Programs & Examples On #Portalsitemapprovider

Example to use shared_ptr?

The boost documentation provides a pretty good start example: shared_ptr example (it's actually about a vector of smart pointers) or shared_ptr doc The following answer by Johannes Schaub explains the boost smart pointers pretty well: smart pointers explained

The idea behind(in as few words as possible) ptr_vector is that it handles the deallocation of memory behind the stored pointers for you: let's say you have a vector of pointers as in your example. When quitting the application or leaving the scope in which the vector is defined you'll have to clean up after yourself(you've dynamically allocated ANDgate and ORgate) but just clearing the vector won't do it because the vector is storing the pointers and not the actual objects(it won't destroy but what it contains).

 // if you just do
 G.clear() // will clear the vector but you'll be left with 2 memory leaks
// to properly clean the vector and the objects behind it
for (std::vector<gate*>::iterator it = G.begin(); it != G.end(); it++)
  delete (*it);

boost::ptr_vector<> will handle the above for you - meaning it will deallocate the memory behind the pointers it stores.

Does uninstalling a package with "pip" also remove the dependent packages?

You may have a try for It will remove package with its all dependencies.

System.loadLibrary(...) couldn't find native library in my case

This is an Android 8 update.

In earlier version of Android, to LoadLibrary native shared libraries (for access via JNI for example) I hard-wired my native code to iterate through a range of potential directory paths for the lib folder, based on the various apk installation/upgrade algorithms:


This approach is hokey and will not work for Android 8; from you'll see that as part of their "Security" changes you now need to use sourceDir:

"You can no longer assume that APKs reside in directories whose names end in -1 or -2. Apps should use sourceDir to get the directory, and not rely on the directory format directly."

Correction, sourceDir is not the way to find your native shared libraries; use something like. Tested for Android 4.4.4 --> 8.0

// Return Full path to the directory where native JNI libraries are stored.
private static String getNativeLibraryDir(Context context) {
    ApplicationInfo appInfo = context.getApplicationInfo();
    return appInfo.nativeLibraryDir;

How to get the clicked link's href with jquery?

Suppose we have three anchor tags like ,

<a  href="ID=1" class="testClick">Test1.</a>
<br />
<a  href="ID=2" class="testClick">Test2.</a>
<br />
<a  href="ID=3" class="testClick">Test3.</a>

now in script

$(".testClick").click(function () {
        var anchorValue= $(this).attr("href");

use this keyword instead of className (testClick)

Regex for remove everything after | (with | )

The pipe, |, is a special-character in regex (meaning "or") and you'll have to escape it with a \.

Using your current regex:


I've tried this in Notepad++, as you've mentioned, and it appears to work well.

Environment Specific file in Spring Boot application

we can do like this:

in application.yml:

    active: test //modify here to switch between environments
    include:  application-${}.yml

in application-test.yml:

  port: 5000

and in application-local.yml:

  port: 8080

then spring boot will start our app as we wish to.

How to loop through an array containing objects and access their properties

Here's another way of iterating through an array of objects (you need to include jQuery library in your document for these).

$.each(array, function(element) {
  // do some operations with each element... 

How can I convert a long to int in Java?

Shortest, most safe and easiest solution is:

long myValue=...;
int asInt = Long.valueOf(myValue).intValue();

Do note, the behavior of Long.valueOf is as such:

Using this code:

System.out.println("Long max: " + Long.MAX_VALUE);
System.out.println("Int max: " + Integer.MAX_VALUE);        
long maxIntValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
System.out.println("Long maxIntValue to int: " + Long.valueOf(maxIntValue).intValue());
long maxIntValuePlusOne = Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1;
System.out.println("Long maxIntValuePlusOne to int: " + Long.valueOf(maxIntValuePlusOne).intValue());
System.out.println("Long max to int: " + Long.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).intValue());

Results into:

Long max: 9223372036854775807
Int max: 2147483647
Long max to int: -1
Long maxIntValue to int: 2147483647
Long maxIntValuePlusOne to int: -2147483648

In-place edits with sed on OS X

sed -i -- "s/https/http/g" file.txt

ProgressDialog is deprecated.What is the alternate one to use?

I use DelayedProgressDialog from It does the same as ProgressDialog with the added benefit of a delay if necessary.

Using it is similar to ProgressDialog before Android O:

DelayedProgressDialog progressDialog = new DelayedProgressDialog();, "tag");

SCCM 2012 application install "Failed" in client Software Center

The execmgr.log will show the commandline and ccmcache folder used for installation. Typically, required apps don't show on appenforce.log and some clients will have outdated appenforce or no ppenforce.log files. execmgr.log also shows required hidden uninstall actions as well.

You may want to save the blog link. I still reference it from time to time.

How to capture the screenshot of a specific element rather than entire page using Selenium Webdriver?

public void GenerateSnapshot(string url, string selector, string filePath)
        using (IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver())
            var remElement = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector(selector));
            Point location = remElement.Location;

            var screenshot = (driver as ChromeDriver).GetScreenshot();
            using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(screenshot.AsByteArray))
                using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream))
                    RectangleF part = new RectangleF(location.X, location.Y, remElement.Size.Width, remElement.Size.Height);
                    using (Bitmap bn = bitmap.Clone(part, bitmap.PixelFormat))
                        bn.Save(filePath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

How can I use pointers in Java?

from the book named Decompiling Android by Godfrey Nolan

Security dictates that pointers aren’t used in Java so hackers can’t break out of an application and into the operating system. No pointers means that something else----in this case, the JVM----has to take care of the allocating and freeing memory. Memory leaks should also become a thing of the past, or so the theory goes. Some applications written in C and C++ are notorious for leaking memory like a sieve because programmers don’t pay attention to freeing up unwanted memory at the appropriate time----not that anybody reading this would be guilty of such a sin. Garbage collection should also make programmers more productive, with less time spent on debugging memory problems.

How to take last four characters from a varchar?

Use the RIGHT() function:

SELECT RIGHT( '1234567890', 4 ); -- returns '7890'

Correct way to write line to file?

You can also try filewriter

pip install filewriter

from filewriter import Writer

Writer(filename='my_file', ext='txt') << ["row 1 hi there", "row 2"]

Writes into my_file.txt

Takes an iterable or an object with __str__ support.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load an URL with jQuery

In new jQuery 1.5 you can use:

    type: "GET",
    url: "http://localhost:99000/Services.svc/ReturnPersons",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    success: readData(data),
    error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

Adding a column to a dataframe in R

Even if that's a 7 years old question, people new to R should consider using the data.table, package.

A data.table is a data.frame so all you can do for/to a data.frame you can also do. But many think are ORDERS of magnitude faster with data.table.

vec <- 1:10
DT <- data.table(start=c(1,3,5,7), end=c(2,6,7,9))
DT[,new:=apply(DT,1,function(row) mean(vec[ row[1] : row[2] ] ))]

Should I use the Reply-To header when sending emails as a service to others?

After reading all of this, I might just embed a hyperlink in the email body like this:

To reply to this email, click here <a href="mailto:...">[email protected]</a>

How can I edit a .jar file?

This is a tool to open Java class file binaries, view their internal structure, modify portions of it if required and save the class file back. It also generates readable reports similar to the javap utility. Easy to use Java Swing GUI. The user interface tries to display as much detail as possible and tries to present a structure as close as the actual Java class file structure. At the same time ease of use and class file consistency while doing modifications is also stressed. For example, when a method is deleted, the associated constant pool entry will also be deleted if it is no longer referenced. In built verifier checks changes before saving the file. This tool has been used by people learning Java class file internals. This tool has also been used to do quick modifications in class files when the source code is not available." this is a quote from the website.

How to get an object's properties in JavaScript / jQuery?

i) what is the difference between these two objects

The simple answer is that [object] indicates a host object that has no internal class. A host object is an object that is not part of the ECMAScript implementation you're working with, but is provided by the host as an extension. The DOM is a common example of host objects, although in most newer implementations DOM objects inherit from the native Object and have internal class names (such as HTMLElement, Window, etc). IE's proprietary ActiveXObject is another example of a host object.

[object] is most commonly seen when alerting DOM objects in Internet Explorer 7 and lower, since they are host objects that have no internal class name.

ii) what type of Object is this

You can get the "type" (internal class) of object using Object.prototype.toString. The specification requires that it always returns a string in the format [object [[Class]]], where [[Class]] is the internal class name such as Object, Array, Date, RegExp, etc. You can apply this method to any object (including host objects), using


Many isArray implementations use this technique to discover whether an object is actually an array (although it's not as robust in IE as it is in other browsers).

iii) what all properties does this object contains and values of each property

In ECMAScript 3, you can iterate over enumerable properties using a loop. Note that most built-in properties are non-enumerable. The same is true of some host objects. In ECMAScript 5, you can get an array containing the names of all non-inherited properties using Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj). This array will contain non-enumerable and enumerable property names.

How to get IP address of running docker container

if you want to obtain it right within the container, you can try

ip a | grep -oE "\b([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}\b" | grep 172.17

How can I set my Cygwin PATH to find javac?

Java binaries may be under "Program Files" or "Program Files (x86)": those white spaces will likely affect the behaviour.

In order to set up env variables correctly, I suggest gathering some info before starting:

  • Open DOS shell (type cmd into 'RUN' box) go to C:\
  • type "dir /x" and take note of DOS names (with ~) for "Program Files *" folders

Cygwin configuration:

go under C:\cygwin\home\, then open .bash_profile and add the following two lines (conveniently customized in order to match you actual JDK path)

export JAVA_HOME="/cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1/Java/jdk1.8.0_65"
export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH"

Now from Cygwin launch

javac -version

to check if the configuration is successful.

How do I set environment variables from Java?

It turns out that the solution from @pushy/@anonymous/@Edward Campbell does not work on Android because Android is not really Java. Specifically, Android does not have java.lang.ProcessEnvironment at all. But it turns out to be easier in Android, you just need to do a JNI call to POSIX setenv():


JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_example_posixtest_Posix_setenv
  (JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, jstring key, jstring value, jboolean overwrite)
    char* k = (char *) (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, key, NULL);
    char* v = (char *) (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, value, NULL);
    int err = setenv(k, v, overwrite);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, key, k);
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, value, v);
    return err;

And in Java:

public class Posix {

    public static native int setenv(String key, String value, boolean overwrite);

    private void runTest() {
        Posix.setenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "foo", true);

PHP DateTime __construct() Failed to parse time string (xxxxxxxx) at position x

Use the createFromFormat method:

$start_date = DateTime::createFromFormat("U", $dbResult->db_timestamp);


I now recommend the use of Carbon

Image, saved to sdcard, doesn't appear in Android's Gallery app

this work with me

File file = ..... // Save file

context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE, Uri.fromFile(file)));

When should we use mutex and when should we use semaphore

I think the question should be the difference between mutex and binary semaphore.

Mutex = It is a ownership lock mechanism, only the thread who acquire the lock can release the lock.

binary Semaphore = It is more of a signal mechanism, any other higher priority thread if want can signal and take the lock.

How to split page into 4 equal parts?

I did not want to add style to <body> tag and <html> tag.

    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    width: 100%;
    height: 50vh;

    display: inline;
    float: left;
    width: 50%;
    height: 100%;

    top: 0;
    left: 50vh;
    background-color: red;

    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    background-color: yellow;

    top: 50vw;
    left: 0;
    background-color: blue;

    top: 50vw;
    left: 50vh;
    background-color: green;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />

<div class='quodrant'>
    <div class='qtop'>
        <div class='quodrant1'></div>
        <div class='quodrant2'></div>
    <div class='qbottom'>
        <div class='quodrant3'></div>
        <div class='quodrant4'></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>

Or making it looks nicer.

    width: 100%;
    height: 100vh;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

    width: 96%;
    height: 46vh;

    display: inline;
    float: left;
    width: 46%;
    height: 96%;
    border-radius: 30px;
    margin: 2%;

    background-color: #948be5;

    background-color: #22e235;

    background-color: #086e75;

    background-color: #7cf5f9;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="main.css" />

<div class='quodrant'>
    <div class='qtop'>
        <div class='quodrant1'></div>
        <div class='quodrant2'></div>
    <div class='qbottom'>
        <div class='quodrant3'></div>
        <div class='quodrant4'></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js"></script>

Check if a variable exists in a list in Bash

Consider exploiting the keys of associative arrays. I would presume this outperforms both regex/pattern matching and looping, although I haven't profiled it.

declare -A list=( [one]=1 [two]=two [three]='any non-empty value' )
for value in one two three four
    echo -n "$value is "
    # a missing key expands to the null string, 
    # and we've set each interesting key to a non-empty value
    [[ -z "${list[$value]}" ]] && echo -n '*not* '
    echo "a member of ( ${!list[*]} )"


one is a member of ( one two three )
two is a member of ( one two three )
three is a member of ( one two three )
four is *not* a member of ( one two three )

Android: Align button to bottom-right of screen using FrameLayout?

Setting android:layout_gravity="bottom|right" worked for me

plot data from CSV file with matplotlib

I'm guessing

x= data[:,0]
y= data[:,1]

Resizing UITableView to fit content

Mu solution for this in swift 3: Call this method in viewDidAppear

func UITableView_Auto_Height(_ t : UITableView)
        var frame: CGRect = t.frame;
        frame.size.height = t.contentSize.height;
        t.frame = frame;        

How do I get a list of all subdomains of a domain?

You can use this site to find subdomains Find subdomains

This tool will try a zone transfer and also query search engines for list of subdomains.

IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState with ViewPager

In my case I got this error in an override method called onActivityResult. After digging I just figure out maybe I needed to call 'super' before.
I added it and it just worked

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); //<--- THIS IS THE SUPPER CALL
    if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK && requestCode == 0) {


Maybe you just need to add a 'super' on any override you are doing before your code.

How to install and use "make" in Windows?

Download make.exe from their official site GnuWin32

  • In the Download session, click Complete package, except sources.

  • Follow the installation instructions.

  • Once finished, add the <installation directory>/bin/ to the PATH variable.

Now you will be able to use make in cmd.

How do I make a LinearLayout scrollable?

Place all your layouts inside a ScrollView with width and height set to fill_parent.

Check if starting characters of a string are alphabetical in T-SQL

select * from my_table where my_field Like '[a-z][a-z]%'

How can I get the actual video URL of a YouTube live stream?

Yes this is possible Since the question is update, this solution can only gives you the embed url not the HLS url, check @JAL answer. with the ressource search.list and the parameters:

* part: id
* channelId: UCURGpU4lj3dat246rysrWsw
* eventType: live
* type: video

Request :



 "items": [
   "kind": "youtube#searchResult",
   "etag": "\"DsOZ7qVJA4mxdTxZeNzis6uE6ck/enc3-yCp8APGcoiU_KH-mSKr4Yo\"",
   "id": {
    "kind": "youtube#video",
    "videoId": "WVZpCdHq3Qg"

Then get the videoID value WVZpCdHq3Qg for example and add the value to this url: + videoID + videoID

Deleting all files in a directory with Python

you can create a function. Add maxdepth as you like for traversing subdirectories.

def findNremove(path,pattern,maxdepth=1):
    for r,d,f in os.walk(path):
        if r.count(os.sep) - cpath <maxdepth:
            for files in f:
                if files.endswith(pattern):
                        print "Removing %s" % (os.path.join(r,files))
                    except Exception,e:
                        print e
                        print "%s removed" % (os.path.join(r,files))


C compile error: "Variable-sized object may not be initialized"

int size=5;
int ar[size ]={O};

/* This  operation gives an error -  
variable sized array may not be 
initialised.  Then just try this. 
int size=5,i;
int ar[size];

True and False for && logic and || Logic table

You probably mean a truth table for the boolean operators, which displays the result of the usual boolean operations (&&, ||). This table is not language-specific, but can be found e.g. here.

Check if Internet Connection Exists with jQuery?

Ok, maybe a bit late in the game but what about checking with an online image? I mean, the OP needs to know if he needs to grab the Google CMD or the local JQ copy, but that doesn't mean the browser can't read Javascript no matter what, right?

function doConnectFunction() {
// Grab the GOOGLE CMD
function doNotConnectFunction() {
// Grab the LOCAL JQ

var i = new Image();
i.onload = doConnectFunction;
i.onerror = doNotConnectFunction;
i.src = '' + escape(Date());
// escape(Date()) is necessary to override possibility of image coming from cache

Just my 2 cents

How to get main div container to align to centre?

Do not use the * selector as that will apply to all elements on the page. Suppose you have a structure like this:

    <div id="content">
        <b>This is the main container.</b>

You can then center the #content div using:

#content {
    width: 400px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    background-color: #66ffff;

Don't know what you've seen elsewhere but this is the way to go. The * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } snippet you've seen is for resetting browser's default definitions for all browsers to make your site behave similarly on all browsers, this has nothing to do with centering the main container.

Most browsers apply a default margin and padding to some elements which usually isn't consistent with other browsers' implementations. This is why it is often considered smart to use this kind of 'resetting'. The reset snippet you presented is the most simplest of reset stylesheets, you can read more about the subject here:

Put byte array to JSON and vice versa

In line with @Qwertie's suggestion, but going further on the lazy side, you could just pretend that each byte is a ISO-8859-1 character. For the uninitiated, ISO-8859-1 is a single-byte encoding that matches the first 256 code points of Unicode.

So @Ash's answer is actually redeemable with a charset:

byte[] args2 = getByteArry();
String byteStr = new String(args2, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));

This encoding has the same readability as BAIS, with the advantage that it is processed faster than either BAIS or base64 as less branching is required. It might look like the JSON parser is doing a bit more, but it's fine because dealing with non-ASCII by escaping or by UTF-8 is part of a JSON parser's job anyways. It could map better to some formats like MessagePack with a profile.

Space-wise however, it is usually a loss, as nobody would be using UTF-16 for JSON. With UTF-8 each non-ASCII byte would occupy 2 bytes, while BAIS uses (2+4n + r?(r+1):0) bytes for every run of 3n+r such bytes (r is the remainder).

How to insert text into the textarea at the current cursor position?

For the sake of proper Javascript

HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype.insertAtCaret = function (text) {
  text = text || '';
  if (document.selection) {
    // IE
    var sel = document.selection.createRange();
    sel.text = text;
  } else if (this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart === 0) {
    // Others
    var startPos = this.selectionStart;
    var endPos = this.selectionEnd;
    this.value = this.value.substring(0, startPos) +
      text +
      this.value.substring(endPos, this.value.length);
    this.selectionStart = startPos + text.length;
    this.selectionEnd = startPos + text.length;
  } else {
    this.value += text;

Redirecting a request using servlets and the "setHeader" method not working

Another way of doing this if you want to redirect to any url source after the specified point of time

import javax.servlet.ServletException;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet


public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException



PrintWriter pw=response.getWriter();

pw.println("<b><centre>Redirecting to Google<br>");

response.setHeader("refresh,"5;"); // redirects to url  after 5 seconds



Getting Error - ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected

The error you are getting is either because you are doing TO_DATE on a column that's already a date, and you're using a format mask that is different to your nls_date_format parameter[1] or because the event_occurrence column contains data that isn't a number.

You need to a) correct your query so that it's not using TO_DATE on the date column, and b) correct your data, if event_occurrence is supposed to be just numbers.

And fix the datatype of that column to make sure you can only store numbers.

[1] What Oracle does when you do: TO_DATE(date_column, non_default_format_mask) is: TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(date_column, nls_date_format), non_default_format_mask)

Generally, the default nls_date_format parameter is set to dd-MON-yy, so in your query, what is likely to be happening is your date column is converted to a string in the format dd-MON-yy, and you're then turning it back to a date using the format MMDD. The string is not in this format, so you get an error.

How do I give ASP.NET permission to write to a folder in Windows 7?

The full command would be something like below, notice the quotes

icacls "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\tmp" /grant "IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool:F"

CSS - make div's inherit a height

The negative margin trick:

Not elegant, I suppose, but it works in some cases.

VBA, if a string contains a certain letter

Try using the InStr function which returns the index in the string at which the character was found. If InStr returns 0, the string was not found.

If InStr(myString, "A") > 0 Then

InStr MSDN Website

For the error on the line assigning to newStr, convert oldStr.IndexOf to that InStr function also.

Left(oldStr, InStr(oldStr, "A"))

How do I compare strings in Java?

== tests for reference equality (whether they are the same object).

.equals() tests for value equality (whether they are logically "equal").

Objects.equals() checks for null before calling .equals() so you don't have to (available as of JDK7, also available in Guava).

Consequently, if you want to test whether two strings have the same value you will probably want to use Objects.equals().

// These two have the same value
new String("test").equals("test") // --> true 

// ... but they are not the same object
new String("test") == "test" // --> false 

// ... neither are these
new String("test") == new String("test") // --> false 

// ... but these are because literals are interned by 
// the compiler and thus refer to the same object
"test" == "test" // --> true 

// ... string literals are concatenated by the compiler
// and the results are interned.
"test" == "te" + "st" // --> true

// ... but you should really just call Objects.equals()
Objects.equals("test", new String("test")) // --> true
Objects.equals(null, "test") // --> false
Objects.equals(null, null) // --> true

You almost always want to use Objects.equals(). In the rare situation where you know you're dealing with interned strings, you can use ==.

From JLS 3.10.5. String Literals:

Moreover, a string literal always refers to the same instance of class String. This is because string literals - or, more generally, strings that are the values of constant expressions (§15.28) - are "interned" so as to share unique instances, using the method String.intern.

Similar examples can also be found in JLS 3.10.5-1.

Other Methods To Consider

String.equalsIgnoreCase() value equality that ignores case. Beware, however, that this method can have unexpected results in various locale-related cases, see this question.

String.contentEquals() compares the content of the String with the content of any CharSequence (available since Java 1.5). Saves you from having to turn your StringBuffer, etc into a String before doing the equality comparison, but leaves the null checking to you.

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property: filename

Hibernate queries are case sensitive with property names (because they end up relying on getter/setter methods on the @Entity).

Make sure you refer to the property as fileName in the Criteria query, not filename.

Specifically, Hibernate will call the getter method of the filename property when executing that Criteria query, so it will look for a method called getFilename(). But the property is called FileName and the getter getFileName().

So, change the projection like so:


Where is git.exe located?

Sometimes it can be at: C:\Users\user-name\AppData\Local\Programs\Git\cmd. Checking your PATH environment variable for USER and for SYSTEM can give you that.

Determine command line working directory when running node bin script

path.resolve('.') is also a reliable and clean option, because we almost always require('path'). It will give you absolute path of the directory from where it is called.

IOPub data rate exceeded in Jupyter notebook (when viewing image)

Removing print statements can also fix the problem.

Apart from loading images, this error also happens when your code is printing continuously at a high rate, which is causing the error "IOPub data rate exceeded". E.g. if you have a print statement in a for loop somewhere that is being called over 1000 times.

Replace a character at a specific index in a string?

You can overwrite a string, as follows:

String myName = "halftime";
myName = myName.substring(0,4)+'x'+myName.substring(5);  

Note that the string myName occurs on both lines, and on both sides of the second line.

Therefore, even though strings may technically be immutable, in practice, you can treat them as editable by overwriting them.

Eclipse - Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder"

Eclipse Juno, Indigo and Kepler when using the bundled maven version(m2e), are not suppressing the message SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". This behaviour is present from the m2e version and onwards.

Although, this is indicated as an error your logs will be saved normally. The highlighted error will still be present until there is a fix of this bug. More about this in the m2e support site.

The current available solution is to use an external maven version rather than the bundled version of Eclipse. You can find about this solution and more details regarding this bug in the question below which i believe describes the same problem you are facing.

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder". error

How to update Pandas from Anaconda and is it possible to use eclipse with this last

The answer above did not work for me (python 3.6, Anaconda, pandas 0.20.3). It worked with

conda install -c anaconda pandas 

Unfortunately I do not know how to help with Eclipse.

How to Load RSA Private Key From File

You need to convert your private key to PKCS8 format using following command:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform DER -in private_key_file  -nocrypt > pkcs8_key

After this your java program can read it.

jQuery attr() change img src

You remove the original image here:

newImg.animate(css, SPEED, function() {
    (callback || function() {})();

And all that's left behind is newImg. Then you reset link references the image using #rocket:

$("#rocket").attr('src', ...

But your newImg doesn't have an id attribute let alone an id of rocket.

To fix this, you need to remove img and then set the id attribute of newImg to rocket:

newImg.animate(css, SPEED, function() {
    var old_id = img.attr('id');
    newImg.attr('id', old_id);
    (callback || function() {})();

And then you'll get the shiny black rocket back again:

UPDATE: A better approach (as noted by mellamokb) would be to hide the original image and then show it again when you hit the reset button. First, change the reset action to something like this:

    $("#wrapper").css('top', '250px');
    $('.throbber, .morpher').remove(); // Clear out the new stuff.
    $("#rocket").show();               // Bring the original back.

And in the newImg.load function, grab the images original size:

var orig = {
    width: img.width(),
    height: img.height()

And finally, the callback for finishing the morphing animation becomes this:

newImg.animate(css, SPEED, function() {
    (callback || function() {})();

New and improved:

The leaking of $('.throbber, .morpher') outside the plugin isn't the best thing ever but it isn't a big deal as long as it is documented.

AngularJS access scope from outside js function

The accepted answer is great. I wanted to look at what happens to the Angular scope in the context of ng-repeat. The thing is, Angular will create a sub-scope for each repeated item. When calling into a method defined on the original $scope, that retains its original value (due to javascript closure). However, the this refers the calling scope/object. This works out well, so long as you're clear on when $scope and this are the same and when they are different. hth

Here is a fiddle that illustrates the difference:

What's the point of the X-Requested-With header?

Some frameworks are using this header to detect xhr requests e.g. grails spring security is using this header to identify xhr request and give either a json response or html response as response.

Most Ajax libraries (Prototype, JQuery, and Dojo as of v2.1) include an X-Requested-With header that indicates that the request was made by XMLHttpRequest instead of being triggered by clicking a regular hyperlink or form submit button.


What's the best way to cancel event propagation between nested ng-click calls?

Use $event.stopPropagation():

<div ng-controller="OverlayCtrl" class="overlay" ng-click="hideOverlay()">
    <img src="http://some_src" ng-click="nextImage(); $event.stopPropagation()" />

Here's a demo:

Iterating over every two elements in a list

>>> l = [1,2,3,4,5,6]

>>> zip(l,l[1:])
[(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6)]

>>> zip(l,l[1:])[::2]
[(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]

>>> [a+b for a,b in zip(l,l[1:])[::2]]
[3, 7, 11]

>>> ["%d + %d = %d" % (a,b,a+b) for a,b in zip(l,l[1:])[::2]]
['1 + 2 = 3', '3 + 4 = 7', '5 + 6 = 11']

NoClassDefFoundError on Maven dependency

This is due to Morphia jar not being part of your output war/jar. Eclipse or local build includes them as part of classpath, but remote builds or auto/scheduled build don't consider them part of classpath.

You can include dependent jars using plugin.

Add below snippet into your pom's plugins section


XPath: How to select elements based on their value?

The condition below:

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and Data]

checks for the existence of the element Data within Element and not for element value Data.

Instead you can use

//Element[@attribute1="abc" and @attribute2="xyz" and text()="Data"]

How to move columns in a MySQL table?

I had to run this for a column introduced in the later stages of a product, on 10+ tables. So wrote this quick untidy script to generate the alter command for all 'relevant' tables.


FROM information_schema.COLUMNS c, information_schema.TABLES t
AND @NeighboringColumn IN (SELECT COLUMN_NAME 
    FROM information_schema.COLUMNS c2 

Is HTML considered a programming language?

In recruitment terms, having been on both sides of the fence, definitely put HTML under 'programming languages', or perhaps more safely under 'technologies'

Yes, we all know that it is a Markup Language and not a Programming Language. but a) Recruitment Agencies don't know and don't care, and b) employers don't know and don't care. Really.

And pointing out their ignorance will only serve you ill. And the techies who eventually see your CV will be grateful for a candidate who has heard of HTML, and won't worry about the taxonomy.

Honestly, it isn't an issue.

Where do I find the current C or C++ standard documents?

Online versions of the standard can be found:

Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++

The following all draft versions of the standard:
All the following are freely downloadable
(many of these can be found at this main GitHub link)
2020-10-18: N4868 git
2020-04-08: N4861 git
2020-01-14: N4849 git
2019-11-27: N4842 git
2019-10-08: N4835 git
2019-08-15: N4830 git
2019-06-17: N4820 git
2019-03-15: N4810 git
2019-01-21: N4800 git
2018-11-26: N4791 git
2018-10-08: N4778 git
2018-07-07: N4762 git
2018-05-07: N4750 git
2018-04-02: N4741 git
2018-02-12: N4727 git
2017-11-27: N4713 git
2017-10-16: N4700 git
2017-07-30: N4687 git

This seems to be the new standard:
These version requires Authentication
2017-03-21: N4660 is the C++17 Draft Standard

The following all draft versions of the standard:
All the following are freely downloadable
2017-03-21: N4659 git
2017-02-06: N4640 git
2016-11-28: N4618 git
2016-07-12: N4606 git
2016-05-30: N4594 git
2016-03-19: N4582 git
2015-11-09: N4567 git
2015-05-22: N4527 git
2015-04-10: N4431 git
2014-11-19: N4296 git

This seems to be the old C++14 standard:
These version requires Authentication
2014-10-07: N4140 git Essentially C++14 with minor errors and typos corrected
2014-09-02: N4141 git Standard C++14
2014-03-02: N3937
2014-03-02: N3936 git

The following all draft versions of the standard:
All the following are freely downloadable
2013-10-13: N3797 git
2013-05-16: N3691
2013-05-15: N3690
2012-11-02: N3485
2012-02-28: N3376
2012-01-16: N3337 git Essentially C++11 with minor errors and typos corrected

This seems to be the old C++11 standard:
This version requires Authentication
2011-04-05: N3291 C++11 (Or Very Close)

The following all draft versions of the standard:
All the following are freely downloadable
2011-02-28: N3242 (differences from N3291 very minor)
2010-11-27: N3225
2010-08-21: N3126
2010-03-29: N3090
2010-02-16: N3035
2009-11-09: N3000
2009-09-25: N2960
2009-06-22: N2914
2009-03-23: N2857
2008-10-04: N2798
2008-08-25: N2723
2008-06-27: N2691
2008-05-19: N2606
2008-03-17: N2588
2008-02-04: N2521
2007-10-22: N2461
2007-08-06: N2369
2007-06-25: N2315
2007-05-07: N2284
2006-11-03: N2134
2006-04-21: N2009
2005-10-19: N1905
2005-04-27: N1804

This seems to be the old C++03 standard:
All the below versions require Authentication
2004-11-05: N1733
2004-07-16: N1655 Unofficial
2004-02-07: N1577 C++03 (Or Very Close)
2001-09-13: N1316 Draft Expanded Technical Corrigendum
1997-00-00: N1117 Draft Expanded Technical Corrigendum

The following all draft versions of the standard:
All the following are freely downloadable
1996-00-00: N0836 Draft Expanded Technical Corrigendum
1995-00-00: N0785 Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems - Programming Language C++

Other Interesting Papers:

2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017 / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011

How to copy to clipboard in Vim?

I saw many answers on this question and the way to make this work was a combination of many.

The steps I followed to make vim copy to system clipboard are

  1. Uninstall vim using sudo apt remove vim. (I was too lazy to find how to re-compile it with the +clipboard support.
  2. Install a different vim package called vim-athena using sudo apt install vim-athena that ships with +clipboard.
  3. Add to ~/.vimrc the following line: set clipboard=unnamedplus.
  4. Source the file by entering command mode and typing source %.
  5. Save and exit.

Note: I am using Ubuntu 20.04.

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops

A little late to the party, but I think regular expressions are not the right tool for the job.

The problem is that you'll come across edge cases which would add extranous complexity to the regular expression. @est mentioned an example line:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; doSomethingTo("("));

This string literal contains an (unbalanced!) parenthesis, which breaks the logic. Apparently, you must ignore contents of string literals. In order to do this, you must take the double quotes into account. But string literals itself can contain double quotes. For instance, try this:

for (int i = 0; i < 10; doSomethingTo("\"(\\"));

If you address this using regular expressions, it'll add even more complexity to your pattern.

I think you are better off parsing the language. You could, for instance, use a language recognition tool like ANTLR. ANTLR is a parser generator tool, which can also generate a parser in Python. You must provide a grammar defining the target language, in your case C++. There are already numerous grammars for many languages out there, so you can just grab the C++ grammar.

Then you can easily walk the parser tree, searching for empty statements as while or for loop body.

Can attributes be added dynamically in C#?

This really depends on what exactly you're trying to accomplish.

The System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor stuff can be used to add attributes to types, properties and object instances, and it has the limitation that you have to use it to retrieve those properties as well. If you're writing the code that consumes those attributes, and you can live within those limitations, then I'd definitely suggest it.

As far as I know, the PropertyGrid control and the visual studio design surface are the only things in the BCL that consume the TypeDescriptor stuff. In fact, that's how they do about half the things they really need to do.

new Runnable() but no new thread?

Runnable is just an interface, which provides the method run. Threads are implementations and use Runnable to call the method run().

How to compare two dates?, 1, 1) <, 1, 2) will return True., 1, 1) -, 1, 2) will return datetime.timedelta(-1)., 1, 1) +, 1, 2) will return datetime.timedelta(1).

see the docs.

sorting integers in order lowest to highest java

if array.sort doesn't have what your looking for you can try this:

package drawFramePackage;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Random;
public class QuicksortAlgorithm {
    ArrayList<AffineTransform> affs;
    ListIterator<AffineTransform> li;
    Integer count, count2;
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new QuicksortAlgorithm();
    public QuicksortAlgorithm(){
        count = new Integer(0);
        count2 = new Integer(1);
        affs = new ArrayList<AffineTransform>();
        for (int i = 0; i <= 128; i++){
            affs.add(new AffineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, new Random().nextInt(1024), 0));
        affs = arrangeNumbers(affs);
    public ArrayList<AffineTransform> arrangeNumbers(ArrayList<AffineTransform> list){
        while (list.size() > 1 && count != list.size() - 1){
            if (list.get(count2).getTranslateX() > list.get(count).getTranslateX()){
                list.add(count, list.get(count2));
                list.remove(count2 + 1);
            if (count2 == list.size() - 1){
                count2 = count + 1;
        return list;
    public void printNumbers(){
        li = affs.listIterator();
        while (li.hasNext()){

Find element's index in pandas Series

If you use numpy, you can get an array of the indecies that your value is found:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
myseries = pd.Series([1,4,0,7,5], index=[0,1,2,3,4])
np.where(myseries == 7)

This returns a one element tuple containing an array of the indecies where 7 is the value in myseries:

(array([3], dtype=int64),)

How to detect duplicate values in PHP array?

I didn't find the answer I was looking for, so I wrote this function. This will make an array that contains only the duplicates between the two arrays, but not print the number of times an element is duplicated, so it's not directly answering the question, but I'm hoping it'll help someone in my situation.

function findDuplicates($array1,$array2)
    $combined = array_merge($array1,$array2);
    $counted = array_count_values($combined);
    $dupes = [];
    $keys = array_keys($counted);
    foreach ($keys as $key)
        if ($counted[$key] > 1)
        {$dupes[] = $key;}
    return $dupes;
$array1 = [1,2,3,4,5];
$array2 = [4,5,6,7,8];
$dupes = findDuplicates($array1,$array2);


    [0] => 4
    [1] => 5

How to serialize object to CSV file?

Though its very late reply, I have faced this problem of exporting java entites to CSV, EXCEL etc in various projects, Where we need to provide export feature on UI.

I have created my own light weight framework. It works with any Java Beans, You just need to add annotations on fields you want to export to CSV, Excel etc.


Can I add a custom attribute to an HTML tag?

You can do something like this to extract the value you want from JavaScript instead of an attribute:

<a href='#' class='click'>
    <span style='display:none;'>value for JavaScript</span>some text

How to fetch the row count for all tables in a SQL SERVER database

Don't use SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TABLENAME, since that is a resource intensive operation. One should use SQL Server Dynamic Management Views or System Catalogs to get the row count information for all tables in a database.

How can I run PowerShell with the .NET 4 runtime?

If you're still stuck on PowerShell v1.0 or v2.0, here is my variation on Jason Stangroome's excellent answer.

Create a powershell4.cmd somewhere on your path with the following contents:

@echo off
if exist %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config goto :run
echo.^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?^>                 > %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config
echo.^<configuration^>                                        >> %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config
echo.  ^<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true"^>  >> %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config
echo.    ^<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/^>                 >> %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config
echo.  ^</startup^>                                           >> %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config
echo.^</configuration^>                                       >> %~dp0powershell.exe.activation_config
:: point COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath to the directory that this cmd file lives in
:: and the directory contains a powershell.exe.activation_config file which matches the executable name powershell.exe
set COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath=%~dp0
%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe %*
set COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath=

This will allow you to launch an instance of the powershell console running under .NET 4.0.

You can see the difference on my system where I have PowerShell 2.0 by examining the output of the following two commands run from cmd.

C:\>powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
CLRVersion                     2.0.50727.5485
BuildVersion                   6.1.7601.17514
PSVersion                      2.0
WSManStackVersion              2.0
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.1

C:\>powershell4.cmd -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -Command $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      2.0
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0}
BuildVersion                   6.1.7601.17514
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.18408
WSManStackVersion              2.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.1

mysql is not recognised as an internal or external command,operable program or batch

Simply type in command prompt :

set path=%PATH%;D:\xampp\mysql\bin;

Here my path started from D so I used D: , you can use C: or E:

enter image description here

Laravel - Pass more than one variable to view

This Answer seems to be

bit helpful while declaring the large numbe of variable in the function

Laravel 5.7.*

For Example

public function index()
    $activePost = Post::where('status','=','active')->get()->count();

    $inActivePost = Post::where('status','=','inactive')->get()->count();

    $yesterdayPostActive = Post::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->addDay(-1))->get()->count();

    $todayPostActive = Post::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->addDay(0))->get()->count();

    return view('dashboard.index')->with('activePost',$activePost)->with('inActivePost',$inActivePost )->with('yesterdayPostActive',$yesterdayPostActive )->with('todayPostActive',$todayPostActive );

When you see the last line of the returns it not looking good

When You Project is Getting Larger its not good


public function index()
        $activePost = Post::where('status','=','active')->get()->count();

        $inActivePost = Post::where('status','=','inactive')->get()->count();

        $yesterdayPostActive = Post::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->addDay(-1))->get()->count();

        $todayPostActive = Post::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->addDay(0))->get()->count();

        $viewShareVars = ['activePost','inActivePost','yesterdayPostActive','todayPostActive'];

        return view('dashboard.index',compact($viewShareVars));

As You see all the variables as declared as array of $viewShareVars and Accessed in View

But My Function Becomes very Larger so i have decided to make the line as very simple

public function index()
        $activePost = Post::where('status','=','active')->get()->count();

        $inActivePost = Post::where('status','=','inactive')->get()->count();

        $yesterdayPostActive = Post::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->addDay(-1))->get()->count();

        $todayPostActive = Post::whereDate('created_at', Carbon::now()->addDay(0))->get()->count();

        $viewShareVars = array_keys(get_defined_vars());

        return view('dashboard.index',compact($viewShareVars));

the native php function get_defined_vars() get all the defined variables from the function

and array_keys will grab the variable names

so in your view you can access all the declared variable inside the function

as {{$todayPostActive}}

How to print multiple variable lines in Java

Suppose we have variable date , month and year then we can write it in the java like this.

int date=15,month=4,year=2016;
System.out.println(date+ "/"+month+"/"+year);

output of this will be like below:


Cannot execute script: Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program

If you need to connect to LocalDB during development, you can use:

sqlcmd -S "(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB" -d dbname -i file.sql

JWT (JSON Web Token) library for Java

This page keeps references to implementations in various languages, including Java, and compares features:

Is it possible to decrypt MD5 hashes?

The MD5 Hash algorithm is not reversible, so MD5 decode in not possible, but some website have bulk set of password match, so you can try online for decode MD5 hash.

Try online :

MD5 Decrypt



Is it possible to install another version of Python to Virtualenv?


  1. sudo easy_install virtualenv
  2. sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Installing virtualenv with Python2.6:

  1. You could manually download, build and install another version of Python to /usr/local or another location.

  2. If it's another location other than /usr/local, add it to your PATH.

  3. Reload your shell to pick up the updated PATH.

  4. From this point on, you should be able to call the following 2 python binaries from your shell python2.5 and python2.6

  5. Create a new instance of virtualenv with python2.6:

    mkvirtualenv --python=python2.6 yournewenv

Clear the cache in JavaScript





cache.delete(request, {options}).then(function(found) {
  // your cache entry has been deleted if found

Why does Oracle not find oci.dll?

I just installed Oracle Instant Client 18_3 with the SDK. The PATH and ENV variable is set as instructed on the install page but I get the OCl.dll not found error. I searched the entire drive recursively and no such DLL exists.

So now what?

With the install instructions (not updated for 18_3) and downloads there are MISTAKES at step 13, so watch out for that.

When you create the folder structure for the downloads just write them the old way "c:\oraclient". Then when you unzip the basic, SDK and instant Client install for Windows 10_x64 extract them to "C:\oraclient\", because they all write to the same default folder. Then, when you set the ENV variable (which is no longer ORACLE_HOME, but now is OCI_LIB64) and the PATH, you will point to "C:\oraclient\instantclient_18_3".

To be sure you got it all right drill down and look for any duplicate "instantclient_18_3" folders. If you do have those cut and paste the CONTENTS to the root folder "C:\oraclient\instantclient_18_3\" folder.

Whoever works on the documentation at Oracle needs to troubleshoot better. I've seen "C:\oreclient_dir_install", "c:\oracle", "c:\oreclient" and "c:\oraclient" all mentioned as install directories, all for Windows x64 installs

BTW, install the C++ redist it helps. The 18.3 Basic package requires the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Redistributable.

Ruby replace string with captured regex pattern

 #=> "fooballbar"

tkinter: Open a new window with a button prompt

Here's the nearly shortest possible solution to your question. The solution works in python 3.x. For python 2.x change the import to Tkinter rather than tkinter (the difference being the capitalization):

import tkinter as tk
#import Tkinter as tk  # for python 2
def create_window():
    window = tk.Toplevel(root)

root = tk.Tk()
b = tk.Button(root, text="Create new window", command=create_window)


This is definitely not what I recommend as an example of good coding style, but it illustrates the basic concepts: a button with a command, and a function that creates a window.

caching JavaScript files

I have a simple system that is pure JavaScript. It checks for changes in a simple text file that is never cached. When you upload a new version this file is changed. Just put the following JS at the top of the page.

        (function(url, storageName) {_x000D_
            var fromStorage = localStorage.getItem(storageName);_x000D_
            var fullUrl = url + "?rand=" + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000));_x000D_
            getUrl(function(fromUrl) {_x000D_
//                   first load_x000D_
                if (!fromStorage) {_x000D_
                    localStorage.setItem(storageName, fromUrl);_x000D_
//                    old file_x000D_
                if (fromStorage === fromUrl) {_x000D_
                // files updated_x000D_
                localStorage.setItem(storageName, fromUrl);_x000D_
            function getUrl(fn) {_x000D_
                var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();_x000D_
      "GET", fullUrl, true);_x000D_
                xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {_x000D_
                    if (xmlhttp.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {_x000D_
                        if (xmlhttp.status === 200 || xmlhttp.status === 2) {_x000D_
                        else if (xmlhttp.status === 400) {_x000D_
                            throw 'unable to load file for cache check ' +  url;_x000D_
                        else {_x000D_
                           throw 'unable to load file for cache check ' +  url;_x000D_
        })("version.txt", "version");

just replace the "version.txt" with your file that is always run and "version" with the name you want to use for your local storage.

How can I get a precise time, for example in milliseconds in Objective-C?

#define CTTimeStart() NSDate * __date = [NSDate date]
#define CTTimeEnd(MSG) NSLog(MSG " %g",[__date timeIntervalSinceNow]*-1)


CTTimeEnd(@"that was a long time:");


2013-08-23 15:34:39.558 App-Dev[21229:907] that was a long time: .0023

"starting Tomcat server 7 at localhost has encountered a prob"

Open the terminal in ubuntu (ctrl+shift+t)
sudo gedit /etc/tomcat7/server.xml

change the default port in the server.xml,from 8080 to anything like 8081,8181,8008. Then save the file .

Now the project will work nicely without any interruption.

Eclipse keyboard shortcut to indent source code to the left?

On Mac (on french keyboard its) cmd + shift + F

Right query to get the current number of connections in a PostgreSQL DB

Those two requires aren't equivalent. The equivalent version of the first one would be:

SELECT sum(numbackends) FROM pg_stat_database;

In that case, I would expect that version to be slightly faster than the second one, simply because it has fewer rows to count. But you are not likely going to be able to measure a difference.

Both queries are based on exactly the same data, so they will be equally accurate.

What does "hashable" mean in Python?

For creating a hashing table from scratch, all the values has to set to "None" and modified once a requirement arises. Hashable objects refers to the modifiable datatypes(Dictionary,lists etc). Sets on the other hand cannot be reinitialized once assigned, so sets are non hashable. Whereas, The variant of set() -- frozenset() -- is hashable.

How to test web service using command line curl

Answering my own question.

curl -X GET --basic --user username:password \

curl -X DELETE --basic --user username:password \

curl -X PUT --basic --user username:password -d 'param1_name=param1_value' \
     -d 'param2_name=param2_value'

POSTing a file and additional parameter

curl -X POST -F 'param_name=@/filepath/filename' \
     -F 'extra_param_name=extra_param_value' --basic --user username:password \

What's the difference between emulation and simulation?

Coming from the hardware development world. . .

Simulation tests functionality. 2+2 = 4 etc

Emulation tests the functionality on the specific environment (64-bit, 16-bit, fingers and toes).

Here is a food example:

You have two pieces of bread, one knife, peanut butter and jelly and will be giving them to a kindergartner. You write instructions on how to make a sandwich.

In simulation, you would act out the process, pretend you opened the jars, pretend spreading the peanut butter etc.

If at the end of the instructions your are left with only jelly and not peanut butter then you failed the simulation and you need to fix your instructions. On the other hand if you have a complete "sandwich" then the instructions should be valid

In emulation, you would use close representations of the actual parts (same bread, knife peanut butter etc). What happens if you gave your kindergartner a cheap plastic knife and really really thick peanut butter?? The knife would break in emulation and the instructions would need to be clarified or fixed to accommodate this problem. In this case you might suggest warming up the peanut butter in the microwave.

In practice: Consider a 64-bit system that you are programming in and a 32bit system that will actually be running the code. You add two very very large numbers and print the result. In simulation everything works (you managed to get the code right to add two numbers) In emulation however you find that you get the wrong answer. What happened? The emulation of the 32-bit system was unable to handle the large numbers. This is an example of correct functionality (i.e. simulation) but not proper support for your runtime environment (emulation)

regex match any single character (one character only)

Match any single character

  • Use the dot . character as a wildcard to match any single character.

Example regex: a.c

abc   // match
a c   // match
azc   // match
ac    // no match
abbc  // no match

Match any specific character in a set

  • Use square brackets [] to match any characters in a set.
  • Use \w to match any single alphanumeric character: 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and _ (underscore).
  • Use \d to match any single digit.
  • Use \s to match any single whitespace character.

Example 1 regex: a[bcd]c

abc   // match
acc   // match
adc   // match
ac    // no match
abbc  // no match

Example 2 regex: a[0-7]c

a0c   // match
a3c   // match
a7c   // match
a8c   // no match
ac    // no match
a55c  // no match

Match any character except ...

Use the hat in square brackets [^] to match any single character except for any of the characters that come after the hat ^.

Example regex: a[^abc]c

aac   // no match
abc   // no match
acc   // no match
a c   // match
azc   // match
ac    // no match
azzc  // no match

(Don't confuse the ^ here in [^] with its other usage as the start of line character: ^ = line start, $ = line end.)

Match any character optionally

Use the optional character ? after any character to specify zero or one occurrence of that character. Thus, you would use .? to match any single character optionally.

Example regex: a.?c

abc   // match
a c   // match
azc   // match
ac    // match
abbc  // no match

See also

how to declare global variable in SQL Server..?

You could try a global table:

create table ##global_var
            (var1 int
            ,var2 int)

USE "DB_1"
SELECT * FROM "TABLE" WHERE "COL_!" = (select var1 from ##global_var) 


USE "DB_2"

SELECT * FROM "TABLE" WHERE "COL_!" = (select var2 from ##global_var) 

Remove leading comma from a string

To remove the first character you would use:

var myOriginalString = ",'first string','more','even more'"; 
var myString = myOriginalString.substring(1);

I'm not sure this will be the result you're looking for though because you will still need to split it to create an array with it. Maybe something like:

var myString = myOriginalString.substring(1);
var myArray = myString.split(',');

Keep in mind, the ' character will be a part of each string in the split here.

How do I style (css) radio buttons and labels?

This will get your buttons and labels next to each other, at least. I believe the second part can't be done in css alone, and will need javascript. I found a page that might help you with that part as well, but I don't have time right now to try it out:

<style type="text/css">
.input input {
  float: left;
.input label {
  margin: 5px;
<div class="input radio">
        <legend>What color is the sky?</legend>
        <input type="hidden" name="data[Submit][question]" value="" id="SubmitQuestion" />

        <input type="radio" name="data[Submit][question]" id="SubmitQuestion1" value="1"  />
        <label for="SubmitQuestion1">A strange radient green.</label>

        <input type="radio" name="data[Submit][question]" id="SubmitQuestion2" value="2"  />
        <label for="SubmitQuestion2">A dark gloomy orange</label>
        <input type="radio" name="data[Submit][question]" id="SubmitQuestion3" value="3"  />
        <label for="SubmitQuestion3">A perfect glittering blue</label>

Difference between using Makefile and CMake to compile the code

The statement about CMake being a "build generator" is a common misconception.

It's not technically wrong; it just describes HOW it works, but not WHAT it does.

In the context of the question, they do the same thing: take a bunch of C/C++ files and turn them into a binary.

So, what is the real difference?

  • CMake is much more high-level. It's tailored to compile C++, for which you write much less build code, but can be also used for general purpose build. make has some built-in C/C++ rules as well, but they are useless at best.

  • CMake does a two-step build: it generates a low-level build script in ninja or make or many other generators, and then you run it. All the shell script pieces that are normally piled into Makefile are only executed at the generation stage. Thus, CMake build can be orders of magnitude faster.

  • The grammar of CMake is much easier to support for external tools than make's.

  • Once make builds an artifact, it forgets how it was built. What sources it was built from, what compiler flags? CMake tracks it, make leaves it up to you. If one of library sources was removed since the previous version of Makefile, make won't rebuild it.

  • Modern CMake (starting with version 3.something) works in terms of dependencies between "targets". A target is still a single output file, but it can have transitive ("public"/"interface" in CMake terms) dependencies. These transitive dependencies can be exposed to or hidden from the dependent packages. CMake will manage directories for you. With make, you're stuck on a file-by-file and manage-directories-by-hand level.

You could code up something in make using intermediate files to cover the last two gaps, but you're on your own. make does contain a Turing complete language (even two, sometimes three counting Guile); the first two are horrible and the Guile is practically never used.

To be honest, this is what CMake and make have in common -- their languages are pretty horrible. Here's what comes to mind:

  • They have no user-defined types;
  • CMake has three data types: string, list, and a target with properties. make has one: string;
  • you normally pass arguments to functions by setting global variables.
    • This is partially dealt with in modern CMake - you can set a target's properties: set_property(TARGET helloworld APPEND PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}");
  • referring to an undefined variable is silently ignored by default;

Datetime in where clause

WHERE datetime_column >= '20081220 00:00:00.000'
  AND datetime_column < '20081221 00:00:00.000'

How to execute two mysql queries as one in PHP/MYSQL?

Using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS you can't.

The row count available through FOUND_ROWS() is transient and not intended to be available past the statement following the SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS statement.

As someone noted in your earlier question, using SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS is frequently slower than just getting a count.

Perhaps you'd be best off doing this as as subquery:

 (select count(*) from my_table WHERE Name LIKE '%prashant%') 
as total_rows,
Id, Name FROM my_table WHERE Name LIKE '%prashant%' LIMIT 0, 10;

Overlaying a DIV On Top Of HTML 5 Video

Here's an example that will center the content within the parent div. This also makes sure the overlay starts at the edge of the video, even when centered.

<div class="outer-container">
    <div class="inner-container">
        <div class="video-overlay">Bug Buck Bunny - Trailer</div>
        <video id="player" src="" controls autoplay loop></video>

with css as

.outer-container {
    border: 1px dotted black;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    text-align: center;
.inner-container {
    border: 1px solid black;
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
.video-overlay {
    position: absolute;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 5px 5px;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-family: Helvetica;
    color: #FFF;
    background-color: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.3);
video {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

here's the jsfiddle

Hope that helps :)

What Process is using all of my disk IO

atop also works well and installs easily even on older CentOS 5.x systems which can't run iotop. Hit d to show disk details, ? for help.

ATOP - mybox                           2014/09/08  15:26:00                           ------                            10s elapsed
PRC |  sys    0.33s |  user   1.08s |                | #proc    161  |  #zombie    0 |  clones    31 |                | #exit         16  |
CPU |  sys   4% |  user     11% |  irq       0%  | idle    306%  |  wait     79% |               |  steal     1%  | guest     0%  |
cpu |  sys   2% |  user      8% |  irq       0%  | idle     11%  |  cpu000 w 78% |               |  steal     0%  | guest     0%  |
cpu |  sys   1% |  user      1% |  irq       0%  | idle     98%  |  cpu001 w  0% |               |  steal     0%  | guest     0%  |
cpu |  sys   1% |  user      1% |  irq       0%  | idle     99%  |  cpu003 w  0% |               |  steal     0%  | guest     0%  |
cpu |  sys   0% |  user      1% |  irq       0%  | idle     99%  |  cpu002 w  0% |               |  steal     0%  | guest     0%  |
CPL |  avg1    2.09 |  avg5    2.09 |  avg15   2.09  |               |  csw    54184 |  intr   33581 |                | numcpu     4  |
MEM |  tot     8.0G |  free   81.9M |  cache   2.9G  | dirty   0.8M  |  buff  174.7M |  slab  305.0M |                |               |
SWP |  tot     2.0G |  free    2.0G |                |               |               |               |  vmcom   8.4G  | vmlim   6.0G  |
LVM |  Group00-root |  busy     85% |  read       0  | write  30658  |  KiB/w      4 |  MBr/s   0.00 |  MBw/s  11.98  | avio 0.28 ms  |
DSK |          xvdb |  busy     85% |  read       0  | write  23706  |  KiB/w      5 |  MBr/s   0.00 |  MBw/s  11.97  | avio 0.36 ms  |
NET |  transport    |  tcpi    2705 |  tcpo    2008  | udpi      36  |  udpo      43 |  tcpao     14 |  tcppo     45  | tcprs      1  |
NET |  network      |  ipi     2788 |  ipo     2072  | ipfrw      0  |  deliv   2768 |               |  icmpi      7  | icmpo     20  |
NET |  eth0    ---- |  pcki    2344 |  pcko    1623  | si 1455 Kbps  |  so  781 Kbps |  erri       0 |  erro       0  | drpo       0  |
NET |  lo      ---- |  pcki     423 |  pcko     423  | si   88 Kbps  |  so   88 Kbps |  erri           0 |  erro       0  | drpo       0  |
NET |  eth1    ---- |  pcki  22 |  pcko      26  | si    3 Kbps  |  so    5 Kbps |  erri       0 |  erro       0  | drpo       0  |

  PID                   RDDSK                    WRDSK                   WCANCL                    DSK                   CMD        1/1
 9862                      0K                   53124K                       0K                    98%                   java
  358                      0K                     636K                       0K                     1%                   jbd2/dm-0-8
13893                      0K                     192K                      72K                     0%                   java
 1699                      0K                      60K                       0K                     0%                   syslogd
 4668                      0K                      24K                       0K                     0%                   zabbix_agentd

This clearly shows java pid 9862 is the culprit.

Recyclerview and handling different type of row inflation

According to Gil great answer I solved by Overriding the getItemViewType as explained by Gil. His answer is great and have to be marked as correct. In any case, I add the code to reach the score:

In your recycler adapter:

public int getItemViewType(int position) {
    int viewType = 0;
    // add here your booleans or switch() to set viewType at your needed
    // I.E if (position == 0) viewType = 1; etc. etc.
    return viewType;

public FileViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
    if (viewType == 0) {
        return new MyViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.my_layout_for_first_row, parent, false));

    return new MyViewHolder(LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()).inflate(R.layout.my_other_rows, parent, false));

By doing this, you can set whatever custom layout for whatever row!

Cannot ignore .idea/workspace.xml - keeps popping up

Ignore the files ending with .iws, and the workspace.xml and tasks.xml files in your .gitignore Reference

Import regular CSS file in SCSS file?


@import "path/to/file.css";

How to deal with "data of class uneval" error from ggplot2?

when you add a new data set to a geom you need to use the data= argument. Or put the arguments in the proper order mapping=..., data=.... Take a look at the arguments for ?geom_line.


p + geom_line(data=df.last, aes(HrEnd, MWh, group=factor(Date)), color="red") 


p + geom_line(aes(HrEnd, MWh, group=factor(Date)), df.last, color="red") 

Java equivalent to Explode and Implode(PHP)

I'm not familiar with PHP, but I think String.split is Java equivalent to PHP explode. As for implode, standart library does not provide such functionality. You just iterate over your array and build string using StringBuilder/StringBuffer. Or you can try excellent Google Guava Splitter and Joiner or split/join methods from Apache Commons StringUtils.

Deleting an object in java?

//Just use a List
//create the list
public final List<Object> myObjects;

//instantiate the list
myObjects = new ArrayList<Object>();

//add objects to the list
Object object = myObject;

//remove the object calling this method if you have more than 1 objects still works with 1
//object too.

private void removeObject(){
int len = myObjects.size();
for(int i = 0;i<len; i++){
Objects object = myObjects.get(i);

How to make a PHP SOAP call using the SoapClient class

This is what you need to do.

I tried to recreate the situation...

  • For this example, I created a .NET sample WebService (WS) with a WebMethod called Function1 expecting the following params:

Function1(Contact Contact, string description, int amount)

  • Where Contact is just a model that has getters and setters for id and name like in your case.

  • You can download the .NET sample WS at:

The code.

This is what you need to do at PHP side:

(Tested and working)

// Create Contact class
class Contact {
    public function __construct($id, $name) 
        $this->id = $id;
        $this->name = $name;

// Initialize WS with the WSDL
$client = new SoapClient("http://localhost:10139/Service1.asmx?wsdl");

// Create Contact obj
$contact = new Contact(100, "John");

// Set request params
$params = array(
  "Contact" => $contact,
  "description" => "Barrel of Oil",
  "amount" => 500,

// Invoke WS method (Function1) with the request params 
$response = $client->__soapCall("Function1", array($params));

// Print WS response


Testing the whole thing.

  • If you do print_r($params) you will see the following output, as your WS would expect:

Array ( [Contact] => Contact Object ( [id] => 100 [name] => John ) [description] => Barrel of Oil [amount] => 500 )

  • When I debugged the .NET sample WS I got the following:

enter image description here

(As you can see, Contact object is not null nor the other params. That means your request was successfully done from PHP side)

  • The response from the .NET sample WS was the expected one and this is what I got at PHP side:

object(stdClass)[3] public 'Function1Result' => string 'Detailed information of your request! id: 100, name: John, description: Barrel of Oil, amount: 500' (length=98)

Happy Coding!

How to cast Object to its actual type?

If you know the actual type, then just:

SomeType typed = (SomeType)obj;

If you don't know the actual type, then: not really, no. You would have to instead use one of:

  • reflection
  • implementing a well-known interface
  • dynamic

For example:

// reflection
obj.GetType().GetMethod("MyFunction").Invoke(obj, null);

// interface
IFoo foo = (IFoo)obj; // where SomeType : IFoo and IFoo declares MyFunction

// dynamic
dynamic d = obj;

How to convert md5 string to normal text?

Md5 is a hashing algorithm. There is no way to retrieve the original input from the hashed result.

If you want to add a "forgotten password?" feature, you could send your user an email with a temporary link to create a new password.

Note: Sending passwords in plain text is a BAD idea :)

Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?

I first used a combination of matti-lyra and gary's answers:



  • 1234870.98762341: "1234870.9876"
  • 1230009100: "1230009100"
  • 0.0012234: "0.0012"
  • 0.1200234: "0.12"
  • 0.000001231: "0"
  • 0.10001: "0.1000"
  • "asdf": "NaN" (so no runtime error)

The somewhat problematic case is 0.10001. I ended up using this longer version:

    r = (+n).toFixed(4);
    if (r.match(/\./)) {
      r = r.replace(/\.?0+$/, '');
  • 1234870.98762341: "1234870.9876"
  • 1230009100: "1230009100"
  • 0.0012234: "0.0012"
  • 0.1200234: "0.12"
  • 0.000001231: "0"
  • 0.10001: "0.1"
  • "asdf": "NaN" (so no runtime error)

Update: And this is Gary's newer version (see comments):


This gives the same results as above.

Java String to SHA1

This is a simple solution that can be used when converting a string to a hex format:

private static String encryptPassword(String password) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnsupportedEncodingException {

    MessageDigest crypt = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");

    return new BigInteger(1, crypt.digest()).toString(16);

Refresh Part of Page (div)

Use Ajax for this.

Build a function that will fetch the current page via ajax, but not the whole page, just the div in question from the server. The data will then (again via jQuery) be put inside the same div in question and replace old content with new one.

Relevant function:


$('#thisdiv').load(document.URL +  ' #thisdiv');

Note, load automatically replaces content. Be sure to include a space before the id selector.

iOS download and save image inside app

Here's how I download an ad banner. It's best to do it in the background if you're downloading a large image or a bunch of images.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    [self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(loadImageIntoMemory) withObject:nil];

- (void)loadImageIntoMemory {
    NSString *temp_Image_String = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@""];
    NSURL *url_For_Ad_Image = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:temp_Image_String];
    NSData *data_For_Ad_Image = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url_For_Ad_Image];
    UIImage *temp_Ad_Image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:data_For_Ad_Image];
    [self saveImage:temp_Ad_Image];
    UIImageView *imageViewForAdImages = [[UIImageView alloc] init];
    imageViewForAdImages.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50);
    imageViewForAdImages.image = [self loadImage];
    [self.view addSubview:imageViewForAdImages];
- (void)saveImage: (UIImage*)image {
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString* path = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent: @"MyImageName.jpg" ];
    NSData* data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(image);
    [data writeToFile:path atomically:YES];
- (UIImage*)loadImage {
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *documentsDirectory = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
    NSString* path = [documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"MyImageName.jpg" ];
    UIImage* image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:path];
    return image;

Python Pylab scatter plot error bars (the error on each point is unique)

This is almost like the other answer but you don't need a scatter plot at all, you can simply specify a scatter-plot-like format (fmt-parameter) for errorbar:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = [1, 4, 9, 16]
e = [0.5, 1., 1.5, 2.]
plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=e, fmt='o')


enter image description here

A list of the avaiable fmt parameters can be found for example in the plot documentation:

character   description
'-'     solid line style
'--'    dashed line style
'-.'    dash-dot line style
':'     dotted line style
'.'     point marker
','     pixel marker
'o'     circle marker
'v'     triangle_down marker
'^'     triangle_up marker
'<'     triangle_left marker
'>'     triangle_right marker
'1'     tri_down marker
'2'     tri_up marker
'3'     tri_left marker
'4'     tri_right marker
's'     square marker
'p'     pentagon marker
'*'     star marker
'h'     hexagon1 marker
'H'     hexagon2 marker
'+'     plus marker
'x'     x marker
'D'     diamond marker
'd'     thin_diamond marker
'|'     vline marker
'_'     hline marker

SQL Server Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >=

The fix is to stop using correlated subqueries and use joins instead. Correlated subqueries are essentially cursors as they cause the query to run row-by-row and should be avoided.

You may need a derived table in the join in order to get the value you want in the field if you want only one record to match, if you need both values then the ordinary join will do that but you will get multiple records for the same id in the results set. If you only want one, you need to decide which one and do that in the code, you could use a top 1 with an order by, you could use max(), you could use min(), etc, depending on what your real requirement for the data is.

Oracle insert from select into table with more columns

Just add in the '0' in your select.

INSERT INTO table_name (a,b,c,d)
       other_table.a AS a,
       other_table.b AS b,
       other_table.c AS c,
       '0' AS d
    FROM other_table

Deserialize Java 8 LocalDateTime with JacksonMapper


Change to:

@Column(name = "start_date")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", iso = ISO.DATE_TIME)
@JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.STRING, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")
private LocalDateTime startDate;

JSON request:

 "startDate":"2019-04-02 11:45"

C++ terminate called without an active exception

When a thread object goes out of scope and it is in joinable state, the program is terminated. The Standard Committee had two other options for the destructor of a joinable thread. It could quietly join -- but join might never return if the thread is stuck. Or it could detach the thread (a detached thread is not joinable). However, detached threads are very tricky, since they might survive till the end of the program and mess up the release of resources. So if you don't want to terminate your program, make sure you join (or detach) every thread.

MVC: How to Return a String as JSON

You just need to return standard ContentResult and set ContentType to "application/json". You can create custom ActionResult for it:

public class JsonStringResult : ContentResult
    public JsonStringResult(string json)
        Content = json;
        ContentType = "application/json";

And then return it's instance:

public JsonResult UpdateBatchSearchMembers()
    string returntext;
    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(path))
        returntext = Properties.Settings.Default.EmptyBatchSearchUpdate;
        returntext = Properties.Settings.Default.ResponsePath;

    return new JsonStringResult(returntext);

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient is not working in ie7

In testing IE7/8/9 I was getting an ActiveX warning trying to use this code snippet:


After removing this the warning went away. I know this isn't an answer, but I thought it was worthwhile to note.

No restricted globals

For me I had issues with history and location... As the accepted answer using window before history and location (i.e) window.history and window.location solved mine

What exactly is the 'react-scripts start' command?

create-react-app and react-scripts

react-scripts is a set of scripts from the create-react-app starter pack. create-react-app helps you kick off projects without configuring, so you do not have to setup your project by yourself.

react-scripts start sets up the development environment and starts a server, as well as hot module reloading. You can read here to see what everything it does for you.

with create-react-app you have following features out of the box.

  • React, JSX, ES6, and Flow syntax support.
  • Language extras beyond ES6 like the object spread operator.
  • Autoprefixed CSS, so you don’t need -webkit- or other prefixes.
  • A fast interactive unit test runner with built-in support for coverage reporting.
  • A live development server that warns about common mistakes.
  • A build script to bundle JS, CSS, and images for production, with hashes and sourcemaps.
  • An offline-first service worker and a web app manifest, meeting all the Progressive Web App criteria.
  • Hassle-free updates for the above tools with a single dependency.

npm scripts

npm start is a shortcut for npm run start.

npm run is used to run scripts that you define in the scripts object of your package.json

if there is no start key in the scripts object, it will default to node server.js

Sometimes you want to do more than the react scripts gives you, in this case you can do react-scripts eject. This will transform your project from a "managed" state into a not managed state, where you have full control over dependencies, build scripts and other configurations.

How to reference a method in javadoc?

The general format, from the @link section of the javadoc documentation, is:

{@link package.class#member label}


Method in the same class:

/** See also {@link #myMethod(String)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Method in a different class, either in the same package or imported:

/** See also {@link MyOtherClass#myMethod(String)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Method in a different package and not imported:

/** See also {@link com.mypackage.YetAnotherClass#myMethod(String)}. */
void foo() { ... }

Label linked to method, in plain text rather than code font:

/** See also this {@linkplain #myMethod(String) implementation}. */
void foo() { ... }

A chain of method calls, as in your question. We have to specify labels for the links to methods outside this class, or we get getFoo().Foo.getBar().Bar.getBaz(). But these labels can be fragile during refactoring -- see "Labels" below.

 * A convenience method, equivalent to 
 * {@link #getFoo()}.{@link Foo#getBar() getBar()}.{@link Bar#getBaz() getBaz()}.
 * @return baz
public Baz fooBarBaz()


Automated refactoring may not affect labels. This includes renaming the method, class or package; and changing the method signature.

Therefore, provide a label only if you want different text than the default.

For example, you might link from human language to code:

/** You can also {@linkplain #getFoo() get the current foo}. */
void setFoo( Foo foo ) { ... }

Or you might link from a code sample with text different than the default, as shown above under "A chain of method calls." However, this can be fragile while APIs are evolving.

Type erasure and #member

If the method signature includes parameterized types, use the erasure of those types in the javadoc @link. For example:

int bar( Collection<Integer> receiver ) { ... }

/** See also {@link #bar(Collection)}. */
void foo() { ... }

async await return Task

async methods are different than normal methods. Whatever you return from async methods are wrapped in a Task.

If you return no value(void) it will be wrapped in Task, If you return int it will be wrapped in Task<int> and so on.

If your async method needs to return int you'd mark the return type of the method as Task<int> and you'll return plain int not the Task<int>. Compiler will convert the int to Task<int> for you.

private async Task<int> MethodName()
    await SomethingAsync();
    return 42;//Note we return int not Task<int> and that compiles

Sameway, When you return Task<object> your method's return type should be Task<Task<object>>

public async Task<Task<object>> MethodName()
     return Task.FromResult<object>(null);//This will compile

Since your method is returning Task, it shouldn't return any value. Otherwise it won't compile.

public async Task MethodName()
     return;//This should work but return is redundant and also method is useless.

Keep in mind that async method without an await statement is not async.

facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user

After a certain amount of time, your access token expires.

To prevent this, you can request the 'offline_access' permission during the authentication, as noted here: Do Facebook Oauth 2.0 Access Tokens Expire?

Updating GUI (WPF) using a different thread

Here is a full example that updates UI textboxes

<Window x:Class="WpfThreading.MainWindow"
    Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="216.84">
<Grid Margin="0,0,2,0">
    <Button Content="Button" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,10,0,0"
            VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="75" Click="Button_Click"/>
    <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="10,35,0,10" TextWrapping="Wrap" Name="mtextBox" Width="87"   VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"/>
    <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="111,35,0,10" TextWrapping="Wrap" x:Name="mtextBox2" Width="87"   VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"/>

and in the code

public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

    private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        new Thread(DoSomething).Start();
        new Thread(DoSomething2).Start();

    public void DoSomething()
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
                mtextBox.Text += $"{i.ToString()}{Environment.NewLine}";
            }), DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle);



    public void DoSomething2()
        for (int i = 100; i > 0; i--)
            Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => {
                mtextBox2.Text += $"{i.ToString()}{Environment.NewLine}";
            }), DispatcherPriority.SystemIdle);



Delete duplicate records from a SQL table without a primary key

no ID, no rowcount() or no temp table needed....

     SELECT  COUNT(*) 
            IN (SELECT empno  from tblemp group by empno having count(empno)>1)) > 1 

DELETE top(1)  
WHERE EMPNO IN (SELECT empno  from tblemp group by empno having count(empno)>1)

Capitalize the first letter of string in AngularJs

For the AngularJS from, I place the custom filters in modules/core/client/app/init.js

I needed a custom filter to capitalize each word in a sentence, here is how I do so:

angular.module(ApplicationConfiguration.applicationModuleName).filter('capitalize', function() {
return function(str) {
    return str.split(" ").map(function(input){return (!!input) ? input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.substr(1).toLowerCase() :         ''}).join(" ");


The credit of the map function goes to @Naveen raj

Handling key-press events (F1-F12) using JavaScript and jQuery, cross-browser

I am not sure if intercepting function keys is possible, but I would avoid using function keys all together. Function keys are used by browsers to perform a variety of tasks, some of them quite common. For example, in Firefox on Linux, at least six or seven of the function keys are reserved for use by the browser:

  • F1 (Help),
  • F3 (Search),
  • F5 (Refresh),
  • F6 (focus address bar),
  • F7 (caret browsing mode),
  • F11 (full screen mode), and
  • F12 (used by several add-ons, including Firebug)

The worst part is that different browsers on different operating systems use different keys for different things. That's a lot of differences to account for. You should stick to safer, less commonly used key combinations.

Cannot get Kerberos service ticket: KrbException: Server not found in Kerberos database (7)

Consider adding


to your /etc/krb5.conf. This can work around mismatching DNS.

Spring Boot Multiple Datasource

Use multiple datasource or realizing the separation of reading & writing. you must have a knowledge of Class AbstractRoutingDataSource which support dynamic datasource choose.

Here is my datasource.yaml and I figure out how to resolve this case. You can refer to this project spring-boot + quartz. Hope this will help you.

  default: localhost:3306
  read: localhost:3306
  write: localhost:3306
    type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
    pool-name: default
    continue-on-error: false
    jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://${dbServer.default}/schedule_job?useSSL=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
    username: root
    password: lh1234
    connection-timeout: 30000
    connection-test-query: SELECT 1
    maximum-pool-size: 5
    minimum-idle: 2
    idle-timeout: 600000
    destroy-method: shutdown
    auto-commit: false
    type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
    pool-name: read
    continue-on-error: false
    jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://${}/schedule_job?useSSL=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
    username: root
    password: lh1234
    connection-timeout: 30000
    connection-test-query: SELECT 1
    maximum-pool-size: 5
    minimum-idle: 2
    idle-timeout: 600000
    destroy-method: shutdown
    auto-commit: false
    type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
    pool-name: write
    continue-on-error: false
    jdbc-url: jdbc:mysql://${dbServer.write}/schedule_job?useSSL=true&verifyServerCertificate=false&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8
    username: root
    password: lh1234
    connection-timeout: 30000
    connection-test-query: SELECT 1
    maximum-pool-size: 5
    minimum-idle: 2
    idle-timeout: 600000
    destroy-method: shutdown
    auto-commit: false

AJAX jQuery refresh div every 5 seconds

you can use this one.

<div id="test"></div>

you java script code should be like that.


How to draw rounded rectangle in Android UI?

I think, this is you exactly needed.

Here drawable(xml) file that creates rounded rectangle. round_rect_shape.xml

<shape xmlns:android=""
    android:shape="rectangle" >

    <solid android:color="#ffffff" />

        android:topRightRadius="8dp" />


Here layout file: my_layout.xml

    android:padding="5dp" >

        android:text="Something text"
        android:textColor="#ff0000" />

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" >

        <requestFocus />

-> In the above code, LinearLayout having the background(That is the key role to place to create rounded rectangle). So you can place any view like TextView, EditText... in that LinearLayout to see background as round rectangle for all.

What is the reason and how to avoid the [FIN, ACK] , [RST] and [RST, ACK]

Here is a rough explanation of the concepts.

[ACK] is the acknowledgement that the previously sent data packet was received.

[FIN] is sent by a host when it wants to terminate the connection; the TCP protocol requires both endpoints to send the termination request (i.e. FIN).

So, suppose

  • host A sends a data packet to host B
  • and then host B wants to close the connection.
  • Host B (depending on timing) can respond with [FIN,ACK] indicating that it received the sent packet and wants to close the session.
  • Host A should then respond with a [FIN,ACK] indicating that it received the termination request (the ACK part) and that it too will close the connection (the FIN part).

However, if host A wants to close the session after sending the packet, it would only send a [FIN] packet (nothing to acknowledge) but host B would respond with [FIN,ACK] (acknowledges the request and responds with FIN).

Finally, some TCP stacks perform half-duplex termination, meaning that they can send [RST] instead of the usual [FIN,ACK]. This happens when the host actively closes the session without processing all the data that was sent to it. Linux is one operating system which does just this.

You can find a more detailed and comprehensive explanation here.

Styling Google Maps InfoWindow

You can modify the whole InfoWindow using jquery alone...

var popup = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
    content:'<p id="hook">Hello World!</p>'

Here the <p> element will act as a hook into the actual InfoWindow. Once the domready fires, the element will become active and accessible using javascript/jquery, like $('#hook').parent().parent().parent().parent().

The below code just sets a 2 pixel border around the InfoWindow.

google.maps.event.addListener(popup, 'domready', function() {
    var l = $('#hook').parent().parent().parent().siblings();
    for (var i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
        if($(l[i]).css('z-index') == 'auto') {
            $(l[i]).css('border-radius', '16px 16px 16px 16px');
            $(l[i]).css('border', '2px solid red');

You can do anything like setting a new CSS class or just adding a new element.

Play around with the elements to get what you need...

How can I put a database under git (version control)?

  • Irmin
  • Crux DB
  • TerminusDB

I have been looking for the same feature for Postgres (or SQL databases in general) for a while, but I found no tools to be suitable (simple and intuitive) enough. This is probably due to the binary nature of how data is stored. Klonio sounds ideal but looks dead. Noms DB looks interesting (and alive). Also take a look at Irmin (OCaml-based with Git-properties).

Though this doesn't answer the question in that it would work with Postgres, check out the database. It has a "time-travel" feature that allows you to query the data from an arbitrary point in time. I'm guessing it should be able to work with a "branching" model.

This database was recently being developed for blockchain-purposes. Due to the nature of blockchains, the data needs to be recorded in increments, which is exactly how git works. They are targeting an open-source release in Q2 2019.

Because each Fluree database is a blockchain, it stores the entire history of every transaction performed. This is part of how a blockchain ensures that information is immutable and secure.

Update: Also check out the Crux database, which can query across the time dimension of inserts, which you could see as 'versions'. Crux seems to be an open-source implementation of the highly appraised Datomic.

Crux is a bitemporal database that stores transaction time and valid time histories. While a [uni]temporal database enables "time travel" querying through the transactional sequence of database states from the moment of database creation to its current state, Crux also provides "time travel" querying for a discrete valid time axis without unnecessary design complexity or performance impact. This means a Crux user can populate the database with past and future information regardless of the order in which the information arrives, and make corrections to past recordings to build an ever-improving temporal model of a given domain.

Update II Check out Terminus DB: "Documentation for TerminusDB - an open-source graph database that stores data like git".

Is there a way to specify how many characters of a string to print out using printf()?

In C++ it is easy.

std::copy(someStr.c_str(), someStr.c_str()+n, std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout, ""));

EDIT: It is also safer to use this with string iterators, so you don't run off the end. I'm not sure what happens with printf and string that are too short, but I'm guess this may be safer.

open link in iframe

Well, there's an alternate way! You can use a button instead of hyperlink. Hence, when the button is clicked the web page specified in "name_of_webpage" is opened in the target frame named "name_of_iframe". It works for me!

<form method="post" action="name_of_webpage" target="name_of_iframe">
<input type="submit" value="any_name_you_want" />
<iframe name="name_of_iframe"></iframe>

Test if a string contains a word in PHP?

if (strpos($string, $word) === FALSE) {
   ... not found ...

Note that strpos() is case sensitive, if you want a case-insensitive search, use stripos() instead.

Also note the ===, forcing a strict equality test. strpos CAN return a valid 0 if the 'needle' string is at the start of the 'haystack'. By forcing a check for an actual boolean false (aka 0), you eliminate that false positive.

Convert a string to an enum in C#

You can use extension methods now:

public static T ToEnum<T>(this string value, bool ignoreCase = true)
    return (T) Enum.Parse(typeof (T), value, ignoreCase);

And you can call them by the below code (here, FilterType is an enum type):

FilterType filterType = type.ToEnum<FilterType>();

Apache SSL Configuration Error (SSL Connection Error)

Similar to other answers, this error can be experienced when there are no sites configured to use SSL.

I had the error when I upgraded from Debian Wheezy to Debian Jessie. The new version of Apache requires a site configuration file ending in .conf. Because my configuration file didn't, it was being ignored, and there were no others configured to serve SSL connections.

How do I use LINQ Contains(string[]) instead of Contains(string)

You should write it the other way around, checking your priviliged user id list contains the id on that row of table:

string[] search = new string[] { "2", "3" };
var result = from x in xx where search.Contains(x.uid.ToString()) select x;

LINQ behaves quite bright here and converts it to a good SQL statement:

sp_executesql N'SELECT [t0].[uid]
FROM [dbo].[xx] AS [t0]
WHERE (CONVERT(NVarChar,[t0].[uid]))
IN (@p0, @p1)',N'@p0 nvarchar(1),
@p1 nvarchar(1)',@p0=N'2',@p1=N'3'

which basicly embeds the contents of the 'search' array into the sql query, and does the filtering with 'IN' keyword in SQL.

jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax

try to use this one.

    url: "yourPageWhereToLoadData.php",
    success: function(data){

        bgiframe: true,
        autoOpen: false,
        height: 100,
        modal: true

How do I display a MySQL error in PHP for a long query that depends on the user input?

Use this:

mysqli_query($this->db_link, $query) or die(mysqli_error($this->db_link)); 
# mysqli_query($link,$query) returns 0 if there's an error.
# mysqli_error($link) returns a string with the last error message

You can also use this to print the error code.

echo mysqli_errno($this->db_link);

Take a look here and here

Check if value already exists within list of dictionaries?

Following works out for me.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    a = [{ 'main_color': 'red', 'second_color':'blue'},
    { 'main_color': 'yellow', 'second_color':'green'},
    { 'main_color': 'yellow', 'second_color':'blue'}]

    found_event = next(
                lambda x: x['main_color'] == 'red',
      #return this dict when not found

    if found_event:

    $python  /tmp/x
    {'main_color': 'red', 'second_color': 'blue'}

iOS 6 apps - how to deal with iPhone 5 screen size?

I think you can use [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height and calculate step for your objects. when you calculate step you can set coordinates for two resolutions.

Or you can get height like above and if(iphone5) then... else if(iphone4) then... else if(ipad). Something like this.

If you use storyboards then you have to create new for new iPhone i think.

Java code To convert byte to Hexadecimal

If you use Tink, then there is:


public final class Hex {
  public static String encode(final byte[] bytes) { ... }
  public static byte[] decode(String hex) { ... }

so something like this should work:


byte[] bytes = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3 };
String enc = Hex.encode(bytes);
byte[] dec = Hex.decode(enc)

Get the current URL with JavaScript?

For those who want an actual URL object, potentially for a utility which takes URLs as an argument:

const url = new URL(window.location.href)

Creating runnable JAR with Gradle

Here is the solution I tried with Gradle 6.7

Runnable fat Jar (with all dependent libraries copied to the jar)

task fatJar(type: Jar) {
    manifest {
        attributes 'Main-Class': 'com.example.gradle.App'
    from {
        configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
    } with jar

Runnable jar with all dependencies copied to a directory and adding the classpath to the manifest

    def dependsDir = "${buildDir}/libs/dependencies/"
    task copyDependencies(type: Copy) {
        from configurations.compile
        into "${dependsDir}"
    task createJar(dependsOn: copyDependencies, type: Jar) {
        manifest {
            attributes('Main-Class': 'com.example.gradle.App',
                    'Class-Path': configurations.compile.collect { 'dependencies/' + it.getName() }.join(' ')
        with jar

How to use ?

  • Add the above tasks to build.gradle
  • Execute gradle fatJar //create fatJar
  • Execute gradle createJar // create jar with dependencies copied.

More details :

Programmatically close aspx page from code behind

If you using RadAjaxManager then here is the code which helps:

RadAjaxManager1.ResponseScripts.Add("window.opener.location.href = '../CaseManagement/LCCase.aspx?" + caseId + "'; 

How often does python flush to a file?

You can also check the default buffer size by calling the read only DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE attribute from io module.

import io

Can iterators be reset in Python?

While there is no iterator reset, the "itertools" module from python 2.6 (and later) has some utilities that can help there. One of then is the "tee" which can make multiple copies of an iterator, and cache the results of the one running ahead, so that these results are used on the copies. I will seve your purposes:

>>> def printiter(n):
...   for i in xrange(n):
...     print "iterating value %d" % i
...     yield i

>>> from itertools import tee
>>> a, b = tee(printiter(5), 2)
>>> list(a)
iterating value 0
iterating value 1
iterating value 2
iterating value 3
iterating value 4
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(b)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

How to detect orientation change in layout in Android?

I just want to propose another alternative that will concern some of you, indeed, as explained above:


implies that we explicitly declare the layout to be injected.

In case we want to keep the automatic injection thanks to the layout-land and layout folders. All you have to do is add it to the onCreate:

    if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) {

    } else if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) {

Here, we display or not the actionbar depending on the orientation of the phone

How to set True as default value for BooleanField on Django?

I found the cleanest way of doing it is this.

Tested on Django 3.1.5

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    my_boolean = forms.BooleanField(required=False, initial=True)

I found the answer here

How to make a loop in x86 assembly language?

Use the CX register to count the loops

mov cx, 3
   cmp cx, 0
   jz endofloop
   push cx
   Call ClrScr
   pop cx
   dec cx
   jmp startloop
   ; Loop ended
   ; Do what ever you have to do here

This simply loops around 3 times calling ClrScr, pushing the CX register onto the stack, comparing to 0, jumping if ZeroFlag is set then jump to endofloop. Notice how the contents of CX is pushed/popped on/off the stack to maintain the flow of the loop.

Way to insert text having ' (apostrophe) into a SQL table

try this

INSERT INTO exampleTbl VALUES('he doesn''t work for me')

Best way to show a loading/progress indicator?

ProgressDialog is deprecated from Android Oreo. Use ProgressBar instead

ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(this);
progress.setMessage("Wait while loading...");
progress.setCancelable(false); // disable dismiss by tapping outside of the dialog;
// To dismiss the dialog

OR, "Loading", "Wait while loading...");

Read more here.

By the way, Spinner has a different meaning in Android. (It's like the select dropdown in HTML)

Is "delete this" allowed in C++?

Well, in Component Object Model (COM) delete this construction can be a part of Release method that is called whenever you want to release aquisited object:

void IMyInterface::Release()
    if(instanceCount == 0)
        delete this;

How to make a function wait until a callback has been called using node.js

Note: This answer should probably not be used in production code. It's a hack and you should know about the implications.

There is the uvrun module (updated for newer Nodejs versions here) where you can execute a single loop round of the libuv main event loop (which is the Nodejs main loop).

Your code would look like this:

function(query) {
  var r;
  myApi.exec('SomeCommand', function(response) {
    r = response;
  var uvrun = require("uvrun");
  while (!r)
  return r;

(You might alternative use uvrun.runNoWait(). That could avoid some problems with blocking, but takes 100% CPU.)

Note that this approach kind of invalidates the whole purpose of Nodejs, i.e. to have everything async and non-blocking. Also, it could increase your callstack depth a lot, so you might end up with stack overflows. If you run such function recursively, you definitely will run into troubles.

See the other answers about how to redesign your code to do it "right".

This solution here is probably only useful when you do testing and esp. want to have synced and serial code.

How to restart service using command prompt?

PowerShell features a Restart-Service cmdlet, which either starts or restarts the service as appropriate.

The Restart-Service cmdlet sends a stop message and then a start message to the Windows Service Controller for a specified service. If a service was already stopped, it is started without notifying you of an error.

You can specify the services by their service names or display names, or you can use the InputObject parameter to pass an object that represents each service that you want to restart.

It is a little more foolproof than running two separate commands.

The easiest way to use it just pass either the service name or the display name directly:

Restart-Service 'Service Name'

It can be used directly from the standard cmd prompt with a command like:

powershell -command "Restart-Service 'Service Name'"

Twitter Bootstrap tabs not working: when I click on them nothing happens

You're missing the data-toggle="tab" data-tag on your menu urls so your scripts can't tell where your tab switches are:


<ul class="nav nav-tabs" data-tabs="tabs">
    <li class="active"><a data-toggle="tab" href="#red">Red</a></li>
    <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#orange">Orange</a></li>
    <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#yellow">Yellow</a></li>
    <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#green">Green</a></li>
    <li><a data-toggle="tab" href="#blue">Blue</a></li>

What is the non-jQuery equivalent of '$(document).ready()'?

This works perfectly, from ECMA

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
  // code...

The window.onload doesn't equal to JQuery $(document).ready because $(document).ready waits only to the DOM tree while window.onload check all elements including external assets and images.

EDIT: Added IE8 and older equivalent, thanks to Jan Derk's observation. You may read the source of this code on MDN at this link:

// alternative to DOMContentLoaded
document.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (document.readyState == "interactive") {
        // Initialize your application or run some code.

There are other options apart from "interactive". See the MDN link for details.

Using a custom (ttf) font in CSS

You need to use the css-property font-face to declare your font. Have a look at this fancy site:


@font-face {
  font-family: MyHelvetica;
  src: local("Helvetica Neue Bold"),
  font-weight: bold;

See also: MDN @font-face

What causes and what are the differences between NoClassDefFoundError and ClassNotFoundException?

Given the Class loader sussystem actions:

This is an article that helped me a lot to understand the difference:

If an error occurs during class loading, then an instance of a subclass of LinkageError must be thrown at a point in the program that (directly or indirectly) uses the class or interface being loaded.

If the Java Virtual Machine ever attempts to load a class C during verification (§5.4.1) or resolution (§5.4.3) (but not initialization (§5.5)), and the class loader that is used to initiate loading of C throws an instance of ClassNotFoundException, then the Java Virtual Machine must throw an instance of NoClassDefFoundError whose cause is the instance of ClassNotFoundException.

So a ClassNotFoundException is a root cause of NoClassDefFoundError.
And a NoClassDefFoundError is a special case of type loading error, that occurs at Linking step.

Python 101: Can't open file: No such file or directory

Try uninstalling Python and then install it again, but this time make sure that the option Add Python to Path is marked as checked during the installation process.

Trim whitespace from a String

In addition to answer of @gjha:

inline std::string ltrim_copy(const std::string& str)
    auto it = std::find_if(str.cbegin(), str.cend(),
        [](char ch) { return !std::isspace<char>(ch, std::locale::classic()); });
    return std::string(it, str.cend());

inline std::string rtrim_copy(const std::string& str)
    auto it = std::find_if(str.crbegin(), str.crend(),
        [](char ch) { return !std::isspace<char>(ch, std::locale::classic()); });
    return it == str.crend() ? std::string() : std::string(str.cbegin(), ++it.base());

inline std::string trim_copy(const std::string& str)
    auto it1 = std::find_if(str.cbegin(), str.cend(),
        [](char ch) { return !std::isspace<char>(ch, std::locale::classic()); });
    if (it1 == str.cend()) {
        return std::string();
    auto it2 = std::find_if(str.crbegin(), str.crend(),
        [](char ch) { return !std::isspace<char>(ch, std::locale::classic()); });
    return it2 == str.crend() ? std::string(it1, str.cend()) : std::string(it1, ++it2.base());

How to get the selected row values of DevExpress XtraGrid?

var rowHandle = gridView.FocusedRowHandle;

var obj = gridView.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "FieldName");

//For example  
int val= Convert.ToInt32(gridView.GetRowCellValue(rowHandle, "FieldName"));

CSS: transition opacity on mouse-out?

You're applying transitions only to the :hover pseudo-class, and not to the element itself.

.item {   
  -webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
  -moz-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
  -ms-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
  -o-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
  transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;

.item:hover {
  zoom: 1;
  filter: alpha(opacity=50);
  opacity: 0.5;


If you don't want the transition to affect the mouse-over event, but only mouse-out, you can turn transitions off for the :hover state :

.item:hover {
  -webkit-transition: none;
  -moz-transition: none;
  -ms-transition: none;
  -o-transition: none;
  transition: none;
  zoom: 1;
  filter: alpha(opacity=50);
  opacity: 0.5;


Setting a log file name to include current date in Log4j

Even if u use DailyRollingFileAppender like @gedevan suggested, u will still get logname.log.2008-10-10 (After a day, because the previous day log will get archived and the date will be concatenated to it's filename). So if u want .log at the end, u'll have to do it like this on the DatePattern:


Enabling SSL with XAMPP

For XAMPP, do the following steps:

  1. G:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-ssl.conf"

  2. Search 'DocumentRoot' text.

  3. Change DocumentRoot DocumentRoot "G:/xampp/htdocs" to DocumentRoot "G:/xampp/htdocs/project name".

Spring MVC: Complex object as GET @RequestParam

Yes, You can do it in a simple way. See below code of lines.

URL - http://localhost:8080/get/request/multiple/param/by/map?name='abc' & id='123'

 @GetMapping(path = "/get/request/header/by/map")
    public ResponseEntity<String> getRequestParamInMap(@RequestParam Map<String,String> map){
        // Do your business here 
        return new ResponseEntity<String>(map.toString(),HttpStatus.OK);

Connect to Active Directory via LDAP

If your email address is '[email protected]', try changing the createDirectoryEntry() as below.

XYZ is an optional parameter if it exists in mydomain directory

static DirectoryEntry createDirectoryEntry()
    // create and return new LDAP connection with desired settings
    DirectoryEntry ldapConnection = new DirectoryEntry("");
    ldapConnection.Path = "LDAP://OU=Users, OU=XYZ,DC=mydomain,DC=com";
    ldapConnection.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.Secure;
    return ldapConnection;

This will basically check for com -> mydomain -> XYZ -> Users -> abcd

The main function looks as below:

    username = "Firstname LastName"
    DirectoryEntry myLdapConnection = createDirectoryEntry();
    DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(myLdapConnection);
    search.Filter = "(cn=" + username + ")";

How to always show scrollbar

Style your scroll bar Visibility, Color and Thickness like this:


        <!--Show Scroll Bar-->

        <!--Scroll Bar thickness-->

        <!--Scroll Bar Color-->

Hope it help save some time.

Installing J2EE into existing eclipse IDE

Step 1 Go to Help ---> Install New Software...

Step 2 Try to find "" under work with drop down. If you find then select and install all the available updates.

If you can not find then click on Add -> Add Repository. Name: Eclipse Webtools Location: Select all available updates and Install them.

Visit for more details.

Set focus on textbox in WPF


<StackPanel FocusManager.FocusedElement="{Binding ElementName=Box}">
   <TextBox Name="Box" />

Foreach loop in C++ equivalent of C#

After getting used to the var keyword in C#, I'm starting to use the auto keyword in C++11. They both determine type by inference and are useful when you just want the compiler to figure out the type for you. Here's the C++11 port of your code:

#include <array>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

array<string, 3> strarr = {"ram", "mohan", "sita"};
for(auto str: strarr) {

Append text to textarea with javascript

Use event delegation by assigning the onclick to the <ol>. Then pass the event object as the argument, and using that, grab the text from the clicked element.

function addText(event) {_x000D_
    var targ = || event.srcElement;_x000D_
    document.getElementById("alltext").value += targ.textContent || targ.innerText;_x000D_
<textarea id="alltext"></textarea>_x000D_
<ol onclick="addText(event)">_x000D_

Note that this method of passing the event object works in older IE as well as W3 compliant systems.

SQL MAX of multiple columns?

Scalar Function cause all sorts of performance issues, so its better to wrap the logic into an Inline Table Valued Function if possible. This is the function I used to replace some User Defined Functions which selected the Min/Max dates from a list of upto ten dates. When tested on my dataset of 1 Million rows the Scalar Function took over 15 minutes before I killed the query the Inline TVF took 1 minute which is the same amount of time as selecting the resultset into a temporary table. To use this call the function from either a subquery in the the SELECT or a CROSS APPLY.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Get_Min_Max_Date
    @Date1  datetime,
    @Date2  datetime,
    @Date3  datetime,
    @Date4  datetime,
    @Date5  datetime,
    @Date6  datetime,
    @Date7  datetime,
    @Date8  datetime,
    @Date9  datetime,
    @Date10 datetime
    SELECT      Max(DateValue)  Max_Date,
                Min(DateValue)  Min_Date
    FROM        (
                    VALUES  (@Date1),
                )   AS Dates(DateValue)

How do you create nested dict in Python?

UPDATE: For an arbitrary length of a nested dictionary, go to this answer.

Use the defaultdict function from the collections.

High performance: "if key not in dict" is very expensive when the data set is large.

Low maintenance: make the code more readable and can be easily extended.

from collections import defaultdict

target_dict = defaultdict(dict)
target_dict[key1][key2] = val

Difference between xcopy and robocopy

The most important difference is that robocopy will (usually) retry when an error occurs, while xcopy will not. In most cases, that makes robocopy far more suitable for use in a script.

Addendum: for completeness, there is one known edge case issue with robocopy; it may silently fail to copy files or directories whose names contain invalid UTF-16 sequences. If that's a problem for you, you may need to look at third-party tools, or write your own.

Can you split a stream into two streams?

Unfortunately, what you ask for is directly frowned upon in the JavaDoc of Stream:

A stream should be operated on (invoking an intermediate or terminal stream operation) only once. This rules out, for example, "forked" streams, where the same source feeds two or more pipelines, or multiple traversals of the same stream.

You can work around this using peek or other methods should you truly desire that type of behaviour. In this case, what you should do is instead of trying to back two streams from the same original Stream source with a forking filter, you would duplicate your stream and filter each of the duplicates appropriately.

However, you may wish to reconsider if a Stream is the appropriate structure for your use case.

Postgresql Select rows where column = array

For dynamic SQL use:

'IN(' ||array_to_string(some_array, ',')||')'



    some_array bigint[];
    sql_statement text;


    SELECT array[1, 2] INTO some_array;
    RAISE NOTICE '%', some_array;

    sql_statement := 'SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column IN(' ||array_to_string(some_array, ',')||')';
    RAISE NOTICE '%', sql_statement;



Result: NOTICE: {1,2} NOTICE: SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column IN(1,2)

Laravel Update Query

It is very simple to do. Code are given below :

 DB::table('user')->where('email', $userEmail)->update(array('member_type' => $plan));  

How to type in textbox using Selenium WebDriver (Selenium 2) with Java?

Try this :

driver.findElement("email")).sendKeys("[email protected]");

How to disable scrolling in UITableView table when the content fits on the screen

// Enable scrolling based on content height self.tableView.scrollEnabled = table.contentSize.height > table.frame.size.height;

How do I get the current date and current time only respectively in Django?

Another way to get datetime UTC with milliseconds.

from datetime import datetime

datetime.utcnow().isoformat(sep='T', timespec='milliseconds') + 'Z'


Use a cell value in VBA function with a variable

No need to activate or selection sheets or cells if you're using VBA. You can access it all directly. The code:

Dim rng As Range
For Each rng In Sheets("Feuil2").Range("A1:A333")
    Sheets("Classeur2.csv").Cells(rng.Value, rng.Offset(, 1).Value) = "1"
Next rng

is producing the same result as Joe's code.

If you need to switch sheets for some reasons, use Application.ScreenUpdating = False at the beginning of your macro (and Application.ScreenUpdating=True at the end). This will remove the screenflickering - and speed up the execution.

Are one-line 'if'/'for'-statements good Python style?

for a in someList:

You can rewrite the above as:

newlist = [splitColon.split(a) for a in someList]

TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

You have forgotten a * between -3.7 and (prof[x]).


for x in range(len(prof)):
    PB = 2.25 * (1 - math.pow(math.e, (-3.7 * (prof[x])/2.25))) * (math.e, (0/2.25)))

Also, there seems to be missing an ( as I count 6 times ( and 7 times ), and I think (math.e, (0/2.25)) is missing a function call (probably math.pow, but thats just a wild guess).