[c++] Example to use shared_ptr?

Hi I asked a question today about How to insert different types of objects in the same vector array and my code in that question was

 gate* G[1000];
G[0] = new ANDgate() ;
G[1] = new ORgate;
//gate is a class inherited by ANDgate and ORgate classes
class gate
 virtual void Run()
   {   //A virtual function
class ANDgate :public gate 
   void Run()
    //AND version of Run

 class ORgate :public gate 
   void Run()
    //OR version of Run

//Running the simulator using overloading concept
  G[i]->Run() ;  //will run perfectly the right Run for the right Gate type

and I wanted to use vectors so someone wrote that I should do that :

std::vector<gate*> G;
G.push_back(new ANDgate); 
G.push_back(new ORgate);
for(unsigned i=0;i<G.size();++i)

but then he and many others suggested that I would better use Boost pointer containers
or shared_ptr. I have spent the last 3 hours reading about this topic, but the documentation seems pretty advanced to me . ****Can anyone give me a small code example of shared_ptr usage and why they suggested using shared_ptr. Also are there other types like ptr_vector, ptr_list and ptr_deque** **

Edit1: I have read a code example too that included:

typedef boost::shared_ptr<Foo> FooPtr;
int main()
  std::vector<FooPtr>         foo_vector;
FooPtr foo_ptr( new Foo( 2 ) );
  foo_vector.push_back( foo_ptr );

And I don't understand the syntax!

This question is related to c++ boost vector shared-ptr smart-pointers

The answer is

I will add that one of the important things about shared_ptr's is to only ever construct them with the following syntax:

shared_ptr<Type>(new Type(...));

This way, the "real" pointer to Type is anonymous to your scope, and held only by the shared pointer. Thus it will be impossible for you to accidentally use this "real" pointer. In other words, never do this:

Type* t_ptr = new Type(...);
shared_ptr<Type> t_sptr ptrT(t_ptr);
//t_ptr is still hanging around!  Don't use it!

Although this will work, you now have a Type* pointer (t_ptr) in your function which lives outside the shared pointer. It's dangerous to use t_ptr anywhere, because you never know when the shared pointer which holds it may destruct it, and you'll segfault.

Same goes for pointers returned to you by other classes. If a class you didn't write hands you a pointer, it's generally not safe to just put it in a shared_ptr. Not unless you're sure that the class is no longer using that object. Because if you do put it in a shared_ptr, and it falls out of scope, the object will get freed when the class may still need it.

The boost documentation provides a pretty good start example: shared_ptr example (it's actually about a vector of smart pointers) or shared_ptr doc The following answer by Johannes Schaub explains the boost smart pointers pretty well: smart pointers explained

The idea behind(in as few words as possible) ptr_vector is that it handles the deallocation of memory behind the stored pointers for you: let's say you have a vector of pointers as in your example. When quitting the application or leaving the scope in which the vector is defined you'll have to clean up after yourself(you've dynamically allocated ANDgate and ORgate) but just clearing the vector won't do it because the vector is storing the pointers and not the actual objects(it won't destroy but what it contains).

 // if you just do
 G.clear() // will clear the vector but you'll be left with 2 memory leaks
// to properly clean the vector and the objects behind it
for (std::vector<gate*>::iterator it = G.begin(); it != G.end(); it++)
  delete (*it);

boost::ptr_vector<> will handle the above for you - meaning it will deallocate the memory behind the pointers it stores.

The best way to add different objects into same container is to use make_shared, vector, and range based loop and you will have a nice, clean and "readable" code!

typedef std::shared_ptr<gate> Ptr   
vector<Ptr> myConatiner; 
auto andGate = std::make_shared<ANDgate>();
myConatiner.push_back(andGate );
auto orGate= std::make_shared<ORgate>();

for (auto& element : myConatiner)

Learning to use smart pointers is in my opinion one of the most important steps to become a competent C++ programmer. As you know whenever you new an object at some point you want to delete it.

One issue that arise is that with exceptions it can be very hard to make sure a object is always released just once in all possible execution paths.

This is the reason for RAII: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAII

Making a helper class with purpose of making sure that an object always deleted once in all execution paths.

Example of a class like this is: std::auto_ptr

But sometimes you like to share objects with other. It should only be deleted when none uses it anymore.

In order to help with that reference counting strategies have been developed but you still need to remember addref and release ref manually. In essence this is the same problem as new/delete.

That's why boost has developed boost::shared_ptr, it's reference counting smart pointer so you can share objects and not leak memory unintentionally.

With the addition of C++ tr1 this is now added to the c++ standard as well but its named std::tr1::shared_ptr<>.

I recommend using the standard shared pointer if possible. ptr_list, ptr_dequeue and so are IIRC specialized containers for pointer types. I ignore them for now.

So we can start from your example:

std::vector<gate*> G; 
G.push_back(new ANDgate);  
G.push_back(new ORgate); 
for(unsigned i=0;i<G.size();++i) 

The problem here is now that whenever G goes out scope we leak the 2 objects added to G. Let's rewrite it to use std::tr1::shared_ptr

// Remember to include <memory> for shared_ptr
// First do an alias for std::tr1::shared_ptr<gate> so we don't have to 
// type that in every place. Call it gate_ptr. This is what typedef does.
typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<gate> gate_ptr;    
// gate_ptr is now our "smart" pointer. So let's make a vector out of it.
std::vector<gate_ptr> G; 
// these smart_ptrs can't be implicitly created from gate* we have to be explicit about it
// gate_ptr (new ANDgate), it's a good thing:
G.push_back(gate_ptr (new ANDgate));  
G.push_back(gate_ptr (new ORgate)); 
for(unsigned i=0;i<G.size();++i) 

When G goes out of scope the memory is automatically reclaimed.

As an exercise which I plagued newcomers in my team with is asking them to write their own smart pointer class. Then after you are done discard the class immedietly and never use it again. Hopefully you acquired crucial knowledge on how a smart pointer works under the hood. There's no magic really.

#include <memory>
#include <iostream>

class SharedMemory {
        SharedMemory(int* x):_capture(x){}
        int* get() { return (_capture.get()); }
        std::shared_ptr<int> _capture;

int main(int , char**){
    SharedMemory *_obj1= new SharedMemory(new int(10));
    SharedMemory *_obj2 = new SharedMemory(*_obj1);
    std::cout << " _obj1: " << *_obj1->get() << " _obj2: " << *_obj2->get()
    << std::endl;
    delete _obj2;

    std::cout << " _obj1: " << *_obj1->get() << std::endl;
    delete _obj1;
    std::cout << " done " << std::endl;

This is an example of shared_ptr in action. _obj2 was deleted but pointer is still valid. output is, ./test _obj1: 10 _obj2: 10 _obj2: 10 done

Through Boost you can do it >

std::vector<boost::any> vecobj;
    boost::shared_ptr<string> sharedString1(new string("abcdxyz!"));    
    boost::shared_ptr<int> sharedint1(new int(10));

> for inserting different object type in your vector container. while for accessing you have to use any_cast, which works like dynamic_cast, hopes it will work for your need.

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