[javascript] Remove insignificant trailing zeros from a number?

If we have some s string representation of a number, which we can get for example using the .toFixed(digits) method of Number (or by any other means), then for removal of insignificant trailing zeros from the s string we can use:

s.replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '')

 * Results for various values of s:
 * "0" => 0
 * "0.000" => 0
 * "10" => 10
 * "100" => 100
 * "0.100" => 0.1
 * "0.010" => 0.01
 * "1.101" => 1.101
 * "1.100" => 1.1
 * "1.100010" => 1.10001
 * "100.11" => 100.11
 * "100.10" => 100.1

Regular expression used above in the replace() is explained below:

  • In the first place please pay the attention to the | operator inside the regular expression, which stands for "OR", so, the replace() method will remove from s two possible kinds of substring, matched either by the (\.0*)$ part OR by the ((?<=(\..*))0*)$ part.
  • The (\.0*)$ part of regex matches a dot symbol followed by all the zeros and nothing else till to the end of the s. This might be for example 0.0 (.0 is matched & removed), 1.0 (.0 is matched & removed), 0.000 (.000 is matched & removed) or any similar string with all the zeros after the dot, so, all the trailing zeros and the dot itself will be removed if this part of regex will match.
  • The ((?<=(\..*))0*)$ part matches only the trailing zeros (which are located after a dot symbol followed by any number of any symbol before start of the consecutive trailing zeros). This might be for example 0.100 (trailing 00 is matched & removed), 0.010 (last 0 is matched & removed, note that 0.01 part do NOT get matched at all thanks to the "Positive Lookbehind Assertion", i.e. (?<=(\..*)), which is in front of 0* in this part of regex), 1.100010 (last 0 is matched & removed), etc.
  • If neither of the two parts of expression will match, nothing gets removed. This might be for example 100 or 100.11, etc. So, if an input does not have any trailing zeros then it stays unchanged.

Some more examples using .toFixed(digits)(Literal value "1000.1010" is used in the examples below, but we can assume variables instead):

let digits = 0; // Get `digits` from somewhere, for example: user input, some sort of config, etc.

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000'

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits = 1).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000.1'

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits = 2).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000.1'

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits = 3).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000.101'

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits = 4).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000.101'

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits = 5).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000.101'

(+"1000.1010").toFixed(digits = 10).replace(/(\.0*|(?<=(\..*))0*)$/, '');
// Result: '1000.101'

To play around with the above regular expression used in replace() we can visit: https://regex101.com/r/owj9fz/1

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