used to 'tidy up' after running ChromeDriver you should use IWebDriver.Dispose();

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. (Inherited from IDisposable.)

I usually implement IDisposable on class that is dealing with IWebDriver

public class WebDriverController : IDisposable
    public IWebDriver Driver;

    public void Dispose()

and use it like:

using (var controller = new WebDriverController())
  //code goes here

Hope this saves you some time

How do I check if a string is unicode or ascii?


import six
if isinstance(obj, six.text_type)

inside the six library it is represented as:

if PY3:
    string_types = str,
    string_types = basestring,

Getting the index of a particular item in array

try Array.FindIndex(myArray, x => x.Contains("author"));

Laravel 4 with Sentry 2 add user to a group on Registration

Somehow, where you are using Sentry, you're not using its Facade, but the class itself. When you call a class through a Facade you're not really using statics, it's just looks like you are.

Do you have this:

use Cartalyst\Sentry\Sentry; 

In your code?

Ok, but if this line is working for you:

$user = $this->sentry->register(array(     'username' => e($data['username']),     'email' => e($data['email']),      'password' => e($data['password'])     )); 

So you already have it instantiated and you can surely do:

$adminGroup = $this->sentry->findGroupById(5); 

How to get values from selected row in DataGrid for Windows Form Application?


Assuming i understand your question.

You can get the selected row using the DataGridView.SelectedRows Collection. If your DataGridView allows only one selected, have a look at my sample.

DataGridView.SelectedRows Gets the collection of rows selected by the user.


if (dataGridView1.SelectedRows.Count != 0)
    DataGridViewRow row = this.dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0];

More Information

How to copy static files to build directory with Webpack?

You can write bash in your package.json:

# package.json
  "name": ...,
  "version": ...,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "NODE_ENV=production npm run webpack && cp -v <this> <that> && echo ok",

T-SQL to list all the user mappings with database roles/permissions for a Login

using fn_my_permissions

EXECUTE AS USER = 'userName';
SELECT * FROM fn_my_permissions(NULL, 'DATABASE') 

How to simulate a touch event in Android?

If I understand clearly, you want to do this programatically. Then, you could use the onTouchEvent method of View, and create a MotionEvent with the coordinates you need.

How to run cron once, daily at 10pm

The syntax for crontab

* * * * * 

Minute(0-59) Hour(0-24) Day_of_month(1-31) Month(1-12) Day_of_week(0-6) Command_to_execute

Your syntax

* 22 * * * test > /dev/null

your job will Execute every minute at 22:00 hrs all week, month and year.

adding an option (0-59) at the minute place will run it once at 22:00 hrs all week, month and year.

0 22 * * * command_to_execute 


How can an html element fill out 100% of the remaining screen height, using css only?

You can use vh on the min-height property.

min-height: 100vh;

You can do as follows, depending on how you are using the margins...

min-height: calc(100vh - 10px) //Considering you're using some 10px margin top on an outside element

Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP

You were able to use the PHP Horde_Text_Diff package.

However this package is no longer available.

How to add a Java Properties file to my Java Project in Eclipse

To create a property class please select your package where you wants to create your property file.

Right click on the package and select other. Now select File and type your file name with (.properties) suffix. For example: Than click finish. Now you can write your code inside this property file.

Service has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints

I ran Visual Studio in Administrator mode and it worked for me :) Also, ensure that the app.config file which you are using for writing WCF configuration must be in the project where "ServiceHost" class is used, and not in actual WCF service project.

OAuth2 and Google API: access token expiration time?

The default expiry_date for google oauth2 access token is 1 hour. The expiry_date is in the Unix epoch time in milliseconds. If you want to read this in human readable format then you can simply check it here..Unix timestamp to human readable time

Checking that a List is not empty in Hamcrest

If you're after readable fail messages, you can do without hamcrest by using the usual assertEquals with an empty list:

assertEquals(new ArrayList<>(0), yourList);

E.g. if you run

assertEquals(new ArrayList<>(0), Arrays.asList("foo", "bar");

you get

Expected :[]
Actual   :[foo, bar]

Is it safe to delete the "InetPub" folder?

Don't delete the folder or you will create a registry problem. However, if you do not want to use IIS, search the web for turning it off. You might want to check out "" because he lists all Operating System "services" (Not "Computer Services" - both are in Administrator Tools) with extra information for what you can and cannot disable to change to manual. If I recall correctly, he had some IIS info and how to turn it off.