Programs & Examples On #Simplemodal

SimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin which provides a powerful interface for modal dialog development. Think of it as a modal dialog framework. SimpleModal gives you the flexibility to build whatever you can envision, while shielding you from related cross-browser issues inherent with UI development.

Javascript to stop HTML5 video playback on modal window close

The right answer is : $("#videoContainer")[0].pause();

Is there a better way to iterate over two lists, getting one element from each list for each iteration?

in case your Latitude and Longitude lists are large and lazily loaded:

from itertools import izip
for lat, lon in izip(latitudes, longitudes):
    process(lat, lon)

or if you want to avoid the for-loop

from itertools import izip, imap
out = imap(process, izip(latitudes, longitudes))

Formatting dates on X axis in ggplot2

To show months as Jan 2017 Feb 2017 etc:

scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels =  "%b %Y") 

Angle the dates if they take up too much space:

theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=60, hjust=1))

Get Selected value of a Combobox

If you're dealing with Data Validation lists, you can use the Worksheet_Change event. Right click on the sheet with the data validation and choose View Code. Then type in this:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    MsgBox Target.Value

End Sub

If you're dealing with ActiveX comboboxes, it's a little more complicated. You need to create a custom class module to hook up the events. First, create a class module named CComboEvent and put this code in it.

Public WithEvents Cbx As MSForms.ComboBox

Private Sub Cbx_Change()

    MsgBox Cbx.Value

End Sub

Next, create another class module named CComboEvents. This will hold all of our CComboEvent instances and keep them in scope. Put this code in CComboEvents.

Private mcolComboEvents As Collection

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set mcolComboEvents = New Collection
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    Set mcolComboEvents = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub Add(clsComboEvent As CComboEvent)

    mcolComboEvents.Add clsComboEvent, clsComboEvent.Cbx.Name

End Sub

Finally, create a standard module (not a class module). You'll need code to put all of your comboboxes into the class modules. You might put this in an Auto_Open procedure so it happens whenever the workbook is opened, but that's up to you.

You'll need a Public variable to hold an instance of CComboEvents. Making it Public will kepp it, and all of its children, in scope. You need them in scope so that the events are triggered. In the procedure, loop through all of the comboboxes, creating a new CComboEvent instance for each one, and adding that to CComboEvents.

Public gclsComboEvents As CComboEvents

Public Sub AddCombox()

    Dim oleo As OLEObject
    Dim clsComboEvent As CComboEvent

    Set gclsComboEvents = New CComboEvents

    For Each oleo In Sheet1.OLEObjects
        If TypeName(oleo.Object) = "ComboBox" Then
            Set clsComboEvent = New CComboEvent
            Set clsComboEvent.Cbx = oleo.Object
            gclsComboEvents.Add clsComboEvent
        End If
    Next oleo

End Sub

Now, whenever a combobox is changed, the event will fire and, in this example, a message box will show.

You can see an example at

convert base64 to image in javascript/jquery

This is not exactly the OP's scenario but an answer to those of some of the commenters. It is a solution based on Cordova and Angular 1, which should be adaptable to other frameworks like jQuery. It gives you a Blob from Base64 data which you can store somewhere and reference it from client side javascript / html.

It also answers the original question on how to get an image (file) from the Base 64 data:

The important part is the Base 64 - Binary conversion:

function base64toBlob(base64Data, contentType) {
    contentType = contentType || '';
    var sliceSize = 1024;
    var byteCharacters = atob(base64Data);
    var bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;
    var slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);
    var byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);

    for (var sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++sliceIndex) {
        var begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;
        var end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);

        var bytes = new Array(end - begin);
        for (var offset = begin, i = 0; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {
            bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);
        byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);
    return new Blob(byteArrays, { type: contentType });

Slicing is required to avoid out of memory errors.

Works with jpg and pdf files (at least that's what I tested). Should work with other mimetypes/contenttypes too. Check the browsers and their versions you aim for, they need to support Uint8Array, Blob and atob.

Here's the code to write the file to the device's local storage with Cordova / Android:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalDataDirectory, function(dirEntry) {

                    // Setup filename and assume a jpg file
                    var filename = + "-" + (attachment.fileName ? attachment.fileName : 'image') + "." + (attachment.fileType ? attachment.fileType : "jpg");
                    dirEntry.getFile(filename, { create: true, exclusive: false }, function(fileEntry) {
                        // attachment.document holds the base 64 data at this moment
                        var binary = base64toBlob(attachment.document, attachment.mimetype);
                        writeFile(fileEntry, binary).then(function() {
                            // Store file url for later reference, base 64 data is no longer required
                            attachment.document = fileEntry.nativeURL;

                        }, function(error) {
                            WL.Logger.error("Error writing local file: " + error);

                    }, function(errorCreateFile) {
                        WL.Logger.error("Error creating local file: " + JSON.stringify(errorCreateFile));

                }, function(errorCreateFS) {
                    WL.Logger.error("Error getting filesystem: " + errorCreateFS);

Writing the file itself:

function writeFile(fileEntry, dataObj) {
    return $q(function(resolve, reject) {
        // Create a FileWriter object for our FileEntry (log.txt).
        fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) {

            fileWriter.onwriteend = function() {
                WL.Logger.debug(LOG_PREFIX + "Successful file write...");

            fileWriter.onerror = function(e) {
                WL.Logger.error(LOG_PREFIX + "Failed file write: " + e.toString());

            // If data object is not passed in,
            // create a new Blob instead.
            if (!dataObj) {
                dataObj = new Blob(['missing data'], { type: 'text/plain' });


I am using the latest Cordova (6.5.0) and Plugins versions:

I hope this sets everyone here in the right direction.

How to make a HTTP PUT request?

How to use PUT method using WebRequest.

    //JsonResultModel class
    public class JsonResultModel
       public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
       public bool IsSuccess { get; set; }
       public string Results { get; set; }
    // HTTP_PUT Function
    public static JsonResultModel HTTP_PUT(string Url, string Data)
        JsonResultModel model = new JsonResultModel();
        string Out = String.Empty;
        string Error = String.Empty;
        System.Net.WebRequest req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(Url);

            req.Method = "PUT";
            req.Timeout = 100000;
            req.ContentType = "application/json";
            byte[] sentData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Data);
            req.ContentLength = sentData.Length;

            using (System.IO.Stream sendStream = req.GetRequestStream())
                sendStream.Write(sentData, 0, sentData.Length);


            System.Net.WebResponse res = req.GetResponse();
            System.IO.Stream ReceiveStream = res.GetResponseStream();
            using (System.IO.StreamReader sr = new 
            System.IO.StreamReader(ReceiveStream, Encoding.UTF8))

                Char[] read = new Char[256];
                int count = sr.Read(read, 0, 256);

                while (count > 0)
                    String str = new String(read, 0, count);
                    Out += str;
                    count = sr.Read(read, 0, 256);
        catch (ArgumentException ex)
            Error = string.Format("HTTP_ERROR :: The second HttpWebRequest object has raised an Argument Exception as 'Connection' Property is set to 'Close' :: {0}", ex.Message);
        catch (WebException ex)
            Error = string.Format("HTTP_ERROR :: WebException raised! :: {0}", ex.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Error = string.Format("HTTP_ERROR :: Exception raised! :: {0}", ex.Message);

        model.Results = Out;
        model.ErrorMessage = Error;
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Out))
            model.IsSuccess = true;
        return model;

Getting only Month and Year from SQL DATE

I had a specific requirement to do something similar where it would show month-year which can be done by the following:

SELECT DATENAME(month, GETDATE()) + '-' + CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS nvarchar) AS 'Month-Year'

In my particular case, I needed to have it down to the 3 letter month abreviation with a 2 digit year, looking something like this: SELECT LEFT(DATENAME(month, GETDATE()), 3) + '-' + CAST(RIGHT(YEAR(GETDATE()),2) AS nvarchar(2)) AS 'Month-Year'

How to export a Vagrant virtual machine to transfer it

As stated in

How can I change where Vagrant looks for its virtual hard drive?

the virtual-machine state is stored in a predefined VirtualBox folder. Copying the corresponding machine (folder) besides your vagrant-project to your other host should preserve your virtual machine state.

How do you create a hidden div that doesn't create a line break or horizontal space?

Consider using <span> to isolate small segments of markup to be styled without breaking up layout. This would seem to be more idiomatic than trying to force a <div> not to display itself--if in fact the checkbox itself cannot be styled in the way you want.

Image Processing: Algorithm Improvement for 'Coca-Cola Can' Recognition

You need a program that learns and improves classification accuracy organically from experience.

I'll suggest deep learning, with deep learning this becomes a trivial problem.

You can retrain the inception v3 model on Tensorflow:

How to Retrain Inception's Final Layer for New Categories.

In this case, you will be training a convolutional neural network to classify an object as either a coca-cola can or not.

Compare 2 JSON objects

Simply parsing the JSON and comparing the two objects is not enough because it wouldn't be the exact same object references (but might be the same values).

You need to do a deep equals.

From - which seems the use jQuery.

Object.extend(Object, {
   deepEquals: function(o1, o2) {
     var k1 = Object.keys(o1).sort();
     var k2 = Object.keys(o2).sort();
     if (k1.length != k2.length) return false;
     return, function(keyPair) {
       if(typeof o1[keyPair[0]] == typeof o2[keyPair[1]] == "object"){
         return deepEquals(o1[keyPair[0]], o2[keyPair[1]])
       } else {
         return o1[keyPair[0]] == o2[keyPair[1]];


var anObj = JSON.parse(jsonString1);
var anotherObj= JSON.parse(jsonString2);

if (Object.deepEquals(anObj, anotherObj))

Creating all possible k combinations of n items in C++

I thought my simple "all possible combination generator" might help someone, i think its a really good example for building something bigger and better

you can change N (characters) to any you like by just removing/adding from string array (you can change it to int as well). Current amount of characters is 36

you can also change K (size of the generated combinations) by just adding more loops, for each element, there must be one extra loop. Current size is 4


using namespace std;

int main() {
string num[] = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z" };

for (int i1 = 0; i1 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i1++) {
    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i2++) {
        for (int i3 = 0; i3 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i3++) {
            for (int i4 = 0; i4 < sizeof(num)/sizeof(string); i4++) {
                cout << num[i1] << num[i2] << num[i3] << num[i4] << endl;


0: A A A
1: B A A
2: C A A
3: A B A
4: B B A
5: C B A
6: A C A
7: B C A
8: C C A
9: A A B

just keep in mind that the amount of combinations can be ridicules.


a better way to generate all possible combinations would be with this code, which can be easily adjusted and configured in the "variables" section of the code.


int main() {
    char chars[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C' };
    int password[4]{0};

    int chars_length = sizeof(chars) / sizeof(char);
    int password_length = sizeof(password) / sizeof(int);

    for (int i = 0; i < pow(chars_length, password_length); i++){
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < password_length; i2++) {
            if (password[i2] == chars_length) {
                password[i2 + 1]++;
                password[i2] = 0;

        std::cout << i << ": ";
        for (int i2 = 0; i2 < password_length; i2++) {
            std::cout << chars[password[i2]] << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";



How to pass parameters to a partial view in ASP.NET MVC?

Here is another way to do it if you want to use ViewData:

@Html.Partial("~/PathToYourView.cshtml", null, new ViewDataDictionary { { "VariableName", "some value" } })

And to retrieve the passed in values:

    string valuePassedIn = this.ViewData.ContainsKey("VariableName") ? this.ViewData["VariableName"].ToString() : string.Empty;

Transitions on the CSS display property

You can concatenate two transitions or more, and visibility is what comes handy this time.

div {_x000D_
  border: 1px solid #eee;_x000D_
div > ul {_x000D_
  visibility: hidden;_x000D_
  opacity: 0;_x000D_
  transition: visibility 0s, opacity 0.5s linear;_x000D_
div:hover > ul {_x000D_
  visibility: visible;_x000D_
  opacity: 1;_x000D_
    <li>Item 1</li>_x000D_
    <li>Item 2</li>_x000D_
    <li>Item 3</li>_x000D_

(Don't forget the vendor prefixes to the transition property.)

More details are in this article.

How to send email from localhost WAMP Server to send email Gmail Hotmail or so forth?

Here are the steps for send email from localhost by wamp server with Sendmail.

  1. First, you need to download Sendmail zip file link
  2. Extract the zip file and put it on C:\wamp
  3. Now, you need to edit Sendmail.ini on C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.ini 
[email protected]
  1. Access your email account. Click the Gear Tool > Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP > IMAP access. Click "Enable IMAP", then save your changes
  2. Run your WAMP Server. Enable ssl_module under Apache Module.
  3. Next, enable php_openssl and php_sockets under PHP.
  4. ** Now the important part open php.ini file on "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\php.ini" and "C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin\php.ini" set sendmail_path **

sendmail_path = "C:\wamp\sendmail\sendmail.exe -t"

  1. Restart Wamp Server.

It will surely be worked.

Apache 13 permission denied in user's home directory

Could be SELinux. Check the appropriate log file (/var/log/messages? - been a while since I've used a RedHat derivative) to see if that's blocking the access.

Convert regular Python string to raw string

i believe what you're looking for is the str.encode("string-escape") function. For example, if you have a variable that you want to 'raw string':

a = '\x89'

Note: Use string-escape for python 2.x and older versions

I was searching for a similar solution and found the solution via: casting raw strings python

Convert pem key to ssh-rsa format

No need for scripts or other 'tricks': openssl and ssh-keygen are enough. I'm assuming no password for the keys (which is bad).

Generate an RSA pair

All the following methods give an RSA key pair in the same format

  1. With openssl (man genrsa)

    openssl genrsa -out dummy-genrsa.pem 2048

    In OpenSSL v1.0.1 genrsa is superseded by genpkey so this is the new way to do it (man genpkey):

    openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out dummy-genpkey.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
  2. With ssh-keygen

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f dummy-ssh-keygen.pem -N '' -C "Test Key"

Converting DER to PEM

If you have an RSA key pair in DER format, you may want to convert it to PEM to allow the format conversion below:


openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out genpkey-dummy.cer -outform DER -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048


openssl rsa -inform DER -outform PEM -in genpkey-dummy.cer -out dummy-der2pem.pem

Extract the public key from the PEM formatted RSA pair

  1. in PEM format:

    openssl rsa -in dummy-xxx.pem -pubout
  2. in OpenSSH v2 format see:

    ssh-keygen -y -f dummy-xxx.pem


OS and software version:

[user@test1 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release ; uname -a ; openssl version
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
Linux test1.example.local 2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Nov 22 03:15:09 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013


Excel formula to display ONLY month and year?

First thing first. set the column in which you are working in by clicking on format cells->number-> date and then format e.g Jan-16 representing Jan, 1, 2016. and then apply either of the formulas above.

Difference between numpy dot() and Python 3.5+ matrix multiplication @

My experience with MATMUL and DOT

I was constantly getting "ValueError: Shape of passed values is (200, 1), indices imply (200, 3)" when trying to use MATMUL. I wanted a quick workaround and found DOT to deliver the same functionality. I don't get any error using DOT. I get the correct answer


>>>(200, 3)




>>>array([0.37454012, 0.95071431, 0.73199394])

YY = np.matmul(X,w)

>>>  ValueError: Shape of passed values is (200, 1), indices imply (200, 3)"

with DOT

YY =,w)
# no error message
>>>array([ 2.59206877,  1.06842193,  2.18533396,  2.11366346,  0.28505879, …


>>> (200, )

PostgreSQL delete all content

For small tables DELETE is often faster and needs less aggressive locking (for heavy concurrent load):


With no WHERE condition.

For medium or bigger tables, go with TRUNCATE tbl, like @Greg posted.

Custom HTTP headers : naming conventions

Modifying, or more correctly, adding additional HTTP headers is a great code debugging tool if nothing else.

When a URL request returns a redirect or an image there is no html "page" to temporarily write the results of debug code to - at least not one that is visible in a browser.

One approach is to write the data to a local log file and view that file later. Another is to temporarily add HTTP headers reflecting the data and variables being debugged.

I regularly add extra HTTP headers like X-fubar-somevar: or X-testing-someresult: to test things out - and have found a lot of bugs that would have otherwise been very difficult to trace.

jQuery UI themes and HTML tables

Why noy just use the theme styles in the table? i.e.

  <thead class="ui-widget-header">
  <tbody class="ui-widget-content">

And you don't need to use any code...

Spring MVC - How to get all request params in a map in Spring controller?

Use org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest as a parameter in your controller method, it provides the method getParameterMap(), the advantage is that you do not tight your application to the Servlet API, the WebRequest is a example of JavaEE pattern Context Object.

Get all validation errors from Angular 2 FormGroup

// IF not populated correctly - you could get aggregated FormGroup errors object
let getErrors = (formGroup: FormGroup, errors: any = {}) {
  Object.keys(formGroup.controls).forEach(field => {
    const control = formGroup.get(field);
    if (control instanceof FormControl) {
      errors[field] = control.errors;
    } else if (control instanceof FormGroup) {
      errors[field] = this.getErrors(control);
  return errors;

// Calling it:
let formErrors = getErrors(this.form);

SpringMVC RequestMapping for GET parameters

If you are willing to change your uri, you could also use PathVariable.

@RequestMapping(value="/mapping/foo/{foo}/{bar}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String process(@PathVariable String foo,@PathVariable String bar) {
    //Perform logic with foo and bar

NB: The first foo is part of the path, the second one is the PathVariable

How can I hide a checkbox in html?

Try setting the checkbox's opacity to 0. If you want the checkbox to be out of flow try position:absolute and offset the checkbox by a large number.


<label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="valueofcheckbox" checked="checked" style="opacity:0; position:absolute; left:9999px;">Option Text</label>

Get free disk space

Working code snippet using GetDiskFreeSpaceEx from link by RichardOD.

// Pinvoke for API function
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static extern bool GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(string lpDirectoryName,
out ulong lpFreeBytesAvailable,
out ulong lpTotalNumberOfBytes,
out ulong lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes);

public static bool DriveFreeBytes(string folderName, out ulong freespace)
    freespace = 0;
    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderName))
        throw new ArgumentNullException("folderName");

    if (!folderName.EndsWith("\\"))
        folderName += '\\';

    ulong free = 0, dummy1 = 0, dummy2 = 0;

    if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(folderName, out free, out dummy1, out dummy2))
        freespace = free;
        return true;
        return false;

How to replace case-insensitive literal substrings in Java

String target = "FOOBar";
target = target.replaceAll("(?i)foo", "");



It's worth mentioning that replaceAll treats the first argument as a regex pattern, which can cause unexpected results. To solve this, also use Pattern.quote as suggested in the comments.

How do I get the coordinate position after using jQuery drag and drop?

I was need to save the start position and the end position. this work to me:

        stop: function(ev, ui){
            var position = ui.position;
            var originalPosition = ui.originalPosition;

How to negate a method reference predicate

Predicate.not( … )

offers a new method Predicate#not

So you can negate the method reference:

Stream<String> s = ...;
long nonEmptyStrings = s.filter(Predicate.not(String::isEmpty)).count();

getFilesDir() vs Environment.getDataDirectory()

Try this


Are the days of passing const std::string & as a parameter over?

Short answer: NO! Long answer:

  • If you won't modify the string (treat is as read-only), pass it as const ref&.
    (the const ref& obviously needs to stay within scope while the function that uses it executes)
  • If you plan to modify it or you know it will get out of scope (threads), pass it as a value, don't copy the const ref& inside your function body.

There was a post on called "Want speed, pass by value!". The TL;DR:

Guideline: Don’t copy your function arguments. Instead, pass them by value and let the compiler do the copying.


Don’t copy your function arguments --- means: if you plan to modify the argument value by copying it to an internal variable, just use a value argument instead.

So, don't do this:

std::string function(const std::string& aString){
    auto vString(aString);
    return vString;

do this:

std::string function(std::string aString){
    return aString;

When you need to modify the argument value in your function body.

You just need to be aware how you plan to use the argument in the function body. Read-only or NOT... and if it sticks within scope.

Node.js on multi-core machines

I'm using Node worker to run processes in a simple way from my main process. Seems to be working great while we wait for the official way to come around.

Sass .scss: Nesting and multiple classes?

Use &


.container {

    &.hello {

Javascript to convert UTC to local time

To format your date try the following function:

var d = new Date();
var fromatted = d.toLocaleFormat("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M (%a)");

But the downside of this is, that it's a non-standard function, which is not working in Chrome, but working in FF (afaik).


How to configure encoding in Maven?

In my case I was using the maven-dependency-plugin so in order to resolve the issue I had to add the following property:


See Apache Maven Resources Plugin / Specifying a character encoding scheme

How do I debug jquery AJAX calls?

Install Firebig to see where your error is happening. You could also set up a callback in your ajax call to return your error messages from your PHP. Eg.

error: function(e){

Evaluate if list is empty JSTL

There's also the function tags, a bit more flexible:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fn" %>
<c:if test="${fn:length(list) > 0}">

And here's the tag documentation.

What does the Java assert keyword do, and when should it be used?

Assertions are a development-phase tool to catch bugs in your code. They're designed to be easily removed, so they won't exist in production code. So assertions are not part of the "solution" that you deliver to the customer. They're internal checks to make sure that the assumptions you're making are correct. The most common example is to test for null. Many methods are written like this:

void doSomething(Widget widget) {
  if (widget != null) {
    widget.someMethod(); // ...
    ... // do more stuff with this widget

Very often in a method like this, the widget should simply never be null. So if it's null, there's a bug in your code somewhere that you need to track down. But the code above will never tell you this. So in a well-intentioned effort to write "safe" code, you're also hiding a bug. It's much better to write code like this:

 * @param Widget widget Should never be null
void doSomething(Widget widget) {
  assert widget != null;
  widget.someMethod(); // ...
    ... // do more stuff with this widget

This way, you will be sure to catch this bug early. (It's also useful to specify in the contract that this parameter should never be null.) Be sure to turn assertions on when you test your code during development. (And persuading your colleagues to do this, too is often difficult, which I find very annoying.)

Now, some of your colleagues will object to this code, arguing that you should still put in the null check to prevent an exception in production. In that case, the assertion is still useful. You can write it like this:

void doSomething(Widget widget) {
  assert widget != null;
  if (widget != null) {
    widget.someMethod(); // ...
    ... // do more stuff with this widget

This way, your colleagues will be happy that the null check is there for production code, but during development, you're no longer hiding the bug when widget is null.

Here's a real-world example: I once wrote a method that compared two arbitrary values for equality, where either value could be null:

 * Compare two values using equals(), after checking for null.
 * @param thisValue (may be null)
 * @param otherValue (may be null)
 * @return True if they are both null or if equals() returns true
public static boolean compare(final Object thisValue, final Object otherValue) {
  boolean result;
  if (thisValue == null) {
    result = otherValue == null;
  } else {
    result = thisValue.equals(otherValue);
  return result;

This code delegates the work of the equals() method in the case where thisValue is not null. But it assumes the equals() method correctly fulfills the contract of equals() by properly handling a null parameter.

A colleague objected to my code, telling me that many of our classes have buggy equals() methods that don't test for null, so I should put that check into this method. It's debatable if this is wise, or if we should force the error, so we can spot it and fix it, but I deferred to my colleague and put in a null check, which I've marked with a comment:

public static boolean compare(final Object thisValue, final Object otherValue) {
  boolean result;
  if (thisValue == null) {
    result = otherValue == null;
  } else {
    result = otherValue != null && thisValue.equals(otherValue); // questionable null check
  return result;

The additional check here, other != null, is only necessary if the equals() method fails to check for null as required by its contract.

Rather than engage in a fruitless debate with my colleague about the wisdom of letting the buggy code stay in our code base, I simply put two assertions in the code. These assertions will let me know, during the development phase, if one of our classes fails to implement equals() properly, so I can fix it:

public static boolean compare(final Object thisValue, final Object otherValue) {
  boolean result;
  if (thisValue == null) {
    result = otherValue == null;
    assert otherValue == null || otherValue.equals(null) == false;
  } else {
    result = otherValue != null && thisValue.equals(otherValue);
    assert thisValue.equals(null) == false;
  return result;

The important points to keep in mind are these:

  1. Assertions are development-phase tools only.

  2. The point of an assertion is to let you know if there's a bug, not just in your code, but in your code base. (The assertions here will actually flag bugs in other classes.)

  3. Even if my colleague was confident that our classes were properly written, the assertions here would still be useful. New classes will be added that might fail to test for null, and this method can flag those bugs for us.

  4. In development, you should always turn assertions on, even if the code you've written doesn't use assertions. My IDE is set to always do this by default for any new executable.

  5. The assertions don't change the behavior of the code in production, so my colleague is happy that the null check is there, and that this method will execute properly even if the equals() method is buggy. I'm happy because I will catch any buggy equals() method in development.

Also, you should test your assertion policy by putting in a temporary assertion that will fail, so you can be certain that you are notified, either through the log file or a stack trace in the output stream.

PHP - Debugging Curl

If you just want a very quick way to debug the result:

$ch = curl_init();
$curl_error = curl_error($ch);
echo "<script>console.log($curl_error);</script>"

How to check if a row exists in MySQL? (i.e. check if an email exists in MySQL)

After validation and before INSERT check if username already exists, using mysqli(procedural). This works:

//check if username already exists
       include 'phpscript/connect.php'; //connect to your database

       $sql = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
       $result = $conn->query($sql);

       if($result->num_rows > 0) {
           $usernameErr =  "username already taken"; //takes'em back to form
       } else { // go on to INSERT new record

Activating Anaconda Environment in VsCode

I found out that if we do not specify which python version we want the environment which is created is completely empty. Thus, to resolve this issue what I did is that I gave the python version as well. i.e

conda create --name env_name python=3.6

so what it does now is that it installs python 3.6 and now we can select the interpreter. For that follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Firstly, open the command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P

  2. Secondly, Select Python: select Interpreter

  3. Now, Select Enter interpreter path

  4. We have to add the path where the env is, the default location will be C:\Users\YourUserName\Anaconda3\envs\env_name

Finally, you have successfully activated your environment. It might now be the best way but it worked for me. Let me know if there is any issue.

How to convert an array of key-value tuples into an object

Short ES6 way with Airbnb code style


const obj = arr.reduce((prevObj, [key, value]) => ({ ...prevObj, [key]: value }), {});

PHP - Get array value with a numeric index

Yes, for scalar values, a combination of implode and array_slice will do:

$bar = implode(array_slice($array, 0, 1));
$bin = implode(array_slice($array, 1, 1));
$ipsum = implode(array_slice($array, 2, 1));

Or mix it up with array_values and list (thanks @nikic) so that it works with all types of values:

list($bar) = array_values(array_slice($array, 0, 1));

ImportError: No module named 'google'

kindly executed these commands.

pip install google
pip install google-core-api

will definitely solve your problem

Using NSPredicate to filter an NSArray based on NSDictionary keys

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
// clang -framework Foundation Siegfried.m 
main() {
    NSArray *arr = @[
        @{@"1" : @"Fafner"},
        @{@"1" : @"Fasolt"}
    NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
        @"SELF['1'] CONTAINS 'e'"];
    NSArray *res = [arr filteredArrayUsingPredicate:p];
    NSLog(@"Siegfried %@", res);
    return 0;

How to copy marked text in notepad++

It would be a great feature to have in Notepad++. I use the following technique to extract all the matches out of a file:

select-string -Path input.txt -Pattern "[0-9a-zA-Z ]*" -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | select-object Value > output.txt

And if you'd like only the distinct matches in a sorted list:

select-string -Path input.txt -Pattern "[0-9a-zA-Z ]" -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | select-object Value -unique | sort-object Value > output.txt

Run a script in Dockerfile

It's best practice to use COPY instead of ADD when you're copying from the local file system to the image. Also, I'd recommend creating a sub-folder to place your content into. If nothing else, it keeps things tidy. Make sure you mark the script as executable using chmod.

Here, I am creating a scripts sub-folder to place my script into and run it from:

RUN mkdir -p /scripts
COPY /scripts
WORKDIR /scripts
RUN chmod +x

HTML select drop-down with an input field

You can use input text with "list" attribute, which refers to the datalist of values.

<input type="text" name="city" list="cityname">_x000D_
    <datalist id="cityname">_x000D_
      <option value="Boston">_x000D_
      <option value="Cambridge">_x000D_

This creates a free text input field that also has a drop-down to select predefined choices. Attribution for example and more information:

How to change port for jenkins window service when 8080 is being used

  1. Go to the directory where you installed Jenkins (by default, it's under Program Files/Jenkins)
  2. Open the Jenkins.xml configuration file
  3. Search --httpPort=8080 and replace the 8080 with the new port number that you wish
  4. Restart Jenkins for changes to take effect

How to install mechanize for Python 2.7?

You need to install the python-setuptools package:

apt-get install python-setuptools on Debian-ish systems yum install python-setuptools on Redhat-ish systems

Use sudo if applicable

Trying to get property of non-object MySQLi result

I have been working on to write a custom module in Drupal 7 and got the same error:

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object

My code is something like this:

function example_node_access($node, $op, $account) {
  if ($node->type == 'page' && $op == 'update') {
    drupal_set_message('This poll has been published, you may not make changes to it.','error');
    return NODE_ACCESS_DENY;    

Solution: I just added a condition if (is_object($sqlResult)), and everything went fine.

Here is my final code:

function mediaten_node_access($node, $op, $account) {

    if (is_object($node)){

     if ($node->type == 'page' && $op == 'update') {
       drupal_set_message('This poll has been published, you may not make changes.','error');
       return NODE_ACCESS_DENY;    



Maximum size for a SQL Server Query? IN clause? Is there a Better Approach

Can you load the GUIDs into a scratch table then do a

... WHERE var IN SELECT guid FROM #scratchtable

Reading int values from SqlDataReader

Call ToString() instead of casting the reader result.

// etc...

And if you want to fetch specific data type values (int in your case) try the following:


Get value when selected ng-option changes

I may be late for this but I had somewhat the same problem.

I needed to pass both the id and the name into my model but all the orthodox solutions had me make code on the controller to handle the change.

I macgyvered my way out of it using a filter.

        ng-options=" as for o in options" 
    $scope.options = [
      {id:1, name:'Starbuck'},
      {id:2, name:'Appolo'},
      {id:3, name:'Saul Tigh'},
      {id:4, name:'Adama'}

The "trick" is here:


I'm using the built-in filter to retrieve the correct name for the id

Here's a plunkr with a working demo.

What is the difference between a 'closure' and a 'lambda'?

Simply speaking, closure is a trick about scope, lambda is an anonymous function. We can realize closure with lambda more elegantly and lambda is often used as a parameter passed to a higher function

HTML favicon won't show on google chrome

These are the locations where browsers store the Temporary data in Linux:

Note: you can see hidden files in File Manager using Ctrl + H

for Terminal use the command ls -la



Google Chrome


Also, Chromium and Google Chrome store some additional cache at

~/.config/chromium/[profile]/Application Cache/Cache/ 


~/.config/google-chrome/[profile]/Application Cache/Cache/

and generally here:


so to apply new FAVICON or try to show it up is to clean them

make sure u are inside each of these directories use the command:

rm -rf *

Foreach with JSONArray and JSONObject

Make sure you are using this org.json:

if you are using Java 8 then you can use

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

JSONArray array = ...;

array.forEach(item -> {
    JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) item;

Just added a simple test to prove that it works:

Add the following dependency into your pom.xml file (To prove that it works, I have used the old jar which was there when I have posted this answer)


And the simple test code snippet will be:

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class Test {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        JSONArray array = new JSONArray();

        JSONObject object = new JSONObject();
        object.put("key1", "value1");


        array.forEach(item -> {



Encode/Decode URLs in C++

I couldn't find a URI decode/unescape here that also decodes 2 and 3 byte sequences. Contributing my own high performance version, that on-the-fly converts the c sting input to a wstring:

#include <string>

const char HEX2DEC[55] =
     0, 1, 2, 3,  4, 5, 6, 7,  8, 9,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,
    -1,10,11,12, 13,14,15,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,
    -1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1, -1,-1,-1,-1,
    -1,10,11,12, 13,14,15

#define __x2d__(s) HEX2DEC[*(s)-48]
#define __x2d2__(s) __x2d__(s) << 4 | __x2d__(s+1)

std::wstring decodeURI(const char * s) {
    unsigned char b;
    std::wstring ws;
    while (*s) {
        if (*s == '%')
            if ((b = __x2d2__(s + 1)) >= 0x80) {
                if (b >= 0xE0) { // three byte codepoint
                    ws += ((b & 0b00001111) << 12) | ((__x2d2__(s + 4) & 0b00111111) << 6) | (__x2d2__(s + 7) & 0b00111111);
                    s += 9;
                else { // two byte codepoint
                    ws += (__x2d2__(s + 4) & 0b00111111) | (b & 0b00000011) << 6;
                    s += 6;
            else { // one byte codepoints
                ws += b;
                s += 3;
        else { // no %
            ws += *s;
    return ws;

How to read pdf file and write it to outputStream

You can use PdfBox from Apache which is simple to use and has good performance.

Here is an example of extracting text from a PDF file (you can read more here) :

import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.*;
import org.apache.pdfbox.util.*;

public class PDFTest {

 public static void main(String[] args){
 PDDocument pd;
 BufferedWriter wr;
 try {
         File input = new File("C:\\Invoice.pdf");  // The PDF file from where you would like to extract
         File output = new File("C:\\SampleText.txt"); // The text file where you are going to store the extracted data
         pd = PDDocument.load(input);
         System.out.println(pd.isEncrypted());"CopyOfInvoice.pdf"); // Creates a copy called "CopyOfInvoice.pdf"
         PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();
         wr = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(output)));
         stripper.writeText(pd, wr);
         if (pd != null) {
        // I use close() to flush the stream.
 } catch (Exception e){


You can get the text using PDFTextStripper:

PDFTextStripper reader = new PDFTextStripper();
String pageText = reader.getText(pd); // PDDocument object created

How to fix syntax error, unexpected T_IF error in php?

PHP parser errors take some getting used to; if it complains about an unexpected 'something' at line X, look at line X-1 first. In this case it will not tell you that you forgot a semi-colon at the end of the previous line , instead it will complain about the if that comes next.

You'll get used to it :)

git push says "everything up-to-date" even though I have local changes

I had multiple remotes. All but one pushed correctly, so I knew I didn't have a detached HEAD or commit issues.

Instead, I had accidentally given two remotes the same URL. The remote with the duplicated URL failed because I was pushing to a URL that had already been pushed to!

Using git remote -v showed my list of remotes and their URLs, where I realized the issue.

Resetting the failing remote to its correct URL fixed the issue:
git remote set-url <remote-name> <correct-url>

Vector of structs initialization

If you want to use the new current standard, you can do so:

sub.emplace_back ("Math", 70, 0);


sub.push_back ({"Math", 70, 0});

These don't require default construction of subject.

How to execute a Windows command on a remote PC?

psexec \\RemoteComputer cmd.exe

or use ssh or TeamViewer or RemoteDesktop!

How to get first object out from List<Object> using Linq


var firstElement = lstComp.First();

You can also use FirstOrDefault() just in case lstComp does not contain any items.


To get the Component Value:

var firstElement = lstComp.First().ComponentValue("Dep");

This would assume there is an element in lstComp. An alternative and safer way would be...

var firstOrDefault = lstComp.FirstOrDefault();
if (firstOrDefault != null) 
    var firstComponentValue = firstOrDefault.ComponentValue("Dep");

Where are the Properties.Settings.Default stored?

They are saved in YOUR_APP.exe.config, the file is saved in the same folder with YOUR_APP.exe file, <userSettings> section:

         <setting name="SavedUserName" serializeAs="String">
            <value />
         <setting name="SavedPassword" serializeAs="String">
            <value />
         <setting name="CheckSave" serializeAs="String">

here is cs code:

public void LoadInfoLogin()
    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CheckSave)// chkRemember.Checked)
        txtUsername.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SaveUserName;
        txtPassword.Text = Properties.Settings.Default.SavePassword;
        chkRemember.Checked = true;

Using Image control in WPF to display System.Drawing.Bitmap

You can use the Source property of the image. Try this code...

ImageSource imageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("C:\\FileName.gif"));

image1.Source = imageSource;

CSS: stretching background image to 100% width and height of screen?

You need to set the height of html to 100%

body {
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
html {
    height: 100%

When is it practical to use Depth-First Search (DFS) vs Breadth-First Search (BFS)?

Breadth First Search is generally the best approach when the depth of the tree can vary, and you only need to search part of the tree for a solution. For example, finding the shortest path from a starting value to a final value is a good place to use BFS.

Depth First Search is commonly used when you need to search the entire tree. It's easier to implement (using recursion) than BFS, and requires less state: While BFS requires you store the entire 'frontier', DFS only requires you store the list of parent nodes of the current element.

Text in a flex container doesn't wrap in IE11

   display: table;

  display: table-cell
  vertical-align: middle

This worked for me.

Android emulator failed to allocate memory 8

This following solution worked for me. In the following configuration file:






How can I convert JSON to a HashMap using Gson?

This is more of addendum to Kevin Dolan's answer than a complete answer, but I was having trouble extracting the type from the Number. This is my solution:

private Object handlePrimitive(JsonPrimitive json) {
  if(json.isBoolean()) {
    return json.getAsBoolean();
  } else if(json.isString())
    return json.getAsString();

  Number num = element.getAsNumber();

  if(num instanceof Integer){
    map.put(fieldName, num.intValue());
  } else if(num instanceof Long){
    map.put(fieldName, num.longValue());
  } else if(num instanceof Float){
    map.put(fieldName, num.floatValue());
  } else {    // Double
     map.put(fieldName, num.doubleValue());

Passing multiple values to a single PowerShell script parameter

One way to do it would be like this:

    ) ...

This would allow multiple hosts to be entered with spaces.

Setting a property with an EventTrigger

I modified Neutrino's solution to make the xaml look less verbose when specifying the value:

Sorry for no pictures of the rendered xaml, just imagine a [=] hamburger button that you click and it turns into [<-] a back button and also toggles the visibility of a Grid.



    <Button x:Name="optionsButton">
            <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
                <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
                <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=optionsBackButton}" Value="Visible" />
                <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=optionsPanel}" Value="Visible" />

        <glyphs:Hamburger Width="10" Height="10" />

    <Button x:Name="optionsBackButton" Visibility="Collapsed">
            <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
                <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" Value="Collapsed" />
                <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=optionsButton}" Value="Visible" />
                <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=optionsPanel}" Value="Collapsed" />

        <glyphs:Back Width="12" Height="11" />


<Grid Grid.RowSpan="2" x:Name="optionsPanel" Visibility="Collapsed">


You can also specify values this way like in Neutrino's solution:

<Button x:Name="optionsButton">
        <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
            <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" Value="{x:Static Visibility.Collapsed}" />
            <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=optionsBackButton}" Value="{x:Static Visibility.Visible}" />
            <local:SetterAction PropertyName="Visibility" TargetObject="{Binding ElementName=optionsPanel}" Value="{x:Static Visibility.Visible}" />

    <glyphs:Hamburger Width="10" Height="10" />

And here's the code.

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;

namespace Mvvm.Actions
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets a specified property to a value when invoked.
    /// </summary>
    public class SetterAction : TargetedTriggerAction<FrameworkElement>
        #region Properties

        #region PropertyName

        /// <summary>
        /// Property that is being set by this setter.
        /// </summary>
        public string PropertyName
            get { return (string)GetValue(PropertyNameProperty); }
            set { SetValue(PropertyNameProperty, value); }

        public static readonly DependencyProperty PropertyNameProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("PropertyName", typeof(string), typeof(SetterAction),
            new PropertyMetadata(String.Empty));


        #region Value

        /// <summary>
        /// Property value that is being set by this setter.
        /// </summary>
        public object Value
            get { return (object)GetValue(ValueProperty); }
            set { SetValue(ValueProperty, value); }

        public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
            DependencyProperty.Register("Value", typeof(object), typeof(SetterAction),
            new PropertyMetadata(null));



        #region Overrides

        protected override void Invoke(object parameter)
            var target = TargetObject ?? AssociatedObject;

            var targetType = target.GetType();

            var property = targetType.GetProperty(PropertyName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);
            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Property not found: {0}", PropertyName));

            if (property.CanWrite == false)
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Property is not settable: {0}", PropertyName));

            object convertedValue;

            if (Value == null)
                convertedValue = null;

                var valueType = Value.GetType();
                var propertyType = property.PropertyType;

                if (valueType == propertyType)
                    convertedValue = Value;

                    var propertyConverter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(propertyType);

                    if (propertyConverter.CanConvertFrom(valueType))
                        convertedValue = propertyConverter.ConvertFrom(Value);

                    else if (valueType.IsSubclassOf(propertyType))
                        convertedValue = Value;

                        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Cannot convert type '{0}' to '{1}'.", valueType, propertyType));

            property.SetValue(target, convertedValue);


Passing Javascript variable to <a href >

If you use internationalization (i18n), and after switch to another language, something like ?locale=fror ?fr might be added at the end of the url. But when you go to another page on click event, translation switch wont be stable.

For this kind of cases a DOM click event handler function must be produced to handle all the a.href attributes by storing the switch state as a variable and add it to all a tags’ tail.

Rotate axis text in python matplotlib

import pylab as pl
pl.xticks(rotation = 90)

Why is "1000000000000000 in range(1000000000000001)" so fast in Python 3?

It's all about a lazy approach to the evaluation and some extra optimization of range. Values in ranges don't need to be computed until real use, or even further due to extra optimization.

By the way, your integer is not such big, consider sys.maxsize

sys.maxsize in range(sys.maxsize) is pretty fast

due to optimization - it's easy to compare given integer just with min and max of range.


Decimal(sys.maxsize) in range(sys.maxsize) is pretty slow.

(in this case, there is no optimization in range, so if python receives unexpected Decimal, python will compare all numbers)

You should be aware of an implementation detail but should not be relied upon, because this may change in the future.

How do I register a .NET DLL file in the GAC?

From the Publish tab go to application Files.

Then, click unnecessary files.

After that, do the exclude press ok.

Finally, build the project files and run the projects.

Run cmd commands through Java

Try this:

Process runtime = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c start notepad++.exe");

How to convert a GUID to a string in C#?

According to MSDN the method Guid.ToString(string format) returns a string representation of the value of this Guid instance, according to the provided format specifier.


  • guidVal.ToString() or guidVal.ToString("D") returns 32 hex digits separated by hyphens: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • guidVal.ToString("N") returns 32 hex digits:00000000000000000000000000000000
  • guidVal.ToString("B") returns 32 hex digits separated by hyphens, enclosed in braces:{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
  • guidVal.ToString("P") returns 32 hex digits separated by hyphens, enclosed in parentheses: (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)

How can I check whether a numpy array is empty or not?

You can always take a look at the .size attribute. It is defined as an integer, and is zero (0) when there are no elements in the array:

import numpy as np
a = np.array([])

if a.size == 0:
    # Do something when `a` is empty

Multiple selector chaining in jQuery?


$('#Create .myClass, #Edit .myClass').plugin({ 
    options: here

You can specify any number of selectors to combine into a single result. This multiple expression combinator is an efficient way to select disparate elements. The order of the DOM elements in the returned jQuery object may not be identical, as they will be in document order. An alternative to this combinator is the .add() method.

How do I instantiate a JAXBElement<String> object?

Here is how I do it. You will need to get the namespace URL and the element name from your generated code.

new JAXBElement(new QName("","userDN"),
                new String("").getClass(),testDN);

Short form for Java if statement

To avoid calling .getName() twice I would use

name = city.getName();
if (name == null) name = "N/A";

How to avoid installing "Unlimited Strength" JCE policy files when deploying an application?

There are a couple of commonly quoted solutions to this problem. Unfortunately neither of these are entirely satisfactory:

  • Install the unlimited strength policy files. While this is probably the right solution for your development workstation, it quickly becomes a major hassle (if not a roadblock) to have non-technical users install the files on every computer. There is no way to distribute the files with your program; they must be installed in the JRE directory (which may even be read-only due to permissions).
  • Skip the JCE API and use another cryptography library such as Bouncy Castle. This approach requires an extra 1MB library, which may be a significant burden depending on the application. It also feels silly to duplicate functionality included in the standard libraries. Obviously, the API is also completely different from the usual JCE interface. (BC does implement a JCE provider, but that doesn't help because the key strength restrictions are applied before handing over to the implementation.) This solution also won't let you use 256-bit TLS (SSL) cipher suites, because the standard TLS libraries call the JCE internally to determine any restrictions.

But then there's reflection. Is there anything you can't do using reflection?

private static void removeCryptographyRestrictions() {
    if (!isRestrictedCryptography()) {
        logger.fine("Cryptography restrictions removal not needed");
    try {
         * Do the following, but with reflection to bypass access checks:
         * JceSecurity.isRestricted = false;
         * JceSecurity.defaultPolicy.perms.clear();
         * JceSecurity.defaultPolicy.add(CryptoAllPermission.INSTANCE);
        final Class<?> jceSecurity = Class.forName("javax.crypto.JceSecurity");
        final Class<?> cryptoPermissions = Class.forName("javax.crypto.CryptoPermissions");
        final Class<?> cryptoAllPermission = Class.forName("javax.crypto.CryptoAllPermission");

        final Field isRestrictedField = jceSecurity.getDeclaredField("isRestricted");
        final Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
        modifiersField.setInt(isRestrictedField, isRestrictedField.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
        isRestrictedField.set(null, false);

        final Field defaultPolicyField = jceSecurity.getDeclaredField("defaultPolicy");
        final PermissionCollection defaultPolicy = (PermissionCollection) defaultPolicyField.get(null);

        final Field perms = cryptoPermissions.getDeclaredField("perms");
        ((Map<?, ?>) perms.get(defaultPolicy)).clear();

        final Field instance = cryptoAllPermission.getDeclaredField("INSTANCE");
        defaultPolicy.add((Permission) instance.get(null));

        logger.fine("Successfully removed cryptography restrictions");
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to remove cryptography restrictions", e);

private static boolean isRestrictedCryptography() {
    // This matches Oracle Java 7 and 8, but not Java 9 or OpenJDK.
    final String name = System.getProperty("");
    final String ver = System.getProperty("java.version");
    return name != null && name.equals("Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment")
            && ver != null && (ver.startsWith("1.7") || ver.startsWith("1.8"));

Simply call removeCryptographyRestrictions() from a static initializer or such before performing any cryptographic operations.

The JceSecurity.isRestricted = false part is all that is needed to use 256-bit ciphers directly; however, without the two other operations, Cipher.getMaxAllowedKeyLength() will still keep reporting 128, and 256-bit TLS cipher suites won't work.

This code works on Oracle Java 7 and 8, and automatically skips the process on Java 9 and OpenJDK where it's not needed. Being an ugly hack after all, it likely doesn't work on other vendors' VMs.

It also doesn't work on Oracle Java 6, because the private JCE classes are obfuscated there. The obfuscation does not change from version to version though, so it is still technically possible to support Java 6.

How do you initialise a dynamic array in C++?

Since c++11 we could use list initialization:

char* c = new char[length]{};

For an aggregate type, then aggregate initialization will be performed, which has the same effect like char c[2] = {};.

How to get current working directory using vba?

Simple Example below:

Sub openPath()
Dim path As String
path = Application.ActivePresentation.path
Shell Environ("windir") & "\explorer.exe """ & path & "", vbNormalFocus
End Sub

How to express a One-To-Many relationship in Django

First of all we take a tour:

01) one-to-many relationship:


class Business(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    phone_number = models.OneToMany(PhoneNumber) (NB: Django do not support OneToMany relationship)

class Dude(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    phone_number = models.OneToMany(PhoneNumber) (NB: Django do not support OneToMany relationship)

class PhoneNumber(models.Model):
    number = models.CharField(max_length=20)

NB: Django doesn't provides any OneToMany relationship. So we can't use upper method in Django. But we need to convert in relational model. So what can we do? In this situation we need to convert relational model into reverse relational model.


relational model = OneToMany

So, reverse relational model = ManyToOne

NB: Django support ManyToOne relationship & in Django ManyToOne is represented by ForeignKey.

02) many-to-one relationship:


class Business(models.Model):

class Dude(models.Model):

class PhoneNumber(models.Model):
    business = models.ForeignKey(Business)
    dude = models.ForeignKey(Dude)


What is an NP-complete in computer science?

The definitions for NP complete problems above is correct, but I thought I might wax lyrical about their philosophical importance as nobody has addressed that issue yet.

Almost all complex problems you'll come up against will be NP Complete. There's something very fundamental about this class, and which just seems to be computationally different from easily solvable problems. They sort of have their own flavour, and it's not so hard to recognise them. This basically means that any moderately complex algorithm is impossible for you to solve exactly -- scheduling, optimising, packing, covering etc.

But not all is lost if a problem you'll encounter is NP Complete. There is a vast and very technical field where people study approximation algorithms, which will give you guarantees for being close to the solution of an NP complete problem. Some of these are incredibly strong guarantees -- for example, for 3sat, you can get a 7/8 guarantee through a really obvious algorithm. Even better, in reality, there are some very strong heuristics, which excel at giving great answers (but no guarantees!) for these problems.

Note that two very famous problems -- graph isomorphism and factoring -- are not known to be P or NP.

How to use <DllImport> in VB.NET?

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Change :hover CSS properties with JavaScript

I'd recommend to replace all :hover properties to :active when you detect that device supports touch. Just call this function when you do so as touch()

   function touch() {
      if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
        for (var sheetI = document.styleSheets.length - 1; sheetI >= 0; sheetI--) {
          var sheet = document.styleSheets[sheetI];
          if (sheet.cssRules) {
            for (var ruleI = sheet.cssRules.length - 1; ruleI >= 0; ruleI--) {
              var rule = sheet.cssRules[ruleI];

              if (rule.selectorText) {
                rule.selectorText = rule.selectorText.replace(':hover', ':active');

How to force child div to be 100% of parent div's height without specifying parent's height?

You use CSS Flexbox

.flex-container {_x000D_
  display: flex;_x000D_
  background-color: DodgerBlue;_x000D_
.flex-container > div {_x000D_
  background-color: #f1f1f1;_x000D_
  margin: 10px;_x000D_
  padding: 20px;_x000D_
  font-size: 30px;_x000D_
<!DOCTYPE html>_x000D_
<div class="flex-container">_x000D_
  <div>3</div>  _x000D_
<p>A Flexible Layout must have a parent element with the <em>display</em> property set to <em>flex</em>.</p>_x000D_
<p>Direct child elements(s) of the flexible container automatically becomes flexible items.</p>_x000D_

How to get the seconds since epoch from the time + date output of gmtime()?

t = datetime.strptime('Jul 9, 2009 @ 20:02:58 UTC',"%b %d, %Y @ %H:%M:%S %Z")

Changing default startup directory for command prompt in Windows 7

My default dir was system32 when starting CMD. I then created a batch file in that directory to change dir to the one I was after.

This caused me to always call that bat when starting CMD every time. So I made a reg file & put this inside:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]
"Autorun"="cd C:\\Users\\Me\\SomeFolder"

After saving it, I opened the file, clicked ok to merge with registry, and since then every time I open CMD, I get my dir

" netsh wlan start hostednetwork " command not working no matter what I try

At first simply uninstall wifi drivers and softwares just keep wifi drivers + from device adapters...remove all virtual connections


Press the Windows + R key combination to bring up a run box, type ncpa.cpl and hit enter.

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=”How-To Geek” key=”Pa$$w0rd”

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

its working for me and on others PC.

Simple way to encode a string according to a password?

As you explicitly state that you want obscurity not security, we'll avoid reprimanding you for the weakness of what you suggest :)

So, using PyCrypto:

import base64
from Crypto.Cipher import AES

msg_text = b'test some plain text here'.rjust(32)
secret_key = b'1234567890123456'

cipher =,AES.MODE_ECB) # never use ECB in strong systems obviously
encoded = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(msg_text))
decoded = cipher.decrypt(base64.b64decode(encoded))

If someone gets a hold of your database and your code base, they will be able to decode the encrypted data. Keep your secret_key safe!

Sending JWT token in the headers with Postman

I had the same issue in Flask and after trying the first 2 solutions which are the same (Authorization: Bearer <token>), and getting this:

    "description": "Unsupported authorization type",
    "error": "Invalid JWT header",
    "status_code": 401

I managed to finally solve it by using:

Authorization: jwt <token>

Thought it might save some time to people who encounter the same thing.

How to expand/collapse a diff sections in Vimdiff?

Actually if you do Ctrl+W W, you won't need to add that extra Ctrl. Does the same thing.

Cannot use string offset as an array in php

When you directly print print_r(($value['<YOUR_ARRAY>']-><YOUR_OBJECT>)); then it shows this fatal error Cannot use string offset as an object in. If you print like this

$var = $value['#node']-><YOU_OBJECT>; print_r($var);

You won't get the error!!

How to do a newline in output

Actually you don't even need the block:

  Dir.chdir 'C:/Users/name/Music'
  music = Dir['C:/Users/name/Music/*.{mp3, MP3}']
  puts 'what would you like to call the playlist?'
  playlist_name = gets.chomp + '.m3u', 'w').puts(music)

Extension gd is missing from your system - laravel composer Update

It may not be enabled for php-cli, you can enable like this;

sudo phpenmod gd


I guess, you are using ppa:ondrej php package (5.6), which is confusing you with default ubuntu 14.04 php package (5.5.9).

To install php 5.6 gd library from ppa:ondrej, you should use:

sudo apt-get install php5.6-gd

What's the best way to join on the same table twice?

The first method is the proper approach and will do what you need. However, with the inner joins, you will only select rows from Table1 if both phone numbers exist in Table2. You may want to do a LEFT JOIN so that all rows from Table1 are selected. If the phone numbers don't match, then the SomeOtherFields would be null. If you want to make sure you have at least one matching phone number you could then do WHERE t2.PhoneNumber IS NOT NULL OR t3.PhoneNumber IS NOT NULL

The second method could have a problem: what happens if Table2 has both PhoneNumber1 and PhoneNumber2? Which row will be selected? Depending on your data, foreign keys, etc. this may or may not be a problem.

How to check java bit version on Linux?

Why don't you examine System.getProperty("os.arch") value in your code?

NotificationCompat.Builder deprecated in Android O

  1. Need to declare a Notification channel with Notification_Channel_ID
  2. Build notification with that channel ID. For example,

 public static final String NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID = MyLocationService.class.getSimpleName();
NotificationChannel channel = new NotificationChannel(NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID,

NotificationManager notifManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);


NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, NOTIFICATION_CHANNEL_ID)


Serializing a list to JSON

If using .Net Core 3.0 or later;

Default to using the built in System.Text.Json parser implementation.


using System.Text.Json;

var json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(aList);

alternatively, other, less mainstream options are available like Utf8Json parser and Jil: These may offer superior performance, if you really need it but, you will need to install their respective packages.

If stuck using .Net Core 2.2 or earlier;

Default to using Newtonsoft JSON.Net as your first choice JSON Parser.


using Newtonsoft.Json;

var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(aList);

you may need to install the package first.

PM> Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json

For more details see and upvote the answer that is the source of this information.

For reference only, this was the original answer, many years ago;

// you need to reference System.Web.Extensions

using System.Web.Script.Serialization;

var jsonSerialiser = new JavaScriptSerializer();
var json = jsonSerialiser.Serialize(aList);

how can I debug a jar at runtime?

Even though it is a runnable jar, you can still run it from a console -- open a terminal window, navigate to the directory containing the jar, and enter "java -jar yourJar.jar". It will run in that terminal window, and sysout and syserr output will appear there, including stack traces from uncaught exceptions. Be sure to have your debug set to true when you compile. And good luck.

Just thought of something else -- if you're on Win7, it often has permission problems with user applications writing files to specific directories. Make sure the directory to which you are writing your output file is one for which you have permissions.

In a future project, if it's big enough, you can use one of the standard logging facilities for 'debug' output; then it will be easy(ier) to redirect it to a file instead of depending on having a console. But for a smaller job like this, this should be fine.

using if else with eval in aspx page

<%# (string)Eval("gender") =="M" ? "Male" :"Female"%>

Can a JSON value contain a multiline string

I believe it depends on what json interpreter you're using... in plain javascript you could use line terminators

  "testCases" :
    "case.1" :
      "scenario" : "this the case 1.",
      "result" : "this is a very long line which is not easily readble. \
                  so i would like to write it in multiple lines. \
                  but, i do NOT require any new lines in the output."

iOS: Modal ViewController with transparent background

PresentViewController with Transparent background - in iOS 8 and iOS 9

MYViewController *myVC = [self.storyboard   instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"MYViewController"];
    myVC.providesPresentationContextTransitionStyle = YES;
    myVC.definesPresentationContext = YES;
    [myVC setModalPresentationStyle:UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext];
    [self.navigationController presentViewController:myVC animated:YES completion:nil];

And in MYViewController set background color black and reduce opacity

Store output of sed into a variable

line=`sed -n 2p myfile`
echo $line

Basic text editor in command prompt?

There is no command based text editors in windows (at least from Windows 7). But you can try the vi windows clone available here :

You are Wrong! If you are using Windows 7, you can using this command:

copy con [filename.???]

Or if you using Windows XP or lower, use (is have a DOS GUI):


Any comment?

How to read fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);


$user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

returns a dictionary. You can simply get email and password:

$email = $user['email'];
$password = $user['password'];

Other method

$users = $stmt->fetchall(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

returns a list of a dictionary

Matplotlib: "Unknown projection '3d'" error

Import mplot3d whole to use "projection = '3d'".

Insert the command below in top of your script. It should run fine.

from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d

Bootstrap row class contains margin-left and margin-right which creates problems

To remove the margins on all rows:

.row {
    margin: 0px !important;

Remote debugging a Java application

For JDK 1.3 or earlier :

-Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=6006

For JDK 1.4

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=6006

For newer JDK :


Please change the port number based on your needs.

From java technotes

From 5.0 onwards the -agentlib:jdwp option is used to load and specify options to the JDWP agent. For releases prior to 5.0, the -Xdebug and -Xrunjdwp options are used (the 5.0 implementation also supports the -Xdebug and -Xrunjdwp options but the newer -agentlib:jdwp option is preferable as the JDWP agent in 5.0 uses the JVM TI interface to the VM rather than the older JVMDI interface)

One more thing to note, from JVM Tool interface documentation:

JVM TI was introduced at JDK 5.0. JVM TI replaces the Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI) and the Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface (JVMDI) which, as of JDK 6, are no longer provided.

How to change status bar color to match app in Lollipop? [Android]

To set the status bar color, create a style.xml file under res/values-v21 folder with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <style name="AppBaseTheme" parent="AppTheme">
        <item name="android:windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds">true</item>
        <item name="android:statusBarColor">@color/blue</item>


Converting any object to a byte array in java

What you want to do is called "serialization". There are several ways of doing it, but if you don't need anything fancy I think using the standard Java object serialization would do just fine.

Perhaps you could use something like this?

package com.example;


public class Serializer {

    public static byte[] serialize(Object obj) throws IOException {
        try(ByteArrayOutputStream b = new ByteArrayOutputStream()){
            try(ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(b)){
            return b.toByteArray();

    public static Object deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
        try(ByteArrayInputStream b = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)){
            try(ObjectInputStream o = new ObjectInputStream(b)){
                return o.readObject();


There are several improvements to this that can be done. Not in the least the fact that you can only read/write one object per byte array, which might or might not be what you want.

Note that "Only objects that support the interface can be written to streams" (see

Since you might run into it, the continuous allocation and resizing of the might turn out to be quite the bottle neck. Depending on your threading model you might want to consider reusing some of the objects.

For serialization of objects that do not implement the Serializable interface you either need to write your own serializer, for example using the read*/write* methods of and the get*/put* methods of java.nio.ByteBuffer perhaps together with reflection, or pull in a third party dependency.

This site has a list and performance comparison of some serialization frameworks. Looking at the APIs it seems Kryo might fit what you need.

PHP 7 RC3: How to install missing MySQL PDO

For thoses running Linux with apache2 you need to install php-mysql

apt-get install php-mysql

or if you are running ubuntu 16.04 or higher just running the following command will be enought, no need to edit your php.ini file

apt-get install php7.2-mysql

If you are running ubuntu 15.10 or below:

Edit your php.ini file, it's located at /etc/php/[version]/apache2/php.ini and search for pdo_mysql you might found something like this


Change it to this

Save the file and restart apache

service apache2 restart

Check that it's available in your phpinfo()

How to tell 'PowerShell' Copy-Item to unconditionally copy files

From the documentation (help copy-item -full):

-force <SwitchParameter>
    Allows cmdlet to override restrictions such as renaming existing files as long as security is not compromised.

    Required?                    false
    Position?                    named
    Default value                False
    Accept pipeline input?       false
    Accept wildcard characters?  false

How many significant digits do floats and doubles have in java?

Look at Float.intBitsToFloat and Double.longBitsToDouble, which sort of explain how bits correspond to floating-point numbers. In particular, the bits of a normal float look something like


where A...W are 23 bits -- 0s and 1s -- representing a fraction in binary -- s is +/- 1, represented by a 0 or a 1 respectively, and exp is a signed 8-bit integer.

Java: get all variable names in a class

You can use any of the two based on your need:

Field[] fields = ClassName.class.getFields(); // returns inherited members but not private members.
Field[] fields = ClassName.class.getDeclaredFields(); // returns all members including private members but not inherited members.

To filter only the public fields from the above list (based on requirement) use below code:

List<Field> fieldList = Arrays.asList(fields).stream().filter(field -> Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers())).collect(

Completely Remove MySQL Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I experienced a similar issue on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS after a MySQL update.

I started getting error: "Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Incorrect file format 'user'" in /var/log/mysql/error.log

MySQL could not start.

I resolved it by removing the following directory: /var/lib/mysql/mysql

sudo rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/mysql

This leaves your other DB related files in place, only removing the mysql related files.

After running these:

sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server mysql-client mysql-common
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get autoclean

Then reinstalling mysql:

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

It worked perfectly.

TypeScript and array reduce function

Just a note in addition to the other answers.

If an initial value is supplied to reduce then sometimes its type must be specified, viz:-

a.reduce(fn, [])

may have to be

a.reduce<string[]>(fn, [])


a.reduce(fn, <string[]>[])

What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP?

My answer is basically just a polished, fully-validated, and fully-packaged, version of @AlixAxel's answer:


/* Get the 'best known' client IP. */

if (!function_exists('getClientIP'))
        function getClientIP()
                if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"])) 
                        $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $_SERVER["HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP"];

                        if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER)) 
                                foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER[$key]) as $ip)
                                        $ip = trim($ip);

                                        if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) !== false)
                                                return $ip;

                return false;

$best_known_ip = getClientIP();

        $ip = $clients_ip = $client_ip = $client_IP = $best_known_ip;
        $ip = $clients_ip = $client_ip = $client_IP = $best_known_ip = '';



  • It simplifies the function name (with 'camelCase' formatting style).

  • It includes a check to make sure the function isn't already declared in another part of your code.

  • It takes into account 'CloudFlare' compatibility.

  • It initializes multiple "IP-related" variable names to the returned value, of the 'getClientIP' function.

  • It ensures that if the function doesn't return a valid IP address, all the variables are set to a empty string, instead of null.

  • It's only (45) lines of code.

Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension

OSX with brew

$ brew install mcrypt php70-mcrypt

I am running PHP 7.0.x, so change "php70" to your version, if you are using a different version.
As stated in other answers, you can see your php version with $ php -v.

python global name 'self' is not defined

If you come from a language such as Java maybe you can make some kind of association between self and this. self will be the reference to the object that called that method but you need to declare a class first. Try:

class MyClass(object)

    def __init__(self)
        #equivalent of constructor, can do initialisation and stuff

    def setavalue(self):
        self.myname = "harry"

    def printaname(self):
        print "Name", self.myname     

def main():
    #Now since you have self as parameter you need to create an object and then call the method for that object.
    my_obj = MyClass()
    my_obj.setavalue() #now my_obj is passed automatically as the self parameter in your method declaration

if __name__ == "__main__":

You can try some Python basic tutorial like here: Python guide

How to find the type of an object in Go?

To get a string representation:


%T a Go-syntax representation of the type of the value

package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
    types := []interface{} {"a",6,6.0,true}
    for _,v := range types{



Google Map API v3 — set bounds and center

The answers are perfect for adjust map boundaries for markers but if you like to expand Google Maps boundaries for shapes like polygons and circles, you can use following codes:

For Circles


For Polygons

polygon.getPaths().forEach(function(path, index)
    var points = path.getArray();
    for(var p in points) bounds.extend(points[p]);

For Rectangles


For Polylines

var path = polyline.getPath();

var slat, blat = path.getAt(0).lat();
var slng, blng = path.getAt(0).lng();

for(var i = 1; i < path.getLength(); i++)
    var e = path.getAt(i);
    slat = ((slat < ? slat :;
    blat = ((blat > ? blat :;
    slng = ((slng < e.lng()) ? slng : e.lng());
    blng = ((blng > e.lng()) ? blng : e.lng());

bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(slat, slng));
bounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(blat, blng));

Using Python, find anagrams for a list of words

Since you can't import anything, here are two different approaches including the for loop you asked for.

Approach 1: For Loops and Inbuilt Sorted Function

word_list = ["percussion", "supersonic", "car", "tree", "boy", "girl", "arc"]

# initialize a list
anagram_list = []
for word_1 in word_list: 
    for word_2 in word_list: 
        if word_1 != word_2 and (sorted(word_1)==sorted(word_2)):

Approach 2: Dictionaries

def freq(word):
    freq_dict = {}
    for char in word:
        freq_dict[char] = freq_dict.get(char, 0) + 1
    return freq_dict

# initialize a list
anagram_list = []
for word_1 in word_list: 
    for word_2 in word_list: 
        if word_1 != word_2 and (freq(word_1) == freq(word_2)):

If you want these approaches explained in more detail, here is an article.

Create PDF with Java

Another alternative would be JasperReports: JasperReports Library. It uses iText itself and is more than a PDF library you asked for, but if it fits your needs I'd go for it.

Simply put, it allows you to design reports that can be filled during runtime. If you use a custom datasource, you might be able to integrate JasperReports easily into the existing system. It would save you the whole layouting troubles, e.g. when invoices span over more sites where each side should have a footer and so on.

Simple dynamic breadcrumb

use parse_url and then output the result in a loop:

$urlinfo = parse_url($the_url);
echo makelink($urlinfo['hostname']);
foreach($breadcrumb in $urlinfo['path']) {
  echo makelink($breadcrumb);

function makelink($str) {
  return '<a href="'.urlencode($str).'" title="'.htmlspecialchars($str).'">'.htmlspecialchars($str).'</a>';


Java Timestamp - How can I create a Timestamp with the date 23/09/2007?

By Timestamp, I presume you mean java.sql.Timestamp. You will notice that this class has a constructor that accepts a long argument. You can parse this using the DateFormat class:

DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date date = dateFormat.parse("23/09/2007");
long time = date.getTime();
new Timestamp(time);

Difference between JOIN and INNER JOIN

No, there is no difference, pure syntactic sugar.

Sort columns of a dataframe by column name


sort on names of columns can work easily.

OS X Sprite Kit Game Optimal Default Window Size

You should target the smallest, not the largest, supported pixel resolution by the devices your app can run on.

Say if there's an actual Mac computer that can run OS X 10.9 and has a native screen resolution of only 1280x720 then that's the resolution you should focus on. Any higher and your game won't correctly run on this device and you could as well remove that device from your supported devices list.

You can rely on upscaling to match larger screen sizes, but you can't rely on downscaling to preserve possibly important image details such as text or smaller game objects.

The next most important step is to pick a fitting aspect ratio, be it 4:3 or 16:9 or 16:10, that ideally is the native aspect ratio on most of the supported devices. Make sure your game only scales to fit on devices with a different aspect ratio.

You could scale to fill but then you must ensure that on all devices the cropped areas will not negatively impact gameplay or the use of the app in general (ie text or buttons outside the visible screen area). This will be harder to test as you'd actually have to have one of those devices or create a custom build that crops the view accordingly.

Alternatively you can design multiple versions of your game for specific and very common screen resolutions to provide the best game experience from 13" through 27" displays. Optimized designs for iMac (desktop) and a Macbook (notebook) devices make the most sense, it'll be harder to justify making optimized versions for 13" and 15" plus 21" and 27" screens.

But of course this depends a lot on the game. For example a tile-based world game could simply provide a larger viewing area onto the world on larger screen resolutions rather than scaling the view up. Provided that this does not alter gameplay, like giving the player an unfair advantage (specifically in multiplayer).

You should provide @2x images for the Retina Macbook Pro and future Retina Macs.

check the null terminating character in char*

The null character is '\0', not '/0'.

while (*(forward++) != '\0')

How can I check if a checkbox is checked?

You can try this:

if ($(#remember).is(':checked')){
   alert('not checked')

How to Convert JSON object to Custom C# object?

The JSON C# class generator on codeplex generates classes which work well with NewtonSoftJS.

Free easy way to draw graphs and charts in C++?

I've used this "portable plotter". It's very small, multiplatform, easy to use and you can plug it into different graphical libraries. pplot

(Only for the plots part)

If you use or plan to use Qt, another multiplatform solution is Qwt and Qchart

How do you add UI inside cells in a google spreadsheet using app script?

Status 2018:

There seems to be no way to place buttons (drawings, images) within cells in a way that would allow them to be linked to Apps Script functions.

This being said, there are some things that you can indeed do:

You can...

You can place images within cells using IMAGE(URL), but they cannot be linked to Apps Script functions.

You can place images within cells and link them to URLs using:
=HYPERLINK(""; IMAGE(""; 1))

You can create drawings as described in the answer of @Eduardo and they can be linked to Apps Script functions, but they will be stand-alone items that float freely "above" the spreadsheet and cannot be positioned in cells. They cannot be copied from cell to cell and they do not have a row or col position that the script function could read.

How to add empty spaces into MD markdown readme on GitHub?

I'm surprised no one mentioned the HTML entities &ensp; and &emsp; which produce horizontal white space equivalent to the characters n and m, respectively. If you want to accumulate horizontal white space quickly, those are more efficient than &nbsp;.

  1. no space
  2.  &nbsp;
  3. &ensp;
  4. &emsp;

Along with <space> and &thinsp;, these are the five entities HTML provides for horizontal white space.

Note that except for &nbsp;, all entities allow breaking. Whatever text surrounds them will wrap to a new line if it would otherwise extend beyond the container boundary. With &nbsp; it would wrap to a new line as a block even if the text before &nbsp; could fit on the previous line.

Depending on your use case, that may be desired or undesired. For me, unless I'm dealing with things like names (John&nbsp;Doe), addresses or references (see eq.&nbsp;5), breaking as a block is usually undesired.

How to add fixed button to the bottom right of page

You are specifying .fixedbutton in your CSS (a class) and specifying the id on the element itself.

Change your CSS to the following, which will select the id fixedbutton

#fixedbutton {
    position: fixed;
    bottom: 0px;
    right: 0px; 

Here's a jsFiddle courtesy of JoshC.

Create a root password for PHPMyAdmin

I believe the command you are looking for is passwd

The HTTP request is unauthorized with client authentication scheme 'Ntlm' The authentication header received from the server was 'NTLM'

After a lot of trial and error, followed by a stagnant period while I waited for an opportunity to speak with our server guys, I finally had a chance to discuss the problem with them and asked them if they wouldn't mind switching our Sharepoint authentication over to Kerberos.

To my surprise, they said this wouldn't be a problem and was in fact easy to do. They enabled Kerberos and I modified my app.config as follows:

<security mode="Transport">
    <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />

For reference, my full serviceModel entry in my app.config looks like this:

            <binding name="TestServerReference" closeTimeout="00:01:00" openTimeout="00:01:00"
             receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:01:00" allowCookies="false"
             bypassProxyOnLocal="false" hostNameComparisonMode="StrongWildcard"
             maxBufferSize="2000000" maxBufferPoolSize="2000000" maxReceivedMessageSize="2000000"
             messageEncoding="Text" textEncoding="utf-8" transferMode="Buffered"
                <readerQuotas maxDepth="32" maxStringContentLength="8192" maxArrayLength="16384"
                 maxBytesPerRead="4096" maxNameTableCharCount="16384" />
                <security mode="Transport">
                    <transport clientCredentialType="Windows" />
        <endpoint address="https://path/to/site/_vti_bin/Lists.asmx"
         binding="basicHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="TestServerReference"
         contract="TestServerReference.ListsSoap" name="TestServerReference" />

After this, everything worked like a charm. I can now (finally!) utilize Sharepoint Web Services. So, if anyone else out there can't get their Sharepoint Web Services to work with NTLM, see if you can convince the sysadmins to switch over to Kerberos.

WebService Client Generation Error with JDK8

Create a file named (if it doesn’t exist) under path to your "JDK version/jre/lib" and then add the following line in it.

javax.xml.accessExternalSchema = all

Address validation using Google Maps API

The answer depends upon the degree of confidence you place in the data and how your data is being used. For example, if you're using it for mailing or shipping, you'll want to be be confident that the data is correct. If you're just using it as another fraud-prevention mechanism then you could potentially allow a degree of error to creep into the data.

If you want any degree of real accuracy, you're need to go with a service that does real address verification and you're going to have to pay for it. As has been mentioned by Adam, address verification and validation at first seems simple and easy, but it's a black hole fraught with challenges and, unless you've some underlying data to work with, virtually impossible to do by yourself. Trust me, you're actually saving money by using a service. You're welcome to go down this road yourself to experience what I mean, but I can guarantee you'll see the light, so to speak, after even a few hours (or days) of spinning your wheels.

I should mention that I'm the founder of SmartyStreets. We do address validation and verification addresses and we offer this for the USA and international as well. I'm more than happy to personally answer any questions you have on the topic of address cleansing, standardization, and validation.

Generate getters and setters in NetBeans

Position the cursor inside the class, then press ALT + Ins and select Getters and Setters from the contextual menu.

jquery datatables hide column

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
    "columnDefs": [
            "targets": [ 2 ],
            "visible": false,
            "searchable": false
            "targets": [ 3 ],
            "visible": false

How to set URL query params in Vue with Vue-Router

If you are trying to keep some parameters, while changing others, be sure to copy the state of the vue router query and not reuse it.

This works, since you are making an unreferenced copy:

  const query = Object.assign({}, this.$route.query); = page;
  query.limit = rowsPerPage;
  await this.$router.push({ query });

while below will lead to Vue Router thinking you are reusing the same query and lead to the NavigationDuplicated error:

  const query = this.$route.query; = page;
  query.limit = rowsPerPage;
  await this.$router.push({ query });

Of course, you could decompose the query object, such as follows, but you'll need to be aware of all the query parameters to your page, otherwise you risk losing them in the resultant navigation.

  const { page, limit, ...otherParams } = this.$route.query;
  await this.$router.push(Object.assign({
    page: page,
    limit: rowsPerPage
  }, otherParams));

Note, while the above example is for push(), this works with replace() too.

Tested with vue-router 3.1.6.

How do you debug PHP scripts?

Usually I find create a custom log function able to save on file, store debug info, and eventually re-print on a common footer.

You can also override common Exception class, so that this type of debugging is semi-automated.

The requested resource does not support HTTP method 'GET'

just use this attribute


not need this line of code:

[System.Web.Http.AcceptVerbs("GET", "POST")]

Java executors: how to be notified, without blocking, when a task completes?

Use a CountDownLatch.

It's from java.util.concurrent and it's exactly the way to wait for several threads to complete execution before continuing.

In order to achieve the callback effect you're looking after, that does require a little additional extra work. Namely, handling this by yourself in a separate thread which uses the CountDownLatch and does wait on it, then goes on about notifying whatever it is you need to notify. There is no native support for callback, or anything similar to that effect.

EDIT: now that I further understand your question, I think you are reaching too far, unnecessarily. If you take a regular SingleThreadExecutor, give it all the tasks, and it will do the queueing natively.

Comparing strings in Java

You can compare the values using equals() of Java :

public void onClick(View v) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        Show.setText("Are Equal");
        Show.setText("Not Equal");

How can I pass some data from one controller to another peer controller

In one controller, you can do:

$rootScope.$broadcast('eventName', data);

and listen to the event in another:

$scope.$on('eventName', function (event, data) {...});

PHP PDO: charset, set names?

Prior to PHP 5.3.6, the charset option was ignored. If you're running an older version of PHP, you must do it like this:


    $dbh = new PDO("mysql:$connstr",  $user, $password);

    $dbh -> exec("set names utf8");


element not interactable exception in selenium web automation

I'm going to hedge this answer with this: I know it's crap.. and there's got to be a better way. (See above answers) But I tried all the suggestions here and still got nill. Ended up chasing errors, ripping the code to bits. Then I tried this:

import keyboard    
keyboard.press_and_release('tab') #repeat as needed

It's pretty insufferable and you've got to make sure that you don't lose focus otherwise you'll just be tabbing and spacing on the wrong thing.

My assumption on why the other methods didn't work for me is that I'm trying to click on something the developers didn't want a bot clicking on. So I'm not clicking on it!

How to handle errors with boto3?

Use the response contained within the exception. Here is an example:

import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError

    iam = boto3.client('iam')
    user = iam.create_user(UserName='fred')
    print("Created user: %s" % user)
except ClientError as e:
    if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'EntityAlreadyExists':
        print("User already exists")
        print("Unexpected error: %s" % e)

The response dict in the exception will contain the following:

  • ['Error']['Code'] e.g. 'EntityAlreadyExists' or 'ValidationError'
  • ['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] e.g. 400
  • ['ResponseMetadata']['RequestId'] e.g. 'd2b06652-88d7-11e5-99d0-812348583a35'
  • ['Error']['Message'] e.g. "An error occurred (EntityAlreadyExists) ..."
  • ['Error']['Type'] e.g. 'Sender'

For more information see:

[Updated: 2018-03-07]

The AWS Python SDK has begun to expose service exceptions on clients (though not on resources) that you can explicitly catch, so it is now possible to write that code like this:

import botocore
import boto3

    iam = boto3.client('iam')
    user = iam.create_user(UserName='fred')
    print("Created user: %s" % user)
except iam.exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException:
    print("User already exists")
except botocore.exceptions.ParamValidationError as e:
    print("Parameter validation error: %s" % e)
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
    print("Unexpected error: %s" % e)

Unfortunately, there is currently no documentation for these exceptions but you can get a list of them as follows:

import botocore
import boto3

Note that you must import both botocore and boto3. If you only import botocore then you will find that botocore has no attribute named exceptions. This is because the exceptions are dynamically populated into botocore by boto3.

Open new popup window without address bars in firefox & IE

check this if it works it works fine for me

  var windowObjectReference;
  var strWindowFeatures = "menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,status=yes,width=400,height=350";

     function openRequestedPopup() {
      windowObjectReference ="", "CNN_WindowName", strWindowFeatures);

Excel Create Collapsible Indented Row Hierarchies

Create a Pivot Table. It has these features and many more.

If you are dead-set on doing this yourself then you could add shapes to the worksheet and use VBA to hide and unhide rows and columns on clicking the shapes.

Dynamically changing font size of UILabel

Here is the fill code of a UILabel subclass that implements animated font size change:

@interface SNTextLayer : CATextLayer


@implementation SNTextLayer

- (void)drawInContext:(CGContextRef)ctx {
    // We override this to make text appear at the same vertical positon as in UILabel
    // (otherwise it's shifted tdown)
    CGFloat height = self.bounds.size.height;
    float fontSize = self.fontSize;
    // May need to adjust this somewhat if it's not aligned perfectly in your implementation
    float yDiff = (height-fontSize)/2 - fontSize/10;

    CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0.0, yDiff);
    [super drawInContext:ctx];


@interface SNAnimatableLabel ()

@property CATextLayer* textLayer;


@interface SNAnimatableLabel : UILabel

- (void)animateFontToSize:(CGFloat)fontSize withDuration:(double)duration;


@implementation SNAnimatableLabel

- (void)awakeFromNib {
    [super awakeFromNib];
    _textLayer = [SNTextLayer new];
    _textLayer.backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor.CGColor;
    _textLayer.foregroundColor = self.textColor.CGColor;
    _textLayer.font = CGFontCreateWithFontName((CFStringRef)self.font.fontName);
    _textLayer.frame = self.bounds;
    _textLayer.string = self.text;
    _textLayer.fontSize = self.font.pointSize;
    _textLayer.contentsScale = [UIScreen mainScreen].scale;
    [_textLayer setPosition: CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(_textLayer.frame), CGRectGetMidY(_textLayer.frame))];
    [_textLayer setAnchorPoint: CGPointMake(0.5, 0.5)];
    [_textLayer setAlignmentMode: kCAAlignmentCenter];
    self.textColor = self.backgroundColor;
    // Blend text with background, so that it doens't interfere with textlayer text
    [self.layer addSublayer:_textLayer];
    self.layer.masksToBounds = NO;

- (void)setText:(NSString *)text {
    _textLayer.string = text;
    super.text = text;

- (void)layoutSubviews {
    [super layoutSubviews];
    // Need to enlarge the frame, otherwise the text may get clipped for bigger font sizes
    _textLayer.frame = CGRectInset(self.bounds, -5, -5);

- (void)animateFontToSize:(CGFloat)fontSize withDuration:(double)duration {
    [CATransaction begin];
    [CATransaction setAnimationDuration:duration];
    _textLayer.fontSize = fontSize;
    [CATransaction commit];

mkdir -p functionality in Python

With Pathlib from python3 standard library:

Path(mypath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

If parents is true, any missing parents of this path are created as needed; they are created with the default permissions without taking mode into account (mimicking the POSIX mkdir -p command). If exist_ok is false (the default), an FileExistsError is raised if the target directory already exists.

If exist_ok is true, FileExistsError exceptions will be ignored (same behavior as the POSIX mkdir -p command), but only if the last path component is not an existing non-directory file.

Changed in version 3.5: The exist_ok parameter was added.

How add "or" in switch statements?

You may do this as of C# 9.0:

    case 2 or 5:
        // ...

    case 7 or 12:
        // ...
    // ...

javascript windows alert with redirect function

If you would like to redirect the user after the alert, do this:

echo ("<script LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>
          window.alert('Succesfully Updated');
          window.location.href='<URL to redirect to>';

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?

Although this is an answered question (and kind of old) i have decided to post my full working code for others that found it hard to find good working (out of the box) playing and recording example - including encoded, pcm, play via speaker, write to file here it is:


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>

@interface AudioPlayerViewController : UIViewController {
AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer;
AVAudioRecorder *audioRecorder;
int recordEncoding;
    ENC_AAC = 1,
    ENC_ALAC = 2,
    ENC_IMA4 = 3,
    ENC_ILBC = 4,
    ENC_ULAW = 5,
    ENC_PCM = 6,
} encodingTypes;

-(IBAction) startRecording;
-(IBAction) stopRecording;
-(IBAction) playRecording;
-(IBAction) stopPlaying;



#import "AudioPlayerViewController.h"

@implementation AudioPlayerViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    recordEncoding = ENC_AAC;

-(IBAction) startRecording
[audioRecorder release];
audioRecorder = nil;

// Init audio with record capability
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord error:nil];

NSMutableDictionary *recordSettings = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:10];
if(recordEncoding == ENC_PCM)
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatLinearPCM] forKey: AVFormatIDKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:44100.0] forKey: AVSampleRateKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:AVNumberOfChannelsKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:16] forKey:AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:AVLinearPCMIsBigEndianKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:AVLinearPCMIsFloatKey];   
    NSNumber *formatObject;

    switch (recordEncoding) {
        case (ENC_AAC): 
            formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC];
        case (ENC_ALAC):
            formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatAppleLossless];
        case (ENC_IMA4):
            formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatAppleIMA4];
        case (ENC_ILBC):
            formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatiLBC];
        case (ENC_ULAW):
            formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatULaw];
            formatObject = [NSNumber numberWithInt: kAudioFormatAppleIMA4];

    [recordSettings setObject:formatObject forKey: AVFormatIDKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:44100.0] forKey: AVSampleRateKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:AVNumberOfChannelsKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:12800] forKey:AVEncoderBitRateKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:16] forKey:AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey];
    [recordSettings setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt: AVAudioQualityHigh] forKey: AVEncoderAudioQualityKey];

NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/recordTest.caf", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]];

NSError *error = nil;
audioRecorder = [[ AVAudioRecorder alloc] initWithURL:url settings:recordSettings error:&error];

if ([audioRecorder prepareToRecord] == YES){
    [audioRecorder record];
}else {
    int errorCode = CFSwapInt32HostToBig ([error code]); 
    NSLog(@"Error: %@ [%4.4s])" , [error localizedDescription], (char*)&errorCode); 


-(IBAction) stopRecording
[audioRecorder stop];

-(IBAction) playRecording
// Init audio with playback capability
AVAudioSession *audioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
[audioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback error:nil];

NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/recordTest.caf", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]]];
NSError *error;
audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&error];
audioPlayer.numberOfLoops = 0;
[audioPlayer play];

-(IBAction) stopPlaying
[audioPlayer stop];

- (void)dealloc
[audioPlayer release];
[audioRecorder release];
[super dealloc];


Hope this will help some of you guys.

AngularJS - Value attribute on an input text box is ignored when there is a ng-model used?

Update: My original answer involved having the controller contain DOM-aware code, which breaks Angular conventions in favor of HTML. @dmackerman mentioned directives in a comment on my answer, and I completely missed that until just now. With that input, here's the right way to do this without breaking Angular or HTML conventions:

There's also a way to get both - grab the value of the element and use that to update the model in a directive:

<div ng-controller="Main">
    <input type="text" id="rootFolder" ng-model="rootFolders" disabled="disabled" value="Bob" size="40" />

and then:

app.directive('input', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        require: '?ngModel',
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            if(attrs.value) {
                $parse(attrs.ngModel).assign(scope, attrs.value);

You can of course modify the above directive to do more with the value attribute before setting the model to its value, including using $parse(attrs.value, scope) to treat the value attribute as an Angular expression (though I'd probably use a different [custom] attribute for that, personally, so the standard HTML attributes are consistently treated as constants).

Also, there is a similar question over at Making data templated in available to ng-model which may also be of interest.

Can I start the iPhone simulator without "Build and Run"?

The simulator is just an application, and as such you can run it like any other application.

To run the simulator straight from terminal prepend these locations with the open command

Xcode 7.x, 8.x, and 9.x

In Xcode 7.x, the iPhone Simulator has moved again: /Applications/

Xcode 6.x

In Xcode 6.x, the iPhone Simulator has moved yet again, and now resides here: /Applications/

Xcode 4.x, 5.x

In Xcode 4.x (through 4.5 on Mountain Lion) and Xcode 5.0.x on Mavericks, it lives here: /Applications/

In my version of Xcode (4.5.2), I find it quite convenient to use the Open Developer Tool menu from either the dock icon or the Xcode menu:

open iOS Simulator

Xcode 3.x

In Xcode 3.x, it lives here:


In some future version of Xcode, it will probably move again, it's a squirrelly little app.

Why don't self-closing script elements work?

Unlike XML and XHTML, HTML has no knowledge of the self-closing syntax. Browsers that interpret XHTML as HTML don't know that the / character indicates that the tag should be self-closing; instead they interpret it like an empty attribute and the parser still thinks the tag is 'open'.

Just as <script defer> is treated as <script defer="defer">, <script /> is treated as <script /="/">.

Manually put files to Android emulator SD card

One easy way is to drag and drop. It will copy files to /sdcard/Download. You can copy whole folders or multiple files. Make sure that "Enable Clipboard Sharing" is enabled. (under ...->Settings)enter image description here

How to get host name with port from a http or https request

Seems like you need to strip the URL from the URL, so you can do it in a following way:

request.getRequestURL().toString().replace(request.getRequestURI(), "")

How to increase MySQL connections(max_connections)?

If you need to increase MySQL Connections without MySQL restart do like below

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 100   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SET GLOBAL max_connections = 150;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> show variables like 'max_connections';
| Variable_name   | Value |
| max_connections | 150   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

These settings will change at MySQL Restart.

For permanent changes add below line in my.cnf and restart MySQL

max_connections = 150

How to get current time in python and break up into year, month, day, hour, minute?

By unpacking timetuple of datetime object, you should get what you want:

from datetime import datetime

n =
t = n.timetuple()
y, m, d, h, min, sec, wd, yd, i = t

How to initialize std::vector from C-style array?

You can 'learn' the size of the array automatically:

template<typename T, size_t N>
void set_data(const T (&w)[N]){
    w_.assign(w, w+N);

Hopefully, you can change the interface to set_data as above. It still accepts a C-style array as its first argument. It just happens to take it by reference.

How it works

[ Update: See here for a more comprehensive discussion on learning the size ]

Here is a more general solution:

template<typename T, size_t N>
void copy_from_array(vector<T> &target_vector, const T (&source_array)[N]) {
    target_vector.assign(source_array, source_array+N);

This works because the array is being passed as a reference-to-an-array. In C/C++, you cannot pass an array as a function, instead it will decay to a pointer and you lose the size. But in C++, you can pass a reference to the array.

Passing an array by reference requires the types to match up exactly. The size of an array is part of its type. This means we can use the template parameter N to learn the size for us.

It might be even simpler to have this function which returns a vector. With appropriate compiler optimizations in effect, this should be faster than it looks.

template<typename T, size_t N>
vector<T> convert_array_to_vector(const T (&source_array)[N]) {
    return vector<T>(source_array, source_array+N);

How do you make div elements display inline?

Use display:inline-block with a margin and media query for IE6/7:

      div { display:inline-block; }
      /* IE6-7 */
          div { display: inline; margin-right:10px; }

Get Wordpress Category from Single Post

How about get_the_category?

You can then do

$category = get_the_category();
$firstCategory = $category[0]->cat_name;

Convert double to string

a = 0.000006;
b = 6;
c = a/b;

textbox.Text = c.ToString("0.000000");

As you requested:

textbox.Text = c.ToString("0.######");

This will only display out to the 6th decimal place if there are 6 decimals to display.

Dialog to pick image from gallery or from camera

This library makes it simple.

Just Call:

PickImageDialog.on(MainActivity.this, new PickSetup(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID));

Then make your Activity implement IPickResult and override this below method.

public void onPickResult(PickResult r) {
    if (r.getError() == null) {


    } else {
        //Handle possible errors
        //TODO: do what you have to do with r.getError();

Passing parameters in rails redirect_to

Route your path, and take the params, and return:

redirect_to controller: "client", action: "get_name", params: request.query_parameters and return

Passing bash variable to jq

Posting it here as it might help others. In string it might be necessary to pass the quotes to jq. To do the following with jq:

.items[] | select(.name=="string")

in bash you could do

projectID=$(cat file.json | jq -r '.resource[] | select(.username=='\"$EMAILID\"') | .id')

essentially escaping the quotes and passing it on to jq

Regex not operator

Not quite, although generally you can usually use some workaround on one of the forms

  • [^abc], which is character by character not a or b or c,
  • or negative lookahead: a(?!b), which is a not followed by b
  • or negative lookbehind: (?<!a)b, which is b not preceeded by a

React - How to pass HTML tags in props?

Have appended the html in componentDidMount using jQuery append. This should solve the problem.

 var MyComponent = React.createClass({
    render: function() {

        return (

    componentDidMount() {

How can I check for IsPostBack in JavaScript?

The solution didn't work for me, I had to adapt it:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string script;
    if (IsPostBack)
        script = "var isPostBack = true;";
        script = "var isPostBack = false;";
    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "IsPostBack", script, true);

Hope this helps.

JavaScript closure inside loops – simple practical example

With the support of ES6, the best way to this is to use let and const keywords for this exact circumstance. So var variable get hoisted and with the end of loop the value of i gets updated for all the closures..., we can just use let to set a loop scope variable like this:

var funcs = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {          
    funcs[i] = function() {            
      console.log("My value: " + i); 

How to use Python requests to fake a browser visit a.k.a and generate User Agent?

This is how, I have been using a random user agent from a list of nearlly 1000 fake user agents

from random_user_agent.user_agent import UserAgent
from random_user_agent.params import SoftwareName, OperatingSystem
software_names = [SoftwareName.ANDROID.value]
operating_systems = [OperatingSystem.WINDOWS.value, OperatingSystem.LINUX.value, OperatingSystem.MAC.value]   

user_agent_rotator = UserAgent(software_names=software_names, operating_systems=operating_systems, limit=1000)

# Get list of user agents.
user_agents = user_agent_rotator.get_user_agents()

user_agent_random = user_agent_rotator.get_random_user_agent()



Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36

For more details visit this link

How can I install Python's pip3 on my Mac?

I ran the below where <user>:<group> matched the other <user>:<group> for other files in the /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ directory:

sudo chown -R <user>:<group> /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pip*
brew postinstall python3

Log record changes in SQL server in an audit table

I know this is old, but maybe this will help someone else.

Do not log "new" values. Your existing table, GUESTS, has the new values. You'll have double entry of data, plus your DB size will grow way too fast that way.

I cleaned this up and minimized it for this example, but here is the tables you'd need for logging off changes:

      GuestName VARCHAR(50), 
      ModifiedBy INT, 
      ModifiedOn DATETIME

      GuestID INT, 
      GuestName VARCHAR(50), 
      ModifiedBy INT, 
      ModifiedOn DATETIME

When a value changes in the GUESTS table (ex: Guest name), simply log off that entire row of data, as-is, to your Log/Audit table using the Trigger. Your GUESTS table has current data, the Log/Audit table has the old data.

Then use a select statement to get data from both tables:

SELECT 0 AS 'GuestLogID', GuestID, GuestName, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn FROM [GUESTS] WHERE GuestID = 1
SELECT GuestLogID, GuestID, GuestName, ModifiedBy, ModifiedOn FROM [GUESTS_LOG] WHERE GuestID = 1

Your data will come out with what the table looked like, from Oldest to Newest, with the first row being what was created & the last row being the current data. You can see exactly what changed, who changed it, and when they changed it.

Optionally, I used to have a function that looped through the RecordSet (in Classic ASP), and only displayed what values had changed on the web page. It made for a GREAT audit trail so that users could see what had changed over time.

SSH library for Java, Compile src\com\trilead\ssh2 on windows linux or android , it can create Local Port Forwarder or create Dynamic Port Forwarder or other else

If strings starts with in PowerShell

$Group is an object, but you will actually need to check if $Group.samaccountname.StartsWith("string").

Change $Group.StartsWith("S_G_") to $Group.samaccountname.StartsWith("S_G_").

Call to undefined function App\Http\Controllers\ [ function name ]

say you define the static getFactorial function inside a CodeController

then this is the way you need to call a static function, because static properties and methods exists with in the class, not in the objects created using the class.



To best practice I think you can put this kind of functions inside a separate file so you can maintain with more easily.

to do that

create a folder inside app directory and name it as lib (you can put a name you like).

this folder to needs to be autoload to do that add app/lib to composer.json as below. and run the composer dumpautoload command.

"autoload": {
    "classmap": [

then files inside lib will autoloaded.

then create a file inside lib, i name it helperFunctions.php

inside that define the function.

if ( ! function_exists('getFactorial'))

     * return the factorial of a number
     * @param $number
     * @return string
    function getFactorial($date)
        $fact = 1;

        for($i = 1; $i <= $num ;$i++)
            $fact = $fact * $i;

        return $fact;


and call it anywhere within the app as

$fatorial_value = getFactorial(225);

What's a Good Javascript Time Picker?

In case someone is interested in another JavaScript TimPicker, I developed and maintain a jQuery plugin that does the job. It works something like EZ Time JS (although I didn't knew about it until 5 minutes ago :D), allowing users to enter time in almost any way they feel comfortable with, and converting the input into a common format.

Checkout the jQuery TimePicker Options page to see it in action.

Python: avoiding pylint warnings about too many arguments

Do you want a better way to pass the arguments or just a way to stop pylint from giving you a hard time? If the latter, I seem to recall that you could stop the nagging by putting pylint-controlling comments in your code along the lines of:

#pylint: disable=R0913

or, better:

#pylint: disable=too-many-arguments

remembering to turn them back on as soon as practicable.

In my opinion, there's nothing inherently wrong with passing a lot of arguments and solutions advocating wrapping them all up in some container argument don't really solve any problems, other than stopping pylint from nagging you :-).

If you need to pass twenty arguments, then pass them. It may be that this is required because your function is doing too much and a re-factoring could assist there, and that's something you should look at. But it's not a decision we can really make unless we see what the 'real' code is.

How to change the Title of the window in Qt?

You can also modify the windowTitle attribute in Qt Designer.

WAMP error: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/ on this server

I fixed that problem before. It can happen due to many reasons, so you can use some or all of the next steps (opening mentioned files using any text editor, like Notepad++).

If you install WAMP in C:\wamp

1- Open file C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\conf\httpd.conf

Note: you may have a different Apache version than Apache 2.2.22, so you need to write it instead.

Search for: Directory "C:/wamp/www/". You will find something similar to this:

<Directory "C:/wamp/www/">
   # maybe there is some comments here ...
    AllowOverride all
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from all

Be sure that Allow from all is exists and not outcommented.

2- Open file C:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf.

Make sure that

<Directory "C:/wamp/apps/phpmyadmin3.5.1/">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride all
        Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from  

Change Allow from to Allow from all.

You can remove Deny from all or comment it out by adding # at the beginning of the line, but you have to make sure that Allow from all is the last line of code just before </Directory>.

Note: you may have a different version than phpMyAdmin 3.5.1.

To use localhost/phpmyadmin instead of

Open file C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.22\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf. Add the following at the end of it.

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "C:/wamp/www"
    ServerName localhost

Two column div layout with fluid left and fixed right column

Here's a solution (and it has some quirks, but let me know if you notice them and that they're a concern):

    <div style="width:200px;float:left;display:inline-block;">
        Hello world
    <div style="margin-left:200px;">
        Hello world

Facebook Graph API : get larger pictures in one request

Note: From Graph API v8.0 you must provide the access token for every UserID request you do.

Hitting the graph API:<user_id>/picture?height=1000&access_token=<any_of_above_token>

With firebase:

FirebaseUser user = mAuth.getCurrentUser();
String photoUrl = user.getPhotoUrl() + "/picture?height=1000&access_token=" +

You get the token from registerCallback just like this

       LoginManager.getInstance().registerCallback(mCallbackManager, new FacebookCallback<LoginResult>() {
        public void onSuccess(LoginResult loginResult) {
            FirebaseUser user = mAuth.getCurrentUser();
            String photoUrl = user.getPhotoUrl() + "/picture?height=1000&access_token=" + loginResult.getAccessToken().getToken();

        public void onCancel() {
            Log.d("Fb on Login", "facebook:onCancel");

        public void onError(FacebookException error) {
            Log.e("Fb on Login", "facebook:onError", error);

This is what documentation says:

Beginning October 24, 2020, an access token will be required for all UID-based queries. If you query a UID and thus must include a token:

  • use a User access token for Facebook Login authenticated requests
  • use a Page access token for page-scoped requests
  • use an App access token for server-side requests
  • use a Client access token for mobile or web client-side requests

We recommend that you only use a Client token if you are unable to use one of the other token types.

Adding Image to xCode by dragging it from File

You can't add image from desktop to UIimageView, you only can add image (dragging) into project folders and then select the name image into UIimageView properties (inspector).

Tutorial on how to do that:

Count number of occurrences of a pattern in a file (even on same line)

A belated post:
Use the search regex pattern as a Record Separator (RS) in awk
This allows your regex to span \n-delimited lines (if you need it).

printf 'X \n moo X\n XX\n' | 
   awk -vRS='X[^X]*X' 'END{print (NR<2?0:NR-1)}'

raw_input function in Python

The "input" function converts the input you enter as if it were python code. "raw_input" doesn't convert the input and takes the input as it is given. Its advisable to use raw_input for everything. Usage:

>>a = raw_input()

jquery count li elements inside ul -> length?

Warning: Answers above only work most of the time!

In jQuery version 3.3.1 (haven't tested other versions)

$("#myList li").length; 

works only if your list items don't wrap. If your items wrap in the list then this code counts the number of lines occupied not the number of <li> elements.


gets the actual number of <li> elements in your list not the number of lines that are occupied.